#can i create my own ai
dingmoneyonline · 1 year
Generate Saleable Graphics with Ai and Make $1711 in Week
For details visit: https://www.moneymakkr.com/vizualai-all-in-one-visual-design/ 🚀 World's FIRST-EVER ChatGPT-4 & Stable-Diffusion Powered Cloud-Based Platform Vizual ai! 🌟 Create high-quality graphics, stunning AI visuals, and captivating 3D AI cartoons – all from simple text inputs! 💥 Simply pocket a whopping $1711 in just one week. Want proof? Visit: https://www.moneymakkr.com/vizualai-review/
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✅ 100% ChatGPT4 Powered ✅ Keyword To Video (Never Seen Before) ✅ Cloud Based Platform ✅ Text To Image Generator ✅ Text To 3D Cartoon Generator ✅ GPT4 Powered Emotion Based Content ✅ 1800+ DFY Graphics Templates ✅ Content In 35+ International Languages ✅ Create VSL′s, Sales Copies, Emails, Ads Copy Etc UNLIMITED.. ✅ Millions Of Searchable Stock Videos, Vectors & Images Happy Earning!
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demadogs · 1 month
some of you need to hate ai way more than you currently do
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ink-the-artist · 1 year
so somehow it’s the first time I’ve seen your Dogs illustration from May. it’s very very cool and strongly reminds me of AI-generated art — did you use AI to inspire the shapes? or otherwise influence the piece somehow? interested in your process! very cool.
yes! some more directly reference ai images id generated than others lol
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stephofromcabin12 · 25 days
I’ve spoken positively about National Novel Writing Month before and so I am sad to have to take it all back.
If you’re not aware, NaNoWriMo recently endorsed the use of generative AI in writing practices, and their statement even went as far as to say that anti-AI views are “classist” and and “ableist”.
There is no ethical use for generative AI, as we speak. Using AI, even for something as simple as rephrasing an email or generating a profile picture, means that you’re actively using thousands of stolen works, a lot of which are copyrighted and/or protected in some way. (That’s why most companies behind generative AI’s are currently facing multiple lawsuits from various artists and companies who’ve found their work was used to train the AI models without their consent and without promise of compensation)
I’m an artist. I’m a writer. I cannot in any way endorse generative AI as long as it’s built on stolen artwork by my fellow artists, and possibly even myself. There is no world in which using generative AI makes you an artist. Currently, it just makes you complacent in art theft at worst and lazy at best.
It’s not classist to say that, and it’s not ableist either. Lot’s of writers and artists have physical or mental disabilities and/or come from a middle-to-low-class background. Your financial standing, and whether or not you’re disabled, does not define your ability to create art, as so many incredible artists throughout history have proven by continuing to make art on their own terms. I used to say that there’s no wrong way to make art. I was wrong. Generative AI proved me wrong.
The statement specifically emphasized AI as a way to get proofreading and editing done without needing to pay for a professional editor. But beta-readers have always existed for this very reason; it’s just another human connection AI seeks to eliminate in the name of “efficiency”.
There are books on editing that can be found and read in libraries, if you don’t have money to buy them. There are articles and videos made by actual experts in their field that can be found for free. I trust them far more than whatever botched mosaic of words AI spits out, which might not even be remotely correct, as most AI models openly allow errors.
So, my point is: Don’t use NaNoWriMo.
There are other ways to track your progress. There are other places to find community and writing groups. There are far better ways of creating art that won’t compromise the ethics of being an artist and, most likely, the law.
It sucks that I have to say this. It sucks that NaNoWriMo apparently has had a nosedive in it’s quality and moral standings that was steep enough that nearly all their employees quit.
But that’s where we are now, apparently. And so that’s where I stand.
That’s all.
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yuseirra · 19 days
(I was writing this below this morning after having felt so...so hollow...after having been sent the spoilers, then a friend came to talk w me and it's helped me recover a bit!! Goodness.. It's pretty fateful to have help come your way when you need it, I have good luck)
I don't feel as bad as I felt as I did below now, I feel like I can attempt to draw a bit more now, I want to start brainstorming a bit!
