#caregiver Asmodeus
nottamoxxie · 1 month
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Banana pudding the horse from outer space! (CG!Ozzie Little!Fizz)
Prompt 10:
Character A hasn't had much sleep for one reason or another, and because of this, they're a little cranky - even if they won't admit it. B has the monumental task of getting A to take a nap.
Request by: I might go butter
Fizz little age is about 7-8 in this.
"You need to get some sleep for tomorrow, baby." Ozzy says to his very much regressed imp after a show. Fizz doesn't regress a lot, only when he's so overwhelmed and can no longer control his headspace. He's worked super late every night this week, so Ozzie decided he would spend the night with him to make sure he actually got some sleep.
"But I don't want to sleep!" Fizz whines at his caregiver and lover. "I want to play!"
Asmodeus crosses his arms. "Fizzy, you've worked really hard this week, you need sleep. I know you didn't sleep at all yesterday. That's probably why you're regressed, kiddo."
"But I never get to play." Fizz says. "It's not fair!" He says.
Ozzie gives him a sympathetic look. "I know, you'll have time to play later, I promise. But you're cranky and need some sleep."
"I'm not cranky!" Fizzarolli shouts, crossing his arms and pouting.
Ozzie raises a brow. "No?"
"No. I'm not!" He says.
"Are you at least tired?" Ozzie tried.
"No!" Fizzy says, "I'm not."
Ozzie sighs, Fizz can be such a brat- in and out of headspace. "Baby..."
"Play with me! Pleaaaaaseeeeee!" He begs. "I'll be so good!"
"If I play with you for ten minutes, will you go to bed?" Asmodeus asks.
Fizz rolls his eyes. "Fine. But fifeen minutes!" He says.
"Deal." Ozzie compromises.
Fizz gets so excited, "Yay!" he brings out his favorite plastic horses. "You can play with this one, and I'll be the green one." He says.
Asmodeus smiles and takes the small red horse toy.
"I am banana pudding!" Fizz says. "I'm a magic horse from outer space!" He looks to Ozzie, gesturing him to talk for his horse too.
Asmodeus places the red horse down next to 'banana pudding' I am...uh red horse...from hell."
"Nice to meet you, red horse, want to go to outer space wif me?" Banana pudding asks.
Ozzie plays along: "I can't. I can't fly."
"Oh no! I guess I will fly you there myself." Banana pudding says, taking both horses and placing them on a dresser. "Here we are."
"Outer space is the dresser?" Asmodeus asks.
"Shh, it's pretend." Fizz whispers.
"Oh, of course." He clears his throat. "Wow, outer space is pretty."
"Sure is, there's nothing bad here. No water, no air, and no pirates." He says. "It's the best!"
"That's good, I always hated air." Red horse says.
"Me too!" Banana pudding says.
"We should just stay here forever." Red horse says.
"Yes! We'll fly through the stars!" Banana pudding says.
"And drink the Milky Way." Red horse says.
Fizzy chuckles. "Drink the Milky Way? Hahah. You're funny." He says.
"No I'm not. You're funny." Ozzie jokes.
"You!" Fizzy laughs again.
"Oh yeah?" Ozzie asks.
"Heheheh yeah." Fizz laughs insistently. "And Red horse is not a good horse name."
"You little devil." Ozzie snorts, he tickles Fizzy who starts laughing hysterically. "Hahahaha! S-thaph! I cahahahnt brehehef!"
Ozzie continues to tickle him. This ought to tire the little imp out, right? "Tell me red horse is a good name, or I'm just gonna have to keep tickling you." Ozzie jokes.
"No! It's not a good nahahame!" He laughs more.
"Guess I'll have to keep tickling you then. That's okay, I love your little giggles."
"Blitzo stop!" Fizz laughs. Then he stops laughing immediately at the realization of what he just called Asmodeus.
Ozzy stops too and looks at him, saddened. "Oh, baby..."
Tears start to escape from fizz.
"Oh, baby please. Don't cry. You'll rust again." Ozzie says, he pets fizzy's head. "It's okay."
"I'm really tired, daddy." Fizz says, wiping the tears off his face with his sleeves.
"I know. Let's get you to bed, sweetheart." Asmodeus says, gently.
Fizz holds his arms out and makes grabby hands to Oz.
Ozzy picks him up and holds him for a moment, before crawling into bed and snuggling up with him.
"Goodnight, bug." Asmodeus says.
"Night daddy."
"I love you."
"I know... I love you too."
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babyminty · 1 year
Cg Asmodeus/Little Lucifer
Lucifer entered the House of Lamentation's living room, a little Mammon following behind. Lucifer saw Beel and Belphie sitting on the couch. "Beel?" He called. Beel looked up, spotting his oldest brother. "Yes, Lucifer?" He asked. "Can you look after Mammon? He's little right now, and I have something I need to do." Lucifer told him. "Sure." Beelzebub replied. "But I'm also looking after a little Belphie who will not let me get up nor let me go."
"That's fine." The eldest answered. "Mams is sleepy anyways." He said as Mammon left his side and went to cuddle up to Beel and Belphie, yawned and fell asleep. Beel was now sandwiched between the sleeping littles, not darling to move. Satan, who neither of the two had known had been there, now spoke up. "Why can't you look after Mammon, you and geezer?" He sneered. "Mind your own business, brat." Lucifer shot back, and with that, left the room, leaving a slightly stunned Beel and a tearing up, quickly regressing Satan in his wake.
Satan started sobbing. Levi an Asmo, hearing the commotion, walked into the room and started to help calm the now three distraught littles. "What happened?" Leviathan asked once all three mentally younger demons had calmed down and were now cuddled up to both him and Beel on the couch. "Lucifer called Satan a brat, and he started crying, which made the other two cry." Beel informed him. "Oh." Asmo started to glare. Out of all his brothers, he was closest to Satan, and though he loved his eldest brother, platonicly, of course, he was not going to let this slide.
After making sure that his expression wouldn't cause him any wrinkles, he went up the stairs towards Lucifer's office where he thought he would be, for he was supposedly 'busy.' When he wasn't there, Asmo headed towards Lucifer's bedroom. When he got there, he knocked on the door, but when there was no reply, he went inside anyway.
He was not expecting to find what he found. Lucifer was huddled up under a really fluffy looking black blanket in the furthest corner of the room away from Asmodeus, sucking on a pacifier and cuddling a beige lamb stuffie to his chest. 'He's a little?' Asmo thought, surprised. He knew his second, third, fourth and seventh brothers were flips, meaning they regressed, but sometimes looked after littles whilst not regressed, but he didn't know his first brother was one too.
"Luci?" Asmo said, slowly approaching his mentally younger brother. Luci saw him approaching, and tears started to prick his eyes. "'m-'m sowwy!" He cried out around the paci. Asmodeus was not prepared for that but got over it quickly and began to attempt to calm the sobbing little. "Hey, hey. You didn't mean it. I know you didn't mean it. You were just stressed. You needed to regress, yes?" Asmo understood that he was apologizing for what he said to Satan, and they could sort that out later. All that mattered right now was to calm Lucifer down.
