#can you both be civil?
etgloria · 1 year
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I love how in fucking engage Chrom mentions Robin like every other damn sentence like SIR. HE IS OBSESSED. and to his credit so is Robin.
Chrom is constantly on their mind.Like 'would Chrom like this?', 'Chrom would be worried if I did this', and 'I wonder what Chrom is doing at this hour?' just
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woe mundane monopoly headcanons be upon ye
follow for more of modern au hua cheng’s outfits
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zootzar · 10 months
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Dib stop tweeting about zim
OG listed below
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recurring-polynya · 3 months
I'm getting ratio'd by my family for my opinions, so let's see what Tumblr thinks about this:
He has to do it from standing, flat-footed. He cannot do it off of a high object or from standing in mid-air or into a Valley of Screams. He has to stick the landing. He is not allowed time to train or otherwise prepare. He's standing in the dojo and someone comes in and yells "DO A BACKFLIP!!": can he? Assume he is on-board with doing the backflip, i.e., don't pick 'no' on the assumption that he would refuse to do it.
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I feel like I'm missing the crux of the man vs. bear debate because it's so silly. of course I would pick the man, because neither my Sig nor jiu jitsu is going to take down a bear
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uncanny-tranny · 10 months
When I find it hard to do certain things, I like to pretend I am a neanderthal living in a cave with my clan, and I must do The Thing in order to survive.
So, when I'm doing cardio at the gym, I'm actually chasing and tracking a mammoth, and when I need to cook, well, I'm not cooking on a stove top, I am hurdled over the first fire and watching the fat of our kill drip down onto the burning wood. And when I find it hard to crochet, I pretend that the first winter storm is coming and our clan needs me to make blankets to hurdle under and that I must contribute.
I hope whatever you do to do The Things will help. It is a uniquely personable trait to motivate yourself through pretend and stories. That's what makes this life interesting - that's what makes you feel larger than yourself 💛
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brain-works · 3 months
this is literally word vomit, feel free to ignore, I just needed to get my thoughts out because I feel like everyone on social media (twitter) is acting insane right now and I can’t take it anymore.
in case you don’t want to read all that:
TL;DR stop being weird it’s just racing.
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it feels crazy to me that RBR are allowed to constantly taunt Lando on social media (his insta, his threads, his tiktok, etc.) and have their TP and other high ranking members of their team call Lando pathetic, and post a livery reveal that looks like blood dripping, inviting a lot of disgusting people to comment that “it looks like Norris’s blood” and “they’re going to k!ll Norris”…
but the second McLaren post a factual analysis video that reiterates everything that everyone already knew (it was just an accident, with more blame leaning towards Max since you can literally see him move towards Lando on the helicopter camera), they’re the villains.
like, I understand that the social media admins can move real weird sometimes, but this all just seems so overblown to me. If RBR are allowed to constantly poke fun at it and act tongue and cheek about the incident, McLaren are allowed to remind people (who, by the way, are now trying to say that the incident was actually Lando’s fault the whole time - I’ve had to block a lottt of people) what actually happened and whose race it actually ruined.
I like both of these teams (lean more McLaren, if that wasn’t obvious), and I don’t root for anyone’s downfall, but I’m so tired of social media right now. yes, Max was more in the wrong for the collision. no, that doesn’t mean Lando is absolved of all guilt. but yes, it did hurt Lando’s race & championship bid more than it did Max’s, and he reacted accordingly (not correctly, necessarily, but accordingly).
any further conflict beyond that should be dealt with by them (and probably has already been dealt with) since they’re the only two people involved. it shouldn’t matter beyond that. and now both drivers are getting constant hate and death threats thrown towards them, and it’s exhausting. I just want to watch racing! I could not care less about the infighting that comes after every single time a driver makes a move! sometimes people run into each other, it happens!!!
this weekend, Max was in the wrong. last weekend, Lando was in the wrong (Spain grass incident). but it doesn’t matter! it’s racing! stop asking people to kts over a bunch of millionaires racing in badly drawn circles! and stop trying to blame the other driver more than your fave, you’re just continuing the circle of hate.
and also, as an aside, if you’re going to post hate/anti- posts towards a driver, can you please at least tag them correctly? so I don’t have to see post after post of vitriol towards my favorite drivers when I’m just trying to escape from it all? thx
I don’t know if I made the point I was trying to make but I’m just so tiredddddd like it’s been three days can we just move on to the next race. no one got injured, no one died, let’s just move please.
