#cad bane x ahsoka tano
sinisterexaggerator · 2 years
I'm so glad you're not dead - Chapter 2
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Pairing: Cad Bane x Ahsoka Tano. To reiterate, she is a grown ass adult woman of 32 years old around this time. It takes place during Star Wars: Rebels.
Warning: NSFW / 18+ Smut - Cunnilingus, penis in vagina, light bondage, foul language, pining, biting, titty sucking, double-Duros dicks, slapping, mild-degradation, age difference, improper use of the Force. This is a crackfic, though it may turn serious. Ahsoka is the one in the position of power here, and Cad Bane is smitten by her.
Word count: 3.8+
Fic summary: Ahsoka Tano and Cad Bane meet in an unexpected place years after the Clone Wars have ended, now Ahsoka is addicted to his scent, that Duros dick, and Cad Bane is infatuated with her. She is after all, one of the last "Jedi" to traverse the Galaxy, and a bold adversary - one he wants to sink his fangs into, but could he be falling for her, and just who is this ... "Fulcrum?"
Chapter Summary: Cad Bane awakens in a strange place with no explanation. He was on the hunt, but now he's stuck - bound in cuffs.
*Inspired loosely by: this work of art
"Heaven's Scent" headcanon indirectly mentioned and credited to @amiquinn99
Bane’s eyes shot open. His wrists were sore; he wasn’t sure why the room was dark. He felt naked, though he was clothed. His hat was missing; he was in someone else’s prison hold.
This cell was bigger than his, wider, and it had benches with which to sit. He was seated upon one of them, with his arms locked high above his head. He was strung up like a piece of salted meat on a butcher’s windowsill, and though Cad Bane was not often scared, he had no idea what had become of him.
The last thing he remembers was being on the hunt. He was closer to his quarry then than he had ever been. This man was wanted in three different systems, the price was worth the effort, but then everything went black. This had never happened to him.
The very idea he had let his guard down was repugnant. Who could get one over on him? Was he really just that old, slow, and decrepit? Was it time to hang his hat? If he ever got it back…
He was suddenly worried about slave traders. Along with his favorite accessory, his boots were gone to top it off. His legs had been left spread, and his ankles were bound to an O-ring that was affixed to this ship’s hull.
He was fastened down by a length of chain. He jingled it, though he felt somewhat groggy. His upper lip curled into a snarl as his vision began to clear. He had been in worse situations, and he would figure a way out of this.
Cad Bane had thin fingers and lithe wrists. He began to twist and manipulate his appendages, though before he could make any real progress, a set of double doors slid open.
A towering figure lingered in the entrance; their persona was intimidating. Perhaps it was the aura that was exuded, or the way the dark silhouette stood brooding. A cloak guarded their appearance, and though Bane’s eyes were sharp, he could not register who lay beneath the garment until it was shucked down off their shoulders.
The darkness was chased away by the activation of twin lightsabers. Ahsoka Tano stood before him in her full leather regalia. Her feminine form basked in the only luminescence in the room, her pretty lips distorted into a sullen frown. She sported a look that bordered wrath, and her eyes were narrowed with contempt and malice.
“What did you do to me?” she asked, her voice containing notes of earnest and pure spitefulness. Her teeth were bared, her words spit out through the space between them, as her inquiry was meant to be taken seriously.
Bane stared at her with his mouth partway hanging open. His own eyes were narrowed as he blinked, confounded. His first thought was this Togruta had lost her mind, as Cad Bane hadn’t done anything to her since last they met. But oh, maybe that was it …
“I don’ know wha’cher talkin’ a’bout!” he seethed through his own bared teeth. He shook his bindings, knowing it was fruitless unless he took his time, though the motion had been reactionary. Cad Bane did not appreciate switching places of all things.
“Lemmie de kark’ out o’d’ese bindings Taano, ain’ got no bid’ness wit’cha! Ain’ smart crossin’ me, nei’ther!”
“Yes, you do,” she stated plainly as the former Jedi disengaged her sabers. The power of the Kyber crystals housed within rescinded and they were left in darkness until Ahsoka flipped a switch.
Cad Bane’s ruby gaze traveled over her shapely curves. Despite the situation, he would always be turned on by her. For now, he was mildly worried and feeling vulnerable. Regardless, his cocks remained dormant, that piercing stare finally lifting to meet her face-to-face.
“Care’ta en’light’en me?” he questioned, all but snarky. “Ain’ fair t’string me up when I donno  what fer. Don’ even wanna assk why you’ve gotta bondage rig n’yer sship...” he trailed off.
Even as he was curious, his throaty voice held a modicum of smarmy amusement. The Duros was smug, and Tano was less than enthused by it.
She replaced her weapons, strolling forward a step or two. She coiled her fingers into two small fists, ready to punch if she so chose to.
“You disgusting old man,” she antagonized him, her voice low and brimming with disdain. “Maker… You irritate me.”
“Ssounds like’a  per’so’nal problem.” Cad Bane flicked his tongue across his lips, his narrow hips shifting against the bench. A sinister smile peeked out; he could not help himself, and this only made Ahsoka Tano madder.
“And I can’t stop thinking about you,” she growled out like a beast in heat. Like the Duros species, Togruta were known to be predators in times long past.
“De’fin’it’ely a per’so’nal problem.”
Tano raised her hand and slapped Cad Bane across the face. She had held back the full force of all her strength. His eyes widened in shock and surprise as his grin faded, being replaced by a look that most likely meant he wished to kill.
“Think I need t’teach you'a lesson in e’ti’quette, girl,” Bane rasped out, though not having time to recoup as the next thing Ahsoka did made him second-guess.
“I’d love to see you try.”
Ahsoka clasped his chin; a thing Bane was known for doing to varied women. She held him still as she glared into his steely reflective orbs of red. “I’ll ask you one more time,” she finalized.
Bane leered back, questioning, his right brow ridge arched. They stayed this way for quite a while. Perhaps he was testing her, reading her expression, looking for an angle, or measuring the resolve she held deep within.
His cocks threshed in his pants as they started to become erect. His closeness to her, her alluring essence, her rabid fury was doing something to him.
He grinned again, leaning forward. He purred out a little rumble, taunting her maliciously. “What I think,” he declared, “Is lil' Shoky Taano wants ol' Cad Bane... don'cha, Jedi?” He almost laughed, though he managed to contain it. “I told ya’ you’d be baack,” he finished with a sneer, self-satisfied.
An animalistic sound erupted from Ahsoka’s throat. She took one or two steps back, lifting up her open palm. She called upon the Force, splitting the seam of Cad Bane’s pants and insulated suit right down the middle from groin to ass.
He gaped at her, fear overtaking his normally surly features. His gaze shot downward, both double Durosian dicks still quite intact, though now disrobed and left exposed as they dripped with an oily slick.
He clacked the cuffs again as he fidgeted, nearly fearing for his life. “Now, wait’a minute!” he uselessly cried out.
Ahsoka began stripping before his enlarged eyes – he looked startled, as if caught in the glowlamps of an approaching landspeeder, and Bane himself a dugar dugar captured in its light.
The chest plate came off first, then the rest of her outer armor. She shucked her boots off by unzipping them. She removed her gloves, then her skintight tunic. The pants were last, leaving the Togruta naked, lightsabers discarded on the floor along with her holsters and her belt.
Cad’s brow ridge crumpled, his expression faltering as his mouth fell open. His chest heaved raggedly as he took in the vision of Ahsoka in the buff – she was so gorgeous.
