#cat's digestive system
allperfectpets · 1 year
Can Cats Eat Cheese? A Comprehensive Guide for Feline Owners
Cats are infamous for their specific palates and extraordinary dietary prerequisites. As a caring feline proprietor, you might contemplate whether imparting a piece of cheese to your catlike friend is protected. In this far-reaching guide, we will investigate the inquiry, "Can cats eat cheese?" and give you all the data you want to settle on an educated choice. We'll dig into the possible advantages and dangers, talk about lactose prejudice in Cats, offer safe other options, and shed light on the dietary requirements of our catlike mates.
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dollfat · 7 months
waking up to find out parents decided martys gonna be put to sleep today
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audliminal · 1 year
Using the restroom while you're on your period is fucking humiliating I hate it
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exquisiteagony · 2 years
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Why was I scared of such weird shit as a kid? What other kid watches the movie ‘robots’ and gets upset because they over analyzed the setting and were uncomfortable with a world that presumably lacked biological life? Ooh, scary, unanswered questions about the origins of the robots and the fate of their creators! Also no animals :(
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luminiera-merge · 2 years
claire luvcat’s latest video on diseases and conditions in cats is SO good...i’m just at the interview with the milkybokitan channel owners. that being said i kinda wish surinoel’s mr butler had shown up since he has three scottish folds and has shown himself to be very vigilant re feline conditions
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foone · 8 months
So you find a robodoc from the far future, but the only problem is that the battery is nearly dead. It says it can fix one problem, but then it will power off forever, and you gotta use it now, no saving it until you get cancer or something.
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jazzyoranges · 10 months
Saw you take requests!! Can you do a fluffy Wednesday x Shape shifter!Reader (no smut please) where it's Wednesday's writing time but she can't think of ideas so reader turns into a cat and curls up on Wednesday's lap? Basically helping Wednesday by making sure Wednesday can't get up until she writes a chapter. Thanks!
Orange kitty - drabble
Wednesday Addams x fem!reader
Words: 0.8k
A/n: i feel like we as a fandom haven’t been putting the orange cat x black cat trope in enough fics. this is me advocating for orange cat!r
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“I feel your eyes on me, (Y/n).”
“I’m not allowed to look at my friend anymore?”
“It’s distracting. You’re inhibiting me from writing.” Wednesday isn’t fully lying. She just doesn’t add how you give her an odd feeling. An odd feeling she doesn’t like.
“Aww, do I make you nervous, Wens?” You laugh, deciding to ignore the glare she sends your way
“Keep talking and I’ll remove your voice box.”
“Please, I think you’d miss me too much” You roll your eyes, stretching on Wednesday’s bed
You turn into a cat as per Thing’s request, and you two start to play tag around Wednesday and Enid’s shared room. Thing happily bragged that you and him were better friends once. His hubris only resulted in Wednesday taking away his favorite lotions for an entire week.
The Addams girl huffs when she, yet again, makes a mistake on her typewriter. This was unlike her. The tiny trash can under her desk was nearing being full only after one or two hours of her failed attempts at writing. Wednesday put her hands in her lap after she realized her words only became futile
The abrupt stop of clacking keys makes you turn your head, giving Thing the perfect opportunity to tag you back on Enid’s bed. You quickly turn human again with almost a cartoon-ish pop, and ask Thing if Wednesday was allergic to cats
“She’s not, why do you ask?” He signs
“Do you think she’d kill me if I sat on her lap?” You sign back, not wanting Wednesday to hear
“As a human, most definitely. But if you were a cat maybe she’d tolerate you. No promises, though” Thing somehow shrugs using his thumb and pinkie finger as arms. God, you loved the weird appendage
“I can hear you two talking. I’d prefer if you’d leave me in silence.”
“Writers block?”
“No, I’m merely thinking of the correct words to use.”
“Maybe you should ask Enid for help. The woman can reach over the Twitter character limit in like… three seconds. Two if she’s really excited”
“Recommend such a horrid idea again and I’ll release you in my pen of hellhounds.”
“We both know I’d win” You cockily smirk, again ignoring what looks to be annoyance on Wednesday’s face. Then again, she always looked annoyed
“Your hubris is laughable. Let’s see how you suffice when your digestive system is ripped open.”
“Tempting, but I’d rather stay here with you”
You can only assume Thing listens with watchful… fingers? You execute your plan to him, and a quick pinkie-promise indicates he gets to bury you if Wednesday decides to kill you after the stunt you’re about to pull
“Hey, Wens?” The Addams doesn’t show any form of talking but you decide to keep going
“Did you know people say cats can lessen anxiety?”
The Addams hums in acknowledgement, so you continue
“Well, I don’t exactly believe it”
“And why is that.” Wednesday sighs. Sometimes she wonders why she indulges in you
“I dunno, just seems fake. I was wondering if you’d do an experiment with me?”
“I’d rather not.”
“Great! Thanks, Wens” You give Thing a quick wink after turning into a cat and hopping up onto her desk. Turning your head to the side as if you were asking a question, you looked at Wednesday for an answer
You were crazy, but not crazy enough to do something to make Wednesday hate you
For some reason, the Addams girl doesn’t even have a second chance to think before scooting back her chair. You’re about to jump into her lap with a paw over the edge of her desk, but you glance up to make sure Wednesday was sure. You receive a small nod
The action is enough to make you whisper a small “thank you” but it only comes out as a small meow
You circle around her lap for a good area to lay, and you quickly take your spot with a tiny smile that makes your eyes close. Wednesday scoots her chair back in, and she has absolutely no idea what to do.
Only when you start to purr a shiver goes up her spine. The vibrations are light, and something about you happily laying on her lap makes you chip away at Wednesday’s walls the tiniest bit. She contemplates where to put her hands before Thing scurries on top of you to scratch behind your ear. Wednesday shoots him a deathly glare in return, but your favorite Addams (don’t tell Wednesday) stays put
As if showing Wednesday how to pet a cat, Thing gets off of your back and points a finger in your direction. Hesitantly, the Addams girl copies the actions Thing showed her
And you? You were having an amazing time. Wednesday’s fingers were cold but every stroke of her hand was calculated. She took note of which spots you purred louder, and continued her movements
Fuck you and your ability to get what you want, Wednesday thinks. Of course your smug ass knew cats lessened anxiety. Of course.
But Wednesday can’t help being addicted to your tiny purrs and vibrations
With her left hand fondling your ear and her right on her typewriter, she decides maybe a cat could be arranged in her novel.
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illwilledomen · 15 days
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Adults n’ babies.
Info below.
Villagers (and all Testificates)
- Children have tufts of hair, and bald during puberty.
- The darker pigment in their proboscis occurs during puberty. They also grow into their noses.
- Kids are kind of scrunkly and wrinkly, like Sphinx cat kittens. They’re also very small, and have huge growth spurts once they hit their teenage years.
- Adult villagers are incredibly tall, and lack much visible hair aside from fine body hair, light facial hair (like stubble) and eyebrows, which are bristly and whisker-like. Another noticeable feature is their short philtrum and near lack of a visible upper lip. Their noses are as sensitive as human lips, and are typically used in the same way for affection and gesture. Villager proboscis can scrunch, wrinkle and twitch, moving to follow scents like the noses of elephant shrews.
