#cant believe it’s tomorrow I’m actually losing my mind
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My predictions for the rest of His Man are that Junseong and Sungho continue to be disgustingly in love and (hopefully) are still in a relationship, I truly think they fit each other really well. I think Seonwoo will eventually give in to Yeonghee and end up with him at the end of the show bc he’s said before Yeonghee is his type and I feel like while he’s worried how others will view their age difference and while I’m not totally convinced he has feelings for Yeonghee, he likes being liked and Yeonghee is gonna continue to like him. I feel like Seonwoo might be someone who develops stronger feelings in a relationship than before it. As for Minsung, I think he wants to choose Hyungjun, but the love triangle and Hyungjun’s lifestyle are stressing him out so badly I would not be surprised if he ends up choosing neither of them. He clearly does not like being put in the middle of drama and obviously he could end the drama by just telling Hyungjjn he chooses Hyungjun, but I think then he’s gonna be focused on how Hyungjun’s lifestyle is everything Minsung thinks he wouldn���t want in a partner. I feel like he might be the kind of person that would be hung up on that and not even want to try for risk of it hurting more if it doesn’t work out. And for Jeongwook I think he’ll be on his own, but I hope he’s gained some awesome friends, I feel like everyone really adores him. I hope he finds someone soon bc he deserves to be loved so much he’s such an amazing and strong person, I’ve loved watching him during this show.
oh dear anon i think you could be right but i also don’t want you to be??? idk it’s hard to share my predictions bc they’re so mixed up with my bias as to how i want it to end, not just how I objectively think it will end.
i think you’re right when it comes to 2sung and jungwook. the couple will be coupling till the end at this point and i just wanna squeeze every bit of screen time I can out of them and enjoy it while I can. and the same for jungwook, even though he hasn’t made a pairing, i just love watching him and love him, he’s so soft and gentle and i feel like he’s had a very necessary and very rewarding healing experience in the house that has better prepared him for finding his dream romance after the show, I have all my fingers crossed for him. the only thing I’ll say for jungwook is I do want some clearance with him and yonghee bc whenever we’ve seen him try to share those feelings they’ve never come across how he wanted, so I hope he gets that chance for his sake, and even if I think yonghee won’t reciprocate, I think it’ll be great for him to hear and for them to form a solid friendship bc yonghee just deserves to hear how great he is and be the one that’s loved for a change, instead of just chasing seonwoo.
speaking of, I really REALLLYYYYYYY hope he doesn’t end up with yonghee. and that’s not even bc I don’t like him at this point, I’ve been happy to see him post love triangle really just having fun and enjoying himself. and i think that’s what he needs to learn from this show, that he’s allowed to have fun. he’s post coming out with a lot on his mind and I think a lot of his initial behaviour was the stress of wanting to be liked, but now he knows people like him for him, and can like him as a friend, not as a romantic pursuit, which I think he needed to see. he needed to let loose and be more him, and i don’t think that’s the person he is with yonghee. they just have no romantic spark to me and I can’t get over how awful their eventual date was, I just think they could both find what they’re looking for in other people, and it’s only this attraction at first sight that has kept yonghee so seonwoo focused, and that’s not to say it’s just a shallow attraction, I think they do have some kind of connection and have learnt a lot from each other, but I think much like with sungho, it’s not meant to be. there isn’t the spark, there isn’t the butterflies, and I don’t see any genuine attraction on seonwoo’s end. I just hope they clear things up between them and can keep a good relationship.
and as for the last remaining love triangle… yes while I think all that you said is going through minsung’s head, and he is thinking a lot about the clash of their lifestyles, i just think from a narrative perspective, like the storyline the show has been trying to tell us, the natural ending for minsung would be to not focus on that and instead focus on his actual feelings and attraction and who he has that spark with, which for me is clearly hyungjun. like come on, if 2sung didn’t make it obvious enough, this show is selling us true love, pure romance, that being the important thing, and that’s what I think this will end up as. and I can’t see it as satisfying for hyungjin to launch this late attack to then be the one he chooses, not just for the narrative but i feel like minsung isn’t exactly responding to his advances, right?? he just looks uncomfortable, they haven’t had a real moment together, maybe bc they haven’t gotten the chance but again, when it comes to these things, if you have to try this hard to get in with someone just so you can have a sweet moment and try that hard, maybe it just isn’t meant to be, bc those moments should come naturally and they have with hyungjun. idk, while the whole compatible lifestyles thing is a legit thing to be concerned about, i feels to me more like an issue the show is stressing so they have something to overcome in the name of love, yknow??? like how 2sung were talking about the fear of it being different for them outside the house, and then outside the show, but they still got together regardless. like if a dating show isn’t going to leave me with the message that love is the most important, love conquers all, love is worth the risk, then where else??
so yeah, tl;dr, 2sung endgame, minsung and hyungjun making it through the great love triangle war, and the rest coming out the other end learning about themselves and making some great friendships. if I were to make a plight for anyone else, I’d say I lean towards jungwook and yonghee bc they’re cute together, and seonwoo and hyungjin bc I truly think these two creatures of chaos are the only ones that can keep each other in check. as for actual, non-biased predictions, no clue, just gotta brace myself for the rollercoaster ride to the finish
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Chapter 18 Comin’ home baby
Chapter 18 of Strange
A/N- I CANT BELIEVE THIS IS GOING TO BE THE LAST CHAPTER FOR A WHILE!!! I do plan on adding other scenes that didn’t make it in the chapters! Thank you to everyone for all the love!! ILY
Warning- ANGST!!!!, swearing, FLUFF!!!, talks of death and Injury, LONG CHAPTER.
Pairing- Steve Harrington x Hopper!fem-reader
Episode- 4x09
(Let me know if you wanna be tagged)
To, Y/N,
This letter might be a little strange, mostly because you’re not expecting it. But I needed to write one for you too because there’s things you need to know, and it’s hard for me to really say what I feel when it comes to expressing myself in an emotional way. So, you get this.
Now, I know we aren’t best friends or anything, but I appreciate you, y/n. Truth is you and Eleven are like the sisters I never had—
A shaky breath leaves past your lips and tears sting your eyes. You swallow thickly to try and get rid of the lump formed in your throat, and avert your eyes from Max’s letter to avoid crying and staining the paper with your tears.
“Hey,” Steve interjects from his seat. “I thought you weren’t allowed to read that.”
You sigh deeply and look back at the letter to respond to Steve. “Well, it seems fit—”
“But she’s not gone,” he interrupts you.
Max’s survival still baffles you; sure it’s been only a few minutes since you left her in an ambulance with Lucas and Erica so Steve and you could find the others in Jason’s car, but the how behind her survival is all you can think about it—You are glad she’s alive; she might’ve not woken up after her heart began to beat again, but you’re happy that she came back to life.
“No,” you mutter. “But I couldn’t wait, okay? I had it with me so I had to read it. Besides, reading it distracts me from my worry. The anxiety is making me nauseous.”
Steve sighs and nods. “I get what you mean, but I’m sure Eddie and Dustin are okay. I mean…they got to be.”
You lose yourself in a blank space in the letter to think of Dustin and Eddie. More so, that vision that Vecna showed you—it didn’t look good at all, sure there’s a possibility it might not be real, but you found Steve and the other two in the same way Vecna showed you in that vision, so there's some truth behind Eddie’s vision, and that scares you.
No matter if your friendship only just started, this adventure connected you. It connected all of you. Knowing that any of the people you’re fighting alongside with are in danger, or on the brink of death is just as upsetting.
“Are you sure you’re okay driving?” You ask Steve so you can distract yourself away from the letter and your current concern. “I can drive the rest of the way there.” You look over at him and he shakes his head and briefly meets your gaze since he has to keep his eyes on the road.
“Nah, we’re close, besides you must be tired, I’m okay. You can finish the letter.”
You sigh and drop your eyes back on the letter. “It’s actually very hard reading it, since she’s there unconscious and I’m here.”
“In a car?” Steve tries to be lighthearted.
You sigh and find no amusement behind his comment. “Conscious.” You deadpan.
Steve’s eyes flicker over to you and when he sees how sad you truly are, he sighs and reaches to grab your hand. “Come here,” he mumbles. And without needing an explanation you drag yourself as close as you could be to him so you can let him wrap his arm around your shoulders, and you could rest your head on his shoulder.
“She’s going to wake up okay? Her mind was probably just exhausted.” He presses a kiss on the top of your head and focuses back on the road to continue comforting you. “I’m sure by tomorrow morning she’s going to be awake and mean mugging us.”
You scoff in amusement and even if you were full of doubt, you nod since he could be right. You want him to be right anyway. “Yeah, you’re right.” You say and look over at him to smile. “Do you think I can spend the night at your place today? Or should I get my things and have a girls night with my girl?”
Steve's eyes narrow and he immediately turns that down. “No, you can stay with me. You’re staying with me. I don’t have a lot of time with you anymore, I’m not letting you go any time soon.”
You smile and snuggle your head on his shoulder and yawn. “I am pretty tired.”
“We’ll go home soon, okay?” He says “I mean…if my house is still standing that is….” He pauses and his hand stiffens. “You think my parents are okay?”
You look up at him and want to assure him that they are, but you didn’t know that answer to that. The earthquake that happened as the gate opened most likely left the town in chaos. You haven’t seen most of anything since the Creel house is close to the mobile home park and surrounded by woods, but all that you have seen while on your way to the Creel house is ambulances and police cars. It’s not hard to gather why they’re so panicked and busy all of a sudden.
“I hope so,” you try to assure him the best way you can. “I don’t think the gate cut through where you live.”
Steve exhales deeply and nods. “I hope so.” He swallows thickly and leaves the car silent for a little while before he finds himself breaking that short silence. “Are you going to finish reading that letter? I mean you already started it so you might as well finish the thing.”
You scoff and lift the letter in front of you again. “I won’t read it out loud,” you add. “It’s a personal letter.”
“Then I won’t show you mine.”
You shift your head and narrow your eyes on him. “What?” You scoff. “Come on,” you whine.
“Read me yours and I’ll read you mine.” He puts out with smugness. “I know you’re curious.”
You clench your jaw and huff out before you drop your head back on his shoulder and begin reading the rest of the letter out loud.
“…It felt nice having a big sister. A older sibling in general who actually taught me things, who had patience and did stupid bonding stuff with me, instead of yelling at me and avoiding me. So thanks.
And if you have to know, sometimes I did wish Billy and you would somehow get back together. I know he was an asshole, but it would’ve been an excuse to actually see you. To have someone decent around and not have some ditz hanging around him. At least then he would’ve been tolerable.
But I’m glad you didn’t end up lasting long. You deserved a lot better, so maybe Steve and you aren’t that gross together. But that doesn’t mean that we aren’t disgusted by you guys being all lovey dovey all the time.
And if Steve ever does hurt you just punch him in the face, I’m sure you can beat him in a fight too.”
You scoff in amusement and can’t help but let your tears run down your cheeks while your smile widens.
“With that said. Thank you for checking up on me after you left, y/n. I might’ve not sounded like I appreciated it, but I did, so thank you.
By the way, I think you’re cool. Your taste in music isn’t bad. Your skating could use help, but you’re cool. If I somehow end up living, maybe you can teach me how to ride a motorcycle!
From, Max.”
You lower the letter and pull away from Steve to wipe the tears off your face.
Max is alive, but reading her letter and knowing how she was , made that guilt grow tenfold. Now, there was a small part of you that wishes that you would’ve stayed behind to be the bait instead of Max.
“I should’ve waited,” you mutter to try and be lighthearted.
“Told ya so,” Steve quips.
You exhale deeply and fold the letter to put it back in one of the pockets in your vest, to then look out the front window and watch the road and the passing cars in a comfortable yet tense anxious silence. When you drift your eyes up the window you notice that the stars were covered by clouds of smoke that made the night here even darker. You try not to, but when you look out at the woods you were driving by, you can’t help but feel that chill again. That same cold chill you felt in The Upside Down that made you think something bad lurked in every corner.
The gates were closed now and this wasn’t the Upside Down, but that fear still clung onto you and made you tense, and has you traumatized. So much so that when Steve suddenly hit the brakes you let out a yelp and dug your nails in his hand while you clung your other hand into the armrest beside you.
“Ow,” he murmurs, but doesn’t focus long on what you did since he quickly parks on the side of the road to point back. “The RV, that was the RV!”
You let go of Steve’s arm and look back to see just that making a U-turn to park behind you.
As soon as it stops, you unbuckle yourself and throw the door open to climb out of the car and race towards the RV. Steve quickly gets ahead of you, and only picks up his pace more when he sees Dustin climb out of the RV.
“Henderson!” Steve exclaims.
Yet, Dustin doesn’t return the same energy, he offers Steve a smile, but it’s faint; he doesn’t even meet Steve halfway like you thought he would, he leaves Steve hanging. He actually looked upset, but you can’t tell why he was so gloomy right away. You know that even if he was tired he would’ve reacted the same way as soon as he saw Steve, but not this time.
And when you got closer to him, when you noticed how red and puffy his eyes were, and when failed to see his partner following him, you began to piece together why he looked so glum.
You hoped that you were just panicking, that the guilt and your fear were just getting the best of you—he was probably still inside, he wouldn’t run out to greet Steve and you. But when you reached Dustin, when he looked at Steve and you with tears gleaming his eyes, and a trembling frown, that hope, that delusion quickly began to crack.
It wasn’t until Robin walked out to the last step of the RV with a familiar look in her eyes, that all that hope you tried to hold onto completely broke away. After all, you knew that look, that heartbroken, pained, guilty, and knowing look. It was the same look Joyce gave you after Hopper didn’t walk out of the mall with her, the look that spoke the truth words couldn’t. Perhaps this time, you didn’t feel that same pain as that day, but it wasn’t easy this time around either.
Eddie was a friend. New, perhaps, mysterious due to the fact that you barely got to know him, but he was still a friend due to the circumstances you faced together. Knowing that he didn’t make it was a punch to the gut. Now the guilt you held intensified and punctured your heart, making that heartache much more insufferable.
“Eddie,” Dustin’s voice quivers even though you saw how he was trying to remain strong. “He tried to help me. H-he didn’t run and…got swarmed by bats…” he pauses and swallows thickly. “He…he didn’t…make it.”
Steve and you look at each other as you process the news you piece together, and because you saw how much Eddie meant to Dustin, is why it made it hard to come up with something comforting to say. Truthfully there was nothing you could really say that would make his pain hurt less. All you could offer him was an embrace in hopes that the gesture was enough to let him know you were both here for him.
Which, matter of fact, right as Steve and you secured Dustin in your arms, that strength he tried so hard to project crumbled and he broke down into a sob as he held onto Steve and you. It made you hug onto him tighter while you pressed your cheek against his head as a form of comfort. You didn’t want to but you had to cry with him.
After a while passed, you were the first one to let go while Steve stayed with him for a longer time. He only let go when Dustin was ready and grew too tired of standing on his feet.
When Dustin did break away is when he shared that he had hurt his leg, and that they couldn’t pull Eddie’s body out from the Upside Down so he had to leave him behind. Besides that, Dustin didn’t share much of anything else anymore, either from exhaustion or just grief and sadness, but he stayed quiet. Everyone did.
After that there was nothing else to do but go home.
The further you drove into the town though, the more destruction you saw; some houses were split in half, some were broken in different ways, streets were cracked, some telephone lines were down, the electricity flickered and the ambulance, police and firefighters all swarmed around every street. Their cars' cries sang for hours on end, the clamoring from people even traveled inside Steve’s house when you got home.
Besides what you were dealing with already, all the chaos that was happening outside made it hard to fall asleep, and only came when your body and mind couldn’t stand being awake a moment longer and knocked you out instead.
Or so you thought.
“I forgive you, you know that dad,” you swallow thickly and muster a wobbly smile. “I was scared I’d never see either of you again today, I can’t go on not telling you. I’m sorry for being so mean, I’m sorry for being such a bad daughter.” You cry and he quickly hugs you tightly.
“Don’t cry,” he says softly by your ear and tightens his embrace. “It’s okay.” He rubs your back and moves one of his arms behind your neck and keeps tightening his hold until it gets hard to breathe.
“Dad,” you groan and pat his back. “Daddy, I can’t…I can’t breathe.”
“I left you because I never truly loved you,” he begins to reveal bluntly. “It was a lot easier without you here. Eleven and I were happier.”
You begin to squirm around in his hold and begin to hit his back while you try to catch at least a small amount of air.
“You are the curse that broke my family apart. Your mother and I were doing fine until you came along. You ruined everything.”
He never said this. This isn’t true. He’d never say any of it. This is…this is fake, it’s all fake. Just a bad dream.
“First Sara, your mother, and me…”
No. No.
“Now Max and Eddie.”
With the strength you can muster you knee his groin and manage to make him loosen his hold enough to be able to push him away. But the moment you’re away from him and gasping for air, you glance up and instantly feel your breath hitch as you see that half of his body is burnt and the other half is covered in bruises and blood; he looks exactly the same he did in that vision Vecna showed you of his dead body.
“You did this to me!” He shouts. Only it’s not his voice, but Vecna’s. “You! You’re pathetic. You’re just a stupid accident that was never meant to be born! Your mother should’ve never had you.”
He begins to storm over to you and you quickly begin to back away. Yet, before you can get far, a slimy vine wraps around your throat. You try to scream, but it tightens its hold and cuts off the breath you were going to take and yanks you back to the ground.
Except, instead of hitting the gravel, the parking lot scenery suddenly disappears and you’re transported into a dark abyss the moment you hit the ground.
The vine around your throat then proceeds to unravel and slithers away, letting you push yourself to your feet and search for any sign of your father who is now suddenly gone.
“It’s just a nightmare. It’s just a nightmare,” you mutter to yourself and hold your head whilst you shut your eyes. “It’s just a nightmare. Wake up, wake up.”
No. It’s just a nightmare, she’s not here.
“Y/N? Please, I need help.”
You begin hitting your head and keep your eyes shut.
“Help me! Y/N!” Eleven keeps crying out. “Help me!”
You shake your head and keep telling yourself to wake up.
“OPEN YOUR EYES!” Vecna bellows.
And from one second to the next your eyes are forced open and you’re forced to see Eleven in front of you with a vine around her throat.
“This isn’t real,” you keep insisting.
“Isn’t it?” Vecna rebuttals. “How do you know what’s real and what’s not? For all you know, all that you have lived through since I pulled you away from the Creel House, has been fake.”
You shake your head in denial and try not to cry and give into what he wants. You can’t fear him anymore.
“You really thought you could escape me?”
“No,” you sneer. “This is all fake!”
“Is it!” He counters loudly and then pulls Eleven away from you to tie her to a pillar. “Aren’t you going to save her? Are you going to let Eleven die?”
Eleven reaches out for you as she groans and squirms. And even if this was a nightmare, you instinctively begin to run towards her while your surroundings begin to turn red and the debris of the Creel house begins to appear around you; as if you were back in Vecna’s mind lair.
“Just hold on!” You yell out to Eleven. “I’m coming!”
Albeit, just before you can reach her, the sound of Steve’s voice stops you.
“Y/N? What’s going on?”
You blink, and hold your breath whilst you slowly turn around, noticing that your surroundings begin to change once again. Only this time you’re brought back to Steve’s room, this time he’s in the same pajama pants he wore before you went to bed. This time you’re in bed.
“Are you okay?”
It takes you a second to warm up to him, but he’s such a relief to see that you quickly throw yourself on him and cry into his shoulder. “It was just a nightmare,” you whisper.
Steve hums and holds you tight.
A few minutes pass before you’re good enough to pull away from him. “I’m okay,” you whisper.
Steve offers you a tired smile and pulls back to lay back down. But as he’s trying, a vine suddenly wraps around his throat and begins to choke him before he gets yanked away from you.
“Steve!” You cry out and reach out for him as he reaches out for you.
Once again your surroundings change and you’re returned to Vecna’s lair. This time though, you see both Eleven and Steve tied to pillars by the same vines that captured you.
“Choose one to save,” Vecna suddenly whispers by your ear, causing you to tense up and feel goosebumps as his breath unfurls by your ear. “You can only choose one. Your sister or the man you love.”
You shake your head and take a step back. “No,” you mumble under your breath. “This..this is all fake.” You turn around to face Vecna, but the moment you do, he’s not there, there’s nothing in front of you but darkness and the same fog that had filled the upside down.
The emptiness leaves you breathing in heavily and causes you to turn back around. However, just as you catch a glimpse of Eleven and Steve, your feet are suddenly restrained by vines that quickly pull you to the ground and drag you back, ripping you away from your sister and boyfriend, and making you scream.
When the vines let you go, the only thing you see is more darkness and fog. You suspect Vecna to show up, but there's nothing. Absolutely nothing but yourself and darkness, so you push yourself to your feet.
Nevertheless, that turns out to be a mistake since the moment you’re standing on your feet, large shards of glass begin to fall around you to cage you in and just reflect you.
For a while you waited for Vecna to show up and stare straight at you, but he doesn’t come nor does his voice break the silence, all you actually see are reflections of yourself. It leaves you confused and more terrified. Every step and movement you make, your reflection mirrors. Nothing sinister hid behind the reflections.
Their lips however, that’s the only thing that moved even if you yourself didn’t open your mouth.
“It’s your fault. It’s your fault,” they begin to taunt quietly at first, but gradually begin to get louder and louder until they’re screaming at you. “It’s your fault! Your fault! Your fault!”
You step back and shake your head to deny them, but they keep throwing accusations until suddenly they break into a sprint and charge at you. You want to run away, but you stay trapped within the mirror cage and instead end up falling to your knees to hold your head and crumble towards the ground.
Their screams get louder so you begin to cry out of fear and panic. “Stop! Stop! STOP!”
You squeeze your eyes shut and the moment you do, you feel arms wrap around you and pull you back while you even begin to hear your name being uttered.
“Y/N. Y/N—”
“Let me go,” you plead. “Let me go! Let me go!” You try to squirm, but their hold tightens and their voice sounds quieter and a lot more soother, instead of loud and rough.
“Y/N, it’s me. It’s me. It’s Steve. Open your eyes. You’re okay. It’s just a nightmare.”
You shut your mouth, but don’t open your eyes or let your body go from that tense hold.
“Y/N, baby you’re okay,” he keeps comforting you as he keeps his arms around you. “He’s gone. He can’t get you anymore.”
Your breaths are labored and your cheeks are dry even if tears threaten to fall.
“You’re home.”
Very slowly and cautiously you pull your eyes open and see Steve’s room lit by a light beside his side of the bed. It takes you a moment to really come to terms that what you’re seeing and living through is actually real. You actually wait to be pulled away or for everything to change around you again.
“I’m real,” he whispers. “I’m right here. I got you. This is all real. I’m here, I got you.” He presses a kiss on the side of your head and holds you closer.
“Steve,” you croak out and lift your hands to grab his arms secured around your neck.
“I know,” he interjects softly. “I know, baby. I’m here. I’m here.”
“…and at the last moment the oldest sister jumped, hopped and ran in front of the evil wizard's spell to save her youngest sister from the cruel fate. And in doing so, due to the sister's bravery, the wizard’s hand froze, his entire body than began to slowly freeze too until all that moved was the beating of his heart. Thump. Thump. And then, nothing.”
You sigh and turn the page of the book.
“The Wizard had suddenly succumbed to a fate of death. His reign came to an end and brought the land safety and joy once more. The dark cloud that loomed over the kingdom began to fade and brought the beaming and warm sun. But what’s meant to be a moment to rejoice and celebrate was far from it due to the fact that the sister's heart had also stopped the moment the spell hit her.”
Once again you stop to turn the page and continue reading to Max.
“But how, the other sister cried, how could she have died. Why did she save me? Why can’t I go too? She cried and her heart broke. Maybe, the prince proposed. Maybe there is one thing. A true love's kiss. For our love was grande. He didn’t fret to fall beside her body and didn’t hesitate to press a single kiss on her lips. Yet, her heart didn’t beat again, her breathing didn’t start and her eyes didn’t open to reveal their life and light. Such a cruel outcome made the sister pick her sister's body up in her arms to press her against her and cradle her sister once more.”
You flip the page and draw in a deep breath to slowly exhale as you continue to read the last page.
“She wept and cried for her sister. The tears she released, ran a trail down her cheek, they slipped down her jaw and hit the sister's cheek. And due to such unintentional actions, life restarted the sisters heart and breath once again began to circulate in her lungs, making her gasp, and alarming the sister of her presence. Sister, the waking sister spoke with a smile. For it wasn’t the prince's love that they needed, but the pure and deep love of sisters that was the salvation. The end.”
You close the book and smile at your hands as you begin to speak to Max. “It was corny, I know, but it was Sara’s favorite book.” You huff and slowly drift your eyes up to see that Max lay in her exact same position, she gave no reaction, her eyes remained closed. She almost looked dead.
If it wasn’t for the machine next to her telling you the opposite, you’d think she was dead.
Morning passed and she hasn’t waken up, the doctors mended her broken arms and her broken leg. They gave a solution for that, but they gave no solution for when she’d wake up again. They did say she was healthy, but…her brain was just…considered to be dead. They say it’s because her heart stopped beating for too long, but it isn’t true.
Of course you knew the truth, you all did, but they couldn’t know and there’s no way to explain that this monster from this other dimension cursed her and left her, so you had to leave it at that and hope she’d wake up soon.
“Maybe tomorrow I’ll start reading you Little Women,” you continue to say with a faint smile. “Or I’ll just bore you with my life story. It’s very exciting. Or maybe I’ll teach you Russian. That way we can talk shit and no one will know what we’re talking about,” you scoff and let your eyes linger on her as ou expect her to react or say something snarky back, but nothing happens, that makes your smile fall and makes you drop your eyes to let out a deep and shaky breath.
“I’ll put on some music now,” you mutter and push yourself off the seat beside her bed to walk over and turn on the boombox to start the song that had been playing previously.
“Maybe next time we can read something more entertaining,” Dustin remarks as you sit between Steve and Robin.
“Like?” You ask.
“Lord of the rings,” he suggests.
Steve scoffs. “You really think Max would want to hear that? What a snooze fest.”
“Like children books are any better,” Dustin rebuttals, making you scoff and snap back.
“It was just this one book!” You shoot him a glare and continue. “Why don’t you try reading something next time then!”
“I will.”
You roll your eyes and cross your arms over your chest before you rest your head back on the hard couch and slowly let your head fall on Robin’s shoulder.
“Who will save me from this masculinity if not you,” she says and rests her head on yours. “I really wish you didn’t have to go so soon.”
You sigh. “You and I both. But I have to go home. I have to graduate or my mothers ghost will come and haunt me.” You then begin to smile. “But hey, you have Nancy now.” You snicker. “I’m sure she’ll keep you company.”
Robin scoffs and pushes you away, only making you laugh until the door opens and Lucas walks in with Erica.
“Sorry,” he breaks the sudden silence. “It’s hard to get here with all the chaos happening around town.”
“Don’t worry,” Dustin assures him. “We don’t mind keeping her company. Besides, y/n was reading her a very fun book,” he adds with sarcasm.
You shoot Dustin a glare and just roll your eyes and keep quiet.
“Well,” Lucas sighs and sits beside Max. “You guys can go now. Thank you.”
“It’s okay,” Steve interjects. “We’ll stay a bit longer. We have nothing to do anyway.”
“Besides,” Dustin adds. “We should discuss…” he pauses and lets out a deep breath. “When we’ll have Eddie’s funeral. His body might not be with us, but I still want to have one for him.”
You grow uneasy and feel your jaw clench as the atmosphere only feels heavier.
“As we all know y/n’s leaving soon, so maybe tomorrow?” He asks and looks at Steve and you. “Unless you guys have something to do?”
You swallow thickly and let your hands fall to your lap as you give him an answer. “Well, considering the town is currently in shambles, there isn’t much to do, so no, we don’t have plans anymore.”
“Yeah,” Steve scoffs. “We’re free tomorrow. Robin?”
“Yeah,” she answers right away. “No, I’m free, I mean we don’t have any shifts at work so yes, I’m free.”
“Okay,” Dustin nods. “Good. I talked to Nancy already, she’s onboard. Tomorrow evening it is.”
You let your eyes fall to your lap and let a deep sigh escape out of your nose.
So much for a good spring break.
The only good thing about this spring break was confessing to Steve. It might’ve been under shitty circumstances, but that’s the only thing that came out of this spring break. The rest…well the rest has been full of pain, more grief and guilt beyond what you can handle.
And Max…
Eddie might’ve died from the blood loss due to the fucking bats, and Max went to a coma because of Vecna, but there’s something in you, some cruel and pestering voice that keeps telling you that you’re somehow responsible for their outcomes.
You’re the curse…
“If…” whisper to yourself as you pull your knees to your chest and lift your arms out of the bath water to gather soap bubbles in your palms. “I was faster…” You trail off and sigh as you pull your hands apart to let the bubbles go. “I’m sorry.”
You slouch and press your forehead against your knees. You don’t cry, or turn on the music that sat beside you, you don’t don’t say anything else, you just sit in the silence that covers the bathroom. It’s lonely; Steve said he was going to prepare some sandwiches since there wasn’t anywhere you could go out to, besides you wanted time to yourself…you didn’t like it, but it gave you a minute to just wallow.
It was dangerous really. Your mind just spun and spun crazy different things, but it’s only when you’re alone when you can think of how it all felt like you were the one to blame, like maybe it should’ve been you instead of Max and Eddie.
