#by a show I a busy adult decide to watch every week instead of doing literally anything else with my limited time on this earth
winepresswrath · 2 years
Interview with the Vampire is really confirming that so long as an adaptation has a vision and is fun to watch I will buckle up and let it do its thing. I have an extensive list of complaints and quibbles that did not stop me from having a fantastic time and may have actually enhanced the experience. 10/10 deranged pining, Lestat's gay Catholic rage was a fun choice, and the devoted, obsessive infatuation hit my personal sweet spot, which is what I was most worried about. You see what Louis gets out of it and also what it costs him, and it sells the first part of that equation enough to keep me invested without brushing aside the downsides of being literally stalked and eaten. An earnestly horny and goth adventure! Very fun.
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Hi!!! I absolutely love your ATWQ au, I never got to read that series but I loved ASOUE so I’m intrigued!!
Would love to hear more about Klaus and Ben specifically in this AU because they are my Sons and I love them
This is such an interesting idea!!
thank youuuuu! i love ATWQ, although i do think that ASOUE is probably objectively the better series. ATWQ is just much more up my alley in terms of aesthetics! also i fucking love the art for it, which you may have observed in my repeated attempts to copy it for this au
Thank you!!! I love ATWQ. I think ASOUE is probably objectively the better series, but the aesthetics of ATWQ are so up my alley. Plus i really love the art, which you may have noticed since i keep trying to copy it for this au.
I haven't decided if they're a little older or a little younger than Five, but either way they'd be in the range of 12-14, with Klaus being maybe a year older than Ben.
In this AU, Klaus and Ben have been living together on their own in this little abandoned town for a long time. I don't think i came up with a town name, but in the books its called Stained-by-the-Sea and used to make ink, and in this au it is a town that used to manufacture umbrellas instead. Like in the books, this town was formerly fairly successful, but has fallen on hard times in recent decades and slowly been closing down ever since. At the time of this AU, it's nearly entirely dead, and most of the only people remaining are children holding down the family businesses while their parents set up new lives for them in the City. There are some adults remaining, but not very many, and not many people in general.
This got long, so I'm putting the rest of it under the cut lol
I mention all of this in the context of your question in order to show that *at the moment*, Klaus and Ben are in a pretty similar situation to many of the other children in the town; many children are unsupervised while their parents are in the process of moving. However, Klaus and Ben have been unsupervised for much much longer. They've never been precisely homeless, because there are many empty buildings, but they haven't had anyone other than themselves watching out for them for a long time.
Both of them have been taking odd jobs for the duration of their acquaintance, entry level retail jobs, and so on. They avoid the remains of the police force because if they were caught without parents or a guardian they would be sent to the City and probably separated.
They were living in this way for several years, up until... i have a specific number of months in my outline but i'm too lazy to go fact check. Lets go with "a few months" before Five arrives in town. See, a few months before, the town's old school mysteriously reopened. It had been a fancy boarding school for rich umbrella manufacturing people's kids (like some kind of... umbrella academy), until there weren't any rich people in town anymore and it closed down. Now it's reopened and it's saying that the children from the town can attend, for free!
Ben has wanted to go to school for so long. He loves reading!! The library is his favorite place!! Klaus wants absolutely nothing to do with school. He likes their life in town, where they're beholden to nobody, way better thank you. But he knows Ben really wants this. So they separate, for the first time in years. Ben *promises* he will write every day, and come back on weekends or breaks or however it is boarding schools work. There is probably much crying.
At first, it goes just like how Ben promises. He doesn't write literally every day, but more than once a week. He hasn't had a day where they're free to return to town yet, but they make plans for when he will. He's having a blast learning about science and reading books and doing math, although it's weird having rules to follow again. Although, he mentions that they have a weird amount of mandatory medical checkups, and he's caught a cold a few times from being in close proximity to a bunch of kids for the first time in while.
And then.... the letters start to have gaps. Because Ben is busy, or feeling ill or tired. He gets distracted. And then, they stop entirely. By the time Five shows up in town, Klaus hasn't gotten a letter from Ben in months.
I think most of that is a just slightly more in depth version of what I've already said about them. Here are a few other tidbits:
before he.... disappeared...., Ben had a giant and incredibly obvious crush on the new librarian, Jill. Klaus teased him about it a lot and tried to get him to send her love letters (he did not succeed in this endeavor because Ben knows when he's being played)
one of Klaus' current jobs is at a printing shop. He's using it to make missing posters for Ben.
Klaus meets Five because he is a witness for a crime that Five is investigating. Once he learns about people investigating crimes that aren't the police (and once he finishes teasing Five for having a number for a name), he asks for Five's help in figuring out what happened to Ben. This, more than the crime, is what gets the plot in motion. Ben is the main Damsel In Distress of this saga, sorry Ben
I'm thinking that one of Klaus' side jobs is being a phone psychic. I just think it would be funny
im not telling you what happened to either of their parents. One of the recurring things in ATWQ is that you never truly learn what's going on with children's parents. You are given no information other than the kids' words, and they never tell more than the absolute bare minimum. So I will not be doing that either!
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green5quirrel · 6 months
Ugh. I'm bored.
I'm just gonna write some shit.
It's like "Morning Pages" except circa late 90's early 2000's Livejournal/OpenDiary style. So bear with me.
I've just updated my Bullet Journal. Even typing that makes me cringe. What would 20-something year old me think of a bullet journal? What would 20-something year old I don't fit in any boxes so don't try to put me in one think of writing on grid paper? I mean...it's ALL boxes, isn't it?
But this is my life, now. I write in Bullet Journals. I wear cardigans. I claw my way through the Artist's Way carefully excising the presence of religion. I don't have boobs (or nipples). Let's just say a lot of things have changed in the past two decades.
I go to this amazing little queer coffee house. I use the word "queer" unironically and also use it for myself. I go to this amazing little queer coffee house with its fairies dangling from fishing wire on the ceiling (like, doll fairies not the slur). These plastic folks are mostly Barbie dolls made to look like fairies and sway in the breeze of people walking by amid the lines of faux Edison bulb string lights and pride flag garland.
I go there every Wednesday. I meet up with a bunch of folks (folx? I dunno the current accepted spelling these days) and we do an iteration of Stitch and Bitch. Today I worked on my fanfiction.
After I left the café I went to an Ace Hardware store. I went there because I am an adult and uncool and also because I am working to get into clock repair as a hobby and had been there last week to pick up some tools that were not clock specific.
I met a 61 year old man called Bill there last week. He excitedly chatted to me about the clocks he'd inherited and sold and those he had kept. He has a mantel clock and wanted me to take a look at it. I declined. And I declined again after he insisted. I've not even cracked open a clock and taken out a movement. There's no way I'm working on a family heirloom.
He'll show me the picture of the clock next week as he wasn't able to get over there to take it on account of it being someone's birthday (his business partner's?). Bill shares his life like a person shares Halloween candy in a big plastic bowl on the first of November.
He likes my name. But he still refers to me as a girl. But he also treats me like he's excited to see me even though we've only met twice.
Bill once got paid a few thousand dollars to do some landscaping for a rich person and a few hundred to put in a tree. So, yeah, I consider those two things like tootsie rolls. The chocolate bars are when he talks about his family and how he supports them and his childhood in a watch shop with his dad while a parade of circus animals passes by.
At any rate, after I talked to Bill I went to an antique's mall nearby and scoured the shelves for anything that would be beneficial to my clock repair goals. I didn't find anything today, but that's okay. I'll go back in a couple of weeks.
I am struggling a little right now. So lemme give you all some quality Halloween candy, if you don't mind.
In 2020 my mom died of liver cancer. I had moved back to my hometown to help her and when she started to decline I decided that as soon as she had passed and I had come to terms with it I would move on and explore my options of where to live next.
In 2020 there weren't any options. There continued to not be options for a while after that. Now, as time has finally started to even out and pass like it's supposed to pass, instead of the slow/fast/manic/depressive pace it went through during the pandemic, I am suddenly left with possibility. And that is scary.
I have a partner in Canada who works in Michigan. So there is a thought to move there. But I'm not sure how my mood will go with the rain and cold. Still, Michigan seems safer than here below the Mason Dixon line.
Currently, in this moment, I am struggling not only with motivation and courage but also with working retail when my brain wants anything but to work in the toxic environment of the needy and the entitled.
I have no energy to be creative and my clock repair hobby is also crawling because of that lack of energy. I don't know how I used to do it. How did I sustain myself while expending so much time and energy on a job like this? It wasn't drugs. I wasn't cool enough for that. It must've been joy to some degree. Youth, certainly. Perhaps hope. Perhaps ignorance/naivety. Whatever it was I definitely don't have it anymore.
Was this meant to be an entry to whine in? No. It wasn't meant to be anything. It wasn't meant to be pithy or amusing or witty or motivational. It was meant to be an entry for boredom and reflect. So there it is. I've done it. I've succeeded.
Now to sacrifice myself to the fatigue that has been insisting on attention for an hour now and draw myself a warm blanket to lie in and drown in my dreams.
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ocean-anchored · 2 years
Dear future self... February 27, 2023
Last week was actually pretty chill. I think I needed it though from the last few weeks being back to back busy, I needed to just rest. I found i needed more than one day too. I met Jeremiah at the dog park on Tuesday so Nova & Theo could meet, which they did well but it was absolutely freezing out. I hope I can watch Theo though, he’s such a sweet pup. Meliss came over Wednesday and we ordered in and watched Love is Blind. Dillon is now moved out basically, he’s paying for next month rent and coming back for the final things so that’s a change now having someone actually living here full time. It will be an adjustment since I’ve had it pretty good these last 6 months. I was going to go to the adults night on Friday but I ended up deciding not to, I went to steven & Amanda’s instead which was nice. Hung out, played Shrek 2 and worked on a puzzle. I’m thoroughly enjoying puzzles now which is wild. Even a year ago me would never have guessed, but I’m actually feeling a sense of joy when finding pieces and seeing it come together. Odd but I think I might start getting some puzzles once I get a new coffee table and somewhere to set it up. It’s just really relaxing and nice (even though it stimulates the brain) while watching a show. Saturday day I didn’t do much, I went for a good walk and to the park which ended up being an hour & a half and Nova was amazing. She did so well with the small pups and so well with all the dogs. It honestly warms my heart so much when I watch her start to play and when she genuinely is having fun. Then went to Alvin’s Jazz Club Saturday night with Jeremiah for Jason’s birthday. That actually was really great. I feel stupid not dressing up and really wish I had, but overall it was such a fun time. Even though there was two tables, the two girls were super nice that we sat with and then when the other couple came whom Amanda grew up with, I connected with them so well, he’s a Pastor. It was honestly just so good and felt so amazing to be around Christian people and my age. Not like the young adults night where I felt like they were a bit younger but this group was so good and so genuine. Jason was fun and it was nice to be part of his birthday celebration. I had some good chats with him too about relationships and life and freedom. I mean, I’m not sure how Jeremiah felt. I absolutely did not take it as a date, his roommate was supposed to come with us as well but she backed out last minute. Idk, it’s funny how Steven & Amanda both asked like “are you sure it’s not a date” & that he tends to like girls easily but has high standards that he never dates. I mean, honestly I felt honored that he asked me to join when it was a tight group going, so it was really sweet but I definitely don’t take that out of context, I know I wasn’t acting as a date for it. It was just genuinely a good evening. I felt like I kept the conversation going with him, I mean I enjoy his company for sure, he’s a really nice guy & I’ll be honest his Aussie accent gets me but I’m happy where I’m at. As much as I get those missings for having a companion & partner, I really don’t want to date. I’ve literally never been happier in my life & more content. & challenged of course. So if God were to bring someone in my life I honestly would just hope that he just brings them as a good friend that I can build into & later have that blossom into something. I don’t feel as though I want to go on any dating apps again. I really would love to build friendships & then have something come of that in Gods timing. Sunday was good, church was really great. We’re going to Genesis and man does the pastor ever just break it down so well. I listened to last weeks session that I missed & I really didn’t fully understand why God wiped the earth with the flood & Noahs Ark & he just explained it so well that I actually have an understanding now. It’s amazing. & worship just moves me every time. I pull back tears every time, I just really feel that’s where I connect with God the most & sometimes I just can’t even comprehend the love he has for me when  When I listen to the lyrics. It’s beautiful & scary all at the same time. Mom sat us by the one guy I’ve been eyeing up in church the last few weeks haha. Always mom being the connector… she’s funny. I was way too shy & he was talking to the person beside him so I didn’t get a chance to even introduce myself but man he’s a babe & I think I could see him fighting off tears through the message so I mean that’s great. Maybe in a couple weeks or months from now or next year when I read back on this in a year from now I’ll be laughing but he’s tall, has a curly head of hair, nice smile & eyes, great style & he had a beard before but he shaved it this time. Last night (still being Sunday) I went to a Cake Night at Brewhouse where I decorated a cake, comic style. It was really fun, I definitely would have had more fun if I was with someone but I’m happy that I had the confidence to still go alone & i mingled a bit with the table beside me. Im happy to be still going to things even if it’s alone & being confident in that. I asked Amanda if she’ll come with me to one because I think she would & I think it would really be a great bonding time for both of us so I hope I can plan that soon with her. I really do want to build with her on a more personal & deeper level. Anyways, I’m tired & feel like I’ve said everything. Works been good but I’m getting a little nervous on workload on both ends. I’ve switched it up so I’m in okotoks Monday, Wednesday & Fridays as I have meetings to be in with Ed tues, wed, thurs but with Patrick being laid off and us taking on the whole profile of founders, I’m nervous. I know Ed reassured me that I’m doing so much & he pays me for the peace of mind, but I feel like there’s so much more to do and that’s being missed & I worry I’m not doing enough. I would be really bored if I didn’t still help Danny out. Like today I got two messages from Ed all day, one being a sign in code so I could do something on the GSU website & one email, that’s it. Which I mean I’m not complaining I just wish I was more help or if I had enough knowledge to unload more work for him. Anyways, we’ll see how it goes over time. I really do love what I do & I am really happy I made this choice. Definitely life changing even though people on the outside still look & see me working two jobs hahah. Doesn’t look like much has changed but my mindset is absolutely changed. Yes I still have frustrating days in okotoks, but I leave it there. I come home & I forget I even work there. I don’t think about anything, I don’t stress about the payables, it’s not my job. I actually have that huge weight off my shoulders, it’s 100% a different mindset & feeling of where I’m at with work. Im really happy.
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sabineelectricheart · 2 years
Boring, Boring Golf
Summary: Shelby takes his contrarian girlfriend to play golf one weekend. She does not focus on the game.
Rating: K+ - Suitable for more mature childen, 9 years and older, with minor action violence without serious injury. May contain mild coarse language. Should not contain any adult themes.
Words: 1400
Notes: Just some humourous antics. Enjoy!
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Lynette should have known that Shelby agreeing to try to watch her favourite show with her had a catch, but she did not know that he would be that cruel. He saw him laughing at some of the scenes, even if he does not admit it!
After they finished their little charade as husband and wife and decided to have an actual relationship, it had been agreed that they needed to know each other more intimately. The best way to do that, the pink-haired woman foolishly suggested, was to experience each other’s hobbies and interests. One weekend, they would do something that she liked together, and the next they would enjoy an interest of his.
It is a fair compromise, or at least it would be, if they had not such different conceptions of a fun time. Lynette was, in regard to her cultural interests, not much different from a seven-year-old child, as she enjoyed the colourful and excitable phenomena of human activity, the sort of rose-tinted living that she consumed in movies and TV at Celestia.
Meanwhile, true to his questionnaire sheet, Shelby was mainly concerned with high-brow and terribly austere things, that would give him ample opportunity to “increase his status”, as it were. He would find enjoyment through socialising with businesspeople and investors, as well as increase his repertoire in subjects proper to the fine conversations, such as fine art and classical music.
Every weekend, it was a dispute. Both parties would accuse the other of trying to torture or otherwise have belated revenge for some perceived ill or another from the week before. They both thought that they were the one making the greatest sacrifice, and so their compromise was always on the brink of collapse.
Lynette is well-aware of their ongoing quagmire and, if she had known the catch was him trying to teach her how to golf, of all things, she might not have tried so hard to have him watch TV for sixteen hours over the weekend.
Her boyfriend, however, was unphased.
“Lynette, I watched that stupid show of yours from start to finish, without any complaint.” He leans against her bedroom’s doorway, looking sternly at her while she sat on her bed, actively resisting the proposal. “These are not the terms of our agreement.”
She lifted her eyebrow. “Without complain? Shelby, you bemoaned your fate throughout Friday. I have the business emails to prove it.”
“Well, I didn’t complain during the show.” He offered. “Now, let’s go, put on a pair of pants. We will rent the shoes and the equipment at the club.”
“For all that is good and holy, Shelby! Don’t make me spend my whole weekend playing golf! It's so boring!” The psychologist whines, pouting at him in hopes he would let it go and offer to do something else instead.
Oh, how she rues bemoaning her fate in watching that awful penguin documentary! She would gladly watch three hours of birds fighting for pebbles again, if it saved her from playing a full round of golf.
“Your show was boring, too.” He says instead, dashing her hopes. “I do not know whether this is a matter of pride, but Lynette Mirror and the Six Princes of Los York is insufferably boring.”
Lynette gasps, offended. “Take that back!”
“Of course not! It’s the truth!” Shelby argued back.
“We should make a sincere effort to enjoy each other’s hobbies, you tasteless creep!” She shouted at him. “And Lynette Mirror and the Six Princes of Los York is a damn masterpiece!”
“If we are to enjoy each other’s hobbies, then you should go golfing with me!” He shouted back. “Golf is my hobby!”
“No!” She screams petulantly. “How can you like golfing?!”
He scoffs. “How can you like your boring show?!”
“Liking it, Shelby! I like it because I like it.” The woman sneered.
“Well, so do I. Go golfing with me.” The platinum blond man demands.
Lynette stares at her boyfriend, knowing very well that the stubborn man is not going to cave, but wondering if it is worth it to keep resisting.
“Come on, it will be fun. We can spend the entire Saturday together, and I will be right there to teach you if you have difficulty with anything or if you get too tired in the sun. It will be no different from any other date we had in the park.” Shelby argued, since he knows he will never be able to win his girlfriend over with impassionate arguments. “I remember that you said how much you enjoyed it when you went to minigolf with Claris and Gill. It is basically the same, but bigger.”
He pushes off the doorway, walking over to sit on the edge of the bed next to her.
“You will love it, I promise.” He leans in, kissing her slow and smooth and very, very convincingly.
She sighs when he pulls away, giving in. “Okay, fine. We can go golfing.”
About an hour later Lynette and Shelby were at the golf course, all ready to begin to play.
It had been a long drive out of the city and into the suburbs, as the club was located an hour north, near a wealthy neighbourhood, where the sort of people her boyfriend wanted to impress spent their summers. It was, in fact, the sort of place where she would think that the old and elusive figure of Mrs. Snail would spend most of her time.
She hated it. Not that it was not beautiful, or that the weather was not nicer than downtown, but, to her, it was almost like someone wanted to reproduce Celestia, but had too much of a gaudy taste. Everything was exaggerated and tasteless, even if it exuded prestige and privilege.
After the necessary greetings to their fellow golfers, and a lemonade drink at the bar, the couple walked down to the course entrance. The wives sitting on the club veranda observed with admiration how they went to play together.
They are dressed to the nines. Shelby done up in his adorable golfing outfit: pink polo, white shorts, golfing gloves and clean spiked shoes, with him carrying both of their equipment bags. Lynette had refused to carry her own, saying it was his punishment for making her play golf, which he agreed, just as long she would not be much more difficult that afternoon.
He got her set up at the first tee box, and decided that it would be best if he demonstrates how to swing first, so that his clumsy girlfriend would know what to do when it came to be her turn. Not to mention, if he corrects the force of her shot, it would be that less likely for her to cause some sort of accident.
Much to his chagrin, however, at the same time he was demonstrating how to hit the golf ball, a very beautiful bird flew by, catching her attention. Her eyes followed the bird, and all her senses honed in on it so she completely missed everything he said and did.
“Lynette?” The blond man called her name. “Are you listening to me?”
She snaps her undivided attention back to him, looking at her boyfriend’s annoyed expression with an air of confusion.
“What?” The pink-haired woman asked, innocently.
Shelby sighs, jutting out his hip and placing his hand on it. She holds back a smirk. She knows that it must be some sort of standard position for golfers, and so he is doing so seriously, but it still looks ridiculous and funny.
“I was showing you how to swing the club, and you weren’t paying attention.” He admonishes.
He suddenly moves forward, grabbing her wrist and pulling her into him. He situates her in front of the tee, pressing his back to her front and placing her hands around the handle of the golf club, under his.
“Are you paying attention now?” He says near her ear, sending a shiver down her spine.
His hands are so much larger than hers that, when he wraps them around the handle of the golf club over her hands, he completely makes them disappear. He begins to speak to Lynette again about golf but her mind is wandering, this time not about birds but instead about his hands, his fingers…
“Again, Lynette?!” He snaps. “Pay attention!”
The woman is lost in her own thoughts.
Cupid Parasite Masterlist
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memedreeams · 3 years
Playful spooky starters, I guess.
‘It’s called ‘carving a pumpkin’, NAME, not ‘brutal pumpkin murder’. Show some decorum and seasonal goodwill.’
‘Yes, well, the only thing frightening at the present is how you’re holding that carving knife.’
‘If it’s any consolation, I promise not to ghost you when the season’s over.’
‘Halloween is for five-year-olds, and overgrown ones too.’
‘Can too much candy corn actually rot your teeth or was my dentist just trying to drum up October business?’
‘How about I treat you to a dinner?~’
‘Why does every costume have to be sexy? I don’t want to be sexy, I want to be the reason why the night is feared, muhahahahaha!’
‘Don’t be afraid of him; he’s still a Chihuahua, even if he’s wearing a lion costume for the occasion. He just has loftier aspirations at this time of year, that’s all.’
‘Your neck looks delicious, my dear. I mean...uh...you look delicious.’
‘My dad still insists on trick or treating with me every year in coordinated outfits, and I’m a fully grown adult.’
‘You dressed up as Santa Claus last Halloween and told everyone that you were the Ghost of Christmas Present. That is why you’re not invited this year.’
‘Theoretically, do you think brewing up a pot of special edition neon-green slime is honouring the season adequately, or would that breach workplace regulations if I tipped it over the boss?’
‘Are you crazy?! I’m not answering that door! That’s exactly what happens at the start of all of those movies, right before the killer gets in and --’ 
‘It’s just a kid dressed up as a watermelon, NAME. Chillax, will you?’
‘The entire office are a bunch of vampires? Well, I know they like to gossip and suck the life out of you, but I think that’s going a bit far...’
‘I don’t see a difference, actually. You’re a clown for the majority of the year.’
‘Is it acceptable to buy a jumbo bag of trick-or-treat candy and eat the lot myself while cuddled up under a blanket watching Twilight? Asking for a friend.’
‘Woah, scary. Oh, you’re not wearing a costume yet? My bad.’
‘Has...has NAME really come dressed as the Titanic? I have a sinking feeling about this party.’
‘What would actually happen if you did say ‘boo’ to a ghost? I’ve often wondered.’
‘The scariest thing about this party is the dirt cheap alcohol, just saying.’
‘It’s fine, it’s just a spooky clock chiming at the incorrect time while all of the lights are off and there’s strange footsteps creeping up the stairs.’
‘Someone egged the house again, dear. The neighbour’s house, that is. Ours apparently deserved rotten tomatoes, instead.’
‘I can’t come in to work today. I’m a certified emergency ghost buster.’
‘Well, I also can’t come in to work today. I’ve been bitten by a vampire.’
‘Oh, very funny NAME. The white sheet ‘ghost’ trick only works the first time you do it, you know. NAME, that’s enough! Uh -- NAME...?’
‘Holy macaroni!!! There really is a ghost!’
‘Some people take the whole event a little too far.’
‘NAME decided to dress up as Batman and follow all of the clowns around the neighbourhood, pretending they’re the Joker. That’s one way of handling that, I suppose.’
‘Ah, here we go: the yearly observance of Fireworks Week, right on cue.’
‘It’s ALIVE! ...I mean, good morning, dear. Did you sleep well?’
‘Now the real horror begins: the hangover. Ugh.’
‘Here’s to surviving Halloween for another year!’