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Yet another wild crackship between my LDB and some Skyrim dumbo, but this time it's General Tullius, and it actually gets madder from there
Look, a lot of this surprised me too. It sure surprised @elder-dragon-reposes and yet it makes sense and that's the strange beauty of it
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He could be forgiven for not seeing her at Helgen. Between Ulfric's capture and the following dragon attack, Tullius had his hands full with escaped prisoners and a town in ruins. Not to mention Elenwen's attempts to take over his execution. One half-elf caught in the crossfire was below his attention at the time. When she came into Castle Dour, a cold wind in her wake as she spoke about fire and death, he had no choice but to pay attention to her. Especially when she brought up things like "peace" and "ceasefire." This Last Dragonborn was out of her mind.
Yet somehow, she led him into an agreement to meet with the Stormcloaks at High Hrothgar.
Tullius isn't quite sure he likes that. She's as double-edged as any Thalmor diplomat with her words. As noble as her intentions appear on the surface, he's not sure he can trust her.
At High Hrothgar, the Last Dragonborn, Leara, leads both sides into an agreement where no one gets what they want, but no one is worse off, and she plans to trap a dragon in a castle.
She . . . plans to trap a dragon in a castle.
Tullius knows he was sent to Skyrim to tame the rebellion, but no one ever prepared him for how maddening the people of Skyrim were. No one is as maddening as the Nords' hero. Tullius cannot understand her. He's not sure he wants to, all things considered.
The Legate is amused by his consternation. He knows this even without her saying anything. But Tullius is worried. This Leara has the power to sway Skyrim in whatever way she chooses, and if she joins the Stormcloaks, then he has a feeling that the Empire might lose more than Skyrim before all is over.
He keeps an ear out for the Dragonborn's movements. His spy network throughout Skyrim is extensive: If she breathes in Windhelm's direction, if she says anything about the Civil War, then he'll need to be ready. This woman has slain dragons. He doesn't want to see what she'll do to a legion of mortal men. Tullius needs to be ready.
Tullius is not ready when Leara walks into Castle Dour again, armorless and prim as she waltzs into his war room. Legate Rikke greets her, but Tullius pretends to give half an ear. He looks like he's going through reports, but he's trying to keep an eye on the anomaly in the room.
Legate Rikke and the Dragonborn talk quietly together. And then the Dragonborn leaves and Tullius finally puts down his paperwork. Legate Rikke is frowning.
"What did she want?"
The Legate's attention snaps to him.
"She wanted to know about our support from Cyrodiil, sir." "Support?" "She mentioned your inability to negotiate a peace settlement, General."
Tullius recalled that. He'd told the Dragonborn he couldn't do more than accept Ulfric's surrender. But why did the Dragonborn want to know about the Imperials' ability to negotiate with the rebels? Didn't she already get her peace treaty and trap her dragon?
Tullius cannot wrap his head around her. Everything his spies have reported paints her as kindness. Even the coldest Nords seem to thaw around her. But Tullius can't base his understanding of such a power player like the Dragonborn on reports and a handful of interactions. He'd have to speak with her himself.
The Winking Skeever is busy when he steps in. A few heads turn, but otherwise, no one pays Tullius any particular attention. The Dragonborn isn't difficult to find, either: She's at a corner table with her nose buried in a dusty book.
Tullius makes his way over to her.
The Dragonborn is surprised to see him but still invites Tullius to sit at her table.
"I assume this is about my discussion with your legate earlier."
She's perceptive. But Tullius already knew that.
"Do you always discuss politics in a bar?"
At his question, the Dragonborn offers a little half-smile, her eyes dancing with amusement.
"Do you?"
No. Honestly, Tullius couldn't recall the last tie he even visited a bar or tavern other than while traveling. Perhaps he was working too late, but between the Civil War, Elenwen, the dragons, and (maybe) the Dragonborn, he couldn't afford to slack off. Why else would Tullius chase the Dragonborn down to the local inn?
"Have you read much about Skyrim?"
Her question surprises him.
"War commentaries mostly. Military history."
The nod of her precise head is measured as if she expected that response. Marking her page, she closes her book and shows him the cover. It's some thick tome he's never heard of, but the knotwork dragon design around the edges breathes of old Nordic craftsmanship.
