Kate / 30 / cishet married scum / can't stop blogging about: cosplay, various animated TV shows, the natural sciences, grad school and evolutionary biology PhD hell (ask me anything, especially about science and academia!)
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Of all the cities to be a costume enthusiast in, I'm lucky to call New Orleans home. It's hard trying to convey the feeling of being a rock star for a day, all eyes on you, as everyone goes nuts for throws. On the other hand, two thirds of my Thursday night biology lab students are ditching me for the siren song of the Muses... ~ #kreweofkingarthur #kreweofkingarthurandmerlin #hailkingarthur #neworleansmardigras #stcharlesavenue #mardigrasparade #mardigras #mardigras2019💜💚💛 #mardigrasneworleans #carnivale #paradefloat #floatrider #tinselwig (at Uptown, New Orleans) https://www.instagram.com/p/BuVNRytD6Po/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1hokfylx8s1ur
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LET'S DO THIS! ~ #kreweofkingarthur #kreweofkingarthurandmerlin #krewelife #kreweloveistruelove #mardigras #mardigrasparade #mardigras2019💜💚💛 #neworleansmardigras #carnivale #tinselwig #purplegreenandgold #floatrider #paradehair (at Uptown, New Orleans) https://www.instagram.com/p/BuRaxpeD44e/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=4cl4rgi32p63
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This hits too close to home because today, on Christmas of all days, my husband's uncle decided to start shit with me because I told him I didn't want to be referred to as Mrs. [Husband's name]. He even made a callout post on Facebook and everything trying to brush it off as him trying to make a joke and I had to straight up block him. Here I am, minding my own business 700 miles away, and some old butthurt baby boomer decides he's mad because a lady he sees maybe once a year doesn't go by the name he wants her to? Yeah, I'm not the snowflake in this case, sorry.

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I don't think this is what the seller on Etsy intended when she sold patterns of toy dogs, but I finished Romero from Zombie Land Saga to go with my Tae Yamada outfit (coming spring 2019). ~ #cosplayprops #cosplayaccessories #cosplaywip #romerothepoodle #zombielandsaga #taeyamada #taeyamadacosplay #zombielandsagacosplay #louisianacosplayer #plushies #fleece #stuffedanimal #zombies #zombiedog https://www.instagram.com/p/BrybZ_LjOTi/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=7328nw13hfvt
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Being the D&D party's official fabricator is a heavy burden, carrying the DM's secrets until the very last second such as "oh yeah by the way, the big bad boss is a gargantuan black dracolich, I made it to scale out of EVA foam scraps. Even a polymorphed Tyrannosaurus is tiny next to it. Medium sized figurines can fit in its mouth. I wanted it to be on the colossal side of gargantuan, y'know? More threatening that way. I could have 3D printed it, but it wouldn't be as big." . #dungeonsanddragons #dnd #dnd5e #dndminiatures #dndminis #dungeonsanddragons5e #dracolich #tabletopgaming #penandpaperrpg #blackdragon #evafoam #foamfanatic (at Go 4 Games) https://www.instagram.com/p/BrAJT0En9Wb/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1eznzqt4fzkvi
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Fill in your own cosplay-related context! For me, it's LED light jokes. #cosplaylife #backonmybullshit #4monthslater https://www.instagram.com/p/BqeWG4mDNy0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=13p655ur7ggsy
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Revamped my Nana Shimura costume in time for CONtraflow! New wig, new gloves from scratch, redesigned waist cape. #contraflow2018 #contraflow8 #mhacosplay #bnhacosplay #nanashimura #nanashimuracosplay #nanashimuracosplayer #cosplay #myheroacademiacosplay #bokunoheroacademiacosplay #louisianacosplayer (at Hilton New Orleans Airport) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqQyLrfjd-T/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=z34feaym40l4
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If you think All Might doesn’t dive like this, you’re wrong
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Which turkey hat should I wear to class on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving? Cooked or live? Picture 3: vigilante art spotted in the wilds of Target. #thanksgiving #turkey #turkeyhat #turkeyhatswag #friendsgiving https://www.instagram.com/p/Bp_AoFajDnG/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1x0h80952pmst
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Happy N7 Day! Who's ready to party like it's 2699? #masseffectandromeda #masseffect #n7 #n7day #pathfinderryder #pathfinderrydercosplay #cosplayersofinstagram #cosplay #cosplaycostume #cosplayprops #3dprinting #bioticgod https://www.instagram.com/p/Bp455Y1jDKj/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1oyh5vuvs9ti9
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It’s sad that toxic game culture is so prevalent cuz like. As someone who has ended up in random matches with kids before, I can attest to how fucking easy it is to reverse and un-teach shitty attitudes in kids.