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yandere-sins · 2 years
The Carnival Collaboration
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My first piece (1 of 3 lol) for The Carnival Collaboration by @demonlamb666​! I couldn’t fit my idea with any fandom character so I used my lovely boy Rhys for it and definitely had a lot of fun! ♥ I always forget how fun OCs are until I write for them! He got a bit of a development here to fit his role better, so I hope you guys will still like him! Please enjoy!
Warnings: SUGGESTIVE CONTENT/LEMON, Yandere (in the later parts), Reader has a midlife crisis, PDA, Lots of touching and body contact, Wordcount: 3428
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Chapter I - Distraction
Carnival—a place to fulfill all your desires!
Well, most of them at least. As you made your way through the stands left and right, you took in the sweet smell of candied nuts, churros, and cotton candy hanging in the air. The excitement of the kids screaming and running from one attraction to the next was prickling on your skin as the memories of your childhood spent at this carnival warmed your heart.
It wasn’t every day you got to go home to your parents and relive something you’ve been enjoying a lot as a child. Now an adult, you moved away, started your own life, studied, got a job. You moved on from naive pleasures, as were these events. Friends would invite you out to have fun every now and then, but it rarely was something as exciting as the carnival you still remembered from the past.
Booming voices welcomed you closer to their games, which - at your age - you knew were rigged and barely winnable. Still, you looked at the operators of the stands, smiling from ear to ear in their fun getups as they reeled in paying customers. Most of the time, it were the parents of the excited children who spent money, but you also saw couples trying their best to win prizes for each other and teenage friend groups discussing what to do next. It seemed like every kind of person was hanging out here, making you feel less awkward, alone, and seemingly out of place as you were.
Truth be told, when you heard the carnival was back in town, you laughed about it, thinking it was just a silly kid’s thing. Still, the longer the evening at your parent’s house went on, sitting on the couch and watching boring television shows together, the more you felt the urge to do something. Get out, be on your feet, explore. Really get your mind off things.
After all these years since you last visited the carnival, it was pretty impressive to see they were still doing well. A circus had joined them, as well as many other new attractions. They even had a small Ferris wheel now and bumper cars. Nothing that was drawing you in, but people were queuing up in front of the rides, and you felt happy for the carnival people to have a lot of traction.
With a heavy sigh, you reminded yourself not to think so transactionally. Your mind immediately slipped into dangerous territory as you tried to hypothetically figure out how well business was going for them. Your job was one of the reasons that you decided to come visit your family, rarely ever getting the chance to these days. You knew it was normal for children to leave home, move away, start their own families and work, but just last week, you sat in your office, looking at your work computer, when you realized you hadn’t even called home in months. These days, everything was only about numbers and profit, and you were sick and tired of it.
Life had become a drag, you couldn’t deny it. Get up, brush your teeth, drink coffee, work, come home, have dinner, sleep. All the hobbies you once had, passions and dreams, were neatly packed up in your moving boxes still. You never even opened them since you moved to the big city. Back then, you had become incredibly busy trying to build your life. You imagined that things would change once you settled, opened yourself up to new job opportunities, and organized your free time. But instead of the bright, sparkling future, you envisioned, you felt trapped between responsibilities and your job. You hadn’t met new people in years! And the old ones were slowly forgetting about you since you never had time to go out with them.
Before you knew it, you were burned out, craving things you couldn’t have and pitying yourself for it.
Even when you came home, one of the first things you heard was how proud everyone was of you for making it. For getting a good job and working hard so you could afford a - small, and a little moldy - apartment in the city. How could you break the news to them that your visit wasn’t a planned family reunion, but you, trying to flee from your depressing life for a while? That you were, in fact, not happy at all about the measly salary you had to live off on and that you’ve been eating the same kind of recipe for weeks to no end?
No, you couldn’t do it.
Admitting that what you chose to do wasn’t fulfilling or exciting you as much as you always thought it would was hard, no question. Almost as hard as sitting next to your dad on the couch, watching boring ass shows, and having him point out that the people depicted on the television weren’t as much of a big deal as they thought. Actors - or creative jobs in general - had no worth in your small-town, hands-on kind of family. They weren’t too happy when you decided to leave the town to pursue greater things, preferring if you had stayed and taken over the family’s craft store. But here you were, back in town after finding nothing but disappointment in the city, unwilling to admit that maybe they had been right.
Taking a deep breath, you held back some tears as you stood in the middle of the long pathway between the stands, leading up to the circus and around the carnival site. People were walking by, laughing, enjoying themselves. And then, there was you: a complete downer. You came out here to have fun and get your mind off things, not to be more miserable than you were in the city or at your parents’ place!
Surprisingly, the only sound that could break through to you in the cacophony of voices and jingles was a whistle. Not the shouting of the stand owners around you. Not the squeals of delight and screams of the children who had too much sugar. No, it was a simple whistle calling for your attention, short and directed at you, that made you lift your chin, looking around you.
“Hey there, Cutie,” someone called out to you, and your eyes locked on the face behind the voice, your body twisting into the direction. A young man who couldn’t be older than you waved at you, his lips turning into a grin as your eyes finally met. Brown curls framed a pretty face, a red, round clown’s nose glued to his real one. He was standing behind the counter of one of those throw-a-ball-at-cans stalls, inviting you closer. You had already passed by it while in thought, but now you noticed the stand was barely visited by other people. That, and the random person calling out from it, intrigued you. Not least because his gentle, yellow eyes were beckoning you closer as if he was just as captivated by you.
Looking side to side before turning, partly checking no one was planning on going to the stand, or you’d run into anyone, you stepped closer, curious. Watching you approach with a sense of satisfaction, the man ducked down briefly, pulling up three heavy balls used for the game and placing them on the counter before you. He presented them to you with an inviting gesture, still smiling from ear to ear now that he had your attention.
“It’s bad manners to whistle at people,” you reminded him, glancing behind him at the rows of cans neatly stacked. No doubt the bottommost ones were drilled into the board underneath them to make it impossible to win big prizes from this stall, even though they tried to hide the scam. Not that you wanted to win anything. You didn’t even want to play. But you also didn’t know what exactly the man wanted from you, other than play his game.
“Ah, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to offend, but…” Taking a seat on the counter next to you, the operator leaned towards you, and the smell of cologne wafted from him, earthy and warm. Like wood and spices. You couldn’t help taking a deep breath, the scent enveloping you gently, drawing you towards him, as the guy continued. “You looked a bit upset standing there. I thought you could need some distraction.”
Giving him a half-hearted smile, you looked between him, the balls, and the cans as he invited you with a broad gesture of his hand to throw one. He didn’t even ask you to pay up, but perhaps this was just a way to draw in more customers if they saw you play or kill the boredom of not having any customers otherwise.
“And you think hitting tin cans will help make aaaaaaall my worries go away?” you questioned sarcastically.
The man’s lips parted, showing his teeth as he grinned, hearing your reply, seemingly amused by your feistiness. Picking up one of the balls, he threw it in the air a couple of times, catching it in the same hand before holding it out to you. “Did for me. My tin cans solved all my problems. They might do the same for you?”
Even though this was definitely a strange situation, you took the ball he gave you. By all means, you appreciated the distraction, even if it was some stranger and you, playfully bickering and throwing balls at tin cans. Aiming at the center of the cans, you focused your throw, hoping to perform well despite it being just a kids’ game. It was good to know you hadn’t lost your bite yet when it came to challenges. You sure loved the tin toss when you were a kid, always wanting to win the biggest stuffed animal possible. But now, believing in the reality of never being able to win since it was rigged, it was kind of silly how easily excitable you still were.
There was just something about this stand that really got to you.
Just as you expected, you were able to knock off the top one and one can in the second row. But while the pyramid tumbled a little, nothing more happened. It was silly. Silly enough to get a little upset about it. Looking back at the guy, you noticed his eyes never moved from you, even when you were focused on the game, the corners of his lips curling higher as you looked back at him, now a little flustered that he was watching your fail so intently.
“I actually feel worse now,” you admitted, trying to laugh off the embarrassment.
“Oh, don’t,” he purred somewhat comfortingly. It felt like he was absolving you of your embarrassment, reminding you it was not that big of a deal. All of a sudden, the man lifted his legs over the counter, letting them hang down next to you before jumping to the ground. Standing on your level now, you noticed how tall he was, looking down at you with a mix of gentleness and… something you couldn’t determine yet. He was much more handsome than you had noticed at first glance, strong arms with defined muscles, giving his body a tender but muscular look. Wearing only a vest instead of a proper shirt, you could see the outlines on his chest before he suddenly disappeared behind you. Those big, strong arms wrapped around you just a second later, and you tensed in surprise, unsure what to make of the situation.
“See, there’s a trick to it, Sweetheart.”
Before you knew what he was doing, he pressed another ball back into your hand, guiding that hand upwards with his own. His chest pressed up to your back, your hips snuggly sitting against his. With the other hand, he pinned your free hand to the counter, urging you to lean forward a little as he lifted your throwing arm into the air and in position.
Not only were you completely enveloped by his body, but the scent of his cologne was also stronger now, tickling your senses again. It was hard to breathe in anything but this man, alongside the warmth of his body against yours, making you melt. His touch was gentle but no less assertive than the rest of his body, sending goosebumps over your skin, all while you felt his muscles move with your body as he directed your throw. This was more contact than you had with anyone in a long time, the years of not dating since college now showing you exactly how needy you were for this. You felt incredibly greedy for wanting more from this stranger, but he probably wasn’t aware of how strongly you missed being so close to someone. It was weird that you were so willing to get riled up by this stranger, but at the same time, it was exactly the distraction you had wanted. What was life without a bit of fun, right? Nonetheless because his scent was slowly turning you on with just how tempting it was.
When he said, “Now!” your body didn’t question his instruction, reacting instinctively to him, letting go of the ball in your hand, and… hitting all of the cans. The crashing sound of the tin cans falling to the ground while you stared in disbelief was only drowned out by the chuckle in your ear as the operator closed the distance to praise you, “Now that was an excellent throw, Darling.”
You instantly felt weak in the knees, hoping he couldn’t feel your body relying on him for support. Thankfully, your ears were covered by hair as you felt them grow hot after he whispered the sweet praise for the throw into them, rendering you flustered. It made you feel like a teenager again, flirting with the cute upperclassman. “Feeling better already?” His voice - a honeyed mumble - was still coming from right beside your ear. But you could hear the grin on his face all while you felt his body grind against yours from behind as he waited for your reply.
Taking a barely hideable deep breath, you hoped you wouldn’t stutter as you turned your head in his direction, glancing at him from over your shoulder. It had become quite obvious that he was enjoying this, so it was only fair if you teased him right back. He watched you squirm in his hold, feeling it as you pressed your buttcheeks against his crotch challengingly, first surprised that you’d play along, then grinning knowingly.
“That went really fast. I think I need another demonstration?” you purred innocently, all while brushing up against him with obvious intention.
“Of course, Sugar,” he agreed, wasting no time pressing you against the stall’s counter, making sure there was not an inch of space between your bodies. While you took a sharp breath, he ran his fingertips along your arm and down to your hands, both of his hands gripping yours from above suddenly, lacing your fingers. “Pay attention now,” he ordered assertively, teasing you with his voice ringing through your skull.
“Lift.” He stretched your arm high in the air, bringing it up and behind his own head, your shoulder close enough to his lips that you thought he was going to kiss it. Instead, you felt the vibration of his voice against your skin, making you tense as budding arousal made itself known between your legs. For a moment, he remained in this position, feeling your bodies breathe against each other, you so perfectly pinned between him and the counter.
“Focus on where you want to throw.” How? you wondered, his voice being the only thing that was captivating you right now, stealing all the focus as you wished he’d murmur it more into your ear. All you wanted was to lean in further to him, a complete stranger, and feel more of his body all over yours. This was less of a demonstration of how to throw balls than it was a demonstration of how good his body fit against yours.
“And throw!” Saying that, he directed you to lower yourself into your knees, ground his hips against yours, and jolted your bodies upwards until you were standing on your tiptoes, leaning over the counter. The bulge in his pants fit right in between your ass cheeks, letting you feel the delicious length you were dealing with as you let go of the ball at his command.
Unsurprisingly for you - even after the thorough instructions - you didn’t hit the cans as planned, the ball bouncing off the back of the stall, while the man let out a teasing, “Oh… That’s too bad,” clearly still smiling as he said that. Placing his hands on your hips for a moment, he pulled you back against him while your breath hitched. You felt like you were on a rollercoaster of emotions, pressing your legs together tightly to somewhat get a hold on yourself. “I’d have loved to reward you for that throw, Buttercup.”
Letting go of you, you whipped around, holding on to the counter behind you as the guy laughed, putting his hands in the air innocently as he walked to the side of the stall, letting himself in through the door again. “But alas,” he sighed, leaning down to collect the balls you threw and putting them away.
“All I have for you is this rose.” Pulling forth one of the cheapest prizes, a plastic flower, he slipped it behind your ear, leaning on the counter, supported by his arms. “But I’m sure I at least got your mind off things, right?”
With your heart still racing, you tried to keep the eye contact, the brilliant, citrine glow of his not being subtle about how much he enjoyed this too, as it drilled into you. You could tell he was a terrible tease, but you had to admit he wasn’t wrong. At least for a little bit, he made you forget about your worries, even if you found it hard to admit. “Wouldn’t you like to know, Tin Toss Boy?” you challenged him, keeping your chin high and proud, his smile growing wider with excitement.
“It’s Rhys. But if my little demonstration wasn’t enough to help you with your worries, feel free to drop by again tomorrow. I’ll be here aaaall weekend, happy to help.”
Winking at you, you couldn’t help but laugh for the first time since the exchange started. When you told your parents you’d be going to the carnival, this wasn’t what they thought you were doing. In fact, it wasn’t what you thought you’d do that day either. Chuckling, you took the rose from behind your ear, twirling the plastic stem between your fingers.
“Maybe I will, Rhys,” you made an open promise to him, turning to walk away as you heard him take a sharp breath before letting out a small, pleasurable grumble. You could feel his eyes on you, scanning you from head to toe, and it made you feel even hotter, hearing and feeling that he liked what he saw.
Looking back over your shoulder, your eyes met as you heard him say, “God, I hope.”
When you returned home, your parents had already gone to sleep, the house quiet and dark. You were still holding the rose in your hands, twirling it before your nose again, still faintly smelling his cologne on it. A draft of the scent and your body instantly remembered how his chest felt against your back, the vibrations of his voice in your ear teasing long-forgotten desires inside of you, and most of all, the hard resistance in his pants as you pressed against his crotch.
No matter how strange and intrusive this stranger had been, you couldn’t help that he set off a lot of neediness inside you, making you ache for him between your legs and even deep inside your core. You had never clicked with someone like Rhys before. Someone confident, eager, and dominant with what he wanted. It flattered you beyond imagination that he wanted you of all people; certainly, he’d have enough options with his dashing looks. But you remembered the hunger festering in his eyes as he looked after you, the thought better than sex itself. Maybe he was bored, perhaps just a little weird, but you’d be damned if you didn’t return for another taste of adventure you had with him the next day.
However, that night, you could only dream about what he’d demonstrate to you next.
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
The Daughter Of Superman, The Adopted Son Of Batman...What Could Go Wrong? PT. 1
Jason Todd x Kryptonian!Reader One-Shot
Word Count: 3.8K Warnings: Explicit Language
Author's Note: I totally forgot about this one! If you like how cute and fluffy it is, just wait for PT. 2! It gets angsty >:) -Thorne
They were pretty lazy teenagers when they weren’t busy saving the world with super speed, strength, and smarts. Even if their textbooks were spread all over his bed they were still too lazy to actually do their homework, instead scrolling through social media apps and trolling all the citizens of San Francisco about the identities of the Young Justice Team.
She glanced up from the advanced calculus textbook and stared at the boy laying across her thighs. “Tim, isn’t your dad hosting a gala this weekend?” he hummed in response, and she asked, “Are we allowed to come?”
He didn’t bother looking up from the tablet he was tapping at and nodded. “Yeah. Bruce already added your names to the list, (Y/N).” a flicker of a smile came over his lips and he added, “Of course I had to wear him down in order to get Bart on the list.”
She looked over at their speedster and grinned. “I’m kinda surprised Bruce actually let you on the list Bart.”
A shocked expression etched across his face and he questioned, “Why do you say that?”
(Y/N) shifted Tim’s head, smiling as he grunted from being moved, and rose from the bed, walking over to the minifridge. She pulled out a soda before jumping back on the bed. “Because between you, Tim, Conner, and me, you’re the one who gets us into the most trouble.” She shifted Tim’s head back into her lap, petting his hair until he smiled.
“I do not!”
“Oh really? Do you remember prom night? It’s been almost two years and they stillcall us and talk about the absolute mess we—well, you caused.”
“That cake wasn’t there when I started running, I swear!” he pointed at Tim. “Tim it wasn’t! You know that!”
The others cackled at his protest, and (Y/N) glanced at Conner. “You gonna bring M’Gann?”
A faint pink tinged his cheeks, and he shifted his gaze down at his physics textbook. “Uh…maybe.”
(Y/N) leaned forward, poking his cheek. “Your heart’s beating pretty fast, little brother.”
He swatted her hand and glared at her. “Shove off.”
She snorted and glanced at Tim. “What about you, Timbers? You going to go with Stephanie?”
“Steph and I aren’t dating anymore, (Y/N).”
“For now. But you two like each other.” She smiled and singsonged, “She’s your first love~”
“What about you?” Tim scowled. “Who’s your date?”
She grunted at him and laid flat in the bed, Bart’s legs under her back. “Are you kidding me? You know my dad won’t let me get a boyfriend, let alone a date to a gala for a night.”
“You’re nineteen, (Y/N). I think you’re allowed to start dating.”
“And my parents help pay for part of my utilities. Does it look like I’m going to do anything to tip that delicate balance of not having to pay for all that?” she sighed. “Dad’s always been that way when it comes to me.”
“Daddy’s little girl.” Conner grinned.
(Y/N) grunted and reached over, shoving Conner off the bed. “Don’t call me that. I am not a daddy’s girl.”
The others laughed at her and Tim quipped, “Yes, you are. You two go on father-daughter dates every month and take pictures to show everyone.” She glared at him and he smiled, continuing, “Maybe we can find a date for you at the gala.”
“You can try. But mom and dad are going to be there. If dad sees me with a boy, he’s liable to lose his mind.” The others laughed again, and (Y/N) rested her head down on Bart’s lap. “I need a dress, Timmy.”
He glanced over at her and tapped a few buttons before showing her the screen. “How does this look?”
(Y/N) took the tablet from him and looked over it, taking in the image of the navy-blue dress. “I like the color, but this is a Cinderella dress. Give me something not as…poofy.” He nodded and took the tablet back, tapped on it, then handed it back to her. “Hmm…too booby.” The other two boys giggled at her answer and Tim sighed, taking the tablet again.
He handed it back to her once more and she looked at the dress. “Mermaid silhouette…sheer side…strappy back…” She glanced up at Tim and nodded. “Got a pair of shoes to match?” He hummed and she grinned. “Then I’ll take it. Thanks Timbers.” He nodded once more, and she nudged Bart. “Oi Allen.”
“Don’t run into the cake at the gala, okay? It’ll probably cost more than you.”
“It was an accident! Stop bringing it up!” The others simply laughed at him.
***At The Kent Farm***
“Mom! Dad! Jon! I’m home!” She shut the door behind her and turned, catching Jon who’d launched himself at her. “Kid you’re getting too big to do that.” He laughed at her and she let him down, ruffling his hair. “Where’s mom and dad?”
“Out back with Krypto.” He tugged on her sweatshirt. “Did you bring me anything from the tower, sissy? Did ya? Did ya?”
(Y/N) snorted and rummaged in her pocket, pulling out one of Tim’s crimson shurikens. “Tim gave this to me to give to you.” She handed it to him but held it when he reached for it, “Do not,” she warned firmly, “cut yourself with this or mom and dad will make you give it back after they finish tearing me a new one for giving it to you.”
“I won’t!” he promised and she watched his eyes light up in wonder when he took it. She ruffled his hair once more before walking towards the backdoor.
She stepped outside and saw her dad throwing a ball with Krypto, her mom watching from the back porch; she walked over and leaned down, pressing a kiss to her cheek. “Hey, mom.”
Lois glanced up at her and smiled. “Hey, sweetheart. You’re home early.”
(Y/N) nodded, sitting down beside her. “School let out for the week, and we didn’t have any missions from the Justice League, so I figured I’d spend a few days here instead of cooped up in the tower.”
“I’m glad you decided to come home, hon. It’s always nice when you come back.”
She looked up and saw Clark walking towards her. “Hey, dad.”
He pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “Hey sweetheart, how were the boys?”
“They’re good. We did our usual thing.”
Clark sat on her other side. “Collapse on Tim’s bed and lay around like lethargic teenagers?”
(Y/N) snorted and shoved his shoulder lightly. “We were productive young adults. We finished over-break assignments and reports. Well…mostly. Still got that thirty page physics paper I have to write but…I’ll let that stew awhile.”
He chuckled. “Anything else happen today?”
“Talked about the gala this weekend.” She paused. “You guys are coming too, right?” They nodded and (Y/N) laid back on the porch, pulling out her phone. “Ugh…I remember how badly the Wi-Fi sucked out here. I don’t have any service at all.” She looked at her mom. “I don’t how a journalist like you manages to live in the middle of nowhere like this and still stay sane.”
Lois snorted and thumped her leg. “It’s called satellite service. Now c’mon, let’s go inside. Dinner should be done by now.” (Y/N) rose from the porch and they all began walking in when the sound and feel of rushing air came over them. She and Clark immediately spun, ready to defend themselves when they saw Conner hovering in the sky.
His eyebrows were drawn in slight concern. “(Y/N)! We need you!”
She nodded, shucking off her sweatshirt and pants, revealing the blue suit underneath. The crimson cape billowed around her and she glanced up at him. “What’s the situation?”
“We’ve got simultaneous bank robberies all over SF. Bart and Tim are already on the first few. I came to get you.”
(Y/N) turned to her parents. “Rain check on dinner guys.” She turned in the direction of San Fransisco, eyes darting wildly as she viewed her teammates positions. After a second, she nodded. “I’ve got em, Bart’s on the east, Tim’s on south. You take north and I’ll take west.”
He nodded and she shot up from the ground. They were almost in San Francisco when her father’s voice reached her. “Be careful, (Y/N).”
She curled her fists when the bank doors came into view and responded, “Always am, dad.”
“The dress looks fine, (Y/N).”
She glanced up at Tim who was smiling at her; she let out a sigh, letting go of the side strap she’d been tugging, still semi-uncomfortable with how it fit. “I know it does. But I feel like it’s still a little…grown up for me. I’ve never had a dress this open in the back or the sides since…ever.” The boys laughed and she smiled at Bart and Conner. “I forgot how well you two cleaned up.”
Bart pulled at both sides of the bowtie and winked at her, while Conner merely grunted, “I still hate tuxedos.”
“You’re definitely going to hate the long hours of your wedding then.” They laughed once more, and the car pulled around the venue.
Tim looked at them and grinned. “Show time, lady and gents.” They followed him out of the limo, grinning at the cameras as they walked inside.
Immediately, the view made her eyes go wide and she gaped. “Damn…this place is…really big.”
Tim shrugged nonchalantly, “I dunno, the ballroom in Wayne manor is bigger, but definitely more expensive.”
Bart shook his head. “Tim, my dude…we live on minimum wage not a billionaire’s salary.” (Y/N) and Conner simply nodded, still dumbfounded at the sheer size.
Tim rolled his eyes and looked around. “There’s Bruce and the others.”
She glanced in the direction he was looking and she saw her parents with Bruce. “Looks like mom and dad are busy chatting.” The others nodded and she turned to Tim. “What exactly are we supposed to do at a gala?”
“Have fun?” (Y/N) heaved a sigh and stared at him until he said, “You dance and drink and eat. That’s all you do.” He waved his hands. “Go knock yourselves out.”
They started to fan out when (Y/N) called out to them. “Wait!” They paused, turning back around. “We should go talk to Bruce and tell him thanks for inviting us.” They nodded and followed Tim over to Bruce.
He saw them coming and turned, holding out his hand to her. “Good to see you, (Y/N). You look wonderful this evening.”
Her cheeks warmed at the compliment and she smiled, giving his hand a firm shake. “It’s good to see you too, Mister Wayne, you don’t look too bad yourself. Thank you for inviting us to the gala.” The others shook his hand, and she turned to her parents. “Hey mom, dad.”
