#cancer causing
diablo1776 · 5 months
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3D printed meat with a side order of cancer please?
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i can't stop thinking about the lack of shade in gaza. with so many trees and buildings destroyed, there can't be very much shade. it's incredibly hot and there's very little protection from the sun and very little water. my weather app tells me the UV index reached 11 recently. it's inhumane to force people to live in such conditions.
donate to gaza medical tent
donate to disabled gazan children
[edit: if you’re engaging with this post, i ask that you please match my donations if possible. thank you]
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chloeworships · 3 months
Wow this article by Lynda was just written and the LORD was talking to us about WEAVES. I learned they use a flame retardant on the threads used for wefts (nylon thread). Our scalps are very sensitive and absorb products faster than many other places on the body.
This also explains the dark circles under the women’s eyes in the dream.
Thank you Lynda. I pray this brings more awareness to the issue.
I love you Black Women! You are beautiful like a box of chocolate 🍫🤩😘😍
The hair industry is a BILLION dollar industry. We deserve better. Our money is just as GR€€N🤑 as anyone else’s. We have spending power, too.
PS. I got fired from my first job because of my HAIR. It was “too much” for the manager. I should have sued them for racial discrimination but at 16 what did I know ☹️ People put us down for our hair and don’t know the societal pressures we face for trying to just be US. I remember watching Chris Rocks “documentary” on our hair hoping to God someone was going to stand up for us and shed light on this issue, a BLACK MAN at that, but instead I felt it was a MOCKERY of Black women and since then I have not been a fan. There was a time when wearing dreads had you labelled as a weed smoker and you were ostracized from society. More on this later…. Maybe.
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mwsrwritings · 7 months
Cancer Causing...
An independent laboratory is calling on federal health officials to recall popular benzoyl peroxide acne treatment products after discovering that they contain high levels of a chemical linked to cancer. https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/other/cancer-causing-chemical-linked-to-popular-acne-products-lab-reports/ar-BB1jrGPo#:~:text=Story%20by-,Daniella%20Genovese,-%E2%80%A2 Long-term exposure to…
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amygdalae · 2 years
fun fact: in the 50s the Kent cigarette brand had a type of cig with micronite filters that literally had crocidolite in them, aka BLUE ASBESTOS, literally THE most lethal type of asbestos by a mile. and you could just buy it at the store and huff it
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mypanoplies · 2 years
Suncreen ingredients to avoid
Suncreen ingredients to avoid
It is a must for endowarriors to take time and read every label both in food and skincare. And I think it’s also pertinent for healthy individuals to read labels as there are many chemicals that can cause diseases like cancer and cell damage. Unfortunately, majority of sunscreens on the market today are more harmful than beneficial according to Huffpost. Sunscreens are designed to decrease your…
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lazylittledragon · 6 months
what do you mean youre technically a detransitioner cause of terf bullshit?
it's a v long story but i detransitioned for a couple of years when i was 16/17, for multiple reasons but mostly because i fell into the blaire white/kalvin garrah chamber of "you have to be This way to be trans otherwise you're not real".
i was already Deeply insecure about myself and my 'passing' and i was led to believe that i couldn't want to wear makeup or skirts, and i couldn't choose not to have bottom surgery, and i couldn't do anything but bind for 12+ hours a day to the point that my ribcage is still misshapen. basically i thought that if i wasn't suffering enough doing 'feminine' things, i couldn't really be trans, so i should just go back to being a girl and suck it up.
the terf bullshit is because i'd seen a lot of terfs/detransitioners talking about the 'dangers' of testosterone and how it would turn me into a horrible ugly evil monster and how there was nothing worse than wanting to be a man. which combined with 'you need to fully medically transition to be valid at all' creates some very dangerous and upsetting feelings to cope with.
it also came from trying really hard to put myself in a little box before i realised that my sexuality/gender are very fluid and it's FINE for me not to have a label and just do whatever i want. when i was 19 or so i went back to using they/them (and eventually he/him) and changed my name again because even though i like doing 'feminine' things, i don't want to be seen as a woman.
tldr: i was conditioned by transphobic/terf rhetorics to think that i was being trans the 'wrong' way so i couldn't be trans at all, so i believed i must actually be a girl if i still wanted to do 'feminine' things. nowadays i am a transmasc who does feminine things because i don't give two shits about what any transmed prick thinks of me anymore.
