#i literally hate my living situation so much tbh my roommate is so sweet but thats the only upside
tauruswiftie · 3 years
sigh i hate being physically weak n i hate college
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because-of-a-friend · 4 years
Seventeen as Roommates
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Thanks for the request anon! This one was also super fun to do and I hope you really like it! This is the last request and them I’m putting everything aside to finish the Falling Flower series for y’all! 
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The most responsible roommate, tbh. He doesn’t want to step on any toes so he’ll make sure there’s great communication between the two of you. He knows all of your pet peeves when it comes to a roommate so he can avoid doing anything that would upset you. Of course you extend the same courtesy since Cheol is such a sweet and great roommate and gives you no reason to want to upset him. Definitely the type of roommate that becomes your friend. He’s just such a loving person and it always overflows into his everyday life. So if he’s living with you, he’s just naturally going to be concerned about how you’re doing and how he can help when you’re struggling. The type who will willingly stay up with you at 3am to make cookies, have a movie marathon, and talk about life just to make you feel better and put a smile on your face. A really good roommate. 12/10. 
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The type of roommate where whenever you’re just minding your own business watching tv in the living room, he’ll come and and just lay across your body and go “[Y/N], buy me fooooooooooooood.” And then whine until you agree to get up and go get food with him lol. Not the best roommate. He gets a little messy and procrastinates on cleaning up. But usually it only takes a couple of times of you scolding him for Jeonghan to finally get up and get things done. But he’s also the type to be your friend. Like quite literally the day you move in, he sits across from you on the couch and starts ranting about his life like you guys had known each other forever. And first you’re a little overwhelmed but then kind of relieved cuz honestly you had needed someone to talk to... and now Jeonghan is right there. He’s just so chill and easily becomes a part of your life, it’s almost like you two have always been living together. 
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More of a parent than a roommate, lol. Sometimes you get home from school/work and he’s just in the kitchen cooking and goes “Have you eaten? Never mind you probably didn’t eat enough, fix yourself a plate” And then sometimes it’s “Did you drink enough water today?” or “You have that big presentation tomorrow morning, you need to get to bed early.” Sometimes you find sticky notes with words of encouragement all over the apartment when you have big things coming up. Or if you wake up late, you might find an already packed lunch waiting for you so you can rush out the door without worrying about it yourself. Honestly the sweetest roommate of all time. He just tries to make your living space a happy and safe space for you so you never really feel worried or stressed about anything. 
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What a truly chaotic roommate you’ve chosen lol. Sometimes you walk into the kitchen at 3am to grab a drink and find him hunched over random papers only to discover he’s been obsessing over the most obscure conspiracy theory you’ve ever heard for twelve hours straight. Sometimes you come home to find him asleep in your bed. And you’re like???? Jun????? And then he just tells you that he wanted to ask you how your day was as soon as you got home and being in your room when you got back was the best way to assure that he could. Sometimes just appears behind you and tells you his most random wants in that moment. “[Y/N], I really want hot chocolate.” You jump as he suddenly speaks from over your shoulder. “Jun it’s the middle of August.” He sighs sadly, and you very easily give in. “Ugh fine, let’s go.” But seriously, there’s no dull moment living with Jun. He’s a ball of constant fun and adventure. 
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I hope you’re ready to live with someone whose love language is physical affection. Because no matter what you do: wash the dishes, buy dessert, get him a gift, remember things about his life, say something nice to him, it will be met with an overenthusiastic physical response: a tight hug, sudden cuddles on the couch, a whole Soonyoung just jumping on top of you. That’s just how he shows his appreciation for you when you’re being a good roommate. He knows living with people is difficult sometimes so he’s really grateful for having such a great one and always wants to show you that. Chores are always split evenly and you have a specified chore day because it’s more fun to do it together and it gets done more quickly. You both pull your weight around your living space to make sure you guys have an easy and peaceful living situation. 
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When you first start living with Wonwoo you begin to question if you made the right decision. He’s just so distant and quiet and you begin to realize that you really don’t know anything about him at all. But it doesn’t take you long to realize that he was just really shy and hesitant. Once he opens up, he is surprisingly clingy and affectionate. Spends the majority of his time in your room lol. Not even to talk, he just likes sitting in there with you. He’s a big baby about chore day so you have to bribe him with his favorite sweets to do the dishes lol. Sometimes you also have to force him to get out the house and get some fresh air when you realize he hasn’t gone out in literal days. But he is a really sweet roommate and there are no issues between the two of you.
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Jihoon is a very strict roommate. Will make it very clear what his pet peeves are and what he expects from a roommate. It’s a little off putting at first but when you realize he wants you to be just as honest as him, you understand that he just doesn’t want to leave any room for misunderstandings or for either of you to be upsetting the other. It also takes awhile for him to be friendly towards you. He views having a roommate as more of “I’ll live with someone else so I don’t have to pay as much for a place” rather than “Oh, a chance for a new friend!” But he will eventually open up. He’s also one you feel more like a mother to, because he’s so busy working and you have to make sure he eats enough and sleeps enough. But you do it in fun ways like having nights where you cook dinner together or movie nights where you watch one movie after another until he dozes off. Jihoon is honestly really happy you’re around.
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You didn’t think it was possible to know this much about a person that wasn’t your own self. But every day Seokmin comes home, slumps down across the couch from you, and tells you literally everything that happened to him that day. You don’t mind because he always tells his stories in really entertaining ways, but you really do hear about everything. Also not always the best roommate, he can get a little messy and loud. But he’s always very sweet and apologetic and makes up for anything he does very quickly. Definitely becomes your friend, though. You’re living together, and he loves making new friends, so why not? He’ll introduce you to his whole friend group and weave you into his life with no issues at all. Very happy to have a new friend around.
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Literally every time you lay down on the couch, Mingyu comes in and drops his entire body on top of yours. Really just the cuddliest person you could have possibly lived with. Once you two are close, Mingyu is all physical affection all the time. Honestly also not the best roommate, he annoys you quite often. Not because he’s inconsiderate or rude, but because he doesn’t always think about what he’s doing and forgets to consider how it’ll affect his roommate lol. You end up posting a chore list on the fridge to remind both of you to keep the place clean. And you’ll post friendly little reminders about things he needs to remember. He’s just grateful to have a roommate that’s so patient with him despite the face that he knows he’s not always easy to live with. He buys you lots of food and gifts to make up for it, and does lots of favors for you too. He may not always be the best roommate but he is a great guy to have around.
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Honestly the perfect roommate. Minghao is quiet and clean and respectful. He doesn’t even have to try, he’s just kind of naturally that way. And he’s also really easy going as long as what you do doesn’t affect your shared spaces or his own personal space. Doesn’t really see any reason to be friends with his roommate, but if you start to be friendly, he’ll match your energy. He’s also a perfect friend that way, he lets you take the lead in everything to make sure you feel comfortable and doesn’t push anything. Once you two are closer, Minghao is the cutest roommate ever. He loves ranting to you about his interests and showing you what he’s working on. He’s also happy to listen to you talk about your hobbies. Both of you will get the other to join in on your projects so you can have more fun things in common.
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More like siblings than roommates lol. The two of you get into the dumbest most pettiest arguments 24/7. It’s never anything personal or serious or having to do with your living space, it’s just the most random stuff. But you two will bicker all the time. Someone would think you two had been living together your whole lives. But then someone will be like, “Why do you live together if you hate each other?” And you’ll both pause and immediately go, “What are you talking about? I love [Y/N]!” “Yeah, Seungkwan is like my best friend in the whole world.” You two just really get each other and it makes living together really easy. Cuz you both expect the same thing out of a roommate, so living together is smooth sailing. Well when you’re not debating who the best character in your current favorite show is lol. 
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Vernon is sincerely the chillest roommate. He doesn’t think anything of anything, when you ask him to do things around your place, he just changes his behavior to make you more comfortable. Of course you do the same to him but he honestly doesn’t expect a lot from you. Is 100% going to be your friend. You get texts throughout the day like: [Y/N], please bring meeeee snaaaaaacks, I don’t wanna get out of beeeeeeeeeeeeed. And then you bring the snacks and notice he’s watching a show you really like so you just climb into bed with him and before you know it, you’ve wasted a whole day binging tv with Vernon instead of everything else you needed to do. His habits definitely rub off on you lol. But he’s an easy person to live with. 
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Honestly a great roommate. He’s terrified of upsetting you lol. At first he’s walking on egg shells around you because he doesn’t want to do anything to make you angry. But you assure him that as long as you two communicate with each other, everything will be fine, so he finally relaxes. He may avoid being your friend for awhile because he’s a little shy. So it takes a lot of encouragement from you. So you’re always planning movie nights or fun activities or really anything to do together. Chan honestly adores you for it. He’s grateful to have a roommate that makes him feel so welcomed and comfortable. He repays it all back by giving you a very genuine and kind and loving friendship. 
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omg so I read this manga this morning called Sesame Salt and Pudding and it’s ab this 22 y/o girl who gets drunk and accidentally marries a stranger, who happens to be 42. it’s the cutest lil slice of life just a really healthy relationship and all i could think was this would be the funniest meet cute for Erwin.
