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Very colorful 1920 home in Bradenton, FL is currently being used as an art gallery, called "The Dancing Crane Gallery," selling various art pieces from many different artists, but it's actually a 2bd, 2.5ba home. $529K.
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Enter directly into the large living room that has a brick fireplace.
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I wonder if the display shelving was there, or if they put it in.
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I would say that this room off the living room is a dining room. Note that the wood floors are like new.
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And, I would say that this is a sun room.
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Oh, it is, b/c there's a sign that says "sunroom gallery."
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The half bath is a good size.
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The large full kitchen is part office and the cabinets are dated, but I kind of like the vintage yellow backsplash.
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The rooms are spacious. This one looks like it could be a bedroom.
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Not sure what this one is, but it's across the hall from the other bedroom. Maybe it's the primary, but it has an outside door.
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Each end of the hall between the 2 rooms is fitted with shelving.
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Bath is cute. The gallery didn't really change or remove anything, so it looks easily converted back to a house.
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Cute carport with a funky chandelier.
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A turquoise path leads to the yard.
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They painted the sidewalk, too. I didn't know that you could do that. I thought that the sidewalks belong to the town.
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On this side, there's a great deck.
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What a cute property.
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Look at the water feature and bridge.
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Oh, a casita and a shed.
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The shed is nice inside.
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And, the casita is a work shop, but it's got such potential- look at the beams.
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This is lovely.
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From here you can see the sun room and there's more yard. The lot is 1,520 sq ft.
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I think it's a great property.
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draco-dormiens · 1 year
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draco x fem!ravenclaw reader / postwar au series
warnings: angst ;)
wc: 3326
pls let me know if you want to be tagged!! if your name is bold, i couldn't tag your blog :( tags below:
@lovesanimals0000 @cappgyuccino @lightning1ce @onlygetaway @honeyyypeach @namelesslosers @ghostyv @mikadorbs @redactedhimbo @morganadpl @scarecrowscaresthomas @camille-1019 @valkyrie418 @animeloverfreak310 @budugu @marplest @torresbarnes @bunny24sstuff @champagneesupernova @serafilms @siriusly-parker-main @lovely-maryj @i-bitch-you-bitch @astablacksword @sun-fiower-seed @tinafuentes @venusjustleft @omgitstatertot @aangsupremacy @ilovezy @leclerc16s @aslanvez @talesofadragon @hnyusui @3vasaur @the-skys-musical-echo @yeolsbubbles @idk-dolans @xx-kiraa-xx @sunbruized @vinkiesz @snickersmee @fandomrulesall-blog @astheraa @idkatee @marsanhwa @vintageoldfashion @63sucker @j-n-i-c-o-l-e
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Chapter Sixteen - The Night of the Ball
Saturday was met with pure excitement.
You woke to the sound of adrenaline filled conversations and girls running from dorm to dorm to show off their outfits. The thundering noise of running feet and squeals eventually stirred you from your prolonged slumber. Sitting up, you rub the sleep from your eyes to see the time on your bedside clock read 11:03am.
"Oh jeez," you mumble to yourself, "I missed breakfast."
Stretching, you throw the warm duvet from your legs and swing them off the side, expecting to be met with the wooden floor. Your feet collide with a box, and your still hazy mind short circuits for a second. It's wrapped in a blue ribbon, a card nestled between the bow at the top.
"Huh?" you sound, reaching down to retrieve it from the ground. How it got there was a mystery, unless Luna had placed it conveniently next to your bed. You take the card from the ribbon and open it, to read neatly curved writing that said:
and blue it shall be. see you at 7 in the common room. E x
Your eyes widen. The only E you are aware of is Edward, so this package must be from him, which only makes your stomach drop. Quickly you scramble to untie the ribbon and remove the box lid, rummaging through the pink tissue paper to be met with a sight that almost made you choke on nothing.
"Merlin above," you mutter, taking the blue fabric you knew so well between your fingers and carefully lifting it before you. The dress from Gladrags Wizardwear, in all its silky, blue glory, was folded amongst the tissue paper. You scoff in amazement, unsure what to think about the gesture after knowing the price tag. There was only one person with you that day, so Hermione must have told him. Did he ask her? Did he just guess? So many thoughts your mind started to feel even hazier. You take it from its box and place it over your body, looking at yourself in the floor length mirror. A smile creeps across your face, even though you had no idea how to thank him for such a gift. You stare at it for a long while, tracing the lines of it with your fingers.
"I could return it and give him the money back," you ponder, "or I could just accept it as a nice gesture and not feel guilty about it..."
Your stomach then grumbled furiously, bringing you back to the room. It was almost twelve in the afternoon now, so in order to seize as much of the day before the ball, you bundle the first clothes you see and head for the showers. You replay in your mind how you were to thank Edward, do you just show up in a dress worth Galleons or do you acknowledge it beforehand? It bothered you the entire way to the kitchen for leftovers. As you reach the lower floors of the castle, you catch a whiff of the remaining smell of delicious breakfast foods, enticing your legs to move faster towards the kitchen entrance. Upon entering, you see the tables full of foil covered plates and jugs of pumpkin juice. Starving, you begin peeling back the foil to see pancakes, bacon, scrambled eggs and blueberry muffins. You help yourself, the house elves would rather you eat it than it go to waste. So engrossed in your munching, you didn't really register when the door squeaked open.
You turn, teeth still sunk into a muffin, to see Draco stood there. Quickly you remove the cake from your mouth and wipe your lips on the back of your sleeve.
"Draco," you mumble, "Hi."
"Hi," he says, cautiously walking over to where you were stood, "I, uh, don't usually see anyone down here at this time."
"You come down here after meals?" you ask him curiously, taking another huge bite from the muffin. He nods in response, taking one for himself. He peels back the casing, before indulging in the soft sponge with a satisfied hum. It's quiet for a while as you both eat, unsure what to say to lift the ever present awkwardness between the two of you now. Draco is the first to speak.
"So, uh, I guess I should apologise for being an arse the other night."
You wipe your hands on a nearby napkin.
"Yeah, you probably should," you say, looking at the napkin intently to avoid having to look directly at him. You'd forgive him in a heartbeat if you did.
"I just wasn't expecting to see you with-"
"Someone else?"
You break your own rule and make eye contact with him. He's staring back at you with an intensity, clearly annoyed about something he has no right to be annoyed about.
"I never said that."
"But that's why you were rude to Edward, isn't it?" you challenge, "because I was with him?"
Draco's jaw clenches. He feels bad about it, but yeah, he was annoyed.
"Just sudden, is all," he then mutters, reaching for another muffin. You scoff.
"Well, I'm not dating him if that's what you think," you spell out for him harshly, and Draco doesn't dare look in your direction, "I don't know what you take me for, Draco, but I'm not Pansy Parkinson."
You turn away from him, back to fiddling with your napkin. It's quiet again. Draco is picking at his muffin now, suddenly losing his appetite immensely. The tension is so thick you could spread it on toast and serve it.
"So, uh, you're not, like, seeing him?" Draco sort of mumbles, but you hear him loud and clear.
"No," you sigh, "but I am going to the ball with him tonight."
"Seriously?" Draco shoots you a disapproving look. It boils your blood.
"Is that an issue?" you ask, and he just sulks, huffing to himself.
"Not at all," he says, but it certainly sounds like an issue, "go with who you want."
