#c!puffy fictive
citizenoftmrrwlnd · 6 months
hello astro !! may we please have some names + pronouns for a c!captain puffy fictive ? fem , neu , masc , anything is fine ! for names , preferably starting with a c , and with either pirate-y captain-y adventure-y feels or something comforting caring and parental ^^
and for pronouns , pirate related , adventurous related , or related to being comforting caring parental nice kind etc etc you get it ^^;
she's been very nice to our system; the littles love papa puffy :] not to mention they're very helpful in a lot of situations . sea's been talking about how they don't really feel connected with the name cara , but they don't want to purely go by captain puffy or just puffy , sooo we wanted to thank them with this :]
~ tommy🪻, starry field collective 💫💐
hi!! i hope these names and pronouns are to sea's liking! sea sounds very sweet, and i'm sure sea'll appreciate the gesture, tommy🪻!
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gráinne - an irish legend, gráinne was a female pirate ione - the name of a sea nymph in greek myth maris - means "of the sea" merfyn - possibly derived from a handful of old welsh words, including a word that means "sea" meri - means "sea" aitor - possibly meaning "good father" biruté - just seemed like the right vibe rum - popularly associated with pirates, could be a good name? drinking alcohol can make someone feel warm, so there's a bit of a warmth associated with it too emese - possibly meaning "mother"
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quest/quests/questself treasure/treasure's/treasureself cap/captain/captain's/captainself ship/shape/ships/shapes/shipshapeself wool/wools/woolself baa/bleat/baas/bleats/baaself she/shell/shells/shellself sho/shore/shores/shoreline od/ody/odys/odyss/odysseyself co/cor/corsair/corsairs/corsairself nau/naut/nautics/nauticalself ah/hoy/ahs/hoys/ahoyself
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emorys-memories · 2 years
(made by a fictive)
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ITS REALLY FUNNY LOOKING BACK ON IT they were just standing there lollll (this was right after the final disc confrontation)
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thecovenofcrows · 2 days
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Hello! We're the Coven of Crows. We do not technically have any collective names however when referring to all of us you may use "The Coven", "The Flock", or "the Murder" when referring to us. We're a mixed origin system of 7! (Plus an often dormant/sleeping part, that does not classify itself as a system member.)
Our ao3 account is crowsoulanarchist.
our Palestine donation ask blog is @the-coven-stands-with-palestine
Our notes challenge post is here: https://www.tumblr.com/thecovenofcrows/762193292707463168/notes-challenge
We are bodily a minor, anything sexual/romantic (especially from adults) will receive a block and report.
More info on us below the cut!
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Hi! My name is Vesper. I'm the host and core of the system. I will not be sharing my age, as it's the same as the bodies. I am taken by @wilbur-of-the-coven, I use they/neos (And may flux. from day to day as I'm genderfluid) and I'm an alterhuman. For more information on me personally please check my blog, @vesper-of-the-coven!
I may experience delusions and I will talk about them on both my separate account and here, though they are censored.
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Hello, I'm Wilbur, I'm the system's ex-curacormate and currently I only use the role Emergency fronter, though I do front out of emergency situations. I'm 17 and use she/her. I'm also taken by @vesper-of-the-coven! I'm wolfkin and soot sprite kin. I am probably neurogenic.
I am not connected to W!lliam gold at all. My name is simply a coincidence.
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Sup! I'm Rex- Tyrannosaurus Rex actually, but that's a mouthful. I use he/they and I'm trans masc. I'm the system's external protector and I'm 22. I consider myself highly punk and against the psychiatric system. Presigenic.
I'm also the system anger and anxiety holder, my blog is @rex-of-the-coven
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Hi! Hi! Hello! I'm Mox! I'm... 4! I don't front often for my safety and I only have a secondary role (the others don't want to strain me too much and we give ourselves roles) which is a Dear/Charge. I can read but I can't really write... But my Sysmates will usually help me make posts! Quoigenic.
I use he/him and my blog is @mox-of-the-coven! (Any message/ask to this account will be deleted promptly for his safety. If you are friends with us then he may talk with you on discord. The only other form of interaction with him is normal notes. Please understand we are simply doing this so he will remail safe - Nikki)
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Hello, I'm Nikki. I'm a fictive of C! Nikki from the DSMP. I act as the systems dipomat and diffuser. I remember I was in a relationship with Puffy back in my source and acted as the bench trio's older sister. I'm a willogenic alter!
I'm 19 and use she/they. My blog is @nikki-of-the-coven!
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Hello... I'm Hollow Velvet (Also know as {eldritch}.)... I'm ageless and beyond most human understanding... I'm mute in real life and may not post much here. I do not have a role, but I do the systems homework. I am quoigenic, possibly stressgenic.
My pronouns are he/they/she, in order of frequency (Ex. use 'he' 3 times, use 'they' 2, and 'she' 1. By the order of frequency, think of it as a ratio.) My blog is @hollow-velvet-of-the-coven.