But really, DON'T SEND ME SPOILERS. I didn't know it'd do this to me either but it really nearly took all the juice I had towards an entire series. It probably was never what was intended I mean it'd mean less fanarts and interpretations from me (or maybe it was? XD I am being a bit annoying with these lately) That was bad... It felt terrible losing love!!! I love things!! Having it gone like this was so unexpected!!
This is so strange...I never had my feelings dissipate towards something this fast.. I feel like I'd be okay with whatever they would to with the work now, I wouldn't care, you know?? I had no idea spoilers would be capable of doing this to me???? I'm usually okay with spoilers and I do my research when I hop into it so I'm the type who actually reads a bit into something to see what I'd be able to expect out of it-
But this ain't it. I really want my feelings back. Being sent this one super creepy and ominous panel and a bunch of words really just grabbed and tossed all my feelings I have towards these characters and the plot out the window and I have to find a way to somehow find my way down that window and retrieve it. I don't know how to do it, I never had something like this happen to me. I can't draw... I can't draw, I'm stuck and I feel really helpless about it. Would having read the actual chapter had this same effect in me? I'm not sure about that, but,
The really ironical thing here is, if what I've been sent is correct, then everything I've been thinking could actually be entirely correct. I couldn't have been more right about things. I did a REALLY good job having predicted things and I could have had been brainstorming vigorously with more base. I could have been so proud of myself.
I really like drawing and I can't draw...I've been drawing every single day and I just can't do it now, I'm struggling. That's so new and so weird. Something about it is just gone... This is really sad, how should I get it back... On the bright side, I won't be stressed or so agitated either, thanks a lot I guess. And now I learned that spoilers can do this to people so it will help me be more careful about them (my blog is so far from spoiler-free, I'm sorry!)
Allow me to see things for myself when I'm ready about them, please..I really, really want to care for things and draw them again. It may not be so prominent for others but I myself know it the best, it just shows in your art whether you really love something or not and that's not something you can form artificially.. I need it. Even if they are sketches, I put my heart in them and I spend hours and days on them...I can't do that about things I don't care for...
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glamrock-freddy · 10 months
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Hmgnhm coughing up an au. Have some undercooked doodles
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arttsuka · 3 months
Do you love art a lot?
Yes. Art is the best thing humanity has to offer (all of its forms, not only drawing/painting but also sculpting, songwriting, poetry, theater, cinema I can keep going but I think you get it). I love looking at art, I love creating art. It's one of the most human things there is, it's so sad it's threatened by AI.
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At this point... I'll just unfollow whichever mf uses ai art
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vt-scribbles · 5 months
Something seriously lacking in my art is the ability to tell a story in a single illustration.
I've gotten so used to drawing my characters standing around doing random things that I've never practiced telling a full tale/putting implications into my pieces that require more thinking/looking.
It also comes from a lower amount of details in my works by default [since I like to get pieces done fast], but I'm tired of using that as an excuse.
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the-kipsabian · 1 year
its a sad day when you see a person you know is good and creative to use ai tools to make art
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loki-zen · 2 years
saw your tags about how "AI art cannot do is understand the purpose and intent that goes into a piece", would you consider img2img (drawing a picture and deciding colour and composition based on human intent, then putting that into the AI program for the AI program to iterate over) to be AI art that possesses purpose and intent? AI art technology is tending to evolve towards greater non-textual control with the ability to draw poses and specify composition, ultimately carrying more human intent.
so basically if i was being very precise about it, what I mean is that this stuff is fed into AI art differently and I’ve yet to see anything to suggest that it can do it in quite the way a human artist can (and there are lots of times when the way a human artist can do it is what you want).
it’s like, if i was commissioning a piece of art i might not specify the poses or know anything about what composition achieves what affect - I could just talk to the artist about what I want the piece to say or how it should make me feel and the artist is able to reason about those things based on what I’ve told it. The AI can only guess based on how other people have tried to achieve things that it ‘thinks’ are similar to what you want achieved. It might via randomisation or whatever throw out things that break classic rules of form or composition, but it can’t decide to break those rules in this specific way in this specific piece for a specific reason.