Lois walked around her and squealed, “You look so beautiful!”
(Y/N) cleared her throat, feeling her cheeks warm as the others smiled in her direction. “Mom…chill out, you’re embarrassing me.” She merely laughed but stepped back over to Clark’s side and (Y/N) looked around. “Bart have you—and he’s already at the buffet table.” Snickers sounded behind her and she sighed. “I’m going to make sure that the bottomless pit doesn’t devour all your food before your guests can eat, Mister Wayne.”
They watched her walk off and when she got over to the table Bart was standing in front of, she saw him shoving food in his mouth. “Oh my god…Bart, what are you doing?”
He turned to her, and swallowed, a sheepish smile crossing his face. “I haven’t eaten anything today,” he licked his thumb clean. “I’m hungry.”
(Y/N) rolled her eyes and sighed. “Just try not to eat your fingers, would you?”
He snorted and pointed to an appetizer. “You should try the pigs-in-a-blanket. They’ve got this sauce on top that’s just—.”
A low voice cut him off. “They have pigs-in-a-blanket! What!” They turned to see a young man a couple years older than them reaching over. “The old man’s never had something this plain at a gala.” He popped one in his mouth, then turned to them. “You’re Timberly’s friends, right?”
They nodded and (Y/N) gazed, something about him tugging at her mind. “I know you from somewhere.” She stared into his teal eyes and suddenly she remembered where she knew him from; she’d never forget those teal eyes and how angry they’d been. “You’re Jason Todd, aren’t you? Bruce’s second son.”
He grinned. “That’s me. Have you and I met before? I have to agree with you, because you look really familiar.”
(Y/N) glared at him and crossed her arms, spitting. “We met in the Hall of Fallen Titans three years ago.”
Jason’s eyes briefly widened, before they narrowed in amusement. “You’re the one who threw me out the third story window after I kicked Timber’s ass.” He chuckled. “You don’t have to worry about all that, doll. Timmy and I are good now. You can ask the speedster about it.”
She continued to glower at him until Bart leaned over, propping his chin on her shoulder. “He’s telling the truth, (Y/N). Tim told me a while back that he and Jason are brothers now.”
Jason nodded and she finally stopped glaring at him. “Just so you know Jason, I can still throw people out windows.”
He smiled and held out a hand, watching her place hers in it; he brought her hand up to his lips and pressed a kiss to the back of it. “I wouldn’t have it any other way, doll.”
Bart poked her side and grinned. “I’m gonna go see Tim and Conner. I’ll leave you two alone.”
He wandered off and (Y/N) pulled her hand back. “So, why are you here? Aren’t you supposed to be dead?”
Jason chuckled. “Oh, I was. I got better. We just made up a story about me getting lost, yadda yadda yadda, I’m not important.” He propped his elbow on the wall above her and grinned. “But what is important, is how pretty you look in your dress.”
(Y/N) cocked a brow. “Is that supposed to flatter me?”
“Is it not?”
“It could be a little better.”
He laughed and she found herself smiling along with him. He nodded towards the balcony. “Wanna get some air?”
She nodded, and they walked out into the night. (Y/N) gazed up at the stars and sighed in wonder. “There’s billions of them out there…I’ve never tried to leave earth and go search for them on my own.”
Jason leaned on the railing and gazed at her. “How come?”
(Y/N) shrugged, leaning against the railing too. “Dad’s full Kryptonian…me and Jon are, to use a less than favorable term, half-breeds.” She paused. “I’m not sure if I would survive like dad does out in space.”
“Won’t know ‘til you try.”
She huffed a laugh and looked at him. “If I’m wrong, I might die.”
“And if you try and you’re right, you won’t be dead.”
She shook her head at him, a smile playing at her lips. “You’ve got answers to everything, don’t you, Jason?”
He grinned at her. “I find that being sharp and witty helps with the crowds, doll.” The music sounded from inside the ballroom, and he stepped back, offering her a hand. “May I have this dance?”
(Y/N) rested her hand in his, feeling him pull her close, his other hand resting on her lower back; it was warm against her open skin and she cleared her throat. “I should warn you, I can’t dance to save my life.”
A cocky smirk crossed his lips and he leaned down, his lips brushing her ear. “I can take the lead, doll…all you have to do is give it to me.”
“Your flirtations need work too.”
Jason chuckled in her ear, making her shiver as he pulled back. “I don’t think they do.”
“Arrogance isn’t attractive, Jason.”
“It isn’t.”
“I heard you the first time, doll.” As they swayed to the music, he asked, “So, how’d you and Nerd-bird become friends?”
“We met through Conner.”
“The clone?”
“My brother.”
“He introduced the two of us, and we’ve been friends ever since.”
“Only friends? Nothing more?”
It was (Y/N)’s turn to smirk and she looked at him. “Are you asking because you want to know if there’s competition?”
He stopped moving and they stood still, her in his arms. “Just want to know if there’s anyone between me and first place.”
She huffed a laugh. “God, you’re something else.” Her eyes found his and she asked, “Do you want to get out of here?”
Jason nodded and stepped back, holding out his hand. “Where do you want to go?”
(Y/N) smirked and stepped forward, closing the distance he’d created, and wrapped an arm around his waist. His teal eyes widened, and she looked back at the party; no one noticed them, and she turned back to face him, “Up, up, and away.” They flew upwards, and she felt him latch onto her. “Why are you acting like I’m going to drop you, Jason?”
He made a waring noise in his throat. “I have a friend who’s an Amazon, and she is…very fond of throwing and dropping me.”
(Y/N) giggled. “Sounds like we’d get along spectacularly. She likes dropping you…I like throwing you out of windows…”
“That was one time. And you caught me when I was off-guard.”
“Uh huh, sure. You got your ass kicked by a sixteen-year-old and I think you’re just bitter.”
He grumbled at her. “Rub it in, why don’t you, doll.” She laughed and lowered them down; their feet hit the roof and he looked at it. “Wayne Enterprises? Why?”
She shrugged. “Cool tower…nice view.” She took a seat on the ledge, listening to him sit beside her.
He leaned over. “Almost romantic…don’t you think?”
(Y/N) eyed him, seeing a goofy smile on his face; she snorted, shoving him lightly. “You’re cheesy.”
“So I’ve been told.”
She glanced back at the water. “You know if this goes anywhere, my dad and your dad aren’t going to be happy.”
Jason snorted, nonchalantly replying, “Doll, there’s a few things I’m afraid of in life. Superman and Batman…are not those things.”
“Is that arrogance or confidence I hear coming through?”
He shrugged. “Probably a bit of both.”
(Y/N) smiled, then she felt his hand rest on hers, letting him link their fingers; she turned her face to him. “Is this the part where you tell me I’m beautiful and ask to kiss me?”
Jason grinned. “No, this is actually the part where I tell you you’re drop dead gorgeous…can I kiss you?”
She giggled, leaning in, and just before his lips brushed hers, she whispered, “You know I can kick your ass, right?”
He groaned. “Should I mention that strong women really do wonders to me?”
(Y/N) huffed a laugh and brought her free hand up, curling in his shirt. “Shut up and kiss me, Jason.”
“With pleasure.” His lips met hers, and she felt him bring his hand up, cupping her cheek. She pulled back ever-so-slightly, but he chased her, pressing his lips to hers again. He let go of her hand and brought his other hand up. He lowered her down until (Y/N)’s back was flat against the ledge; the chill from the stone made her arch her back off it, and press into his chest.
Jason pulled away slightly and smirked at her. “Cold?”
She rolled her eyes at him. “If you want to keep making out, jokes aren’t going to do the job.” He snorted at her and leaned forward again, intent on kissing her senseless when someone cleared their throat, startling them.
They sat up quick as lightning, turning in the direction of the sound. “I wondered where my daughter had flown off to.”
“Oh my god,” she hissed and covered her face with her hands. “Dad. C’mon…seriously?” Clark stepped onto the ledge and walked towards them.
Jason leaned down, whispering, “Is he going to throw me off the ledge?”
This made her giggle despite trying not to and she shoved him. “Shut up, Jason.”
He grinned at her and rose from his position, standing in front of her father. “Mister Kent.”
“That’s my daughter.”
“Oh, I know it is. I still remember how she threw me out of a building a few years ago. I get teary thinking about it.”
The corner of Clarks mouth rose, but then dipped back down, and (Y/N) stood up. “Dad, I’m nineteen. This whole, ‘daddy’s little girl can’t date’ bit, is getting old.” A hurt look crossed his face and she stepped forward, taking his hand. “To you, I’ll always be your little girl, dad. But sooner or later you’ve gotta come to grips with me dating and having…mature relationships.”
Clark held her gaze, then glanced at Jason who grinned and gave a thumbs up. “Does it have to be one of his kids? I mean if it’s going to be, I like Tim.”
“Ew, gross. Tim’s my best friend.”
“What about Dick?”
“Nice butt, but he and Kori are dating.” She paused and smiled at him. “The only one left is Jason, dad.”
Clark eyed Jason once more, then Jason offered, “If it makes you feel any better, I’m slightly afraid of your daughter.”
He sighed. “Thank you, Jason. I can tell.” Turning to her, he cupped her cheek. “It feels like yesterday I was bringing you home for the first time.”
“Dad…stop…we don’t need sentimentality right now.”
Clark hummed and smiled at her, pressing a kiss to her forehead; he turned to Jason and leveled him with a hard look. “I don’t think I need to warn you about what happens if you make her sad.”
Jason gave him a mock salute. “Chances are I’ll be in ICU after I was thrown out a building.”
“Oh my god. Let that go.”
They laughed, and Clark rose from the rooftop. “I’ll need to get back to the party. Don’t do anything crazy.”
They waved him off and (Y/N) turned to Jason. “Do you want to get something to eat?”
He nodded. “There’s a pizza shop down the block from here.”
“Sounds great.” (Y/N) rose a few feet off the roof when she heard a cough behind her.
She spun around and looked down at Jason. “Doll…I don’t know if you know this…but I can’t fly.”
“Whoops. My bad.” She lowered back onto the rooftop and held out her arm.
He walked into it and wrapped an arm around her waist, then tipped his head to her. “Up, up, and away.”
(Y/N) snorted as she rose. “You’re still cheesy, Jason.”
The grip on her waist tightened as he murmured, “I know.”
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sierraraeck · 4 years
The Better Kisser
BAU x Bi!Fem!Reader
Emily x Bi!Fem!Reader
Summary: After finding out that you haven’t had very many kissing experiences, the team realizes you’re the perfect candidate to judge who the best kisser on the team is.
Category: Fluff
Warnings: As you may have guessed, lots of kissing.
Word Count: 3.8k
A/N: Just a little something that popped into my head that I just needed to write. This is technically an AU where the members of the team are Hotch, Rossi, Spencer, Penelope, Derek, Emily, JJ, Luke, and Tara. Everyone is single.
It was true. You hadn’t kissed very many people. You decided long ago that it wasn’t really in the cards for you, dating and kissing and relationships, that is, so yeah. You weren’t what one would call an ‘experienced kisser.’ Your friends had teased you for it, but you’d always shrugged it off. It wasn’t something to be ashamed of.
You’d never thought it’d be something to be grateful for either, until tonight.
It’d been a long, hard case, and everyone was dying to get out of the stupid office, and away from those stupid files, so that you could all finally relax, maybe even have some fun. You’d only been with the team for about three months, and it was like an entire whirlwind throwing you this way and that. You also hadn’t gotten to know the team too well either, considering how busy you all constantly were. Your first week on the job, they went out for drinks after a case, but you were so exhausted that you left after the first round.
There hadn’t been time, or energy, since then for the team to spend quality, relaxed time together. That’s why tonight was extra exciting.
“You’re telling me that throughout all of highschool, all of college, you haven’t kissed more than two people?” Derek asked incredulously. You couldn’t fully remember how you’d all gotten onto the subject, except that you had. You were sitting on Garcia’s squishy couch, littered with colorful pillows and all sorts of stuffed animals. Garcia had decided that instead of going out to a bar, you were all going to go over to her place, minus Hotch and Rossi who tapped out early.
You shrugged. “Nope. I had one boyfriend and one drunk kiss, both of which were bad experiences for me. I’ve kind of avoided all of that since then.” You explained, “Plus, when would I have time for that? Between my college studies and getting into the FBI, then BAU, I didn’t really have free time.”
“I mean, sure, I guess,” Derek continued, “but come one. There had to be guys falling at your feet!”
You laughed. “Not all of us have that kind of draw, Derek.” He nudged you, and you nudged him back with a wink.
He was right, though. You were stunning. Even when you just put your hair up and wore sweatpants, there was just something about you. You would probably look good in a trash bag. But men were not just falling at your feet. Even if they were, you wouldn’t notice, putting all of your energy into chasing your dreams instead. You thought that was a very reasonable, and responsible, thing of you to do.
Plus, you’d done the whole boyfriend thing, and weren’t really interested in trying it again. Well, not as interested as you were in trying the whole girlfriend thing. And your first day on the job, a certain badass brunette caught your eye, and was even the first one to make you really feel like part of the team. You were finding it harder and harder to resist her pull.
“Yeah Derek,” JJ chimed in, drawing your attention back to the conversation, “Not all of us can rack up eight phone numbers and five make out sessions in one night.”
“What can I say?” Derek beamed, pride shining in his eyes. “I’m a great kisser.” Emily snorted. When Derek glared at her, she pressed her lips together and looked down. “What?”
“Nothing,” Emily sang, shaking her head with an air of mischief.
“No seriously, what?”
“It’s just that if you read girls half as well as you claim to, you might wonder if that’s always the case.” Derek’s jaw hung open, and Emily smirked at him with unabashed confidence. You stared at her and her piercing eyes, and you couldn’t help but admire how sexy she was when she was confident, smug even.
“Wow, you’re gonna go there?” Derek asked, feigning hurt disbelief, “And how would you know that?”
Again, Emily shrugged and nonchalantly stated, “Because I know how women act when they kiss me. And trust me. They’re actually enjoying themselves.”
Some ‘ooh’s radiated throughout the room, and based on the look Penelope had plastered to her face, things were about to get good.
You watched in amusement as Derek sat up a little straighter, “Is that a challenge?”
“If you want it to be.” Emily’s brows shot up.
“Alright, you’re on,” Derek nodded, determination radiating off of him.
“Well, I don’t know how strong either of your games are,” Luke spoke up, glancing quickly over at Spencer who was just observing the whole encounter, “but I think I could take on both of you.”
“No you could not,” Tara sneered from beside him.
“And you could?” Luke challenged.
Setting her glass down, Tara replied, “Yes.”
You giggled at the thought of the four of them having a kiss-off, just imagining how utterly chaotic that would be due to all of their extraordinarily competitive natures.
“Oh my god, this is going to be so fun!” Penelope squealed. “Now we just have to figure out who’s going to judge!”
“We can’t really use one of us because some people might be biased or recognize the kisser,” Emily casually stated. It took a moment for you to realize what she’d just admitted to. Who on the team has kissed before? But before you could really start thinking about it, you noticed that everyone’s gaze had slowly turned to you.
“What is happening right now?” you questioned, looked between them.
The five of them exchanged excited, knowing looks before training their attention back on you. Then you got it. “Are you serious?”
“You’re the only one who hasn’t kissed one of us!” Derek explained, as if it were obvious.
“You mean…” you trailed off, but again couldn’t complete the thought before someone interrupted.
“Come on, it’ll be fun!” Penelope promised. “And you seem like you’d be a very neutral judge.”
“Not to mention,” Tara added, “You’re a pretty blank slate since you haven’t really kissed anyone.”
“Don’t worry though, we’ll show you a good time,” Derek assured with a wink.
Heads nodded. You were a bit worried that there would be some hurt feelings by the end of this, but they were all adults, and the appeal to kiss all of them, along with their eager faces, became enough to convince you to say yes.
“Yes!” Derek exclaimed. He looked pointedly at Emily, “It is so on.”
She just rolled her eyes. “Pen, do you have a blindfold?”
“A what?” you asked.
“Well we can’t have you getting biased on us. This has to be strictly about kissing.” Hearing her explain it with such reason hampered your growing nerves a bit. Like you’d said, you hadn’t kissed very many people and you were worried how much better they were going to be at it than you.
You reminded yourself that this was more about them than you, and tried to use that to calm yourself down. You were about to be kissed by some of the most attractive people you’d met. This was definitely not a bad place to be.
While Penelope rummaged through her belongings to get a makeshift blindfold, Luke convinced Spencer to join and JJ decided to participate.
Pretty soon, they had you seated in a chair, another one across from you, waiting for whoever was going to go first, while Emily explained some ground rules. “We are going to go in rounds. We will each kiss her and then after every round, Y/N will eliminate one of us based on the number in the round we kissed her so she doesn’t know who it is. No touching. You can’t use your hands in any way, this has to purely be about the kiss. And kiss however you normally would, no matter what that means for you.”
“No hands?” Spencer questioned. You were still surprised that he’d agreed to join, let alone ask a question like that. Luke gave him an odd look from behind while Emily confirmed the rule.
“Your hands might give away who you are, and again, this is just about the kiss.”
“Alright, alright, let’s just get started,” Derek complained, as Penelope tied the blindfold behind your head.
Now that you couldn’t see, you relied on your hearing to figure out what was happening. You heard some shuffling and disgruntled whispering, then you heard the chair across from you slide across the floor toward you. You waited anxiously as the person leaned in and pressed their lips to yours.
Their lips were plush and soft, but the kiss seemed a little too forced. It was a bit excited and you could feel their smile as they started pulling away. It was a pretty good kiss, definitely better than your previous two, despite the fact that it only lasted a few seconds. You couldn’t help but try and guess who it was, thinking it was either Penelope or Tara.
The next person who sat down completely blew the person before them out of the water. It was a much longer kiss and the person even swiped their tongue across your bottom lip for entry. You weren’t really thinking as you gave them access, the heat in your body starting to rise. You just hoped that your face wasn’t giving any of that heat away, so you were almost grateful that the person pulled away.
There was a bout of silence, which made you feel a little awkward, but soon enough, you heard the cushion squish down across from you. Their knee knocked yours, as you assumed they crossed their legs. Being a profiler, you were very used to picking up on body language with your eyes, making it kind of fun to try and pick up those same behavioral cues with all of your other senses. This person, you could tell, was very hesitant. You couldn’t say you were surprised when the person really only pecked you on the lips.
Number four in the line up started out pretty good, but you felt them start shaking or something halfway through. You quickly realized that they were laughing and you pulled back. You couldn’t help but smile when you asked, “Why are you laughing?”
Up until then, they had laughed pretty silently, but once you called them out, they just full out chuckled. “I’m sorry!” Tara unapologetically said through more laughs. “I couldn’t help it. I blame Luke.”
You laughed with her as you playfully shook your head. “You were doing so well up until then!”
“I know!” she agreed.
“I guess this means you’re out?” you half questioned.
Tara gave an over dramatic sigh, but you could hear the smile in her voice as she stated, “I guess so.” As she walked away, Luke gave a small ‘ow,’ and you assumed she’d hit him. You wondered what about this was Luke’s fault? Had he said something to her?
Either way, someone took her spot across from you. They wasted no time leaning in and putting their lips on yours. The kiss started out slow and gentle, like they were easing you into it. But gradually, as you both became more used to the other, it picked up pace, your mouths starting to move in sync. It felt like all of their energy was focused on you and exploring your mouth with their tongue. It was by far the most passionate kiss you’d experienced, and you tried to hide the pout from your face as they pulled back, chasing their lips for only a second before remembering there was an audience, and a competition.
Person number six was … good. You couldn’t really describe it. They used, what now seemed to you to be, a medium amount of tongue, for a medium amount of time. It was a good kiss, you weren’t saying it wasn’t, it just didn’t have any quirk or something unique that stood out. It was just … good. You knew Tara was out, so you tried to guess who that person could be. You thought maybe JJ, or possibly Luke, but you couldn’t be sure.
The final person who kissed you was intense. They had plump, captivating lips, but the way they kissed verged on overwhelming. They were also a little sloppy in their movements, and it was like you could tell they weren’t fully invested. Distracted, maybe? Again, not bad, but nothing like some of the other kissers.
The air was hot and heavy as Emily spoke up. “Okay, we’ve all gone. You know Tara is out, she was number four, so who else from this round would you eliminate?”
You pretended to think about it, even though it actually wasn’t that hard to pick. “I think it was person number three.” The person who just sort of pecked me, you thought, but didn’t say.
The players were now down to five, and they went in the same order as they had before, minus person number three, who you guessed was Spencer, and Tara.
This round made you even more confused about who was who than the round before. The excited one you guessed was either Luke or Penelope, the intimate one you thought was Derek, the passionate one you thought was either Luke or Emily, the average one you thought was JJ, and the sloppy, intense one you had no idea about.
By the end of that round, you eliminated person number one, the overly excited, verging on too hard kisser.
The next round was a no brainer. The intimate kisser, Derek you thought, upped his game. He kissed you for longer, used a bit more tongue, but was still somehow gentle. If you thought he’d upped his game, you weren’t prepared for person number two. They also upped their game, keeping your mouths molded together for longer than before, something you were more than happy about. You couldn’t quite place exactly what it was about their kiss, maybe that it seemed so perfectly balanced, incorporated the perfect amount of everything, or something else, but they were absolutely magnetic. It sent electric waves through your body, making you feel a little tingly. You felt sort of bad for the average kisser, most likely JJ, because they had to follow that up. And finally the sloppy kisser, who you still couldn’t place. They didn’t up their game at all. If anything, they felt more distracted by the minute, and pulled away earlier than the rest.
“Person number four,” you stated when Tara asked who was getting eliminated.
It was now down to three; the intimate kisser, you predicted Derek, the passionate kisser, either Luke or Emily, and the average kisser, probably JJ.
There was some shuffling, a faint whispering, a small ‘ow,’ and then Tara spoke up again. “Now that there are only three left, as long as you are okay with it, they want to use their hands.”
You tried to downplay the excitement you were feeling with this new rule, but you were sure their trained ears could hear it in the way you said, “Yes, that’s good with me.”
The seat across from you suddenly became occupied, but before anything could happen, Tara quickly jumped in. “Wait. Y/N, you can’t use your hands.” When you pouted a little, she explained, “Well if you did, you’d definitely know who is who, so…”
You sighed, but agreed, waiting in anticipation for the person across from you to touch you.
It started soft, their long fingers brushing over your cheeks as they leaned in. Soon enough, though, the entirety of their hands were firmly cupping your face and pulling you ridiculously close, close enough to feel some of their body heat. It was intimate, and again made you feel like the most important person to whoever those lips and hands belonged to. You rubbed your thumb into your palm, wanting nothing more than to reach out and touch them, but you knew you couldn’t. Your sole focus was on them, them on you, and you had to say it was one of the best kisses of the night.
That person made you feel like the most important person in the world, but the next person kissed you like you were the only person in the world. They started out by tucking your hair behind your ear, then slowly sliding their fingers back into the loose strands. As they started to kiss you, they moved their other hand behind your head, cradling the back of your neck. The person before them had captured your focus, but this person erased any thoughts your mind was capable of forming. You couldn’t think about anything other than the way their tongue moved against yours, and the shiver they sent down your spine as one of their hands traveled the length of it, coming to rest just above your hip, strong, confident fingers pulling you closer. It was a moment you never wanted to end, and one that left you in a cold shock when it eventually did.
You almost didn’t even want the last person to kiss you because of how you knew it would never come close to what you’d just experienced, but a competition was a competition. The third person kissed you similarly to how they’d done before, good but nothing special, their hands resting comfortably on your hips.
When it was all over, you asked, “Can I take off the blindfold now? I know who the winner is.”
“Sure, but announce who first,” Tara suggested.
“Okay,” you agreed. “The third person got third, the first person got second, and the second person was the winner. Can I take the blindfold off now?” you asked again. You were eager to find out who was who. When you didn’t get an immediate response warning you not to, you stood up and quickly ripped it off to quite the amusing sight. Spencer looked as bright as a cherry, Penelope looked shocked but proud, Tara was smirking, Luke’s eyes were the size of beach balls, JJ looked indifferent, Emily was smirking, and Derek looked like he’d just been shot. “So are you going to tell me who was who?”
