#tbb everyday
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verndusk · 2 years ago
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re-drawing a Bad Batch scene a day until season 3 comes out (or i forget): day 6
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hootydoot · 1 year ago
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I just realized I never posted this, and it's been in my drafts since June 2023 🙃 sorry about that yall, and sorry for the inactivity. Life's hard
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arrothededushka · 1 year ago
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captn-trex · 6 months ago
guys look!
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tech headphones !!!
- stickers from Gray Star Art on etsy :)
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amandamadeathing · 7 months ago
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Social media post summarizing the relationship between Crosshair and Wrecker.
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cloned-eyes · 2 years ago
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JAHCUSDHCUSBCUUBSH.......don't forget to feed your local merman
(full version under cut)
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nimata-beroya · 2 years ago
A conversation that I had this morning with myself
Ok! I'm 99.9% sure Tech is alive. Badly injured perhaps, but alive
But he could be dead...
There's evidence, or rather lack of, evidence. No body, no death. Echo, Maul, Palpatine, Gregor, even Lama su returned when we thought they were dead!!
But still...
Nope, I'm not hearing it. Tech is alive, and that's it!
You're in denial
No, I'm not. I just looking at the no-evidence. I'm being logical here
Girl, that's not you. you're still on the wagon that Crosshair never took his chip out
Oh! Yeah, well, there's no evidence of that either! And this conversation is over!
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abigfanofstarwars · 10 months ago
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I drew some old guys
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lyssolay · 7 months ago
i miss the bad batch
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verndusk · 1 year ago
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Re-drawing a screenshot from The Bad Batch everday until season 3 comes out: day 90
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ofskysanddragonsandstars · 1 year ago
As many TBB fans, we really missed out on Echo becoming a true member of Clone Force 99. Like yeah, the unresolved trauma, not to mention Fives, but we all known Echo is a little shit, and has been a little shit since his cadets days.
Let's explore this a little more.
Show me Echo finally getting to spar with someone, anyone, and just pulls a nasty move to win. You know, the kind of move that is downright dirty? We all know what i'm talking about. But show me TBB standing there in shock that this twig of a reg just took down someone twice his weight. He does not yet have all his muscle mass back yet! This was supposed to be a warm up for Echo. A way to build up his strength. Instead they get reminded that Echo is an ARC trooper and he has been through a lot.
Show me Echo trying to stop a cafeteria fight by reciting the reg manuals, saying "per regulation, fighting is not allowed in the cafeteria, and if you would have taken the time to read the reg manuals, you would have known that. Can you even read?" and Hunter furiously trying to deescalate the situation and failing. Echo gets sucker punched but the other clone does not get off as easily. Apparently he had to spend the night in the med bay. Echo only feels a little bit guilty.
Show me Echo matching Crosshair's snarkiness with his own. Remember "Bravo for Bravo Squad"? But instead of being angry with each other, it starts a beautiful friendship between the ARC and Snark troopers. The rest of TBB don't get how there friendship works and just have to roll with it.
But overall, let's not forget that ARC training happens on Kamino. Show me Echo being called up by the ARC trainer for demonstration purposes. Afterall, it's not everyday a war hero gets to help train new ARCs (except for Alpha-17, perhaps). Show me a bunch of new ARC recruits looking in astonishment because "holy Prime, that's ARC Echo of the 501st! He withstood the worst torture imaginable! He basically made half the 501st tactics with The Captain Rex of the 501st!" only for Echo to just crush there poor little preconceptions. Because this little shit keeps it real with these recruits, explaining the reality of going on a mission with a zero success rate, of going through torture, of having to build up physical strength to the point that no cyber implants hurt anymore. Echo does not hold back and has no filter, his words are practically as blunt as the dullest blade and it can hurt just as much. But even through that, no recruit can beat him in a spar. Yet. It's become a new challenge within ARC training.
Of course, I am a sucker for Mom Echo during season 1 and 2, but let me see Echo being a little shit before that! Let me see Hunter calling Cody one night after a successful mission asking "what is up with this reg? Are all ARC troopers like this?" And since Cody has known the little shits that make up the Domino Twins he just solemnly nods his head while sniggering on the inside. He calls Rex afterwards. Rex just laughs.
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euphoriacafe · 3 months ago
I ain’t gonna lie- I turned into a smut goblin because of this
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he doesnt want to be here
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vodika-vibes · 4 months ago
Hey, Vod'ika!! I'm in an Echo mood lately.
