#cg news today
vocaltv · 1 year
CG ब्रेकिंग: आर्थिक तंगी के चलते महिला ने लगाई फांसी
  जांजगीर-चांपा। जिले के ग्राम मड़वा में महिला ने फांसी लगाकर खुदखुशी कर ली। अटल बिहारी वाजपेयी ताप विद्युत संयंत्र के कर्मचारी की पत्नी ने घर के बरामदे में लगी खिड़की से फांसी लगाई ली। उसका शव फांसी के फंदे पर लटकता हुआ मिला। जानकारी के मुताबिक ग्राम मड़वा में अटल बिहारी वाजपेयी ताप विद्युत संयंत्र के कर्मचारी यशवंत शर्मा के साथ उसकी पत्नी तृप्ति रहती थी। यशवंत बुधवार रात करीब साढ़े 10 बजे नाइट…
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thebharatexpress · 1 year
Chhattisgarh News: निलंबित PCS सौम्या चौरसिया की जमानत मामले में सुनवाई पूरी, हाईकोर्ट ने फैसला...
Chhattisgarh News : छत्तीसगढ़ राज्य प्रशासनिक सेवा की अधिकारी और मुख्यमंत्री की पूर्व उप सचिव सौम्या की जमानत मामले में हाईकोर्ट में सुनवाई पूरी हो गई है। दोनों पक्षों को सुनने के बाद कोर्ट ने फैसला सुरक्षित रख लिया है। प्रवर्तन निदेशालय ने मनी लॉन्ड्रिंग मामले में सौम्या चौरसिया को गिरफ्तार किया था। इसके बाद से वह जेल में बंद हैं। रायपुर कोर्ट से जमानत अर्जी खारिज होने के बाद सौम्या ने हाईकोर्ट…
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veggieowlet · 3 months
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// imagine a day at the library with your cg (mama ver.) // ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
"remember to use your inside voice, love."
"lets hold mama's hand when we go up the steps baby, don't want you tripping now, would we?"
holding hands while your cg asks for additional information at the front desk.
"you're too tiny to be walking around on your own honey, but we can look for any book you like together."
your cg helps to pick out your book(s) based on your favorite interests.
"do you like that book sweetheart? well, let's go find a spot to sit and read it together."
cuddling in your cg's arms while their voice, alongside a good story, soothes you into your headspace.
coloring or drawing at the kids station and playing with the second hand toys.
your cg helping you carry your new stack of books to the counter and checking them out for you.
"alright baby, remember, your new books are due by x."
"you've been so good today, how about a little treat before we head home."
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banner refers to 18+ content! older regressors are always welcome to interact with me here
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good-chimes · 27 days
Users with permissions to this shared mailbox:
Bdubs (role: Publicity & Comms for Scar Goodtimes, Actor). Last login: Today.
Cub (role: Hotguy PR Agent). Last login: Today.
Scar (role: IT’S ME, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, THE ONE AND ONLY!). Last login: 215 days ago.
To: Hotguy <[email protected]>
From: Cuteguy <[email protected]>
Subject: are you there?
is this hotguy’s email? i thought you were coming on patrol?
To: Cub, Hotguy PR Agent
From: Bdubs
Subject: The VALUES AND PRINCIPLES of Scar Goodtimes Acting Enterprises
Dear Cub (if that’s your real name),
Now that you’ve been working for Scar for several weeks, I realized I never sent you any AGENCY INTRODUCTION documents. That’s okay! None of us are perfect, despite what you might feel when you look at me.
For your ENJOYMENT and EDUCATION, here are:
The Founding Principles of Scar Goodtimes Acting Enterprises
1.   Bdubs is Scar’s favorite employee.
1a.   Bdubs is also Hotguy’s favorite employee DESPITE the fact he does not technically work for Hotguy, and no upstart new PR agent is going to change that.
2.   Hotguy’s identity is a secret. You must never reveal that we both work for the same person. Take it to your grave if you have to.  
3.   However, if you see someone talking shit online about Hotguy or Scar you should immediately defend his honor. I often do this and you can see the results in the shared folder admin\arguments_bdubs_has_won. You might not be as good as me at winning debates on the internet—don’t worry!! I can give you tips.
4.   Here at the agency, we have the HIGHEST STANDARDS in responding to emails from the public. I noticed there are SEVERAL HUNDRED UNANSWERED EMAILS sent to Hotguy’s addresses that redirect to our shared mailbox. Scar is a very busy man! It is YOUR JOB to clear these out.
5.   We are open and helpful with everyone. Except hostile journalists. And the TCG. And the tax authorities. And anyone who might want Scar to do anything unreasonable like ‘be on time for something’. Keep this in mind as you go through the inbox.
All The Best!!!
P.S. I have noticed that admin\important_documents is now full of files called ‘virus1.exe’ ‘virus2 (gov encryption).exe’ ‘virus3 (might be sentient).exe’ etc. Explain this!?
To: Bdubs, Publicity & Comms for Scar Goodtimes
From: Cub
Subject: RE: The VALUES AND PRINCIPLES of Scar Goodtimes Acting Enterprises
Yeah man cool this all sounds great
Scar seems to have a few email addresses that feed into here. i’ve sent replies according to which one the public emailed:
[email protected] — i replied to some of these but then i kinda got bored and started sending links to cool space facts instead. People will appreciate these i’m sure.
[email protected] — sent everyone a bulk reply of “Thank you for EMAILING_HOTGUY!! Hotguy loves you!”
[email protected] — sent everyone a photo of Scar in his Hotguy costume
[email protected] — sent everyone a photo of Scar in his Hotguy costume minus the shirt
[email protected] — sent everyone who gave their address some trick arrows. Only some of them will explode.
[email protected] — redirected this one to spam
[email protected] — also redirected this one to spam. replying to the IRS just encourages them.
inbox zero, my friend. we’re ready for the next concerned citizen to write to us. Let’s go.
P.S. don’t worry about the viruses. Just a hobby. they’re in \important_documents because I needed a folder that scar never clicks on.
To: Cub, Hotguy PR Agent
From: Bdubs
Subject: Re: The VALUES AND PRINCIPLES of Scar Goodtimes Acting Enterprises
Dear Cub,
Interesting. INTERESTING.
Don’t think you’re going to work your way into Scar’s affections with CLEVER VIRUSES and SHIRTLESS PICS OF HIMSELF. I see your game.
I’ve been Scar’s agent for years and I think when things heat up you might find this job too hot to handle.
All the Best!!!!
To: Hotguy <[email protected]>
From: TCG Special Officer <[email protected]>
Dear Hotguy (civilian identity unknown),
We are currently undertaking a review of your recent vigilante activities as ‘Hotguy’.
Vigilantes (‘heroes’) are encouraged to protect citizens and cooperate with the TCG. For this we require vigilantes to regularly communicate with their TCG liaisons, attend emergencies on request, and support law enforcement operations.
None of our emails to <[email protected]> have been answered—I was going to say ‘in some time’, but I checked our file on you, and it turns out the right word is ‘ever’. You have never answered an email from the TCG. I am sure you can see why this is an issue.
We do admittedly have some difficulty getting vigilantes to ever listen to us, but this is a new low in obstructionism.
We have requested your assistance in investigating thefts from two biotech laboratories, vandalism at a local redstone supplies shop, and multiple call-outs to security incidents at Mumbocorp. You have completely ignored all of these requests. We note you have instead caused widespread chaos, disrupted several TCG operations, and at one point impersonated the Mayor in order to trick ‘Doctor M’ into purchasing a non-existent bridge. 
May I remind you that vigilante activity is only legal insofar as we decline to prosecute heroes for property damage. Kindly reach out to our liaison department immediately so we can work together on collaborative action under the direction of the correct authorities.
On behalf of Head Agent V. Berger,
Special Officer #49
To: Hotguy <[email protected]>
From: Cuteguy <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: are you there?
who is answering hotguy’s emails and why have you sent me a list of top supernovas! this is NOT HELPFUL
To: TCG Special Officer <[email protected]>
From: Cub
Dear Concerned Citizen,
Thank you for reaching out about the availability of Hotguy. Hotguy is unable to respond himself because he is rescuing kittens from tragically falling into rivers, an activity that has fully occupied him for the past eighteen months.
This is quite the list of criminal events, my friend. I thought the TCG had this kind of thing under control. It’s concerning that you don’t. Doesn’t make your TCG department look super great, huh?
Thinking about it, this really seems like something the Police Commissioner should know about. If you’ve lost the Commissioner’s email address, don’t worry. I found it on a forum.
Hotguy PR Agent
To: Hotguy <[email protected]>
From: TCG Special Officer <[email protected]>
Dear Hotguy’s PR Agent,
I understand as a law-abiding Hermitopia resident, you may be alarmed at descriptions of disorder intended for Hotguy’s eyes only. Please do not be concerned.  We also strongly recommend you do not forward this chain to the Police Commissioner. As you will see from the news, the city is peaceful and everything is completely under control.
Kind Regards,
Special Officer #49
To: Hotguy <[email protected]>
From: Cuteguy <[email protected]>
tell hotguy to call me he’s not picking up!!!
To: Cuteguy <[email protected]>
From: Cub
Dear Concerned Citizen,
Regrettably Hotguy is not available as he is escorting orphans to the North Pole to tour Santa’s workshop.
Hotguy PR Agent
To: Hotguy <[email protected]>
From: Cuteguy <[email protected]>
it’s JULY
To: Cuteguy <[email protected]>
From: Cub
Hotguy believes in being prepared
is this really cuteguy? what’s going on?
To: Hotguy <[email protected]>
From: Cuteguy <[email protected]>
i was coming back from patrol and going to pick up my pizza. i always get pizza, cub, you have to understand this is an important part of patrol.
when i turn the corner to my normal pizza place there are
they’re milling around and scratching like someone just dumped them here. whenever they squawk they burn a tiny hole in the nearest wall. i tried to get near one to look at the device on their beaks and i nearly got my finger burned off.
now i’m on a roof. i want my PIZZA, cub. i’m a close-range fighter and i’m not getting up close with a laser chicken. this seems like a hotguy problem!