“Y/N?” Steve’s voice breaks that silence before he knocks on the door.
You sigh and lift your head to wipe your face and muster a smile before you answer. “Come in.”
The knob turns and slowly the door pushes open before Steve pokes his head inside to share what he needed to say. “Someone’s on the phone for you. Can you talk now, or do you want to do it later?”
You perk up and slip a hand on the bathtub to lean forward and wave him inside—“is it Joyce?” You ask with hope.
Steve shakes his head and steps inside to close the door behind him before walking in to hand you the phone. “It’s someone else. A…friend,” he says with a little disdain while he sets down a plate on the counter beside the tub
You narrow your eyes and hesitantly take the phone to slowly press it by your ear and cautiously speak. “Hello?”
“Y/N?” A familiar boyish voice you haven’t heard in a while spoke. “Oh my gosh! Oh my fucking god!”
You narrow your gaze further and furrow your eyebrows to ask, “Dylan?”
“We saw what happened in Hawkins! We’ve been fucking worried!” He kept speaking. “A-are you okay? We haven’t been able to get a hold of you! We tried California but no one answers the phone! Nita then said to try your friend, the girl! That girl! Uh, your friend! Rosin. Ro…well, whatever! But she didn’t answer so we called your aunt and…”
How…how does he know you’re here?
“Dylan,” you cut him sharply. “I’m fine. I’m…okay.” You look up at Steve as you see him undressing. “How did you get my boyfriend's number? Actually how did you know I was here?”
The other line goes silent for a few seconds before he answers a bit cautiously. “Well…your aunt,” he coughs and laughs nervously. “She had this number. And well…she might’ve known where you’ve been because of…well—okay! Don’t say I told you, okay?! Nita will kill me, but she said that your aunt and the woman you stay with talk to keep your aunt updated about you since you don’t call anymore! So that lady told your aunt, your aunt told Nita, and Nita told Aylen, and Aylen told me.” He exhales and waits for you to respond next.
However, you’re a bit distracted by Steve naked beside you to respond right away.
“Y/N? You still with me?” Dylan cuts in, causing you to part your lips to try and speak, but you stay distracted by Steve until he practically jumps in the water and causes a wave of water and bubbles to splash out of the tub and also hit you.
“Oh, amazing,” you mutter and cover your face a bit too late.
You clear your throat and focus back on the phone. “Uh, well that’s great you know, Dylan, I love that little chain you guys have going on.”
Thanks Joyce.
“Well,” Dylan continues slowly. “You don’t call so this is the only way we can reach you now. Which it isn’t your fault, your dad died, we get that, but you know we’re here. Your friends. Just ‘cause you have a boyfriend and you live somewhere else doesn’t mean that you don’t have us.” He sighs and his voice softens. “We’ve been worried.”
A deep sigh escapes your lips and as you drop your head, Steve leans forward to try and listen in, but you cover his face with your hand and push him away with your foot.
“Yeah…I’m sorry. It’s..it’s been…” you hesitate to actually give him an answer. But you decide that you need to. “…tough, an even tougher week. I’m trying to do better.” You share quietly and begin to smile softly. “Are you guys okay? I..I’ve missed you guys.”
“School is kicking our asses, but we’re hanging in there—Wait! You know who’s been asking about you?” You can practically see his smirk from where you are.
“Who?” You sigh whilst Steve grabs your foot and pulls you towards him, making you yelp.
“You okay?” Dylan interjects.
“Yes!” You exclaim and splash water to Steve, but he just blocks the water with his hand and snickers.
“Oh, well it’s Danny! You remember him right?”
Oh. Nice.
“He came back to visit! And he asked about you! Did you know he’s in the Military now! He’s a pilot.”
You raise your eyebrows and spare a glance at Steve who keeps trying to listen in. This time he actually caught the sound of the name Dylan uttered. Because of course he did.
“Well, that’s nice,” you say with a bit of spite. “But I do have a boyfriend. Did you tell him that?”
“No, it slipped my mind. But it’s not like you’re going to see Danny, now are you?”
“No.” You deadpan.
“Then? Nothing to worry about.”
You roll your eyes and catch Steve’s gaze as he reaches for your arm now to pull you closer to him.
“True…” you hesitate and want to end that conversation there, but there was one piece of information that was bugging you. “So, do you know if Danny is still with that slut Arianna?” You sit up and wait in anticipation.
“No actually they broke up before he entered Boot Camp.”
You slap your hand against the tub and squeal. “Haha! That’s what that bitch gets!” You grin but when you remember Steve’s with you, you clear your throat and slouch again.
“Look Dylan, thank you for reaching out. You shouldn’t have, but thank you. I’m glad you did.” You share sweetly and begin fiddling with Steve’s hand. “I’m okay. I…came out of that…earthquake unscathed.” You swallow thickly and begin to frown and grow upset again. “I’ve really missed you guys, and I promise to start calling again, okay?”
“Or I’ll call you again.” He says, making you scoff softly.
You nod and mutter, “sounds good. I’ll leave you for now, I don’t have much time left with Steve so I’m trying to enjoy the time I have. I’ll call the girls soon though. Bye.”
“Bye, y/n. Bye Steve!” He shouts out loud enough that you have to pull the phone away from your ear, while Steve grows still with surprise. “Bye.”
“Bye,” you say one last time before you hang up the phone and leave the line in silence, something that lets you put the phone on a dry spot on the ground to then focus on Steve.
He averts his gaze though and holds this tightlipped half smile. “So Danny huh?” He rolls out slowly with a slow nod.
You roll your eyes and shake your head to assure him. “Don’t worry about him, okay? He's a thing of the past, Dylan just doesn’t know when to shut up.” You proceed to grab his other hand while you rest your chin on your knees to offer him a sweet smile. “I love you.”
Steve rolls his eyes and huffs. “Don’t sweet talk me, Hopper.”
Your smile widens, making your eyes squint together. “I love you,” you say again.
Steve rolls his head to the side and drifts his eyes back to you whilst he tries to hold back his smile. “I….love you,” he groans.
You beam at him and scoot yourself closer to him to have both of your legs secured beside each other’s sides.
“How are you feeling?” He asks and miraculously drops the other subject. “Better? Refreshed?”
You part your lips and slowly lower your gaze to nod. “I’m refreshed.” You pull your hands away from his and begin playing with the bubbles. “I’m okay.”
Steve huffs and leans his face closer to you to talk softer. “What’s up? I mean it’s weird that you wanted to take a bath alone. And I saw your face as I came in. You have me worried.”
You hesitate. You don’t want to bring the mood down. You don’t want to just keep dumping everything on him.
But you also can’t keep things from him when he wants to know. It’s so easy to do that and just store everything inside.
But you can’t keep doing that unless you want to lose him. And that…it’s a fate worse than death.
“I…” you mutter. “I can’t stop thinking about Max. About what happened.” You shake your head and stop playing with the bubbles to hold your knees instead. “And Eddie…” you pause and swallow thickly as a lump begins to form in your throat, and tears begin to sting your eyes against your will. “Especially Max, I mean she…hasn’t woken up, and seeing her today…I don’t know.” You look up at Steve and catch his own frown; it’s a lot more faint, but it’s there, as is his own sadness.
“If I had been faster trying to get out of the trance maybe I could’ve helped her,” you continue in a shaky voice as you point to yourself. “Or maybe if I was with her, I could’ve stopped it.” You lower your gaze to focus on the floating bubbles formed on the body of water. “I could’ve saved her,” you cry. “Or maybe it could’ve been me. Not her.”
Tears escape past your eyes and roll down your cheeks.
“But now,” you croak. “I feel like it’s on me.”
“Why though?” Steve rebuttals quietly but with no quiver in his voice. “You weren’t the one that cursed her. You didn’t break her bones or put her in that coma—”
“But I couldn’t save her,” you cut him off. “He showed me what everyone was going through when I got stuck in my trance and I still couldn’t save her. I—”
“We,” Steve interjects sharply, pulling your eyes to him. “We didn’t save her. You aren’t the only one to blame in this situation either. We were the ones that were supposed to stop him before he could do anything, but we didn’t. I’m supposed to be the babysitter and I couldn’t help her so it’s not just your fault.”
“Or yours,” you quickly defend him. “You were tangled by those vines, you fought for her and everyone else. Don’t blame yourself please.” You grab his cheeks and caress his warm skin. “You tried your best, going to confront Vecna, was you being the babysitter. You threw the first Molotov, you. You helped in the best way you could, you took care of them, you always do.” You exhale and notice that a few tears escape out of his eyes as you provide him with comfort he didn’t want to admit he needed so he could be strong for you. “You were the hero. So please don’t blame yourself. It was me, I—”
“Stop,” he interrupts you again. “Just stop. We’re just going to go in circles here. It wasn’t anyone's fault but Vecna’s. He hurt her. Not us. We tried our best. We stuck to the plan. It was him, okay? You don't have powers like your sister did so don’t blame yourself. We all tried our best, that’s what counts, you know that’s what she’d tell you.”
You draw in a deep shaky breath and slowly lower your hands and avert his gaze as you offer him a small nod and slowly exhale.
Albeit, Steve wasn’t at all convinced by your response so he continues to stress his comment. “Do you understand me, y/n? It’s not your fault. Max and Eddie wouldn’t blame you. You tried your best, we all did, we all knew the consequences. None of it is your fault, so please stop beating yourself up, understand?” He grabs your cheeks with his hands to lift your face. “Look at me and tell me you understand. None of it was your fault. It isn’t your fault. Do you understand?”
You frown deepens and tears keep gleaming your eyes. You want to argue against him, tell him it is, but you had to recognize there is some truth behind his statement. Even if it’s hard not to keep blaming yourself, you knew he was right.
To some degree.
“I understand,” you mumble.
You roll your eyes and sigh before repeating yourself louder. “I said, I understand.”
Steve sighs and drops his hands from your cheeks to push your knees down and pull you closer to his chest to continue the conversation. “Believe me it’s hard seeing Max like that, but the best thing we can do is try to be…I don’t know, positive. For them. For the kids. They need it.”
You snuggle your head against his chest and let him stroke your shoulder with his hand, whilst he let the other hand lazily hang off the tub.
“Yeah,” you agree. “You’re right.” You sigh and look up at him. “You'll visit her for me, yeah? I would love to keep her company, but I need to go home. Eleven needs me too.”
Steve nods without hesitance. “Of course. I’ll try to go before work. And on my days off.”
You nod in agreement and stay quiet after that.
Steve proceeds to press a kiss on the top of your head, causing you to tilt your head back so he could press another on your lips.
“I love you,” you murmur against his lips.
Steve smiles and lifts his hand to stroke your cheek. “I love you too,” he repeats softly. “So much…It may sound selfish, but I’m happy you survived.”
You smile at him and slide your hand up to his jaw to share your truth. “I’m selfish too then because I’m glad you made it out too.” You lean in and share a more passionate kiss before you break away and lower your head to continue sadly. “I’m going to miss you. I hate leaving,” you groan and feel his hand stiffen before he begins to pull away.
“About leaving,” he rolls out slowly and a bit awkwardly. “I have something for you.” He pulls away from you so he can climb out of the tub and make his way to the door, leaving behind a slippery trail, but making you smirk.
“Nice ass, Harrington,” you throw at him as you watch him leave the bathroom.
Steve looks back and shoots you a smirk before he disappears into his room. He doesn't take long at all though, but he does return a few seconds later with a wooden shelf from his drawer. “This is for you.”
You straighten up and watch him climb back in the tub to then comment on said object. “Ah. A drawer? Well, I hate to say it but that won’t fit in my luggage sweetie.”
Steve shoots you a glare before he brushes his hair back with his fingers and turns the drawer to explain himself. “This will stay here, but it’s special. You know why? Because it’s yours. For you.”
You bite the inside of your cheek and just blink in confusion, causing Steve to sigh deeply and become impatient. “What I’m asking since you don’t seem to understand is if you want to move in with me? Hence the drawer. It’s for your clothes.”
“Hence?” You chuckle nervously even if you were really, truly dying on the inside. “Ha.”
“What?” He rebuttals. “Are we moving too fast? Because if we are, all that shit I said about the six nuggets was because I thought I was going to die. We don’t have to have them. We—”
You cut Steve off by covering his mouth so you can assure him. “No. That’s fine, I’m,” you giggle. “I’m just surprised you know? I didn’t expect it.” You lower your hand and begin to frown as you share your only concern. “What about Eleven though? I can’t leave her.”
“She can move in with us, I’m saving up money to buy a place of my own so we don’t have to live with my parents, and so Eleven has a room of her own. I’m not asking you to leave her behind, I wouldn't ask that, ever. Unless I want your dad to come haunt me forever.”
You snort and giggle. “That’d be bad,” you mutter nervously since butterflies were fluttering like crazy in your stomach and your heart beat at a speed you thought impossible.
“Of course it’d be after you graduate,” he continues to explain. “You could, I don't know, go to college close by. Or start your police academy in the city since it’s something you want to do. I’m going to get a better job that pays more. Eleven could start school with Mike, Dustin and Lucas.” He shrugs. “But it’s up to you. If it’s easier being in California, that’s okay too. I just wanted to ask, and well…I almost lost you once, I don’t want to risk that again.”
A deep breath furls in through your nose and you hold that in your chest while you progress his words.
It’s not that you didn’t want to, all he said sounded perfect. He just took you by surprise, that's all.
“I,” you stammer and slowly meet his gaze. “I do want to.” You grin and nod. “Yes. That sounds good! I mean I’d have to talk to my sister, so I’ll have to give you a definite answer then, but I’m sure she’d be okay with it.” You hold his gaze for a second before you throw your arms around him to hug him tightly. “I don’t think we’re moving too fast. I mean, I feel like it’s all good! Perfect!”
Steve drops the drawer and returns your embrace to press a kiss on your forehead and smile down at you with this soft loving look in his eyes. “Yeah, exactly!”
You squeal and hug him tighter. “I love you,” you share happily. “I do, I love you.”
Steve chuckles and lifts your head to press a kiss on your lips. “I’m in love with you.”
You beam at him and scoff. “I’m in love with you.”
“Yeah, I’ll never get tired of hearing that,” he says honestly.
“Good, I’ll never stop saying it,” you retort and rest your head back on his arm while you keep grinning at him.
Steve then tilts his head and smirks. “I thought of a name,” he begins to change the subject as he reaches over for the plate with two sandwiches. “First name, Tony. Middle name, Montana. Tony Montana Harrington.” He bounces his eyebrows and hands you your sandwich. “Cool, right?”
You feign a smile and nod to make him believe it was a good name. But he saw straight through you and immediately rebutted against it. “You chose Leia and Luke. I get this.”
He’s right….of course.
You groan and give in. “Fine. Fine, but one thing,” you clear your throat and pull your hand off him to make a finger gun. “Who you think you fucking with?” You quote in the character's accent. “I’m Tony Montana! You fuck with me you fucking with the best.”
Steve’s smile falls, but slowly he breaks into a teasing laugh. “You’re a dork,” he teases you in between laughs. “You’re lucky I love you.” He hugs you tighter and leans down to press kisses on your face, making you break into a genuine and hearty laugh.
Thanks to him the trouble you rested on your shoulders lifted, and for a while, just for a little while you were carefree and happy.
“…So wherever you might be I hope you see Sara and give her a hug for me, tell her how much I miss her and that I’ll never forget her, like I’ll never forget you.
Love, your Little Valentine.” You sigh and fold your letter to then sit in silence.
Birds fly by, the sound of Steve’s engine sounds nearby, and the whisperings of Dustin, Steve and Robin echoe quietly.
“I’ll take care of Eleven. You know I will,” you speak to the grave beside you. “I know that she’s been MIA lately, and I’m sorry for that, but I try my best. I hope you understand.” You turn your head to look at your fathers grave. “I also hope you’re not mad that I might be moving too fast with Steve. I just…I love him and I can’t see myself with anyone else. He makes me happy.” You press your hand on the cold stone and smile.
“I miss you every time I wake up,” you continue. “I always will.” You swallow thickly and lean forward to press your forehead against the grave. “I love you dad. I’ll try to be better.” You close your eyes and exhale deeply.
Silence lingers for a little while as you keep your forehead pressed against the stone. You expected to cry for your visit, but surprisingly you weren’t in tears, you weren’t happy either though, but little by little you’re actually beginning to grieve for him now. It's sad not having him anymore, but you’re feeling a bit better about his death.
“I’ll visit again,” you say as you pull away to stand back on your feet and return to the car.
“Okay,” you direct at your friends with a faint smile. “I’m done, we can go.”
Robin steps forward and offers you a sweet smile. “All better?”
You smile at her and exhale deeply. “A bit.”
Once you’re close to the car, Steve grabs your shoulder to rub it as a form of consolation. You offer him a sweet smile and let his hand slide off your shoulder while you walk to the passenger side since you couldn’t linger outside the car because you already agreed to help Nancy donate some things to those currently in need.
However, right before you could reach your door, Dustin runs past you to reach the passenger door first.
“Shotgun!” He yells, causing Steve to stop as he was going to open his door, and causing Robin and you to also stop in your tracks to look over at your child friend. “I call shotgun!”
“No!” Steve quickly counters. “No. Children ride in the back.”
“I’m not a child Steve,” Dustin rebuttals in a serious voice. “I’m sure you can survive without having your girlfriend riding beside you for one drive.”
Steve’s eyes narrow, whilst Robin and you actually find amusement in this little banter—“Rules are rules. When y/n is here, her seat is the passenger seat.”
“Unless I drive,” you interject with a smile. But they ignore you.
“Well,” Dustin scoffs. “If someone calls shotgun that actually comes before stupid girlfriend rules.”
“Hey,” you exclaim as you throw your hands out.
Steve props his arm on the car’s hood and keeps arguing. “My car, my rules. Go. Back.”
Robin and you share an annoyed look now, but this time instead of interjecting you step back and turn to skip once and then run to snatch Steve’s keys from his hand. “Mommy’s driving now, children. And Robin’s riding shotgun.”
Robin grins and strolls over to the passenger door whilst Steve tries to argue with you now. Albeit, you just gently push him aside and climb into the seat to quickly close the door in his face and shoot him a smile.
Steve then tries to open the door, but you quickly slam the lock down and smile wider.
“Y/N,” Steve protests as he keeps pulling the handle. “You’re not driving.”
You hold his gaze and struggle to put the key in the hole, but once you do, you start the car and smirk.
“I’ll go slow,” you assure him and bat your eyelashes. “Promise.”
Steve challenges you for a few more seconds, but ultimately decides to give in and sit in the back. Dustin on the other hand struggled for a few seconds, he wants to keep arguing, but he gives up this time and just shows his annoyance by groaning and climbing in the back too.
“Can I be in charge of the music?” Robin asks after she puts on her seatbelt.
You look over at her and nod. “Of course sweetheart.” You then put on your sunglasses and look back at Dustin to tell him one last thing. “Tighten your seatbelt, we don’t have a booster seat for you.” You smirk and he glares at you before he flips you off. His reaction just makes you snicker while you turn away to change the gear and begin driving out of the cemetery.
“Maybe we can check out your rock cassettes?” Robin teases you while she flips through the music you had in the stereo.
You scoff. “Yeah, I kind of destroyed those a long time ago.” You sigh deeply and keep your eyes on the road.
“Too hardcore?”
You shake your head. “Just…” You clear your throat and whisper. “Ex reasons.”
Robin looks over at you and grins. “You dated a rockstar, Hopper?” She says loudly.
“No,” you retort. “He was not a rock star, he liked rock but he was no rockstar.”
Robin looks over her shoulder and shoots Steve a smirk before looking back at you. “Wow. Who would’ve thought you were into bad boys. You would’ve loved The Hair Harrington over there in his prime years in high school then.”
“Prime years?” Steve remarks.
You scoff and shake your head in disapproval. “Please, from what you and Jonathan have told me, I would’ve hated Steve in his, “prime years”,” you say as you air quote with your fingers. “No offense or anything, Steve.”
“I wouldn't blame you,” Steve quickly replies.
“Anyway!” You exclaim. “Danny wasn’t a bad boy. The only bad boy I dated was Billy, but that was mostly to get back at my dad.”
“So it is Danny!” Steve interjects.
You ignore Steve and reach for your bag to rummage through the cassettes you carry. “We can listen to uh, I don’t know, Come And Get Your Love, since you can’t pick a song.”
Robin huffs and lolls her head to the side in annoyance. “You’re only suggesting that song ‘cause you’re in love.”
“What?” You chuckle. “It’s a good song!”
Robin leans over and changes the songs until she gets to the one you want. “I hate failed romances.”
“Don’t give up, they’ll be better people out there, if not just have fun. Mess around.” You glance back at her and offer her a smile. “You’re young, smart, beautiful and cool.”
Robin exhales deeply and just slouches in her seat. “If that’s what you say,” she grumbles.
You steal one last glance at her and smirk as an idea pops into your mind.
Once you’re out of the cemetery and turn to the big street, you smirk deeper and press on the gas, and don’t keep your promise to Steve.
And of course he begins to freak out. “Hey! Hey! Slow down!”
You grin and ignore him while Robin begins to giggle since Steve is freaking out. You actually end up ignoring Steve for a few miles until your fun is forced to a stop since you do face traffic.
At least it was a nice distraction for a while.
“You’re not driving my car ever again,” Steve throws at you once you arrive at Nancy’s house.
You shut the door and smile as you skip towards him to wrap your arms around his waist and whisper. “Admit it, you had fun. I’m a cool driver.”
“Hardly,” he rebuttals and stays with you as Robin goes to let Nancy know you’re here. “This isn’t another one of your dirt bikes, you know that.”
You hum in agreement. “Can I drive for the rest of the day?” You disregard his comment.
Steve draws in a deep breath and looks back at you to meet your gaze. “Yeah, fine,” he breathes out. “Just this once.”
You grin and press a kiss on his back. “I love you,” you share.
A faint smile tugs on his lips, but he plays cool by sighing. “I love you.”
You pull away and stay by the trunk to wait for the girl you’re here to help. And once Nancy does walk out of her house, you all begin to help her load boxes of stuff inside the car right away.
“By the way before I leave I think it’s important that we girls have a talk.”
Robin pulls her head back to look at you. “About?” She probes.
You set the book down in the box and smile. “Stuff.”
“What kind of stuff?” Steve queries.
Robin and you look at him and you shoot him a pointed glare. “Girl stuff,” you clarify as you cross your arms over your chest. “Sorry no boys allowed.”
“Really?” Nancy asks.
You scoff. “Yeah, I mean I can’t tell my boyfriend everything. Besides…” you lean towards her and whisper. “I'm going to talk about him. Something he said.”
“No,” she huffs. “I mean are you sure you want to talk to me?”
You look at her puzzled and nod. “Why not? Unless you don’t want to. Which is fine.”
Sure, trusting her completely is going to take time, but well, after what you’ve faced together, after spending time with her you actually want to keep her as a friend. Not just because she and Jonathan are dating and it’d be awkward, but because you really want to now. She’s cool.
Nancy smiles at the thing in her hand and nods. “No I do. I just wasn’t sure. Thank you.”
You offer her a smile and continue to look through her things and change the subject. “Hopefully you’re not donating your Tom Cruise poster,” you smile while Steve hands you stuff so you can pass it to Dustin. “Because if you are, I can find it a home.”
Nancy looks up at you and scoffs in amusement, whilst Steve just shakes his head in disapproval. She was actually going to add something, but just before she can, her mom cuts her off. “Hey, Nance! I found some more of your old stuff in the attic.”
Nancy turns away to walk to her mom, letting you continue to just look through her stuff.
“You don’t need a Tom Cruise poster,” Steve adds. “You have me. You can look at me all the time when we move in together.”
Robin begins to chuckle and adds a remark to his comment. “Excuse me, what?”
You lean forward and shoot her a dismissive whisper. “We’ll talk later.”
You snicker softly and finally address Steve’s comment. “It’s for Eleven. Maybe if she stares at it long enough, her taste in guys will change. She’ll move on from you know, and lay her eyes on someone…well someone else.”
“Hey!” Dustin is quick to defend Mike.
“That’s not fair,” Robin interjects. “She could say the same about you.”
“Hey, what?” Steve interjects sharply while he fixes the boxes inside the trunk. “Eleven loves me, okay?”
You catch Nancy coming over and just leave the subject alone for now—you didn’t hate Mike, he’s okay, he’s good with your sister, but well let’s just say your annoyance towards him hasn't really disappeared.
“Here’s another one,” Nancy adds as she walks over to hand you the box.
You take it and hand it to Steve, whilst you ignore the tire screeches happening in the street to keep focusing on what you’re doing.
However, Mrs. Wheeler does end up distracting you and everyone else. “Did someone order a pizza?”
“Pizza?” Dustin asks and looks back while you and others do the same the moment a horn blares.
And once you do look back, you immediately recognize the pizza van and know right away who it belongs to before you actually spot the familiar faces.
“Oh,” you gasp breathlessly.
For once, Argyle was actually a sight for sore eyes.
“It's them,” you mutter with a growing smile.
When the van stops in the driveway and the doors open, the first people to walk out are Argyle and Jonathan. Mike and Will follow to walk out from the back, and behind them all though, is the one person who brings you tears, joy and relief to see.
She was okay. She…she looked different, but she was safe and okay. She was there. She was okay.
Furthermore, the moment Eleven's eyes fall on you, her smile begins to tremble and she doesn’t hesitate even for a second to break into a sprint towards you.
Without hesitation of your own, you break into your own sprint and meet her halfway to throw your arms around each other.
“You’re okay,” she instantly says. “You’re okay.”
Happy tears break out of your eyes and you nod eagerly. “I’m okay. I’m here. You,” cry and pull away to cup her cheeks so you can look at her shaved head. “What happened?” You slide your hand up and stroke the side of her head. “What happened?”
“Papa,” she shares. “He happened. But it’s a long story. I’ll tell you later. Okay?”
You frown and sniffle. “I’m sorry,” you say. “I’m sorry I wasn’t there, I’m sorry. I didn’t know. I tried calling, but no one answered. I’m sorry.”
Eleven shakes her head and lifts her eyes away from the scars around your throat that the bats left, to assure you sweetly. “But you did help with One. That’s what matters. You helped me and the others.” Her smile falters and her voice proceeds to break. “I was scared I lost you,” she begins to cry. “He showed me you in a trance. He said you…died….he showed me…” she pauses since she can’t even finish her sentence.
“But I’m here,” you comfort her. “I escaped. Once thanks to Steve and the others, and the second time because he was busy with Max, and you I assume. But I’m here.” You wipe the tears off her face and whisper. “I’m here.”
Eleven nods and then hugs you again.
“I love you Eleven,” you finally share. “I was scared I was going to lose you. I’m glad I didn’t. I love you, sis.”
Eleven’s hands clutch onto you and she giggles. “I love you too.”
You grin and pull away, letting her continue to speak. “You’ll tell me what happened later? Because I have something to tell you too.”
“Yeah,” you nod. “We can talk later because…” you pause and smile a bit shyly. “I need to tell you something too.”
“Okay,” she agrees and looks beside you as she catches Steve walking over.
“Hey. You’re okay,” he tells her.
You step away to let her step towards him. “Yeah,” she says with a smile. “You are too. Good.”
Steve scoffs and nods. “Yeah, I’ll say.”
Eleven giggles and walks over to Steve to hug him. It takes him by complete surprise but he hugs her back.
“Thank you,” you hear her say. “For taking care of my sister. For saving her too. I’m happy she has you.”
“It was all her,” he replies with a soft smile. “She saved me actually.”
Your smile widens into a grin as you can’t help but feel your heart skipping with joy as you see your favorite people interact.
“Thank you, anyway,” she says anyway before she pulls away to then walk over to Dustin.
You turn as well to look for Jonathan and Will. And they’re not so hard to spot since they were both busy talking with someone else. But when they do notice you’re finally free they both walk over to you at the same time.
“Hey, guys,” you greet happily and meet them halfway to take them in for an embrace. “You guys are okay,” you whisper with relief
“So are you,” Will says.
“Are you?” Jonathan asks.
You nod and feel your heart at ease now. “Yeah, I’m okay. I am now.” You all pull away but stay in front of each other. “You guys look like shit,” you giggle.
Jonathan scoffs and nods. “We’ve been through hell for the past couple of days.”
“Yeah,” you scoff. “Me too. One of those reasons is because you guys wouldn’t answer or call. I’ve been worried to say the least.”
“Sorry,” Will interjects as he scratches the back of his neck. “We haven’t been able to call. When we did try, our calls wouldn’t go in.”
You exhale and assure them. “It’s okay. You’re here now that’s what matters….I’ve missed you guys.”
Jonathan smiles at the ground and Will is the one that answers. “We’ve missed you too. We needed you actually.”
“Really?” You query with a growing grin. “Nice,” you huff and lick your lips to continue more seriously. “Anyway. We need to have a family meeting as soon as possible. I heard from a little bird that something happened that neither of you bothered to share.”
Jonathan and Will look at each other to share a quick concerned look before they nod in agreement and then quickly break away to return to the people they had been talking with before to avoid your anger, letting Argyle walk up to you now. “Y/N!”
You look over at him and smile. “Argyle. You know,” you sigh. “I don’t want to ask how you got mixed into all this. I’m glad you’re okay though.”
“Don’t ask,” he chuckles. “You won’t believe it. I hardly do.” He looks past you and his smile widens. “Steve! Hey my man!”
Said man walks over and offers Argyle a tightlipped smile and a stiff nod. “Hey.”