Example: I downloaded Friday the 13th because it’s free on psn. I dunno how to play, so I just enter quick play and I’m matched with 3-4 kids on mic. Immediately on mic they’re shitty and disparaging to each other. They laugh at each others deaths, they actively work against team mates and self sabotage, they call each other “fags”, etc. From the sounds of the voices they cannot be older than 13-14.
I put on my mic and just decide I ain’t havin it. I am nice. I thank them for barricading doors or leaving me items. When they break free from Jason’s grasp I say “good job!” or I try to help them. One kid survived for most of the match by himself. When he dies, I tell him he did a fantastic job.
The mood shift is practically INSTANT. These kids almost immediately stop being dick heads. They start encouraging each other and being kind. After the match all of them try to friend request me. Which should tell you a couple of things:
A) kids want to be kind, and they want to have a nice time playing games. But encounters with adults like me or so rare that they’ve trained themselves to instantly put on a toxic, shitty, defensive veneer when encountering any new person online. It’s literally just THAT EASY to not groom a horrible gaming community, it’s just that NO ONE does it.
B) the speed of which they all tried to friend me was cute, but paints for me such a sad picture? Like these kids are SO desperate to find people to play with who aren’t crappy jerks. They played with me for 10 minutes TOPS and all instantly tried to reach out to me.
tl;dr: The kids are alright. Adults are shit heads.
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The Boku No Hero Academia Season 3 Vol. 4 DVD comes with a drama CD track where All Might and Aizawa go drinking together, only to be interrupted by Present Mic and Midnight and hilarity ensues. Here’s my translation of the track! Enjoy~ **Note: In case the audio doesn’t work, here’s another link.
All Might: Good work out there, Aizawa-kun!
Aizawa: Same to you, All Might.
All Might: Haha, well then, let’s cheers!
Aizawa: Cheers? For what?
All Might: Hmm, how about for a successful meeting with all the different families?
Aizawa: I guess. It was rather good news to hear that all students’ parents agreed to allowing them to enter the dormitories.
All Might: To the new homes for the kids!
Aizawa: To the mentality of the teachers who will need to monitor these kids all the time now.
All Might & Aizawa: Cheers!
All Might (to himself): All right- this is a good mood! I’m going to be even better friends with Aizawa-kun after this dinner outing today! All Might, you gotta push past the walls of Aizawa-kun’s heart! GO BEYOND, PLUS ULTRA!!
All Might (to himself): Or on second thought…probably not then.
Present Mic: What’s with that face, Eraser? If you’re gonna go drink, at least let me know, yo! This bad water is foul, man!
Aizawa: Go home!
Present Mic: Woah, that was SO COOL! Kinda a stiff reaction though. Anyway, I’m kinda thirsty, so imma drink your beer. *gulp* OHH YEAHH! DRINKING A BEER AFTER WORK REALLY MAKES ME GO TO HEAVEN!!!!!
Aizawa: GO HOME!
All Might: Haha, so by showing up here out of the blue, I’m guessing you come here often to drink?
Present Mic: Well I try to invite Eraser to come but he always rejects me, what kind of idiot does that?
Aizawa: Heh, you mean the type who literally asks me every day?
Present Mic: Man, your follow up is so bad, my friend. Makes things awkward, yo!
Aizawa: If that’s so then GO HOME.
*door opens*
Midnight: Good evening. Oh what? All Might, Eraser, and Mic are here?
All Might: Oh, Midnight-kun!
Present Mic: Hey there young lady! You joined in at a good time! Come over here and drink with us! GO TO HEAVEN!!!
Aizawa: You’re the one who came after us, don’t just take charge.
Aizawa: Midnight, here’s another round of your tequila.
Midnight: Thanks! *gulp* AHAA!!
All Might: You’re quite strong with alcohol.
Midnight: Yeah, I don’t feel like drinking until my stomach gets warm from the alcohol.
