fightclubcat · 1 month
Created a GnarGrim Fankid! Meet Criminy!
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evilmagician430 · 8 months
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had the idea of playboy bunny crim and had to draw it. happy valentine's day
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ghostbursblues · 7 months
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mortifiedandawesome · 2 years
😐 might be blocking a cute frog
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science brain vs hopeless romantic brain, who will win
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starlost-starkid · 1 year
The way Max Jägerman says "What are you?" when he sees the lords in black resembles Jeff Blim's line in TTO SO MUCH. Like it's almost the exact same delivery as when the TTO father sees the audience (/blinky???) and it gives me CHILLS
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izzyhandswhore · 1 year
Thinking abt season 2 Izzy x Reader where after everything w Izzy’s leg Reader will sneak down into his room and just comfort him and hold him, just coddle him a bit bc he deserves it<//3
((I too am thinking about this :) Don’t ask me what’s going on with the format bcs I have no idea))
Comforting Izzy in Season Two, pre-Unicorn.
• It starts with you and the crew watching as Izzy painfully and drunkenly crawls down the corridor after sawing the unicorn’s legs off. It shatters your already broken heart to see him suffering like this, but you know any attempts to follow him would be futile. Then you feel the eyes of the crew burn into you next and white hot shame rubs through you. You should know what to do, you know Izzy better than almost anyone, you’re the one he lets in and cares about.. Or you were. With tears in your eyes, you simply walk away.
• You can’t sleep that night. You and the crew have started construction on Izzy’s new leg but your anxiety prevents you from being excited. What if he hates you it? What if you get it wrong again? Heart hammering, you get up. You can’t take it anymore, you just need to see him.
• Before you can even knock on his door you can hear him talking to himself. He’s drunk, obviously, slurring his words and cursing himself and Ed and the sea and any other poor fucker he can think of.. Though notably, you’re not included in his hit list. Knocking on the door just earns you a “fuck off!” but you persist. “Izzy, it’s me,” you call quietly. Silence follows. You let yourself in.
• The stench of alcohol hits you like a ton of bricks but you don’t care. You only care about the haggard, broken man who’s sat on the bed, glaring at you, swaying slightly despite the sea being calm. You start to approach. “Thought I told you to fuck off,” he spits, stopping you in your tracks. You only have to give him a stern look to take the wind from his sails. He averts his eyes like a naughty schoolboy and mutters, “what d’ya want?”
• You’ve brought him some warm water and a washcloth along with a few other supplies. He protests a little at first but eventually lets you strip him of his dirty clothes and gently wash away the grime he’s let build up. He closes his eyes and leans against the wall, head lolling a little as he focuses on your warm, gentle touch rather than his aching body for a bit. In his drunken haze he thinks about how much he’s missed this, how much he’s missed you. The words just won’t string together and come out somehow, making him feel more ashamed. He was supposed to be the one taking care of you, not the other way round.. Just how the fuck did it come to this?
• When you reach his leg he snaps to attention and grabs your wrist, holding it tight. You look up at him expecting anger but instead you just find shame.
“Don’t,” he grunts, “you don’t have to touch it.”
“I won’t if you don’t want me to,” you assure him, “but it might be good to just check it’s alright.. You know, after you fell earlier.”
He scoffs and automatically reaches for the rum again, letting go of your wrist. “Bet the crew fucking loved that..” he mutters, earning another sad look from you.
“They’re worried about you,” you tell him, “everything you did for them hasn’t gone unnoticed, you know. Everyone knows how much they owe to you, how much you - you sacrificed.”
A heavy silence falls over the room once more as he processes the information and you do your best not to get emotional. You can’t even imagine what Izzy’s going through, what happened between him and Ed behind closed doors.. You focus on carefully unwrapping the bandages around what’s left of his leg. A couple of stitches have split and are crusted with blood, but it’s nothing serious. You get to work cleaning and redressing everything. Izzy doesn’t even flinch. Whether he’s numbed by the alcohol or exhaustion, you’re not quite sure.
• When you’re finally done you pull back and dare to smile at him. You ask if he’s feeling a bit better and, though he sneers at first, he eventually nods and admits that he does. You even get a thank you.
