#cant turn the ac on in the fucking building
nedsseveredhead · 1 year
Im closing early today i dont care what the consequences are im so fucking tired and so fucking mad lol lol lol lol
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ot3 · 8 days
hey, i only just recently finished bridge to turnabout (the final case of the aa trilogy) and wanted to go back and see your thoughts on godot since personally i have very mixed feelings on him altogether. you can just reply with a link to a post where youve already explained how you feel in more detail (i remember seeing a post where you have but tumblr search function is ass so i cant find the one i was thinking about) or use this as an opportunity to bitch about him if youd like. but i generally think that you have a knack for putting opinions i already have into words perfectly and wanted to revisit ones on him specifically with a new set of eyes now that i finally understand the context behind everything. peace and love ✌🏽
ohhhhh man godot. a lot to unpack there. I feel like for the most part whatever thoughts i've posted about godot have been kind of piecemeal so ill try and put it into something more coherent and comprehensive here. well first of all congrats on finishing the trilogy i hope you enjoyed it!!! bridge to the turnabout is SUCH an excellent case on almost every level but. the writing centered around godot really spoils it and stops it from living up to it's full potential....
i was warned i wasnt going to like godot going in so i was really surprised that up until bttt, i actually did end up liking him! i thought he was hysterical! and i still do. but i really can't Like him because of what the writing centered around him does to the integrity of aa3's arc. I don't like what it does to mia's place in the narrative and I think it undercuts the emotional realism that makes ace attorney's slapstick ass nonsense murders manage to land right. i guess ill address each one of those points on their own?
I don't like what godot's writing does to mia's place in the narrative!
Mia's death is something that's completely within her own agency; it is her own phone call with her own sister, talking about evidence for the case she herself has spent years building, that gets her killed. None of this has anything to do with phoenix. She is no strings attached presented as his mentor figure and I think this dynamic is what prevents Mia's death from feeling like fridging despite it technically being something that has to happen to allow phoenix to take center stage in the upcoming events of the game.
then godot comes in and the narrative he imposes on her death feels like it retroactively turns it into Fridging! I mean 'is this character death the Fridging Trope or the Death of the Mentor Trope' is kind of milquetoast tvropes brained level media critique here but im really using these concepts as a shorthand for the level of agency a female character is allowed to have in her own death, and the degree to which that death is used as a tool for men's emotional development. but anyway the point being that the fact that godot views mia death as phoenix's responsibility is an inherently misogynistic bit of character writing. their power dynamic is such that mia was the one responsible for phoenix's wellbeing if anything, as his boss, his senior, and his mentor; the only reason godot presumes phoenix to be responsible for mia's death is because he a man who was in proximity to her! which fucking suuuucks.
Something I don't see talked about a lot is that godot also has beef with phoenix for being dahlia's stooge, which i think is a MUCH more interesting angle for his character. but that's presented as a separate thing from his feelings about mia's death
Godot: …… I never liked you. Six years ago… …you helped the woman who put me to sleep by hiding her bottle of poison. And then… While I was sleeping… …you let Mia die. But you didn't care. You just kept living your pathetic, happy-go-lucky life. You even had the nerve to follow in her footsteps as a lawyer. I could never forgive you. That's what I thought.
now to be clear i don't think the narrative frames his blaming phoenix as something we're supposed to agree with. Godot has his whole confession at the end where he admits he views himself as responsible for failing to protect her. but it does basically mean that her death stops being something that was About herself and the choices she made and her relationship to her family, and instead becomes About the effect it had on the men in her life. which i really don't like!
NUMBER TWO. I think godot's writing lessens my ability to get emotionally involved in this case
Even within ace attorney's fucking moon logic bridge to the turnabout pushes my suspension of disbelief past its breaking point. I don't care about the pendulum horseshit. I don't care about the ghost possession. I'll accept all of that. What I can't accept is: why does no one EXCEPT godot himself seem to care that this entire murder could have been avoided if maya at any point been warned about it? Misty and Iris just as guilty of this as godot is, but the biggest difference between them and godot is that 1. misty has been a deadbeat for ages and is now just Dead. Her primary established character trait is not talking to her fucking kids. 2. Iris has been working as dahlias accomplice for her entire life and so the idea that she would willingly conceal this has much more legitimacy to me.
We are supposed to accept and sympathize with the idea that protecting maya Actually Was Something He Did. I say were are expected to accept and sympathize with that because phoenix and maya sure do! I guess you could interpret this as them trying to give some comfort to a man that is clearly at the end of his rope and about to be sent to prison.
Phoenix: Y-You're wrong! You put your life on the line to save Maya! Godot: Was it really for Maya's sake...? Even I'm not really sure. [cut some lines for brevity] Godot: You were the one who made me realize my folly. You never ran away from Mia's death. Instead, you picked up where she left off, as a true defender of the people. In that one moment... I understood everything! Phoenix: Mr. Godot... Godot: I think you already know this, but if you don't... My name is... Diego Armando. Maya: M-Mr. Armando! I believe in you! I know you were trying to save me!
then, later on:
Phoenix: (So I guess it's all over... The way everything ended... Was justice really served...? The man who risked his life to save Maya is being sent to prison by my own hand...) Mia: Of course justice was served. Phoenix: M-Mia! Mia: ...I'm proud of you, Phoenix. Your defense was... truly brilliant. Phoenix: B-But I couldn't save Mr. Armando! The man who cared so deeply for you... Mia: You're wrong, Phoenix. You did save Diego. You saved him in the only way possible.
I guess technically godot did risk his life to save maya. and I do like the conclusion that basically being laid bare and brought to accountability like that is what godot needed to 'save' him. but i'm just not sure why the fact that maya was only in danger in the first place due to godot's choices doesn't factor into how phoenix feels about him 'saving' her. I just don't buy it!!!
It lacks the emotional weight that other instances of Avoidable Tragedy in the series have had. Ace attorney is at its best when the relatively grounded emotions are contrasted by the zany impossible crime antics. But i think BTTT is an instance where the emotional realism isnt taken far enough to distract me from the convoluted nature of the actual events that have just taken place. Rather than being so in touch with the characters during this case that i can tap into the Tragedy aspect of 'this didnt need to happen like it did' i just find myself frustrated by the fact that it didn't need to happen like it did. It kind of chafes the whole case for me and at the end I didn't feel any sort of cathartic victory regarding the events that had just transpired. but that was clearly the feeling they were going for
i did enjoy godots for the most part, but i think you'd need to make some serious overhauls to the storyline to have this specific case reach its full potential. it's a good case! but as the end to the entire trilogy i just can't help but resent the fact that it has the clumsiest writing out of any of the individual games' finales. and that everything i disliked about it is attributed to the actions godot took and the reactions other characters had to that.
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xamaxenta · 3 months
ive been imagining modern sabo being SO much smaller than marco and ace like ace is maybe 7 feet tall MINIMUM like WHAT were they feeding this guy WHERE the fuck did he come from???? but thats nothig compared to nearly 8ft out of armor marco. hes had some tweaks to his genetics and skeleton bc that armors so heavy regular humans cant carry it . ppl think sabos boys are cosplayers until theyre face to tits with ace and marco abd then theyre like s. sabo. where did you say you found these guys. asking for a friend
YEEEAAAHHHH 💜💜💜 exactly theyre both so goddamn enormous its insane and you know what
Sabo turns them both into his wanton 8ft pillow princesses every goddamn night bc im projecting holy shit do uou even know how hot that is
But REAL THO cuz everyone cant tell what their real size is bc camera angles and Sabo does want to feature in the pics bc hes a bastard and NEEDS to gloat and show off the absolute prizes his lovers are
Marco def had genetic enhancement, reinforced bone structure, height and musculature enhancements, his spine ? Incredible legitimately its a thing of beauty, insane regenerative ability
Ace is just big, hes a big guy, whats his diet? Pure testosterone probably, hes the walking wet dream personified for protein supplement advertisements and could probably bench an entire building singlehandedly but he prefers being on his knees for Sabo instead, docile and as loving as can be
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battleangel · 2 months
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Its currently 88 degrees in my apartment and has been 90 degrees all day.
I dont use my air conditioning.
I dont have central air.
I have a wall unit in a 1 bedroom apartment.
I am in New Jersey and there have been heat weeks the past few weeks with temperatures in the 90s and 100s with extremely high humidity.
I have a single ceiling fan in my dining room that I utilize.
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As you can see, I dress light & minimal.
I also stay hydrated & drink plenty of water.
When its really hot, I will sometimes just remove my clothes & be naked.
Is it warm? Yes.
Hot even? Yes.
Uncomfortable? Yes.
Stuffy & humid? Yes.
Unbearable? No.
And thats the lie.
Thats the lie of modern life.
That a fan simply isnt enough.
The EPA advises that the average American keeps their air conditioning thermostat between 68 & 72 degrees all summer.
That is fucking disgusting.
The EPA suggests keeping thermostats at 80.
I suggest turning your AC off and just using a fan.
Wear light, minimal clothing or take your clothes off.
Stay hydrated & drink water.
If youre still hot, place a bowl of ice cubes in front of your fan.
You can also place ice cubes in wash cloths and apply them to your underarms, back of your neck & groin area.
You can also place a wash cloth under cold water and place the damp cloth on the back of your neck.
You do not have to have your AC blasting at all times while indoors over the summer months.
You have been brainwashed & conditioned to expect this & to do this.
Americans use 90% of the worlds air conditioning & we are nowhere near 90% of the worlds population.
Need more of a reason to turn your air conditioning off even during heat waves?
•The cooling industry accounts for 10% of global CO2 emissions.
•Americans consume more energy for air conditioning than the rest of the world combined.
