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i might move blogs ... i fear
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event was far from over , but that didn't bother him much . in fact ― it meant most of the attendees would keep busy , and would not wonder where he'd disappeared to . the words falling from femme's lips have him stunned into silence , at least for a few moments . could go on & on about how she continues to surprise him ... but he's far too distracted now to say anything about it . skin elicits goosebumps in her fingers wake , & he's keen to give her exactly what she's asking for . ( of course he is . ) “ yes , i can . ” it's the simplest of responses , 'cause everything else he'd like to say right now would be better in the vicinity of just them two . loves that she doesn't quite care about being brazen right now , though . turns him on , actually . more than he already was , & he's staying put for another millisecond just to watch her lick her lips , before he's taking her hand once more ― leading the way to previously mentioned restroom . it wasn't romantic , but he didn't really want that right now ... and something was telling him that she didn't either . silently thanks whatever's up above that there's a lock on the door , and he's swift in clicking it . almost as quick as he is in tugging her to his chest again , once they're safely inside ― but he's acutely aware that she's just not close enough . “ c'mere , ” breathes , brims all but smashing into her own , hungry & intently . he steps forward , bringing her with him until she's pressed into the counter . large , tatted , hands feverish in the way they slip beneath the hem of her dress , before he's lifting her by supple thighs & atop the marble . settles nicely between her legs , lips immediately descending to the expanse of her neck . “ fuck ... i miss you . ”
even olive doesn’t know her own angle . but , she knows one thing : she does want him , in any capacity given . understands the leverage of past situations and how realistically , she could be doing anything and he’d probably fold ── but also knew that she wasn’t that kind of person . no matter how much she wished to be sometimes . a yearning of months now has come to the forefront , written all over her face , and momentarily , she thanks the alcohol for the surface . “ far too much . ” timbre falls softer now while humming in agreeance , especially once frame is flush , manicured digits coming to support self on homme’s chest , a slight graze of acrylic settling on the material of his shirt for the evening . chin will jut next , a burning sensation in her peripheral from on goers ( one or two , nothing drastic ) but at least now she doesn’t have to worry about hiding such . brow quirks , then tongue dances across lower brim , residue of wine almost serving as a reminder . hand comes to run alongside the curve of grey’s neck , threading between the tuffs of his hair while she speaks , freely , that is . “ yeah ? you gonna take me back there and fuck me , grey ? can you do that ── for me ? please . ”
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can't tell if she's fucking with him or not , however , would like to think he knows her better than that . her anger toward him could encompass everything else , doesn't think she'd be able to joke right now if she wasn't serious . & if it was a game she was playing , he was undoubtedly like putty in her hands . would give this woman anything she asked for ... quite literally . hues narrow , as if he's trying to read more into it , but there's nothing on her expression except ... lust ? it had been a while since he'd seen that . “ hmmm , couldn't agree more . think i've given them enough attention tonight , don't you think ? ” slips arm around her waist , tugging her in taut to his chest . at this point , doesn't give a fuck who's watching or who isn't . in fact , maybe it'd do them some good in the public's eye . ( all they ever seemed to talk about lately is why olive was still with him . ) “ i can make that work , most definitely . i'd love to take you home , but if you're missing it that bad ― the bathroom in this place is pretty , well ... spacious . ”
there’s a smile that paints itself over her lips , gloss shimmers as she all but stares . watches , observes his reaction and words . in fact , brings a light , aired , hum to elicit from the back of her throat . then , she nods through confirmation . slight , but there . good , she thinks . however , words come out soon enough ── and they’re of similar cadence . “ mhm , grey . been too long , wouldn’t you agree ? ” lets that slip into conversation casually , doesn’t know the reaction about to settle but olive can’t help it ── gets brushed off the second it’s said though , and she’s releasing soft laugh . a chortle , in the wake of his hands ghosting her cheek . “ ‘cause , everyone else here ? not important . i just want you . ” repeats his query in her own form , solidifies it even , a need to be close grazes her insides , and it’s near enough obvious . “ think you can make that work ? ”
