#cause of lack of sleep
designgraphicruby · 2 years
No Sleep? How to Prevent Sleep loss
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No, no, because Mucho's death.
Aside from the obvious part of being killed by the very thing you raised that people - rightfully so - focus on, what about the other tragic aspects of it?
Mucho got released before the rest of S62 - because of his good behavior, because he's an exemplary inmate ig - and that kills him.
He dies because he goes out alone, because he was well-behaved. And that's not the worse because that'd be too easy if that was the case.
Honestly, S62 most likely doesn't like juvie (pretty sure nobody does, even if & because that's where they met Izana and he's not even there this time around. They came back here because Izana cannot come back anymore.) so it's not surprising Mucho got out as soon as he could; but they also went to juvie by their own volition and they most likely don't want to be separated again. But Mucho got out as soon as he could.
Because there were other people waiting from him outside - Toman which he had to apologize to, Sanzu of course, and also Kakucho who was waiting alone for S62, suffering alone about Izana's death while S62 had each other.
Mucho got out because he had to apologize, make amends, and find Kakucho fast after S62 learnt he made it alive.
But he got out alone, vulnerable, trusting.
I don't think he thought Toman forgave him; but I think he was at peace with what happened during Tenjiku. Losing Izana hurts a lot but he knows what remains and he's determined to right his wrongs, to work for a better life. And he trusts, and he's loyal, and he loves, and he didn't see that coming.
He got out because he loved. Toman, S62, Sanzu, Kakucho - everything. He got killed for it, too.
And Kakucho? If he exchanged letters with S62 in juvie - I don't know, but he caught on the fact Mucho died (and at Sanzu's hands). He had had to learn which day Mucho got released on and the fact nobody saw him afterwards. That there was maybe one person who would care enough to pick him up. And one person who would resent enough to get rid of him.
Mucho wouldn't just follow anyone, wouldn't let his guard down near just anyone and would also not disappear like that.
Mucho would have find him. Mucho should have find him.
He should've been the one to pick Mucho up
And that adds to Kakucho's depression during this time S62 spent at juvie - because he lost Izana and he lost Mucho and he's all alone to deal with it. Once again, he's alive and his loved-ones are not and he's too tired of history repeating itself.
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Marty McFly VS The Doc-pocalypse or smth like that idk
I put way too much effort into what was supposed to be a stupid doodle so uh. Have this Tumblr. I really don’t have a better explanation for this other than I got two more Doc Pop! Figures today, which leaves me with a growing army of 3 Docs and one singular Marty, and I keep laughing every time I look at them in my display case so here we have Marty dealing with multiple Docs from different times that have all somehow ended up in the garage in 1986. Four dimensional thinking has never been his strong suit, and trying to figure this out is not helping. He’s got two hours of sleep, a bajillion positive encouraging post-it notes from the Doc of the present telling him to sleep, hot chocolate, and four very enthusiastic Emmetts crowding the lab. Send help. And caffeine. And maybe Clara cause he’s not so sure he can keep them from blowing something up for much longer.
Picture of the inspiration under the cut :)
Behold, my growing Doc army and my one single Marty McFly left to deal with them
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At least Marty has his tunes. That might help him stay a little sane
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crowlipso · 1 year
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Some mfs be like please be friends with my ocs, and then their ocs are pretty much like this.
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signanothername · 6 months
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Spent the whole day just thinking and trying to redesign stands (to an extent at least)
All this started cause I wanted to draw whitesnake and now here we are
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wyvernsrus · 3 months
Inspiration grabbed me by the throat so have a Captain Maze who I said I’d design forever ago
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kstarlitchaotics · 1 year
*Dick gets a phone call*
Dick half asleep: Yeah. Mmhhm. Alright *sighs* I'm coming.
Barbara: What was that?
Dick: Tim has escaped from the mansion and is out terrorizing the city.
Barbara gets comfortable again in the bed: Okay have fun.
