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zagreusm · 2 months ago
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Lovefebruary Day 1! - Sasuke Uchiha💜
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sublecturas · 9 months ago
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"Te daría el mundo", de Jandy Nelson en la #LíneaE
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antiquatedsimmer · 1 year ago
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In the months that followed, the Harrington household witnessed an unprecedented flurry of activity. The once-quiet farm was now a hive of industry, with workers toiling tirelessly. Most of these laborers were brought in through the Coombes family's connections, a fact that weighed heavily on Eddy's mind. While he contributed what he could, it became increasingly apparent that the scope of the project exceeded what he initially expected.
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From dawn until dusk, workers hammered, sawed, and excavated, transforming Eddy's land. Barns were hoisted, relocated, and reconfigured.
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A grand wooden arch was erected at the farm's entrance, rustic and imposing, crowned by the massive horns of a longhorn bull. Yet, even this striking arch seemed insignificant compared to the towering edifice that was taking shape on his property.
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Eddy's beloved garden found a new home to the left of the house, near the well, while the outhouse was shifted to the right. Piece by piece, the familiar landmarks of his farm were shuffled aside to make room for the looming mansion.
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The newly constructed farmhouse, coated in a vibrant shade of red, featured white-painted woodwork adorned with ornate arches.
Daniel and all his contractors insisted it was indeed a Farmhouse but Eddy has grown skeptical.
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By mid-autumn, the towering mansion stood as a testament to the whirlwind of change that had swept over the land. In just a few short months, nearly everything had been altered. This new house was a colossus compared to the one Eddy had lovingly crafted with his own hands and everything he had built has been moved and pushed aside.
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The reality of what exactly the term "little" meant in the context of his dealings with Daniel was dawning on him, Eddy knew Daniel loved Josephine despite the mistakes she had made and knew she was bound to get doted on with the new marriage. But this? This was beyond excessive.
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marinaanyaaa · 9 months ago
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A cute girl :3
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zoomdigitaltv · 2 years ago
Robot mexicano de exploración espacial se posiciona en el top 10 a nivel internacional
·         El grupo de jóvenes responsables de esta innovación se encuentra mejorando el desempeño del rover con tecnología que actualmente se utiliza en el planeta rojo. Continue reading Untitled
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howllz17 · 9 months ago
Dibujos que echo por el 🌈Art Challengue de Welcome Home Pride Month🌈
Están en mi Twitter y la idea la tuvo @springbear452_ en Twitter
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yuzukahachimir · 1 year ago
I'm not strong person.
They show us Anya running to hug Yor and Loid and Yor smiling to each other like this in the movie and expect us stay in the same state?
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It would be a challengue to me in the theatre not to smile and yell like a idiot.
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nathy-marisson · 2 months ago
30 days OTP Challengue (incomplete)
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I found this in a folder, it was an attempt to make it complete but I didn't finish it, however I think they deserve to be shown.
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ratguy-nico · 1 year ago
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So this is the comic, I wish to say is something original but this is exactly what happened in the "Bob Actually" san valentine episode, good episode, dont really like the Gene part, I know, a shocker, but all in all a great episode.
Also this whole dialog is taken out of another tv serie and I challengue you to know wich one, dont tag it until some one guess it.
Hope you like it like I dont.
Is in spanish too because some times me baja el amor por mi lengua materna, and this is one of this ocasions.
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niechcebycjuzgruba · 26 days ago
21.02.2025 - 2/75, 13dni bez binge
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2 jajka, polowa jabłka, połowa banana ok 400kcal;
+ 4 jabłka ok 400kcal; omlet z 2 jajek, banan, kromka chleba ok 400kcal; kanapki z serkiem allmette 300kcal
razem: 1500/1500kcal
waga: 57.2kg
kroki: 10k
Więc zmieniłam lekko formę tego challengu i będzie wyglądać jak normalne daily ale w tytule oczywiscie beda liczone dni. Karteczki samoprzylepne mi sie odkleily i bede musiala je tasma jeszcze raz poprzyklejac. Trudno sie mowi. Zaczęłam pilates. Kalorie zaczelam szacowac tak jak pol roku temu gdy schudlam rzeczywiscie i wsm dziala bo jem mniej kalorii niz licze. Nie mam juz takiej ochoty na jedzenie!! Jem 1500 bo chce byc zdrowsza i ogolem dzieki temu 75hard schudneee!!! Juz jutro mina 2 tyg bez binge co mnie bardzo cieszy bo podobno potrzeba ok 3tyg aby utworzyc sobie nawyk i moze jednak moge sie pozbyc binge aby w ogole nie wracalo?
Nie zjadłam dziś cukru!
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hopeforskinnierlife0 · 5 months ago
Robie sobie challenge przez 3 miesiące który (jeśli sie powiedzie) doprowadzi mnie do mojego pierwszego gw (49kg).
Pierwszy miesiąc:700 kcal
Drugi miesiąc:600 kcal
Trzeci miesiąc:500 kcal
1.mies:paczka z rzęsami
2.mies:nowe buty
3.mies:komplet dresowy
Zjedzenie słodyczy lub przekąsek:przedłużenie challengu o tydzień
Zjedzenie poza limit:zero internetu tylko nauka
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driffting · 8 months ago
Aktualnie biegam codziennie 8km i ćwiczę na macie z Chloe Ting 45-60 min, czasem nie zdążę czegoś z tych dwóch rzeczy odchaczyć ale to powiedzmy raz na tydzień.
Biegam od dawna, ale od 2 tygodni 8km zamiast 5km, dzisiaj byłem wstanie pobiec znacznie więcej ale ponieważ i tak miałem już zakwasy po przedwczoraj i uznalem że nie chcę testowac co sie stanie jak pobiegne np 9km albo 10km. Ale czułem taką znakomitą lekkość i siłę - czuje że progresuje.