What about a fic where the reader has been with the batch since before the Empire and the reader and Echo got together round about the time of Order 66. The reader decides to join Rex's rebellion which Echo doesn't mind in fact he loves seeing you everyday. But after taking down Tantiss, Echo notices how you talk to the batch and how you just seem to fit in well on Pabu, so Echo gets an overbearing feeling that he's holding you back from an ordinary life so you have to reassure him that your home is wherever he is. ❤
Wouldn't Change A Thing
Summary: You’re always happy to get to visit your boys, and spending a week on Pabu is always a treat, but when you return to the fight with Echo after this most recent visit, he’s quieter and more withdrawn. And you’re worried.
Pairing: TBB Echo x F!Reader
Word Count: 1117
Warnings: None
A/N: This fic is soft, though I'm setting it in a perfect TBB AU where Tech is still alive. Because I'm a writer and I'm allowed to delude myself like that. (Though, he's actually not mentioned in this story). Anyway, I hope you like it!
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You stretch your arms over your head with a groan as you step out of the fresher and into the suite you share with Echo. As much as you love visiting Pabu, and seeing your boys, sometimes you feel like you need a vacation to recover from your vacation.
Honestly, Hunter can be so exhausting sometimes. And that’s even with him mellowing out since Omega came into his life.
You’re so glad you’re not their handler anymore.
You stretch a little more and grimace when the sunburn on your shoulders pulls uncomfortably. It’s fine, you’ll have Echo put aloe on your back before bed.
Speaking of said man—
Your gaze sweeps across the room. He’s not sitting on the couch, and the bedroom door is propped open, so you can see that he’s not in there either. Then you hear the familiar sound of dishes clinking together, so you turn and poke your head into the kitchen.
Echo’s back is to you, but you’d be surprised if he didn’t know that you were there. For a moment, you watch the muscles ripple across his back, and a tiny smile lifts your lips as you lean your head against the door frame.
Maker, you love him so much.
Echo pauses, and turns his head slightly, “You’re staring.”
“Mm, yeah,” You say through an adoring sigh.
He rolls his eyes and flings a damp washcloth at you. It smacks your chest and falls into your hand, “I’m hardly worth staring at.”
“Agree to disagree, my darling~”
“My beloved.” You continue with a grin as you cross the room to stand next to him, “My only. My—” Your words become muffled when he presses his hand over your mouth.
“Hush, you.”
There’s color high on his cheeks, and you giggle in delight. Something softens on his face at the sound of your giggle and he moves his hand from your mouth just enough that he’s able to caress your jaw. 
“You’ve got a sunburn,” Echo notes as he lightly brushes his scomp across the burn on the back of your neck and upper shoulders. 
“Yeah, I’ll need you to help me with some aloe later,” You reply absently as you rub your cheek against the palm of his hand, “If you don’t mind.”
“Oh no, the love of my life wants me to massage lotion into her skin. Whatever shall I do?” He counters, deadpan.
“How is it that you become more sarcastic after spending time with the boys?” You marvel.
“It’s a defense mechanism for having to deal with little brothers.”
You laugh and reach up to cup his face, “Well, I like it when you’re sarcastic.”
“Only because it means that you can be sarcastic right back at me,” He teases with a tiny smile, though the smile fades as he scans your face.
“Echo? What’s wrong?” You ask him, with a tilt of your head.
“You looked pretty happy on Pabu.” He murmurs.
“I mean, sure. Who’s not going to be happy to be able to lie on a beach with a fruity drink?”
“You seem to fit in well there,” Echo continues, “And the others were so happy to see you. And you were happy to see them.”
“Honestly, I’m not convinced that they’re able to survive without me,” You whisper up to him like you’re sharing a secret. “I think Crosshair lost weight, can you believe that!?”
“Cyare,” The affectionate pet name is murmured through a sigh, and you drop your hands from his cheeks, so you’re able to wrap your arms around his neck.
“What’s wrong, Echo? Talk to me.”
“I love that you’re here. I love waking up and seeing you every day.” Echo says slowly, “But, cyare, if you’d be happier on Pabu. I can take you back. You don’t have to stay here.”
You blink at him, struck mute by his words.
Slowly your arms drop from around his neck and you take half a step back, you can’t think when you’re wrapped around him like that. “Echo,” You speak slowly, “Do you want me to leave?”