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canisalbus · 1 year
how old is machete, as you usually draw him? love your art by the way, been a huge fan for years. love from your neighbour sweden!
Ah, a fellow nordic person, hello hello! Thank you, I'm glad you like my art!
Generally speaking Machete is in his 30's. He becomes a cardinal at 30 and dies at 43, most of the art of him tends to land between those points.
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arikihalloween · 6 months
how we feeling about the fact that Julie canonically has paws?
Da little paws *crying*
Da beans
Julie canonically has beans
I love Julie Joyful so much
I was so happy to hear her voice in the new tracks
I'm such a gremlin about her
Little paws on the rainbow gremlins
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tanglepelt · 1 year
Acts Unmasked -2
prev master ao3 next
JL meets and the truth of the situation revealed
As he led the two to their temporary quarters. Bruce couldn’t help but notice the constant lack of attention from Daniel. He was going to guess it was him dissociating, which was problematic. He noticed the look of awe on Danny’s face. The way he focused in on any passing windows. He was positive this was just more than fanboying over space. Even with how Danielle was reacting to the situation. Rolling her eyes when he muttered something about space. Even smacking him upside the head. The best bet would be to get the two situated quickly. It had to have been a rough few hours on these two.
Given the intense reaction to space, he’d have to ensure when Danny joined the conversation there were no open windows. Perhaps that would help him keep focus.
Martian Manhunter had looked very unamused and frustrated when he arrived with the two. Both Danny and him has seemed to focus on one another. Up until when Danny put a hand up to his head. They should probably get that checked out.
He had to practically shove the two children out of the room when John made his appearance. Just gaping at the duo. Not a good sign to say, however, he hoped that meant he had some insight into the situation. A confirmation of their positions or anything else.
He really could have done without the immediate confrontation upon returning to the main entry room on his way to the conference room. John could have waited until all eyes and ears were present.
“Please tell me we did not bloody touch royalty of the infinite realms. It was bad enough with just ecto beings. Some of those belong in this bloody realm. Those are the ones we thought we were dealing with. Low on the food chain. But the royalty, they bloody stay in the infinite realm. Ectoplasmic beings from there could and would just destroy everyone. How in the world have we not been attacked? You Americans just must fight anything that moves.”
At least the very least John had waited until both Danny and Danielle were in a room to confront him about the situation.
“You can tell?”
“Enough. The girl is bloody saturated with the king’s essence, not like his frickin soldiers but with the same signature. She must be family to the king. Too weak to be anything else, even factoring in the fact she's part human. That just don’t track. A human with ectoplasm powers didn’t end well, that a human with a core. Never seen that before.”
A grunt of acceptance “Get anything from the boy.”
“Can’t feel a core, been near the actual king. It’s not emitting from him, but I can certainly feel the king’s aura. Liminal at minimum as well.”
“Claims to be an ambassador?”
“They don’t bloody have those. It’s more of a you f around they wipe ya out. The last king took to bloody turning dimensions into enthralled victims. Left the heel hole with a warning for humans not to come to the realm.”
“Not a single soul spared according to the yeti. New king did away with all that. Freed all the enthralled according to Deadman. Bunch of dimensions let go of his hold, those actually faded away. Who knows what he’s done? The very few begin who would know are tight-lipped about this new king” John gave him a pointed look. As if it would do anything. “What was bloody done to her, how screwed are we.”
“Conference room.” With that, he just kept walking to the conference room. Unlike John, he wasn’t going to repeat himself.
They needed to get started on the four non-negotiable items. It would be best to get that rolling and at least make some headway. Danny would have to join them at some point, likely in a secondary meeting. Unfortunate effects of being a so-called ambassador.
Wonder Woman would have to talk to her connections in the UN. Not only will they get the anti-ecto acts revoked in the US and ensure guaranteed protections for this species. It would be in the best interest of the universe. They would also need to figure out how the contact was engaging. If their dimensional and time travel has taught them anything a device had to be powering the connection. It does not often contact with a secondary dimension that was stable all on its own.