Without answering, Emily took two large strides toward you and placed her lips back on yours. One of her hands slid back into your hair while the other rested above your waist, and you smiled into the kiss. Of course it was you, you thought. When she pulled away, you were both smiling like idiots, and she gave you a single eyebrow raise as you both turned to look at Derek.
“I got third?” he asked, still in a state of bewilderment.
“What?” you asked, just as shocked as he was. “I thought you got second.”
Emily snorted. “You thought Spencer was Derek?”
What?! You spun to face Spencer, the person you were sure got out the first round, and he was still blushing like he’d been out in the sun for far too long. “You took second?” He nodded nervously. You beamed at him, causing him to return a shy smile, then look down at his fiddling hands. “You’re a really good kisser,” you complimented.
Derek repeated, “I took third? Emily, I guess I kinda get,” she rolled her eyes at that, “but Pretty Boy?”
You shrugged, and Luke jumped in, though not nearly as harsh as Derek had been. “Yeah, I took fourth, but Spencer got second?”
You offered him a cheeky smile, remembering how distracted he felt while kissing you, and the not-so-subtle glances he constantly made at Spencer all the time. You took the opportunity to encourage whatever was going on there. “He did. Like I said, he’s a good kisser. Very intimate, like I was the only one on his mind. You should try kissing him sometime. Might help you feel less distracted.” You winked and Spencer looked like he wanted to evaporate. Luke, on the other hand, was just staring at Spencer, and you could see the gears spinning in his head. He finally mumbled a ‘what the hell’ before pulling Spencer to him by the back of his neck. Spencer seemed immediately surprised, but recovered quite quickly, no hesitation to his movements after the initial shock. They kissed each other probably exactly how they’d just kissed you, Spencer’s hands cupping Luke’s face, Luke’s hands resting on the back of Spencer’s neck and lower back. Although, you’d have to say that Luke looked a bit more focused than he’d been with you. You laughed while some of the other members hooted. This was something that’d been a long time coming.
When they pulled away, Luke nodded. “Y/N, I definitely agree with you.”
Spencer smiled, and playfully nudged Luke as he said, “Y/N, I also agree with you.”
“Hey!” Luke exclaimed, but he was smiling the brightest he had in a while.
Derek was still a mess, not enjoying the moment as much as he usually would’ve, and asked, “What did I do wrong?”
“You didn’t do anything wrong,” you assured, “You’re a good kisser, but there’s just nothing too special about it. It’s kinda just…”
Emily and Derek looked at you expectantly before Emily got it. “Wait. Are you calling him average?”
She looked way too excited for the occasion, but she was right. He was just kinda average. You nonchalantly admitted, “I guess.”
Derek let his hands fall to his sides with a slap, his mouth still hanging open. Emily’s lips curled up into a sly smile as she placed a hand on Derek’s shoulder. “It’s okay. Not everyone can be as good as me.” He shrugged her hand off his shoulder, and she held out her hand. Derek reached into his back pocket producing his wallet, and grudgingly slapped a crumpled $20 into her open palm. You gawked at them, not realizing that they’d placed a bet on their skills.
Emily returned to your side, closer than she’d really ever stood to you before, and gave you a smile that seemed on the shyer side for her, biting her lip as she peered at you through her lashes. You mirrored her shy smile, pressing your lips together as heat quickly spread to your cheeks. You turned back to the rest of the conversation that demanded your attention, people wanting to know why you eliminated them. But you couldn’t help glancing over at Emily every now and then, and couldn’t hide your joy when you saw that she was gazing back.
Who knows? Maybe that night was going to be the start of two great relationships in the BAU.
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toomanyrobins2 · 3 years
Those Four Words Pt. 1
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Summary: an escalating fight between Jason and his girlfriend leads to a tense two weeks in Wayne Manor
Pairing: Jason Todd x Reader
Word count: 2.1k
Warnings: language, mentions of sex and excessive drinking, mentions of character death
masterlist // next part
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Jason Todd was in a terrible mood, having just got into an argument with Bruce. He decided to go up to his girlfriend’s studio to get away. She had been hard at work the past couple of days and he was getting needy. He came up behind her on the floor and pulled her into his lap. She tried to wiggle out of his arms. “Jay, I'm trying to do something right now.
He tried to snuggle closer to his girlfriend, “I deserve some of your time too.
“Deserve? You’re especially demanding today. What did you do?” Jason scoffed and pulled away. “What has crawled up your ass?”
“You did.”
She managed to escape and turned to look at her boyfriend, “I did? Huh, I think I would’ve remembered such a disgusting journey into your body.
“Dammit, Y/N! Enough with the sarcasm! You know what I’m saying.”
She sighed at Jason’s attitude, “I don’t understand what you’re doing right now, but you are starting a fight just for the sake of an argument. I’m sorry, but I can’t give you what you want right now.”
“I don’t want anything from you,” Jason was standing over his girlfriend, his whole body tense, “From any of you.”
“Why are you being like this? What happened?”
“What? You thought the minute we started dating all of our problems would magically disappear? Are you really that naive?”
Y/N put her brushes down and stood. She tried to walk closer, but he matched each step, moving away from her. “Jason, where the hell is this coming from? I thought we had got past this. Even you and Bruce are in a better place.”
“You think I'll ever forget you abandoned me. You all did!”
“Abandon you! What have you been smoking? We thought you died!”
“You replaced me!”
Now, Y/N was angry too and it was rare that anyone saw her this way. She was deadly calm, but the fire was roaring in her eyes, “I did not replace you.”
“That’s right, you were too busy whoring yourself around Gotham to even think about me.”
“That is not fair and you know it. I mourned you. We all mourned your arrogant ass. I never stopped missing you.”
“I saw the articles, Y/N! Don’t pretend you were mourning me. You were too busy whoring yourself around Gotham.”
Her mind went back to three years ago. Jason had died in an explosion set up by the Joker. She was sixteen and her best friend had died, and she hadn’t handled it well. What started as a way to get out of the house with friends, had led to this wild, secret life. Y/N had snuck out at night and used Bruce’s name to get into clubs. She drank anything she could get her hands on and had gone home with multiple men, trying to forget her pain. Once, Bruce had found out, her world had imploded. He sent her away and finally got her the help she should have received when her parents had passed. The only reason Y/N had moved back to the manor was that Jason had been found. She couldn’t believe that he was trying to use her moments of weakness against her, “How dare you throw that back on me. I was just trying to numb the pain. It wasn’t like I was celebrating the fact that you were gone.”
“Yeah, it really looked like you missed me.”
“God Dammit, Jay!” she stamped her foot, knowing it was childish, “If you would just listen to me!”
“Oh fuck off, Y/N! If I had known I was ever going to be stuck with you and your nagging, I wouldn’t have come back.”
“I wish you hadn’t!” The minute the words left Y/N’s mouth, she gasped and slapped her hands over her mouth. Jason’s emotionless mask slammed into place, and suddenly he was as blank as the day Bruce had found him. He turned to walk out and Y/N chased after him, “Jay, wait! I’m sorry!” He jumped onto his motorcycle and was out the door before she could stop him. She slammed her fist into the wall and cursed in frustration and pain. No one would see either of them for the rest of the day. Y/N stayed in her studio, wondering how they got to the point of shouting such hurtful things at each other.
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The next day, they had both shown up for Friday night dinner, as was expected of them. Neither spoke, and the tension was too thick to be cut with a knife. Y/N had tried to pull him aside and apologize after dinner, but he had shot her with a cutting glare and stalked away. The other could tell that something had happened, but no one had the details. Tim wandered into the library after patrol that night, to find her in a chair tucked into the corner. “What are you doing here (Y/N/N)? Isn’t it a movie night with Todd?” He noted the tear tracks down her face but knew she hated showing weakness, so he said nothing about them.
“I wasn’t feeling up to it, so I canceled. I think I’ll head to bed now. Night, Timmy.” Y/N went to her room and cried herself to sleep, the guilt overwhelming her as she played the argument over in her head. If only she had just taken a break, maybe the whole situation could have been avoided. She woke up multiple times in the night, crying out Jason’s name after seeing him and the Joker over and over again. Finally, around 3 in the morning, she gave up on sleep and went to the kitchen to pour herself coffee. She decided to keep busy and started making breakfast for the family.
Alfred was the first to appear in the morning, as usual. Y/N tried to pretend that everything was normal, but nothing could be hidden from the family’s butler. He noted the dark circles under her eyes and the tremors in her hands from over-caffeination. The boys slowly started to emerge, and Alfred started to bring out all the food she had made. She made two plates out of habit and headed for the dining room. Y/N started to hand Jason his breakfast as she had every morning for a year, but suddenly she remembered and pulled her hand away. Jason didn’t even bother to look at her, and her heart clenched. She placed the plate on the table and walked back into the kitchen. “Sorry, Alfred, I’m not hungry. I think I’ll go paint.” She placed the plate she had made for herself on the counter and left.
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Y/N’s studio had been a safe space since she had first moved into the manor. She had hidden away when she first arrived at Wayne Manor, unused to such an active family. Bruce had called workers to the manor and redid the room when she had told him she liked art. Now, after years of work, canvasses filled the room on all sides. Some paintings, others photos, she had accumulated in the three years. They hung on the walls and were laid across the floor. She flooded the room with Swan Lake, her sad music, and started to mix her colors. The music she played had become an easy way for the others to discern her moods since she hadn’t spoken to anyone except Fallon, Bruce’s wife, when she first came. Bruce and Dick had installed a speaker system in her studio to drown out the noise when she was overwhelmed, and everyone in the Manor could hear it if she turned it on loud enough. When the first notes hit their ears, all eyes in the dining room turned to Jason. He refused to look up and make eye contact, instead, he stared at the breakfast that had been abandoned on the table. Once everyone had averted their gaze, he pushed away from the table and disappeared.
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This led to one of the most uncomfortable weeks in the Manor ever. Y/N barely left her studio and no one saw Jason for three days before he returned. When he did, he started to act as if nothing had happened. The music had eventually stopped playing altogether, so they had no idea what kind of mood she was in. Finally, Damian was the one to gather everyone else together, “Y/N/N has not come out of her studio in a week. Since Buckethead has just decided to pretend nothing has happened. We need to fix this.”
Bruce spoke up first, “Jason and Y/N are both adults. They are both being immature, and it will eventually work itself out.
“How can we fix this when we don’t even know what happened?” Tim looked up from his laptop, “I’ve been checking in on Y/N on the cameras. All she does is paint, and the most she’s slept in days is when she falls asleep accidentally. That never lasts long, and she cries. A lot.”
“Why did Fallon have to leave! We need to fix this, or the family vacation is going to be the worst!” Dick collapsed on the couch. Fallon had finally convinced Bruce that the family needed a vacation, but two weeks before they were supposed to leave, her sister had had a baby. She decided to go help her out and just meet them at the resort. They now had a week left, and it was not looking good. No one wanted to bother their mother since she very rarely took time for herself and was enjoying time with her family. They decided Alfred would be the one to try and convince Y/N to leave the studio at least and eat something.
He appeared in the doorway and watched silently as Y/N worked on a large canvas. He walked over and saw that it was a portrait of the family. “This is beautiful, Miss Y/L/N.”
“Thank you, Alfred,” her voice was hoarse from disuse.
“What is the plan for this one?” Alfred sat down next to her on the floor.
“Everyone hates photos, but Fallon wanted a family portrait for the sitting room. Since no one can sit still long enough I decided to paint one and give it to her for her birthday,” she slowly sucked in a breath, “Plus they only have the old one, and J--some people-- are missing from it.” Tears started to well up again in her eyes. Alfred wrapped an arm around Y/N and just sat with her for a moment.
“I’ve kicked the boys out of the kitchen. Do you think you could come down and eat something? For me?” She only nodded and they both stood. Y/N sat on a stool and silently ate the soup Alfred had laid out for her. She barely tasted anything, and she was starting to feel dizzy. Her vision started to blur, and the next thing she knew, she was waking up on the floor and had five heads floating above her.
“Hi, guys. Thought the floor looked lonely.” She tried to sit up but was cut off.
“That is it,” Bruce spoke firmly, “You are going to bed, and you are sleeping. I thought you were mature enough to deal with this but I see I was wrong.” He picked Y/N up and noticed she had lost weight. He carried her up the stairs and before he had reached her bedroom, she was already asleep again. Bruce turned to the boys. “At least one of you is staying in here with her and making sure she sleeps.”
Tim volunteered for the first shift and settled into her desk with his laptop. Y/N had barely been asleep an hour before she woke up from a nightmare of Jason dying. She shot up and shouted out his name, before bursting into tears. Tim -- being the awkward person he is -- was ill-prepared to deal with the crying Y/N. The only solution he could think of was to climb into bed with her and pull up a movie. She slowly fell asleep again and clung to Tim like a starfish. When Dick came to relieve Tim and saw that he was unable to leave, he climbed into bed with the duo. Anytime Y/N would start to become distressed, they would calm her down. Eventually, Damian and Titus joined the cuddle pile, the former somewhat reluctantly, grumbling about how he was only doing this for Y/N. Little did the Bat-Family know, Alfred had called Fallon and told her about the situation and she had rushed home.
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lacharcutiere · 3 years
ur my favorite drug & my worst hangover [nsfw 18+, terushima yūji]
5,9k words
✯haikyuu!! masterlist✯
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winter sem break brings the new year, & a few other new developments too.
smut, tiny bit of angst, fwb, fluff // quit - lil aaron & travis barker. god this song goes so hard
the way all i talk abt is how much i love teru but have nothing to show for it— yeah we’re gonna fix that. man i love him
the soft hum of the tv in the background slowly fades into your awareness as you blink blearily awake, almost forgetting where you are for a second.
you’re in yūji’s living room, duh. your semestral break has not been nearly as interesting as either of you’d hoped: instead, you’ve both succumbed to alternating between each other’s childhood homes, binging netflix and random youtube videos and eating chips and tubs of ice cream late into the night, as has been your custom for years.
it’s dim but for the glow of the screen, and it’s kind of chilly in here now, even with you wrapped up in a hoodie. (yours, not yūji’s. you only borrow his in emergencies.)
he’s not next to you now, but his footsteps—you know them by now: quick and kind of heavy but not overbearingly loud—are entering the room again, and you feel the sofa cushions dip a little as he retakes his seat next to you.
“hey,” he says, smiling, “you’re awake.”
“hmmph,” you mumble, sitting upright to stretch your back. “what time is it?”
“uh.” he squints at the digital clock next to the tv. “like one?”
“‘m cold.”
“me too.”
“‘nd tired.”
“you just woke up?”
“i’m tired,” you whine.
yūji groans. “you’re really gonna make me go to sleep this early?”
“you don’t have to sleep, but i will.”
“yeah,” he says, as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world, “but who’s gonna keep me company then?”
“i dunno,” you shoot back, “text tetsu or something. he’s probably still up.”
he rolls his eyes but relents, standing from the sofa. “fine.” and he holds out a hand to help you up, which you don’t take.
“i can do shit for myself,” you joke, rolling your eyes.
it’s not much warmer in his room despite the thermostat supposedly being set to an acceptable temperature, but at least the sleeping bag on the floor next to yūji’s bed is insulated, and he’s given you a couple extra blankets for which you’re grateful. the biting chill of january does not fuck around.
so you nestle yourself into a little cocoon of linens and pillows and pull your hood up, curling into a ball in an effort to conserve your body heat. you hear him laugh a little as he watches you.
there’s the light hum of a phone ringing a few times, and that little beep as tetsu picks up the facetime call.
sleep clouds your senses to the background music of stifled laughter and loud whispers and the occasional static of yūji’s phone speaker.
the next few minutes, hour—you have no idea—pass just like that, with you drifting languidly in and out of sleep and the sounds of yūji and tetsurō’s voices audible but incomprehensible in the background.
last you remember, you’re slipping back under again, hearing tetsu through the staticky iphone speaker.
and then you wake up again because you’re fucking freezing and it’s quiet and the lights are off, except for the little reading light mounted to the headboard of yūji’s bed. you sit up on your elbows, craning your neck, and see that he’s still up, lying on his stomach with his phone dimly illuminating his face.
“what time’s it?” you mumble.
“uh... 2:38.” he pauses. “y’alright?”
“cold,” you say.
he locks his phone then, and he just looks at you kind of blankly and maybe a little mockingly? except it must not be mocking; it must be something else, because he’s just kind of... studying you.
you look back up at him expectantly. “what?” you say.
he sighs, kind of rolls his eyes, turns away from the light to hide the little smile playing on his lips. “come on up here.” he scoots over and pats the spot next to him.
thankful for an extra source of body heat and blankets and pillows, you shove yourself up off the ground and shuffle over to the bed.
it’s kind of funny, the way you’re basically adults now and yet your relationship’s still fundamentally the same as it was when you met years ago.
duh, yūji hates that. it’s true, that whole thing about how “every one of your guy friends has thought about fucking you at some point.” it’s true, at least for him.
and there’s something electric in how you haven’t slept next to him in months because you’ve both been busy with school, and now you’re back here. back here, where it feels like you belong.
there’s something deep in his chest that’s set aflame by the way you laugh and let him tuck the comforter over you; the way your sweatpant-covered legs brush against his own underneath it.
he wants to touch you.
he wants to wrap his hand around your thigh and pull it over his own; to run his fingertips up the length of your arm and make you shiver; to snake his around your waist and pull your head into his chest.
maybe he will once you’re asleep, he figures. once his pride can’t be hurt because you don’t have to know.
except... except he’d let it be hurt for you. without a moment’s hesitation. he would shatter it himself for you, would let you take him in your fingers and rip him to pieces too small to be puzzled back together.
because maybe he doesn’t just want you. maybe he loves you.
but even he, completely truthfully, doesn’t know.
he’s got a sneaking suspicion that he does, though, because he’s rarely confused and this is an enigma he can’t quite seem to decipher, no matter what he tries.
it’s absurd, too, he realizes laying on his back next to you, how suddenly he’s afraid to touch you. because the two of you have always been touchy, that’s just you. you’re two halves; you��re so similar. you’ve been attached at the hip since childhood—why is it different now, now that he wants that more than anything?
so here he is, spiraling in this conundrum of feelings, when it’s cut short by you, tiredly whining, “yūji.”
“what?” he sort of feigns annoyance.
“‘m cold.”
and. and his breath catches because you roll over and latch onto him. and he brings his arms around your shoulders and holds you to his chest.
so close, and yet so far away.
and he shudders as you lay one hand flat on his chest. it belongs there forever.
you nuzzle your nose into his shoulder and inhale his scent and his brain short-circuits.
has she done this before?
and mostly unconscious, you mumble, “—warm. y’re pretty’.” his eyes go wide.
your arms tighten around him, and he’d hate to admit it, but it’s setting him off. he’s... a little hard.
a hand settles itself on your thigh, the one that’s draped over his legs, and he pushes it downward a little, so that it’s not resting next to the rising erection in his pajama pants.
god, he wants to fuck you so badly right now, he wants for you to feel him throbbing between your legs as you whimper against his skin. but he also wants you to want him.
miraculously, a little sigh escapes your lips at the touch. so he doesn’t move his hand.
“feels nice,” you whisper.
so he decides to test the waters, and squeezes gently. you giggle sleepily.
inhibitions dissipating for a moment, his stomach leaps to his chest and he snakes that hand up over your hip, consciously avoiding your ass just in case, and rests it on your back, rubbing up and down slowly.
his chest constricts as you snuggle even closer to him. and then your leg moves back up and your thigh nudges his crotch.
your eyes snap open and he inhales sharply.
and then you’re propped up on your elbow, leaning over him.
he curses himself for forgetting to turn off the light; the flush in his cheeks is obvious.
half terrified and half excited, he watches as your face breaks into a wide, shit-eating grin.
“what?” he breathes.
your eyes narrow; a look of mischief he’s so familiar with, one that’s often mirrored on his own features. (it’s not now.)
“yūji,” you say, singsong and bright, “what’s this?”
and—oh, god, oh, fuck—you bring a hand down to rest on his dick, tenting in his pajamas.
he doesn’t know what to say to you.
“i— uhm—”
“hmm,” you hum. “y’ alright?”
he clears his throat, nods. “are— uh, are you?”
“mhm,” you laugh, wide awake now. “yūji...” you pause. he can’t stand it; he needs to know what happens next, needs to know what’s fanning the flames behind your eyes.
oh god. oh god, all he leaves is a breath in between and then you’re throwing your leg over him again and, fuck, you’re straddling him. he lets out a shaky breath, voice tight as he chokes out, “what are you doing?”
the smile is gone from your face now, replaced with something softer, something lustful. your hands move to his shoulders to balance yourself as you grind your hips down, and a low ahh slips out of him.
it’s just like that, just your clothed bodies rubbing together. he comes embarrassingly quickly in his boxers, but he lets you ride his thigh until you finish as recompense.
afterward, he excuses himself and cleans himself off in the bathroom. when he comes back, you’re sound asleep again.
that’s all that happens.
following that, everything proceeds as it had before. neither of you bother to speak of it, but nothing even seems off between you at all. it’s as if it never happened.
or maybe, yūji sometimes allows himself to think as he touches himself to the memory in the middle of nights when you’re not together, it’s like it was meant to happen.
what a wonderful illusion that is.
because he knows it won’t work, and if you ever thought about him like that, you would know, too.
the two of you have watched each other fall in love—get dumped, ghost people, whatever—several times over the past few years. he remembers your first boyfriend, your last year of middle school: the guy had been a mutual friend that you’d been crushing on for months. and yet, when you’d finally become a thing, it had taken no more than a couple of weeks for you to grow uninterested and dump him.
it’s not like he hasn’t done similar things in the past.
and it’s not like some people who’ve dated either of you haven’t had better luck; there have been several who have been the ones to break your hearts.
but both of you have yet to have maintained a long-term relationship, and neither of you have kept in contact with many of your exes.
he doesn’t want to be another one of those, and he certainly doesn’t want you to be, either.
it’s maybe a week after that night when you pick him up to go get takeout and ice cream.
that, in itself, is a pretty normal thing.
but then you’re sitting in your car, and between spoonfuls of mocha chip and hot caramel, you say, “so i saw this thing.”
“hm?” he responds, his mouth still full.
“your aura is striking, dude,” you quote. there’s a pause as you try to suppress a giggle. and then: “can i kiss you deeply, bro?”
he snorts and jokes, “anytime you want.” and he really hopes that you take his tone at face value, but he also knows you way better than that.
so he’s only half surprised when you actually do. half surprised, and wholly in awe.
your hands are in each other’s hair. it’s quick—feverish, but quick—and the first thing you say when you pull back is, “tastes like sugar.”
he laughs again, unsure of what move to make next. “yeah?”
and then you’re... shy? because you look away from him, back down to the cup of ice cream in your lap, and you say, “you feel good.” it’s so low that it’s almost unintelligible. but he hears you.
both your faces are burning when you look back up at him. “should we talk about that?”
“‘bout what? kissing? ‘s not the first time.”
it isn’t—he kissed you once in middle school, because there was this other girl that he’d thought was pretty, and he wanted to make her jealous. it hadn’t worked; she’d just thought the two of you were together, and a teacher had scolded you for pda. but at least it had been a fun story to laugh at for a while after.
this is obviously different, though, and you both know that. this kiss wasn’t to make anyone jealous. this one was for yourselves.
and anyway, that’s not what you meant by that.
“no,” you say. “the um... last week. at your place.”
“oh, yeah.”
“should we, um, do you wanna talk about it?”
you shrug.
“alright,” he says. pauses. “so... what was that about?”
and you almost laugh incredulously. “you’re asking me?”
he stares blankly.
“you’re the one who got a boner when we were cuddling, yūji. as if we’ve never done that before.” you notice the mortified look on his face, and your expression softens and your voice lowers. “you wanna tell me what that was about? you don’t have to if you don’t want to.”
and he laughs nervously and says, “no, no, ‘s fine. i was just kinda horny, that’s all. i haven’t hooked up with anyone in a while, y’know?”
you give him a sardonic grin. “and that’s why it only took you, like, three minutes to come?”
“yeah... yeah,” he says, rubbing the back of his neck.
a moment passes where you stop and think for a little, and then you turn back to look at him. “it was, uh, good, though. like, objectively. it was good.”
it’s his turn to flash a grin at you: “‘course it was. it’s me.”
“and me.”
“shoulda won the sex gods superlative in last year’s yearbook.”
“ha.” another thing crosses your mind: “and now look at us. too busy with school to even have time to fuck anyone.”
yūji doesn’t say anything, so you do it for him.
you start out carefully. “but...”
