#cassandra cain-wayne
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wqintraining · 2 days ago
Wayne Family Adventures has been explaining some of its timeline to explain why Cass and Steph haven't been Batgirls in the series, and I don't hate what they did:
- Cass' Batgirl Series Happened
- Cass Didn't Turn Evil, But She Felt Guilty Over Killing Shiva, Quit Being Batgirl, and Gave the Mantle to Steph
- War Games Only Happened After Stephanie Became Batgirl. She Survived, But Gave Up Batgirl Because She Screwed Everything Up
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but-a-humble-goon · 1 year ago
I think Cass should be pro-crime. Not violent crime or anything obviously but you can't tell me she wouldn't get the stomach rumbles while out as Batgirl and just check if nobody's watching before putting her fist through a vending machine because the law is dumb anyway.
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batfambyval · 1 month ago
I don’t understand why people think Jason and Cass would get along. I know people have pointed it out before but jeez…
Cass is so staunchly anti killing that she puts Bruce to shame. She killed one person and lived on the streets most of her life and people think she’s just like Jason. But she believes so strongly in the inherent value of life. Her killing one person, who was not innocent at all, caused her so much distress she literally ran away from the only life she’d ever known, with no way to communicate with anyone or understand anything really, and decided she would rather live like that forever than kill again. That is how anti-murder this girl is. She and Jason canonically don’t get along and it makes perfect sense. I don’t think she would ever playfully banter about who’s older or anything like that. She straight up does not like him, and that’s an important part of her character that I really don’t think should be changed. Anyway I’ve been having a lot of Cass thoughts lately.
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meisterparadox · 2 months ago
I have an idea for a DPxDC. If anyone wants to expand on it, I'd be happy, as I'm more of a reader than a writer. Here's the idea:
Danny goes to Gotham University and studies engineering and physics. At night he plays music as a duo with Ember in various bars/clubs. There is one big difference between Danny's ghost half (Phantom) and his human half (Fanton). Phantom is only into ghosts and Fanton is only into humans. That's the reason why his relationship with Sam ended after a year. Now Phantom is with Ember and Fanton is single. The relationship is a bit rocky and they argue a lot, but Phantom loves Ember. And everything is going reasonably well in Danny's life, but then he meets Cass and Fanton falls in love. And Danny has no idea how to deal with it.
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dontthinkaboutcookies · 2 years ago
Cass: *exists*
Me: “an angel”
Cass: *breaks people’s bones*
Me: “a cinnamon roll. A precious bean.”
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luliadraws · 2 months ago
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The implementation of Tim’s cowl
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ochibrochi · 7 months ago
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america's sweetheart olympian 🥇
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ultimate-marysue · 4 months ago
It's raining nonstop where I am so I'm just picturing the Batfam during a flood.
Red Robin uploads a TikTok from the safety of a roof saying "watch him go!" As Red Hood keeps trying to drive his bike against the current. A big wave comes by and he's slowly dragged downhill. The caption reads "don't drive during floods".
Batman and Robin are on the ground helping civilians out of cars when the intensity doubles and in minutes Damian goes from wading knee deep in the water to swimming. The emergency batfloaties get triggered and he floats away as Bruce fails to grab him by half an inch. "Robin serenely drifting in the current" becomes a meme.
Someone takes a picture of a very flustered spoiler trying to squeeze the water out of her cape. The second she lets go the weight of the water makes her fall ass over backwards. Black Bat ends up giving her her waterproof cape.
Signal makes mirages of sharks in the water to scare the shit out of any criminals. Oracle uploads the recordings with Benny hill as background music. Bludhaven escapes the worst of the storm and Nightwing sends pictures to the group chat patting the barely wet concrete just to rub it in. He still slips on a puddle and eats shit, Barbara sends that to the group chat.