Bane felt like he had been struck by a Force lightning bolt, his scales teeming and tingling with a sense of longing. He wriggled in his seat, perhaps wanting to reach out for her, but he was bound, and so he sat there, dumbfounded.
Her tiny waist, her voluptuous hips, her peachy skin, and her perky tits – all of it. Cad Bane could not help himself; he rattled out a hungry moan of yearning, albeit quietly.
“Who wants who now, bounty hunter?”
He could not move; he was in a stupor, much less speak two words to her. His mouth closed as he bit his bottom lip, one fang digging into the meat of his blue flesh.
Cad Bane swallowed down his spit, Tano approaching slow and deliberate. He hassled on the bench, only kept upright by the tightness of his bindings.
Ahsoka lifted up one foot and spread one leg, placing it firmly upon the bench seat next to him. Her knee was bent, as if claiming Cad Bane as her property while he was forced to endure the scent of her sweet sex.
Bane vocalized a groan as he leaned forward closer to her. He pushed his forehead against her lower abdomen, so taut and firm. The Duros blushed, cheeks tinged with green, as he voluntarily buried his rostrum and his mouth upside her mound.
His tongue inched out; he slid that cold muscle betwixt her folds. Ahsoka gasped, her stomach flexing as he barely brushed the tip of it against her clit.
Fire consumed her belly, heat pooling between her legs as she reached out – Tano took hold of the lengths of chain just above where Bane’s arms and hands were stretched high and restrained.
She used them as leverage, tilting her body forward as she grasped the metal. Cad Bane interjected a sound of plaintive eagerness, whimpering into the increasing wetness of her loins.
“What are you doing?” she asked, somewhat annoyed. He had hardly touched her, stuck breathing in her natural fragrance.
“Ssmellin’ ya’,” he said offhand.
“Well, stop, weirdo.”
“Ain’ weird. Yer de one tyin’ me up an’ puttin’ yer purfect lil’ puss in m’face, ‘member?”
“Aren’t you lucky?” she quipped back, Ahsoka releasing one length of chain to press his head into her cunt more thoroughly.
Bane sighed heavily, his cocks convulsing as he tried to keep his loads contained. He couldn’t believe his precarious position, but he was quickly finding out he did not mind.
His tongue slithered out once more, fangs grazing against her ochre skin. Ahsoka shuddered as she held on tight, the Duros starting at the base of her now weeping slit. He licked a path right across her labia minora, and back up towards her pulsing bud.
He made sounds as if ravenous for her, his gravelly voice muffled by her muff. Even so, Cad Bane was gentle, probing, licking, sucking gingerly upon all her eight thousand nerve-ending.
“Mn. You taste like’a million creds,’” he proclaimed.
Even with sharp teeth, he knew what he was doing. He was careful not to nip her delectable naughty bits, though tempted.
“And you h-haven’t even come up for a-air,” Tano snickered, though he had sent a ripple through her, speech coming out disjoined.
‘Don’ haave to,” he pointed out what he thought was obvious, “got de tubes,” he said between more salacious grunts.
He snaked himself inside her, flexing that skilled organ to massage her inner walls. He curled his tongue, lapping at her excretions like a thirsty hound as he whined audibly. It was followed by a snarl, and the wet sounds of him buried deep within her as he dined.
“How the kriff are you so good at this?” Ahsoka asked, grip slipping as her legs began to waver.
“Good at’a’lotta thins’, lil’ lady,” he remarked, tongue roving up and out of her to focus on her swollen pearl.
He was feeling… amorous.
Cad Bane emitted a smell from the bands beneath his ribs. It had been reflexive, something that rarely happened to him. It was as if the heavens had opened up and rained down upon them the scent of angels fucking, Tano’s pupils constricting in a look of lust and pure adrenaline as it invaded all her senses.
Bane had increased his rhythm; he was beyond enthusiastic, furiously flicking her little bean at lightspeed until Ahsoka moaned his name.
“Kriff, Cad!” She came, no holds bar.
“Mmmhmhmm…” he chuckled to himself, licking one final stripe from the cusp of her vagina to the top of her belly button, spit dribbling down his chin as he inserted it into the tiny divot, tickling.
He kissed her stomach with a groan, wanting to dig his teeth in, instead rubbing his rostrum into the tone muscles of her abdomen.
“I’ll never geht tired’ o’hearin’ dat…” he admitted with a lecherous grin as he pulled away.
His expression tensed. If his species could, he might be sweating. Ahsoka looked ready to pounce, or to maim and murder him. She grabbed him by the throat and threw him back against the wall. He gasped out his surprise, on the brink of being terrified.
He couldn’t even protect himself! His arms and legs were bound! He grit his fangs as he tried to recoil from her the best he could, shoulders crimping at the gleam in the former Jedi’s eyes.
“Ta-Taano?” he asked sheepishly.
“What is that…”  she demanded, almost too quietly.
“What’s, what?” he asked meekly, fangs peeking in a show of anxiousness.
“That smell,” Ahsoka hissed, moving to sit astride Cad Bane’s naked lap. Her cunt brushed against his cocks, now half-mast in all his nervousness. Ahsoka was a formidable adversary; he had his hands full with her, even when they were not bound together as they were now.
“D-Duros, dey … I caan’t help it,” he alleged, floundering.
“Likely story,” the Togruta scowled, serrying her palms across Cad Bane’s shoulders. She pinned him against the hull, her neck dipping as she began to sniff him.
“It’s de truth! Got oil sacs! Haappens when …” the Duros tried to rationalize, squirming against this rather odd exchange, though he had been guilty of the same.
She started below where his ears would be beneath his skullcap, working her way down. She paused at his exposed bit of throat, scraping her teeth along its surface as she inhaled his odorous aroma.
Cad Bane moaned, twitched, having trouble keeping himself in check. Ahsoka laughed, ridiculing him. “Too easy.”
Then, she begged a question. “When what, old man?”
Cad Bane’s entire body seized up and clenched. He did not want to explain it to her. How could he tell Ahsoka Tano it was a release of pheromones, sensuous ones, that meant he fancied her in some respect?
He did not answer. Tano sunk down lower. She buried her nose below his armpits, breathing in his aromatic scent.
“Oh, shit, fuck, that’s the stuff. Right there,” she exclaimed, burrowing her entire face into the glands that ran along his ribs as if addicted.
She inhaled deeply, clawing her sharp nails into Cad Bane’s duster. He yelped a pathetic sound before she growled aloud, delving quickly, and taking up one of his two cocks.
“Caareful! Dat’s a’ttached!” the hunter croaked.
“You don’t say,” Ahsoka taunted, aligning its bulbous head upside her aching twat.
“I’m going to ride you into next week, asshole,” she insulted him, pushing down, imbibing his entire shaft and assimilating it within herself.
“Be gentle wit’ me,” Cad pleaded, “baack’s not what it used t’be.”
“Shut up,” Tano ordered, “you were fine last time,” she commented.
“Hurt fer weeks afta’,” he admitted between licentious, hefty breaths. Her pussy was so tight he could feel every square inch.
“Pathetic,” she emphasized, beginning to bounce atop him without remorse.
She grasped his second dick in her left hand, jerking him, Cad Bane gasping between every up and every down.
He wished that he could move. He wanted to grope her, touch her. He settled on leaning forward, taking up one teat between his fangs.
He bit.