"I hardly think it can be an issue when it was your decision to stop meeting one another," you then tell him, forcefully shoving your napkin into the bin, "this isn't my doing."
"Like you need to remind me," Draco mutters solemnly. You don't want to argue with him, but the ever growing distance between you is causing friction when you do speak to one another. And now this with Edward seems to have really grinded his gears. You let out a heavy, sad sigh.
"I don't think you have the right to be annoyed," you say, making your way towards the door, "but I get it. I'm guilty of it too."
"You are?" he said, stopping you in your tracks. You turn to face him one last time.
"If I am or not, it doesn't change anything. We'll be forever dancing in circles. That's just how the universe wishes us to be."
He has a longing look in his eyes. You wish to quell the demons that rage inside him and save his soul from his families clutches, but the further you get from him, the more you realise that you are just not that person. You give him a sad smile before turning back to the door, when his voice speaks out.
"I'm taking Astoria," he confesses to you, and your heart drops to the pit of your stomach, "I just think you should know before tonight, that's all."
"Right," you breathe, "I can't say I'm surprised."
You left before he could say anymore, feeling tears sting the corners of your eyes as you make your way back above ground. He was left melancholy in the kitchen, caught between the selfish but elated feeling that you too were experiencing the sting of jealousy, and the growing guilt he feels for another life he has managed to taint. The rest of the muffin is discarded in the bin, along with any hope of keeping you in his life somehow.
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As the evening drew in, the dormant nerves in your stomach started to swirl. You drew out the last finishing touches to your look, hoping that time wasn't moving as fast as it was, but the clock almost read 7:00pm.
Edward would be waiting in the common room by now, you imagine. After leaving the kitchen in a state, you made your way to Gryffindor tower in hopes to find Hermione. To your luck she was home, busy helping Ginny make some last minute alterations to her dress. When she appeared through the portrait hole, her expression immediately became concerned.
"What's happened?" she rushed to say, placing her hands on your arms. The comfort of her being near caused the damn to break, and the tears just wouldn't stop coming. She led you inside to her dorm room, locking the door behind you both. From there you proceeded to tell her everything, from the dress, to the card, to Draco and Astoria.
"I didn't tell Edward anything about the dress," she goes on to say, passing you tissues, "even if he had asked me, I knew you wouldn't want someone buying that for you. And as for Malfoy, he has some serious audacity to be the tiniest bit annoyed."
She always knew how to make you feel better, even when you didn't think anything could. After a long talk and a whole pack of tissues, the weight felt much lighter on your shoulders. Hermione told you to try and enjoy yourself, and that however Edward found out about the dress, he wouldn't have bought if he didn't have the money. "He must want you to wear it," she had said, "and you'll look amazing. Just accept the kind gesture. It's not like he'll take it back."
Now you were staring at yourself with the dream dress on your figure, hair done and makeup complete. You wished there was something that would make you feel the excitement everyone else seemed to be experiencing, but it simply wasn't coming to you. You check the clock again, and your stomach hits the floor.
It's time.
Grabbing your jacket and purse, you head towards the common room, passing excited groups of girls making their way downstairs. As you enter the common room, you look around to find Edward when you feel a hand on your shoulder.
"Evening," he says smoothly, "you look divine."
So did he. His tie matched your dress, and so did the handkerchief in his pocket. He was smiling down at you with a glint in his eyes, a look you had seen before in a different pair.
"Thank you," you breathe, and smile, "and so do you, Edward. You look lovely."
His grin gets wider, holding out his arm for you. "Ready?" he says softly, and you loop your arm in his, allowing him to escort you to the Great Hall. Along the way you see students and classmates, either with friends or a date, their faces a picture of pure delight. It lifted your spirits to see the halls filled with such happiness. From time to time you could feel the lingering stares, knowing it was because of who you were holding onto. You glance up at him.
Just enjoy it, you tell yourself.
Upon entering the hall you were met by teachers, all dressed in their best for the occasion. Professor McGonagall greeted you both at the door, a house elf offering a sparkling drink. Edward takes one for the both of you, and you sip it to taste notes of apple and pear. Several long tables are lined with delicious food and mouth watering desserts. Elves wander around with trays of drinks, some couples are dancing to the gentle music the orchestra is playing and the guests from outside of Hogwarts are mingling from table to table. The hall was decorated to the nines, streamers of gold and white across the beams and twinkling lights dotted the dark ceiling. Candles lit the tables, the sparkle from the dresses catching the dim light as people twirled together. It was a wonderful sight.
"Would you like to dance?" Edward offers you his hand, and you begin to feel a little hot in the face. You hadn't danced in so long, you were afraid you might have forgotten how to. Edward senses your hesitation, and then leans in to whisper, "I've got you, don't worry."
You allow him to guide you, his hands taking your waist, your arms finding place around his neck. He smelt incredible, the music drifting across the room as you gentle swayed.
"I should thank you for the dress," you break the silence, "you really didn't have to."
"Oh, but I did," he chuckled lightly, "I wanted you to feel as beautiful as you are."
That had you flustered. You smile and look away instantly, but two fingers press under your chin, bringing your line of vision back to him. Your heart is thundering, but it's a feeling of wanting to run, as if you're doing something wrong. He's looking at you so intently, thumb brushing across your chin. You feel hot, but not in a nervous way, in a suffocating way.
"You know," he whispers, "I really didn't think you'd say yes."
"Huh?" you sound.
"Well, after running into Malfoy the other night, I thought you might have history," he then says, and your entire body tenses at the name, "but, if you said yes to me, then I guess I was wrong."
"You were," you quickly say, swallowing thickly, "Draco is an old friend."
Just then, as if you had summoned him, he enters the hall with Astoria on his arm. At first you don't notice, too consumed by Edwards clear advances.
"Do you want another drink?" Edward asks, breaking the intimate hold he had on you. You nod with your best smile, and he leaves momentarily. You make your way off the dance floor, just wanting to breathe and have some space, when you finally spot him.
It was like the whole world stopped, and it was just you and them in a empty room. Everything else went quiet. They waltzed in, Draco's award winning smile charming the teachers and Astoria's hand firmly around his arm. She's wearing green. Just as you thought she would. Draco's tie matches. His hair is neat and tidy, his suit a dark grey. He looks incredible. So does she. You find yourself staring, and in that moment, like a punch to your gut, you realise many things all at once.
You were not in their league. You are not a pureblood witch. Green is not your colour. Draco is not yours. He never was. Astoria is better. She walks beside him like she belongs there. Draco is a far away as he is close. He is not yours.
Your feet move before you, but a hand stops you. It's Hermione, she's smiling until she sees the distress on your face. "What's wrong?" she says, but it's almost like everything is in slow motion, your vision blurry and head a mess. Edward then returns, a look of concern on his face also, when you finally snap out of your trance.
"Y/N?" he says gently, "are you alright? Do you need some air?"
"I'm fine," you breathe deeply, mustering up a smile, "just got a little hot, is all. Thank you for the drink. Edward, this is Hermione, I'm not sure you've met."
You take a big gulp of the drink Edward passes to you, and Hermione shakes your dates hand and compliments his outfit. Your eyes wander over to Draco once again, now chatting away to one of the guests, no doubt a family friend. Astoria is laughing alongside him, leaning into his frame and resting her head on his shoulder. You feel physically sick, until Hermione turns to speak.