•The number of global cooling devices is estimated to increase from 3.6 billion to 9.5 billion by 2050.
•HFC emissions are projected to contribute warming equivalent to 20% of CO2 output by 2050.
•Air conditioning in the US releases approximately 100 millions tons of carbon dioxide into the air.
Air conditioning was only invented in 1902 — literally about 100 years ago.
It is essentially a brand new invention when compared to the rest of human existence — so why do you think that you cant live without it?
Yes, buildings are architecturally designed differently since air conditioning became ubiquitious around the 1960s in the United States.
Buildings used to be designed for the hot air to rise to the ceiling and now they are not designed that way as the built-in assumption is air conditioning will be utilized as 82% of American residences have either central air conditioning or wall units.
While that is true, I am living proof that even during heat waves with triple digit temperatures and extreme humidity, you can absolutely get by with just a ceiling and/or box fan.
You dont need artificially cooled air to survive.
You have just been brainwashed to think that way as an American as nearly every single indoor building — whether it is an indoor arena, movie theater, shopping mall, restaurant, office, hair salon, nail salon, massage parlor, retail store, department store — all has air conditioning absolutely at full blast between 68 & 72 degrees the entire summer.
That is absolutely not the norm anywhere except America which is why we utilize more air conditioning than the rest of the world combined.
Only in America can you literally go days, weeks and even months without ever encountering air that hasnt been artificially cooled.
We shouldnt shield ourselves from the impact of the climate change that we humans have caused.
We should be uncomfortable!
We should feel what the real temperature is outside and what we have caused it to be with all of our as a species collective damaging ecocidal actions to our environment.
We are killing the planet and the earth.
If we dont change, earth will be uninhabitable within 100 years at the absolute most which is why Elon is already planning to colonize Mars.
We humped, pumped & dumped one planet — earth — so why not another?
Our ecocidal actions as a species has caused extreme climate change impacts creating the heat waves that have been observed across the country all summer long, record shattering temperatures & natural disasters.
I have lived in New Jersey for 42 years and for the first time in my life this April there was a 5.2 earthquake.
Americans are addicted to air conditioning period.
Stop the addiction.
Turn off your AC.
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mylittlegayass · 2 years
Kaebedo - Just (boy) Friends - fluff
kaebedo with some implied ships.
modern au
it was a normal day at the group's lunch table, with venti bothering diluc about something useless, kaeya and rosaria making small talk over 'water' bottles, [vodka] and lisa lecturing jean over good sleeping habits.
"are you sure you're not lying about this?"
"rose, we're childhood friends."
"childhood friends my ass." 
"i'm being serious. we're. just. friends."
"i see the way you two look at each other. it's like how venti looks at xiao." 
"well venti's been pining for years." 
"caught me there." 
rosaria sighed, and turned to the group. 
"this is why i'm the single one, isn't it?"
"no, kaeya, i'm not into her."
"unlike how you and albedo are, we're just friends."
kaeya scoffed, sighing. "well fuck me then."
"nah. i'm ace."
hours later, at the end of the school day, kaeya stood outside the front gate, waiting for a certain blonde male. they'd promised at the beginning of their time at the school they'd walk home together, despite having drastically different friend groups, and drastically different schedules they'd always meet up at the end of the day.
after about ten minutes of waiting, kaeya finally saw albedo rushing out of the building.
"my apologies! i had run out of time." he huffed, catching his breath. "i hope you didn't wait too long."
"not at all! i also had to stay after today, anyway!"
"let us just head home." 
"alright, dear."
"i've told you... don't call me that... in public especially..."
"no." albedo shook his head and started to walk towards his home, kaeya following close behind.
"can we hang out at my place today?"
"i suppose."
they eventually got to kaeya's place, and they entered. "diluc's not home, he has this thing after school or whatever, so i think we're home alone."
"so we're safe, you say?"
"mhm! i know alice and klee are probably home, and we haven't had the chance to do anything as a couple."
"no! it's fine, i'm fine with not telling everyone just yet. rose is onto us though..."
albedo sighed, pinching his nose. "she already knows, then, doesn't she?"
"what do you mean?"
"she lurks in the shadows, and remember the bleachers?"
"wha- oh- oh!"
"mhm. she probably sa-"
kaeya shrugged and dragged albedo to his room, effectively cutting him off.
" i want to cuddle since we haven't in weeks."
"what if-"
"shut up, we'll deal with it later." 
"they're going to find out, kae."
"well, 'bedo, that's fine. we've been dating since freshman year. we graduate soon, if anything they've all caught on."
"that eases my nerves somewhat."
"and, diluc won't care. we barely talk nowadays anyways, he's only at our table at lunch because jean forces him to be there."
albedo nodded, as he sighed contently.
"tired? i know that science club you run can be tiring."
"tiring is an understatement... that new member of ours, tighnari, gets along with collei, but he doesn't get along with the others. that's why i was a bit late."
"reminds me of when diluc and i had fencing together. we got along with everyone but each other."
"i hope he starts to warm up to the others. i believed he snapped from the heat and the noise. i can't control either sadly."
"which science room do you use?"
"isn't c bigger?"
"we cant move unless we get anot- oh we actually can move to room c. that would be wonderful."
kaeya smiled down at his boyfriend and nuzzled into his hair, only to be swatted away.
"not the hair. mom actually braided for me, for once."
"but its so soft-"
"and i don't want to ruin it."
"i'll redo it."
kaeya smiled, and shoved his face into albedo's hair again.
"hey, 'bedo?"
"promise me we'll get married?"
"i promise."
"if you stop giving me hickeys in plain sight. klee's seen it before i could hide it once."
"then we're not getting married. simple."
"boyfriends forever then."
"kaeya don't you dare, i can't cover it-"
"just steal my coat then, darling."
hours later, diluc got home, and he went to check on kaeya, because he's a caring brother. [and because kaeya sometimes just crashed onto his floor and passes out after school.]
only to find the two boyfriends cuddling, and a very obvious hickey on albedo's neck. 
"wake up."
"wake the fuck up."
"hi dilu- heyyyy-"
"does alice know he's here? or do i need to call and say he fell asleep?"
"she doesn't."
"alright. next time, just tell me you're dating someone. two, don't be that obvious with a hickey, klee's like nine."
"okay. bye."
"i'm olde-"
hours later, did albedo finally wake up, curled into kaeya's blanket. said man wasn't there, surprisingly, though it was like eight at night. 
standing up and stealing kaeya's jacket to hide the hickey, he left the room, only to find kaeya and diluc in a very, very deadly match of knife uno. 
also known as, diluc and kaeya have knives pressed to the other's throat as they play. [and the wild cards have knives taped to them. somehow diluc got them all, and the wall behind kaeya is covered in knife holes.]
"hello albedo."
"hello... diluc."
"oh, hi darlin'!"
"kaeya, what did i sa-"
"he knows."
"i walked in on you two earlier... if i have to the sex talk with kaeya, i-"
"diluc, no-"
"you're being embarrassing."
"get used to it."
the next day, while walking to school, kaeya and diluc were speaking about the day before.
"you two should tell the others."
"isn't he going to be wearing your jacket until the hickey fades?"
"there going to be suspicious. especially rosaria."
"she found out on her own."
"... just tell the others."
"i'll talk with him. it was his idea to keep it secret for the past few years."
"we've been together since freshman year."
"how in the world?"
"we only recently started being riskier with how we act."
"i'm disappointed in you."
[ bedo <3 <3 <3]
k: diluc's pressuring me to tell the group abt us :((
a: then tell them. i'm fine with it. as long as you wait for me to be there?"
k: you don't have lunch with us though?
a: i can take a day off from tutoring sucrose today. i'll just have double lunch.
k: you'd do that?
a: sucrose is too hard on herself when it comes to tutoring. she needs the break.
k: okay! love you <3 <3
a: i love you too, now focus in math.
k: fine :(
a: ....
a: <3 <3
later that day, at lunch, albedo joined kaeya's group, with the explanation of giving sucrose a break.  although it fooled the majority of their group, rosaria and diluc weren't phased. they knew what was happening.
eventually, once everyone had eaten, which occurred quickly, kaeya and albedo shared a glance.
"albedo and i have something to sa-"
"you're dating? congrats we've all known you guys liked each other." rosaria butt in, before being cut off from her next sentence
"... we've been dating since freshman year."
"wait what." 
"is that you've stolen his coat ten times this past year, albedo?"
"not necessarily stolen, he's given it to me on a few occasions."
"is one of those occasions right now?"
"when's the wedding?"
"lisa no-"
"he broke our promise, so we're not getting married."
"not my fault!"
"it is your fault."
walking home, kaeya sighed. "we should tell alice now, shouldn't we?"
"we should. klee won't be home tonight, since she's staying the night with diona. a sleepover, i assume."
"we should hurry, you live farther from the school than i do, and i would like to stay over for dinner."
they eventually made it to albedo's house, and went inside. 
(short a/n. i have no idea what alice's personality is, but i feel like she's a loving mother, so fuck you if you disagree.)
"hi alice!"
"oh hi, kaeya, albedo. i'm making spaghetti. you're staying for dinner, right?"
"we actually have something to tell you."
"erm, we're dating."
"i figured. klee's a blabbermouth in case you forgot. and if you need me to, i can get any form of makeup."