Thanks for linking me the manga website anon omfg you're a real one💙🐛
Alright so below is my 1am thoughts while reading it as i listen to a daddy/mommy issues playlist i found online and drinking green apples monster energy.
Tw: mentions of sex | Tw: suggestive words
Chapter one
The girl is really pretty, I'm really gay.
Wait so she married him while drunk and now can't remember anything?
This lowkey does look like Erwin without gel in his hair
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...why can i see Erwin as the type of drunk to not only sign a wedding registration paper but also demand both of you must go get wedding ware, paying for your dress or suit.
Consent 👏yes👏100%👏the bare minimum👏Erwin values consent above literally anything else👏Erwin wouldn't touch you without permission even while drunk out of his mind👏again it's the bare minimum👏
An older dude that cooks & cleans while staying home as i go out and provide for us? This is my dream. Stay at home husband Reiner stay at home husband Reiner stay at ho
Ngl i think Erwin wouldn't know anything past basic cooking despite him reading all these cooking books and watching videos, i think if he really was dedicated he'd sign up for a cooking class go get high level skills just to impress you but treat it like it's nothing
...he didn't wanna stare at her chest so he went to clean the fridge- Erwin would def be that kind of gentleman to change his own attitude instead of ever telling you to change or cover up.
I love her job oh my god yes.
Ooo a love rival huh👀 is this gonna turn into a triangle situation
The only love rival I'd ever see for Erwin is Nile tbh, like i think if it was Miche, Hange or Levi then he'll talk it out and either him or the person backs off.
He gets gloomy when jealous huh~
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I can't even imagine Erwin's reaction if you said this to him, like he won't even be mad he would just be really taken back, standing there like 🧍🏼‍♂️...he'd even be amused.
Okay- okay this is a good reaction...I think Erwin would say something similar but rephrase it to he more subtle yet somehow making it sound dirtier.
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Something along the lines of, "well, if you're so sure then why don't you find out yourself."
And "after all i can't deny that i haven't thought about how beautiful looked last night...how the more beautiful you would've looked laying down."
"You looked like a really delicious treat"
"All pretty and alone, tearing about your worries, i just wanted to make you forget them all and leave the rest to me"
I should stop-
Chapter two
Oh shit he overhead them oh shit
Shit is going down oh god
Man if it was Nile in this hypothetical insert then he'd be hold this information like the petty bitch he is and use it at the date instead.
Chapter three
Ngl dude, i really hate it when they treat it like a women's reputation is all she has. I especially hate the purity culture of that a young women can't be a roommate with a man because "what will people say" like...if they're fucking who cares and if they aren't literally who cares? Do they realise gay people exist too and two women have an equal chance of sleeping together too?
It feels like they treat women as children, maybe I'm just projecting bc i live in a similar kind of culture where all these rules apply here if not more.
Anyway that manga is cute, it just angred me that these two men think they're responsible for solving her problem or as if they have any right to scold her or be angry like she's some kind of child and should listen.
It's her life, it's her problem and it's her who will solve it.
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DUDE SHUT THE FUCK UP. he's really acting like a bitch as if he has any right to be angry or even judge her oh my god.
"Impure background..." Get fucked.
The only ONLY reason he even can be angry is because she didn't mention being married while they were going for a date but they didn't even go on that date and nothing was official so why does she have to tell him her private life.
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"get divorced immediately" HUGE FUCKING RED FLAG
Controlling Insecure cunt.
I'm sorry anon that I'm really going off on him and I'm sorry if you like him- it's just that i really really can't stand these things
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Oh baby, oh angel I'm so sorry you had to go through that, in no way is it ever right to get angry and yell no matter what especially since you apologised and admitted to your mistake.
Especially since he knew it was something you did while drunk and deeply regret it but he still took out his angry on you like you betrayed his trust when you weren't even together or like you intentionally did it.
Narcissistic dick.
I'm not talking about the next scenes because it might be triggering.
Chapter five
4 is missing :( idk how her parents visit went
We just started the chapter and-
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Fuck her. Like what's up with toxic abusive people being too comfortable saying these things lmao like they actually take themselves seriously omfg.
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Imagine saying this about Erwin tho, like it feels powerful to say. John maloney was right after all huh
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So we doing this huh
....oh :( we were just getting to the god part, man Erwin wouldn't have let a phone stop him.
Also bless the translator for their note at the end, it's good we're seperating fiction from reality and clarifying things to people on how to act in these scenarios.
Like drama is fun and all, I'm a huge sucker being extra, but things are different in real life and using fiction as a guide to how to deal with these, clearly written to be extra, situations should never ever be anyone's first choice.
Well that's all the 10 images tumblr will allow me in one post, i hope you had fun anon because i sure did! And i can definitely see this as a sweet wholesome Erwin/reader story, and if i ever did a an inspired rewriting of that manga with Erwin i can definitely see it being really fun to write!
Although i will change some stuff like that guy, i know people have good and bad sides but the guy specifically made me uncomfortable for personal reasons, i also Don't like mentioning serious things like anger controlling issues without diving deep into them.
Imma go finish the manga, if you want a part two, or have a different thing to recommend, please let me know💙
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bluespiderlilies · 5 years
Pillars x Modern reader? Please if it alright with you
hi!! i was going to say no tbh bc my rules say only two charas max but,, i'll let it slide i guess lmao 
modern! pillars x reader!hcs: 
himejima gyoumei:
okay so like,, in a modern au i like to imagine that gyoumei would be a sculptor hehe (yes, i know, not v original).
and you a painter!! 
and like,, the two of you are secret admirers of one another 
like he would often see you at the art gallery he frequents just staring at his sculptures & just,,, looking at them w pure awe?
 which he finds so heartwarming & makes him super motivated & happy in what he does!! 
and at art auctions when he buys your paintings? you feel like fainting from happiness bc the guy you admire so much BUYS YOUR PAINTINGS?!?! 
so then one day the two of you just,, bumped into each other coincidentally while at the art gallery the two of you go to often
the two of you chat comfortably before asking for one another's numbers & discuss about a potential coffee date!! 
and so, after that & a couple more dates, the two of you became official!!
iguro obanai:
hmm i feel like snek boi would be a tattoo artist 
you a florist (FUCK i hate my unoriginal ideas) 
your shops are right beside each other's haha
you sometimes talked but it was only about small awkward things like the weather BYE
but then one day you got locked out of your shop oops
so you,, sort of stayed w/ obanai in his shop until the person you called to help came
 which he didn't mind at all btw
surprisingly, the two of you got along really well? not to mention you guys liked a lot of the same things & had similar hobbies??
 from then on the two of you were kinda Whipped™™™™™ for each other lmaoo,, you often went to each other's shops when you guys didn't have any customers/had a slow day 
so then you decided to confess and!! he accepted your feelings & said he felt the same way!! (screams) & ever since then the two of you began to date uwu
rengoku kyoujurou:
okay so kyoujurou in the kimetsu academy au is a history teacher, right? 
and you are the english teacher!! 
honestly the entire school love the two of you so much
 and they even ship the two of you super hard\ but!! the thing is? the two of you are already dating, haha~ the students just don't know that yet
so it's hella amusing when the two of you witness them trying to set the two of you up with one another 
so you and kyoujurou had a mutual agreement to just act innocent and go along w what they do (which the students totally fall for)
until one day you accidentally let it slip (whoops) 
"hi guys, sorry for being late, kyoujurou won't be here today 'cause he's sick and i had to take care of him for a bit—oops did i just spill everything?"
 from then on the entire school knew the two of you were dating (and thank god, bc now you guys could be affectionate in public lmaoooo)
tokitou muichirou:
muichirou would be like that quiet, asocial first year *wheeze*
& like...there's tons of rumors of him being rude n closed off to others that try to be friends w him
n you're like!! haha!! fuck those rumors i want to be friends w him!! (plus he's cute wink wink) 
so, you try to approach him by sitting in front of his desk during lunch, or talk to him front time to time in your close (surprise!! the two of you are in the same class) 
he ignores you tbh & even tries to push you away,,, but you're super persistent (in an annoyingly,, cute way?) 
but like one day, you're absent from class two days in a row, and he's like,, fuck?? is it my fault??? did i do something to them?? is (name) not here bc of me?? i miss (name) surprisingly a lot and idk why???
and like for the two days he feels like he's fuckin hallucinating or some shit bc he always turns his head to the direction he expects you to be, or like hears your voice even if you're not there? 
but then you came after those two days, and he immediately comes up to you and questions you as to why you were absent 
you just laugh and smile, telling him that you were sick (& tease him too) which he gets really flustered at and even blushes bc he missed you a lot bye 
so then he confesses to you, and tells you that even if it was two days, it felt like forever and he just really missed you and wanted you to be by his side?? and you found that hella cute (also bc of his blushing face) so like uh,, ever since then the two of you started to date
tomioka giyuu:
kimetsu academy au where he's the gym teacher (duh it's canon) & ur the assistant nurse of tamayo uwu
you often supervise whenever giyuu has a class bc you know how rough he can be,, so you're just there in case anything happens
 cue the students being in love w you bc you're the literal opposite of giyuu
cue the students lowkey shipping the two of you too (& the two of you are HELLA oblivious about about, too) 
you like to chat w him sometimes, even if you're the one who's doing most of the talking
despite his rough nature you actually find him really cute and like??? attractive 
and giyuu?? is naturally attracted to you too?? but then one day a student fight breaks out and while giyuu tries to stop it he ends up getting injured
so you, of course, treat him the best you can—tending to the bruises on his face & the cuts on his arms & legs,, and like your touch is so fucking good and gentle and like??? bitch is about to melt too
he ends up telling you that he likes you,, and you're shocked bc omg?? the guy i like just confessed & asked me out (btw u said yes haha)
uzui tengen:
aight so spy!au where he is sent to spy on you bc you're under suspicion working under an illegal organization (wait this counts as a modern au right? yeah anyways,,) 
he moves in to the apartment right across from you as your new "neighbor" 
he also works as the cashier at the bakery you work at too!!