“do you— i mean. we’ve got, like, what? three weeks left before we go back? and we’re stuck here. and— and we already hang out like every single day anyway, and. uh. and it was objectively good.”
“are you—”
“and i’ve known you for years. come on. there’s, like, nothing i could do to embarrass myself around you anymore.”
friends with benefits. you’re suggesting that you temporarily be friends with benefits.
“and it wasn’t weird after last time,” you add. “i think.”
“hm,” he says, “yeah, no, it wasn’t.”
his first instinct is to say no, to tell you it’s a bad idea. but as he thinks about it more, he realizes that you’re kind of right. and anyway, what is the worst that could happen? because he’s pretty sure he’s far gone enough for you that falling a little further wouldn’t change a thing. even if he weren’t, he’d never think of hurting you intentionally.
and, he figures, he’d hardly mind being hurt by you.
that is how you end up back in his bed an hour later—his parents are out on a date this evening; you’ve got until a few hours past sundown to fuck and clean yourselves off and make it look like you’ve been eating and talking and watching tv the whole time.
outside of the guise of midnight impulses, it is a strange—but also strangely pleasant—thing to be having sex with your best friend.
there’s no pretense, hardly any need to keep up appearances (at least, for you). you’re not strangers only concerned with your own pleasure; you know each other. despite never actually having done this before, he already knows what you like, and vice versa.
it’s nice.
it’s nice to hear him laugh when you whine for him to stop being so gentle, vanilla-ass bitch, only to have him call you a “horny little—” (to which you respond, no, you.)
and it’s nice to sleep with someone who reads all the cues you give him without you even needing to say anything.
it is possibly the best sex you’ve ever had in your life.
it is possibly the best sex you’ve ever had in your life, and... it might not be just because of the dynamic between you two, or the fact that you don’t have to be afraid to tell him what you like and what you don’t—the fact that you don’t even have to tell him at all.
it’s nice. for you. and it’s hell for him.
it’s hell for him to have to hold back all the sweet nothings he wants to whisper in your ear—he’s restricted to you like that, huh, baby? and fuuuck and god, you’re so fucking tight, and he knows you’re into it, but he wants to be treating you like a princess right now. he wants to call you his, wants to whisper, tell me you’re all mine against your bare shoulders, wants to tell you he loves you.
so... he does love you.
but he can’t say that. he knows he can keep you around, but you’re not his to keep.
it continues like that for the next several days: you fuck, it’s good sex, and he’ll touch himself to the memories if you’re not there: memories of how you taste, of the softness of your skin, of you with your legs around his waist and your bare chests pressed together, damp and warm with sweat.
it is so gratifying, and even more painful.
and then, one day, as he’s fucking you in your childhood bedroom—all white walls covered in sketches and colorful postcards you’ve accumulated over the years—something is slightly off.
there’s something about it that feels more intimate than the other times, and it goes slower than before. it’s not all lust and clothes tossed haphazardly on the floor and bodies shoved hurriedly into mattresses.
you kiss him for a long time before any clothing comes off, and you keep pulling him back to your lips as he thrusts into you. you’re not urging him faster, more, harder; you let him keep a steady pace and arch your back into the sheets as you lie underneath him.
it hits him as you come down from your orgasm and writhe in his arms, softly moaning, “god, yūji, i l—”
he stops.
“don’t say that,” he says.
still shaking and catching your breath, you respond, “what?”
“just don’t.” but his tone is casual, and so you don’t think much of it.
you don’t hook up every time you hang out, and yeah. you were right. it’s hardly different than before. except, isn’t it?
you’re sitting on opposite sides of your sofa one morning after your parents have left for work—he slept over the previous night, but you didn’t have sex. you’d spent it laughing over the dumbest things and blasting music as you drove around without a destination.
your’re sitting with your knees pulled against your chest, scrolling lazily on your phone while you and yūji eat handfuls of cereal straight from the box between you.
it’s mostly quiet for once; comfortably silent. neither of you have ever really been a morning person.
the ice cracks a little when he stops shoving your hand away to grab himself another handful of cereal. you notice, and then you wonder if you always noticed little things like that, because it feels kind of weird to. not that you mind.
meanwhile, yūji watches you, studying the way your hair falls messily around your face, the way one sleeve of your sweatshirt is rolled halfway up your forearm and the other is pulled all the way over your hand.
the living room is bright, surrounded by windows, and you’re illuminated by light yellow late-morning sunlight all around and he feels safe looking at you.
the ice cracks a little more when he says your name softly.
“hm?” you say, confusedly looking up at him.
“nothing,” he answers, too quickly. “i’m just... happy right now.”
you smile, radiant. “i’m glad you are.”
in the afternoon, you’ve grown bored and are wandering the streets of your neighborhood, voicing thoughts and pointing out people you pass by.
it’s still early, but it’s january, so the sun is already beginning to set.
when you’re a couple minutes out from your house, yūji goes quiet, and it stays like that for the rest of the walk.
and then, as he stands next to you while you unlock the door, he blurts, “i have to tell you something.”
you freeze. “what?”
it’s silent for a bit. “never mind.”
“it’s okay,” he says softly.
he wants to shrink away from your gaze as you study him. he knows you know there’s something amiss, and second thoughts have almost always been his own personal hell.
graciously, though, you don’t ask. and it’s like stepping through a portal when you’re back inside; it’s all forgotten and back to how it was before.
but: a little while later, you’re lying side-by-side on your bed watching netflix again, and for whatever reason you turn to look at him for a moment and it’s just—
you can’t look away. and you don’t know why.
he can feel your eyes on him and it burns, and he wonders how much longer he can keep this up before he loses his mind.
when he doesn’t turn to face you, you call his name softly.
after an uncomfortable moment of hesitation, you say, “something’s up.”
“yūji,” you repeat, and he forgets to breathe for a second. “are you going to tell me what’s going on?”
the mattress shifts under his weight as he sits up, resting his head in his hands. he takes a deep breath and can’t bring himself to meet your eyes.
“what’s wrong?” it sounds less like a question and more like a plea.
“i—” he starts, and then stops himself. “i can’t, i can’t do this to you.”
“can’t do what?”
there’s a painful silence, heavy with anticipation and maybe a little bit of dread.
“i don’t wanna keep hooking up with you.”
you sit up, too.
“did i...? do something wrong?”
he shakes his head and sighs, and he sounds exasperated. “it’s... no, it’s— i think...” and he seems to grow more frustrated as he fails to verbalize whatever it is, this strange cold fire stinging in the pit of his stomach.
“what do you think?” you whisper.
and he stands and walks to the door. his hand rests on the knob and he whispers back, in a voice that sounds precariously close to breaking, “you, when i... y’know. ’m sorry.”
and he’s gone.
and you have no idea what to think, both of what he just said and the fact that it sends an excited buzz through your nerves, even though it probably shouldn’t.
his words are stuck in your head all night, have you caught somewhere in between laughing and crying.
you want to call him, ask him what the fuck is going on and why you think you kind of like it, but you don’t.
but when you look over at your alarm clock to see that it’s 2:00 a.m. and sleep refuses to let you succumb to it and you relent to the warm emptiness between your legs, it’s yūji whom you imagine is there to fill it.
you think of the way his tongue trails down the expanse of your neck, the way he feels inside you, as you whine into your pillow and desperately try to make yourself come.
it doesn’t even occur to you until later, when you’re waking up to sunlight slicing through your half-open blinds. and then it does, and you text him: i do that too.
he doesn’t text back, but ten minutes later, your phone rings. he sounds breathless.
“be here in ten,” he says.
you pause. “okay.”
and you are. he throws open the door as he hears your car pull up and jogs out to meet you, and all he gives you is a quick, “hey,” before dragging you inside.
there’s no one else home, so he motions for you to have a seat at the kitchen table and takes the one next to you.
“do what too?”
“what you texted me.”
you look down, studying the seams of your sleeve and feeling your breathing go shallow.
“do what too?” he repeats.
and softly, you say, “want you.”
yūji stands, pulling you to your feet with him. “want me how?”
your eyes are wide and a little bit sad as you stare up at him. “i don’t know.”
then he cracks a tiny smile. “good,” he says, “i don’t either.
except he does.
he wants you every way, your presence, your time, your body, your fucking soul, all of it. but he doesn’t say that.
when you kiss him, he implodes, melts into your arms as if he’s trying to fuse your bodies together. but he says nothing of it.
the feeling of your wrist in his hand, the sound of your giddy giggles as he leads you to his bedroom—for now, that’s enough.
he takes it slow.
when he’s shut the door and ensured it’s locked, he turns to find you’ve already tossed your top on the floor.
a smile meets yours, gentle fingertips on your cheek, a soft whisper against your hair: “put it back on; i wanna do it myself.”
and you laugh and oblige, shivering at the now-familiar sensation of the warm metal bead on his tongue against your lip as his hand finds its way to your ass and squeezes gently.
“yūji,” you whisper.
“i like it when you say my name like that,” he murmurs into your shoulder, rubbing gently up and down your back underneath your shirt.
“hmm,” comes your contented response.
and then his fingers are rubbing gently against the hem of your shirt, easing it up to reveal your body inch by inch, and you shiver a little under his feather-light touch.
lifting your arms up, you allow him to slip your shirt back over your head, and then his hands are all over you again, squeezing your breasts through your bra and tracing lines up and down the center of your back. the little metal ball on his tongue presses against your lower lip. you tug at the hem of his hoodie, and he pulls it off.
the feeling of his skin on yours is nothing new now, and yet this time, there’s a certain nuance to it that he can’t place.
he wonders how you want him again; can’t stop wondering as you lead his hand down to the button on your jeans, laughing a little as he kneels at your feet to unzip them.
as he pulls them slowly down your legs he lines your thighs with little, butterfly-soft kisses, murmuring unintelligible praises.
when you’re left in only your bra and panties, he wraps his arms around your waist and falls backward onto the mattress, taking you down with him. you sit up a little, so that you’re straddling him, and he lets out a low sigh.
“you are fucking incredible,” he breathes as you suck gently at his neck, leaving light marks that will have faded by tomorrow.
your fingers trace the dips between his abs, tantalizingly, eventually making their way all the way down his stomach to the waistband of his sweats, and then a little further, palming his dick through them and feeling how fucking hard he is.
he groans a little, says, “please don’t tease me,” as you continue to do exactly that, but he doesn’t stop you.
when you shift a little so that you’re positioned right over him, soaking panties rubbing a tiny little wet spot into the tent of his erection, he sits up and gathers your body into his arms, lips and tongue moving against yours as one hand unclips your bra while the other settles itself on your hip, grinding you down against him. you press your thighs together at this feeling of pure need you’re experiencing and he pulls his mouth away and looks you in the eye.
“may i?” he whispers, and you smile and nod, laughing as he rolls you off of him to rid himself of the rest of his clothes and dig a condom out of his bedside table, which he hands to you.
you’re impatient as you tear it open but force yourself to roll it onto him slowly, studying his face as he revels in the feeling of your fingers grazing lightly against his dick.
once it’s on, he flips you over again, laughing, and exhales slowly as he slides your panties down your legs and tosses them somewhere on the floor to be found later. his fingertips ghost gently down the sides of your thighs as he bends down to lick a long stripe between your legs and across your clit.
“fuck,” you breathe as he groans softly against your skin, the vibrations sending an electrifying buzz up your spine.
he presses his tongue flat against you, metal bar circling your clit teasingly, and then he pulls away and groans, “sit on my face,” his words hurried and slurred with lust.
so you let him move to lie on his back and straddle his face, giggling as he wraps his hands around your thighs to pull you closer.
“aw, don’t be shy, i thought that’s the whole point of this,” he says.
and then his mouth is back on you again, tongue flicking slowly and carefully, taking in your every response, and soon he’s got you shaking on top of him, grasping at the headboard and his shoulders and tangling your fingers in his hair.
he keeps going after you’ve already finished, making you writhe and whimper, only letting go of you once he’s satisfied.
he pushes you backward so that you’re still sitting with your knees on either side of him and he sits up, leaning back against the headboard. his lips are on yours, then, and he’s pulling your hips to his, the head of his cock nudging ever-so-lightly against your entrance.
“quit teasing me,” you whine when he grips your waist, refusing to let you sit yourself on his dick.
“i’m not.”
“yes you are!”
“‘m not,” he mumbles, smiling, as he draws his lips down the curve of your left shoulder and back up again. “i’m savoring the moment.”
you huff. “you can savor it with your cock in me.” and yūji does his best not to show it, but the high he gets from those words alone, from knowing how desperate you are for him, even if it’s just for his body, sends him straight to heaven. because regardless of how much of him you want, it’s still only him that you want in this moment, and right now that’s enough.
you allow him to move at his own pace, his movements slow, languid as he holds you to his chest, one hand around your waist and the other reaching up to tangle his fingers in your hair. he lets himself say the things he wants now.
“kiss me?” he whispers, and you oblige happily. you taste like him, and he’s so content he could lose his mind.
instead he loses himself to you, shaky breaths between “god, you’re so good,” and “you have no idea… how long i’ve waited… for you to want me like this.” there’s a single thing he holds back from saying, but he still plans on saying it. he’s just saving it for the right moment.
you’re drunk off of him, your body shuddering against him with every touch of his skin to yours, not knowing what to say and yet feeling as if you know everything you’ve ever needed to. and you say it for him.
“i love you.”
the words are barely there, just a breath against his lips as you kiss him, and it’s too much for him. he finishes with something akin to a sob, taking your face into his hands. “i love you,” he responds. and then, “say it again? please?”
you close your eyes and smile, leaning into him and brushing your lips against his. “i love you, yūji.”
his hand’s on the back of your head, then, pushing you back to his mouth, wanting you closer, wanting more. and you want more, too, fingers tracing lines down his back and arms and stomach, sending waves of light through his skin. this is it, he thinks as you press your body tight against his, this is all there is.
you are everything to him.
in each other’s arms later that evening, you feel yūji’s chest move slowly up and down with each inhale and exhale, contented in sharing this silent moment with you, and then you know. you know how you want him. you open your mouth to speak, and he does at the exact same time. the two of you share a laugh, just like you always have.
“you first,” you say, propping yourself up on your elbow so that you can look at him properly.
he reaches up and rests a hand flat against your face and runs his thumb lightly over your bottom lip. “i am…” the words are slow and quiet and purposeful. “i am so in love with you.”
your smile widens against his hand. “i want you. everything… about you, with you. i want it all.”
and he mirrors your grin, just like he always has. “i’m yours to take.” his eyes flit down to your lips, his thumb still pressed against them, afraid to look you in the eye as he speaks his next words. his face flushes pink; it’s adorable. “say you’re mine, too?” it’s a request, a plea—not a command.
you reach up to your face and place your hand over his. “all yours,” you say. “don’t even have to ask.”
it’s silent for a bit again, and then he sits up, going a little more serious.
“what happens if this doesn’t last?”
you sit up, too, wrapping an arm around his shoulders and gently pulling his head to rest against yours. “after all these years?”
you think for a moment: after all these years. your whole lives, spent together, maybe not as lovers but always as two halves of a whole. it’s him you always gossip to first, whom you always went to after heartbreaks and fights with your parents. he’s the first one you told when you lost your virginity, crashed your car, got into one of your top universities. he’s held your hand through everything.
so finally you say, “i don’t think that’s going to be a problem.”
he pulls away to look you in the eye. “why not?”
his nose brushes against yours as you lean your forehead against his and laugh a little. “are you dumb, yūji?”
“i don’t think so?” when you say nothing, just continuing to look at him with that shit-eating grin on your face, he goes, “am i missing something?”
you press your lips to his for a second and pull away, still smiling at him. “it’s us, yūji. always has been.”
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dreamescapeswriting · 4 years
Leftovers ~ HHJ [Request]
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PAIRING: Hyunjin x Fem!Reader
GENRE: Angsty (kind of) fluffy ending 
A/N: I hope this is angsty enough for you, I feel so out of touch with angst atm I need to get back into it! Also I made it Hyunjin as I feel I don’t get enough Stray Kids requests haha
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Staring down at your phone you waited for the message you had just sent to your boyfriend to be seen but he hadn't been checking his phone for a while. You didn't blame him, he was normally a super busy guy with training and performing but this week he'd promised you he had the time off which meant he could spend time with you. The minutes seemed to be ticking by faster and faster with every passing moment and you could feel the stares you were getting from your family members. All of the anxiously waiting to meet the boyfriend that they had heard so much about.
"I'm sure he's just running a little late," You said as you turned to look at your mother, she had a worried look spread across her face as she looked at you. Today was the day Hyunjin was finally going to meet your family after dating him for the last six months, he'd never been able to come and see them thanks to his schedule and always being busy but luckily for you he had some time off or so you though. 
Hyunjin: Running late, I'll make it up to you. Promise x Be there soon x 
Nervously you turned to look at your mum who already knew you what you were going to tell her, she could tell by the look on your face that he wasn't coming yet so she clapped her hands together. 
"Food! Come and get it while it's still piping hot!" She cried out to the house all of your cousins and siblings came filing into the kitchen, grabbing plates and heading to the table with the food waiting for them. Serving themselves as you sat in the kitchen window looking out of the window at the driveway, you figured if you stared long enough Hyunjin would magically appear with the best excuse in the world. It was this time of year when your family would come together to throw some gatherings, it wasn't anything huge but your mother would spend most of her time cooking and baking so that there was enough to eat that night and then for a week after. Sending people home with boxes filled to the brim with food, this was just something that she'd done for years. You had vivid memories of you and your cousins going to different family member's houses to do the same thing there too.
"What? No Hyunjin?" The voice of your cousin Paige rang through the air and it could have sent shivers down your spine. Although she was your relative and you'd been brought up to treat everyone nicely there was just something about her that made it hard for you to be nice. She was always making it out as though she was better than everyone around her, no matter what situation someone was in she would make it about her. It was as if she thought she was the main character in some kind of story.
"Drop it, Paige," Your mother warned her as she watched you tense up at the sound of your cousin's voices filling the room. Your mother knew that there was something between the two of you so she did her best to keep the peace but Paige wasn't going to just drop it, she'd been convinced that Hyunjin was someone you were pretending to date. Claiming that he was too good for you and that you could never get someone like him, going as far as to say that he wasn't real when your mother knew he was. Your mother was the one who had introduced you and Hyunjin, she'd been friends with his family for a long time and introduced you once when you were having breakfast with his mother. 
"I just find it funny, he's supposed to show up when we're all here and then doesn't? Sounds fake to me," Your mother slammed a plate down onto the table making you and Paige jump, you turned to look over your shoulder at her and smiled weakly. 
"He's a busy guy, eat your food Paige and be quiet." You mumbled as you moved away from the window and went to get something to eat instead of waiting around for Hyunjin who didn't seem as though he was going to be coming tonight. 
"All I'm saying is, it's funny that he never shows up when we're all around and only you and your mother have seen him," You rolled your eyes at Paige as she said it. You were sitting at the adult table with her and two of your other cousins who seemed to be joining in with her on the whole "Hyunjin" wasn't real front.
"Why do you want to see him? He's my boyfriend," You stated as you pushed some of the food that was on the plate in front of you into your mouth. Trying to act as though you weren't bothered by her more than you were, but it was hard when she made everything so difficult. 
"I just think you're bullshitting, there's no way someone like him would date someone like you," She spat out as she sipped on her wine glass but you just ignored her. She'd seen the photos of you and Hyunjin together why did you need to prove yourself to her in the first place. There was no reason for you to explain yourself to her or anyone else for that matter, your mother eyed you up from the other table so you kept your cool. 
"He isn't dating her, they're probably just friends. Hyunjin could do a lot better than you." Paige got up from the table and went into the kitchen while you were left with your other cousins who just sat giggling at one another while you tried not to let her words get to you.
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The end of the night came and Hyunjin was still a no show, with no explanation over a text from him either. 
"You have to ignore Paige, you know what she's like," Your mother said as you slid your phone back into your pocket, deciding not to ask him for answers if he was that busy. 
"I know, but she just winds me up so much and now I feel like an idiot because of Hyunjin not showing up-"
"I'm sure he just got swept up," Your mum calmly cut you off as you helped her package food up for your cousins that were staying for the night. Lots of containers were being placed into bags for them to take home the next morning. She always liked to look on the brighter side of things instead of always assuming the worst so she wasn't going to let you get into a small fight over Hyunjin not coming to a family gathering.
"I made him this," She slid a bag over to you and inside was a box of each food item she'd cooked, including some of the baked goods. The tubs all had cute notes on them from her, all handwritten with smiley faces on the top. 
"Tell him to share with the others as well," She ordered as she pointed at you, she knew that if she handed over a box of everything all of the boys would get a fair share but you looked down at your phone when you felt it vibrate. His name flashing up on the screen with a short text explaining that he was outside the house. 
"He's outside..." You whispered looking at the time, your mother nodded at you and kissed your temple, she turned off the kitchen lights as she walked you towards the front door. 
"Make sure you lock the door when you come back in, don't be out there too late and put a scarf on. It's cold." You smiled as you took the bag with you towards the front door. It was pitch black and snowing outside, nothing except the security light was illuminating the driveway. Once your mother was upstairs you began opening the door as quietly as you could before heading out to see Hyunjin standing beside his car with a guilty look plastered across his face. 
"I know, I messed up but-" You cut him off by handing him the bag of food and smiling at him, shaking your head as you told him that it didn't matter.
"Mum made food for you and the boys, she said you have to share." He took the bag from your hand and passed it through the car window, leaving it to lean on the seats as he went to reach out to hug you. 
"I got caught up," You shook your head at him, you promised yourself you weren't going to make this into a big deal but you looked at him and felt nothing but anger about him not even showing up until late. 
"I already look like an idiot in front of everyone, so you might as well go back to the dorms," You muttered as you turned to go back into the house but Hyunjin grabbed onto your hand spinning you back around to face him. 
"You don't look like an idiot, I can explain to them that-" 
"That what? That you got too busy with your friends to come and be with me?" You heard a snigger come from the window above the front door and you knew it was Paige without turning around. She'd managed to weasel herself into your head and fill it with thoughts of not being good enough for Hyunjin. 
"I was working but I'm free now. I took more time off...I'm all yours now Y/n," He told you as he reached up to cup your face in his hands but you moved away from his touch, not looking at him as you began to speak.
"You should go I'm not good enough for you and I won't ever be good enough," Hyunjin began to shake his head violently as he heard the words coming from you, he refused to let go of you as he held onto your hand. 
"Where is this coming from? I-I love you and you love me, I told you I would never leave," Memories of the first time he told you he loved you came flooding into your head. You were hanging out at the dorms when he blurted it out, promising you that he would never leave you because you were the one for him. 
"You deserve better-"
"No, I deserve and want you." He cut you off, not wanting you to fill your head with the words you were saying but it was already too late. Your head was in a spin from everything Paige had been saying and now he was here in front of you, you were starting to believe it. 
"You're out of-" He smashed his lips against yours not letting you finish the sentence as he kissed you deeply, his arms wrapping around your body so you couldn't pull away from him. Whining against his lips you wrapped your arms around his neck and relaxed against the kiss, feeling every spark and firework explode around you as you did with every kiss you shared with Hyunjin. 
"I'm sorry," You whispered as you pulled away from the kiss and looked into his eyes but he shook his head at you. 
"It's okay, do you still want me to leave?" You shook your head at his question and he smiled at you, kissing your cheek as he went back to the car to get his overnight bag out from the boot. 
"Good, Felix told me to bring you some cookies so they're in the bottom of the bag," He chuckled, wrapping his arm around your shoulder and walking into the house with you. Both of you stared up at the stairs to see Paige staring at you, arms folded over her chest as she walked away with a pout on her lips. 
"Who was-"
"No one you need to think about, come on...I'm still hungry and we have left overs." You giggled pulling him through towards the kitchen.
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Tagline: @taestannie​ @kneel-begyourpardon​ @minholuvs​ @bisexualmess007​  
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L.o.v.e.l.e.s.s. generation
Request: Amazing!! Can i ask for a billy hargrove imagine where he and the reader are together and at a party. They separate for like an hour so he goes with his friends for a while and shes with hers and she gets roofied. Steve and nancy try to help her and then call billy and hes a mess trying to get her to throw up and hes just blabbering and crying and mad af. So much angst and then fluff and yeah. 