Lucifer listened, agreeing to the last part of Asmo's statement. He had calmed down easier than Asmo had expected, but that was a good thing, was it not? "Let's go to the others, okay?" Asmodeus asked Luci, holding his hand out for the other to take. Lucifer nodded, one hand holding his lamb and blanket to his chest, whilst his other hand accepted Asmo's, and they went back down towards the living room where their other brothers were.
All three regressors had entered an older headspace and were playing together. Satan was six, Mammon was five, and Belphegor was four. At the moment, Luci was three. When the two entered the room, everyone else went quiet, staring at Luci, who hid behind Asmo. "He regresses? Beel asked Asmo, surprised. "Yes." Asmo told him. "I also just found out."
Asmo turned towards the hiding little, whispering just loud enough for him to hear. "I think you need to apologize to someone." He whispered. Lucifer nodded softly, agreeing. He left Asmodeus' side, going towards Satan, who looked unsure of what to do as Luci approached him. "'m sowwy I cawd you names. 's no nice of me." Lucifer apologized, starting to tear up again. Satan, being mentally three years older than his brother, took on an older brother role, going to comfort him to make Luci feel better as well as in hopes that Lucifer's crying doesn't cause Belphie or Mams to start crying as well.
"'S okay. I forgive you. I'm sorry, too." Satan said whilst hugging his brother. Whilst this was going on, Belphie, who had tears forming in his eyes slightly due to the other's cries, had cuddled up against Beel and Levi, who had stayed on the couch, going to the two for comfort, shorty followed by Mammon, because he definitely was not going to miss out on cuddles if he could help it!
Lucifer calmed down once again, this time with the help of Satan. After he was calm, Asmo came up to his only two brothers who were not yet on the couch, asking if they would both like to join the rest of them. They agreed, and the rest of the day was spent cuddling and watching movies with the occasional babble when one of the brothers regressed younger.
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lttl3babybug · 6 months
Gently squeezing your face, hello honey!! (If your not okay with nicknames let me know!!)
Could I ask forrrr hm, either caregiver Stolas or caregiver Asmodeus ( >w<) with a baby regressor? Preferably padded but no force!! I hope you have a lovely day my dearest ~
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HIII, I absolutely adore nicknames :3 but of course! I just posted some cg Stolas so I can give you Cg!Ozzie!! (Apologies if this is nonsensical I wrote it at 6am with an hour and 40 minutes of sleep maximum)
Cg!Asmodeus & Baby!Regressor!Reader headcanons!
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🩵Ozzie is just the sweetest, we’ve seem how gentle he is with fizz so we know he’s an absolutely amazing cg :(
🩵Ozzie is a big guy, like he’s huge. He’s gonna pick you up at every opportunity he can
🩵Due to his height he likes to remind you just how little you are
“Aw look at you…just a tiny baby aren’t you, hm? Nothing but an itty bitty baby. Look at how tiny you are compared to me!”
🩵Good Gods above he will spoil you to the ends of hell and back
🩵You have more paci’s than you can count, he just sees them and gets them for you because he loves surprising you
🩵Seeing how excited you get when when he says he has a surprise for you and his wide your eyes go.
🩵Now if you’re a nonverbal baby you needn’t Fret. Ozzie is a master at deciphering your babbles
🩵Making grabby hands at something you want or someone who’s attention you crave? He’s on it, giving you whatever you want (if it’s appropriate that is) and dragging over whatever one of his assistants has caught your fancy today
🩵Ozzie has a whole room dedicated to your safe space, it’s one of the only places he feels it’s okay to leave you unsupervised
🩵Being the sin of lust of course his place isn’t exactly…child appropriate. But this room is full of nothing but toys, stuffies, baby books, blankets, the whole shebang
🩵Course he loves playing with you too, big fan of playing the damsel in distress for you to rescue
🩵But he also loves reading to you and doing your baby puzzles with you!
🩵Watching your face light up with joy as you solve the jigsaw in front of you and signal for his attention by whiney or making general babble noises in his direction
🩵If you’re feeling bratty or generally stubborn he tends to talk through things before sending you to time out, making sure you’re calm and understand why you’re being put in that position.
🩵Now Ozzie with a padded regressor is a whole different thing
🩵This was something he discussed with you while big, he’d noticed you’d started slipping further than usual (course he wasn’t mad about that at all) and that lead to accidents and tears
🩵He made 1000% sure that you were comfortable with this happening, with him changing you, with him seeing you like that in such a vulnerable state
🩵And even after having you give him both verbal and written consent that it was okay he still asks you before he changes you. Just incase
“Are you okay with me taking this off you sweetheart? I don’t want you getting a rash down there baby…it’s okay if not. I’m sure you’re smart enough to change yourself”
🩵Placing you on the changing table and distracting you the whole time by holding a stuffie above you or asking you about your favourite book or game
🩵He makes sure you’re keeping clean down there at all times, checking you every 30 minutes- an hour
🩵You have the comfiest pull ups or dips you could ever imagine, so pretty too!
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jester-jpeg · 8 months
Could u do a cg Asmodeus pfp plz?
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some asmodeus caregiver pfps !!
i hope you like them, (i heckin love helluva boss sm, literally so good) <33
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the-silent-fool · 11 months
☆| I made some agere dni banner of helluva boss sins! Yeah I know the show is pretty...bad and stuff but I know some find confort in some characters! |☆
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☆| reblog if use! |☆
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☆| reblog if use! |☆
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☆| reblog if use! |☆
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takabinaryy · 3 months
Let’s Be Little Together
Request made by Bleppidyboo over on Wattpad Mention of Stolas towards the end Little ages for Fizz and Blitzo , Fizz's agere age is 4 while Blitzo's s five. Also this is my first time writing Fizzarolli and Asmodeus, so if they are a little oc, i'm sorry.
On his day off this certain imp wanted to regress but one problem, he didn't know how to. Don't get him wrong , Blitzo has regressed before but that was years ago. It has definitely been a while since he had been little...though thinking about it now he had regressed one other time it was with Fizz...But that was because he had a panic attack and Fizz just so happened to be there, and knew the signs of a sip because the other imp is a regressor himself. Sighing after making decision a digs around the living room till he finds a small notebook, that has the phone numbers written in them that he simply forgets to put in his hellphone's contacts. Once he finds Fizzarolli's number, not even a second later Blitzo is putting in the numbers in and calling the other imp. It only takes a few rings before Fizz's voice comes through the line.
" Yellow! Fizzarolli speaking"
". . . . . . "
" ...Blitz, that's you right?!"
" The fuck? How'd you know? I didn't even say anything!"
" Yeah I know. An because you never know how to start a normal conversation when it's you making the call first."