“Ow! You fucking twit!” Ahsoka backhanded him.
He did not release his lock, but he loosened up. He carefully sucked, as if a babe nursing on her nonexistent milk. He worked his jaws, pulling, pinching, but just enough. He closed his eyes as he lightly nibbled, tongue encircling her nipple as he pulled back gently and extended it.
“That’s better,” Tano chirped, eyes rolling backward, the Togruta settling into a smoother rhythm as she undulated across his ribs and ridges.
“Thought ya’ liked it rough,” Bane mumbled between a mouth stuffed full of flesh, using the power of his hips to thrust up into her as she stroked his other cock.
Ahsoka hung on tight like a well-trained bull-rancor trainer, grinning like an idiot as she clapped back. “Quit yapping and giddyap.”
Cad Bane spit her tit out. “At yer service.”
The Duros stood the best he could, feet still spread wide and confined in their restrictive bindings. He drove his dick into her like a well-oiled engine piston, plunging deeper into her cunt with every pump.
Ahsoka held on for dear life so as not to slip, wrapping her toned arms around him. Bane made a sound as if he were near to cumming, Ahsoka reaching out with the power of the Force to halt his orgasm.
“Oh no, you don’t,” she commanded.
It felt like a cork had plugged him up, a bad case of blue balls setting in, no pun intended. He gnashed his teeth as his semen was stopped within his pipes, Cad Bane choking back a noise of disbelief.
“Wiiitch,” he hissed, trying harder with all his might. No matter how fast he laid his cock into her, he could not blow his load. “Whaat kinda Force ma’gic is diiiiis?” he asked, exasperated.
“The improper kind,” she simpered, slamming her cunt into his hips.
She felt the heat build, gnawing on her lower lip. “Be a good boy and keep this up, then I’ll let you cum,” she snickered.
Bane’s back was aching, he latched onto his chains. He held up his own body weight with the support of his wiry arms. He continued at a relentless pace, Tano vocalizing her satisfaction, or starting to, when a comm call broke through the airwaves, a voice traveling from her discarded pile of clothes.
“Fulcrum…” the voice hesitated.
Ahsoka nearly came down off her high. “Kriff, not now!” she angrily cried out.
“Fulcrum, do you read me? Come in.”
“Fulcrum? Who’s Fulcrum?” Cad Bane asked, words coming out in heavy breaths.
“Never you mind, just keep going!” she ordered him.
Cad Bane felt worn out, his testes hurt. He tried his best to give her what she wanted. Just as the comm rang out again Ahsoka Tano screamed in bliss, releasing her mind’s lock on Cad Bane’s double-cocks.
He came inside her in a torrent, and outside too, not exactly meaning to, but she had given him no warning. She rode her own pleasure to the end, collapsing when the Duros did.
Ahsoka rested on his chest as it fell in ragged puffs. He calmed himself, then began to work the cuffs.
Tano only stirred when she felt his fingers caressing her. She darted up. Cad Bane was smiling at her. It was disturbing.
“S’okay, I just wanted to-”
“Fulcrum, come in.”
Ahsoka used the Force to knock the comm out into the hall, Cad Bane tilting his head at her, rather curious.
“Dat you? You de Fulcrum? What kinda nickname is dat?” he inquired.
Ahsoka grabbed and clasped his hands, pushing herself off of him. His cum leaked down her legs – it was cold like last time.
“None of your business,” she snapped.
She left the room. Left Bane tied there with both his dicks now lying limply against his thigh as they started to retract, wanting to go back inside his body’s slot.
She had gathered up her comm, her clothes, only returning when she was fully dressed. Cad Bane thought to ask another question, not thinking she would answer.
“What ya’ involved in, Taano, if ya ain’t no Je’di?”
“That’s for me to know, and for you never to find out, so keep your mouth shut, bounty hunter.”
She waved an arm, releasing the cuffs that bound his ankles. Even so, Cad Bane felt he could not stand. Not yet. He frowned at her.
“Tell me, Sskywalker … is he-”
“Presumed dead,” she did not let him finish.
“An’ – an’ Ke’no’bi?”
The Togruta shrugged, though she had a hard time masking her emotions. “I don’t know,” she spoke flatly. “Also presumed dead.”
“What ha’ppened back den? Why did all de clones-”
“You talk too much. Leave,” Ahsoka said, turning her back on him.
“Dealt wit’ sso many o’dem o’va de years…” he drawled out, standing up, and stretching out his legs. “None of’em acted de way d’ese ones acted,” he proffered.
Ahsoka crossed her arms. “Yeah. No shit.”
“We been through’a lot, lil’ lady. De war, it was-”
“I said get out, Bane.”
He took his chances, wrapping one arm around her from behind. He buried his face within her Montral, thinking it felt soft, and squishy. He elicited a purr. “No need’ta rush, mebbe we can-”
Tano grabbed him by the wrist, flipping the old man over and above her horns and head. He fell down flat upon his back. Cad Bane stared up at her, feeling somewhat hurt, and not just physically.
He coughed, expelling a caught breath from his aching lungs. He did not budge, his long face contorted in confusion.
“I’ll give you until the count of three,” Tano reprimanded.
“All right, all right!” Bane glared up at her, rolling over and hobbling up.
“But what a’bout m’paants? D’ere ripped! Ever’y one’s gonna see meh-”
“Can I at least geht m’hat?”
Ahsoka called upon the Force to bring it to her. She tossed it like a frisbee directly into Bane’s outstretched, open palms.
“Mebbe m’boots, too? Ya’ ‘spect me t’walk baack t’town barefoot?” he carped.
Ahsoka growled again, storming off down the corridor. She returned with his unique footwear, threw his boots at him, Bane having to wobble from left to right as he shoved them on.
“Two and a half,” Tano muttered.
Cad Bane turned from her like a scolded pup, heading for the exit hatch. He murmured curses to himself, yelling back at her from across his shoulder. “Yer de one who brought meh ‘ere! I don’ even know where ‘ere is! Why don’ ya’ try askin’ nexxt time instead o‘just tyin’ me up an’ havin’ yer way wit’ me? Not very sportin’ like fer’a Jedi, no how!”
“There won’t be a next time,” Ahsoka spat. “And I’m not a damn Jedi!”
“Dat’s what ya’ ssaid last time!” Bane reminded her.
“Town is three clicks to the East. Now move.”
“Mebbe I caan ‘elp y-”
Bane trudged solemnly down the lowered ramp, removing his hat from off his head where he had replaced it. He held it up against his crotch so as to not be arrested by a trooper for indecent exposure as he sauntered off.
“Dun wit’ ya’ den too, lil’ lady! Don’ come lookin’ fer me no more, not gehttin’ any’mor’a dis Duros dick if I caan ‘elp it,” he hexed the already closed hatch.
“Mark m’wurds!” he crowed in addition, placing a toothpick in his mouth in hopes of taking out some aggression in the form of his oral fixation, praying to Maker his own ship hadn’t been impounded in his absence, and that Todo had somehow made it back.
Only one way to find out.
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fandom-friday · 8 months
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Thank you so much to everyone that submitted recommendations this week! A comprehensive list of this week’s submissions can be found under the cut! Recommendations are organized by show/media, and any main pairings will be listed after the title.