"Have you tried the food?" she says enthusiastically, "it's delicious, they even have your favourite cake."
"How nice," you smile, but Hermione isn't buying your facade. Edward seems to be, which is the only thing that really matters, "shall we go and look, Edward?"
He agrees wholeheartedly. Hermione goes to say something, no doubt to ask to speak with you, but soon swallows her words. She smiles, and then excuses herself to speak to Professor Slughorn who had just wandered in. Once at the food laid tables, your stomach churns at the thought of eating, when Edward offers you a delicious looking slice of cake. You pick at it, listening to him talk about everything and nothing. You make small inputs, nodding your head or occasionally making a sound of agreement. He doesn't seem to sense the tension.
Just across the hall stands Draco, with Astoria on his arm still, running her fingers up and down his forearm affectionately. The gesture makes him feel uneasy as one of his parents acquaintances talk at him about their business and how 'wonderful it would be to employ a Malfoy someday.' He does as his mother had taught him; you smile, look enthusiastic and never, ever show how disinterested you really are. His eyes keep finding you, and the sour taste in his mouth intensifies each time Chambers hands touch your body. It makes his blood feel like fire in his veins. You look so good he's almost jealous of anyone who approaches you. Draco doesn't think he's ever felt fury like it, and when Chambers leans in to whisper against your ear he abruptly ends the conversation and detaches Astoria from his arm.
He ignores the girls call to him, making a beeline towards where you were standing. Chambers arm was now around your waist, but you make no sudden moves. Then you laugh, and it's so sweet he could drown in the sound of it. Almost there, you're within a reach of his hand, when the music suddenly changes and Astoria catches up to him.
"Where are you going?" she speaks over the louder music, "it's the main dance, c'mon."
She takes his hand. Draco turns back to see you had retreated, possibly towards the dance floor as well. Couples begin to twirl and spin, the dance floor now littered with warm bodies and rosey cheeks. His focus is elsewhere, eyes frantically trying to find you. Astoria's hand guides his eyes back to her, pulling him against her frame as he automatically begins to dance. It's been driven into his system so much that his feet move without his brain telling them to. Edward had made a snarky comment about Professor Binns, and you couldn't help but chuckle before his gentle hands guided you towards the floor for the main event. Once again your arms rested around his shoulders, his hands securely at your waistline as he effortlessly glided around the room. He was focused on you, his eyes never leaving yours as the swift movements of the dance transport you to another place, the feeling of flying as your dress floats around your body, taking over your senses. You felt at ease dancing with him, but at the same time all wrong. As the music begins to slow, he pulls you back into him, gazing down at you with that same glint in his eyes.
"You, Y/N Y/L/N, are truly breathtaking," he compliments, and suddenly you have no idea what to do, as he closes the gap between you. His lips are an inch from yours seconds before you push him away, his face a look of pure shock. You're stood in the middle of the dance floor, heart pounding against your chest.
"I can't," you say, backing away through the crowd, "I'm so sorry, I can't."
It doesn't take long before you're rushing out the hall, gaining the attention of Hermione who swiftly follows in your direction, but also the boy who had been searching the sea of dancing students for you. Draco races after Hermione, desperate for a chance to stop her. He follows her with haste out into the cold corridor, ignoring the fact he had just left Astoria confused on the dance floor. Just as a reaches her, he takes her wrist, causing the brunette to spin and face him.
"Please," he pants, a frown forming on her face the moment her eyes land on him, "please, let me go after her."
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disclaimer: i do not own hp or any of the characters in this story
dividers from: @firefly-graphics & @happy-ash-edits
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jd-arts319 · 1 year
Spidersona Oc! Ginger Graceful aka Spinneret!
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Her Abilities:
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Her relationship (s):
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Her Civilian Form:
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Joining the Spiderverse Fandom!
Meet Ginger Graceful aka Spinneret from Japan! She's 1/2 japanese and 1/2 western filipino! She lives in Nagasaki, Sasebo City of Japan!
Her Earth number is Earth-1019
Her universe is tied closely to the Demon Slayer universe and distantly from the Glitchtale universe....
Oc by me
Spiderverse (c) sony
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compneuropapers · 4 months
Interesting Reviews for Week 21, 2024
Predictions transform memories: How expected versus unexpected events are integrated or separated in memory. Bein, O., Gasser, C., Amer, T., Maril, A., & Davachi, L. (2023). Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 153, 105368.
Still a “hidden island”? The rodent insular cortex in drug seeking, reward, and risk. McGregor, M. S., & LaLumiere, R. T. (2023). Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 153, 105334.
Theory of collective mind. Shteynberg, G., Hirsh, J. B., Wolf, W., Bargh, J. A., Boothby, E. J., Colman, A. M., … Rossignac-Milon, M. (2023). Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 27(11), 1019–1031.
Hippocampal alterations after SARS-CoV-2 infection: A systematic review. Zorzo, C., Solares, L., Mendez, M., & Mendez-Lopez, M. (2023). Behavioural Brain Research, 455, 114662.
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ariadnethedragon · 2 years
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Vikings: Valhalla (2022-)
Leif Erikson, also known as Leif the Lucky (c. 970 – c. 1019 to 1025), was a Norse explorer who is thought to have been the first European to have set foot on continental North America, approximately half a millennium before Christopher Columbus.
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docpiplup · 1 year
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The Bastard Kings and their families
This is series of posts are complementary to this historical parallels post from the JON SNOW FORTNIGHT EVENT, and it's purpouse to discover the lives of medieval bastard kings, and the following posts are meant to collect portraits of those kings and their close relatives.
In many cases it's difficult to find contemporary art of their period, so some of the portrayals are subsequent.
1) Harald III of Denmark (c. 1040 – 1080), son of Sweyn II of Denmark and a concubine named Alvhild
2) Sweyn II of Denmark (c. 1019 –1076), son of Ulf Thorgilsson and Estrid Svendsdatter. Father of Harald III, Cnut IV, Niels I, Olaf I and Erik I
3) Niels I of Denmark (c. 1065 – 1134), son of Sweyn II of Denmark and a concubine
4) Olaf I of Denmark ( c. 1050 – 1095), son of Sweyn II of Denmark and a concubine
5) Cnut IV of Denmark  (c. 1042 – 1086), son of Sweyn II of Denmark and a concubine
6) Erik I of Denmark (c. 1060 – 1103), son of Sweyn II of Denmark and a concubine
7) Erik II of Denmark ( c. 1090 – 1137), son of Erik I of Denmark and a concubine
8) Sweyn III of Denmark (c. 1125 – 23 October 1157), son of Erik II of Denmark and a concubine named Thunna
9) Cnut/Knut/Canute Lavard ( 1096 – 1131), son of Erik I of Denmark and his wife Boedil Thurgotsdatter
10) Valdemar I of Denmark (1131 –1182 ), son of Canute Lavard and his wife Ingeborg of Kiev: with his wife Sophia of Minsk (d. 1198), daughter of Volodar of Minsk and Richeza of Poland
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By The Fireplace (1019 words) by jimmysofgatsby
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now that I'm done obnoxiously GIFing, I wrote a fic. Remember the time(s?) Michael Sheen and David Tennant did drag? I sure do, and I wrote about it. I'm talking about Davina and Mrs. Robinson btw
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Rab C Nesbitt (TV), There's Something About Movies (TV), The Graduate (1967) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Davina (Rab C Nesbitt)/Mrs Robinson (There's Something About Movies) Characters: Davina (Rab C Nesbitt), Mrs. Robinson (The Graduate) Additional Tags: The author has not seen the graduate, nor do they intend to, this is based on the Sheen skit, and the tennant skit for that matter, Mrs. Robinson’s name is Dottie, cheeky Good Omens reference there, Crack, Crack Treated Seriously, (it’s fluff this is fluff), Fluff, meet cute, Davina does not tolerate transphobia, T4T Couple, Davina is trans, Mrs. Robinson is trans, yes she has the beard, I told you this was from the skit, actress Mrs. Robinson, bartender Davina, the author does not drink, the author doesn’t know alcohol, the author did very little research, Getting Together, (sort of), if this gets popular I might write more, i might do that anyway, Michael Sheen - Freeform, David Tennant - Freeform, I’m calling her ms not mrs bc she’s not married here Summary: Davina’s boring evening and Dottie’s uncomfortable one collide at the bar, by the fireplace. And both of their evenings get infinitely better. (I should have guessed Davina/Mrs. Robinson was a thing! But even so I'm so happy it is! Deeper into the Sheen and Tennantverse I fall, it seems)
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Iran, Shiraz, Timurid period (1370-1501). Shamsa (recto) from right folio from a double-page frontispiece of a Shahnama (Book of Kings) of Firdausi (940-1019 or 1025) c. 1444. Opaque watercolor and gold on paper, 12 3/4 x 8 3/4 inches. Cleveland Museum of Art, Ohio.