The trace amount of the mystery radioactive substance in Amity’s general airways could be a sign of it in that area. Given the reports of these beings overflowing Amity Park, it was the likely area it happened. Danny mentioned an ecto filter. Was something filtering out or in this ectoplasm?
Much to get started on. Four key aspects are to be met.
What else could the realm ask for? Danny said he’d have to contact the council. Hopefully, it won’t be bad news. Cass was positive he could do what he said. Guarantee he wouldn’t end the dimension if the four points were met. The thought that a 15-year kid had the power to determine the fate of an entire dimension was concerning. They’d have to investigate his character, even if it was just to assure himself, they weren’t one bad day from being destroyed.
A full background of his entire family would be run and friends to be on the safe side for that matter.
His sister, she was easy enough to get a history for. Oracle already sent that information over as Red Robin and Black Bat were out hunting her down. Currently, she was attending Gotham U. Mandatory year on campus dorms for out-of-state students and according to Red Robin an apartment in the narrows. One with Danny’s name on it as well.
Danny had mentioned emancipation early. Having separate housing was a requirement. He had the feeling Danny didn’t want to stick around his parents for much longer than just today.
For now, that two-bedroom apartment. He’s sure it was a makeshift safe house. A place for worst-case scenarios. While Black Bat kept looking for Jasmine, Red Robin had done a thorough search of the apartment. See if there was anything of interest. Long lasting food, emergency supplies, but not particularly looking lived in. Apparently, it was otherwise empty. There were passports and IDs hidden away. None with the last name Fenton. They were ready to ditch the town at the very least.
If they pushed Jasmine to gain custody of the two, which did fall in line with the demand, they would at least stay in an area with a league member. Jasmine and Danny seemed to be the only ones with an actual traceable identity. Both with birth certificates and school records. The third and supposedly youngest sibling Danielle Fenton just did not exist at all. The yeti, Frostbite did say forged in ectoplasm. Was she a manufactured member or could this be a worse situation?
They had to ensure eyes on this group of siblings. Allowing Danny to be emancipated means he would have the legal right just to leave and do whatever he pleased. That just wouldn’t work. Tying him and the youngest to their oldest sister they would at least give them this school year. The school was already past its refund state, and leaving didn’t seem likely. That time would be a good way to try and get at least one of his children to gain trust with any of the Fenton children.
Build up a connection. The more in this dimension they cared about the better.
His being in custody would also ensure a better life. One with people who would care for him.
It had only been an hour since Black Bat sent a text in the group chat. They were already taking bets on how long it would take for him to “call the guy”. That wouldn’t happen here. Jasmine was an adult, and she would have custody of the two by the end of the day.
Black Bat should be focusing on finding Jasmine, rather than discussing his personal habits.
He is sure the others would agree.
Normally he would be the last to arrive and emerge from the shadows. Always best to check the league's situational awareness. John’s badgering, while understandable, would not allow his normal slipping into the conference room.
No time like the present to get this started.
Around the table already waiting for the meeting to commence was Superman, Zatanna, Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter, Aqua Man, and the green lanterns. Yet again the flash was running late.
“We're in the bloody room. What did they do to the girl with a connection to the bloody ghost king?
“Depends” Before he could continue the flash decided to finally show. “Flash, your late”
“Ghost king?”
“Wonder Woman, you’re in contact with the UN already in regard to the anti-ecto acts already, correct?”
“Yes, I’ve made them aware of the acts.”
“There's a new issue, these acts are a lot bigger than originally thought. It's not only meant to go after the ecto-beings in America. But against an entire dimension and a monarchy. The two kids” Flash looked confused at that “the ones mentioned in the emergency notice have made claims of one being the girl Danielle is supposedly the princess of the infinite realms. The second claim is far less confident, likely not entirely the truth; the boy claims to be an ambassador.”
“Yea, and what was bloody done to them?” John cut into his explanation.
“I’m guessing the American Government after this apparent princess,” Aqua man asked.