" I-..Okay yeah your right"
" mmhmm soooo what's the reason for this random call? You usually don't really call me on the weekend.(unless he wants something)"
" It's my day off.. an I um fuck this is hard to say"
" Well no rush , whatever it is. I'm here to listen. "
Fizz reassured his friend as he wonders around his little room with so so so many pillows and blankets everywhere, twirling his finger around the stretchy phone cord as he patiently waits for Blitzo to get his words together. Just as he was about to ask if the other imp was okay. He gets cut off by said imp who had finally found the right words to say.
" I don't know how to regress anymore. I think..I need help regressing again"
The line is silent for a full minute before it picks up again this time , it's Blitzo's phone is ringing because Fizz had switched to FaceTime. Deciding to answer the , the hitman imp sets up his phone on the coffee table against his mug. Once the call was accepted it wasn't Fizz who was on the screen, but you could see him in the backyard running around gathering things. Anyway it was Asmodeus who had answered instead, smiling a little bit.
" The fuck? Why do you have Fizzy's phone for?"
" Well hello to you too Blitzo. And Froggy filled me in on your small problem, an he had an idea which is why I have his phone. Why don't you come to the tower and see what Fizzarolli is up to, hmm?"
" I don't know, I have things to-"
" liar. You had told Froggy that it's your day off. Besides he's excited to see you and, I don't mind helping him help you. An I owe you for helping/saving him"
" Fine. I'll come over"
" Great! We'll see you in a few!"
The call ends with Fizz's bionic prosthetic arm stretching into the view of the phone's camera to , waved bye while he's still getting stuff together. Not even a second later he gets a texts saying to bring his beloved horse plushie with him. Blitzo does have a few horse plushies, but his main favorite is a plush that has glittery back fabric. With a white mane and blue button eyes sewed in , with small thick yarn making a X in the middle of each button. The horse plush is one out of four horse plushies he has, this one though her name "River ".
After putting away the small box and grabbing a chair from the kitchen and dragging it to be set next to the bookshelf. Getting up and standing up on it an reaches up to grab River off the top shelf, an before coming down Blitzo fixes the others so they don't fall on the floor later on when he isn't here to put them back up there. When Blitzo gets down with the beloved plush he puts the chair back and, grabs his backpack putting River in the bag along with a already cleaned sippy cup. Not much but that's all he wants to bring with him , having a feeling that whatever Fizz is up to , he'll already have things for them to do together(which he does) to help the other imp regress. Grabbing his keys and locks the door be hide him and shooting a text to Loona who is at a sleepover at Stolas's hanging out with Via.
Meanwhile at Asmodeus's tower in the "house" part of it, the bigger demon of the two had gotten a container that has four dividers and in each one is rainbow gold fish , frosted animal crackers , green grapes , and those peanut butter crackers. Fizz had told him that the peanut butter crackers , and green grapes were Blitzo's favorite as a kid, and of course the colorfully goldfish and frosted animal crackers are his froggy's favorite in and out of littlespace. Though Asmodeus does grab a bowl and fills it with orange slices , knowing that both imps like eating them. Doing a small check in fridge an seeing if they still have juice , which thankfully there is three things of different kinds of juice that hasn't gone.
" Froggy baby, do you want juice now? Or do you want to wait till Blitzo gets here?"
Ozzie doesn't yell because his Fizz had followed him out of the little room , an to the living room grabbing his plushies that were left on the couch from last night's plushies and Froggy's so called meeting while Ozzie was in the kitchen cooking dinner for them both. Hearing his nickname , Fizzarolli pops his upper body in the kitchen for a second and signs "yes i wanna wait for Blitzo", then he returns back to collecting his stuffies. Shaking his head fondly at the energetic little , he sets the snacks in the fridge for later. Walking over to his little darling, gently picking Fizz up , who practically purrs with affection while till holding all his plushie friends in her arms.
Ozzie pampers his face with all the kisses as he carries the little one back to the little room, two rooms down from their shared bedroom , once in the room he sets Fizzarolli down on the small mountain of blankets. Then kneeling down in front of him , softly tickling his froggy's side , said little laughs and tries to but Ozzie's hand away.
" Paaapa! Nuu tickles!"
"Hm? I'm not doing anything, Sweetheart"
Asmodeus playfully says as Fizz goes into a small fit of giggles , twisting around a bit in the blanket. Which taking notice the rooster demon moves the blankets so his little darling doesn't get stuck in the blankets. Once freed of the soft fabrics Fizz pouts at the other , and whines into one of his plushies.
"Alright alright , Papa will release you of the tickles"
Moving his hand away and gently nuzzles the side of Fizz's face with his beak making soft chirping sound towards the other. Which brings a big smile on the imp's face because he always loves the bird sounds Ozzie makes, even in his sleep Fizz can sometimes hear the fluffy demon of the two chirp or just makes small bird like sounds.
" Papa?"
"Yes pumpkin?"
"Can I has the froggy footie?"
"Of course you can darling. Are you comfortable with me undressing an dressing you? Or would you like to do that on your own?"
Asmodeus asks knowing on some days Fizzarolli doesn't like to be touched or, he can't handle touch because of phantom pains. On those days his love would sometimes take off his bionics parts off and , would either lay on top of Ozzie , or on their bed with headphones on blocking out the sounds around him. It doesn't happen a lot but it still happens...Yes it has Asmodeus worry ten times more for his boyfriend.
" Papa helps?"
"Okay honey, Anything else you want?"
Fizz thinks for a second then nods his head real fast, getting excited by the idea that had popped in his head just now.
"Mhms! Gotta gets the unicorn footie outs for Bubba!"
"Bubba? Oh you mean Blitz. I'm sure he'll love to wear it an match with you"
Asmodeus says finding Fizz's idea being both adorable and cute , Fizzarolli has a lot of hooded footie pajamas. Frog , unicorn, owl , bat, shark, and so many more that are still hanged up , by blue glittery hangers in the open closet a few feet away from them. All of the clothes in there have a spell on them so if , Fizz stretches his limbs the clothes wouldn't restrict him of doing so. Kissing the side of Fizz's face before getting up and walking over to said closet taking both footie pajamas out , setting the unicorn one over on his froggy's arts an crafts table. Then he helps the other get undressed and redressed into the thin frog footie. Putting the hood up over the little's head, once redressed Ozzie picks Fizz back up and gently boops his nose , an softly cooing at his bundle in his arms. while the two little shadow faces(i don't know how to describe them) in his fluff , they both smile happily at Fizzarolli.
"So how old is my darling little tadpole feeling right now ?"
" Four!"
"Yeah? Can you show me, four with her hand sweetheart?"
Said little nods his head and holds up his hand only holding up four fingers with his pinky finger down, to Ozzie it's adorable. Smiling in amusement and walks them out and goes back to the living room. A moment later there's a knock at the door , which makes Fizz scramble out of the other's hold and runs over to the door. Ozzie didn't have to worry about it being a stranger because his hellphone had already alerted him that it was just Blitzo , so he let Fizzarolli answer the door. When the door opens Blitzo immediately gets tackled into a hug by his friend , he freezes for a second then wraps his arms around Fizz and hugs the other imp back. A moment goes by and Asmodeus just gently picks up both imps and closes the door , then sets them on the couch. And turns around and walks into the kitchen to get the snacks and juice out. Letting the two have a moment to themselves before Fizz and himself help Blitzo out with going into littlespace.