 bc of that, naturally, the two of you got close
you thought he was v attractive and funny lmao,, you especially found his "flamboyant" catch phrase hella endearing too 
yeah right lmao bc he did end up falling in love w you. so he even asked you out (which ofc you said yes?? like bro tengen is literally the person of you're dreams) 
but he reminded himself that he still had a mission to do, so he used it the fact that the two of you were dating to his advantage to find more about you (aka snooping) 
you didn't really mind that + the fact that he asked lots of questions about you
but once he found out that you were completely clear, he was?? highkey happy and relieved, so he could date you comfortably without being paranoid lmao
kanroji mitsuri:
idol! mitsuri and manager! reader au hehe 
honestly you have been w mitsuri ever since she debuted
you watched her grow as both a singer and as a person—you saw all the sides of her personality, habits, flaws, etc; which honestly? made you fall in love w her 
however, you kept your feelings a secret bc you didn't want anybody to find out plus ruin mitsuri's reputation?
like okay you get fired but you don't want to hurt mitsuri or the years of hard work to be destroyed 
but it's so fuckin hard you know? bc she's super affectionate w you, and you're over here trying to keep your feelings in? 
so eventually you just,,, confess to her—all the feelings you had pent up just finally spill out
unexpectedly?? she says she feels the same way?? but she's been in love w you ever since she first laid eyes on you?? 
so lmao you keep your relationship a secret, even from the agency you work at lmao 
despite the hardships that you guys often face, you get through them together and the two of you couldn't be anymore happier w one another??
kochou shinobu: 
roommates au in which the two of you are college students 
shinobu a pharmacology major & you in toxicology!!
bc of you living together and even sharing some classes, the two of you spend a lot of time w each other 
you guys have plenty of study dates too haha 
and cute stuff like night outs or movies nights!!! 
honestly the more time you spend w her, the more time you?? fall in love shinobu. like. head over heels for her. 
and shinobu's like??? I FEEL REALLY NICE AND FUZZY AROUND YOU (in her brain, though) 
so the two of you end up confessing at the same time during movie night bc the movie reminded the two of you of each other a lot?? uh?? 
when the two of you realize what you said two each other, the two of you laugh it off and just? begin dating 
nothing really changes tbh!! just more affection, dates, spending time w each other, and being more intimate ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
shinazugawa sanemi:
bodyguard au :D in which sanemi is your newly appointed bodyguard and you're a millionaire that needs to be protected 
honestly he thought you'd be snobby as fuck considering that's how rich people usually are in his eyes
 but?? you're really freakin chill and cool?? not like he'd admit that aloud lmaoo
you like to tease him a lot bc he's so uptight w you, but apologize & give him ohagi (which he really fuckin loves?? Uh??)
you always try to convince him to play video games w you lmaoo esp mario kart (he declines though *eyeroll emoji*)
since he's almost always serious around you, when you find him tending to your dogs and being so soft around them you're like?? fuck?? my heart?? 
so basically the two of u dumbasses have feelings for each other but are oblivious + don't want to confess,,, like the more time you spend w one another the more you fall in love?
and he absolutely just,, loves it when you visit orphanages and help w the kids and the way you treat them is so sweet? 
yeah. he's so in love. 
but it wasn't until you ended up in a life-threatening situation that he actually confessed to you—which, as serious as the moment was, you cracked a joke and accepted his feelings.
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aslibekroglu · 3 years
I want to start off by saying that this show is hilarious. The amount of times I'm losing it in my room seriously... Selim and Akgün together are a riot. "My good son, my wonderful son, my stupid son" lmao I was like, THATS ME WITH AKGÜN! MY STUPID, WONDERFUL SON THAT I LOVE WITH ALL MY HEART!! The car chase lmao...Akgün being, "everything's over, they were short term feelings" and Selim threatening him with the gun when he said that lol. He won't let Akgün live in either situations.
The watch scene 😭😭😭😭. I DONT WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT!!! AKGÜN GETTING THE ACCEPTANCE HE'S ALWAYS WANTED!! I'm gonna start crying all over again. The chemistry between Alperen and Ali is amazing! Watching that scene a second time, it made me feel like Selim was also sort of, in a way, going to give his blessings for Akmur. Idk, what do you think?
Selim having second thoughts after seeing how devastated both were after the breakup, lol that was nice to see; how his conscience was eating him up
CanSel are just so damn adorable! Literally the cutest divorced couple ever
I'm so glad we got to see how bad the breakup was affecting Akmur. Like they didn't goes over it, I really liked that. Poor Akgün got a double whammy dealing with the breakup and photo. And my girl Yağmur!! I felt so bad for her, crying at school. Literally the worst place to have a breakdown (and oh, I WANT THOSE SELFIES!! WHERE ARE THE SELFIES?? WHERE ARE THEY???). Her happiness when Akgün called her. Legit disliked him there for 1 minute bc she was so happy to see him and him avoiding her hug. Ugggghhh Akgün
I don't care but I do not feel one bit bad for Kaan. He deserved it. Dude just killed any hopes he had of getting back with Yağmur. Not that she would get back with him but now Selim will kill him if he even looks at her
Naz & Soner!!!! (Will not complain about them getting a better edited kiss. Nope. Nuh-uh. I will not be one of those fans. Just kidding, I complained but like for a minute)
Yesss!!! I'm so glad the Bedri thing came back to Yağmur. I want to see mom and daughter take him down. If anybody can do it, it's them two. Especially Yağmur, like she said, she won't rest until she exposes him
Oh and Soner being the bestest friend ever!?!? He was serious when he said he doesn't forget the good things people do for him. He was on Akgün watch all day lol. I want more scenes of him and Akgün just being roommates
Anyways, some people are thinking that Selim and Akgün have something up their sleeve after that last shared look. Idk and honestly I'm just here for the ride. No theorizing for me lol
Tbh this show is so damn funny. And emotional. And dramatic. And romantic. There’s so many good parts about it, it’s just great. Akgün and Selim’s scenes at the police station and during the car chase absolutely cRACKED me up!!! And then the scene with the watch absolutely WRECKED me. Seeing Akgün get that acceptance he’s been looking for meant soooooo much! Alperen did such an amazing job in that scene. I was just a sobbing mess watching it. But, yeah when I first watched it the first thing that came to my mind was, is this watch meant to symbolize yağmur, is he giving his blessing, is he finally okay with them being together???? And idk, I’m excited to see how Selim treats them next episode, it’s going to be interesting seeing this development now that he’s really accepted Akgün . And as much as I loved seeing Selim feel bad about Yağmur hurting (that heart to heart they had in the garden was so so good), I just loved seeing how guilty he felt about Akgün. Like those moments when Selim was complaining about him and Canan was just like please, you know you love him and you know you feel guilty. Or when Akgün mentioned how they just can’t seem to separate, like no matter how mad he gets at Akgün, they’re bonded for life, they can’t get rid of each other!!!
Cansel was absolutely adorable, I really feel like it’s just a matter of time before they really do start dating again and I can’t waittttttt! Now, the Akmur fight. I was genuinely so mad at Akgün in that moment. He was breaching that type of jealousy that I hate in these dizis, that possessive, controlling type and I just hope they don’t really continue on that path. I so badly wanted him to apologize for it and they just made it seem like him beating up Kaan was enough and it wasn’t. I was proud of how she stood up to him in that moment, but the fact that Yağmur didn’t really make him answer for it kind of upset me. And in regards to the whole Kaan thing, what Akgün said was basically in the same vein of what Kaan was saying. Sure what Kaan said was a bit more extreme, implied something worse than what Akgün said, and was more insulting. And Akgün’s statement was more so based on just jealousy and the ‘ex-boyfriend’ of it all (plus him still being angry about the marriage situation) while Kaan’s was more so basic slut shaming, but it’s all the same ‘you can’t touch any other man while we’re together’ foolishness and it’s just gross. That being said, as much as I hated what the actual akmur fight was about, I LOVED the scene. Like idk what it was about it, but Alperen and Hafsanur’s chemistry and was on point in that scene. Between Yağmur just yelling at this brick wall that is a jealous Akgün and just being so done with Akgün’s low ass emotional iq, and Akgün only being able to focus on her calling Kaan her ex-boyfriend, that scene is just great!!!