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fallen-jpg · 2 months ago
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it's december so time to stare at my art output for the year!!!
picked out some stuff that i'm ok with. wish i had more art to show but im trying to let it go since i was gone for 4 months this year. here's hoping for more drawing time next year
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lovelylonelymoonlight · 7 months ago
Bruce unintentionally dissing the league while praising his kids is so funny to me
Bruce: we need an expert marksman for this job
Oliver: *getting ready to stand up to fully accept Bruce’s praise*
Bruce: Redhood will be here shortly. We also need someone quick on their feet. Luckily Cass is working on a case nearby so we can ask her
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arkangelo-7 · 2 months ago
I bet the JL has a “how fucked are we” metric that’s literally just how many of Bruce’s kids are there.
Like if he pulls up to the alien invasion or whatever with just Robin, then everything’s fine. More than fine, actually, because Bruce feels comfortable enough to bring his eight year old along for the ride. This battle will take approximately fifteen minutes and they’ll all get shawarma after. Not fucked in the slightest.
But if Red Robin shows up too… hmm, okay, this is getting somewhat serious. Tim is one of Bruce’s most trusted partners; he’s the smart Robin, the tactician, the loyal one, and so if Batman brought him along then it means he’s at least a little bit worried about shit hitting the fan and wants one his advisors around. But the combined brain power of Bruce and Tim is pretty much unmatched (DC plot armor for the win), so everything will be fine, basically. Superman might take a hit, but everything’s going to be fine. Just keep calm and you’ll all make it home in time to Door Dash some Panda Express before it closes. So not that fucked.
It starts to get serious after that. When Signal and Spoiler roll up the scene, shit has definitely hit the fan. Batman’s worried enough to call in reinforcements and he’s probably doubting the League’s ability to listen/obey his orders, so he needs a backup plan in case things go really south. But with Signal’s abilities and Steph’s superpower of turning anything into a joke, chances are you’ll be okay. Maybe impaled or something, but okay. But still, fucked.
When Nightwing shows, the JL knows it’s starting to get dicey out on the field. See, Nightwing’s got his own team, his own issues—the fact that he set that all aside to help out his dad is cause for concern. On a scale from 1-10, they are at a 7. Above moderately fucked.
And… oh God. Black Bat? Most of the time the JL doesn’t even see her, but once she makes herself known and starts fighting alongside her siblings, they all start to silently freak out. Black Bat is a fucking machine and if she’s breaking a sweat trying to fight the Big Bad, things are definitely not going to go well. They start praying that Batman figures something out. They freak out. They are intrinsically fucked.
But God Forbid you catch sight of the Red Hood. The prodigal son is a legitimate killer, and if Batman’s letting him blow out brains then the JL knows he’s desperate. And a desperate Batman is not good. At all. They are definitely fucked.
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wqintraining · 2 days ago
How Gotham perceives the Waynes (now that post-crisis is fully canon):
Bruce: Lucky himbo who somehow wound up with his family fortune back. "Good for him I guess."
Dick: Kid of a billionaire who became a cop and then inherited wealth from a different billionaire. They'd hate him if he wasn't so charming.
Cass: Average Joe thinks she's a stuck-up socialite who doesn't work because she won the adoption lottery. But there are plenty of Gothamites who swear they've seen her swallowing an entire pizza pie in one bite, or sitting on top of the rafters at the ballet.
Jason: Dead
Tim: The Gay One
Duke: "So is he a Wayne kid or not?" "He doesn't live here anymore so I'm not sure it matters?"
Damian: The Wayne heir who spends a lot of time scowling, except during his oddly frequent visits to the zoo. Dating an albino girl???
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but-a-humble-goon · 2 years ago
Generally Cass has no problems following Bruce's orders but that's because they tend to line up with her moral code the vast majority of the time, and especially early on she just assumes he knows better in most situations. That being said Cass' hilarious willingness to just openly flout his authority and say to Bruce's face 'not sorry, learned nothing, will happen again,' whenever her compassion overrules his practicality is one of my favorite things about her.
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lokutofu · 7 months ago
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World’s Greatest Detective fails to correctly identify his children 😭
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amorkuku · 7 months ago
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lil-gingerbread-queen · 8 months ago
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"Robin brings light to the darkness" or something
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