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crazyw3irdo · 1 year
okay, i think any time anyone asks what superpower we’d like to have most everyone on this website would say shapeshifting but what kind of shapeshifting would you like
type 1- wild shape, you can turn into any animal, real or fictional
type 2- mystique, you can turn into any real person
type 3- cosplay, you can turn into any humanoid fictional character
type 4- jake the dog, you’re super stretchy
type 5- character creator, you can alter your own appearance- like changing voice hair length texture color, changing height and weight, transing gender, etc, but you can’t add anything non-human (ie horns, wings, claws, etc)
type 6- additional features, you can add things like snake eyes, horns, cat ears, tail, claws, wings, mermaid tail, but you remain humanoid overall and can’t change things like height or gender presentation or hair color. you can still change your voice tho
type 7- were-wolf, we all know what a werewolf is, lads. can be any kind of animal. can be straight up wolf or more monstrous wolf form that’s up to you.
type 8- furry, you just become your fursona. or any kind of fursona really you can change between them
type 9- antman, can become small or big
type 10- other, say what kind ya want
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joanofexys · 28 days
today is the day i start this fight. Wade Wilson’s scars are not burn scars and he can’t just heal them. His appearance is caused by the constant regeneration of his cancer cells. He is in a constant state of dying. His cells regenerate so rapidly that his mutation would kill anyone else because theirs can’t die fast enough before they’re replaced. let’s stop referring to his scars as burn scars in posts and fanfics because that’s not what they are and there has literally never been a canon explanation for his mutation and his scarring other than his cancer
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stubz · 2 months
"Sunscreen time! Everybody go to me or Kim for sunscreen."
Younglings run to either teacher, all except for their newest Fore, a Fyreian youngling.
"...sun scream? What is sun scream?"
"Sun-screen, its a cream we put on to protect us from the sun." explained Max.
"But teacher, cream can't protect us from the sun! We'll still burn if we touch it."
"It's for the sunlight. To let us, especially the ones with more sensitive skin, stay outside longer."
"Oh, I don't need it then. Fryeian's don't burn from sunlight."
"Yes but the sun also puts out harmful stuff, at least this one does, and that can hurt your skin after a long time."
"...are you tricking me? So that I'll put on the cream?" the youngling asked, arms crossed, ears flickering in annoyance.
"No, see?" the human points to his fellow teacher who's putting sunscreen on other children and younglings.
"Kim is putting sunscreen on Malaika, who doesn't get sunburned like the other human kids. Her skin is hard to burn, like you." he points to Malaika, who's giggling as Kim puts sunscreen on her cheeks and neck. "But she still wears it because she and her parents know that the sun can still hurt her."
"...Does Kim put on sunscreen too?"
"...yes. In fact, thank you for reminding me to remind her. She forgets after having to apply it to all the others," Max grins before turning to Kim. "Kim, don't forget yourself!"
"What! ...put sunscreen on me?! ...but I don't-!"
"You don't have enough sunscreen?! Okay I'll give you some of mine!!" he shouts before sprinting over to Kim.
"Wait, I don't need it! I don't sunburn, my skin is-MAX WAIT!" she was restrained before she could run.
A chorus of screaming 'yeses' fill the park, dozens of tiny hands, claws, paws, and pincers, reach out to the two with sunscreeny hands.
"MAX! WHY!!" Kim screams before they descend on her.
"TO KEEP THE BALANCE!!" he screams closing his eyes and mentally preparing himself for what is about to happen.
*5 minutes later*
"See Fore? Even teacher Kim wears sunscreen." smiles a very shiny and white Max.
"...yeah, and if I have to wear sunscreen so do you." frowns a very shiny and 2 shades lighter Kim.
"...Okay!" smiles a happy Fore.
"...I hate you...I have sunscreen in my ears..." grumbles Kim
"For the balance...also I've been telling you for years to wear sunscreen so you don't get skin cancer." Max whispers, now happy that now his friend must finally wear proper sun protection.
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sharpth1ng · 3 months
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Stu posting these around town, just hoping
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lassairfhina · 3 months
When your brothers' gay drama is so cringe that you have no other choice but to kill your physical body from embarrassment and fuck off to the Moon.
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qqueenofhades · 2 months
Oh look. The Trump shooter was a registered Republican (and a young white man in his 20s like pretty every other mass shooter ever).
Party that endorses political violence commits more political violence, film at 11.
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vulpinesaint · 1 month
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elexuscal · 7 months
because i've been in been in the biology industry for so long that i can no longer judge what's common knowledge and what's actually very niche
how aware are most people that there's a protein called Sonic hedgehog protein, coded for by the SHH gene?
and that it is one of the core proteins responsible for development in all animals?
i can say 'Sonic hedgehog causes cancer' and i'm not even shitposting. it's scientific fact.
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Post-Shibuya Nanami fics are bread and fucking butter okay. Reader reassuring him that he is loved and admired-
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I read one where he complained that looking at thier wedding photos made him depressed and this bitch was like “Ken let’s take new photos on our anniversary.” CAUSE THEY LOVE HIM SO MUCH AND O WOULD DO THAT SHIT TO CAUSE I LOVE HIM SO MUCH-
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