#cant stop obsessing over it
purple-falls · 1 year
Can't stop looking at old pictures of what my body used to look like 😔 I wish I cared less about gaining weight/size and all that bullshit.
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monhiio · 5 months
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whoops gay awakening part xx
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I think i fell out of dca obsession:(((((((
Now i dont know what to do with myself
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sandandtears · 5 days
supernatural brainrot is so bad that I'll pause supernatural then start to consume more supernatural content on my phone or on my PC or on my laptop. Supernatural brainrot is so bad that it's literally all I'm consuming
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melooooo17 · 1 month
@openphrase123 your fanfic(s but i mainly made art of the mira and siffrin one because i cant remember words for the life of me for i do not speak french) IS???? ? SO GOOD. SO GOOD IM FOAMING AT THE MOUTH finally something to look forward to in the week fr
Mild spoilers for it ig!! But nothing too explicitly groundbreaking i dont think it'll kill your mom to look at these without having read the ff first
Don't mind the shit quality i??? I drew all these so fast theyre kinda shit and i have yet to fully acclamate isat to my artstyle so it's mid
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Teehee me when i make shitty rushed fanart to show my appreciation that i cannot put into words for my faovorite games and also authors
peep the rant in the tags
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bloodbrown · 4 months
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oh my god kiss me please. kiss me please
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Tomarry AU
Where Tom wakes up in a world as a canon fodder, no named villain who is fated to die a horrible death in the hands of the hero. He is that one villain that is just destined to die and oh boy, does he hate it.
And so, like the logical man he is; he decides to kill the hero. Or to be more precise, he tries to. But, he is stopped. No, no not by the hero. The hero is weak, still. He hasn't gone through his “character development arc” which happens after the hero's best friend dies. And you see, that is the problem. The problem is the hero's best friend. Everytime, every single time, when Tom is sure that he will be successful, that damn Harry Potter has to come running.
Poison? Harry is the one who gets poisoned because he decides to eat what was meant for the hero. Assassination? Harry pushes the hero away. A burning tower? Harry jumps in and saves the guy.
And Tom hated that guy. The guy who literally wasn't given a personality in the book. The guy who's personality was basically "sacrificed himself for the hero". The guy who looks at Tom like he knows what he is doing. The guy, Harry Potter was infuriating.
But does it stop Tom from killing the main character? No. Cue to him making the most convoluted plan there is to get the hero to die. And the plan? Get Harry kidnapped. And lure the hero into a place where he could finally get him to die.
Alas, as always — it doesn't work. And just like always, Harry Potter finds a way to destroy his plans. Again.
“I know what you are, Riddle.” Harry, with blood dripping down his chin and green eyes glowing (always glowing), says as he stares at him from the place Tom had him tied.
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redysetdare · 2 months
Y'know me never believing love at first sight makes a lot more sense once I realized I was AroAce.
I was the annoying kid who would always go "Um actually it's infatuation not love." when "love" songs came on that was about one night stands or men finding women attractive on first meeting and saying that they were in love or whatever.
I am so AroAce that even younger me knew this Love nonsense was bullshit.
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labotor · 2 years
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recent + old scarecrow art dump 🎃
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huellitaa · 5 months
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chat is this flirting am i being flirted with
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carro-carrot · 1 month
Going absolutely ballistic! The trailer was so good and evokes so many theories. I can't wait for the movie it's gonna be fire🔥🔥🔥
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medicalunprofessional · 9 months
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sorry for greebleposting but you should download stimuli with me.
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sapphic--kiwi · 1 year
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flight at sunrise 🌅
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psychicbluebirdmiracle · 11 months
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ok so i was reading the very first comic with dick grayson Detective Comics #38
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kikitata2 · 7 months
It is nearly 3 AM as I am writing this, so I do sincerely apologise for how deranged and unhinged I will be.
I fucking can’t stop thinking about those two, like I swear to god the amount of chemistry these two have with each other is just making my mind go DHOWODHPHWIDHUIHDOWHOJIODHUSAHOSAXUIAHSDJDAOFHFEOJFJOJWEJOFWEJOJWFOJOFEJOEFJOOWDJWODEJOWOJDSADJOAO
I have important university work to do, and I genuinely need to get myself into a better sleeping schedule because god is it inconsistent af (like half of the time I will actually give myself a long night’s rest, and then the other half I’m just like kahedbkjeadasdojioasdijaidsojajod). But no, my fucking brain is just too busy thinking about the Morphanna ship to even think straight.
