#caregiver husker
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doe-eyed-dreamr · 1 year ago
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Regressor Angel Dust Imagines ~°☆.♡
• Starts regressing involuntarily due to everything he's been through
• Regression helps him sleep
• He loves playing dress-up with Charlie (who is the most supportive a person could be)
• Husk takes care of him and is so proud he found a healthy way to relax
• Fat Nuggets loves regressed Angel because he's extra snuggly (and always gentle no matter how young he feels)
• Wants to be picked up and carried a lot
• Likes to sit on the floor to feel small as he's naturally so tall
• He has everyone at the hotel wrapped around his little finger
• Will ask to groom Husk's feathers because they're so soft
• His regression isn't always happy. And that's okay <3
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moonshineplaydate · 1 year ago
Well, as (sorta promised), here are some of my other Hazbin Hotel Age Regression headcanons! I say sort of as I most likely won’t include Sir Pentious, and I’ll just bunch him in with the other miscellaneous characters that I like! Sorry about that but regardless, let’s go on with the show!
Hazbin Hotel Age Regression Headcanons, Part 2.
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Alastor, The Radio Demon
•No one really knows what his deal is, I mean, the dude’s from the 30’s, he’s like prehistoric. No one expected him to know what age regression was, let alone indulge it.
•That was until he was seen casually taking care of a regressed Niffty, playing with her in the living room of the hotel.
‘Why, of course I know what regression, how else would I be taking care of this little darling Niffty here?’
•He just left at that, he didn’t explain much, people just accepted it as a fact of life.
•From what people have seen, he’s entirely a caregiver, mostly for Niffty but sometimes watches over Charlie if he’s feeling up for it.
•He likes talking to littles, but not in the same way Charlie does, he mainly acts like he’s gossiping with her.
‘(Gasp), I cannot believe she said that, she really shouldn’t be talking, I wish I had her confidence.’
•Alastor doesn’t like being touched, and that stays true with littles. He has no problem grabbing them or holding them, but touching him is where the line is drawn.
•The most he’ll do is let them hold his hand if they’re scared.
•Has to be reminded not to accidentally spook the little with any of his…everything.
•Has no idea what to do if a little starts crying and just dumps them onto Husk. Or, he’ll use his microphone to play some soothing music for them, which sometimes works.
•Also, he makes the best food for his littles, I’ve always believed Alastor is an amazing cook and he can make practically anything a little wants!
•He calls littles, ‘Tiny Demons, Deerlings, Little Shadow, Princess (Charlie specific).
•Won’t really admit it but he likes taking care of littles. Even if it’s his ‘duty’ as manager of the hotel, he has a genuine liking to them.
•He’s not the safest with littles, he keeps them sheltered from most of Hell, because it’s Hell and that place sucks, but would honestly just watch if they climbed up some place high or played with a knife.
•Alastor keeps makes his shadows watch them at all times though, in case they seem like they’ll really hurt themself.
•He’ll also kill and or eat anyone who so much as makes one of his littles cry, not in front of them of course.
•No one knows if Alastor regresses or not, people are too scared to ask him, so they go to Husker but even he doesn’t know. Alastor is an enigma, after all.
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•Husker is a caregiver! He never felt a need to be little, and really really took a long time to understand it.
•It took a while to wrap his head around the fact that people actually felt like a child when they were little, and weren’t just acting.
•He sort of understood it with Niffty, but really understood it with Angel. He always thought Angel was fake but could recognise that the way he acted when he was small but anything but.
•It was kinda like a moment where everything clicked for him.
•He wasn’t really interested in being a caregiver or looking after kids, by all accounts, he hates them.
•Still, Husk acts as a de facto babysitter of the hotel, especially if the littles just need some time to chill. Other people can be a liiittle hyper.
•So, Husker was stuck with a bunch of kids a lot of the time, he wasn’t exactly a fan but he didn’t hate it either.
•Once he learned how to take care of them mostly, keeping their little gear on hand (he has a bunch of bottles, juice and milk in the bar for them), giving them attention, he got the hang of it.
•He really cannot deal with tantrums though, and has to find someone else to before he ends up snapping at them which he wouldn’t want.
•He has the kind of vibe of a babysitter that’s just honest with the kids he babysits, and finds it amusing to lie to them about little things.
‘Hu-Husk, why are you a c-cat?’
‘It’s cause I ate a bunch of fur when I was alive.’
•It’s comedy gold to him.
•He never acts mean to littles, just a little blunt at times.
•Isn’t the best at handling crying but still tries, he doesn’t really do bottle feeding but he’ll do his best to calm a little down!
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•I imagine Niffty as a total regressor, I don’t think she’d be one for taking care of others!
•Her age range can be anywhere from 2-5!
•Her regression is mostly voluntary though sometimes she slips without even realising.
•She’s very hyper when she’s little, usually talking very fast and bouncing around the place!
•She loves piggy back rides, it makes her feel tall! Her favourite thing to do is get a piggy back ride off Husk and have him fly her around!
•She calls Husker ‘kitty’ when he’s regressed; Alastor’s her dada and Charlie’s her mama!
•Niffty finds Alastor more fun and prefers hanging out with him, but Charlie can be more comforting at times!
•Being taken care of by the two of them is like a dream for her, or when she gets to have play dates with a little Charlie.
•With Husker though, she finds him a bit boring but loves being able to blabber at him for hours and hours.
•She can talk fairly well when she’s a slightly bigger age but when she’s really tiny, it’s mostly babbles.
•Niffty doesn’t have that much little gear, she has this horrifying stitched together plushie that no one can really tell what it’s supposed to be, along with a red and black paci that Alastor got for her! She also has a pair of white PJ’s with light purple tints to them!
•She doesn’t really care for touch when she’s little, but she loves receiving gifts, usually sweets though; she goes absolutely insane for anything with sugar!