"As Dragonborn . . . [she pauses for a long moment] . . . As Dragonborn, I am highly invested in the preservation of the Empire and Skyrim."
She chews her lip.
Tullius almost asks if she's about to join the Legion. He can't deny that he'd hoped that would be her ultimate decision, but sitting here across from the Dragonborn as she was now, deliberating over words and tapping her book's cover, Tullius knew she wasn't about to swear fealty to the Emperor.
When she continues, she speaks slowly.
"General Tullius, would you be willing to help me? I need to reach out to people in the Imperial City about a peace summit, and I don't know where to begin."
A peace summit?
"I take it Ulfric didn't put you up to this?"
Her frown is surprising.
"No, he didn't. I asked him."
The Dragonborn asked Ulfric if she could talk to the Empire about a peace summit?
Before he could ask what in Oblivion that was supposed to mean, the server brought a tea service to the table. Just as quickly, he was gone.
"Would you care for a cup, General? I'm afraid all they have is lavender honey." "I . . . would like that--" "Leara."
She supplied. Her lips quirked.
So Tullius found himself ensconced at a table in The Winking Skeever and discussing different politicians and diplomats back in the Imperial City with the Dragonborn – Leara. He's halfway through his second cup when she admits that she's trying to find a peaceful resolution to the Civil War that could please everyone. He calls her a hopeful idiot, but she smiles.
"You can't please everyone." "Well, I don't think I can please the Dominion, but I can tie them in legal knots."
Leara wiggles her fingers at him, her rings glittering in the candlelight, and Tullius finds himself speechless.
If the Dragonborn – Leara – can tie the Thalmor up with a loophole, how imminent would their retaliation be? Tullius is at once intrigued and put off.
She was mad.
"Here, you'll want to write . . ."
But by the Divines, he was going to help her anyway, wasn't he? If Leara could talk Ulfric off his warpath, then maybe there was something to her hair-brained scheme.
Tullius sees Leara a few days later. She's been to the Blue Palace and the Bards College, she tells him when he meets her again at the 'Skeever. She's combing through maps and treaties, drafting letters, and making lists. Her mind is running at speeds Tullius can't comprehend, and yet she keeps looking to him for advice.
As Leara stirs a lump of sugar into her snowberry spice tea and peruses another list, Tullius wonders if she did this with Ulfric when she went to ask him to consider peace.
Her penmanship is as poised as the rest of her. He cannot see her against the harsh stony backdrop of Windhelm, amidst the snow and vitriol. She's too civilized for Skyrim. She's almost too civilized for Cyrodiil, but Tullius won't think of that.
He doesn't have a chance to give it much thought anyway when she's asking him about neutrality and the terms of the Concordat.
It's late when Tullius leaves her the second time. As he leaves, she's carrying a stack of papers upstairs. She has a hopeful lift in her step.
Tullius almost smiles.
The next morning, Legate Rikke drops a new report on his desk. It's from Captain Aldis.
"What's this, Legate?" "There was a break-in, sir." "And we're concerned with this, because?"
Legate Rikke's jaw tightens, her eyes are wide. Whatever it is has unsettled her.
"It was at The Winking Skeever."
She sighs. Heavy. It's a familiar frustration.
"General, I believe that the Thalmor were exercising their Concordat-given rights."
A pit settles in Tullius's stomach.
"They took the Dragonborn, sir." "On what grounds?" "It doesn't say. sir. It doesn't even mention the Thalmor at all. But you know–"
Tullius doesn't hear the rest of the sentence because he realizes his mistake. He should never have discussed the possibility of an armistice with Leara in a public room. Who overheard her? Who saw Leara's notes and lists and books? Who ratted her out to the Thalmor?
Tullius's fist clenches, his knuckles pale. The one person with a Divine's chance in Oblivion to bring a favorable resolution to the Civil War and the Thalmor took her like every Talos worshipper the Empire was supposed to turn a blind eye too.
He paces around his office. Legate Rikke has left him alone, and now all Tullius can do is think and walk. Turn. Think and walk. Turn. The cycle repeats throughout his office. He only suspects that the Thalmor took Leara. Without concrete proof, he can't accuse them or he'll risk something far more uncomfortable than paperwork. But if he does nothing, then every hope for peace in Skyrim vanishes in the Dragonborn's wake.