To: Hotguy <[email protected]>
From: Pearl Moon <[email protected]>
Subject: Hotguy appearance? (press enquiry)
My name is Pearl Moon, and I’m a reporter with the Hermit Herald. I heard Hotguy has a new PR agent at this address. I’m not going to lie, I’m delighted. Hotguy’s a great guy for a quote, obviously, but getting hold of him is kind of a nightmare.
I’m at the scene of the Eighth Annual Fried Donut Festival. I’m contacting you because a citizen running a stall has allegedly just seen a, I quote, “weaponized chicken”.
According to them, it shot an “adorable laser” into their supplies, punctured a hole in their fruit toppings cooler, and ran under the stalls. I’ve been on this beat for a while and this sounds like a Doctor Monster or a Zedaph special to me. Personally, my money’s on Doc.
I know your client and Doctor Monster go back a long way, so I was wondering if we might see Hotguy himself swooping in?
Yours in pursuit of the truth,
Pearl Moon
To: Pearl Moon <[email protected]>
From: Cub
Subject: Re: Hotguy appearance? (press enquiry)
Dear Concerned Journalist,
Thank you for your email. As you know, Hotguy is currently in Canada fighting smallpox by shooting individual bacteria with a special crossbow, for which he has received a commendation from their Prime Minister.
I’ve just contacted him to get a quote about the chicken and he definitely said, “Seems bad.”
Enjoy the festival! Feel free to send Hotguy a souvenir donut box to my address.
Hotguy PR Agent
To: Hotguy <[email protected]>
From: Cuteguy <[email protected]>
there’s some kind of festival with crowds of civilians going on in the next street. the chickens are wandering towards it. to make everything worse, i think i saw a newsreader van.
this is funny but also very bad.
i’m going to see if i can lead the chickens away from the festival with some bait, since hotguy’s obviously too busy admiring his own biceps in the mirror to help. i’ve got half a granola bar and an apple core. this is going to work really well for eight hundred chickens. here goes nothing.
if hotguy wakes up from his afternoon nap, you can tell him we didn’t even need him.
To: Hotguy <[email protected]>
From: Pearl Moon <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Hotguy appearance? (press enquiry)
Dear Cub,
I’m pretty sure Canada doesn’t have smallpox anymore. I don’t think anywhere has smallpox.
New update: Several hundred chickens have just erupted into the festival from a side street. They all appear to have lasers. The sheer weight of poultry has overturned two artisan donut stalls, which has caused what I’m going to describe as “mass panic” as people try and avoid the laser beams. People screaming, people running, everything coated in a fine layer of powdered sugar. No injuries yet, but it looks like the Prize-Winning Triple Marshmallow Churro Donut display will never be the same again.
Also, I swear I just saw Cuteguy.
Yours in pursuit of the truth,
Pearl Moon
To: Hotguy <[email protected]>
From: Cuteguy <[email protected]>
i got ONE chicken with the granola bar and NOW IT’S DECIDED IT’S MY BEST FRIEND. it keeps trying to fly into my arms! this is not helping!!
its friends are now all over the stalls. the laser chicken breed has discovered a new staple food and it’s fried donuts. this is NOT my fault. clearly none of this is my fault.
oh god now there’s two TCG agents coming over to see what all the shouting is about. the chicken radius is growing. there’s a folk band on a bicycle and a chicken just launched itself into their tuba.
i’m going to try and round the rest of them up. keep the TCG off my back and tell hotguy to do ANYTHING HELPFUL AT ALL.
To: Hotguy <[email protected]>
From: Pearl Moon <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Hotguy appearance? (press enquiry)
Situation update: Cuteguy is in the middle of a huge crowd of shouting people and appears to be clutching a chicken. Also, Doctor Monster has turned up. He’s trying to give a dramatic speech about his “evolved chickens” from a nearby rooftop through a loudhailer, but I’ll be honest, everyone seems more interested in Cuteguy.
#laserchickendisaster and #whereishotguy are trending on Chatter, but no sign of Hotguy yet! Sure he doesn’t want to give us a longer quote?
Yours in pursuit of the truth,
Pearl Moon
To: Cuteguy <[email protected]>
From: Cub
I have a cool contraption that you could probably use for catching chickens. downside is you do need some plutonium. Not much but, like, not a legal amount.
Alternately i also have a great recipe for roast chicken
To: Hotguy <[email protected]>
From: Cuteguy <[email protected]>
we are not roasting these chickens, cub, the chickens have done nothing wrong!! And WHY DO YOU HAVE PLUTONIUM, WE TOLD YOU TO STOP THE DARK SCIENCE. DO SOMETHING USEFUL ABOUT THIS FESTIVAL SITUATION INSTEAD.
To: Hotguy <[email protected]>
From: Pearl Moon <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Hotguy appearance? (press enquiry)
Situation update: Doctor Monster has now turned his loudhailer on Cuteguy and accused him of stealing his evolved chickens. He seems very upset. The Doctor has declined an interview, but I’ve got some incredible photos and the powdered sugar really suits him.
I’m trying to get a quote from Cuteguy but it’s quite difficult to even see him through the crowd, and the chickens, and the German street band, and the displaced donut vendors, and the TCG agents who are trying quite earnestly to get to him, and—did I mention—the chickens.
My camera team is getting some great footage, but do you know what his plan was here?
Yours in pursuit of the truth,
Pearl Moon
To: Hotguy <[email protected]>
From: Cuteguy <[email protected]>
everyone in the crowd thinks i own these chickens!! one of the chickens has set fire to a hot oil vat and a journalist is after me and an old lady keeps trying to hit me with her handbag!!!
i’m behind cover
it won’t last
if you don’t get hotguy here now i’m never speaking to him again
To: Cuteguy <[email protected]>
From: Cub
nooo you’re doing great man, knocking it out the park. Doesn’t sound like you need Hotguy.
you’re a hero too, right?
To: Hotguy <[email protected]>
From: Cuteguy <[email protected]>
okay cub listen.
i don’t WANT hotguy. if i could fix this chicken situation without the city’s most annoying vigilante turning up to take the credit, believe me, i would have done it already.
but you know what hotguy can do? he can win the crowd. hotguy’s always on the right side. nobody would ever accuse hotguy of owning fifteen hundred laser chickens. he tells people about hope and teamwork stuff and they believe him.
oh god
the TCG are here and i’m apparently target number one.
they’ve just spotted me on this gazebo and i’ve got no good roof to jump to. i’ll have to make a run for it. if you don’t hear from me again, i might have got arrested.
hotguy spouts all that rubbish about teamwork, but hey, it’s pretty obvious he doesn’t believe in it himself!
To: Bdubs, Publicity & Comms for Scar Goodtimes
From: Cub
Subject: what I’m about to suggest is legal
we should help him huh
do you know where scar is? like which cell phone towers might be close. I’ve got a map of the towers if you can give me a location.
To: Cub, Hotguy PR Agent
From: Bdubs
Subject: this sounds NOT legal
Scar is actually recording a snack commercial over on Twelfth Street. Details in projects\casting_directors_bdubs_is_not_feuding_with\dumb_projects_we_have_to_book_for_money\Sparkle!Cereal!
To: Bdubs, Publicity & Comms for Scar Goodtimes
From: Cub
Subject: this is 100% legal white hat hacking definitely
okay I’ve remotely accessed Scar’s phone and put a klaxon on it. Should be audible two hundred yards away.
I’m gonna call him now.
To: Hotguy <[email protected]>
From: Pearl Moon <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Hotguy appearance? (press enquiry)
Situation update from your reporter on the ground (still no quote from the guy himself?)
Cuteguy has been showing great stamina in the chase that’s been going on. The camera crew is impressed!
He is currently being pursued by:
1.   Doc
2.   Doc’s cyborg guard robot
3.   Two TCG agents
4.   Three hundred and sixty chickens (approx.), one of which believes Cuteguy is its best friend
5.   Several animal activists attempting to recapture the chickens
6.   A bar crawl that seems to think they’re doing a parade and wanted to join in
7.   A German band on a long bicycle with two clarinets and a man trying to shake a chicken out of his tuba
Cuteguy is…looking back over his shoulder?
Oh, wait! Situation update paused!
To: Hotguy <[email protected]>
From: Cuteguy <[email protected]>
To: Hotguy <[email protected]>
From: Pearl Moon <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Hotguy appearance? (press enquiry)
Hotguy has arrived!
He’s swooped in with three trick arrow shots that set off fireworks above the crowd, rappelled straight up to Doc on the roof, and started a fist fight with him. It’s very dramatic. I’m not sure he’s actually landing any of those blows.
Helpfully for Cuteguy, no one is looking at him anymore. He’s surreptitiously putting distance between himself and the TCG agents.
Doc is now making another speech while fighting Hotguy. If I’m honest, he seems pretty happy he’s finally getting the credit for his own evil plot. We’ve got a close-up on him. Doc would like us all to know that this is the future of poultry, the future of lasers, and possibly the future of donuts? Last part a bit unclear as at that point Hotguy threw his loudhailer off the roof.
Meanwhile, Cuteguy is trying to lure the chickens away from the civilians with pieces of donut. This would be working better if the crowd weren’t all shoving forwards to try to get a better look at Doc.
Doc has taken off on a jetpack declaring he’ll “be back!”. Hotguy has given him a thumbs up.
Oh, now Hotguy has finally caught on to what Cuteguy is trying to do and is chivvying the crowd to help herd the chickens away with donuts for bait. Donuts are flying. The crowd is now enthusiastically participating in this donut-tossing activity. The chickens are delighted. Hotguy has spotted our camera team chasing him and we’re getting a lot of that action-shot this-is-my-good-side pose.
Hotguy and Cuteguy work together pretty well when they get going, huh?
Now Hotguy has swung down to land in the middle of the crowd and put an arm around each of the TCG agents, who are heavily dusted in sugar and look somewhat sheepish. What a nicely framed shot! Almost as if Hotguy pushed them into position for the cameras.
Well, I suppose I’m writing an article about how much Hotguy helps the TCG.
Your client owes me one.