Echo draws you back into his arms. Unlike you, he thinks more clearly when you’re in his arms. “Never. I want you here, in my arms, all of the time.” He presses his nose into your hair, his voice soft right by your ear, “But if you’re not happy here, then I’ll let you go in a heartbeat.”
Well, that’s what it is to love someone, isn’t it? If you love them, really and truly love them, you’ll want them happy. Even if it means that they’re not with you.
A soft sigh falls from your lips and you turn your head slightly so you’re able to kiss the side of his head, “Have I ever implied that I’m not happy here?” You ask.
“No, but I know you. You’d downplay a fatal injury if you worried it was going to be an inconvenience.” Echo replies.
You wrap your arms tightly around him again, “Then allow me to be blunt,” You trail light fingers across his skin, tracing the scars that show you that your love is a survivor, “Yes, I like Pabu. And yes, I like seeing my boys.”
He tenses slightly, his arms tightening.
“But, Echo, I am happier on Pabu when you are there. And I am happier spending time with the boys when you are with me.” He pulls back slightly, so he’s able to look you in the eye, and you continue with a small smile, “My place, Echo, is wherever you are. Be it here, or Pabu, or a moisture farm on Tatooine.”
“And I wouldn’t change a single thing.” You pause, “Well, maybe I’d change the whole rise of the Empire thing, but that’s the only thing I’d change!” You inch closer to him so that you’re pressed flush against his body, “I love you, Echo. And I will stay here, with you, until you get tired of me.”
“It’ll never happen.” Echo replies as he bumps his forehead against yours.
“Are you sure? I can be really annoying.”
“The most aggravating woman I’ve ever met,” Echo agrees, his hand coming up to cradle the back of your head, “But I wouldn’t change you for all of the credits in the galaxy.”
Any further conversation is unnecessary, as Echo’s lips catch yours in a deep kiss and he starts walking you back towards the bedroom. “I should get the aloe,” He murmurs against your lips, “Something something good boyfriend.”
“You just want to be a pervert,” You accuse.
“Those aren’t mutually exclusive.” He laughs against your jaw, as he kicks the bedroom door shut.
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oceansssblue · 10 months ago
Can I request a Hunter x reader fic where they have a knife throwing contest? (You can choose who wins)
cool request! I'm down!
Decided to do a little flirty thing between a badass female reader and our sexy sargent. Note for everyone that requests me something; if you want speficically a female male or neutral reader do tell me! If not I'll jump to whatever I feel.
Hope you like it!
Hunter carefully watched another round of the knife throwing contest develop in front of his eyes. Cid's Salon had been experiencing a drop in it's sales for quite a few weeks now; and after Tech's comment on how announcing special shows or activities could be an adecuate solution to such a problem, the Trandoshan had oficially inaugurated "Friday's Knife night". Tech had pointed out he had been alluding more to a special drink's discount or karaoke night; but Cid had waved an impatient hand at that, and claimed Ord Mantell didn't catter to the same "Coruscant's sweethearts". Hunter could only agree. The idea of the citizens in Ord Mantell singing a ballad was... Something.
The contestants were good for normal everyday people standards. Most of the knifes always ended up properly stuck to the wood board; though only a few of the participants were skilled enough to hit the borders of the –one round human, another round twi'lek, and so on– black siluete. He could tell who tried just for fun and who had had to use knifes before to defend themselves. None were good enough to match Hunter's seasoned abilities, though; which was the reason why he had comformed himself to remain a silent spectator instead of an active participant.
Almost an hour later, Cid announced the last contest of the night. Hunter studied everyone who payed the fee and wrote their names –and identifications– down on the list; wondering if he should just play in this last chance. There was nothing that ruled him out. He could inscribe himself and win the price; Omega could do with a new set of clothes, as she was outgrowing her current one quite fast. Hunter gulped down the leftover of his drink and patted Echo's shoulder; making his way towards the line.
Upon seing him, Cid rolled her eyes.
"Gonna double that bet, Broody?" she tempted him.
Hunter nodded with a shrug.
"That way I might be able to pay the exagerated fee you'll probably request from us next time" he smiled falsely sweetly, signing his name and turning to walk away towards the wood board.
Cid glanced at you waiting patiently on the line and smirked. Oh, was Broody in for a surprise.