So he told them what was necessary. The video footage albeit grainy did show a being in the crown collecting Danielle, the claims Danny made, the mind control claim on the federal level, and the fact this wasn’t a new movement. Nightwing and Robin themselves had overheard the ghost investigation ward discussing other specimens and the mentions of the dissection. Danny had claimed it had been going on for a year and that he did actually summon one of the beings to him. There was no solid evidence of him being an ambassador but it did make sense if the girl was royalty. John himself said he felt it on her.
The looks of rage and disgust range for each member. The mentions of specimen dissection and the girl being sold off left them all enraged. Martian manhunter especially.
“So you're saying.. the fate of this universe is up to a teenager. The same one who just had to help his sister escape the government.”
No one had the chance to say anything else as John spoke up.
“A direct attack of the bloody infinite realms then. These acts were bad enough. That was just when talking about the natural ones that pop up here. Those cause enough bloody damage. But no.”
“The realm keeps to itself. That lot shouldn’t even be on Earth. Those beings stick in the realm. I only know of ‘em from ending up in the realm myself. Got out of that one thanks to a helpful yeti bloo-“
John was cut off by an alert from the main computer. Looks like the door to the room had been opened. Getting the cameras online and going back about 30 seconds they witnessed Danielle looking human phasing through the door a furious look in her eye. Followed by Danny rushing after her screaming her name.
A mad meta? Half human half inter-dimensional being? And a teenager who kept zoning out and dissociating only 30 minutes ago. What could possibly go wrong?
They’d have to send someone after them. There was always the chance this whole thing had been a ploy.
“I’ll go after them” the Martian manhunter spoke “I doubt a human or human-looking person would be ideal.” Not giving a chance for anyone to respond he took off.
The boy had looked at him in awe prior to being led away and zoning out.
“Superman?” He asked looking over at him.
“I can only hear the boy. No other additional heartbeats either” Superman replied.
“The girls headin straight this way. That signature reeks of the king.” John actually helpfully informed.
That didn’t bode well.
Danielle popped up, now with white hair and green glowing eyes, apparently uncaring of secret identities, through the middle of the conference table. That really didn’t bode well.
“As the being the U.S. government decided to buy and princess of the infinite realms. I have my own demand. If not met. I’ll tattle to the ghost king himself.”
Well, this was just great.
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littleplantfreak · 3 months
Something Comforting - Sakura Haruka
It's a song fic! Actually I used two songs. If you're not caught up on the manga it has some light spoilers so read at your own risk!
It's sfw and it's angst/comfort/some third thing but it's 3am. Under the cut cause its 1500 words
Summary: Sakura's been having nightmares and his friends are concerned.
Quick note and I wont bother y'all till the end: The song lyrics are in bold and italics in case you're confused. The two songs are "Someone to stay" by Vancouver Sleep Clinic and "Something Comforting" by Porter Robinson
You were alone left out in the cold
Clinging to the ruin of your broken home
Sakura Haruka wasn't a stranger to be alone. Pretty much everything could be done without help if you try hard enough. If you struggle hard enough. If you don't have the expectation of help, that someone will come at just the right moment, getting things done begins to seem easier and easier. Why reach out when the answer will be no? Why spend time wondering why nothing is getting done, when you can do it on your own? There's no point relying on anyone when you're perfectly capable and have been for as long as you can remember.
But he came to Furin
And someone came at the right moment.
Sakura Haruka is not alone.
You've been fighting the memory, all on your own
Nothing washes, nothing grows
He sleeps through every class on Monday. No one really worries too much the first day. After all, they'd just had the fight with Noroshi and there isn't a body in Furin that's completely healed up yet. Once he sleeps past patrols every day for three days straight, Nirei starts to notice the dark circles under Sakura's eyes staying dark. Maybe even increasing in intensity. Speaking with Suo, they start to notice Sakura's not eating as much as he used to. They push here and there to make sure he eats something, but his heart isn't quite in it. The whole class begins to notice too.