You bite the inside of your cheek and huff in amusement. Argyle then wants to add something else, but the sound of Eleven's voice cuts him off. “Y/N.”
You turn around to face her, Dustin, Will and Mike. “Yes?” You ask.
“We’re going to go visit Max, is that okay?”
You nod but begin to frown. “Of course. I’m going to go with Steve to drop some things off, we can meet you there after.”
“No,” Mike quickly interjects, pulling your eyes to him. “We can’t. She can’t.”
You narrow your eyes on him and quirk a brow to question him without the need to actually ask.
“I have my powers back,” Eleven continues for Mike. “But bad men are looking for me.”
Now your eyebrows begin to furrow and you quickly deadpan. “Explain. Now.”
“Later,” Will says. “We have a lot to talk about.”
“Just don’t pack,” Dustin adds with a teasing smirk.
No one laughs or smiles, Steve just gets confused and Eleven ignores him to add something else. “For now just meet at home after you are done. I will be there.”
You sigh deeply and just nod since all you can do is agree even if you have a lot to ask. “Fine. I’ll meet you at the cabin then.”
The boys and Argyle begin to leave towards Nancy and Jonathan, but Eleven stays to ask one more thing. “Can I have some money? I want to buy Max something.”
Without hesitance, you agree. “Yeah, you can,” you nod and then try to walk back to Steve’s car to get your purse, but he actually catches you by surprise first.
“How much do you want?” He asks her, causing your jaw to drop.
“Steve,” you try to stop him with a whisper. “It’s okay. I have money.”
Steve ignores you and takes out his wallet, while Eleven is a bit off guard too. She actually first looks over at you to check in.
“Just here,” Steve continues and pulls out a twenty. “You can keep the change.”
“Steve,” you whisper with an awestruck look now painted on your features.
He looks over at you and offers you a sweet smile. “It’s okay,” he adds. “I got her.”
Your heart begins to race and an admiring and loving smile grows on your features. “Thank you,” you mumble.
His smile widens and turns softer as he holds your gaze. “You’re my girl. I got you. I got the both of you.”
God. He needs to be kissed right now.
“Well,” Eleven interrupts your moment. “Thank you, Steve.” Her eyes drift to you and she offers you a teasing smile before she begins to walk back. “I’ll see you later.”
You nod quickly and wave at her. Once she turns away you clear your throat and address Steve. “Again,” you say as you turn to walk back to Steve’s car. “Thank you, I’ll pay you back.”
“Don’t,” he quickly rebuttals. “It’s okay, really. I told you I want you in my life. She’s important to you so she’s important to me too. That means I’m looking out for her too.” He throws his arm around your shoulder and smirks. “Besides, I like the cool points.”
You roll your eyes and scoff as you counter back. “If she loves you already, how come you need cool points then?”
“Don’t be jealous. You’re still my favorite girl.”
“Okay,” you scoff. “But I’m not jealous.”
“Oh god,” you mutter in disbelief as all you see as you walk in the high school is all the displaced people due to the gates ripping apart the town.
It’s so sad seeing the town you still consider home be so torn apart because of something they didn’t even know happened. Seeing all the missing people posters lost to the gates opening is just so depressing, especially because you could see the desperation of all the people waiting for an answer.
What got you the most though was Eddie’s poster. One, because jackasses vandalized it, two, because his uncle is still hopeful he’s around. Even after all the lies that have come out, he’s still hopeful. He’s still looking for Eddie; a man no one will know died a hero to help this town that hated him.
And that knowledge, and the anger that boiled within you is what makes you storm over to the missing persons board to rip Eddie’s vandalized poster off to crumble it up, and throw it in the trash.
“Good riddance,” the cop quickly commented after he caught you.
You snap your head towards him and shoot him a nasty glare. “Watch your mouth,” you snap.
“Excuse me?” He sneers as he looks at you up and down and then focuses on your face with a scowl.
You huff and tilt your head since you don’t back down. “You heard me. Watch your mouth and have some respect.”
The cop parts his lips to argue back immediately, but something seems to go off that makes him step back and dismiss you. “Move along.”
Now you look at him up and down to shoot him one more glare before you turn on your heels and rejoin your group and ignore Steve and Robin’s impressed faces.
“Thank you,” Dustin whispers as you continue towards the donation table.
You look over at him and smile softly. “Of course,” you comfort him.
“Hi,” you hear Robin greet the volunteer girl.
When you stop between her and Dustin you set your box down and catch the girl's reply. “Hi.”
“Uh, so these are blankets and sheets,” Robin shares while she points to the boxes you all brought in. “And some…some clothes and…and some kid’ toys.”
“Wow. It’s already so organized.” The girl huffs and smiles. “We appreciate that. Do you want a tax receipt for it?”
Robin, Steve and you share a confused look that gives Robin the answer to say. “Uh, no. I don’t think that we need one. Thank you, though.”
“But,” you interject and lean in towards the table. “Is there anything else that we can do to help?”
The girl puts her pen down on the clipboard and looks at the four of you with a relieved smile before she sends Steve and you off to the clothing section, while Robin gets sent to the cafeteria, and Dustin gets sent to help the people.
“We take from these piles of clothes and then we sort by age. We got infants, girls, boys, men, women,” the volunteer lady lets you know as she points to the different sections. “Oh, if anything is in too bad shape we really don’t want that.”
“Okay,” you say as you follow her with a pile of clothes she had already given you. “Sounds easy.”
The lady suddenly turns around, causing you to take a big step back. “Thank you so much, we appreciate the help.”
You offer her a smile and a nod. “Of course.”
She mirrors the smile before she walks away to let you work.
“This is easy,” you whisper to yourself and put down the pile of clothes to begin sorting them in their right places.
It isn’t hard at all.
But, when you do get to your last piece of clothing you couldn’t help but pout out of awe. “Oh my god!” You exclaim and lift the little dress up and beam at it.
“What? What?” Steve asks in concern.
You turn and face him to show off the little clothes. “Look! Look how tiny it is. Isn’t it so cute?”
Steve ignores the worried glances you got and exhales. “Yeah. Well it is baby clothes, so.”
“How a person can fit in this is beyond me,” you giggle and lower your hands, but keep admiring the little yellow sundress. “It’s so adorable.” You look over at him and smile. “Imagine, little Sara, or little Leia in this. Aw.” You turn away to place the dress where it needs to go, but in doing so you miss the soft smile tugged on his lips and the love struck look in his eyes.
You actually don’t look over at him for a while since you’re concentrating on your task. It isn’t until he returns to your side and nudges your arm that you pay attention to him again. “What?”
“Look. Robin, six o’clock.”
You look back and he quickly snaps back. “No other way!”
“You said six,” you complain and follow his line of gaze only to spot Robin and the girl Vickie smiling, giggling, and talking with each other.
You’d say you’re proud and happy, but after what happened the other day you’re more bothered than happy—no, you’re happy Robin can talk to her crush, but well, she can do a lot better.
The green flags are just not waving for you.
“Meh,” you add and focus back on your task in hand.
Steve blinks and rips his eyes away from your mutual friend to comment on your response. “Meh?”
You shrug and place a piece of clothes down. “She can do better.”
“Better than the girl she likes?” He adds and follows you.
You nod. “Yes.” You glance over at Robin and Vickie and see the girl rambling while Robin seems to also add into that. “It’s just the green flags aren’t waving. She can do better.”
Steve scoffs and rebuttals. “She’s the girl we’ve been pushing her with. Fast times girl?”
“So?” You retort. “Look, Vickie is pretty, sure. She’s into girls, obviously, but I don’t know…they’re too alike.”
“You haven’t met her.”
“So? Look Steve, it’s just—”
“You’re jealous?” He cuts you off, causing you to stop what you’re doing. “You’re scared Vickie is going to take your friend away.” He shoots you a cocky smirk, but you huff and deny his claims.
“No….I am not. Why should I not want the happiness of my friend? Why would I not want her love life to succeed?” You press and continue to work alongside him.
“Because,” Steve continues to explain as he grabs the clothes you hand him to fold it. “Robin has been attached to you ever since you met her, you don’t want her to have another girl friend. You don’t want to be replaced.”
He’s…he’s only partially true. Partially.
“It’s not that,” you keep stubbornly insisting. “I’m just looking out for my friend. I don’t want her to get hurt. Okay? That’s all.” You drift your eyes to the side and catch his gaze on you already, so you just shrug and hand him the last piece of clothes in your hand. “Anyway! I need to go check on Eleven, she should be at the cabin already. Can you take me?”
Steve puts the shirt down in the right place and nods. “Yeah, but I won’t be able to stay, I’m going to need to come back for these two.”
“That’s fine,” you assure him as you both walk away from the table.
“Hey,” Steve interjects as he grabs your hand to stop you in your path towards Robin. “You aren’t going to stay in that broken down cabin are you?”
You shrug. “I’ll tell Jonathan to help me patch up the holes. Our furniture is still dusty but it'll work after I clean it.”
“What about food?”
“I’ll buy some,” you give him an immediate solution. “After all, from what they said, I think my stay here is going to be permanent now, so we’ll need it. At least until we can talk to Joyce to figure things out.”
Steve begins to scratch the back of his head and looks away for a second before he clears his throat to continue. “Why don’t Eleven and you stay with me? I know we said later on, but you can just come stay with me for a while. There’s spare rooms. Jonathan and Will can stay with the Wheeler’s. Because I mean, if the bad men are after your sister, then they’re probably after them and you too. You’ll be safe with me, my parents won’t snitch. At least until Joyce comes, or at least until the cabin is fixed a bit better.”
A smile slowly tugs on your lips and you don’t need time to decide for yourself, but now that Eleven’s here you do need to talk to her first. “I’d love to stay with you, but I’ll need to ask Eleven first. Okay? I’ll talk to her when I get there. And I’ll also ask her about the other moving in thing. Promise.”
Steve sighs in relief and nods before he puts his hand on your back to turn you to head back towards Robin.
The moment you do reach her, both her and Vickie look over at you.
“Robin, I’m going to drop y/n off at her cabin,” Steve explains. “I’ll come back for Dustin and you.”
Robin nods eagerly and then glances at Vickie before dropping her butter knife and pointing at her. “Guys, this is Vickie. Vickie, these are my best friends, y/n and Steve.”
Vickie grins at the both of you and stretches out her hand to greet you, but she then quickly pulls it back and giggles nervously. “Sorry, gloves. I can’t get them dirty. I mean they’re going to get dirty, but I mean germ dirty.” She scoff and shakes her head to continue. “But hi! I’m Vickie. I knew you guys from school, ha. Chief’s princess,” she points at you and then looks at Steve. “And you know, The Hair Harrington,” she exhales. “Oh god, I’m sorry it’s just nicknames from school. You know—I’m sorry.”
Steve and you share a look, and you want to tell him you told him so and just laugh really, but you hold yourself back and smile sweetly. “Well, Vickie, it's nice meeting you.” You look over at Robin and shoot her a smirk. “Take care of Robin, yeah?” You step back and turn to walk away.
Once Steve catches up to you and you’re outside of the school you both burst out laughing.
“I told you!” You exclaim and clap. “Alike!”
“Yeah, no you’re right. Wow.” He looks over at you to point at you. “So? Green flags?”
You shrug with a small smile. “I’ll see.”
“I’ll be back in about two hours,” Steve informs you when he parked the car a bit away from the cabin.
You lean in to kiss him, but when you grasp what he said you pull back to comment on it. “Two hours? We agreed in three hours.”
Steve shrugs. “So? I’m going to miss you.”
The smile on your lips slowly begins to widen but you instead counter against his comment. “Well, it seems that I’m coming back so you’ll have enough of me. You’ll get tired of me.”
Steve smiles and shakes his head. “Impossible.” He leans in and presses a tender kiss on your lips before pulling back to continue quieter. “I’ll be back in an hour with food. I’ll miss you.”
He just keeps changing it. Good.
“It’ll just be one hour.” You mutter and glance at his lips.
“Tell me about it,” he whispers and shows off a charming half grin before he grabs your face and pulls you in for a deeper kiss that you immediately return.
The kiss was so fervent and desperate, yet passionate and tender at the same time. He made time become irrelevant, and provided a fire to your heart that made it race but weakened you at the same time. It was even hard to breathe normally, the both of you were practically hyperventilating since neither of you could pull away from the taste of each other’s lips.
“Steve,” you groan to try and say something, but he just pulls you in and this time he slips his tongue to swipe on your bottom lip. The feeling makes you melt and feel all tingly, while you could feel your stomach twist with desperation and desire.
For that moment you let him take complete control, you forgot where you were and why you came exactly. All you could focus on was on Steve, on how smooth his skin was as you slowly slid your hands up his face to tug on his hair. When he did this deep throaty groan all you felt was your own need for him now more than ever.
But you couldn’t. You can’t now.
But he’s making it so hard to leave.
“Steve,” you mumble as you manage to pull away. “I need to go.” You pant and wipe his bottom lip with your thumb. “I’ll see you in thirty minutes.”
Steve's eyes bounce from your lips to your eyes and he nods and whispers. “Thirty. Got it. Thirty.”
You smile and press another kiss on his lips. “I love you.”
Steve smirks and grabs you by the back of your neck to pull you in for a deep kiss again.
“Steve, baby,” you say between the kiss. “You’re making it hard to go.”
“Then don’t. Let’s go home,” he suggests between the kiss. “We’ll come back in three hours.”
You pull away and keep your hands on his chest. “Later. Promise. When we have time. People are expecting us.”
Steve sighs and nods with discontent. “Yeah, yeah, okay. It’s not fair though.”
You grin at him as he averts his gaze and assure him as you drag yourself back to open the door. “Thirty minutes.”
Steve lifts a little off his seat and just as you were going to fully exit the car he basically throws himself over to you to grab your wrist to stop you.
“Steve,” you protest. “I really need to go. Eleven’s waiting for me.”
“Look,” he mutters and points forward.
You shift your eyes to where he points to and search in between the woods to find what he pointed out, but for a few seconds all you saw was just trees.
“The car,” he points out and pulls you in so you can finally spot it parked near the cabin. “It has dark windows. You recognize it?”
You squint your eyes and lean forward to gasp. “No. I don’t.”
Without question Steve lets you go to unbuckle himself and open his car door to climb out of the car and begin to carefully trudge forward. You quickly follow after him and keep your guard up, you don’t keep your mind open to the possibility that it might be someone you knew, you expect the worst due to all that’s happened and the fact that Eleven is currently wanted by bad men.
You’re basically ready to fight if the occasion arose. How? And with what weapons? Well you didn’t know, but you were ready the moment you reached the mysterious car.
Even if you could see nothing inside because of the tinted windows.
“I can't see shit,” Steve whispers and crouches to try and look harder. “Maybe they’re in your house.”
You move past him to go walk inside, but you come to a quick and hard stop when you spot Joyce hugging Will and Jonathan.
After that your concern just flew past your head.
“Joyce,” you call with emotions already building up.
Said woman looks over at you and a warmer smile decorates her features, she pulls away from her sons and takes one step forward so you could run to her and greet her with a hug.
“Hi, sweetie,” she greets sweetly.
You exhale deeply out of relief and just hold onto her tighter, because seeing her, feeling her arms around you felt the same way as when you had Hopper; safe.
“You’re okay,” you croak. “You’re okay.”
“I am,” she assures you. “I am. I’m sorry I couldn’t call. I’m sorry I wouldn't answer calls.”
You shake your head and pull away to face her and let her cup your face to wipe your tears away. “You were busy, I understand. It’s just…things happened here and I was just worried about you. That’s all.”
Joyce huffs and nods while she seems to grow rather weird. “I was busy,” she says and meets your gaze, and doesn’t drop her smile. “But I’m okay. Are you okay?”
You nod and assure her. “I’m okay.”
“Your surprise is inside,” she reveals and points to the cabin.
You scoff with amusement and glance at the front door before returning your eyes to hers. “Really? I thought it was a joke. What is it?”
“I can't say,” she says with a shrug and pulls away to dig her hands in her pants pockets. “You’ll have to go inside and see.”
You grin at her now and squeal. “I’m excited!”
“You should be!”
You giggle and step back to grab Steve’s hand and pull him inside with you.
“Careful,” Steve comments when you’re running on the wooden front porch. “I wouldn’t want you to fall in through the porch.”
“Ha, so funny,” you retort and let go of his hand when you’re inside. “Eleven? I’m here.” You walk in further and search the house for your surprise, but all you see is just dust and old furniture.
Eleven walks out of the room slowly and right away you notice how her eyes are gleaming, and that her cheeks have tear marks on them.
“Hey,” you begin to query. “What’s—”
However, you end up cutting yourself and gasping when you see…your father walking out of the room too.
“Oh, shit,” Steve gasps.
This. This had to be some dream. This can’t be real. He’s dead.
“No,” you whisper and shake your head as you stumble back, but keep your eyes on him; on his rather thin face and body, on his shaved head. “This…” you trail off and turn to Steve with a trembling frown and tear clouded eyes. “He’s here. Real or not real?” You ask for reassurance.
Steve turns to you and spares a glance at the man cautiously waiting with Eleven in front of the room—“real,” Steve assures you. “It’s real I swear.”
You draw in a deep breath and look back at Hopper to let your eyes search his face one more time thoroughly.
It’s not that you didn’t want him to not be here, but you can’t help but fear that this is some cruel vision, an even crueler nightmare.
He didn’t look like he did in the visions or your dreams, but this could still be a trick.
“It’s Hop,” Eleven says to try and comfort you, making you release a shaky breath.
Yet the only person you can look at for a clarification is Steve; he notices right away the look in your eyes, the need for an answer, and he doesn’t hesitate to assure you. “It’s real. It’s all real.” He cups your cheek and nods. “He’s here.”
“Y/N,” you hear Hopper say.
Tears roll down your cheeks and you slowly turn your head at the sound of his voice.
Hopper slowly steps forward, making you pull away from Steve and take only one step towards your father.
“It’s me. I’m here.”
More tears cloud your eyes and you slowly begin to walk towards him to meet halfway just a few inches in front him.
He doesn’t move or try anything, he lets you take your time to make sure that he wasn’t a dream, he watches you quietly as you lift your hand to slowly cup his cheek to feel his warm flesh for yourself.
“Dad,” you say breathlessly and carefully begin to caress his cheek.
Hopper smiles and cups your hand as tears of his own trial down his cheeks.
“Hi, baby,” his says in a quivering voice.
You sniffle and use your hand to cup his other cheek since he did feel real, his face did feel warm to the touch. He felt real. He looked it too.
“Dad,” you cry and try to smile, but your bottom lip trembles too much to let that actually show.
With his other hand he cups your cheek to gently begin caressing it, making you lean into his touch and smile before you pull each other into an embrace.
Now all you could do was ball the fabric of his shirt in your hands so he wouldn’t vanish like last time. You closed your eyes and dug your head into the crook of his neck to take in his small; he didn’t smell great, but you didn’t care, he smelled real, he felt real. He was real and with you, that’s all you cared about.
“My baby girl,” he whispers and presses a kiss on your head and hugs you tighter. “I missed you so much,” he whispers while he rubs your back and caresses the back of your head as he cries quietly. “There was never a moment that I didn’t think of you and your sister.”
“I missed you too,” your voice sounds muffled. “So so much. Dad,” you pause and pull away, but keep your hands on his face. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”
Hopper sighs and cups your face to quickly rebuttal against your apology. “What are you sorry for?”
He huffs and shakes his head, “you did nothing wrong,” he corrects you. “Nothing.”
You swallow thickly and huff out to smile at him and try to whisper what you haven’t told him. “I forgave you. A long time ago, I wanted to tell you, but you…you didn’t come back.” You sniffle and grin. “I love you dad.”
Your father scoffs and shows off his grin before he pulls Eleven and you into an embrace. “My little Valentine’s,” he whispers and presses a kiss on the top of your heads.
You exhale shaily and hold onto them tightly.
Now your heart was really at ease and content.
You proceed to pull away again to look up at his head and then back at his face to tease him. “You stole her look.”
Hopper and Eleven chuckle before he answers. “That’s what I said.”
“It looks good,” you compliment him and then go a bit serious though. “But how did you make it out?”
“It was the Russian’s,” he scoffs. “But it’s a long story. I’ll tell it later okay?”
You nod and let out another breathless chuckle before you clear your throat and glance over at Steve wandering the living room, and then focus back on your dad to continue speaking. Albeit this time in Russian. “<How terrible was prison?>”
Hopper blinks and parts his lips from surprise and bafflement, while Eleven giggles and Steve just rolls his eyes from where he stood.
You on the other hand notice your fathers confusion and scoff in amusement before continuing. “<Can’t say I blame you, but you don’t understand me do you?>”
Your father sighs and chuckles. “What? When the hell did you learn Russian?”
You scoff and don’t hesitate to show off. “I said how terrible was prison and I asked if you understood. And well it’s been eight months, I was bored most of the time in California so I just said why not.”
“And because you wanted to be a show off,” Steve interjects.
You scoff but smile. “I am fluent now. Almost.”
Hopper huffs out but can’t help his proud smile, before he comments on the man standing in the far end of the room. “So Harrington, are you just going to awkwardly stand over there?”
You all look over at your boyfriend while he slowly turns around to face the three of you with a nervous look. “Just given you guys time.” He swallows thickly and meets your gaze before he makes his way towards you to greet your father. “It’s nice to have you back, Chief.”
Your fathers eyes narrow and his hands slip off yours and Eleven’s shoulders. “I’m not a Chief anymore.” He scoffs and goes serious. “Joyce told me about you and my daughter.”
Steve goes stiff and nods. “Yeah, yeah, me and y/n are together,” he reveals, making you smile.
“So you grew the balls to ask,” your father chuckles, snapping your eyes up to him and making Steve stammer.
Hopper steps away from Eleven and you, to step toward Steve and offer him his hand.
Steve looks at you and then at your fathers hand before he meets his gaze and shakes it.
“Thank you,” your father says and leaves you stunned. “Joyce told me a lot. Thank you for looking out for my girls.”
Steve scoffs and they both pull their hands away. “Of course. I love y/n,” he says without fear. “She’s important to me. She needed me, I was there. Always.”
You walk over to Steve’s side to just look at your father’s face. And you’re surprised to see him smiling.
“Well, thank you,” your father says again.
Steve sighs with relief and nods, letting Hopper share one last scoff before he grabs Eleven by the shoulders and walks her outside, whilst you face Steve and can’t help but show off your growing smile.
“You won’t be able to stay over anymore will you?” Steve asks and sighs.
You shake your head. “I don’t think so, but,” you swallow thickly. “If you still want, once I graduate, we can still move in together. Sound good? I’ll talk to my dad after all these emotions of him being alive pass.”
Steve smiles and nods in agreement. “Yeah. That sounds good. Now let’s get outside, he likes me, I don't want to get on his bad side already.”
“Maybe I get to be the ninja now,” you laugh while you walk out. “Hmm?”
Steve rolls his eyes but he doesn’t turn down your suggestion. “Okay. I’ll pick you up.”
“Sounds good. Twelve thirty?” You ask discreetly.
“Yep.” He whispers and nods.
Steve and you walk out of the cabin, and you instantly head towards your father when he pulls away from his embrace with Mike.
“I should thank Joyce for going on her business trip,” you say as you watch Eleven and Joyce talking.
Your father nods and draws in a deep breath. “About her,” he exhales and looks over at you. “We need to talk.”
You look over at him and nod slowly. “Okay. Well there’s a lot we need to talk about actually.”
“Yeah,” he agrees and then goes serious when he catches the scars around your neck. “What happened?”
You draw in and deep breath and part your lips to add something, but all you let out is your breath of air since the sound of thunder rumbling in the sky cuts you off.
You wouldn’t have thought anything of it, but then some white particles begin to fall from the sky. When you reach your hand out to catch one, you notice that it doesn’t melt in your hand.
“What,” you mouth and then look up at the sky to see that the dark clouds that suddenly began to invade the sky seemed to be coming from somewhere.
Everyone noticed that and without saying anything, you all walked out of the forest that surrounded the cabin to walk out to the grass hills.
And that’s when you saw it, the black clouds, and black smoke that rose from the ground and brought red lightning. You saw glowing red gates in the distance that cracked the ground, and the dead grass and flowers that lay beyond you.
But…it’s supposed to be gone. Max is alive, this can’t be happening again.
How is it happening again?
You let out a shaky breath and share a concerned look with Steve, as you slowly interlace your fingers together to grab ahold of each other’s hands for comfort from the tragedy brewing before you.
“I told you,” a familiar evil voice suddenly sounds in your head. “Y/N. You can’t run away from me.”
A/N- BAHHH!!! I can’t believe we have to wait again!!! Thank you though! Thanks to everyone who kept up with this series! Thank you and I love all of you! The next season is still a long ways away but I hope, I really do hope I get to finish this series! Thank you again, bye for now! ❤️❤️
Tagged- @felicityofbakerstreet @mserynlarsen @m-blasterrr @lookalivesunshine-x @slvtherinseeker @mochminnie @beepbeephargrove @peterwandaparker @train-wrecc @truthdaze @ioonatv @leahseclipse @preciousbabypeter @cevans-winchester @criminalyetminimal @ttae-yong @distinguishedmakerpandapatrol @geeksareunique @addisonnie @khaylin27 @seolaseoul @tomspidertingle @tye-dyemango @hehehehannahthings @gyros-cum-sock @the-local-toast @goldenvespa @naughty-koala07 @whore-for-murdock @jallerentrags @honey-with-tea @milkiane @roseabelle21 @obesesseddd @walkin-in-hawkins @ilovewomen711 @lqveharrington @thepowerstoner @guichu @reymaybe @earthtostory @xstormiii @a-vvenger @f-artsmella @hawkeyeharrington @holymusicalmothman @hcloangcls @mortallyspookyglitter @a-avengerparker @mxltifxnd0m @natrualartesianmemes @pissbabybitchboy @bethii1
#strange#stranger things#stranger things fanfiction#fanfiction#damn-stark#chapter 18#steve harrington fanfiction#Steve harrington#steve harrington series#steve harrington fluff#steve harrington fanfic#fanfic#stranger things season 4#stranger things series#steve harrington x hopper!fem reader#steve harrington x fem!reader#steve harrington x hopper!reader#steve harrington x reader#steve harrington x you#Steve harrington x y/n#Robin Buckley#eleven#eleven x hopper!reader (platonic)#Nancy wheeler#Joyce Byers#Jim hopper#jim hopper x daughter!reader#will Byers#jonathan byers#dustin henderson
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I have had a few bucky x read fic ideas bouncing around in my head and i cant write! So here is one,
Sam find a person who stairs and doesnt talk a whole lot because they uses ✨telepathy ✨. So Sam think they would be a good fit for Bucky, but he doesn’t know they have that power he just thinks they are mute. Then there is a thing where the reader is telling Buck how it works and they if they have something to connect them together like an object *reader motions to dog tags* they can have an unbreakable mind link. Then they fall in love or something. This is dumb, thank you for coming to my TedTalk
Hey! Thank you so much for this request, it wasn't dumb at all. I really enjoyed writing this. I may have gotten a bit carried away, this may sit close to 4000 words but we vibe. I hope this is what you had in mind! Please enjoy! <3
Click here for my masterlist of other fics and check in my bio for requests if anyone wishes to ask!
Bucky had been enjoying a moments peace, he loved working with Sam but sometimes all he wanted was to put his feet up, put on some vinyl and enjoy a good cup of coffee all while reading a brilliant book. He had been trying to get into Game of Thrones lately, on Sam’s insistence, and he had been enjoying it. With the crackles of Glenn Miller from the turntable he missed the clunky footsteps coming up the stairs.
The sight that greeted Sam needed to be photographed. Bucky was lounging back on his ‘old man armchair’ feet up, hair in a towel, in a bathrobe, coffee in hand and facemask on, this was definitely one for the family album.
At the sound of the phone shutter Bucky practically launched himself out of the chair.
“Oh, you are never gonna live this one down old boy, it’s going to haunt you.” Sam almost cackled evilly as he began to email the photo to himself- he had learnt the hard way that Bucky was very proficient at breaking phones.
“You better not upload that photo anywhere, Wilson, I have a reputation to uphold.”
“Pfft, reputation, that’s funny.”
Bucky scoffed as he stood up, placing his book carefully on the side table, “Big scary super soldier, people hardly run-in fear from a guy in a bathrobe.”
“I disagree, a man in a bathrobe is definitely something you should run from. AH NOPE!” Sam jumped backwards, on top of a nearby chair, as Bucky lunged for the phone, towel turban falling off in the process. “You are not breaking this phone as well.”
“Fine. But you gotta promise not to post that anywhere.” Bucky huffed.
“I won’t.”
“As long as- “
“Oh no, I’m not doing anything for you.”
“Think of it as payment for the last phone you broke and insurance for this picture.”
There was silence for a moment as the two friends eyed each other up. Sam raised his eyebrows, Bucky’s eyes narrowed. It was an intense staring match between a guy in a bathrobe and a precariously balanced man. A clock ticked.
“Fine.” Bucky conceded. “What do you want?”
“For you to come to a meeting.”
“The families of Veterans ones?”
“Yeah.” Sam slowly started climbing down from the chair. “And before you get your old man pants in a twist, I’m not trying to force you to talk or anything, kinda.”
“Kinda?” Suspicion laced through Bucky’s voice.
“You know sign language, right?”
“Which kind?”
“American? I think?”