Doc’s guard robot has rounded up the chickens that Hotguy and Cuteguy have funneled back into a nearby alley. It seems to be putting them in large nets. The local pizza place has a sign that says RIGATONI JONES PIZZA: CLOSED DUE TO CHICKEN EMERGENCY, and for some reason Cuteguy seems upset about this. Excitement over, I suppose?
I do hope you tell Hotguy how helpful the Herald was! Next time he’s got a tip-off to share, just tell him to remember your friendly local journalist Pearl Moon.
He knows where to find me ;)
Yours in pursuit of the truth,
Pearl Moon
To: Cub, Hotguy PR Agent
From: Bdubs
Subject: hmm
You know, Cub, I’ve been thinking. That wasn’t bad, how you got hold of Scar. NOT BAD AT ALL. I am starting to think you might be a useful type of person to have around.
All The Best
To: Bdubs, Publicity & Comms for Scar Goodtimes
From: Cub
Subject: Re: hmm
cheers man
i’ve rigged the klaxon so it plays when either of us or cuteguy calls scar. if he waits too long to answer it starts to play the whole Lilo and Stitch movie audio. if anyone asks this is not technically a virus.
To: Cub, Hotguy PR Agent
From: Bdubs
Subject: Re: hmm
I LOVE it. I love it.
You know, I have a whole list of casting directors I think you could test some virus development on. It would do them good. Keep them on their toes!! (I believe this is called…“white hat”).
I am HEREBY going to let you into my most SECRET FOLDER.
<[email protected]> has shared admin\nemesis_list
Maybe start with ‘casting_directors_who_do_not_recognise_bdubs_talent-spotting_genius’ and ‘producers_who_were_rude_to_scar’
To: Bdubs, Publicity & Comms for Scar Goodtimes
From: Cub
Subject: Re: hmm
leave it to me, man
we’re gonna go far
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My piece for the Hotguy comic zinethology! Thank you so much to editor @antimony-medusa and designer @cocoabats (I have used tumblr’s format for most of it because my eyes are too bad for pdf scaling on my phone, but for the FULL INCREDIBLE HOTGUY EXPERIENCE you will want to download the actual zine at @hotguycomiczine!!)
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marvelfanfics1 · 10 months
Paci kisses 🥺 I lub it!!!!! And so you can do may be winterwindow x little reader x little Peter where the reader Slips in babyspace and always wanna give them paci kisses so they are at the avenger tower on a Visit and baby goes to uncle Steve and give him a paci kiss on the cheek and then she goes to everyone and gives all paci kisses and little petie get jealous (may be tom Peter) and crawl to him and gives him paci kisses all over his face after that she climbed on daddy's lap and gives him paci kisses like she does with mommy and everyone adores the scene 🥺🥺
Kisses for everyone
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Pairing: cg!Winterwidow x little!reader x little!peter
Warnings: Age Regression, lots of kisses, pure fluff, jealousy, not proofread
A/n: This has been sitting in my drafts for so long I'm sorry 😭🙏🏻
The second the elevator door opened to the common floor Peter ran out and jumped on the big couch, reserving a seat for him and you like he does every time for movie night.
Bucky shook his head with a smile and turned his attention to you. Today you felt smaller than usual, which neither your caregivers nor Peter mind. They love you, doesn't matter the headspace.
"You okay, baby?" he asked and you nodded, smiling behind your paci you leaned forward to kiss his cheek.
Bucky walked over to Peter to hand you in his awaiting arms, knowing the boy could get fussy when he doesn't have his cuddle partner. To be fair, Peter is very protective over you and when you're in babyspace he's constantly on alarm, making sure you're happy and safe.
Half an hour later the common area was filled with chatter and laughter, everyone talking about how they have been before it was time to decide on a movie together. While the heroes chat you were going around giving each person a cuddle and a paci kiss, it's nothing new to the others how affectionate you can be.
Right now you were on Steve's back, arms wrapped around his neck and giggling, moving your head forward to give him a paci kiss against his cheek and letting out a surprised squeal when he pretended to drop you. If only you knew that you were the only little having so much fun at this moment. Peter was pouting on the couch with his arms crossed.
He doesn't know why he feels this way but seeing you giving everyone in the room the love and attention that he and your mommy and daddy were usually getting only, has him sulking on the large couch.
Natasha being the attentive assassin she is noticed almost instantly what was going on. She stopped her conversation with Clint and made her way to sit next to Peter nudging his shoulder.
"Wanna tell me what got you all pouty?" she teased, pulling slightly at his bottom lip that was jutted out.
He smiled a little but went back to frowning at his mommy before mumbling. "Just wanna have tiny for me alone..."
"Ah, I see..." She replied, moving some of his curls from his face and leaning closer to whisper to him. "Give it some time and she will be glued to your side."
On the other side of the couch, you were sitting on your knees between Bucky and Steve, occasionally listening to their conversation and looking around until your daddy tapped your thigh to get your attention.
"I think Peter needs some snuggles from his little sister, you think you can help him out?" he asked and you nodded your head proudly, a big smile forming behind your paci.
You instantly crawled your way over to Peter, shocking him first but he smiled the second you leaned forward to give him a paci kiss, and not just one, you kissed him all over his face until you were sure he was his happy self again.
"Lub Petie," you said proving it by giving him one last paci kiss on his lips.
"I lub you too, Tiny." he smiles brightly wrapping his arms around you to pull you in for a long hug.
When you were sure he was satisfied with the attention you gave him you switched from Peter to sitting on Bucky's lap, reaching over to play with your mommy's hair and also giving her and your daddy a paci kiss while the others cooed at the whole interaction.
@my-river-lilly @pauntedblacknails @fanfictioniseverything @devilslilbabysblog @buckymydarlingangel @hallecarey1 @daybreakwinter @loveshineslikethesky @wandaslittlewhore @vase-of-lilies @white-wolf1940 @simpingbutch @mischiefsemimanaged @alina02 @teddybearsgrr @doozywoozy @angelbabydoll28 @glxwingrxse @lilymurphy03 @veryvaughnny @lokigirlszendaya @youngstarfishdinosaur @little--baby--bear @minideathgoddess @rach2602 @aagn360 @gh0stgurl @flourishandblotts-inc @fluffyblanketgecko @lovelyy-moonlight @yoruse @paisley-yy
Crossed out are the ones I somehow can't tag!
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bratzforchris · 6 months
little!matt having a panic attack during a podcast and cg!reader helping calm him down maybe?
Relax, Baby
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Summary: Anxiety can be really, really hard, but with your help, Matt knows he'll always be okay<3
Pairing: Little!Matt x gender neutral and caregiver!reader
Warnings: Panic attack
Word Count: 894
A/N: As always, age regression is a nonsexual and innocent coping mechanism. Also, I am not saying or assuming this is how Matt is irl. It's fiction. If you don't like it, don't read it :) Enjoy!
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Anxiety and panic attacks had been a struggle in Matt’s life for quite some time now. He always thought too much about how people felt about him and how he was perceived, which would usually lead to him having a rather bad panic attack. You had known this going into your relationship with the boy, and together, you two had worked to find a solution that would help him heal and calm down.
When you had first suggested the idea of age regression to Matt, he had heavily refused, insisting that he didn’t need to be babied. With some gentle coaxing, you had gotten him to just try it, only for Matt to realize just how much regressing helped. Allowing someone else to take the reins for a bit, while he went back to a peaceful, childlike state, was like a breath of fresh air. Whenever he slipped into littlespace, Matt could feel the tension leaving his body, especially when he cuddled up with you. But littles were people with big emotions, and on days like today, those emotions took over everything else. 
The triplets were getting ready to film a new episode for Cut the Camera, and Matt was less than excited. Nick and Chris had been getting on his nerves all morning, calling him things like ‘Miserable Matt’ and ‘Mumble Matt’. Normally, this wouldn’t really bother him and he’d just make a joke back, but today, he’d been feeling extra anxious since the moment he’d woken up. Matt sat in his chair in front of the mic, fiddling with the stuffed flamingo he kept there for comfort. His mind was anywhere but the episode; instead, he was thinking about you upstairs in your cozy, shared bedroom. You had been disinfecting his stuffed animals when he came downstairs to film, and all he wanted was to be cuddled up in your arms again, covered up with his woodland animals blanket, paci in his mouth, and Mr. Wrinkleton in his hand. 
“God, Matt,” Nick interjected. “Are you even paying attention?”
Matt flushed scarlet, his ears and cheeks going red. “Um…what was the question?” he asked quietly, biting at his cuticles. 
“Kid can’t even remember the question,” Chris rolled his eyes. “Too busy being ‘Miserable Matt’ to pay attention.”
“I’m not being miserable,” Matt huffed. “I was just thinking.”
“About your significant other treating you like a fucking baby? Don’t think we haven’t noticed.” Chris bit back. 
That was the straw that broke the camel’s back. Matt hastily pushed his chair back, already sobbing and struggling to breathe. He had been on the verge of panic all morning, and now that Chris had spewed his deepest secret on camera, there was no going back. The brunette ran up the stairs, trying not to hyperventilate as he burst through the bedroom door. You looked up from the desk where you were working, glancing at Matt’s huddled form on the bed, his body shaking with tears. 
“Honey, what’s wrong? I thought you guys were filming?” You asked, checking the time on your phone as you rushed to Matt’s side. 
Matt just sobbed, his wails ricocheting around the room. His hands had moved to tangle in his hair as he hyperventilated, eyes wide with panic. You could see it in Matt’s glazed over eyes that he wasn’t fully ‘there’, whether that be from the panic or from slipping into littlespace. Either way, you knew you had to help him. You gently removed Matt’s hands from his hair as he wailed, holding them softly. 
“Matt. You are panicking. You need to breathe,” You instructed, placing one of his hands on your chest. “In for four, out for four. Copy me.”
Matt tried his best to copy you, and his cries slowly reduced to little sniffles and hiccups as he latched onto you, thumb migrating to his mouth. “Hate Chris. Hate him.” he mumbled, suckling on his thumb as his babyspace lisp made an appearance. 
“Oh sweetheart,” You cooed sadly. “Is that what’s got you so upset?”
Your boy sniffled again, laying his head down on your shoulder. “Feels sicky.”