•Husker had to put a lock on one of cabinets as Niffty got in one time and ate half a bag of sugar.
•The one thing she hates about and gets fussy over is nap time, she always tries to weasel her way out of it and claim she’s not tired even if she’s actively fighting to stay awake.
•This usually goes on until Charlie says she’ll read her a story, or Alastor plays her some music that helps her fall asleep. After just a couple seconds of her head being on the pillow, she’ll be out like a light!
•Niffty does like nick names when regressed but she honestly couldn’t care what she’s called, even if it’s insulting she’ll think it’s a compliment!
•Still though, her caregivers stick to a couple! Alastor calls her ‘Little Darling’, Charlie calls her, ‘Sweetie’, and Husk calls her ‘Brat’.
Whew, and that’s the main six done! It took a bit out of me, but I’m glad I got all this out of my system, it was fun to write! This doesn’t mean I’m done with Hazbin though, I still have other characters and I obviously want to write a fic at some point! Also I’m fine if you want to send in character requests for any headcanons, just keep in mind I may be busy! Thanks for reading starlights, I’ll hopefully be back soon with more cool stuff!
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ramona-quinn · 9 months ago
You guys need to go check this story out /pos
It's adorable, I can't stand it 😭 /pos
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while i have your attention and before i revamp everything, here's the first fic i've ever written !!
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nostalgiclittlespace · 10 months ago
Caregiver Husk Headcanons
TW: Hazbin Hotel contains adult themes. But this post is completely SFW!
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Probably found out about your regression after you visited the bar one night, close to tears.  Instead of immediately letting you drink away your sorrows, he tried talking to you.
Eventually, after requesting some hugs and soft, childish speech, he realized something was up.  But in the moment, he just stayed patient and took you to bed.
After a conversation with you the next morning, you admitted to having age regression.  He was confused at first, but understanding after you explained it all.
He expressed concern of you being by yourself when you had the headspace of a child, and told you to come find him if you ever needed anything.
Eventually it just became routine.
You would hunt him down, whether he was at the bar or his room, and he would keep you busy.  He found some gear for you too, after seeing you chew your hands and pull his tail one too many times out of boredom.
So. Many. Stuffies.
(His drinking habits have significantly cut back since he started caregiving)
You had to reteach the grumpy old man how to play again though
There was quite a lot of disapproval the first time you sat down for a tea party, and Husk just sat there watching awkwardly instead of participating.
He still prefers hands-on games like Hide-and-Seek or tag in comparison to imaginative play (he has no creativity), but he will do whatever you ask because seeing you smiling makes his heart melt
His favorite thing is board/card games.  Uno and Go Fish galore.
He always lets you win, and makes it convincing (perks of having a poker face)
He may or may not teach you to gamble using stickers and Goldfish crackers
You love seeing his card tricks!
Husk doesn’t have very many rules, but what few he does, he is very strict about. (eg. no sharp objects, no cooking without his supervision, stay out of the bar, etc)
Prefers to go with the flow rather than having a strict schedule for you.  Whatever you want to do in the moment is fine by him.
If you are overstimulated, he lets you calm down by petting his fur or wings (which is a very special privilege reserved for you and eventually Angel)
This man is the best at reassurances.
Always tells you how proud of you he is, that you deserve all the love in the world, you’re safe and cared for, etc.
Takes care of your needs without question or judgment.  Whatever food preferences, comfort items, accommodations–he’s got it.
Doesn’t really like leaving you with a babysitter, as he doesn’t trust anyone else to properly care for you.  If he really has to, he’ll leave you with Charlie or Angel.  They’re like older siblings to you.  (Never in a million years would he leave Alastor or Niffty in charge.)
Husk isn’t very creative with pet names.  He mostly just calls you ‘kiddo’ or ‘hun’.
He doesn’t really do baby talk; however he is always smiling softly and listening whenever you’re babbling about whatever.
If you have a nightmare or a meltdown, he keeps his cool.  Usually, you get calmed down just by cuddling with him (he’s sooo soft).  Then, he’ll turn on a movie or read to you until you fall asleep.
Alastor teases him for his ‘motherly instincts’ constantly.
As such, Husk flips him off constantly.  
You started to do the same, and now Husk is trying to get you to stop.  (with no success so far) Alastor is amused by the struggle.
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littlemissagere · 1 year ago
Hazbin Hotel AgeRe headcanons!
Ft; Lucifer, Angel Dust & Alastor !
]—————‘ ,—————[
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‘ 📻 , Alastor ! ‘ 🦌 ,
🪶 ) Alastor is a caregiver!
🦌 ) Alastor is very good with Littles who have/are NV/Selective mutism/Verbal paralysis.
🪶 ) has a list of what his little(s) like, want, and need
🦌 ) Holds his kiddo's hand or holds them
🪶 ) Will read his little a bed time story
🦌 ) Good at soothing his kiddos
🪶 ) “My little demon” / “my little Angel”
🦌 ) Very understanding, more of a listener
🪶 ) If a kiddo is babbling, he responds like “oh wow?” “Oh my.” “Oh that’s very interesting, my dear.” “Haha, please, share more.” Etc
🦌 ) Has naptimes and bedtimes for his kiddos
🪶 ) Very calm
🦌 ) Let’s you touch his ears, doesn’t mind since it’s his kiddo
🪶 ) If a baby is giggly, sometimes he just can’t help but giggle a little himself.
🦌 ) Extremely gentle
🪶 ) Fussy/Sad kiddos are safe with him, he always tries his best to calm them
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‘ 🍷 , Lucifer ! ‘ 🐣 ,
🐣 ) Lucifer is VERY much a caregiver !!