Speaking of that scene, on youtube there were a bunch of comments saying like oh is this akgün and yagmur that we’re watching or canan and selim or wow akmur has really turned into cansel. And I just find it so interesting. I mean there have been examples in other episodes, but in this episode in particular they showed how similar the two couples are. Like of course it’s been brought up before how Akgün and Selim had similar upbringings, how Selim sees himself in Akgün. And in 14, you could see Yağmur following in similar footsteps as Canan, sacrificing herself for love. But in this episode they like specifically called it out multiple times. Idk it’s interesting. I wonder what they’re trying to say with that or where they’re going with it.
But that scene with Yağmur and Akgün when they’re talking about his brother legitimately made me cry. The way she is always teaching him to hope and dream just makes me so emotional. She is so fucking good for him, i can’t believe it.
Oh yeah, and as much as I love Akgün and Selim living together, I am so excited to see Akgün and Soner as roommates!! I adore their friendship so so much. Seeing how concerned Soner was for Akgün and seeing him constantly watch over him was so nice. And I loved Naz and Soner’s kiss it was so sweet. I saw a comment somewhere about how Soner did what it took Akgün 13 episodes to do lmaooooo honestly Soner made his mooooove!!
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drunklander · 6 years
Drunj!Der Yells About Outlander
Thoughts on Ep. 411
This week, on Outlander: Claire carries all of the water for Jamie! Lord John can’t decide if he’s dumb and creepy or a cool dude! Roger is still my designated tea refill break! Bree is back to being the worst! Murgsali remains the best!
It’s week two of my drunk recaps being done while not drunk *shakes fist at the concept of Dry January* and my willpower is being aggressively tested.
I hate this fake-out with Roger as much as I hate the fake-out in ep. 1x03 with Claire and Mrs. Fitz.
Are we going to get Roger back at the stones and his decision to stay and him being recaptured and stuff next week? Or are we just going to pick back up at the village and we just need to fill all that in ourselves? Tbh, I almost would have preferred Roger just not being in this episode...
Oh the title card... Bree is suddenly now a great artist! (Seriously, how the fuck did she never draw Roger at any point before Rogergate happened?! Like, cool if you don’t want to share who raped you, literally this whole thing could have been avoided without sharing that tidbit if Jamie KNEW WHAT ROGER LOOKED LIKE. Oh, thanks for the heads up, Lizzie, but it turns out that the guy you saw is Bree’s boyfiend. I punched him for leaving her, but it turns out he’s just a dick, not a rapist.) (Second week in a row that I’ve made that typo. It’s like even my subconscious doesn’t like Roger.)
And Bree loves drawing the enslaved people on her great-aunt’s plantation! Which she apparently is totally cool with!
Also, Bree says Aunt wrong. It’s a minor thing but one that is driving me up a fucking wall every time she says it. (People in Massachusetts say it like Ahnt, not Ant.)
Geez, Lizzie, Bree doesn’t need to easily forgive Jamie. Jamie doesn’t deserve to be easily forgiven. Honestly, Lizzie is the least to blame for this whole fiasco. She saw a dude being rough with Bree and then the next time she saw Bree was post-rape. Jamie was a complete prick to Bree, beat the shit out of a random guy without letting him get a word in edgewise and had his nephew get rid of him. And then didn’t fucking tell Claire, who probably would have put two and two together, about it. Fuck that guy.
I simultaneously can’t believe and 1000% can believe they read this shit heap of a story line and were like “Yep, this is great stuff! Let’s definitely spend half a season on it!”
Ugh. Young Ian being like “Oh hey, Auntie Claire, how about you go do the emotional labor of making Jamie feel better about being a fucking dumbass!” Hard pass, Ian. Hard fucking pass.
So here for Claire’s “what you *both* thought.” Like yep, Ian, you’re at fault too. I know you love your uncle, but you gave that whole big speech at River Run about being your own man and yada yada, so maybe fucking own your part in this. You didn’t fucking have to sell a guy into fucking slavery. BUT YOU’RE STILL NOT AS MUCH TO BLAME AS JAMIE. FUUUUCK THAT GUY.
Also, Jamie, you dumb fuck. You should have been fucking groveling by now. You get no points for keeping your distance. Nut up and mea culpa the shit out of this situation.
Honestly, if they wanted to make the show just about Fersali and Murtz, at this point I’d be totally on board.
Wait, so Fergus has been unemployed this whole time? How the fuck have they been living for the past year then? What happened to his job at the printer? I have so many questions...
So Bree, who grew up in civil rights era Boston and had a Black roommate, is totally just chill about living on a plantation and being waited on by enslaved people? Like, we’re not going to mention this at all? Cool. Cool cool cool.
Also like fucking mother like daughter. She’s like “Oh hey, Phaedre, I’m going to draw you. Sit there. No, I’m not going to ask if you want to be drawn. Or take into account what Jocasta might do to you because of my decision to make you not be doing what you’re expected to be doing. Like my Mom did with asking you to call her by her first name, I’m just gonna disregard what the consequences might be for you because treating you like this will make me feel better about myself.”
Maria Doyle Kennedy continues to be awesome.
"Sorry! Did I wake ye?” I love Marsali so fucking much.
I really like them giving what was a convo with Jenny and Jamie about Ian in the books to Marsali and Murtagh about Fergus. But man, women do so much of the emotional labor in this fucking episode. Marsali is running a house, caring for a baby and risking having a wanted man sleeping in her kitchen but she also has to like fluff the pillows for Fergus’ feelings.
Yes, I know that spouses should support each other and be there when the other one needs something. But since we see so little of Fersali now, we’re not seeing this as a two way relationship. Just Marsali doing it for Fergus.
That being said, I do think it’s very sweet of Marsali.
“If I wanted him shot, I’d do it myself. And it wouldna be Fergus I’d take aim at first. He doesna put his boots on my blankets.” I just fucking love her so much, y’all.
Does Murtagh know who Marsali is yet though? Does he know about Jamie marrying Laoghaire? Were we robbed of the glorious Murtz reaction we could have had? Le sigh. If I had a drink, I’d pour one out...
Oh hey, Gerald. Is your name going to stay Gerald? Or are you randomly going to start being Neil in a couple seasons?
“Have you been enjoying your time at River Run?” “Yes, I love River Run. I love living with a bunch of racists, benefiting from the enslavement of Black people. I never once bring up how uncomfortable I am, or even look like I’m uncomfortable about the situation. I am not at all morally conflicted about my current situation. Everything is totally cool.”
I raged a lot during ep. 4x02, and honestly that rage all still stands.
Oh hey! John Grey, Lord of Convenient Appearances is back!
Fergus talking to Germain is my everything. “It seems there are some here who do not appreciate your contribution to the cause.” *swoon* I can’t wait for him to teach his lil dude the fine art of pickpocketing...
Bree’s like that obnoxious college freshman who comes home on break and is like all insufferable because they took like one intro to psych class and now want to like diagnose everyone they know with random shit.
“Must I close my eyes when you are before me?” “Yes.” Well played, Bree, but I still do not like you at all in this episode.
Man, 18th century tinder fucking sucks.
I know this show isn’t subtle at all, but jfc, they’re like punching us in the face with the judge being gay. 
Bree, Claire and Betty fucking Draper should start a club for women who drink like fish while preggo.
Ok so I’m on board with the convo with LJG and Bree about his vision or whatever, but then it crosses over into creepy later on in the episode.
Can Lizzie please fuck off already? She’s annoying af.
Also, she blurts out that Bree’s pregnant but managed to keep it a secret that Jamie kicked the shit out of a guy for weeks? I’m calling shenanigans on that.
I get that the convo with John and Bree about Jocasta trying to marry off Bree to some rando is supposed to like be clearing up the handfasting is marriage vs. not marriage thing that the show can’t make up its mind about, but it still bugs me, tbh. A lot.
I still am lowkey annoyed that they expect us to be so invested in Roger and Bree when they did like nothing to build up their relationship before it went to shit (both times). Like, you’re lazy when it comes to your characters, show. You’re doing a bad job. If no one is invested in the characters then all the plot in the world won’t make the show good.
The amount this show relies on book readers backfilling shit is absurd.
Jocasta, as a woman and figure in society, is a far more understandable giver of this speech about Bree needing to be married than Jamie, a dude who can have her live with him in his and Claire’s house in fucking bumblenowhere backwoods. But still, WHY DON’T THESE FUCKERS JUST TREAT HER LIKE SHE’S MARRIED. SHE TECHNICALLY IS. SHE’S HANDFAST. WHO GIVES A FUCK IF THERE WEREN’T WITNESSES. NO ONE IN CROSS CREEK KNOWS THAT. PEOPLE WILL JUST ACCEPT WHAT YOU TELL THEM. I HATE THAT ALL THESE FUCKERS WON’T PUT THAT TOGETHER.
All that aside, I totally ship John and the judge and they should totally be boyfriends and bang a lot, but FUCKING NOT IN THE GODDAMN HALLWAY OF SOMEONE ELSE’S HOUSE WHEN THEY KNOW THEY LIVE IN A HOMOPHOBIC AF SOCIETY.
