Following other blogs & posts of special interest. An paused german fanblog since 2016 with interest for Cardfight Vanguard & other fandoms or stuff i like. All rights belongs to Bushiroad inc and their artists of the cards. Dieser hauptsächlich deutsch sprachige Fan Blog widmet sich dem Kern des abwechslungreichen Kartenspiels Cardfight!! Vanguard. Ich präsentiere das Design der Units und dessen Artworks, Clans und Mechaniken. Auch werde ich nacheinader mehr auf das Spiel und die Karten eingehen, sowie meine Interessen innerhalb Vanguard schildern. Ich hoffe, durch diesen Blog die aufmerksamkeit und Interesse in diesem Cardgame für deutsch sprechende Fans zu wecken, da die mehrheit an Spieler und Fans japanisch und amerikanischer ursprungs vertritt. All rights belongs to Bushiroad inc and their Artists. All respect belongs to their Card Artists and work from!!_Vanguard_Wiki This mainly german-speaking fan blog dedicated to the core of the great card game Cardfight !! Vanguard ! I present the design of the units and its artwork, clans and mechanisms. I hope to raise through this blog the attention and interest in this card game for german speaking fans, since the majority of players and fans are japanese & american origin represents.
Last active 60 minutes ago
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
That is furiously typical Ouryumon. like always imagined. With little sound.
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Reblog from my blogs vice versa.
Startet today my first search for fossils on nearby land region in this year of 2024. I live in an middle north province side of Germany, with any connection to the ocean like to the Atlantic.
So i found today this pretty good intacted flint echinodea of 4 - (galerites right ?) now 6 with an big fragmented picked fron the ground from little rubble piles nearby roads in between two hours. This trip was an haul!! Nice little shard in white & then the round ones and the flat side orange in color. Great finds of distant sea urchins.
So may i find more of this little old treasures. I hope also others are now on the hunt of Fossils in your local area, beach or on vacation.
Selbst hier auf gerodeten Ackerland und Geröllhaufen findet man Fossilien. Nicht die ersten meiner Funde. Man muss nur Zeit etwas Ahnung viel Glück und Gespür mit offen Augen haben. 👀
Ich werde weiterhin einige meiner privat gesucht und gefunden Fossilien und gekaufte der Sammlung in Abständen nun posten.

Little flint Sea Urchins - Flint Seeigel - Steinkerne - Fairyloafs
The flat is light orange grey in color under sunlight, now pretty orange. This is one is flat like an sanddollar.
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What's your favorite beanie baby?
Hi Annon there, all of them ?
My all time favorites are Poseidon the whaleshark, Colosso Scurry, Scorch, Ants ( look at that nose ) Haunts and the tiny babies.

Such an hard spontanous ask. I will say Ants with Poseidon & Calosso are too cuddly, they are the most favorites of mine.
I had to decide to this bunch of Beanie’s minus plus Princess & Kaleidoscope the Cat.
Recently I have seen such an nice light patchwork pattern of an Kaleidoscope the Cat and I’m now convinced to looking for her now.
Minus Goochy and Princess 🥀
Not too sadly to say, Princess the Diana Teddy I have sold to an longtime very dear friend of me, with now Valentina together.
Also we had some stores & malls here which usually had the beanies there.
~ Nowdays mostly only the overpopulated Ty boos ~ 😣
Have them since the beginning of the 2000 years and some previously like mini Inch and tiny Peanut from the MC Donald set, brought all of them via parents of course, at that trendy time in bags from to much Happy Meals, i think one year next, I had beginning to collect Ty Beanies and was in my childhood also on local holded Exchange events & Collectible sell events. Tauschbörsen here was an big thing with a lot at that time.
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More greetings from my Ty Colosso!!
My lovely old not so tough fossil guardian, more an usually sitting in an coffee mug on my desk.
#ty beanie babies#toycore#beanie babies#beanie colosso#echinoids#fossil collection#beanie#colosso the mammoth#collectibles#toy collecting
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Fears for tumblr TV - the shitty instant installed icon under the post like we all have now.
Please be not so an shitty slutty app entertainment like the fucking died Tumblr live.
Please be not like it again, once seen it, then blocked the shitty feature out of over my dash, still have, not recovered from it.
Since the update and the sidebar adjustments, I can not seen any new notifications or asks, as an number like before……
I must each blog swipe to the ⚡️ then I can read them, if any new are noted.
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Envy all of you so much those who live close to the coasts and beaches, in these windy stormy days in November and December. You all amber sea glass and sea urchin - coral fossils seeking rock hounding and beach visitors. 🌊 🥺😭
Unfortunately, I have no opportunity to travel coast currently or soon, such as the Baltic Sea.
Beneide euch alle, jede und jeder so sehr diejenigen die nah an den Küsten und Stränden leben, in diesen windigen Sturmtief Tagen im November und Dezember. Ihr Bernstein, Seeglas Korallen und Seeigel suchende Sammler. 🫠😭
Habe zeitlich leider keine Gelegenheit aktuell oder demnächst an die Küste zu reisen wie Ost oder Nordsee.
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Both of them wish you an good day in this now cold November, with an calming mug of coffe or tea, or hot cocoa! ☕️☕️
With Scorch cozy coffee time’s.