"just be lucky i'm not giving you two th-"
"and nevermind, 'bedo let's just go. i get this enough from 'luc."
part 2 coming soon <3 <3
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dopeycryptid · 8 months
well today hasnt been great. tuesday we noticed a leak by out living room window and a crack in the screen. notified our landlord. chalked it up to snow from outside, put plastic over your windows. cool, we cant, we’re fucking broke af. now today, a waterfall (and i mean WATERFALL) of a leak sprang in our bedroom. had to practically evacuate our entire bed to our living room and just about everything else into our kitchen. our cats are stressed, WE’RE stressed. i had to call off of work like i didnt want to bc im barely getting hours as is (thankfully my HR person in charge of scheduling told me not to worry bout it and she’d schedule me in for tomorrow). come to find out from our landlord the fucking inspection guy from FUCKING JUNE decided to stupidly turn off the wrong valve to the broiler and freeze everyone in our building, which caused the pipe to burst (hence the obnoxious flooded). now my s/o and i are sitting here, worn out from dealing with people coming in and out of our apartment and everything else going on. pretty much having to wait for someone the landlord knows to come and cut open the bedroom ceiling to check out the piping and hopefully fix the damn thing, and hopefully also get new windows bc SURPRISE those weren’t replaced before we’d moved in despite this being the newest renovation. we havent even been here a whole year and its been one thing after another: noisy af neighbors (in both senses of the matter), letting their dogs bark and howl and PISS right outside our window at all hours of the day despite there being a sound ordnance, the AC broke not even at the end of summer and WE supposedly have to replace it (like we’ve the money for that), the bathroom door is chipped to shit, blamed us tenants for an infestation even tho said bugs CAME FROM THE FUCKING SINK PIPING AND PROBABLY THE DUMPSTER THATS RIGHT OUTSIDE, and now this bullshit. that’s not including us not having much to eat rn bc like i said poor and bills literally take all my money. we just want a break. 
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flintbian · 3 years
How is it that it's 11 pm and my apartment is somehow still 92 fucking degrees
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tauruswiftie · 3 years
sigh i hate being physically weak n i hate college
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sinfulseashell · 2 years
Question for Yandere!Bonten
Let's say, you unintentionally turned on the AC higher, and when sleeping with S/O you feel them nuzzling closer to you because of the cold. What would you do? Take advantage of the situation or just find it cute and carry on with the night?
Y!Mikey: He furrows his brow as he listens to the question finding it quite odd, but yet all he could do was imagine the scenario in his mind…how his darling would press their cold body to his wanting his warm embrace around them. Dark cold eyes now fading into a soft onyx as he lets a small smirk play on his lips, “Well Im sure we can always find a suitable way to get warm of embracing doesn’t work.” He chuckles, cheeks flushed from his own fantasies.
Y!Sanzu: “Well if I did that then my intentions would be to fuck so…” he shrugs while leaning back in his chair. “—but my darling is too naive. I’m sure they will think that all we will do is cuddle.” He laughs at the thought. “So cute! I can’t help but to imagine their flushed out face when they realize that all daddy wants is to be buried deep inside them.” He cups his cheeks while licking his lips hungrily. “As Mikey said before there is more than one way to get warm.” He winks.
Y!Takeomi: He quirks a brow listening to the question before a smile shows on his lips. “I wouldn’t take advantage of my darling, I know how my little one can be naive and gullible. So I’ll just enjoy the moment with them let’s just say it will be a nice change of pace to just cuddle.” He sighs happily.
Y!Sanzu: Looks at the camera while pretending to gag. “You make me sick.”
Y!Kokonoi: “Are any of these ever serious questions? As if I would need to do something so stupid to have my darling cuddle me…” he huffs while looking away and crossing his arms across his chest.
Y!Ran: Looks at the camera, “Dont mind him. He is just mad that he didn’t think of that.”
Y!Kokonoi: He leans closer to Ran giving him a vicious glare. “I will throw you off a goddamn bridge just to hear your head hit the pavement.”
Y!Ran: “Aww! That’s the sweetest thing you have ever said to me,” he smiles brightly. “—but Rin beat you to it. He is doing that as my final wish, but that doesn’t mean you can’t gift me some other type of way.” He chuckles.
Y!Rindou: Looks at the camera, “I hate all of them.”
Y!Rindou: “Why would I need to have them cuddle me just to fuck? My darling is willing to give me what I want at the snap of my finger. This is stupid…all of this.” He scoffs while taking a swig of his drink and slamming the cup back down.
Y!Ran: “He would cuddle them.” He smiles. “He is secretly a soft baby.”
Rindou’s S/O: “….😐…” side eyes the camera and closes their eyes as they nod. “Ran’s telling the truth…”
Y!Rindou: “FUCK ALL OF YOU! CANT DO NOTHING IN THIS FUCKING PLACE!” Slouches in his chair as he glares at Ran.
Y!Ran: “Well cuddling for me always leads to having sex so…is there really a difference?” He shrugs. “Besides my little darling loves when daddy does-.”
Ran’s S/O: Quickly covers his mouth as they look down in embarrassment. “Please…save me the embarrassment and shut up…”
Y!Mochi: “Ah….well I mean I would use the time to cuddle, but knowing my darling they would um…take advantage of that situation…” he clears his throat while looking away in embarrassment.
Y!Sanzu: “Mochi are you saying that your darling takes advantage of you?” This question causes everyone to stare at the couple. As the silence builds Sanzu makes his way to the male and whispers in his ear, “Do you need help? Blink twice for yes.”
Y!Mochi: “WHAT!” He exclaims while shoving Sanzu away. “No! I…I don’t need help…I just…” he stumbles over his words as his face begins to flush.
Mochi’s S/O: “He enjoys me taking charge. Is that so wrong?” They shrug as they stare at everyone.
Y!Kokonoi: “Sanzu shut the fuck up! Let them be! He is happy dammit.” Koko growls as he smacks Sanzu with his shoe. “Now let’s finish this.”
Y!Kakucho: He smiles softly while gently grabbing his darlings hand. “Well I love to cuddle my darling. Just having them pressed against me is enough to give me a good nights sleep. So to answer the question, I will just enjoy the moment.” He leans over to kiss their cheek as they look fondly back at him.
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veeranger · 2 years
Vee’s Steam Summer Sale Reccs
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as always these are just personal opinions etc etc please look up some real reviews before buying a game if you aren’t sure and remember that steam will give you a full refund if you have less than 2 hours played in under 2 weeks.
AI: The Somnium Files - $7.99
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one of the finest mystery games you can play imo. maybe uchikoshi’s best work. a perfect blend of mystery, character, and style. every character and conversation is compelling in its own way and every little thing builds up to the huge moments which makes them all feel totally earned. as always uchikoshi is a genius in the way he blends his signature branching timeline style with the themes and core concepts of the game. the twists and turns this game goes down are so crazy that weeks later you’ll still be realizing how all the little things you thought were just quirks were actually foreshadowing. cannot recc this enough tbh.
Zero Escape: The Nonary Games - $11.99
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another uchikoshi joint, also extremely good. ive only played 999, the first game in this collection, but i can recc it just based on the strength of that alone. whereas somnium is a murder mystery, 999 is a visual novel about being trapped in a murder game interspliced with escape room segments. whatever you think you know you dont, 999 will take you down so many twists and turns you’ll be fucking dizzy when you’re done with it. big recc.
VA-11 HALL-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action - $10.04
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i could probably talk about this game for as long as the others, even though its way way less complex. va-11 hall-a doesnt have a huge sweeping story with insane twists and massive reveals, but what it does have is an extremely personal narrative about loss, healing, and just living your life the best way you can in a horrible dystopian world. the cast of characters feel utterly real and you learn about the world they inhabit through interactions with them, rather than being infodumped by exposition. everyone has their own story and everyone is just trying to get by, including you. one of the best small scale personal narrative games ive ever played.
Night In The Woods - $9.99
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another vn i would consider “small scale” but equally as impactful. nitw is a story about a disillusioned and struggling college drop out returning to her economically declining home town. nobody is secure, nobody is happy, everyone is suffering through their daily lives. you follow mae as she struggled to readjust to her childhood home and the people she left behind. until something happens that changes her priorities radically. all ill say. despite how i just made it sound, nitw is not all depressing. theres lighthearted moments and wacky days to cut through the bleak fog, as well as genuinely heartfelt moments that feel very earned. nitw is a game i think that everyone struggling through their 20s should play.
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy - $14.99
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a trilogy of some of the most iconic visual novels ever made. if you havent played ace attorney what the hell are you doing? these games blend outlandish humor and engaging characters with genuinely impactful writing and thoughtful social commentary. these are truly genuinely classics and i cannot express the kind of treat youre in for if youve never experienced these games.
The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles - $24.79
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imagine the ace attorney trilogy but with the serious themes and social commentary turned up a few notches. great ace attorney is what you’d get. like the trilogy this is multiple games bundled into one (two of them) and is a great value. a must play for fans of the originals, and frankly a perfect jumping point for new fans as well, if you so choose to. you cant go wrong with either the trilogy or tgaa.
Halo: The Master Chief Collection - $15.99
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yes obviously im going to shill for mcc. this is SIX whole games. fully functioning multiplayer, custom lobbies, co-op, everything you remember from these games on xbox but better. this is literally $360 worth of games for $16. if youve ever been curious about this iconic franchise or want to relive the xbox live days, mcc is damn near perfect.
Portal 1 & 2 - $2.98
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honestly its 2022 and you dont own portal? cmon. two of the best narrative puzzle games ever made. a strong argument for games as art. incredibly clever game design and timeless writing. the portal games are something everyone should experience. i paid like $80 for these games back in the day, the fact that you can get some of the greatest games ever made for $3 is astounding. yes this is technically a shooter.
DUSK - $8.99
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an extremely fine shooter. excellent level design, outstanding sound design, amazing art direction. dusk isnt just a retro throwback, it pushes the style and mechanic of those classics forward to heights that were impossible back then. imo dusk is a modern classic when it comes it a tight, well designed shooter.