You silently studied your competition. You needed to repair your bike and you were confident on winning that price. The bet was higher than the rounds before as well; the first place just had your name written on it. Plus, half of the participants were already embriagated at this point of the night. It wouldn't be too difficult, or so you hoped.
There were some new faces and some regulars. Your mind quickly divided the participants into three groups; real competition, like Raak –a duros you have had the bad luck to fight against with more than once in the past–, complete drunk disasters, and strangers you weren't really sure were to place that could be a potencial surprise. Like the male human clad up with heavy looking armour as if he was ready to jump on on an open battlefield anytime now; your eyes quickly detecting a vibroblade hidding in a compartment on his thigh. The guy certainly cut an intimidating figure; broad shoulders and trained muscles moving under his armour. His long hair –pushed back and away from his tattood face with a red bandanna across his forehead– didn't sweeten his looks; he still looked... A spicy kind of dangerous.
The corner of your lips inevitably tugged upwards. You've always had a nick for this kind of men; men who could ruin you but who you quickly put into place.
Right then and there, his eyes flickered over the room; quickly landing on yours, almost as if he could feel your stare.
You arched an eyebrow in half surprise, half amusement, and half defiance. Well, wasn't he some kind of well trained soldier or mercenary perfectly aware of his surroundings... You almost wished he could make you a run for your money; give the night some exciting real competition.
Your perspective on such a handsome attractive man would forever be tainted if he just made a dissapointing mess of his knife throws. Just in case he didn't, you threw him a quiet side smile.
Hunter's eyes couldn't help but bore into the female stranger; watching without missing a beat how the woman carefully picked up a knife from the table of possibilities offered by Cid. She slowly examined the weapon, turning it around in her hand patiently; studying it's shape and weight while ignoring the muttering and impatient calls from the crowd around them.
She seemed to nod to herself and he took in the way she positioned herself in front of the wood board; stance impecable with her body slightly turned to the right side, fingers gripping the shiny end with just the needed amount of strength. With just that and the way she concentrated on the siluete –not her hand–, and how she retracted her right arm back before quickly throwing her knife forward, Hunter already knew she had done an good job. Still, he couldn't help but feel surprised at the precision with which the knife got stuck to the center of the chest markings on the twi'lek black siluete; and how she swiftly and calmly abandoned her stance as if it was nothing.
For the second time that night, the pretty woman catched his eye and arched her eyebrow towards him; as if she were asking him a silent "there, that's my shot. What about yours?".
Hunter's hand confidently grabbed a sturdier knife from the table and got into position. He was... Intrigued, for now; but he'd show her how it was done.
You couldn't help but feel a tingle of excitement and arousal at such a sight. The man –you have discovered his name was Hunter, appropiate for the way he moved and watched– is definitely not a dissapointment of any kind. Round after round, he had matched you outstandingly well; all of his knifes hitting the exact center of the targets, not letting you stand ahead of him for a single point. He glances at you each time he finishes a throw now too; indulging in your little game and warming up the blood in your veins. It has been a while since you felt this attracted to someone; more so with him being a total stranger.
When it's the other participants time to throw –Raak following the two of you closely behind– he casually stops besides you; his eyes never leaving the contest in front of you.
"How' you learnt to throw like that?"
His voice is deep and slightly husky. Oh, this couldn't get any better.
You keep your wits together regardless of your thoughts and reply just as nochalant.
"Life has a strange way of throwing shit at you" you answer, arms crossed in front of your chest, eyes on the board. "I prefer to throw my shit back at her".
He glances down at you, and you can't help but smirk quietly. You know it's vague, but you're not about to spill all your secrets. He'll have to work with that.
"What about you?" You ask back, this time letting your eyes drive up to his dark amber ones. "You gonna tell me you know your way around a knife like that just by being a model Ord Mantell citizen?"
He hums non-comitally, eyes boring into yours. You have to force yourself not to fidget at such intensity. He really is something.
"Thought my outfit gave it a way" he humours you.
It pulls a smile on your face. Yeah, he's not giving away unnecessary information to potencially dangerous strangers either. Well, at least he's smart and has a sense of humour; you'll give him that.
"Last round, handsome" you push your luck and teasingly move your very fingertips along his shoulder and down to his arm. He squints his eyes at you and you grin up to him innocently. "Better not get distracted".
Hunter hums and moves to pick up his last knife.