- Villagers have much keener senses of smell than humans, and can produce a wider range of sounds.
- Much like villagers, piglets start fuzzy and bald into wrinkly adult piglin.
- Piglets learn to vocally emote first, then sign phrases later on. Piglin use vocalisations as emotional context cues for the more complex sentences they sign.
- Piglin sows have litters of up to six piglets. Most of these piglets will die, particularly if it’s a nomadic horde, so they only receive proper names at one and a half nether years, or when they begin to grow out of their camouflage stripes.
- Piglets are born with stripes and an earthier pigment to help them hide from Infernal predators.
- Endermen give birth through their mouth. They do breed asexually, though some Endermen do recreationally partake in what is possibly intercourse. It’s hard for Enderologists to tell.
- The offspring spends ten years inside of a nutrient sac before emerging as an Ender-child. The Ender-child will slowly develop features like limbs and a complex digestive system, though it begins with only a torso, a brain and a pair of eyes. These eyes are non-functional as psionic communicators, which is their secondary purpose in adults.
- They excrete an oily substance that repels Endermites and keeps them moisturized enough to move. As the larvae matures, it will develop the velvety exoskeleton of an adult Enderman. It will also begin to omit psionic frequencies, though these begin as nonsensical bursts of information.
- They mature at 100 years old. Most of this 100 years is spend engorging on chorus fruit, stem and endstone mineral salts. They have no emotional connection to their parent, as eventually they will develop enough to join the Chorus and become one conscious Being. Alternatively, they can worship a void God and become an Endersent.
- Players were primarily constructed by Rana of the Elphar Senate of Builders, or artificers under her command. Most players were raised either in the Garden, an enclosed sterilized “meadow” next to the Senate building, or within the ancient city.
- They have three brains. The Animal, aka a normal human brain, the Purpose, an information tablet which dictates their robotic instincts, Basic Information and function, and the Soul, which enables emotion and sapience.
- Steve was constructed as The Builder, Alex was constructed as The Hunter, and Hero was constructed as The Friend, but is commonly referred to simply as the first. Hero destroyed two other players before he was supposedly decommissioned.
- Players begin existence as entirely androgynous beings, and may transition into genders upon discovering them. Gender is not encoded onto the Basic Information tablet, so they may struggle to understand it. Steve has adopted a masculine identity, enjoys it, though expresses confusion at being called a “male”.
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kitkat-the-muffin · 4 months
For fun I reread Cinderella Boy and kept track of everything in the following categories:
What the boys know about Buddy and vice versa:
Knows Chase is 18
Knows Chase takes dance lessons (or more accurately that he’s on a dance team). Amendment: knows Chase took 4 years of dance lessons
Knows that Chase knows basically nothing about the keys and their actual power
Knows Chase has a gluten allergy
Knows Chase is sensitive to gore and violence
Knows Chase is a fan of musicians
Knows Chase loves to sing
POSSIBLY knows Chase’s full name and trademark (if he was actively listening)
Knows Chase is on good terms with Silver
Thinks Chase stole the Heroine and Helper keys
Knows Deacon chose the cat story (this will affect his perception of him)
Knows Chase dislikes boats because he is scared of the water (and that Chase is prone to seasickness)
Knows Deacon likes making plans
Is under the impression that Deacon and Chase met on the bus
POSSIBLY knows about Chase’s grandpa (depends on his eavesdropping abilities during their first meeting)
Knows that Chase found his key with the missing page from the book that supposedly belongs to the “old man” (this further supports the misconception he has that Chase stole them)
Is aware Buddy has allies
Knows Buddy is NOT sensitive to gore and violence
Knows Buddy hates singing but likes dancing
Believes Buddy is on bad terms with Violet
Believes Buddy doesn’t know his full name
Knows Buddy is a Drama Queen
Knows Buddy hates getting wet
Knows Buddy is searching for the keys and expected someone else to have Silver
Is aware of Buddy and Ex Libris and pays more attention to that info than Chase does
Believes Buddy does know Chase’s full name
Thinks Buddy is very intense
Knows Buddy is a tsundere lol (or at least I think he’s capable of picking up the hints of the trope)
Knows Buddy is a Drama Queen
Knows Buddy hates him in particular
Knows Buddy hates getting wet
Suspects that Buddy is working for someone else
Additional notes:
Chase used to have a copy of the book he found Silver’s key in as a kid
Buddy says he needs to get the Heroine key back “before the old man finds out something’s missing”
The keys cannot be removed from their user’s person within the story
Chase has a friend named Simon who flakes out on dance practice
Buddy says that there are people more deserving of the keys, implying he has people in mind. He also says “our keys” implying he has allies
Gaining Narratonin takes mental fortitude
It is acknowledged that Buddy uses some kind of unknown method to end up in the same books Chase does
Buddy loves bugs and insects
Boris the horse hates Deacon
In Cinderfella (I), Buddy agrees to stop trying to bully Chase out of the books if he can complete all of the original Cinderella novel
Buddy drew a smiley face at the bottom of the chore list. I just think that’s neat
Buddy is willing to give Chase hints to progress the story
When Buddy tells Chase to water the grave of Cinderella’s mother, the task makes him feel uncomfortable and he asks to opt out of it (which he can’t). He says it hits too close to him :(
Story-relevant clothing disappears once a key-holder is wearing it
Fairytale food has no effect on the digestive system
Chase feeding and naming the birds. I just love that. One of them is named Jake
Silver’s full name is Little Silver
Silver says that entering someone else’s book without having the book on hand is impossible, meaning Buddy is breaking some kind of rule (unless he is a part of Ex Libris and is using an unknown spell)
Narratonin is the pure form of humanity’s enjoyment of stories
There are 12 keys in total
Silver and Violet are sisters. Amendment: Bronze is their brother
Narratonin can heal small wounds
Chase’s mom is named Myra and his dad was named George. George is dead and Myra has cancer
The keys don’t have parents so they likely all consider themselves siblings
Buddy hates Chase’s singing voice
Buddy knows a lot about the keys and claims that it’s helpful to be on speaking terms with them, which contradicts Ex Libris’s ideals
Keys are capable of tasting and digesting food (it is unknown if they produce waste)
The key Chase failed to buy was gold-colored, likely named Gold 🤔
Chase can’t count
Silver loves cheese
Deacon loves horses but horses hate him. Amendment: the same goes for unicorns
Chase loves sparkly things
Buddy is somehow capable of knowing the entire plot of the book he’s in, including obscure stories like the cat one
Buddy was only aware that the Heroine key was missing (likely only after running into Chase for the first time, however) and is surprised to later find out other keys were gone too
Real-world items can be taken into the books, like cellphones and jackets
Buddy knows a fair amount about cats
At the end of Toffee Break, Buddy says that Chase “will be useful after all” after acknowledging his ability to derail the stories. His plans remain a mystery 🤔 since we already know he prefers to follow a story to the letter, what use could he have of Chase who does the opposite?