@peakascum​ i’m so sorry for taking so looooong. 
words: 7.4 k
Summary: Billy has a bad feeling about a party at Tina’s and you don’t trust your gut feeling because of a kiss, Nancy can kick some ass and both, you and Billy, are the kind of people who cry in the shower. 
Warnings: *trigger warning* We have dark shit here, like pls people if any of your friends get too drunk or you think someone has put something in their drink GO TO THE HOSPITAL. Don’t follow the characters behaviour down below.
billy hargrove masterlist
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"There’s a party at Tina’s tonight”, you muttered after disconnecting your lips from Billy’s, who had been more than happy on your make-out session in the parking lot of Hawkins High. 
You fluttered your eyes to watch your hot, hot, boyfriend who was perfectly placed between your legs while he kissed you softly. You weren’t sure how Billy kept his glowing tan all year long, especially in Hawkins but you loved how it combined with his blue electric eyes that pierced you every time he watched you. You removed some of the blonde locks falling on his forehead and placed another kiss on his full lips. 
Sometimes you didn’t know how you managed to snatch him. 
He sighed, “I heard, are you sure you want to go?”, he groaned as he tried to chase your lips once more but you stopped him as you jumped from the hood of the blue Camaro. 
“When does Billy Hargrove rejects a party?”, you asked while raising your brows. You picked up your bag from the floor and began fixing your skirt and sweater, you had to be ready for the debate team meeting while he rolled his eyes. 
You smiled but you turned around as you heard a couple of girls from Billy’s friend group nattering about you from afar as they saw Billy pulling you in once more for another kiss. 
See, how could you even start to recount your relationship with Billy Hargrove? it was hard. Not because it was a difficult relationship, but because you two seemed so different from the outside that sometimes people didn’t even believe that you had lasted so long in the first place. Billy and you had been going strong for over eight months now and it felt like you were on cloud nine. 
He was mesmerized by you since his first day of school, he wasted no time in asking you for a date -to the disapproval of his new gang and the dismay of most of the girls at the school- you were elated by it but you said that he needed to do a lot more if he wanted you to say yes. It wasn’t that you weren’t oblivious to Billy’s charm but you knew his type and he was definitely not on yours. 
Billy didn’t seem more than an aggressive jog and you bore those type of guys, they weren’t stimulating and you had learned to value yourself and your time, more than anything else. So, it took Billy time -with a lot of rejected attempts and multiple pairings on classes- to actually get a yes from you. 
And so, you had come to learn that Billy Hargrove was more than he showed and it hit you to the core because you did the same. They were just different acts, both of you were familiar with the fact that people liked to put tags on others, to label them and keep them in a box, they liked making you one dimensional for them to feel comforted in a stupid status quo. And both of you followed swiftly because sometimes is easier to play a role than to be yourself, it’s easier to make people believe you are one thing. Sometimes it was easier to be just a good girl and sometimes it was easier to be just a bully, but you weren’t that and neither was Billy. 
Billy Hargrove wore his heart on his sleeve and no one had noticed that, you instead kept it locked in a safe to survive and no one had noticed that. 
But Billy noticed your lock and you noticed his sleeve, he understood you and you understood him. 
After hours or even whole nights talking to each other, laughing, even crying you finally agreed to go out with him. 
“I always want to do whatever you want to do”, he whispered to your lips as he pressed quick pecks. You sighed into his lips; eyes closed in bliss as his lips touched yours. “Pick you at nine?”
You smiled as you heard him and your lips now were chasing his. 
“See you in an hour or so?”, you asked as you opened the door for Tina’s house, Billy was behind you. Both of you were analyzing the scene in front of you. 
There were a lot of people, far more than what you were expecting but it was the last Friday before Thanksgiving break so you kinda got it. Many of the kids that went away for college were coming back to see their families and since Tina’s parties were always a staple of Hawkins High, you knew most of them wouldn’t miss it. So, there it was: an ocean of sweaty and drunk teenagers and young adults having fun and blasting music.  
You turned around to see a frown on Billy’s face as he saw the scene while you rolled your eyes. You didn’t really know why he was so opposed to partying when he was always down for any type of rave. 
See, although both of you were so similar in many senses, it wasn’t at all the case when you were partying. Billy was the type of guy who liked the attention, he craved it and he found it most of the time in senseless partying. While you, you were the type of girl who liked to be lowkey about your presence at a party, if you had the attention it was from your amazing dancing skills. Otherwise, you liked to spend your parties taking a few shots, dancing, and talking to your friends; nothing more and nothing less. Billy, instead, liked to do his keg stands and playing games, getting a bit more than tipsy. 
Most of the time you were together months of your relationship you both had made sacrifices, sometimes Billy wouldn’t do his normal circus act so he could be in a more calm conversation with you, and sometimes you had decided to cheer him when he was doing his keg stands or accomplishing the dares his stupid friends wanted him to do.
And it was fine, except for the fact that you had exploded one Monday a few months ago when you heard the rumors about the past party, especially the rumor about the “Queen of Hawkins” and how everyone was beginning to think that you were nothing more than a pretty thing that Billy wore around his arm, an accessory. You hated it, you hated it so much that you had ended up ranting about it to Billy who had been patient and listened to every single word without saying much. 
“I’m fucking captain of the debate team, since when I’m an accessory?”, “I’m running for president of the student council, does it look like I care about being Queen of Hawkins?”, “I’m not clingy or sticking to you all the time, it was just one party!”
And so, you had come up with the party plan. It was really simple: As soon as you got to the party, each one would go and do their thing. Billy would go out and play games while you hang out with Steve and Nancy and Johnathan. If there were any good songs or if you were craving each other presences, you would find each other and would dance for a couple of songs or maybe have a little (long) time out inside any room available where you could moan each other’s name. It had worked on the parties that you had gone to for the last few months and it had been fine, most of the time after you found each other you wouldn’t let go.
Today had to be no different, another party at Tina’s, usual business. 
But you knew it wasn’t, Billy turned around to see you with narrowed blue electric eyes, brows bumped together in a scowl and lips pressed together. 
“I’m not really feeling like partying”, he muttered as he sighed and took a hold of your waist and pulled your flesh against his. 
Sometimes you were more than sure that Billy’s arms were made perfectly for you, you loved being held by him, and feeling like nothing in the world could hurt you. Being held by his biceps and pressed against him always made your heart skip a bit, you didn’t even think twice as you quickly took a hold of his face and you pressed your lips urgently against his, making you whimper into his lips. It was intoxicating the dance between your lips and tongues, you sometimes even got dizzy after kissing Billy but you were more than happy to get drunk on him rather than on vodka. 
But today you wanted to hang out with Nancy, Johnathan, and Steve, you hadn’t been seeing them much since school started again since, well, Billy was a handful. 
“I’ll see you later sir”, you whispered as you gave him the last peck and walked away from him with a smile on your lips. 
Billy stayed stunned after a few seconds and cursed to himself but he knew that you were in the mood for partying and the least he could do was give you space to be by yourself, to have times with your friends. He didn’t want to admit it but he had taken a lot of your time the past few weeks, he had wanted to take advantage of his father leaving Hawkins for a work trip, so he had spent most of his time buried inside of you or sleeping next to you or laughing with you, etc. And he wanted tonight to be no different, but he also respected you and your wishes. So, although he wasn’t too excited, he managed himself. He quickly threatened his way to get a whole bottle of tequila and went outside where Tommy and Carol were waiting for him already. 
“You look stunning!”, Nancy gasped as she saw you, you twirl so they could give a look at your outfit: A tight black leather skirt, military boots, and a cutout band t-shirt from Billy. 
Steve and Jonathan cheered for you as you moved your hips and Nancy clapped, while you then twirl her around for her to model her outfit. 
“You look stunning all the time!”, you replied as you hugged Nancy. 
“That’s indeed true”, Johnathan muttered as he pulled in Nancy for a kiss on her forehead while she wrapped one arm around him, quickly pulling him into a passionate kiss.
Steve rolled his eyes as he got closer to you, “Are we going to dance?”, he whispered in your ear and it made you shiver. 
You couldn’t lie that you had a thing for Steve when you were younger than you were less than thrilled when he started dating Nancy but as time passed, your feelings had changed and Steve became just a great friend in your eyes. Although, it didn’t mean that sometimes Billy didn’t get jealous of him and how close you two were. But he had come to accept it, as he should, and Steve also started to deal with Billy by your request since he didn’t really like him after he had dethroned him as King of Hawkins. 
“Yes, we are”, you replied and quickly pulled Steve into the living room where everyone else was dancing. 
The way you felt the music cruising through your body made you get lost on it, eyes closed and jumping, swaying your hips to the beat, laughing, and smiling all along. Should I stay or Should I go from The Clash was the tenth song you had danced to with Steve and you were sweating from bopping your head to the last bit, throat a little bit sore from screaming the lyrics at the top of your lungs. 
Steve wrapped an arm around your shoulders and pressed a kiss on the top of your head. “I forgot how good it was to dance with you, Y/L/N”, you nodded without much breath but you turned around to see one of the boys from Billy’s group watching you with malice. The narrowed eyes and puckered lips weren’t anything new for you, especially from his “friends” or followers, but you knew how much they would like to initiate any rumor that could create any drama in Hawkins since they didn’t have anything more exciting to do. 
“I’m going to get something to drink”, you muttered as you glared at the loser who had been watching Steve and you, but soon he turned to the patio, where you imagined Billy was. 
You rolled your eyes; you knew you had to do damage control with Billy. Although Billy seemed like he had all the confidence in the world, you knew deep down he was insecure thanks to his relationship with his father, and especially, as months had passed by, he was insecure about your relationship sometimes. It seemed to him that you could do so much better and he was perpetually on edge when he thought about you and Steve too much, although he trusted you completely. 
And on your part, it wasn’t too different, Billy had girls throwing themselves at him permanently which was always annoying, girls who whispered at him that they would make him feel so much better than you ever did and that they wished he could make them scream. Billy had assured you and showed you that he only had eyes with you, and it did become funny sometimes because if there was someone in love with his girlfriend was Billy Hargrove. But still, sometimes that burning feeling that crept its way your heart and spread it through your body, making you feel like you could spitfire didn’t go away.
Especially not at the moment. 
Billy was outside, playing a nice game of beer pong and chugging more beer than you thought he would like tonight, but there he was… with Heather freaking Miller. She was leaning into a flustered Billy as she giggled while he poured the beer on his mouth, a little bit too fast that it made the drink spill all over his naked chest -he always lost some buttons or his shirt at some point in a party-, you imagined that he was a bit tipsy at the moment but you couldn’t help to feel your stomach twisting as you saw Heather pressing a soft kiss to his jaw. 
You spun on your heels faster than you could even imagine, not even wanting to watch Billy’s reaction to her kiss and if you had been a bit drunker, you might have been bold enough to start going off at her and Billy. But you weren’t in the mood, to hell if Billy was told something about Steve, whatever. 
“You said something?”, a guy in the kitchen asked you, as you leaned on the kitchen island in front of the living room that served as the dance floor, realizing that you had been muttering out loud. There weren’t many people in the kitchen, the great majority of the people were dancing or outside, but there were two boys. 
You huffed as you turned around and saw the guy. He had short brown hair and a nice smile as he sipped from his red solo cup. He looked familiar and you remember him being a cheer on after a basketball game while you were a Sophomore at Hawkins High and he was a Senior. He was from an affluent family, you remembered that as well as you might have seen him in one of your parent's Christmas parties, but you weren’t social. 
“Do I know you?”, you asked a bit coldly, annoyed still at the image of Heather and Billy. 
“Burn!”, another boy close to the one that had just talked to you shouted as he laughed at his friend. You recognized him too, he was also known as a Senior when you were in Sophomore, he wasn’t on any team but he was on the popular crowd. 
You vaguely remember the class that had graduated that year, only remembered a few bullying incidents but mostly that they were sexist assholes. You hoped that college had changed them, at least you liked to believe people could mature, but seeing them three years later in a party of their high school didn’t give you much hope.
“I’m Brad”, the boy with short brown hair stated as you sighed and smiled, trying to be as polite as you could taking into account how mad you were. “This is Chad”, he said pointing to his friend. 
“Y/N”, you answer as you shook his hand as he had offered it. 
He held it for a bit too long and you felt goosebumps erupting on your skin, but they weren’t good goosebumps, the way he was looking at you was way too intently but you figured that he was trying to flirt and score a girl. 
“Brad! I just…”, another boy came from the living room with a bottle of tequila in his hand as the three of you turned around to watch him, you took the opportunity and removed your hand from his hold as your eyes began to look for some wine or vodka to take to Steve. “Who’s that?”, the same guy muttered as he got closer to Brad and Chad. 
“Shut up, Logan”, Brad rolled his eyes as he saw you reaching for a bottle of vodka, he quickly took it and then handed it to you with a strange smile. “You have to apologize, my friends, they are…”
“Wonderful?”, Logan said with a smirk.
“Charming?”, Chad answer as he seemed to be taking something from his Varsity Jacket, you didn’t manage to see really what he had since Brad quickly placed solo red cups for you to do shots in, blocking the view.
“Annoying”, he stated as he poured a bit of the vodka on two small cups and then passed the bottle to his friends. You smile at the way he said it, the guy had a charm but there was still a hint of something you didn’t like. Something that didn’t add up to his pretty greyish eyes or his sharp jaw. “Want one round?”
You sighed and nodded. At the moment, you only wanted a drink and don’t think a lot about Billy and Heather, you didn’t want to be too mad about it, especially since it was your idea to do a party plan and you left the road wide open for girls like Heather to flirt with Billy. 
It felt like it was your fault. 
The vodka burned your throat a little bit more than you would imagine but you didn’t care. It tasted okay enough and your eyes simply wondered towards the patio door, in the hopes that Billy might come looking for you but there was no sign of him coming. 
“You have a boyfriend?”, you heard Brad asking and you turned around as you passed a hand through your hair. You watched as Brad’s friends began pouring another round of shots with the vodka but your attention went right to Brad again. 
“I do, he’s with another girl at the patio”, you muttered angrily as you took a hold of the shot and chugged it right in. The vodka still burned on your throat but it now felt bubbly, still burned a bit more than before but you figured it was because you hadn’t been drinking in a while.  
“Ooh”, the two friends shouted and it made you roll your eyes, they weren’t being good company and you tried to snatch the bottle of vodka from the table where they had left it but Brad took it first. 
“Let’s do two more rounds, it will make you feel better”, he cooed as he got closer to you. 
If this was any other moment, at any other party, you would’ve said no and leave without a bottle and look for Billy. But the blonde hair from Heather on Billy’s shoulder, his laugh, and her lips on his jaw were burned on your head at the moment and you wished that maybe vodka could help you, you wished that angry drinking would be enough to make you feel better. 
“Fine”, you answer with a smirk and Brad smiled as well, his friends cheering in the background as you chugged another shot that had been served by you. 
It had to be almost four more rounds of shots of vodka -at least you believed but it didn’t taste like vodka after the second- that they had handed to you when you began to feel weird. 
It began slowly, the sleepiness taking over your body, spreading from your belly towards your chest, and soon it seemed to get on your head. It didn’t feel bad right away, simply weird. You were never a hard drinker, you had never blackout before and you weren’t planning to tonight. Getting tipsy? Yes, getting drunk? Maybe, but this felt like it was happening faster than what you had anticipated. 
You closed your eyes and leaned into the kitchen island for a second, trying to recover your breath to see if that was it, you just needed a little break. But as seconds passed, you felt your muscles getting sleepier and even when your eyes were closed, you felt like you were on a carrousel and it wasn’t stopping. 
“You don’t look so good”, you heard Brad said as he wrapped his arm around your waist, which you tried to get off but it seemed as if your muscles were going in slow motion. “You want to go to the bathroom?”
You felt like you could vomit at his questions, it sounded wrong. You shook your head as you opened your eyes and glared at him, motioning for him to let you go and he did, but as you turned around everything began to be blurry. 
“Iwanttodance”, you slurred, words tumbling against each other. You began walking towards the living room, trying to get away from the kitchen while you desperately tried to look for Nancy, Johnathan, or Steve. 
You felt your head getting dizzier and dizzier as each second passed, your brain seemed to be trying so hard for your limbs to move at the pace that you needed them too but they felt disconnected like there was a short-circuit between them.  
You weren’t sure when they had actually disconnected, it had to be a second before you reached the living room by going down simply two steps. It was something you were sure you could accomplish, not even on your worst drunk stories you had been so unaware of your body, you had never felt like that. So, it wasn’t a surprise when you saw the world turning upside down and you felt a sharp pain on the right side of your body, your head crashing on the floor as you closed your eyes from the impact. 
You fell, badly. 
You whimpered in pain as you felt people’s gaze on you, although you had your eyes closed you could feel people’s presence close to you and you wish you could even stand up but it seemed like nothing worked and you could only motion simple things You heard a couple of people laughing, guessing that maybe you were too drunk and were unable to handle your booze. You felt some girls getting closer to you and asking if you were okay but your words weren’t really words anymore, only mumbles, the pangs of pain still spreading through your torso, hips, and legs while the numbness started to spread as well. 
 It was even getting hard to keep your eyes open for too long. 
Before you knew it, someone was wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you off the ground. You prayed it was Billy or Steve, with Nancy by their side or even a couple of the girls who had been asking if you were okay. 
“Seems like she’s ready to go to sleep”
You froze as you heard Brad’s voice and a deep feeling of panic started invading your body. You protested, at least you thought but your words didn’t come out from your mouth, your eyes were still close as the pangs of pain from the fall were disappearing quite quickly, which made you worry. 
Brad quickly took a hold of your body and carried you bride-style to god knows where, you suddenly felt your stomach sinking as you realized how weak you were and the fact that you were in the hands of strangers. Sleepiness crawling over your body and anxiety too, everything began to become foggy. 
“We’ll take care good care of you” Logan stated as you felt the music farther and farther away.  
You whimpered in protest as you opened your eyes as you tried to shimmy yourself out of his hold but it just came as spams on your limps, nothing strong enough and it seemed like they were going through the foyer, towards the door. 
Nancy’s voice felt like it had been sent from the sky, you tried to turn your head as quickly as you could and there she was.  “Who are you?”, she asked as she got closer to you. 
You knew Nancy might be little, she might have been a little mousy when you met her but she was fierce and she could end anyone who came on her way. Such a small girl could raise hell if she decided to and you felt like crying with happiness when you -in a blur- watched her crossed her arms across her chest and glare at the guys she was standing in front of.
“She’s feeling bad”, Brad explained with a shrug but the sassy nature of his answer gave him away to Nancy, “She had a lot to drink and she told us to get her home”
“She has a boyfriend for that”, Nancy replied right away angrily. “And friends that know her”
“We are her friends”, he barked back and it made you jump on your inside. 
These guys were aggressive, the way that he answered to Nancy… you felt like tears were pooling in your eyes. This was not okay and panic raised again, flooding your body. You needed Nancy to take you away from their paws, now. You didn’t want to think where this was going if she didn’t manage to stop them. 
“Nancy” you managed to mumble and with all the effort you had, you tried to take a hold of her but your arm gave up before you reached her, soon your eyes rolled to the back of your head and your head fell backward.
You were too weak. 
Nancy froze for a second with fear as she saw your state, and so hell was loose. 
“Get her down now!”, Nancy’s growl made your body tremble, it was so loud that you were hoping that anyone else noticed. 
“Fuck you”, Chad replied as you heard a struggle in front of you… they were holding Nancy now as Brad began to move again, your heart sinking 
“Her boyfriend is being called right now!”, Nancy yelled as you could hear her struggling while you passed in front of her. 
The cold air hit you hard and you cried as you tried to move from Brad’s hold but he wouldn’t budge, they had managed to sneak you and this was the worst-case scenario. Billy was the only thing you thought before your brain began to shut down when you began to drown in the darkness. 
“We shouldn’t have given her so many”, Logan muttered as he opened the door of the car that was parked in the front patio of Tina’s house, close to many others. 
“Can you just shut up?”, Brad growled as he tightened the hold on your body, and tried to see how he could fit you in the car correctly. 
“Maybe it’s better”, Logan muttered as he opened the driver’s door, still talking to himself. “She won’t remember anything”
The growl coming from the main door from the house shook Brad and Logan to the core. They both turned around to see Billy, exiting the party with Steve and Nancy behind him. 
Billy had been trying to get a Heather Miller off his back since he had started to play a beer-pong match, it had all been easy and messing around until Heather had come in and began to linger closer to Billy each time he drank. She had placed a kiss on his jaw when he had barked at her to back off, people began to laugh around them and scream things, Heather seemed to be annoyed by the statement and tried to talk him out of being so aggressive. Billy remained silent and shrugged her off each time she tried to flirt with him again, it was annoying to him and he knew that his friends would take any chance to start a rumor that could affect your relationship. So, the rest of the time he tried to get as far away from Heather as he possibly could, he even flipped her off before Steve had run towards him and ask him to go with him.  
Billy felt as if a black hole had grown in his stomach as Steve told him what had happened, that some guys were trying to take you somewhere and that you were barely conscious, that Nancy was trying to hold them back but you needed him now. 
Billy wasn’t exactly sure how fast he had arrived, how he didn’t even notice the guy on the floor that Nancy had managed to beat up with a flower vase at the foyer or how he couldn’t hear anything because his heart and breathing were so loud that he could only focus on what he saw. 
And there you were: completely limp, head falling from Brad’s arm, eyes rolled back on the back of your head. You seemed so small; it shook Billy.
Sometimes Billy had these gaps in time when he became so mad that he didn’t feel like himself anymore, he could only feel the anger filling his body as the seconds passed. It was almost automatic when his hands formed into fists and he began to growl. You had talked to him about it and had helped him to never lose control again since you began dating, helping him breathe and control his emotions. 
But not this time. 
Billy yelled as he took Logan first. The guy didn’t even have a second before Billy yanked the keys out of his hands and smashed the boy’s head against the window of the car. Billy didn’t really notice when the window cracked, he only noticed when it broke in front of him as he smashed once again Logan’s head. 
Logan fell on the ground with a groan, blood coming out of the right side of his face, laying with the broken glass on the floor. Billy then turned around quickly to go and get you, Brad had already been cornered by Steve and Nancy while Johnathan tried to rip you off from Brad’s hold. 
“HEY!”, someone yelled as he pushed Billy making him slam against the car door. 
Billy turned around to see Chad, nose already bloody from Nancy’s punch and more coming out of his eyebrow cut thanks to the vase. The guy was already beaten up by Nancy, badly, but Billy didn’t hesitate to beat him to a pulp with his fist. It seemed rather like a gap of time where Billy had no control, as his knuckles slammed against the guy's jaw while he screamed in pain. Chad managed to punch Billy on his ribs but Billy quickly retaliated and knocked him out with a single punch. 
Billy’s breathing was too shaken up, he almost couldn’t even hear how Nancy had been telling him to stop as he kept kicking the guy on the ground. It was only until Nancy hit him in the back of his head, rather hard, that he turned around. 
“We got her”, Nancy yelled at him as she glared at Billy. She didn’t seem too shaken up, her hands were bloody as well and her eyes seemed steady. 
Billy’s eyes traveled to Steve who had you in his arms while Johnathan let Brad fall from his hold against the car, his nose was already bloody, as well as his lips. But at the moment, Billy didn’t care about anything else, he got closer to you so quickly that he felt like he couldn’t breathe anymore. 
“Y/N”, he whispered as tears began to stream from his face. 
You didn’t respond, your eyes with long lashes were closed while your arm was dangling. You were cold, you usually got cold as Billy would work as a heater for you, but right now you were too cold. 
It hurt. 
Billy swore he had heard something breaking inside of his chest, he sucked in a breath as he pressed your cheek with his palm as if in any moment you would open your eyes again, that you would watch him lovingly and place a kiss on his lips like many times before but you didn’t react, you seemed lost. 
It hurt him so much that when he heard a groan coming from the floor, he saw Brad there with barely any real damage on him. Billy felt his muscles tensing up as he walked towards him, ignoring Nancy’s pleas. Billy seemed like a robot as he quickly opened again the door of the car and place Brad’s hand on the edge, without much thought, he shut the door roughly.
The painful scream coming from Brad’s lips shocked Nancy and Steve, and even you in your state. The scream had been the only thing that had managed to make you come back from the darkness, you couldn’t really move but your body was screaming for something to happen but your limbs seemed useless. 