Free appreciate to reblog
#beanie babies#ty beanie babies#scorch#scorch the dragon#hobbycollector#toy collecting#they are innocent gay in love i may think…
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Short notice, still online on this platform
But recently, notices since the last afternoon, i cannot tab on the mobile app any new postings. I dunno why, if it is an bug or an new bad feature on the mobile version. I can the icon for the post " move arround " to the sides of the screen but not upload any pictures from the gallery or have any option to post text.
Here on the browser with PC all normal on the top bar with the media postings options.
I cannot tab to use the normaly be ok fucking posting icon here……
I can tab the icon on repeat 🔁 nothing happening
Edit : reblogs or edits function normal.
Edit 25 November I can finally again posting with the app.
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My Digimon living and evolved, with an calculated, uncalculated amount of attention and neglect some times Numemon both to their perfect stages.
I keep both Monzaemon & MetalGreymon alive to tomorrow but, time after that in the week will it be busy.
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Both of the Agumon evolved with care and with less care 😅 to an Greymon - Metal Greymon & Numemon. Fight a lot with both single and in tag, also vs the X device for their evolution. On day 4 to 5 sleeping 💤
On the Digimon X sassy Gomamon X evolved to an Mantaraymon X to an Okuwamon X Antibody now in the meantime. Fighting the tournament map an little to stage 20.
The low battery sprite is showing, I try to set it on off back - cannot say if it is already out of power within only on generation.
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My Odaiba Meal - two plates for both portions.
I cooked some chickpeas potato curry, with Omurice , an half of Katsudon on top.
Enjoy it now on odaiba eve , with seeing of Hurricane Touchdown Movie 🇯🇵 and then reading Fanfic. - playing Butterfly 🦋 -
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Happy Odaiba Memorial Day !! Again for all of us now time wise.
Also to celebrate the Anniversarie of the 25 years of ongoing Digimon Anime - since Digimon Adventures first localized airing.
Starting the day, with an good cup of coffee, without Alphamons influence- playing my Digimon OST & Opening playlist on loop parallel with boiling some eggs, impatient waiting for the new celebrate OG Adventure Butterfly reanimation music opening.
Have my two V-Pets parallel running with me, playing some games and the various CD Drama tales on from Season 1 to 4. The PCs and i so are busy now.
I have the plan to watching a lot movie, first Our War Game , the non Adventure in the middle and lastly The Beginning, reading fanfiction chapters and cooking some Omurice & Curry on the evening. 🥚 🍉🍛

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The night before Odaiba memorial., anniversary of the Digimon franchise, anime and all mediums included from the fans to the fans.
So i do an restart of the two devices, keep them on me tomorrow active with the parallel activities with the Digimon topics.
The 🇯🇵 X & the english version of the 20th DM.
Nope Yaamon with Botamon both sleeping 💤
The X have an MetalPeranimon in storage and two Dracomon died from the last battery charnge. The records are also gone.
Hope they live up to Sunday, or more.
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Reblog if you are in the Shaman King fandom~
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Was in the woods for an little bit of shroom hunting. The edible fungi are now in the beginn of our Mushroom Season sprouting out.
The pics are good for the vulturecore to share.
In this moment i cannot say if it the skull of an herbivore like young deer or carnivore like a fox.
This skull without the jar bone is lying like an half of an decade here, seen often each year.

Ich kann nicht sagen ob es nun ein Schädel eines Fuchses oder Dachses im Kontrast.
Jedenfalls warme regenreiche Tage sind gut für Pfifferlinge und diese orange leuchtenden geschützten Korallenpilze.
More fossil related posts on my side blog for the echinoids & rocks.
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