Punko implied the existence of a Mary Sue key
Chase’s full name is Charlie Everett Hollow. Deacon’s full name is Deacon Everett Hollow. They share a middle name
Chase is 18, Deacon is 20, and Buddy "looks 20-ish"
According to Punko, Buddy would do ANYTHING for a chocolate bar
If Chase’s wedding vows include the phrase “timely jewelry retrieval” we are all legally allowed to make fun of him
Chase's dream husband is a "super crazy hot vampire guy" from the Mistenwood Movie franchise named Caspian Wolfsblood
“After all that… and it’s just a small… weak little thing like you.” This implies many things. After all what? What do you mean by “thing”? We need answers, Buddy! He ends their first ever conversation with “it’s your funeral” which is VERY concerning, as if using the keys incorrectly may kill Chase???? So many questions!
Boris the horse has been in the house before
Boris ate one of Deacon’s shirts
When Deacon and Chase were kids, they’d play in the attic area above Chase's room and Chase’s dad would warn them not too fall off the ladder
Chase has an Alistair shrine under his bed
Bronze is 100% content with living in an oven mitt
Chase openly hates Deacon’s mom
Chase loves coconuts
Chase tried to take photos of Buddy with both digital and film cameras but they turned up blank. He took a lot of test shots though. A lot
Chase lies when he says he tried to take the photos for Silver, because they realized Buddy was too young for her to recognize him the same day he met her
It can be assumed that book objects can be taken into the real world thanks to Bronze’s request for a seashell from the Beach Boys arc, but as the arc is currently unfinished we do not know if this is truly possible
Ex Libris lore:
They created the keys
They kept the keys in a library and rarely let them interact in their person forms
Silver last remembers being in the “Ex Libris building” which is the society’s headquarters
The Order of Ex Libris had many spells and secrets
Narratonin was discovered before the keys were created, and they were created to collect this substance
The keys were used constantly by lower members of the order and then given to senior members to make wishes
The keys were kept on key rings to keep them asleep, and the keys themselves were stored in a very safe and secure location (presumably a box)
As a StarGoth Enthusiast I will also log every time Chase and Buddy blush in response to each other:
Cinderfella (I)
Toffee Break (II)
Toffee Break (V)
Toffee Break (V)
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meanbossart · 4 months
Hey king how do u think blood tastes to vampires lmao
also, seeing how often drow is covered in the stuff, would he enjoy the taste? Or is it about the sensation/murder urge satisfaction
I'll be honest I've spent more than one shower thinking about this LOL
I assume that vampires" palates are different from mortal, humanoid palates in a similar way that a human's and a wolf's are. Except that while wolves and predators in general have evolved to enjoy the taste of bland, raw meat and not be at all compelled at by - lets say - a lovely arugula salad , in the case of vampires it's just a symptom of their curse and something that sets in overnight.
Astarion describes the rich wine at the tiefling party as tasting like vinegar, so, unless he's lying, he is able to taste normal food and beverages in a vast array of flavors - they just so happen to be very unpleasant to him, and probably impossible to digest since his system doesn't function as it should.
He also compares blood to wine and even suggests that it tastes and smells differently depending on the person it comes out of. Obviously I don't think that the comparison is literal, but I think what he is saying is that blood has different notes, hence there's room for preferences even within his kin. My cats are crazy about food but they will turn their noses at salmon-anything - I know that for other cats that isn't the case.
So, I reckon that it just tastes like whatever a piece of raw steak tastes like to a carnivorous animal. No idea what that would be, though. I would also guess that a young, or starving vampire wouldn't be anywhere near as picky or preoccupied with when or how they enjoy a meal as a 200-year-old spawn would be; one whose survival very much depended on his ability to disguise the fact that he is cursed with literal blood-lust. I often wondered if, while drenched in blood during or after fights, Astarion was ever tempted to suck on a soaked sleeve or lap-up freshly-spilled blood that he just wiped off his face - but I think that he's either too used to wearing a mask of normality, too proud to indulge, or both. Probably both.
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natalievoncatte · 7 months
Kara Zor El Danvers lived in a world of limitless sensation.
Thanks to her cousin, the world knew of her x-ray vision, but her eyesight went far beyond that. She could focus her attention and observe the mechanisms of the cell, or look skyward and see things so vast that they were invisible to the human eye. (She learned in her youth not to tell people that the entire solar system was, from time to time, engulfed in the digestive tract of a space whale so huge that its body was too big for humans to perceive) She could see colors lost to human vision and watch particles scatter off the atmosphere.
He sense of smell was beyond acute; had she the impulse, she could have tracked her family by scent. Her hearing was both gift and curse, as was her sense of taste, which she indulged with abandon thanks to her vastly more efficient digestive system and metabolism.
What most people never thought about was her touch. Kara could shake someone’s hand and read their fingerprint like braille. She was sensitive to the most minute changes in temperature or texture, and at times it could be just as overwhelming and overstimulating as her other senses. Kara learned to embrace it- she was a tactile girl from a race that disdained physical contact, even among lovers.
They had no idea what they were missing.
The first time Kara laid her hands on Lena Luthor was just after she’d arrested the fall of a multi-ton helicopter and dragged it from gravity’s grasp to bring it to rest on the roof of LuthorCorp. She’d checked the pilot first and…
Kara had eidetic memory. Perfect recall. It was another cursed gift, one born of the interaction of perfect healing with her alien brain. She would never forget seeing Lena for the first time. It was hers and hers alone.
Other humans could see Lena’s dark hair and soft pale skin, see the variation between her eyes, one a little more blue than green. They didn’t see what Kara saw; a thousand colors sparkling in those eyes like impossible gems, the heat bloom on her skin following the flush in her cheeks. The thundering of her heart in her chest beat a tempo in Kara’s ears, and then Kara touched her.
It was a simple gesture. No skin to skin, just a hand on Lena’s shoulder to steady her and ask her if she was okay, but beneath it Kara could sense her pulse and her body heat and was dimly aware of the electrical conduction of her nervous system.
It was heady, intoxicating. Even her scent- not the perfume covering it but the scent of *her*, her real scent, shot through with acidic fear, was intoxicating. Kara breathed it in and it exploded in her chest, making her feel a million miles tall.
The meeting was brief. Kara had to deal with annoying robots. There were always robots.
Later, Lena was there again and this time Kara was meeting her. Kara forgot that as she walked in with Kal… Clark. For those first few steps she wasn’t Supergirl or Cat Grant’s Assistant, she was herself, the person she only was around her closest friends who knew her secret. The one who walked tall, shoulders back, with nothing to hide.
Again, Lena was overwhelming. Kara was all but stunned by her, stammering and blushing. She didn’t know if there was love at first sight but first touch, just maybe. Lena’s hand was soft and warm, her grip firm, and Kara didn’t know why, then, that it sent such a jolt through her.
It was not the last time they touched.
Some thugs heaved Lena off her balcony, sending her screaming towards her death. Kara was there -she wouldn’t have had to hear it all over the phone- and caught her. It was a flawless rescue, scooping her from the air. Lena, terrified, clung to her for dear life.