Ok, fuck Brianna for this blackmail bullshit. Fuck her so fucking much. She is the literal worst right now. Like are you fucking kidding me, Bree?! You’re garbage. I know this shit is in the book, but fucking christ. It’s bad. Fucking have Bree talk to John like “Look, my aunt is trying to marry me off. That fucking hobbit is going to propose as soon as I go back inside. I don’t want to marry him, you know I’m waiting to see if my parents can find my quasi-husband. Can you please do me a solid and say we’re engaged so people leave me the fuck alone until my parents get back?” We *know* John would say yes to that, because he eventually fucking goes along with it for THAT EXACT FUCKING REASON. SO WHY ARE THEY HAVING FROM-THE-POST-STONEWALL-FUTURE BREE THREATEN A GUY WITH THIS SHIT. SHE KNOWS HOW QUEER FOLKS ARE TREATED IN HER OWN FUCKING TIME, AND THIS IS THE PAST AND THE PAST IS THE FUCKING WORST. FUUUUUUCK HER.
“I wouldn’t have said a word to anyone. I’d just threaten you with your worst fear. Because I’m a raging asshat.”
It’s creepy af that they’re like talking around John being in love with Jamie. I honestly hate that part of John so fucking much. Like he could be such a great character if they could fucking lay off the him pining over and being weirdly possessive of Jamie shit.
Ok, so with Bree now just telling everyone that it was Bonnet who raped her it’s really coming off that Jamie’s manpain was the *only* reason she didn’t tell anyone but Claire before. Which is so fucked up! She was raped! Fuck Jamie’s manpain! If she wants to tell people, she should fucking tell people! Sorry not sorry, but if you were brutally raped and possibly impregnated by some fucker and you want to let people know who it was because it turns out he’s a fucking sociopath, that fucking trumps “oh, my bio dad might feel icky about it.”
“The union of our families is a blessing to us all. Except for the second someone better comes along. Because omg he’s a *lord*! Bye, Neil. Go have yourself some second breakfast.”
Oh fuck you, Jamie. You don’t get to be butthurt at Claire. Claire didn’t beat the everloving fuck out of some rando at the word of a maid, send him into slavery and then keep it a fucking secret. Also like, why the fuck did he even keep it a secret from Claire?! Why not do what Bree did and tell Claire but have her not tell Bree? And he’s still keeping him asking Murtagh to track Bonnet down from Claire. Seriously, fuck Jamie.
Oh Rollo, this isn’t Terminus. We don’t eat people in this show.
I literalol’ed at them pulling an Everest and using a dead body as a wayfinding tool. Probs not the reaction they were going for.
“He is... very much like his father.” DON’T MAKE IT WEIRD, JOHN.
"Good doesn’t come into it. I love him more than life itself.” I love the convo about loving a kid even if you’re not the bio dad, but this “It’s only new because there is hope.” bullshit while they’re sitting on the FUCKING PORCH OF A PLANTATION, LOOKING OUT AT ENSLAVED PEOPLE WHILE THE REST OF THE FAM IS OFF LOOKING FOR THE PEOPLE WHO HAVE LIVED ON THE LAND FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS, IS SO FUCKING TONE DEAF IT HURTS.
I get Claire’s reasons for not telling Jamie. I think Bree should have told Claire to tell Jamie since it seems like her only hesitation for doing so was Jamie’s #feelings. And I 100000000% think that it makes *zero* sense that she never told Jamie what Roger looks like. But Claire is doing way fucking more than her share of apologizing here. JAMIE IS THE ONE WHO SHOULD BE DOING THE BIG DRAMATIC APOLOGY. THIS IS LIKE 99.7% HIS FUCKING FAULT.
Aaaand then they couch it as an “all parents do” thing. BECAUSE OH NO, CAN’T ACKNOWLEDGE THAT HE WAS AN ABUSIVE JACKASS. NOPE. CAN’T DO THAT.
This show is fucking *killing* me with its refusal to make the male characters accountable for their actions. 
And then we get the same sex scene we got in the premiere. Because even though Jamie and Claire get freaky in oh-so-many different ways in the later books, the show has decided that from now on they need to be vanilla and boring. I mean, in the book this bit is described as fierce with blind desperation. I know I always say I want them to deviate from the book, but ffs, I didn’t mean make all the sex the same when the situations and emotional states of the characters when they’re together are very different...
And no, Balfe, I’m not a “horny granny.” (Seriously, fuck her for that comment, tbh. I know what she was probably trying to say, but word choice, Caitriona. It’s fucking important.) I’m not watching this show for the smut. But the core relationship, what’s supposed to be the heart of the show, is now monotonous af. 
Jamie and Claire as characters have always been a couple who express themselves passionately and physically. But now suddenly they’re just like soft af all the time? Where’s the fire? Where’s the spark? You don’t need to have nudity to show passion, show. I’m not asking for a parade of boobs and butts. (If there was contractual stuff involved with that for actors or whatever, more power to them.) But ffs, the show is managing to make me bored with the main fucking ship.
And then Roger gets the shit kicked out of him again and I’m here for it.
Because I still don’t like that guy.
(But seriously, framing the various Native American tribes as the “bad guys” is getting old af.)
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I’m bored ignore me
Describe your current mood/feelings
I feel awful. I’m so unhappy in my current situation and I got a glimpse of what it’s like to be outside of it and I can’t wait to make that happen.
Which is your favourite country that you’ve been to?
Ireland probably.
What are the first things you notice when you look at/meet someone?
Smile and usually eyes but I haven't been great at that lately.
Have you ever been in love/are you in love currently?
I have been in love, I’m not currently.
Are you currently in a relationship?
I am not. 
Would you ever date someone online?
I’d date someone that I met online but not someone I couldn't be with in person.
Is there anyone of your friends that you would ever consider having sex with?
Sex in the morning, afternoon or night?
Night is more my thing.
What side of the bed do you sleep on?
Have you ever taken your clothes off for money?
LOL no.
Would you choose love or money?
Right now, money probably except for one person that I would choose over that. 
When did you lose your virginity?
When I was 18.
 Do you prefer men or women?
Men usually but gender really doesn't matter to me. I’m attracted to personalities.
Do you have a sex playlist?
No but I’ve heard someone else’s and I am totally into it.
When was the last time you had sex?
Saturday 🙊
Has anyone ever gone beyond your personal line of respect sexually?
Where is the most romantic place you would want to have sex?
When I picture romantic sex it’s usually in a bed, sooooo.
Where is the weirdest place you would want to have sex?
What would you do if you were ever caught having sex?
Depends who caught us.
Would you ever go to a bar just to get sex?
I’d go to a bar to flirt.
Has anyone ever tried to pick you up in a bar?
Would you have sex in a movie theater?
YES that’s so risky I dig it.
Would you have sex outside?
I would as long as its not dirty.
Would you have sex in a bathroom?
Does anyone have naughty pics of you or are you on film?
There’s pics of me out there.
Have you ever had sex with someone and called them the wrong name?
Not physically said it but I have thought of someone else and almost said it.
Would you ever use ‘toys’ in bed?
I would.
What would you do if your partner suggest a threesome?
I’m down.
How many people have you slept with?
(1/2) If your lover/crush were in your bed right now, what would you do?
Sex probably.
(2/2) Then?
CUDDLE he’s great at that and probably talk a lot. 
What are your favorite bands? 
Set it off, Beartooth, Grayscale, As it Is, Mayday Parade.
What are your favorite singers? 
Barret Wilbert Weed, Taylor Louderman, Carrie Hope Fletcher, I’m obsessed with the Broadway stars right now.
What are your favorite albums? 
I’m LOVING the Mean Girls Cast Recording right now, also Dear Evan Hansen and Heathers. Only Human by Calum Scott is pretty good, and The Greatest Showman.
What are your favorite songs? 
Would You Be So Kind - dodie
Someone Gets Hurt, Revenge Party, World Burn, I’d Rather Be Me, and Apex Predator all from Mean Girls
Requiem, Waving Through a Window,and You Will Be Found all from DEH
And I’m gonna stop now because this list could go on forever.
What is the best concert you’ve ever been to? 
Oh gosh. Can I cheat and say Warped?
How did you first find out about your favorite band/singer?
Okay top two: I found SIO by accident at the mall in Hot Topic in 2009. Loved them ever since. And I found Barrett through Heathers.
If someone asks you what music they should check out, what are your go-to recommendations? 
Usually SIO unless were talking about musicals.
What was your first concert? if you haven’t been to one, what do you want your first concert to be? 
Omg Hilary Duff when I was like 8 probably.
How do live performances, whether they’re from your friends or professionals, tend to make you feel? 
Singing in the shower or singing in the car?  
Both but I sing in the car more. I only sing in the shower when I’m home alone, but I love that more cause acoustics and the steam is good for the voice.
If you could pick one instrument to learn how to play, what would it be? 
What is your singing voice like? what singers do you remind yourself of? 
I’m a mezzo/alto. I try my hardest to be like Barrett tbh.
Have you ever been involved in any music programs? which ones and for how long?
Uh yeah like all through high school and college.
Which instruments do you know how to play? what’s your skill level? 
Flute/picc - advanced but I’m probably a bit rusty since I haven’t practiced in a while.
Piano, guitar, and ukulele - self taught/beginner
How do you feel about video game soundtracks? 
I like them if they’re super dark/edgy cause it’s fun to dance to.
What soundtracks do you enjoy listening to the most? 
Mean Girls, Heathers, DEH, Man of La Mancha, basically any musical.
How do you feel about musicals?
You’ve probably figured this out already but I live for them.
What are some songs whose lyrics you relate to? 