Tullius stopped in the middle of his office, standing at a crossroads. Was it possible to ascertain that the Thalmoor abducted Leara and to request her freedom without bringing Elenwen down on his head? Probably not. But . . .
Tullius recalled the wide eyes, the fear swimming in the teary blue when Leara was faced with Elenwen at High Hrothgar. At the time, Tullius didn't think much of the Dragonborn's aversion to her. Most people hated the Thalmor Ambassador on a good day. But the terror that flickered in Leara's face before she grew cold and distant and manipulated the entire table to her own ends came back to him.
No, Tullius knew Elenwen personally had the Dragonborn. There was a history there he couldn't see, but it peeked at the edges of his vision in brilliant horror.
Elenwen had Leara, and she wouldn't let the half-elf go lightly.
If Leara could cheat an entire room of warring politicians and soldiers while ensuring a truce, then Tullius could sure as Hell try to manipulate Elenwen.
Sitting at his desk, the General ruled out any official Legion channels. Those would be tied back to him and ruin any chance Leara had of negotiating her armistice. Something under the table, then.
Mercenaries were messy. Robbing Elenwen would take a different hand. He grimaces and drafts a letter.
General . . .
The messenger hawk returns the next evening. Tullius doesn't want to think about why the hawk returned so quickly. He just hoped his charade would hold.
(Writing Galmar Stone-Fist of all people to encourage a Stormcloak raid on Northwatch Keep was something Tullius knew he could never live down if it got back to any of his superiors in Cyrodiil. He couldn't trust that General Stone-Fist would take an anonymous tip at face value, but as Leara soliloquised late that last night,)
"The enemy of my enemy is my friend."
It's four long days of giving only half his attention to his job before an Imperial scout reports that the Stormcloaks attacked the Thalmor fortress of Northwatch. When the Legion got there, nothing was left but smoldering ruins.
"They had a dragon, sir."
Tullius didn't want to know how they had a dragon, but he was optimistic that it meant Leara made it out of there alive.
With the Stormcloaks, but alive.
He sleeps through the night for the first time in over a week. When Tullius wakes up, he wonders how he could turn to the rebels to save the Dragonborn. Effective, yes, but it went against everything he was supposed to represent.
But she's alive.
She would be dead or worse off if he hadn't done it.
Tullius uses that thought to bolster himself through the coming weeks.
Then, a letter addressed to Tullius comes by way of Whiterun of all places. He recognizes the slender script curling his name across the paper. It's a short letter asking him to retrieve her belongings from her room at the 'Skeever. Two things stand out to him: The first is the thank you. Tullius cannot tell what Leara means by it because he knows that Stone-Fist didn't know who sent the tip about Northwatch. And yet there's a tearstain on the parchment, small and alone as if any others were quickly dashed away after the first one fell. The second is that all her books, papers, the things she worked on for her peace talk were all hidden in a panel behind the bookshelf in her boardroom.
Tullius didn't even think of Leara losing all her work. He was more concerned about getting her out. He was more worried about her than anything else.
Tullius buries his face in his hands.
This was a familiar feeling. It'd been years since the last time he felt like this.
Although, Tullius gave himself a wry smile, he doubted he'd have betrayed the Empire for the Countess of Anvil's cousin.
Tullius goes early the next morning to retrieve Leara's things, hidden or otherwise. A member of his spy network is tasked with getting the parcels to a Lydia in Whiterun. Then Tullius watches as every connection he has to the Dragonborn disappears out the doors of Castle Dour.
It's back to the everyday humdrum of war, then.
Until, some months later, a familiar half-elf comes into Solitude. Now, she's accompanied by a dark-haired Nord woman in heavy armor. Her stormy expression and hawkish eyes remind Tullius of Rikke at times. Leara introduces her as Lydia, her housecarl. Then Leara is handing him a folio of papers.
"I've been corresponding with some of the Elder Council. I'm planning a summit in Whiterun."
He takes the folio from her.
"What's this?" "My draft for a permanent peace treaty. I thought that since you helped me, you'd like to peruse it. Of course, I need to get it to Jarl Elisif when you're finished."
That Leara is offering to let him be a part of her peace treaty isn't lost on Tullius. He sets the folio on the table but leaves his hand on top, protecting it.
"I can come back for it tomorrow." "I'll get it back to you tonight."
Legate Rikke coughs, obviously. Tullius adds,
". . . we can discuss it over dinner, if you like?"