❄️ = 18+ content
The Clone Wars: New Beginnings (Corrie!Dogma x f!Reader) by @reader6898 Forbidden Masks (Kix x f!Reader) by @deejadabbles ❄️ Second Chances (Commander Wolffe x f!Reader) by @cyarbika ❄️ I Yearn, and so I Fear (Commander Wolffe x OC Kazi Ennari) by @enigmaticexplorer ❄️ Unwritten (Captain Rex x OC Mari Vontas) by @rexxdjarin ❄️ Captain's Log (Captain Rex x f!Reader) by @rexxdjarin ❄️ Invisible Barriers (Fi Skirata x f!Reader) by @the-rain-on-kamino The Clone Wars Gets a New Victim (Ahsoka Tano x OC Grim Kennet) by @chaosgod4life Even Though You're Gone, You're Still Around (Commander Bly x Aayla Secura) by super_heroine_addict (AO3) A Way Out for Two (Cad Bane x Obi-Wan Kenobi) by @feybarn ❄️ One Step at a Time by @wild-karrde Let Me Do It Right by TrickyTricky (AO3) Like Real People Do by Witless_clown (AO3) The Night Comes Down Like Heaven by @galacticgraffiti
The Bad Batch: ❄️ Same Heart (Echo x f!Reader, Fives x f!Reader) by @dumfanting ❄️ Doctor's Orders (Captain Howzer x f!Reader) by @grampsoninspace Happy Hatch Day by @eclec-tech
The Book of Boba Fett: True Rumors (Boba Fett x OC Seba) by @kimiheartblade On the Dome (Drash x Jo) by @btwxsixesandsevens
Star Wars Prequel Trilogy: A Murderous (and Talkative) Legacy by Dom_Avner (AO3) The Rising Darkness (Obi-Wan Kenobi x f!Reader) by @marierg
Star Wars Original Series: Stars In Their Multitudes by @jedi-valjean
Batman: In Another Life (Selina Kyle x Bruce Wayne) by @dlaugh Bouncing Baby Bat by EmpressGeek (AO3) Maybe with a Shift in Planets by @sunflowersandink Apartment Policy: No Dragons Allowed by Bricksheep (AO3) The Night Shall Call Your Name (You Must Answer) by Fandom_Trash224 (AO3) "And it's Cassandra with the Steel Chair!" by destiny919 (AO3) QUARANTINED: RED ROBIN'S TIK TOK ACCOUNT by @justthatonegirl1815
Marvel/MCU: Hopeful (Bucky Barnes x Sarah Wilson) by @philtstone
Fire Emblem Series: Kulning (Annette Fantine Dominic x Felix Hugo Fraldarius) by @Star_on_a_Staff (AO3)
The Clone Wars: Fox-Inspired Tooka Art by @st4r-t3ars Commander by @finpews It's Commander Cody with a steel chair! by @merlyn-bane Captain Rex Art by @pinkiemme Gregor, Wolffe, and Rex Art by @comradewolfe ❄️ Captain Rex and OC Mari Vontas Art by @rexxdjarin What was I made for? by @spicyclones79s Your Bodies Seed the Stars by @aliettali ❄️ In the Meadow by @the-rain-on-kamino Jet is Doing His Best by @for-the-sake-of-color Hogsteed Concept Art by @art-of-wackylurker OC Nihlus Meets a Hogsteed by @art-of-wackylurker OC Ayyshu Family Art (Chuckles, Arni, and Nita) by @ninjigma
The Bad Batch: Tech and Omega Art by @jedizhi Crosshair Art by @melymigo The Baby Batch: Shaak Ti Meets the Bad Batch Babies by @ladykagewaki
Bloodborne: Good Hunter by @artofchinara
The Legend of Vox Machina: ❄️ "We're going to start with the Courage" by @lyaholya
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blighted-lights · 6 months
You're into Transformers and Star Wars? That's so cool! I'd love to see any Star Wars art if you happen to have any. Who's your favorite character? What parts of Star Wars have you seen??
awh, hey nonnie! i am into star wars as well yes, lol. im into a bunch of other fandoms even if i don't post very often about them. my main ones right now are transformers, avatar the last airbender, and star wars, but i'm also a big fan of stuff like mass effect, dragon age, borderlands, red dead redemption, x-men, teenage mutant ninja turtles, fallout, call of duty (which @dullahanst is mainly responsible for, mwah) and a bunch more stuff!! if anyone has any more questions about fandom stuff like this then feel absolutely free to send them!!!
i unfortunately don't have any star wars art atm, but i may make some in the future! thank you for the interest 💜
but since you asked specifically about star wars- it's very hard for me to pick favorites lol. i have a few main favorites but there are SO many characters i like. ive been told before that my favorites are pretty predictable given who my transformers favorites are?? BUT:
my absolute top favorites are ahsoka tano (mainly clone wars era ahsoka), darth maul, asajj ventress, and captain rex. also a VERY big fan of cad bane, and a barriss offee defender.
as for what i've seen, i've seen a decent bit; all of the live action movies, the clone wars movie and show, bad batch, tales of the jedi, rebels, and i've been picking away at the mandalorian. i'm not as into star wars as i used to be, but it's still fun to think about!! thanks for the question nonnie!
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eomereadig · 9 months
Tag Directory: Star Wars
Episodes 1-3 | Episodes 4-6 | The Clone Wars | The Bad Batch | Rebels | Tales of The Jedi | Obi-Wan Kenobi | Andor | Rogue One | The Mandalorian | The Book of Boba Fett | Ahsoka | Video Games
Jedi: Qui Gon Jinn | Obi-Wan Kenobi | Anakin Skywalker | Ahsoka Tano | Kit Fisto | Quinlan Vos | Plo Koon | Barriss Offee | Luke Skywalker
Sith: Darth Maul | Asajj Ventress
Clone Troopers: Commander Cody | Commander Fox | Commander Thorn | Commander Thire | Commander Stone | Commander Wolffe | Captain Gregor | Captain Rex | Fives | Echo | Jesse | Tup | Dogma | Hardcase | Waxer | Boil
Senators: Padme Amidala | Bail Organa | Mon Mothma
Bounty Hunters: Cad Bane | Jango Fett | Din Djarin | Greef Karga | Fennec Shand
Droids: C3po
Video Games: Cal Kestis | Nightsister Merrin | Jaro Tapal | Cere Junda | Greeze Dritus | BD-1 | Bode Akuna | Dagan Gera
Andor: Cassian Andor | Maarva Andor | Bix Caleen | Kino Loy | Cinta Kaz | Kleya Marki | B2emo | Dedra Meero
...Others: Leia Organa | Han Solo | Chewbacca | Grogu | Peli Motto | Cobb Vanth
Obi-Wan & Everyone: Obi-Wan Kenobi x Commander Cody | Obi-Wan Kenobi x Darth Maul | Obi-Wan Kenobi x Qui Gon Jinn | Obi-Wan Kenobi x Anakin Skywalker | Obi-Wan Kenobi x Kit Fisto |
Anakin Skywalker x Captain Rex | Barriss Offee x Ahsoka Tano
Commander Cody x Captain Rex | Fives x Echo
Other Media:
Fanart | Fanfics
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star wars or hotd (or both if you want xD) for that fandom ask thing!