Would You Be So Kind - dodie
Are You There? - Bare (taken out of context, of course)
parts of Beautiful - Heathers
Breathe In Breathe Out - Tich
I’d Rather Be Me - Mean Girls
Someday - Zombies (taken out of context)
Do you prefer songs that have good melodies or songs that have good lyrics? 
BOTH. I usually really like songs that feel good to sing (good melodies) but I will download and listen to a song just for the lyrics.
Look at your country’s song charts, listen to the first unfamiliar song you can find, and share your opinion on it.
Billboard Top 100 said Psycho - Post Malone. And I hated it. 
Any cover versions that you think are better than the original? 
Chandelier - PVRIS from Punk Goes Pop
Uptown Funk - Against The Current & SIO
How often do you listen to music? 
Literally every day.
How do you feel about classical music? 
I love it.
Would you ever want to have a career in music? 
I think it would be fun but like realistically probably not.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how important is music to you? 
16.5 I couldn’t live without it.
How do you feel about rap music? 
Not a fan.
How has music affected you as a person?
It’s been my life since like 6th grade so it pretty much made me who I am.
What songs do you listen to when you’re sad?
I just listen to Mean Girls all the time
But sometimes Bare bc sad
What songs do you listen to when you’re in a great mood? 
Still Mean Girls.
What songs do you listen to when you’re getting ready for sports/to work out?
Anything from Mean Girls (do you see a trend here?)
What is your favorite movie?
The Kissing Booth was good, The Greatest Showman, I mostly listen to music.
What are you currently watching on Netflix/Hulu?
Skins UK (for the second time)
What shows have you finished?
13 Reasons Why, Grey’s, The Fosters, Misfits, Skins UK, Dance Academy, Degrassi, Backstage
Do you binge watch shows on Netflix or Hulu?
Netflix if I can find a good one. Hulu is for episodes that I missed when they aired.
What colour palette are you most drawn to?
Cool tones. Blues, purples, silver, but also rose gold.
What other country would you move to if you could?
Ireland or England
Which accent do you find most attractive?
Would you rather be able to shapeshift or teleport?
Teleporting would solve a lot of my problems.
Would you do a destination wedding? where at?
Does Disney World count?
Dream honeymoon?
....Disney World.
Which celebrity’s voice do you wish you had? 
Would you rather live on a beach, mountaintop, on a farm, in the city, or in the forest?
The middle of a big city.
Do you still want to be what you dreamed of as a kid?
No I wanted to be a marine biologist and work at Sea World.
Would you rather live in a functional tree house, a rustic but renovated barn, and old stone cottage, a tiny house, an antique victorian character home, or an artistic cob home?
Antique victorian character home with an updated interior that's modern but still preserves the charm.
What do you want your life to look like in 1 year?
Living in a big city (preferably Baltimore or DC) and having a real job.
4 favourite youtubers?
I've really been into Shane Dawson and the squad lately. Also Soph (Sophdoesnails), Shelby’s DCP vlogs, and Sophie Lousie
What would your absolute dream partner look like?
Goofy smile, bright eyes (not necessarily in color, but like they light up when they’re excited and have life to them), taller than me, got meat on his bones
What would your absolute dream partner be like?
Sweet, an absolute nerd, adorable, knows how to charm the heck out of me, ambitious (I’m describing someone if you haven't caught on yet)
7 names that you really love?
James, Amelia, Sophie, Noah, Riley, Madison/Maddie, Samuel
Do you like your name? what would you change it to if you could?
No I hate it, I’d change it to Elizabeth which is my middle name. 
What is your biggest but most impossible-seeming dream in life?
Living in the middle of NYC
Do you collect anything? why’d you start?
Tsum Tsums because they’re cute af and I can’t resist, and I really want to start collecting pins.
When you’re hanging out in your room, do you usually sit on the bed, a chair, the floor, or somewhere else?
How many pillows are on your bed?
6 because I bought all of the pillows for the apartment aside from the two he brought and I took them when I left.
Do you share a room with anybody? Have you ever (as in long term, not a sleep over)?
I don’t currently, but I shared with Lexi when were little, I had roommates for 3/4 years of college, and I shared with Nick in our apartment until the end.
Are there any posters or artwork on your walls? What are they?
I have an SIO poster, a One Direction poster, posters of the 5SOS boys, and a Callahan family crest from Ireland. (I really need to redecorate).
Where do you keep your clothes?
Dresser and closet (and the laundry basket of unfolded clothes that never seems to get emptied)
What color are your walls?
Is your mattress on a frame or the floor?
On a frame.
What position do you sleep in?
On my side usually but I can sleep in all positions really.
What’s your favorite part of your room?
My bed.
What’s your least favorite part of your room?
It’s a god damn mess right now and that it heats up with the morning sun so it’s always hot.
How many hours a day on average do you spend in your room?
LOL way too many.
Have you ever been told that you spend too much time in your room/never go outside/live in your room/etc?
Yeah all the time.
Is there a desk in your room? Do you actually use it for homework?
There is and no I literally don’t but I should.
Is there a tv in your room?
Yes there’s a TV in my room.
If your bedroom could look any way you want, forgetting cost and practicality, what would it look like?
Clean and Tumblr-y
Do you put stuff under your bed?
I don’t try to but stuff ends up under there.
If you play an instrument, do you practice in your room or somewhere else?
When I was in college I rarely practiced in my room. If I do practice now (rarely) I do it in the living room.
Do you charge your phone next to your bed?
On my bed.
How many windows are in your room?
Just 1. 
Do you have a private/connected bathroom?
No I wish.
Do you keep makeup, jewelry, lotion, perfume/cologne, and hair stuff in your room or the bathroom?
It’s in my room. I keep it all in the Alex 5 drawers from IKEA.
What is your dream job?
HR but I’ve also been super interested in marketing lately? Also interior design or wedding planner.
What’s your favorite sport to watch on TV?
Baseball but also hockey? I’ve never been a hockey fan until I started watching the Preds in the playoffs this year and I’m totally into it now.
Who is your favorite athlete?
Nick Castellanos 😍
Have you ever been in love?
I have.
Do you currently love someone?
It’s unrequited and complicated so I just say no usually.
Do you want a relationship?
Not right now. In the future, yes.
How long was your longest relationship?
Over 2 years.
How long does it take for you to know you love someone?
Not long.
Is it special to you if your s/o meets your parents?
Depends on the situation. Like for my exes it wasn’t but if I started dating someone in Tennessee it would be different cause my parents live 500+ miles away.
Do you watch Game of Thrones?
I’ve watched parts of it.
Have you ever been to Michigan?
Lived here for most of the 22 years I’ve been alive.
Have you ever went on a road trip with a boyfriend?
Nick and I drove back to Michigan once but we were mad at each other the whole time so there's that.
Do you support abortion?
I have no say over what someone else does with their body.
Are you an extrovert or an introvert?
Introvert hardore.
Glitter or feathers?
Daisies or buttercups?
Have you ever self harmed?
Are you more rational or emotional?
Emotional lmao.
What’s something you love to do but feel guilty about after/during?
Inevitably someone makes me feel bad every time I have sex with someone I’m not dating. 
Have you ever had sex with someone you weren’t dating (but had feelings for) in the hopes that they would ask you out later?
Lol, not for that reason, although I would love it if he did ask me out.
Do you ever turn your phone off because you don’t want to talk?
The only time I ever did that was after Ashlyn died because I was mad at Nick because he wouldn’t stop playing video games with his friends to come over.
Have you ever been to a gay pride parade?
Not a parade but I went to the pride festival in DC this past weekend.
Would you take your dream job if it were out of the country?
More than likely. I’m in a position where I could right now.
What is your zodiac sign?
What do you like to do when you’re home alone?
Sing very loudly.
Should the guy always pay for the date?
No. I’m hella independent and most of the time I hate when other people pay for shit.
What kind of music calms you down?
Most music calms me down.
Who did you last go to a park with?
I went walking on a path/river thing with sunshine this past weekend. It’s not really a park but like idk?
Have you ever been robbed?
My iPod got stolen when I was like 12.
When was the last time you were on an airplane?
Last week.
Are you currently crushing on someone? 
Do you think your crush likes you back?
I actually don’t know how he feels? I know he liked me at one time and then a thing happened and we accepted that we couldn’t actually be together but then we were together and it felt really right and I don’t know how he feels now.
Is anyone currently crushing on you?
Other than him probably not.
Have you ever been in a long term relationship? 
Yes two.
Have you ever been asked out? 
Have you ever asked someone out? 
I've pushed someone to ask me out but that’s the closest.
Have you ever kissed your crush? 
Has your crush ever kissed you? 
Are you more of a flirt or a hopeless romantic? 
Do you have a crush on the person you last kissed?
Have you ever confessed your feelings knowing they were unrequited? 
Lol story of my life.
If the person you like/love was with you right now, what would you say/do?
Um we would probably be cuddling and talking or kissing honestly. 
Have you ever broken up with someone? 
Have you ever been broken up with? 
Not officially. Only for a break and then he begged for me to take him back.
Do you like cuddling? 
Have you ever had romantic feelings for a best friend?
That’s usually how it works for me.
Tell me about your crush:
Hair color? 
Eye color? 