❗️ ) Is protective of his kiddo(s)
🐣 ) Shows off his little one ALLLLL the time
❗️ ) Sings/hums his kiddos to sleep
🐣 ) LOVES a cuddle bug kiddos
❗️ ) Tries his best to understand the babbles
🐣 ) Has beefed with Alastor over who’s a better “Dada”
❗️ ) “My little chick” “Sweetpea” “Sweetie” “Little Baby” etc, is what he calls his kiddos
🐣 ) Will let his kiddo play / touch his wings if they’re curious
❗️ ) Puts his hat on your head and melts when he sees it’s big on you
🐣 ) If you’re taller than him / mention he’s short, he will say things like “Oh but you’re just a little baby! Come on let’s . . .” And will find a small activity to do
❗️ ) Kisses on the head and nose, always !!
🐣 ) Touchy, always making sure you’re by his side and safe
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‘ 🕷️ , Angel Dust ! ‘ 🤍 ,
🤍 ) Angel is a flip, no lean!
🎀 ) Will cuddle you with all of his arms !
🤍 ) Tea parties !!
🎀 ) Will not let people make inappropriate jokes around you when you’re small.. even himself! Sometimes he won’t even swear. . .
🤍 ) Husker is also inevitably also your cg, him and Angel care for you a lot
🎀 ) head pats, and hugs are his specialty
🤍 ) Will let you vent / cry on/to him for as long as you need
🎀 ) will call you; “sugar” , “hun/hon” , “Sweetheart” , “Little thing” , “Doll” , “Sugar plum” etc . .
🤍 ) Onesies, stuffies, blankies, anything you need is yours!
🎀 ) Will tell you he loves you soooo much, and you’re such a good kiddo
🤍 ) Will call anyone out if they’re rude to you AT ALL
Thanks for reading ! <3
Check out the banners please ,,
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eflen-n-reegee · 1 year ago
Caregiver Alastor Headcanons (Hazbin Hotel)
Heads up: this show contains a lot of swearing and cartoonishly gory violence.
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He’s been on the hunt for a new source of entertainment, and a kiddo like you is perfect!
He is always smiling, and tries to ensure you are too. You’re never fully dressed without a smile, after all!
(And if you’re really upset, he’ll chatter and make jokes until either his presence or his laughing audience cheers you up.)
He also likes talking to you while you’re going to bed. He’ll lower his voice and chatter about things he’s seen or experienced, and the chatter will help lull you to sleep.
He can create certain objects with his powers, including little demonic toys for you.
He has plenty of… associates that he’s made deals with over the years. Some of them, like Nifty, adore you and think you’re the sweetest thing. Others, like Husker, are always grumpy and fun to pester.
(Al majorly encourages the pestering.)
As long as he’s around, you will never be harmed. No creature would dare try to mess with you.
He often pulls you into a musical number, using his abilities to give you props and change up your surroundings.
If you ever wander too far, or if he just can’t wait to see you, he summons you to his side, which is very sweet. It does mean hide and seek with him is terrible, though.
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tiredashelllee07 · 11 months ago
husk would be a cool uncle that secretly care for us deeply. I love to just pet his ears, they would be so fluffy just like his tail
"will teach/scold/discipline a little one through the use of card game analogies" vibes— another self-indulgent post cuz why not i'm down a rabbit hole right now so ⁄⁠(⁠⁄⁠ ⁠⁄⁠•⁠⁄⁠-⁠⁄⁠•⁠⁄⁠ ⁠⁄⁠)⁠⁄
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small-duckie · 5 months ago
Can I request a one shot of Husk and baby Angel? Pwease?
Title: Itsy Bitsy Spider
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel (regressor! Angel x Caregiver! Husker)
Content warnings: brief mentions of Valentino & Studio (nothing graphic)
Authors note: thank you so much for this request! I hope you like it!
Angeldust didn’t really have the chance to regress that often, considering his work schedule and Charlie’s consistent schedule of doing warm ups to make the residents more comfortable with each other had the spider demon often drained.
At least until today, a very rare day off from the studio, something about Valentino throwing a fit and destroying it yet again.
He had decided to take the day to himself considering Charlie didn’t have anything planned for the hotel either.
He wasn’t really sure what he wanted to do, idly sitting across from Husk at the bar.
���What’s got ya down legs?” Husk mused from where he watched the spider demon who seemed a bit tense.
“Ah it’s nothin’” Angel muttered, giving a slight wave of his hand.
“Ya sure?” Husk prodded a bit more, raising a brow.
Giving another sigh, Angel rested his chin in his hand.
“I’m just.. I have a free day and I just wanna relax- but I dunno how-“ Angel finally admitted, looking a bit embarrassed.
“What about that uhh.. ya know- that regression thing?” Husk suggested, giving a shrug.
Angel paused for a moment, not really expecting Husk to answer so easily.
“I mean yeah- that’d probably be good..” Angel hummed out in thought as he stood.
“Thanks whiskers-“ he grinned, starting to make his way upstairs.
“Your welcome legs!” Husk called from where he stayed behind the bar.
It hadn’t taken long for Angel to regress, having retreated to his rooms. Settling for a simple bubble bath, cozy pjs, and curling up in bed with his plushies and Fat Nuggets.
Husk had shut down the bar for a brief time to check up on the spider demon. He hadn’t seen him in a few hours and it was a bit worrying.
Heading upstairs, he had knocked lightly on the others door, brows furrowed when he didn’t get a reply right away.
Seeing as the door was unlocked, he had carefully stepped inside, eyes adjusting to the dimmed lights. Spotting the now regressed spider curled up on his bed.
Angel was quiet other than noisily sucking on his pacifier , cooing softly as he spotted Husk.
“Hey kiddo-“ Husk grinned, walking over to the bed as he sat down.
Immediately Angel was in his lap, still cooing and giggling as he reached to gently tug at Husk’s ears.
“Ah no no-“ Husk gave a slight shake of his head, gently taking away Angel’s hand as the spider demon whined with a pout.
“I know, I’m such a bad guy-“ Husk chuckled, reaching to grab a toy from the small toy basket beside Angel’s bed.