“Yeah, I know ASL, might be a bit rusty but I’m sure it still holds up. Why do you ask?”
Sam shifted slightly on his feet, “There’s this person, they come in every week and listen. I tried to talk to them, but they communicate through sign language, and I don’t have anyone there to talk with them.” He cast his eyes to the floor, “I feel bad. They were brave enough to come to the group only to basically be ignored ‘because we didn’t plan well enough.”
Bucky smiled, face mask crinkling around his smile lines, “You could have just asked me to Sam. You didn’t have to blackmail me into this, of course I’ll help. When’s the next meeting?”
“This evening. You gonna be ready or do you need some more ‘me’ time.”
Bucky simply chuckled at Sam’s teasing tone, patted his shoulder making sure to squeeze just a bit too hard before retreating to his room.
“I’ll be there, Wilson, and I will look so much younger than you!”
It was frustrating to you, going along to these meetings and not being able to communicate. You could always speak into someone’s mind but all that usually accomplished was a very paranoid person. But just listening to other’s stories really helped the grief from losing someone so close to you. You related to most of the people there and even though they didn’t understand you a lot of the time, you were always made to feel welcome- with friendly pats on the back and the odd tissue thrown your way.
You bustled into the familiar building with a new sense of excitement as Sam had promised to bring a translator for you this week. It was finally time to say your thanks to some of the people there and finally let the group know about your brother, so that it wasn’t only you that remembered him.
You all but ran through the hallways until you caught sight of a familiar smiling man. Sam was facing you, talking animatedly to another man, the strangers back was to you. He was tall, broad shouldered and dressed in a vintage looking leather jacket and rather well fitted trousers. Now the debate was: does the tailoring make the ass, or does the ass make the tailoring. You were halfway through the arguments on either side when Sam shouting your name disrupted the intense debating in your mind. You blushed at being caught, then blushed some more when you caught sight of the stranger’s face. Twinkling blue eyes under a deep-set brow should have made him intimidating, but he was smiling, and his face was dazzling. There was an immediate fluttering in your stomach.
“Hey, I’m Bucky.” Dear lord even his voice was nice, what made you smile even more was the fact that he signed as he spoke. Well, Sam certainly knew how to pick them well. “Sam introduced me; said you wanted an interpreter.”
You nodded as you signed back, “Nice to meet you, thank you for helping out.”
“No problem, Sam has told me a bit about you.”
“Good things I hope.”
“Okay I recognise my own name, you two better not be conspiring against me.” Sam piped up, to be honest you had forgotten about him for a moment.
Bucky laughed, and it sent a little thrill down you, he really was adorable.
“No worries, Wilson, just letting them know all your dirty little secrets.”
“Right, you two get in there, before you make me sleep with one eye open.”
You and Bucky caught each other’s eye, his eyes were twinkling with mischief, and you couldn’t help the smile that overtook you. You had a feeling that the two of you would get on just fine.
The meeting passed easily. Bucky translated your signs and you finally felt like you could actually take part in these meetings. Everyone listened intently when you spoke of your brother and when you had thanked the whole group for being so open to you a couple of people shed a tear. By the end of the meeting though you were tired and very accepting of Bucky’s offer to walk you home.
It was a lot of side glances and hidden smiles and you walked side by side. Drawn to each other under the moonlit sky, it was nice to just be in the presence of someone who had such a kind aura. You spent the walk trying to work up the confidence to sign something, anything but nothing came to mind and Bucky seemed quite content to just walk in comfortable silence.
You soon reached your home, you turned to Bucky with a smile on your face and signed,
“Thanks for today, Bucky. You were really helpful.”
“No problem.” He signed back,
You hesitated slightly before signing, “Would you be happy to have a coffee with me, tomorrow?”
Bucky went a little red in the face, and chuckled, “I would love to, I know a nice place, real cosy. I’ll text you the details.”
“You know how to text?”
“Hey! I get enough stick from Sam, don’t need you getting on my case too. I’ll have you know that I am very adaptable.”
“Sure, Sure.” You smiled at his flustered tone. “I’ll wait for your text then, have a good evening.”
“You too.”
The two of you stared slightly awkwardly at each other, neither wanting to be the first to turn around. You shuffled your feet away slowing, smiling awkwardly once more at Bucky before turning. You heard his footsteps start to fade away as you walked towards your home. You were but three steps to the door when a large figure in a hoodie slammed into you, you raised your arms instinctively to block them when you noticed your shoulder was lighter. The bastard had stolen your bag.
You immediately took chase, chasing around the corner you just walked down but they were fast, faster then you at least. As you rounded the corner you caught sight of Bucky walking ahead. The thief wouldn’t stand a change against him. Without a second thought you cast your thoughts towards Bucky,
“Bucky! Thief! My Bag! Behind you!”
You saw Bucky flinch slightly then turn bewildered, his eyes widening when he saw you hurting towards him, chasing the hooded figure. He caught on and launched after the thief as well, with barely any effort he knocked the thief to the ground, grabbed your bag and whipped out his phone to call the cops.
Well, that was hot.
You took your bag back, immediately checking that you brother’s lucky coin was in the zippy pocket, to your relief it was still there. You looked up to see Bucky staring at you with a very puzzled look on his face. You sighed before casting your thoughts to his head once more,
“I’ll explain later.”
Bucky let out a strange, decompressed noise of shock, it made you giggle. The two of you waited in silence until the police came and took the thief away. The police car had barely driven away when he turned to you.
“Did you just, talk in my head? Or did my conscious just suddenly get really loud.”
“I did. Hi. Sorry about that.”
He waved his hands dismissively. “Believe it or not, not the weirdest thing I’ve encountered.”
“Well, that’s reassuring.”
There was an awkward silence.
“So,” You started, resorting back to sign language, it felt less invasive, “Still down for coffee?”
Bucky smiled, “One hundred percent. I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“Yeah. Bye Bucky. Thanks for getting my bag back.”
“No problem, see ya.”
The coffee shop that Bucky invited you to, was tucked away, it was the kind of place that you would stumble over on accident. With a simple door and a big window out the front, that lead soft orange light filter out onto the alley. There was the faint sound of jazz leaking out of the building, you smirked. It was such an old fashioned place, of course this was where Bucky frequented.
The bell tinkled slightly as you entered the café, where you were greeted with the smell of fresh coffee and baked goods. You caught sight of Bucky’s broad shoulders sitting in the corner, and you made your way over to him, smiling at the barista as you passed.
As if sensing you, Bucky turned to smile and wave. He was dressed in casual clothes like last time, but this time his hair was loose around his shoulders. You smiled back before settling into the seat opposite him.
His hands moved hesitantly as he signed, “What would you like? I can recommend their hot chocolate, its very warming/”
“Hot chocolate it is.”
You could tell he wanted to ask you a million questions but to his credit he walked slowly to get the drinks, he even took his time carefully carrying the tray of drinks back to your table. He placed a delicious looking hot chocolate in front of you. You watched as he took a sip.
5, 4, 3, 2, 1-
“So,” Here we go, “What is it you can do, you can speak in peoples’ heads, can you,” He lowered his voice and leaned in, “Can you read people’s minds?”
You giggled slightly, his eyes were basically sparkling, he was definitely nerding out about this.
You set the hot chocolate down before casting your thoughts to his head, “I can speak in peoples heads relatively easily, it’s how I talk most of the time to people I know. I guess you could call it Telepathy.”
Bucky’s eyes were as wide as saucers, “So you can’t read thoughts, only… speak them?”
“I like to call it casting, makes me feel like a sorcerer. I can read thoughts, but it takes a lot of energy. I used to be able to talk with my brother from across the house. That usually requires some kind of connection.”
“Oh, so like a blood or family connection? Do you have to know the person very well?”
“That certainly helps but it’s not always necessary. If I have a personal object that belongs to that person, something I can hold and connect to them it isn’t hard to make a two-way connection. Especially if that person is willing to open their mind.”
Bucky seemed to be caught in thought for a second. “So, if I were to give you something of mine, we could both talk in our… heads?”
“Well yes, but Bucky we have only just met. Letting me into your head is a lot. I try not to pry but sometimes I’ve found that thoughts just burst through. Let’s get to know each other a before that happens.”
Bucky smiled at you before speaking and signing, “You’re right. Let’s get to know one another. I find you fascinating.”
It happened on the fifth date. Bucky was just walking you home after a lovely dinner at a small Italian that he claimed he went to back in the 40s. Just outside your door, under the glow of a lamppost he turned to you and took a deep breath before speaking.
“I know this may be a lot, but I wanted to give you these.” He reached around his neck and pulled off something silver. You gasped slightly as he held out his dog tags, immaculately preserved after all these years.
“Are you sure, Bucky? This is a lot.”
“I know and if you aren’t comfortable with it then just let me know but I want to give them to you.”
“You know what this means Bucky?”
“Yeah, I know, I just figured that you’re already in my head all the time anyways, just can’t seem to get you out of it.”
“You cheeseball.” You smirked at him before taking the dog tags and placing them around your neck. You gripped the cold metal for a moment, concentrating on the man in front of you. Taking everything, you knew about him and stretching out a connection, like a hand reaching out to clasp another.
“Testing, Testing, Testing, one two, one two, can my Telepathic partner hear me?”
You laughed, “Yes I can Bucky, you big dork.”
Bucky whooped out loud before sweeping you up in a big hug. The two of you laughing under the lamp light. His joy was infectious, and you couldn’t fight the smile off your face.
“Oh, we are going to have so much fun messing with Sam.”
“You’re evil.”
Of course, the two of you made a pact not to tell Sam until he worked it out, which wouldn’t be anytime soon according to Bucky. It led to some very memorable moments and Sam refusing to play any form of card or board game with either of you because you always managed to win, somehow. Not to mention all the times you had spoken in eery unison around him.
“I swear, its like you two can read each other’s minds sometimes.” Sam threw his hands up in frustration at another lost game of charades.
You smirked at Bucky across the room, “Should you tell him, or shall I?”
“I think he’s been through enough, I got it.”
Bucky cleared his throat, “We can.”
Sam whipped around to face Bucky, a look of sheer disbelief on his face, “Seriously Bucky-boy, if you think I believe that after all-
“Hello Sam.” You cast your thoughts to him, in the creepiest old lady voice you could muster.
Sam yelped, before turning accusingly at you, “You better be joking around with me right now, I am not dealing with any kind of ghosts in this house.”
“Sorry! Surprise I’m telepathic!”
“You’re serious.”
You nodded.
Sam put his head in his hands and sighed, “Not the weirdest thing ever. Wait, does this mean you have been cheating this entire time.”
You both looked guiltily at one another.
“You owe me. That poker night, void.”
You both laughed, “We’ll have a fair rematch this time Sam.”
It had been close to a year since you had made it official with Bucky and you were now much more comfortable around one another. He no longer just dropped you off at the lamppost but cam inside with you. You had spent many lovely mornings together sharing glances over steaming cups of coffee. Fighting each other for who got to spread their legs out on the couch, there wasn’t really a loser though as it usually ended up in sofa cuddles for both of you, while watching a film.
Life was pretty great, you thought, as you smiled down at the sleeping Bucky beside you. Finally reaching over to turn off the lamp and put your book down, you were finally reading the hobbit at Bucky’s insistence. As you clicked off the light beside you and settled down you noticed the faster than usual breathing coming from beside you.
You reached out, thinking he was awake but instead as you opened up your connection you caught flashes of night terrors. You were falling indefinitely, snow all around you, and in the distance, there were cries of pain, people pleading for their lives, there was gunfire and explosions. You gasped and took off the dog tags. You only gave yourself a moment to breathe before trying to shake Bucky awake. When it became clear that he wasn’t stirring you steadied yourself and settled your hands on his temples. You didn’t care you tired this would make you, you just wanted Bucky to stop suffering. You focused, offering out that hand of connection again, this time picturing it in the shape of a fist and, although it wasn’t subtle, you tried to shake Bucky’s brain awake. You forced your way into his dreams, punching through the dark fog that clouded his thoughts and almost screamed at him.
“Bucky! Bucky wake up! You’re dreaming my dear!”
Bucky woke up with a start. Tears flowing down his face, he stared at you blue eyes shining. No one spoke as he pulled you into his arms. You just breathed together for a moment, counting the breaths and the spaces in between. When he finally pulled back, you saw his eyes flicker with concern before lifting a hand to gently wipe under your nose, it came back red with blood.
“You, okay?”
You smiled sadly, reaching out to put the dog tags back on.
“I should be asking you that.”
“But you’re bleeding.”
“Occupational hazard.” You tried to subtly get rid of any of the extra blood. “That was pretty intense. Wanna talk?”
Bucky looked down to the sheets and shook his head. You smiled at him, tilting his head to yours.
“That’s fine, want me to go? Or would you like to cuddle for a bit?”
Bucky didn’t talk again, just pulled you gently down to the bed once more. Snuggling himself under your chin, resting his head on your chest. You felt his arms draw tightly against your waist. You pressed your lips into his hair.
“May I help you go to sleep? Keep the bad thoughts at bay for at least one night.”
You felt Bucky nod and let out a little sleepy hum of agreement. You closed your eyes, focused on your connection setting up a golden wall against the dark fog at the corners of his mind and settled into a deep sleep.
You woke to the smell of fresh coffee and the clinking of cups.
“Morning.” You opened your eyes at Bucky’s voice and took the offered cup greedily. Your mind still felt hazy from the energy you used last night.
You felt the bed dip beside you as Bucky sat and sipped at his cup as well, hair a bit of a mess from bed. He had evidently only just woken up as well.
He took a breath, “I had some pretty interesting dreams, sweetheart.”
You stiffened, “Good ones I hope.”
“Don’t worry, they were good. If a little strange.”
“I was watching myself most of the time.”
You snorted into the coffee, “Sounds creepy”
There was a slight chuckle, “Nah, I was watching myself build a home, a family- “
“Oh God Bucky.” You snapped your eyes to his, you knew what had happened. “I am so sorry my dreams must have stuck in your head.”
“Those were your dreams?”
“Yeah, its only happened once before but when the connection between two people is very strong, it can happen- I call it bleeding. Perhaps we should- “
“If the next words out of your mouth are take a break, I will spill your coffee.” You clutched your cup closer to your chest, “Truthfully, those were some of the beset dreams I have every had. I really loved them.”
You looked back up at him, hesitantly “You did?”
“And I love you.”
There was silence as you stared at him in shock. His face as nothing but adoration as the sunlight filtered over his face.
“I love you, sweetheart.”
“I love you too.”
Coffee cups were cast aside as you both collided. Giggling and joking, radiating happiness as the two of you shared the sweetest kiss. Your feelings merging together, amplifying one another until they shone brighter than the sun.
#bucky barnes x reader#bucky x female reader#bucky x y/n#bucky fic#bucky fanfic#bucky imagine#bucky x you#bucky x reader#bucky barnes x female reader#bucky fluff#bucky barnes fluff#bucky barnes angst#james buchanan barnes#bucky barnes#bucky barnes fanfiction#bucky barnes x you#sebastian stan#bucky barnes x y/n#bucky barnes one shot#bucky barnes x gender neutral reader
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Sleepless | Joy x F!Reader
Genre: fluff, so sappy its bad
Request: Since it’s Joy’s solo debut, I’ll request something for her. I originally had Wendy in mind but then I realized that Joy would also do amazing with this prompt. 🤔
Can you write about the reader asking Joy to sing her to sleep in case she has trouble sleeping? This is her way of boosting up Joy’s confidence in singing since she noticed that Joy has been losing confidence in her voice, plus the reader gets scared if she can’t sleep so it’s a win win situation for both of them. ☺️
(I was reminded of when Joy actually said that she lost her confidence in singing back then. Look at her now. I’m so proud of her. 🥺)
Word Count: 1.5k
A/N: i actually hate how grossly sweet this is LOL anyways so proud of joy! her m/v is questionable but i absolutely love the lyrics and her voice. literally still cant believe she's a subvocal lol.
Date: 6/1/21 (happy pride month)
A building feeling of tired frustration overwhelms you as you toss and turn. You have a busy day tomorrow and there are only so many hours in a night. Only so many hours before you have to rest.
It was too hot. Too cold. You felt too stuffy, too exposed. Your back hurt, then your neck.
Your body was restless despite your mind’s desperate pleas for sleep.
As you lie on your back you open your eyes. You take a moment to stare at the ceiling, then your neck turns to the spot next to you. The empty space felt vast, almost as if it was never ending, even though the bed you and Sooyoung typically shared wasn’t particularly large. You feel a frown forming on your face at the sight. Maybe the reason for your fruitless attempts at sleeping wasn’t because of the temperature or your position, it was because you felt lonely without your girlfriend by your side.
You slowly peel your bedsheets off of your body. The cold ground attacks your feet when you make contact, leading you to quickly jump across the room to open the door. By habit you go to the living room, unsurprised to see Sooyoung on the couch. As you get closer you see her body curled up as she diligently reviewed her schedules and had an open lyric book in front of her.
You decide to have a little fun and sneak up behind her, placing your hands over her eyes.
“Guess who?” You tease. Sooyoung lets out a breathy laugh.
“It’s you, dummy.” Her snarky response wasn’t the answer you were looking for and you prod her to keep going.
“No no, that’s not it.” This isn’t the first time you’ve done this to her, and Sooyoung laughs a bit more before deciding to humor you.
“Right, the person behind me is my girlfriend, the most beautiful, caring, dutiful, funny, and loving person I have the pleasure of being with. My whole entire world!” You giggle as you pull your hands away, leaning in to give her a kiss on her cheek.
“Oh, isn’t my girlfriend the smartest?” You praise her for getting the right answer before going to the front of the couch and snuggling in beside her.
“She sure is.” She replies before focusing back on her work.
You observe her for a moment in silence, not wanting to disturb her too much. You watch the determination that burns in her eyes as she intently stares at her screen. The display showed everything that she’d have to do in preparations to her anticipated solo debut. Something that she had dreamed of for forever. Something that you’re proud of her for.
You look down a bit, seeing the tired dark circles around her eyes. Then you see her teeth sink into her lower lip as she bites it in nervousness. She brings a hand up to her face while the other fidgets with a pen.
“What are you thinking about?” You ask softly as you rest your head on her shoulder. You give her your attention as you look into her eyes with a worried face.
“I’m just nervous about everything. I just... I just need my debut to go well. You know how it is.” Sooyoung stops looking at her screen and scribbles something in her open book, then she looks at you to give you a gentle smile. “What about you? Why are you up so late?”
You sigh. You don’t want to upset her with your answer but you want to be honest.
“I just can’t sleep, not without you anyways.” You admit and see her expression change. Her eyebrows rise a little as her eyes send you a look that you can’t describe, one that was like an acceptance of defeat, an invitation to love.
“Okay then, to bed we go.” She says as she stands up.
“Oh no, I don’t want to take you away from your work.” You take her hands and try to make her sit back down.
“Is my dear girlfriend trying to get me to not spend time with her?”
“Oh god don’t twist my words.” You laugh at her and she smiles back.
“Really, it’s not a big deal darling. You deserve to rest.” You would argue with her further, but the sudden heaviness in your eyelids say otherwise. You let her drag your body to the bedroom. You tuck yourself into your side of the bed, happy to see the emptiness beside you to be filled with the large and lovely presence of Sooyoung.
“Dear... if it’s not too much to ask...” You shyly begin to ask Sooyoung for a favor.
“Hm?” She says as she moves herself closer to you, her warm arms draping over your cold body.
“Can you sing me to sleep?”
“Of course I can.”
It starts off as a hum at first, but she eases into singing as she got more comfortable. Rubbing circles on your back she serenades you.
“Forget everything that’s happened to you
So you should throw away all the painful memories
Don’t cry, today’s a new day
Get ready to welcome it
Lonely days, all goodbye
And the tears in my heart, goodbye now oh...”
As if it was magic your body loses its tension at the sound of Sooyoung’s voice. Her touch taking away the heaviness in you as you finally feel your mind drifting, floating afar to a dreamland where you’d likely find her again.
The melody of your alarm jolts your body awake as you rush to turn it off. Though the idea of more sleep was tempting you forced yourself to get out of bed. After all, you had a busy and full day today.
As you get out of bed you turn to take one last look at Sooyoung before leaving. Unexpectedly, the blankets laid flat without her sleeping form. You quietly exit your room and go to the kitchen to see Sooyoung eating breakfast, with a plate of food set in front of an empty chair for you.
“Did you not sleep at all?” It worried you to see that she had woken up before you.
“I did! Don’t worry. I just woke up a bit earlier to make breakfast for you.” You smile at her words and scoot your chair closer to her so you could eat right next to each other.
“Well thank you a lot, I know you’re really busy but it means a lot to me that you’ve spent so much time on me anyways.”’
“Of course I would!” She playfully hits your arm. “Besides, I think that you were lying about being unable to sleep. You slept like a baby as soon as you hit the bed. I got out to go finish some work before actually going to bed once I saw that you fell asleep already.”
“It wasn’t like that when you weren’t in bed, I swear! Your voice is heavenly, Sooyoung, it’s only natural that I’d sleep like a baby isn’t it?” In a rare moment of vulnerability she drops her gaze at your compliment, a red tint taking place on her cheeks.
“That’s not true!”
“Oh shush it, it is. I’d know first hand.” You poke her cheek. “You’re an idol for a reason! You’re having a solo debut for a reason! There’s not a single bone in your body that doesn’t scream talented.” Sooyoung takes a breath before looking at you again.
“You really mean it?” You roll your eyes and attack her face with kisses.
“Yes I mean it! What’s gotten into you?” You try your best to drown her in affection. She laughs at your antics and her heartbeat quickens.
“I’m sorry! It’s just...” You break away from her for a bit to let her talk. “I guess I don’t believe in myself. With so many big things coming up all of a sudden I can’t believe that I’ve really come this far. Sometimes I feel like I’m faking it all and that I don’t deserve it, that some pure kind of dumb luck has gotten me here.”
“You’ve worked so hard darling.” You cup her face in your hands. “You’ve gone through so much, trust me I know. I know by how tired you look when I see you come home. I know by how many nights I don’t see you in bed. I know by what I see all over the news. You deserve it all.”
Sooyoung scrunches up her face and covers it with her hands, screaming at your words.
“You do too much! Ah, just go to work already, we’ve spent a lot of time together.”
You get out of your seat and kiss her once more on the forehead before getting ready for the rest of the day. When you finish and reach to open the door to leave Sooyoung stops you.
“Thank you for everything.”
#red velvet x reader#joy x reader#red velvet scenarios#gg imagines#rv joy#park sooyoung x reader#park sooyoung#kpop writing#kpop scenarios#kpop imagines#red velvet imagines
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Teachers Pet-chapter 13: the test

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chapter 12
I was just leaving the Great Hall and was walking to DADA with Harry and Ron, discussing what we were thinking we would do in class today, since neither of us wanted to attend. We walked into the classroom and I noticed Lockhart wasn't there yet, thank Merlin, maybe he would be absent today. We sat down and got our supplies out patiently waiting. I heard Ron whispering to Harry and nudging his arm.
Lockhart entered and gave a brief overview of what we would be doing in class today. I heard more whispers from the pair and turned to look at them, "What are you two whispering about?" I said in a hushed tone. "Nothing" they both said and I just rolled my eyes. I then felt a tap on my shoulder and turned to see Harry smiling at me. "Um Y/n I wanted to ask you something." he said clearly scared and looking back at Ron. "Well what is it?" I said wishing he would just ask already. "Potter! L/n! Shhh Im speaking!" Lockhart interrupted. He continued blabbing about the lesson and I turned back to Harry. "What was it?" I whispered. "Oh, um well I was wondering If you wanted to go to the Yule Ball with me?" he spat out quietly. I was taken aback clearly, shocked since I had no Idea Harry liked me. I felt kinda bad because I didn't feel the same and I didnt want to hurt his feelings. He could tell it was taking me a minute to think it over. Harry was just so sweet, too sweet, I didn't really like cheesy sweet boys, they are a little soft for my personality, which is why it was gonna be so hard to say no. "Look Harry, you're one of the nicest guys I have had in my life, but I just dont think its a good idea, im sorry, I'm positive you can find someone better to take, like Ginny maybe?" I said with a compassionate smile.
I could see his face soften and he frowned a bit, "Oh that's alright I totally understand, I just figured y'know neither of us had dates yet, but no worries." he said as he turned and focused back on Lockhart. I felt so guilty for doing that, he was such a good friend, but I just couldn't see us having a good time at the ball. I did the same and focused on Lockhart and we spent the rest of class in silence.
Once class ended I muttered small goodbyes to Harry and Ron and quickly sped out of the room not wanting to deal with the aftermath of that whole situation. "Hey Y/n" Draco said walking up to me like he did everyday, "Hey Draco, ready for the potions test?" I said as we walked to the dungeons. "Mm yeah I guess I mean I've been ready haha." he said with a cocky smile. I rolled my eyes, "How was DADA? Hope you didn't hex Lockhart again." He said laughing. "It was fine, and fuck off," I said playfully pushing him"Something strange did happen though," I said looking down at my books, "Harry asked me to the Yule Ball.." I said looking at him. "What?! Potter? What a joke!" he said scoffing "I hope you didn't say yes!" he added. "No I didn't, he's too sweet and I just don't feel that way about him, but I feel really bad about it. He looked upset." I said looking back down. "Oh I'm sure he'll be just fine, plus you need a man to take you to the ball, certainly not Potter." he snarled, I elbowed him and gave him a look, "Hey be nice! He's still one of my friends you know." "Yeah yeah." he said mockingly, as we entered the potions classroom and took our seats in the front. Snape wasnt here yet so we all waited patiently. I got my supplies out and opened my book looking over the material one last time. The door flew open and Snape came walking in, his robes billowing behind him like usual. I felt a small smile creep to my face at the act, he always looked so stunning when he did that, so...powerful. I realized what I was doing and quickly looked back at my book and dropped the smile.
"Ok class, put your textbooks away and clear off your tables, I will now be handing out your tests, you'll have all of class to complete them, no more and no less. You will get your grades back tomorrow, come drop them on my desk when you are finished and return to your seat quietly." He spewed, the same speech he gave before every test, he began walking around the class handing out the tests and came to my table last, he handed one to Draco and then to me, I looked up at him as he handed it over and smiled saying thank you, he just nodded and looked to have given and very small smirk, as if to say "Good luck" I took a deep breath and began on the test. It was 100 questions which was no surprise since we have a 2 hour class period for potions. 40 minutes had gone by and I was on question 36, which wasn't very good, as Draco was on 49. I needed to pick up the pace if I wanted to finish in time. An hour and a half had now passed and several kids had already finished, I was feeling pretty good so far and was on question 70 something, feeling like I was losing my mind at all the words on the page. Before I knew it Draco was getting up and turning his in. I was almost done, only 5 questions left and 15 minutes left. When I finished there were only three kids still working on theirs, I looked up at Snape who was going over essays and he looked up at me. We made eye contact and I quickly looked back at my test, checking over all my answers. I let out a breath and cracked my knuckles as I stood and slowly walked up to Snape, "All done" I said nervously handing it to him, he looked up and took it from me, and his fingertips brushed mine very softly and quickly as he took it from me, and as soon as he did, out of fear and embarrassment, I snatched my hand away and smiled awkwardly, walking back to my table and putting my head down. I dozed off for the last 10 minutes of class, awakening to Draco shoving me telling me it was time to leave, I sat up and saw most of the class had left.
I grabbed my stuff and we went for the door, "Actually, Ms. L/n may I speak to you." I froze scared it was about the hand thing, or maybe the Dumbledore thing this morning. I shooed off Draco saying I'd catch up and walked over to stand next to Snape's desk. He stood up and I followed him with my eyes, keeping eye contact to get any sense of what this was about. "I went ahead and decided to grade your test as soon as you turned it in." He said in his usual tone, not giving me any clue as to what I got. Making the suspense and tension build more. "Oh gosh. It's bad isn't it? I failed, didn't i? Oh merlin Professor im so sor-" I began to ramble when he didn't speak but he cut me off, "Y/n calm down." He said and I could feel a slight blush at the use of my first name. He handed me my test and I kept my eyes on his not looking down at it yet. "Wooo ok I can do this" I said giggling a bit, I looked down and my eyes went wide. Written in red ink and circled at the top was a 92. A fucking. 92. I looked back up at him and my jaw dropped. "OH MY GOSH I DID IT!" I practically screamed, jumping up and hugging the paper. "I can't believe I passed and with a 92 this is the happiest moment of my life!" I said smiling up at him.
In fit of adrenaline and serotonin overdose I threw my arms around him and hugged him. He went stiff and I realized what I was doing and quickly threw myself off. "Oh my I'm so sorry Sir, that was so inappropriate, I was just so happy" I said blushing hard and feeling a very strong nervous tingle, which it was I decided to call them, and looked up at him. "It's quite alright Y/n, I'm very proud of you, you worked hard and it paid off, good job." He said with a very small, but visible smile. I smiled big back at him and gestured to him, "I got you to smile too! This is amazing!" I said giggling. "Alright alright enjoy it while it lasted because that's the first and last time you'll see it." he said back in his normal tone and sat back down in his chair. We went silent for a moment as I just stared at my test. "I'm gonna frame this" I joked to which he just looked up at me and smirked a bit. "I cant thank you enough Professor, If you hadn't helped me and stayed up all night tutoring me, I would have been seeing another 50" I said with a calmer and genuine tone. "Of course, Ms-...Y/n, Im proud." he said and I put my head down to hide the blush, I felt rush to my cheeks at the sound of him saying my name, this was getting out of hand. "Ok well, I will see you in tutoring tomorrow. Goodbye Severus." I said with a sarcastic grin and walking out of the class before he could scold me for the use of his first name.