Billy quickly kneeled and punch Brad again, making his nose bleed even more. The groans and whimpers coming from Brad didn’t bother Billy, it only bothered him when he wrapped one hand around Brad’s neck and he noticed his knuckles already getting purple. 
He hated being like this. He knew you would disapprove if you had been there watching him but the rage that he was feeling at the moment, he hadn’t felt it in such a long time that if he thought he remained still, he would burst. 
“I see you or your rat friend’s again, and I’ll kill you”, Billy murmured as he let go of Brad’s neck and allowed him to breathe again as he coughed thanks to the pressure Billy had on him.
Billy turned around to see Nancy, Steve, and Johnathan looking terrified, he tried to shake it off and came back to you. 
“They must have roofied her”, Johnathan explained as Billy was desperately trying to wake you up. 
“Y/N, please are you there?”, Billy couldn’t believe it was his voice, so wobbly and small as he moved your hair from your face and took a hold of you had, begging internally for you to wake up. 
You couldn’t believe it was his voice either, you wanted to scream and cry, you wanted to be held by him and feel safe again. But you couldn’t do anything, you could only beg your body to move, nudge, talk, do something. 
And it seemed as if it had listened to you for a moment. 
“Billy”, the whisper was so faint that Billy wasn’t sure it was real, he stopped dead on his track and saw how your glassy eyes were half opened and Billy felt his shaking hands coming over to your hand. 
But then you suddenly gave up, the darkness eating you once again as your eyes rolled to the back of your head once more and you were lying there, emotionless. 
Billy felt his body cold. 
“Y/N?”, Billy asked as tears streamed down once more. “Baby?”, Billy’s voice was so raw and shaken up that it almost scared Nancy as he looked at her and yelled. “Nancy, what should we do?” 
Nancy stayed still for a second, doubting herself but then she walked decidedly towards Steve who was holding your body. “We have to check her breathing and her heartbeat”, Jonathan coming right up helping her to check your vitals, while Billy gave a step back and held your cold hand. 
“She’s still breathing, it’s like she fell asleep”, Nancy answered.
“We have to take her to a hospital”, Steve stated as he held you tighter on his arms. 
Billy panicked and shook his head, knowing exactly that -even though your parents had come to accept your relationship- they wouldn’t waste a second if he gave them a reason to break you guys up. 
“Her parents would know; you know they would never let her see me again”, Billy explained to Steve, his eyes pleading with him not to do it because he knew what the consequences were and he might ruin what made you and Billy happy.  
Steve didn’t like Billy, but he had never seen him like this or anyone for that matter. He had never seen such true desperation; he had never seen someone show such raw emotions for someone. He didn’t like Billy, but you did and Steve knew that Billy was everything you wanted. 
“Fuck, what should we do?”, Johnathan sighed as Billy began taking you from Steve’s arms. 
Billy remained a second as he adjusted you in his arms, his arms around you securely as he watched you carefully. You seemed so pale and fragile, and he hated it because he knew that this wasn’t you. He couldn’t get out of his head how scared you must’ve been before you went out, what they had done to you. He wanted to take you to the hospital, he knew it was the most appropriate way but he also knew that he really couldn’t and at that moment he had a flashback to California when people took more pills than they should. 
“She’s going to have to throw this up”. Billy stated as he tried to wipe the tears with his shoulder as he took you into the house, as quickly as he could. 
“Billy, what are yo-”, Nancy protested as she followed him but Billy was on a mission, 
“She couldn’t have taken them too long ago”, he muttered as he entered Tina’s house.
He was shaking as he muttered to himself deliriously: you are going to be okay; you are going to be okay; you are going to be okay. He pulled you closer to his chest and his eyes urgently tried to find a bathroom, people were gathering around him at the entrance of the party, watching Billy splattered with blood and knuckles purple with you limp on his arms. Billy didn’t care about the people as he tried to see where was it better to take you, he even wondered if the kitchen was right but he knew you wouldn’t want anyone to see you or him in that state. 
Tina ran towards him, as she was about to speak Billy interrupted her.
“Tina!” He screamed, his voice was raw and torn -the urgency in his electric blue eyes seemed almost psychotic-, she shook at his scream. “Bathroom with a shower”
“Oh my god, what happened?”, Tina squealed as she tried to get closer but Billy stepped back. 
“Bathroom”, he growled once more startling Tina. 
“Upstairs in my room! Turn to the left”
Billy said nothing as he ran upstairs, adjusting you in his arms as he followed Tina’s instructions. He let out an all-encompassing sigh of relief as he entered the bathroom. 
“Come on, come on baby”, he whispered as he placed you on the tub and then turned on the shower. The lukewarm water began to wash your legs and lower abdomen as Billy hurried and placed himself behind you. 
He made sure that you were well position, laying on his chest so he could sit you, and then he began to place his fingers on your throat. But nothing was happening, you weren’t reacting as he tried to place his fingers on the right spot for you to throw up whatever they had given to you. 
Tears began to fall from his face, a part of him glad they were being masked with the drops of water. Billy felt like he wanted to puke himself as he gazed at the bottom of the bathtub and realized the blood was being mixed with the water -blood from the guys that he had beaten up and his own coming from his knuckles-. 
He shivered at the thought of how badly he had reacted and what would you think of him, but he quickly snapped out of it as he continued to cry for you. 
“Y/N please”, he cried. “Baby please, come on”.
Billy’s voice seemed so broken and raw, his pleas could be heard by Steve and Jonathan who were outside the bathroom while Nancy was talking to Tina outside her bedroom, convincing her not to enter until you were okay. 
But you weren’t okay, nothing was happening and Billy snapped. 
“pLEASE! Y/N”, it seemed as if his screamed had ripped through his chest as he held you, and once more, he placed his fingers on your throat in one last attempt. 
The gagging was like music to his ears, how your body finally reacted and you raised a bit from his chest with the help of Billy and you began to throw up. You felt like if you were getting out every organ inside of you as your body spammed as you threw up with Billy’s face bury on your neck as he held you. 
It wasn’t until you finally stopped after a minute of throwing up everything you could, that you realized that the fogginess and darkness that had trapped you were leaving, your head was clearing again and Billy felt like he could breathe. It wasn’t like you were completely fine, your breaths were still raggedy but they were stronger than before and you could raise your head for a second, hold yourself. 
You could hold yourself enough to throw up once more, another round, but this time it felt more like a reaction of the fear that you felt from those guys. You didn’t want anything inside of you, nothing from that night, the thought of those guys made you sick. 
It wasn’t until you were unable to throw up anything else, you turn around softly, still feeling woozy. 
And there he was, the only one you had ever wanted. 
Billy’s hair was wet, the streams of water were still falling from his body but you recognize his tears as well. His blue electric eyes that had always been heaven to you, were red from crying and his usually tan skin seemed as white as a paper, completely pale, he looked terrified. 
Indeed, Billy was terrified but he tried not to show it as he caressed your hair and help you lay more comfortably on his chest. It was only when your eyes connected and you took a big breath that you began to cry. The tears were streaming without control from your eyes and it seemed like before, you just wanted to feel empty and clean and safe. Billy held you as close to him as he could while you sob.
He kissed your head, he kissed the back of your neck and your hands as you whimpered and tried to hold anything from him, the craving of him becoming stronger every second. 
“Hold me”, you slurred and Billy nodded, wrapping his arm around your body as you cuddle against him while being wash with the water. 
“I’m so sorry”, Billy whispered as he rocked you back and forth. “I’ll never leave again”
His voice sounded so truthful that you began to think that he meant something for good, so permanently that it made your heart skip a bit but you didn’t want to say anything, you simply nodded and leaned into him even more, burying yourself against his chest. 
“I love you”, he whispered. 
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notasiren21 · 3 years
26 for Lukanette WIPs please. :)
26. Party Crasher!Luka
Party Crasher
-Lukanette oneshot
“You mean to tell me Agreste ditched you? After all that pleading to let him take you to the party for your successful launch line for next season, he’s ditched you?”
“Kagami, don’t kill him.”
“Fine, remind me why I can’t though? This is such an ass move of his if he’s trying to prove he’s the one for you.”
“Because,” Marinette grits out, faking a toothy smile to a work couple that waves from passing, “I want to castrate and kill him myself.”
Kagami laughs roughly in surprise, “Why the castration?”
“So I can fit his small ass into the tightest pair of skinny jeans we have for our tall teenage girls.” The not so stoic girl sips on her wine, pleased with her friend’s rage. “I told him I haven’t been interested since we were 14, but him thinking I’ll forgive him if I even had a silver of interest in dating him? Fuck him.”
“Or,” Kagami drawls, long nails tapping the stem of her glass as she leans to peer over her friend’s shoulder, “You could fuck him instead?”
Mari gasps in offense, “I am NOT trying for a one night stand, no matter what you guys say.”
“No, you little mouse,” she admonishes, fully heartedly agreeing with the sentiment, “I just mean your big and handsome protective snake is here to save the day.”
Marinette’s mind took a second longer to click the pieces together, trying to make sense of Kagami’s nicknames for her friend group, before her heart thudded and she slowly turned.
There, passing by the models who had walked in Marinette’s designs and batted their false lashes at the rockstar, was Luka Couffaine.
Dressed to the nines in a very punk like and sophisticated way that revealed he very much wanted to impress her and did in fact listen to her fashion advice. Black skinny jeans only he could pull off, high top converse and a white button up with a black vest to overlay it. The cheeky and handsome bastard forgoing the tie to leave one too many buttons undone and his sleeves rolled up to reveal his tattoos.
Oh, on the life of his cat Sass was she proud of him.
And maybe drooling just a little?
He approached her, a sly smile working its way to his lips as he eyed her up and down, eyes shining bright at her black low cocktail that she paired with navy blue heels.
So maybe she sometimes used Luka as a whole for inspiration.
He raised a hand, finger wrapping around a loose curled tendril out of an elegantly messy low bun, “I thought it was the models you were supposed to make the stars of the show.”
“Had I known you were gonna show up, I would’ve worn one of my bests here.”
His hand froze, “This isn’t your best? You tease,” he broke out in a grin. His hand moved further, thumbing at the collection of piercings in her ear he accompanied her with to get years ago. “God, you’re so fucking beautiful.”
“Well, I’m suddenly glad I can only acknowledge this as awkward and not feel it.” Kagami noted into her class. Her phone buzzed, electing a sigh from her as she began turning. “Have fun, my mother decided to remind me why this wine was a good idea to have before she came.”
She watched her friend walk away, her other -her best friend and other half, remained taking her in and stroking the soft spot under her ear he once claimed with a mark-
The one time they admitted their crushes and strong attraction towards the other the night before he left for tour years ago.
It was the only time Luka had indulged himself in his wants and desires, the only time he had asked to and still provided her with an out. And now he still remains far off in her memories, even as he stands in front of her with that look on his face years later.
“How did you,” she swallows when his soft gaze flicks back up to her eyes with his full attention. “How did you get in? It’s a ticket only event.”
He shrugged, turning to offer her an arm and walk around. “I may or may not have seen Adrien’s post about his mom and dad going to a gala event and him going to see his cousin there. Seems like that took precedence I guess.”
Marinette huffed low, “Félix has been in town for three weeks. Adrien and I had lunch with him the other day.”
Luka stilled as a busboy stopped in front of them, offering them glasses of champagne. Luka’s nose twitched, then his lip as he turned away with a polite smile. Marinette shook her head in turn as well.
“You know you don’t have to pass just because of me, right?”
“Hey, we do this ‘young 20 some year olds unable to drink alcohol’ in solidarity together.” He cracked a smile at that, “Soda is my alcohol.”
“Alright, you can be an honorary member of the alcohol intolerance club.” Luka laughed when she hummed gleefully. “Dork.”
“So, back on topic, Adrien just really had no excuse then?”
“Ha, no, even his dad stopped by an hour ago to congratulate me and get press photos done to promote the line. All his son did for me was send a text with a sad face attached to his cancellation.”
“... I can kick his ass, you know?”
“I know, I’m just saving for a rainy day.” She laughed, stepping closer to his side and wrapping both arms around his. “So, the ticket, you party crasher.”
“Right, yeah, I may or may not have called your assistant earlier today to swipe it. I took a guess that she held onto it for safe keeping so-,”
“She’s new, I’m not surprised she just gave it up that easily.” She let Luka guide her into a dance. One hand with painted black holding hers to his chest, the other gently tugging to hold his shoulder before he held her waist.
“Oh, that, that explains a lot now.”
He flinched, a nervous glint flashing across his features. “I may or may not have lied about who exactly I was since she didn’t know my name-,”
“Doesn’t listen to your music, already told her the sin she was committing.”
“And who I was to you, specifically-,”
Marinette tilted her head back in a laugh, Luka’s arm tightening to brace her weight, “You said you were my husband, didn’t you?”
He flushes at a memory of once getting a creep off her back a year ago by claiming that very title to her.
“Erm, no, I said I was your boyfriend and may have sold it by saying some pet name and swooning over you just a little,” he watched her eyes go wide then soft, a smile twitching to show. He stepped closer, almost pulling her flush to him, “But if that’s what you want, I can go out and get some marriage certificate?”
She flushed, lips parting and a rush of air passing them.
“Maybe call Jagged up and fly us to Vegas? I mean, we’re both looking good right now, you more so.” Her face went a shade or two deeper. She jumped in surprise when he let go of her hand to play with a tendril again on the right side, tilting her face to press a kiss to her left cheek. “God, you’re such a pretty little thing.”
She squeaked.
“What, what was the pet name?”
“Hm?” He lazily met her gaze, a dream like haze filter over them as he moved her body to sway with his. “Oh, that.”
“What was it?”
Baby, babygirl, beautiful, gorgeous- he may have said more than one.
He gave a slow and wicked grin, twirling her out and back into his chest in a swift and stunning movement as he nudged his nose to hers.
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” He teased, smile spreading wider and radiant as she forgot to breathe for a second.
What. A fucking. Tease.
The need for him to make good on his words and looks hit through her hard and reminded her of their one night together that they both never forgotten. And how much she wished that was every night, as long as it ended up with them curled right around each other and love and happiness coaxing them to sleep instead of stress and loneliness.
He watched her steel her gaze, her jaw tightened. He swallowed when her height, now of five feet thanks to heels, straightened and forced him to pull up. A violent shiver rocked through him when both hands held along the back of his neck, one slipping under the collar of his shirt to scratch along the nape.
“Marinette-,” he choked.
“I’m only asking so I can show my reciprocation.” She leaned closer, kicking her shoes off into some corner and standing on his converse that every elder of theirs had eyed in question during the night. He supported her actions fully, of course. Still stepping them around in dance within a fluid motion. “Not gonna tell me, hun?”
He coughed, loudly and looked away from her to catch his breath. Watching adults cheat on spouses everywhere or everyone else minding their own business to stare at models or the shrimp on the tables.
He almost tripped when she wined in protest, her hand gripping his chin lightly and turning it to face her. His eyes were flickering between admiration, lust and love, growing three shades of deeper blue than was possible.
“C’mon, baby, tell me.”
“Baby?” He stammered out in surprise. Teenage Luka was having a fucking field day with this. “Marinette, I was only joking earlier and-,”
“Were you really though?”
“No,” his response was fast and instant, a wince playing at the corner of his eyes and his button nose scrunching in loss of control.
“Hey handsome,” he preened under the nickname passing her lips, even if close to millions called him the same thing, it paid more effect when it was Marinette calling him it. “Tell me why you came tonight.”
His neck was aching from staring down to meet her eyes now that the heels were gone but he let himself down lower to press his forehead to hers. “Because you deserve better than what he gives you.”
The girl stilled, expecting an awkward or a flirtatious remark. “What?”
The rockstar looked away sheepishly, a little ashamed. “I know you’re considering getting with him, but when I heard he was canceling on you I let my jealousy win out and I just wanted to be there for you.” He bit his lip when he felt her tugging his face back in her direction, choosing to resist the pressure. “You have to believe me when I say I came with no ulterior motives other than protecting you from going stag to your own party tonight.”
“You, you came to protect me?”
He shrugged, another small shiver racking through him when her hands moved along and glided across his neck. “And make sure you had a good night. I even asked your mom what you were wearing tonight just so I could make sure my outfit complimented yours to cheer you up.”
She was silent for a minute or so, and he waited, patiently as ever and guiding her to rest her head against his chest as he swayed them.
Luka, doing all the work. Luka, taking matters into his own hands when someone fails her. Luka, going the extra mile to make sure she has a happy memory.
Fuck giving second chances to other people. Luka is the only one to have shown her he’s the most earning of the concept and notion.
She pulls away, feeling the slight reluctance in his arms on her waist before they drop to his side, “Grab my heels.”
He raises a black brow but complies, turning to find them and hooking his fingers in the backs. He eyes them, used to seeing her shoes laying around the Liberty when she comes over or even at her own place, but he always has to remark that, “You have small feet.”
“You’ve also called them cute,” she huffs, tugging on his hand and pulling him near the entrance.
He follows, like they always do for one another. “Because they are- where are we going?” He stops them as they round an empty corridor, away from the hotel’s event room where the party is still very much happening. The heel of his palm grips tight to archway, pressing against it, the small shoes still dangling in his hold.
“Home, your place or mine. Actually, mine’s closer.”
He laughs brightly, “You can’t ditch your own party for another movie night, Mari.”
The petite girl turns to him, a fierce expression in his eyes that makes him swallow harshly. “No, but I can ditch to celebrate in getting what I really want. For finally getting what I want.”
“The Chinese takeout place is closed this time of ni-,”
“What?” Luka wheezes, he blinks stupidly at her. Prettily and stupidly. He straightens, freehand tugging at his collar a little like he needs room to breathe. “Come again?”
“I’m going home. I’m taking you with me. And we’re gonna celebrate that I finally got off my ass and got what I wanted.”
He hums, nervously and a bounce starting in his hand, a shake in one hand, his dark brows furrow, “And you want?”
“You- you want,” he sucks in a sharp breath, pain flashing across his features as he clears his throat. “You want me?”
Her eyes soften, a smile showing as she steps closer to him and takes his face into her hands, pulling him down to be eye level with her as he braces his weight on the wall next to them with a hand.
“Yes,” he looks awestruck as she giggles. “I want you... can you let me keep you?”
He laughs nervously, “I’ll fucking sell myself to you if that’s what you really want, fuck.”
She’s smiling, leaning up on tiptoes to alleviate the strain in his neck and pressing a kiss to his lips, muffling the undignified noise of surprise that escapes him. She lets him get used to her for a second, kissing him slowly and purposely as starts to eventually overcome the shock and kiss her back in reverence.
He pulls away suddenly, a guilted expression on his face.
“Wait, wait. What about Adrien?”
“What about him?”
Luka fidgets, a quick glimpse of insecurities and jealousy showing to her before he regains a semblance of control after having his walls knocked down. “He’s been trying to go out with you, win you affections.”
He only knows of the situation, but never presses her to talk about it. It’s natural for it to come up in conversation everyday when he asks her about work knowing the stress of being twenty-two in a high end fashion company could be a bit more than overwhelming. He wanted to be a safe place to her since the beginning.
“There’s nothing about him. I’ve shut him down an handful of times and now it’s just a matter of letting him indulge himself in what he thinks are romantic gestures when me saying no doesn’t cut it. There’s nothing going on between him and I, just his belief that my crush from years ago accounts for something today.”
Luka still looks wary and isn’t touching her, most likely his conscious trying to be the better person between him and Adrien by not going out with the girl his friend is pining after.
Even if said girl is Luka’s legitimate best friend and the very same girl he’s been in love with since he was a kid.
Marinette feels like it’s a dirty tactic as she gets closer to him, trying to gauge where it’s jealousy and where it’s insecurity in regards to Adrien.
She presses a kiss to the corner of his mouth. Luka’s head turns minutely at the attention, tilting less than a centimeter to catch her lips before he catches himself. He struggles when her next kiss falls to his lips and is soft and slow, how he always wants to kiss her.
“Remember our first kiss?” She whispers, wounding arms around his waist and pressing close to him.
He matches her volume, an adoring look winning for a split second, “Of course I remember.”
“Remember our first date?”
“At the ice cream parlor, you wore a pink skirt that kept twirling when you did.” She feels his resolve break a little, his own right to be selfish with her slipping out a little.
His arms slip around her, and he presses a gentle kiss to her temple. “Remember our goodbye at the airport?” His arms tightening around her speak more volumes than his strained, “Yes,” does.
She’s just a little closer to convincing him to stop being so sacrificial with his own wants or needs. She just has to push more.
“Remember waking up in one another’s arms that morning?”
He’s silent for a few seconds, thinking of what he can say in response to that. Wondering how honest to be, “... every day, I think of that morning every day.”
She still hears the clipped apprehension in his voice. That tone she knows so well that’s gonna lead into him giving her advice to rethink this whole decision and talk to him when she’s absolutely sure. How she shouldn’t think on impulse and lunge at what she wants unless she knows she does wanna keep with it.
But, he has to know she always thinks back on moments with him and that she longs to have jumped on impulse if it meant being with him.
Every time he’s showed up with takeout at her place. When he smiles so freely at her. When he bandages her cuts and blisters from working all night long.
When he showed up tonight looking like he had been her dare to begin with. How her heart felt when he admitted to lying to her secretary. The way he looked carrying her high heels that were much too small for his hands but he didn’t care because she asked him to.
How he crashed her own party to make sure she’d have fun tonight.
She’s sure she wants this, him.
All those nicknames they could call each other. All the benefits of dating the other and having a date to everything the other needs to attend. Having her best friend be her boyfriend meaning there’s no holding back from anything.
She’ll cringe about it in the morning, but it’s gotta work to break his long instilled fear of being a bad friend or person. Of being unselfish.
“Do you still remember that night?”
She’s sure he’s stopped breaking by the way his entire body seems to shut down, but then it reboots and he’s shaking against her and can’t seem to breathe correctly, his eyes avoiding hers as he swallows again and looking like he’s willing to risk going into an allergic reaction for the sake of one drink.
“That- that’s not something you forget, Marinette.” His hands are twitching on her waist, grip tightening just a little and a vein is jumping in his arm to do something to prove he remembers alright.
One more push, “Do you still remember how I tasted that night?”
He seizes her waist, lunging to kiss her desperately like he did that night and when he left, a growl passing his lips onto hers. He’s cupping the back of her neck, fingers threading through her hair, breathing her in and shaking against her as his resolves breaks completely and the selfish side comes out. The one that’s nowhere near as selfish as the average person, but enough to take in the matter of his own needs and wants. He pulls back, letting her watch his eyes darken, the pupils expanding until the blues are next to near mere ridges of color. He’s watching hers do the same before he nudges her nose and kisses her slowly, more loving and affectionate. His control slipping back into place and resulting in the Luka she so loves regaining the handles of his own mind.
He’s careful in the way he tugs her lip with his teeth, how he coaxes her to let him kiss her fully before pull back and panting against her lips.
“Yes, I remember,” his voice is rough and he has to glance away from her and straighten. She watches him take a few meditative breaths before he looks back at her.
“Does that really help?” She gestures to his chest and mouth, “the breathing?”
He laughs hollowly, “No, not really, but it bought me time to create some distance in this,” he glances around, “Not your apartment place.”
She laughs at the suddenly horrified look that crosses his face, the image of them making out and the threat of almost being caught in public instantly dawning on him. He glares playfully at her.
“You did that all on purpose.”
“Had to, you were just about to give me up for the sake of being a good friend to me and Adrien.” She pauses, a wicked idea forming to prove her point, “Unless, you want Adrien to know what that all is like?”
A dark look crosses Luka’s face; unrestrained bouts of suppressed jealousy, possessiveness and territoriality. “No,” he growls out, eyes squeezing shut and having to clear his throat. “I’d rather not let him know any of that personally.”
“Not even how I taste?”
“Marinette,” he warned, the growl resurfacing. She cooed, wrapping him up in a hug and pressing a kiss to his jaw as an apology. He whined, “It’s not funny when you do that.”
“No, but everything you feel is alright to feel. Don’t hold back for the sake of not being selfish. You can be selfish with me, you’re a reasonable guy and know boundaries.” She sighed, nuzzling further into his warm embrace. “I don’t like Adrien the way he wants me to, and lately, it’s hard to even be his friend. He needs to move on from me. Hell, I’m better friends with Félix now than him.”
“Just hope they don’t switch up on you again.”
She huffed in amusement. “God no, I’d kill them.”
“It’s adorable how how your less than five feet body resorts to violence and death threats.”
