#call me bbgirl
andstuffsketches · 1 month
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finally watched Reign of the Supermen
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swemoville · 1 year
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satorudoll · 1 year
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bunky101 · 2 years
ok so i'm all for trans rights and lgbt rights (i'm in both of those ffs) but if anyone from task force 141, los vaqueros, (in fact even König and Horangi etc) called me a slur, i'd thank them.
@saltofmercury and you can quote me on that
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yappacadaver · 3 months
Sera started calling me buckles again out of the blue so I triggered her nightmare cutscene and asked her to marry me and now it’s ‘honey tongue’ :3
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tache-noire · 1 year
there's no way in hell security will let me into Collision with a sign that says "BABYGIRL BOOBOO KITTY FUCK" but do you think they'd accept "BABYGIRL BOOBOO KITTY PRINCESS" instead?
with a photo of CM Punk, obviously.
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bbqhooligan · 1 year
i am. not gonna lie to you i stop myself from The Glory posting even when i notice new beautiful details and themes in the story cuz im. writing it all down
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shadows-come-early · 2 years
"Girl" but in the way you call a character your "babygirl" even tho he's a 40yo married man
"Boy" but in the way you call a dog on the internet "the goodest boy"
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Okay I've had a minute to aggressively examine these dudes so let's go, least interest to most
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First of all, I dunno about this one. I mean yeah smash but this design is gonna be entirely dependent on personality to work and I'm gonna leave it at that.
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I do appreciate a dude that can throw me across the room and this one could throw me across the state. ALSO HE'S COVERED IN BITE MARKS?? ARE THOSE BITE MARKS??? HELLO? IS FOR ME? CHEW TOY??? and look call me toxic but i do love a smoker (gross irl tho). Smash.
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Horns on the belt but not on your head, would've bumped him to the top of the list tbh. The fluffy mullet? Yes. Yoink. Fuck yeah. Hannibal mask? Absofuckinglutely, I need this dead-eyed mf to growl at me. I actually hate the outfit due to the weird bits of skin showing. Why we looking at knees and armpits, who is the target audience?? I'm torn tbh.
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Honorable mention to my bbgirl, my wifey, my little shnookie wookums, he's just so perfect aaaaaa
Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 6 months
Date Expectations 3: Charviathan vs Chaggie - Let me take a selfie!
Charlie: (snuggling up to Seviathan on the couch and holds up her phone) Say cheese!~
Seviathan: Huh? (smacks the phone away) Charlotte, knock it off. You know I don't do that stupid selfie thing.
Charlie: (pouting as she curls her knees to her chest and stares at her phone)
Seviathan: (wraps an arm around Charlie's shoulders) Aw, come on, sugar. You know I still love ya.
Charlie: (scrolling tiringly through Sinstagram as Seviathan watches some cliche mob movie and sees a selfie of Seviathan posted from his trip to Envy) ..........
Charlie: (back home and sleeping)
Charlie: Huh.....? (groggily grabs her phone and sees a text from Seviathan) Sev..... it's the middle of the ni- (eyes widen in shock as she opens the message and is greeted by a dick pic) EW!!!
Seviathan: Hey bbgirl~ Bet youd luv to take a ride on this right now~ You lft way too soon.
Charlie: (turns phone off and rolls over with a groan) Doesn't like selfies, my left hoof!
Charlie: (sitting on the couch with Vaggie snuggled up to her, watching a ridiculous RomCom on Chillflix, gets a giddy smile and pulls up her phone) Hey, Vaggie!
Vaggie: Hm?
Charlie: (face falls) Actually... nevermind...... This is a cute movie, isn't it?
Vaggie: (notices the phone in Charlie's hand and pulls her own up, getting them both in frame on the camera) Hey, Charlie?
Charlie: Yeah, Vaggie?
Vaggie: Smile~
Charlie: (sees the camera and her eyes light up as she smiles from ear to ear and throws her arms around Vaggie) Razzle Dazzle on three!
Razzle & Dazzle: (completely misunderstanding the phrase and thinking Charlie is calling them over, zip into the picture frame)
Charlie: One...
Vaggie: Two...
Razzle & Dazzle: Baaa!/Baaap!
Morningstars: Razzle Dazzle!
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atonalasmr · 2 months
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Decided to try this thing called “art” to make some art of me and bbgirl @escapedaudios in my most recent audio
I will be taking no questions at this time
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popponn · 10 months
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notes: it's due time for an isagi induced brainrot. do you miss our prime time bbgirl. also he is an aries infj. i will call that interesting. those are the thoughts for this one. warning: none, just isagi as smitten very whipped bf as a good listener.
