littleleeme · 6 days
life hack: if you hide under a blanket the tickle monster can’t get you
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littleleeme · 17 days
Rock, paper, scissors is a fun game to play in the morning to encourage you to wake up! Especially when the loser gets punished with tickles!
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littleleeme · 1 month
The back of your ribs can be a very tender spot. No doubt.
Not only is that spot almost universally ticklish, but there are so many way to drive a lee crazy with laughter on THAT particular spot.
Lying facedown, you can easily lay on their back. Which puts you in very close proximity to their ears (which is an added bonus spot itself).
A soft, cooing voice can teasingly remind them of how vulnerable they are. As your nimble fingers slowly maneuver under their shirt to dance up each side, halting momentarily as they reach the back of the ribs.
The gentlest tapping begins. Serving as an omen of the laughing frenzy to come.
The lee can squirm and whine, trying to hide their blush-filled face in the pillows. But they’re not getting away. They know it and you know it. Doesn’t mean you can’t lovingly blow into their ear, constantly reminding of the very ticklish situation they’re in.
That tapping motion suddenly turns to a maddeningly light skittering.
Go ahead, amp the sweet teasing up. Compliment them on how much you adore their increasing laughter. Reassure them that they’re cared for. In essence, wreck them with the sweetest, kindest, most sincere words.
Leaning in closer, purring a soft threat directly in their ear, “Uh oh.”
Your fingers begin the dreaded tasering attack.
Pin them tighter, because I’m guessing by that point, they’re gonna be a thrashing, screaming, hysterical mess.
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littleleeme · 5 months
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Got a new game in the mail today. Who wants to play? 😉
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littleleeme · 5 months
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A brief snippet of The Tickling Guide for those who were asking 😌
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littleleeme · 6 months
Fun tickle games!
Some favorites Dave and I like to play! I’ve mentioned some before, but I thought I’d make a list. 
1. Keep still! The object is for the lee to keep as still as possible for as long as possible. I like to set a phone timer to see if I can beat my records. Can be modified to things like “keep your feet in my lap”, “don’t move your toes”, etc. 
2. Keep quiet! How long can the lee go without laughing? Can be paired with game 1 for some added fun 😏
3. Concentrate! The lee has to play a video game, call a friend, or complete some other task while being tickled. 
4. Say it! The ler tickles the lee until the lee is able to admit that they’re ticklish. I’m super bad at this one tbh…
5. Dice! I typically use a two dice set up for this. One of the dice represents a tool, the other represents a tickle spot. So set 1-6 on one dice things like “feathers, fingers, hair brush, paint brush” and the other “sides, feet, tum, under arms”. If you don’t have physical dice, google has virtual ones! You’ll roll a combo, like feathers + sides, and then the ler uses that set up to tickle the lee for a predetermined amount of time. 
6. Guess the tool! The lee is blindfolded (or just eyes closed, if not comfortable w the blindfold), and the ler uses a tool on a predetermined tickle spot. The lee has to guess what tool it is, as specific as the ler wants it to be. 
7. Letters! The ler takes any tool they want (fingers count!) and draws a letter on a lee’s tickle spot. The lee (blindfolded, or just eyes closed) has to guess what the ler wrote. The ler will keep writing the letter/word until the lee guesses. Ler can also add in some ‘punishment’ for wrong answers, or occasionally ‘erase’ the ‘board’. 
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littleleeme · 10 months
Sooo in the mood to just hold an ankle between both of my legs really firmly and hold onto it , while tickling one foot with all ten fingers.
You can go ahead and kick me all you want, but you’re not getting me off <3 I want to use one hand to put my fingers between your toes so you won’t curl…
Then, with my free hand I can do whatever I want to your pretty little sole <3 I’ll scribble just one finger into your arch and hear you go WILD while you kick me.
I bet you’re proud of those legs too <3 I can’t wait to watch your confidence melt as I scribble five fingers into your sole and feel you get weaker and laugh louder.
Scribbling from the ball of your foot… down to the sides of your feet, and into your arch, and down to those cute heels… I won’t be stopping either, I want to feel you give up and let me have my way with your foot.
