wexhappyxfew · 1 month
thinking deeply about vivian ratcliff. grew up in fort collins, colorado with a good family, a good childhood, filled with many homemade dinners and pastries after meals and flowers in pretty, passed-through-generations vases. her family had a big farm that’s been there for hundreds of years through the ratcliff family and she spent many summers riding horses, tending to the cows, chickens, pigs and her ma’s honeybee farm. they make quite the profit. she’s kind and conscientious, aspiring teacher, and a happy-go-lucky, calm-cool-and-collected type of girl. she’s content with where she is in life. and she wants to do things, see new places, read and learn all there is. and then she meets boyfriend-turned-future-husband when her dad needs a handy-man and james pennington shows up. she attends the university of washington and completes a program for teaching but goes into the military after graduation because of an opportunity to shoot and fly - and, with a war on, she could kill two birds with one stone and see the world and do something for it at the same time. with her parents a little less than happy and her boyfriend shipping out to the navy, viv takes this in stride. heading to utah, she gets a gig on a plane as a turret gunner before being accepted into Silver Bullets under captain birdie faulkner, the first female pilot of the war for america. the crew builds up, the friendships form and Silver Bullets is the finest B-17 there is. she writes to james, she keeps up with her family and friends back home, she goes to the flying club, and takes early morning runs around base. she’s content. things are good.
then, captain faulkner is KIA. flying a regular bombing run - freak accident with the shrapnel flying through the air. killing her right in the midst of the sky. viv remembers how numbed and equally freaked out francis was - how’d she manage to land a plane and maintain composure? lieutenant annie bradshaw is the newest replacement and finds herself next as the newest pilot of Silver Bullets. viv thinks things are okay, things are looking up.
then, a letter comes in. james pennington is KIA. her world seems to shatter. everything seems to crack open and equally fall apart. she’s half in a spiral and half trying to keep it together in front of everyone else. no one should see her like this. she hardly wants to see herself like this. annie bradshaw and the rest of the crew seems to pull her through; most surprisingly, so does everett blakely. he was always more in the background, a handshake, a comforting pat on the shoulder, willing to check in and move on his way. an all-around gentleman. then, she starts to notice him. at breakfast, at dinners, before missions, after missions, glances through the interrogation tables, before bed when cigarette butts were stubbed out and last minute conversations were held. everett blakely was always there.
then, the Silver Bullets crew is split across half of europe. and yet again, with 40% of the crew MIA, viv is sent to operations and is suddenly stepping into a world where her hands are filled more with pencils and papers and maps then a gun. yet again - without annie bradshaw and francis montez, who became a pilot for a new B-17 crew with quite an annoying co-pilot, viv feels more alone than ever. until ev blakely is there. always there. again. they grow closer than they ever had - breakfast together, sometimes even lunch and dinner, cigarette breaks, sharing coffee breaks, finding moments to take a glance throughout the operations room. moments viv didn’t think much of. until she was heading out for the night and ev invited her to the flying club for a drink and a dance.
and then the war ended. and everyone went their separate ways. and reality hit. and it hit hard. james pennington’s funeral, the reality that the man she was going to marry is now dead, and her family, torn at the edges, crumbling. she’s hurt, filled with a grief she can’t untangle and is lost between what to do and what else there is left for her. until everett blakely starts writing. and doesn’t stop writing. writing the Silver Bullets girls were on thing, but writing ev blakely was different - in his words, his phrases, what he talked about.
they decide to meet, and everything comes flooding back. like the crash of high waves, just as fast, just as harshly. and she doesn’t feel herself turn away like she would. and suddenly, she doesn’t want him to leave. and for the first time in her life, he doesn’t. he stays.
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upsidedog · 1 year
god the scene in season one where jonathan comes home to joyce and lonnie on the couch drinking together is harrowing. it makes me want to cry just thinking about it, your brother is dead, your mom is horrible mental state and is now also introducing your abusive father back into your house. what a fucking nightmare.
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t4tstarvingdog · 8 months
trying to find the metaphysical vegetable that may bring me less despair
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automatic-midnight · 1 year
I appreciate the dedication the writers of Adolescence of Utena had to still include Juris gay pining no matter what. Like yeah, we’re gonna have this insane story where Utena turns into a car, and we’re going to condense the entire plot of rgu into a borderline completely different story, but we absolutely cannot forget to include Juri and her crush on her friend who hates her. That’s what needs to be in this movie, no question we cannot change this part at all.