Something happened on the way up. There was a brief, searing moment when Lena’s fear faded and she pressed in tight to her savior. Kara was acutely aware of the bare skin on the inside of Lena’s knee, the feeling of her soft calf against the back of her hand and the pull of Lena’s arms around her neck.
That night, Kara began to have feelings. Imaginings. Feeling silken smooth legs sliding under her palms, delicate hands clutched in hers, fingers laced. Wet skin slick on wet skin and clenching muscles, gossamer curls winding across her flesh in a symphony of pure feeling, hot breath on her skin. Teeth on her neck.
It felt weird, it felt wrong, it felt… predatory. Kara was scared of what she wanted, and how she wanted it- feral, with the wild abandon of an apex predator. Kryptonians were above such things. They were a race of stoic scientists who mastered and abandoned animal lusts and replaced them with cold technology Would she betray her heritage this way, too? She’d failed to keep Kal Kryptonian. What if she lost herself, too?
There were other touches. Soft hands on shoulders and lingering palms resting on arms. Lena hugged Kara and sheltered in her arms, drawing Kara around her like armor, and Kara let herself revel in it. She needed to protect Lena like she needed to breathe air.
Then came another. The Daxamite. The enemy, the lover, the jerk. He gave her touches too. Touches she was supposed to enjoy, supposed to want. Everyone told her so, even Alex who despised and suspected him at first.
She enjoyed it for what it was, and hated it for what it wasn’t.
Then he was gone and she was left again to longing. She tried to abandon the Danvers and Become Kryptonian, but she’d failed. Lena Luthor had gloriously corrupted her and she knew in the deepest hidden parts of her heart that whoever she was, she wasn’t the model Kryptonian youth, promised to the science council. She was Alex Danvers’s sister and Eliza Danvers’s daughter and Clark Kent’s cousin, losing herself in friendship and potstickers and guilt.
In the dark, Kara wept because she knew if she could change it all, if she could go back, save her world and her people, something of great value would be lost.
There was something between them, something terrible, something festering between every touch and it gnawed at Kara more and more with every lingering moment. Joy was shot through with terror when Lena would crowd in close to her, the pair of them giggling wine-drunk like the children they’d never been allowed to be. Children of tragedy, daughters of tarnished fathers, inheritors of legacies too heavy to carry alone.
More and more Lena and Kara let each other press close, each under the other’s shoulder, bearing the weight the weight as one. As one in every way except the one that mattered, until Kara’s heart hurt so much that she remembered those first days on Earth when she’d wished the green fireball had taken her pod too.
Then came the worst thing: the truth.
Kara wanted nothing more than to touch her, to feel skin on skin. She knew if she could hold Lena she could make it better, if she could come just shy of kissing the crown of her head and tell her how impossibly sorry she was that Lena would see, that she would feel and understand.
Instead there was only a wall of ice crusted with poison that shot red hot rancid agony through her veins, like a hot knife flensing her skin as her lungs crushed themselves. It felt like she was dying and she wanted it.
It felt like that the entire time. Every argument, every fight. Kara just wanted to scream. Scream at Lena at Mount Norquay with the ultimate weapon aimed at her heart, scream at her on balconies and rooftops and in fraught rescues where Lena shoved her away. Please just let me hold you one more time.
And then, one day, Lena came back. Kara was doing something meaningless -even with the world at stake she still had to write puff pieces for her asshole new boss- and was pacing around her apartment looking for the will to be human when it felt so pointless, and then she heard the staccato of Lena’s racing heart and pulled open her door.
It was explosive. Kara froze, stunned as if struck. It was like seeing Lena for the first time again, as she stood there with tear-wet cheeks in a winter coat with her arms and shoulders folded in fear, and Kara hated that she was afraid. She watched the invisible spectrum dance across Lena’s skin and was lost in her sea-sapphire eyes all over again and dared not even think the prayer on her tongue, a plea that came to her in Kryptonian first.
“I’m sorry,” Lena began, “I was wrong.”
Kara only heard the pain and knew she had to make it stop. Instinct drove her, the instinct she wasn’t supposed to answer. She embraced Lena with the utmost care, needing only to make it better, to make her precious Lena’s hurting stop.
Despite her photographic memory she would never recall who crossed the Rubicon. Maybe it was both of them at once. Lena touched Kara as she never had before, answering the intensity of Kara’s consuming attention in a way she’d always shied from before. Every flash of boldness from Lena drove Kara more feral and she sucked in a sharp breath as she left a hand print pressed in her door, thinking oh oh Rao I don’t want to hurt her, but if Lena was afraid she didn’t show it.
It all just sort of happened on instinct, like they both just knew what to do. Kara heaved her Lena into the air with a shocking display of strength, quivering with joy. Catching her wasn’t enough, she wanted to scoop Lena up and carry her off like a conquering hero, and she was, this was really happening.
They spoke only once, Kara asking the question. “Is this okay?”
Kara exerted every ounce of control she had, schooling every movement, commanding every brush of her fingers and movement of her hands. She let herself drink the sensations, etching a record of every facet of these moments that would endure until the end of her days. She’d never felt as alive as when she felt Lena’s body arch under her hands and the buzz in her throat as she cried Kara’s name.
The humans called it becoming one flesh. Kara thought that was silly. Now, she understood.
Lena answered her tenfold, answering Kara’s burning questions with her hands and lips and teeth, almost shocking Kara with her intensity.
To her surprise it was the after she loved most, feeling Lena’s soft, delicate, vulnerable body cradled in her arms, and when Lena sobbed into her shoulder, Kara wept with her and murmured all the promises again and again and again.
Later, after struggles and losses and a strange sense that it was all finally over, the great battles won, the great miracles all performed, Kara formed the metal and crushed the gems into being with her own hands, and would never forget the trembling in Lena’s hands as she circled the bracelet around her wrist.
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Me, like a month ago: “hey baby boy, I got you cat food formulated for seniors because your lazy old man ass has been putting on some weight”
my cat, twice since then: “I’m going to have a day where I am soooo sick and you are going to have to guess why. Especially since there will be a over a week of me being normal in between”
Me, waking up to cat crying noises and then vomiting: “fuck! Was that not a one time thing?!”
My cat, continuing to be sick: “mother. Something is amiss”
Me: I really hope it’s not the new food, that shit wasn’t super cheap and you seemed like it was doing better for you! But I also hope it’s not something worse. You’re going to HATE going to the vet tomorrow.