Zawsze po dniu gdy mi wypadło bieganko - zdarza sie srednio raz w tygodniu z powodu zakwasów za mocnych lub braku czasu lub złej pogody, pierwsze bieganie po tym dniu przerwy bieganie mi sie super i czuję że mam duzo więcej sil - w tym jak mocno odbijam się robiąc krok itd. Jak szybko moge stawiac krok za krokiem
W challengu od chloe ting mam dzien 11/14 przy czym chyba 2 dni z tego to byly "Rest days" ja jeżeli mam sily to nie robie tych dni przerw tylko przeskakuje do następnego dnia, ale ten challenge w sumie robie od okolo 5 lipca aka 11 dni (teraz jest 17 ale od 3 minut i zaliczę to do 16 lipca bo nie zrobilem jeszcze a wieczorem za ok 20h jeszcze poćwiczę).
I powiem wam że to cwiczenie przez 9 dni i 2 dni przerwy juz doprowadzily do tego, że czekam kazdego dnia na to zeby sobie pocwiczyc i pobiegać, ze juz odczuwam wzrost sily i kondycji, te same filmiki które robilem dnia pierwszego, teraz idą mi sporo lżej, robię więcej powtorzeń w ciagu seta itd. Ogolnie to jest suoer uczucie i calkiem magiczne.
Ale najbardziej to ze po prostu mam taką ogromna ochote na poćwiczenie. Po cwiczeniach ostatnich czyli wczoraj, jakieś pół godziny później juz zregenerowalem sily po cwiczeniach i w sumie chyba miałem wiecej siły niz przed na caly swoj dzień - cwiczenia tak doładowują
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antiquatedsimmer · 2 years ago
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Once they were back home, Eddy carefully tended to Helena's wounds, his gentle touch contrasting with the violence they had just witnessed. He handed her a flask of bourbon, a bittersweet remedy to numb the physical and emotional pain that lingered within her. With steady hands, he began bandaging her arms and cleaning the blood from her bruised face, offering comfort through his actions.
As the warmth of the fire filled the cabin, a comforting respite from the cold night, Helena found herself lost in a fog of thoughts and emotions. Her gaze fixed upon the intricate patterns of the handcrafted table, her fingers tracing the grain of the wood, seeking solace in its familiar touch. It was in this quiet moment that Eddy set a bowl of soup before her, its aroma wafting through the air, rousing her from her daze.
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Breaking the silence, Eddy's voice cut through the stillness, his words carrying a sense of curiosity and understanding. "You weren't just seeking shelter from the rain when we met, were you?" he inquired, his eyes searching for the truth hidden within her gaze.
Helena's voice, soft and laden with vulnerability, broke the silence. "No," she confessed, her words barely above a whisper. "I've been here since last spring."
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"Why didn't you say anything? I had no idea I was sending you back to the streets," Eddy questioned, his voice tinged with a mix of concern and regret. The weight of his unintentional ignorance weighed heavily on him.
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Helena's gaze remained averted, her fingers nervously tracing the contours of her own wrist. She hesitated, her voice quivering with vulnerability as she finally spoke her truth. "Be honest... what kind of man would allow a whore to live on his property," she admitted, her words laced with self-doubt. Her voice trailed off, and she struggled to find the courage to continue. "I... I was scared of how you would react if you found out."
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Eddy let out a sigh, his gaze fixed on a distant memory. "Do you know why I returned back to my cabin?" he asked, his voice tinged with a hint of vulnerability.
Helena tilted her head, her curiosity piqued. "You said you took hunting trips, right?" she replied, trying to recall their earlier conversations.
Eddy nodded slowly, his eyes searching for the right words. Right, except… it's not hunting season. And even if it was, my cabin wasn't in the best condition to store anything I would've caught."
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Helena furrowed her brow, a mixture of confusion and concern etching her features. " Then?… " "The damn Silver Panic hit us hard," Eddy's voice carried a touch of weariness, his words laced with the memories that haunted him.
"I used to live out in Brindleton Bay, Had myself a beautiful plot there inherited from my family, and grew crops to sell in town. Put my sweat and blood into it."
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Eddy's eyes flickered with a mix of longing and regret, lost in the recollection of those early mornings. "On my days off, before the sun had even woken, I'd saddle up and head out to my fishing spots. Watched as the damn world came alive, with the sun painting a goddamn masterpiece over that lighthouse and the ocean stretching as far as the eye could see."
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The wistful smile that danced on Eddy's lips soon faded, replaced by a heavy sigh. "It was all good... until that godforsaken stock market went belly up.
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Prices of produce went straight to hell, and I found myself up to my neck in debts. The dream I'd nurtured, like them crops I tended, dried up and withered under the weight of financial ruin." " Everything I owned, All that was left of my family, GONE. "
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pupuseriazag · 2 years ago
Andaba viendo ig y me salio un video de un negocio de alla de los yunais en donde hacen "pupusa donut" y se veia asi
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....I cannot stress enough how that doesnt look like either a donut or a pupusa
Desde el momento en el que elejis usar harina de trigo en vez de maiz o arroz esa mamada AUTOMATICAMENTE ya no es una pupusa. Wey ese solo es un pan con queso 😭 bagel relleno a lo mucho
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wtbmorethanperfect · 20 hours ago
Zaczynam 75 hard challenge ktory rowniez zmotywuje mnie do wielkiego powrotu do any jak coś bede dzielić się refleksjami podczas challengu
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on0nychee · 8 months ago
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3/? Oc challengue i made over insta
One of my sonas time to shine💯💯💅
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