Leara's smile is full.
"I would like that."
They don't end up talking much about the draft. But Tullius gives Leara some of his favorite brandy after their dinner of roast lamb and stewed vegetables. Her giggle is light and airy, and her hand is cool like spring water when he takes it across the table.
Perhaps he drank more than he should have, but liquid courage was a reassuring friend.
At the end of the night, Leara, tipsy and yet all grace, presses a petal soft kiss to the corner of his mouth. She pulls away.
His hands slide up her arms, callused fingers catching on the soft linen of her sleeves. And he pulls her back and kisses her, full and properly on the mouth.
Leara tastes of tea and winter and something floral and frosted. There's more than magic in her mouth – there's music and mercy. If Tullius wasn't drunk before, he finds himself intoxicated on Leara.
She strokes his face, smiling, always smiling, and then backs away. Her eyes are bright and liquid and as deep as Lake Rumare. In the low glow of golden orange firelight, she is beautiful.
He loves her.
He doesn't say it, and soon she's gone, slipping through doors into the night. An angel passing from the room.
The next day, he finds that she left him her address. It had been a long time since Tullius even tried to write a love letter. They were never his strong suit, but Leara had a way of inspiring madness in him. He wrote her.
And Leara wrote him back.
Again and again and again.
Tullius doesn't expect for his presence to be needed when the summit is called in Whiterun. The Empire has its own group of delegates to negotiate the terms of Skyrim's division. But still, Elisif the Fair says that General Tullius has been asked to attend. The young queen seems as if she can't quite believe it, but she was often wide-eyed and overwhelmed as it was.
(Maybe Julia was right. He should listen to Elisif more. But pretty soon, it was likely Tullius would never see the Queen of Solitude again.)
Leara is there in Whiterun, laying out the terms of the Armistice with the light and delicacy he'd come to expect from her. How many others here knew she was anxious that things would crumble apart, that things would come to blows, and that the war would escalate for all her efforts to temper the fire?
Ulfric's face is a dark stormcloud, but somehow the Jarl of Windhelm appears to hold his tongue around the Dragonborn. He watches her, defers to her, and in return, Leara smiles at him.
Tullius is simply in an advisory position for the Imperial delegates to mine information on the state of the Civil War and the Imperial Legion. He never speaks to Ulfric, and seldom to Leara during the weeklong summit. But he sees the Jarl speak to her between sessions. Leara is quiet and nods. Her eyes are faraway and thoughtful.
Tullius remembers that when she first brought the idea of the summit to him, Leara mentioned that she convinced Ulfric to agree to it. For the first time, Tullius wonders how Leara went about winning Ulfric Stormcloak to her side.
His chest burns.
When the Armistice is signed and Skyrim divided in two–
"Divided, you can finally be united."
Leara said.
–there is a feast. Leara is in demand all night. Tullius watches from the sidelines, some Cyrodilic brandy in hand as he watches one person after another flit around her, bees buzzing around a blooming rose. After a while, Tullius gets up and retires to the quiet of the Dragonsreach porch.
He isn't out there long when the doors open again. From the dark stairwell where he sat, he saw Leara flit by, orbited by Ulfric.
Tullius's hand tightened on his glass.
"You must be relieved that's over." "I'm glad we could reach a resolution."
She deflected Ulfric's concern with a wave of her hand.
But Tullius knew the truth: She was terrified of the summit. She was terrified she'd fail.
"What will you do now?"
Leara's question broke through Tullius's thoughts.
Ulfric shifted.
"There's much to do. Skyrim hasn't been in a state like this since the Second Era. I'll need to work quickly to bring stability to the east before we can truly reap any of tonight's rewards." "You have a busy schedule, Jarl Ulfric! [her laugh is musical] Even when my work ends, you still have so much to do!" "Leara . . ."
There's a hesitation in Ulfric's voice that Tullius never would have imagined from the man who Shouted High King Torygg apart. Leara's responding,
"Yes, Ulfric?"
is careful.
"I was hoping that you would come to Windhelm with me. To help me." "Help you? As an advisor? Certainly, but–" "Not as an advisor. Not . . . as you're thinking. Leara, surely you must know what I feel for you." "Oh."
If Tullius didn't fear being caught, he'd have stormed from the porch. Or over to Ulfric and pushed him off. Or something. His blood was rushing in his ears.