The man has, once more, impecably hit all of his knifes on each center of the human siluete target. You only have to repeat the same and you'll both split the price; it's not ideal, but you'll have just enough to fix your bike with the savings you've been keeping this past month.
After picking your knife up, you glance at him one last time. Maybe as a way of saying goodbye. If he's a sore looser, or if he simply doesn't want anything else to do with you, this would probably be your last time of enjoying the sight of such a specimen.
You don't expect to see him with his... Daugther, though. It's obvious the way they're related with how the blonde kid looks up at him; chatting up excitedly and the love and admiration she holds for him bright in her wide eyes. He chuckles quietly, slightly bent down towards her, and pats her shoulder affectionately. Behind the girl, three other men have approached the scene too; perhaps equally interested in watching the final wrap up. Perhaps to support Hunter. They're all wearing the same kind of armour; minor alterations, but it's obvious they're a squad of some sort. A family. And they all look at the kid exactly the same way.
You glance at her, and then down at the knife in your hand, a million thoughts speeding through your head. You haven't had the easiest of childhoods. War is all you remember for a big part of your life; your teens spent running away. You had been forced to adapt to the cruel ways of the galaxy very quickly; and with the options being either becoming a prostitute or an assassin, you had made the choice that finished moulding the person you are today. You're not proud; but you're not exactly regretful either. There are a few deaths you always carry in your conscience; but you mostly only accepted the requests you hand-picked yourself, so you've kinda done your part wiping your corner of the galaxy from scum. Not the prettiest of jobs, and certainly not one you would go proudly announcing around; but life's life. You'd like this kid to have an easier one; and by the way her family are head to toes covered in armour, ready to fight ay any given second, you're guessing it hasn't been going exactly that way til this point in time.
You catch Hunter's eyes staring at you. Your heart beats faster inside your chest. Your hand tingles.
You turn towards the target. You calmly position yourself. You take a deep breath; and then, your last knife flies to the target.
Laughs and cheers errupt around you. The blonde kid smiles.
"Here you go, Broody" grumbles Cid, reluctantly pushing the pile of credits into Hunter's opened hands.
Hunter smirks.
"Bet all against me, huh?" he asks, inevitably happy.
Cid gives him the side eye.
"Well, my pockets would be full if my girl there didn't succumb to your supposedly good looks" she quotes with her hands, then roles her eyes. "I never quite understood the hype for humans anyway".
The Trandoshan walks away, still muttering a hundred of insults and dissapointed comments. Hunter doesn't feel a tad of guiltyness; Cid might not have won the bet, but she had definitely made good money on Tech's idea. The salon had been to the brim, drinks flowing around constantly. She really can't complain.
Hunter leaves the earned credits with his brothers and then turns to scan the lingering crowd. He quickly finds you talking to another participant near the entrance of the Salon. He excuses himself from his family and walks towards you.
You quickly wrap up your conversation with Raak with a forced smile, and once the Duros has reluctantly walked away, you turn to the approaching figure with a honest one.
"Ah, the man of the night" you chirp, roaming your eyes ever him quickly. "Got all those credits in a safe place?
Hunter glances back at Wrecker.
"Don't think anyone's gonna try to steal from him" he answers in good humour, and you nod in agreement.
You've never seen a human that big.
Hunter studies you quietly for a pair of seconds; then tilts his head.
"I admit the knife in the crotch was a good dramatic ending" he comments, then asks genuinely "Why did you let me win?".
You hum and take a look back at his family.
"Kid's cute. She yours?" You directly ask in return.
Hunter smiles.
"Sister" he explains. "More like an adopted daugther, now, though".
You can see the love he holds for her as well in the way he speaks and his features soften.
"Well, I've done some bad things in the past, but I still got a heart" you explain, trying to sound casual. Vulnerability is not often showed in planets like this. "You probably need those credits more than me".
Hunter is surprised; both by your reasoning and the fact that you're admiting it out loud to him. People aren't usually that honest and... considerate here. Or in the majority of places in the galaxy. This... Doesn't really match the idea of this dangerous –though sexy– woman he has in his head. This suddenly makes you more... human.
"What were you going to do with the price?" He asks, curiously.
You shrug.
"Repair my bike. I can usually do it myself, but I can't seem to find the problem this time".
Hunter hums. He doesn't take his eyes off of you.
"One of my brothers knows his way around mechanics pretty well. Maybe he could take a look at it, no need for extra payment."