Thanks so much for the ask 😀💕
House of the Dragon
Favourite Female: Rhaenys, my one true queen 💕👌
Favourite Male: Laenor
3 Other Favourite Characters: Joffrey, young Rhaenyra, grown up Aegon that little shit 🤭
3 OTPs: Laenor x Joffrey
Funniest character: Viserys, the look on his face whenever some shit happened 👌👌
Prettiest character: you know that one @jjeoreojinpaca do i have to answer it? xD Joffrey 💕
Most Annoying Character: ugh guess that Lannister guy who wanted to marry rhaenyra, forgot his name
Most badass character: Daemon and Aemond, because if I was him, I'd have shit my pants in front of Vhagar
Character I’d like as my BFF: Laenor
Female Character I’d Marry: non i think 🤔 if i have to choose then Rhaenys
Male Character I’d Marry: Joffrey Lonmouth
Character I hate/dislike/least like: Criston Cole 😀
The Star Wars one was really tough, because i have so many favs and i love them all 😩💕
Favourite Female: Ahsoka Tano
Favourite Male: General Grievous and Obi Wan
3 Other Favourite Characters: Cad Bane, Eli Vanto, Bo Katan
3 OTPs: I'm not a big shipper and never really thought I'd find a pairing in sw xD but Thrawn and Eli belong together 👌
Funniest character: oh that one's hard, i think it's the chemistry between the characters that makes it funny, always enjoyed Ezras arguments with Zeb and Kanan
Prettiest character: Ahsoka 🧡💙
Most Annoying Character: surprisingly it's not JarJar Bings, but that droid from the Solo movie, it was a pain in the ass 😩
Most badass character: there are too many xD I'll just say Anakin and Rex
Character I’d like as my BFF: Plo Koon
Female Character I’d Marry: Fennec Shand
Male Character I’d Marry: Cad Bane 💙
Character I hate/dislike/least like: I don't know, I'm sure there are a few xD
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demigoddessqueens · 3 years
Final Poster before the finale!
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sweetwolf05 · 6 years
You May be Loved Aren't You?(Cad/Anakin/Fives)(4/?)
Notes: Well, i am mostly writing English more than French, i am basically a Canadian, so i tried my best to writing this fic of Arc Trooper Fives/Anakin Skywalker(Cad Bane) but i kinda trying my best to write it WAAAAAAAAYYYYYY MORE longer. Everyone has opinions on thier ships. So yeah i kinda tried my best. I kinda feel more artist AAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNDDDDDD kinda a writer. Alright guys, enjoy this crossover between LBP and Star Wars.
I made four chapters in Febuary.
Summary: A failed experiences on The chosen one was becoming a cat and human hybrid, young Anakin Skywalker was saved by Obi-Wan Kenobi and his master Qui-Gon Jinn, but quite was transgender neko. While Young Skywalker was in jedi temple, Young Jedi Knight Kenobi freed Shmi Skywalker. Now few years later, Sackboy and his serial friends came on the jedi temple of thier secret tasks.
Ratings: Mature
Warnings: Rape/Non-Con, Underage
Category: M/M
Fandoms: Star Wars Prequel Trilogy, Star Wars - All media types, Star Wars: Clone Wars (2003) - All Media types, Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media types, Little Big Planet, Little Big Planet 2, Little Big Planet 3
Relationship(s): CT-27-5555 | Fives | ARC 5555/Anakin Skywalker, CT-27-5555 | Fives | ARC 5555 & CT-7567 | Rex, Anakin Skywalker & Ahsoka Tano, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Original Padawan Character, CT-7567 | Rex & CC-2224 | Cody, Anakin Skywalker and Others, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Others, Ahsoka Tano and Others, Jedi & Clones, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn, CC-2224 | Cody and Others, Cad Bane/Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi/Satine Kryze(hint), Kit Fisto/Aalya Secura, Obi-Wan Kenobi/Anakin Skywalker(Past), Jango Fett & Obi-Wan Kenobi & Anakin Skywalker, Jango Fett & CT-27-5555 | Fives | ARC 5555, Quinlan Vos & Obi-Wan Kenobi & Anakin Skywalker
Character(s): Quinlan Vos, Aalya Secura, Aelina - Oc, Yoda(Star Wars), Ahsoka Tano, Anakin Skywalker, Cad Bane, CC-2224 | Cody, CT-27-5555 | Fives | ARC 5555, CT-7567 | Rex, Shmi Skywalker, Jango Fett, Boba Fett, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Padme Amidala, Qui-Gon Jinn, Satine Kryze, Other Star Wars Character(s), Sackboy, Newton Pud, Oddsock, Toggle, Swoop, Other Little Big Planet character(s), Cyoots - oc, 66-666 - oc, Sweet Peater | Maiara - oc, Sheev Palpatine | Darth Sidious
Additional Tag(s): Humanized Sweet Peater | Maiara, Trans Male character, Projective Obi-Wan, Part cat!Anakin Skywalker, Trans! Anakin, Do not lewd Ani Cad Bane, Kidnapping, Cat/Human hybrid, Projective Ahsoka, Almost everyone is projective, Slavery, Neko!Anakin Skywalker, The Council is WAY more confused, Obsessed Cad Bane, Past Underage, Alternate universe - Canon Divergence, more tags will add later, Sith!Obi-Wan(Briefly), Jango Fett is a good dad, Please let Sackboy sleeps during night to midnight, Hurt/Comfort, Jango Fett lives, Newton Pud tried his best, Alternate universe - Anakin Skywalker doesn't turn to the dark side, Rating: PG 13(ish), Rating: NC-17(ish), Slash?, Kind Anakin, Angst Sackboy, Sackboy did not cry, Eventual Cad Bane/Anakin Skywalker/CT-27-5555 | Fives | ARC 5555, Everytime Obi-Wan Kenobi don't show his sith eye to everyone but sometime he did, Newton Pud has non evil feelings, The bunkum heroes, Sackboy & Quinlan Vos has a bad feeling about this, THE AUTHOR REGRET NOTHING, Author needs sleeps, Cyoots doesn't needs a hug but she needs a break, 66-666 is a drama queen, Cried in Blood!Obi-Wan, Mother & Son relationship, Obi-Wan Kenobi freed Shmi Skywalker, Shmi Skywalker lives, hints of Obitine, Star Wars/LittleBigPlanet crossover, Time Travel, Hints of Darth Venge, Padmé and Anakin are such great friends, whoops. A hint of Obi-Wan breaking the sith and the jedi codes, Sith Code, Jedi Code, Anakin Skywalker has finally a freedom, Bottom Anakin, Top Cad Bane, Top Fives, Threesome M/M/M, Familly fluff, Qui-Gon lives, ... Phones, bisexual male character, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn are not in love in this fic(RIP), Feelings, Wi-Fi issues, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics(ish), no swearing, Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon are JUST best friend, Nose bleed, Stop lying when you're not okay Obi-Wan, Ani5 shipper!Palpatine, Hello der jedi shipper!Sidious, CadAni5 shipper!Palpatine | Sidious, logic: this author was a easter egg, SAVE MAH GURL WHICH IS MAIARA, ... Anakin was scared of Bane, Maiara and her whole life are done of bounty hunters, Hurt/Comfort, Hurt and Comfort, Alpha Obi-Wan, Omega Anakin, Alpha clones, Beta Satine, Alpha Jedi, Alpha Jango, ALMOST EVERYONE ARE ALPHA, Sweet Peater is not a alpha but less omega, Beta Ahsoka, Alpha sith, Alpha Separatists, Abuse.., Obsession behavior, Possessive Obi-Wan, Oh no. Obi-Wan is a grey jedi, Grey Jedi, Darth Venge, Grey!Obi-Wan, Yaoi
Read on
Bonuses with three other chapters:
It was a long day since new travellers we're came of visiting the jedi temple, Newton saw some Jedi in front of them; Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Yoda, Ahsoka Tano and others jedi apprentices and jedi masters. Sackboy was not sure about 'The negotiator' has a sith feelings, confused and curious about him. Serial things may be different or something different. He whispered himself, Why should Obi-Wan Kenobi might hide his sith lord's eye in brief? Should i tell the council about him? Sackboy was not sure about the jedi and the sith. How could he almost treated Obi-Wan?