You pouted, knowing that Matt tended to get nauseous during and after a panic attack, and especially after a fight with his brothers. You didn’t ask what had gone on between him and Chris for fear of upsetting, but you knew the conversation would need to happen eventually. You just moved towards the bed, laying down with Matt and tucking him in next to you. You handed him his water bottle and Mr. Wrinkleton off the nightstand, watching for any signs of another impending panic attack. 
“Can you drink some water, baby? Just a little?”
Matt nodded, taking a few small sips, before cuddling up with his stuffed animal. A great yawn escaped his mouth as you handed him his blue, decorated pacifier that read ‘Baby Boy’ on it. It wasn’t long before your boy was cuddled into your side, snoring softly while clutching his stuffie and suckling away on his pacifier. You knew that you would have to find out what Chris had done in order to make Matt so upset, but for now, you just focused on cuddling the sleeping baby beside you.
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tags ♡: @jake-and-johnnies-slut @mattsfavwh3re @suyqa @chrissturnswife @mbsbaby @herxyz @lovingchrissposts @caffeinatedscorpio @bunny-cotton @crazychrisl0v3r @sturnioloxlver @whicked-hazlatwhore @blahbel668 @junnniiieee07 @biggesthat3r @sturniolowhore @ginswife @emmagirouard @athaliahxoxo @bitchydragonparadise @ilydeaky @soggyslugg169 @not-phone-guy @books0fever @stingerayyy2 @sunsetsturniolos @mimi-luvzyu @faygo-frog @oobleoob @runasvengence @aemrsy
note ♡: my taglist is closed for the time being, thank you so much for your support 💐🧸🎀
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leog4u · 7 months
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Game Design and Porn Pt. 1
or, How To Fuck Up The Best Intrinsic Reward Ever
Hi, I'm Leo G, veteran pervert. One time while chatting in a server exclusively made of porn artists, I brought up the game design of a porn game I enjoyed. One of them laughed, saying "Who cares, it's just a porn game?" Being unwell, I never let this go. Since then, I have played many adult games and took each one as serious products made by professionals. Fast forward to today, and the demo for my porn game, Joker's Trip, is nearing completion. I also have some sci-fi erotica you should check out.
So you wanna make a porn game. You heard they make money, and hey what’s more fun than making a video game AND porn? But you don’t know where to begin! Well don’t worry, Leo’s got you covered. We’re gonna walk through the line of thinking you should have when designing your porn game. There's gonna be at least three parts to this, with part 1 focusing on how to reward your player.
Define "porn game" for me, Leo.
There are porn games, and then games with porn in them. A porn game is a game where you won’t last 5 minutes, where everything exists solely to meet and, subsequently, fuck. A game with porn in it is a game where everything exists for the purpose of the game, and also, you fuck. Fate Stay Night, for example, is a VN with a story that just so happens to have some CGs where the protagonist rails Saber, but is mainly about Shirou and the Holy Grail War. Much like how I would call Castlevania a game with horror in it, but not a horror game.
Porn games are a lot like horror games. They both get a bad rap for being cheap to make, appealing to base instincts, and generally being low quality. They're also both not actual genres of games, but genres of content. Think about it, if I asked you what a horror game is, you'd say a game that's scary. But what's the actual game part? The unfortunate answer would most likely be "walking sim," but there are a lot of examples that are FPSes, puzzles, driving sims, platformers, deck builders, the list goes on.
The most common genres of game I see for porn games these days are by far RPG Maker RPGs and VNs. I won’t be talking about VNs because they’re closer to writing than game design, which isn’t a flaw but a feature. What used to be everywhere, in days of old, were breakout games, where the more bricks and levels were cleared, the more of the sexy image would be revealed in the background. Other arcadey type deals like shoot ‘em ups and mahjong were also around, and had a similar “strip ‘em down until you have sex” gameplay loop.
Okay, so what’s an intrinsic reward?
There’s intrinsic rewards, and there're extrinsic rewards. Extrinsic rewards, generally, are the number go up rewards. Things that make your character stronger, or give you more resources to buy new gear or whatever. Intrinsic rewards in games can cover a large swathe of things. It can be the feeling of satisfaction of completing a puzzle, a piece of lore or world building, or a new dialogue option with a character you want to fuck.
I like fucking characters, are we talking about porn now?
Yes! I’m of the opinion that you literally can’t make a better intrinsic reward than pornography. On top of setting the tone for the entirety of the game., at its best it can add to a story, add to someone’s character development, or be a beautiful piece of art to look at. AND you can jack off to it! Unfortunately, that’s at its best. Let’s talk about how porn is delivered in a theoretical RPG porn game. (As a head’s up, there will be talk of “bad end” scenes, but this is under the assumption that the player is the one consenting.)
So you’re playing an RPG and get into a fight. Maybe you were underleveled or too cumbrained to remember to buy healing potions. Then your HP goes to zero, and instead of going back to the title screen, you’re getting fucked by orcs. That’s right, let’s talk about Game Over CGs.
You get to watch porn when you lose?
To someone making a porn game with a battle system, this delivery method makes sense. The characters in this world are driven primarily by lust, this is just the obvious conclusion. And it doesn’t even have to be non-consensual! Games like Future Fragments show that it can be presented as a sexy inconvenience rather than anything uncomfortable for the player or our hero. Game Over CGs even have the benefit of softening the blow of defeat, by giving the player a chance to reflect on their defeat and jerk off. Even better if losing a fight isn’t lost progress, but rather a bump in the road. However, there’s a problem here. The player is a dog, and we’re rewarding bad behavior.
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The porn is an intrinsic reward, so why are we giving it to the player for losing? Incentivizing losing on purpose isn’t just bad game design, but a waste of time. And to that end, a lot of porn games try to give solutions to this. One being a kill button on the keyboard or a skill that instantly KOs our hero to get to the lose screen faster. What might seem like a convenience is really just expediting failure.
What it says is that the gameplay doesn’t actually matter. You’re just here for the porn, right? In that case there’s plenty of places I can go to see a chick with huge knockers get railed by an orc, with the added bonus of not having to play forgettable and mid turn based combat!
Another solution I’ve seen is the game outright telling you, “hey don’t bother killing yourself to see the porn. Once you beat the game all of the scenes you missed will be unlocked!” At first this seems like a reasonable way to go about it, but it comes with another problem: your game better be fucking good to make me play through the entire thing before getting to see cock. Like I said earlier, porn at its best can reveal things about the world and drive character development. I uh. Just beat the game. I don’t care anymore. Showing me a scene that’s taken out of context by a factor of 5 hours or more isn’t what I’d call great game design or story telling. It’s also too little, too late.
What if we made the porn actual rewards?
Now we’re getting somewhere! Let’s make the reward…a reward! What if, every time the player beats a level, we get some porn? If we tie the CG to beating the boss, we’ll be tying the reward to game progression. That’s good right? So now, on top of the extrinsic rewards you’d normally get for beating a boss (a lot of EXP, better gear, opened areas) we also get that sweet dopamine rush of pornography! So we’re good, right?
There’s 1142 words left in this post, so I’m assuming no.
Well. It’s a start. It has the problem of predictability. If not handled properly, it comes off as lazy. As a game designer, one of your goals is to not constantly remind your player that they’re playing a video game. Get through the level, get porn. It feels a little too “mouse in a maze looking for cheese” for my taste. And much like the game over method, if the actual game itself is mid, the player will start to question if the reward is worth it, and might be afflicted with the worst condition a player could receive: boredom.
Of course there are exceptions. In puzzle or arcade type games where you don’t get extrinsic rewards, giving the player porn as another form of reward per level or whatever is perfectly reasonable (though it does have the issue of being predictable.) This is a perfectly good way of doing it if your game is short, or if the game is, y’know, good and fun to play. Bad Color’s game, Heroine Conquest, is a level based puzzle game with porn as the reward, but only when you do good. Combining the actual challenge of mastering the game, with a genuinely unique game loop makes for a feeling of accomplishment when beating a level. Pair that up with a sex cutscene, and the dopamine rush will hit.
So! Let’s combine giving the player a power trip, with a less rigid structure for giving the player porn. Instead of tying the porn to purely progression gates, let’s tie it to the progression.
Plot milestones
In Third Crisis, sex scenes are peppered throughout the regular game’s plot, starting with some lesbian bondage before introducing the protagonist, who goes through a tutorial before having their own horny encounters. It’s not just given when you win or lose, but is a natural part of the game. Beating bosses, losing to enemies, and exploring dialogue options in sidequests all lead to unlocking new CGs.
Now what’s nice about that, is that the sex isn’t placed somewhere extremely predictable. It isn’t just a reward for beating The Boss Of Forest Zone, Now Go To Ice Zone And Beat The Ice Boss For More Cock. Because that’s the biggest issue of predictable rewards, you know you’re not getting anything until that checkpoint, which will make the player weigh whether or not it’s even worth continuing. This is fine, again, for an arcade type game, not an RPG or adventure game. By sprinkling sex throughout the plot itself, the player will not only want to progress, but their curiosity will have them wondering “what else is out there?”
Rewarding exploration
By putting sex scenes behind optional side quests or encounters, the dog that is the player will scour every single corner of the map, and leave no pixel unturned. Personally, that’s more exciting to me than what you’ll get in the main progression route. In Future Fragments the player can find their rival Faye in sexual situations if they explore the map enough. These are completely optional, and don’t give any direct rewards like more HP or an item, but they’re by far what motivates me to explore the maps as thoroughly as possible, more so than the plot macguffins the game is named after!
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So now the player is excited. Sex can happen anywhere. Maybe that daunting off road path with stronger monsters isn’t just hiding a secret, but a sexy secret! They’ll be more likely to venture down those optional paths you painstakingly made.
If we’re using sex in game overs, boss fights, and just randos, why not put it everywhere?
So now I want to talk about the concept of a “sex stat”. It’s not a bad idea! Say, the higher the player’s sex stat is, the more opportunities you unlock for fucking. It could even be tied to the player character’s personality, and affect the story! Instead of using a sword and shield, they’ll end any conflict with sass and sex. They open their eyes to the horny world around them and stop being a hero, and instead become a succubus, and the ending is a massive cum filled orgy.