ULTRAKILL - $14.99
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an extremely fine shooter. excellent level design, outstanding sound design, amazing art direction. didnt i just say that. its still true. ultrakill is a game that will test your reflexes, text your ability to adapt on the fly, and demand you do everything as stylishly cool as fuckin possible. when they call this game “devil may quake” theyre not joking. the skill ceiling is insanely high but the skill floor can be as low as you want it thanks to very granular difficulty and accessibility options. the game will push you to want to learn the tech and master everything, but it never stops you from just wanting to have fun above all else. theres also a demo! 
DEATHLOOP - $23.99
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another excellent experience from the fine folks at arkane studios. deathloop combines combat that is fast and snappy thanks to unique powers and cool guns, with a story you slowly unravel piece by piece. the way the story unfolds and the immense amount of interaction you have with that almost makes you feel like youre playing a detective game. the game does an excellent job of making you feel like you are constantly making progress through exploration and discoveries that get you one step closer to your ultimate goal, or even just small things like discovering a new safer route to a target or getting a new powerful gun thanks to a side quest or secret area you stumbled upon.
Dead Space - $4.99
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re4....in space!!!! dead space is a horror classic imo. while obviously inspired by re4, it takes the design and aesthetic in its own direction, and is a more modern controlling experience compared to re4. the atmosphere and feel of dead space is intensely good, and even when you get used to the scares the game is still a tight and well executed third person shooter that demands smart use of ammo and careful avoidance of damage.
Resident Evil 2 (Remake) - $14.99
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one of THE finest horror games ive ever played. the action is always tense, the strategy is interesting and difficult, and the atmosphere is top notch. what i said about dead space becoming a tight third person shooter after the scares wear off goes double here. re2 is a very very tactical experience that asks you to carefully consider your inventory and route every time you step out of a safe room, and the stress of that management can be scarier than any zombie. i cannot overstate how well tuned the game experience is. 
System Shock 2 - $2.49
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yes ss2 is horror. one of the finest classic pc games you can play. frankly unmatched even by some modern outings. if youre an avid gamer you’ve surely played many a game that were inspired by the legendary tone and style of this game. i recc this game to anyone who wants to experience some truly iconic sci fi horror, but i will this game can be pretty brutal if you build a character wrong. if you dont have the patience for old school hardcore trial and error, dont be afraid to check a guide or two, but i promise the game is worth it.
Bayonetta - $4.99
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one of THE defining character action games. bayonetta is a modern masterpiece that should always be recc’d whenever possible. stylish action and impeccable mechanics, just dont ask me to explain the plot.
Metal Gear Rising: Revengence - $7.49
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while mgr might be slightly more experimental and obtuse than your average modern character action, and to some it may be the meme game, it has earned its place as one of the greats imo. if you let yourself indulge in the game the plot is genuinely impactful and the combat is extremely rewarding once you put the work in to grasp the systems at play.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge - $22.49
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a simply fantastic game. a complete no brainer if you love brawlers or tmnt. the art direction is beautiful and so so detailed for a sprite game, combat is simple to grasp and easy to execute, and the soundtrack elevates the game extremely. this game pivots away from the cheap quarter munching design of the games it takes its direct inspiration from, and instead supplements that with the ability to let you truly display skill and mastery of the game through combos, supers, and intelligent positioning. also it has 6 PLAYER CO-OP
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theramseyloft · 3 years
Waiting for the call from UGA to get Khou.
Doing the most urgent loft work in the meantime.
Just finished mucking nest boxes.
The time has come to employ the loft's little tower fan.
As well insulated as it is, it's still a metal building and the AC unit just cannot complete.
Blowing at full strength, you can't feel it more than 6 in from the vent.
Good gawd, I started at 7:30am, and it is SO humid that in an hour of work, I'm dripping, and have developed the tell-tale muscle aches, nausea, and lip-tingling of heat exhaustion.  Came in to cool back down after setting up the tower fan.
Patron: "A fan in the window would help"
"The easiest way to keep a space as cool as possible is to create a path of airflow"
Thank you
Breakfast eaten, water get, time to resume!
I laid this fucking brick out to hose down yesterday...
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The Fire Nation used it as scaffolding to build a nursery and fill it with larva that quickly.
This is why I have to be so aggressive about treating them, and why my loft help just turning the bricks and weight stones shit side down is so dangerous.
Patron: "Holy shit! Fire ants are insane."
Patron: "They are an aggressive species from the Amazon, of course they're aggressive and quick lol"
Patron: "Oh! They are not native to the US? I never knew that! I just remember learning very quickly when we moved to the south from Canada that they are mean little bastards"
They are not!  
They are adapted to the river banks and survive the frequent flooding by clinging together in living rafts.  
An individual can hold her breath up to 14 days, allowing the rafts to survive until they make landfall again.  
They really love the American south because the high humidity keeps soil moist enough to build mounds in very quickly without the disruption of floods to cause breaks in reproduction.
Patron: "That explains so much"
They are able to remain in constant larva factory mode, and with all US populations only coming from a few accidentally imported queens, they are closely enough related not to see any other US fire ant colony as a rival.
So the entire US population of fire ants is a single massive supercolony with neither predators nor competition.
Patron: "That is super disturbing"
"But also very informative."
Yeah, they are monsters here that absolutely will hunt and eat you if they get the opportunity.
My husband and I used to have our bed against the wall.
The little bitches swarmed in by hundreds through a hole in the insulation one night in the second year we were married, infested the blankets, and woke us up by stinging us en mass.
Patron: "i cant imagine how fucking horrifying that was to wake up to"
I still have nightmares.  
I can't fall asleep by laying there with my eyes closed.  
You know how there are always after images when you close your eyes? Usually just meaningless, wandering patches of light and dark?  
That's what the swarm on my skin looked like in the dark, and instead of just being patches of light and dark, my asshole brain highlights their segments, legs, and animates their attack behavior of clamp on with jaws, sting until prey stops moving, or ant is crushed or otherwise pried off.  
I get the most ungody adrenaline spike if I'm not too physically exhausted to notice the visual.
It makes trying to fall asleep a real bitch for me.
Got an update call about Khou.
They don't have a specific time for him to get his CT scan done, beyond that it will happen today.
If it happens late enough in the day that he won't be fully recovered from sedation by the time they close, we'll have to wait until tomorrow to come get him.
Patron: "How far is it to Athens from where you are? You said you took him to UGA right?"
Two hour drive.
Patron: "Hang in there. Fingers crossed they can do it early today"
Thank you.
Neither I, nor my husband are really ok with out him.
The house feels wrong...
Had to come back in for the permethrine.
The fire nation is trying a different foraging approach into the loft and fuck no.
Threshold treated.
Komodore asked Patch to smooch-feed her
Farthing tread Luxie.
Then he crouched to be tread and she, then Alex, tread him.
I think I was wrong about Mote.
Wukong looks lighter than he is because of his chest fluff.
Close inspection of their wings shows Mote to have the same pattern as Wukong, obscured by the deeper Dirty pigmentation of babies under 4 months.
Arco has been doing the best job helping Passenger set her Fegg.
Leela is quite insistently crouching for Nobu, but her foob kinda over balances her when he's on top, causing her to stumble into a tilted run under him to keep from faceplanting.
He hangs on with the brazen tenacity of a bull rider, and has managed to finish three times today.
It is exactly as hilarious as it sounds, and I'll try to catch it on video, if I can.
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Look at Arco on his practice egg <3
Patron: "a grown boy!"
Just got an update from UGA.
khou just finished his CT, but they close at 5pm, and he's unlikely to have recovered enough to be discharged in two hours, even if I left right now.
The projected discharge is between 9 and 10am.
His little heart stopped.
(Pretty much every Patron sent their condolences)
Cousins: "We're on the way, Dani, I'm sorry!  30-40 minutes i think ..."
Can't wait.
We can go say goodbye, if we leave now and fold space.
Husband: "The vets are trying one more time to get his heart to start back up.  We are on the road now."
We got to UGA.  
No word on if the last effort succeeded.
Waiting for his Dr to come see us.
Husband: "He didn't make it."
Husband: "He had lesions in his lungs.  The sedation was too much for his damaged lungs to handle."
Patron: "im so sorry. is there any idea what the lesions are from?"
Husband: "Not yet.  They have not gotten all the results back from his tests yet."
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"The vet took a clay imprint of his feet with his name on it."
Patron: "sending all the love to both of you"
Husband: "Thank you.  We both are recovering."
Thank you so much to all of my patrons for the outpouring of loving condolences.