"Sakura-san?" Nirei asks on their way to the cafe.
"Hmm?" He's watching the ground as he tries to stifle another yawn.
"Have you been having trouble sleeping?"
"...Not really." He's lying.
"Are you sure?" Suo presses, following up on the other side of him. "You drooled all over your math test earlier. It was stuck to your face for five minutes before you noticed." Nirei can tell he's trying to sound teasing, but there's no goading to his tone right now.
"Been waking up a few times. 's not a big deal." A yawn so big his next step is hindered and he's tripping on his own feet. Both boys nearly catch him, but he catches himself. "I'm fine." Sakura says shaking off some of his exhaustion.
Too lost and hurting to carry your load
We all need someone to hold
He's suffocating again. He thinks he is at least. The pain isn't right, but the lack of air is. Thrashing and grabbing for his throat, he is trying. To relieve the pressure. To choke out the words that come out in pathetic watery cries. I'll go with you.  He can't get the words out. Everything is static and loud and he can only make out his inky black hair tendriling closer and swallowing him up in a gaping maw darkness.
The panic he feels upon waking is made worse by the urge to hurl the remains of what little dinner he's had. "Stupid." He whispers, wiping the sweat off his face he crawls to the bathroom and rests his head on the cold tile.
Cause getting made you want more
and hoping made you hurt more
oh there must be
something wrong with me
"Pardon the intrusion!" Suo calls in as Sakura is mid-bite in his convenience store noodles.
"You sure this place ain't haunted? Lookin' real haunted right now..." a loud, spooked voice belonging to Tsugeura follows as he clings behind Suo.
"Sakura- ah he's already eating! We brought food from Kotoha's too though if you're hungry after." Nirei pops his head in and drags a bunch of bags towards the kitchen.
"Pretty minimalist huh, Sakura-chan?" Kiryu whistles while checking out the bare apartment. It's matter-of-fact rather than an insult, not that Sakura cares. A grunt comes from Sugishita at the end of the line looking nonplussed. Sakura isn't sure whether he should get up and do something or chase them out. He's never had this many people in his apartment and it's crowded even more by the luggage they're all toting with them.
"Did all ya get kicked outta yer houses or somethin'?" He asks mouth still full.
"Ah not quite!" Nirei takes the lead to explain. "We wanted to have a sleepover to celebrate...I guess...if that's alright with you..." he trails off losing some of his initial enthusiasm when Sakura's bewildered expression doesn't change.
"Right and we figured your place is the best choice," Kiryu begins setting up a rolled sleeping bag in the corner. "You are our grade captain after all." Suo has taken to the kitchen, filling it with various things from both Cafe Pothos and extra food the locals handed them on the way there. Sugishita sets a potted plant on the counter with only a "Kalanchoe" before he points to the care card stuck in the dirt.
"Uh, bless you?"
"Umemiya-san sent it. Said it's real easy to take care of," Tsugeura says plopping on the floor, legs crisscrossed as he opens a protein drink. Sakura would normally refuse and argue with them on the various fluttering around they're doing in his apartment but the energy just wasn't there. He continues eating, humming or using short, one-word answers to the variety of questions each person throws his way. His space has been claimed completely by his friends and by the end of the night, they've taken up every inch of floor space. Once the lights are out, there's a faint glow of blue from the corner where Nirei's installed a small nightlight he insisted he needed to have when sleeping. Next to that was a small white noise machine Kiryu plugged in although he himself was curled up with headphones in.
Sakura curls up on his futon to when he feels his head his something softer than normal. A double take confirms there's a pillow where his head should be and he drags his eyes around trying to figure out which one of his friends misplaced it.
"I think it's an extra. Use it since everyone else has one." Suo whispers from above where Sakura's head is before closing his eyes again. It's flatter than a normal pillow. Do they even make them like this? Sakura isn't sure it's normal but he can't really find a place to put it with four other boys spread out around the room. Sugishita to his right and Nirei to his left, while Kiryu and Tusgeura are stacked somewhere on the other side of sugishita. So he settles on it and listens to the weird but kind of alright music coming out of Kiryu's machine.