It really all comes down to ‘there is no conscious process that can actually know contextual information and use it to reason about what to do’. They may well get better and better at approximating something you could mistake for being the result of such a process, but actually having that process going on would require an AI that works differently (rather than just more/better) to the AIs we have, or incorporating so much human intent in the process that it would make more sense to think of it as ‘AI-assisted art’.
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myearts-uwu · 2 years
God I hate AI art
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ace-with--a-mace · 1 month
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novella-november · 25 days
Novella November 2024 Announcement Post
Hate AI, but love writing challenges?
Want to take part in a global, fun project to write a Novella in one month?
Grab some friends, and take part in Novella November, by writing 1,000 words a day for the month of November, ending with a 30,000 word Novella to test and stretch your novel-writing skills!
Your goal is not perfection, but merely getting into the habit of writing a litte bit every single day :D
No website, no sign-ups -- Just a community initiative to write using only your own word!
What are the rules? Just Three so far!
#1 - No AI
#2 - No Plagiarizing
#3 - Wordcount for the month should only come from what you write during the month.
What does that mean?
Only words written during November should go towards your Wordcount for the month... but! Feel free to use your 30k words as a continuation of previous writing, or just make it the first 30k words in a longer novel!
Don't think you can write a whole entire 30k word story? Write a series of short stories that total up to 30k!
Not ready to write original works yet? Write a 30k word fanfiction that you can post after the month is over!
Share your writing experience, tips, encouragement, and questions in the #Novella November tag!
EDIT, from the tags: Want a progress tracker? Track your progress with TrackBear!
Don't have a word processor? Use LibreOffice , the free and open-source alternative to Microsoft Word!
Want to organize/storyboard your Novel and don't want to pay a subscription? Try 7writer by Simon Haynes!
Want to be able to listen to your story aloud for proofreading using TTS (text to speech)? Try Balabolka!
Or, create some custom progress / Goal Cards in advance you can fill out as you reach word goals! For ideas and templates, search this blog for "goal cards" :D
Want to do a writing challenge in more than just November? Check out my ideas here for year round challenges to keep you writing consistently! Got feedback? Send it in, I'd love to see everyone's ideas!
EDIT 2: I almost forgot to mention, if you are unable to write/type your story, you can also narrate/dictate your story to your preferred recording device!
If you're doing a Recording only and it doesn't automatically generate a transcript, it would obviously be hard to judge the word count -- but you're also working with a lot of obstacles, so I'd say if you're able to complete your story via voice recording from start to finish, you've definitely achieved the goal!
Edit #3: added the title "Novella November 2024 announcement post" to the top to make it more standard with my Ominous October and Drabble December posts (will be updating Outline October shortly) , added "Official Announcement Post 2024" to the tags so people can easily find the monthly events for 2024, and added a bit of bold to the third bullet point in the original post from September 2nd 2024 for emphasis.
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ai-art-thieves · 1 month
It's Time To Investigate SevenArt.ai
sevenart.ai is a website that uses ai to generate images.
Except, that's not all it can do.
It can also overlay ai filters onto images to create the illusion that the algorithm created these images.
And its primary image source is Tumblr.
It scrapes through the site for recent images that are at least 10 days old and has some notes attached to it, as well as copying the tags to make the unsuspecting user think that the post was from a genuine user.
No image is safe. Art, photography, screenshots, you name it.
Initially I thought that these are bots that just repost images from their site as well as bastardizations of pictures across tumblr, until a user by the name of @nataliedecorsair discovered that these "bots" can also block users and restrict replies.
Not only that, but these bots do not procreate and multiply like most bots do. Or at least, they have.
The following are the list of bots that have been found on this very site. Brace yourself. It's gonna be a long one:
The oldest ones have been created in March, started scraping in June/July, and later additions to the family have been created in July.