And maybe when you’re all done and destroyed, I can get on top of you and squeeze your thighs until you’re really a blushy, breathless mess <3
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littleleeme · 10 months
A More Enjoyable Assignment (tickle fic)
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Fandom: Heartstopper
Summary: Nick loves to tickle Charlie, but he never lets Charlie tickle him back. Charlie would never admit it to anyone, but all he wanted to do was hear his boyfriend squirm and giggle and it was starting to drive him up the wall.
Forget homework - this Nick-related assignment was way more fun.
My first ever tickle fic! Quite nervous about posting this, so all (kind) feedback very much appreciated.
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Nick loved to tickle Charlie. This was common knowledge at this point. Charlie could barely make it through an hour in Nick's company before he was pounced on and his high-pitched babbling and squeals filled the air. Charlie would put up a dramatic fuss every time but honestly, he really didn't mind. And he could see from Nick's shit-eating grin just how much joy it brought him.
However, the main issue was that whenever Charlie reached out a retaliating hand to tickle Nick's side, or grabbed his knee to squeeze it, Nick would immediately employ Strong Rugby Arms and intercept his movements, never giving him the chance to properly get his revenge. He'd never admit it to anyone, but all Charlie wanted to do was hear his boyfriend squirm and giggle and it was starting to drive him up the wall.
One Sunday afternoon, they were studying on Nick's bedroom floor, music playing softly in the background. They lay on their stomachs alongside each other, hips and shoulders touching. Charlie had sunk so deep into quadratic equations that he was barely aware of his surroundings, until he felt the familiar sensation of fingers digging expertly, but gently, into his armpit. It took a few seconds for his brain to catch up and then he gasped and squirmed away.
“Nick!” he all but squawked. “You're such a menace.”
When he turned to look at him, Nick was scribbling on his own Geography paper, his face schooled into an unconvincing expression of concentration. Charlie scoffed.
“You're fooling literally no one at this point,” he said, rolling his eyes affectionately and tapping Nick gently on the forehead with his pen.
A smile spread slowly across Nick's face, and he suddenly grabbed for Charlie's hips with both hands and squeezed. This was one of his worst spots – which Nick knew, the arsehole – and Charlie immediately crumbled, attempting to curl into the foetal position on the floor while high-pitched squeals poured out of him.
“Stop it, stop it, stop it!” he cried, trying to wriggle away. Nick just chuckled and ignored him, spidering his fingers up his sides. “Ah fu – fuck, Nick, that tickles so m-much – please...” His arms were flailing wildly, trying to grab Nick's hands and slow his movements.
Nick grinned but paused for a second, clearly winding down so as not to completely overwhelm him, and Charlie saw his chance. He lunged for Nick's thigh but before he could get any leverage, Nick casually plonked his entire body across Charlie's on the floor, leaving him unable to move.
“Nah, I don't think so,” Nick said calmly.
“Oh, for god sake.”
They lay there for a few moments, Charlie catching his breath after the attack. Nick's pinning was clever in stopping him being able to move much, whilst carefully avoiding actually hurting him. Eventually, Nick lifted his weight off Charlie and they rolled onto their sides to face each other.
“You good?” Nick asked, giving him his trademark lopsided smile.
“Yeah,” Charlie said, returning the grin with ease. They just drank each other in for a few seconds. “But you always -” He started, but then faltered, embarrassed.
“Hmm?” Nick was suddenly frowning slightly, always able to read him like a bloody book. He reached for Charlie's hand, linking their fingers together.
“You don't -” Charlie blew out a breath, frustrated at his inability to form words. “You never let me tickle you back.”
“Oh!” Nick's face softened with understanding, and then he grinned. “I know.”
“But why?”
“It's just funny,” Nick shrugged. “And because you're cute when you're annoyed. And in general.”
Charlie would never get used to Nick's unabashed compliments. He felt his face heat up as a rush of warmth spread through his body. “Shut up.”
“And when you're flustered.” The lopsided smile of pure sunshine was back.
“Nick, stop it! It's not fair when I don't get to fluster you back.” Nick's grin just grew wider. “Are you even ticklish?” Charlie asked, his eyes roaming around the parts of Nick's body that he knew were his own worst spots. He leaned in to poke his stomach but as usual Nick was too quick for him, grabbing his wrist.