#emma posts#idk what’s wrong but it’s not pretty#and I hate seeing my little boy sick#i can’t believe he eats cheap junk food version of cat food and does fine but when i try getting him better stuff#he might be sick#I have literally changed him from one cheap junk food to another without even transitioning between the two properly because they were out#of the first one. but I try giving him good stuff and he’s upset#this happened when i tried to give him healthier treats too#and those were also made for senior cats#he will eat any food willingly and eat the expensive stuff more eagerly#but his taste isn’t the only thing that composes his digestive system 😬#tmi#gross#sick cat#I ordered a carpet cleaner today#after two particularly bad days I’m not gonna live without one#and it’s the start of the month so I don’t have to worry about affording it… provided I get the 130ish one#hopefully I won’t need it as much by then though and the vet solves the problem#he is my everything#my little baby boy#and he adores me more than he does any other human#and he’s a relatively friendly guy#he’s attached to my hip and he’s otherwise perfectly healthy#he’s turning 13 this year though so I’m starting to get more anxiety every time he gets sick. even though he’s otherwise healthier than#a lot of cats his age. the cat he grew up with (one of my brother’s cats) has way more issues#i guess i take that for granted sometimes. I’m always thinking about that though. usually out of concern for the other cat but sometimes I#think about mine. who until recently lived pretty much the same way as his fellow senior cat. but I’ve always paid more attention than my#brother does to his and I took my guy with me when I moved out. it’s been harder on the other guy#his human being more indifferent I suppose. he has anxiety issues now as well#I hate to take my baby anywhere but the vet in the vet carrier but it’s easier to clean and I’m going to visit my parents for the weekend
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carionto · 8 months
Too tough for paradise
One peculiar side effect of Humans hailing from a Deathworld is that their biological well-being is partly dependent on some degree of microscopic hostility from the environment and what they consume.
It is normal among most species that, should their surroundings change to more hospitable conditions, their minds and bodies would feel relief and be under less stress. However, as with any changes, if they deviate too far too quickly from their normal, you risk damage from a sudden shock to the system.
Abigail "Abby" Hostaz had been legally grounded by the Gyin-Trov due to her, ahem, "expansion of business" without the right permits. Not that she bothered to learn that nobody outside Human controlled space in the Galactic Coalition would allow the creation of a deadly asteroid race track AND let sentient beings directly pilot ships through it.
Hell, finding an Alien crazy enough to partake in an activity even most Humans consider insane is one in a trillion. She still did find seven non-Humans, so that math actually is within a reasonable margin. Everything else is not reasonable.
The local Gyin-Trov government learned of the true nature of her activities when a rogue asteroid suddenly appeared on their threat detection systems. The unnatural change of course quickly pointed to where she had set up her latest "thrill track", which the authorities rapidly dismantled, impounded her vessel, named "Victor", and put her under house arrest in the Human embassy awaiting the conclusion of the investigation and subsequent trial.
While station based embassies are effectively fully contained perfect habitats for the respective species, planet based ones tend to adopt a lot of the local elements and integrate what they can simply due to proximity and availability.
Humans, the resourceful buggers that they are, used everything the planet had to offer (that wasn't outright lethal to Humans, which in the case of the Gyin-Trov homeworld were only a few pollen producing crops found in the poles of the planet).
A combination of a almost perfect temperature range (near constant lows of 14C at night, highs of 21C mid-day), slightly higher moisture levels, and bio-engineered local flora that made the water into this somewhat thicker soup containing virtually every nutrient, vitamin and mineral a carbon-based lifeform could ever want, leaving little for the digestive system to tackle. Heck, just being within a field of such plants lets the body absorb everything for healthy survival.
In short, the Gyin-Trov homeworld, also named Gyin-Trov, is as close to Utopia as you can get.
Aaaaaaand Abby is not having a fun time there.
It's not like she was imprisoned - she was allowed to wander around the city and surrounding area under light supervision, she even had her cat, Hector, with her. But there just wasn't enough excitement to be found anywhere.
They had arcades and various physical activities, but she never felt her body grow tired after hours of competitive gaming and contests. No feeling of hunger or exhaustion ever disturbed her focus. The only thing that kept Abby from becoming, essentially, a zombie perpetually engaged in whatever activity was most fun at the moment was the inherent nature of the Human brain - it gets... wobbly after a while and needs sleep.
Not even a week had passed and people noticed Abby had become... different. No strong reactions to anything, no outbursts of some crazy ideas, just a general positive but not quite cheerful apathy. The Human ambassadors had experienced a much milder version of this, and it is theorized that they did not deem it as concerning due to the simple fact the ambassadors always had something to do, and more importantly - something that put their minds, if not bodies, to the test. Regular challenges, worries, and stress from work in general kept them on edge in some ways.
Abby was just waiting around, "put on vacation" as one of the ambassadors had put it. After a couple of more days of this peace, she seemed more like a automaton than anything else. Mindlessly going from place to place, trying out whatever activities were available, but clearly none offered anything close to the level of excitement and danger she had grown so used to. Not even the flawed thirty year old Human body she was in offered any surprises or discomforts.
Everything was just perfectly fine.
When the paperwork finally cleared and she was issued a fine and formally banned from engaging in any construction efforts in Gyin-Trov controlled space, she was reunited with Victor, and the personality changes she had undergone during her short time were seemingly instantly reversed.
Once she was in her ship and the self-diagnostics showed a few blinking lights, Abby immediately became energized and took action. Breathing in the recycled air with a hint of dry rust made that old bruise on her right side make itself known again. She pulled an all-nighter making repairs and "adjustments" to Victor and collapsed from exhaustion on the hard floor.
The next day, she was already near the border to neutral space when she noticed a dwarf planet with a rock formation in the shape of a trebuchet (very vaguely, if you squint really, really hard, and imagine half of the parts), and that gave her an idea.
All the while, Hector the cat did not exhibit any noticeable changes during his stay with Abby on Gyin-Trov. Maybe just a few more hours of sleep per day than normal.
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cardierreh15 · 8 months
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The Lady in Black
🖤☺️ eek
***i do not give anyone permission to repost or copy my work!!!
Warnings 18+: Dub-Con , Cursing , Smut , Cheating , Use of Restraints , Tentacles??? , Choking , Violence , Blood & Gore , Oral (Male Receiving) Pain Play , Doggy Style , Facial Shot , Licking/Swallowing of Bodily Fluids (Blood & Semen)
Pairings: Kal-El x Black!Female Venom 🖤
Description: When the subject of time and space has been disrupted once more, Superman and Lady Venom, have their first interesting meeting.
Word Count: 4.2K
Song: Demons by Doja Cat , One of Your Girls by Troye Sivan 🖤
Side Note: I wanna thank @milknhonies , Tokio and my amazing husband for beta reading and helping me basically bring this idea to life 🖤 I truly adore you guys.
Clark studied the area that was garnished with the limbs of unfortunate victims. He came to the quick conclusion that no human could’ve done something like this. He folded his large arms across his chest as he gently descended to the dewey grass. His face curled up in a grimace as he pondered on his next move. He felt terrible that he wasn’t able to make it here to save them, but sometimes these things happen.
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Brushing that guilt aside, he carefully examined the area once more. Being mindful with each step, he wouldn’t know how to explain to the chief of police why the ankles and wrists of these folks were flattened.
With the scent of iron and blood filling his senses, he was about ready to go. He wasn’t usually the type to have a weak stomach but with the lack of sleep he was receiving work and being Superman, anything would alter one’s brain chemistry.
Suddenly, a silver light twinkled into view. He’d approached it and lifted the blood stained metal out of the dirt. Running his thumb over the medallion to clear the face clean of blood and dirt, he read the words etched in it.
‘Life Foundation.’ It was unfamiliar to him so he flipped it over to read the contents on the back. ‘Stewart L. Mendoza. 0741670…’ Then he flipped it back over to study the etching once more.