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pathetic-gamer · 8 months
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amatres · 4 months
if i cant have eloise and theo i Will happily take eloise and cressida i will admit
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crimeronan · 2 years
orpheus sucked. i've said it before and i'll say it again: if you loved her you wouldn't look. rip to eurydice girl if you were married to ME i'd walk straight out of hell and keep walking and if i never saw you again it would be okay because i'd know you were alive and carry that with me and none of the rest of it would matter because THAT'S WHAT LOVE IS and anything else makes my skin crawl. your husband fuckin SUCKSSSSS dude i'm so sorry. i'm so sorry an ugly bitch would do you like that i'm SO s
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Dragon Age thought of the day with Veilguard spoilers:
I am trying to not get my hopes up about the Inquisitor's appearance in the game, because like, Hawke was pretty underwhelming and even they had the blue-purple-red personality way to handle their non-player-controlled dialogue. The Inquisitor has nothing like that, but I doubt we'd get to choose the Inquisitor's dialogue because they want the game to be accessible to new players - unless that's also a choice at the beginning of the game, whether or not you control the Inquisitor, but I doubt that too--
Anyway so I'm trying to have low expectations but like. The fact that the Lighthouse, Rook's base, is/was also Solas' base? I need the Inquisitor to show up there. I need Ena to barge in and start rifling through all the corners of Solas' bachelor pad. Rook is like "hey, I know Varric was friends with this guy, and Harding says you had, um, history, but he's still kinda a god, right, and maybe we shouldn't piss him off" (as if I as Rook will not also do the same thing in my gameplay).
And Ena, who's been pulling all the books off the shelves to see what Solas is reading and then shaking the books to see if he's got any loose papers hidden in there, is like "Listen. He owes me this much. Oh, he's got some of Varric's new releases here! I can't believe he's still reading them, Dorian, listen" - because she has Dorian on speakerphone while she's here, of course - "oh, I have been looking for a copy of this treatise on dragon physiology forever, Rook I'm taking this when I leave, by the way--"
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californiaquail · 2 months
reading my journal from my freshman year of high school when i was in the cult
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meatriarchived · 1 year
sometimes i think about how things were in the weeks that maria first went missing, but back home - not her while she's under johnny's thumb but rather how her mother and ana and other family took her going missing.
the dread that settles in when you get a knock on the door and its a pair of detectives / officers who've come to tell you that they've found your childs' car abandoned off in the middle of nowhere, with most of her things still inside but zero trace of her. how it looks like its been sitting out there, seemingly for just shy of how long it had been since they last got a call from her letting them know where she was, that she was alright. how the worry over the weeks from not hearing from her turns into horror and fear and panic and grief at all those what happened scenarios flooding the mind - of peoples speculations being voiced crassly in front of them.
how desperate ana must have been for literally any trace to come forward about maria, that she took it upon herself to track down where her friends from uni were probably in hopes initially that maybe they'd heard from or seen her at all. and then to let them know that the searches aren't going well, that theyve heard whispers that they're planning to simply stop them altogether. the anger she must feel that her sister isnt being cared for as a person, just another file some badged man can toss into a file cabinet and forget about.
and then i think about the broadcasts. of the pleads from maria's family to continue looking for her, to come forward with literally anything at that point. how their mother probably could barely sputter out any words, but ana takes over and so clearly begs and demands that her sister not be forgotten, that they keep the searches for her going, that she isn't just a number or a piece of paper she's a living breathing person who deserves so much more than to be shelved and scoffed at. how ana probably said things along the lines of "we aren't giving up on you, we will find you - we are going to keep looking for you we are never going to stop, even if it takes months, even if it takes years, we will find and bring you home".
how hard of a hit on their mothers' health all the stress probably took, ana having to juggle trying so desperately to find maria while also trying to be reassuring and positive with their mother to keep her hopeful, keep her healthy.
how their father showed up after word of her going missing reached him, guilt-ridden and angry but just wanting to help in any way he could.
how danny grabbed all his things and returned to town the moment he was updated from being down by the coastlines for his trade school. how he left within the hour and drove cross-state to get there and help however he could. his anger and frustration so evident on him, fighting with it to try and stay a pillar for ana and mrs flores given his long-term friendship with maria and her family.
just. all of the absolute chaos of those weeks, the floating in nothingness, waiting by phones for it to ring with really any news at all. the friends getting together to scour over all the recent places they all knew or could speculate she may have gone to and traveling so aimlessly to every single one of them - looking for literally any kind of scraps they could possibly find.
the hopeless feeling after so many of them turned up with nothing.
and then tie all of this up with the idea that local sheriffs / police depts are covering things up - hiding or destroying evidence, silencing any potential witness, doing everything in their power to not let anything get out because they already know whose involved, and theyre already bent at the knee in submission to these people out in the middle of nowhere with scrawling acres upon acres of property.
its just all heartbreaking to me.
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quietwingsinthesky · 6 months
i have many many thoughts about rose & tentoo and how their relationship would evolve in this verse. about how you can't just take the love you have for one person and put it on someone else. not even a clone, a regeneration, a metacrisis. about how that doesn't mean you can't love them, or that you can't fall in love with them the same way, but that love has to be for them.