I walked out of the school to the yard and sat in front of the tree that overlooked the lake. I closed my eyes and took in the fresh air listening to the quiet sound of the lake's water. I looked down at my test paper and smiled, he told me good job and I felt so proud to have pleased him, thinking of the potions professor and how he was such a different man to me now than he was when we first met, he was still his normal self 90% of the time, but he would let the kindness shine through every now and again when I would talk with him. I can't believe I hugged him, I thought. He felt warm for such a cold man, and he smelt nice, like parchment and firewhiskey. That smell would forever be burned in my head. And he smiled and it lit up my dark world for that fraction of a second. Looking in his dark eyes as he was truly proud of me, made my heart beat faster, he was so...beautiful to me, despite what others thought of him, he was an amazing man. I felt the nervous tingle again, only this one lingered on. I leaned my head back on the tree and felt a single tear slid down my face. I let out a breath and opened my eyes wiping it away quickly, and grew scared for a moment. I wasn't sure if it was a tear of joy, or a tear or worry, for I had just begun to realize, the nervous tingle I felt around him was butterflies, the ones Hermione had told me about, and the feelings I had, were for my Potions Professor.
#snape x reader#snape imagine#severusnape#professor snape#snape#severus snape#severusimagine#severus x reader#severus snape x reader#hogwarts#slytherin#Snape slowburn
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what canst thou give?
@drarrymicrofic prompt: caught
yall cant expect me to watch the witch (2015) and not go insane trying to fit a quote into my work. also, this is the first time i ever write something veering into the 15+ category. so. go easy on me lmao
“Wouldst thou like to live deliciously?”
Draco’s breath catches in his throat.
“But only if you want to, of course. No pressure at all.”
It’s sweet, that tone, as sweet and numbing as the saliva dripping down his nape. If Draco is someone else, an unfortunate bastard even more miserable than he is, he might have believed it.
“I don’t know,” he replies, the unnatural chill on the back of his bare neck too visceral a feeling. Too real. “I think having to choose between that and rotting in a back alley is at least a little bit pressuring.”
“Not too much, though?”
“Oh, no, never.”
“Good,” Edmund whispers. At this point, Draco wouldn’t be surprised if that’s not even his real name, “good.”
Draco stays quiet. With smooth jazz crooning through the walls of bars and eateries to complete the easygoing ambiance of a mid-autumn night in Muggle London, it seems to be the least likely time of the year to find oneself bargaining for their life. But here he is.
“Now,” Draco’s pulse jackrabbits so quickly he can hear it. A delighted chuckle leaks into the night. “Your answer, please.”
When he doesn’t give one, the canines on his exposed shoulder threaten to break the skin. Unexpectedly, they lift off.
“You might want to think it through a little faster, doll,” the large hand pinning Draco’s wrists against the brick wall clenches around them, then drifts down his chest. Lays flat on his quivering stomach, a persistent pressure against Draco’s thrifted bomber jacket. “We have an audience.”
Draco sucks in the stale air with a hiss. He’s pulled his date this far into the alley because he didn’t want curious onlookers as they snog. Bad fucking idea that was. Still, the thought of strangers witnessing this horrid moment fills him with dread. They can’t do anything to help anyway, only to humiliate him even more.
“Don’t look,” Edmund nips his ear lobe, “unless you want further mortification. You mortals are ashamed of the strangest things, I can smell it on you.”
Heat rushes through his body. Draco blinks, dizzy with… with something. He doesn’t know whether he wants to rebel, turn his head, and meet the stranger’s gaze head-on, or just rest his forehead against the grimy bricks and find reluctant comfort in Edmund’s instructions.
“What do you,” Draco murmurs, sour notes of alcohol floating back into his nose, “what do you propose I do then? Just stand here and wait for them to get lost?”
“You can make it easy for yourself and say no,” Edmund says.
Those canines are back on the base of his neck. The arm that isn’t wrapped around his middle slithers across his chest, calloused palm an anchor on his shoulder blade. Draco wonders if this looks intimate, possessive—protective, even—to their observer, when he simply feels choked. A mouse gripped within the gentle loops of a snake’s body.
“You’d look like you’re swooning in my arms while I drink from your,” the tip of Edmund’s nose travels up the length of Draco’s neck, ending at where his baby hairs are matted with cold sweat, “gorgeous, delicious essence. And it’d only take a blink of an eye. Our little voyeur would never know.”
“Merlin, can’t I have a single good date?” Draco grits out. “Just fucking say blood.”
“Oh, but you’re no fun,” Edmund says. “Being poetic has its merits, I think. Makes life interesting.”
“Life will be even more interesting when I get to live it, actually.”
The hand on his shoulder takes its time trailing to his face, and when it does, it tilts his jaw to the side. Draco’s eyes automatically slide shut.
“Oh, you will. Once you get used to the ‘undead’ part of it, life will be a joy to live.”
His hands shift against the grimy bricks, one seeking familiarity and warmth as it grips his other wrist, grounding him.
“You must’ve realized by now how anxious I am to have you by me, by us. If I’m not, I’d just pick you up from a club, drink from you, leave you behind that dumpster over there, and you’d wake up feeling hungover with no memory of me,” Edmund goes on, his face close. If Draco tries, he reckons he can swallow down the intoxicating spice of cologne wafting against his cheek. “But I’m not doing that, now, am I?”
Perhaps it’s not even cologne, perhaps it’s all Edmund.
“You see, the blood of mortals is our life force, yes, but few of them ever smell and taste like anything more than diluted shite. Blood like yours, though, that’s rare. Power like yours. That raw, untapped, repressed power hiding under masks and marks. Given enough time, enough resources, it can be brought forth, and you can prosper.
“It’d be a shame if all of what you are made of withers into nothing, don’t you think?”
Draco thinks and thinks. It’s all one can do when they’re held so firmly, quite literally stuck between a rock and a hard place. A bead of sweat trickles down his temple. Edmund kisses it away with false reverence, dotting another kiss behind Draco’s ear. Draco would have jolted if he has any energy left in him.
He realizes it now. Ever since the day Edmund’s gaze lingered a second too long, it was over. There is no one left to remember him, and if he ‘makes it easy’ for himself and says no, nothing will change. Sooner or later, he’d die without a purpose, alone.
What if he eliminates dying from the equation altogether?
He realizes it now. There has never been any choice.
Only one foggy, crooked path forward.
Draco’s eyes open with a heavy drag, allowing in but a sliver of light. In the misty blurriness, he sees a smirk. One stark-white canine pulls the bottom lip inward, pierces through papyrus skin.
Draco’s vision darkens as red lips touch his. His nose clogs up for a brief moment, overwhelmed by the onslaught of scents and tastes. With every languid swipe of a clever tongue, copper as bitter as Charon’s obol forces its way into his mouth. A sharp needle of pain pricks his bottom lip. Draco flinches, tries to take a step back but the hand on his jaw keeps him close. One long finger sneaks into his mouth, prying it apart.
Swallowing the harsh tang of iron down, a rich, foreign sweetness floods his senses. It’s the nectar of late-June peaches and lingonberry syrup swirled in chamomile, coating his palate with a luscious glaze. A low moan escapes as his muscles relax. If it’s not for the steady hand on his stomach, Draco’s knees would have hit the dirty ground already.
“There we go,” Edmund whispers. His hands guide Draco to lean against him, back to chest, sending intermittent shivers to rack through Draco’s body. It’s cold, so cold, but he can’t pull away, just lets Edmund takes whatever he wants to take. “Good boy.”
“Don’t call me that,” Draco gathers enough of his declining wit to argue. “Sounds like you’re calling a dog.”
“Ah, you’re cute. The Sisters will adore you.”
“Sisters...” Draco says, the furrow of his brow easily smoothened by another leisurely kiss.
“Sisters,” Edmund says. The hand on Draco’s jaw edges to his neck, thick fingers adding a slight squeeze to the vulnerable valley on either side of his Adam’s apple. Draco sighs into Edmund’s mouth. “Surely you don’t think there’s only one of us out there?”
Not very certain of what to say, Draco purses his lips instead. Edmund lets out an amused hum and indulges him, sucking on his bottom lip. It’s good, so good, until it becomes sickening, like raiding the entirety of Fortescue’s stockroom. Being a creature of the night is rapidly losing its novelty.
“Okay, enough, enough, thanks,” he says, tapping the muscular arm around him and turning away. Edmund only continues his little ministration below Draco’s jaw.
He doesn’t know how long his eyes have been closed, so he opens them once more. It’s like… it’s like he’s been floating on thick water and is only recently dragged into shore. Rubbing the creak out of his neck, Draco squints.
Past Edmund’s sturdy form and angular lines, out in the main street, the thin crowd of pedestrians pass by in chattering groups and pairs. Opposite to the alley, however, one lone figure stands just out of reach of the street lamp. The yellowish light merely suggests their existence as they lean against the restaurant Draco and Edmund exited from earlier. The bright tell-tale red of a cigarette butt is visible but other than that, no detail to be discerned. Looks like someone who’s just minding their own business.
“You must think yourself funny,” Draco says, arching his neck to accommodate the kisses peppering his skin, “using my own shame against me. I doubt people even remember there’s an alleyway here.”
“Don’t forget that when a being has lived for as long as I have, has accumulated this much power, nine times out of ten, he knows what he’s saying. I’m powerful enough to catch the scent of every mortal walking by, even know if they’re actually mortals or not. Our little voyeur? He’s still here. He’s watching. He’s waiting for you, doll.”
Edmund pauses, then:
“And whether he’s a mortal? That remains to be seen.”
Draco pushes away as far as Edmund’s firm grasp allows, which is only a few centimeters away. Whatever his blood did with Draco’s own, it snaps him awake with startling clarity just as swiftly as when it’s reduced him to a little more than a rag doll. Everything is so sharp it’s almost disgusting, like his eyeballs are gouged out, scrubbed clean, then shoved back in again. Draco locks his legs, willing himself not to stumble.
“That makes no goddamn sense,” he says.
“You don’t feel them now, but wait until they set in,” Edmund tries to tug him back, shrugging when he doesn’t obey. “Your abilities. We’ll go back to the House of Collective tonight and when you wake up tomorrow, you’ll know what I’m talking about.”
“I,” Draco says. “Please say that again. With actual information.”
“So demanding,” Edmund leans back and looks at Draco like he’s seeing him for the first time, a hint of humor in his serene demeanor. “The House of Collective is where the majority of us in Britain frequent and reside. The newly Turned are brought there to be with their brethren. Trying to deal with these new abilities alone is what makes them go Rogue and lands them on the front page. Think Jeannette McDermott, the poor woman.”
Jeannette McDermott drained and devoured 6 people in a single weekend. The Aurors got to her first before the news outlets. Being a shut-in and hating being perceived in general—Merlin knows how she got bitten in the first place—the only pictures ever taken of her as an adult was of her mangled body, torn by her own claws and twisted into stillness. It was a once-in-a-century scandal that paralyzed Wizarding Europe for 2 months straight.
Draco frowns. “I’ve always wondered. How did she—why wasn’t she brought back to the House, then?”
“That’s what irresponsible Turning looks like. If we want to Turn someone, it must be carefully considered and planned, for there must always be more prey than predators. Such is the law of nature,” Edmund says it like it’s a walk in the park rather than changing people’s entire lives. “Deacon Frangos was careless—amateur little weakling—and wanted something more thrilling than, say, going to clubs for gullible drunks.
“During the official trial at the House, he confessed that he spent days working through her wards and broke in. Never expected that McDermott was a fighter. She couldn’t get to her wand, but she did have a knife. She stabbed him 3 times as he was drinking from her. Their blood mixed, and Frangos ran off to lick his wounds before we found him. That was Friday.”
“Merlin and Morgana,” Draco breathes, “that quick?”
Edmund only looks at him, silent as he waits for Draco to weigh his decisions. Or lack thereof.
“What about, what about my apartment? My things?”
“You’ll only be at the House of Collective until we get you accustomed to your new life, then you can return home. Or,” Edmund tilts his head to the side, “you can stay. It’s akin to a commune, there’s space for all. It’s in the middle of the woods, too, hidden behind extensive wards and Charms, very private. Don’t you love your privacy?”
“What, do you live there?”
“Yes! Just so you know, I built my own dwelling. It’s stunning, if I do say so myself. Marble floors, 5 balconies. Just added a new pool last month. Plenty of space to… christen, unlike your studio apartment.”
Edmund lets a casual grin grace his face, all jokes. Draco curls his lips. It’s a mystery for the ages as to how he’s ever found this man charismatic.
“I’d rather the, um, the studio apartment. It does have its charms. Checkered bathroom tiles, and, hmm, a working oven. I might paint the fireplace next week, who knows?”
“Big plans, big plans,” Edmund nods solemnly. “However, you will need to pay a visit at least twice a month for resources and news within the community. There are tons; we even have a matchmaking service so you wouldn’t have to explain yourself to some bumbling mortal and worry about lifespans. Isn’t that so very neat? But, you already have me.”
Edmund shoots him a wink. If he’s not, well, Edmund, Draco might think it’s attractive.
“I think,” he starts. His neck is aching something fierce the longer he looks back, so he turns to face Edmund directly, “we need to have a talk about ending this entanglement.”
“My,” Edmund adjusts without trouble, interlacing his hands behind Draco’s waist, just above his bum. “Must you hurt me so? After all we’ve been through in the past three dates, you want to cast me aside?”
“Those three dates were nothing more than bouts of insanity. My apologies, I was in a moment of weakness and was somehow fooled by your… Merlin, I don’t even know. Basically, you were a passing fancy that I will rue ever having for the rest of my life.”
Edmund sighs and lowers his head until it’s nestled where Draco’s neck joins his shoulders.
“My 161st love has broken my heart. Oh, how can I recover from this pain?”
He lifts his head up, meeting Draco’s unimpressed gaze with a smirk. “Perhaps one last kiss will be the balm I need. Come on, just one more for closure.”
Draco gnaws his bottom lip and wets the still-throbbing cut on it. Then, he rolls his eyes, sliding them shut. No big deal.
“You’re so generous, Draco,” purrs a deep voice right at the corner of his mouth. Draco parts his lips, breathing in the hushed words. “Can’t say I won’t miss this. Your blood truly is a delicacy.”
“Hurry the fuck up.”
Sweet, sweet wine.
Draco sags against Edmund’s strong chest, head lolled to the side, panting. They have stopped before it got too much this time, yet Draco still teeters over the edge of insanity with every suckle of lips, every caress of tongue. Edmund has been gentle, large hands cupping Draco’s face like he’s a priceless treasure made of opals and emeralds, combing through the slightly wavy hair Draco has grown out. He has fixed Draco’s shirt as he plucked off every scrap of sense remaining in Draco’s head, has stroked the purple marks in bloom, and covered them with the bomber jacket.
As Draco clutched those broad shoulders and wrinkled the expensive fabric adorning them, he had half a mind to demand Edmund to be rougher, to stop trying to savor it. Stop making it something to go breathless over.
Toying with the shiny button on Edmund’s wool suit, he reminds himself that it was smart to end whatever they had between them. Otherwise, he can see himself becoming addicted, and such a problem has no place in his life.
“It’s getting late,” he says. The street outside is still bustling with people, bursting with sound. The person leaning against the wall opposite is lighting up a new cigarette.
“Oh, doll,” Edmund hugs him tight. “Darling. You’re right, it’s getting late. ”
They stand there for a few moments more nonetheless, clutching each other. Then Draco sees it. Sees him.
As if on cue, the person straightens from their position against the wall. They step forward, one foot after the other, slack and loose, into the buzzing light. Draco can’t observe intricate details from this far away—has to wait until tomorrow, apparently—but he still has eyes.
A pair of snickering women stroll by, and the street seems empty for a split second. It’s enough for Draco to see large, black boots (Dragonhide, the part of his brain that never forgets Mother’s fashion books notes) and dark, well-fitted pants stretching over thick thighs. Sleeves rolled to the elbow, exposing dark arms with a myriad of pink-white scars. White button-up, wrinkled and stained, tied by leather harnesses crisscrossing at the chest, like the wearer has forgone changing after work and instead hurried off to deal with an urgent task. An unusual outfit for urban London, but somehow, it works.
Left hand tucked in a pants pocket, the other tapping the fine ash from a cig into a puddle on the concrete. It lifts to hover in front of full, waiting lips. One sleepy bloke trudges by, a heavy bag slung over his shoulder. A hazy billow of smoke spills forth lazily as the bloke walks out of view, opaque clouds masking an expressionless face before disintegrating into the night.
Draco glances back at Edmund, who is staring at his lips. His hands run tiny circles over the small of Draco’s back.
“We decided on one kiss.”
“I know,” Edmund’s thumb swipes over the cut, as soft as a brush dipping into paint. “There’s still blood.”
“Obviously,” Draco says with a slight snort, “you bit it. Like a brute.”
Edmund’s reply comes in the form of his thumb pressing against the cut as if wanting to both stopper the blood and squeeze it out. Draco assists by opening his mouth, slipping the finger into moist warmth. And for some godforsaken reason, his eyes travel back to the street beyond.
This time, both hands are in the pants pockets. The cigarette has stopped its light bouncing, now lying still between pillowy lips. Like before, the voyeur is a statue amidst a sea of movement.
Draco swirls his tongue against the pad of the thumb, tasting himself and gulping it down. It’s bitter and sour without Edmund’s blood to sweeten it up, but he keeps licking until all he can feel is the saltiness of skin, the clenched fistful of his jacket against his hip, and—
And green.
“It’s getting late,” Edmund whispers against his forehead, his lips a touch away from kissing his fringe.
Letting the finger fall from his mouth, Draco whispers back.
The voyeur never stops looking. Draco knows because neither does he.
“We’re never doing this again.”
Draco’s eyes glide back to Edmund. “I never thought you’d be the one to say that.”
“Me, too. But I’m serious,” the man says, but doesn’t clean his finger. “From now on, we keep our hands to ourselves.”
“And mouths.”
“Yes, those especially.”
Draco huffs out a laugh, “Okay. Very well. I’m glad we’ve reached an agreement.”
Edmund shakes his head, then blinks. He looks up at Draco, mischief in his eyes.
“Alright, Draco, you’ve done enough for the night.”
“Pardon?” Draco says, sliding his arm into the crook of Edmund’s. “You Side-Along us.”
“Of course, and I meant. Merlin, you’ve done quite enough. Oh, goodness, that’s pungent.”
Edmund pats Draco’s hand on his forearm and leans toward his ear.
“Say goodbye to him.”
Draco’s fingers tighten around Edmund’s arm in warning. He doesn’t say ‘goodbye,’ but he does look to the street light opposite the alleyway. Before the Apparition wrenches all the thoughts out of his head, Draco vows not to think about the expression on that face.
#drarrymicrofic#drarry microfic#drarry#drarry fanfiction#drarry fanfic#drarry fic#harry potter#draco malfoy#original male character#vampire#vampire draco#auror harry potter?#cursebreaker?#who knows#cigarette#how long can nancy go w/o writing the word ‘vampire’ challenge#there’s no particular purpose for that btw i just wanted to make things hard for myself#‘oh man i dont think im really that comfy w the idea of writing drarry being intimate just yet’#solution: shamelessly abusing the drarry tag to write about another pair that’s not even endgame#had a lot of fun writing edmund#was planning for this to be a lil sexy vampy moment then BOOM plot idea#wait why did i just realize that the house of collective sounds like a house’s name in ballroom culture#ykw it’s very fitting in fact vampires are all very queer#joonkorre writes
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Smile Again Part 2
X female reader
Series masterlist
Summary: JJ’s cousin Y/N has been through a lot in her 37 years of life. She’s moved to Virginia to start to move on with her life,until meeting Aaron Hotchner throws a wrench in her plans in the best way.
Y/N meets the team!
The day after Y/N and Jack’s talk, she got a call from JJ telling her that they would be home in about an hour. Y/N asked if she could bring the boys to meet them at the office. She knew it would be easier for Hotch if Jack was already there, and she also wouldn’t mind seeing where JJ worked. Her cousin loved that idea and called Garcia to tell her to be ready for them.
Y/N had packed up the boys and went to wait, and was becoming quick friends with Penelope, at the BAU. When the team got back the boys all ran to their respective parents. Y/N watched Hotch scoop Jack up and nuzzle his face asking how his week was. She knew she had to catch him before they left. When the kids all ran watch Uncle Spencer do some magic tricks Y/N caught up with Aaron.
“Agent Hotchner can I talk to you for a minute?” She asked shyly.
“Of course Y/N and call me Aaron, please.” He said as he led her so she can sit at JJ’s desk while he leaned against the side of it.
“I just wanted to let you know that Jack opened up to me a bit about his Mom the other night.” She admitted looking up to see Hotch watching her intently. “I didn’t pry, he just started talking to me and I told him that I know what it’s like to lose people. I gave him some advice that has helped me and he just started talking I hope that’s okay.” She said nervously, playing with her fingers.
Hotch reached out to cover her nervous hands with his gently. She couldn’t deny the way his hand on hers immediately calmed her. Hotch was also surprised by how much he enjoyed the way he felt her nervous hands calm in his.
“Of course it’s okay. I’m glad you got a long so well. I wish I had the chance to get to know you too. You know, now that you’re my son’s best friend.” He laughed as Jack came running into the bullpen to hug her, causing Aaron to quickly pull he hand away from hers. They looked up to see the rest of the team filing in.
“We’d all like to get to know the great Y/N,” Rossi said, coming over to shake her hand. “How about family dinner tomorrow night and we all get to meet her properly?”
The team all cheered and began chatting with Y/N before heading their own directions.
“I see you’ve been accepted by my flock?” JJ asked as she starts to wrangle her boys to head out.
“I see I have, that okay with you Jayjee?” She asked
“Like you have to ask! I’ll pick you up at 6, Rossi 6:30 like usual?”
“Yup” Rossi nods
“Jj you don’t have to pick me up you’ve got the boys to wrangle, just send me the address.” She said before hearing Hotch’s deep voice behind them.
“Where do you live” He asked as he peered at her over a sleepy Jack’s head, his BAU aunts and uncles always have a way of tiring him out.
Y/N tells Hotch what street her apartment was one, which happens to be right down the road from the Hotchner’s.
“Jack and I can give you a ride, I mean you are his new best friend forever” he smirked.
"If you’re sure" Y/N said after receiving a nod from JJ.
"I am" Hotch answered, "We are" He corrected after jack woke up enough to cut a look at him.
Hotch and Jack had headed up to his office to gather his paper work, leaving Y/N and JJ to finish getting the boys ready to head out.
“I’ll give you a lift since I don’t think your knight in shining armor is leaving just yet” JJ joked to her cousin as they finished packing up.
“Stop!” Y/N huffed.
“I approve” JJ continued as they got in the car and JJ pulled onto the road.
“Come on you’re not interested?” JJ asked with a skeptical look.
“I’m not even going to try to lie because, you’re… you, so yes I am interested! But I’m not going to do anything about it. Between us we have enough baggage and dead spouses to really throw things off. He needs someone... I don’t know, someone who’s not me.” She answered looking down sadly.
“ Y/N,” JJ said stopping to look at her as they came to park outside the Jereau-Lemontague house.
“He needs someone kind and loving who loves his son and will be understanding of his job and what he’s been through.”
“I don’t know J” Y/N sighed.
“Him and jack deserve perfect and I’m…”
“You’re better than perfect love!” JJ said cutting her off.
“Ugh you have to say that you’re my cousin!” Y/N whined.
“Penelope is already convinced you need to marry him” JJ laughed.
“She just met me!” She said as she scooped Michael up and followed JJ and Henry into the house.
“Yeah but you’re easy to love and she saw the way you were with Jack. We all want them to be happy. And I want you to be happy.” JJ said honestly, causing her cousin to smile and ask.
“And how do you know we’ll make each other happy?”
“Just a hunch” JJ laughed.
The next evening, at the BAU after most of the team had left, Rossi entered Hotch’s office where he was sitting and completing a large pile of paper work. Hotch sensed his old friend’s presence but didn’t look up from his papers.
“Hey Dave, what’s up?”
“Oh nothing. Just haven’t had a chance to stop by to let you know that I approve.” Rossi answered with a smirk.
“What?” Hotch finally looked up.
“Y/N” Rossi clarified as he moved to sit in front of Hotch’s desk.”
“Oh stop!” Hotch cut him off. “She’s nice to my kid, and JJ’s cousin. That’s it, nothing is going on.”
“Oh come on Aaron.”
“Nope” he shook his head.
“Whatever you say, all I’m saying is to give it a chance, I think she’s good for you.” Rossi said as he stood to leave his friend to think about what he said.
Aaron knew he was right, of course he was interested but he didn’t want to get his hopes up. There’s no way she’d feel the same way...right?
Hotch finished up his paperwork and headed out to pick Jack up from Jessica’s.
As they were driving to Y/N’s to pick her up for Rossi’s dinner, Jack’s voice caught his attention from the back seat.
“Daddy, I like y/n” He said.
“Yeah me too bud” Aaron answered honestly.
“Are you gonna go out with her?” Jack asked innocently”
“Not you too buddy!” His father responded with a grunt
“Huh?” the boy grunted back
“Nothing, uncle Dave asked me that too but we just met buddy, she’s very nice-“
“Very nice! And very pretty” Jack said cutting Hotch off.
“And very pretty” Aaron laughed.
“And she knows what it’s like to be sad too but said she still believes there is always someone out there to make you smile! Maybe you’re hers, and she’s ours!” Jack told him thoughtfully.
“Maybe...” Aaron said thinking about Y/N “but I barely know her jack, what if we don’t get a long? Or she actually hates Disney movies and cookies?” He Joked.
“DADDY!” Jack yelled. “ She knew all the words to Mulan and made us chocolate chips!’
This made Aaron let out a loud laugh “ I know buddy, I’m just saying well have to see, just because she’s nice doesn’t mean we have to date, we can still spend time with her.’
“But I think you’ll like her” Jack insisted.
“Me too bud but we’ll see, now lets put on some Mulan music we’re almost at Y/N’s” he said switching the CD and pulling up to her house.
The car ride over consisted of laughing and singing loudly and Hotch couldn’t deny he liked the feeling of hearing Y/N and his son laughing and carrying on. When they arrived at the Rossi mansion Y/N helped Jack out of his car seat and he quickly grabbed her hand in one of his and waited for his dad to come around to hold the other. Rossi opened the door with a smirk earning a glare from Aaron that said ‘don’t even think about saying anything’.
“There’s the girl of the hour, and the handsome Hotchner man, and Aaron.” Rossi laughed
“Hi Agent Rossi” Y/N giggled.
“Hi Uncle Dave!” Jack said as he ran in the house.
“Please my dear call me Dave, now come on in everyone is excited to meet you.
Y/N and Aaron walked further into the house. Y/n was quickly wept away by the girls, who asked her a million questions about herself and enjoyed her and JJ’s stories about their youth.
“So, how was watching Jack?” Emily asked.
“it was fine, he’s a great kid.’
“...and he loves you! Takes after his dad.” He joked and Penelope nodded behind her.
“Ugh not you guys too!” Y/N whined.
“I already told her that he was interested but she doesn’t believe me.” JJ sighed
“Oh then you’re blind” Penelope said. “ plus, you cant deny that he’s a hottie”
“Oh I’m not denying that!” Y/N laughed.
The girls continued chatting and she loved how quickly she was getting along with her cousins’ friends. Across the room Hotch was having a very similar conversation with the men of the BAU. While he changed the subject much more quickly, using his ‘boss man voice’. Spencer and Morgan dropped the subject, knowing that Rossi would push the subject later, if her hadn’t already.
Y/N walked into the back yard to take a look around the beautiful scenery and weather while everyone else was drinking and talking in the living room. She heard footsteps behind her and turned to see the handsome face of the BAU unit chief.
“Hi” she greeted.
“Hey” he responded, walking up to sit beside her on the bench Rossi had along the garden.
“Listen I’m sorry if the team has been kind of...” he trailed off trying to think of a way to say ‘pushy, overbearing, and probably trying to convince you to date me’ with out scaring her.
“Enthusiastic?” she finished for him.
He chuckled and responded “Enthusiastic is a great way to put it.” Causing her to laugh as well.
‘They mean well’ she offered as she turned her glance from the stars to look at him.
“They sure do... but they can be a lot.” He admitted, maintaining eye contact.
“They love you! And Jack, but it’s very hard not too” she said, catching herself and adding “he’s an amazing little man.”
“He is, and he loves you.” He smiled softly.
“He talks about you a lot you know?”
“You too” he countered
“That’s because I’m new, you’re his hero Aaron:” She said while placing a warm hand over his that was resting on his knee.
“I think I might have competition though”. He laughed flipping his hand over to hold hers lightly.
Y/N laughed lightly and shook her head. Man she loved the way his hand felt in hers, she cleared her throat and pushed that thought down.
“Hey, thank you again for taking care of him, you are really good with him.” He told her honestly.
“Thanks. I loved getting to know him. The way he talked about you I feel like I’d known you forever.” She said, causing herself to blush lightly.
“Yeah same here, I’ve been hearing all about how awesome y/n is all week.” He smirked, causing her face to flush even more.
“We should probably get in there before we start more rumors.” She laughed shyly.