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there's no universe in which they actually end up together , but fuck , does it sound good when she says it . almost like he could blindly believe it for a moment or two ― before reality is smacking him in the face again . there was a reason she wasn't his anymore ... many reasons , actually . & maybe her parents had been on to something when they told her stay away from him , at least he knew she was safer that way . still , it was hell on earth watching her go off and be with someone else . had his faults ... his career being the biggest one , but it never made him love her any less , or treat her less than she deserved . but , he'll halt himself before he continues going down that rabbit hole . “ you don't actually mean that shit , dani . ” speaks , the sentiment meant to convince them both of the façade they're speaking about . would love for it be feasible , for her to actually see an out that way , but he knows better . offers a shrug , shoulders rising & falling quite drastically . “ but ― since you're being all honest right now , there is a reason you came to me , and no one else isn't there ? ... a reason you wanna do all that cheesy crap with me ? and not him ? i just mean ... tell me what you really came here for . what you really want me to say ― 'cause i think we both know . ”
isn’t shocked to hear potential plans of saying yes to be thwarted for someone’s benefit other than her own , expecting the lecture at some point within their conversation . ❝ save your breath , i can already hear it playing again and again in my head . super brutal but super . . necessary , i guess . ❞ notes the relatively ease in which she’s quick to divulge the deepest , darkest parts of herself to not be met with shame , one of the most important reasons as to why connection remains . practically tethered to male without realization . does realize , on the flip side , how dire to was to make a move as soon as possible in the hopes of concluding this chapter . almost feels silly once she's able to take a step back from it , male's insight providing an entirely new ( and super convincing ) perspective that hadn't been accounted for prior . can say that it makes decision a little more easier on her heart . sure , this was enough to shake entirety of her core but had to be for the better . ❝ i believe you . . ──── let's go . . . ❞ quick to blurt out from between her lips , serious tone to it , almost a pleading expression across usually soft and airy features . couldn't think of anyone better to tag along and forget the usual routine of her ordinary life , could experience something new and then some with something familiar . something consistent . ❝ i'll call it off and we'll just go . see the world for a few , come back when we're ready ── or hey , maybe not . i just know i want to do it with you . ❞
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there's eyes on them ... a lot of eyes . but he can't seem to find it in himself to care all that much right now . not when hers were on him . ( & only him . ) a luxury he's previously taken for granted , but would never again . wasn't expecting this , to put it plainly ... seemed as though she had lots of surprises up her sleeve tonight . “ all yours . ” and though timbre is hushed , he asserts the words with a conviction like never before , like he desperately needs her to believe them . despite not feeling the ring clad to her tiny finger , he refuses to ruin the moment by mentioning it , & instead will untangle their digits ― reaching up as the back of tatted knuckles skim the side of her face . “ is that what you want ? all my attention on you ? ” needs the confirmation . apart from sloppy , aggressive , makeout session in his hotel room ... it had felt like ages since he'd been this close to her .
known to stay far away from places like this , olive’s even surprising herself when she effectively agrees . doesn’t know that if hours ago , she was riddled with some kind of insecurity … an anxious pit in her stomach for what could’ve happened , all leading her to be at grey’s side . she’d kick herself if a repeat occurred , knew that much . “ all mine ? ” question slips out as if she’s asking him to repeat such , a confirmation settling on the tip of her tongue while fingers interlock . but , knows more than to pry … to push further than needed . olive is calmer now , and she’d be thanking the wine . “ well , in that case ── ” a pause , strokes backside of his hand languidly with pad of thumb . “ can you turn off your work brain ? stop schmoozing , unless it’s with me . ”
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stifles a laugh as he confirms her suspicions ... not that it was needed . femme was well aware of how the other's girlfriend felt about her . that much was even more so evident at her plea to make them stop talking ― didn't particularly want to be this kind of girl , but she couldn't help how she felt & simply couldn't imagine asher not being in her life . ( & it was clear he felt the same way . ) was unexpected , however , his sudden close proximity as he speaks , though she welcomes it . “ mhm , is that so ? ” matches the lower octave in his timbre , challenging him silently as hues lid contentedly . “ please , you'd miss me and my shit talking mouth after , what ? a�� day ? maybe even an hour . ” teases , reaches up to wrap limbs around his neck ... a dangerous game they were playing , & she could only imagine what his girlfriend would say if she'd walked in right now . despite the thought , brushes her nose against his own before speaking up again . “ ... maybe we should call it even then , hm ? ”