#it is relevant it just isn't relevant. right now.#but i do think about them a lot.#i think about them still living their lives after even leaves. think about rose and donna bonding. think about rose working for torchwood#and seeing a new side to jack and new sides to herself as well because she has to be there for the whole CoE thing.#think about tentoo transitioning because she is trans have i mentioned she's trans yet. she is. even doesn't know that yet because they#weren't there but they will someday.#i think about them all being at donna's wedding. and about a rose noble who grows up knowing the woman she took her name from.#they're a fambly..........#i think about rose actually not keeping the whole doctor/aliens/mind wipe for your own protection/etc thing from tentoo for very long#about how working through both that being kept from her but also how it was killing rose to do that. how rose had to tell her.#is a fundamental part of what they build everything on now. they grow together.#i think about donna missing someone who isn't there and how sometimes with tentoo she feels a little better but it isn't exactly right#and how as time goes on. that feeling goes away more and more. her grief over losing the doctor *increases* as tentoo grows into a differen#person. she is still. fundamentally. the doctor. but she is also johanna tyler. and donna loves her. and still misses the doctor.#and i think. a lot. about that empty space that even leaves behind. about how they aren't there for donna's wedding.#about how they aren't there when rose noble is growing up. about how they disappear one day and no one ever tells rose or donna#or johanna or *any of them* what happened. i think about how they put up missing posters. i think about how rose holds her breath#for a whole year because hell the doctor got it wrong once with her. maybe they're just late. maybe they'll be back in time for christmas.#but even doesn't come back. they keep a picture of even on the mantel. and they do set an extra plate at christmas. just in case.#a lot of times it stays empty but they sometimes have other impromptu guests. martha and mickey and jack. jack comes by a lot.#couldn't keep him away if they tried really. sarah jane comes sometimes too. (sky babysitting rose noble. ough.)#something about. the doctor does have a family out there. if he'd only come home to them.#so does even. they're both going to have to go back sometime. face the music. sit down for dinner.#there's still time. there's still time.#dw oc
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lesbiansanemi · 2 months
Man inventory at work drained the fucking life out of me cuz it’s miserable anyways but also they completely fuck over my entire schedule for it by making me stay until 11 when normally I’m off by 6:30 so I’m exhausted and had a migraine all day yesterday and now apparently my great grandma is dying can I just like. Chill for a few days or something. Jesus Christ. Let me nap and play a video game or something
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meggettes · 7 months
my mom died a year ago
#grief#technically I’m about 4 hours early from the exact tod but yeah#i was probably up til 3:30 or so that night#I could double check bc i wrote a journal entry that night when i couldn’t fall asleep#it’s been 365 really busy days but shit right now it feels like no time has passed at all#but shoutout to palliative care nurses everywhere#and mad props to the oncologists doing bonkers scifi treatments and trials#keep up the good work#mom’s final cancer was a hell of an eldrich beast but medicine keeps developing#and bringing on night nurses for those last three nights of hospice was such a help and a comfort I don’t think I have words for#someone asked me earlier in the afternoon if i was through it having been a year and all#and i straight up said No I Am Still In The Thick Of It#my cousin (who lost her dad/my uncle 8ish years prior) said at the funeral reception “it doesn’t get better”#and she was right#it doesn’t get any better at all#you just get used to it#the lack of that person becomes familiar#even though your connection to them still feels active#like a phantom limb#it still feels horribly horrendously wrong that she’s gone#the world is certainly poorer in her absence#if I could offer any advice for anyone it would be to talk to your loved one(s) about this all ahead of time#don’t wait til they get sick don’t wait til they get old or whatever#start talking through it now#(certainly legally but also logistically)#unfortunately it’s a certainty that you will lose the person most important to you#or they will lose you#so don’t hide from it or put it off. it’s part of any relationship. it’s there and no one can escape it.#but yeah#right now this hurts
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saipng · 1 year
stewy cracking a joke and making kendall genuinely laugh during their talk….. tom making snide little comments to greg during the speech that had him cracking smiles…. say what you will, but that’s certified bestie behavior
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ruvi-muffin · 2 years
my grandmother is dead and i don't see a point to living anymore
Frankly i think that's a normal ass emotion to have bc my grandma's fckn dead
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brawlqueen · 1 year
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usually, you're able to bottle up your emotions and ignore the frustrations. but, after weeks of shoving everything down, your body needs a release, and i pity the poor person who managed to piss you off. it's screaming crying, shouting, kicking lockers, whatever you can do to get it out of your system. it's a whole jean grey moment, fire and fury blasting out of you.
tagged by / stolen from: @bonescribes / @nostomannia tagging: @zelotae @nulltune @beatgod @saizansha @colnerys @hymnblood @nephilimborn @auburniivenus @ofpersistence @sheyearns + you!
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