The cyborg and bird hybrid "66-666" was has quite feelings about both Sackboy and Obi-Wan Kenobi.
"What's the matter Master?" Kenobi heard his former padawan; Anakin just said at meetings of new travellers.
"I'm fine, young one," Obi-Wan lied to ALMOST everyone, he was cried in blood.
"How chould you lied to almost everyone?! You almost gave me a heart attack, Master Kenobi!" Sackboy with his voice rough.
Newton was just entered the jedi council to see the whole view inside, curious he feels, walking around in the council, then Nana Pud's son saw the chancellor of the republic.
"Elder man," what all Newton said, "Who are you and why are you in both; light and dark side?!"
"Young Pud, i am Sheev Palpatine, the chancellor of the republic, don't mind Kenobi's apprentice, he is Cat and Human hybrid" Chancellor replied.
Newton was just confused when Palpatine was moved to his office, Sackboy is going to hurt me, the lightbulb teen said in his mind.
Sackboy was at the council meetings with Anakin about the proof as he sees Obi-Wan cries in blood.
"For the reason is i was sick of seeing a jedi who cried in blood," Sackboy snaps out at serial jedi masters, "Well EXCUSE me?! Obi-Wan Kenobi has his OWN life," 66-666 scout at cloth kid.
"Better be calm down and be calm," both who snapped or scout just received Yoda's words to have passion.
"Fine," Sackboy and 66-666 just replied fast.
Anakin wasn't sure of there's a discovery between them, "I'll be back in a hour at more or less," he just leave but seen his own mother and Arc Trooper Fives in front of him.
"Everything okay cyare?" Fives asked.
"Yeah.. I-i'm just s-scared of a duros bounty hunter," Anakin shivers. "P-protecting me please? I-i am just-"
Shmi just hug her son of shivers and comforts him. Yes, its comfortable for Anakin. Very comfort for the chosen one. Oh the caressing and projections. Obi-Wan wishes he was a normal jedi, not cried in blood, staying on the light side, not to be a fallen jedi but it's not what he thinks of it, a grey jedi, cried in blood before and after his knighting, half trained by a sith lord. What Duchess Satine Kryze thinks he was?!
Anakin's beta padawan Ahsoka Tano just came back from a mission with Master Fisto and Knight Secura, but she just saw Master Kenobi briefly crying in blood. He was feeling both better but sad.
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this is one of my favorite clone wars scenes ♥ so I decided to draw it ♥
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Star Wars Masterlist
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Generation of the Republic
[Tales of the Jedi, Prequels, The Clone Wars, The Bad Batch]
"Guilt" Obi-Wan Kenobi Drabble
Obi-Wan reflects on the death of his master, Qui-Gon Jinn
Warning: Canon-consistent graphic descriptions of death/injuries
"Irrational" Korkie Kryze Drabble
Korkie begins to wonder if Aunt Satine is hiding something concerning his heritage.
"Handprint" Ahsoka Tano Drabble
For Disaster Trio Appreciation Week - Day 1 - Hands
Warning: blood, mentions of injuries
"Lost" Ahsoka Tano, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker Oneshot
For Disaster Trio Appreciation Week - Day 2 - Lost
Warning: dark, it’s the Zygerria arc
"Dreams" Commander Blitz Drabble 
Commander Blitz fears he’s going mad. 
Warning: mentioned suicide of an unnamed character
"Nightmares" Captain Rex Drabble 
For Febuwhump - Day 4 - Nightmares
Warning: mentions of slavery, death, depression
"Closer" Kit Fisto Drabble 
For: Febuwhump Day 9: Kidnapped
Warning: restraints, references to torture, mental manipulation
Character x Character
"Caf" Commander Fox x Riyo Chuchi Drabble
Commander Fox reflects on his relationship with Senator Chuchi
"Dream" Lux Bonteri x Steela Garrera Drabble
Lux is haunted by the memories of Steela’s demise
Warning: character death
"Determination" Bo-Katan Kryze x Commander Cody Drabble
When Obi-Wan goes to Concordia to search for Death Watch, Cody accompanies him.
Reader Insert
"Eyes" Cad Bane x Reader Drabble
The reader reflects on their relationship with the bounty hunter Cad Bane.
Relationship: Unspecified (but leaning more toward potentially romantic)
"Monster" Captain Rex x Reader Drabble
Looking for a guide on an Outer Rim planet, the Reader meets Captain Rex. 
Relationship: Pre-romance
"Overthink" Kit Fisto x Reader Drabble 
The Reader tries to hide their feelings for Kit
Relationship: Romantic
"The Way" Anakin Skywalker x Reader Drabble 
The Reader and Anakin have a confrontation when Anakin struggles to control his rage.
Relationship: Unspecified
"Ignorant" Kit Fisto x Reader Drabble 
Against your better judgment, you engage in conversation with an intriguing Jedi Master.
Relationship: Romantic
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Generation of the Empire 
[Kenobi, Rebels, Solo, Rogue One, Original Trilogy, Mandalorian, Book of Boba Fett, Ahsoka]
"Sound" Grogu & Din Djarin Drabble 
The child continues to be unpredictable. 
"Patience" Reva Drabble 
Reva knows what the other inquisitors think of her. 
Reader Insert
"Stay" Boba Fett x Reader Drabble
The Reader, a bounty hunter, takes a job that goes south.
Relationship: Unspecified
"Relax" Tobias Beckett x Reader Drabble
The Reader and Beckett argue over a dangerous job.
Relationship: Unspecified
"Forgive" Ezra Bridger x Reader Drabble
The Reader seeks an apology from Ezra
Relationship: Unspecified
"Ailments and Fears" Rebels Crew x Reader Oneshot
The Reader, a member of the Lothal Rebel cell, falls ill.
Relationship: Platonic
"Aim" Sabine Wren x Reader Drabble
Sabine teaches the Reader to shoot.
Relationship: Unspecified
"Tension" Cassian Andor x Reader Drabble 
The Reader observes Cassian. 
Relationship: Faintly Romantic
"Shades of Yellow" Part 1 - Ezra Bridger x Reader 
A former assassin joins the Ghost crew for a mission. 
Relationship: Platonic
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Generation of the First Order
Character x Character
"Adventure" Poe Dameron x Rey Drabble
Honestly, I don’t know even know what to put as a synopsis for this one. 
"Wander" Leia Organa x Han Solo Drabble
Leia reflects on her estranged relationship with Han. 
Reader Insert
"Horizon" Armitage Hux x Reader Drabble
The Reader and Hux search for a missing First Order Ship
Relationship: Unspecified
Warning: non-graphic description of mass death
"Different" Finn x Reader Drabble 
The girl, Rey, must be avoided. And by that logic you ought to be avoiding him too, though you find you keep talking yourself into it.
Relationship: Unspecified
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sinisterexaggerator · 2 years
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Cad Bane x Ahsoka Tano. Smut / Humor / “Crack taken seriously” (eventually). Cad Bane is infatuated by one of the very last "Jedi."