Brown or green(? I’m pretty sure they’re brown and I suck I know)
We’re the same age but he will not tell me his birthday so
He’s a little bit taller than me, he’s not scrawny but he’s not big either, like the perfect dad bod.
Clothing style? 
He barely has any clothes. He wears like jeans and t shirts and shorts he can find on sale basically. 
He's a TOTAL nerd and I’m so into it.
Computer stuff. He likes techy stuff and board games.
Are they your type? 
I don’t really have a type. He's got a killer personality and he’s SO sweet and charming and that’s what gets me. 
When did you started liking them? 
Like January I think?
Do you talk to him/her everyday? 
Not everyday.
Do you talk about them to your friends? 
Yes Colby lets me talk about him all the time.
Do you like hearing their voice? 
Yeah, it’s nice.
Do you like receiving text messages from them?
Um, yeah? That seems like a weird question.
Do you like their laugh/giggles? 
His laugh is adorable. 
When you see them, are you shy? 
NO he makes me feel so comfortable. I’ve never felt so comfortable around someone I wasn’t dating.
One day will you be with him/her?
Honestly, probably not but maybe?
Do you get jealous when he/she talks to the opposite sex? 
No. This is weird, but we actually encourage each other to get out there and be with other people since we really can’t have each other and we’ve accepted that.
Will you wait for him/her, to be yours?
I honestly don't want anything right now, so I’m willing to wait for now. Once I’m settled and know what I want in life I’ll move on if were still not together. 
Are they more shy or outgoing?  
He's outgoing
Y'all have the same group of friends?
Does your crush smell nice?  
I mean, yeah. He doesn’t wear cologne or body spray or anything but his normal human smell was nice?
Does your crush have a nice smile?
That goofy smile tho (yes).
Are they kind to you?  
Yes he is SO sweet it hurts.
Are y'all considered friends or acquaintances?  
We’re friends. 
When’s the last time you saw them?
Do you have their phone number?  
Yeah but we usually talk through snapchat.
Is your crush talkative or more of a listener?
He's a talker but he’s a good listener too.   
Can they speak more than one language?  
90% sure he can speak at least some German. 
Where did y'all meet?  
Do they live close to you?  
No. He's literally over 500 miles away.
Have you ever been to their house? How about their bedroom?
Yes and yes.
Do you even vaguely believe your crush is interested in you? 
I answered this earlier. It’s complicated.  
If given the chance, would you have sex with them?
Have you ever hugged or kissed your crush?  
Ever seen em naked? Do you wanna?  
I have, and I wouldn’t say no to doing it again.
Does your crush have long hair?  
No it’s super short.
Do you think you’ll lose contact with your crush within 5 years?
I hope not but maybe.
Is your crush more naughty or good/innocent?  
He can be both.
Is your crush gay/straight/bisexual/transgender?  
When I asked him he said “bi-ish” so 
Is your crush a freak? Sexually speaking…
I’d call it adventurous and experienced.
Is your crush a virgin?  
Do they have any pets?
Do they have a job? If so, where do they work?
Yes he has a job at a company which I’m not going to name. 
Do you know if they have an STD or not?
If he does he hasn’t told me, and it’s kind of common courtesy to tell someone you have an STD if you sleep with them sooooo   
What kind of music are they into?  
Um, rock probably? He also likes musicals so there’s that. 
Their fave color? If you don’t know just guess
His favorite color is blue (even though he’s blue/green colorblind). 
How long have you known em?  
Less than a year.
Their fave type of food? Guess if you don’t know
I don’t know but probably like burgers cause he tried to take me to a bar for food. 
When will you see your crush again?
Quite possibly never which is literally awful to think about. Hopefully sometime in the future.
Is your crush extremely confident?
He’s pretty confident.
What’s ultimately stopping you from making them yours?
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ziggypop · 7 years
Secret Santa! for @zigbadboy
@zigbadboy Hi! I’m your secret santa! I spent weeks crafting this piece, and it’s sort of a mash-up of a lot of things! (even though I’m an English major I detest my writing and had to literally cut out bits of admiring Zig bc tbh if he was real that’s all i would do???) Anyway, I hope you like it!
tl;dr: Zig comforts you after the house debacle. he sort of asks you to move in with him, prompting you to open up about how you never expected to find anyone like him and DECLARATIONS OF LOVE.
words: 1,175
Your eyes open to the soft sunlight of your room. You smile the moment your eyes drift to the soft brown muscles that make up your boyfriend’s stomach, partially cut off by your flowered comforter. Nothing can ruin moments like these, when you're able to completely ogle at how beautiful and how yours, how all-consuming and wonderful your love for him is without having him playfully make fun of you. Before long, you hear shouts from downstairs that force you to rise. You slip on a pair of gray sweatpants over your underwear. You would never normally sleep in just your underwear in this weather, but it’s just another reminder of last night—besides the Greek god-like figure still sleeping on your bed. Another round of hysterical shouting bolt Zig out of his sleep.
His chocolatey eyes are heavy with sleep, and he stretches his amazingly long limbs, groaning. “What’s wrong? Why the screaming?” he asks, his voice rough. Even though you’re worried about what’s happening downstairs, you really can’t help but marvel at the sight of your half-naked boyfriend on your heavy blanket, his bare feet just barely sticking out the bottom of the bed, his hair messy against the white pillow.
“Not sure, babe, but we really should get down there, despite how much I really want to stay in bed with you,” you lean down and kiss his left temple, grabbing his hand and pulling him up as you straighten.
Once you get downstairs, Zig in his clothes from the night before, the panic starts setting in as your roommates share the news. How? How can they just separate us with no notice? Where am I gonna go? You think frantically. You rush out the back door, feeling the stare of everyone on your back. Before long, you hear Zig’s Converse-clad shoes on the hardwood floors that you grew to love. Then, you see them next to you on the porch through the haze of tears.
“I can leave if you want… but maybe I can stick around and we can talk it out? I hate to see my sweet girl upset.” Your worried frown meets your boyfriend’s wide dark eyes, and you nod.
“I could really use a moment with you. You always seem to make me feel better,” you smile. But soon, the uncertainty of your situation sets in again, and your eyes fill with tears again. Zig wraps his strong arm around you, shielding yours from the crisp, cold air. You shiver in your thin camisole, struggling to hold them back. You lean your head against his leather-clad shoulder, sniffing the comforting scent of his cologne, the earthy, slightly sweet smell of the leather, and something that is just Zig. You take a deep breath. God, I’m turning into such a sap, you think.
Zig whispers reassuringly to you, “… and if nothing else… you could hang at my suite while you looked for a new place…” His sentence hangs in the winter air, and you’re so attuned to even the slight change in his tone that you notice how he hesitates. He’s nervous. You tear your eyes from your snow-covered backyard to look at him again.
“Are you asking me to move in with you, Zig Ortega?” You joke, wrapping your arms around his waist, aching to move closer to him. You shiver again, and instinctively after feeling your shudder, Zig wraps his other arm around you, rubbing his strong fingers against your arm in an attempt to get you warm. He struggles to meet your eyes, but a smile plays on his lips. The dimple on the left side of his face threatens to make an appearance, and you can’t help but bring your hand up to cradle his face. He leans himself into your touch, and his stubble rubs into your hand slightly. The pause is broken by his murmur as he finally meets your eyes and smiles, “Not yet— but, I want to.”
Your heart flutters in your chest. How could it be that he has the same powerful effect on you now as he did when he was just some hot, flirty barista?
His next words came out in a rush. “I get it if you don’t want to yet or ever but you’re the greatest woman I’ve ever met—besides my mom— and I just pictured it, y’know? Us living together, sleeping together, cooking together.” You wait for him to finish with an amused look on his face, feeling the love blossom in you, transforming your devastated tears into tears of happiness.
“Gosh, I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I’m so emotional!” you admit, wiping under your eyes with the back of your hands as fat tears roll down your cheeks. Your lips stretch into a wide smile, and you lean into Zig, your chest pressed against his side. Your lips, still half-smiling press into his. The hand that was already on his cheek reaches back to tangle in his hair— still messy from your love-making the night before. You open your mouth slowly and he immediately takes the hint, holding your tighter as he leans his own mouth towards you and slips his tongue between your parted lips. You break after a couple of moments, breathing heavily.
“You know this already, but high school wasn’t the best time for me when it came to love,” you say with an sudden intensity. I’m ready. I’m ready for whatever comes. I’m ready to put my heart into the hands of this gorgeous, sweet, smart, thoughtful, perfect boy, you think. “I know I haven’t given you much detail and it’s because it still kinda hurts. There was this guy who treated me like I was worth a billion bucks, and you know high school— my self esteem was already pretty low, so with all his sweet-talking I think I fell for him. But he was just using me to get to my friend.” Your voice breaks. Zig’s face is still inches from yours, and his eyes are a mixture of sadness for you and anger. He nods.
“Anyway— I sort of assumed I would always be the girl that no one picked. And I decided I didn’t want to be that, and so I wasn’t going to love. I wasn’t going to fall and love and hurt ever again.” You utter a shaky sigh, and Zig’s hands begin rubbing your back comfortingly.
“And then I met you.”