“Ah now, that would be telling,” Nick replied in a gentle tone.
Charlie groaned, and Nick laughed brightly. “Do you giggle? I bet you're a giggler.”
“Absolutely not.”
A thought occurred to Charlie, and he had a sudden flash of anxiety. “If you really hate being tickled then it's fine, I won't tickle you. I just thought -”
“Charlie,” Nick interrupted softly, running his thumb over Charlie's knuckles. “It's okay. I don't hate it. I just happen to be very very good at stopping you.”
“Well, I think it's mean of you to use Muscle 1 and Muscle 2 against me,” Charlie said sternly, poking each of them in turn with a finger.
Nick snorted. “Ah, but we both know that you like the arms.”
“Not in this context! Anyway, forget homework because this is my new assignment.”
Nick said nothing, just looked at him affectionately for a moment and then leaned across to kiss him. Charlie sank into it, but pulled back after a few moments to appraise him. “You scared?”
Nick pretended to mull it over. “Hmm... nope. But you should be.”
Charlie rolled his eyes, but then burst into surprised laughter a moment later as Nick dived for his knees.
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Charlie took this assignment very seriously – it was in his geeky nature, after all – and work began the very next day. He figured that the best tactic was to catch Nick off guard when he might not be able to react quickly enough to stop him. It was hardly the most well-thought-out plan but he didn't really have many other options.
His first attempt was first thing on Monday morning, in form room. Mr Lange was about to take the register and Nick was hastily completing his Geography homework that was (of course) due first thing.
“If only you'd finished this yesterday like a good student, instead of distracting us both with those magic fingers of yours,” Charlie whispered.
Nick just turned to him, raising an eyebrow at his inadvertent choice of words.
“Tickling fingers, I mean,” Charlie added, hastily and unnecessarily.
“I know,” Nick replied, entirely too innocently. “What else would you mean?”
Charlie gave him a look, but couldn't stop the grin that took over his face a moment later. Nick was winding him up, and it was on. When Nick turned back to his work, Charlie bit his lip in concentration, looking him up and down. The problem was that he didn't know where Nick's weak spots were, but the idea of finding out was more exciting than he'd care to admit.
Knees were normally a weak spot, right? And they were hidden under the desk where no one else could see what was going on. Probably a good place to start.
Charlie shuffled a bit closer to Nick on his chair – not unusual, so Nick didn't bat an eyelid, just continued writing. He reached out his left hand as surreptitiously as he could, shifting it under the desk towards Nick's right leg. Before he could overthink it and chicken out, Charlie reached for the fleshy part just above Nick's knee and squeezed.
He heard Nick's sharp intake of breath and felt his hand instantly shoot out and close around Charlie's hand.
“Excuse me!” Nick muttered, chuckling in surprise. “What do you think you're doing?”
“My new homework assignment,” Charlie answered, unable to keep the grin off his face. “Finding Nick's giggle.”
“Oh, I see how it is. Well, I'm pretty certain there was no giggle there, so good luck with that.”
“Well, that was just phase one. Plenty more to come.”
Nick just smirked. “Has anyone ever told you that you're weird?”
Charlie ignored him. “So, knees, seemingly ticklish – noted.”
Nick's expression changed then, to something that Charlie didn't like the look of. “Do you know who else has ticklish knees? My very weird boyfriend.” Before Charlie could blink, Nick's hand shot out to his knee and squeezed back, getting more leverage than Charlie had managed. The sudden and intense ticklish sensation shooting up Charlie's thigh produced a startled giggle in the mostly silent classroom that he couldn't stifle in time. He clapped a hand over his mouth, blushing.
“Charlie, Nick! Quiet down, please,” called Mr Lange.
When they caught each other's eye a second later, they both leant over their desks in silent laughter.
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The next day, they were studying in a quiet corner of the library during a free period, with their backs against the shelves and textbooks spread around them. Charlie had already finished his work but he was always happy to keep Nick company.
And if the opportunity arose, perhaps continue with his separate Nick-related assignment.
