#certainly made my tumblr experiences better
crqstalite · 1 year
something that clicked for my last summer (that i remembered now bc i just saw a post from them thru a mutual) you dont have to follow someone with All The Right Opinions (and i mean that literally) if them constantly posting about these opinions and political topics is actively making you have a worse time online.
like i was becoming actively hesitant to scroll thru my dashboard because i was constantly thinking 'im going to see [x] and theyre going to post something actively distressing/drama im not part of but dont want to be bothered by all day', before it clicked that. i could just?? not follow them. and then they were gone and went back to trekking about tumblr.
its that simple and makes me a little. batty? (can i still use that word?) that i didnt think of it before.
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mncxbe · 1 year
Omg hi! My first ever request on tumblr so I hope it’s okay for me to request Fukuzawa and/or Kunikida with a f!s/o that experiences heats? Like if they have an animal type ability?
Hi dear♡ Ofc your request is okay and I hope you enjoy it. The reader has a cat shapeshifting ability. Thought it would be perfect for Fukuzawa.
𝑭𝒖𝒌𝒖𝒛𝒂𝒘𝒂, 𝑲𝒖𝒏𝒊𝒌𝒊𝒅𝒂, 𝑹𝒂𝒏𝒑𝒐 𝒙 𝒇𝒆𝒎!𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
𝑮𝒆𝒏𝒓𝒆: implied smut♡/ fluff??
he already loved your ability. sometimes when he comes home stressed after work you'd turn into a cat and let him pet you. it always brings a smile to his lips
when he first realized that you were in heat he was quite surprised, but he soon got casual about it
offers to help with anything you need. and I mean anything👀 he'd literally do whatever you ask him
he will prepare you baths and cuddle you
will tease you a bit. can't help himself when you're so eager, but in the end you get the release you so desperately need
"Honey, I'm home" said your boyfriend as he closed the door of your shared apartment.
It was a long day at work and all Fukuzawa wanted was to spend some quality time with his lover, watching a movie and resting in your arms. But his plans changed when he saw you laying on the couch with your thighs tightly pressed together. Your cheeks were flushed red, your eyes glossy and droopy.
"Hi dear" you managed to utter.
He quickly made his way to you, pressing a hand to your forehead. "You seem to have a fever. Did you eat something bad today or?" he asked in a worried voice.
"Oh no dear. I'm quite alright. It's just that, well it's a bit embarrassing to say it... I'm in heat."
Your partner's eyes shot open, a slight blush spreading on his cheeks. "You're in heat? Like-"
"Yes just like that. It's because of my ability"
After processing your words for a few seconds, a smirk made its way to his lips. "And why would you be embarrassed about that? I don't mind it at all. In fact..." he said as one of his hands traced the shape of your legs, earning a whimper from you "I would be glad to help you feel better"
"Oh, you would?" You playfully crawled to him, placing a kiss on his lips. "Then who am I to turn down your offer, darling?"
he blushed so hard when he found out
he doesn't like being taken by surprise, so having you push him into a corner of the office, your lips pressed against his neck certainly upsets him a bit
proceeds to scold you but when you tell him you can't control it, his gaze softens
he hates to admit it but he is quite excited to go home that evening
he writes down the dates when your "moods" start and end so he's prepared in the future
Kunikida was about to take a sip of his coffee when you tugged at his shirt, pulling him towards the hallway.
"What are you doing I almost spilled my coffee all over my ~"
You cut him short by pushing him into the closest wall, your lips pressing harshly against his. Your boyfriend was taken aback by your actions but he quickly returned the kiss. However, when your hands went to his belt, attempting to unbuckle it he pulled away.
"Wait now this is no way of behaving around the office. Can't you control yourself?" he hissed, squeezing your wrists.
You couldn't help but smirk at your boyfriend's words as you leaned in, pressing your body against his.
"Darling, I'm in heat" you whispered into his ear. Your hot breath sent shivers down his spine.
"Is this some sort of joke?" he questioned, but you could clearly make out the shake in his voice.
"No, dear. It's a downside of my ability. I'm so horny I can barely get anything done unless, you know..." You gave him a wink, which made him blush even harder. He was so aware of the closeness between you and the thought of having you moan out his name as he gave you the release you so desperately needed was enough to drive him crazy.
You noticed the glimmer of lust in his eyes and took it as an opportunity to ghost your lips along his neck. "You know, the closet where we keep the cleaning stuff has a lock. We could go there and ~"
"No, no" he said, covering your mouth with his hand. "Don't do this to me right now, okay?"
You nodded, taking a step back from him and he let go. "How about you take the day off, dear? Go home. I'm sure the president will understand. I'll take care of your paperwork."
"Kuni, that's nice of you but I can manage a few more hours."
"Alright then" he replied, his arms snaking around your waist as he pulled you close again. "I know you got this, dear. And I'll make sure that you're rewarded for your patience tonight."
𝑩𝒐𝒏𝒖𝒔: 𝑹𝒂𝒏𝒑𝒐
he knew you were in heat before you told him
definitely finds it amusing
takes it as an opportunity to tease you, always touching your overly sensitive body
he has no shame to whisper his plans for that night into your ear as you're completing paperwork
gives you suggestive looks, his signature smirk making its way to his lips whenever he sees you blush
Ranpo is quite lazy in the bedroom, but considering the circumstances he will do his best to give you some release
please praise him♡
"How's my darling feeling today? Any different than usual?" spoke the man behing you, his breath hot against the shell of your ear. You needn't look at him to know that he was smiling from ear to ear.
"Good morning to you too" you replied, trying to keep your composure "I'm quite alright thanks for asking."
"Aww c'mon. No need to hide yourself from me. After all I'm your boyfriend"
You spun your chair, finally facing him. The look of annoyance on your face only added to his amusement. "Why is my sweet thing so mad today?"
"Cut the chase, Ranpo. You know I'm in heat." you replied, crossing your arms. "So don't go around teasing me. I can barely manage working in this state."
Your boyfriend chuckled as he leaned in to press a kiss to your cheek. "Of course sugar plum. Do you think I'm that cruel?" Just as he was speaking those words, his fingers brushed against your thigh, moving upwards. "Do you really think I'd take advantage of your state and tease you?"
You shivered under his touch, breaking the eye contact. Even through the fabric of your skirt, his fingertips felt so close to your skin. "You're adorable when you get flustered, you know?" he cooed but you only hummed in response. Ranpo took your reaction as a sign to stop and pulled away.
"Alright, I'll stop. But I promise I'll make you feel really good tonight. I'll show you just how great of a boyfriend I am"
He kissed you one more time before he walked towards his desk, leaving you yearning for his touch. For the rest of the day you kept glancing at the clock, wishing time would pass quicker.
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feelmyskinonyourskin · 10 months
Cure [Sex Pollen Trope]
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x AFAB Reader x Frank Castle
Trope de Sept Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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Sex Pollen Situation 1. A fictional substance that makes the characters experience unbearable pain if they don't fuck. "You, Bucky, and Frank are exposed to a strange chemical in an abandoned Hydra warehouse. And there's only one way to make the effects wear off faster."
Warnings: SMUT/18+ (don’t interact if your age is not in your bio). No use of Y/N. AFAB Reader. Implied sexual assault of and by Bucky during his time as the Winter Soldier. Implied past/current casual sexual relationships between the Reader/Bucky and Reader/Frank. All the dubious consent circumstances that come with sex pollen. Unprotected P in V, threesome, breeding kink, creampies, multiple orgasms, pet names (baby, doll, sweetheart, honey). 
WC: 3,200
A/N: Trope de Sept order got a little shuffle. Don't worry, everything is still coming, I just wanted to space out characters, fic types, etc. now that I have a better idea of what the rest of the fics will be.
*I never give permission for my fics, manips, or any other original creation I post on this site to be copied, posted elsewhere, translated, or fed into any AI program. The only platform I currently post anything on is Tumblr. Thanks!*
How you and Bucky managed to get separated from the rest of the team, you weren’t sure.
The Hydra base was recently abandoned. Tipped off that the Avengers were on their way, they scrambled to make their escape, leaving miscellaneous papers, weapons, and other evidence of guilt behind.
You certainly weren’t going to take anyone in on this, but at least you’d have some clues that could maybe point to where they’d be next.
You and Bucky made your way into some kind of lab, the rest of the team raiding other areas of the base. Coms were down, but you weren’t too concerned as there seemed to be no threat that required back up. Hydra left this place abandoned and disheveled due to their hastened exit.  
“Shit. There’s no one here.” Bucky lamented, sending a set of empty beakers crashing to the floor in frustration
“Not no one, but sure as shit ain’t Hydra.” a gravelly voice cut through the darkness of the lab
You and Bucky turned to the source; a tall figure attached to dusty combat boots, vest dripping with white paint smears and long-ago dried blood splatters. He wore a scowl on his tired face, a bruise covering the left side of his jaw, and had a rifle slung over his shoulder.
“Castle.” Bucky nodded toward him
“Barnes. Sweetheart.” he nodded back to the two of you
“I’m sorry– sweetheart? How do you two…” Bucky asked, pointing between you and Frank.
“Remember when you said I should get a hobby? You know when weeks go by and there are no missions?” you said
“I meant like, take up pickleball or crocheting; not get sexually involved with vigilantes.”
“Hey, hey!” Frank rebutted
“Woah!” you also interrupted Bucky’s implication “Who said anything about me sleeping with him? No, I started taking on some– let’s just call them personal cases outside of work. You know, using my powers to be the everyman's hero. I run into Frank on rooftops sometimes.”
“So your hobby is being a superhero, when you’re not at work being a superhero?”
“I mean sometimes we also sleep with each other.” Frank added
Frank was lucky your powers didn’t involve laser vision, or else he’d be burnt to a crisp by the way you glared at him.
“Really, doll? Castle?”
“You know what Bucky, I don’t need judgment from someone who's dating pool includes all four of the Golden Girls. Wait, how do you two know each other?” you motioned between him and Frank
“A mutual friend of ours, Curtis Hoyle, runs a veterans therapy group once a week. It usually also turns into a poker game at my place afterwards.”
“Wilson joins sometimes too.” Frank added
“Didn’t think this was your scene, Castle,” Bucky said, bringing the subject back to the mission “Thought you worked alone. You’re not thinking of joining up are you?”
Frank scoffed. “Nah. Following a lead. Led me here.”
“To a world wide terrorist orginization’s base?”
“You’d be surprised how many of the street level scumbags I chase down are involved in shit like this.”
“So you came here to go all Punisher on them?”
Frank raised an eyebrow and nodded.
“Sure, the Avengers have been playing whack-a-mole with them for years, but the vigilante with a rage problem and a bunch of guns is gonna do it.” you said with a roll of your eyes.
“Fairness to me, didn’t know just what this place was til I got here.”
Bucky let out a deep exhale. He glanced between you and Frank, before returning his focus to the abandoned lab around you.
“Well you’re here now, might as well make yourself useful.”
The three of you looked high and low through the lab and turned up nothing of real value that could even be a glimmer of a lead on what Hydra was planning next or where they had scurried off to.