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Hey lovey! Could I request a mcyt headcanon thing of how they each are in bed?
hi angel , and of course ! as always im sorry this took forever lmao . hope u enjoy (((:
AYO LOOK AT THESE : smut ! rough sex , choking , scratching , hair pulling , breeding / unprotected sex (wrp it b4 u tap it , bbys) , overstimulation , light bondage , i think thats all (:
reblogs are always appreciated <3
dream :
out of all the feral boys dream is the roughest for sure
it's all his gamer rage coming out
he truly has to control himself  / hold back
because he wants to fuck you until you cant remember your own name
but doesnt want to break you
he’s not the biggest fan or foreplay , only because he’d much rather feel you wrapped around him
but he loves to go down on you
would prep you with his fingers because lord knows you’ll need it
and once you started to squirm he’d get so cocky
“if you cant take my fingers , you definitely cant take all of me, baby .”
so many pet names - baby , kitten , pretty girl , bunny , bun , my little whore
he’d make you cum twice on his fingers alone
and wouldn’t fuck you until he was aching for any sort of stimulation
wouldn’t use protection (w your consent !!!)
the thought of his cum deep inside you , painting your insides … it fucks him UP
you KNOW clay would be the motherfucker to slap his dick on your pussy
would groan at the sound of how wet you were for him
he’d run the tip of his cock through your folds and collect your arousal
until you were begging him to fuck you - and even then he’d wait a moment longer
he’d ease in slowly , making sure you felt every single inch 
and would praise the FUCK out of you
“look so pretty taking my cock , bunny”
he’d stop to let you adjust to his length, but he’d be so arrogant as you bucked your hips
“want more , sweet thing ?”
you’d just nod , the pressure building in your tummy too much to produce words
and clay would grab at your chin so fuCKING agressivley
“i asked you a question , whore .”
he would just ruin you (in the most respectful way possible)
you’d cum for the third time within mere seconds
the room would be filled with the sound of harsh , slapping skin
you moans mixing with his - it was like a symphony to him
at some point your legs would go completely limp from the shear amount of pleasure clay was providing
and he’d circle an arm around your hips , holding your body to his as you came yet again
he’d get progressively less vocal as he approached his high , his raspy moans turning to rough growls and groans
and he’d bury himself deep inside of you as he came , muttering scratchy praises into the crook of your neck
as you and clay started to come down together it would be a complete 180
he’d pull out so gently , watching the way his cum dripped out of you
and would press sweet , tender kisses to every inch of skin he could get his mouth on
clay would run soft fingers over every bruise , every mark he left on your skin
admiring his work
he loves the way you look after sex - all fucked out and dewy eyed
would wet a washcloth with warm water and clean you up while murmuring over and over how much he loved you
the two of you would fall asleep pretty quickly after in a tangled mess of limbs
sex with him is quite the workout
george :
gogs <3
i have many thoughts on this subject yall
wakin up in the mornin , thinkin about so many things
would LOVE foreplay
something about being so intimate but not actually fucking is so <3 to him
he loves every single moment of it
starting from when a simple peck turns to something deeper
george’s tongue rolling over yours as he cups a hand under your jaw 
would do the thumb thing™ on your cheek
his free hand would roam up and down the curve of your hips
then up and under your shirt
the way that your breath hitched would make him sh i v e r
and george would start kissing down your neck and over your jaw to your neck
loves hickeys
and biting you
he’d take yall to some place soft if you weren’t already there and start to undress you
adores the action of getting you out of your clothes and insists on taking your shirt off himself
is obsessed w your titties
rolling your nipples between his fingers
sucking on the sensitive nubs , flicking his tongue over them until you could cry from pleasure
then leaves sloppy , hot kisses all the way down your body
is so good with his hands
knows the exact way to curl his fingers inside you
and is very good at keeping a rhythm that pushes you over the edge
but truly have you seen that boys hands because like
he’s all about pleasuring you in bed
it's his number one priority
and he knows your body incredibly well
the boy knows how to make you cum without even trying
yall have experimented and figured out what feels best
and he’s perfected those techniques
on the non physical side of things however
sex with george would be s i n f u l
the things he would say to you …
and in his fucking ACCENT no less
starlight has a voice kink
god he would talk so fucking dirty
the filthiest things falling from his lips as he’s thrusting in and out of you
he’d be so vocal
“just like that , love ,” he’d pant before throwing his head back
his fingers would dig into your hips as his moans turned to whimpers
the two of you would reach your highs one after the other
but george always makes sure that you finish first
sapnap :
we’re just gonna address this right away
daddy kink
(“call me big daddy” , sapdaddy , need i say more ?)
pretty dominant but not necessarily aggressive
more mentally dominant if that makes any sense ???
wants you so far in subspace that you’re all his
dumbification is so hot to him
“baby doll , darlin’ , sweet girl”
degrades you but in a soft way :,)
“look so pretty on my cock , whore”
“my sweet little slut , taking me so well”
spits in your mouth and holds your jaw until you swallow
loves to fuck your throat
literally uses your mouth as his personal fleshlight
hold your hair up for you bc he’s a gentleman
but would rather have it in pigtails
thrusts into your mouth hhhhhhhhhh
wants to see mascara tears and won't stop until he does
loves to give you facials
then takes 1476592837310982 pictures of you like that
his my eyes only on snap is 99% your face painted with his cum
honestly likes to cum anywhere he can see it
on your stomach
l o v e s your thighs
and yall have absolutely done thigh jobs
would fuck you until you cried then marvel at the look of your tears
because you look so pretty when you’re entirely overwhelmed by pleasure
your face flushed a pretty pink 
eyes watering with crystal clear drops
then would make you cum again
“one more , sweet girl , you can take one more”
and you’d just nod , so deep into subspace that he words were like spells
how could you say no to him ?
aftercare KING though , would take such good care of you
would run you two a warm bath and carry you to the tub
bc lord knows you cant walk after him
and he’d run his hands allllll over your body , soothing any rough marks he may have left
at the end of the day he absolutely worships you
karl : 
karl jacobs , love of starlight’s life
i just think that he <3
karl has stated that he’s on the ace spectrum
so i think that sex with him wouldn’t be near as much about physicality
its about the intimacy and connection that comes with that for yall
and mans would make you feel so loved ,,,
he’d kiss every single inch of your body
and hold you so close to him as you two were getting undressed
loves kisses when yall are shirtless
because he can feel your heartbeat on his
and they sync up the longer u lay there
would go down on you for hours if he could holy fuck
he loves eating you out , drawing pretty moans from your lips
and is so good at it bye .
he can easily make you cum with just his skilled tongue
and fucks you with it i-
one of his favorite feelings in the world is your thighs tightening around his head
and your hands tugging at his hair as he makes you come undone over and over
you’re his favorite taste in the entire world
sex with karl would be sweet and soft and so so so intimate
it would be so loving
he’d have you look him in his eyes as he slid in
and would stay buried deep inside you , not moving  until you adjusted to him
karl’s packing i just know it 
moans your name quite a lot
and murmurs how much he loves you , everything he loves about you inbetween thrusts
he’d hold your hands while you two made love
his grip tightening as he got closer
karl would make DAMN sure you came first
but loves cumming at the same time if you can hold off for him
the two of you would stay like that , chest to chest for a while after your highs
karl still tucked inside you
he’d love cockwarming dont @ me
is a fluffy mess after sex and always wants to fall asleep after
with you in his arms
quackity :
sex with alex >>>>>>
he’d be . so fucking good . at everything he did .
alex loves foreplay
bc he’s so obsessed with your body
and having you put on a show just for him ?
turns him on like nothing else in the world
lets you show off for as long as possible before he finally picks you up and throws you on the bed
hands hands hands
alex is so skilled with his fingers and knows how to hit all the best spots
has absolutely made you squirt on his fingers and is so cocky about it
has you hold eye contact while he eats you out
and the minute you break it , he stops
would have his dick in your mouth 24/7 if he could
and loves the way you look with your tongue swirling around him
keeps a hand on the back of your head and pushes down so gently
alex is definitely a soft dom
when he cant hold off from fucking you any longer he’s no stranger to tying your hands up
usually with his belt
fucks you in missionary with your legs over his shoulders
but also loves when you're on top
alex is a titty guy
such a boob guy
and absolutely covers your chest in hickeys and bite marks
getting to play with them while you ride him ?? heaven
once your hips give out from feeling so good , alex would lift you up and thrust into you
his fingertips digging into your skin , leaving pretty purple bruises
would play with your clit as he fucks up into you
“cum for me , princess”
loves cumming inside you
breeding kink
just saying
and watching it drip out of your pussy gets him hard all over again
his voice goes so deep while he moans
and calls you pretty names in spanish
vvvv vocal and loves when you match that
“show me how good im making you feel , baby”
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dreamii-yume · 4 years
Yume has watched the next Episode Update~! Here’s a few things that made me scream ٩( ᐛ )و
• NRC and RSA were on the same fucking island???
• Epel’s dialect is so THICC that I barely understood a thing he said (Deuce was my reaction basically) But I enjoyed it and laughed my ass off nonetheless
• Epel picking a fight with Vil at the entrance ceremony lol he was just like any other NRC student too huh
• Damn there are really some petty people who are salty about wizards huh...
• Epel finally using his cuteness magic lol
• Deuce’s...Unique Magic...?
• Vil’s voice when he was scolding Epel and Deuce aaaaa dad-
• Ace’s “...Ha?” and that pure confusion God, I love his voice actor so much.
• They’re going to dance in their uniform?? Lol i feel like its been so long since we’ve seen them in it
• Finally, a longer version of “Absolutely Beautiful” Yume has rewatched the previous episodes too many times that she already memorized the first part of Vil’s lines lol and Epel’s “Itsukaaa~ Ringo no you naaa~”
• They finally feel like a proper male idol group lol
• Crowley is soo excited...for a whole completely different reason lol
• I still can’t believe Takoyaki exists in this world wtf-
• Leona actually working
• Ruggie calling us and Grim “Little Kittens from Ramshackle Dorm” boi-
• Trey saying that he’ll go away next year like the other 4th years made me sad- pls daddy I-
• When can we meet a 4th year student
• Lol they actually went and visit the gargoyle research club
• Haaa it’s so refreshing hearing the twins again i cant believe ill ever say that in my life Trey is...Umigane-kun?
• Little Goldfish is so on-guard when it comes to Floyd lol i mean who isn’t
• The...The Seven Dwarfs are going to be here...THREE OF THEM ARE ALREADY HERE. THEY’RE SO CUTE.