Twenty minutes in, Nick was on the final page of his history essay, with Charlie mostly watching him work, and chipping in with helpful information when he could. He started absent-mindedly trailing his finger along Nick's forearm, stroking back and forth. After a few minutes, Nick paused.
“You're being quite distracting, you know,” he smiled.
Charlie immediately withdrew, sheepishly. “Oh um, sorry.”
“No no, it's okay, it's, um – it's a nice type of distraction,” Nick said, flushing slightly. “You don't need to stop.”
Charlie looked at his feet, smiling shyly, and continued the soothing motions on Nick's arm. He felt Nick's relaxed exhale a moment later.
After a couple more minutes, Charlie was getting a little restless, and a slightly dangerous thought entered his mind. He looked down at Nick's side, perfectly exposed as his arms were raised to write in his book which was balanced on his bent knees.
He couldn't, could he?
Charlie took a look around – there was no one within sight, but the library wasn't empty. It was as quiet as you'd expect from such an environment. He slowly shifted his hand that was caressing Nick's arm, and casually moved it down to trail his fingers lightly over Nick's side instead. Nick immediately jerked away in surprise, but still no giggle – dammit.
Nick turned to look at him. “Don't you dare,” he said warningly, but Charlie could easily spot the amused glint in his eye.
“Don't what?” Charlie asked innocently. “Finish your homework.”
And surprisingly, Nick did. Bless his trusting soul. However, it was as he was writing the very last paragraph that Charlie just couldn't resist a second attempt. This time, he was determined to produce some sort of audible reaction from him. He knew he'd have to be quick because Nick would surely be expecting it at this point, and the rugby player had lightning-quick reactions. So Charlie waited until Nick was deep in concentration, scribbling away, before he reached for his side again and dug his fingers into the flesh more firmly. Nick didn't manage to move away quite as quickly this time and Charlie got a few good squeezes in - Nick's gasp and slight yelp were music to his ears.
“Oh I'm sorry, what was that?” Charlie asked, far too pleased with himself.
“You're ridiculous,” Nick retorted, but he was grinning widely. He'd only shifted to the left slightly, hadn't blocked Charlie's hand as he usually would, so Charlie decided to try his luck and moved up a little higher, feathering fingers over his ribs through his shirt. Nick's nose scrunched up adorably and a second later he was actually laughing – admittedly quietly, and it wasn't quite the uncontrollable giggle he was aiming for, but Charlie's heart still clenched at the adorableness of it as he watched Nick's eyes clench shut and felt him squirm against the sensations. He also noted that Nick could easily get away if he really wanted to, but he hadn't moved. Definitely not torture, then.
A few moments later, just as Charlie became bolder and travelled towards his armpit, Nick's hand finally came down to block him. “Ch – Charlie,” he managed around a soft gasp. “Stop.”
“Sorry, I didn't quite catch that?”
Nick rolled his eyes, breathing slightly heavily. “God, that was intense – I had to stop you before I really started cackling. We're in a library, you maniac.”
Charlie pouted dramatically. “But I wanted to hear you giggle.”
“Tough,” Nick replied, smiling. “Also, why do you keep doing this in places where we need to be quiet?”
“It's more fun that way.”
“I'm not sure if I like this new, rebellious Charlie.” The lingering kiss Nick gave him a second later was a pretty strong argument to the contrary.
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After his recent success, Charlie abandoned his mission for a few days. The plan was to lull Nick into a false sense of security, but based on the way he put up almost no resistance in the library, Charlie probably didn't have much to worry about. The memory gave him a little thrill whenever he thought about it. However, he still hadn't fully scratched that itch and he was nothing if not determined.
On Friday night, Nick was round at Charlie's house and they were sitting on the edge of his bed, mostly making out and occasionally playing Mario Kart. Charlie won every time, of course. After his third loss, Nick was so worked up that he thwacked Charlie in the face with a pillow and Charlie couldn't stop cackling.
“I'm really never gonna let you win, you know,” Charlie said firmly, after he'd calmed down.
Nick sighed. “Yeah, I know.” He flopped backwards onto the bed dramatically. “Maybe we need to find a game I'm good at.”