Morocco; date unknown. Woven veil with embroidered “eyes.”  Wool, 40 x 22 1/2 inches. Source.
Sydney Parkinson (Scottish c. 1745-1771, botanical illustrator on HMS Endeavour). Ipomoea indica (blue or ocean morning glory) 1768-71. Watercolor on paper. Natural History Museum, London. Source.
I would also like to consider the use of empty space in works like these. In the illuminated book page at top, stray stains and marks show through from the other side of the page, unintentionally activating the surface. The spare distribution of the embroidered eyes in the Moroccan veil is fascinating; I thought perhaps they might be evidence of repair work, but they don’t appear anywhere else on the piece. Sadly, the source website provides little information. At bottom, some of Parkinson’s botanical studies were intentionally left unfinished to conserve paint while at sea. An engraving was later made using the color details provided in the finished parts. 
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liminalpsych · 2 years
Appendix C in Faletra's translation of Geoffrey of Monmouth's History of the Kings of Britain
My feelings on the various excerpts from other texts included in Appendix C of Michael Faletra's translation of Geoffrey's Historia regum Britanniae. These focused on the arc of King Arthur's development and are all very short excerpts, often just a long paragraph.
A quick plug for a fantastic Arthurian podcast I stumbled upon earlier this week, Eavesdropping On Arthurians. The very first episode is a professor talking with the podcaster about all these texts and more, as well as how to pronounce them, and the early references to Arthur. It was an informative and interesting listen, I really recommend it if you're interested in any of these texts or pre-Galfridian Arthur. (The second episode is about Geoffrey of Monmouth's depiction of many powerful women in his texts, who he presents as pretty much universally positive. Theoretically as a way to support Empress Matilda's bid for the throne. Also a worthwhile listen.)
From Aneirin, The Gododdin
This is the single poem that mentions Arthur; it's considered the first extant reference to the figure of Arthur. I talked about Y Gododdin in this post if you want the poem and more details on the full text.
From What Man is the Gatekeeper? (Pa gur yw y porthor?)
This one's neat! It's not even the entire poem. I've ordered a copy of the Black Book of Carmarthen and will be reading it in its entirety and context once that arrives. This is an early Brythonic poem where the poet describes Arthur and his band as vanquishers of a variety of supernatural monsters. This one has been estimated as being from the 10th century originally, and gives us Kay (as "Kei the fair") and Bedivere (as "the accomplished Bedwyr" by the side of Arthur in battle), and describes Arthur as laughing as he fought and killed "by the hundreds".
From The Stanzas of the Graves
Another one from the Black Book of Carmarthen. This talks about the resting places of many different legendary Cymric heroes, and mentions Arthur in the line "But the world's marvel indeed is the grave of Arthur". Pretty short excerpt, nothing much to respond to here.
From Triodd Ynys Prydein: The Welsh Triads
Faletra notes that these are probably mnemonics for bards, and the professor in the above-mentioned podcast agrees with this. It mentions Arthur, Mordred's betrayal, and the battle of Camlann. Very brief excerpt.
From The Legend of St. Goeznovius (Legenda Sancti Goeznovii)
Faletra writes that this text might date from around 1019. The short excerpt he includes (just about a paragraph) talks about Vortigern, Arthur as a king (possibly written before Geoffrey's Historia depicted Arthur as a king, which is interesting because most sources I've read say he was just written as a general or war-leader before Geoffrey's History).
From William of Malmesbury, The Deeds of the Kings of the English (Gesta Regum Anglorum)
The first English historian to mention Arthur, apparently; unlike the Legenda Sancti Goeznovii, William describes Arthur as a warlike military leader with great prowess in the battlefield. He also mentions Ambrosius and Vortigern. Another brief paragraph of an excerpt.
From Caradoc of Llancarvan, The Life of Gildas (Vita Gildae)
Written in the early to mid twelfth century. It's one I want to read in its entirety, I think. The excerpt shared by Faletra talks about "the holy Gildas" who "loved the king (Arthur) dearly, striving always to obey him", though his twenty-three brothers were very rebellious against Arthur and won several battles against him. Arthur manages to kill the eldest brother eventually, and Gildas grieves and weeps about this, but also prays for Arthur at the same time, apparently because he's a proper Christian saint.
From Gerald of Wales, The Description of Wales (Descriptio Kambriae), 11.2
The second Gerald excerpt. He writes to try to reconcile the lack of records of Arthur as king prior to Geoffrey of Monmouth. He postulates that Gildas (of Vita Gildae, above) threw all of the books about Arthur and cast them into the sea because he was so upset about his brother's death, so that's why no one can find any "accurate account" of Arthur prior to Geoffrey of Monmouth's work.
From Gerald of Wales, The Education of Princes (De Principis Instructione Liber), 1.20
Third Gerald excerpt, but not from the Kambriae this time. He describes the supposed discovery of Arthur's tomb, and really emphasizes "look, it's really totally King Arthur's tomb, I inspected it myself, he's not coming back". He also posits that Avalon is Glastonbury Tor, and that's where Morgan took Arthur after the Battle of Camlann.
From William Caxton's Preface to Sir Thomas Malory Le Morte Darthur
I really just skimmed this one, as I'm not chronologically to Morte in my "read all the core Arthurian texts" quest and figured I'd end up reading Caxton's preface when I got to the point of reading Malory. Caxton argues that Arthur was a real person and was a king.