Bucky used his vibranium arm to bust open the door of a locked walk-in freezer, the last place it seemed you hadn’t searched.
Various test tubes and bags of medical supplies sat on the shelves, some full of odd looking substances, others spilled over and shattered from Hydra’s escape efforts.
Frank walked up to a shelf containing vials of cherry-colored liquid, picking one up in his large hand and examining it curiously.
“Don't touch that!” Bucky exclaimed, lunging forward just as Frank turned his head
Their bodies collided, sending the glass canister spinning into the air and crashing down to the ground. The red substance splashed all over the concrete floor and tiny fragments of glass flew in every direction.
“Castle, please tell me you didn’t just do that.”
“The hell you mean, me? You’re the one who pushed me!” Frank argued back
Bucky’s panic stricken gaze met yours and you had never seen fear quite like this in his eyes.
“Don't breathe.” he commanded
“What do you mean don’t breathe?” you asked, shaking off some of the liquid that splattered on your boot
“Oh god, no no no. It’s too late. We’ve all already been exposed.” Bucky lamented, sinking to the floor with his head in his hands.
“Bucky, what is that stuff? What is going on?”
“It’s a serum.”
“Like a super soldier serum?”
“Yes. But also no. This one’s effects are temporary. And highly potent. And very airborne.”
“Airborne. Like we all just breathed it in?”
“Yep.” he confirmed
“So what does it do? What’s gonna happen to us?” you asked, panic rising in your chest
“When I was theirs,” he motioned to the room around you, implying his time as Hydra’s prisoner “They realized all their sick experiments finally worked on me and they wanted more super soldiers, to replicate what they’d created in my bloodstream. The problem was, this was right around the time Dr. Zola got captured and arrested by the team that would become Shield.”
You glanced up and down the shelves once more, hoping something in here could be used for first aid in treating whatever the hell was about to happen to the three of you.
“So without their best scientist, no matter how many liters of my blood they took and tried to recreate the serum with, they couldn’t. In a last ditch attempt, they thought maybe it could be transferred genetically, They thought maybe they could use me to breed more supersoldiers.”
Your attention snapped back to Bucky.
“Breed? Wait, so they made you…? Oh my god, with who?!” you asked in horror as Bucky revealed yet another disturbing detail of his past
“Usually volunteers for Hydra’s cause. Sometimes other prisoners; women they also had been doing experiments on.”
“That’s disgusting.” you commented
“Believe me, I’m aware.”
“But what does that have to do with that stuff?” Frank motioned to the mess still splattered on the floor
“Zola’s prodigy, a real peach of a human named Dr. Whitehall, wanted to ensure the maximum possibility my DNA would take and the women participants would be as fertile as possible. I mean, after all this shit they did to me before, they thought maybe my swimmers would be pretty fried and they could create something to remedy that. So that stuff is a concoction he created in the 70s, basically it enhances all sexual urges to their most primal instinct, so those exposed are inclined to reproduce.”
“So it’s horny juice?” Frank asked
“Eloquent as always Castle, but yes. I’d say we have about ten more minutes before it kicks in. Once it does, it’s really painful until it’s out of your system or until you act on what it wants you to.” he turned to you “Okay here’s what’s gonna happen– Doll, you’re gonna go outside and lock Frank and me in this freezer so you’ll be safe from us.”
“Safe from you? What do you mean?”
“This stuff, it kinda alters your self control for a while. Like I said, it makes you run more on instinct, especially when the painful side effects hit. Once it starts kicking in, we’ll do anything to get rid of the pain. Frank and I won’t be able to resist you and you won’t be up for putting up much of a fight either. Get somewhere where our coms will work again and radio to the team, have them get you to Banner’s lab immediately. He might be able to concoct something to ease your symptoms for a few days.”
“A few days?!”
“Well it fades faster if you… ya know. But if you don’t, it could take a while to move through your system.”
“What about the two of you?”
“We’ll just have to… take care of ourselves here.” he said, making lewd gesture with his hand “Won’t be as efficient as the real thing, but it’ll help.” 
“I’m not gonna leave the two of you to just jack off and suffer.”
“Sweetheart, we’ll be fine. Just worry about you.” Frank chimed in, agreeing with Bucky
“If the solution is to… you know fuck it out. I mean shit, it’s nothing I haven’t already done with either of you.”
“Excuse me?” Frank inquired, now the one whipping his head to look between the two of you
“Remember in group a couple months ago when I said I got casually involved with a coworker, but broke it off cause it was getting in the way of our work? Well...” Bucky gestured towards you
“Unbelievable.” Frank grumbled with a shake of his head
You sat on the floor across from Bucky, tac suit suddenly feeling a bit too tight and itchy against your skin.
“This freezer we’re in… it’s still on right?” you asked
“Then why do I feel like I’m gonna combust at any minute?”
“It’s the serum. Shit, it’s already taking effect.” Bucky rushed over and crouched down beside you “Doll, you sure you don’t want to get out of here?”
“No. I want to stay. I want to help both of you and I don’t want to go through this alone either.” you said, unzipping your jacket and tossing it across the room without a thought, “Jesus it feels like my blood is on fire.”
You fanned yourself with your hands to no avail. This must have been how your mother felt during your teenage years when she’d lament about hot flashes.
Suddenly, you understood what Bucky meant by pain all over your body. It started small, almost like a needle prick, near your abdomen, but rapidly spread like ink on wet parchment.
Evidence that they were both starting to feel it too was showing; the way Frank’s brows were scrunched and how he was keeled over, hands on his knees with white knuckles gripping at his jeans. Bucky’s supersoldier powers combined with his previous exposures to this substance, he seemed reasonably calm compared to the two of you. His blue eyes were glazed over in a vacant stare as he sat on the ground across from you. Sweat droplets were beginning to form on his unusually pale skin. 
“P–please” you begged to both of them, pain suddenly unbearable as you pushed your pelvis off the floor, trying to find relief with friction against nothing.
You reached out to Bucky, but he shook his head no.
“Take care of Frank first.” he lulled his head to look at you “I’m more resistant to it’s effects. I’ll be fine for a while.”
“How many times do we have to… you know, to get it out of our systems?” you asked, still writhing your body against the air.
“As many times as it takes.” Bucky said
“Frankie” you reached a hand forward, beckoning him towards you.
He stumbled as he crossed the room, still slouched over slightly as he walked.
Frank’s cock was obviously strained against his jeans as he crouched down in front of you, deep brown eyes meeting your gaze.
“Sweetheart, you sure?” he asked once more, resistance to the serum fading quickly as he ran the back of two fingers down your arm, stroking you in reassurance.
As soon as his hand brushed your skin, icy relief washed over you, sending goosebumps along your flesh. You had the irresistible urge to press more of his skin against yours, to be as close to him as possible to quell the heat still bubbling beneath the surface.
All you could do was nod in response as you lunged forward, rubbing your hand along the bulge in his pants. Frank whined, a sound you’d never heard him make in the times you’d fallen into bed together, before crashing his lips against yours.
His kisses were fiery, full of tongue and teeth, like he just couldn’t drink enough of you in. Usually so patient and tender in bed, his large hands were now clawing at you, desperately trying to rid you of your clothes as quickly as he could. 
He tugged off your boots in one motion, allowing you to shimmy your pants down your body. Both of your shirts were quickly discarded as well. Fumbling to unbutton his jeans and push them down, Frank let out a relieved sigh as he finally freed his aching cock. The cool air from the freezer hit your sopping cunt, refreshing as another wave of heat rolled through your body as the serum was now fully in control.
You glanced over to Bucky as Frank laid you down on the hard concrete floor. His eyes were squeezed shut in a mixture of pain and pleasure, flesh hand down his pants stroking himself to quell the growing anguish as he listened to you and Frank. 
“Goddamnit doll, I can smell you.” His breathing was labored as he spoke.
Frank reached down, running a trembling finger through your folds.
“Shit Barnes, of course you can, she’s soaked.”
“P– please Frank” You begged again as Frank touched you where you needed him most, the action unknowingly teasing you into more pain.
“Shhh shh shh sweetheart. I know. It’s hurting me too. I’ll take care of you.” Frank reassured, sliding two fingers into you effortlessly
A strained sob slipped from you as he pumped in and out of you, relieved at the sensation but still in so much agony from not getting what you really needed.
“I think you’re ready.” he commented, barely restraining himself from just taking you roughly
You reached for his shoulders, guiding him fully on top of you. As he lowered himself he slid inside you in one motion, sinking all the way in easily. The serum didn’t allow him any pause, hips immediately snapping in and out with rough thrusts, primal need taking full control. His ample length repeatedly hit that perfect spingey spot inside you, causing you to cry out.
God the sounds in the room were downright sinful. Frank, who had been incredibly verbal during your previous trists, now reduced to only groans and grunts being swallowed by your sloppily placed kisses. Bucky’s lewd moans echoed off the walls and combined with the sound of skin slapping and your mewling. The vulgar symphony only spurred you on. Your peak hit you surprisingly quickly, though you attributed that to the foreign chemical invading your system.
It was like no other orgasm you’d ever had, like those viral videos of a firework finale all accidentally exploding at once. It felt endless, like you’d just be there cumming on the floor for the rest of your life.
“Shit honey, keep squeezing me just like that.” Frank finally found his words, climbing his own summit to relief. His large hand gripped at your jaw, steadying you beneath him as his movements became more erratic, an improvised drum solo of a brutal pace.
His dark eyes met yours, pupils blown out as he watched you come apart beneath him once more. Another overwhelming orgasm washed over you, more intense than the last.
That was enough to drag Frank over the edge with you. He pulsed deep inside you, filling you to the brim so much that you could feel it running down your legs before he even pulled back.
“Goddamnit.” he groaned into your shoulder
Sprawled out on the floor, you were an absolute mess of your own slick and sweat and Frank’s cum, but you didn’t care. You still direly needed more relief and knew Bucky must’ve been in total agony by this point; listening and watching you and Frank go at it.
“How you doing sweetheart?” Frank asked as he rolled off you, now a little more clarity that he’d gotten one orgasm out. You could still see the strained muscles in his neck, his skin still a shade of red as his lust was not yet fully satiated. 
“Better. Still hurts a little but much more bearable. Bucky, you ready to take over?”
He was slumped against the wall, eyes still squeezed shut. His jacket and shirt were gone and his pants were undone. But he’d given up on touching himself, knowing it wouldn’t soothe his suffering in the way he needed. You crawled across the floor toward him.
“Hey Buck? Eyes on me baby.”
His eyes snapped open and looked at you, full of desperation and pity.
“Let me help, yeah?” you spoke sweetly
He nodded, watching limply as you fumbled with his fly and exposed his throbbing length.
A switch seemed to flip inside him as you straddled him and sank down, coming alive with an animalistic fervor as you rocked your hips slowly. He let out a hearty exhale feeling your velvety walls all the way down his cock, finally alleviating the anguish he’d been trying so hard to conceal. 