“Sorry, not sorry.” He looked at Nick out of the corner of his eye. “I feel like you need some stress relief.”
Nick raised his head from his lying position. “Are you going to give me a massage?” he asked, all hopeful puppy dog eyes.
Charlie giggled, shaking his head. “Maybe later. I've got a better idea.” He deftly climbed onto the bed and sat himself on Nick's calves, facing him. “A cliche once told me that laughter is the best medicine, so I think we should test that theory.”
Nick just frowned as he watched him. “Charlie...”
“Are you seeing where I'm going with this?” Charlie asked, smirking at Nick's adorably confused expression.
“I'm not sure, but it definitely doesn't seem like I'm about to get a massage.”
A thought struck Charlie. “Okay, fine, I'll give you a massage. How about a... foot massage?”
Nick's eyes widened. “Um, no, I'm – I'm good actually.”
Bingo. “Oh really? Why's that, then?”
“Um...” Nick sat up slightly and tried to move his legs, but they barely budged with Charlie's full body weight on top of them. His fate seemed to fully dawn on him then and he flopped backwards, hands covering his face and a nervous laugh bubbling out of him. “Shit.”
“So first thing's first – socks. You won't be needing those.” Charlie reached behind him and, with some skill considering he couldn't see what he was doing, slowly peeled off Nick's socks one at a time. Even just these simple movements caused Nick's feet to twitch slightly, and Charlie bit back a smile. He'd surely hit the jackpot here.
“Would you mind telling me what you're doing?” Nick asked, clearly attempting to give him the stink eye through the gaps in the hands covering his face.
Charlie thought about it. “Homework,” he said simply, before reaching back to run a single finger gently along the arch of Nick's bare foot. The reaction was immediate and delicious – the scrunching of the toes, the panicked gasp of “Charlie!”. Charlie chuckled and brought his hand back in front of him.
“This is so unfair,” Nick whined, trying again to shift his feet but with absolutely no success.
“Consider it payback for the many times you've reduced me to a squealing mess.” He leaned closer, to whisper in Nick's ear. “You're about to get wrecked, Nelson.”
“I – no – come on, please -”
“Begging already, are we?”
“Will it make you stop?”
“Definitely not. We have to find that giggle.” He paused, struck with a sudden thought. “Oh and by the way, your safeword is bubblegum.”
“I – okay – but Charlie -” Nick screwed his eyes shut. The anticipatory giggles were already starting to sneak their way out of him, and Charlie's heart melted at the sound. He leaned forward again to press a kiss to the tip of Nick's nose.
“You're so fucking cute – I haven't even started yet,” Charlie smiled.
“Yeah, but -” Nick ran his fingers through his hair anxiously. “My feet are so ticklish, I might actually die.”
“Well, the ticklish truth is finally coming out. Also, you definitely won't die. Now stop distracting me.” He reached behind him again with his right hand, hovering close to Nick's foot for a few moments for dramatic effect. Nick groaned loudly as the seconds passed.
“Such a tease...” he muttered.
When Charlie could hold back no longer, he went straight for Nick's arch with purpose, scribbling his fingers vigorously over the soft skin. To his delight, Nick fell to pieces instantly, emitting a high-pitched squeal that Charlie had definitely never heard him make before. It was immediately followed by chuckles which quickly turned into desperate, breathy giggles as Charlie moved up to scratch at the back of his toes.
“No no no no no, Charlie ple - hease -” Nick spat out through giggles, his face scrunched up in a beautiful combination of euphoria and torture. His hands gripped the pillow behind his head. Charlie didn't let up, focusing in on the base of his big toe that was evidently incredibly ticklish based on the strangled cry he let out, and in a moment of pure evil, Charlie reached behind him with his other hand and attacked both big toes at once, producing a new bout of uncontrollable laughter. He didn't turn around as he didn't want to miss a second of Nick's helpless reactions.
“Yep, this is how I d-die,” Nick managed to get out, writhing from side to side in ticklish desperation.
“How does it feel, Nick? Do you promise never to tickle me again?” Charlie knew he didn't actually want this, but he also knew Nick would never agree to it either.