Summary: Ahsoka Tano and Cad Bane meet in an unexpected place years after the Clone Wars have ended, now Ahsoka is addicted to his scent, that Duros dick, and Cad Bane is infatuated with her. She is after all, one of the last "Jedi" to traverse the Galaxy, and a bold adversary - one he wants to sink his fangs into, but could he be falling for her, and just who is this ... "Fulcrum?"
To reiterate, Ahsoka is a grown ass adult woman of 32 years old around this time. It takes place during Star Wars: Rebels and she is in a position of power. Cad Bane is smitten by her.
*This has now become a multi-chapter fic by accident, and also, the crack may turn serious - also, by accident. Whoops.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | ?
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gothy-froggy · 3 years
Open :
Closed :❌
Hello so I’m realizing that the only way I’ll be making fan fics is that I get requests so I’m making this if anyone wants to requests anything!
Star Wars
Jedi/light force users
Obi-Wan Kenobi x reader
Anakin Skywalker x reader
(Mandalorian/Rebels) Ahsoka Tano x reader
Luke Skywalker x reader
Leia Organa x reader
Qui-Gon Jinn x reader
(Caleb Dume) Kanan Jarrus x reader
Cal Kestis x reader
Aalya Secura x reader 
Shaak Ti x reader
Bounty Hunters/Smugglers/etc
Boba Fett
Jango Fett
Cad Bane
Asajj Ventress 
Fennec Shand
Han Solo
Zam Wesell
Din Dirjin 
Hando Ohnaka
Sith/Dark force users
Darth Vader
Darth Maul
Darth Nihilus 
General Grievous 
(More coming soon)
Fives x reader
Rex x reader
Cody x reader
Hunter x reader
Tech x reader
Crosshair x reader
Echo x reader
Wrecker x reader
Wolffe x reader
Tup x reader
Fox x reader
Eli Vanto x reader
Thrawn x reader
Hera Syndulla x reader
(Others coming soon)
Dead by Daylight
Danny Johnson/Jed Olsen (Ghostface)
Herman Carter (Doctor) x reader
Evan Macmillan (Trapper) x reader
Philip Ojomo (Wraith) x reader
Michael Myers (Shape) x reader 
Anna (Huntress) x reader
Adiris (Plague) x reader
Legion (Frank,Susie,Julie,Joey) x reader
Kazan Yomaoka (Oni) x reader
Caleb Quinn x reader
Pyramid Head (Executioner) x reader
Ji-WoonHak (Trickster) x reader
Tarhos Kovács (Knight) x reader
Feng Min x reader 
Quentin Smith x reader
Kate Denson x reader
Steve Harrington x reader
Yui Kimura x reader
Leon Scott Kennedy x reader
Jill Valentine x reader
Jake Park x reader
Vittorio Toscano x reader
Slashers/Killers/Horror Movies
Ghostface (Billy Loomis, Stu Macher, Mickey Altieri) x reader
Pinhead x reader
Harry Warden (Miner) x reader
Jason Voorhees x reader
Brahms Heelshire (Boy) x reader
Michael Myers x reader
Bubba Sawyer x reader
Thomas Hewitt x reader
Bo Sinclair x reader
Vincent Sinclair x reader
Billy Lenz x reader
Dark Deception
Bierce x reader
Reaper nurse x reader
Malak x reader
Doug Houser x reader
Gold Watchers x reader
(More coming soon)
You all are able to requests Fandoms and characters! AUs/plots as well (will be coming soon)
Resident Evil
Claire Redfield x reader
Chris Redfield x reader
Leon Kennedy x reader
Jill Valentine x reader
Carlos Oliveira x reader
Ethan Winters x reader
Lady Dimitrescu x reader
Karl Heisenberg x reader
Albert Wesker x reader
Ada Wong x reader
Jerome Valeska x reader
Jeremiah Valeska x reader
Edward Nygma x reader
Victor Zsasz x reader 
Oswald Cobblepot x reader
Johnathan Crane x reader
Jervis Tetch x reader
Twisted Wonderland 
Riddle Rosehearts x reader
Ace Trappola x reader
Deuce Spade x reader
Trey Clover x reader
Cater Diamond x reader
Leona Kingscholar x reader 
Jack Howl x reader
Ruggie Bucchi x reader
Azul Ashengrotto x reader
Jade Leech x reader
Floyd Leech x reader
Kalim Al-Asim x reader
Jamil Viper x reader
Vil Schoenheir x reader
Epel Felmier x reader
Rook Hunt x reader 
Idia Shroud 
Malleus Draconia x reader 
Lilia Vanrouge x reader
Silver x reader 
Sebek Zigvolt x reader
(more coming soon) 
 Will Not Write
Stuff like those
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hacked-wtsdz · 3 years
I present you the weirdest ass Star Wars ships I found on ✨shipping wiki✨
Cadsoka — Cad Bane x Ahsoka Tano (ew)
Enoke — Snoke x Jyn Erso
what the fuuuck? Jyn would have been around Leia’s age by the time of the First Order. Would it mean old Jyn x Snoke? Or young Jyn x ….young Snoke? I just….I have so many questions that I sincerely don’t want to get answers for
Griesoka — Grievous x Ahsoka Tano
This is even worse than Enoke, honestly. What kind of a perverted mind must you have to come up with this shit?? I don’t want to even imagine what this ship includes in itself.
Haney — Han Solo x Rey
Considering the fact that Han is around sixty when he meets Rey, I’ve got the same questions as with Enoke. Is he Rey’s smuggler sugar daddy?
This is probably a joke ship. U know, the two most annoying Star Wars characters together. But still…….. *internal screaming*
Sney, Snokerose, Snokgana — Snoke x Rey, Rose and LEIA
This is just a sequel to Enoke that gets progressively worse. Like some other sequels that we know…
Tarkmi — Wilhuff Tarkin x Shmi Skywalker
After Rosinks this doesn’t even feel weird. At least one of them isn’t a space lizard.
Zeboka — Zeb Orrelios x Ahsoka Tano
The name says it all. I literally gagged when I saw this.
A question for the philosophers: Which one is worse, Anakijarbinks (Anakin x Jar Jar) or Anakinous (Anakin x Grievous)?
Now comes the time for torture
Binkte — Jar Jar Binks x Nute Gunrey
Binooku — Jar Jar Binks x Count Dooku
Bosett — Jar Jar Binks x Bossk
Dyoda — Dooku x Yoda
Ezrda — Ezra x Yoda
I won’t say anything but, from the depths of my heart: why? This is just…a lizard and a bug fucking, then a lizard and a crocodile, a frog and a teenager…im surprised there is no Yoda x Jar Jar for that matter
Oprenobi — Savage Opress x Obi-Wan Kenobi (?????)
Palpatin — Emperor Palpatine x Grand Admiral Thrawn (????????????)