That sounds excessive
Yeah, it does, doesn’t it.
I’m not a fan of “corruption” systems in porn games. Corruption as a kink is totally fine, and having it be a part of the story lets you incorporate more sexuality into the plot. But as I alluded to, it snowballs pretty fast (and I’m not talking about spitting in someone’s mouth). It ends up being like a cheat code, where you’re bypassing parts of the game for no cost. It stops being a reward, it stops being unexpected, and it stops it from being sexy.
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Wait, what? Stops being sexy? What’s not sexy about a succubus orgy?
Alright, listen, we gotta rein it in for a minute. This isn’t so much about game design as it is about writing erotica, but if you have a world where everyone’s fucking and sucking 24/7, there’s no contrast to make what would normally be a hot taboo a hot taboo. If everybody’s naked, nobody’s naked. The aforementioned snowball effect of a corruption system can be seen if you play literally any game that has one. It won’t take long to not have to engage with any combat or adventuring system if you can just press the “Submit to the big dick warlock” button and watch porn to progress.
Which, now that I said that, is exactly the problem. Imagine any other rpg you’ve ever played. Now imagine if every encounter and dialogue option had an option to just watch a short cutscene to skip the encounter. That would suck ass, right? Literally no difference here.
It would. Hey, I’m sort of lost now.
Don’t worry, we’re wrapping this up.
So what did we learn? We learned game over CGs have a critical design flaw that shouldn’t be relied on. We learned that predictable rewards can lead to boredom. We learned to keep sex as a reward and not devalue it.
To summarize, here’s a neat trick to know where to put your porn scenes.
”Would I put an Xbox Live achievement here?”
It’s that easy. “Lose to Goblins for the first time,” that’s an achievement. “Beat orc commander,” that’s an achievement. “Find Hubert the Magical Dickhead,” that’s an achievement. Using that as a guideline is foolproof. Almost.
This sounds like it’d take a lot of resources
It sure does! But don’t worry. I’ll cover that in the next post talking all about how to deal with the resource management of a porn game.
(Shoutout to Taylor, my guy for editing!)
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dailykeiji · 8 months
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today’s keiji is: new pixel cg from the latest yttd steam report! he looks so fucked up.
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vocaltv · 1 year
छत्तीसगढ़: मीठी-मीठी बातों में विधवा महिला को फँसाया फिर किया ये काम
छत्तीसगढ़: मीठी-मीठी बातों में विधवा महिला को फँसाया फिर किया ये काम
जुर्म की दुनिया में अक्सर कोई न कोई ऐसी वारदात देखने को मिलती हैं जो बेहद ही शर्मनाक होती हैं । जिसे सुनकर देखकर सदमें में आ जाते हैं, दरअसल ठगी के मामले तो हमेशा देखने को मिलते हैं जिस���ें बदमाश जो हैं भोले भले लोगों को अपने बातों में फंसा कर उन्हें अपना शिकार बनाते हैं. फिर क्या था अब इसी कड़ी में एक ताजा मामला सामने आया हैं जिसमें एक युवक ने एक विधवा महिला को अपना शिकार बनाया हैं, बदमाश ने विधवा…
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thebharatexpress · 1 year
TS Singhdev Statement: TS सिंहदेव ने दिया बड़ा बयान, मुख्यमंत्री बनने की इच्छा पर बोले ये बात
TS Singhdev Statement राजिम। छत्तीसगढ़ के स्वास्थ्य मंत्री टीएस सिंहदेव का बड़ा बयान सामने आया है। बता दूं कि टीएस सिंहदेव ने सीएम बनने की इच्छा को लेकर बयान दिया है। उन्होंने कहा कि सभी मुख्यमंत्री बनना चाहते हैं। सबके मन में यह बात रहती है। राजिम विधायक अमितेश शुक्ल भी सीएम बनना चाहते हैं। TS Singhdev Statement पत्रकारों से बात करते हुए आगें स्वास्थ्य मंत्री टीएस सिंहदेव ने कहा कि यदि आपको…
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judesmoonbeauty · 2 days
SurpriseBag2024: A Happy Switch-Up Between The Cunning Mobster & The Happiness-Obsessed Oddball
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This is a repost. Due to the original being deleted by Tumblr, my tags list will not be included nor will CGs be uploaded per my previous announcement. This is a fan translation only, so please expect grammatical errors and lack of nuance. While I appreciate your support and welcome re-blogs, please do not repost my translations elsewhere. Thank you for you support! ☾.
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I got involved in Roger's egoistical cursed research.
Ellis: Huh? Why is Jude me?
Jude: That's my line. Why’re ya me?
I was asked to watch over Jude and Ellis, who had switched places.
(As a fairytale keeper, I wanted to watch over them until the end.)
(......But I want to watch over them anymore.)
Jude: ………
(Jude in the form of Ellis is in an even worse mood than usual!)
Child Passing By: Mum, there’s a demon.
Mother Passing By: Hey. It’s dangerous so don’t go near him……
(Ellis' face is so handsome, but when he’s irritated, it's very powerful.)
(Ugh, I miss the usual gentle Ellis.)
Kate: Kate, this gelato I just bought is delicious.
Kate: Ah, yes. It has a rich flavor, yet it's not too sweet.
Jude: Lickin’ ’n lickin’ while workin’. Are ya dogs.
Ellis: Dogs don't eat gelato, right?
Jude: So, ya eat sweets in another’s body.
Jude takes a cigarette out of his pocket and puts it in his mouth with a natural gesture.
Kate: Oh, Jude, you can't smoke. That’s Ellis' body!
Kate: Besides, if you smoke it, you'll end up choking again.
Jude: ….Tch.
The reason we’re on the platform at Paddington Station, is because we’re on an important mission for Crown.
Actually, the two of them were planning to work at Jude's company as usual.
[Screen shows a pic of Jude in Ellis’ body.]
Jude: Yer in breach of the contract ya piece of shit…….I’ll show ya hell.
[Show a pic of in Ellis’ body.]
Ellis: Are you okay? Shall I make you happy?
(They stopped so that the people at the company who knew the two well wouldn't get confused.)
The two are now on Crown duty, while Victor and Harrison are at Jude's company posing as friends.
(I have to keep an eye on the two of them and keep up with my assignment!)
Kate: …..Still, the target doesn’t seem to have shown up.
Today's target is the capture and decimation of members of a corrupt business association who are committing theft in the country.
A man believed to be the main suspect was recently arrested by police but escaped from jail.
The Crown received word that he was planning to flee the country.
(The main culprit has a bad leg and limps. I have to make sure I don't miss him.)
Ellis: Kate, I'll give you my berry flavor, too. Okay, ahhh.
Kate: Ahhh.
Kate: Mmm….it’s delicious.
Ellis: Right? We don't know when the target will appear, so let’s just take it easy.
Kate: ……Thank you.
(…….When Jude treats me kindly, the gap is shocking.)
Jude: Oi, Ellis. Don’t do gross things with other people’s faces.
Jude: What’re ya up to?
Kate: I’m not up to anything.
Kate: It's just... it's refreshing and nice to be treated kindly……by you Jude.
Jude: Ha, don’t lie.
Jude’ lips in Ellis’ form twisted cruelly as I was grabbed by my chin.
Jude: Yer a masochistic pervert who needs to be tormented to get excited.
Kate: That, that’s not true……Please don’t treat me like a pervert!
Jude: Doubt that.
(I can never say I’m excited.)
While I was secretly excited, Ellis lifted himself off the bench.
Kate: Are you going somewhere, Ellis?
Ellis: I thought I'd get you something warm to drink.
Ellis: You must have gotten cold from eating gelato, Kate.
Ellis: Ah.
Jude: ……Didja see the target?
Ellis: No. When I stood up, I was just a little surprised that my gaze was lower than usual.
Ellis: Jude, you’re so short.
Jude: ….Ha?
Kate: ….He-hehee.
Jude: It's not that I'm short, it's just that yer a big guy.
Jude: Why’re ya laughin’, too? I'll knock yer head ‘round ‘n make ya shorter!
Kate: I’m sorry. It’s just sometimes you can learn something new when you change things up.
Jude: That’s damned useless information.
Ellis: I'm enjoying being Jude, though.
Jude: Shuddup.
Jude: Yer fluffy conversations are drivin’ me crazy.
At that moment, Jude’s gaze, which was clad in Ellis’ twilight color, were filled with sharpness.
Jude: ……..
Kate: Jude? No way….
Jude: There he is, that guy with the limp.
Jude: It'll be troublesome if he leaves the country. Follow him.
Kate: Ha, …..on it!
We board the train and pursue our target, weaving through the passengers.
Just as I stepped into the last row of the empty cargo area.
Main Culprit: Thanks for following along.........You guys, surround them.
As if on cue, several men jump out from the shadows of the seats and surround us.
(…….we’re surrounded.)
(I had no idea his friends were on board too.)
Jude: Yer very gracious to welcome us. Thanks.
Main Culprit: I knew the coppers were after us. I let you come, so I could get revenge.
(They think we’re the police.)
(Whatever it is, it means they were reading our moves.)
As we stare at each other, our feet shake and the train begins to move.
Main Culprit: We can throw your bodies out of the train and into the river, and there won't be a single piece of evidence left behind.
Main Culprit: It would be the perfect place to die. Go ahead, kill them.
Ellis: …..Kate, stay here so you don’t get hurt.
Kate: Yes….
Ellis tried to jump up as easily as usual, but wasn’t able to do so.
Ellis: Oh, whoa.
Ellis, who’s still in Jude’s form, lost his balance and fell on the spot.
Isla: Huh, Ellis….?
Ellis: Surprising. That’s right, I’m Jude.
(Oh, because his body is different than usual!)
Jude: What’re ya waitin’ for?
Jude:….Damn, what’re these uselessly long legs. They’re difficult......
Main Culprit: I thought you were an elite group, but you’re just a bunch of small fry.
Main Culprit: Take care of them kindly in “moderation”.
Ellis: ....... Hmmm, Jude has strong legs.
Ellis: I'm starting to get the hang of it.
Ellis: ……..Like this.
Ellis’ raised leg strikes into the jaw of the main culprit’s subordinates.