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jhavelikes · 5 months
Solid-state spin qubits within silicon crystals at mK temperatures show great promise in the realisation of a fully scalable quantum computation platform. Qubit coherence times are limited in natural silicon owing to coupling to the 29Si isotope which has a non-zero nuclear spin. This work presents a method for the depletion of 29Si in localised volumes of natural silicon wafers by irradiation using a 45 keV 28Si focused ion beam with fluences above 1 × 1019 ions cm−2. Nanoscale secondary ion mass spectrometry analysis of the irradiated volumes shows residual 29Si concentration down to 2.3 ± 0.7 ppm and with residual C and O comparable to the background concentration in the unimplanted wafer. After annealing, transmission electron microscopy lattice images confirm the solid phase epitaxial re-crystallization of the as-implanted amorphous enriched volume extending over 200 nm in depth.
Highly 28Si enriched silicon by localised focused ion beam implantation | Communications Materials
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thuexekiacarnival · 7 months
Đánh Giá BMW X2: Một Bước Sai Lạ Trên Con Đường Của Sự Phát Triển
Here is a 1019 character post in a professional tone about the requested topic:
BMW là một trong những hãng xe sang và thể thao hàng đầu thế giới, với lịch sử phát triển hơn 100 năm. Từ khi thành lập vào năm 1916, BMW luôn mang đến cho khách hàng những giải pháp di chuyển đẳng cấp, kết hợp việc sử dụng công nghệ tiên tiến với thiết kế sang trọng.
Câu chuyện bắt đầu từ Công ty Bayrische Flugzeugwerke được thành lập ngày 7 tháng 3 năm 1916 tại München, Đức. Ban đầu công ty chuyên sản xuất máy bay nhưng sau Thế chiến 1, chính phủ Đức cấm sản xuất máy bay dân sự. Do đó, họ đã chuyển hướng sang sản xuất động cơ đạp xe và đổi tên thành BMW.
Đến năm 1928, BMW cho ra đời mẫu xe thể thao đầu tiên - BMW 3/15 ps với động cơ bốn xi-lanh ngang hàng đầu tiên trên thế giới. Từ đó, BMW bắt đầu khẳng định vị thế là nhà sản xuất xe thể thao chất lượng cao.
Suốt những năm qua, BMW liên tục đầu tư nghiên cứu và ứng dụng các công nghệ mới nhất vào sản phẩm c
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kennak · 11 months
iOS 17 に内蔵されているApple製のバイナリ6,030個 (カーネルを除く) を調べたところ、Swiftで書かれているものは約半数、SwiftUIを使っているのは6%程度だった。Objective-Cはいまだに6割以上のバイナリで使われている。https://blog.timac.org/2023/1019-state-of-swift-and-swiftui-ios17/blog.timac.orgApple’s use of Swift and SwiftUI in iOS 17
新山祐介 (Yusuke Shinyama): "iOS 17 に内蔵されているApple製のバイナリ6,03…" - Mastodon 🐘
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lamorgh · 1 year
# Look 1019 *
❀• C R E D I T S •❀ Head: Lelutka – AVALON 3.1 EvoX Body:  Maitreya – Mesh Body Lara V5.3 Head skin: enLight – TIA -11 Pecan – New @ Mainstore Shape: Shapes by Kittykat – Isabella – @ Swank Event (till July 31st) Body skin: enLight+ND/MD – HDX 11-Pecan (L+M) – @ Mainstore Hair: TRUTH – Sunny – New @ Mainstore Bikini + sarong:  :ESSENCE: – Giulia – @ Swank Event (till July 31st) Shoes: {Le’La}…
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compneuropapers · 3 months
Interesting Papers for Week 26, 2024
Glutamate inputs send prediction error of reward, but not negative value of aversive stimuli, to dopamine neurons. Amo, R., Uchida, N., & Watabe-Uchida, M. (2024). Neuron, 112(6), 1001-1019.e6.
Efficient coding of natural images in the mouse visual cortex. Bolaños, F., Orlandi, J. G., Aoki, R., Jagadeesh, A. V., Gardner, J. L., & Benucci, A. (2024). Nature Communications, 15, 2466.
Does phasic dopamine release cause policy updates? Carter, F., Cossette, M., Trujillo‐Pisanty, I., Pallikaras, V., Breton, Y., Conover, K., … Shizgal, P. (2024). European Journal of Neuroscience, 59(6), 1260–1277.
Tactile localization promotes infant self-recognition in the mirror-mark test. Chinn, L. K., Noonan, C. F., Patton, K. S., & Lockman, J. J. (2024). Current Biology, 34(6), 1370-1375.e2.
Comparison of head direction cell firing characteristics across thalamo‐parahippocampal circuitry. Clark, B. J., LaChance, P. A., Winter, S. S., Mehlman, M. L., Butler, W., LaCour, A., & Taube, J. S. (2024). Hippocampus, 34(4), 168–196.
Context memory formed in medial prefrontal cortex during infancy enhances learning in adulthood. Contreras, M. P., Mendez, M., Shan, X., Fechner, J., Sawangjit, A., Born, J., & Inostroza, M. (2024). Nature Communications, 15(1), 2475.
Retinal origin of orientation but not direction selective maps in the superior colliculus. de Malmazet, D., Kühn, N. K., Li, C., & Farrow, K. (2024). Current Biology, 34(6), 1222-1233.e7.
Memory-specific encoding activities of the ventral tegmental area dopamine and GABA neurons. Glykos, V., & Fujisawa, S. (2024). eLife, 12, e89743.3.
Cholinergic-Sensitive Theta Oscillations in Memory Encoding in Mice. Gu, Z., Stevanovic, K. D., Cushman, J. D., & Yakel, J. L. (2024). Journal of Neuroscience, 44(12), e1313232024.
Neural correlates of confidence during decision formation in a perceptual judgment task. Ko, Y. H., Zhou, A., Niessen, E., Stahl, J., Weiss, P. H., Hester, R., … Feuerriegel, D. (2024). Cortex, 173, 248–262.
Emergence of co-tuning in inhibitory neurons as a network phenomenon mediated by randomness, correlations, and homeostatic plasticity. Lagzi, F., & Fairhall, A. L. (2024). Science Advances, 10(12).
Differences in the expression of cortex-wide neural dynamics are related to behavioral phenotype. MacDowell, C. J., Briones, B. A., Lenzi, M. J., Gustison, M. L., & Buschman, T. J. (2024). Current Biology, 34(6), 1333-1340.e6.
Tracking subjects’ strategies in behavioural choice experiments at trial resolution. Maggi, S., Hock, R. M., O’Neill, M., Buckley, M., Moran, P. M., Bast, T., … Humphries, M. D. (2024). eLife, 13, e86491.
A septal-ventral tegmental area circuit drives exploratory behavior. Mocellin, P., Barnstedt, O., Luxem, K., Kaneko, H., Vieweg, S., Henschke, J. U., … Remy, S. (2024). Neuron, 112(6), 1020-1032.e7.
Learning high-level visual representations from a child’s perspective without strong inductive biases. Orhan, A. E., & Lake, B. M. (2024). Nature Machine Intelligence, 6(3), 271–283.
MTL neurons phase-lock to human hippocampal theta. Schonhaut, D. R., Rao, A. M., Ramayya, A. G., Solomon, E. A., Herweg, N. A., Fried, I., & Kahana, M. J. (2024). eLife, 13, e85753.
A cerebro-cerebellar network for learning visuomotor associations. Sendhilnathan, N., Bostan, A. C., Strick, P. L., & Goldberg, M. E. (2024). Nature Communications, 15, 2519.
Learning environment-specific learning rates. Simoens, J., Verguts, T., & Braem, S. (2024). PLOS Computational Biology, 20(3), e1011978.