“There ya go..” Husk mused, trying to smooth down the spider’s hair.
For a while he simply sat with the small spider demon lazily sprawled out in his lap, fidgeting with his toy.
But Angel had begun to fuss, squirming a bit in Husk’s embrace.
“What’s wrong bud?” Husk mused, glancing down at the other as Angel's stomach growled.
“Ah ya hungry huh?” Husk chuckled, tapping Angel on the nose.
Having sat Angel down on the bed, Husk had gone down to the kitchen to make a bottle for Angel.
While he still wasn’t entirely sure how age regression worked, he was happy to help Angel out where he could. It obviously helped the other relax after tough work days.
Heading back upstairs, he had sat down on the bed again, gathering up the fussing spider demon into his lap.
Removing the pacifier from Angel’s mouth, Husk sat it to the side to offer him a bottle instead.
Even though he was a bit irritated at having his pacifier taken, Angel immediately took the bottle. Visibly relaxing against Husk.
As Angel drank the milk, his eyes were dropping shut every so often.
Finally letting go of the nipple, Husk was quick to wipe his mouth and offer him the pacifier again.
Leaning back, Husk purred quietly as the regressed spider curled into him further for a much needed nap.
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pitayas-ball-pit · 1 year ago
Could I get some Cg!Husk headcanons please? /Nf Thank you, have a nice day/night :]
Of course! You’re my first ask so I hope this is good 😊
CG Husker
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🃏Husk is a laidback caregiver who would just be there to watch over you and entertain you
🃏He would entertain you with the many card tricks he learned when he would gamble a ton
🃏He’s surprisingly good at preparing small snack foods for you like fruits or pre packaged ones
🃏He’s also really good at making bottle for you if you prefer them
🃏He would spoil you till the ends of time, anything you want you would get whether it’s a new stuffie or paci
🃏He would participate in any make believe game you make up and would allow you to dress him up for these games
🃏He’s great at being comforting especially when you have a nightmare
🃏He makes an excellent cuddle buddy
🃏He’ll teach you how to play some card games that are more kid friendly
🃏He will learn how to make baked goods for you and would even let you help him
🃏He’ll let Charlie and Vaggie babysit you
🃏He’ll also watch cartoons with you even though there not really engaging for him
🃏He’ll let you wear his hat if he has to leave you
🃏When cuddling he’ll wrap his wings around you and purr lightly
🃏If your a more rowdy little he’ll play fight lightly with you or toss you up and down in the air
🃏He’s not to strict but not afraid to give you a timeout of needed
🃏He’s great at winding you down for bed and will even let you sleep in his bed if you want to
🃏He’s not super strict about bedtime unless your very little
🃏He’s also very attentive so he knows when your upset
I hope you liked these! They were fun to make!
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nkirukaj · 6 months ago
Agere Alastor Platonic #RadioBeau Headcanons
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Voe didn’t actually notice when he started regressing, she just knew that occasionally when he drank at the bar, Husk would whisk him away without another word or look at anyone. When she would stop him and ask he would either ignore her or just say that Alastor needed rest
It didn’t happen often, but it happened enough for Voe to start getting suspicious. If he was just tired and needed sleep, why couldn’t they sleep in the room together?
She spent the next few times watching the bar to see if Alastor would get similarly drunk so she could follow the men upstairs and see what was going on
When she finally followed them, she found Husker disgustedly removing Alastor’s trousers 
“What the fuck are you doing?” she’d ask, very confused about why the cat was stripping her partner
But Alastor would hear her voice and start happily clapping. Though the only thing that she would notice is the pacifier in his mouth
Husk would explain to her that sometimes when Alastor got really relaxed his brain would regress to that of a child and he didn’t want anyone to know.
She’d bring it up to him later and he would blush, thinking that she would leave him because it was too weird
But she would just say “Let me give Husk a break,” a smile
That break turned permanent and Voe became his new caregiver
He often regresses to baby age
Agere Alastor loves forehead kisses
He’s very fussy when he doesn’t get what he wants (big boy cups or jambalaya) or when Voe isn’t around
He wears little diapers
Voe likes to read with him
He doesn’t like head pats
Voe carries him around
He loves hearing her heartbeat
Voe sings to him
He likes to draw when he's big, but loves drawing and coloring for Voe when he's little
He has a hard time expressing sensory issues
Some of his shirt buttons stay unbuttoned
She makes him a sensory tent
He likes giving Voe kisses back
He likes rubbing noses with her
He asks for uppies
He argues with her just like he does at his big age!
But he gets tripped up more often
He throws a fit if she laughs at him
Voe can’t believe that he would think she would leave him!
Seeing him vulnerable in that way makes her love him more!
Art by: @baby-bat-attack
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zerooup · 8 months ago
𐂂Little Alastor Head Cannons!𐂂
Don't like it, don't read! please don't harass me because you don't like what I do!
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𐂂 Alastor is usually around 0-4, but can be younger or older depending on his surroundings. It also depends on whatever chaos Charlie had planned for the day, and how his schedule goes.
𐂂 Alastor is very picky about who cares for him, Rosie and as of recent, Lucifer has been allowed to pick the boy up and care for him a couple times, though he'd still prefer Rosie over anyone.
𐂂 Very prone to bad flashbacks while regressed, Often from his time in life, but there's a few moments of his and vox's relationships that keep him wide awake, he'd never admit that though
𐂂 Very much still a little dealmaker! Which, is quite cute until you remember he's a violent overlord; but hey. it's hell; so whatever's cute is just. cute!
𐂂 Mama's boy. Even if she's in heaven, he'll hope to whatever god there is that she remembers him, even though most souls in heaven don't remember their kin that have been passed to hell. Like he'd even listen to that.
