#but yk the drill
malewifemanhunter · 2 years
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Heyyy gang :) 
You’re all still hard at it, two weeks into the D Blast of a lifetime. Stand-alone 100 word fics (roughly), anyone can enter: we’ve had total newbies and Big Name Veteran Fic Writers. We started on August 9th, open ‘til 9th Sept, and guess. what. …..so far you little rascals have written EIGHTY-ONE FICS. 
This beefy collection’s got something for everyone. We’ve got poetry, fluff, angst, catholic guilt, homophobia, biting, fruit, recreational drug use, and of course - self-flagellation :)
And yet? We still crave more??
So here’s some quickfire prompts for you all - we’ll be hand-picking some immediate winners for each prompt if people get fics in by this Friday (26th August)… so get ready, set, GO!
Charlie’s Artistic Process
Dee Performing
First Time at the Gay Bar
A Bike Race
Brokeback Mountain themed
Cats vs. Dogs
Erotic Water Fight
Don’t forget you’re welcome to ask any of us (@malewifemanhunter, @headgehug, @officialbillhader, @stglennfucker, @lets-dont-this) if you have any questions, and credit to @stglennfucker especially for the beautiful banners <3
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jas-the-shrimp · 3 months
You know the drill ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
Big tw scroll away Im just going on my silly little rants again
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mishiami · 4 months
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fragile, handle with care
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mrtequilasunset · 11 months
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BOOM! Hear the Bass go zoom !
(based on this pic of Aqua)
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snek-of-eden · 1 month
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sometimes it all gets tough ❤️ but hugs tend to help
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reiiofsunn · 2 months
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ʚ kwon boa ɞ
boa the live 2006
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aethslove · 6 months
is aziraphale queer-ish because hes in soho or is soho gay because aziraphale’s there
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reposting old(-er) ig stuff
(able uses she/her in this one)
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diiwata · 1 month
giving the tbosas tributes new reaping fits
because I refuse to believe that, in the heat of JULY, they all decided to wear an absurd amount of layers.
I took many things into account: the time period it's inspired by (1940-50s, even went as far back as the 30s), the wealth of each district, the practicality of the outfit when it comes to the arena, and style. most of these were taken from vintage photos and old clothing catalogs for better accuracy! <3
districts 1 and 2 are a bit on the fancier side if you can't tell. work it, facet! I'd take out that black collar for sabyn, and idk... marcus deserved high waisted pants!
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districts 3 and 4! a bit more plain for three (but a splash of color for teslee), and of course, some nautical fits for our seablings! look how dapper mizzen looks
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districts 5 and 6 take a more industrial approach, with otto being a greaser because... I have a hc that d6 has greasers, and he's one of them--
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districts 7 and 8 have more coordination in the pattern of their outfits! floral for wovey + bobbin, and plaid for treemina <3 (cigarette not included for treech)
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districts 9 and 10! bran + tan are OUT of their layers and are dressed like colorful cowboys. and I think the bandana ties sheaf's fit all together!
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districts 11 and 12! I honest love the ogs, but they're so stuffy (with the exception of reaper). I gave lucy gray 2 fits, and just imagine the skirt being a rainbow in the dress ver.! and yes, greaser!jessup...
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not me bringing the steddie agenda into 2024
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queenofshipping12 · 10 months
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puppets can be considered arthropods
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ashtcnirwin · 6 months
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virtchandmoir · 5 months
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helldreamz · 7 months
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carnis-insanis · 1 year
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You want it - you got it! @bunnypaw33 !
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