And getting made you want more And hoping made you hurt more Someone tell me Something comforting
He's drowning this time, before he jolts up in the futon. Instead of darkness, the light shows everyone around him soundly knocked out and he takes a steady breath before laying back in bed. The machine is still making noise with something like waves going in the background now. He feels two soft thumps on his back where Sugishita is set up. He hears him pick up his head and gravels out a "You're good." Not a question, and another thump as Sugishita's head hits the floor again. Sakura becomes acutely aware that Suo's head is closer to the top of his pillow, now to the point where his hair brushes near his own head. Nirei is also closer than before and has been gripping Sakura's shirt as he's curled up.
Despite his heavy breathing earlier, it's actually easier to breathe once he takes into account the bodies around him. He slows his breathing to match someone else's though he doesn't pay attention to whose, and his eyes are being pulled shut again, his body desparate for sleep. For the first time in more than a week, Sakura sleeps deeply through the rest of the night.
By the time everyone wakes up and files out after breakfast, there are a few things left behind that Sakura's not sure what to do with. He reads the care card for the plant and shoots Kotoha a couple questions on the specifics. No one in the group chat ever claims the pillow he used, or the shampoo and conditioner he finds unopened in the shower. The nightlight and white noise machine were left with both Nirei and Kiryu saying they have seconds at home and to keep it there for next time they sleep over. The same sentiment comes from Tsugeura about the set of small hand weights Sakura's been making sure not to trip over in the mornings.
His apartment starts to look more and more full as it becomes a place where small parties and gatherings are held. Whether gifted or left accidentally", he usually has something new to move around the next day. Sakura isn't sure when, but at some point someone hung up curtains when he wasn't looking despite knowing for a fact it would've been a half an hour job at least.
Sakura Haruka is not alone.
He's pretty okay with that too.
So sorry if there are typos im so tired and spent long enough just making sure the format was decent enough. Also I've never written this many words all at once before so that's cool! Some writing notes if anyone's interested!!
Kalanchoe's name apparently comes from a latinized corruption of the chinese Kalan Chau for "that which falls and grows" which i thought sounded cool to put in! It also symbolizes endurance and persistence (as well as affection and love but like...every flower/plant is like that usually it just depends on which flower language you're going off of.)
Sugishita was the one who left hair stuff in the bathroom after finding out Sakura only uses like...a bar of soap or a 3-in-1 to wash his hair. Like an animal or something ಠ_ಠ
Kotoha put the curtains up with Umemiya while everyone dragged Sakura to the convenience store for snacks one day. It actually took three days for him to notice.
Suo ends up bringing a teapot and leaves to leave(lol) at Sakura's because he's not using regular tea bags every time he comes over smh
I think both Kiryu and Nirei bring plushies over and "forget" them every time. They both also eventually put up pictures they either took on their phones or got at photo booths. Absolute mad lads at scrap booking and cork boarding
Also ive never done a song fic kinda thing before? i used to hate reading them and now look how the turntables. It's 3:39am goodnight!
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iwonderwh0 · 4 days
I'm not depressed or even feel nearly that bad for this to be a thing, but I can't shake off the superstitious feeling like I'm living my last weeks/months. Can someone who experienced this in the past and doesn't feel this way anymore please tell me I'm just needlessly paranoid and it'll pass?
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cheezyharu · 1 month
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"I have nothing to lose." (<- bro already lost everything)
So fun fact: The "wings wrapped around like a coat" idea was from my Pokemon era years (?) ago, but I mostly left it on the back of my mind for a long while until now
Fun fact 2: v2 was planned since... June ish. Was never that proud of v1 so ideas for a v2 was quickly made... :V
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Head pain :(
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norholy · 2 months
the headache, the nausea, zapped energy… what’s happening
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alpinelogy · 2 months
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