Subordinate: Gah……
(Wow, that's amazing...)
Kate: Oh, Jude, behind you!
Jude: I can see ‘em without ya tellin’ me.
Jude, using Ellis’ body, flew through the air and touched their heads one after another.
Subordinate: Whoa our hands are stuck together! They won’t separate. What is this……
All the men knelt on the spot in a prayer pose..
Jude: I can barely breathe in this body….I hate it.
Ellis: I wanted to use Jude's ability to put them to sleep.
Jude: Ya can't torture ‘em if they’re asleep.
Main Culprit: Hic…..
Jude: …..Let’s make a deal.
Jude: Right to left, James Spencer, Simon Harris, Oscar Perry.
Main Culprit: ……How did you know our names?
Ellis: The names of business partners, family members….he says it's basic to know everything.
Jude: Didntcha guys anonymously transfer the money ya stole to orphanages all over the UK?
Jude: I did some research ‘n found out that ya ‘n all the other members of the vice society came from the same orphanage.
Jude: Yer all in on it, stealing money from the crooks ‘n usin’ it to give to poor children.
Main Culprit: ……yes.
(You mean he was committing evil and helping people?)
Jude: How admirable, tear jerkin’, think I’d overlook it.
Jude: —What can I say idiot. Yer tears ain’t an excuse.
Whatever the motive, evil is evil.
The fact that once you have been involved in evil, it will never go away.
Jude: I'll letcha choose. Either you’ll be sold abroad, or you’ll be forced to work in a coal mine until your last breath?
Jude: Do you wanna stay alive, be my slave ‘n work for the rest of yerr life?……..Whaddya choose?
Main Culprit: I thought you guys were the coppers……
Ellis: Is that relevant now? He’s asking if you want to die or live.
Main Culprit: ……
Main Culprit: Please just save my life. Please......!
Jude: The slave contract is complete. Congratulations on yer lifetime employment.
Jude: Remember, a promise is a promise…..If ya break it, I'll give ya hell, so much so, that you’d wish ya were dead.
We boarded the turnaround and made it back to Paddington Station without incident.
Kate: ……that was still surprising.
Kate: Jude you wanted them as part of your company's workforce from the start, and Ellis understood that.
Jude: What’s with those eyes? Ya act like I helped somebody.
Jude: I was forced to do a mission that wasn't planned, ‘n I got something out of it.
Ellis: I think it's okay as long as Jude and Kate are happy.
Kate: I….will work even harder as a fairytale keeper!
Jude: Fuwaha, that useless guts argument. That's all ya do.
Ellis: You’re a hard worker Kate, I like that.
(Oh, that’s.......?)
Ellis: What's wrong, Kate?
Kate: Um...even though you look different, for a moment both looked like you usually do.
Jude & Ellis: ……….
Kate: Jude is still Jude and Ellis is still Ellis, no matter what you both look like.
Kate: But ...…..I kind of want to see the two of you as usual.
Jude: I knew ya were a pervert who wanted to be tortured.
Kate: What, that’s not true!
Ellis: Shall I tease you? I've never done it before, but maybe I can?
Kate: ……Please stop teasing me Ellis.
Ellis: Hehe, sorry.
Jude: Let’s switch back quickly. It's about time that quack finished the medicine.
When we returned to the castle, Roger had successfully completed the antidote.
After drinking it, Jude and Ellis safely return to their normal forms and the matter settled.
Or, it should’ve been -
Kate: I am so glad you’re back to being whole!
Kate: Hey, Ellis. What's with the wine and book in your hand?
Ellis: Victor and Harry went to work for us. Thanks for that.
Ellis: So, I picked the wine, and Jude picked the book.
Jude: It’s just a matter of amassin’ debt.
Kate: Hehe, that's right. Because “nothing is more expensive than free”.
Jude: What's with that grin on your face? It’s stupid.
Ellis: Should l I call Victor and Harry?
Victor: That’s not necessary, for Victor has come even before he was called!
Kate: Harrison……?
Kate:  .......What's going on? You sound like Victor.
Jude: Have ya finally gone nuts after bein’ smeared in all those filthy lies.
Ellis: Harry is kind, so I wonder if he forced himself...
Victor: ?? What are you talking about?
Victor: No matter how you look at it, it's your dearly loved Queen's aide Victor, isn't it?
Ellis: …….Harry.
Jude: Imitatin’ someone you hate is unpleasant, condolences.
Kate: Very......, -you need to get yourself to the hospital as soon as possible!
Harrison: ……I finally found you.
Kate: …..Victor?
Victor grabbed Harrison's chest with a look of anger on his face that he had never seen before.
Kate & Ellis: !
Victor: Oh.….I'm right in front of me. Why?
Harrison: ……Haven’t you noticed? Look at your reflection in the window.
Victor: Wow, I became you Harrison?
Victor: C-CUUUTE~~! Your hair is so smooth! And the tear mole is cute! 😭 LMFAO
Harrison: Don't touch my body!
Kate: Um, wait a minute.
(Harrison is Victor and Victor is Harrison.)
Kate: Does that mean ...…..the two of you swapped places!
Harrison: Aaah.
Harrison: Victor .……You're the one who got us into this mess, aren't you?
Victor: It wasn’t me! If I were the culprit, I'd probably notice the switch right away, right?
Harrison: …..That’s right.
Ellis: Oh.…on there’s needle marks on Victor’s and Harry’s arms.
Harrison: Someone drugged us with a syringe while we slept.
Victor: Judging from the brilliant puncture work, I'd say there's only one suspect.
Harrison: Roger! That egoistical bastard.….He used us as test subjects for an experiment, didn’t he?
Victor: Wow, Roger’s so passionate about research.
Victor: Ah, Kate. Would you mind telling me a little lie?
Kate: What? Well, I hate you Victor.
Victor: Yes, it's a lie! Wow, I can see them like this, that's amazing.
Harrison: Don't get excited, old man!
Ellis: ...Hehe, it looks like fun.
Ellis: Hey, Jude. Shall we switch places again?
Jude: Ain’t happenin’, I’ll never do that again.
…..To be continued?
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nicksbestie · 6 months
HI!!!! im back hehe >:]
can u please write an fem agere!reader x [kinda] cg jake & johnnie where;
> reader is colouring and starts slipping into a regressed mind without trying
> jake n johnnie then start talking to her but shes all baby [she doesnt realise while shes talking to them]
> so they both gotta figure it out [theyre confused at first]
> then when they realise whats going on [bc she told them about it a while ago] they try to take care of her
[hope this makes sense LOL]
Coloring - Johnnie Guilbert + Jake Webber
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Summary : When an activity that you're doing to cure boredom causes you to slip, you're incredibly lucky that your best friends are so wonderful.
Pairing : Jake Webber/Reader (platonic), Johnnie Guilbert/Reader (platonic)
Word Count : 1276
Warnings : none!!
A/N : This is an age regression fic, which is purely safe for work and innocent. Any hate/disrespect towards me, my work, or readers, will not be tolerated.
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There were some activities that never stopped being fun despite the process of growing up. Coloring was one of those things for you, and it had always been something that you did for fun, to unwind, and you had continued to enjoy the activity regardless of how old you were. It was something that turned off your brain for a while, and let you relax, listen to music in the background, and just tune out the rest of the world. You loved the way that it was able to give you some quiet space for yourself, knowing that you often needed it. However, sometimes the activity could be more child-like, and it could be a trigger for your headspace. 
It wasn’t often that just the simple thing of coloring pushed you into your headspace, but if you were really exhausted, or upset, or if you were feeling any other emotion stronger than you normally would be, then it was a possibility that it could cause you to slip. This was why you would usually color alone if too tired or sad, just so that you didn’t run the risk of anyone walking in should you slip. You lived with your two best friends, who both knew about your littlespace after a long, awkward, conversation, because they came home once while you were small. They had luckily been incredibly accepting and loving, and had been there for you when you needed anything since that point. 
You hadn’t taken them up on it, not wanting to bother them, and still having some anxiety around it. But you made sure that they both knew just how much you appreciated the support and kindness that they consistently displayed, always making sure that you were happy, as much as possible. Jake had already had his assumptions about what was going on before he found out, but he had pushed it to the back of his mind until that one day that he had walked in. He was always the most gentle with you, always watching to make sure that everything was okay, that you were comfortable and felt safe, even in his own presence. 
Today, you weren’t feeling upset at all, and so, you were coloring at the coffee table in front of the television. There was a random show playing in the background, and you were working on a mandala coloring, switching from marker to marker every time you started on a new detail. You had been working on it for a while, and were almost finished with it. By the time you finished it, you set it to the side, tearing another of the mandala designs out of the book, since it had perforated pages. It was much easier for you to color when your page was directly on a flat surface and not just the book, and you didn’t have to worry about the markers bleeding through the paper onto the design behind it, effectively ruining it. 
You were about halfway through the next drawing when you heard the garage open, and Jake’s car pulled in seconds later. You were glad that the garage had alerted you to them being home, because your back was facing the door, and if they had just walked in behind you, it probably would’ve startled you. You didn’t acknowledge when the door did eventually open, until you heard Jake yell a loud “We’re back!”. You smiled, turning around to wave at them, returning the hello as well. Johnnie walked over to see what you were doing, hugging you before glancing down at the paper in front of you. 
“What’cha coloring?” 
You smiled, picking up the page and showing it to him. You were always incredibly proud of the colorings that you had finished, because to you, it showed a lot of patience and dedication. Johnnie smiled, telling you it looked amazing. Jake put the stuff that they had bought, probably for his next video, and walked over to also take a look. He saw the one you were working on, and the one that you had finished earlier. 
“These look amazing! I love them.” 
You smiled, the praise getting to you and causing you to blush a little bit. You couldn’t deny that you did seek their approval, and it always made you feel super happy when you got it. Not that it was hard to earn, but still, it always felt like somewhat of a reward. You weren’t overly tired or upset today, but the gentle praise and soft smiles did make you feel like you were going to eventually slip. Choosing to not say anything else, you just continued to smile and work on the page you were coloring. Johnnie sat down on the couch next to you, passing you markers every now and then, throwing an arm around you and watching the show you had turned on as well.