To Blitzo's surprise , it was actually easy to regress with Fizzarolli, maybe it was the slight babying from Ozzie or the unicorn footie pajamas and playing with his friend. He didn't know but for once he was actually glad he made the choice to come over and regress with the other imp. And he did end up knowing what Fizz's plan was , turns out it was a blanket fort in the living room and watching the 2003 strawberry shortcake tv show , and eating the snacks that uncle Ozzie had prepared for them when Blitzo was on his way there hours ago. During the episode where everyone was dressing up like peppermint to teach her a lesson , Asmodeus had apparently read both imp's minds and took the empty sippy cups and refilled them up with the request of Fizz's being lemonade while Blitzo's being apple juice. It didn't take long for the boys to move from the living room to the little room and sit themselves at the arts an crafts table coloring whatever their little hearts want. While Ozzie was deciding on what to make for dinner for them. His froggy isn't picky but he didn't know about Blitzo so when it was half an hour before five in the evening , the demon of lust had gotten an idea , one that will make both regressed imps happy on tonight's dinner choice. Oh yes did i mention that once Blitzo had slipped the two imps were attached to each, so much so that they had twin puppy eyes when asking Ozzie if this playdate could turn into be a sleepover. And being a sucker for double puppy eyes Fizz's papa had ended up saying yes.
A little bit after having smiley face fries , oven baked baby carrots , and dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets for dinner and of course full sippy cups of mango juice. The two regressed imps had settled on the couch cuddled up still in their cute footie pajamas next to each other , this time with a bottle(Ozzie doesn't have age restricts when it comes to bottles and Sippy cups for Fizz, the same goes for Blitzo too) each full of hot chocolate an the tv was playing Tangled. And yes Blitzo's eyes did absolutely light up every time when that judgey horse came on screen. Though half an hour later when Ozzie came around to check on the , they both had passed right out Blitzo's head has fallen an now rested on Fizzarolli's shoulder which had made Fizz's head slightly lay against the other imp's hooded covered head. Taking a picture and sending it to Stolas with the caption being " Looks like yours had finally slipped" with a smiley face emoji and a few sleepy ones to , then pocking his hellphone and gently picks up both imps , softly shushing them so they don't fuss and wake each other up. Using his powers to turn the bottles into pacifiers , one being green with a frog in the center and the other being red with a black horse in the middle. Gently pushing the pacifiers into both imp's mouths as he quietly walks down the hall to his and Fizz's room, and just as gently before he lays them both down on the big bed an plugs in a cloud nightlight. Also getting on the bed his froggy immediately moves and curls up next to him , and since he moved the second imp moved to. Asmodeus silently coos at the cuteness and softly moves them both to sleep on his chest mostly because he knows Fizz likes sleeping on his fluff and seeing as Blitzo wants to be near the other, he just moved them both. Also using his powers to close the curtains , an to turn the lights off, once done he gives them both a goodnight kiss to their heads before turning in for the night.
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shhtickerbook · 7 months
Can you draw little!Fizz and cg!Asmodeus? Pleaseeee
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Ozzie is PEAK caregiver energy, he absolutely adores lil fizz and gets a little carried away when it comes to spoiling him
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r0-boat · 2 months
I read the Sitri NSFW alphabet
Lost my mind
Could you possibly do Eligos, Belphie, or Beleth? I’ll let you choose which one
🦩 anon
I'm very intrested in a Beleth alphabet so I'll do that one!
Beleth NSFW alphabet
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
This man is rough and harsh and usually he doesn't do aftercare since he's already almost falling asleep. But you are the exception, it's been a long time since he actually cared about the people he's bed with. So, of course, he will hold you close and make you feel loved after he fucks you so hard that you are sore.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He doesn't have a favorite body part on him, he likes his body like any other demon would.
He likes your your cheat.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
His cum must be on you on you or inside of you That's word belongs. He doesn't want it to go to waste He loves filling that throat of yours as well.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Beleth wants to have a threesome with you and Belphie. He would love to have his two favorite people on top of him.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
This man is a sex god. As close as you can get to Asmodeus, In fact I think the king of lust himself would be intrigued by how much he knows. He only acts like he doesn't know because he wants to watch how you pleasure him. With a smirk he will even guide you.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Doggy style and cowgirl. He likes to give the illusion that you have control. He wants to make you forget that he can grab you and, with his strength fuck you onto himself like a toy. Doggy is his go-to. He is seeing your ass bounce against him while he runs into you like an animal is so hot.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Yes sex is supposed to be a way to make you feel good, and relaxed and if you feel more relaxed when you're happy smiling and goofing off then so be it. Sure you won't mind if he goofs off as well.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Very well-groomed, neat and tidy He likes to keep clean for anyone that happens to be in his bed at that time.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
No romance, unless you count dragging you to the bedroom with one hand around your throat does romance. If he wants you the most romantic thing he'll do is wrap his arms around you and grind himself against you to show you.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Does not masturbate, He rather just have sex.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
He likes to be in control however in a more caregiving role. Like daddy kink, being called sir is fine but it doesn't give him the amount of pleasure that Daddy does. Though sometimes he does get into those moods where he wants full control like bdsm.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
He will do it anywhere, bed, alleyway, bathroom, a king's bedroom. As long as You're right there He will take you.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Being a brat and not listening to him that's usually what gets him excited, any back talk as well. If he says "Oh ya?" In a playful tone you got him now time for your hole to get destroyed.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He doesn't like being interrupted, His time with you it's his time with you, perhaps it's more of a possessive thing, He only gets possessive like this during sex.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He likes giving, But he likes demanding you to give it to him. Putting his big demon cock in front of your mouth and demanding you suck at for him. And of course he will return the favor gladly
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Fast deep and rough hitting every spot to make your toes curl, making you come over and over on his cock in a short amount of time. Fucking you like an animal making you claw anything you can get your hands on only to mockingly coo at your screams and cries.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Fucking loves them, obsessed with them quickies all throughout the day if he can't have you yet. Doesn't care if he has a meeting with Satan in 10 minutes. He will bend you over the nearest counter and fuck you.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Fucking loves risks. The riskiest thing he has done is plow your hole while Belphegor slept right next to you. He needed you now so he ripped off your clothes put a hand over your mouth and fucked you.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
If he really wants to, he could last for hours. But he uses it to sleep, so enough to make him cum once Fucking you raw is like going on a leisure walk to him.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
With him you won't need toys, But he will let you use it. He likes to slam a dildo inside you and watch you take it, or press a vibrator against you. Or perhaps use a plug and stretch your ass out for him.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
If he's free he'll have you in bed all day, He will use a toy to keep you on the edge for him until he comes home. He could tease you forever. Tease you till you break and then give you what you want finally. He wants to break you so desperately Make sure you follow him.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Talkative but not loud. When he isn't usually grunting and moaning He's praising you for how well you're taking him, He can't help but tell you how good you're doing or how tiny you are or how well you take him. How you feel so much tighter than his other fucks, how gorgeous you are how much he is eager to mess you up.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
He does not mind taking control of an entire country However with you he loves having control over you. He gets off to it as an angel he thinks about his life and chastity and he frequently thinks about putting you in Chastity and only letting you out to fuck him. Making you become his personal fuck toy.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Huge and thick cock uncut and veiny thick breeder balls.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
anytime anywhere have him on speed dial.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
After he has his fill he falls asleep pretty fast, However when he doesn't fuck you he cannot sleep it drives him crazy no matter how much he touches himself he cannot cum without you.