His thick brows tugged into one as he tried to piece together some things but he just drew a blank. So, he just dropped the medallion and walked over to empty space where he’d landed. But before he could take off, he heard a burp.
Snapping his head over his shoulder, he waited patiently for the perpetrator to reveal themselves. But then, a twig snapped.
‘Show yourself!’ Clark exclaimed as he blinked once, activating his x-ray vision. But he failed to detect anything.
A voice rang through the air, a feminine tone but was masked with something inhuman and unnatural.
Clark turned around swiftly to see the white eyes of a creature standing on a branch. The rest of her body was hidden within the shadows of the setting sun.
‘What have you done with these people?’
‘They attacked me, I fought back… some of them are finding a home within my digestive system and the rest of them are amongst you.’ She said before she let out a gleeful snicker.
The glare of disgust and disapproval was written all over his masculine features. ‘Come down here so we can talk about what happened further.’
‘Hmm.’ The creature purred as she carefully stepped forward into the golden sunset. She was covered in slick blackness from the top of her head to her toes. She had big white intimidating eyes, and a monstrous smile with more than enough teeth to make a statement and a slinky yet alluring tongue.
She was nothing like Clark had ever seen before and he had seen the most oddities of things. He allowed his eyes to study her once more.
She had a curvy frame; large breasts that would even spill over within his grasp. Her hips were delectable and wide that matched her thick, doughy thighs. They looked soft to the touch, but he wouldn’t be surprised if they were padded with muscles by how toned her legs were.
‘Oh I don’t think so…See, I heard you Kryptonians could be a little… entitled.’ She let out a litter of teasing giggles as she plopped down on the strong branch and began to look at her sharp claws.
‘What do you know of my people?!’ Kal hissed, his heat vision blinding his own view.
‘Oh please, put those away before you hurt yourself!’ She fell back, hanging herself upside down on the branch, ‘I was only teasing.’
Kal’s eyes slowly faded back to their regular cobalt blue before he let out a gentle sigh. ‘Could you tell me what happened?’
The woman looked over at him with a blank stare, ‘Why? You’re gonna hurt me?’
‘Unless you give me a reason to.’
She sneered, ‘Hurt me. Tehehe, you’re cute.’ She mewed out seductively. ‘But I’m afraid I ain’t too much like the other bad men you play around with.’
Heat in his cheeks bloomed before traveling to his neck where he grew a little warmer than before. The way she spoke to him, she had so much sas! Usually, Kal knew what to do in situations like this but it was obvious he’d never dealt with someone— something like this.
‘Alright.’ He swallowed his spit and placed one hand on his hip, ‘Can you tell me where you’re from? And who were these guys? What is Life Foundation?’
‘Ugh!’ The being had finally swung herself off of the tree and landed on her toes as if she were a cat. ‘You’re nosey too? Sheesh.’ She folded her arms, popping her hip out as she admired him from where he stood. He was such a fine specimen. Good enough to eat… good enough to fuck.
The Kryptonian grew impatient with her antics, ‘Answer me or I’ll just have to force it out of you!’ His voice darkened.
‘Awwww you promise?’ She clasped her claws together in a begging manner while a big dreadful grin curled up on her face.
Playtime was over and his patience had run out, ‘This is my final warning!’
‘Oh boy. Someone’s a lil ang-wy! Careful now Kryptonian, I don’t take nicely to threats.’
‘Perhaps it’s not a threat.’
She rolled her eyes, ‘OK enough!’ Hissing before she ran towards him, faster than the speed of light and head butted him so hard, he flew through the trees. ‘Sheesh, you’re cute but you just talk too damn much!’ She snarled, her long tongue grazing over her pretty white canine teeth.
Kal had crashed into a large oak tree, ‘UGH!’ He exclaimed before he’d collapsed to his knees and then to his hands. ‘Aah!’
She’d already made it to him, hiding high up in a tree like a Leopard ready to pounce on her prey.
‘When will you learn that there are things bigger than you, Kal-El? … Stronger than you?’
Her words echoed loudly in the woods. So damn haunting but he was so blinded by rage, they sounded muffled over the piercing ringing in his ears.
Without warning, Kal’s head snapped up and he released his heat vision, burning and cutting through all the branches and trees before him.
Returning to normal, his eyes began to scan the area for her before his anger got to him, ‘WHERE ARE YOU?!’
She’d slowly began to scale down the tree, quiet as a hungry lioness. This was as intense as a nature documentary. The very fine line between what made predators the top of the food chain, and what made prey so dangerous when trying to fight for their life. She knew who she was dealing with, and if she planned this wrong, he could snap her in half all the same.
Hell, it may teach her some manners.
Once she planted her feet on the ground, she kicked Kal on the back of his knee causing him to drop to the ground once again.
‘Ugh!’ He exclaimed, ‘I’m trying to take it easy on you.’ He whimpered, he looked up at her as she stood before him in all her villainy glory.
‘Are you?’ She grabbed his jaw in her claws and lifted him up off of his knees and slammed him against the tree. Long thick tentacles began to arise from her backside and began to slowly journey up his intricate body. She could feel him this way too. Every tentacle had it’s very own series of nerve endings. She could feel his muscles tense and cringe with each touch.
‘Mmph!’ He grunted out, turning his head away as her tongue began to explore the side of his cheek. Her touch, stranger and more foreign than anything he’s fought, made his skin crawl.
‘Oh what’s the matter baby?’ She cooed out, giving him a big toothy grin as her extra limbs wrapped around his thighs and arms, ‘Afraid of a little BDSM?’ She cackled as a final tentacle wrapped around his neck.
Kal did his best trying to tear away from these extra limbs but the inhuman strength they had on him had him questioning his own.
‘Who…are… you?!’ He gritted through his teeth.
‘I’m the best you’ve ever had!’ She said softly as her dainty claws draped from his jaw to his abdomen where she pressed her claw into his flesh.
Kal erupted a loud grunt as his head fell back against the tree. Tears brimmed his eyes for a second at the sudden pain of being stabbed. He hadn’t felt anything like that since… well you know.
‘The best villain. The best teacher… the best— lover.’ She moaned softly before her tongue thrashed once more on the side of his face, tasting his salty sweat.
She slowly pulled her finger out of his abdomen and placed his blood on her tongue. The taste of iron and sweetness danced on her tongue. It had awakened something more salacious inside of her.
‘Mm, and you taste good…let’s see.’ she purred out as she placed her hands on his hips and slowly began to descend to her knees. Her tongue licked at his wound once more, causing Kal to whimper at the tender pain.
‘What are you doing?’ He breathed out as his head hung forward.
‘I hear… you have a woman.. Kal-El.’
Kal jerked as hard as he could against the tentacles but they held him nice and tight, ‘You don’t know anything about me!’
She smirked, looking up at him as she slowly rose to her feet, ‘Oh but I do, my sweet— sweet boy. More than you can imagine.’ A claw scraped down his cheek, cutting his flesh once more as he shut his eyes and gritted his teeth together.
Another taste.