• Man...NRC students are so mean lol it’s probably the build up salt of losing to RSA for a hundred years yikes-
• We finally have a good look at the RSA uniform
• yume lowkey hoping that he was wearing a proper rsa attire but oh well-
• Lilia describing how glad he is to have someone finally invite Malleus (*´꒳`*) Imagine Tsunotarou purely smiling when he came home that day, holding the ticket we gave him aaaa-
• Oh god the chaos of walking around with one of the most feared wizard of the school- I’m already sweating-
• Heartslabyul Senpais slowly realizing who our horned friend from Diasomnia is lol
• WAIT. Things are turning for the better though? Vil and Epel are finally understanding each other’s views and everything is all-good, everyone’s determined?
AND THAT’S IT! ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ I finished my assignment on time lol Thank you for the support by the way, Darlings! (*≧∀≦*) Yume really appreciated it! ♥︎
NOW...What to do with our new-found information, huh~? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) and oh god lilia’s birthday campaign-
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thefanficmonster · 3 years
Streamer Gang & Asexual Reader (Gender Neutral)
Warnings: Acephobia, Swearing
Genre: Platonic Fluff, Comfort, RPF (Real Person Fic)
Summary: Having recently come out as asexual, Y/N faces some less than pleasant or appropriate responses in their chat during their stream with the gang. Luckily, they’re not alone in battling the haters this time.
Requested by the lovely Anon who told acephobes to begone, yeah you know who you are hehe. Thank you so much for the request darling! Let’s show these acehobes who they’re messing with! Love, Vy ❤
Boy is this nerve-wrecking or what? Sure, I maybe woke up with a ton of confidence, I listened to motivational and uplifting talks and listened to mood boosting music. I had a healthy breakfast and a cup of coffee. Damn it, I went on a run, all in an attempt to convince myself that dealing with the online world again is but a piece of cake for a badass like me. Well, low and behold, that feeling didn’t last very long. Here I am, chewing my nails off at the though of hopping in the Discord call and Among Us lobby with my friends and starting my stream. It’s not like I’m not expecting my friends and fans to support me - of course I am! I know they’re gonna give me a ton of love and appreciation and support and uplift me no matter what. But then again, there’s still those people who believe me and other people like me to be invalid and broken and whatnot.
Those are the ones I wanna avoid. 
It’s not like their words mean much to me but I simply don’t wanna see em, you know? It’s not only about me - it’s least about me actually - it’s more about all those wonderful people they are insulting when they say shit like that about asexuals and all the people on the ace spectrum. I can’t help but flare up and get angry on the behalf of all my ace friends and even people I’ve never met.
It’s also my first time being directly thrown into the fire instead of getting caught in the crossfire seeing as how I came out to my fandom via a tweet and an Instagram post a week ago, telling my identity’s truth: finally bringing my asexuality to the surface to shine its brightest so I can be be my best and reach for my full potential.
But damn am I afraid to see how everyone took it. 
My friends were quick to jump in and take me offline before I start refreshing my own posts to see the comments under them. Lord knows that without them I would’ve driven myself insane, I’ll forever be grateful for what they did and the lengths they went to to keep me offline and whatnot. One word to give you an idea of how invested they were in this: origami. All of us might as well have been born with two left hands and yet we still tried doing origami. Freaking origami.
Damn do I love my friends.
But now I don’t have sheets of paper and my friends to distract me. I have a fanbase to entertain and another friend group I haven’t talked to in a while. I don’t wanna get any predictions in already so I don’t jinx myself, so I’m just gonna say it’s gonna be...interesting regardless of what happens.
Then again, when is it not interesting when the streamer gang’s involved.
Deep breaths, Y/N. You got this
Listening to that encouraging little voice inside my head, I finally equip my headphones and in one fluid motion turn my camera on, officially starting my stream and unmuting my mic as I hop in the call with everyone.
“Hi guys! Guess who’s returned!“ I exclaim cheerfully, desperate to hide the nervousness of my voice.
“You really missed your opportunity to say ‘guess who’s back...back again’ didn’t you?“ Charlie is the one who greets me first, sounding rather disappointed in me in his usual jokester manner. It’s nice to hear, it makes me feel like nothing’s changed in the week I’ve been gone. Like I’m still the same person to these people. I really am the same, I just now am a lot better version of myself. Almost as though I’ve reached my final form. It feels empowering really. “I’m kidding, I’m kidding.” Charlie laughs again, “Congrats, by the way. You keep proving you can get cooler and cooler.“
“Careful there Charlie, I can only handle so large of an ego.“ I joke back, rolling my eyes playfully as a wide grin spreads across my face, “No, but seriously, thank you so much, man. It means the world to me that you support me.“
“Um, how could we NOT?“ That’s very clearly Rae, “Hun, you are so brave and amazing and wonderful, how could we ever NOT support you?“
“Yeah, we’ll always support you no matter what, Y/N. We’ll always be your friends, through thick, thin and beyond.“ Poki too interferes, her words only making my smile wider.
“Alright, alright, y’all are gonna make me cry and I haven’t even read my chat yet, hold on.“ I say, fanning my face to dry the tears I hope the webcam isn’t spotting, “Darn, you guys are the best. Sorry, give me a sec to gather my composure, I’ll be right back.“
I quickly mute my in-game mic as I turn to my chat where I see the same amount of love and support in the form of comments and emojis flooding in from my viewers. A warm feeling spreads throughout my chest, making me feel the most comfortable with myself I’ve ever felt. The most loved I’ve ever felt. The most seen and understood. To finally be you feels like you are finally really living in this world, not like you’ve been already living in it for God knows how long. It makes me so freaking happy and fulfilled to finally be living as me, as the real me.
Unfortunately, in life, nothing can be 100% pure and good. There’s always at least 1% there threatening to ruin all your happiness you worked so hard to build or obtain. It may be one in a hundred, but fuck it’s powerful and effective.
And in my case it comes in the form of two comments that stick out to my eyes. Acephobic comments saying my identity’s fake, claiming I’m faking it, saying us acephobes are immature creatures who refuse to grow up, or attention whores. Or just saying we’re delusional and in denial, confused about who we are.
I hadn’t even realized I was clenching my jaw and fists but when I do, I slowly relax my muscles and crack my knuckles before addressing the two people who spat out that nonsense.
“Ok, listen here, shooterpro69 and yourmom_lol. For starters, I want to apologize for your ignorance and lack of education on the matter of asexuality. In fact, for you especially, I plan on making an educational video, explaining asexuality to people who need or want to learn more. You, my friends, are in desperate need to be fed some knowledge cause damn, God knows how many people secretly think you’re hella stupid. Not that they’re wrong to think so but anyway. Unless you have anything nice or positive to say, begone from my chat. Actually, when I think about it, begone from every chat. No one needs you polluting their communities with acephobia and hate.“ I say, all spoken in a calm tone despite the boiling anger within me. People who know me well would probably be able to tell I’m fuming underneath the calm façade, but at least I got my message across loud and clear.
“WOO HOO, You tell em Y/N!“ Toast cheers, clapping his hands and whistling as more cheering arises from each my friends, leaving me in a state of mild shock and confusion.
Wait, what?!
“Um, wait, you guys heard that?“ I ask, my eyes darting to thein-game mic symbol that shows an not crossed-off mic, meaning it was enabled during the entirety of my speech.
“Hell yeah we did! You slayed them, Y/N! Damn goddamn!“ Rae whistles too, her enthusiasm wafting over me like a breath of fresh air.
“I second that!“ Corpse joins in, “And remember what we said - we’ll support you through anything. Need to bury an acephobe’s body, we’re the people you should call.” He says, confident as heck.
And I just can’t hold it in anymore - I burst out laughing, doubling over from the intensity.
If I thought I was happy and fulfilled before, this has to be the closest to paradise I’m gonna get on Earth.  All thanks to these wonderful people. Friends are really something else aren’t they: they come into your life - often unexpectedly - and change it completely. Suddenly you’re not alone, you’re not forced to deal with everything and face everything on your own. Someone’s got your back and you’ve got theirs.
Through thick, thin and beyond.
And it’s so fucking amazing.
