#can you run fast.
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vigilskeep · 5 days ago
huge fan of one of my rooks whose only distinguishing features are his face (beloved) and my overwhelming inexplicable certainty that he was found somewhere with visible autopsy scars and complete amnesia a couple years ago by whatever faction leader i feel like handing him to, and approaches everything with zero thoughts and a kind of golden retriever “just happy to be here!” mentality
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arahir · 2 months ago
Real talk..do you have any real advice on how to make friends as an almost 30 year old woman…
three easy (coughcough) steps: 1) pick an activity 2) commit to the horror of being known 3) know when you're vibing and know when to pack it up.
pick an activity. mine are gardening, hiking, reading, writing, geology, and chickens, and i've made and kept friends through each of those. make your own list of things you want to do, and want to meet other people who do. you can do it in a structured setting, which i recommend. most cities have clubs, activities, and people who are trying to organize. my city has... regular volunteer clean ups along the river, organized hikes, a few very nice community colleges where you can take random classes, gardening events, silent book clubs, a discord for lonely 30 year olds, etc. likewise, you can meet people online through these activities. writing has got me a lot of great friends! having these activities is also important because it will let you keep the friends you start to make by giving you built in places to show up together.
commit to the horror of being known. i don't know how else to put this. it will be embarrassing. you will say stuff and you will go "why the fuck did i say that?" and they will say stuff and you'll think the same thing. this is, unfortunately, how it works. you have to be a fucking idiot at times, and it's fine, because no one wants to be friends with someone who takes themself too seriously. be embarrassingly into whatever you're into. and then when you meet someone you think could eventually be a friend, you have to put a feeler out there. my favorites are "hey have you been to X on Y? i really want to check it out." "have you seen X and do you want to see it?" "we should grab coffee!" it works a surprising amount of the time. all you really need to make a friend is one good conversation and one person throwing a line to another.
know when to pack it up. okay unfortunately, if you're doing this regularly, you're going to meet people who you do not actually want to be friends with. also unfortunate: it isn't dating, and you can't break up the same way. i met a girl who thought i was her reincarnated lover from the 1300s. i met a girl who tried to recruit me into a sex cult. i met a woman who tried to get me to join a lesbian farming commune. i met a guy who seemed cool and then tried to cheat on his girlfriend with me. we roll. and sometimes, we roll away from people, at extreme speed. guard your time and do not waste it on people you don't want to be friends with.
other points i'll add are: consistently follow up with people (even if that means adding them to a calendar), understand when you are the one not being vibed with and don't take it personally, don't lie to try and be what you think someone wants you to be, and practice. all of this takes practice. i was largely friendless for a lot of years because i didn't like talking to people, couldn't not try to be cool around them, and was a shitty person. you're already ahead on all three counts. and another word of encouragement: making one friend usually means making a half a dozen, because people will bring their own friends with them. i've certainly made a lot that way. it's really only a process you have to go through a few times before it starts coming faster and easier. good luck anon! <333
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factsilike · 5 months ago
Something that I personally appreciate in MDZS is how WWX's fear of dogs is shown and handled.
Like so many stories, irl and in fiction show dogs as totally harmless uwu beings that will only protect you and lick your face, so personally for me it's nice to see a story where it's acknowledged that some dogs can be very vicious and violent, that they can and will bite you at any provocation, and that they can be very dangerous, especially to a young child, and in the end it's completely fine if you don't like them.
And no one who truly cares for WWX tells him to just get over it either; LWJ goes out of his way to protect him from them, with or without WWX requesting it (and he never makes fun of him or ridicules him for his fear), JL too (begrudgingly but firmly) gets Fairy to leave the scene when WWX is shown to be near catatonic with fear around her.
Just something that I think personally validates my own fear of dogs.
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kokolime · 3 months ago
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It's 5am and tomorrow I'll have to wake up early in the morning for a meeting, but can't sleep at all. Here some scribble, wish me luck!
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the-cat-and-the-birdie · 11 months ago
Random ITSV facts that only I care about probably
Some fun ITSV facts from your local half-hispanic half-black Brooklynite Spider-man fan (me not Miles). ANYWAY
Miles has the number 11215 on his bookbag. That's his zip code.
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This means officially, Miles lives in Park Slope. On the edge of Williamsburg.
The movie is spot on with the architecture.
We get a shot of Miles house in ITSV that basically confirms he lives in Park Slope. Not only is the 'real' Visions Academy near Park Slope (the actual school is called Midtown High. His school is a blend of two specialized tech schools in NYC - Midtown and Brooklyn Tech, both of which are near Park Slope).
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Miles is 'Slapping'.
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Writing your graffiti tag on stickers and putting them around the city is a genuine form of graffiti in NYC called slapping.
It's done on 'eggshell' stickers which are basically impossible to get off, and the goal is to put as is stickers around with your name in the hardest to reach places. If you walk around Manhattan and look closely, you can start seeing sticker tags like this.
One of the most common ones I see is Peru Ana Ana Peru
Here's some of mine though 😌😉
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Wythe Avenue is a real Avenue.
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I spoke about this in the past but it's just another instance of ITSV and ATSV being SO accurate to Brooklyn that they even get the street names, locations, and stores correct.
The store that Spot robs is a REAL BODEGA.