Every sensation in your body was amplified, every touch of Bucky’s skin against yours was exquisite, every caress of his metal arm up and down your back shot like lightning striking straight to your core. You could feel every ridge of his cock, every thrust, every exhale. Overwhelmed by it all, you collapsed against his shoulder, letting him take the reins as he began to pitch himself up into you. How different he was too in this circumstance than the times previously you’d had him. Long languid strokes to ensure you’d feel it all long forgotten in favor of dragging you down by the hips over and over to meet his pace, every slam punctuated by lust and fury. Muttering ‘oh god’ and ‘yes baby please’ into your ear.
A soft caress brushed along the back of your neck, Frank kneeling behind you placing tender, open-mouthed kisses across your shoulder blades as you and Bucky fucked it out. The urge must’ve been building in him again because his hands were all over you and soon enough you weren’t sure whose grasp was where, only vaguely aware because Bucky’s vibranium touch was cool and calm amongst the heightened temperature of your sweaty skin. 
Your orgasm with Bucky blossomed, rising from deep within your core and spreading like wings in the breeze. You cried into his shoulder as he did not relent in his pace, pulling your pelvises flush as he came inside you with a carnal moan.
But you still weren’t satiated and you could tell neither were they. Fuck, this was gonna be a long night. 
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restinslices · 7 months
MK1 x Winter Soldier Reader Intros
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Me not writing only about the Lin Kuei Bros? Who would've thought. Idk why I thought of this but here we are. For those not into Marvel the simplest way to explain TWS is he was in the Army in the 50s then he was injected with the super soldier serum and forced to become an assassin with over two dozen assassinations in the last 50 years. You're not a white guy named James “Bucky” Barnes, you just hold the title. Also you got a metal arm, it’ll make sense later-
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Kung Lao: You’re a Winter Soldier? 
Y/N: I am The Winter Soldier 
Kung Lao: Ugh, more training?
Y/N: Do you expect to get better through sheer luck?
Kung Lao: I take it Liu Kang doesn’t allow assassins to be Earthrealm’s champion?
Y/N: Assassins and failures, such as yourself
Kung Lao: How do I become a Winter Soldier?
Y/N: You don’t 
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Raiden: It is an honor to be trained by you 
Y/N: As is to train Earthrealm’s champion 
Raiden: I can’t imagine going through what you have 
Y/N: Good. You’ll save yourself nightmares
Y/N: Sometimes I worry I’m not a good person
Raiden: You are a good person through and through
Y/N: I wish I had lightning powers
Raiden: I wish I had your metal arm
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(These rabid dogs behind him-)
Liu Kang: I hoped your life would be better this time
Y/N: Why hope when you had the power to change it and didn’t?
Y/N: You let my life go down this path?
Liu Kang: I cannot control everything
Y/N: You let me be a part of Earthrealm’s defenses, why? Pity?
Liu Kang: Because you are a capable warrior who deserves more in life
Liu Kang: Do you doubt my care for you?
Y/N: You expect me to still believe our friendship is real?
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Y/N: I am not playing an assassin in your movie
Johnny: Aw, but you have tons of experience 
Johnny: How much for the arm?
Y/N: Not for sale
(That debt kicking his ass)
Johnny: Your life could make an amazing movie
Y/N: You’ll become a real victim if I see it
Johnny: Over two dozen assassinations but a date with me would ruin you?
Y/N: If I had to pick between being a mindless assassin and dating you, I’d put my mask back on
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Kenshi: Wanna trade predicaments?
Y/N: A blindfold looks much better on you
Kenshi: Have you ever fought a blind swordsman?
Y/N: Not sure it’d be fair to count it as a fight
Y/N: I too understand the need for a new life 
Kenshi: Perhaps that is why we are such good friends
Kenshi: Planning on giving me a hand?
Y/N: I don’t think you’d see it coming
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Y/N: And they call me The Winter Soldier 
Bi-Han: Jokes will not help you win this fight
Bi-Han: You have not a shred of hope against the Lin Kuei’s Grandmaster
Y/N: Your ego is what’ll knock you down in the end
Bi-Han: You won’t have the element of surprise with me
Y/N: Oh Bi-Han, I’ll be the last thing you see before you die 
Bi-Han: You alone won’t take the Lin Kuei down
Y/N: I’ve taken a whole country down in one night. Excuse me for not being scared
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Kuai Liang: I am glad to have your support 
Y/N: You always will
Y/N: Are you willing to kill Bi-Han if he does not back down?
Kuai Liang: I am not sure
Y/N: Liu Kang could’ve made all our lives better and chose not to
Kuai Liang: You have to believe in his judgment
Kuai Liang: Liu Kang is not your enemy 
Y/N: He is certainly not our friend
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Y/N: I’ve heard you’re a great fighter 
Tomas: I’ve heard the same about you
Tomas: You look great for 106 years old
Y/N: God, you gotta stop hanging around Johnny
Tomas: Why still defend Earthrealm if you’re so angry?
Y/N: The same reason you do; the need to protect is bigger than anger
Tomas: Why’d I have to hit Madam Bo and not you?
Y/N: I’m left/right handed and that’s the metal one soooo…
"I'm gonna write angst soon" *proceeds to write dumb Marvel x Mortal Kombat shit* I could've looked for gifs when they clash but my tumblr is actually so glitchy, if I did that I'd Kate Marsh. Also disclaimer. I should be writing Liar pt 3 and I have some of it written but I'm fr not having fun with it. For whatever reason it's just not making me happy like Mortal Kombat is. And as a bitch who has bad depression and that shit gets alarmingly bad during this time of year, uhhh I don't wanna do something that's not making me happy. I'm not tryna go to another hospital so Imma put off writing it until I'm having fun. Who knows, maybe that'll be next week. But yeah, that's for the Shadow and Bone fans here. Also also a fanfic, oneshot, drabble, whatever the fuck about being with Liu Kang (or being friends) and thinking your relationship is fake because as your creator he must've forced it to happen (he didn't but ya know). Am I cooking 'cause I feel like I am.
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zenaidamacrouras1 · 1 year
Writing Modern Steve Roger's Health Issues: A compendium
AKA How do Steve Rogers' MCU canon illnesses hold up in a modern setting?  
I am writing something that is SO NICHE and so NERDY I feel absolutely, positively deviant about it. Who knew you could have this much fun while eating a burrito and sitting in the sun on your back porch? 
OKAY! This one goes out to all of you writing modern AU's with a modern Steve Rogers. (There are literally dozens of us!). Let's go.
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So, I find it somewhat problematic when people write disabled or otherwise medically complicated characters and are wishy-washy about the diagnosis they have. In real life, everyone I know with ongoing medical issues is a fucking expert on their exact shit. A great tumblr reference for disabled characters is Cripple Characters, but I also use reddit threads to read about people’s day to day experiences with different issues in their own words. If nothing else, just decide what your character has and take ten minutes and read through a basic website article about it. 
So let's walk through what modern Steve's medical history and diagnoses might be. If you feel like I missed any details or got things wrong, happy to have comments to that end.
We'll start with the list of “ailments,” going with the MCU canon and combining the images from the museum exhibit and screen shots of Steve’s enlistment forms:
Fallen arches
Partial deafness
Scarlet Fever, Rheumatic Fever
Heart arrhythmia
High blood pressure
Palpitation or pounding in heart
Easy fatigability
Stomach ulcers
Pernicious anemia
Nervous trouble of any sort
Chronic or frequent colds
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Caveat: I am not a doctor, but I am a person who enjoys reading medical journal articles about illnesses I do and don’t have. The human body is a fascinating and terrible place to live. Talk to me about your medical complications - I will always find them interesting. I love small talk about Crohn’s disease and/or extremely graphic details about the time you had surgery because one of your wrist bones was the wrong length. 
Sucks To Your Assmar: Asthma! How has asthma changed? 
Kids who have their asthma well managed at a young age are going to have less scarring and lung damage (this is called airway remodeling). Thus a modern kid will likely have less severe asthma than a kid born in Steve’s time. Further, allergy medicines got way better from the 1990s, so kids with allergy induced asthma would have had fewer attacks. Fewer attacks as kids = less severe asthma as they age. 
I would also note that asthma is highly connected to environmental issues. If Steve grew up in a house with cigarette smoke, cockroaches, rats, or mold present, as is fairly easy to imagine, especially without dehumidifiers in a swampy Brooklyn summer, those are environmental factors that would have made his asthma much worse. 
They are also all factors that kids today certainly face, depending on how you write your modern Steve’s childhood. While people today certainly can have very severe asthma, it’s also entirely possible that modern Steve’s relationship to his asthma is pretty chill and easy to manage. (My partner has relatively severe asthma with a lot of environmental triggers; modern allergy medicine was a big game changer.)
Let’s talk about scoliosis ~~
There are a lot of variations to how scoliosis impacts people. I have very minor scoliosis and it's barely a thing in my life. I’m not trying to speak for everyone, but for what it’s worth, there are professional athletes with spinal fusion. I used Kyra Condie as my justification for writing climbing coach post-spinal fusion small Steve Rogers in one fic. My younger brother and best friend in high school both had spinal fusions. 
In reality the athletic and physical abilities of people with spinal fusion vary pretty much exactly as much as people without spinal fusion, so you have a lot of leeway for how you decide to write a character with scoliosis. I recommend reddit threads to read about people talking about how their bodies felt before and after spinal fusion, or why they decided not to have the surgery, if you want to get a sense of how it might affect your character’s day to day life.
Wait, so how tall is modern small Steve Rogers? 
You can see in this article that gains in height post scoliosis corrective surgery/spinal fusion varies, but the mean was 27 mm (1 inch) and the maximum was 66 mm (2.5 inches). 
The more severe the curve in the spine, the more height gained with surgery. 
We know Steve had scoliosis, we don’t know how severe it was (do we?). But if he was 5’4” without spinal fusion, and with all of his childhood fevers, and possible poor nutrition due to the Great Depression and untreated stomach ulcers, then it’s very reasonable that a modern Steve raised with proper nutrition and his gastrointestinal issues (see below!) properly treated and a spinal fusion could be easily 1-10 inches taller. 
I think it’s great if you want to write modern Small Steve as 5’4” - but I tend to write him as 5’7” or so. 
I think it is entirely likely that a modern Steve Rogers could end up being 6 feet tall given modern medical intervention and a healthy digestive system and adequate nutrition. As an example of how people with more or less the same genetics having different heights due to environmental factors, I know of one family of four brothers that immigrated from Italy in the 40s. Their height was 100% correlated to their age when they moved to the US/started having access to food: the oldest brother was around 5’4” and the youngest around 6 feet. The oldest was also a chain smoker and worked full time from around age 8, so you know, he was a fucking badass 5'4" Italian guy, if that's not clear.
What about fallen arches? 
Fun story, but I have fallen arches/flat feet and had a lot of foot pain as a kid, but I thought it was normal. I wear custom orthotics and/or birkenstocks and do exercises to strengthen my feet muscles and it's fine now as long as I remember to do the things I just mentioned. My dad had to have multiple surgeries on his feet, so I think it helped that they caught it earlier in me. 
Should I write modern non-serum Steve as deaf? 
