#but yeah this girl was born in 1964
bitter69uk · 6 months
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“The men sat in the next booth at the Brown Derby. My back was to them. Suddenly I perked up as I heard my name. “Liz Renay,” one of them said. “There’s a girl who had some tough breaks.” “She brought it on herself,” the other voice said. “Still … it’s kind of sad. She wasn’t just another one of those French pastries who come to Hollywood to look for fame. She had it. She has one of the most beautiful faces I ever saw. You know, she just missed being great.” I turned to get a look at the man who had just spoken. I recognized him as William Ornstein, a reporter for Hollywood Reporter. Ornstein spoke again: “Yeah, that Renay really could have made it big. She was on the way to becoming a superstar. Add a few good breaks and subtract a few of the bad ones and you know, she could have been Marilyn Monroe.”
/ From Liz Renay’s chatty, meandering autobiography My Face for the World to See (1971) /
Born on this day: the sublime Liz Renay (née Pearl Elizabeth Dobbins, 14 April 1926 - 22 January 2007) – b-movie actress / burlesque queen / jailbird / naive outsider painter / gangster Mickey Cohen’s moll / “Streaking Grandmother” / authoress of multiple volumes of sordid memoirs (including My First 2,000 Men and Staying Young) / all-round kitsch icon and the woman hailed by John Waters as “my idea of total glamour.” For Waters’ fans, Renay is venerated for her performance as Muffy St Jacques in punk masterpiece Desperate Living (1977) - especially for her acidic delivery of lines like, "I was having an erotic dream!" and "I sleep in the room next door - naked!" She’s also memorable in The Thrill Killers (1964) and The Hard Road (1970).
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starboymp3 · 1 year
my twinʼs so clueless about some stuff i wanna be her so bad. like
me: hehe have you read this good omens post thatʼs like “you go to your friends place but jeff bezos is there”
twinie: whoʼs jeff bezos? :)
me: omg you know! amazonʼs ceo, the dude who went to space...
her: i have no idea
me: you know, bo burnham wrote that song of him, “ceo, entrepreneur, born in 1964, jeffrey, jeffrey bezos..”
her: who??
me: bo burnham? the comedian?
her: ??? never heard of him
me: dude, he had that album a few years ago, you knoww, “get your fucking hands up, get on out of your seats...”
her: i dont know this song. what was his name again?
me: bo burnham.
her: i dont know him
girl youre so valid. hell yeah
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carewyncromwell · 2 years
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[Marauder Era/HPHM] Hermia “Mia” Flume Moodboard
Tagging @magicallymalted and @dat-silvers-girl so as to introduce this girl properly! 💗
“Could dress up to get love, But guess what? I'm never gonna be that girl Who's living in a Barbie world... Could wake up, and make up, and play dumb, Pretending that I need a boy Who's gonna treat me like a toy... I know the other girls wanna wear expensive things,  Like diamond rings, But I don't wanna be the puppet that you're playing  On a string... This queen don't need a king.”
~“Sit Still, Look Pretty” by Daya
The owner of Honeydukes, Ambrosius Flume, is a very sweet man with a rather appropriate talent for manufacturing unique magical sweets. He also has three daughters, all of whom have a certain level of sweetness to them. The youngest, Callisto “Callie” Flume, had men of all stripes eating out of her hand, while the eldest, Hestia “Tia” Flume, earned the affection of the well-respected Head of the Goblin Liaison Office, Dirk Cresswell, and now the pair are happily married with two children. Ambrosius’s middle child -- who was also, in most people’s view, his favorite daughter -- is more akin to a bitter dark chocolate, compared to her soft-spoken, sensitive older sister and her flighty, flirty younger sister. 
Hermia -- or “Mia” as she’s almost exclusively called -- is a witty, relentless young firebrand whose love for her family and hard work ethic dwarfs anything else, including her strong intellectual curiosity and her high aspirations. Mia was both the most ambitious and industrious of her siblings at school, doing her Head of House Pomona Sprout very proud by relentlessly putting 120% of herself into absolutely everything she did. She excelled at the Dueling Club, sang proficiently with the Frog Choir, and earned ten OWLs and NEWTs with nothing but her own sweat and tears. As a girl, Mia was determined to never do anything half-assed -- and this eventually included staying to work at her father’s shop as a chocolatier and pastry baker, even as Callie pursued a career with the Wizarding Wireless Network and Tia settled down into life as a stay-at-home mother. 