Anyway these were just things I caught after rewatching the ITSV trailer and I thought they were cool 🥺 BYE
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parasolladyansy · 4 months ago
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DxP REWRITE - Pursuit
Hm. I think Ansy might still be nursing a grudge against thieving Team Grunts. Huehuehue ⛈️
Chasing the Team Galactic Grunt all around what used to be called the Crimson Mirelands was a funny thing. Will this one be caught, or will he escape? Guess you’ll just have to find out!
🔼 Diamond x Pearl REWRITE 🔽
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cubbihue · 5 months ago
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POV: You just got apprehended by your own lawyer.
Chimmy Changa spent his early years as a Public Defense Lawyer. He had to get really into shape because. For some reason. He kept getting clients who'd bolt from the court room.
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+ bonus sketches i tossed out becuase i couldnt draw them to my satisfaction >:I !!
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ninja-knox-ur-sox-off · 7 days ago
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I don’t have any other way to describe my read on their dynamic other than Geode is in a gay relationship and Cole is in a QPR that is all
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paintaya · 6 months ago
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snapdragon taking over like a plague requested by my friends .. too good not to post as well sdkjfghjdgf
ref image under cut!!
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stubz · 6 months ago
Aurum didn't think he was a xenophobe but he did think that some species were too...delicate. They were too emotional, what with their snot and tears when things got to be too much. It was a terrible evolutionary trait to keep. Your telling others, friend and foe, that your currently vulnerable. A terrible sign of weakness.
Thank the heavens his species didn't have that.
And thank the heavens the two humans at the centre seemed to be the least delicate of their species. Why, what would they do if the children made them too emotional? They'd burst into tears surely!
The poor things.
'Speaking of them' he paused as he saw the two humans in the halls, arguing with someone. Rather...passionately, to the point where half the large hall was taken up by a crowd gathering to watch.
'Wouldn't want to miss a free show' he grinned to himself. How he loved drama.
The gist of the fight was a new co-worker of theirs was fired after they had reported them to the Calis, the first mate of the ship. The reason for was unknown but there were some theories about how it was about workplace bullying, the firee being bad at their job, or perhaps speciesism from the humans.
Aurum watched in glee as words were exchanged, some plain and boring, others witty and clever, with some having him along with the whole crowd gasping. He nodded to himself in approval of the human's cool headedness. If only all emotional species where like them.
Seeing as the argument was going nowhere Aurum decided to take his leave. But the gasping of the crowd drew him right back in. He pushed back to his ideal viewing spot and looked. The humans were acting strangely. One was crying and the other was laughing.
"What happened? Why are they crying why are they laughing?" he whispered.
"I don't know, they were arguing when the humans just...broke." whispered back another.
The humans spoke.
"You...you are the most infuriating being I have ever met...do you feed off all the bullshit you cause?" hissed Kim, tears slipping out from her eyes.
"Oh my god why are you like this? I pity your previous boss." giggles Max, his laughs not all cheery or joyful.
"What, what are you doing? Why are you crying? What's so funny??"
"I'm crying because I am so fed up with your bullshit that it is driving me to tears." seethes Kim. "Congratulations, you are now the second person to make me angry cry!"
"This...this is a new one for me...I've never laughed because of how angry someone made me." the laughs coming Max make Aurum grimace, they don't sound at all natural. It sounded even worse when the laughs turned wet and tears began to threaten to spill.
Aurum had always thought that tears were horrible. Not the emotions but tears. As they are a sign of weakness. A sign you are vulnerable. But watching these two...it was truly unsettling.
To not sob Kim had begun to whisper, her voice quiet but so full of rage. Max didn't care and simply continued with his current volume, allowing the tears to pour into his smirking, giggling mouth.
Their tears did not make Aurum think they are weak. Their tears made Aurum lean back from the horrifying combination of emotions. The quiet rage. The maniacal laughter.
He heard later that the fired co-worker was indeed rather terrible and left that very day with no more fighting or protests.
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applepixls · 3 months ago
grian gave scar the super power of sitting (funny haha joke that is appreciated by all), really far knockback (which scar asked for), and ... thorns. a third entirely different part to his power. so that if grian hit him, he'd feel it too... so grian soulbou-
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magical-regical · 1 year ago
Y'all so it turns out if you click on the little clothes hanger icon on the character's profile you can see their alternate art when they reach a high enough insight level and —
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Something about this makes me so sad???
Like it's Click. But he's alive. He's solid and corporeal and this might be the last time he was solid and corporeal.
The bandage on one of his arms, his face being nothing but calm and probably only concerned about the angle the shell is coming in for his picture is just tragic. I don't know what happened between when he dies and when he meets the timekeeper or if they're even gonna touch on that but like, man, it's so sad.
How did he get so obsessed with recording what was happening to the point of losing his own sense of self preservation and for said obsession to continue even in his 'afterlife'.
Can you imagine if he got to live until the end of the war? To see the war finally come to an end?
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wormstar · 2 months ago
doing a little promo for cat comms since i'm trying to cover the last remainder of my current transition fund goal. 5 slots open i will draw any oc or wc character of your choice and the turnaround should be ~3 days
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link to ko-fi is here you can also dm me for direct payment through paypal if you'd prefer
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iloverumpusmcfowl · 6 months ago
This image goes hard af what the hell
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soda-chips · 7 months ago
Who dares enter my home?
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Wow look at that I can draw other characters
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violent138 · 1 year ago
On a day when Clark's powers get burnt out/kryptonite weakens them, Bruce immediately decides to get a full medical workup and gather all the stats on human Kal-El, much to the dismay of Clark, who really just wants to go home and nap.
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