Maybe! I think it’s lovely when people write characters with hearing issues. There are great blogs that cover ways to do that well (a good link, another one, and another one and I think this one on hearing aids is particularly good if you are trying to bring in subtle day to day routine differences a character that wears hearing aids may have. Another great option is, again, reddit, especially for questions around how sexual intimacy might vary in small ways that can be nice to bring in. (I am working on a fic with a seeing character whose ex is blind and also read a lot of couples first hand experience with sexual intimacy around that dynamic on reddit). 
But how likely is it that modern Steve would be deaf? 
I think that it’s reasonably likely that Steve’s hearing issues were a result of Scarlet Fever, which is a bacterial infection that can result in rheumatic fever, an inflammatory condition that develops in more severe cases of scarlet fever. 
Scarlet fever caused deafness - in fact, both Helen Keller and Thomas Edison had hearing loss due to scarlet fever infections. Further, sustained fevers of over 104 degrees can also cause hearing loss, so there is a reasonable chance that some other fever caused Steve’s hearing issues. 
Today, the kind of hearing loss caused by fevers and infections can usually be surgically repaired or never occur because we have better antibiotics and better medicines to treat fevers. However, I have a friend who has partial hearing loss and lots of other life long nervous system and fatigue issues due to complications from childhood chicken pox in the 80s (this vaccine came around in 1995).
I don’t know if it’s canon or fanfiction, but I often see Steve as having one bad ear. For what it’s worth, hearing loss in one ear is much less common than hearing loss in both ears. 
However, potential causes of hearing loss in one ear are infections that result in a high fever and some kind of head trauma, both of which are easy to imagine would have affected a Steve born in 1918, and while possible in a modern Steve, also easier to avoid. 
Heart Stuff: Heart arrhythmia, High blood pressure, Palpitation of pounding in heart, Easy fatigability
The aforementioned fevers that can cause hearing loss can also cause heart issues. I think it’s reasonably likely that Steve’s heart issues were from his fevers as a young kid, but I often write him with a congenital heart defect, because why not? 
These days, most of the time, such issues are detected at or before birth and fixed when the person is a baby, but there are plenty of heart issues that can require multiple heart surgeries at various points. Regardless, a modern Steve would most likely either have had access to corrective surgery or medication to manage these heart conditions. Which is not to say that he wouldn’t suffer mental and physical trauma from this medical complication. 
There are plenty of professional athletes you can find who have all of the above heart issues. And plenty of people with heart issues who have no interest in being professional athletes, so like, follow your bliss. 
Digestive System Stuff: Easy fatigability, Stomach ulcers, Pernicious anemia
I have easy fatigability under heart stuff too, because lots of shit can make you tired. 
My personal head canon is that Steve Rogers has celiac disease and/or lactose intolerance, it would cause all of the above. Both can also lead to poor growth - in fact falling off growth charts is one of the most common symptoms of celiac disease in children. 
While people have been aware of celiac disease since there were people, gluten wasn’t identified as the clear cause till the 50s. 
I typically write modern Steve with some kind of food allergy, and I think that addresses quite a few of his canon medical complications. 
Because so many causes of this category of symptoms are relatively easily solved with modern medical intervention/avoiding the problem, I would point folks towards Crohn’s disease if you are looking to write a modern character with medical issue that is more likely to be an ongoing source of similar medical complications today.
(Also, kids with Crohn’s are likely to have reduced height. I have a friend who has Crohn's whose 3 siblings are well over 6 feet and he is around 5'8" (so 4-6 inches aka 11+ cm shorter due to his severe childhood illness).)
Nervous trouble of any sort
Kids with medical complications and food allergies are much more likely to have anxiety. I’m so proud of all the kids making it through the day with anxiety. Luff you anxiety kids, I see you working twice as hard to be present as the non-anxious kids. Tough as hell. Give yourself a high five. I’m so damn proud of you.
Sinusitis and Frequent colds
I mean, god bless modern decongestants and allergy meds. Celiac disease and lactose intolerance can both cause sinus issues, so here is another one of Steve's ailments that can be "cured" through that diagnosis.
Other stuff
When you look at the above, you can see a lot of scenarios where modern era Steve, like many children/adults today, had multiple surgeries and serious and scary health complications as a child, but as an adult would appear as a relatively healthy able bodied person, with the possibility of even becoming a top athlete if he was so inclined.  It’s also likely that some issues like chronic fatigue etc, might linger into adulthood as relatively invisible illnesses that nonetheless affect his everyday. 
In some ways his character arc given the advances of modern medicine could mimic his arc due to the serum. 
Being medically complicated as a kid sucks. Even if you have surgeries to treat and/or learn how to live with things like Crohn’s and celiac and reduce flare ups, lingering mental health trauma can have an impact. 
Lastly and most importantly, I have a personal headcanon that young Steve Rogers of any era spent a lot of time sick in bed and staring into a mirror learning how to raise one eyebrow and perform other eyebrow gymnastics so he could more effectively sass his nurses. 
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I think it's actually reasonable for an author to say, "My modern Steve never had any fevers, and got his severe lactose intolerance diagnosed as a baby, and had good nutrition, had medications/clean environment that prevented his asthma."
So this Steve is 6 feet tall and healthy as long as he doesn't eat dairy and takes his daily zyrtec (cetirizine - it's an allergy med). The only medical issue he has from canon left is scoliosis, flat feet, and an astigmatism.
You can also choose to write a Steve with more complex medical issues, and there are lots of things that can be good and interesting and value about that. I think the main thing is to pick a diagnosis and write it realistically, hopefully this helps some with that!
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anxious-witch · 11 months
Okay to preface this, I saw several posts like these on tiktok, not here on tumblr, thankfully. That said, it's boiling my blood so. Let's talk about Nace and the period when he was fat for a second, okay?
Nace openly talked about the period before he got on no gluten diet and started worling out as much as he had now. He is clearly still insecure about how he looked like before.
The fact that I just saw a post of someone who dug out a picture of him from several years ago and one from now and called it a "glow up" made me really wanna slap someone. Especially since the comments are "that is not the same person" and "oh shit what a glow up, he is so hot now".
Do y'all even realize how you sound? How invalidating that is? That you are literally equating his worth to his weight? I wasn't following Nace before, but he is such a sweet, wonderful person I very much doubt he became that way yesterday. He is so much more than his looks.
And no, I am not saying you can't think he is hot, I absolutely think so too but like?? Why do some people have to compare?
I am happy he is healthy and feels more confident in his own body, and that's what's important. Not how thin he is now. I was lucky enough to not have struggles with weight, but a close family member of mine had a very similar issue to Nace's, specifically because of gluten intolerance. And if I saw y'all talk about her the way you talk about Nace, equating her finding a diet that keeps her healthy to only her loss of weight, I would hunt you down.
I don't mean to speak over anyone who had personal experience with this and certainly knows better than I do from first hand, but I just couldn't not say anything after seeing that.
I am thankful that in the corner of the fandom I'm in, where Käärijä is appriciated, most people aren't fatphobic, so I forget the world exists outside of that bubble. But some of you should really think of what you are saying. Because Nace has social media too, and I hope he never fucking sees this shit. It's damaging as fuck. He is a wonderful, amazing man and a talented musician, no matter his weight.
Think before you post for the love of God
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photogirl894 · 2 months
I know I've shared before a bit of what The Bad Batch has meant to me, but I just feel that I have so much more I want to say. Though, in all honesty, I don't think I'll ever be able to put into words exactly how much it means to me, but I'll certainly endeavor to do my best 😊
Having grown up with Clone Wars and just being a lifelong Star Wars fan in general, I was excited when the Bad Batch show was announced. Another Star Wars animated show?? Hell yeah!! I was so down for it. I remember going to my parents place to watch it with my family and my friends...and I fell in love SO fast! I remember thinking the Bad Batch were cool in their CW season 7 arc, but that was about it. Something about them in "Aftermath" changed my view of them and having Omega show up, too, made it even better. Then episode 2 came out later that week and I knew I was hooked right as the episode ended.
I had no idea just how much this show would consume my life 😅
I hadn't been so obsessed with a fandom since The Hobbit movies. That fandom was what introduced me to writing fanfiction and to Tumblr. Then Bad Batch was what made me go back to Tumblr and to fanfiction, as well. It made me start writing for the world of Star Wars, a world I didn't think I would ever be able to write for. I came back to Tumblr after a few years cuz once I found myself going so crazy for this show, I knew Tumblr was the right place to find other people just as crazy about it, just like I'd been able to do for the Hobbit.
And boy, was I right!!
I have found almost more people who loved Bad Batch as much as me than I did in my Hobbit days. Every single person I've talked to and interacted with have impacted my life in so many ways. I even had the special privilege of meeting a couple people in person, as well, which were wonderful experiences! I've spent many hours on discord calls either just one on one with certain people or in severs with big groups of people, playing games, chatting and just having a grand time. I've made some of the greatest friends I've ever had here and it's all thanks to the Bad Batch! I would name each person here, but I don't want to accidentally leave anyone out because there are just so many I'd want to mention, but you all know who you are! 💜💜 I mean it when I say I love all of you, every person I've ever interacted with! You all are truly amazing and I seriously hope I'll get to meet more of you in person in the future 💜
Being back on Tumblr also came with its fair share of drama over the past couple years, but if anything, all that made me stronger, more resilient and it also showed me who my true friends are. I'm grateful for those who stood beside me in those times.
Many of you have been there for me through other hard times in my life, when I had awful drama at work or financial troubles or just bad days in general. A lot of you let me vent so many times and offered me kindness, help and advice, which have meant the world to me. Some of you have even supported mine and my friends' Twitch and YouTube channels and have watched our Star Wars D&D streams or our charity streams, which also means so much to me and I can't thank those of you have supported us enough!
I've learned a lot from the Bad Batch over the years, as well.
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Hunter taught me to never give up on your family and to fight for what you think is right.
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Crosshair taught me to stick to your beliefs and that it's always possible to change.
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Echo taught me to always be loyal to your friends and that you can grow beyond your trauma.
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Tech taught me to always be who you are, no matter what everyone thinks, and to treasure your knowledge of things.
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Wrecker taught me that it's okay to still have a playful side and to never be afraid of sharing what you love with people.
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Omega taught me that compassion is not a weakness, but a strength and you're never too small or too young to make a difference.
So much of my life has changed in just 3 years because of this group of ragtag Clones and their exciting adventures in a galaxy far, far away. Even now, I don't think I've said everything I want to say...but I know I've said just enough.
Now, the show is coming to an end...and I'm feeling the same sadness I did when I knew the last Hobbit movie was coming out. Because that means the thing that has given me something to look forward to for so long is ending. I've become so emotionally invested in these characters and stories and I feel like I'm saying goodbye to loved ones. I legit don't know what I'm gonna do for a while.
One thing I do know I AM gonna do is I'm not going anywhere in the fandom. Space Mama will be around for a long time to come 😊💜 I've got fics to write and friendships to maintain!
All that's left to say is thank you. Thank you to every single person who have come into my life and will continue to be a part of it. Thank you to Dave Filoni (who I know, at least, started the show and brought the Bad Batch into Clone Wars) Jennifer Corbett, Brad Rau, the Kiner's, Joel Aron and, of course, Michelle Ang and Dee Bradley Baker for bringing this fantastic show to life.