𐂂 He has a very real fear of his father coming into the hotel looking for his son, because there's only so many Alastor's in hell; he'd fear him coming in and hurting Charlie or any of the other hotel-goers; which. Charlie reassures him that there's a very slim chance that his father would actually be able to hurt her.
𐂂 Tries to be very quiet during his regression, even if that's for the worse. He'd often end up crying to himself in his radio tower to try and figure out a way to see his mama again, He knows he's beyond redemption... but that hasn't stopped him before.
𐂂 And usually after crying in his radio tower, he's tiny. Like; barely able to make the noises he usually does whole regressed.
𐂂 He's also very much more willing to flex his power while small. He does NOT like showing weakness, even while small. Husker made a quip about him being on a leash while small and he was very quick to remind him who was in control. Husk doesn't blame him for doing so, especially considering husker is only a bit older than him and they were acquainted in life.
𐂂 during his disappearance, Lilith was his caregiver... for about 2 months out of the 7 years; which gave him a schedule for his regression... that ended in his soul in her hands, and him back in hell to watch over Charlie, which is why he was around the television center of hell, and that's when he found her on "that fiasco of a picture show!"
𐂂 Speaking of that fiasco of a picture show, he hadn't regressed in 8 and a half years, and he was content like that. The SECOND lucifer was in the hotel, he insisted to Charlie that Alastor was a regressor in some form or fashion. Neither of them knew till husker outright said something about it.
𐂂 The first time he regressed was after the fight with Adam. He was able to fight it long enough to mourn the loss of Pentious and re-unite with the group. that day ended with a harshly wounded Alastor silently crying into his new radio tower.
𐂂 And as I've mentioned in one of my old posts, I believe Alastor is autistic. so the change of his radio tower only made him more upset the longer he stayed in there... but the deer-printed blanket was welcome.
𐂂 Partially why he never outright told anyone he's a regressor despite people telling him if he did it was alright; is because of how tiny he is. as well as his form shifting to be more fawnlike. Also the fact he's padded no matter what age... he's embarrassed by it. but; thankfully Charlie was able to talk him into it after finding him asleep on the couch while everyone else was playing games. and she made it very clear that this was the BIGGEST trust exercise they'd done. Once he'd woken up he'd somehow been moved to his room and changed... which is funny because he's an insanely light sleeper, but he somehow wasn't even stirred by being moved up a flight of stairs and sat down on the bed.
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ramona-quinn · 9 months ago
Sleepy Baby
CG!Husk, CG!Fat Nuggets, and Regressor!Angel
Plot: Angel is a sleepy baby. Alastor notices this and gets Husk since he sucks at caring for kids.
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Request by @Ahumancalledpossum on AO3
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Alastor was heading to his radio tower to do his daily radio broadcast when his shadow heard something going on in Angel's room. The shadow placed his ear over the spider's door when he heard what appeared to be a child-friendly show playing, along with someone babbling. Alastor walked over to the door and listened in to what was going on. He noticed that the infantile sounds belonged to... Angel? No, it really couldn't be, could it? The radio demon knocked on Angel's door, then opened it. What he saw next was surprising - Angel was sitting inside of a sensory swing, suckling on a pacifier while cuddling Fat Nuggets and watching some type of children's program on his phone. The spider was dozing off, and Fat Nuggets was trying to keep him awake. Alastor quietly shut the door before Angel and Fat Nuggets could notice him.
The radio demon really didn't know what was going on. He wasn't sure what to do either. Was he going to judge Angel for his odd coping mechanism? Of course not. He was way too mature to do such a thing. He decided to head downstairs to the bar and talk to Husk since Angel always hung out with him every day.
"Husker, I know you're busy with your job, but may I speak with you privately?" Alastor requested as he sat down on one of the bar stools.
"Uh, sure, boss," Husk said after he finished serving a hotel resident of some margarita and began cleaning an empty wine glass.
"I believe Angel needs you right away."
"Why's that? Does he want to show me some more of his latest outfits he got for Fat Nuggets?"
"Oh, it's not that. I was on my way to my tower when I heard what I thought was Angel babbling. I opened the door and saw that he had a pacifier in his mouth and was watching a cartoon on his cellular device."
Husk stopped what he was doing and turned over to Alastor.
"Did Angel regress?" Husk questioned.
"Well, who's to say? I don't personally know about this regression, but it's not my place to judge as long as Angel isn't hurting anyone or himself. In fact, he's safe in his room and looked as if he was falling asleep."
"Angel usually gets tired during this time of day when he's little. I'll go check on him. Thanks for telling me, and thanks for being cool about this."
"It's no problem at all," Alastor nodded as he disappeared into the shadows to do his broadcast.
The winged cat closed the bar and went upstairs to check on Angel. He knocked on the door softly and received some cooing and yawning from the spider in return.
Husk opened the door and spotted Angel in his sensory swing, who was fighting sleep and rubbing his eyes.
"Hey, little ragno. I think it's time for someone's nap," Husk cooed as he walked over to Angel and scooped him up from his swing.
Angel didn't complain. He loved it when Husk put him down for his afternoon nap or for bedtime whenever he regressed. The spider yawned as Husk carried him to his bed and changed him into a Pull-Up and his favorite Olivia (the pig) pajamas.
When Husk started carrying Angel to his room, the little sleepily babbled to his caregiver, saying that he was watching Baby Einstein and learning about the ocean on his phone with Fat Nuggets.
"Really? That must have been interesting, huh? But now, it's time for us to rest for a while."
Fat Nuggets followed the duo with Angel's baby blanket and two favorite stuffies - Rainbow Puppy and Twinkle - in his mouth.
Once in Husk's room, the winged cat sat down in his rocking chair and placed Angel on his lap. Fat Nuggets handed Husk the comfort items.
"Thank you, Fat Nuggets. You're a really big help, you know that?" Husk thanked as he handed the blanket and stuffies to a nearly-asleep Angel.