That's sweet. You nod and smile up at him.
"I'd appreciate it".
You fill yourself with courage and take a tempting step towards him; right hand gently travelling upwards to rest in his chest plate.
"Now, why don't you follow me home for the night, mm? We can take a look at my bike tomorrow. Whatcha say?".
Hunter's turned on just by the fact you have been the one to ask. He has certainly had his fair number of situationships in the past; but he usually always have to be the one to make the first move. This time, however, he seemed to have catched your eye since the start; and you're decided to see this attraction through. He likes that, a woman that is self-assured and knows what she wants. He's happy it's him for this night.
He exchanges a glance with one of his brother's –the one with the headseat and the scomp– and then makes a polite gesture with his hand. He smirks playfully. You already know you'll be having a good time.
"Lead the way, mesh'la".
Wohooo! This spicy little one was so much FUN to write! I hope you all liked it as well, specially the user that requested it.
I'll publish a Tech Mermay long oneshot TODAY AS WELL; and the next one planned will be a Wolffe one.
Stay tunned!
Back to my main masterlist here:
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techsazalea · 10 months ago
posting stills & quotes everyday for my tbb rewatch: s1 ep1
“I like you. You don’t fit in here either.”
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bruh-myguy-what · 11 months ago
I just….
I don’t have words that are acceptable out here internet, so I’m just going to…yeah. It deserves to be reblogged, so.
Keep Going, Excellent Job
576 words. NSFW Saw a post prompt about the bad batch boys involuntarily cumming inside when they hear you say "I love you"
So enjoyyyy
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Perched at the edge of Tech’s workbench, you hooked your legs around him as his pace picked up. Feeling him inside you was everything at that moment.
Tech postured over you with hands braced on the table below you. He was committing the sight of you, flushed and writhing beneath him, to memory. Your eyes unfocused and lips hung in a lazy smile. His hand moved to thumb your lip before hooking his thumb behind your teeth.
Beautiful. You were the most intoxicating thing he had ever witnessed. An endless discovery.
Tech nearly came when your legs pulled him close. Your tightening around him made it increasingly hard to not do so. 
But he still had more of you he wanted to see. More he needed to feel. More to explore.
Your fingers desperately gripped at Tech’s back, even with him inside you it wasn’t enough - you wanted more of him. One hand slid behind his neck, forcing his eyes on you.
Tech recognized the glazed over look on you, it thrilled him to guide you through orgasms. He prided himself on moving with you, anticipating your every reaction, and playing you like an instrument. 
The pull of your eyebrows told him you were close. The grip you had on his cock told him it was only moments away.
“I believe it is time, sarad.” Tech said confidently.
In a heartbeat, you took him off guard. A moment of clarity passed over you as you searched his eyes in a way he had not yet observed. 
You melted into him again. “Tech,” You whined around his thumb as your fingers slid into his hair. Tech released you, directing his wet thumb to the sweet spot between your legs.
He knew the moan you were about to breathe.
“You are doing well,” his proud tone made you groan. “Keep going and you will finish.” He pressed his thumb into you and you were finished. “Good job.” He gave you long hard strokes as he watched you fall into ecstasy. 
“Oh, Tech.” Your eyes rolled back, a shudder thundering through you, “I love you. Tech, I-” 
With those three words Tech's pace faltered and he completely lost control. He gasped—not loud, but a sharp intake of breath that was wholly involuntary. He fell onto an elbow, grinding himself deep inside of you, coming undone over and over inside you. 
When he stilled inside you, your eyes found each other. Cock still throbbing Tech blinked down at you.
Tech’s mind reeled from what had just happened. The heavy breathes between you filled the silence and Tech pushed himself back up. His eyes fell away and he moved to pull your legs away.
You’d never said, or in his mind even indicated, that you loved him.
You gave your legs a squeeze, catching his attention again. “Tech?” 
“I understand,” Tech said slowly, finding himself at a rare loss for words. “That in moments of heightened emotion, things can be said-”
“I meant it.” You sternly cut him off, “I love you, Tech.” You were done holding the words back.
Tech visibly stuttered. He knew you and thus knew you had no reason to lie. Fascinating. His eyes widened as he slowly lowered himself back down. 
He gave a slow, mindless thrust. Tech was absolutely entranced. 
He brought his mouth to your ear and said in a low, eager voice. “In that case, I wish to hear you say that again.”
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