In the words of Hunter: "Change takes getting used to. You'll see. Just give it time." Words we're all going to have to live by.
But also, in his words: "If this is where you want to be, then this is where you'll stay."
This is where I want to be...and this is where I'll stay 💜💜
May the Force be with us all...always 💜
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kenobster · 1 year
I dislike the headcanon that Anakin struggled to understand the difference between "master" in a slavery context and "master" in a mentorship context.
Even though it's usually held by Anakin stans, this headcanon actually robs Anakin of some of his best, most compelling traits. Anakin (at nine years old) is portrayed as compassionate (eager to help at great risk to himself with no hope of reward), competent (able to make tactical decisions and perform great engineering feats under a wild amount of stress), and wickedly smart (among other things, he regularly supplies ideas on how to work around Watto's bullshit). If you and I are able to comprehend the difference between "master" as denoting a cruel participator in the enslavement of another human being and "master" as denoting a wise mentor who has achieved expertise in both skill and ethical conduct, then Anakin, even as a child, can certainly figure it out. His admiration for the Jedi would inevitably lead him to ask the necessary questions. By virtue of his compassion, he would strive to see things from their POV. And his competence/intelligence would allow him to comprehend their answers. Not to mention, Anakin is an expert on slavery. He has been studying this subject for nine intense years. He knows exactly what slavery looks like. Thus, jumping straight from Watto's ownership and into the Jedi's care, Anakin would recognize in an instant that Jedi mentorship is not slavery. In short, he's smarter than you. (And don't tell me you don't get it. You're reading this post on tumblr(dot)com, so I know damn well you learned the term "sensei." Don't play dumb with me.)
Thus, I'm very disappointed that people overwhelmingly write Anakin, as a padawan, having a fraught relationship with Obi-Wan in regards to calling him "master." I see this headcanon manifest a few different ways: (1) the Jedi explain what "master" means, which results in Anakin being upset and choosing not to not call Obi-Wan or anyone "master" (at least for a time); (2) the Jedi (who, in these fics, are implied to be dumb at best or ignorant at worst) do not explain what "master" means, and Anakin silently grows up traumatized by having to call Obi-Wan or anyone "master"; (3) some combination of the former; or (4) the subject is never raised; thus, no contradiction to the former is presented. (Authors of fics that fall into the no. 4 category are obviously not to blame for the former three scenarios; I'm just making an observation that little alternative exists--at least, not to my knowledge... Feel absolutely free to send your recs.)
It's a really strange headcanon to appear so commonly because major canon contradicts it entirely. In the prequel trilogy, Anakin regularly calls Obi-Wan "master" as a term of endearment. Even at his most obnoxious in AotC, Anakin only ever says "master" in a tone better than or equal to neutral (which actually still defaults to respect purely by nature of the word that is being used). In fact, there are plenty of opportunities for Anakin to use the term resentfully (i.e. during the scene "You will pay attention to my lead" -> ">:( Why?"), but he never does. In contrast, he conveys enormous respect for Obi-Wan both to his face ("Then why don't you listen to me?" -> ":( I am trying") and in a private setting ("as wise as Master Yoda and as powerful as Master Windu"). The best evidence supporting otherwise is how he calls people "mister" in TPM. However, this happens prior to Anakin's indoctrination into Jedi culture, and we don't know why he is doing it. Nothing suggests an aversion to the way the Jedi use the term "master"; it could be something as simple as a custom-made-habit from Tatooine .
Based on these samplings, canon strongly suggests an alternative to the dominant opinion: Anakin experiences absolutely no distress from calling Obi-Wan "master" and he has been doing so of his own volition from a very young age.
I think the reason why the opposite opinion is so popular is because of how much Anakin's past is the catalyst for so many plot elements, including his characterization as Vader. Even as an adult, slavery is a giant source of trauma for him. Freedom and autonomy (or the lack thereof) are two of the central pillars to his character arc (all the way from "I'm a person and my name is Anakin" to "henceforth, you shall be known as Darth Vader" ... and then, back again to "just for once, let me look upon you with my own eyes"). It's clear that words are important to Anakin, and they can be weaponized against him--so it's easy to see how people got here. But I reject the notion that the Jedi (nurturers, peacekeepers, scifi buddhist monks) are doing any form of word-weaponizing, even unintentionally (when their whole thing is about being mindful/empathetic/compassionate, especially about alternate POVs).
I especially reject this notion when an actual emotional abuser is standing right there, next to Anakin, at all points in his Jedi life. Word-weaponizing is sort of what emotional abusers do. And you know who is responsible for blurring the line between "master" in a slave context and "master" in a mentorship context? Palpatine. Palpatine is the true culprit of the mechanism in this popular headcanon. He knows very well that Anakin is coming from a place in which "master" has, for a long time, meant wisdom/endearment/teaching/mentoring. He encourages this assumption and deliberately blinds Anakin to the fact that "master" in a Sith context actually means slavery. Vader becomes Sidious's slave in every aspect of the word. He calls Sidious his master, he bends himself to Sidious's every whim/command, he wears the cage that Sidious constructs for him--and he doesn't even realize it. Because Palpatine has twisted the word "master" into both a term of endearment and a term of superiority. Anakin can no longer tell the difference between learning and serving because Palpatine has made them the same thing. In the end, Anakin does become distressed at the word "master" but only because of Palpatine's abuse.
In short, enough of Anakin being dumb and incompetent and unempathetic as a padawan. Enough of the Jedi Order being either cruel or ignorant when it comes to Anakin's past as a slave. I get the urge, I really, really do (because Anakin's trauma post-slavery is super fucking addictive)... but friends. You're putting this urge into the wrong place. I beseech you--please come join me in this new playground, in this fun paradise!
Let the emotionally abusive Sith Lord emotionally abuse your darling!
Let. Palpatine. Make. Anakin. Suffer. :)
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gemapples · 6 months
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see you in 2024 💗💗
very personal ramble about my year and experiences, etc. under the cut. kind of neg just a warning but if anyone would be willing to read it the whole way through i'd appreciate it so so much
2023 was certainly... a year for me. had many highs but a Ton of lows, went forward one step but took two steps back. i'd be lying if i said i didnt struggle and know what to do for a lot of it
i did get to meet and even become friends with people i look up to, got to learn new things i didn't know before. and one of the problems i noticed throughout this year is i spent way more time than i needed to focusing on my usefulness for others and what i can do for people rather than prioritizing myself and my mental health. i think a lot of problems i experienced in 2023 was due to me getting too caught up in how i'm perceived by others (especially on social media like tumblr). for 2024 i want to work on this and be sure to put myself first in every situation and be the best person i see myself as -- not overdo it for the sake of others. i'm going to try being more straightforward with myself and how i choose to approach people. i want to be more involved in this fandom and get to know more people who love kirby better rather than just hiding away and watching from the side like i have for many years, waiting for them to approach me first at some point. i made a lot of progress on this a lot in 2023 but i could always be better :')
regardless though, i wouldn't have been nearly as ready to get back on track if it weren't for the support you all have given me throughout this year. august and september were two of the worst months i've ever experienced; i won't get into it (if you know you know), but goddd was it harder than i can even describe. i've never had to go through something that resulted in me questioning my Entire artistic ability, my whole worth, and whether everything i've grown and learned from is just completely fake. i couldn't look at my work and all of my social medias without being completely disgusted and disappointed with myself. i'm in art student too, so you can imagine how fucking hard it was to balance and muscle through that as well lol. it was nothing but hell. if i didn't get the support i did from everyone, i can say with full confidence i wouldn't have been able to pick up my pencil phone and get back to drawing Nearly as quickly as i did. in fact, i probably would still be deeply effected by it and not have the motivation to continue posting for at least a long while. so i seriously can't thank you enough for that. all the words i was told still stick with me to this day and gave me a reason to keep pushing and learn to better understand myself
im tearing up as i write this so i'll have to cut it short LOL but i want to express how deeply it means to me that through all the conflict i've experienced throughout this year, you guys were there for me and were so generous to offer your time to support me and help me out. knowing i make at least one person smile and enjoy what i post is enough for me. hopefully 2024 will be easier on the emotional rollercoasters, i think all of us could use a long break from chaos really lol
thanks for everything and i love you
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the-final-sif · 2 years
Honestly, I think this past week with Elon Musk just kinda goes to show how much better Tumblr's longer, slower game is.
Like, take revenue sources. Hosting is expensive and those bills do need to get paid to have a functional website. So how do you go about earning money as a website in an ethical manner without locking out users that can't pay?
It's true that tumblr struggles a lot with advertisers, it has for a long time. Ads are the number one way that most websites earn money from their users, so that's a big problem.
So what did tumblr do? Tumblr made a really smart pivot when it realized that it's userbase wasn't a good market for ads. It looked to establish a more direct payment model and look to it's users as consumers rather than products.
The ad-free for 5$ a month is honestly a sound model. Sure, you can always use ad-block, but you can also chose to offer payment to the site directly if you have the ability to do so. Allowing users to blaze posts is also a really good choice because it removes the part of advertisements that is the real problem (the ad targeting and privacy invasion). Allowing users to operate patron like blogs or tip bloggers is also a great secondary revenue source that works well for both the site and the bloggers.
Tumblr "gifts" are one of the best ideas they've had. 3$ to send your friend some crabs for 24 hours? Hell yeah. It's tiny little bonuses that you absolutely don't need, but you can use to provide a little bit of joy to someone else for a small price. By and large, these features are all reasonably priced, and allow tumblr to get revenue without locking their users out of important features or selling user data. This is honestly one of the ways that I can see the internet moving forward in a much healthier direction.
Compare the reaction to tumblr's "ad-free for 5$" model to the reaction to Elon Musk's "checkmark for 8$" model. While your mileage may vary, my experience with the ad-free offer was a generally positive reaction from the userbase. Some people were neutral or dismissive, but there certainly wasn't outrage.
Meanwhile, Elon's dumbass idea has drawn massive outrage, and had to be delayed because it was a legitimate threat to US elections. Because Elon isn't selling an ad free optional experience, he's selling the ability to participate on the platform, impersonate other people, and effectively cutting off a huge amount of the userbase. That's a big part of why there's been so much outrage and such a mass exodus.
Since Automattic took over, they've been slowly working to make genuinely good changes that both maintain what makes tumblr work, while improving existing issues with the site and opening up better options in the future. While I certainly have criticism of them, it's a hell of a better path to go down then whatever the hell's been going on at Twitter and Facebook's dumb choices.
We'll see how all of this plays out, but I've got a feeling that tumblr's dedication to maintaining functionality & working on repairing it's relationship to it's userbase will play out better in the long term. Who knows though.
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reyggtv · 1 month
There's only so much I can say on Twitter to truly express my feelings about the show Hilda, and how much of an impact it has left on me to make me the kind of person I am today, so I'm taking to Tumblr to write all about it.
If you don't know who I am already, hi, I am ReyGGTV, though you can just call me Rey. I like to make YouTube videos, memes, talk with other Hilda fans, and make occasionally make art. You may already know me from the Hilda Crack videos I made since several years ago, as well as some more recent big videos of mine like my comparison video between Aster and Hilda. I am 20 years old, and have been a diehard fan of the franchise ever since I was just 14.