Fat Nuggets climbed into Angel's arms, and Husk began rocking the chair back and forth. The spider cuddled into his caregiver's embrace as he was kissed on the forehead.
The next ten to fifteen minutes were spent with Husk rocking Angel to sleep and singing lullabies to him.
When Angel fell asleep, Husk carefully stood up and carried the baby to his bedside crib next to his bed. The winged cat placed Angel inside and tucked him and Fat Nuggets in. While Husk prepared Angel's musical crib attachment toy, he could hear him humming in his sleep.
Husk chuckled as he climbed into his bed. He smiled heartily at the sleeping duo next to him before falling asleep himself.
Meanwhile, the hotel was treated with a calming ambiance of vintage music - all thanks to Alastor. He figured that everyone should take time to rest and slow things down, no matter if they were big or small.
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berrymoos · 1 year ago
there was no demand for this <- does not care /silly ,, these r shorter than my others bc i don't have many concrete thoughts but i still Love the concept
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❝ ✦(🍬🎲♥️🃏🌶️)✦ ❞
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♠️ ━ regressor husk headcanons!
with a bunch of caregiver angel.
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angel is the only one he trusts w his regression & the only one who even knows, but even then the discovery wasn't intentional; a particularly unpleasant run-in with alastor had left him disassociative & angel checking in on him was the straw that tore the camel's back into a million shreds. may or may not have been husk's first time ever feeling small, too ... so emotions r definitely running high (i say may or may not bc i genuinely Do Not know /hj)
it's a bit awkward between them after that bc neither of them really know What The Hell just happened, but eventually they work it out <333
nicknames (all of which from angel, of course <3) include: huskie, baby(cakes), & honey(pie). husk just calls him angel or, if particularly unwilling to use proper words, uses a very specific chirrup. i feel like there's gonna be a point down the road where he calls him tony too (*´꒳`*)♡
(also he called him angie once & to this day angel has been unable to let it go!!!)
generally prefers to be alone when he gets fuzzy-brained; husk doesn't do much when he's small anyways—8/10 he's napping & the other 20 percent consists of him just lounging around—so it's not exactly like he needs anyone to watch over him. he does enjoy angel's company very very much tho
kinda sorta hesitant abt the whole regression thing bc he's used to looking after everyone else; it's a weird shift, going from the most observant in the room to being too fuzzy to keep up w everything. there's a niggling voice in the back of his head that tells him he shouldn't or can't regress, that he's gotta be the watchful one bc how can he be sure someone else will? while angel's comfort is quite helpful in this regard, the voice still comes back every once in a while
doesn't regress really often & there isn't a drastic change in demeanor; he's more relaxed & he prefers for his bowtie n hat to be off
regresses more at nighttime bc there's a lesser chance of someone else finding out; also highly prefers his room bc of the comfort in familiarity
no set age range, he just gets fuzzy & feels smaller sometimes!
pretty quiet yet still capable of speaking, but he tends to lean more into catlike noises & habits—like short hisses when he's angry or scraping his claws on sturdy objects. yes he purrs when he n angel cuddle. this happens a lot bc husk loves cuddles (and canonically quite cuddly [ ̄∇ ̄])
when he wants attention he bumps his head against angel's arm or chin
blankets himself with his wings whenever he's upset or sleepy
telltale signs of regression: fidgeting with his wings and/or tail & relying more on noises than words. he normally shuts himself off in his room the moment he feels that fuzz forming over his brain, tho
more of a chewer than a paci-user cus of his fangs, so angel bought him a chewelry necklace. the shape is a fish. huskie nor husker is amused but they both appreciate the gift tremendously
isn't insanely big on having a ton of regression gear in general honestly. he's got maybe two chewelry necklaces & one stuffed bird to his name; it resembles the one he had in childhood. i don't think it has a proper name?? maybe just birdie
ohmygod he is so easily entranced by magic / card tricks it's ridiculous. literally it does not matter if it's a master's level trick or the simple "is this your card?", he'll be taking it all in with the biggest kitty eyes imaginable
not exactly bratty or particular but if he doesn't like something he will let it be known. like if angel startles him with a surprise tickle to his ribcage husk gives him the nastiest glare imaginable. doesn't even growl or anything, he just. glares. and the point is shot across like an arrow
he is like rarely ever in time out bc he doesn't really do anything? husk's regression normally consists of him layin around / sleepin, so he's never really up to anything troubling. the only time he's ever been in timeout is the day he just decided to press angel's buttons to be irritating & angel put him in timeout to prove a point 💀
really likes bananas. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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nostalgiclittlespace · 5 months ago
May I request Baby!Angel & CG!Husk where Angel has a really shitty day at work (courtesy of Val) and regresses to babyspace as soon as he gets back to the hotel? Husk comforts him obviously.
Angel’s little age would be about six months old.
Okay, first of all, I’m really sorry for making you wait a month for this! Between school and sickness, I have been struggling to find time for free writing unfortunately. However, I hope you enjoy it! Happy regressing and happy reading! -Marty
Title: Quiet but loving
Pairing: Caregiver! Husk & Little! Angel
Description: Angel returns to the Hazbin Hotel after a rough day at work. But Husk can always be counted on for some comfort (Hurt/comfort)
Word Count: 1222
TW: References/hints to alcohol, drugs, and Angel’s work. (None are actively depicted)
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Quiet but Loving
Husk knew something was wrong the moment Angel stumbled inside the Hazbin Hotel.  This wasn’t his common loopiness, induced by too many drinks or mysterious pills he had downed while on the job.  Instead, his arms were hugged close to his body, his eyes widened frightfully, and his breaths ragged.  
Husks ears had perked up, trained on the spider as soon as the front doors flew open.  Angel didn’t waste a moment, already stumbling towards the bar while gasping for air amongst his heaving breaths.  He nearly collapsed several times along the way, as his lacking coordination threatened to send him to the floor.