A generative model of memory construction and consolidation. Spens, E., & Burgess, N. (2024). Nature Human Behaviour, 8(3), 526–543.
Functional specificity of recurrent inhibition in visual cortex. Znamenskiy, P., Kim, M.-H., Muir, D. R., Iacaruso, M. F., Hofer, S. B., & Mrsic-Flogel, T. D. (2024). Neuron, 112(6), 991-1000.e8.
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blog-sguera · 1 year
30.283 — SC Buenos Aires, noviembre 30-976. — Bombini, Santiago A. c. Mahfud, José , S. C. A. (Ac 21.865). 2da Parte
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La mención del art. 1019 del cód. civil, carece de aplicación porque la demandada no ha argüido la sustracción fraudulenta por un tercero del papel que contenía la firma en blanco.
El art. 1017 crea excepciones a las normas de presunción que tienen cabida en los arts. 1016 y 1028. La sentencia, merituando los elementos de pruebas obrantes, ha tenido por verificada la falta de intención que esa norma contempla. Además, la prueba indubitable de que ha mediado abuso de firma en blanco surge de que el actor no mencionara el documento cuestionado en su presentación ante Trabajo y Previsión; este hecho, asimismo, priva de consistencia a la afirmación de que el pronunciamiento judicial solo se fundaría en prueba testimonial: también se le ha otorgado valor a la de confesión, de la que se desprende que las registraciones contables eran realizadas por el accionante o por empleados a quienes les impartía órdenes; es sugestivo que el crédito cuyo cobro persigue no hubiese sido consignado en su cuenta corriente.
Por último, sostiene el demandado que es lógico suponer (y no, “absurdo”), que las registraciones mencionadas por el actor han significado gratificaciones; todo lo demás, son meras discrepancias subjetivas que no demuestran que el juzgador haya incurrido en arbitrariedad.
5.° La cuestión a decidir se centra pues acerca de sí, en atención a las circunstancias de la causa, el contenido de la sentencia y la argumentación expuesta en el recurso de inaplicabilidad de ley, corresponde el pago de los importes por habilitación.
De conformidad con la doctrina de esta Corte, en el sistema procesal laboral la prueba es apreciada “en conciencia” por los tribunales de las instancias ordinarias (les 7718, art. 44, inc. e]), y, por tanto, queda normalmente detraída del ámbito de la casación (AS, 1965-I-386; 1966-II-702 y 901; telectual desarrollada en el proceso de formación de la sentencia, que ésta exterioriza, carece de bases aceptables con arreglo a los preceptos legales que gobiernan la valoración de las probanzas.
Estimo que en el fallo impugnado se han violado las normas de los arts. 1017, 1018, 1019 y 1028 del cód. civil: se lo funda en prueba testimonial contra la prohibición expresa del mencionado art. 1017 y se invierte indebidamente la carga de la prueba, contrariando las reglas del art. 375 del cód. procesal civil y comercial.
No existe prueba eficaz de que haya existido abuso de firma en blanco y menos aún de que el documento de fs.3 hubiese sido obtenido mediante engaño, artificios o ardides.
De las disposiciones de los arts. 1017, 1018 y 1019 se desprende que el abuso de la firma en blanco no puede demostrarse por prueba testimonial y meras presunciones, si no se ha argüido la sustracción fraudulenta del documento ni se aporta prueba alguna para demostrarla (AS, 970-11-341).
El instrumento de Is. 3 fue cuestionado. La carga de demostrar que las obligaciones que de él surgen no son las que las partes tuvieron intención de documentar, grava a la parte que afirma lo contrario de lo que del texto resulta.
Las presunciones que se pretenden extraer, además de ser en el caso inadmisibles por lo que ya he señalado, adolecen de la falta de un elemento esencial exigido por la teoría general del derecho procesal y el art. 163 del cód. Procesal civil y comercial: no se fundan en hechos reales y probados.
En efecto, las fichas de cuenta corriente carecen de rúbrica; en la de fs. 84/85 nú se mencionan créditos por gratificaciones, no obstante lo que en la sentencia se sugiere a fs. 97; la relación laboral cesó el 23 de octubre de 1973, y es totalmente inverosímil que los asientos posteriores (hasta el 20 de diciembre de 1973) hayan sido registrados por el actor.
Originally published at on http://blogsguera.com/ March 23, 2023.
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orange1896 · 1 year