@maat-the-prescriptive  @simonsbluee  @save-the-sky  @itsminniekat  @hacker-ghost  @bi-andready-tocry  @imtiredaffff  @jazzkaurtheglorious  @hereforbeebo  @fandomgirl17  @chrysanthykios  @maehemscorpyus  @loraleiix  @letsloveimagines  @annshit  @i-cant-choose-a-username-help  @enigmaticmaze  @divine-artemis  @waterlilypat  @idontknowwhatthisisfam  @evi-ka  @classyandfabulous00  @redperson58  @lilysdaydreams @solowheein  @mythicalamphitrite  @axen-gers  @luckygirl144  @nj01  @buddyemily   @the-albino-lioness  @stardream14  @gdhdkfnn  @nomadicgypsyy  @preciousskye  @fluffysuicideunicornsworld  @o-kaelin  @manacharlotte  @awkward-youtube-trash  @lolalee24  @bonky-beerns  @meme-lord-and-savior-sebastian  @strawbrinkofdeath  @teenloves  @tams0527  @browneyespinkhair  @starstruckllamapuppy  @daisychains012  @y0ulooked  @tinytacosuitcaseflap @supernatural-is-my-only-life  @jula-pauline  @melodykitty  @just-that-bi-girl  @crazybutconfidentaf  @lowellshade @alphakees  @bellero  @weallneednamjesus  @starryhanji  @boiled-onionrings  @husherstan  @fockingwhore  @melaningoddessthings  @prettypastelpetals  @haleypearce  @godwhyamiawkward  @y-napotat  @daisychainyoonmin  @little-miss-rebel3  @free-wheelin-bi-sexual  @redmoon261 @darkacademic2  @wiseflamingoqueen  @into-the-end  @namikhai-i  @nastiablr  @thelittleplantlover  @mirktuan  @dont-hyuck @jjk-bunny  @vintagegothlover  @easygoingtheatre  @itsrandombooklover  @miiaivi  @emmybaybee  @befourgolden  @jjk-is-my-shit  @eternalteaaars  @spacebadgerx  @princesslunalight  @acequinn14  @samm48  @misselsbells06 @simp-lykawa  @fo-love  @marishimomura-blog  @therealglenncoco  @cinnamonbun332  @killtherandomness  @sanshinexxxsan  @fee-btheweeb  @press-lay  @cathleenpotgieter16  @jazzydoesstuff  @moonlxghtbay  @forestrain2000  @hyunjinhugs  @blood-of-fandoms  @lovellylies  @ukiyolixx  @simpforhpcharacters  @chrisdylan17  @parkerjisung  @pedernille  @theodonyous  @wineandionysus  @malfoystilinskii05  @morbid-x  @coryisagee  @jessewa26  @scoobydooluver97 @mindintheskies365  @raeanneinwonderland  @indecisive-empanada  @gluttonypalace  @loriane2503  @btsiguess-kpop  @khaoticbunny  @lucidlycactus  @smiithys  @rottenroyalebooks  @kpopgirlbtssvt  @fangirl-tc27  @fr0z3n-1  @notmesimpingfortechno  @shotarosleftpinky  @kunoi-chan  @idk-whats-wrong-with-me  @yikeroonie  @goldenstarofthunderclan  @poetry-and-tea  @ama-do-writing-stuff  @wishbonewolf  @emeraldxhope  @t0xick1tty  @kusuinko  @speakyourselfloveyourself  @sophia902103  @lo-manburg  @classsykittykat  @dmgama  @depressedpuppythatneedscoffee  @btsiguess-kpop  @akaashi-baby  @gun-jong-simp  @geschichtenfee  @yerapotato-wp  @browneyedgirl365  @thysagclub  @sparklycloudnight  @helloatomicshadow  @queentorresstuff @vtte @val-gal  @lucy-bunny17  @aaliyahh0  @katluckybear  @boyleanti  @straybids  @franchesca-791  @cosmicstorm19  @averyisbackinthetrashcan  @aomi-nabi  @xlanawriter  @allensimpsforcorpse  @sunnyrae-cessh  @ladykxxx08  @meowiemari
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tigerkirby215 · 3 years
5e Irelia, the Blade Dancer build (League of Legends)
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(Artwork by Jessica “OwleyCat” Oyhenart. Made for Riot Games.)
Irelia is my least favorite champion in League. She’s not my most banned (Shaco) nor is she the champion I complain the most about, but she is absolutely the champion that I look at and constantly think “this character actively ruins the game for me.” I’ll admit that Irelia’s role in the Sentinels of Light story was pretty interesting but you’re still not going to make me like Irelia, Riot!
I’m not going to bore everyone with a long-winded rant about my hatred for this character and how what I thought was going to be a nerf actually made her S tier (joy to the fucking world I now actually have to ban her) but I will say this: there are no champions who I won’t make a genuine build for if I take the time to make a proper blog post about them... Except Talon, but that’s because Talon has one of the most boring kits in the entirety of League of Legends.
Step. Two. Whirl. Lift! - What? Do you think that a champion with literally unlimited dashes is unfair?
Perfection of form - We’ll also need to weave our blades around us like a dress, slicing at foes and protecting yourself in one fluent motion.
Remember the Placidium! - When in doubt just use more blades.
Irelia’s a human... but making humans all the time is boring. Irelia has an innate magic and I’d consider being in-tune with Ionia’s spirit a connection to the Fey. So I decided to make her an elf for the sake of this build, more particularly an Aereni High Elf from Eberron for the innate Expertise.
A regular High Elf works too if your DM doesn’t allow Eberron races; the only thing that really changes with the Aereni High Elf is that you get Expertise in a skill. Valenar elves are also cool for the Double Scimitar.
You can also make Irelia a human but there aren’t many feats I want for her except maybe Mobile, but I felt like being an elf was more fun to grab other feats.
As an elf you have +2 to your Dexterity score, Keen Senses for proficiency in the Perception skill (gotta watch those wards!), and the Fey Ancestry of Ionia grants you advantage against charms and immunity to being put to sleep magically. Instead of sleeping you can spend time in a Trance meditating to regain strength. You only need 4 hours in a trance to rest, and are fully aware of your surroundings while doing so.
As an Aereni Elf you get Expertise in one skill of your choice: we’ll be taking Performance because... well you are a dancer. As a High Elf you learn one Cantrip from the Wizard list, and we’ll actually be taking Prestidigitation to aid in our performances. Oh and you’d normally be increasing your Intelligence by 1 but we’ll instead be increasing your Wisdom because... well it fits Irelia more. (No big loss if you increase Intelligence instead though.) And you can learn one language of your choice: pick whatever you think would inspire fear into the heart of Noxians!
15; CHARISMA - A dancer is meant to be beautiful first and foremost.
14; DEXTERITY - Of course dancing takes nimbleness. "When no one's around, I dance for myself."
13; WISDOM - This is where the +1 from our race is going! Keep in-tune with the natural world and Ionia’s spirit.
12; CONSTITUTION - You are still a top laner with just... way too much sustain. (Feel free to swap this with Wisdom for more HP but less roleplay.)
10; INTELLIGENCE - Nature is an intelligence skill and military tactics are good to learn, but we simply need everything else more.
8; STRENGTH - You swing your blades with the rhythm of the natural order. Which is to say Riot doesn’t like buff ladies.
A dancer is a type of Entertainer. You get proficiency in Acrobatics but since you already have expertise in Performance feel free to grab Nature to become more in-tune with the world around you. You also get proficiency with a Disguise Kit and an instrument of your choice: pick whatever you think suits you and make your own Ionian war hero!
You feature By Popular Demand makes you known as both a dancer and a war leader! You can perform in exchange for a place to rest for you and your allies, and people will remember your dance and treat you with respect.
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(Artwork by Bo “chenbowow” Chen. Made for Riot Games.)
What? Did you expect this to just be 20 levels of Swords Bard? Honestly Rogue serves as a better recreation of Irelia’s abilities, at least at early levels. That and I want proficiency in 4 skills, so take Insight, Persuasion, Intimidation, and Slight of Hand proficiency to lead and dance with grace. You also get Expertise in two of those skills: Acrobatics is a must but since we’ve already got proficiency in Performance you may as well grab Persuasion for good relations with Ionia’s people.
You also get Thieves’ Cant to speak in the way only other performers can understand, “performers” in this case being other Rogues. But of course the main skill you get is Sneak Attack, giving you an extra d6 of damage if you have advantage on your attack or an ally is near the enemy you’re attacking.
I always love when I get to recreate League of Legends dashes by just... letting you use the Dash action a lot. Second level Rogues can make Cunning Actions to Dash, Disengage, or Hide as a Bonus Action. Keep it simple stupid and weave around your foes on the battlefield.
Third level Rogues get to choose their Roguish Archetype, and to dance around the battlefield while slicing down foes the Swashbuckler is a great choice to keep your rhythm in check. Your Fancy Footwork will allow you to attack a foe before slipping away without provoking Opportunity Attacks while your Rakish Audacity will allow you to add your Charisma to your Initiative to always be the first on the front line.
Rakish Audacity also lets you Sneak Attack a foe who is alone on the battlefield as long as you don’t have disadvantage and they don’t have an ally within 5 feet, letting you hit them for an extra 2d6 with your blades.
Now may as well be a time to ask: Dual Wielding or single weapon? Since you’re not going to be getting a shield I’d say carrying two blades is worth it for the potential to deal more damage when needed. You can also use your Dual Wielding attack to activate Fancy Footwork more often to evade more enemies. Just be mindful of when Dashing or Dodging would be more useful.
4th level Rogues get an Ability Score Improvement and Dexterity controls most of what we do right now, so a +2 to DEX would be beneficial.
Normally I wouldn’t go out of my way to grab level 5 in Rogue just for the sake of Uncanny Dodge, but here’s the thing: it’s literally Irelia’s Defiant Dance! Take less damage from an attack you saw coming before striking back with your 3d6 Sneak Attack.
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(Artwork by Michelle Hoefener. Made for Riot Games.)
Now it’s time for those 20 15 levels in Swords Bard! Multiclassing into Bard gives you proficiency with one musical instrument (pick your fancy) and one skill of your choice: I opted for Arcana because... well you’re fighting with magical floating blades. (Or at least you will be in due time.)
As a Bard you can inspire your allies as a Bonus Action thanks to Bardic Inspiration, letting them add a d6 to their Attack Rolls, Ability Checks, or Saving Throws. You have a maximum number of Inspiration die equal to your Charisma modifier, which come back after a Long Rest... for now.
But of course as a Bard you get Spellcasting! You learn two cantrips from the Bard list such as Message to communicate on the frontline, and Vicious Mockery which is sure what I fucking feel playing against an Irelia one-trick smurf account. You can also learn four leveled spells like Faerie Fire to mark your foes, Command to strike fear in the hearts of foes, Heroism to strike vigor in the hearts of allies, and Healing Word; because healing is always good to have.
Second level Bards have dabbled in a little bit of everything: healing, damage, healing, mobility, healing, crowd control, oh and I think Irelia does need some more healing. Regardless Jack of All Trades will let you add half your proficiency bonus to any skill checks you aren’t already proficient in. (This also includes Initiative which is important to mention!)