“I’m sure it’s already too late.” He agreed as he stood up before using the hand already holding hers to help her up.
‘It’ll blow over��
‘You don’t know my team very well.” He chuckled as he walked her towards the door, keeping his hand in hers until the last minute.
“Nah, They’ll just realize you deserve more.” She said under her breath with a sad smile, dropping his hand.
Aaron paused his walking and gently pulled her wrist to turn her back to face him, “Y/n that’s not...”
She looked down away from him before they were interrupted by Rossi opening the back door.
“There she is!” Rossi yelled out motioning to Y/N. “Come, Come, we aren’t done getting to know you my dear. “
She let herself be pulled away, happy to not have to face Aaron’s reaction to what she had just said. Aaron stood in the yard, reluctantly following after them, wishing he could take away whatever made her feel that way about herself, because he already knew she was more than good enough for him, too good even.
#criminal minds#criminal minds imagine#criminal minds fanfiction#aaron hotchner x imagine#aaron hotchnerx reader#aaron hotchner imagine#aaron hotchner#aaron hotchner fanfic#female!reader#fem!reader
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Single Father Lucifer AU, a drabble
Plot: Lucifer and his six children process as they move into their new house and Lucifer’s first meeting with Diavolo.
Note: I honestly don't know if i should call this a drabble, a an actual fic or anything like that. But...its not just the normal listing of headcanons so...enjoy???
The front door opened slowly; Lucifer fumbled with the keys as he took the first step inside the house. The room was quiet, the living room was spacious enough for the seven of them, Lucifer sighed while turning around to instruct the people that were moving their stuff where to put them, when a small child went running inside, making a lot of noise, giving the house a little taste of what it was about to go through for the upcoming years.
"I WANT THE BIGGER ROOM" Mammon screamed as he ran up the stairs to the second floor, ready to claim his room.
"It isn't fair! I have more stuff than him! I SHOULD GET THE BIGGER ROOM!" Leviathan ran after Mammon, his goldfish plushy in his hands as the child almost tripped on his way up stairs.
"Stop running inside the house!"
"We only just got here and those two are already running around." Satan fixed his glasses as he entered the room, positioning himself out of the way and looking at the new place that was going to be their home.Even though he was only 9 years old, he already acted more mature than his eldest brother.
"How tiring." Belphie said mid yawn, holding onto Beel’s shirt as not to fall over, who’s stomach only grumbled even while munching on a cookie.
"Well, I don't care about who gets the biggest room, I just want the prettiest one!" Asmo threw his hands in the air, loosing balance for a second and having to hold onto Lucifer's neck as not to fall, the man in question tightened his grip around his child, before moving out of the way and placing Asmodeus down.
Lucifer groaned, massaging his temples before turning and giving the moving crew instructions. He looked over at the four children standing there before sighing. This was going to be a tiring day.
"Why don't you go with your brothers? I'll be here making sure we brought everything, so why don't you guys go explore the house?" Belphegor and Asmodeus nodded before going upstairs were Levi and Mammon were fighting. Lucifer looked at the remaining children, Satan and Beel, who were looking up at him. "What is it?"
"Do you have the list?" Satan asked, smiling smugly at his father. Lucifer mentally cursed himself. He had forgotten the list back in their old house, now they wouldn't be able check what items had arrived. The man groaned before he heard the child laugh. "I knew you would forget it, here." Satan took a piece of paper out of his back pocket. It was wrinkled and the handwriting was messy, but he could read it. "I figured you might forget it, so I made my own!" Lucifer smiled fondly at the kid, who only went smiled and went upstairs with his other brothers. Beel remained beside Lucifer’s legs.
"Do you want another cookie Beel?"
"Yes! No, wait...I...I wanted to help with the boxes." Lucifer smiled at his child, before pinching his cheeks and nodding.
"Okay, let us see which boxes we can help carry. That way we can finish earlier." Beel nodded slowly. After a few hours of moving and opening boxes, finally they had everything inside. Lucifer paid the crew before making his way upstairs, the children were all huddled up in what he determined was going to be his room so that Mammon and Levi stopped fighting over it.
"Okay kids, who is staying each room? I need to know for when we unpack tomorrow."
"I want the one with the balcony!!!" Asmo chimed in, raising his hand, and jumping up and down in excitement. There were no objections raised, so he nodded, to which a small and happy "Yes!" Was heard.
"There is a room with some shelves, can I have that one? I can store my books in there." Lucifer nodded slowly; Satan gave a small smile before fixing his glasses again. Lucifer needed to remind Simeon to bring them before Monday.
"I want the biggest one then!" Leviathan pouted while hugging Henry, the goldfish, even tighter, bright eyes looking up at Lucifer, who glanced at Mammon to see he was about to protest.
"How about this, Levi, i will get this room since i need more space, and you get the second biggest room and Mammon, “Lucifer glanced at his oldest son. “you get the one next to mine because you are the older, okay?" Mammon grumbled for a moment before nodding.
"Well, since I'm the oldest it's only natural I get a room besides pop's, I'm basically the head of the family!" Mammon grinned while Levi just stuck out his tongue at his brother.
"What about you two? Which rooms will you be staying in?" Lucifer looked at the twins, Belphie had his head resting in Beel’s shoulder.
"We want to be in the same room." Beel spoke up, looking pleadingly at Lucifer, who raised an eyebrow.
"You sure? We have more space in this house, there is no need for you two to share a room anymore-"
"We don't mind." Belphie yawned. "We like sharing a room, right Beel?"Which got a nod from his twin.
"Fine, guess that leaves a room for visit or storage. Lucky us, I guess."
"Yes Beel?"
"I’m hungry."
"There it is, I was wondering why it has taken so long for you to say it." Satan grinned lightly at his younger brother while Lucifer thought.
"Well, I was planning to go buy some groceries tomorrow. So how about we all go out to eat?" The kids cheered at the proposal, everyone except Levi who groaned at the idea of going out again.
"Didn't we pass a restaurant in our way here?"
"Yes, I believe we did, Asmodeus. Want to check it out?" The children all nodded excitedly.
The next couple of days had been... chaotic. School had yet started, and the kids were immensely bored, which meant they would constantly playing pranks on one another, causing problems, fighting and for Lucifer to lose his mind. He was supposed to start working in 3 days, and he was meant to visit the office that day for a quick tour.
And the way things were, he was sure he was not going to be able to go today at all. While he pondered what he should do, a knock came to the door. Asmo ran towards the door claiming he would answer as Lucifer rose to his feet, only to hear a excited gasp coming from his child. "Uncle Simeon!! Cousin Luke!!!" Asmo exclaimed, and the moment those words left his mouth, it was like the army of children had been summoned to the front door and tackled their uncle to the floor.
After a few exchanges and Simeon hugging the kids, those running with Luke upstairs who already seemed a little annoyed, Lucifer and Simeon sat to talk. A small conversation before Simeon reminded him of his visit.
“But anyway, shouldn't you be at the office right now?” Simeon raised an eyebrow, starring at Lucifer.
“Yes...i was supposed to, but i couldn't just leave the children alone and taking them with me was out of the question.” Lucifer lets out a deep sigh as he closes his eyes for a moment.
“Why do you think I’m here for?” Simeon smiled at the man. “I’ll watch over the kids. Now you go and give the boss a good first impression.” Simeon got up from the couch and proceeded to call the kids and say they will play a game. Lucifer looked at his watch, it was almost four pm, they had agreed to meet at 4:30. If he was fast, then he might just make it in time.
And so, Lucifer started a race against the clock, after finishing taking a quick shower and putting his clothes on, he bid goodbye to the children before managing to get to the office with five minutes to spare. Lucifer sighed as he parked the car, his portfolio in hand as he thought about what awaited him in this new job. Because of the move and the kids expenses, he needed to find a well paying job thanks to Simeon and Silomon. And apparently the boss, Diavolo, as he told them to call him, was in desperate need for an assistant. So...Lucifer took the opportunity and moved across the country in order to give the kids a new begging...he hoped it was for the best.
Lucifer was in front of the receptionist, Barbatos as the man had presented himself, and now was waiting to be called in. He sat down while he waiting, not long after, a red haired man sat besides him, Lucifer greeted him and was planing to stay silent until the man spoke up.
“You must be here for the assistants job, right?” Lucifer looked at the man, taking in his features, he was good looking and around Lucifer’s age if not a bit older, Lucifer swallowed before nodding.
“Yes, i was informed to be here to meet with the boss in order to get a run down of how the building looked and how we would operate.” The man besides him hummed, a curious smile as he looked at Lucifer.
“Well, if that's the case, i should probably warn you.” The man looked around, almost as if to make sure he isn't being heard. “Some people say the boss can be a bit...how do I put it... extravagant. Think you can handle that?” Lucifer raised an eyebrow at the man, was he trying to spread rumors? Whatever it was, Lucifer just shook his head.
“Even if that was the case, I wont mind. I’ve heard good things about this place and the boss and i...would like to be part of it.” Lucifer cleared his throat before giving the man a side smirk. “Besides...after dealing with my children all day i bet the boss cant be that bad.” He wasn't sure why he said that, but there was something inviting, almost enticing about the man sitting besides him. Normally he wouldn't give details about his personal life to those around him but he felt at ease with the stranger.
The man only smiled at Lucifer before getting up. “Come on, I’ll show you around.”
“But what about-”
“Don’t worry about it, Barbatos will let us know when its time to head back.” The man pointed at Barbatos, who was acting as the current assistant until Lucifer started work next week. The man only nodded with a smile at both Lucifer and the man, and although hesitantly, Lucifer agreed to be shown around.
After walking around for what felt like almost an hour, the strange red haired man had shown Lucifer every corner of the building, all except from one. Lucifer was worried that by now he had been called and was not present but as they were heading to the last room they were to check, Barbatos only smiled at them, which Lucifer took as an indicator that he had not been called yet. So, Lucifer fallowed the taller man into the elevator which not long after came to a halt.
“And to wrap this up, this is the cafeteria. We didn't want for the workers to go hungry all day feeding off vending machines so the order was given to make this room into the workers dinning place.” Lucifer looked around, there were some workers eating and the smell of food made his way to him, reminding him of just how hungry he actually was.
“That’s...actually a good idea.” Lucifer smiled, trying to ignore his own stomach. He should have listened to Beel before leaving the house. without eating anything. He tried to hide it, though, it seemed like he didn't do such a good job for the man chuckled before inviting him to eat. “Oh no, wouldn't want to oppose any trouble. Plus, i really should go up and wait to be called in.”
“Awe, cmon on! I'm inviting, and i already told you, Barbatos will let us know.” Lucifer thought about it for a second, and decided to accept the mans invitation.
They sat down on one of the tables after getting something small, Lucifer asked the knowledgeable man more about the company and slowly the conversation turned into more casual talk.
“Wait, wait, wait, so you are telling me you have six children?!” The man looked at Lucifer with wide eyes but an amused smile. “How in the world did you even get any sleep when they were little?” Lucifer would chuckle at this.
“Oh...well i actually didn't get any sleep. But, my youngest is making up for my sleep. He sleeps enough for the entire family.” This would get another laugh from the man, before he glances at his watch, clears his throat and gets up.
“Well, i must say I had a good time meeting you like this. But i must attend some meetings.” The man offered Lucifer a hand, which he gladly shook.
“Of course- oh, i dot believe i got your name” Lucifer looks at the man.
“Ah right. My name is Diavolo, i am eager to start working with you from this week on, Lucifer.” At the mention of the name Lucifer went pale...that was his new boss. This whole time he had been talking with his new boss and not once did he suspect of it. Diavolo only chuckled at Lucifer’s face. “You should get going. I wouldn't want to keep you from your children that long. Oh! And next time, why don't you invite?”
With this, the man disappeared. leaving a shocked Lucifer behind feeling embarrassed. After the shock wore off, Lucifer got in his car and drove home, immediately being greeted by his children.
“Daddy!!” Asmodeus jumped on Lucifer, only for the other kids to do the same, making him almost fall.
“Hey, calm down. Let your father at least enter the home.” Simeon laughed, before looking at Lucifer. “So, did you meet the boss?”
“I...did. Not in the most ideal circumstances but-”
“Oh, i take it he acted like a normal employer and didn't say who he was until he had to leave?” Simeon smirked.
“You knew he did that? And didnt warn me?” Lucifer glares at Simeon, only for him to laugh.
“he instructed us not to tell anyone. Its his way of getting to know his employees before the whole “work place” relationship takes over.” Lucifer glared once more only to sigh.
“...thank you for looking after the kids.”
“Of course, whenever you need it. We love watching over them!” Simeon starts gathering his things.
“Not at all!” Luke chimes in, he walked in carrying Belphegor who Lucifer proceed to take from the child’s hands.
After Simeon and Luke left, Lucifer was left with his kids. It seemed that Simeon had them play some games for it wasnt yet past nine when all of them were already asleep. Lucifer took them all to their rooms before heading to his. Soon he would start work and the kids school would be opening as well. He really hoped everything went well, for his sake, and his children's as well.
Aighty dears! I hope y’all had enjoyed this...drabble/fic? Whatever, not sure if ill write more like this for this AU but we will see! Also, for those awaiting the scarred chapter 13, i made some progress with it, finally TwT! It is not completed yet but id say half of it its done so...yay! :3 I hope yall liked this, and yknow...stay safe people!!
#obey me#obey me shall we date#obey me!#obey me lucifer#obey me! lucifer#obey me mammon#obey me! mammon#obey me leviathan#obey me! leviathan#obey me satan#obey me! satan#obey me asmodeus#obey me! asmodeus#obey me beelzebulb#obey me! beelzebulb#obey me belphegor#obey me! belphegor#obey me levi#obey me asmo#obey me beel x mc#obey me belphie#obey me diavolo#obey me simeon#obey me luke#obey me barbatos#obey me headcanons#obey me fic
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[ateez] W O O Y O U N G ⇢ the breakup
warnings: I wasn’t able to put a cut so ya’ll gonna have to live with the long length, I’m sorry in advance but I hope ya’ll still like it.
• your friends were BAD
• you just wanted to fit in at work, you know.
• it’s hard as it is that you moved to a new place just two months ago.
• your boyfriend was ecstatic though that you were able to get closer the LDR getting a little much for him.
• but now, your friends were.
• “They’re great people, Woo.”
• no they weren’t.
• “Are you fucking— y/n, they’re taking advantage of you. And your goddamn place at your work as charge nurse. You’re fucking kidding me right?”
• he was overwrought by your blindness.
• how his girlfriend that was sometimes a little too naive,
• starting to piss him off more than he loved you.
• “You’re just angry because I’m making some time for them than I am with you.”
• his jaw slacked at that one.
• maybe the city life was making you mentally ill.
• he was thinking he can’t stand you anymore.
• “You think I’m telling you this because I’m jealous of those stuck up bitches? No, y/n, I’m telling you this because I’m worried about you. Worried that they’re gonna corrupt you.”
• you roll your eyes because you think he’s being hysterical and possessive.
• “Can you leave me alone? I spend more than 36 hours at that place with those people. And they choose to treat me nice. What’s wrong with you!”
• “Wrong with me?”
• Wooyoung was bouncing off the walls at this point.
• eyes blood shot ears red, body convulsing in anger.
• “What’s wrong with me? You’re fucking asking me that after you come home telling me— and laughing might I add about one of those girls basically calling you a whore. And you have the fucking audacity to ask me that?” you snap.
• from overworking at a city hospital.
• from being too caught up in the nice attention.
• from being deprived by your boyfriend from time to time.
• it gets to you and you can tell this isn’t going to get any better.
• “Did you just call me a whore?”
• now he thinks you’re mad.
• “You can’t be fucking serious.”
• you were gathering your things wanting to leave before things get too heavy.
• before things are said that you’ll both regret.
• but you two are too close to it, right there actually.
• “Yeah I’m gonna call you a whore. Just like your friends did. Doesn’t sound nice, huh? When it comes from someone who really matters.”
• you stare at him bewildered and horrified.
• dizzy nonetheless.
• you slap him square on the face and the horror on yours mirrors on him.
• “You can call me stupid. Ugly. Fucking mental for making friends I think are nice.” you start vicious and torn, “But I’m not gonna let you call me a whore. Not with the mouth I let you kiss me with.”
• he lets out a shaky breath.
• cold.. it feels cold when it reaches your face you almost flinch.
• “You’re sick, y/n. You’re fucking sick.”
• you’re crying.
• he’s okay with it right now.
• right now because he’s thinking this isn’t his girlfriend anymore.
• “Why are you being like this, Woo?”
• he can’t stand you.
• his love that was balancing on a thin line had lost it’s efforts.
• he gives up and so do you.
• “Why do you hate me now?” you continue your questions as if his answer might help.
• “Because you stopped loving me. Started loving them. Sick— it’s sick I’m still trying to love you when you’re love changed. I don’t want that.”
• you cry the last tears knowing this was it.
• you had to say goodbye.
• “Maybe you can find somebody that’ll be okay with your deluded shit. Find somebody to kiss, that’ll let you call them a whore.” you grab your things and turn on your heel. “But I’m done.”
• as he watches you leave, he doesn’t think about following you.
• he knows it hurts.
• that for someone he’s loved for so long slowly changes over the years.
• enough for him to slowly hate you.
• “I loved you, you know?” he whispers when you’re halfway through the door, broken and hard voice when he says the last words. “Loved you before you changed.”
• you close the door behind you.
• because you slowly start to think you didn’t change..
• or maybe did you?
• “I-I’m sorry, guys. I’m not really in the mood to drink tonight.”
• they sneer a half hearted smile before telling you. “That’s okay. We don’t need you for tonight, anyway. See you tomorrow, y/n!”
• it took around,
• a day?
• a day for you to realize Wooyoung was right.
• how your friends started to change you.
• that you’ve become blind cause of the city life.
• and it’s been about a year?
• since you moved to Seoul and now you want to move back home where life wasn’t hard for you.
• and it’s been about 6 months since you last heard from or saw your ex boyfriend.
• “Hey. Happy birthday, y/n.”
• you’re holding your pillows crying a river while your sister calls you from home.
• you crying so hard, your heart hurts.
• and unlike a couple months ago, you don’t have anyone to wipe the tears away.
• “I want to go home.” you tell her and she feels your regret, your pain.
• “I w-want to leave and never come back. That coming here for Wooyoung was a mistake cause he’s not even here anymore.”
• “You need to get over him. He’s not going to just come back, y/n. If he was, he would’ve been there with you already. You pushed him too far.”
• “I know..”
• “Then suck it up.”
• you feel like the worlds against you.
• you have a 14 hour shift in a couple hours and you’re about ready to topple over.
• you have about five new patients, piled up logs and checklists before you hear a new patient is here with a fractured ankle who’s requested you.
• the world was definitely against you right now.
• “I’ll always be here. Even if I’m not there, okay?” your sister tells you.
• you sigh, “Okay yeah. Yeah okay.”
• you think maybe this was your breaking point.
• you close the browser tab opened with the title REQUEST FOR TRANSFER after sending it without your sister knowing.
• it’s time you go home.
• “I can’t believe you’re leaving.” your coworker, and now only friend, someone Wooyoung wasn’t present for, hugs you while she helps you buy some things for your flight home.
• chuckling you say, “I can’t stay.”
• “Just because he never stayed huh?”
•you sigh thinking it’s past you when it’s not.
• “Ugh! I can’t believe you. Why didn’t you tell him that you came here for him?”
• “Are you crazy?” you laugh leaning over her to pay. “I couldn’t have just told him that. He never would’ve let me come.”
• “Yeah but if he had known you busted your ass to get your job maybe he wouldn’t have—“ she stops herself while you think.
• you just want to go home.
• want to forget you loved Wooyoung enough to sacrifice everything just for him.
• “Maybe he wouldn’t have left you like that. You learned your lesson. He didn’t even have the decency of trying to come back to you. Trying to make it work again.”
• you chuckle as she cuddles into your side like a koala. “You’re ridiculous.”
• “I cant believe ANYONE— anyone would ever leave you when you’re always so giving. Always give too much for your own good.”
• “Well that’s why we broke up remember?”
• “That’s not what I remember.”
• your lips part because—
• that voice wasn’t your best friend.
• dause she was gawking, staring in horror behind you not even blinking.
• you whip around with the same expression and he just laughs.
• looking gorgeous as ever, his friends behind him with matching expressions with yours.
• “Long time no see, y/n.”
• you freeze.
• and your friend beside you innocently tugs at your sleeve, “Is that him?”
• you nod violently beside her. “Yup.”
• “Do we run?” she whispers.
• “We should.”
• Wooyoung’s smiling.
• smiling cause it’s nice to see you made a friend that isn’t someone he remembered. someone who makes you as bright as he did once.
• not the way you glowed with people who you basically slaved to.
• “Why’s he smiling?”
• you look back at your friend and lightly slap her. “How am I supposed to know?!l”
• “He’s your ex!”
• “That doesn’t mean I know!”
• he watches you.
• doesn’t say a word actually even if his friends are standing behind him confused, head tilting and lips smiled.
• heart warmed to see you like this again.
• not the same girl he left behind.
• the same girl he fell in love with.
• “Tell him!”
• “Tell him what?”
• he’s amused that you two whisper but are standing right in front of him.
• reminds him of the both of you a couple years ago when the love was still there.
• “Tell him you’re leaving!”
• you mentally face palm before your friend’s hand goes to her lips. “Whoops.”
• “You’re leaving?”
• it can’t possibly be because of him, he hopes.
• “Y-yeah. Tomorrow.” you mumble nudging at your friend.
• you blush, hands shaking and nervous.
• he remembers when he first met you.
• how you looked when he did.
• when he asked for your number at a random hotel in Jeju.
• “Wait— W-why are you leaving?”
• “Tell him.”
• he looks at your friend again. “Tell me what?”
• you’re lost in his eyes when she pushes you against him.
• he feels new. like a fresh start almost.
• “Y/n, tell me what?”
• “Fuck with this crap already,” your friend rolls her eyes behind and admits, “She came here for you, you idiot! Now tell her not to leave.”
• he’s stunned.
• millions of things were running in his mind.
• — thousands of questions but one expression.
• “I thought you said they offered you a job here.”
• you blink up at him not realizing the lack of space in between you two.
• you want to tell him so the last weight leaves your shoulders before you go back home.
• “You said they asked you to come here...”
• “I spent months.” you mumbled looking at his lips more than his eyes.
• wondering if he actually found someone that would kiss him after calling her a whore
• “Spent months um.. on a couple more courses just to wait a couple more on the waiting list. Couldn’t sleep a day or else I’d lose my place. Lose the knowledge if I didn’t pass the test. It took four tries actually.”
• he didn’t know.
• hell if he knew he wouldn’t have let you walk out of his life the way you ran obstacles to get to his.
• “You.. you what?”
• you softly smile returning back to your place by your friend.
• “This is Hyemi by the way.” you introduce the two to each other. “I met her after we broke up..”
• “Hi dickhead.”
• he looks back at you.
• “I met her after you left.. helped fill the void for a little but I want to go back home.”
• he’s distraught.
• heart hurting like it did months ago getting over you
• you spent all that effort, time, and torture just trying to get to Seoul.
• for him none the less.
• now he’s the reason you want to go home?
• he’s thinking cause he left you alone in a life that isn’t yours.
• it’s his.
• “Y/n, why didn’t you tell me?”
• “I didn’t want you to tell me to stop.”
• your smile only makes him fall for you again.
• the naivety, the generosity.
• why he loved you?
• because you always give— give him more than he needs sometimes.
• and it shows again after so long.
• “If I stopped doing what I was doing.. I wouldn’t have been able to come here and be with you. You always asked me to come to Seoul. And I wanted to do something for you.”
• hell, you always did.
• you always did too much for anyone.
• “Fucking hell, y/n. You idiot.” he mumbles. “Why would you do that?”
• you chuckle awkwardly. “Well.. at the time, I loved you. And at the time, I would’ve done anything for you.”
• he’s speechless.
• his friends are too—
• always thinking you were a little too much for him to handle.
• and they know now you are.
• except in a less condescending way than they thought.
• “You did all that for me. And now you’re just gonna throw it away because I’m out of your life?” he reiterates the situation for him to understand. “The opportunities you get here.. aren’t enough for you to stay?”
• “Wooyoung the only reason I stayed was because of you.” you reiterate for him to understand in your words. “Why should I stay now?”
• your friend tried to bid you goodbye at the airport.
• tears falling from her face when she’s finally convinced you’re actually going home.
• “You’re really going?” she asks to make sure.
• “I’m really going.”
• “You’ll visit, right?”
• “I’ll definitely try.”
• you wait a little.
• expecting something more especially after the encounter with Wooyoung a couple days ago.
• maybe another reason to stay.
• but it’s always you who gives.
• why would the world give something back all of a sudden?
• but all of a sudden, Wooyoung’s at your childhood home.
• front and center with a bouquet of flowers and a little velvet box in his hands— suit and tie.
• reiterating the situation as, “So maybe Seoul wasn’t good for you. And neither was I. So I at least have to make it up to you. Please take me back?”
• your lips go straight,
• shaking your head trying to process all this.
• especially when you had work in an hour and you had arrived back to your hometown just yesterday?
• “Wooyoung. What the hell are you doing here? You’re miles away from home.”
• he chokes on that.
• what is he doing here? why did he leave home you ask?
• well he’s gonna try to give back as much as you gave him.
• and this might be too much for you to handle.
• but who were you to deny such a giving gesture?
• “If you took lengths to get to me, it’s only right that we start over. Me taking lengths for you.”
#jung wooyoung#wooyoung#ateez wooyoung#ateez#ateez break up au#wooyoung break up au#ateez preferences#ateez one shot#ateez reaction#ateez scenarios#ateez imagines#wooyoung imagines#wooyoung reaction#wooyoung scenarios#wooyoung one shot#break up au#ateez au#ateez x reader#wooyoung x reader
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Johnny Joestar x Reader :: Wait for It :: Chapter 3
Previous chapter. Next chapter
Summary: Gyro is hospitalized, and now Johnny has no one to turn to. That is, until a former female rider shows him a little compassion.
"Firstly,” Johnny started. “I think I would remember a face like yours. Especially if I so-called ‘ruined’ you.” He paused for a moment, his brows furrowing at a thought. “Unless you're a girl I slept with, then I can’t really do much about that.” There had been plenty of flings the boy had in the past where he couldn't even remember their names or faces, just one detail that stuck out to him. Regardless, this chick wasn't ringing a bell on that front either.
"Tch." You sneered. Of course he didn't remember you. Why would he?
"County race. All the way back in Kentucky."
That statement had sparked his interest. He hadn't met someone from that far back since he left from there.
"I had my horse, Violet. Practically my whole family was there, cheering me on. They thought I was gonna make it big as a horse rider one day. Just if I beat this race...this one race, I'd qualify." Your head was uplifted and your eyes were closed, as if you were there all over again.
"Five more minutes until the race starts!" The announcer's voice crackled through the speaker.
People were still gathering in their seats, some just arriving and others getting concessions for their families. Some kid had already dropped their lollipop on the ground from where you could see. It was a good crowd, more than you'd usually see in the races you participated in. You wondered why, but it didn't matter, they were all gonna see you win and be cheering wildly. Thats what you were here for.
You were prepping your horse, mother adamantly by your side making sure everything was in check.
"Do you need me to adjust your saddle? How do your boots feel?" Her questions kept coming one after another. You'd simply nod at whatever she was saying and correct her if she assumed something was wrong. That woman checked everything as if the damn horse would explode with you on it if you weren't careful enough.
"Two minutes!"
After more affirmations from her that you were going to be great, she finally retreated back to the stands. Thank god, you thought. It was finally time to get down to business.
You proudly mounted your horse, riding up to the starting line. Looking to the other side to get a glance at the other racers, you see some younger than you, some older.
It didn't matter, they would all be in your dust soon.
Or maybe that kind of thinking is what led to your downfall.
Everything after the race started was a blur, you genuinely can't remember.
'Damn, the other guys pulled ahead way too fast!'
'Please, let me catch up, I have to catch up, I can't lose this!'
Even your horse's hooves trotting across the firm ground became inaudible.
You were falling behind, bad. Way too bad.
By the time the race ended, you were practically numb. How could it have went that badly? You practiced hard, didn't you? You've beaten people who had similar racing styles before, what was different here?
The soundless yet somehow loud blank noise echoing through your brain turned off for a moment, just to hear the results of who had actually won.
"And first prize goes to…Johnny Joestar!"
The crowd went absolutely ballistic over him. They loved him. Your crowd...
You wish the horse exploded instead.
"Hold on a second, a county race?"
The man's voice brought you back to reality. You had touched the side of your eyes, feeling the wetness from them. Maybe it was better that you stopped there.
"Do you have any idea how long its been since I've been in one of those? What year was that? How old were you?" Johnny's tone somehow sounded both confused and accusatory.
You bristled up at him. Those were the questions he had? "It doesn't matter when, Joestar. Ever since that day, my life has been a living hell."
He sat there, waiting for you to go on. You supposed an explanation why was at least in order.
"No one ever actually believed in me. That was my one chance to prove that I could be better than what people expected of me. And I blew it. My father wanted me to quit horse riding, he was the worst of them all. I had to keep my passion a secret since then. I trained and trained until my knuckles turned white...but I knew I would never get that opportunity again. Horse riding was my life.." The tears finally started trickling down your cheeks. You hated yourself for it. Letting yourself be vulnerable in front of him.