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4120008858002 板 4130000476008 传动油滤清器滤芯滤清器滤芯TLX448/10 2110900031 右防护门总成 29320009581 油位尺 29040006571 冷储管GK33-5.0P4-20 29260009471 螺栓M5*120 4120007554 管BD05-11000 26130024581 前车架 26360006111 节温器盖垫片490B-43003 26170019821 接头 29440000381 管夹支板 4130000417102 气散S9115117C 1907000108 sk200斗齿 2090900205 夹紧座 6256000201 进气歧管垫片 1G790-1182-0 28100005921 P-螺栓GB5782-M10*90-12.9 2808000362101 蒸汽电磁阀 4110000186298 LG956L宣传彩页-1 29140017551 盖帽(左) 0730.162.021 16060735 弹簧座 F129150-14200 中冷器 4120004781 气缸盖罩1001072354 29290018471 支架II 29120044861 PIPE_WA 29050015931 停用-铲斗总成 26341008161 下橡胶板810035 26331043491 挡圈 6233000874 仪表台线束总成 6900013449 止退垫 29010071901 左后扶手 14406895 装载机 28080001120021 主阀至铲斗胶管1 29250010081 摩擦片合件(bx50) 14402557 MT60矿用自卸车 17004372 转向灯线束 9150000442 RD7140全液压双钢轮振动压路机 6410003835 机铰刀 6900001228 收音机 6253000001 限位块 26180013501 雨刮器控制器 29281002283 PLATE 6t 6253000304 LG952H前铰接架焊合 4110001121134 链条索具 6900020502 滑轮 1090000276 橡胶板 F4043000019LG956 O形圈 29080008831 减速器壳ZL18E-01-9 4120016294034 三角筋板LGB314-100*125*12 26120003301 上盖板 29340014041 盖板 F71N6-10261 油杯NPT1/8 29390000201 停用-套筒销D22-105-01+A 4110001553001 发动机总成L9CS4-243kW 4110000956 左后车架线束 LG6235E 29270007701 PLATE 26330015931 环规 29410102063 垫板 29310013991 933转斗油封 5612215G39 左后支腿 29010073691 摩擦片 6900005006 眼型自锁安全钩 3.15T多来劲09080210 21779548 4110004031003 前车架标识包 F952DH 驾驶室总成 4041001363 活塞杆总成24A114170 29340018901 直通接头1DO-36-12 4011000364 驾驶室线束 29170014491 LG916肥城驱动桥模块 彩色纸箱430*170*170 4043003481 转斗油缸HSGF-210*110*542-1640 29330002641 桥壳 4110001100318 隔热罩(右)C13BL-13BL601+C 6900021291 变速泵LG03-BSB 4011001467 箍带底座总成4110002362-085 29400013821 后车架 4120016415006 短半轴 Φ35*763.8 ZL15F.2-3B 11211900 PIPE ZJ4110001451 散热器回油胶管 FZ0000560 分动箱壳体 26360007181 停用-防滑板 LFT18 6213000319 HOSE 14719169 1690100115 水处理箱 6410007317 角钢50*50*4 4110003832023 轴套24C054050 29150019661 螺栓GB5785-M16*1.5*70flZnyc-10.9-480 29330073511 箱 29440000031 螺栓M8×80Q150B0880 29070019561 90度弯头 6420002061 差速器左壳ZL15F-2403013 4120009029101 纸盒 6399013713 临工标志 LG0M0860WE5 钢板t18*1730-SM490A 29120017571 动臂LL3333Q 4120005071003 变矩器壳体 4041002091 LG955N 轮胎式装载机 LG952 6233000457 节温器 11210113 直接头LGB177-01414 4120018480 工作灯 28140004961 密封环01118654 6303000468 基本工具5873 002 001 29220021211 LG933轮式装载机-3303214G3908 2110400170 钢板t20*180*570 F4190000418 后板簧第四片 LG6210 26250000021 制动钳螺丝 26290020761 软管 LG2929001174 柴滤J213-03A-010400(ff42000) 14687776 29360016091 彩色纸盒100*100*220 26280004771 端盖 11223533 垫片13054483 29200011461 左上梁焊合(金色) 11224508 进风挡板 29101001711 回转马达油封 11224917 RS8160宣传册 29050022521 护套 28081003311 支架 29260027021 主衬套129001-02931 11218240 转斗油缸HSGL-100*63*418-1019 6410007604 油缸上销轴 M0850WA62 LGB677电瓶箱总成 4110002989090 板 28140008941 非公路自卸车 11217610 LG956N岩石斗(2.8m3) 4110000186692 抱箍 2060900413 串口转换线 FTDI TTL-232R-5V-WE 串口转换线 USB - TT 3100900028 LG956超高王装载机-5603113GA901 11216588 主轴承螺栓610800010220 29240016721 铜套Q/HL 102121.1-2010 φ70*φ85*66 29230009702 转向器总成 L955F 29100005321 内六角螺钉 FM14-70 排气管螺栓612630110958 Mail:[email protected] 26441006223 MT95标配 排石器 4110002785004 螺栓GB16674.1-M10*20flZnyc-10.9-480 29010060231 罩 FXS400 PLATE 4110001701202 台架线束 4120003849 左侧门总成 29170042361Y 停用-洗涤水管 29030021111 球轴承 6308 C3 40*90*23 0750 116 139 4110000166062 连杆 21909012481 FRONT FRAME 4043001564 螺丝 29140018261 海绵 3120900119 HEXAGON SCREW M12X60 14525971 支架 28100010051 轴 29260029231 海绵 28440000161 HYDRAULIC MOTOR_51C060 14577781 29050007811 轴承 29311012611 硬管 11220907 密封组件55321-1 4190000447 空调压缩机12240-39600 T2005214A3001 后行走马达 6618000110 左台架总成 26270001171 发动机修理包(150) 4110001060201 燃油表 29240024041 发电机拉紧螺栓13025986 FLG60ZBPJ06 AIR CLEANER,7 4120000675H 压力管 14569922 PLATE_FR SIDE / 4.6M GP BOOM 4110002606017 右前扶手 14597207 LG2907001833101 一拖一电子镇流器 14400750 进出水管封盖(N=Φ45) SKFG-1 29130203351 碗形闷头C04AL-3P1896 6212000358 振动打桩机 BY-VH330 26011004341 LG968N液压油箱总成 29430007301 油管 ZJ4110001187008 SEALING COVER 4110015708246 壳体螺栓350FHT01 LG28080002001011 机油滤芯 F3BQ6-13130 PLATE FDP0552 前支架右612600011411 27170000081 仪表盘ZL2-256B ZJ4110000399002 LG936L轮式装载机 FXKAH-01044 活塞环 4110000970173 白板 14533044-A 11224645 电瓶线LGB340-50*150P1L10L10-1L1 9999999999 停用-前挡上下玻璃密封条 4120007178 后车架 ZJ2710010825 缸筒总成24A130134 7300000377 液压油散回油胶管 LG2917006032 1 电瓶箱盖总成 29120024521 后车架电气总成 4120006308005 保险丝ATM70 CMT96 29100018141 LG946油缸总成 26320004802 密封垫 26130017331 角钢 LG54512 铸造左配重 28250014541 DOOR FRAME-t2*432*58 A40-4110002160 LG952H 装载机自检记录 FZ0001293 液压操纵总成 6900021442 EC柴油格 29010049851 标志与标识 4110001100291 油标尺13056923 28270011291 前围板焊合 29250009141 螺钉GB819.1-M5*16flZnyc-4.8-480 29040008151 E6460FLC宣传册 4120008409021 胶管 6303002002 密封件包(1.6T回转接头ZH1001A200-0000) 4110015676065 电钻起子机 世达51002 29170058262 多路阀进油胶管 29210010461 燃油粗滤器1000588582 6430001478 右箱上壳体 28380000341 丝堵 4110001704211 支撑板 990652 螺栓M10*70-8.8LG6135E 29040012371 专用工具1899323 29190014211 暖风水箱 804005 14573881 HANDLE_ASSY LH WINDSHIELD 11222652 锥形电机7.5KW 4012000055 三角带SPA-1800 29290012331 右侧门 29440000631 筋板 26241049591 底板 4130003026 L95 CAB 6900011237 支架 11210323 温度开关 26330003361 压板5870 100 069 6900021204 钢丝挡圈249200034 Mobile/WhatsApp:0086-1525-4934-126 29010040691 仪表台线束 3214578579 主刀板合件 28010015711 仪表台线束 C3960890 2130900211 电磁阀 12 VDC 08100448 29010018431 PIPE_WA 28010012651 非公路自卸车 6373200138 衬板 4120009273004 板 43979822 COVER_WA UPR 6900020888 缸头螺栓 M12*100 L068FW3225G29A0 胶管F481CACA151508-1800 F31EM-10010 清渣闷盖 4110000057002 组合开关 29060009831 防碰撞安装板-板2 6410006851 摩擦板MS50S204 4110001571031 PAINT_SCN180 29031011881 左上叉 29240041511 筋板 29100017051 花纹板5*1250*6000 LG952 7200000842 SOFTWARE; Reset Fault Codes; EMS 26050000691 箱上壳体LG680.YFSX-1 4110001903059 护板 29310018821 直接头LGB120-21819*70 21909008451 