Palpoke — Emperor Palpatine x Snoke
Again, a good ship won’t be named fucking Palpoke
Soleedo — Han Solo x Greedo
Watte — Jar Jar Binks x Wat Tambor
Yodakin — Anakin Skywalker x Yoda
And if the rest wasn’t weird enough for you:
Yobda — Yoda x Jabba the HuttGOODBYE
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saricess · 3 years
I would like to propose a smutty threesome:
Darth Maul x Ahsoka Tano x Cad Bane
Your welcome ;)
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dalekofchaos · 4 years
Star Wars Battlefront III Wishlist Part 2
Here is Part 1
Hero Starfighters
Anakin’s Eta-2 Actis-class interceptor
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Obi-Wan’s Eta-2 Actis-class light interceptor
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Ahsoka Tano's Eta-2 Actis-class interceptor
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Yoda’s Jedi Starfighter
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Mace Windu's Eta-2 Actis-class interceptor
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Padme’s  J-type Naboo star skiff
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Darth Maul’s Scimitar
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Dooku’s solar sailer
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Asajj Ventress’ Fanblade starfighter
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Grievous’ Soulless One
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Jango’s Slave 1
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Cad Bane’s Xandu Blood
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Han’s Millennium Falcon
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Lando’s  Millennium Falcon
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Luke Skywalker's T-65B X-Wing
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The Ghost
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Darth Vader’s TIE Advanced x1
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Boba Fett’s Slave I
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Razor Crest
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Rey’s Millennium Falcon
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Poe Dameron's T-70 X-Wing
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Kylo Ren’s TIE Silencer
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Republic Commandos
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ARC Troopers
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Jedi Temple Guards
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Senate Guards
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Galactic Marines
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B2-series super battle droid
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B2-RP battle droid
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B2-HA super battle droid
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BX-series droid commando
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IG-100 Magnaguard
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Heavy Infantry Mandalorians
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Imperial Royal Guards
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Death Troopers
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Dark Troopers
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ISB Agent
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Imperial Storm Commando
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Bothan Spy
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Rebel Honor Guard
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Rebel Pathfinder
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Rebel SpecForce Marine
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Mon Calamari Commander
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Knights Of Ren
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New Republic Security Droids
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Jedi Temple
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The Senate
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Otoh Gunga
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Polis Massa
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Death Star
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Fortress Vader
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Mos Eisley
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Jabba’s Palace
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Yavin IV
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Dryden Vos’ Yacht First Light
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Star Destroyer Graveyard
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Niima Outpost
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Starkiller Base
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The Supremacy
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Batuu/Black Spire
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Ajan Kloss
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reaperduckling · 4 years
Chapters: 14/15 Fandom: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Cad Bane/Obi-Wan Kenobi, Obi-Wan Kenobi & CT-7567 | Rex, Cad Bane & CT-7567 Rex, Past Obi-Wan x CC-2224 Cody, Background Ahsoka Tano x Asajj Ventress Characters: Cad Bane, Obi-Wan Kenobi, CT-7567 | Rex, Ahsoka Tano, Asajj Ventress, Hondo Ohnaka, Darth Maul Additional Tags: Fuck First Feelings Later, Trauma, Canon - Typical Violence, author is a proud member of the “let everyone say fuck”-club, the galactic empire are a bunch of nazis, some mentions of substance abuse, Minor Character Death, force sensitive Rex, bamf!Ahsoka, Happy Ending, some porn with a lot of plot Summary:
Five years after order 66 a bored Obi-Wan is found by a battleworn Rex. The clone has intel that Ahsoka Tano is alive and in need of help. Armored with the promise of an old enemy and a last-minute-plan, they head off on an adventure through the galaxy to find her – and they hire the most capable, unethical, money grabbing bounty hunter scum that they can find to help them: Cad Bane. Unbeknownst to the former clone trooper, Obi-Wan and Bane have a lot more history than he thinks.
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read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3f7chxN
by Mizakishanethekiller
"Caleb dume a estado teniendo visiones sin sentido en los últimos días después de una misión
Un pasado que el desconoce, esperaba cualquier cosa, pero no esperaba que un sujeto apareciera afuera del templo con una armada de el mismo diciendo que es su padre"
*ahora el y los que lo acompañan están atrapados en un mundo desconocido y deben pasar los obstáculos y permanecer juntos si quieren volver a su mundo mientras hay una lucha sobre el destino de caleb¨
universo alternativo (UA) donde Caleb dume es hijo de Wanda Waximoff y el Dr. Doom.
(lose, lose, es muy absurdo pero son cosas que luego surgen de mi cabeza absurda y loca :v)
ya publicare otra en ingles, no se preocupen ;)
pero bueno como dije antes, no me hago responsable de que les de curiosidad y luego les interese y les guste :3
Words: 1572, Chapters: 1/1, Language: Español
Fandoms: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types, Star Wars: Kanan (Comics), Marvel 616, Young Avengers (Comics), Avengers Assemble (Cartoon), The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, Gen, M/M, Other
Characters: Kanan Jarrus, Depa Billaba, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Aayla Secura, Luminara Unduli, CC-2224 | Cody, CC-5052 | Bly, CC-1004 | Gree, CC-10/994 | Grey, CC-1993 | Jet, CT-7567 | Rex, CT-6116 | Kix, CT-27-5555 | Fives | ARC-5555, CT-21-0408 | Echo, CT-4040 | Cutup, CT-782 | Hevy, CT-5385 | Tup, Slick (Star Wars), Styles (Star Wars), Big-Mouth (Star Wars), Soot (Star Wars), CT-1157 | Stance, Ahsoka Tano, Shaak Ti, Jocasta Nu, Ki-Adi-Mundi, Dooku | Darth Tyranus, Dooku (Star Wars), Grievous | Qymaen jai Sheelal, Asajj Ventress, Cad Bane, Pit Droids (Star Wars), Clone Troopers (Star Wars), Avengers Team, Young Avengers (Team), Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Bruce Banner, Hulk (Marvel), Wanda Maximoff, Carol Danvers, Billy Kaplan, Teddy Altman (Marvel), Tommy Shepherd, Victor von Doom, Reed Richards, Susan Storm (Fantastic Four), Johnny Storm, Fantastic Four (Team), X-Men (Team), Logan (X-Men), Scott Summers, Jean Grey, Emma Frost, Ororo Munroe, Erik Lehnsherr, Charles Xavier, Rogue (X-Men), The Brotherhood of Mutants, Peter Parker, Hydra Agents, Agents of SHIELD Team, Nick Fury, Maria Hill, Raven | Mystique, Scott Lang, Sam Wilson (Marvel), James "Bucky" Barnes, James Rhodes, Doombot (Avengers AI), Thaddeus Ross, Stephen Strange, etc - Character
Relationships: Depa Billaba & Kanan Jarrus, CC-10/994 | Grey & Kanan Jarrus, Depa Billaba & CC-10/994 | Grey, Kanan Jarrus & Anakin Skywalker, Depa Billaba & Obi-Wan Kenobi, Wanda Maximoff/Victor von Doom, Reed Richards/Susan Storm (Fantastic Four), Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Jean Grey & Scott Summers, Teddy Altman/Billy Kaplan, Anakin Skywalker & Ahsoka Tano
Additional Tags: Padawan Kanan Jarrus, Anakin Skywalker Doesn't Turn to the Dark Side, Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi Temple (Star Wars), Jedi Training (Star Wars), Protective Anakin Skywalker, The Force, Force Visions, Master & Padawan Relationship(s), Avengers Tower, Betrayal, Nick Fury Lies, Lies, Marvel Universe, Revenge, Mutants, Portals, Alternate Universe, Interrogation, Scott Summers Being an Asshole, Tony Stark Does What He Wants, Kanan Jarrus Needs a Hug, Avengers vs X-men, Attempted Kidnapping, Crossover, Space Battles, Lightsaber Battles, Custody Battle, Post-Civil War, etc - Freeform
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3f7chxN
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