“Mm, except you, I’m quite fond of you.” She looks up at him, chin pressed to his chest and smiling when he looks at her softly and presses a kiss to her nose. “This, us, is not an impulse. Just a restrained want I’ve had for awhile.”
“Okay, I understand now.”
She grins cheekily at him, “Or need, if that makes you all possessive hot yet secretly adorable rockstar boyfriend mode again.”
“Boyfriend?” He smiled slowly, radiant as always and heart stopping. “If teenage me could hear you, he’d probably shut down from being overwhelmed.”
“Nineteen year old you certainly didn’t that night,” she mumbles, grinning at the loud bark of laughter that surprises the both of them when Luka throws his head back.
“Yeah, thanks for reminding me what age I lost it at, totally rockstar of me, right?” The blush that’s coating his neck and ears is adorable, a shy smile quirking at her briefly.
“I think it’s sweet, cute even.”
“Yeah, because you’re the one I lost it to.” He deadpanned without conviction. “But, I guess I’ll take being sweet and cute.”
“It’s okay though, I mean, I did the cliché of losing my virginity to someone I was in love with.” Luka does in fact shut down in her embrace hearing that. Hands jittering against her and fingers tapping like he’s trying to speak through notes against her skin.
He takes another minute, before pressing a kiss to her hair. “If this is you confessing your love to me -and believe me, it’s killing me to stop you right now, I’d rather you do it in regards to another topic and not the fact that we were one another’s first time.” He avoids the dangerous smirk aimed his way, or the sharp angle of her cocked, black brow above breathtaking blues. “C’mon, let’s go dance some more and celebrate your success before we leave, maybe find your assistant to introduce me as your boyfriend to.”
She pours at him when he tugs on her hand in the direction of the party. “But-,”
He breathed out shakily, a waning patient look in his eyes and a false smirk aimed at her. “Can I sleep over tonight?”
“Do you want to?”
“Yes,” he breathed. “I’m very close to just following you home at this point, trust me. I don’t care how the night ends, just as long as it’s you and me tonight.”
She’s letting him make them dance again, feeling as the nerves leave his body as he gets them to fall in step with the tempo. He doesn’t care that he has to bend a little ways down to rest his cheek on her hair, not when she’s letting him pull her up against his chest when she typically only reaches the bottom of his rib cage.
They work well together, they fit perfectly together because they’re more than used to the instinctive adapting to one another.
Her hands cup his cheeks, kissing him carefully without reservation and the anxiety, “It was only an impulse at times because I love you and have for awhile.”
Luka deepens the kiss just a little, thankful she’s the type of girlfriend to let him indulge in her as he smiles, “I get it, I’ve had my share of impulsive thoughts for as long as I’ve been in love with you since we were young. I love you, Mari.”
“Enough to crash a party for me, apparently,” she whispered, a little moved by the thought that they were finally together. He thumbed her tears away.
“Enough to kill Adrien or Félix if you ask me to,” he replied in a loving tone, soothing her gasps for air when she broke apart in giggles against his chest in reaction.
He didn’t leave after that night. And he went to every party as her date too.
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spookybias · 3 years
wheresoever you go ‣ [ choi yeonjun ] ✧
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pairing: choi yeonjun x gn! reader
genre: fluff, angst | established relationship au | long distance trope.
description: yeonjun as your long distance boyfriend. in this one, the reader lives and goes to college in seoul, south korea (at first).
warning: insecurities. brief mention of suggestive content.
word count: 1.4k
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yeonjun was a clingy boyfriend. when he greeted you, he'd give you a big hug and kiss the top of your head. he always insisted on walking you home, whether it was day or night when the two of you would part ways. and since both of you had pretty busy schedules, yeonjun would make time to talk to you or meet up with you whenever he could.
when you broke the news that you were moving, yeonjun wasn't too phased at first. in his mind, there was nothing in the world that could tear you two apart. you were in love with each other and that was all that mattered. but as soon as he learned how far you were going, the weight of the situation became too much for him.
you picked a tile on the cafe floor and decided that you'd keep your eyes there so as to not see the look on yeonjun's face when you told him the bad news. "yeonjun, my family's moving and i want to go with them."
yeonjun gave you his famous smile, the one that was reserved for 'you're so cute' moments. he chuckled, "that's so sweet of you. where are you guys going? daegu? ansan?" he stirred his drink with his bendy straw and you watched as the chocolate milkshake swirled around. that, along with the bomb you had to drop on your boyfriend, was making you dizzy. you had chosen the cafe for a reason; neither of you were bold enough to make a scene in public.
you swallowed, but couldn't seem to make your throat feel less dry. "outside of the country, jjunie."
yeonjun stopped stirring his milkshake. he leaned back in the brown leather armchair of the cafe. "like, japan?"
you blinked back tears and tried not to think about crying. "farther than that," you replied, twiddling your fingers.
"singapore?" yeonjun's eyes darted back and forth. he looked like he was about to start gasping for air, maybe even lose consciousness. you hated that the place was much farther. why couldn't it had just been a couple cities over? why did it have to be in a different continent?
after giving him all the details, yeonjun chuckled and ran his hands through his hair repeatedly. you knew he wasn't losing his mind, but he sure was losing himself over the situation. he tried to convince you that you didn't really have to move with your family. you were an adult now, and you couldn't quit school. he said you could move in with him and the others, live at their dorm, but you knew that the idea was unrealistic. neither of you were ready to move in together and his boss would never allow it. you explained that you chose to go with them, and that you could transfer universities. yeonjun wanted to get mad at you, but instead, he respected your decision.
yeonjun got used to the idea of you being away from him for some time. that's just it, he got used to the idea. it hadn't actually hit him that you were moving far, far away until one day he came over, and you showed him pictures of what your family's new house would look like.
that's when yeonjun started to feel overwhelmed and anxious. he kept thinking that when you finally went over there, you would find someone within reach who was better than him in every possible way. so to fulfill his own insecurities, he would come at you with expensive gifts and outstanding dates. but then one day you told him that the two of you needed to talk and his fear of being broken up with went from a level 2 to a level 7. every time you tried to discuss the fact that you were moving away, he'd distract you with more expensive gifts and physical affection. afterwards, he always pretended to fall asleep or that he had to rush home so that you couldn't break up with him.
yeonjun wasn't sure what to do next. even the others knew there was something going on with him. it was two weeks before you would be leaving, and he was too afraid to talk to you because he thought you were going to dump him. though, he knew he needed to talk to you if he wanted you to stay with him.
it didn't take long for you to figure out what was going on with your boyfriend. so one day, you asked him out to breakfast, acting as if it would just be a regular date. yeonjun was stressed out the night before, wondering if you'd mention that you were leaving soon. when he showed up he had bags under his eyes and his hair was a mess. he picked at his food the entire time, awaiting heartbreak. however, you weren't going to break up with him, and you needed to make that clear.
you reached across the table and took the fork out of yeonjun's hand. you intertwined your fingers with his and looked him straight in the eyes. "jjunie, why don't you talk to me anymore ?"
"y-you still call me jjunie?" yeonjun sniffled, but he refused to cry. you had your reasons for dumping him and he would just have to accept it.
"why wouldn't i call you jjunie?" you squinted at your boyfriend and sighed. "yeonjun, i'm not breaking up with you. i know you think i am."
yeonjun relaxed his shoulders. it felt like the weight he had been carrying for a few months had finally lifted. he closed his eyes, leaned back in his seat like he did the day you broke the bad news, and took a deep breath. he covered his face with his hands and asked in a tiny voice, "why did you want to talk to me?" he concluded himself to be a total loser.
"jjunie, are you dumb?" you giggled. "you're my boyfriend. i wanted to talk to you about what the plan was. you know, like what time is best to call, when you think we'd be able to see-"
yeonjun leaned over the cafe table and kissed you hard, cutting off your sentence. he loved you so much.
the day of departure, yeonjun accompanied you and your family to the airport. he held you in his arms, and tried to ignore the fact that it would be a long time until he got to hug you again. he wanted to put the moment in a bottle so that he could return at any time, and hold you for as long as he wanted. but he you knew he was okay. he knew the two of you would be okay.
yeonjun is still a clingy boyfriend. you guys would always shower each other in romantic gestures, but now it's triple the cheesy messages, double the cute playlists, and a whole lot of phone calls and video chats.
when he visits a new place, he always takes a picture to send to you and adds, "when you come back, let's go here together."
he sends you a whole lot of videos and voice messages, and you do the same, especially if it's a very busy day for one of you and you know you might not get the chance to talk. yeonjun's favorite thing to do is send you a voice message right when he wakes up so you can hear his raspy voice, and send videos of him blowing kisses at the camera.
it's much easier to tease you now. when he sees an outfit that's cute and a little sinful while walking past a store, he takes a picture to send to you and goes, "you would look cute in this. should i ship it to you so you can call me while wearing it?" please forgive the man, he doesn't get any action now that you're gone.
you spam him with tons of selfies. he saves all of them... until he runs out of storage and has to choose which ones he loves more and it's harder than any exam he's ever taken.
the idea of seeing him again is always on your mind. you miss the times he would walk you home, kiss your forehead, let you sit on his lap. and yeonjun constantly thinks about all of your old cuddle sessions and movie nights. he misses you so so much.
as far as insecurities go, yeonjun isn't worried about you ending things with him anymore. you, on the other hand, get a little nervous whenever you're on the phone with him and hear a charming voice in the background. yeonjun senses you're uneasiness, and has no problem explaining who it is and what's going on.
there's nothing to worry about, though. neither of you are going anywhere. long distance is a piece of cake to yeonjun now, and you know you'll hold each other soon.
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all rights reserved | © spookybias. do not repost, translate, moderate, or copy any of my works.
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Make A Scene
AMHL – Masterlist
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Dick immediately noticed when Y/N started getting quieter and quieter as they got closer and closer to the venue.
Bruce had hired a driver to pick them up from their apartment in Gotham. And the car had gone quiet now. 
Dick reached over to gently hold her hand.
“Nervous?” He asked.
Y/N shrugged, not really seeing the point in trying to lie to her boyfriend.
“This isn’t your first rodeo, ya know.”
She gave him a look. “You know that wasn’t the same.” Her eyes flickered to the driver. “I wasn’t exactly…myself. And I wasn’t your girlfriend.”
Also, tonight they didn’t have the security and comfort of being at Wayne Manor.
No, instead this particular event was being held at the ballroom of Gotham’s most extravagant five-star hotel. It was a party for Wayne Enterprises, not a personal charity or party of the Wayne family.
Bruce had kindly asked Dick and Y/N to attend when board members and business partners started asking if the whole family would be attending. Jason hadn’t answered anyone’s calls or texts about it. None of them expected him to show up. Tim had to attend since he worked for Wayne Enterprises. And Damian…Well, Damian was his father’s son and not yet an adult. He basically had to do whatever Bruce asked of him while he lived under his roof.
“I’m not gonna leave your side,” Dick promised.
He squeezed her hand to further emphasize it.
Their car pulled up to the carpet at the bottom of the stairs.
There had to be a hundred journalists and photographers, along with random civilians who had nothing better to do than to see Gotham’s elite get out of cars and walk into a hotel.
Dick took in a deep breath.
Thankfully the car’s windows were tinted and protected them from any onlookers.
“Ready?” He asked her.
She nodded.
Dick opened the door and ignored the screams and flashes as he carefully helped Y/N out of the car with his offered hand. He also shielded her from the photographers to give her a moment to get out and adjust herself before they could capture any photos of her.
“Mr. Grayson! Mr. Grayson! Who is your mystery girlfriend?” Someone yelled.
Sometimes Y/N forgot that Dick was somewhat of a celebrity in Gotham City through association.
It wasn’t like people were asking for selfies everywhere he went. Or that the paparazzi were following his every move.
But in Gotham, people took note of where Dick Grayson went and who he was with.
And everyone noticed he’d had the same woman on his arm for quite some time now.
Even though Y/N and Dick had been dating for over a year, the media still couldn’t figure out Y/N’s identity. 
What they didn’t realize was that she controlled every single piece of information about herself that lived on the internet.
They didn’t stand a chance. 
Dick smiled and waved at people who called his name. But his hand other hand never left Y/N’s as he helped her up the stairs.
“Who are you wearing?” A female journalist yelled at Y/N.
She ignored them and focused on getting up the stairs without tripping and face planting. Not that Dick would ever let that happen.
However, she knew her outfit was going to draw gazes.
Y/N had made a promise to herself that if she was going to be forced to attend events like this with Dick, then she was going make a statement. People were already going to be staring at her, so she figured she might as well give them something good to stare at.
Instead of wearing a typical cocktail and formal dress, Y/N wore a full men’s suit that was tailored to perfection, but with the bowtie undone. It was what the fashion magazines would describe as “androgynous” in the press tomorrow morning.
Y/N wanted to control her own narrative. And she’d rather be judged for her bold decisions than just her trying to blend in.
Bruce insisted on paying for all the boys’ date’s dresses – in this case, suit – if they happened to bring one. He always thought it was more of an incentive for them to attend these terrible events if he encouraged them to bring significant others. And the press always had a field day with it, which only helped throw people of their trail when it came to their secret lives as vigilantes.
Everyone kept screaming Dick’s name as they walked in, and Y/N wondered how he got so good at smiling through the chaos and ignoring them.
Once they were inside, Dick felt the tension leave Y/N’s body a bit.
“Alcohol?” He offered with a smirk.
“Yes, please.”
He nodded, knowing it was exactly what she needed.
Quickly, he grabbed two champagne flutes off a passing waiter.
They clinked glasses.
Then he leaned forward and whispered in her ear, “Thank you for being my date.”
Y/N smiled at his sincerity.
Dick sighed before he threw back the champagne, “The quicker we find Bruce and prove we were here, the sooner we can leave.”
“Try not to sound so excited,” she laughed darkly.
Suddenly felt a small human wrap around her thighs.
Y/N gasped in excitement, “Dami!”
Dick smiled as he looked down at his 10-year-old brother hugging his girlfriend.
“Dick gave me the drawing you made for us. It’s so beautiful. I’m trying to find the perfect frame for it,” she told the boy.
Damian beamed with pride at that.
Suddenly the boy started asking a million questions about Stoker, one of his kittens that he’d given to them to take care of when Bruce gave a limit to how many cats Damian was allowed to have in the manor.
Then, to Dick’s shock, he saw Jason slowly walk over to them with his hands in his pant pockets.
He was not at all dressed nice enough for the event. No suit jacket. No tie. His white button-up shirt wrinkled, messily tucked into his pants, and with two many buttons undone. The sloppiness of it all clearly wasn’t an issue with the women, seeing as all of them were ogling Jason.
“Todd,” Damian greeted coldly, pausing his conversation with Y/N, who whipped around at the name.
“Hey, you,” Y/N smiled as she went to greet him.
Jason gave her a friendly kiss on the cheek and a quick hug.
“I really didn’t think you were coming,” Dick told his brother.
“Well, I wasn’t. But I got a business engagement.”
Y/N and Dick shared a confused look.
“What do you mean?” Dick asked.
“I found my neighbor crying on her fire escape a few nights ago. Apparently… one of the finance bros of Wayne fucking Enterprises was everything but a gentleman to her.”
Y/N’s eyes widened in realization. “J, I already took care of that.”
“I know,” Jason nodded as his eyes scanned the room. He was clearly on a personal mission tonight. “You deleted the evidence. I am teaching him a lesson.”
Dick slowly put together what they were implying.
“Oh, please don’t make a scene, Jason.” Dick begged him.
Because he knew Bruce wouldn’t be dealing with the aftermath; it would be him.
“Don’t worry!” Jason laughed. "I’m gonna take him outside before I beat the shit out of him. No one here will even notice. It’ll be fine,” Jason assured him as he gave Dick a far too heavy slap on the back.
“Just tell Bruce and he’ll get him fired,” Dick tried to convince him to take the less violent route.
“Oh, we already did,” Y/N muttered.
Dick’s gaze shot to his girlfriend.
“He’s getting fired on Monday,” she clarified sheepishly.
“Since when do the two of you work together behind my back?” Dick accused them.
But he wasn’t actually mad about anything – maybe just a little bit bitter.
Jason opened his mouth.
“I swear to God, Jason, if you say ‘club business,’ I will lose it…” Dick warned.
Y/N tried to hide her smile.
“Got him,” Jason growled as he glared at someone on the other side of the room.
As soon as he left them, Dick gave Y/N his full attention.
“Seriously?” He accused.
“I’m sorry! He asked me for a favor and I was happy to do it once I realized what it was,” Y/N defended.
Dick pouted a little. Mostly because he hated being left out.
“Don’t worry, ya big baby. I’m still your ‘guy in the chair’ and no one else’s,” she teased before giving him a kiss, immediately wiping the lipstick off his lips.
“How come Jason gets to beat up people at events like this, but I’m expected to behave like a well-trained dog?” Damian mumbled.
Dick sighed and shook his head.
“Jason likes to think he’s a lone wolf who doesn’t have to play by the rules,” Y/N tried to comfort the boy.
To distract Damian from getting further into how unfair it was, Y/N asked him to show her more of his drawings.
This seemed to please Damian and he pulled his phone out, flipping through photos and showing Y/N his recent sketches.
With Y/N being entertained by his youngest brother, Dick decided to go to the bar and get the two of them a stronger drink and maybe get a kiddie cocktail for Damian. He’d pretend to be patronized and annoyed by it, but Dick knew better.
He patiently waited for the bartender’s attention. 
“So Gotham’s Golden Boy really has returned…” a husky voice uttered beside him at the bar.
Dick glanced over to see a beautiful woman close to his age eyeing him.
It was clear what she wanted. Dick used tactics like this on countless missions.
“So I have,” he answered.
He was polite, but distant.
Women hitting on him at events like this was nothing new. To Gotham, Dick Grayson was a Bruce Wayne 2.0 – younger, just as charming and handsome as his mentor and stand-in father figure. 
Dick knew how to play the game. But he never had any interest in casual relationships like Bruce did.
“Back for good?” The woman persisted.
“My girlfriend and I are just in town for a few weeks,” he answered before ordering his drinks with the bartender finally.
“Oh, brought up the girlfriend rather quickly,” she laughed.
Dick quirked an eyebrow. “Is that a problem?”
“No, it’s just…my friends and I had a bet going.”
Then she pointed to a group of three young women, who were giggling and smiling, not even trying to pretend like they weren’t watching them closely.
“Oh, yeah?” Dick asked, already tired of this conversation.
Jason had already rejoined Y/N and Damian.
Y/N looked down to see his knuckles red with irritation and bruised.
“Please tell me there’s not a corpse in the alley behind this hotel now…” Y/N sighed.
“No,” Jason answered coldly. “Though there fucking should be.”
“What did he do?” Damian asked curiously, clearly he hadn’t been listening to their earlier conversation that closely.
Y/N shifted her weight in discomfort, not sure how to handle the subject with the boy. Yes, Damian was far more mature than many grown men, but he was still just a kid. There were some things Y/N felt like they should at least try to protect him from still. 
“He got my neighbor too drunk to consent, filmed them having sex without her knowing it, and then showed it to a bunch of people at their work,” Jason answered bluntly.
Damian’s brow furrowed, clearly thinking long and hard about what his brother just told him.
After a moment, the boy perked up, “I know where we could hide the body so even father won’t find out.”
“Damian!” Y/N scolded.
But Jason was beaming.
Y/N looked around for Dick, hoping to find another sane person to stop the two boys from actually murdering anyone tonight.
But when she finally spotted him, she saw a woman standing far too close to Dick and pointing to a group of girls who flirtatiously waved and winked at both of them.
“Real cute,” Y/N muttered to herself.
“Vultures,” Damian growled as he followed her gaze.
“Jason, if I leave you alone with Damian, are you going to kill someone?” She asked without taking her eyes off her boyfriend.
“I don’t need to be watched,” Damian groaned.
“No, I need you to watch Jason to make sure he doesn’t change his mind about keeping that asshole alive.”
“Fine,” Damian whined.
Without any further confirmation, Y/N left them. 
She walked across the party on a mission, never taking her stare off of her boyfriend.
Dick did a double take when he noticed her heading towards him.
“Hey,” he greeted innocently.
Because he was innocent. All he’d done was be polite to a bunch of women who were after him for his name…and maybe his good looks.
“I was wondering where my drink was,” Y/N said with a surprising calmness and smile.
Then she turned to the woman. 
“Hi, I’m Y/N. You must be a friend of Dick’s.” 
She held her hand out.
No cattiness. No rudeness.
Y/N said it with the same kindness that drunk women having with other drunk women in bar bathrooms.
“Oh…I’m Irina,” the woman stuttered as she took Y/N’s offered hand, clearly confused by Y/N’s niceness.
Dick held out her drink.
Y/N took it, quickly clinked her glass with both Dick and Irina.
“Cheers,” she sang before tossing it back and chugging the drink that was meant to be slowly sipped.
Dick didn’t know what game his girlfriend was playing, but he was intrigued.
Once Y/N lightly placed her empty glass back on the bar, she turned to Dick and tilted her head to the side. “Could you show me to the bathrooms? I have no idea where they are.”
“Of course,” Dick answered without knowing where this was going.
“It was nice meeting you, Irina,” Y/N told the woman as she linked her fingers with Dick’s and guided him away.
Meanwhile, Jason watched the interaction as if he were watching an award-winning movie. Him and Damian were way too far to hear, but everyone in the bat family could read lips more than fluently.
Then Jason smirked as he watched Y/N drag Dick away.
“Boys,” Bruce greeted as he snuck up on the two of them. “What are we staring at?”
“Oh, you know,” Jason hummed with hilarity, “just watching Y/N assert her dominance.”
“Good for her,” Bruce grinned as he realized what was happening.
He moved his attention to his youngest boy. “Alfred is waiting outside with the car. You’re officially released from your duties.”
“Finally,” Damian groaned.
“Don’t you wanna say bye to Y/N?” Jason asked.
“They’re coming to the manor tomorrow afternoon,” Bruce answered for his son. Then he raised a brow at Jason. “You’re welcome to join us.”
Jason’s only response was a shrug.
Bruce tried to hide his disappointment and nodded before he guided Damian away and walked him outside, where Alfred was waiting.
10 minutes later, Jason saw Dick trailing behind Y/N as she walked back to the main area of the event.
Jason burst out laughing at the spectacle. 
Dick’s hair was an absolute mess. Half of his shirt was untucked. His jacket was draped over his forearm. His lips were swollen and pink. Y/N had left lipstick all over his neck and even a bit on the collar of his shirt.
Yet somehow not a single hair was out of place on Y/N and her makeup was still immaculate. Her outfit was just as sleek and clean as when she’d arrived. The only thing different was the proud smirk on her lips.
Clearly Y/N had just had her way with Dick.
But she wanted to make sure the whole party knew about it.
Y/N hadn’t said a word to Dick since she dragged him from that woman.
Her body did all the talking.
One second they were at the bathroom doors, the next Y/N had thrown him against the tiled wall after locking the bathroom door.
She gave no verbal explanation, just started kissing him and undoing his pants.
“Not that I’m complaining. Like, at all,” Dick laughed as they rejoined the party. “But wanna to tell me what that was all about?”
Y/N finally stopped walking and turned to face him with narrowed eyes. “I think you know, Richard.”
Y/N only ever used his full first name to provoke and tease him. And he hated that it worked every single time.
Dick glanced around to see that everyone in their vicinity was eyeing them. Well, they were mostly eyeing him and how it was clear he’d just been fucked in the bathroom.
He stepped close to her and lowered his voice, “Ohhh, I see how it is.” His eyes flickered down to her lips for a split second. “If a guy does that, he’s jealous and possessive. But if a woman does it, it’s sexy…”
Y/N proudly smiled like the cheshire cat. “Exactly.”
Something over his shoulder caught her attention. “Oh, I see Tim. I’m going to go say hi.”
Without hesitation, she brushed past him.
Dick let his head fall, put his hands on his hips, and laughed.
He’d pay her back later tonight. And by ‘pay her back,’ he would just tell her how incredibly hot her behavior had been and basically invite her to do it whenever she damn well pleased.
Dick felt a presence beside him, and he didn’t have to raise his head to know it was Bruce.
“Hey,” Dick greeted him nonchalantly.
“You have lipstick all over your neck,” Bruce told him as he took a sip of his drink and looked around the party. “And your zippers down.”
“Sure is,” Dick sighed.
OK. This was way too fun to write. 
Let me know what you think!!!
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