Certainly, he and Leara hadn't truly defined what it was between them. This week was the first time he'd seen her since kissing her that night in Solitude, and in this week, they'd hardly been alone together long enough to discuss anything beyond the summit and the usual pleasantries.
But her letters were candid and funny and full of ideas. Her mind spilled across the page in curling and shifting lines.
Tullius knew then that while he had Leara's mind, there was every possibility that Ulfric had her heart. She was as divided as Skyrim was.
"Ulfric–" "While Skyrim was at war, I knew I couldn't give you the attention you deserved. But now that we can have some peace, I wish to ask you for your hand. Leara, you ignite a fire in my chest that burns my heart when you are near. Please do me the honor of agreeing to marry me."
There's silence. Long, drawn-out silence. Somewhere on the plains, a wolf howls. Its cry echoes the pain in Tullius's chest.
"Ulfric . . ."
Leara's voice is choked, emotional but she is forcing it down.
"Ulfric, you're very dear to me, but I can't marry you."
It was only Ulfric's loud,
"You can't? Why?"
That covered the sound of Tullius's brandy glass slipping to shatter on the stone stairs.
Leara hesitated.
"I can't give you my heart because it belongs to someone else. I can't take it back." "Who?"
Leara quieted.
"Please, Leara, if you won't marry me, then allow me the courtesy of knowing who I lost you to!" "I–"
Leara choked.
Tullius's heart sped up as his hands shook. He was as anxious as Ulfric to hear her answer.
"You won't like it." "Who is it? Galmar? I know he was the one to pull you from that Thalmor pit."
Divines. That would just be the cherry on top of this entire fiasco, wouldn't it?
"No, not . . . It's . . . General Tullius."
The silence that followed was more deafening than any that proceeded it. Even from the darkened stairwell, Tullius could since the thunder around Ulfric, rumbling silent and yet violent.
"You won't marry me because you're in love with Tullius?" "If that's how you want to put it, yes, that's it." "Leara – I, he . . ."
For once, all of Ulfric's fine speeches seemed to fail him.
"Please don't be upset."
Leara's voice is as soothing as the first spring rain, as far apart from Ulfric's hurricane as possible.
There was a rustle of skirts.
"You are a very important person to me, for more than you can possibly know, but I can't give you the love you want. It's not mine to give you." "But Tullius–" "Has been so vital to me during these last several months. We would not have this peace if not for him. I needed him." "I need you." "I know, but I've given you all I can. I can't give you any more."
Tullius peeks around the corner far enough to see Leara on her tiptoes. She whispers something in Ulfric's ear, then presses a fleeting kiss to his cheek. Tullius ducks back just in time to be hidden as Ulfric turns and leaves the porch. The doors shut behind him with a whisper of finality.
"You can come out now, General."
Tullius's knees are stiff as he gets up from the steps. Leara is waiting for him in the middle of the porch, her red hair a dark contrast against the white gold of her skin and the pale ivory of her gown. She's aetheric in the moon and aurora lights.
"I hope you finished your brandy before the glass fell."
His neck grows warm with embarrassment.
"Is that how you knew I was there?"
Leara's coy smile was her only answer. Yes, then. Well.
"Ulfric Stormcloak proposed to you." "Yes, he did." "And you turned him down." "Yes, I did. " "Why . . ."
Her hand was on the side of his face. She was perhaps a hairsbreadth taller than him, maybe an inch, but her hand felt so small against his face that Tullius couldn't help but reach up and clasp it with his own for fear that it slip away.
"I thought you were eavesdropping." "Well, I wouldn't say that–" "And, therefore, would know why I turned Ulfric down."
Tullius tries to swallow, but his throat is tight. Leara's hand is cool against his skin, and he takes comfort in that.
"You love me." "Yes, I do."
Her smile is radiant.
Tullius's hand slips from Leara's, but then his arms are around her waist, pulling her into him. She is slim and cool and everything a flower in winter might be. He buries his nose in her neck, amidst the frost and flowers.
"I love you."
She doesn't reply. She only tightens her arms around his torso. They stand there in the quiet of the night, away from the celebrations but togehter under the stars.
Later, when Tullius returns to Solitude for the last time, he packs his things for the return to the Imperial City. He takes his bags to the docks.
And there Leara is waiting for him, Lydia her housecarl in tow. She smiles at him, full and vivid.
"You're late. My trunks are already on board. Right, Lydia?"