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nostalgic-woodwind · 2 months
🐓 Caregiver!Asmodeus/Ozzie Period Headcanons 🐓
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TW/CW: Periods
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🐓 Asmodeus will be there for you when you're on your monthly cycle. It doesn't matter if you're big or regressed — he is going to support you and take care of you.
🐓 He will do anything to help you feel better. He will provide you with the best of the best. Heating pads? You got it. Warm blankets? Check. Your favorite comfort foods and drinks? Checkamundo.
🐓 He will also get you all kinds of pads, tampons, period underwear, and/or menstrual cups for you. If you prefer padding (diapers or Pull-Ups), he'll get that for you, too.
🐓 If you have an accident, Ozzie will help you clean up and change you if you want him to. He won't shame nor belittle you for it.
🐓 Ozzie will also not shame you for having big feelings. He knows having a period is never the easiest thing to go through.
🐓 He does, however, have boundaries where you can't deliberately hurt someone (hitting, pushing, etc.) nor something (breaking stuff on purpose) just because you feel bad (🎶 Stop, stop, stop. It's okay to feel angry. It's not, not, not okay to hurt someone. - Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood 🎶).
🐓 Ozzie will give you the best cuddles in the world if you want them.
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Since I saw that mine comic with the kings being young and Gusion being their math teacher, I've been plagued by one thought.
What nobles were the babysitters to the kings? In real life, when a king is below the age of 18 and unable to rule they have a couseler which takes care of basicly everything for them and has the role of taking care of the small king.
I think for Satan I would have to go with Paimon. To me, Paimon seems like the only Gehenna noble I would trust to raise a child. He just seems fullfiled in life, like his character arc ended and he's now a self-fulfiled devil. Plus, the way he holds Satan in the bath card comic is gold.
For Mammon it's a bit hard. First of all, we only know 3 nobles from him and I'm not sure any of them fit the bill. I would wait for this one, but if I had to choose now I would say maybe Buer. He holds a lot of secrets and he's a doctor so it makes sense that he would be the main caretaker of a sickly child. Though the only problem with this one is that he moved to Paradise Lost later.
The closest thing Leviathan had to a caretaker was Orias but... I mean, we all know what happened. If you don't, just look up the Requiemof the Survivors event.
Beelzebub and Bael are besically twins, but I think Bael was kind of put in charge of making sure that Beel doesn't combust or something. Every noble so far in Abyssos gives me 20s vibes, there's no way they're older than the king.
Lucifer was born in his 30s, he had to raise all the angels himself. Bro is the caretaker.
For Asmodeus I have this hc that Phenix was his caregiver and that's why he ended up the most affected of the bunch. We see in one of the mini comics that Phenix's lust is kind of a illness since Morax can transfer it to himself momentarly. Maybe there's some guilt from Asmodeus for unintentionally driving his suragat parent insane.
Belphegor has Gusion. Can I call this one cannon, cause it pretty much is. If stuff from likability comics and personal stories is considered canon, why not this. Plus, Bathin comes from Paradise Lost and Andrealphus was a baby when Belphegor was an adult, so that only leaves Gusion.
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nottamoxxie · 29 days
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Little!Fizz CG! Ozzie Surprise!
Character A and B have been working all week, and it's finally the weekend! To de-stress, both decide upon a full weekend in little space!
⚠️Warning: mentioning of s3x
Request by: Cheycartoongirl8
Asmodeus felt bad.
Last time Fizz had regressed he was so upset that he never got to play, that he was never regressed for very long either. It saddens him to know that such a major part of Fizzarolli's personality will never be properly fulfilled and happy... he wanted to make Fizz fizz happy, and he had an idea as to how.
"I have a surprise for you, bug." Ozzie says one day after a big show.
"Oh yeah? What is- wait...did you just call me bug?" Fizzarolli asks. "But, I'm not-"
"I know, sweetheart. But this surprise is for little you." Ozzie explains.
"Little me? Why?" Fizz asks. He looks around to make sure no one else was listening.
"I felt bad that you don't get to regress that much, and when you do you usually just sleep it off. So I have an idea. I have already asked Mamon, and he has agreed to give you a couple days off to rest. So that means can be as little and as active as you want!" He says.
"You did that? For me?" Fizz asks.
"Yes...what do you think?"
Fizz smiles. "I get to be little for two whole days?!"
Ozzie smiles. "Yup, that's not all either. Want to see the rest?"
Fizz quickly nods.
Ozzie takes fizz's hand and leads him to his car. "Where are we going?" Fizz asks, starting to sound littler now.
"It's a surprise." Ozzie says.
Fizz nods and gets in the car. He's so excited, he doesn't stay still at all on the drive there, he keeps grabbing on the seatbelt, moving around, squirming.
Ozzie parks the car at Ozzie's own mansion, Fizzarolli has been there so many times, why would this be a surprise? "Your house is the surprise? Lame!"
"It's not my house." Ozzie says with a chuckle. "There's something inside I want to show you."
"Oh. Well, just hurry because you know I have the attention span of a...uh- umm- just show me!" Fizz demands.
Ozzie chuckles more. "Alright, alright." he offers his hand to Fizz again who happily takes it and they walk inside together.
Ozzie's house was huge, and full of color. Fizz always liked Ozzie's place. He's usually there just for sex, so he's never really gotten a good chance to look around and see it all completely- one day he will though! He's been determined to see a little bit of it every time they come here so eventually he'll have seen all of it.
"Fizz?" Ozzie asks, snapping him out of his trance.
"What?" Fizz asks.
Ozzie takes Fizz's hand again. "Stay close, baby. I don't want you to get lost."
Fizz blushed slightly, not that it was easy to tell under all the makeup. He can feel his regression build more and more when Ozzie talked like that.
Ozzie lead him to a hidden entrance to a hallway Fizzarolli had no idea that existed. "Secret passageways?" Fizzy asks. "Cool!"
"Here we are." Ozzie says. He stopped in front of one of the doors. "Close your eyes, Fizzy."
He does so as Oz takes his hand and leads him inside. "Okay, open them."
Fizzarolli does, and he couldn't believe what he saw... it was a playroom, a lot like one you'd find at a restaurant or a daycare, but everything was Fizzarolli's size. A jungle gym, a ball pit, lots of toys, and places to climb and swing- he couldn't believe this!