' okay , maybe she doesn't like you . ' homme folds immediately , how the two felt about one another was obvious , there was no use trying to convince josie of anything else . but asher didn't care either , he probably should but male could tell their break up would be imminent . after all , pair weren't even halfway to being serious enough for her to demand he stop being in contact with one of his best friends slash the love of his life . but they were having fun , for now , so he didn't want to end it yet . ' oh , now you're talking shit . i could stay away from you . ' male laughs with another eye roll , gently pushing fem's head away form him . ' you're the one that would come crawling back 'cause you miss me too much . ' catches her gaze as josie mentions still being in love with her , expression turns serious as he steps closer , large hands resting on her hips . ' no , that's a little far fetched . ' male whispers , his timbre playful as he rests his head against hers . ' you still being in love with me sounds more realistic . '
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had spent the evening networking ... schmoozing , if one would say . it was all part of the job . was rare for olive to join him , but he certainly wasn't complaining ― it actually gave him comfort , some kind of semblance of normalcy for the pair . several months of pining , not knowing where they stood , it was nice to simply relax with her beside him . “ hmmmm ... ? ” hues pick up on her countenance immediately , for a beat thinking she was actually upset , but shoulders relax once he realizes she's teasing . slips hand into her own fully , facing her with drink in his grasp . “ ― you know all you've gotta do is ask , i'm all yours . ”
closed for @wrecksme !
“ i’ve had enough of watching you talk to everyone else , ” tongue is coated with favourite drink , timbre borders a whisper while she rocks back and forth on heels . intoxication riddles her , should’ve known that at least that was an opportunity to confess such to homme . they’re in a good spot right now ── for how long , olive isn’t sure , but she’ll bask in the feeling of wine against her lips and also how her fingers play coyly with his in the process . “ what’ve i got to do for some attention ? ”
#misfireds#grey.#ahhh drunken flirtation#as if they r not literally engaged#and he cheated on her months ago#GHSKJGF
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+ 128 gifs of amberly yang have been added to the gif pack in the source , bringing the grand total to #244 gifs .
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open to : fems . plot : acotar themed . nox is a member of the night court , high fae . your muse is his mate though they refuse to acknowledge it or respect it / him . he's absolutely infatuated with her , despite it . teehee .
doesn't wish to be angry with her ... no , in fact he'd much prefer the exact opposite . however , given her denial of homme being her mate , & her escapades around the night court ... he found it hard to maintain that very desire to share the same space as her . perhaps it could've been easier , if she were of different nobility , but they were forced to both be here ... the same city , the same bars , the same parties . it was borderline unbearable , & he found himself unable to sleep most nights because of the pain it caused him . “ as a courtesy , and respect for my mate ― i allow you to sleep within this estate's walls . would it actually cause you so much discomfort to show the same consideration in regards to me ? ” could deal with the whispers of her partners , but seeing it ... actually seeing it with his own two eyes was devastating . even more so , she gave not a care in the world to hide it from him . to be discreet . “ ... you exist just to vex me , i've convinced myself of it . does it not pain you , as well ? to feel how you depress me and every crevice of my mind ? ” because he certainly could feel her emotions , how she enjoyed herself every evening . ( it's why he went to bed with a bottle of whiskey on his side table most evenings . )
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open to : mascs . plot : acotar themed . lumi is the daughter of the high lord of the winter court . your muse is her mate , and to keep their courts in good graces , her father married her off to him without them properly meeting / spending time together . lumi's growing impatient with them ignoring her ... clearly GJHSDKG .
hasn't the slightest inkling how they do it ... share the same space alongside femme , & ignore her at the same time . finds the prospect of having her move here futile ― senseless . at least back home she'd had her family , her friends . she wasn't lonely ... here , however , it was a completely different story . had assumed this link they'd procured would be something ethereal , of actual magic . perhaps that was her own fault , having read the endless amounts of fairytales on the shelves of her father's library . her parents relationship as well , enough to have her sat , wishing for that for herself . this wasn't what she expected to come from the bond ... the furthest thing from it , if she were being honest . it's why she finds herself at their chamber door at the latest of hours , her will-power clearly not as strong & ever-present as theirs . “ apologies for the intrusion ― ” singular brow quirks , tiniest hint of simper gracing cherubic features . ( she's not really apologetic , and she'll wonder if only for a beat or two if he could feel that . ) “ ... can't seem to sleep , your ugly mug keeps finding itself into my dreams . think i'm owed an apology . ” tone is that of a teasing nature , but part of it is true . couldn't shut her eyes & rest for more than a few moments without their shared bond rearing it's head .