Something is wrong, Husk’s caregiving instincts immediately caught.  He froze in place, trying to analyze every movement for signs of injury, while the concerned emotions swarmed in his chest.  Had Angel gotten hurt?  Had it been a bad day at work?  Did he need help?
By some miracle, or perhaps his raw determination, Angel made it to the bar.  Shakily, he climbed onto a barstool and flopped his head over.  A heavy, unsteady sigh escaped his parted lips as his body trembled.
“Angel?” Husk hummed lowly, doing his best to keep his voice calm.  “Are you okay?”
Angel looked up just long enough to meet the cat’s eyes before his own wide orbs welled up with tears.  Instantly, he hid his face in his arms.  Husk could see him puffing out his cheeks and holding his breath, seemingly determined not to let himself cry.  The reaction was answer enough.
He was not okay.
“Angie,” Husk soothed, reaching a hand over the bar to stroke the spider’s floofy hair, “sweetheart, it’s okay if you’re upset.  It’s okay if you had a bad day.”
The words might have seemed obvious to some, but Husk knew the reassurance was necessary if he wanted Angel to actually respond.  The last thing they wanted was Angel dissociating for the day and drowning his sorrows in whatever powerful tonics laid behind the bar.
A choked sob disrupted the strained silence.  Angel whimpered, his shoulders bouncing as he hid his face in his folded arms.  The tortured sound reverberated around the empty lobby, just as it echoed around Husk’s tormented soul.
Determined not to leave him without comfort for even a moment, Husk continued to pet his hair while hopping over the bar counter.  He grabbed a barstool for himself and sat on it, close enough to Angel that their bodies brushed against each other.
“I’m sorry you had a bad day, kiddo.  If you want, we can go upstairs?  Get you in some comfy clothes and have some quiet time?” Husk suggested, giving his hands a gentle squeeze.
Angel glanced up from where he had buried his face.  His lip wobbled and he sniffled, but he managed a nod.  He reached out his hands in a clear, silent request.  Husk complied without hesitation, reaching forward and helping the arachnid wrap his body around his own.  Once he was in a secure carry, Husk hoisted him off the barstool and carried him towards the stairs.
With every sorrowful sniffle that pressed into his shoulders, he cursed Valentino and all the other denizens that had tortured Angel that night.  The endless work he did always wore him out, no matter how much he denied it.  But if he had reached the point of openly needing comfort like this?  It was a bad night.  Really bad.
Angel kept his head pressed against Husk’s shoulder all the way until they reached his bedroom.  Along the way, he jumped at any noise and routinely grabbed fistfulls of Husk’s fur for security.   His breath would hitch occasionally, threatening to resume hysteria.  Husk soothed away the panic with practiced care; whether it was soft reassurances or pressing a short kiss to the top of his head, they somehow eased him enough that they could cross the hotel without any major issues.
Upon reaching Husk’s room, the cat-demon carried them to his bed.  Even as he sat on the stiff mattress and tried to lay Angel beside him, Angel refused to move from his secure position in Husk’s arms.  His arms tightened their grip around his caregiver’s shoulders, a soft and defensive whine shattering the room’s silence.
“You want to stay with me?” Husk asked softly.
“Mhm.  No down,” Angel mumbled, words slurred and barely intelligible.
Without hesitation, Husk complied with the request.  Carefully, he readjusted Angel in his arms and kissed the crown of his head for good measure.  If Angel didn’t want to lay by himself, not surrounded by his caregiver’s body heat and presence, then Husk would accommodate.
So, he shifted so he sat against the headboard; Angel remained in his lap, taking shaky breaths to calm down while Husk patted his back.  Minutely, the little one’s entire body trembled with the laborious efforts of breathing evenly.
“I’m sorry you had a bad day, kiddo.  Can you talk to me?” Husk rumbled soothingly.
Angel shook his head, breath hitching as he clung tighter.  Quickly, Husk shifted tactics; talking about whatever torture he had undergone could wait.  If Angel just wanted comfort now, then he would get it without question.
“Okay, love.  We won’t then,” Husk said clearly, making sure the little knew his boundaries were being met.  “How ‘bout we just cuddle then?”
At that, Angel nodded–perhaps the first positive sign Husk had seen yet.  
“M’kay, Angie.  I’m not going anywhere.  Are you comfy?”
The tickle of white fur under Husk’s chin confirmed his contentment.
For a few minutes, neither Husk nor Angel said or did anything.  Husk knew the importance of not touching too much–not prolonging or exaggerating Angel’s overstimulation and panic.  Meanwhile, the latter needed the silence and the comfort, and was far too content in Husker’s lap to fathom moving so soon.
Even as the morning light began peaking through Husk’s shades, neither made any move to get up from the bed.  In fact, Angel’s exhausted form grew steadily more limp–practically melting into Husk’s fur.  Soon after, his breathing evened and slowed with sleepy heaves; his exhaustion had clearly caught up to him.  
Husk smiled to himself, a half-sad gesture as he stroked Angel’s head as he slept.  It wasn’t fair that he had to suffer like this; someone as sweet as him deserved Heaven’s eternal paradise.  For now, all he could pray was that Charlie’s experiment would prove effective, and that Angel would one day be free of the endless torture Valentino had subjected him too.
He couldn’t protect Angel from Val; he didn’t have that kind of power anymore…that was a mistake he’d regret for the rest of his afterlife.  If he still had his overlord status, he would have stormed Valentino’s territory the moment he realized how bad Angel’s treatment was.  And his pure rage would have been enough for him to wipe out all three Vee’s…
But that was only a fantasy.  For now, all Husk could do was heal Angel’s wounds after he received them.  He could be there for him when things seemed hopeless.  He could watch himself become better as he finally learned what everyone was talking about when they said they loved someone.
“Love you, kiddo,” Husk muttered.  “The hell did I do to deserve you, huh?”