Present Mic: AS EXPECTED OF U.A.’S QUEEN TANK! It would be awesome if the alcohol really doesn’t affect you!
Midnight: Mic, if you’re going to be using weird slang to refer to me, I’m going to pour all this tequila on you.
Aizawa: Do it.
Present Mic: Hey my friend, that’s not very friendly of you to say! After all, I was the one who gave you the hero name Eraserhead! I came up with such a cool hero name, too!
Aizawa: Well if that’s so then I should have just changed my name.
Present Mic: To “Small Energy Sho-chan?”
Aizawa: Shut up!
Midnight: Mic, the tequila?
Present Mic: AGAIN!?
All Might: Midnight-kun, perhaps you should drink in moderation…
Midnight: What are you saying, All Might? I’m not even drunk at all! Mic, the tequila!! What are you waiting for?
Present Mic: Ah yes! Here you go!
Midnight: *drunk giggling* All Might, try drinking this!
All Might: Oh uh…I don’t really…drink much…you see…
Midnight: *laughs* Okay fine, Eraser drink this.
Aizawa: Uh, what is this?
Midnight: It’s my original concoction! A cocktail made of cocktails!
Aizawa: Why on earth would you do that?
Midnight: That’s because normal alcohol is boring! Alcohol is the same as life- an adventure with experiences you must repeat lest you get rusty! You agree with me, right Mic?
Present Mic: Wha- uhh…somewhat?
Midnight: Exactly, so that’s why you gotta drink up, Eraser! Experience something new!
Aizawa: Nope.
Midnight: You’re such a boring guy! You must be boring in bed, too!
Aizawa: I sleep in a sleeping bag.
Present Mic: *whispering* All Might, this is Midnight’s drunken state. She always makes disgusting cocktails and forces people to drink them.
All Might: I…I see. That’s terrifying.
Midnight: MIC!
Present Mic: WHAT?!
Present Mic: Ughh no thank you! That cocktail has all the worst ingredients mixed in that with a suspicious dark color, a color that says DO NOT DRINK ME!
Present Mic: *gulps* UGHH!!
Midnight: AHAHA! Hey Mic, tell us how was the taste?
Present: Goo…
Midnight: Goo…d?
Present Mic: Bye…*faints*
Midnight: AHAHAHA! It was so good he fainted!
Aizawa: More like definitely die.
All Might: Well then, I’ll take my leave now. Don’t want to drink too much…
Midnight: Okay! Hey Mic, All Might’s leaving now!
Present Mic: Augughhghg!!
All Might: Yeah, definitely don’t want to drink too much…
*running* Aizawa: All Might!
All Might: Oh, is something wrong, Aizawa-kun?
Aizawa: Uh, thank you very much.
All Might: Eh?
Aizawa: I’m uh…drunk right now so…well. I probably wouldn’t say this if I wasn’t drunk, but…I’ll say it anyway. Because you fought for us at Kamino Ward, because you defeated All For One for us, I will do my part and look after the students as much as I can.
All Might: Aizawa-kun…
Aizawa: That’s why I want to thank you for everything.
All Might: Aizawa-kun, let’s watch over the students from here on out together.
Aizawa: Anyway, when I sober up, I’ll probably forget everything I said while drunk, NEVER MENTION WHAT I JUST SAID!
All Might: Ah…sure…
Aizawa: I’m counting on you. See ya.
All Might: A drunk Aizawa-kun is a “deretsun**?” **T/N: The deretsun line is funny because a deretsun is the opposite of a tsundere, where they act nice and cute to others but then very cold when alone with someone. I think All Might mixed this word up, which could be intentional to show he’s “not with the times” lol
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Guesting at events would be great and all, but my real joy is in teaching others how to make their own stuff. Here are the results from our first armor workshop at Tulane's anime club meeting. #cosplayworkshop #cosplayarmor #evafoam #foamfanatic #foamprops #foamarmor #cosplaynewbie #pipboy (at Tulane University) https://www.instagram.com/p/BpJl1DYjJBN/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1wr9gwxwl8do
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I still think that my favorite urban legend/folklore fact is that there are certain areas in New Orleans where you cannot get a taxi late at night not because it isn’t safe, but because taxi companies have had recurring problems of picking up ghosts in those areas who are not aware that they are dead and disappearing from the cab before reaching the destination and therefore stiffing the driver on the fare causing a loss for the company.
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