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isagi yoichi loves listening to you.
he has never been the one who talks most of the time, it came naturally to him. he grew up shy, then he was someone who accommodates others first before anything, and at some point, it just became an old habit that died hard.
isagi doesn't exactly hate it. he dares say that his capabilities as a listener often help him in his playmaking. and most of the time, he is surrounded by a bunch of rowdy ones who do more than enough to fill up the silence.
but, in the way he could remember almost everything that comes out of your mouth, in the way that he could tell the slightest difference in your tone, and in the way he knows every single detail of your expression.
he is also self-aware enough to know it is different when it comes to you.
it might be your voice or your choice of words, or maybe it could be the overwhelming desire to know about you as much as you will allow him—isagi doesn't really know, actually. what he actually knows is that whenever you have his attention—it could be a tug on his sleeve, a head leaning into his shoulder, a call of his name—isagi knows that his attention would be on you within a heartbeat. some of his friends tease him for it already. saying if in the field his head is all soccer, out of it then it's just you, you, and you.
he should probably feel more embarrassed about it.
yet every time he hears your voice, every time he feels you slotting yourself beside him like a long-gone part, and every time his eyes meet yours, it is hard not to just make sure he listens to everything. he wants to know what you like, what you dislike, what is hidden in between your tones, and what you want to say to him.
call him dedicated, call him smitten.
but he gets more of you for himself, so who is the winner here?
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"How was your day?" Yoichi wastes no time asking you the moment his head lays on your lap.
Hearing that, you give him a humored scoff, whilst your fingers reach down to tangle themselves gently with his hair. "You are the one who just went on a three-day training trip. Shouldn't it be me asking you that?"
A boyish smile found its form on his lips. Then, he laughs, a bit awkwardly yet merrily, as he presses his face to your stomach. "Is that so?"
"What do you think?" you say with hum.
"Even when I really want to hear about yours first?" Yoichi asks once again, his eyes not leaving yours as creases made of happiness and fondness appear around them. It is a look you cannot deny, the two of you know. The egoist is playing unfair.
Therefore, knowing your inescapable defeat, you give him a half-hearted glare. "You really are something, sometimes, you know," you chide, watching the way his grin grows wider.
"I know," Yoichi says, unhesitant and shameless. Everyone already knows he wants to know everything about you and that is how he wants it to be. What should he hide it for?
As you sigh and massage his scalp gently, Yoichi looks at you and teasingly squishes the tip of your nose, "So, how was your day?"
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
Can I request a Dg x reader where dg comes back to work very late and he sees his loved one crying because he wasn’t here the past days ( yk cuz he is the CEO of his angecy). Thank you!
sh sh shhhh bbgirl why you crying. you dont need no man. DG is lucky to have YOU.
DG x Reader: Love you too!
G/N. Fluff.
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"I'm home!" DG calls out and... nothing.
Huh, it's not the greeting he was looking forward to. He half expected you to jump on him as soon as he stepped through the door.
The two of you have been ships passing over the last couple weeks. So sue him, he wanted a little fanfare for tonight - the first evening in after a whirlwind schedule.
He tries again, "Y/N?"
"In here!" Your voice rings out from somewhere on the far side of the apartment.
He finds you in the bedroom and observes you from the doorway with a gentle smile. The first crack in his cold and aloof demeanour, turning the DG persona off.
Your eyes are glued to the laptop screen, half eaten bowl of popcorn sitting in your lap, every now and then cackling at whatever you're watching.
"You ok?"
You don't even look at him, continuing to chuckle at your show, "Yep!"
"You missed me?"
DG rolls his eyes fondly at you, "My week has been good, thanks for asking."
Honestly. He lets out a small snort. "I love you."
"Love you too!"
"... Wait what?!"
Now he has your full attention. You turn to him, eyes widening at the first time he said those three words to you.
"Nothing." he shrugs, mischief painted all ovrer his face and turns to leave.
"Hold on!" he hears the thud of you leaping off the bed and the distinct sound of the bowl and its contents clattering to the floor, "Come back!"
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expectiations · 2 months
Idk bout you all but between the Doctor and River, River cannot cook to save her life. She's just chaos in the kitchen. She was raised to be a weapon. Weapons don't cook. And during her uni years, there's the school canteen but she doesn't think it's cool enough. OH WAIT–considering she's such a huge nerd, she's probably one of those who are so caught up in reading/studying that they forget to eat and drink.