"Do you like it?" Ozzie asks.
Fizzarolli blinks a few times to check that what he really was seeing was actually there. "I love it..." he says. "No one has ever done something like this for me."
"I'm glad you like it." He says. "You're welcome here anytime you're feeling little. In fact- I was wondering if you'd consider taking a weekend off every month or so to let yourself be little? We can play in the playroom, and I even made up a little nursery to sleep in." Ozzie says.
"That sounds great, but Mamon would never let me get that much time off." Fizz says sadly. "Especially on a weekend."
"Then take off one Monday and Tuesday a month, you don't have as much traction those days."
"Maybe..." Fizz says.
"Do you want to take the time off?" Ozzie asks.
"Yes, of course. I haven't got to be little in literally forever!" He complains.
"I'll talk to Mamon then, he might listen to me a little better." Ozzie says.
Fizz nods. "Really? You'd do that for me?" He asks.
"You have no idea what I'd do for you, little one." He says. Fizz wrapped his robotic arms around Ozzie. "Thankyouthankyouthankyou!" He says.
"You're very welcome, bug. What would you like to play first?" Ozzie asks.
There was so much he could do- how can he possibly choose?!
He played on the swings for ten minutes before falling asleep on the floor, Ozzie had to pick him up and set him in the nursery.
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ollie-lolly · 1 year
Well, since the last ask I sent was fluffy, I figured I'd send another one: How would the brothers and dateables react to babies and little children? Would they be paternal, hate them, or something different?
Thank you for the ask!<3
How are they with kids and babies?
Warnings: none!
Word count: 577
Most of The Obey me cast
Instant traumatic flashbacks. As much as he loves his brothers, he has had enough of the childcare experience. He is good at keeping them in line, but he does not want a Mammon 2.0.  He would only enjoy it when it's with older, calm kids.
It really depends on the kid. If he gets to know them enough, it could go well! He loves playing the big brother role. If the kid is a bit older he will make them do his chores as a 'reward'. I could see him teaching how to make steal money. The chaos gene must move forward. >:)
He does not want them in his room, there is too much priceless merch to damage. If the little one is nice to him first. He will warm up to them much quicker. He would give them little costumes to match with him. Playing pretend would also give both of them a fun time! Attempting to play video games with them is a must.
He likes them, but his patience being limited does make it hard for him. So babies are not for him, however he loves teaching kids about the knowledge within literature. I could see him trying to get to know the little one better at a cat cafe. He loves how curious kids are, he could talk to them for hours.
He loves both. He wants to dress them and give them the world. He would spoil them so much. He finds them so cute. R.I.P his ever expanding camera roll.
Let's hope that he doesn't eat them. Aside from that, he is great with kids and babies. They can use his body as a jungle gym. He also has a lot of patience to aid him. Will order a kids menu for them when he takes them to a restaurant and he'll gently feed them as well.
I think he likes babies more than kids. He likes how helpless they are, and he can take tons of naps with them! Babies become very calm with his presence alone.
It is his dream to be a family man, he is in his element. He will put all of his responsibilities to the side if it means that he can babysit for his friends or take care of his own kids. Or any kids and babies really. He spoils them so much.
He has a lot of experience with the little beings. It is safe to say that he is great with kids and babies. He has all the skills required for a good, balanced upbringing. 
Please don't let him feed them. I can see him almost killing the little ones by accident a lot. What's even worse is that kids are naturally drawn to his magic, so it is an unending cycle of saving the kids from the menace that is this wizard. With help, he can become a great caretaker though!
He is amazing with kids. Cooking with them, playing with them. He has a caring personality. He understands how little kids and babies think and feel. Kids don't only see him as a caregiver, but also as a friend. He has this devine sense of exactly knowing what a baby wants when it is crying.
He would have a hard time sharing his things. Just give him some time to get used to sharing the attention that Simeon offers, it could be a great learning experience!
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babyminty · 11 months
Cgs Beel, Mams, Asmo/Littles Luci, Satan, Belphie, Levi pt.3
Part 1 Part 2
Leviathan had been feeling small for quite a while now and had been wandering the halls in search of at least one of his brothers when he bumped into Asmodeus. "Leviathan!" Asmo exclaimed in surprise. "What are you doing wandering around?"
"M small..." Leviathan mumbled out an answer, nearly too quiet for Asmo to hear. "Oh, well then, let's go to the living room. I think that is where most of our brothers are." Asmodeus said, and Levi nodded.
Just as they started to make their way to the living room, they were intercepted by Mammon. "Where're yall goin?" Mammon asked Levi. Levi had gone nearly nonverbal at this point, and Asmo noticed, so he answered Mammon instead.
"We were just going to the living room. I think that is where the others are, and Levi is currently regressed, so it could be fun for him to play with any of our other brothers that are small at the moment." Asmo explained. Mammon nodded in understanding. "Mind if I join ya?"
"Not at all." Asmo replied. The three of them started the walk to the living room, but Levi was struggling a bit, stumbling every few steps. The other two noticed, and before Asmo could do anything about it, Mammon had already picked Levi up.
When they got to the lounge, Asmo and Mammon were surprised to see that all their other brothers were regressed except for Beel. Yes, they expected for just one of them to be small as well as Levi at the moment, but not all of them.
Asmo entered the room, followed by Mammon, who was still holding Leviathan. All eyes turned to them, and before anyone said anything, Satan had already run up to Leviathan. "Are you also small? Do you wanna play with me and Belphie?" Satan asked. Levi shyly nodded his head as Mammon put him down, and Levi crawled to where Belphie was sitting and where Satan had already run off to again.
When he got there, Levi was handed a goldfish stuffie, and the three played together with their stuffies. Lucifer sat to the side, just watching them. His pacifier had fallen out of his mouth at some point, and he didn't bother to find it again. He just chewed on one of his stuffie's ears.
At some point, Belphie put his cow plush down for a second, and Lucifer picked it up. The next thing that happened was Belphie shouting at Lucifer to give it back, which caused Levi to start crying and Satan to try to de-escalate the situation, but Lucifer had already dropped the toy as well as his own and sprinted out of the room before the three caregivers even had the chance to process what was happening.
Belphie picked up his toy, hugging it to his chest as Satan calmed Levi down enough that he wasn't crying anymore. "What happened?" Beel asked the regressed demons. Satan, being the only one of the three mentally old enough to talk properly, answered him. "Luci took Belphie's cow, and Belphie shouted at him. Levi started crying, and Luci ran off." He explained. "I'll go find Lucifer." Mammon said before leaving.
When he did eventually find Lucifer, Lucifer was in a cupboard partly hidden by a shelf in one of the House of Lamentation's hallways. He was curled tightly into a ball, face pressed into his knees as sobs wracked his form. Mammon sat down just outside the cupboard. The door was open so he could see Lucifer, but he didn't come any closer as he didn't think Lucifer had noticed he was even there.