You smile, biting your lip. “The moment I walked into that coffee shop, I knew all my plans were shot to hell. I’ve never met anyone like you, so determined and incredible. You’re my favorite person in the world, and of course I want to move in with you! I-I love you.” You finally say it, and you are suddenly unable to meet his eyes, but his finger on your chin forced your face up, forces you to look into his earnest stare.
“I love you, too.” He says, before crashing his lips into yours into another passionate kiss.
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justeeyore-blog1 · 7 years
Tumblr media
↳ From the outside looking in, it’s kind of questionable why these two hang out when all they ever do is argue but Darla doesn’t see it as arguing. It’s more like... debating. They can find any topic to be on different sides of and honestly, she has fun giving her opinion and hearing theirs, even if sometimes she gets a little pissed off. [ ANY GENDER, ANY AGE, OPEN ]
↳ Just imagine them sneaking to each other’s dorms with a bottle of alcohol like “hey you wanna get wasted with me tonight” and the answer is always yes and maybe they play their own little games of beer pong and seeing who can take more shots and drunken emotional rambling and maybe they’re good friends or weird with each other when they’re not sharing alcohol idk man I just really want this connection and I don’t even know why?? [ ANY GENDER, ANY AGE, OPEN ]
▪ EXES !!
↳ I’m a sucker for exes plots. If you can’t tell. And Darla can have more than one sO. Give me “still pining for each other but watch me makeout with this stranger in front of you so it seems like I’m over what we had”. Give me “you were my first kiss” or “you were my first time” or “we worked better as friends but I still love you, just not in that way”. Give me “you cheated on me and you broke my heart”. Give me “we were really only friends with benefits but oops I caught feels”. Literally give me anything, I think it’s obvious I’m not picky. [ ANY GENDER, ANY AGE, OPEN ]
↳ They could have been born before or after the Addisons came along. They’ve got Eeyore’s last name so whether this kid goes by their dad’s surname or not it could still work and also I have been careful to not give him a name. It would work with an adopted kid, a kid whose dad left or even a kid who has him still in their life and honestly he could even be one of the Walt characters, I’d work around that. So much room for angst and also sweetness and it’d be fun. This connection would tie in with Daryl and Darby too though so ??? it’s a family affair lmao. [ ANY GENDER, ANY AGE, OPEN ]
↳ This is probably a common thing when they’re at parties or something or just hanging out and tipsy and bored idk kind of like friends with benefits except without the sex. Obviously. Maybe it means more to this person than it does her or maybe they both view it as no strings attached or maybe they have a girlfriend/boyfriend and she has no clue wow drama. [ ANY GENDER, ANY AGE, OPEN ]
↳ Not that Darla is against being with someone in a relationship, she isn’t even against cheating on the person she is in the relationship with, but she had no idea that they were dating anyone when they hooked up and now she’s found out they were together when this went down and she doesn’t know whether she should tell them or not. Bonus points if the victim was her friend. [ ANY GENDER, ANY AGE, OPEN ]
↳ They could go to clubs or just campus parties or ones that are being thrown by friends of friends. They could acknowledge each others’ existences outside of the party lifestyle or pretend they don’t know each other tbh that’s up to you and how well we think they’d actually get along when they weren’t out looking for trouble. [ ANY GENDER, ANY AGE, OPEN ]
↳ Darla has had a lot of these in the last year. Maybe it was a one time thing or maybe they had a sort of friends with benefit situation. We can plot all of that out to make it work for you better but I’m down with pretty much anything. [ ANY GENDER, 16-19, OPEN ]
↳ You know the type. [ ANY GENDER, ANY AGE, OPEN ]
↳ They could enjoy living together or absolutely hate it. Darla gets easily annoyed with people so there are many things they could do to bother her and honestly she wouldn’t be a great roommate because she’d be stumbling in drunk or having friends over and being loud and disrespectful unless she hit it off immediately with this roommate and felt bad about behaving that way. [ ANY GENDER, SOPHOMORE/JUNIOR, OPEN ]
↳ This one probably didn’t go so well. Or maybe it went great!! But they lost contact. And now they’re at the same school. And o boy the drama that could go down. [ ANY GENDER, ANY AGE, OPEN ]
↳ Your character has a crush? Darla’s got their back, boo. [ ANY GENDER, ANY AGE, OPEN ]
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itsthegameilike · 8 years
Tagged by @exy-king.  Thank you so much, dear!
Rules: answer all questions, add one question of your own and tag as many people as there are questions. 
1. coke or pepsi: Neither.  I really don’t like soda.  Like, at all.
2. disney or dreamworks: I love both so much.  I don’t wanna pick.  Probably Disney though, tbh
3. coffee or tea: Definitely coffee
4. books or movies: Books.  My books are my children.  I love them.
5. windows or mac: Uhhh...mac.  That’s what I have anyway.  Fun fact, macs have a shitty gaming situation, so I kind of want windows back but that’s a whole other story.
6. dc or marvel: I’m not a huge fan of either.  I suddenly know a lot more about DC because of one of the coolest ladies ever, so I guess DC?
7. x-box or playstation: I don’t have either one and it makes me sad.  I want a playstation though.
8. dragon age or mass effect: Dragon Age.  One hundred percent.  Course I’ve only played the second one...see shitty mac gaming situation.
9. night owl or early riser: Night owl.  Like, no question.  I hate mornings.
10. cards or chess: Cards.  I’m terrible at chess.  I’m kind of terrible at cards too but less terrible.
11. chocolate or vanilla: CHOCOLATE.  Chocolate is everything.
12. vans or converse:e Converse.
13. Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash, or Adaar: Oh did I wish I knew.  Yet again, see shitty gaming situation on mac computers.  I fucking need a gaming system is what I need, because you don’t know how badly I want to know which one I would pick.
14. fluff or angst: Both.  I can’t have one without the other.  I get super bored if it’s all of one thing.  Fluff is only good when it follows angst and angst is only good when it’s followed by fluff.
15. beach or forest: Beach.  I love the beach and the ocean.  So much.
16. dogs or cats: Both.  I adore them both so much.  They’re so pure.  Animals are so pure.
17. clear skies or rain: Uh...depends?  I miss clear skies right now because I’ve had five solid months of rain, but I always miss rain when I don’t have it.
18. cooking or eating out: Cooking.  Cooking is often very therapeutic for me.  Unless I’m so tired that I want to curl up in my bed and never leave.  Cooking is really hard then. 
19. spicy food or mild food: Mild food.  I’m a child.  I like basic as fuck flavors.
20. halloween/samhain or solstice/yule/christmas: Christmas.  I just love the atmosphere of Christmas.  It’s so fucking commercialized but I don’t even care.
21. would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot: Too cold, for sure.
22. if you could have a superpower, what would it be: Flying.  I stand by this and always will.  Though there are lots of good options.
23. animation or live action: Live action probably although animation has been making its case pretty well the past couple of years.
24. paragon or renegade: Can’t say I know.  Wish I did.
25. baths or showers: Showers.  Baths are so nice but I could not do them every single day.  Showers I can and they’re really important to my mental stability.
26. team cap or team ironman: Team cap, I guess.  I don’t know.  I don’t super care and I understand both sides, so...
27. fantasy or sci-fi: Fantasy.  Fantasy is everything to me.
28. do you have three or four favorite quotes, if so what are they:  1) “Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us dragons can be beaten.” --Neil Gaiman, Coraline 2) “So comes snow after fire, and even dragons have their endings.” --J.R.R. Tolkien, The Hobbit 3) “Words are, in my not-so-humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic.” --J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone 4) “I bet you could sometimes find all the mysteries of the universe in someone's hand.” -- Benjamin Alire Sáenz, Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe
29. youtube or netflix: Netflix.  I’m addicted to it.
30. harry potter or percy jackson: Harry Potter.  The series literally raised me.  But I super love Percy Jackson, too.
31. when you feel accomplished: When I actually fucking complete something that I started and wanted to start.  Helps if it’s in sort of a timely manner.
32. star wars or star trek: Star Trek, I think.
33. paperback books or hardback books: Fuck me, man.  Paperback because I’m poor and they’re cheaper, but I love hardback.  If I could afford hardback it’s all I would buy.
34. to live in a world without literature or without music?: Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahah ahah hah...uh? Without music?  No, I hate this.
35. who was the last person to make you laugh? My lovely, beautiful roommate.  She’s hilarious.  Just ask her.
36. which is better: sour or sweet candy? I like bothhhhhh...sour, probably.
37. do you believe in aliens? Yes.  It’s a big fucking universe, folks.
38. dawn or dusk? Dusk.  Only because I never see dawn.  Ever.  I think I would like it better, though.
39. piercings or tattoos? Tattoos.
40. OKAY SO I Wanna know: girls? Girls are beautiful and wonderful and I love them.  A lot.  Ninety percent of my relationships in life revolve around girls.  They’re everything.
41. volcanoes or black holes? Black holes.  I don’t know much about them, but I do know they’re fucking rad.
42. Favourite language (either to listen to, or that you can speak): French.  It’s so musical.  And has cool words and if it wasn’t so goddamn useless, I might try and learn it. 43. If you could have coffee with any person, dead or alive, who would you have it with? I tag: @coffeewithcaptainswan, @hsincerely, @le-lex, @deitean, @begiuls, @darkheartseer, @echoesthroughthemists, @kai-idth, @aristos-acryin
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