#cancer today
marzipanandminutiae · 22 days
As someone who works with social history for a living, I feel like I’m the aggressive opposite of an anti-vaxxer
I fucking LOVE vaccines, friends. Give me the science stab. I’m so ready. it’s a beautiful day to not die of a Bajillion and one diseases that carried off like half the population before they had even reached age 10, and a significant portion before they made it to old age, 150 years ago
I go to the old cemetery. I see the vast numbers of infant and child and young adult graves. And then I go to my doctor and get injected with Potion of Fuck That Noise. This is beautiful and miraculous and I do not remotely understand how some people can reject it – not just for themselves, but for their children
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today-astronline · 2 years
Your boss may show some toxic traits today. The problem with your older sibling may soon be resolved. Get your bags ready for a trip to your favourite holiday resort. Learning about other religions may help you understand more about spirituality.
Love Focus: Your crush may not be interested in a long conversation today.
Lucky Number: 2
Lucky Colour: Off White
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motherwench · 9 months
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jeanette lee, a brooklyn-born pool player nicknamed the “black widow” for her tendency to wear all black outfits and “lure [her] opponents to the table and eat them alive.” some of my favorite photos of her :)
her vogue article here. sports illustrated article here.
photo creds: 1 - drew endicott via vogue. 2. 3. 4.
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lup-ines · 3 months
aspects/placements that like to pretend they don’t give a fuck but do
• virgo placements
• moon opposite/square mars/pluto
• leo sun/moon
• moon in the 8th house
• fire moons
• scorpio placements
placements that actually don’t give a fuck and stand on it
• gemini placements (esp the mercuries)
• mercury square/opposite mars
• sagittarius sun/mercury/venus
• fire venus
• aquarius moon/mercury
• capricorn sun/moon/rising
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wikoymi · 7 months
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17 february 2024 i think i hauve Despair Disease
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hello all! after 10 years of remission my dad was diagnosed with hodgekin's lymphoma for the second time in his life this august. since his diagnosis my family has been hit by every fucking roadblock and bad luck thing imaginable.
our insurance has decided to make everything we do incredibly difficult and my mom has been fighting for his proper care non-stop. our disability was denied because his work had accidentally been paying him full pay while on leave and now the state wants us to pay back 10k even though it was his company's mistake - or else no disability (we're going to petition this)
he's been suffering from symptoms from his chemotherapy such as intense body pain and deep neuropathy and a hernia (which needs to be removed by surgery but cannot while he's on chemo) alongside a slew of other problems. no amount of pain medication has been really helping and it's been really really awful.
we've been trying really hard to keep things all together but my mom is the only one working who makes enough to pay bills and it's just. really tough.
all this to say. i'd really really appreciate it if the link to this meal train was shared. and if possible someone were to donate.
thank you so so much
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ratwithhands · 12 days
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Read right to left (Manga Formant) I actually have a lot more sketches of Kokushibo but this is only one that works without any context. I'll try to post more of him soon but I've somehow stuck myself into writing like 4 different AUs at the same time so it's gonna be slow 👁👁💦
Also bonus doodle from today:
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moonlit-doodles · 1 month
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it's his birthday because i said so. happy birthday genderfluid king.
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jupitermelichios · 4 months
i have been voting in the DC's next queer couple polls here on tumblr.com, but I also want it on record that I believe with my whole soul that DC should follow in Marvel's illustrious footsteps and continue the good work they did with Tim Drake and Kon-El by only ever allowing one half of any popular ship to come out.
One of the lantern boys, but only one, and if it's Hal, the door to Ollie's closet gets nailed shut with him inside
One of Boostle
One of Roy, Dick, and Jason gets to come out but only one (and it cannot under any circumstances be dick because the fact that he's still officially straight is way too funny to me personally. they put him on the cover of their pride special, and he's still in the closet, it's incredible)
Lex just starts openly admitting that he's thirsty for Clark, Clark does a mischa collins in response and officially comes out as straight
mostly this is because i think it's funny, partly it's because people are being absolute dicks over that fun bracket, and a little bit it's because i'm a cable fan and i'm feeling spiteful.
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geeta1726 · 18 days
What does Venus in the 6th house mean?
Venus in the 6th house has specific implications. Here are the key points:
Focus on Service: Venus in the 6th house indicates a strong emphasis on service, work, and daily responsibilities, often bringing harmony to the workplace.
Health and Wellness: This placement can lead to an interest in health, wellness, and maintaining a balanced lifestyle, though it may also bring challenges related to indulgence or overwork.