Johnny didn't know how to respond. He could easily go with 'That's your problem, not mine' but he knew what it was like to deal with a shitty father. That just didn't seem... appropriate to respond with right now. Yet he didn't want to utter an apology either. Truth be told, he wasn't sorry. He wasn't sorry about any of the races he had won back then.
"How does that relate to now though? You gonna get revenge on me or what?"
You wiped your tears, giving him a peeved glance. "I'm too mature for "revenge", Johnny Joestar."
A sentiment he wished Diego shared, honestly. He felt a sense of relief when you said that, yet the room was still engulfed in a tense atmosphere.
"Besides, you've already done this to me twice. I...ran away from home to join this stupid Steel Ball Run race, and guess who's dumbass face and name I had to see right at the top rankings?"
Now things were starting to make more sense.
Yet every answer you gave him left him with more questions. "Are you still in the race? How'd you get all the way here?"
"Of course I'm still in the race..Until I eventually decide to forfeit." You face was completely dry now, looking downward with a somber look in your eye. "Of course it doesn't matter who's horse is the fastest in this race, it's all about survival. But I'd rather just...stop while I'm ahead. My parents will be less mad if I come home now than wasting my time with however long this race is gonna last."
Another pause from Johnny. He wanted to convince himself you were being nothing but annoying to him, yet he couldn't help but feel a twinge of sympathy for you..
He blinks, not looking you in the eye. It was pretty hard to regardless, considering your eyes were glued to the floor. "You sure you wanna quit?" The Kentuckian asked with genuine curiosity.
You nod.
"Well, with that attitude, you might as well." He added. "This ain't the kind of race you join in for sport. Before you know it you'd be sleeping on rocks wondering how your life got to that point."
You give no response for a minute. You were making this really hard for him.
"Horse riding just isn't for me I guess."
The Joestar bites his lip. You were really trying him without even realizing it. What he was thinking really wasn't a good idea, but his 'to hell with it' side was slowly balancing out.
You turned around, no longer facing him, to go into the restroom and wash your face off.
Your footsteps creak against the floor until he can't take it anymore.
"I'll train you."
"..What?" Slightly turning back, you have a tired but incredulous look on your face, the puffiness of your eyes not making you look any less silly.
"I said I'll train you, alright? The way you said you just can't ride a horse for no reason pissed me off. Not trying to say you suck, but with a little bit of polish, anyone can get better, I'm sure of it." There was a determination in his eye you hadn't seen before. Not when you saw him racing back in Kentucky, or not even when he had won the trophy. Was he seriously offering to do this after all you just said?
You're completely facing him now, nodding almost too excitedly. There's almost a hint of a smile on your face, but you try to force it back with all your might.
"You'd better not change your mind halfway through. We're starting tomorrow after breakfast." He said more so in a commanding way than a supportive one. The man begins to wrap himself under the cover to turn in for the night, before turning his head back to you one more time.
"Hey wait, what's your name again?"
You can't resist the smile this time. It's a bit agitating he doesn't remember, but you cant hold it against him at this point.
"(Y/N) (L/N). It's finally a pleasure to meet you."
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Flight if Destiny: Prologue
(An Ever After High fic, set in an au where the evil queen decides to be a good mom. Cowritten with @offwiththeirbuds )
It was over. Finally. Robin Queen leaned against the back alley wall. Her enemy, Snow White had decided to try and do more than banish her after awakening. She tried to have Robin arrested and tossed in prison. Thankfully Robin hadn't done anything outside the realm of their story, so there was no way to arrest her. But Robin was furious.
How dare she? Robin only did what was expected and for what? An empty, temporary marriage and a lonely future.
She could get revenge. Get power and fame on her own and a kingdom to show up that brat Snow White!
Robin sneered, that could work! She could strike Wonderland first, it was disconnected enough from the rest of the world, no one would notice until it was too late. Or maybe she could-
Robin heaved, emptying her stomach contents on the concrete. She had gotten too excited.
"Crap. Crap. What am I thinking?" Robin hissed, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand while the other gently held her baby bump.
It was a small bump, barely showing, but it was a grounding reminder for Robin. It was so easy to lose herself to the role of Evil Queen and far safer than facing the future after her story. She felt so alone without the story now. All of her friends were just starting their stories while Robin had to start hers immediately out of High school. She was only 27.
Narrators beyond, she was 27 and expecting! And she had considered world domination? What was she thinking???
She hadn't been. In that moment Robin had been scared and alone so she turned to the safety of her role. But… what safety was there in evil? Embracing it would mean she could be truly imprisoned.
"Funny, how you reminded me I wasn't alone, and you don't even have a heart beat yet." Robin muttered to her belly. She had to be better. Better than Snow who wanted her dead or tortured, better than her mother who left her alone too young. Too focused on the Evil part of the Evil Queen.
Robin vowed to be better. A Better Mother and Better Person. Robin stamped her foot, eyes narrowing with determination.
"For you my Baby bird. For you I will face the world. I will be the best Mother for you…" Robin said pulling out a small slip of paper and racing to a nearby pay phone.
The small paper had a short list of numbers. Friends from school. The top of the list was Nana Breadhouse, she may be the Gingerbread House Witch, and specialized in candy houses, but Nana also had some connections.
The phone rang.
"Nana. Its… its Robin."
"Robin?! Are you ok? I heard Snow's speech. Did she?!"
"She tried to arrest me but it didn't work. Nana I need a house Im… Nana I have a kid on the way. I wanted to- I…" Robin felt tears fall. "I almost became my Mom…"
"Oh SweetPlum. Where are you? Ill come get you. We can talk after." Nana said. Robin couldn't help but smile, Nana was the kindest woman.
"I'm in Bookend outside the Library. Ill wait here." Robin said. Her hand never left her little bump, she had to fight the urge to conquer and the little lump was helping.
"I'll be there faster than you can say Taffy, hang on love." Then Robin waited.
It only took ten minutes for Nana to arrive, her Bubblegum punk hair made her easy to see in the rainy gloom. Nana's Broomstick landed and the plump woman raced over embracing the soaked Robin tightly. Robin held her friend dearly.
"Oh Honey Tea, come on. Let's get you home and dry. You can tell me what your plan is after we got some food in you."
"You're the Fairest Nana." Robin hiccuped. Her tears hadn't stopped the entire time.
"Tell me that after you're dry and warm. Come on." Nana said, pulling Robin onto her broom. Robin leaned into Nana's back as they flew a comfortable silence filling the night air as they escaped the rain clouds and finally reached Nana's home.
Nana silently ushered Robin inside. Trapper the huntsman was seated by the fire, rocking Nana's 1 year old Ginger. The gruff man looked concerned as Robin was sat down by the fire.
Trapper gently placed the sleeping Ginger back in her crib and began to sign as Nana raced around.
"Are you ok? You look awful." He signed, Robin nodded weakly, shivering in her soaked clothes.
"Im… shaken. But ok, thank you Trap." Robin said, Trapper gave a soft smile and nodded. Only to sign some rather vicious things about their classmate Snow White. Robin shook her head. "Trap its… im not fighting back. I cant. I have a child on the way. I- I refuse to be my mother. Or worse."
"You don't have to do anything. But I could get Arthur and-" Trapper started signing only for Nana to bustle between the two and give Trapper a glare.
"No. You are not storming the castle Trapper. If you try You get no Daughter time for a month!" Nana scolded in a whisper. Trapper shook his head but signed in agreement.
"You both adore Ginger so much. I hope I'm as good to my baby Bird…" Robin muttered. Nana Gently pat Robin's hand.
"You will be darling. Trapper and I have our system. I'm not denying him his ability to be in his daughter's life. And you did the right thing walking away today." Nana said. "Now I have some clothes you can use, tomorrow we can get your stuff back- Robin? Sweet Plum whats-?"
"She burned my stuff." Robin muttered, tears falling anew as she hugged herself tightly. "Snow… She. She did more than try and arrest me. She destroyed all my things. I just did my part! I just did what they expected of me…"
Nana's eyes lit aflame, fury rolling off her like an oven.
"That, that, That witch! Disgusting. I knew Snow was Twisted but this? And she calls herself a Royal." Nana turned back to Robin, eyes softening. "We will get you new clothes and goods tomorrow. I have an extra plot of land nearby you can live on. We can design it tomorrow as well."
"Doctors appointments." Trapper signed. "We can come with you too."
"You guys are too good to me. How can I repay you?" Robin asked sniffling.
"How about you babysit some days for us? We can always use an extra hand with Ginger and it will be good practice." Nana offered.
The next day was strange. Replacing her missing clothes had been easy. Robin knew she needed maternity clothes and she wanted to move away from her old doom and gloom vibe. She wanted to be comfortable and to distance herself from the role of the Evil Queen.
Then she saw someone she never expected to see.
"Arthur?!" Robin had turned to see her best friend. "Look at you! Your beard came in!"
Arthur laughed, rubbing his blonde hair.
"Yeah and I finally lost the tit scars too. What are you doing this close to Camalot?" He asked. The two walked down the various aisles grabbing what they needed.
"Oh well. I finished my story and I wanted a fresh start for me and the Baby Bird." Robin explained, Arthur sputtered.
"You're a Mom?!"
"Not yet. I'm expecting. I'm only about a month along." Robin explained giggling as Arthur started blushing. He loved kids, but never really did well with the idea of pregnancy.
"Oh wow! Uh well congrats!" Arthur said. "Uhm… you live nearby? If you do I'm sure Merlin and Giles wouldn't mind if you dropped by. Giles was really worried when news broke that your story started so early."
"That's sweet. I would love to visit. How are your Boys doing?" Robin asked.
"Oh well… they are doing well. Milkshake is still a jackass to Giles about our relationship. But well… I'm going to propose soon. " Robin gasped.
"Really?! Oh Arty that's wonderful!"
"Actually I was going to see if Nana knew where you were. I need your help to make it memorable." Arthur said, Robin smiled.
"Of course! You're my Best Friend Forever After. What were you thinking?" Robin asked. Arthur smiled and the two discussed proposal plans.
The next few months were a flurry of building, Reconnecting with friends and doctors. Robin had no time to stop and consider the ever disapearing urge to conquer the world. Instead it was replaced with eagerness to meet her future daughter.
Robin got to visit Arthur, Merlin and Giles again. Her life was filling up with friends again and she felt lighter than ever.
Then the sonogram appointment. As she had set it up her doctor had warned her, they would not allow anyone other than the father in with her. Robin was terrified.
"Birdy whatchya doing so down?" Merlin practically chirped as he picked her up to go for the Sonogram. Robin sighed sitting beside the mage and watching the countryside roll away.
"My doc warned me they won't let anyone but the father in with me…" Robin muttered. Merlin clicked their tongue
"Ain't old Good King in a Nursery Home, senile out of his mind? And-" Merlin paused. The Mage was an empath and didn't need any other powers to know why Robin sank into depression when the old king was mentioned. Merlin nodded silently.
"Fine. I'm the Dad now." Robin jolted up, turning to Merlin.
"What?! Do you honestly think they'll believe that?" Robin asked. Merlin smirked, tossing his scarf to the side.
"They don't have too. They aren't getting rid of me. Though I'm calling back up." Merlin cooed, casting a minor sending spell before Robin could stop him.
"Who'd you call?" Robin asked.
"The rest of the fathers!" Merlin said happily. He didn't say anymore until they arrived at the office and the two enter the waiting room. Robin was stressed, clutching her bulging stomach as Merlin went to check her in. She stood near the door, when-
"They let any old rabble in here don't they?" Robin tensed as the sniveling tones of Snow white met her ears. Robin turned. The new Queen was with her Prince, Fabian Charming and obviously expecting as well.
"Snow." Robin hissed.
"Queen. What are you doing here? I told them, not to accept your ilk." Snow sneered. "Or did you break in? I can arrest you for trespassing. Better yet I should have the guards toss you out. Maybe you'll get the mess- AIYYYYYYYYYY!"
Snow shrieked as her dress suddenly burst into Merlin's iconic Pink flames. Merlin sauntered up and slung an arm around Robin. She didn't realize she had been hyperventilating until then.
Fabian put out his wife and glared at the smirking Merlin.
"Oops, sorry I still miss fire when I get stressed ya know? And our girl is expecting our little bird, of course Im stressed." Merlin purred.
"Our?" Fabian muttered.
"Yes. Ours. Move Fabian." The Charming swung around to find Giles, Arthur and Trapper in the doorway. Arthur looked slightly mortified and Trapper looked ready for a fight. But it made Robin feel safer.
"What is the meaning of this?" Snow hissed, shaking off the ashes of the fire. "I know none of you are the father!"
"No we all are. Because we were asked to be." Giles said calmly as Arthur pushed over to Robin and held her close.
"No you weren't. Merlin decided." Robin muttered to Arthur who snorted.
"You didn't say no." Arthur retaliated earning a laugh from Robin as Snow tsked.
"What ever. Just Leave, I have an appointment here!"
"So do we." Merlin said as a nurse came up, nervously fiddling with her clipboard.
"Uhm, Ms. Queen? We are ready for you and uh… your child's fathers?" She seemed to ask if the four men were with her despite knowing the anwser. Snow went slack Jared as Robin left, surrounded by her friends.
The panic the run in caused vanished when she saw her daughter the first time. She cried so hard, her baby Bird was healthy and growing. And Robin forgot all about Snow White.
Then her new home had been built not 2 miles from Nana's own home. Robin could easily visit and watch Ginger, who was growing so fast.
Robin helped Arthur propose to his boyfriends. Merlin may have been a powerful mage. But Robin was the trickiest witch alive. She was able to make the moment Magical without Merlin catching on.
And of course they said yes. The three looked radiant at their wedding. Merlin opting for a ballgown as he preferred and Giles and Arthur for a suit and armor respectively. And Robin was Arthur's Best Witch.
Then suddenly Robin was giving birth, post ceremony. Nine months had gone by so fast. And before she knew it, Robin was holding her daughter in her Best Witch suit. She was so small and pale with a little silky tuft of black and Purple hair.
Raven Queen entered the world in Summer. Greeted by her mother and her friends.
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Discord pt 64
[Date: 08/03, 6.01 AM - 08/03, 6.32 AM GMT]
[Direct continuation from pt 63]
[CW: Manipulation, stalking]
C R O W N: “are you all happier without me?”
Maxwell: “yes”
C R O W N: “...”
fetch: “we might be, yeah.”
C R O W N: “...”
Marcus: “...guys”
fetch: “just get out of here, dammit”
C R O W N: “i see”
Maxwell: “leave”
Marcus: “Baron and prince and lizzy are still with him”
jayyyyyyyy: “yeah, but theyre not in the court”
Marcus: “They are jay”
jayyyyyyyy: “crowns lost so much power. rescuing the others will be childsplay”
Marcus: “They’re still there”
Little-K1ng: “this is a weird vibe, just 3 dudes in my living room. i hope you guys know i have like, a bed and then a couch and also a floor”
Maxwell: “i call the floor”
Marcus: “That just makes him stronger”
Marcus: “Less people to control”
Little-K1ng: “floor is now called for, fetch can have the bed, and marcus gets couch i guess!”
Maxwell: “i can sleep anywhere man i used to sleep on the floor for fun as a kid!”
Little-K1ng: “zero porch sleepers, PLEASE,”
C R O W N: “I'm sorry. I just wanted to give Ranboo a happy family.”
Maxwell: “no you didnt bitch”
fetch: “just get OUT”
Maxwell: “that aint how a family works”
fetch: “get these squirrels out of my fuckin yard”
C R O W N: “...fine”
Marcus: “Do you remember what I said when this family asked about my thoughts on Dream?”
C R O W N: “yes”
Maxwell: “....i forgot how much of a dogboy you were fetch, heh...nice to see ya again man”
Little-K1ng: “[calling out of my front door to the street] ay fuck off pal not tonight”
fetch: “Pff, you too ya little rat”
Marcus: “I would like to change my answer.”
Marcus: “You are no better than Dream. You are no different than the man who you described as a horrible person. You are no savior.”
C R O W N: “...”
Marcus: “You are a coward.”
Maxwell: “ey i may be little but i can bite your kneecaps”
C R O W N: “...
Little-K1ng: “okay so i cant believe how not surprised i am but.... at the moment maxwell... theres orange juice in the fridge and cookies in the pantry (they're oatmeal raisin for your Health), if "someone" (you) starts bleeding again just sit and chill”
Little-K1ng: “but definitely get at those snacks”
Maxwell: “thanks man, sorry for barging in”
Marcus: “...what the hell are we wearing?”
Little-K1ng: “nah its all good ill be in a better mood once these bad boys! [holds out 2 excedrin] actually kick in”
fetch: “I dunno man but hey max, you look good in a skirt”
Little-K1ng: “i mean you do suit the skirt”
Maxwell: “.........hUh”
Marcus: “How the hell did I run in demonias what the fuck”
Maxwell: “i mean ive got combat boots so thats good but seriously man how the fuck did you run in those”
Marcus: “My hair isn’t supposed to be short”
fetch: “Okay you rock the demonias but are your ankles okay”
Little-K1ng: “yall are so fashionable i am almost not going to offer better clothes”
fetch: “...
ow ow ow
Little-K1ng: “wh?”
fetch: “gdox”
Maxwell: “i know ive got a button up on but not having a cloak or sweater of somesort feels horrid”
Marcus: “Fetch?”
fetch: “ow
[Crown edited onto the google doc: "I'm sorry i'll be good just please come back i don't want to lose anyone else it hurts i already lost tommy and now you all left me please come back please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please"]
Marcus: “Fuck”
fetch: “hes tampering”
dreaming: “fetch you okay?”
Little-K1ng: “woah dude hey hey sit its okay just sit”
Little-K1ng: “the doc...”
Maxwell: “uh oh”
fetch: “ow ow wh at the fu c k”
Maxwell: “the fuck happened to tommy what is he on about”
Little-K1ng: “WOAH okay so fetch just hit the floor”
Maxwell: “shit fetch you okay”
Marcus: “Fuck, do you have tissues? His nose is bleeding”
Little-K1ng: “AH AH HEY UH HELP ME uh hes bleeding flip him over”
Little-K1ng: “hes bleeding a lot dont let him drown”
Maxwell: “oh god okay”
Little-K1ng: “cmon recovery position dont you know that?? ok”
Marcus: “Yeah of course”
Maxwell: “dont lay him down yeah he'll choke on the blood if we do”
Little-K1ng: “okay hes good just. drooling blood onto the floor okay, thats, ew, but not the first time”
Little-K1ng: “oh yeah the doc huh? okay that alteration must have really hurt”
A random Spark: “It was a big one, a whole page”
Little-K1ng: “oh ouch”
Maxwell: “so should we try to leave it for now for fetch to fix when he wakes up to not hurt him more?”
Little-K1ng: “okay, note to self, buy more excedrin
this weeks trauma is sponsored by excedrin”
Maxwell: “what the shit happened to tommy?”
jayyyyyyyy: “tommy died??”
Maxwell: “HE WHAT”
jayyyyyyyy: “I DONT KNOW??”
Little-K1ng: “yeah uh, he kinda, look ok yall can explain that and ill just. try to clean this up”
Mothbo: “Max, it's been much longer than a day.”
Maxwell: “what”
Little-K1ng: “a... a day ??”
Marcus: “...max”
Maxwell: “how...long has it been”
boo: “a month or so”
Maxwell: “god my head hurts this is too much to process”
Little-K1ng: “hahaa,, yeah no you've never met me, its been an awful lot longer than that, look, we've had a long night, the sprinklers are staying on overnight, just sit and we can get some sleep, yeah? ill stay with fetch and make sure he doesnt choke”
Little-K1ng: “ill get you the snacks and you can recover from the blood loss, sound good?”
Marcus: “I can um”
Maxwell: “thanks so much man...”
Marcus: “I can stay up and help these two, I basically took care of them back at the-
You know”
Maxwell: “okay...tomorrow....yall havge a lto og explaining to fo”
Marcus: “You don’t look well, Mona you should rest”
Maxwell: “im going to slepw nihgt fucekrs ha....its good to be back”
Little-K1ng: “i appreciate the concern, good night marcus. nice to meet you :)”
Marcus: “It’s uh, nice to meet you too
Mothbo: “rest well, Max. Please stay safe okay? We missed ya”
Maxwell: “course....”
[jayyyyyyyy: “have a nice first night free marcus! :]”]
Marcus: “...thank you”
Chat: “...”
katichu (derogatory): “Chat?”
jayyyyyyyy: “hi, chat. you maybe wanna take off your crown, mate?”
Chat: “You know what? I really don't care anymore. I should've known who you all really were when you first showed your true colors by being so hateful to crown and the family. You're all nothing to me :) And guess what? I'm completely fine with that!!”
A random Spark: “We made our choice”
Chat: “Yep! And I've made mine, and I'm completely fine with knowing that I've done nothing but right by Crown, and that none of this is my fault and I'm not to blame for anything and I haven't done anything wrong and it's perfectly fine and I'm okay!!”
Chat: “I know you never cared about me anyway. You don't need to keep saying it. I have my family and I'm h a p p y n o w”
[jayyyyyyyy: “We do care about you. We're also all tired as fuck.”]
Chat: “Right.”
Chat: “I'll be leaving now. Thank you for nothing.”
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Lie to Me in Melody Challenge
Stu’s Masterlist’s 2nd Birthday Writing Extravaganza
When: May 22 - July 30th 2020
Where: Tumblr (or a Tumblr post with a link to AO3)
What: A Supernatural Song Lyric Writing Prompt Challenge with a Twist!
Last year I asked you all to Break My Heart, well this year, I am asking you to lie to me. But make it convincing. I need you to weave something so well that I won’t know where the lie is coming from until it is too late. It could be a big lie, it could be a little lie, good or bad, but there must be a lie!
How: Please send me an ASK if you would like to participate.
Include the prompt you’d like and a back up. There will be a two blog limit per prompt this year.
Write your masterpiece! Use the lyric as best you see fit (theme, dialogue, description, etc), but please list it in your A/N so I know what to look for.
Post your fic and tag me!
Include ‘#I lied to Stu’ in the first five tags so I can organize things later.
I will reblog your fic once I’ve had the chance to read it. Likes come from my mainblog @stunudo.
Interested? Okay, well, there’s still the nitty gritty to worry about!
NO WINCEST, incest, or underaged shenanigans. Bobby and Jack are both related to the Winchesters, don’t @ me.
No real people, please and thank you.
Any pairing is acceptable (beyond the above).
Tag your fics! I don’t care what your kinks are, but tag them! (I am not going to shame you. I just may gloss over certain parts.)
Minimum 300 words. No Max.
OCs/ series/ AUs are all welcome!
Deadline: July 30 (My actual birthday)
I would love a follow if you’re joining, but I doubt I am everyone’s cup of tea.
Keep Reading link on anything longer than 500 words. Seriously, don’t be a savage.
Song Lyric Prompts:
1. And you try to find yourself In the abstractions of religion And the cruelty of everyone else And you wake up to realize Your standard of living somehow got stuck on survive
2. There is this hunger This restlessness inside of me And it knows that you're no stranger You're my gravity @thewhiterabbit42
3. Some are walking, some are talking, some are stalking their kill You got social security, but that doesn't pay your bills
4. I feel your tongue Telling me I'm dirty And licking my bones A surge against silence A knife across a plate Makes the sound Of need on hate @thoughtslikeaminefield
5. You're hopeless 'cause you tell the truth The stars are jealous of your shine @67midnightwriter
6. There's nothing in between us knowing where we're going is inside. Every letter that I wrote, every dress you never wore under your coat
7. Together can never be close enough for me To feel like I am close enough to you You wear white and I'll wear out the words "I love you"
8. These bruises make for better conversation Loses the vibe that separates It's good to let you in again
Billy Joel
9. I believe I've passed the age of consciousness and righteous rage I found that just surviving was a noble fight I once believed in causes too I had my pointless point of view And life went on no matter who was wrong or right @a-winchester-fairytale
10. They showed you a statue and told you to pray They built you a temple and locked you away But they never told you the price that you pay @awesomesusiebstuff
11. You had to be a big shot, didn't you All your friends were so knocked out You had to have the last word, last night @idabbleincrazy
12. For the promises our teachers gave If we worked hard If we behaved So the graduations hang on the wall But they never really helped us at all
13. I know I'm searching for something Something so undefined That it can only be seen By the eyes of the blind In the middle of the night @deanwanddamons
Carole King
14. Sometimes I think I'm a prisoner of fate Doomed to find out things a little too late And so I must play this broken man's role
15. I feel the earth move under my feet I feel the sky tumbling down I just lose control Down to my very soul @fangirlxwritesx67
16. Tonight you're mine completely You give your love so sweetly Tonight the light of love is in your eyes But will you love me tomorrow @phantomwarrior12
17. As I watched in sorrow, there suddenly appeared A figure gray and ghostly beneath a flowing beard In times of deepest darkness, I've seen him dressed in black
Now my tapestry's unraveling - he's come to take me back @dontshootmespence
Modest Mouse
18. Talking shit about a pretty sunset Blanketing opinions that I'll probably regret soon I've changed my mind so much I cant even trust it My mind changed me so much I cant even trust myself
19. Working real hard to make internet cash Work your fingers to the bone sitting on your ass I know now what I knew then But I didn't know then what I know now
20. When you’re living your life, well, that's the price you pay Whenever I breath out, you're breathing it in Whenever I speak out, you're speaking out
21. Blame it on the weekends. God I need a cola now. Oh we mumble loudly, wear our shame so proudly. Wore our blank expressions, trying to look interesting. Blame it all on me cuz God I need a cold one now.
22. Well you were spitting venom at most everyone you know If you truly knew the gravity you'd know just where to go Well let it drop @there-must-be-a-lock
Tagging: @dontshootmespence
Slackers: @mskathywriteswords @fangirlxwritesx67 @itmighthavebeenintentional @there-must-be-a-lock
Shout out to MJ @thoughtslikeaminefield for the banner!
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Maybe I need to just like. Scream. Loudly. For a few hours.
My concentration is still so bad I'm barely getting anywhere with this same set of nails. Still. I'm trying to keep working on it but my mind is just not doing it because I feel constantly on edge. This is day 3. One set of nails! Jesus they're not that good. I take a long time to do most things but my mind is really just not functioning.
I'm feeling really particularly isolated again. I have nothing to say that might be of interest to anyone else. I dont really even know how to respond to the small amount of interaction I do get. A friend has started being more talkative in our group chat and sent me a message asking for some info on nail art techniques - maybe I'm being self centred but I feel like it could at least partially be an effort to get me talking. If so I appreciate it. But I still dont really have anything to say beyond quick surface responses.
My mum asked if I'm going to see her this weekend. I wouldn't on Sundays because she has a zoom call with relatives I dont want to talk to. It occurred to me that saturday is tomorrow. Part of me wants to go to hers and drink red wine and just connect with someone. The one person who's almost always had my back, or at least has never seriously intentionally opposed me. I want to go see my dog and my kitten and tell her that actually I'm doing pretty bad, I'll probably be divorced by xmas and sometimes I hear things that arent particularly confusing or distressing but they're definitely not real.
But that's not how it works in our dynamic. She had a serious psychotic episode when I was a teenager, and I took care of it all. My younger brother has ongoing psychosis. It's in our family. If I say I hear things she'll only panic. My doctor knows so it's not a secret - if theres one thing I learned from both of their cases, it's not to stay in denial. But theres no point telling her. And the divorce stuff? She'll internalise it. One of her children is dead, one is an ongoing psychiatric case with not much of a future because he's also actually a pretty terrible person, and the last one is me. She feels bad enough because her "marriage failed," which is a weird phrase her generation seem to use. She told me before not to date other people in case it hurts my "marriage." She'll think it's that, and start spiralling about her history with my dad and the one guy she's dated since they divorced. She won't believe me and hb were fine having other relationships and the issues arent to do with that, and I dont have the energy to talk through her stuff again.
Maybe it's getting to me more than I think. It's not like I didnt know this shitstorm was coming. But now it advances. Like I heard the forecast before, but now I can see it on the horizon. Now I have to really truly consider moving out of the house and splitting up the cats and whatever else. Thinking about it, maybe i should talk to my mum. Itll almost definitely be her I move in with if it all goes through. But then maybe I should only talk about it if I'm sure.
I dont know. I'm jealous of everyone with good parental relationships. I still havent even texted my dad for his birthday. I guess I should do that. I kind of miss when all 4 of us go back to my dad's house for drinks, us and my half brother. But that's not going to happen for a long time yet, for all kinds of reasons. Maybe it never will again. I'm catastrophising I guess. But it's hard not to with the current track record. I just feel like there isnt any evidence of positive things. Really, truly. The best thing that's happened to me recently is I sent the rented carpet cleaner off and then saw that my cat did a big healthy shit in the middle of the carpet. I have to be happy about that because it means hes not losing his guts to diarrhea and vomiting like he was before. But I still have to deal with a hygienic nightmare and probably a stressed cat picking up on my mental state. And I still have to gauge the whole situation based on a literal pile of shit.
I feel like thinking positive is just kidding myself and giving into my genetic tendency towards psychosis. If I'm going to convince myself of something that isnt real in order to make myself feel better, why not lose myself in a fantasy entirely? I should just build an entire world where everything is okay and lock myself away in it. Why stop at just telling myself that this one bad thing or another won't happen.
