tamedstray · 4 months
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@tadbitfooled 𝒂𝒔𝒌𝒆𝒅 ❝But those stories you heard? All true.❞ —Brinus, to Cain
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❝Good.❞ Sharp and quick, Cain purrs as a wide smile spreads across his lips. If rumour wasn't enough, Brinus had such an enthralling stench of death that lured Cain in with one silent, swift motion. In an instant, the warlock is leaning into Brinus' space with his curious head tilted, taking the man in.
      ❝I never doubted you. But I'd much rather hear those stories coming from your lips. Pretty please? In fact, make sure to spare no sordid details. I won't judge.❞
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wrecksme · 13 days
open to : fems .
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                   “      i'm      here      'cause      ...      'cause      i      miss      you     .      i      miss      us     .     ”
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7sweets · 14 days
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he's shoving a breakfast burrito into his mouth when the girl comes into the room . cain had been there all night , staying with connor . they two boys up most of the night gaming together & watching movies . dark circles are clear around his eyes as his gaze meets hers . "what are you looking at ? " comment is said , mouth still half full with food .
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kneesbruised · 5 months
◝ ' closed for @begsfor :
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                   ❝    don't    know    why    you    bother    even    asking    me   ,    if    you're    just    gonna    believe    the    bullshit    they    post ,    anyway   .    ❞
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mg549 · 1 year
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art fight attack for @scrambled-greggs!
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fakedsciences-a · 2 years
<<Your Spanish is good, young man, but if you start to annoy me, I will switch back to English, and I will talk down to you like a fucking child, and you will feel very stupid. Do you understand?>>
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<<Now, be honest with me.>> Because you look like shit and you smell a bit, but I am too polite to say so aloud. I will just look at you, a little bit disgusted.
<<Tonight. Where do you have to sleep.>>
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vitalphenomena · 9 months
<<You get your apartment, your boyfriend, your puppy dog, you think you are too good for us, hm? You think you are better than me and your dad?>>
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He looks serious. Then a smile breaks out.
<<Come here, come here. I am making dinner. Marco has let me skip my turn too many times this week.>>
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miyamins · 2 years
♡       SORPRESA       ——  con @icaint
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visita médica termina más temprano de lo que espera, quitarle un par de puntos, limpiar heridas que todavía no terminan de curar y preguntarle porque habían heridas cerradas de forma tan bruta. por supuesto, termina por no dar mucho detalle, no les mencionaría nada de gordon. aún así, agradece que bada pagó sus cuentas de hospital, allí era todo más sencillo y menos doloroso. se pierde en sus pensamientos, audífonos a todo volumen lo separan a él del mundo, hasta que silueta familiar le llama la atención y sin importarle que tan lejos estuviese corre detrás de él.   ‘   ¡nat!   ’    le grita intentando llamar su atención hasta que finalmente lo alcanza.  ‘  ¿por qué caminas tan rápido?   ’   contesta sonriente, a pesar de que heridas le regañaban por correr. 
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xliilith · 2 years
where. lupercalia who. @xcainx​
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Why Lilith had decided to attend this little charade of bravery and strength was simply beyond her. Lycans had always been such filthy little beasts, much like the first one. Though Lycaon did indeed hold a special little place in her heart. But the rest of them --- vile, disgusting. Did they even shower? For she was certainly that she had never smelled anything as atrocious as the lycan that almost touched her. “You are --- seeing one of these creatures?” She asked with as neutral of a tone as she could muster, for it was becoming rather difficult to keep the nauseated look off her features. 
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tamedstray · 30 days
>:| kicks Cain in the shin
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Cain bites his tongue, a sharp exhale slowly shifting into a pleased groan. He greets Luna with a grin, flashing his teeth as he hisses through them. ❝I love you too. Now, what's the safeword?❞
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bebs-art-gallery · 4 months
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Art by Essi Välimäki
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ochibrochi · 2 months
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america's sweetheart olympian 🥇
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kneesbruised · 5 months
◝ ' closed for @fairyridden :
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                   ❝    are    you    seriously    upset    right    now    ?    i    mean    ―    what    did    you    expect    ?    i    can't    just    drop    everything    for    you   .    ❞
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lovelylonelymoonlight · 2 months
Bruce unintentionally dissing the league while praising his kids is so funny to me
Bruce: we need an expert marksman for this job
Oliver: *getting ready to stand up to fully accept Bruce’s praise*
Bruce: Redhood will be here shortly. We also need someone quick on their feet. Luckily Cass is working on a case nearby so we can ask her
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fakedsciences-a · 2 years
@jupiter3 // kitsey
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"You never did come to visit."
He shouldn't know so much about where Kitsey Nolan likes to go. Unfortunately, the whole world does. Unfortunately, Kieran did, and so, now, does Cain.
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lokutofu · 2 months
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World’s Greatest Detective fails to correctly identify his children 😭
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