Relationships with Colleagues: Venus here often creates pleasant and cooperative relationships with coworkers and subordinates, promoting teamwork.
Potential Conflicts: There may be challenges in personal relationships, as Venus in the 6th can sometimes lead to conflicts or misunderstandings, particularly in love matters.
Financial Stability: The focus on work and service can lead to financial stability, especially when the native is engaged in Venus-related professions like art, beauty, or finance.
If you want to know the result of Venus in the sixth house or any other planet, that too on the basis of your horoscope. So there is a very good software. In my opinion, it can give you very good information on the basis of your horoscope. Which is Kundli Chakra Professional 2022 software which can give you better information.
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willpowers · 3 months
sometimes in life the only option is to eat ur sister
happy falin cannibalism plot reveal everyone special shout out to all us manga readers who had to keep this a secret from anime only friends we did it we made it
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today-astronline · 2 years
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larsnicklas · 7 months
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[240307 wsh at pit] capitals rookie ivan miroshnichenko scores his first nhl goal. miroshnichenko was washington's first round pick in 2022; he was diagnosed with hodgkin's lymphoma that year and briefly stepped away from hockey to (successfully) receive treatment. he is now in full remission and looks to be a crucial piece of the capitals youth movement for years to come.
+ miro gets some love from the steadfast veterans
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youkaiyume · 1 year
So had my consultation with the Oncologist today. (That's a doctor specializing in cancer btw) And it was a lot and also not a lot of information. But also, I finally saw the imaging of my bffs the ovarian cysts. Gross medical things under the cut:
HOLY SHIT I know the left one was huge but apparently both my right and left ovaries are sporting cysts larger than grapefruits each. They're literally shoving all of my organs out of the way what space is there for anything else down there???? And I have a small pelvis, no wide child bearing hips on this gal. The doctor said they are probably dermoid cyst which can have all sorts of things floating in there in addition to fluid like... hair and skin--and she said they detected calcium so I possibly have TEETH in there??? TEETH.
She also said that the cancer markers were high. like really high. Like normal is 30 and my readings were 3600--100x more than normal. She still said that she doesn't think it's cancer because nothing else internally looks like it's affected and there have been one other case who was like, in the 7000 marker that turned out to be nothing. But Also it could mean if it was some type of cancer that it was in the early stages. HOW FUN.
They won't know for sure though until they test the cysts themselves and that can't happen until they surgically remove them. After making sure I don't want children she says that they'll still try to leave me some ovary... nubbins? Nubs of ovaries. just enough to still produce estrogen because they don't want to force early menopause by taking out both of my ovaries cuz apparently that causes a bunch of other health issues I'm too young for. But also if worst comes to worst and it IS cancer they might have to just take all the girl bits out. The ovaries, a hysterectomy. The works. Which is fine I don't ever plan to have children and if I did I wanted to adopt anyway. Again, can't know until they test my GRAPEFRUIT CYSTS.
I have yet to hear back from the scheduling lady for a confirmed surgery date but hopefully it will be two weeks from now. They did warn me that hopefully they can just peel the cysts off and they will do their best to make sure none of it is left but there is an unlikely event that the cyst could burst mid surgery. Which they said they'll try to clean up if that happens but if it does I might have to be hospitalized again just so they can flush all the...cyst juice out. But ALSO because it is potentially cancerous and they don't know we really don't want that to happen cuz you know. the cancer could spread. And ALSO hopefully in the time that I am waiting for surgery we also hope that the cysts don't burst.
I'm totally not an anxiety puddle HAHAHA. I'm staying optimistic but it's still a big waiting game of I don't really know and I won't know for weeks. Keep your fingers crossed for me!
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Sept 7, 24.
⭐️ Mars in Cancer ⭐️
How my Cancer placements doing this time?
Are we feeling ourselves and getting out of patterns that no longer resonate with us? But in a tone and energy you’ve been dying to let out? Sticking up for yourself when you’ve been swept under the mat for so long? Feeling powerful?
Is it opposite feeling and everything is coming down at you all at once and you don’t know how to hold the world of your problems on your own? But now your finally on your own “figuring it out” when you thought you had this support group?
You’re not alone, your right where you need to be Cancer placements and sometimes when we face negative situations it tests us on how we react (and everyone expects us to cry and whine about it) but it’s just a learning lesson we need to face to be the best version of yourself. 
Everyone who doubted you is going to be proved wrong.
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tfw it's your birthday and you get told you will not be needing chemotherapy after all
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