Firstly, let's discuss how I actually managed to discover Hilda in the first place. It was 2018, freshman year of high school had just started, during this time, I was still big fan of another animated TV show at the time called Star vs. The Forces of Evil. I was a fan of that show ever since its premiere in January of 2015 when I was only 11 years old. Honestly even if I don't look at it nearly as fondly as I do now, to its credit, the show did most certainly help me get interested into animation as a whole more than any other show I saw at the time.
Not even like 2 months after I got in though, I was kicked out. Not because I did anything wrong, but because for a while, my parents had me enrolled in a school district that I didn't even live anywhere near in at the time, so once they found out that I actually lived much farther from them, that's when they decided to let me go. This was devastating to me, all the friends I made in middle school, were suddenly going to go away, and it was only at the very last minute, at the principal's office that I received this news. I was upset, literally everything was going great and they just wanted to throw everything away for me, in favor for me going to a school that was so bad, it caused my family to move to an entirely new city with a better school by the time Sophomore year came around.
But anyways, about 2 weeks before all this happened, I was in a cartoon Discord server, where someone recommended me to watch this show called... you guessed it, Hilda. I took a lot at the promotional material for a while, and put it at the back of my head, not knowing that I would soon revisit it not long later. Fast forward to when I was out of school, I had like 2 weeks in the beginning of October to just cope with everything. It wasn't long that I just became bored, and wanted to do something better, so I pulled up Netflix wanting to find something new to watch. The suggestion from someone about Hilda just so happened to come up on my mind, so I was like "Eh, sure, why not?". I put it on, and the rest was history. I knew from the very moment I finished watching the intro for the very first time, that this was about to be the show of a lifetime for me.
Despite that however, I did not anticipate just how much impact Hilda would leave on the work that I am now doing nearly 6 years after that very faithful day.
I guess the biggest reason why the show left such a massive impact on me right from the beginning is because of its main title character, Hilda. Look, I may be no blue-haired adventurer from the wilderness that likes to munch on cucumber sandwiches all the time, but Hilda at the time for me, was the most relatable character and the character I found the most comfort in when watching it for the first time. Just like me, Hilda too, was also forced to move away from the place and friends she was always happy to be with, despite all her efforts, all it took was one giant, to come and crush it all, leaving her forced to live a new life in a new environment she was not familiar with at all. But, she moved on. She knew that while this was not the ideal way for things go out, life always comes with surprises. But maybe, just maybe, this could be something that could work out in her favor. This whole becoming friends with other humans and living in the big dirty ol' city, could be the best decision she has ever made. And I think it goes without saying that as the series continued, it was.
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This was a message that I desperately needed to hear as I was going through overwhelming times at such a young age, and one that I was so happy to hear and watch once I finally finished the first two episodes of this amazing damn show. It showed me that if an 11-year-old girl from the wilderness can be brave enough to move into the big city, be okay and make the best out of it, maybe I too, will be okay with belonging to a new school, finding new friends, and creating new passions for me to follow for years to come. Hilda inspired me to look towards a bigger and brighter future, rather than doubt the bad that comes with the present. For that, I am forever grateful for the creative and writing team of this show, for helping me go through such a difficult time in my life, and convincing me that even despite all that has happened, there will always be something better to look forward to.
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I would be lying if I said that this was the only reason as to why I ended up becoming such a huge fan of the show for the next 5 years. Asides from the writing being so good it literally cured my depression. The animation, worldbuilding, and characters were just unlike anything I have ever seen with my own two eyes. It was simple, yet jaw dropping at the same time. Just a silly kid either helping a Raven jog back his memory, try and fight nightmare spirits or ghosts, or help Jellybean out of a scary situation in which everyone wrongfully accuses him of being a big scary black hound. Even if certain episodes of season 1 didn't always turn out perfect, I would always rewatch every single one of them all day for several hours and for several weeks. I had even skipped multiple days of school especially when it was raining, just so I can head to the living room, cuddle up in some warm blankets, with the heater on during the winter season, and just binge the crap out of it for multiple hours a day. This was just the show that I can always count on to bring back the happiness inside of me. Even when I wasn't necessarily having a bad day, I would still continue to watch it for hours because it just kept on getting better and better with every watch I could get possible, it was almost like an addiction almost, haha.
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Hilda was the show for me, and I had no intention of trying to watch anything else.
It was also around this time that I started to also get myself more involved with the show's fandom as well, back when it was a lot more populated and not as niche as it is now. While I'm not gonna say that my reputation in it has always been 100% perfect, at the end of the day, I'm just forever grateful I was able to meet some of the most wonderful people and hundreds of fans like myself because of it like @hkthatgffan, @helgafolk618, and many more I can't list here 'cause most of them are not on Tumblr. So much so that I now have the pleasure of creating hundreds, if not thousands of people who are fans/supporters of ME all across all my social media pages. All because I like to talk about Hilda, literally all the time. And to those reading this who has ever left a nice comment on one of my posts, said hi to me on my Discord server, worked with me on a commission, even went as far as to make fan-art of me or just tuned into any of my content whatsoever, thank you. Your support has left a massive impact on me and what I'm continuing to do now. Because at the end of the day, it's not about any popularity points you get from just talking about a TV show consistently for 6 years, for me at least, it has always been about making thousands, sometimes, even millions, happy with my love for it that is the reason that I'm doing any of this in the first place. I love Hilda, always have, and I want to make people happy the same way Hilda did for me, all those years ago.
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Surprisingly enough, even though I was already as big of a fan as I could possibly be by the time November of 2018 rolled around, I still wasn't really a guy interested in getting my hands on Hilda merchandise. I knew that the graphic novels by Luke existed, but the only thing I even managed to get for myself at the time was this old T-shirt I bought from the now defunct official Zazzle store they had up for like a few months lol
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I guess that all changed when I got my first ever Hilda plush though when I was 15. While it has now certainly showed its age after nearly 5 years, I loved this thing so much lol. It wasn't official because official Hilda plushies didn't exist at the time. I bought it off an Etsy store from AngelinaLily, and I would literally take this thing out with me everyday to everywhere I went to and take photos of it, especially in the wilderness. It was my favorite pastime. My little Hilda, in the palm of my hand 😆. Hey, when you have to wait more than 2 whole years for a brand-new season, what else are you gonna do to entertain yourself during the hiatus?
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I had gotten this in the mail right when I had just exited out the mental hospital because I was actively wanting to h*rt myself and potentially putting myself in danger of committing s*icide. Because while Hilda did definitely help me cope with a lot that I was going through at the time, there was still a lot of overwhelming issues I was experiencing, and my mental health was the lowest that it had ever been. This plush effectively, was a way to help me cope with those thoughts I had, which turned out to be a great thing because I literally couldn't be happier with it.
After that, I just decided that "You know what? What if I just got... ALL of the Hilda merchandise?" Thus... that now leading to my massive hoard of Hilda stuff, that I now have everywhere in my room lol
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These photos aren't even all the ones I have!
At 16, I decided to write Luke Pearson an e-mail, thanking him for his work and how much it has inspired me to become the person I am now, explaining everything that I just mentioned in this Tumblr post, and at the end of the day, just wanting him to know, that his creations mean a grave big deal to me, and that I will always appreciate just how much of a positive impact it has left me. I didn't really expect anything to come out of it, but about several weeks later, he said this to me lol
"I just wanted to say thank you for writing and relaying your experience to me. I'm sorry to hear that you've been through such difficult times, but I'm glad that you're able to look back on those times and find yourself in a better place. And if Hilda has played any small part in that, which it seems like it has, then I'm extremely pleased about that and it warms me to hear it. It can be hard to know exactly what good a cartoon can actually do for the world (beyond being a few hours of amusement) which is strange when so many people devote so much of their time and creative energy into making it happen. But hearing something like this goes a long way to making it feel like something genuinely worthwhile. I hope things continue to look up for you and hope you're taking care in these trying times." - All the best, Luke
When I tell you I cried like a baby when I first received this e-mail from him, I really did, lol. Hearing this, from the man who made it all possible, was truly the most inspirational thing I could have ever heard. And I was happy, that he was happy, that I was truly able to tell him for the first time, just how much his creation has meant to not just me, but to soooo many fans just like myself. It was truly something to never forget.
Now I'm 20 years old, still talking about the same ol' dang kids show I fell in love with all those years ago. What's happening now? Well now, I am an aspiring film director and video editor who has been taking film classes in community college for the past like 2 years now, I should've graduated already by now but turns out, college is pretty fricking expensive, and I don't even know if I have the funds to try and even graduate by next year. Asides from that though, I am actually in the works of creating my first ever feature-length Hilda fan-film called The Ultimate Hilda Iceberg. It will basically be one of those iceberg explanation videos you see on YouTube, but with the original source of the iceberg being about Hilda, specifically a version someone made on the r/HildaTheSeries subreddit. I've had the idea for this Iceberg video/fan-film as far back as January 2021, with the current script having started work as far back as nearly 9 months ago. And it's still not even finished! Me, as well as tens of dozens of other Hilda fans like myself, are actively working on it to have it be ready by the time fall of this year comes around, right now as we speak! If you want to support and/or follow this massive project as more updates come around you can either follow the official accounts on Twitter/X (@/HildaIceberg) or on Instagram (@/theultimatehildaiceberg).
Asides from that, the biggest passion project I have for my career moving forward, is directing my own big-budget Hilda movie. Specifically, a live-action Hilda movie. Now now, BEFORE you try and cancel me and tell me that this is the stupidest idea of all time and could taint Hilda's image forever. Let me cook. I am a huge movie bluff, I know which live action remakes are genuinely amazing, and which ones just really suck. My vision for a live-action Hilda movie is to make it sorta like how Who Framed Roger Rabbit was. All of the human characters and outside settings are done with real people and practical assets, whilst creatures like Trolls, Elves, or stuff that would normally be done with CGI, be actually turned into 2D-animation, ideally in the same style as that of the Netflix show. Ideally, I also want it to remain as faithful to at least how the show was as possible in terms of story. Look, if there's gonna be anyone else who knows their Hilda best asides from people like Luke or Andy Coyle, it's gonna be me, just sayin.
In conclusion, I just want to wrap this up by giving a huge shout out to people like @littledigits and literally ANYONE who has ever done any time making this fantastic and wonderful show (I couldn't think of anyone else to tag so I only tagged you Meg so sorry if that bothers you 😅). As this post has indicated several times, this show, has really made the best kind of impact in my life and I'm forever grateful to the creator Luke, the directors Andy Coyle, Megan, etc, the voice actors, artists, editors, composers, everyone who has ever had a part in making this amazing show just, please let me hug you. While I may not have been as enthusiastic with the show's third season overall as I wanted to in my opinion, Hilda will always have a soft spot in my heart, for years and years to come, for just how much it truly inspired me, to not just not only being able to have the luxury to do the things I love to do now, but do so in a way that has made, and hopefully will continue to make thousands, hundreds of thousands if not millions of people happy, because of the love that I will continue to have for this very show. Just because a show is small, doesn't mean it can't leave big enough impacts on people for the better ❤️
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goodboylupin · 5 months
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Better late than never! Welcome, one and all, to
The 4th Candy Hearts Challenge
A fun, stress-free Wolfstar mini-fest!
