#carbonate rock
camblorite · 2 years
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Testing a speleothem with hydrochloric acid. The calcium carbonate present in the calcite of the rock reacts with this acid and produces bubbles, carbon dioxide gas, water, and calcium chloride.
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loxare · 10 months
do i.. WANT to know about the drumlins?
Drumlins are glacial landforms, which means you find them only in places that have been glaciated. And they're very distinct when you know what you're looking for.
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A hill with one steep side, one looooong sloping side, and you've (most likely) got yourself a drumlin. (Unless it's small. Drumlins are tens of meters high and hundreds of meters long, so if you've got a short one with way more elongation, you've got a drumlinoid.) They're all over Canada,the north eastern US, and northern Europe. The one pictured above is in Ireland. The ones in Canada and the US formed as the Laurentide Ice Sheet, a kilometers thick mass of glacial ice, was spreading across North America during the Last Glacial Maximum
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There are lots of really cool glacial landforms (eskers and kames and lakes (Glacial Lake Agassiz my beloved) and like a dozen types of moraine), but drumlins are my favourite because they're so incredibly easy to identify, they occur in swarms, and they're kinda weird as hell
There's still some debate among geomorphologists about how, exactly, they form but I was told that the (mindbogglingly huge mass of) ice catches on a sticky uppy bit of bedrock and instead of mowing it down like a child kicking over a stack of blocks, moves around it instead. And because there's now a place behind the bedrock where there's less ice, the ice drops a whole bunch of glacial till (all the bits of sediment that did get mowed down like a child kicking over a stack of blocks) on the other side of the bedrock bit
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(This is a constructional theory, where the drumlin is built up. the other main one is the erosional theory, where everything but the drumlin is eroded. There's also a theory that drumlins are deposited by subglacial meltwater, but that one is highly controversial)
"Now wait," I hear you say, "go back a bit. What the fuck was that about swarms?"
They occur in swarms.
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If you've got one drumlin, good chances you've got a lot of drumlins. Which is actually amazing, because the steep side of the drumlin faces the direction of flow, which means we know exactly how the ice sheet moved. In this image, for example, the ice started at the top, near Lake Ontario, and then moved south. From looking at drumlins (and other glacial landforms, we do like to have multiple reference points), we know that the Laurentide Ice Sheet started in the Hudson Bay and crept out from there
And because they're so distinct (tear drop shaped, made of till, occur in swarms), and because drumlins can only have been made by glacial activity, we can look all over the world and find these things and know that this place was once under several thousand tonnes of ice
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Not during the Last Glacial Maximum, but definitely ones before it. And I just think that's neat
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allmyandroids · 5 months
I THINK HE IS PRETTY NEAT AND CRAZY DRUNKEN ON POWER BABYGIRL MAN (look at the lil sway dancy dance he does agsgs i lov himst💞)
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sinnbaddie · 3 months
I think one of my biggest gripes with how Gai is portrayed in fics that I’ve read is his dialogue.
Sometimes it’s super spot on, but most I’ve seen it’s dialogue that Rock Lee would use. Yes they are both dramatic and use flowery language but Gai is not as polite nor literal as Lee
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prasemvanguardgerman · 6 months
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Some fossiled Shells of snails embeddet on the sedimented rock. Limestone is my suggestion easy crumbling.
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weedle-testaburger · 8 days
my friend and i just played nfs most wanted for the first time in like 17 years and i beat his ford mustang gt with a golf gti. ultra realistic driving sim
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carbon-mono · 9 months
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Ya boi just got a new fresh pre-christmas tattoo 🦅
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solitarysketcher · 11 months
Could you imagine werewolf Toast on a full moon Halloween? Ghost outta disable the doorbell for the night...
he gets to go out on the town.as a treat.
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spilladabalia · 11 months
45 Grave Riboflavin Flavored Non-Carbonated Polyunsaturated Blood
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nogodspweasemasters · 4 months
*to the tune of party rock is in the house*
a thousand wasps are in the house tonight
ain't nobody gon have a good time
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femmeidiot · 6 months
Can I ask why the nitrogen cycle is your beloathed? Like is it just the vibes
because I can't fucking memorize it to save my life I had to memorize it for multiple classes and I just couldn't. I hate it!!
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blackthxrntree · 6 months
carbon dating rocks!
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dogwittaablog · 6 months
I had a crush for a while in this outdoorsy biologist (so I am) guy
He didn't shower much
Greasy hair
What we called... The field scent...
And I kept thinking: Is that the how Nolpat experience is?
“Field scent” ahhh you mean the classic “au naturel” must.
You're getting the knock-off Nolpat experience.
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3.3: Carbon Capture and Storage with Prof Mike Bickle
In this ep, Christina talks to Dr. Mike Bickle, professor emeritus at the Earth Sciences Department at the University of Cambridge about carbon capture and storage: methods, dangers, what it would take to deploy at necessary scale. Join us!
Conquering climate change for our survival and that of much of the rest of the biosphere calls for more than attaining net zero emissions of greenhouse gasses to the atmosphere. We also need to actively remove much of the 140 extra parts per million of carbon dioxide currently up there in the atmosphere thanks to our burning of fossil fuels and destruction of so much of Earth’s biosphere. Both…
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thegreenpea · 10 months
God why did I think I would ever have a logical sensible debate on tiktok over the trolley problem
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unforromass · 2 years
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"Ni la bengala ni el rocanrol, a nuestros pibes los mató la corrupción..."🎶
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