• Then comes the awkward part. You and Izzy haven’t slept in the same bed together since Stede abandoned Ed. You want more than anything for things to go back to normal but you know that’s probably a long way off. You point out the obvious.
“You should sleep, Iz.”
He laughs and holds up the near-empty rum bottle. “I will,” he says, “eventually.”
You bite back a sarcastic comment and just sigh, pulling back the blanket and fluffing the pillow, willing to play this little pantomime for as long as he’ll let you. He grumbles something about you not being his fucking mother, but there’s no venom in it. He lets you guide him under the covers and finally put the bottle down. You perch on the edge of the bed, knowing now you really should leave, but you just can’t. You need to find any excuse, any reason to stay just that bit longer. Just when you’re about to give one, he reaches out and gently holds your hand.
“It hasn’t escaped my notice either,” he murmurs, eyes glassy and sincere, “how much you’ve done for me. Even before all this shit, back when we first met Bonnet, I -“ His voice breaks. “I was a fucking dick. And you stood up for me and I - “ He’s getting worked up now, shaking you to your core. You’ve never seen him like this. “I didn’t know this was going to happen. I didn’t know Ed - “
“Shh..” You hush him, squeezing his hand, “you are not responsible for that man’s actions, Iz. At all.” Anger seeps into your voice before you can stop it. “You didn’t deserve to be hurt like this.”
He just stares at you, his chest heaving with sobs that he refuses to let out.
You decide you don’t care to hesitate anymore. You kick off your boots and slide in beside him, taking him in your arms where he belongs. He doesn’t protest and just quietly cries into your shoulder, clinging to your shirt like it’s a lifeline. You stroke back his damp hair and pepper kisses along his forehead, assuring him over and over again that it’s all okay. No one’s ever going to hurt him like that again because you won’t fucking let them. You both know that in the life of piracy promises like that are fragile, but right now neither of you care. This is the safest he’s felt in a long, long time and he doesn’t have the strength to pass it up. Eventually his sobs dissolve to quiet sniffles and you feel his body start to relax against yours.
“You don’t have to stay,” he whispers.
You just smile and hold him even tighter.
“I know.”
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thesixthstar · 27 days
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Cathedral window quilted pillowcase in progress for the sister and her giant pillow
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ducklooney · 14 hours
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Interestingly, despite claiming that the Quack Pack is non-canon and its own thing, it still appears partially in the comics, possibly showing a possible future. By the way, this is from the comic "Paperinik e i crimini virtuali" from October 1, 1998, written and drawn by Stefano De Lellis. Admittedly, it's about an ordinary Duck Avenger (Paperinik) wondering what his future holds and his nephews Huey, Dewey and Louie Duck appear as teenagers about to go to college. Yes, this may be the only time in the Italian comics that the Quack Pack version of Donald's nephews appear there, but again, it's good to know. Isn't it?
They just messed up maybe the designs and colors. I guess you recognize who is who. Although I prefer the original and true version of the Quack Pack this is how they appeared in the comic in the first place. Even if it was a non-canon future, I wish it had come up a little more often. I mean the teenage version of Donald's nephews.
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scogito · 11 months
Non si parla di bambini, si parla di finanza.
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skylessknights · 29 days
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GET TO KNOW ME: ♡ favourite underrated tv show - Trickster
There was a time when we were all family. Witches, Ancient, Tricksters. Cycle and balance...harmony. You're called ancients? Why do you want my son? Your son? The son of a trickster and a witch. I've never seen that before.