Jake was doing something or other in the kitchen, probably making food, and when he offered Johnnie chicken nuggets, he noticed the way you lit up and immediately put some in for you. Once they had finished cooking, he brought you over a plate at the same time that he brought the nuggets over for Johnnie. You noticed once it was sitting in front of you that all of the nuggets were cut into smaller pieces, and you had a feeling that these two were just out to get you. 
“Be careful, okay? You don’t wanna spill anything on the couch.” 
Nodding, you started eating, continuing to color between bites. It was the combination of the cut up food, the coloring, the comforting arm around your shoulders, and the babying tone that was being used when speaking to you that caused you to eventually give in to your headspace, yet staying quiet because you do still harbor a little bit of fear about it. It wasn’t until Jake and Johnnie began having a conversation, filled with cursing and inappropriate jokes, that they realized. They made a crude joke to you, and you simply just stared at them, mumbling a soft 
“Don say dat. Bad words.”
It was at this point that they simply stared back at you, completely confused at the sudden change, before snapping out of it. Jake was the first one to say anything, passing you another marker and side hugging you. 
“You’re right, honey, I’m sorry.” 
When Johnnie realized the tone of voice that was being used, he understood what was going on, and he couldn’t help but think that you were absolutely adorable. They both felt so honored that they were trusted with such a vulnerable part of your life. They both began making sure that everything around you was appropriate. Johnnie switched the channel, and Jake gently offered a different coloring book, one that had lots of cartoon characters in it. He didn’t make you take it, but he offered it to you, just in case you’d want it. Those designs would take a lot less patience to finish, thus possibly avoiding a potential meltdown. Jake easily cleaned up the dish once you finished your food, bringing you some juice to drink, and making sure that you were always wrapped up in someone’s arms, and feeling safe. 
The rest of the night went arguably the best you could’ve asked for, neither of them blinking an eye at the babyish vocabulary, or the emotional state that you had sometimes. They both knew that when you were no longer in headspace, you would probably be anxious about what had happened, and they were fully prepared to reassure you and tell you that they loved caring for you.
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~ taglist : @jake-and-johnnies-slut @gvf23 @elliem505 @ilydeaky @maryx2xx @oobleoob @aemrsy @blahbel668 @mystic-maniac @maddytheweird @707xn @jasperthefriendlyghostt @camille-1019
~ if you'd like to be added to my johnnie and jake taglist, click here!
~ my inbox is open, come chat!! <3
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symptomsofdeceit · 22 days
Finally back ish!!
I’m back from seeing my friends! It was really wonderful, I had so much fun with them 💕
After getting back things have been busy. I worked my longest shift so far (24 hours - 12 scheduled and 12 where I was on call but worked every hour), then I got sick.
I wanted to get straight back to game development stuff last month, but my laptop is finally starting to die 😅 so it’s time for me to get a new PC!
I’d like to build my own. I’ve never done it before so it’ll take a minute for me to figure everything out! I’ll be building a cute mechanical keyboard to go with it, too. I also bought a new desk with more space, so it’ll take a while for everything to arrive and me to finish my new setup.
While waiting for that I’ve done more writing though! I’m really happy with how the next part of Nalis’s route is going :)
The next update is going to require a lot of new backgrounds 😔 the arcade, a superstore, and 3 point-and-click areas (Nalis’s room, Thaumo’s room, and the lab). BGs are my least favorite things to draw but I’ll do my best!! I’ve been collecting good reference pics while waiting for my PC parts to arrive too.
I’ve changed some parts of the original demo too. I fixed some grammar issues, improved parts of the code now that I’m more familiar with how Ren’Py works, added a new Nalis CG for Nalis’s ending, and added the option to choose your MC’s aquatic animal + profile pic (when texting).
Because the code is different people will need to delete the old version before starting this one. I’ll include a tutorial when I release the next update.
My plan is still for 2 more big updates: the one I’m working on now (with the lab, arcade, and scenes in Nalis & Thaumo’s apartments), then the endings update.
As always I’m so grateful for everyone’s patience! And I hope everyone is doing very well!!
((edit: I wrote + posted this on my lunch break, so I can’t be online for long today! I’m on call from the end of my shift tonight until the beginning of my shift Monday, but if I’m not called much I’d like to be online more this weekend.))
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irislunace · 4 days
Siciria Analyzes The Most Complex Stick Figures Known To Man (part 2)
Red's new tiktok came out.
We're going with Red next.
Also here's part 1 of SATMCSFTM.
Idk why I abbreviated it.
Or why I linked it.
Okay, so to start off, most people perceive Red as the youngest of the CG, and the most outgoing. He's the resident animal lover, is sensitive, and in some situations, can be really aggressive and hotheaded.
Like here:
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Red went first. He is someone who always throws himself willingly into danger (like Blue in the last part, though Red does it more consistently). With Dark, he went for it not knowing if he could win, but instead to protect his friends. He is the line. He is someone who truly cares for others, and will treat newcomers with the utmost goodness regardless of what he's getting in return. He will go back for them.
This is shown, primarily, in Monster School.
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In this scene, he was about to turn back. He was about to go back through the portal. But he saw that his teammates (the ones who bullied and harassed him prior) were in trouble, and still went back for them. We talk about how he went back for them. We talk about it.
But we don't talk about how he must have been feeling, or how much they must have hurt him. And he still helped them despite that. He truly has an extremely strong character, probably the strongest out of everyone, or at least the CG.
Okay, now to not state the obvious. this whole "analysis" thing is just me stating the obvious anyway idk why u guys seem to like it
Red is smart.
No, Red is really smart.
And I think we, as a fandom, don't give him credit for it. He's always the one to come up with new ideas, and these ideas seem to work. This is shown, mostly, in the Minecart Race episode.
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He was the first one to start paddling with his hands.
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And the first one to boat on the ice.
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And he had the bright idea to use the snowballs.
Even in the Color Sorting short, he had to know at least some kind of coding or engineering to get all the items to become red items. Come on.
And in his tiktok that just came out today, he does so many different, unique moves. In Green's and even Blue's, it's more repetitive, and shorter (though Blue's dancing skills are unmatched ngl).
An in Monster School, they only passed because of his ideas (WHICH THEY HARDLY GAVE HIM CREDIT FOR). Because it was HIM who understood that the bow needed to be flipped around to shoot properly.
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And it was HIM who knew that tickling the Enderman would help.
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And it was HIM who got them across the ocean to the mountain using the spider.
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He is someone who can recognize the potential in his teammates, and recognize what they can do in a given battle.
So in summary...
(I honestly learned more about Red doing this. It's kinda fun ngl).
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suzuran777 · 20 days
BL Visual Novel Magazines throughout the years
Earlier this year, BL game magazine Cool-B announced that they were change their publishing schedule from bi-monthly to quarterly publication (after initially tweeting that the magazine would end publication, which has now been deleted), which made me think about how there are not that many magazines anymore that exclusively focuses on BL visual novel content. This used to different, as there were a lot of magazines in the early 2000s which published the latest information about BL visual novels that were released back then. In this blog post I created a small list of the magazines I've been collecting throughout the years and what kind of information they used to publish. Some titles might be missing, as every now and then I also find new magazines I've never heard of before, but I thought it would be interesting to write a little bit about each of them because I like collecting them!
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First of all, even though these magazines are referred to as "BL game magazines" some of them also publish information about new mobile games, otome games, and other joseimuke content (media aimed at a female audience), however most articles in these magazines focus on BL games, and the characters on the covers of the magazine are also from BL media. Nowadays the only magazine that focuses on BL visual novel content is Cool-B, but in the early 2000s there used to be a lot more of these magazines. Some of them continued publication for a long time, while others only published a few issues before ending publication.
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Game Pierce (GAMEピアス) Published by a company that simply called themselves "Magazine Magazine" (Later Sun Publishing and JUNET) the first issue of Game Pierce was published in February 2002, and was therefore probably the first BL visual novel magazine. Unlike some other magazines, this one exclusively focused on BL games and didn't combine it with otome or other joseimuke content. Though if you're wondering who the characters on the cover of the magazine are, they're actually not characters from a BL game, but original characters created by Kojima Natsuki. Later, some of these BL characters would appear in some of their manga like GP Gakuen (GP学園). Even though almost all of the covers featured Kojima Natsuki's characters, the back of the magazine did promote specific BL games that were popular at the time. Game Pierce existed for quite a while and ended up publishing 21 issues in total. There was also a version of the magazine called Comic Game Pierce which combined BL manga and BL game content, as well as Boy's Pierce which has been around since 1997 and still exists today, which publishes BL manga.
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B's Log The next magazine is B's Log (or B's-Log), which was originally published by Enterbrain before they merged with Kadokawa in 2013. This magazine still publishes new issues even now, but the content they focus on has gradually changed throughout the years. The first issue of B's Log was released in March 2002, shortly after the first issue of the previously mentioned Game Pierce. From early 2002 until late 2004, the magazine mostly published information about BL and otome games, but later they gradually started focusing on more general joseimuke content. As far as I'm aware, the last time a BL game was on the cover was the December 2009 issue, which featured the game STEALl! by Spray. It's not like the magazine completely stopped publishing information about BL games after this though, as they'd publish articles about the sequel of Tennenouji's Luckydog1 (Luckydog1 +badegg), and Karin Chatnoir's BL game Omega Vampire in 2016. Unlike most other BL visual novel magazines, B's Log didn't publish any CGs from 18+ scenes, though of course they would still mention the age rating.
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Game Darling (ゲーム・ダーリン) The first issue of the next magazine, Game Darling, was published in July 2002. The publisher is KTC (also known as KILL TIME COMMUNICATION), who mostly published game-related magazines in the late 1990s. However, I am pretty sure publication ended after only two issues, as I can't seem to find anything else published after this. Even though the other magazines that were released around this time were printed in full color, this magazine was printed in black and white, kind of resembling a manga (the size of the magazine was also small). This magazine also only focused on BL games, though they did publish some interesting articles about BL game fandom culture, for example characters from non-BL games that were often shipped together (like Ace Attorney and the Metal Gear series). Something that was also kind of funny to me is that they also published articles in which they recommended computers that would be able to run visual novels smoothly, once again reminding me that I was reading an article published in 2002.