“I can never p-promise that – oh god, stohohop -” Charlie had moved back down to the arches of his feet in just the right spot, and Nick's hips bucked as the giggles poured out in a constant stream. Charlie wished he could bottle the sound. He focused on the killer spots of Nick's feet for a solid few minutes, often giggling along with him as he worked his magic, but listening carefully for any utterances of the safe word. It was only when Nick's laughter turned completely silent that he let up. He pulled his hands back to his front but stayed perched on Nick's legs, watching him recover fondly.
“I hate you,” Nick said weakly, a few moments later. “I also love you, but I hate you. Just so you know.”
Charlie just grinned and leaned forward to lie gently on top of him, resting his chin on Nick's chest. “I love you too,” he said, suddenly feeling bashful and overwhelmed with affection. “I can't really deal with how cute you are.”
Nick just rolled his eyes and smiled at him. “Do you know who else is cute? My very ticklish boyfriend.” And Charlie should have predicted what would happen next as Nick's hands reached greedily for his sides.
He wasn't really complaining.
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littleleeme · 1 year
How illegal is it to use lee's Tumblr posts to tease them while tickling them?
-"Ohhh you reblogged this gif the 🙈 emoiji? I'm going to try the same technique on you"
-"Let's see what you said here about how much you want to be tickled." *reads the lee's Tumblr posts
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littleleeme · 1 year
I love turning gentle tickles mean just by making them go on and on. How long can you last if I lightly drag my fingers around your stomach? Do I even need to brush your feet if I can make you into a giggly mess just running one finger up and down your sole? (Yes, obviously, but still).
Sometimes making a lee melt is more fun than making a lee break. I could spend hours doing nothing but teasing you and making sure that ticklish feeling on you just doesn't stop no matter what.
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littleleeme · 1 year
reblog this is you’re a lee that needs to be tickled but is too shy to ask for tickles
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littleleeme · 1 year
Every time my husband and I are watching a TV show/film and a tickle scene comes on my husband stares at me with a big grin on his face and it gets me so freaking flustered cause he just KNOWS
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littleleeme · 1 year
You Raise Me Up (Charlie/Nick)
Summary: Nick's obsession with picking Charlie up leads to cute discoveries, which lead to even cuter confessions. (Based on an anoymous prompt!! Hope y'all enjoy it!! xo)
It all started because of Nick Nelson and his stupidly strong rugby arms. Somehow, Nick has convinced himself that picking Charlie up and carrying him is his obligation as a boyfriend.
So, it’s become a very common occurrence for Charlie to be lifted off his feet, a surprised gasp followed by giggles, clinging to Nick like a koala.
And because Nick is stupidly strong, he makes it seem as easy as breathing to lift Charlie in every which way — scooping him up in a bridal carry, over his shoulder like a fireman, or the classic piggyback.
Clearly, all those just weren’t enough for Nick, who needs to add new techniques of literally sweeping his boyfriend off his feet to his repertoire, and one day, decides that sticking his hands under Charlie’s arms js the new thing he wants to try.
Rather than a surprised sound followed by fond laughter, the reaction that Nick gets is something akin to a shriek, although Charlie will deny that.
“Are you okay?” Nick asks, pulling his hands away as though he’d been burned.
Charlie’s cheeks are pink, his eyes wide. “No—I mean, yes, I’m okay, I just—I’m really ticklish,” he splutters, the admission making his face flush more.
Nick’s worried expression quickly melts away and is replaced by a mischievous grin. “Oh, you are?”
The giggling starts before he’s even been touched. “Nick, please, I can’t,” he babbles, but he doesn’t make a move to escape. If he really wanted to, he could take off running and by the time Nick caught him, they’d likely be breathless and too exhausted for such antics, but something like curiosity, maybe even excitement, keeps Charlie rooted to the spot.
He goes down easily when Nick manhandles him to the ground, but he makes a show of swearing and half-heartedly kicking his legs. Once he’s flat on his back, Nick’s hands worm their way back under his arms easily, and he squeals. “Cut it out!”
“Absolutely not,” Nick replies. “This is the most adorable thing I’ve ever seen.”