If you use Tasha’s rules you can also grab Magical Inspiration to make your allies’ spells either heal more or do more damage thanks to your Inspiration. Oh and speaking of spells you can also grab Longstrider for more speed on the battlefield.
Oh and you get Song of Rest, the ability I always mock for scaling poorly. But it will help your allies recover after a hard battle!
Irelia has many magical blades because she went to the College of Swords. Along with Bonus Proficiencies with Medium Armor and Scimitars (neither of which Rogues have for some reason) you can pick up a Fighting Style: I personally opted for Two-Weapon Fighting to get more attacks in but Dueling is also a perfectly fine.
Of course the main appeal of being a Blade Dancer is your Blade Flourish: When you attack on your turn you move 10 feet faster until the end of the turn, and if you hit you can use a Bardic Inspiration on a Blade Flourish:
Defensive Flourish lets you roll your Bardic Inspiration to add to your damage and AC.
Slashing Flourish lets you roll your Bardic Inspiration to add to your damage, and do that extra damage to any other creature of your choice (that you can see) within 5 feet of you.
Mobile Flourish lets you roll your Bardic Inspiration to add to (guess what) the damage. You can also push the target up to 5 feet away from you, plus a number of feet equal to the number you roll on that die. Immediately afterwards you can use your reaction to move up to your walking speed to an unoccupied space within 5 feet of the target. It’s not quite a Dash, but it’s certainly a Bladesurge!
You can only use one Blade Flourish per turn though. Additionally you get Expertise in two skills like Insight and Nature, to know the spirit of both people and the world around you. And finally you can learn a second level spell like Hold Person for a stun before you do your full combo.
4th level Bards can grab something a little better than Flash; the Fey Teleportation feat! Along with a +1 to your Charisma you learn Sylvan, but most importantly you can cast Misty Step once per Short or Long Rest to get out of a dangerous situation! It unfortunately doesn’t add the spell to your spell list (like Fey Touched from Tasha’s Cauldron) but being able to regain your mobility spell after a Short Rest is extremely useful!
Speaking of spells you learn one more Bard spell, and one more cantrip! For your cantrip take Mage Hand to grab blades from afar, and for your leveled spell take Calm Emotions. It perhaps isn’t the most practical and there are certainly better options, but it’s fitting.
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(Artwork made for Riot Games.)
5th level Bards get a Font of Inspiration, letting their Bardic Inspiration charges come back after a Short Rest. That’s nice because your Bardic Inspiration (and Blade Flourish die) also increases to a d8.
You can also grab a third level spell like Hypnotic Pattern, to stun an entire army with your blades.
6th level Bards can finally turn their Vampiric Scepter into Blade of the Ruined King, giving them some Attack Speed for an Extra Attack. You can still only use one Blade Flourish per turn, but at least now you can attack twice with your action or up to three times if you make a Two-Weapon Fighting attack.
You can also grab another spell but there’s not much I want from third level, so instead I’ll talk about Countercharm, which is dumb and bad. You spend an action to give yourself and nearby allies advantage against Charms and Fears. Or you could fight through the fear and slay your foes... or cast Heroism or Calm Emotions.
7th level Bards can learn 4th level spells like Dimension Door to teleport into lane or back to base, and Freedom of Movement for some Tenacity.
8th level Bards get another Ability Score Improvement. We’ve been investing more in Bard so more Charisma would be nice for more Blade Flourishes and better spellcasting.
You can also learn another spell but again: don’t really want anything, so we’re going to wait for...
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(Artwork by Jana Schirmer. Made for Riot Games.)
9th level Bards get to pretend that Song of Rest is a useful ability that scales well, especially when multiclassing. I mean, at least it’s a d8 now!
You also get 5th level spells like Animate Objects. Hey: it only took us 14 levels to get your blades! You can also grab Rary's Telepathic Bond (ty Tasha’s) to keep to team chat with everyone.
LEVEL 15 - BARD 10
10th level Bards get Expertise in two more skills: take Arcana to further your connection to Ionia, and Slight of Hand for the specific hand movements to manipulate your blades. You also see your Bardic Inspiration increase to a d10, which also means your Blade Flourishes deal a d10 of damage!
Additionally you get Magical Secrets from any class so you can use your unique brand of blade magic. And by far the most blade-like spell you can grab (at this level) is Steel Wind Strike, to dash through multiple foes for a big burst of damage!
Additionally we will be grabbing Blade of the Ruined King (finally) with Spirit Shroud; yes it’s a bit of a low-level spell but it serves as a great damage boost to your melee attacks and also keeps enemies close for you to fight them. And finally you get one more cantrip: Mending will help you keep your outfit in check.
Also if you want you can replace Message with Prestidigitation now that you have Rary’s Telepathic Bond.
LEVEL 16 - BARD 11
11th level Bards get 6th level spells: you can lean into your lessons as a dancer and take Otto's Irresistible Dance to force your foes to keep up with the rhythm or die trying. "Okay, I'm warmed up."
LEVEL 17 - BARD 12
12th level Bards don’t get extra spells, but they do get another Ability Score Improvement: more Charisma means more Bardic Inspiration die (for more Blade Flourishes), better spells, and more initiative so capping that out would give you more bang for your buck overall.
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(Artwork by Art of Maki. Made for Riot Games.)
LEVEL 18 - BARD 13
Hey remember when I said Song of Rest is a useful ability? Well it’s a d10 now!
At least you can learn Forcecage to take Noxians as prisoners of war to be properly judged... As long as they don’t have a filth bucket in their cell.
LEVEL 19 - BARD 14
14th level Swords Bards as masters of their blades, and can perform a Master’s Flourish using a d6 instead of one of their Bardic Inspiration.
You also get two more Magical Secrets, and hey we can finally grab your ult! Take Blade Barrier to cut the armies off with your Vanguard’s Edge. Alternatively if you need to go back to base take Word of Recall to recall back to your fountain. Which is to say: I had no other good spells to give you.
LEVEL 20 - BARD 15
15th level Bards see their Bardic Inspiration die (and their Blade Flourish die) increase to its maximum size of a d12! And you can cap off the build with an 8th level spell, but in all honesty there isn’t many spells I want from 8th level. So use that slot to upcast and take Hold Monster instead to finally be able to stun Wukong.
Grace bends where strength breaks - You have a variety of ways to deal consistent damage between competency with swords, Blade Flourishes, and powerful spells.
I move to unsung melodies and unbeaten rhythms - +12 to initiative and the ability to move between enemies you attack freely means you’re guaranteed to be on the battlefield fast and able to put yourself in a position to fight with your allies.
Never stop learning; there's always a form you don't know - It was not my intention but turns out Bards and Rogues get a lot of skill proficiencies. +17 in Performance and Persuasion, +16 in Acrobatics and Slight of Hand, +14 in Insight, and +12 in Arcana and Nature. Not to mention Jack of All Trades helping you with all the skills you don’t have proficiency in.
Each form has a name known only to the wind - So your Dexterity isn’t maxed out, which means you’re a little lacking in both AC and hit chance. Honestly level 5 of Rogue isn’t that good, even if Uncanny Dodge works well as Defiant Dance. 4 / 16 would’ve been better for another ASI.
Stay ready, and there is no need to get ready - Most of your fun spells are accessed at a very high level, with your lower leveled spells dedicated more to utility. You’re a sword fighter first and foremost but seeing as your Charisma is maxed it would be good to use your high Charisma.
We are sharpest where we break! - Low DEX and no Shield (no Shield spell and two-weapon Fighting) means that your AC isn’t the most impressive. That along with 120 health means that a few bad hits can put you in the danger zone. Sure Uncanny Dodge gives you a reliable way to soak up damage but a good surprise hit will quickly put an end to you.
But you don’t need to worry about weaknesses when you’re probably smurfing anyways. Dash, dance, and decapitate foes in a graceful death of a thousand cuts. Keep your style and inspire the commonfolk to take up arms to protect their homeland. Just don’t get too out of line, or Riot might nerf your movement speed by 5.
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(Artwork by Bo “chenbowow” Chen. Made for Riot Games.)
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flockofdoves · 3 years
godddd. was like . jesus christ our electric bill is so high this month when were not doing anything different and if anything it should be less than past months where we were even using the AC. and the only correlation i could think is one of my roommates keeps putting the thermostat up to 90 fucking degrees
(both bc she wants it wildly hot in general at like 80 and then justifies it by saying ‘well my friend from new zealand said that the university keeps their heat at 75 degrees and thats normal’ when like. 1. why are you using your friend from new zealand as a reference for US indoor heating norms 2. the university we both go to has a steam heat system that makes it way more efficient to do that than with normal heating systems because its just run off from other processes and people complain its way too hot there all the time 3. 75 is still not 80 lol. and bc she doesnt listen to me when i say that really wont make it heat up any faster and is just gonna be counterproductive if she actually wants it lower than 90 bc once it reaches that and you turn it down its either gonna be 90 for a while or the ac is gonna go on. and then she forgets to turn it down regardless)
but then i was like. wait no our lease says we dont pay for heat but do pay for electricity so we must not have electric heat so the ac going on alone after my roommate turns it down from 90 degrees cant be making That much electricity right?? i’m not having my lease violated in such a blatant way right????’ but there was no info anywhere online or on our lease about the type of heat we have and when i asked the apartment office they literally were like ‘uhhhhh idk what type of heat the buildings have sorry!’ lmao???
so i decided to double check the thermostat again today and it was in emergency heating mode???? and i feel like it mightve been for a while without me even realizing which like. my bad. but godddd that must mean its been a while of us having giant fucking electricity bills from my roommate putting it up to 90 degrees when we dont even fucking have electric heating someone mustve accidentally switched it to emergency heating mode where it uses electricity instead???? goddddddd
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