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For god fucking rat’s furry ass sake I love these two way too much to the point where it’s just beyond feral and unhealthy.
Sorry I know I’m being melodramatic as fuck, but I just need to get this out of my system because it’s making my mind bubble up and shit.
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wexhappyxfew · 2 months
thinking deeply about vivian ratcliff. grew up in fort collins, colorado with a good family, a good childhood, filled with many homemade dinners and pastries after meals and flowers in pretty, passed-through-generations vases. her family had a big farm that’s been there for hundreds of years through the ratcliff family and she spent many summers riding horses, tending to the cows, chickens, pigs and her ma’s honeybee farm. they make quite the profit. she’s kind and conscientious, aspiring teacher, and a happy-go-lucky, calm-cool-and-collected type of girl. she’s content with where she is in life. and she wants to do things, see new places, read and learn all there is. and then she meets boyfriend-turned-future-husband when her dad needs a handy-man and james pennington shows up. she attends the university of washington and completes a program for teaching but goes into the military after graduation because of an opportunity to shoot and fly - and, with a war on, she could kill two birds with one stone and see the world and do something for it at the same time. with her parents a little less than happy and her boyfriend shipping out to the navy, viv takes this in stride. heading to utah, she gets a gig on a plane as a turret gunner before being accepted into Silver Bullets under captain birdie faulkner, the first female pilot of the war for america. the crew builds up, the friendships form and Silver Bullets is the finest B-17 there is. she writes to james, she keeps up with her family and friends back home, she goes to the flying club, and takes early morning runs around base. she’s content. things are good.
then, captain faulkner is KIA. flying a regular bombing run - freak accident with the shrapnel flying through the air. killing her right in the midst of the sky. viv remembers how numbed and equally freaked out francis was - how’d she manage to land a plane and maintain composure? lieutenant annie bradshaw is the newest replacement and finds herself next as the newest pilot of Silver Bullets. viv thinks things are okay, things are looking up.
then, a letter comes in. james pennington is KIA. her world seems to shatter. everything seems to crack open and equally fall apart. she’s half in a spiral and half trying to keep it together in front of everyone else. no one should see her like this. she hardly wants to see herself like this. annie bradshaw and the rest of the crew seems to pull her through; most surprisingly, so does everett blakely. he was always more in the background, a handshake, a comforting pat on the shoulder, willing to check in and move on his way. an all-around gentleman. then, she starts to notice him. at breakfast, at dinners, before missions, after missions, glances through the interrogation tables, before bed when cigarette butts were stubbed out and last minute conversations were held. everett blakely was always there.
then, the Silver Bullets crew is split across half of europe. and yet again, with 40% of the crew MIA, viv is sent to operations and is suddenly stepping into a world where her hands are filled more with pencils and papers and maps then a gun. yet again - without annie bradshaw and francis montez, who became a pilot for a new B-17 crew with quite an annoying co-pilot, viv feels more alone than ever. until ev blakely is there. always there. again. they grow closer than they ever had - breakfast together, sometimes even lunch and dinner, cigarette breaks, sharing coffee breaks, finding moments to take a glance throughout the operations room. moments viv didn’t think much of. until she was heading out for the night and ev invited her to the flying club for a drink and a dance.
and then the war ended. and everyone went their separate ways. and reality hit. and it hit hard. james pennington’s funeral, the reality that the man she was going to marry is now dead, and her family, torn at the edges, crumbling. she’s hurt, filled with a grief she can’t untangle and is lost between what to do and what else there is left for her. until everett blakely starts writing. and doesn’t stop writing. writing the Silver Bullets girls were on thing, but writing ev blakely was different - in his words, his phrases, what he talked about.
they decide to meet, and everything comes flooding back. like the crash of high waves, just as fast, just as harshly. and she doesn’t feel herself turn away like she would. and suddenly, she doesn’t want him to leave. and for the first time in her life, he doesn’t. he stays.
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