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rubenesque-as-fuck · 8 months
Today's weird Velma snack: mushroom
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gregor-samsung · 5 months
" Un pensiero o idea di trasferimento [del popolo palestinese risale] ai primi tempi del movimento sionista, come mostrerebbe un'annotazione del diario di Theodor Herzl: «Dobbiamo espropriare con delicatezza. […] Cercheremo di indurre la popolazione in miseria ad attraversare il confine procurandole un'occupazione nei paesi di transito; negandogliela, però, nel nostro. […] Il processo di espropriazione e di sgombero dei poveri deve avvenire con discrezione e circospezione.»¹ A distanza di quarant'anni, Ben-Gurion ribadiva il concetto: «Il trasferimento di popolazione è già avvenuto nella valle di Jezreel, nella piana del Sharon e in altri luoghi. Siete a conoscenza del lavoro del Fondo nazionale ebraico in proposito. Ora occorre realizzare un trasferimento di ben altre dimensioni.»² Durante la guerra del 1948, Ben-Gurion mise in pratica le sue raccomandazioni. In una campagna nota come "Operazione Hiram" fu realizzato un trasferimento indiscriminato di popolazione dalla Galilea. Durante questa campagna, ha scritto Morris, le forze armate sioniste eseguirono "un numero insolitamente elevato di esecuzioni di popolazione civile contro muri o nei pressi di un pozzo con notevole metodicità". Molto scrupolosamente, Morris cita ventiquattro episodi di terrorismo o di massacro, di cui i più efferati ebbero luogo a Saliha (78 uccisi), Lod (250), Dawayima (centinaia) e, ovviamente, nel già citato villaggio di Deir Yassin. Alcuni di questi massacri furono probabilmente perpetrati per ragioni tattiche: a Dawayima, nei pressi di Hebron, per esempio, "una colonna entrò nel villaggio sparando all'impazzata e uccise qualsiasi cosa si muovesse". Altri massacri rispondevano, invece, all'intento strategico di terrorizzare la popolazione affinché fuggisse. Questi massacri non furono certo tenuti nascosti dalla popolazione palestinese. Dopotutto, come ebbe a dire una volta Lenin, l'intento del terrorismo è terrorizzare. (Morris, ricordiamo per inciso, ha giustificato i sionisti richiamandosi alla logica del ben noto aforisma di Lenin: "Per fare la frittata occorre rompere le uova").
Secondo un testimone oculare di Deir Yassin: «Deir Yassin era un villaggio che fu attaccato dagli israeliani, o dai sionisti, il 9 aprile 1948. […] Incontrerà delle persone che le diranno: "Questo è quello che successe a Deir Yassin", perché loro erano là. Ho incontrato una donna che mi ha detto che le portarono suo figlio e le dissero di prenderlo in grembo e poi lo uccisero. Usavano coltelli, baionette. Un macello; non un combattimento. Non c'era nessuno da combattere. Erano prevalentemente donne e bambini. Molte, moltissime persone furono massacrate in quel villaggio. Questo massacro terrorizzò l'intera Palestina. Tutti parlavano del massacro di Deir Yassin.» Complessivamente, furono cancellati oltre cinquecento villaggi palestinesi. La maggior parte dei palestinesi che fuggì fini in Cisgiordania, nella striscia di Gaza, nei paesi arabi limitrofi. Quelli con un certo grado di istruzione, con specializzazioni o disponibilità economica cercarono di rifarsi una vita meglio che poterono, talvolta in luoghi lontani come il Golfo persico, l'Europa, le Americhe. Quelli che non furono altrettanto fortunati finirono nei campi profughi, organizzati, inizialmente, dallo United Nations Releif for Palestine (Unrp). "
¹ B. MORRIS, Revisiting the Palestinian Exodus of 1948, in E. L. ROGAN e A. SHLAIM (a cura di), The War of Palestine, Rewriting the History of 1948, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2001, p. 41 [trad. it. La guerra per la Palestina: riscrivere la storia del 1948, Il Ponte, Bologna, 2004]. ² Ibidem, p. 43.
James L. Gelvin, Il conflitto israelo-palestinese. Cent'anni di guerra, traduzione di Piero Arlorio, Einaudi (collana Piccola Biblioteca Einaudi n° 357), 2007¹; pp. 179-181.
[Edizione originale: The Israel-Palestine Conflict, Cambridge University Press, 2005]
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beaulesbian · 2 years
in the absence of a proper name i propose we start calling him 'Criminy Jicket' in honour of Big Jack Horner's Disney conglomerate-coding and his apparent vitriol towards Pinocchio specifically 😂
on imdb his name is only as 'ethical bug' and even if it fits, criminy jicket is kinda funny.
he and jiminy cricket could be buddies if only both of them could call out di/sney like he called out big jack horner
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he said in his introduction he will judge, and so he did
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and so i return to my roots of eating half a cantaloupe in one sitting
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anchesetuttinoino · 27 days
Ascoltate bene le affermazioni del dott. Joseph Tritto, World Academy of BioMedical Sciences and Tecnologies.
Via Sergio Berlato
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