Charlie whines between his high-pitched laughter, the flustering compliments not at all helping him maintain a shred of dignity throughout this ordeal. “Shut up!”
A gasp of mock offense is followed by fingers scribbling with twice as much vigor, making Charlie cackle and blurt out nonsensical apologies.
The two boys end up in the grass, Nick hovering over him and kissing the residual giggles off of his lips.
Ever since, Nick has been tickling him a lot, and Charlie…Well, he doesn’t hate it half as much as he pretends to.
He’s grown up with siblings, and his friends have never shied away from giving him playful affection. He sees it as a form of closeness, bonding, and love. When Nick tickles him, it makes Charlie feel adored, but his body still kicks into the same fight-or-flight that has nearly broken Tori’s nose multiple times.
Two weeks later, they’re in Nick’s bedroom, playing Mario Kart when Nick latches onto Charlie’s knee and squeezes it until his car falls off the edge of the track, knocking him back into 8th place.
“No, stop tickling me!” he cries. “You cheater!”
Nick chuckles, saying a half-hearted apology, but he actually does stop, which surprises Charlie. Although it embarrasses him to think about, he didn’t…actually want him to stop. Even if it cost him the round of Mario Kart, which was saying something.
But they continue the game as normal, and Charlie still manages to get back up to first place despite Nick’s interference. 
They cuddle in bed after, and Charlie tries not to overthink why Nick had stopped. But overthinking is his biggest talent and hobby, so the attempt is futile.
“You alright?” Nick asks, poking his cheek.
Charlie nods.
“Did I upset you when I tickled you during the game?” he asks. “I know it was technically cheating, but I think it was fair considering you still managed to beat me.”
There’s a light, teasing tone to his words, but his smile is soft and apologetic.
“No, not at all!” Charlie reassures him. “Actually, I…Well, normally you don’t do it so briefly, so I was kind of surprised that you stopped.”
Nick’s smile brightens. “Well, you did literally tell me to stop.”
Charlie flushes. “Yeah, but…I don’t know, it’s sort of just instinct to say that. It doesn’t always mean that I—that I actually want you to.”
“You are the most adorable person on this planet,” Nick says, pulling him into a tight hug. “You give me cuteness aggression. I just want to squeeze you.”
Charlie laughs, squirming weakly in the embrace. “You’re crushing me, you brute!”
Nick takes the insult as an opportunity to stick his hands under Charlie’s arms. “Now that I know you don’t mind this, I’m never gonna stop,” he whispers.
Charlie decides that he likes the sound of that.
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littleleeme · 1 year
thinkin about being straddled by a ler and having them whisper all the things they plan on doing to me in my ear while they have my hands pinned above my head. and of course they’re saying all of this a littleeee too close to my ears n my neck so every single word tickles
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littleleeme · 1 year
Her laugh is so genuine.
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littleleeme · 1 year
Explaining a tickling kink/fetish/fixation is so difficult. Because on one hand you can just call it a kink and be done with it. But that doesn't really encompass all that tickling is, at least for me, and especially for people who like it strictly platonically. But that's almost just easier to say? But how do I explain that its so much more than that?
Like it doesn't just turn me on,and it doesn't always turn me on. I just enjoy the feeling. It makes me so incredibly happy. I love the feeling of vulnerability, the panicked feeling when it first starts. How do I explain that I literally crave it, almost constantly, and most of the time in a completely platonic and innocent way? Especially after ive just introduced it as a kink?
Like, please just tickle me. I always love tickles. For any reason. I just wanna be pinned and tickled until I'm squealing and out of breathe. I wanna be teased into oblivion until my face is bright red and I can't think straight. Just tickle me until I cant take anymore, and cuddle me tight and kiss my forehead and tell me how good I did.
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littleleeme · 1 year
Please tickle my feet.
Have me lie on my stomach before you sit on my calves. Take your fingers and trace along my ruffle socks until I am pleading through my giggles. Slowly peel my socks off one by one while I'm begging you to leave them on. Take a stiff feather and brush it along my soles until I am laughing myself silly with tears in my eyes. Then, when I scream that I can't take anymore... keep going.
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