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Blueberry Published by Softbank Publishing, this magazine was supposed to be the sister magazine of erogame magazine Raspberry but as far as I know, only one volume of it exists, which was published in April 2003. I was able to find a copy of it eventually, but I think it's definitely one of the lesser-known magazines, especially since only one issue of it exists. It also came with a CD which a lot of magazines used to have as well, which would usually contain trial versions of games, opening movies and other promotional materials such as wallpapers. Compared to Blueberry, I think Raspberry was doing a bit better, as it looks like they published at least 17 different issues between early 2002 and late 2004.
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Be x Boy This is technically a BL manga magazine, but since they did feature BL games on their covers sometimes, I think it's fair to mention them as well. Be x Boy was a monthly BL manga magazine which published its first issue in 1993. The publisher used to publish various other BL-related magazines as well, which focused on light novels, adult manga, short stories and more. From what I could find online, the original publisher, Biblos, went bankrupt in 2006, but these days the magazine still exists as a BL manga magazine and is now published by Libre.
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Binetsu Ouji (微熱王子) This magazine was originally published by Studio DNA (these days Ichijinsha), and would eventually become another magazine called Cool-B in 2005, after its acquisition by Ohzora Publishing. Its first issue was released in July 2002. Even while looking at the oldest issues, the lay-out and design closely resembled Cool-B. Other than publishing information about otome and BL games, they also featured statistics showing which games were popular at the time. Even nowadays, this is still something Cool-B publishes in every issue. Binetsu Ouji and Cool-B allowed adult content, which is possibly why BL game creators would slowly start promoting their games in magazines like this rather than B's Log.
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Cool-B As mentioned above, in 2005 Binetsu Ouji was taken over by Ohzora Publishing and relaunched as Cool-B, which is the only BL game magazine that still exists these days and is also the one that has been around for the longest time, as it currently has 115 issues. Earlier this year, they did kind of scare their fans by announcing that they would end publication after releasing 2 final magazine issues that same year, but this tweet was quickly deleted after some game creators mentioned that they would contact the staff and talk to them. Eventually, they announced a change in publication schedule and some slight changes to the magazine. Until earliy 2024, Cool-B has always been a bi-monthly magazine, but their future releases will be quarterly.
Cool-B Kiwame Last month the first issue of Cool-B Kiwame was released, which is a new version of the magazine that seems to exclusively feature BL game content, and the size is also a bit bigger than the original magazine. I'm happy that they could find a way to continue publishing the magazine, as this is usually where BL visual novel creators publish news about their latest games, as well as interviews and extra art. Something new they started recently is that they publish articles about a specific topic in which they ask for both fan opinions and commentary from the game developers. In this first issue of Cool-B Kiwame, the theme was "The worst, most horrible and best bad endings" and I had a lot of fun reading what endings fans submitted and what the creators of these games had to say about this! Therefore, even though the number of new BL visual novels is small nowadays, the magazine still found a way to continue publication.
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Pictures in this blog post belong to Cool-B (their website) or were taken from the Retromags website.
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bratzforchris · 2 months
hiiiii i have a request for either sam or colby, can you do a little! reader where reader has had a hard day at work and just needs there daddy?
it can be sam or colby but i prefer colby! hes been my comfort for years and starting my agere journey they have been my comfort show
thank you lots love!
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SUMMARY: after a long day at work, there's nothing your daddy and some little time won't fix<3
PAIRING: caregiver (cg)!colby x little!reader
A NOTE FROM LILAH: ahhhh my very first sam and colby post :)! i hope you guys love it<3 i'm still pretty new to their fandom, so i hope i stayed true to colby's personality! as always, age regression is not sexual and absolutely, 100% innocent. hate will either be publicly shamed and ridiculed or blocked 💋
It was rare that you had awful days at work. Sure, you didn’t love your job, but it wasn’t terrible. You actually found working in a coffee shop quite comforting; the ambience was always perfect, as were your usual customers that greeted you with a smile and asked for their usual, not to mention the fact that the free, caffeinated drinks were definitely a perk. However, no job was perfect, and there were days like today that made you just want to curl up in a blanket and hide from everyone and everything, save for one special person. 
Ever since you had told your boyfriend, Colby, about your littlespace last year, your life has drastically changed for the better. No longer was your littlespace something you shoved down in fear. Instead, you willingly accepted your inner child and actually looked forward to coming home from work and enjoying some carefree tiny time. Colby or “Coco” as your little self called him, was nothing short of an amazing caregiver. You were spoiled beyond belief and loved unconditionally, both on your good days and on your bad ones. 
You smiled fondly at the memory, closing the door behind you as you stepped into you and your boyfriend’s shared apartment. Once inside, the exhaustion hit you like a train. You set your tote bag down and leaned against the door, closing your eyes and taking deep breaths as you slipped off your shoes. You knew you needed to shower and change, especially after the shipment of milk had spilled on you at the beginning of your shift, but right now, all you wanted was Colby. 
You pattered towards his home office, silently hoping he was home. You were always thankful that your boyfriend (and built-in caregiver) had such a flexible career and schedule that made your littlespace so much easier. You quietly pushed open the door, smiling when you saw Colby sat at his computer, headphones on and editing a video.
With the career path that he had picked, Colby had become incredibly in tune with his senses and turned his office chair around as you crept closer. “Hey baby,” he hummed, sliding the headphones off and hitting pause. “How was work?”
You turned your nose up at the question, instead opting to plop down in his lap. Colby chuckled, running his hands across your hips lightly, allowing you to snuggle into his strong chest. All was quiet for a moment until he spoke again. 
“Sweetheart, I love you, but what is that smell?” he asked gently. 
You sighed, shifting in your boyfriend’s lap. “Work sucked. A shipment of milk spilled all over me at the start of my shift, and then two people didn’t show up with no call out, and then all the customers were in a bad mood for some reason.”
Colby frowned at your distress, hating to see you in any type of pain or discomfort. “I’m sorry, honey.”
“Not your fault.” You mumbled, fisting your eyes. 
Colby’s caregiver “spidey senses” kicked in with the motion. “Does someone need some little time?” he teased gently, tickling your sides. 
“Noooo,” You whined, cheeks blushing. “I’m a big girl. You know that.”
“So what I’m hearing is you don’t want a bubble bath and mac n’ cheese for dinner.” he laughed. 
“No, Coco! I changed my mind!” You shrieked and giggled as he started tickling you. 
This was part of your and Colby’s typical caregiver/little dynamic. You both had always been fun-loving and silly, and that transferred over to your new dynamic too. After the laughs had settled down, Colby tapped your hip to stand up, stretching and yawning once you had gotten up off his lap. 
“C’mon, bub. Let’s get you in the bath before dinner.”
Your caregiver led you to your connected bedroom and bathroom, starting some warm bath water while you picked out a pair of pajamas from your dresser. Colby smiled when you returned to the bathroom, proudly brandishing a pair of Eeyore footie pajamas. You grinned and giggled as your “Coco” added bubble bath and a few rubber ducks to the water, before gently helping you undress and get into the tub. One of the things you loved about Colby was that he never took advantage of bath time like some of your previous caregivers had. He was simply there to help you relax and get clean. 
You could feel yourself slipping with every passing second as your caregiver gently washed your hair, allowing you to play with the bath toys. By the time Colby drained the water and wrapped you in a towel, you were completely in your headspace, giggling softly. 
“Now you’re all wet!” You giggled as you wrapped Colby in a bear hug. 
Your coco chuckled as he helped you into your pajamas, beginning to brush your hair softly. “That was your bathtime, baby girl. Not mine.”
Once you were all done in the bathroom, Colby hoisted you onto his back, carrying you to the kitchen. He sat you down on the kitchen island, allowing you to watch with wide eyes as he began to pull out ingredients for dinner. 
“Nuggets, grilled cheese, or mac n’ cheese? Your choice, princess.” he offered with a smile. 
“Mac n’ cheese!” You cheered. 
Colby smiled, immediately beginning to start the water for the pasta. It was nights like these that reminded him how lucky he was that you were willing to share such a vulnerable part of yourself with him. He was pulled out of his thoughts when he saw that you had slid off the counter and decided to insistently pull on his shirt. 
“Yeah, hun?”
“‘M gonna color you af’ dinner.” You insisted, face completely serious. 
“Are you now?” he smiled fondly. 
Colby smiled, dishing you out some mac ‘n cheese, along with broccoli for a vegetable, onto a child safe, Minnie Mouse themed plate. “Here you are, princess.”
You and your caregiver ate dinner at the kitchen table in companionable silence, simply enjoying the peace that came with nights like these. Both of you had been through quite a bit in your young lives, and your regression healed not only yourself, but your boyfriend as well. 
“Alright, baby. Coco’s gonna clean the kitchen. Can you get your markers out to color me for when I’m done?”
You nodded eagerly, dashing off to where you kept your toys and art supplies. Your terrible day at work was now a distant memory, your little mind now focused on “coloring” Colby instead. Ever since you had seen a Tiktok of someone coloring in their boyfriend’s tattoos, your little self had been fascinated with the idea and had insisted on coloring in Colby’s tattoos with markers whenever you got the chance. You grabbed your pack of markers and plopped down on the couch, eagerly waiting for your Coco. 
Once your caregiver had finished cleaning, he came into the living room with a smile, sitting beside you on the couch. “Have at it, princess.” he grinned. 
You didn’t need to be told twice. You immediately uncapped a pink marker and began to color in the intricate designs of Colby’s ink, tongue poking out the side of your mouth in concentration. Colby hummed happily, simply enjoying the feeling of your small body pressed against his own and the gentle glide of the marker across his skin. 
“All done!” You announced after about thirty minutes.  
Colby sat up from his position on the couch, grinning widely at the tattoos on his arm that were expertly colored in with Crayola washable markers. “It looks beautiful, baby girl.” he assured you. 
You quickly capped your markers, tossing them to the side and bounding into your caregiver’s lap. “I love yous, Coco.”
Colby smiled, nuzzling into your hair and pressing a kiss to your head. “And I love you, little angel.”
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