‘I know that… humans… aren’t built to satisfy you. Not like you want to be. I know that you’re also having trouble receiving pleasure because you can’t explore and fulfill your full… potential… ain’t that right, Clark Kent?’
Kal’s head popped up to look at her in her eyes. ‘How do you know that name?’ He gritted through his teeth.
‘I told you sweet pea… I know everything… just like I know—‘ she reached down between them and palmed the semi-hard on that was in his bottoms. He felt massive in her palm.
Kal shut his eyes in defeat as his head fell forward once again.
‘Oh, you don’t have to be ashamed sweetie… it’s natural.’ She cooed as she clawed at the hips of his suit. ‘Just allow me to help you finally conquer your wildest dreams.’ She allowed her tongue to explore him one more time. And this time he didn’t fight, he let out a low sigh as she gently tugged his bottoms down below his hips.
With his member standing at full attention, he was everything she thought he’d be. Veiny and girthy with the length of a well hung porn star and big heavy balls to match.
He was literally perfect.
She dropped to her knees as the symbiote revealed her brown busty breasts. Then, she opened her mouth nice and wide for him as her freakishly long tongue began to tease and caress at the tenderness of his manhood.
Kal’s knees instantly buckled as he watched her tongue flick and lick at his dick before she finally wrapped her warm lips around him and began to suck him off. As she did so, she fondled and toyed with her tits.
Muffled moans escaped his lips as she went to work on him as if she were tryna get paid for it. It felt so damn good but he couldn’t let her know she was doing a good job. Plus, he was cheating on Lois! Was this cheating? He didn’t really want this… did he?
Trembling and flexing thighs were doing just enough telling. But it only encouraged her to snatch his soul from within him. Reaching beneath him, she squeezed his balls gently in her palm as she forced him down her throat.
And my, were they heavy.
‘Oh! —please. Please. Uh!’ He begged as his head lulled back against the tree, eyes crossing inward as he’d seem to lose control of his body. ‘Mm— don’t..‘ he couldn’t even form the words! His mind was so damn jumbled up with a little bit of lust and something else he’s never felt before.
She pulled away, teasingly stroking his member as a thick string of saliva snapped between them. Bubbles and sticky saliva dribbled down her chin to the valley of her pretty brown tits. ‘That’s enough of that.’ She bounced up gently before grabbing his face, forcing him to bring those disgraced eyes to her face.
Her monstrous grill had peeled back and revealed some full, supple lips with pretty white teeth behind them. Lips that just seem so familiar to him. ‘If it’ll make you feel better… I can give you the human body parts… two sets of pretty, soft lips.’ She drug the tip of her tongue against his trembling lips, ‘I’m not gonna hurt you baby. I only wanna make you feel good.’ She said before embracing his cool lips in her warm wet ones.
She slithered her tongue between his teeth, as he finally opened his mouth a little more to let her explore and evade. They both fought for dominance in each other’s mouths. For once, Kal didn’t feel like he needed to take it slow or be careful. He finally felt… free.
When she’d broken the kiss, she turned her backside against him and pushed her hips back against his throbbing cock where she began grinding her ass against him.
Kal’s head fell forward, licking at his lips as he watched her voluptuous ass hug and grind against him desperately. His bright blue eyes dilated with drool falling free from his lips.
Suddenly, the symbiote began to slowly peel away down her spine, exposing her gorgeous tawny brown skin. As she bent over a little, the thick, black sticky flesh peeled back more, revealing her two cute little back dimples before showing off her ass that reminded him of two globes.
Kal began to pant like a thirsty hound, as he writhed a little beneath the symbiote’s grip. Not to get away this time but to fuel his desires and needs. He had never felt such a powerful feeling like this! It was like he was going into heat! It clouded his judgment; making it literally impossible for him to choose between good and bad. An animalistic trait.
Perhaps this was good for him. He needed this release.
But he wasn’t thinking about those he’d hurt in the process… Lois. Or maybe he just didn’t give a shit at that moment.
She’d pressed her backside against him further, feeling the familiar warmth of desire brewing within her womb. Her core of her womanhood became sticky with the thought of his cock stretching her out as she sought to make him fit in every crevice within.
Hymns of purrs and moans escaped her lips as her own teasing began to drive herself nuts. She looked back over her shoulder at Clark who was gone with sexual hunger. She licked at her fingers slowly before descending them down to her pussy.
So turned on by the way he looked at her, she began to rub at her erected numb, collecting some of her sticky nectar and rubbing it out once more.
‘Mmm, you ready to stretch me out?’
Kal tried pulling from the tentacles again, he was practically foaming at the mouth! He gave her a hard nod before he murmured out, ‘Y-yes.’
A licentious grin curled on her lips as she took ahold of his member and caressed that sweet spot where the tip and his shaft intersected. She gave it a gentle squeeze, feeling the stiff muscle throb with mercy in her soft palm.
Kal let out a silent curse, as he balled up his fists.
Standing on her tipping toes, she guided the tip of his cock towards her core before she pushed her hips up against him, forcibly sinking him into herself.
She let out a raspy cry as his member delved and nestled deep against her walls, invading and creating its home within her.
Kal let out an animalistic groan as the symbiote’s hold on him grew tighter as if it wanted them closer together. ‘Uhhhh!’ He moaned as his cheeks burned with a fervidus fever. ‘God!’
‘Nuh uh baby…’ She shuddered out, feeling the numbness from her toes creep and kneaded it’s way into her belly with shocks and tremors of pleasure tingling at her chocolate kisses nipples.
‘Just me.’ She added before she began to slowly throw her ass back against him.
It was at that moment where Kal had completely forgotten about everything and now his main focus was on her. No worries of the world. Not having to worry about his responsibilities as Superman. Not having to worry about simply breaking or killing her because she wasn’t human. He felt like he could truly release the hold that stricken him for the past 40 years.
He deserved this. Or that’s what he was telling himself.
As she and the symbiote worked as one; pushing and pulling her body against him, they both let out a series of moans. She was having a damn good time taking advantage. But Kal on the other hand was becoming too needy and desperate. He wanted to touch her.
‘Release…me…please.’ He begged through his moans, ‘I want… feel. Ugh fuck.’
She muddled and twisted her hips in an arrhythmic dance. And it was driving both of them insane.
‘Uhhh! Please!’ His bright eyes flashed open, looking down at her.
She peered back at him before carefully pulling her hips away. ‘You’re begging… I found you attractive before but now… baby you look so miserable.’ She giggled as she gave the tip of his cock a thump. ‘Sexy as fuck.’
Kal flinched at the addictive pain and moaned. ‘I promise…’ he huffed out, ‘I promise I’ll make it worth your while just… let me.’
She stared at him for a long moment, ‘I suppose.’ She said before waving her hand, ordering the symbiote to release him from the hold. It slowly unwrapped from around his thighs and legs, then his waist and then his arms. He’d collapsed to his hands and knees before her.
She turned around and got on her hands and knees; ass up in the air as she arched her back, like a sleepy feline.
Kal stood up on his knees, grinning with eyes as crazed like a mad man who had just struck gold. He’d placed his large warm hands against her thick thighs and gave them a desperate squeeze. Just as he’d thought, soft like marshmallows.