The elder Ponds stage an intervention (the Doctor took them to Luna after being thoroughly threatened by Amelia). Amy remembers how Mels would be picky with her food but ate anything offered to her by Rory and Brian. And true enough when they get to the library where River has been cooped up in, River hasn't eaten nor drunk water for a good while now. When asked about it, she complains that the canteen never gets the dishes right (Luna's canteen has one of the best chefs in that era. River just said that because it wasn't cooked by Rory or Brian).
They make sure she constantly has a steady supply of her favorite dishes afterwards with the Doctor in charge of ensuring it never runs out. Which he does with all seriousness, never once missing. He'd definitely deny that the gleaming sword on display in the elder Ponds' living room helped. A LOT. He even enlisted the TARDIS' help by setting reminders.
He missed a couple of times (he's the Doctor after all) but another version of him would swoop in to save his ass. River notices of course and calls him out on it. He pleads mercy. She makes him pay by dragging him to help her study firsthand. And by firsthand, she meant him taking her to the actual events. He learns early on not to grouse about archeology in front of her that young because she goes 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 and then refuses to talk to him afterwards.
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The Doctor also upgrades the elder Ponds' phones so they can call River despite having literal millennia between them.
Older versions of River learned a few dishes but the Doctor is so used to being the one who cooks her meals that he sulked and had a tantrum when she refused to let him cook. (Years later on Darillium, the Doctor would bring it up. River: THAT WAS JUST ONCE. ARE YOU NEVER LETTING THAT GO? GIVE A GIRL A BREAK 🙄)
But then it would be fun for River to have something she can never be good at. Like she aces everything else EXCEPT for that one thing. And I vote for cooking. It's just funny to me that she's this ultracool being–the daughter of the Last Centurion and the Girl Who Waited, the Child of Death and Time–but simply cannot cook to save her life.
She's just spoiled bbgirl. Give her a break.
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candybatwings · 6 months
Different styles of Triumvirate <3
Read below for me being super autistic about Star Trek (and still shots)
Did that work? Idk we’ll see. Anyway different styles of Triumvirate V V V V V
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TOS Triumvirate, my bbgirls <3 I don’t do likeness very much so this looks kind of awful lmao but I had fun doing it bc I got to stare at pics of Them. I hate the way I did the line art and I want to burn it but I don’t hate it enough to redo it lol I’m sorry
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AOS Triumvirate, I am a TOS girly 4ever but I actually did like the AOS movies even if I had some criticisms (if I don’t “um ackshually ☝️🤓” every little Star Trek thing I see my internal organs will shutdown) I thought all the actors were fun but I kept getting distracted by how BLUE Chris Pine’s eyes are good heavens. I was also a bit…disappointed that Chris Pine is a lot slimmer than TOS Kirk bc TOS Kirk has a more similar body type to me and it made me feel good but that’s more of a personal thing. I really did like these movies and I thought all the actors did a pretty good job playing young versions of the characters. I actually haven’t seen the third one yet but wow did I love Into Darkness (as y’all know if you saw that animation I made immediately after watching it)
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I call this Fanon Triumvirate because it represents the way I see Triumvirate represented in fan art often. I attempted to make it a sort of combo of AOS and TOS with a couple more Fanon aspects like scruffy Spock (+ Spock’s blue eyeshadow).
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My Triumvirate! I might finish this with lighting, background, etc bc omg look at them!! My guys!! I have a lot of my own preference here. Spock has longer hair (no microbangs, sorry lesbians 😭), I like Jim to have lovely styled hair and nice lips, Bones looks especially exhausted, etc I like to change up their designs often but I’ve taken a lot of inspiration from fan works and TOS but recently mixed more AOS in since watching the movies 🫶 I also like for Jim’s uniform to be a lil baggy bc I see that in Fanon sometimes and I think it’s cute.
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amikoroyaiart · 1 year
Out of curiosity which operator (+ skin if you got a fav) do you usually run on COD 👀
Hi there! Thanks for asking ❤️ Most of the time I play as Ghost (when the game allows me to because I play mainly multiplayer so on some days I end up in Kortac in like 80% of my games 🤬) and when it comes to my fav outifts for him, it’s classic 09 Ghost 🥰
Look at him hanging out with my doggo (I call him Roger Roach)
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I also love his campaign outfits, the dark rituals one, the rook one and senpai Ghost as well. And the gold mask one was my first 🥰 and of course I have cowboy Ghost as a meme. So yeah I love my bbgirl and I have a lots of skins for him 😂
Sometimes I play a round as Gromsko because I love his polish lines.
As for Kortac I mainly play as Horangi but I like to switch between him, Valeria and Oni.
That’s all :D if I could I would play only as Ghost, I just love his voice 😂❤️
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