Angel stirred a little, huffing a yawn.  “Wuv you too, papa.”
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classificationhell · 1 year ago
How would each Caregiver react to their Little crying because it's raining and their Caregiver promised to take them to the park today?
They probably have parks in hell, I mean they have Lulu World but I think you meant more like a playground which I imagine there is at least one of for hellborns, pets, and the cannibal kids in the Pride ring, but Valentino's Littles have an indoor set up for when they aren't "performing". (I'm doing Alastor, Vox, and Fizzmodeus feel free to ask for the others in another ask ^^)
Alastor isn't the best at comforting but will try nonetheless. He will also try and reason with you. "Darling, we're in hell, and you'll get a lot more than wet if you go out in that rain. Remember that time you were playing with Uncle Husker in front of the Hotel and it started raining unexpectedly and you had acid burns for a week?" Of course you do, but that doesn't help the fact you had been looking forward to this for a while, especially because Alastor promised you you could see Rosie too. Alastor's shadow would try and cheer you up by making cute shapes or tickling your shadow and, thereby, you in the process. Eventually, Alastor would offer to let you help him make your favorite dessert instead since he rarely ever allows sweets and kid's like to help out adults and feel more self-sufficient. It's no park, but it's still a treat, so you rub your eyes clear and nod, still upset but happier.
Vark is just as upset as you, even more so since his best friend is upset, and Vox is close to tears himself because he hates disappointing his babies. However, it's then that he remembers the indoor playground he had built for the Littles that were doing the nonporn livestream. He can just take you and Vark there instead. He owned it after all, and it was in his part of the tower, so Val isn't going to be there to pull any shit. The day is saved! Except now you made a few friends with working Littles and want playdates that he isn't too sure about.
Fizzarolli and Asmodeus aren't sure why you're crying about the rain until they remember you don't come from this ring, so you probably only knew of the few outdoor parks within it. They reassured you that the plans weren't ruined as they were going to take you to Ozzie's massive indoor playground that he opened specifically for Littles and their Caregivers for when it rains. There's background checks on everyone who is allowed inside, and they have a three strike policy for patrons so everyone that I'd there is good people, well relatively speaking. They are a little more lenient with Littles, but if a Little exhibits constant bad behavior or injures another Little, it will count as a strike and if continued will result in a ban even if the Caregiver is otherwise a 'good' person. Rain won't rain on this parade honey! Also, you better believe Fizzarolli is playing with you on all the different equipment and having just as much fun as you are.
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littlemissagere · 11 months ago
Can we see headcanons for vaggie and Charlie?
Hi Anon, perfect request for Part 2 !!
Hazbin Hotel Agere Headcanons p2 !
Ft: Charlie , Vaggie, Nifty, Sir Pentious, and Husker !
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Charlie Morningstar ⭐️♥️
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⭐️ Charlie is a flip, little lean!
♥️ When Charlie is small, she regresses around 1-4!
⭐️ Charlie really likes to be carried, or have her hand held when tiny :)
♥️ Adores apple juice
⭐️ Has a pacifier, but needs a clip, or it WILL get lost
♥️ Babbly little thing!
⭐️ When Charlie is big, she is very attentive to her little one!
♥️ When big, likes to be called “mama” “bubba”. When small, likes to be called “Little one” “Little Baby” and “Sweet one”!
⭐️ Loves to color with other kiddos, big or small!
♥️ Has a stuffed animal she takes everywhere with her :)
⭐️ Vaggie is her caregiver !
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Vaggie 🦇🤍
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🤍 Vaggie is a caregiver!
🦇 Vaggie always keeps an eye on the kiddos of the hotel.
🤍 Not good at the pretend aspect of tea parties, but will be happy to be invited
🦇 Stickers for rewards
🤍 Will carry her kiddo(s), or hold their hand
🦇 Gives out headpats regularly…
🤍 Naptime exists! Even if you’re fussy, she'll help you settle down.
🦇 Calls her kiddo(s) “Hun” “Bubba” “Little thing” “Tiny one” “Little one”
🤍 Is okay with being called Mama or Bubba!
🦇 Has all of her kiddo's drawings in a designated area
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Nifty 🧺💣
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🧺 Nifty is a little ! Around 3-6 (maybe a perma-regressor?)
💣 Nifty is a very emotional kiddo..
🧺 Very hyper!
💣 Will climb and cling to anyone and everyone
🧺 VERY realistic tea parties
💣 Sometimes normal conversation will turn to pure incoherent babbles
🧺 Bites, a lot
💣 Likes teethers/chew toys
🧺 When it’s nap time, she’s usually in a corner, or asleep right where she was standing
💣 Bitws through pacifiers actively
🧺 Likes to be played with
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Sir Pentious 🐍🔭
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🐍 Sir Pentious is a little!
🔭 Him and his Egg Bois snuggle up a lot
🐍 Has played with the Egg Bois multiple times
🔭 Can’t sleep without his Egg Bois
🐍 Likes to chew, usually on something soft
🔭 Tiny, around 2-5
🐍 Loves to be held
🔭 Has a music box that he plays whenever he’s sad or sleepy!
🐍 Really cuddly !
🔭 Will slip at the sight of side walk chalk or sweets
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Husker 🎩🍾
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🍾 Husker is a Caregiver!
🎩 Protective of the kiddo's he's watching
🍾 Can come of as extremely stubborn or annoyed, but will ask questions or try to check in on whoever he’s caring for
🎩 Usually has his kiddo(s) sat on the bar stools around him, or on the floor by him
🍾 Holds their hand, or gives headpats
🎩 Doesn’t have a preferred cg nickname
🍾 Will hold a/his kiddo if they ask.. but doesn’t offer sometimes
🎩 Will tell stories from his life as a form of a bed time story
🍾 Hums to them
Thank you for reading <3
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