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i need period / acotar things i fear ... immediately JHFSKJGF
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“ saying she still likes me would mean she had to of liked me to begin with ... which isn't the case . not that i care ― it only matters if she actually makes you stop talking to me . ” asserts , the last thing she wants is to drive a wedge between them , especially if new girlfriend really does make him happy . ( but , she has her own opinions on that . ) mirrors the playfulness in his expression within her own , and it's almost like they can't help it when they're around one another . “ ha - haaa ... very funny . you wouldn't be able to stay away from me for too long , anyway . even if you had listened to her . ” singular brow quirks , hint of a challenging giggle pushes past brims . “ oh , only if i'm still in love with you ? she doesn't mind if it's the other way around ? ”
' you're always dramatic . and that's a lie , she still likes you ––– kinda . ' the only person lying was asher , other fem didn't particularly like josie but that was mainly due to the fact that she had to watch pair continue to flirt and be all over each other even after they broke up –––– only reducing physical touch slightly after finally locking homme down . ' what do you mean why ? alright , fine . we can actually stop being friends if you're gonna complain again . ' male jests , smile on his lips as asher playfully rolls his eyes . ' not really , i mean –––– unless you're still in love with me , i'm sure it'll be fine . '
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“ i'm not being dramatic ... she's always had it out for me , she doesn't even know me . ” ― “ wait , you did ? why ? isn't that gonna like , severely complicate your relationship ? i highly doubt she's just okay with you telling her to suck it up . ”
' you're being dramatic , she didn't even say that . she just thinks being friends with your ex is a red flag , that's all . you can calm down 'cause i told her she's just gonna have to get over it . '
#eviils#josie.#ooo this is a sexy pairing if i do say so myself#JKGHSJKG#she's trying not to be giddy that he told her to get over it
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“ so what , you're gonna force yourself to spend the rest of your life with evan for your parents benefit ? c'mon now . you already know what i'm gonna say to that . ” had been on the brunt end of femme's parents hatred , so could put two & two together as to why their approval was important to her . he'd never understand it himself , but he wouldn't berate her for it ― he'd never know what it's like to be that close with anyone in his own family . doesn't even have time to process her proposal to skip town before next query is rendering him speechless ... if only for a moment or two . “ i mean , yeah . i would . but does that really matter all that much to you if he hates your guts or not ? if you're not gonna marry the guy ― you'll never have to see 'em again . ” states matter of factly , though he's teetering on the line of overstepping in his advice . their friendship was odd , undoubtedly , but it's like she's giving him a pass to speak his mind every time she speaks . “ 'sides ― it'd be a lot different if it were me popping the question ... also , you know i would , right ? skip outta here with you . i know a spot where we can get fake ids . ” jokes , chuckle emitting after sentiment is spoken aloud .
usually so sure - footed and passionate about her stance on love and concepts alike , except situation seems more severe than her conjured up cinderella story could’ve prepared her for . realization that the rest of her life would remain in other male’s hands was scary , just as santo relates back , swaying opinion to the opposing side with every point they make . fuck , this was insanity . ❝ right , cause shattering his heart and my parents’ hearts is so much easier . . this is a lot , ❞ sports a momentary look of concern , sure she’s only keeping wits concealed due to santo’s presence . honesty produces a smile as it remains clear , obviously only person to share innermost secrets to . ❝ be consistent and take my mind off of this whole thing . skip town , change our names , way more effort but less heartache . just , continue being honest , ❞ looks up at him , utmost curiosity in her eyes , almost devilish need to pinpoint other’s emotions regarding self , ❝ am i a bad person ? like , if you were evan , would you hate me ? ❞
#gre3dy#santo.#me thinks they broke up bc her parents hate him#SJHGKSG#he big drug dealer#also luv how he's immediately like yes let's leave town :)
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