前壳00800FH LG953 11223747 动臂销轴LGB301-95-147-325-40Cr 2130900007 发动机线束 4120005406 继电器固定架 FCAT330 滑动支架 26291006571 电池 东芝ER6VC119B 4041002182 破碎锤右钢管 11214770 右动臂缸小腔钢管 F936QCBL 锁紧螺母 4110000716 翘板开关 14401216 排气管垫片 29230007911 支架 6394500027 软管20411-22-08TZ/20441-22-08TZ*FC686-08*1 4030000579 后槽钢 6231000337 EXTRA HYD EQUIPMENT 4110002116023 液控换向阀 F防护网(LG210) 后车架线束 28110005571 加高接头 29340039521 多楔带惰轮轴D30-1002213D 11224677 后罩总成 28230023331 黄油阀 B877 29100019381 方管40×40×4×305 J7300001678B LG953变速操纵软轴 1153-00470 28150004781 变压器 DB-50-2 380V变7V,15V,17V 6900007943 零部件图册 LG933-L3311214G29 E3816215AK9 碳刷架(与集电环配套使用) 16068682 6210000990 橡胶塞RD26A 2050900079 转斗缸小腔胶管总成 RS8260 4110001061200 电子油门踏板350827 11217953 钢管 26020004831 内六角锥形螺塞 NPT3/4 Q61906 29250022221 板 M086HWAU0 轴卡 2880902856009 销轴LGB301-50d9*N*140G-40Cr 26130028961 驱动端框架16611-63030 3323215A29R 垫板 LG2607000084101 HEX. SOCKET SCREW_M12X70 6900018753 LG938L装箱清单 29340047631 中冷出气管 E6550F 4110001321166 软管LGB164-014190 26141010641 密封环 FZC6205 隔离架转运台车 QF60M33G-1 4110001921160 卡环 4110001921081 前围板 E3615115A39 PLATE_CTR SIDE FT LH 29030028791 三角筋板LGB314-63*80*8 4110001704223 接线端子排 X3-1012 4120002673002 电瓶线LGB340-70*1400P1L10L10-3L1 4110003856019 吸油法兰 26010003492 柴油机油CD 15W-40 200L L059FV4225AK6E1 门定位锁开启手柄C1-3-0801049 6410000183 支撑板 LG2917015781 液压油箱 LG2908000958-1 端盖 4190000960 内饰支架6 4120006957001 ER616FS挖掘机 26240015241 PLATE 29170068021 吸油胶管HG4-763-51*540 D124000081 皮带 9200001200 右变速箱支承座 6220000757 连杆LGB317-A1200*75*80-50*100 4110004063290 左动臂油缸HSGF-140*110*2160-2700 6215000496 LG6135E&LG6150E保养周期表(英) 29170304701 L956F油缸总成 29220012841 非公路自卸车 1690200158 BRACKET 29110012501 胶管F421SN1915323232-855 29150015692 前桥总成 21909012681 外置电器装配件 11212097 机油管 MT86H 29150038841 连接器 4120009926 停用-垫片 4120000709 后车架线束 29330081771 海绵 FKC4110000545 光滑环规Φ115 UT350 29340055911 机体装配部件S00035818+01 9110000031 上架JU75 6410005657 散热器装配件 4190003782 右前扶手 29430007251 油管105025-59750 29420003471 防尘圈ME8-Φ50*Φ60*5 5302114AA901 连接管 LGM0600WA10 密封垫GKZ33-5.0H-04 Mobile/WhatsApp:0086-1525-4934-126 4043000030 前车架线束 29270009941 Boom cylinder-Normal Bu 4110001423005 六角法兰面螺栓9000000325 LG936 4110000561045 加力泵呼吸器 6212000928 LG953标准斗(2.8m3,斗底板提高) 6410005110 胶管 29051003491 进气节流阀垫片410800110260 Mail:[email protected] 29260050302 COVER_VZ40101152 29190016521 曲轴B7800-1005001 6900018056 软管20491-22-06TZ/20411-22-06TZ*FC687-06*1 29130023451 管夹 29100008581 空气滤芯6T 7200002976 胶管JB8406-B16*265 4110003856001 气门导管1003494505 29250006611 PLATE 450*450*450 4110000129061 PLATE 6387500216 镀锌管20*2 26441004651 电锤 29340033701 胶管F481CACF121208-770 11219053 轴套LGB302-100*137A2 6212000142 振动泵 6900015632 连接板 29130024971 销 FPC60-ZZL 停用-平垫片Q40108 01132562 ZJ4110001187096 回油胶管 11217064 法兰 29070008121 安全阀26020781201 29010068531 电瓶线LGB340-60*200P3R10L10-1L1 28440000631 L968F超高动臂模块(两联先导) 4120006062 散热器进油胶管 4110000991011 突破工程拓展PDU-07N32ES-0501 C3918192 26260010311 非公路自卸车 29340046311 皮带GB1171-A990 29100007691 连节片 26130006971 进气软管 14641395 LG956N传动轴总成 29120040411 直线滑轨HGL 25CA(4米一根) 6900020511 左上叉 F31Z1-00040 振动马达A2FMT090 4110003492248 导风罩LY-LG953-2F-00-001 11218156 推土铲1940(增加件) 4120005673005 PLATE_WA RH BATTERY 11223998 挡板 29260030111 软管LGB127-412140 6216000597 压板 4110002510181 接头 4110004340018 bucket 2050900057 驾驶室电气总成 26120010551 柴油箱盖原厂-1038 29030033921 盖4474.353.148 28010009341 上架 6430001149 大��油缸 4110015822003 主滤芯P182041 6213000420 软管LGB146-206108 29340057181 转斗缸总成 6303901283 垫板 11205575 螺栓GB5782-M8*50EpZn-10.9 29260034661 十字螺丝刀63513 26290006201 G80美式链条卸扣2T FH28003-240C 标准型弹簧垫圈B00001252 6254000001 LGS820S3单钢轮压路机-820011103 26130017741 加固板 29420005241 压紧板 29030038111 间隔套 29240014631 进口轴承 6006zz 28430001781 油管 6410006985 一级行星架总成 4110001031011 制动阀块 4120004488009 胶管20411-26-10TZXEC215-10X545 4110000186134 驾驶室本体 29170219441 螺钉GB70.1-M8*110flZnyc-10.9-480 E500FV3484S09A7 中臂回油钢管LG6235E1710 4110001534213 齿轮 R21 3030900139 驾驶室C50G 29330089291 前定位座 29130025651 扶手 4110002989093 电瓶线P15*450 28180004541 液压油管D30FM 26141007501 壳体衬垫1J700-04630 F4011000431 内六角圆柱头螺钉90013050036 LG8938001007 护板 26010006241 密封件包Z331-28 29330045281 LINKAGE STRUCTURE 26340008871 停用-导风罩LY-B877-00-001 FGZBD5 培训图纸A2(600) 2120900195 LG956L装载机驾驶室焊接总成 26270003551 主刀板延长板 26290018781 风扇护罩 29030018151 高压螺栓M16*130 4110000113020 连杆 4041002587 右前挡板焊合 28270006511 节流阀5410-2010 28250016251 驾驶室电气总成装配件 11216697 右转斗缸大腔钢管 28220005431 直接头 6900014456 非标杜瓦瓶 4190004032 驱动桥系统 29280008951 板 4110015901077 垫片LGB303-100*140*1 11220160 驱动桥标牌 4120006231150 覆盖件总成 6210001192 pump 4110000507005 LG6270E主架 29100031121 万能铭牌 14507800-01 支架 26370000322 保险丝100A 29430006401 垫片 29340019561 LUG_WA RH BUCKET CYL_ARM WA_2.1M 29010070241 防护网LY-LG968N-2A-00-002 4110001121093 断路器 28250023331 散热器总成 6293000084 G9138驾驶室 6215000383 车门密封胶条 29260044982 软管LGB125-210048 4110001003156 底座 6900021487 底板 29240102781 大工具柜 FZ0000166 管夹 14539997 LG660E宣传册 29050015892 发动机总成WD10G220E11(G0013) 26331011431 侧刀板(右) 6410007658 山东临工挖掘机6225 29030039211 调整螺栓1G772-54120 4043001252 铲斗总成 4110002933 吸油胶管 Read the full article
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