(If you remember how this goes , feel free to skip my introductory spiel and check for new rules!)
They’re sold by many companies and known by many names: Candy Hearts, Conversation Hearts, Sweethearts, and Love Hearts. Whatever the brand and whatever you call them, they’re the signature sweet of the season. Sure, you could buy your beloved a box of chocolates, but that’s an option any time of year! Good luck finding these bad boys in November!
Not that candy hearts are bad! Sure, they’re kinda chalky… and they taste stale no matter how fresh you bought them… but it’s not about the taste with candy hearts, it’s about the pastel, the experience, and above all else: the sayings! Who doesn’t remember going through a pack with friends, trying to find the kookiest message? Digging through a box to find one that was just the right level of romantic to give a certain special someone? (And maybe the heartbreak when you received one in turn where the message was just a big, pink smudge?)
Now, candy hearts have been around for a long time. And with a constant rotation of messages so we always got fun variety in a box, they’ve had a lot of sayings.
Through a great deal of internet sleuthing (and a little creativity on my part), I’ve collected over seven hundred of them.
Some are a little raunchy (TEASE ME), and some are downright rude (EW NO). They range from classic (BE MINE) to contemporary (SWIPE RIGHT) to were-at-one-point-contemporary (FAX ME). Some of them are, quite frankly so hyper specific it’s a wonder they made it into circulation at all (ME JULIE BEST MUM).
And they are all, even the weird ones, ripe with potential as fic prompts!
The way this mini-fest works is simple:
From 12:01am EST Feb 1 until 11:59pm EST March 1, drop me an ask containing these emojis: 🍬💕
If you don't want to send an ask from your main tumblr account (or don't have a tumblr account), you can do so anonymously. However, you must include the ao3 handle or tumblr sideblog from which you plan to complete the challenge.
I will shake my Great Big Box of Candy Hearts and pull out a unique candy heart for you and only you!
With your message in hand, create whatever that candy heart inspires and your own heart desires! Fanfic, art, graphics, playlists, head canons, shit posts, interpretive dances, cosplay, meta essays, it’s all great as long as its central focus is on Wolfstar, the relationship between Remus Lupin and Sirius Black!
You can either directly quote your candy heart message in your work or use it as a broader inspiration.
You are allowed to use the same candy heart as inspiration for multiple unrelated works and submit all of them to the fest.
You do not need a beta before submitting your work, but I do encourage you to get one. I want this to be as stress-free an event as it can possibly be, and in my personal experience, it reduces stress to have someone else look over your completed work for at least spelling and grammar so you don’t have to reread your own stuff and psych yourself out before posting. If you don’t have any fandom friends with whom you feel comfortable sharing your fanfiction, there are also online resources to find a friendly stranger (including, hopefully, our discord server — see rule 17). But if ultimately, you’d rather be your own editor, I certainly won’t reject your work!
Include the following caption at the beginning of the tumblr post or AO3 beginning notes: For @goodboylupin's Candy Hearts Challenge. My candy heart prompt was ____. I will not reblog your work or allow it in the collection until you have included the caption.
If posting on tumblr, please make sure the @-tag of your caption is working so I get a notification! It should show up on its own automatically as you type. Also tag the work with #RSCandyHearts, preferably within the first five tags.
If posting on AO3, post your work to the collection and tag it with goodboylupin's RS Candy Hearts Challenge (this tag will show up in the suggestions when you start typing it).
As long as the rules have been followed, I will reblog every work on Tumblr, and leave a kudos on every work on AO3. (If I haven't done so on your work and you see I've been active on this blog, then both the @-notification and #RSCandyHearts tag failed. Send me an ask with a link!)
If, after completing your first work, you want another helping of candy hearts, that’s more than welcome! Since I don’t want anyone to get a sugar crash, there is a two-day wait period between submitting a work and getting a second (or third or fourth or wherever you are) candy heart.
If you find you cannot come up with anything for your prompt, you can drop out and send a new ask to get a different candy heart. However, you need to give it an honest effort for at least one week before I give you a new one.
Works are expected by March 15, but this is a low-stakes, self-posting challenge! If you need more time, just message me or drop an ask. And if you want to drop out, that’s totally fine! I’ll even delete your first ask where you requested a candy heart if you prefer. I only need to know for the sake of my own record-keeping. Let’s all just be honest, considerate, and try to have a good time!
If you need a really long extension: Your candy heart is yours until January of next year, at which point, if I haven't heard back from you with an update or request for extension in the past few months, your prompt is going back in the Great Big Box of Candy Hearts so somebody else can have a go at it. The AO3 collection closes at the same time.
I will keep a masterlist of works pinned on my blog until at least March 22.
There's a discord! Feel free to join to discuss your prompts, your progress, your love of Wolfstar, or just to have another little circle in your sidebar.
Over the past two challenges, there have been a small handful of people who requested a candy heart, did not create anything and did not speak to me any further to tell me they were dropping out or having trouble. I work hard to make everyone a custom graphic and keep this fest running smoothly, therefore: Any creators with multiple instances of ghosting are suspended from getting another candy heart until next challenge.
Since this is not the usual timeframe for #RSCandyHearts, I'd love it if you could reblog this post to signal boost!
My ask box is open now to receive your candy heart requests 🍬💕
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mattmurdocksscars · 2 years
i put #mattmurdock idk why tumblr removed it😭
I got you fam. Tumblr is dumb sometimes.
"Breathe through your nose."
Warnings: inexperienced Reader, male receiving oral
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Before you met Matt, you hadn't been very sexually active. You didn't have a long line of ex partners. Only one or two and very plain. Meeting Matt and subsequently dating him changed all that.
Not to say Matt was some sort of sex fiend. But he clearly had more experience than you and you didn't mind him teaching you new things. Not. At. All.
Especially since they were usually very pleasurable for you. The things that man can do with his tongue? There's certainly nothing holy about it.
But this time, you wanted to do something for him. Something you'd read about and had tried only a handful of times. Simply put, you wanted to suck his dick. You knew how pleasurable that could be for men and you wanted to give that to him. Matt worked so hard to take care of you, you wanted to reverse the positions for once.
So, you'd tentatively asked him to teach you. At first, he'd been a little concerned.
"You're only doing this because you want to, right? No one's made you feel like you have to?"
You'd reassured him that this was simply you wanting to please him. And that had lit his face up.
"Well, of you're sure, sweetheart..."
All of this lead to your current position. Matt was laid out on the bed and you were sprawled between his legs. He'd insisted on starting this way so that you could move at your own pace. You were getting better at sucking him off, but you wanted to take him deeper. But everytime you tried, you gagged.
"Easy, sweetheart. Don't push yourself too hard." Matt moaned. You pulled off to look up at him, replacing your mouth with your hand so he could continue having stimulation.
"But I want to take you deeper. I want to take all of you." Matt's hips bucked up into your hands at your words and he hissed.
"We don't- don't have to do everything in one night, sweetheart. We've got plenty of time." You pouted and dropped your mouth back to his cock. You took the tip in your mouth and swirled your tongue around it, just like he taught you. Matt's hips jerked again and he threw his head back.
"But I want to, Matty. Help me? Please?" He was helpless to your pleas and gave in, letting his hands come up and cup your head.
"I'm going to help guide you, okay? But you can pull off at any point." You nodded vigorously and took the tip of his cock into your mouth again. True to his word, Matt helped guide you until you got to the point where you gagged.
"Breathe through your nose, sweetheart. There you go. Fuck, you feel so good." Matt moaned his praise as you were finally able to take him deeper, nuzzling your nose into the curls at the base of his cock. Your victory was short lived, however, because Matt suddenly pulled you off him. Before you could even ask, he moaned and arched, cumming hard against his abs.
"Didn't- Didn't know if you'd want me to cum in your mouth and didn't have time to warn you. Sorry, sweetheart." Matt panted. You smiled sweetly at him and Matt moaned again as you scooped up some of his cum and put it in your mouth.
"That's sweet of you... and for the record, I swallow."
Matt wondered if he'd died and gone to heaven. That was the only explanation for how he'd ended up with someone like you.
Before you could do anything else, Matt flipped the two of you. He pinned you easily and smiled ferally.
"My turn."
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married-to-a-redhead · 11 months
My experiences on making friends with the many lovely ladies here on Tumblr
Over the years, I have been very fortunate to make good friends with some wonderful ladies here on Tumblr. It’s been very rewarding for me to have these great friends. And almost universally, my female friends tell me they receive unwanted contact from other Tumblrs virtually daily.
You may ask yourself, how did Married-to-a-Redhead make friends with those lovely ladies? A great question! Here are a few of my (unsolicited) tips on how to make friends with the many beautiful ladies on Tumblr. If you think I am just being an arrogant jerk, go ahead and stop reading now. I get it, trust me.
First and foremost, READ THEIR PROFILE. I can’t emphasize this enough. With most Tumblrs, they will inform you whether they are open to chat. If they say they are not open to chat, DON’T CONTACT THEM. At best you will be ignored, at worst you will be publicly ridiculed and blocked. If you want to try and make friends with them when they say they are not open to chat, interact with their blog by reblogging and commenting. If they want to talk to you, they will reach out. Believe it or not, 99% of the friends I have made on Tumblr contacted me first via chat. If they are open to chat, great! Go for it. Be a gentleman and don’t open with a crude or arrogant comment. Don’t just say hello, that’s probably going to be ignored.
Also, try to have an interesting blog with a good theme other than “I love the female form” that’s an overused boring theme. Try and be more creative than that. An interesting blog gets attention. I have been told many times that my bio is what gets people’s attention and got them to follow me before they contacted me.
Make occasional witty comments on their posts, be friendly, and be a gentleman. Don’t like and comment on every post they make, that comes across as weird and desperate. I mentioned this before and I’ll say it again, don’t be crude.
Finally, give them the respect they deserve, be nice, treat them as the human beings they are, and you may be rewarded with a great friendship. I know I have been over the years.
That said, there are no guarantees that any of this will work. If another approach has worked better for you, that’s great. I am only sharing my personal experience and I am certainly no expert on the strange ways of Tumblr. I fully admit I am a bit of an odd duck here on Tumblr.
Good luck. Be the gentleman I know you all can be.
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ml-nolan · 6 months
Kick's 2023 Fic Roundup (YEEEHA!)
[Please use the Kayne Malevolent voice for that title]
SOOOOOO all domains included—fics, original fiction, nonfiction, and copywriting—I wrote over 300k words this year. Of that, fic was 132,449 words! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 I'm pretty proud of it, honestly, so I thought I'd hop on the rundown bandwagon.
Thanks to everyone who read my stuff, kudos-d it, commented on it, and yelled with me about it on Tumblr and Discord (Honk-Honk to all my honkos!!! 💜🖤💜🖤💜🖤). Y'all have made my life so much more fun this year.
The Sandman - Dreamling
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Music When You Speak [Rated E | 72,075 words]
When incognito rock star Dream of the Endless drifts into Hob Gadling's record store, it's instant attraction. Neither of them expected things to get this serious.