So, I have come to the conclusion that these accounts might be run by a combination of bot and human. Cyborg, if you will.
But it still doesn't answer my main question:
Who is running the whole operation?
The site itself gave us zero answers to work with.
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No copyright, no link to the engine where the site is being used on, except for the sign in thingy (which I did.)
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I gave the site a fake email and a shitty password.
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Turns out it doesn't function like most sites that ask for an email and password.
Didn't check the burner email, the password isn't fully dotted and available for the whole world to see, and, and this is the important thing...
My browser didn't detect that this was an email and password thingy.
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And there was no log off feature.
This could mean two things.
Either we have a site that doesn't have a functioning email and password database, or that we have a bunch of gullible people throwing their email and password in for people to potentially steal.
I can't confirm or deny these facts, because, again, the site has little to work with.
The code? Generic as all hell.
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Tried searching for more information about this site, like the server it's on, or who owned the site, or something. ANYTHING.
Multiple sites pulled me in different directions. One site said it originates in Iceland. Others say its in California or Canada.
Luckily, the server it used was the same. Its powered by Cloudflare.
Unfortunately, I have no idea what to do with any of this information.
If you have any further information about this site, let me know.
Until there is a clear answer, we need to keep doing what we are doing.
Spread the word and report about these cretins.
If they want attention, then they are gonna get the worst attention.
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thatdogmagic · 2 years
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...that your audience won't hate.
This is a method I started using when NFTs were on the rise - thieves would have to put actual work into getting rid of the mark - and one that I am now grateful for with the arrival of AI. Why? Because anyone who tries to train an AI on my work will end up with random, disruptive color blobs.
I can't say for sure it'll stop theft entirely, but it WILL make your images annoying for databases to incorporate, and add an extra layer of inconvenience for thieves. So as far as I'm concerned, that's a win/win.
I'll be showing the steps in CSP, but it should all be pretty easy to replicate in Photoshop.
Now: let's use the above image as our new signature file. I set mine to be 2500 x 1000 pixels when I'm just starting out.
Note that your text should not have a lot of anti-aliasing, so using a paint brush to start isn't going to work well with this method. Just use the standard G-Pen if you're doing this by hand, or, just use the text tool and whichever font you prefer.
Once that's done, take your magic wand tool, and select all the black. Here are the magic wand settings I'm using to make the selections:
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All selected?
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Now, find a brush with a scattering/tone scraping effect. I use one like this.
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You can theoretically use any colors you want for this next part, but I'd recommend pastels as they tend to blend better.
Either way, let's add some color to the text.
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Once that's finished,
You're going to want to go to Layer Property, and Border Effect
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You'll be given an option of choosing color and thickness. Choose black, and go for at least a 5 in thickness. Adjust per your own preferences.
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Now create a layer beneath your sig layer, and merge the sig down onto the blank layer.
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This effectively 'locks in' the border effect, which is exactly what we want.
Hooray, you've finished your watermark!
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Now let's place that bad boy into your finished piece.
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You'll get the best mileage out of a mark if you can place it over a spot that isn't black of white, since you'll get better blending options that way. My preference is for Overlay.
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From here, I'll adjust the opacity to around 20-25, depending on the image.
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If you don't have a spot to use overlay, however, there's a couple other options. For white, there's Linear Burn, which imho doesn't look as good, but it still works in a pinch.
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And for lots of black, you have Linear Light
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Either way, you're in business!
EDIT since this has escaped my usual circles, and folks aren't as familiar with my personal usage:
An example of one of my own finished pieces, with watermark, so you can see what I mean about 'relatively unobtrusive'-- I try to at least use them as framing devices, or let them work with the image somehow (or, at the very least, not actively against it).
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I know it's a bummer for some people to "ruin" their work with watermarks, which is part of the reason I developed this mark in particular. Its disruption is about as minimal as I can make it while still letting it serve its intended purpose.
There's other methods, too, of course! But this is the one I use, and the one I can speak on. Hope it helps some of you!
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