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Hello, I'm Luka, I'm 17 and my blog is @luka-of-the-coven. I act as the current curacormate and I'm a traumagenic alter. My pronouns are they/them. I'm a fictive and remember being in a relationship with Adri(she/her) and Marinette(she/they) back in my source.
I like to use the tag 'actually traumagenic' to piss off anti-endos, lol.
___________ Honorable mention: Nobody is songitive/builder part. They prefer parts terminology and view themselves as an extension of our headspace. They do not consider themselves a system member and they are often dormant/sleeping.
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mydearestbambi · 1 year
hi ! my name's fauna, and i'm a noncanon dsmp fictive ! i was a deer hybrid and uh yeah ! ill probably post about myself a bit here !
im bodily 17, but as an alter im an adult. i use she/it pronouns as well as some neos, you can assign me some if you want ! i really dont mind or you can ask the ones i use !
im fem presenting nonbinary ! i just think that's neat !
do not interact if you're an endo system, i dont want to get into syscourse, im just uncomfortable with them, i do not support them. i dont have much else to put here ! basic dni applies as well. just please dont be weird !
tag list and other things under the cut !
🦌🧪💌 is my anon tag on blogs since i prefer it !
🦌 deergirl talks - this is where i post anything, mainly me talking 🦌 before you follow - this will just be boundary and before you follow posts, like this one ! 🦌 source talk - this is me talking about source things, probably mems but i'm not sure 🦌 reblog - this is just things i've reblogged 🦌 requested item: [item] - a tag used for things i requested in blogs 💌 love letters - this is probably where i'll talk about my source partner ! tags to be added
my pfp was drawn by my younger brother @bloodeagled ! its me !
uh tubbo come home, he was my stepson. maybe schlatt and puffy too, they were my husband and a close friend, respectively. but honestly anyone come home, i miss sourcemates
i am c! + cc! (i am suffering, thank you for asking)
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24-hours · 6 months
may we please get a stimboard for a c!puffy fictive ? with ships / seas , sheep , and journalling / writing ? tyyyy
~ 🪻🧭 tommy , @starry-fieldcollective 💫💐
ello!!! \o!! thanks for the request; it's queued up now :]!
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boatem-kinhelp · 2 years
hey! can we get neos for a dsmp!puffy fictive, and an avian!tommy fictive? anything is fine for the puffy, but preferably softer- ish stuff for the tommy? hop is a little so nothing potentially upsetting? if that makes any sense. thank you in advance! -⚓
heyheyyy you got it!!!! i am also giving tommy internet pats if that is okay /p /fam
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101gaysalmon · 2 years
Decided to post a canon call!
I'm a transfem c!Tommy fictive, and I'm mostly looking for Eret, Fundy, Puffy, Niki, and Techno, or any L'Manburgians who remember a fem Tommy!
I was very early into my transition during the L'Manburg war, only coming out to a few people, and I'm pretty comfortable in where I am now, around Las Navadas (a few years later).
Eret was like a cool older sibling to me and Fundy, and a handful of other queer kids. Whenever we would all tell stories around a fire, she would always tell the best ones, even acting out a few scenes, and making shadow puppets. I remember she would braid my hair when I was first starting to grow it out. During Pogtopia, she offered me a home in her castle, which I took whenever things got bad. She and I were really close.
Fundy and I switched uniforms during the war, since his was more fem fitting, and mine was more masc fitting (Wilbur never caught on, somehow). When we were meant to be training or listening to lectures we would sneak away with Tubbo, and go play in the fields. The two of us would often hide in Eret's cape, playing little "sneak attacks" on her. I don't remember much of him during Pogtopia, but I do remember afterward, during NLM and exile, he would visit me at least twice a week, and we would talk about whatever over some baked good from Niki's bakery.
I think Puffy and I met through Niki, she introduced us because Niki wanted me to have more non-cis people in my life (I don't know what Puffy's gender was). The two of them were really welcoming to me, Puffy would even let me on her ship, and Niki let me design and decorate cupcakes for her bakery.
I wasn't out to Techno when we first met, but I could tell that he knew. He didn't fully approve of Eret when they first met, with the whole government thing, but never held any real ill will toward her for various reasons. When he and Phil were housing me after exile, Techno was willing to jump to defend me the moment anyone did anything transphobic. He definitely threatened at least one person. Phil made us all hot coco while I told them a bit about what happened during exile. Techno taught me how to properly ride a horse, and let me name some of the wolves.
Nothing has to be completely accurate but if anyone remembers even a few things like this or even just a transfem Tommy (and you're comfortable with it) you can reach us at @101gaysalmon on Tumblr or Father Long Legs#0257 on Discord! (We are bodily a minor)
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dsmpkincalls · 2 years
c!dream fictive looking for sam or philza or techno or literally anyone who wants to talk lol
I had a laughing stim, small dark purple/black horns, blonde hair that grew out shoulder-length in PV, white streaks in said hair, etc etc. uhh
Sam was a fuckall hybrid I have no idea what he was LMAO he just looked cool. He had a bunch of gold armor and his eyes were red and he had black sclera and we were actually friends pre-finale! He tried to teach me how to make redstone farms and I sucked at it lol
George liked insects and slept a whole lot. Techno was kinda close to me idk he was cool he threw coins at people whenever he fought them and he was aroace and shit I can't remember much uhhh. Yeah. Foolish and I were brother figures but I wasn't really adopted by Puffy or anything, she just kinda saw me as a "kid" and treated me gently and I let her because idk and it wasn't that bad. I have more memories, if any of this is familiar just reach out 👍
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kawaii-kozume · 3 years
Hot take: The people claiming to have DID and like fifty fictives on TikTok are this generation's kinning.