This started out as an experiment in "taking time to enjoy the scenery," so naturally I had to [SPOILER ALERT] add a kidnapping subplot that ends with Dream naked and covered in blood.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Oops.
I'm so glad so many people loved it. I loved it too. Still do.
Playlist here
Aaaaand complimentary ficlet, Piece by Piece [Rated T | 610 words].
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I'll Make You Sorry [Rated E | 12,035 words]
Things from Hob's past are making Hob's hookups run screaming into the night, and it's really freaking him out. Dream is very concerned (both that other people are dreaming Hob's dreams and that Hob takes so many lovers).
This is my only canon-adjacent fic (so far) that isn't ficlet or pure smut, and I enjoyed making both of them so deeply uncomfortable. Also I need to write more Corinthian because I found his voice disturbingly easy to emulate. 😂😂😂
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On Sex Dreams and Anachronisms [Rated E | 1,818 words]: Two embarrassing times Dream dropped in on Hob's sexy dreams and one much nicer one. Second silliest thing I wrote this year.
(Not) Spellbound [Rated E | 1,192]: This is just bondage smut. You're welcome. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
How to Extract Your Boyfriend from Toxic Internet Culture [Rated G | 704 words]: By far the silliest thing I wrote this year. Features retired Dream's stint as a True Crime Wine Mom.
One Tall Dark Stranger [Rated G | 565 words]: From the prompt "Accidental Hand Touching."
You Will Not Be Bothered [Rated G | 420 words]: From the prompt "picking a leaf/flower petal out of their hair, or brushing dirt off of their face."
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I'll Be a Better Man Than My Father Ever Was - Chapter 4 by @chaosclimber | for the Dreamling for Ukraine fundraiser.
[PODFIC] Inappropriate Uses of the Dewey Decimal System and Coworkers by Hob Gadling, no PhD (Chapter 2) by @chaosheadspace | for the Dreamling for Ukraine fundraiser.
Metaphysics by @quillingwords
The Sandman - Femslash Weekend!
This was so fun, and I have at least one more femslash idea I really hope to have the spoons to finish in January. 💜🖤💜🖤
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You're Gonna Catch Hell [Johanna/Mazikeen | Rated E | 2,116 Words]
Johanna Constantine, a gun for hire, is meeting a very dangerous new client at Club Hell. A mysterious woman who spots her right when she enters the club might pose some complications.
Pure smut, although I have an enormous hc around this AU that I'm not sure will ever see the light of day.
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Obliterate All Prior Things [Lucienne/Gault | Rated E | Words 3,421]
Whatever horrible thing Lucienne says is happening to The Dreaming is certainly happening. But the other part—the bit where Lucienne thinks she is the reason for it—cannot be allowed to stand. Run away with me, Gault wants to say. We'll find our own way. Be whoever we want. And you can finally rest.
I have huge feelings about Gaulcienne, which will become extremely clear if you read this.
The Magnus Archives — Goof Troop (aka., TimGerry)
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Just an Animal Looking for a Home [Rated E | 33,349 words | Love and Nonsense AU - WIP]
When Tim Stoker came to Pinhole Books, it was like someone jammed a foot on the accelerator of Gerry's life. After a health scare, a wedding to his (let's be honest) soul mate, and the exponential growth of the shop, it's showing no signs of slowing down. Now, Pinhole is opening a second location, their beloved Fiona Law is retiring, and Tim and Gerry are bringing a new canine member into their family. But even good changes can be overwhelming, and Gerry finds himself dealing with old trauma he thought he'd left far behind him. Plus, Tim is unexpectedly forced to face old conflicts, which takes him places where Gerry can't follow. With all these stressors on top of the typical growing pains that come with a still-new marriage, Tim and Gerry have to learn to work through their issues together. It's either that or fall apart.
This is the sequel to Hiding in Plain Sight, which I actually started this in 2022 and took a hiatus while I was writing Music When You Speak (so the word count includes 2022 chapters, don't @ me 😂). It's pretty heavy but I think the break will make the story that much better for it, honestly.
Playlist here.
Also in this AU, a couple ficlets set before TimGerry got together.
What's His Deal? [Rated T | 608 words]: Gerry tries to find out what Tim's deal is. Jon is completely unhelpful. From "Blossoming Romance" Tumblr prompt: "Attempting to find out if they are single/available"
Scoop [Rated E | 682 words]: Gerry has just hired a new employee at Pinhole books, and it may just cost him his sanity. Involves ice cream.
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Ad Libitum [Rated E | 1,861 words - WIP]
It's Tim Stoker's first week at The Magnus Conservatory, and his piano accompanist hasn't shown up for auditions. An imposing goth swoops out of the shadows to save him, but Tim worries his instant attraction to the man may make it hard to control himself.
I just started this one! Music conservatory AU where Tim is studying voice and Gerry is a pianist. Excited to see where it goes (honestly, your guess is as good as mine at the moment).
And of course I've got a book and a Patreon with two serials in progress if you're interested.😉😉😉 But I hope to write a LOT more fic in 2024! Love y'all. 💜🖤💜🖤💜💜🖤💜🖤💜💜🖤💜🖤💜
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khaire-traveler · 6 days
I just wanted to ask if you have any resources that could help me decipher dreams? I've been having some weird ones lately and I feel like it might have something to do with the gods.
Also is there any god or goddess who is related to Nausicaa in any way?
Ps.: Happy late 22nd birthday! :))
Khaire, 👾! Thank you for the birthday wish! I'm sorry it took me so long to get to this; my life has been pretty hectic lately. 💀
So, I had originally saved a draft of this, but since Tumblr hates me, I have to retype everything. TvT
I don't know of any resources you could use from dream interpretation, BUT I will list some deities you can contact who can likely be of help to you as well as sharing my own methods for interpretation. The deities will be Greek deities, mostly due to the fact that these are the only deities I know much about in relation to dream interpretation, but if you're looking for other pantheons, I'm certain there are other options out there!
The deities are as follows:
Hypnos - He is the first on the list because he is the one I hear the most often about. Hypnos is the Greek god - and personification - of Sleep. Within mythos, I believe he's said to have one thousand kids (can you imagine? 💀) that are personifications of dreams. They're called the Oneiroi, and you could certainly reach out to them as well, but I don't recommend doing so without being familiar with Hypnos first. Anyway, I've heard many worshippers of Hypnos describe his helpfulness with sleep quality, having more dreams, remembering dreams, interpreting dreams, and lucid dreaming. I've only ever asked him for pleasant sleep, I believe, but I trust the sources that have told me about his skill regarding dreams. I highly suggest looking into him as a first option; he is extremely knowledgeable in this domain.
Morpheus - I know I literally just said I wouldn't recommend reaching out to the Oneiroi without being familiar with Hypnos first, but Morpheus is the leader of the Oneiroi and has definitely assisted humans with this before. He is a deliverer of dreams - the personification of dreaming itself - and has been described as delivering messages from the gods in dreams. Many worshippers I've met of his are specifically looking to improve something with their dreams, be it less nightmares, dream interpretation, and even receiving dream messages from deities more often. He is a great deity to work with when it comes to anything regarding dreaming and sleep. I highly recommend him, but know that I don't have direct experience with him.
Hermes - This might seem weird and random to mention, but Hermes, the Greek god of Many Things™, actually has a domain in sleep and dreams. His caduceus, within mythology, has the power to wake people up from sleep, put them to sleep, determine what kind of death a person would have, open doors (???), bring peace between two fighting parties, among many, many other things. Being a Messenger god, there is an association made amongst modern worshippers that he has the ability to deliver or send dreams. I remember hearing of this in a historical context, but I can't seem to find the source. Anyway, many people have worked with him for dream interpretation specifically, seeing that he is a Messenger god. He is pretty well-known for helping his worshippers interpret and understand things better. I've asked him for assistance directly in dream interpretation, and he's been extremely helpful!
I hope this list is useful to you!
That aside, I'll go into the way that I personally tend to interpret my own dreams. An important note to make is that my methods may not work for you because our minds likely work differently and our dreams may be vastly different. It might be worth a try, though, if you feel you're out of other options. The way that I interpret dreams seems to be kind of different than what I often see online. I tend to come at dreams from a more psychological and literary perspective.
When I say "psychological", I mean that I look for themes relating to past traumas and and current situations. Did I experience a lot of fear in the dream? What exactly was I afraid of? What does this fear remind me of in my waking life? These questions can be really useful in figuring out what a dream is communicating, especially useful for nightmares; I've found that nightmares are often trying to get our attention to solve or address a particular problem in our waking lives. Sometimes deities will use nightmares to communicate something extremely important to us. I've had this experience before, and while it can obviously be unpleasant, these nightmares have helped me focus on the roots of problems rather than the surface level issues. Anyway, though, this method can also be useful in identifying why I performed certain actions and behaviors in dreams. Was I acting strangely? Were the people around me acting strangely? Were the actions/behaviors I had emphasizing something? Just some more questions to help clarify what I mean.
When I say "literary", I mean that I dissect dreams like a piece of writing. I look for recurring symbols or topics (butterflies, thievery, monsters, etc.); I examine the themes of the dream (what lesson is the dream trying to convey, if any? what is the overarching theme, if any?); I take note of the people/characters that appear in the dream (real-life friends vs. strangers I say are friends, the profession they have, their specific actions, etc.); I make sure to record anything that specifically stuck out to me (a seemingly small object, a specific phrase that was said, an animal in the background, etc.). I look at my dreams with the perspective that I can make sense of these symbols, themes, and people. Look at your dream as if it's a story. What do you notice about it. What stuck with you most? What is the dream about overall?
I do also have some commentary on how to tell if a dream is from a deity. Typically, the more comprehensive a dream is, the more likely it is to be from a deity. This is obviously not always true, but I find that deities will often have a specific message they're trying to convey, even if it's just "hey, I want you to work with/worship me". I also notice that dreams from deities will often include their sacred symbols or give off a general vibe of "[insert deity here]'s presence/energy". I find that dreams from Loki, for example, have a more chaotic, fast-paced energy to them along with featuring funny situations or serious situations with strange/funny parts to it. Dreams from Athena, however, tend to have a more serious tone with a lot of hero imagery/implications or having some kind of objective being worked towards. Another pretty obvious way is usually when a deity is explicitly featured in a dream. Sometimes they're mentioned by name while others they just make a guest star appearance. I'd say it's usually pretty obvious when it's just your brain being silly vs. when a deity is making an actual appearance. Typically, silly brain will depict deities in super strange ways (doing weird ass things that make no sense, looking like stereotypical media portrayals, saying the most random shit ever that has absolutely no meaning, etc.), but sometimes it can be tough to tell (deity is depicted in a way they usually appear to you, deity is saying things that make sense, deity is being silly but not random, etc.). My advice, regardless of whether you're sure you've had a deity sent dream or not, is to always contact the deity directly afterwards to see if you've had a dream and what it's meaning is.
I'm not sure if my methods will be helpful, but I hope they can at least give you somewhere to start. I also hope you find my list of deities to be helpful! Take care, Nonny, and good luck!
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