"Hey, Luci?" Mammon tried, but it got no reaction from Lucifer. This time, Mammon tried lightly tapping Lucifer's shoulder, which caused Lucifer to jerk up in surprise and quickly turn to face Manmon. "Luci, it's okay, you're okay." Mammin reassured him. Lucifer sniffled before flopping into Mammon's arms and holding on tight. Mammon just held him and started to gently rock him back and forth.
Once Lucifer's sobbs had been reduced to sniffles, Mammon stood up, holding Lucifer in his arms. "Mams? Where we goin?" Lucifer asked. "Back to the lounge." Came the reply. Lucifer stiffened. "Bu Belphie mad ats me." Lucifer protested.
"No he's not." Mammon told him. "And I'm sure he's sorry for shouting at you, but you shouldn't take other's toys with out permission." He added. Lucifer grumbled, but let Mammon carry him back to the living room.
When they got there, Mammon walked to the couch, sitting down and settling Lucifer onto his lap. Asmodeus gave Lucifer his black cat stuffie which Asmo had probably retrieved from the floor when Lucifer dropped it. Lucifer accepted it gratefully, and his fingers started to make their way towards his mouth before a pacifier was placed there instead, which he also accepted.
Lucifer tuned to press his face into Mammon's shoulder to get more comfortable, but before he could do that, he felt someone tap him on the back. Turning around, he saw Belphie, eyes trained to the ground shyly, and his cow plush clutched in his hands. "I'm sorry I shouted at you." Belphie apologized. "S okay. I sorry fo takin your toy." Lucifer accepted the apology, adding his own. Belphie nodded, accepting Lucifer's apology.
"Wanna come play with us?" Belphie questioned, gesturing to Satan, Leviathan and himself. Lucufer nodded, hopping off of Mammon's lap and sitting down with the rest of his regressed brothers to start playing. The four of them played for quite a while before they all started yawning, struggling to keep their eyes open.
The caregivers noticed this and walked over to them. "I think it is nap time for you lot." Beel said as he leaned down, scooping up Levi and Belphie, followed by Asmo picking up Satan and Mammon picking up Lucifer. None of them complained as they were carried to bed, stuffies in hand.
I wonder if anyone can guess who my favourite brother is? This is the last part, by the way
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doggobreebree · 11 months
Caregiver!Obey Me X Little!Mc
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The prompt: They are your caregiver. (You are gender-neutral)
∘₊✧──Luficer──✧₊∘ ~ He is very strict with the rules he set up for you; making you go to bed on time, making sure you eat and drink water, not letting you eat sweets before bed, etc. ~ He will take time off of his schedule to make sure you are happy and taken care of. ~ When he is working he will set up coloring books, puzzles, and toys for you to play with so he can work. ~ Doesn't let his brothers know that he will cuddle with you until you fall asleep while in and even sometimes out of little space to make you feel small.
∘₊✧──Mammon──✧₊∘ ~ He would spoil you with everything you wanted as long as it wasn't too much Grimm, even stealing small things for you. He would even buy some small things for himself without telling you or his brothers. ~ He would take you out for ice cream and a day to the park and any demon that would look at you weirdly, he would try to scare them off without you noticing. ~ He would help you annoy Luficer while he is working and get away with it for the most part since you are in little space, but sometimes he gets in trouble for it, but never in front of you. ~ He would get you head pats and hugs as often as he can without making you uncomfortable since he wants to show love but only when you two are alone. He doesn't want his brothers to know how much he cares about you. ∘₊✧──Leviathan──✧₊∘ ~ He would let you sit in his lap as you two watch kid-friendly anime shows way past your bedtime inside your pillow blanket fort the two of you. He would even let you pick the anime from the list, even if he didn't like it that much. ~ He would print out game and anime coloring sheets for the two of you to color while listening to anime music. If he got done before you he would let you watch him play Minecraft or Frogger while you finish coloring. ~ He would preorder different stuffies and onesies for you and him as well as any new good kids' books that come out. ~ He would play dress up with you all the time and didn't care if he had to wear a dress since it made you happy. He also will drink angel milk with you before bed.
∘₊✧──Satan──✧₊∘ ~ When the two of you are alone he will let you curse in little space all you want but won't curse himself. If the two of you are around his brothers he won't let you curse at all. ~ He gives you cat stuffies, coloring books, toys, and even ears to wear. He even lets you bite on his arm. He even puts on the cat ears when you ask him to. ~Just to make his brother Lucifer mad, he lets you eat ice cream before dinner unless he is the one cooling that night. ~ When he takes you out, he holds your hand and stays very close to you, getting you small things you want and taking you to cat cafes and petting zoos. ∘₊✧──Asmodeus──✧₊∘ ~ He would play dress up with you but unlike Levi, you two would put on a ridiculous amount of jewelry and he would do your make-up. You two would go out like this and even if people stared at the two of you, he would tell you it's okay, they are just jelly, making you giggle. ~ He would brush your hair and give you a bath with a pretty bath boom, candles, music, and toys while he plays kid shows from his D.D.D. ~ If you started crying he would hug you softly and start to hum lightly to try to calm you down. He would then wrap you in a blanket, give you some ice cream, and give you your favorite stuffed animal, talking to you as if he were your stuffie and moving him as if it was alive to try to cheer you up. ~ He would be the one to design your paci with glitter and charms on it. ∘₊✧──Beelzebub and Belphegor──✧₊∘ ~ Beelzebub would make you food that you wanted and would even share some of his food with you. He would make sure your bottle/sippy was full and that you ate and drank water every day. ~ Beelzebub would carry you on his back everywhere the three of you went as well as give you hours back rides around his and Belphie's room. ~ Belphie and Beelzebub cuddle you every chance they get, you have normal nap times and Belphie loves watching kid shows with you and loves watching you play games with Beelzebub. ~ Belphie is the one that normally wakes up to your nightmares and helps you calm down by singing you a song and Beel wakes up and joins him, sending you straight to sleep again. They try to make sure you sleep and eat well. Should I do Diavolo, Barbatos, Simeon, and Solomon next?
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shall-we-die · 6 months
Hey can I make a request I love your blog❤️❤️
Can you make a head cannon to the ob brothers reacting to a newborn mc that was abandoned on their door step thank you❤️❤️❤️
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{"Who's this child?"}
☰[Main list]•⊰ Obey me!
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• Lucifer would be quite shocked and confused upon seeing a human baby left on the doorstep, along with his brothers.
• His mind is spiraling, as he begins to debate and weigh out his options. On one hand, he does not want a dirty human in his home, but on the other hand, he finds himself strangely drawn to the baby.
• While his brothers would immediately react with contempt and disgust, Lucifer himself would be more conflicted.
• Lucifer would try his best to be strict towards the baby, though he would find himself softening, and even doting on it.
• He’d become quite fond of the little one, caring for them and protecting them like they were one of his own. He’d begin to get attached, and would grow quite protective, even if he wouldn’t like to admit it.
• When he gets asked why he’s so gentle with the child, he’d deny it and claim it’s to keep up his devilish image.