Anyways, saw someone say they were a c!dream fictive looking for c!puffy, c!foolish and c!nikki and all I could think was kin dating
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Introductions and shit 🐷
Im gonna try to keep this short because there's a lot of us so LETS GOOOOOOO.
The way it's gonna work is "Name: Age, Pronouns, Sexuality, Height, Emoji (Anything else important)"
The emoji is so you know who makes what post, for example at the top of this there's the pig, that's me, Techno. I'm gonna make most of the posts because these bitches dumb.
Neptune: 14, All Pronouns, Queer, 5'1, 🌟(host)
Dai: 21, They/She/He, NBLM, 6'0, 😈
Paige: 19, She/They/It/Fae, NBLW, 5'5, 💊
Orion: 26, He/Him, Straight, 5'10, 🧪 (Uses They/Them to normalize)
Orchid: 12, She/Nya, Questioning, 4'7, 💟 (Wears platforms, that make her 5'1)
Jayden: 16, They/Them, Aroace, 5'3, 📃
Hazel: 16, She/Her, Pansexual, 5'5, 🎉
Churai: 13, He/They/Xir, Questioning, 5'9, 🦻(deaf)
Rose: 17, She/Her, Lesbian, 5'0, 🎨
Vanessa: 23, She/That, Aroace, 7'1, 🌸
Ash: 17, They/She/Fae, Graysexual Panromantic, 5'5, 🐉
Eva: 30, She/He, Pansexual Homoromantic, 6'3, 💃(sometimes goes by the name Basil)
Anne: 27, She/Her, Heterosexual Biromantic, 5'4, 🥧
Juniper: 18, She/Her, Bicurious, 5'5, 🧇
Parker: 16, She/Her, Lesbian, 5'7,🛹
Kyle: 6, He/Him, N/A, 3'5, 🧊 (trauma holder)
Wolf: 17, They/It/That, Skoliosexual, 5'7, 🤙
Daw: 16, She/Her, Demiromantic Asexual, 6'2, 🙄
Elliot: 19, All Pronouns, Pansexual, 6'5, 🏄‍♂️
Molly: 3, She/Her, N/A, 3'0, 🧙‍♂️(Mason and Molly are twins)
Mason: 3, He/Him, N/A, 3'1, 🚗(Mason and Molly are twins)
Claire: 20ish, All Pronouns, Unknown, changes at random but about 7'0, 🤡(strange and confusing)
Min: 15, She/They/Ze/It,Bisexual, 5'6, 🎸(not a fictive, but heavily based on Ibuki Mioda)
Arin: 34, He/She/Grump, Bisexual, 6'2, 🥇 (Arin Hanson factive, trauma holder)
Tubbo: 17, He/Him, Queer, 5'5, 🐝 (Tubbo_ factive)
Niki: 19, She/Her, Bisexual, 5'4, 🍰 (Nihachu factive, uses They/Them to normalize)
Tommy: 17, He/Him, Polysexual, 6'1, 💪 (Tommyinnit factive)
Techno: 22, He/They, Aroace, 5'8, 🐷(Technoblade factive)
Eret: 22, All Pronouns, Bisexual, 6'3, 👑(TheEret factive)
Puffy: 22, She/Her, Pansexual, 5'2, 🐑 (CaptainPuffy factive)
Charlie: 22, He/It, Straight, 5'11, 🧻 (c!slimcicle fictive)
Wilbur: 24, He/Him, Pansexual, 6'5, 🎵 (Revivebur fictive)
Sonia: 17, They/She, Androsexual, 5'8, 👸 (Sonia Nevermind fictive)
Chiaki: 18, She/It, Aromantic Straight, 5'2, 🎮 (Chiaki Nanami fictive)
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citizenoftmrrwlnd · 6 months
hello !! did you happen to get anything for a c! puffy fictive ? we don't remember if it was sent or not .. --;
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i did! it's in the queue at the moment- it's posting with your original ask!
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cd-head · 3 years
Name; Wilbur Species; Demon Pronouns; He/They/It [It/Its/Itself] Age; 17 Sexuality; Questioning Dating; N/A Role in system; Introject, procetor alter ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - * - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - * - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - * - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Im a c!Wilbur fictive Im okay with talk about source other than the finale control room and my 'last' death by Philza. Im good with talk about past life, but dont push if I refuse to answer the question. I have anger issues according to Eret and Puffy but they only really show if you get me pissed off or have triggered me to front So uh. Dont be rude I guess
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