I try my best to stay grounded in reality to avoid ending up in that kind of mental state. But reality is fucking tiring. I know my life isnt the worst in the world by far, I dont mean that. But we're all going through some extra shit these past couple of years. I struggle not to take that on too. Not that it even helps. We had a mass shooting here today and I'm thinking about the people who thought they were safe because they live in England where firearms are extremely rare, the parents of the child who died, the people living in that area who will feel so unsafe now, and all the pro-gun lobbyists in the US who will use this as a reasoning that gun control doesn't work thus keeping millions of other people at risk as long as those laws dont change. But god. I would be dead many times over if guns were as easy to buy here as they are over there.
And then I think about all the people that have been lost to situations like that. I'm multiracial and have family in multiple different places - I was always raised with the idea that you dont stop caring about people just because they're not in the same country as you. And it's true, you shouldnt. But I've internalised a lot of it as fear and sorrow and idk what else. Just bad feelings. Feeling like the world is such a terrible place, that I cant deal with my own suffering, and that if I can't deal with that then what about the people who have it worse? What can I do??
What can I do for anyone when I cant even paint a single set of nails?
I'm sure of all kinds of bad things happening. I dont want to be. Some of them I couldnt prove, so maybe it's just my mind. Many look likely. I dont know how to deal. I am all the worst parts of each of my parents and this is the result. I wish therapy was more of a thing last century. They should never have had kids. My older brother got off easy by dying. Incidentally I have to somehow gather money for his gravestone soon as nobody else in my family ever offered to help my parents with it in all this time and it's only just been put up now when I said I'd help my mum with it. I never even fucking met him. My life is like a bad tv show. Not an interesting one, not a well written drama or tragedy, just bad.
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Episode 1 - "I know the game will pick up eventually" ~Shaad
chile lemme not get thrown out for making all these stan twitter bitch references I'M LICHERALLY HARMLESS I DON'T MEAN MOST OF WHAT I SAY DKJFHASJKLDG
ngl tho i'm kinda shitting myself over these challenges bc i don't wanna get tossed on the first round JKAHFSJKDGHJ my ant eye et tea is through the ROOF
oh girl, first impressions? ngl, the gays and girls here seem quite lovely, hopefully they won't have to carry me the entire time LMAO
Okay like the only person I like/talked to is Jodi but she seems like a smart cookie so ima sleep with one eye open. But idk I'm ready to put on my fake ass smile and my fake ass kind words and get through this part. It's interesting with 6 people per tribe like if we lose I don't have that solid "core" yet but theres a chance that it would be me, jodi, amy because we were the first three on and active so idk. the immunity challenge is cool, the hunt challenge is cool too. im not good at timed puzzles, so I don't think I'm gonna go for it but a part of me feels like everyone across the tribes isnt gonna do it becsuse theyre scared so thats a good opportunity to sneak in and play with less people against me? idk idk idk ahhh
🎶Oh my god we're back again🎶 Hey peeps!! :DDD Here I am againnnn, how fun! Tbh I forgot this was today lowkey and Dylan reminded me and I was like oop 😳 also I am so sorry to everyone that I cannot help but sprinkle the fact that we are now dating in all of my first convos bc IM VERY GAY apologies✨ for how often I'm mentioning it I mean 😂 My tribemates seems so cool, Jennifer and Babs are newbies but seem up to the challenge, Jay A and Colin already giving off immaculate vibes✨ Me and Dyl are hosting Ingary in a month and I do have like work and everything so I don't know exaclty how active I'll be in this game/ how far I'll make it but we'll see won't we!!
not me being a leader of whateva
it's the lack of reading comprehension for me (that was shade directed towards myself)
In the fools tribe !!! Moth is in my tribe which is good because we have played together before. The immunity challenge is divide and conquer! So I believe I will be doing the endurance one. I think I’ll be okay... and the hunt announcement is a good twist !!! I’m not sure if I’ll participate in the first one.. but I’ll probably change my mind. ANYWAYS, I’m ready to kick some ass
Hey guys it's me Brayden and I am so here. I'm so excited to be playing again and stuff and I have already predicted the future that I'll be the winner. Anyways I was at an award ceremony for like the first 3 hours of the game which is kind of scary bc I feel like I missed alot but I'm trying to talk to people and stuff and see what's going on. I've briefly talked to Jodi, Amy, and Ginnifer (who is so hard to talk to btw I like send her messages trying to start a real conversation and she will just respond being like same or something). Anyways the other 2 people on my tribe are offline rn so ig I missed my chance to talk to them tonight so I'll do that tomorrow. Anyways I signed up to do counting and I'm so excited bc I literally KILLED the counting challenge on Kyoshi Islands so I'm so excited to hopefully kill it again. I also decided to play the hunt challenge even though I only have 3 chances bc I'm hoping alot of people will be scared to use one of their three chances to play in the first round and I can have a better chance of winning it. But I think I'm bad at puzzles. I didn't think it through that hard I think I got excited to play a challenge but whatever I'll probably win the advantage then in a few weeks win the whole game anyways see u later.
SO its the morning after the premiere!! Everyone's settled in!! and I kinda don't know how to feel?? Overall the premiere was kinda quiet, nothing happened worth noting tbh. Everyone on the tribe showed up, so thats good, but i think we're all just feeling each other out at the moment as for the people on my tribe! everyone seems chill but also i can't put my finger on it but SOMEHOW this tribe radiates chaotic energy. I don't know HOW or WHY but I just know it DOES. The way we're interacting in the tribe chat it seems like there's a very wide range of personalities and vibes. They're either gonna complement each other or clash, and I guess we're just gonna have to wait to find out which one!!! here are my quick night 1 first impressions that no one asked for :) Anastasia - she showed up kinda late bc she had life happening, understandable. BUT she kinda just jumped right in and started vibing with everyone!! so I think she's gonna be a strong social player. I talked to her and she seems really funny, I think I might really get close with her if I'm able to talk to her more Babs - IF our tribe does end up being chaotic, it's going to be because of Babs. They're definitely the most talkative and prominent person on the tribe, but I think they might come off as messy to others. they're really funny though!! so again I can see myself wanting to work with them if I can get to know them more. They are the biggest question mark on the tribe for me currently Elle - AH. I LOVE THEM ALREADY. Within minutes of us talking they mentioned Dylan and then I found out that they're DATING and I was SCREECHING. cutest shit i've ever heard. I'm so excited to meet and play with them. Dylan is one of my fave people in the org community so ofc I wanna get to know Elle and connect with them as well!! Jay - I think Jay seems like just a very genuine open person?? Like we talked for quite a while yesterday just about games and he was asking me questions about my experience with them and all that. idk if it's because he sees me as a threat or if its because he just actually wanted to get to know me. He lowkey gives me heterosexual vibes and idk if thats true or not but idk how to bring it up. but I def wanna keep talking to him and getting to know him!! I think he might be someone I can form a genuine friendship with Jennifer - kinda have no opinion so far. I think shes the quietest on the tribe. at least for me I didn't get the chance to hear from her much. kinda gives catfish vibes. kinda gives early boot vibes. idk. we'll see what happens!
Not too much yet tbh. Just finding my footing. People are loving my energy so hopefully they’ll keep me around
So i realized Amy is runner up from the season before mine in another org and so we connected over that... of course we are not going to tell anyone else but we did have that going for us to get started. brayden is only 16 but he told me he loves magic and wanted to learn more about it so i told him id teach him some stuff! dennis and i called and connected well BUT hes kinda playing SUPER hard and wanting to throw challenges already to vote people out.. this has never worked out for anybody!! josh is cool, he works at a grocery store so he's gonna kill the "b" challenge. ginnifer has been the most MIA but i have faith that we'll work together well for the popularity contest. yall know i cant play the reverse flirt game i so badly want to coin, but i do have romance tea for yall tomorrow. stay tuned........
Jay and I talked last night so i guess we're best friends. We decided to make an alliance and try to get Elle in it. But everyone has been pretty inactive besides Jay and Collin. I've only slightly talked to Jessica this whole game and Babs hasn't even said one thing to me and I texted them hi. And apperently Babs has left Jay on opened too so they might just suck at talking right now. Hopefully Babs will talk to me they seem so funny and cool D:
I won endurance 👑!!!! Hopefully the fools tribe wins this!!!! I played against Jennifer and Dennis. I could see myself playing with Dennis down the line if we merge. I haven’t talked to anyone but Moth. So I messaged my whole tribe Introducing myself. Hopefully things work out for me!
Thoughts after the first 24hrs: https://youtu.be/I62bDSzgf68
You hear something ??? Same. Why is my tribe so quiet 😂😂😂😂 I’m trying to read off the vibes but I see nothing.
I really love my tribe and the fact that they don’t know I played last season is a good strategy to play on my end
tbh i wish we lost i wanted to go to tribal and vote one of these people out :(
Welp we got second place in the first challenge :| which isn't bad!! But it's not first place 😂😂. But I had a fun day taking pictures so whateverssss. I said I would be chaotic in this game but the opportunity hasn't presented itself yet... Guess we'll have to wait and see✨
I think at this point, my team is shady and won't say anything to me so I am nervous.
The challenges were way harder than I thought. I didn't do well at all and let my tribe down. I feel like I will be the first to get voted out if we have a tribal hearing.
We lost yay. I had a feeling. Hopefully the tribe will keep me around for now since I won endurance.... lhsisowjshwowpwpwheowowhfiwpqpqpjw. Jared thinks we can vote Bri out. Which I’m fine with, I haven’t really talked to her at all. Jared and I are going to message the others and see where everyone’s head is at. Honestly I don’t care who goes home as long as I’m safe. Everyone is quiet which is so annoying. Blahhhhhhhhhh
Well it’s my 3rd time playing and it’s not off to the best start, no one seems to be talking to anyone. And we lost meaning we are going to tribal council. So fuck- I have no idea what about to happen. I’m just hoping it’s not me or Jess
if i must confess, my strategy is to have a 4-3-2 alliance. i need a 4 to have a majority, but i dont have a 4 yet. within the 4, theres a three person alliance w me jodi and amy, but within that three i believe that the core 2 is myself and jodi. i really dont care who the 4th is. i like having jodi and amy as an alliance because theyre both doing wayy too much which is great for me :) i dont think any of these people have idols but who knows. i would love to throw the next immunity i wanna go to tribal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Looks like we’ve got something good. We’ve got an alliance that’s set to (hopefully) vote out bri due to inactivity. Let’s just pray it works
Trying to talk in this tribe is so difficult In both my other seasons I was pretty quiet all the time It is like that x10000 I was hoping to stay under the radar but that doesn’t work if no one talks at all I suppose it depends on if I’m being played or if everyone just doesn’t talk. I think there’s a plan. Let’s hope it goes well
OKAY SO. Moth, Jared and I have a little alliance going on. We are set on voting out Bri. I just talked to Danny and Shaad and they are down with voting Bri out. I have high hopes that I’ll be safe at tribal.
Better communication.. in sticking with that fact, our communication in my team could be better and we need to put more effort into what we do, I believe in us!
The start to this game has been a freaking snails pace...it’s unbelievable to me that these people do not want to talk that much, especially when it’s a tribe of 6. Colin and I talk the most, I’ve gotten a decent amount out of Anastasia, and to me it feels like those 2 wants to work with me and I am fine with working with them. Usually in a larger group you want to figure out who you can work with long term and use the first few tribals to establish trust, I may throw that out the window since there’s only 5 other people on this tribe. My strategy needs to be who the hell can get me past these first few votes before a swap happens, and I feel like I can rely on Colin and Anastasia for that. I’d like to pull in Elle, because she’s the one who’s talked to me the most out of her, Babs, and Jennifer. Everyone seems nice, but it would be lovely if people would be more active.
I’m enjoying the fact our tribe won the first challenge everyone is very nice I love it :)
This round has been pretty smooth sailing. I know the game will pick up eventually but for now, we are just going with the flow as a tribe
ok so apparently ginnifer isn't famous. she's just a bit quiet and mysterious. ok with me, just gonna take a while because I'm a loud and outspoken person (and player). amy, dennis and I have an alliance called "fang gang" (it's really just 3 emojis of vampires) and we're going to run the premerge hopefully. I do like brayden a lot, and maybe I'll propose a 3 with him, amy and myself to have a solid 4 control the votes until a swap. round 1 not bad so far!
Power Rankings:
Jodi: I believe Jodi is thriving on this tribe. She is very obviously a social player who picks up on the littlest details. I’m sure she can sniff out a plot if it comes down to it. However, Jodi is the plot. She is the leader of her tribe and is easily the most active person in the game at the moment. So long as she keeps a smile on her face and doesn’t overextend to do something messy, she will find that she will make it safely to merge. Allying with Amy could be dangerous however since Amy has stated she needs to be voted out before a certain date. This means that Jodi needs to socialize with other members of her tribe and get new allies before hers will inevitably be voted out of the game.
Amy: Even though she wants to get voted out, Amy has set herself up perfectly at Jodi’s side. She can take the heat off of herself using Jodi and is able to hide better than others. As always, her UTR game has come out to shine. She hasn’t had anyone call her out and even though Jodi has seen her play she is still able to gain her trust.
Josh: Doing so well in the challenge has earned Josh’s place here. He makes his worth known early and has a great personality as well. This makes him very safe for any early tribal councils as no one is going to want to take him out; they want him on their side. Similar to Amy, he just seems to be using an under the radar social game which he is executing well at the present moment. And, as the star of the challenge, he makes himself safe for future tribals before the swap. However, I do fear that this early impression of competition prowess will come back to haunt him if he makes it to the merge.
Dennis: I would put Dennis higher, but Jodi, his ally, already is suspicious of him. She seems to think of him as a bit of a sneak and, as the tribe leader, her opinions matter the most. It is good that he is able to be Jodi’s ally so she might stray away from voting him out. However, his desire to go to tribal and play the game so early may bite him in the butt later down the line. I can definitely see him being called out for trying to play too hard too fast. At the moment, he remains high because he seems to be decently social and no one except Jodi has sniffed him out.
Brayden: There’s not much to say on Brayden’s game. He doesn’t seem to have any allies, his challenge performance wasn’t as good as others on his tribe, and he is not in any alliances yet. This spells disaster for Brayden if his tribe goes to consecutive tribal councils. Additionally, even though he was one of the few to play in the Hunt, he didn’t win and wasn’t even close to doing so. He even gave up part way through to do the immunity challenge. I would be saving them if I were Brayden, but hindsight is 20/20. If Brayden can squeeze into being the fourth of the Jodi, Amy, Dennis alliance instead of Josh then maybe his game forecast will be better.
Ginnifer: The thing that lands Ginnifer on the bottom is that she said that her tribe could vote her out if they lost the challenge. This primes people to already be willing to get rid of her in this game. Additionally, some people have expressed difficulty with talking to Ginny such as Jodi and Amy. The former still wants to give Ginny a try at being an ally while the latter was ready to vote her out if necessary. Ginny just needs to pick up social steam and outperform in the next comp if she’s going to have longevity in this game.
Jessica: In lieu of a clear leader, Jessica has stepped up as she started the first alliance on her tribe with Moth and Jared. No doubt, Jessica’s prior relationship with Moth helped facilitate. Additionally, this seems to paint them as the “active” members of this not active tribe. Therefore, it will be very easy for Jessica to dictate votes without getting labelled as a threat since her tribe is not active enough to do so. I can definitely see her leaning on Moth as a crutch, but for now she is the topdog of her tribe. Especially so since she was the only member of her tribe to win a challenge in Divide and Conquer.
Moth: As Jessica’s right-hand person, Moth is a secure spot. It also helped that they have played this game before and is on a not active tribe. This vibes well with Moth’s gameplay style since they aren’t a social powerhouse like Jodi or Colin. Instead, she keeps it more lowkey which makes this tribe in particular a great tribe for her to thrive in.
Jared: While he hasn’t provided a confessional yet, it’s clear he’s positioned himself well with Moth and Jessica. As the topdogs of the tribe, they are key people to get in with. Besides that, he seems to be a little more active than some others, but there’s not much else to say as of right now.
Danny/Shaad: Him and Shaad can trade spots on this ranking because they are playing similar games at the moment. They are both quiet and inactive, yet are not part of the core alliance of this tribe. This could spell danger for them in upcoming tribal councils if they don’t start working on people now. They seem to be safe for now based solely on Bri’s inactivity, but, otherwise, they need to pick up their socio-strategic game before it is too late.
Bri: She seems to be the most likely person to get voted out. She was not online at all for the first two days of the game and has since remained inactive. She is easy pickings for the top 3 of this tribe which really hurts my heart. I know her in real life and she is very sociable and easy to get along with. I have no doubt that in a real life game of Survivor or Big Brother, she would kill the social game.
Colin: Similar to Jodi, Colin is the most social person on his tribe at the moment. However, unlike Jodi, he has not taken a leader position which works to his benefit. Despite being social, Colin has been able to slip under the radar of most people with a lot of them wanting to work with him. Colin is easily going to survive until the swap, but I will caution him from getting too many allies too quickly. This tribe in particular has a wildcard willing to blow things like that up so he needs to be careful.
Elle: Similar to her previous games, Elle plays an extraordinary social game and becomes very well-liked very easily. They have no problem fitting into any situation and I foresee them making it far if they gain the right allies. What puts her at number 2 as opposed to number 1 is that she hasn’t made any strategic comments yet. Instead, she is focusing on a social game which is not a bad thing. Colin has just shown more of his gameplay in these rounds.
Anastasia: Anastasia, despite being late to the premiere, has been able to socialize with key people such as Colin and Jay. Her prior connection with Elle has also sparked an interest in Colin in working with the two of them as an alliance. Overall, her and Elle sort of share the 2 and 3 spot since they are both well-liked, did well in the challenge, and are prime allies for Colin whose word will feel like law if this tribe ever goes to tribal.
Jay: Jay is neither here nor there. He isn’t in the bottom, but he is not calling the shots either. It is good that Colin wants him as his number 1 and that Anastasia likes him. Out of the three outside of this potential Elle, Colin, Anastasia alliance, he seems like he will be most likely to be saved until a swap occurs. His calls with people have certainly been helping with that as people are able to bond more with him through there. His activity could use work, but he doesn’t need to be active if he’s liked.
Babs: With another Jodi comparison, Babs has taken the leadership position of their tribe. However, they are not as social and, in fact, considered a big threat since they are so willing to talk freely and openly in the tribe chat. Their gameplay is going to be Messy, and people have already pointed that out, making them a clear target if this tribe goes to tribal council. Despite that, they aren’t at the bottom since some people, like Colin, have expressed interest in working with that kind of player as a sort of shield. If Babs were to tone it down and be more social with people (another problem with their game), they may be able to crawl up these rankings.
Jennifer: Sadly I have to put another phonetic Jennifer at the bottom. She did the worst in the challenge across her tribe and isn’t active either. For this round, it seems she would be the easy vote if this tribe had gone to tribal. She needs to start being more social and be more of a presence in people’s minds.
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In Your Dreams
Steve Harrington x Reader
Summary: The reader has a dream about Steve. Angst/fluff.
Warnings: cursing and a brief/insinuated conversation of sex.
Word Count: 2.4K
Y/N looked into the mirror, putting on one final swipe of mascara. She smiled lightly to herself, pleased with how she looked. She felt antsy and nervous for some reason, but she couldn’t quite tell what. A honk outside of her home, jolted her back to reality. She grabbed the bag that was laying on her bed and rushed out the door. upon seeing the maroon BMW idling in her driveway, a rush of butterflies swarmed her stomach and her hands got a bit more clammy. She walked slowly to the car, only to have the sweet boy fun to the passenger door and open it for her. Flush lined her cheeks, and she coyly thanked him for being so sweet.
“Y/N/N, you look absolutely beautiful.”
“Thanks Stevie. You don’t look too bad yourself.”
Time seemed to fly by as the she was having the time of her life on the date of her dreams. Steve pulled the car into her driveway and he reached over to lay a hand on top of hers.
“Y/N/N, I...think i might be in love with you.” Her smile spread across her face, beaming with joy at the declaration of love laid forth to her.
“Stevie, I know I’m in love with you.” Closing the distance between the two was her number one priority at the moment. She wanted nothing more than her lips to collide with his. She inched closer and closer and closer...
Y/N’s alarm blared through her room, seemingly louder than normal. She shot up straight in her bed.
“I’m so fucked.” She couldn’t stop thinking about the dream she just had about her best friend Steve Harrington. It had only been a few months since he started working at the video store with her, but just in that short time they, along with Robin, had become especially close. And sure, they playfully flirted and bantered, but that’s what it was, play, right? They were just best friends, right?
As she was getting ready for her shift, her thoughts were racing thinking about the dream she just had about him. She couldn’t stop thinking about what had happened in the dream. She had so much fun, and was super happy. She felt love sick in the dream, and that was starting to seep into her real life.
The drive to work was almost unbearable. She suddenly became hyper aware that she was going to have to see him for their shift in less than five minutes. She obviously couldn’t tell him about the dream, because that would make it seem like she liked him. Which maybe she does, she wasn’t sure what to think. Just as she pulled in, he pulled in from the opposite direction, Robin in his passenger seat. Y/N immediately put her car in park and ran in so she could get the stock job for the day, so she could be alone. She heard Robin and Steve both yelling for her, but ignored them. Her thoughts were starting to swallow her whole.
“Hey Y/N/N.”
“Hi Steve.” She replied back coldly.
“Steve? You never call me Steve, you always call me Stevie. Is something wrong?”
“Everything is fine Steve, now if you’d excuse me, i have to organize all of these or else my ass is grass.” She blankly said to him, turning to focus on her work instead of him. She was also turning away to hide the blush that was beginning to splay across her cheeks. She couldn’t help it. She had one of THOSE dreams about him.
Y/N worked as diligently as she could, with her mind always coming back to Steve. Steve and his perfect hair, and his dorky but lovable personality. Steve and his constant need to make sure everybody else is okay before himself. Steve and his cute voice, and perfect laugh. Steve and his chiseled, yet comfortable body. Steve, Steve, Steve was all she could think about.
“Damn Y/N, who’s the lucky guy you’re drooling over?” She was pulled from her daydream over the dumb boy working the front of store by her other best friend Robin.
“It’s no one.” She glanced to Steve, her heart beating a little faster. “It’s not a big deal.”
“What happened between yesterday and today that you finally know your feelings for Steve?”
“Robin, quiet down. I had one of THOSE dreams about him last night and it’s just kind of throwing me for a loop-Wait, did you say finally know them?”
“Yes, it’s obvious how you feel about him. It’s kinda gross how often you give him puppy eyes. Tell me about this dream you had.”
“Rob, you’re joking right?”
“No, I’m not. Let’s hear it, Y/N/N.” Robins voice was thick with mockery of Steve saying her nickname. Y/N struggled to decide if she should tell Robin about the dream or not, eventually deciding that if she didn’t tell her right now, Robin would get it out of her with constant pestering.
“It wasn’t that bad, okay? It was just one of those dreams where you go to bed thinking about someone one way and wake up feeling completely different.” Robin looked at her, and waved her hand to tell her to continue telling her what happened in the dream.
“Okay, so the dream started with me getting ready for what i assumed to be a date with some random guy. Little did i know, that it was actually a date with Steve. i got into his car, and he told me i was beautiful and i flirted back naturally. And then i had the best date i think i could ever ask for. Literally the date of my dreams. And then we came back to my house and we were sitting in my driveway, and he told me he was in love with me and i told him it back and just when we were gonna kiss my alarm went off. And now I’m royally fucked because i cant even look at him without getting butterflies.”
Robin stared at the girl for a few seconds not saying anything, before bursting into a fit of laughter. Thus causing everyone in the store, including Steve to look back at the two girls standing at the counter. And to those who saw it, was probably a treat. One girl was sitting there cracking up laughing and the other was staring at her mortified as to why she was laughing.
“Robin, calm down. Why are you laughing? People are staring.” Just as she said that, Steve and her made direct eye contact. She quickly looked away, heat spreading through her entire body.
“I’m sorry, like genuinely.But oh my god, I just can’t believe that you’re in love with that dingus.”
“What dingus?” Steve said approaching the two calmly. Y/N’s eyes grew to be as big as saucers.
“No one. I really don’t want to talk about it right now.” Y/N said before turning to Robin and saying, “If you say anything, I will actually murder you.” With that, she walked back to the storage room and continued to organize.
Her shift went agonizingly slow, especially since both her and Steve worked a double. Meaning, when it came time to close only the two of them were left. She finished the stack of movies in the back, and filled out the stock form. After leaving the storage room, she noticed that the drawer wasn’t done yet, and Steve was still cleaning up.
“Y/N/N, that’s technically my job today. You don’t have to do that.”
“If you finish cleaning and I do the drawer, we’ll be out of here a lot quicker than if you did both.”
“That’s true, if we get done quickly, we might be able to make it to old diner on Main Street before they close. Maybe get some food?” Chills raised to her spine and butterflies filled her stomach, yet before she could even think about it she vomited out the words,
“I would love that.” His lips pulled into a dopey grin that she had grown to love over the past few months. Never the less, they both finished up their aspects of the job. Y/N put the money in the safe and reassembled the drawer for tomorrow’s openers and Steve got out the key ready to lock up. The door’s lock was turned and pulled, and they knew it was safe to leave.
“I think we have about forty five minutes until they close if you want to go?” Steve nodded to her asking.
“I’m down, I’ll just meet you over there then.” Her smile shone bright as the sun looking towards Steve. The two got into their cars, and began the trek to the diner.
She was beyond scared. Sure, she had spent plenty of time alone with Steve. Hell, she spent more time alone with him than with Robin. But that was also before she had a dream where they both proclaimed their love for each other. She pulled into the worn down diner with partially shredded booths and faded wallpaper.
She took a deep breath, recalling the memory of the first time they had come here after a long boring shift at the store. The two sat at a corner booth, and were as awkward as two coworkers who had just met two days ago could be. Quickly though, they found their footing in conversations varying from what their plans for the future were to how many times Dustin has described Suzie as being hotter than Phoebe Cates. And even though they had only met a few days prior, Steve already felt comfortable enough to tell her about all of the crazy shit that had gone down over the past few years. All of these conversations happened over French Fries and pancakes.
Three knocks on her window snapped her out of her daze, and she reached over to unbuckle, Steve opening the door for her before she could reach the handle herself. When they went inside, they sat in their regular corner booth. The waitress knew who they were, so only asked for their drink order and told them she put their order in when she saw them walking in.
“Ya know, it feels really nice to be so well taken care of here. Doesn’t happen many other places.” Steve said, fiddling with the sugar packets on the end of the table.
“You can say that again, certainly doesn’t happen at Family Video. If i have to cover one more shift for Keith without getting paid for managerial time I’m gonna lose it.” The two kept light conversation for a bit until their food came out, to which they were silenced by the food they were rapidly consuming.
“Y/N/N.” Steve said, suddenly sporting a serious tone.
“Yes Stevie?”
“What happened today? I don’t know if i did something, but you really scared me this morning. Something was clearly wrong, and i understand that you didn’t want to tell me, but it hurt that you pretended you were fine. And then with the whole Robin thing and how you told her not to say anything. i understand wanting to keep secrets, but... I don’t know... It sucks that you were that upset about me knowing.”
Y/N’s heart dropped to the pit of her stomach. She never wanted to make him feel like that. She never wanted to make him feel pain. She had never meant for any of this to happen. The girl took a deep breath, still unclear as to what she was going to say to the obviously heartbroken boy in front of her.
“Stevie, I’m so sorry. i just am going through something right now and I don’t really know how to talk about it. Robin pried it out of me, and I didn’t mean to make you feel not included. It’s just a lot.”
“Apology accepted.” he said to her with a smile, before reaching over to lay a hand atop hers. “Just remember that I’m always here for you, okay? And whenever you’re ready to talk about it, I’m here right?” She nodded a yes to him smiling.
“Alright, now did i tell you about Dustin falling down my steps the other day?”
“No you absolutely didn’t.” The two talked lightheartedly until the check was paid and they walked out of the diner still laughing a bit. When they got over to their cars, Steve pulled Y/N into a huge hug. She didn’t let go for a bit, but eventually accepted defeat in staying there forever. She walked over to her car and got in. She let her head hit the steering wheel. A surge of confidence took over her body, causing her to fly out of her seat and get into the passenger side door of his car.
“Y/N/N, what is happening right now?”
“Stevie, I’m gonna try to get this out as quick as i can before going back to my car and leaving. Okay, so why I was so moody today was because last night i had a dream where we went on a date and you told me you were in love with me and we almost kissed but my alarm kinda ruined the moment. All of today i was super nervous around you, because i had never realized how much i really love you until that dream. And now i definitely made things awkward so I’ll see you Thursday for our shift.”
She reached over to get out of the car before feeling a hand grab her arm. She started to turn around, only for a hand to grasp her face and pull her into a long, passionate kiss. The two melded together perfectly, like puzzle pieces that were meant to fit together. The two pulled away after running out of oxygen, both panting as smiles grew on their faces.
“Kinda sucks your dream ended before that, huh?” Steve said jokingly.
“Ha-Ha-Ha.” Her words, dripping with sarcasm.
“In case you couldn’t tell. I’m in love with you too. It’s kinda funny. I had a dream just like that last week, except mine went a little bit further than kissing, if you know what I’m saying.”
“Steve! Slow your roll. We just confessed our love, we can at least wait until tomorrow damn.”
He laughed a little before pulling her in for one last goodnight kiss.
#steve harrington x you#steve harrington x reader#steve harrington#stranger things x y/n#stranger things#steve harrington fanfic
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