• This would likely be quite the surprise for Mammon and his brothers to find a human baby on their door. At first, there would likely be some confusion as to where the baby came from and who it belongs to.
• Mammon would soon deduce that the baby was left there on purpose, but why? He'd wonder this because he and his brothers are demons, and a human baby is an odd thing to find dropped off at their door.
• Once the brothers decided to take the baby in, Mammon would be a very caring and nurturing caregiver to the baby. He'd likely spend a lot of time with the baby, playing with it and giving it attention.
• He'd take on feeding and diapering duties while also making sure the baby had comfort and was safe. He'd probably enjoy the baby's company, though maybe not admit that to his brothers.
Lucifer is proud of daddy Mammon.
• When Leviathan and his brothers find a human baby on their door, they would all be stunned into silence. They would all likely stare at the baby for a moment, processing the fact that there's an infant in their home.
• He would approach the baby carefully, making sure he didn't startle or hurt the child. He would look for any signs of injury or discomfort, ensuring the baby was healthy. He would then start asking questions, trying to find out more about the baby's parents.
• When they finally decided to take the baby in, Leviathan would not be glad to take on the responsibility of caring for the child.
• But! He'd be an excellent caregiver, being gentle and attentive.
• He'd also spend time teaching the child things such as colors and numbers. He'd truly love and care for the baby as if it were his new Henry!
• When they finally decided to take in the baby, Satan would raise the baby just as he would his own child and would treat it with love and kindness.
• He would spoil the child with gifts and make sure to teach them the importance of being compassionate, kind, and generous toward people. He would work hard to protect the child and to provide for their happiness.
• He would love cuddling with the baby and singing them lullabies and reading them bedtime stories.
• Satan would make sure that the baby was well fed and he would change diapers when necessary.
• He would be a patient (surprisingly) and understanding parent and would guide the baby in their growth and development.
He actually wants the baby because cats are somehow attracted to them.
• If Asmodeus and his brothers stumbled across a human baby on their doorstep, Asmodeus would most likely be the first to approach the child.
• He would most likely have a natural inclination towards handling the innocent baby with care and tenderness. He may be tempted to pick up and hold the child in his arms, cuddling it and making it laugh with his antics.
• If the other brothers were reluctant to interact with the human child, Asmodeus would likely chastise them for their intolerance and insist on their involvement in caring for the little one.
• He would go out of his way to feed, clothe, and bathe the child, spending hours doting on them and making sure they are comfortable and cared for. Asmodeus would be the most patient and gentle when it came to caring for the baby, singing soft lullabies that would soothe them and making funny faces to entertain them.
• He would be the most affectionate and loving towards them, showering them with praise, hugs, and kisses.
• Beelzebub would most likely take it upon himself to care for the baby and he would be very gentle with the child. He would treat the baby like it's his own and give it all the love and care it needs.
• He thinks baby smells so good... actually, they smells like heaven, because they're innocent... or maybe... they smells like sweets?
[Karasu: Breaking news! Lucifer needs help to stop Beelzebub from eating a human baby.]
• He would be very gentle with the baby, feeding him, cuddling him, and playing with him. He would do everything he could to give the baby the best life possible. He would be very protective of the baby and would be willing to do anything for it, including sacrificing his own needs.
• When the brothers found a baby on their door, each brother would react differently. But Belphegor would "not" want to take care of them. He is not very good with children and hates when they cry for something. When they finally decided to take the baby in, Belphegor would be disappear. And he mostly call the baby "ugly".
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bnuuys-writing · 11 months
Meet my Yuusona!
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This is Jenny, but she goes by Jen. More information down below! <3
No one knows where Jenny has come from, but they all know she is able to wield magic without a pen. She also has all these strange markings on her body that she keeps hidden that occasionally glow when she is feeling certain strong emotions such as the ones of the Seven Deadly Sins.
Jenny is a caregiver, a empath who knows who is crying the next room over without even looking up from the book she is reading. She is able to diffuse fights before they even start either by fighting and winning herself or talking everyone out of it. She is someone you can rely on and trust if you're having a hard time with something either in school or emotionally. She will mom you, in short.
Fun Facts about Jenny! She actually had come from Devildom to here, and to avoid making connections with everyone, she gave out a fake name in hopes of being able to go home with no strings involved. Her name is actually Ophelia. Lia for short. She was learning how to wield magic by Solomon at first and the pacts she made with the brothers, angels, and the Butler and Prince of Devildom themselves only spur her magic on. She is more able to cast healing spells that fighting spells, so she summoned a familiar which was a brown rabbit! Yet, in the transport to Twisted Wonderland, their same magic merged them together to where Jenny now has a fluffy rabbit tail and large floppy ears!
Relationship Dynamics!
Leona: Absolutely a hater of this man. ONLY because she knows his worth could be so much more and he just doesn't put any effort into showing that he could be a good mage. It absolutely infuriates her. They constantly get into fights that either end up with both of them in the infirmary or both of them getting heated in a vocal argument.
Sebek: Love Interest #1. When Jen first came to NRC and met Sebek, she immediately did NOT like him. Both of them getting into silly little arguments that would go "So, Beastman-" "I'm actually a human. I just merged forms with my rabbit familiar." "DO NOT INTERUPT ME WHILE I AM TELLING YOU ABOUT LORD MALLEUS!!" "ok, bye." Yet after getting to know him better and better and actually taking time to see past everything, she saw him for who he truly is and just fell heads over heels with him. Yet, he doesn't need to know that.
Silver: Good friend, was a possible love interest and she had a small crush on him but after she fell in love with Sebek, they both just stayed close friends. Silver was one of the first few people to actually greet her into NRC. Sometimes Silver will find himself waking up with his head in Jen's lap as she reads away. They could make a cute couple but they respect each other a lot to not meddle with each other's love life.
Vil: Imagine; Malleus with Sebek. But now its Jenny and Vil. If anyone disrespects her housewarden, they will get thrown. Epel is impressed by this but Vil just taught her how to hurt people with words and how to make it sting. Jenny doesn't really hurt people without a good cause. But she heavily admires Vil due to the fact that he seriously reminds her of Asmodeus.
Azul: This is her boss. Was love interest #3 but after working for him constantly as either a waitress with the Tweels on the weekday and Singing for Monstro Lounge on the Weekend, that dwindled down fast. They both seriously respect each other and Azul has made the comment of making a deal about her voice once or twice in which she has denied more than plenty.
Ace and Deuce: These two are her best friends and Ride or Die's. Especially Deuce. She makes sure that they are all caught up and studied on homework before they can go ask Azul for tutoring papers all over again. Rewards them with baked goods that were helped made by Trey just to make sure that they keep their grades above a C-. C's get degrees!
Grim: She doesn't really interact with Grim all that much even though she is Housewarden of Ramshackle, but is an honorary member of Pomefiore. Its all because she is severely allergic to cats. But if you mess with her baby? You are so fried. Prepare to meet the actual full power of Wrath.
Crowley: Does not like him. She has thrown a chair at him. They do not interact unless absolutely necessary and she is finding her own way back home.
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