He pulled her back closer to him before taking a hold of his uncut cock and kissed her slit with the tip of it. She was so sticky, so creamy and messy. He adored it! He wasted no more time before he rammed it into her tight abyss once again.
‘Aaah!’ She moaned out in a harsh gasp.
He began to thrust his hips forward, slowly and teasingly only to get payback.
‘Stop. Being. Oof! A. Teeease and fuck me!’ She moaned out ruggedly.
The symbiote began to wrap itself around him once again. Around his throat and down below at the hilt of his balls.
At the sensitive touch, it only fueled his desires further. All he wanted to do was unleash his full potential and he was going to do that and so much more. So, he began to thrust his hips a little faster and a little harder.
Her wails and cries echoed throughout the woods along with their flesh just crashing into one another like a neutron star collision. There was so much force, so much power… they could terraform this area within the hour!
‘Fuck, fuck, fuck! Kal! Aah! Don’t fucking stop, yes!’ She moaned out as her claws dug within the moist soil beneath them. She could feel him beating down her walls at every angle.
His thumb pads were pressed firmly within her back dimples as he held on to her tightly. ‘Fuck this feels so good!’ His brows tugged into one as he relished in this newfound pleasure. If he ever said sex with Lois was mind blowing like this… boy he was wrong.
He’d just never had his taste at alien pussy before and he knew he couldn’t go back to humans after this. They merely weren’t enough to handle him. Hell, she barely could!
Desperate grunts and howls flowed from Kal’s chest in a string of melodies as he continued to dig his hips into her, pining closer and closer to his release.
That was until he lost his grasp and she tried to crawl away. Trying to take her dominance back. But he merely snatched her back towards him.
‘Where are you going?!’ His tone was dark and filled with bane.
‘Aah!’ She exclaimed as her body began to heat up. ‘KAL-EL! Have mercy!’ She whined out as she reached between her legs and kneaded at her clit.
There was no way she was really asking him for mercy… after her evil ways.
‘No!’ He barked as he pounded harder.
A sick, carnal groan rumbled in her chest as she blissfully took this punishment from him. Sultry and sexy giggles left her lips as they took each other on a wild trip of ecstasy. Fueling each other’s salacious and dark fantasies. Now this was her idea of fun.
After a while, Kal’s groaning had become even more constant with his thrusts becoming staggering with lack of rhythm. He was close.
She began to twerk her ass against him, completely taking over in the final moments. The symbiote began to tighten around his neck and balls, causing a smile of pleasure to curl on his lips.
‘Fuck!’ He cried out as his blue eyes began to roll back. ‘I’m— I’m gonna—‘ he stuttered.
Quickly shifting positions at his announcement, she turned around to face him and wrapped her luscious lips around his member and sucked him clean. She then pulled away allowing her tongue to flick and tease at his tip.
His hips jerked forward as he began to leak on her tongue. ‘Hooo.. that’s it baby.’ As he reached down to cup her jaw before she began to suck him off again.
She throated him one good time before pulling away and jerking him off. Letting out a loud, ‘FUCK!’ His body tensed up as he began to unload thick ropes of cum all over her face. ‘God—mmph!’ He whimpered out as his body trembled from the after shock of the intense orgasm. Tears brimmed at his eyes as he watched her long tongue wipe her face clean of his nut before swallowing all of it whole.
With her claws covered in his semen, she sucked and licked them clean too. He fell to his hands… defeated. There was no way Kal would be okay after this.
Standing to her feet, her symbiote began to close up and fill in the open parts of her, fully becoming whole again.
‘You did well.. son of Krypton.’
He looked up at her with wanderous, adoring eyes. ‘How do you know so much about me?’
‘A girl never tells…’ Then, she heard the sound of shouting and shuffling. ‘I must go.’ She turned around, walking away.
‘Wait!’ Kal exclaimed, reaching out towards her.
She turned halfway, ‘Yes?’
‘What is your name? Will I see you again?’
She walked back towards him and squat down before him. The symbiote began to peel away at her once more, revealing her face. And what Kal caused his heart to stop in his chest.
A woman, beautiful dark curly hair with eyes as brown as honey and thick dark lashes. With a smile that had enchanted him on many occasions. His coworker, Aya.
‘Well you see me all the time, silly.’ She shot him a wink and gave his cheek a pinch. Her voice sounded a little more familiar, but still layered with its voice.
Aya Lionheart. They worked closely together on a couple of projects at the Daily Planet.
Kal couldn’t believe his eyes. He’d always found her to be such an attractive and beautiful person. But he never thought he’d get to sleep with her…not this way— not ever…
And to find out that she was as different as he was. ‘Aya?’
‘In the flesh.’ She stood back up and looked over her shoulder as the men began to gain chase. ‘I’ve got to go… behave… Mr. Kent.’ And she leapt off of the ground and into the trees where she’d disappeared into the forest void.
He felt like his breath was snatched out of his lungs for a moment before he slowly stood to his feet. It was then when he’d realized that his suit was basically torn to shreds. Between her claws and the symbiote ripping at it, he was gonna have to call his mother. But not tonight. He was exhausted. She took it all from him.
‘Hey! Over there!’ Someone shouted.
Kal snapped his head up at the group of people who held weapons up at him. And instead of being diplomatic and trying to investigate, he fled the scene, flying back into the city.
Just a Few Tags: @itsrubberbisquit @critfailroll @headcannonxgalore @ellethespaceunicorn @deandoesthingstome @milknhonies @mayloma @kurokrisps @elfqueen006 @gummydummy19 @ylva-syverson @peternoonewantsthat
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followthebluebell · 4 months
hi! sorry to bother you, but i remember seeing posts about something like lifetime wellness studies (?) for cats on certain brands of cat food, and thought you might know something about that. would you know how i'd go about researching if a particular brand or line of cat food has done those studies?
So, to get a lot of controversy out of the way immediately, my solid stance is that the BEST food for your cat is the one that they'll eat and won't wreck their digestive system. Some cats will eat nothing but fancy feast kibble and that's fine. It's not poisoning them unless they've got some horrible reaction to an ingredient.
Basically, I don't judge owners based on the food that they feed their cat. My own cats eat mostly Friskies wet food.
There aren't many companies that run lifetime tests on their food due to the sheer length of time those studies require, as well as the costs. Remember, the lifetime of a cat is like 15+ years, although most lifetime studies are only ten. That's a long time to study, so really the only companies that CAN afford to do this are the big ones. I know Purina, Science Diet, and Royal Canin do. I know a few others do. I think Iams and Eukanuba, but don't quote me there; my bailiwick is cat stuff, not dog stuff.
The best way to find out if a company has done a lifetime study is to contact the company directly and ask to see the study itself.
Some brands might be tricky and try to claim that they are 'WSAVA Approved'. This is not a thing. The World Small Animal Vet Association has set guidelines for cat and dog food that includes a lifetime feeding test, BUT they don't personally vet these companies. Instead, the wording you're looking for will be more like '[BRAND] meets the standards set by the World Small Animal Vet Association'.
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