Lydia rolls her eyes.
"All eleven of them, my Thane."
Tullius chuckles, quiet.
Leara's hand finds his, and he helps her up the gangplank of the Imperial Naval ship. It would be a long voyage, but Leara had never sailed before, so that would be their mode of transportation back to the Imperial City.
"What will we do when we get there?"
Leara's question is teasing and free of the burden of being Dragonborn and peacemaker. There were still the Thalmor to worry about, but after the ruin of Northwatch and the signing of the armistice, Tullius hoped they'd think thrice before going after Leara again.
"I'll buy you expensive teas and you'll drain my accounts on tea and books."
Her giggle rang out amidst the sounds of the ship preparing to leave the harbor.
"Oh yes, that must be why I've gone and married you."
Tullius pulled his wife to his side and slipped his arm around her waist.
"Must be."
It couldn't possibly be that she was the most maddening thing in the world and she drove him mad by proximity.
Madly in love.
What nonsense.
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why does bethesda make the npcs that worry about you unromanceable
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fluffypotatey · 8 months
Pre divorce shadowpeach didn't seem to be the type to fight a lot. In fact the shadowpeach divorce probably blew up that big due to all the unsaid frustrations they never let out.
So I'm just imagining shadowpeach never fighting in an obvious way (closest to fighting would be backhanded comments or barbed words) but that just makes things more unsettling
oh yeah 100% it didn’t help that swk was always leaving FFM out of his need to get stronger and be the best and be respected. not to mention they probably never saw their times together as the right moment to voice their concerns out loud because this was their time to wind down and they just had to wait it out, wait until everything was perfect enough to have those talks
#then everything went to shit#nothing was okay#swk was trapped under mountain all by his lonesome and def going insane#then Macky visits him (i’ve assumed that memory in s4 was Macky’s 1st and last visit) and they can’t pretend everything is ok anymore#tbh it was probably super ironic for them bc it might’ve been that swk would act like nothing was wrong & everything was under control#pre-battle with Heaven with Macky being the one with some concerns. but then Macky visits acting like everything’s chill and swk can’t#thus their fight is equally harsh and explosive (bc that’s what i find fun) and they never really say they’re done with each other#but both confirm to themselves that this is probably the end of their relationship and then oops! swk is free but won’t come home#why won’t he come home? Macky isn’t sure but he knows that swk is looking carefree with some new buddies and gets pissed#(Am I placing assumptions? Yes. Do they have any semblance to canon? They do if you consider my heart and passion)#anyway mixing jttw events that lmk hasn’t confirmed: Macky dies by SWK’s hand (whether directly or indirectly)#and the divorce is set in stone (bc how can a relationship reconcile or get back if the other is dead? as far as swk knows)#fast forward to lmk and they still can’t be civil or ignore their relationship issues like before and fight/butt heads constantly bc yeah#like yeah past shadowpeach is cute & fluffy & codependent still but they don’t have that hostility like in their divorced/still married era#lmk#shadowpeach#asks
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idsb · 2 months
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falmerbrook · 10 months
Between Redguard and ESO I’m really starting to love redguards and Hammerfell, but I’m crossing my fingers we get some soft retcons or changes for tes 6 (assuming it is in Hammerfell) because they have way too many in-universe historical and cultural similarities to the nords imo
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musubiki · 2 months
tcwg boardwalk/fair day but taffy works as one of the carnies (he didn’t think they’d show up)
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this is so lore accurate but for oscar instead of taffy 😭 oscar is the one who is always working weird odd jobs in random places that seem to change every week !! (which is how he ended up with madam springs in the first place)
i think taffy is the type to take those weird gross out-of-sight jobs that no one wants to do....cleaning grime out from under the docks or something, the kind of job where he wouldnt be around people..
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jessaerys · 4 months
hate to say it but strictly on a storytelling level civil war kind of slaps. this can be said about alex garland: he knows how to spin a yarn
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kenztheweirdmf · 1 year
can we all agree civil war is dog shit hate they made Tony and Steve fight each other
me and my homies hate Hero vs Hero events
( i ship starker, spidershield, winterspider and stucky and will always deny that movie exist )
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hero-of-the-twlight · 5 months
Idk why but for some individuals civil disobedience starts and end with "Emulators and roms are sick. Piracy is Morally correct!" Then turn around and call the cops on women for stealing diapers. 😒
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