Mia’s primary passion is integrating magic and potioneering into the sweets she creates, so as to hopefully heal people just as much as feed them. Mia also -- during the Second Wizarding War -- uses her magical treats to smuggle in secret messages from the outside to Dumbledore’s Army, which her twelve-year-old nephew has aligned himself with, some of which came from Callie, who works as a correspondent for the underground anti-Death-Eater radio show Potterwatch. Mia also is instrumental in helping keep the many people kept in safehouses during the Second Wizarding War fed and in good health, even while staying in hiding. One of these such people who delivers her magical baked goods to different safehouses, including his own, is Jacob Cromwell, who ironically enough actually attended school at the same time Mia did. (Not that that people-dumb idiot remembered this fact, until Mia bluntly reminded him of it.) 
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1ddotdhq · 4 years
🍼Thurs Sept 24 ‘20👶
🚨🚨🚨ZAYN’S A ZADDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!🚨🚨🚨
Late last night, Zayn posted on Instagram (for the third time that day!), confirming that his daughter had been born. The caption read: “Our baby girl is here, healthy and beautiful🙏🏽❤️to try put into words how i am feeling right now would be an impossible task. The love I feel for this tiny human is beyond my understanding. Grateful to know her, proud to call her mine, and thankful for the life we will have together x”, and the picture was a black and white hand picture, with the little girl’s hand wrapped around his. The tattoos on his hands are prominent, as is his lock bracelet.These pictures do seem to appear a lot in this fandom, but they are also super common pictures that are taken post-birth - lots of new parents get them! Later, Gigi went on and posted another picture of Zayn (‘s hand) with the baby. Her caption read: “Our girl joined us earth-side this weekend and she’s already changed our world. So in love🥺💕”.
She was not, however, born yesterday, as Gigi’s caption puts the DATE of birth around the same time Mohamed posted and subsequently his “mother’s prayer” post, which means they fully spilled the beans, realized it a bit too late, and then tried to cover their tracks for the next WEEK and tried to pretend that she was still pregnant hahaha. Why?? Well, they had other things they wanted to announce, of course:  I’m gonna do a quick DISCOURSE SHOUT OUT HERE, because my girl has been saying FOREVER that the baby announcement would coincide with the announcement of new music, and guess what? It happened on LITERALLY THE SAME DAY.
The song isn’t out in Western markets - it will be made available midnight local time - but it IS available in New Zealand and Asia, and you can read the lyrics online! It comes a disappointment to those who were hoping for a sappy love song about domestic bliss. Rather, this seems to be about a rocky on again off again relationship between two people who are not good for each other. It was co-written by Cole Citrenbaum, who also co-wrote Don’t Let It Break Your Heart with Louis. Maybe we’ll see him around again?
Is that enough content for us? NO, says Liam, who went live again - on Instagram this time! He was in the studio, hanging with his DJ,  making music in that hyperenergetic, joyful way of his. He reminded fans that the show is on Saturday, and that the tickets are available in the link in his Instagram bio, and he’ll chat about the songs and the process of making music. He also found out what a thirst trap was, talked about how he pronounced ‘adore’ (again), and - here’s the really good bit - CONGRATULATED ZAYN AND GIGI. “Oh, yeah. Congratulations Zayn and Gigi, as well,” he said, “It’s very lovely news to have this morning, bless them. Starting a family!” He then kept bopping his head, singing “feeling like I’m caught in the headlights”. Me too, Lima. Me too.
Liam wasn’t the only one to jump into that conversation: LOUIS, who only just followed Zayn on the ten year anniversary, liked Zayn’s instagram post. Of course, we all know that what LOUIS needs is more baby drama, because Briana hasn’t been doing enough these days! The tabloid news cycle continues churning the engagement story, and it gets muddier and muddier as the days go on and more details come to light, but that’s how lies go, I guess!
A bit of happy (non-baby) news is that Simon Cowell is OFFICIALLY being removed from Triple Strings Limited, as a part of his departure from Sony Music, so we knew it was coming sooner or later, but I’m sure glad it’s happened!
Meanwhile, pictures of Harry continue to flood our timelines, featuring his 1964 era speedboat with a bright blue interior, his dramatically long purple tunic, complete with a bonnet and matching pants , his bright blue 1960s era Vespa (which we haven’t seen in action yet, but I can’t wait!), and, of course, the crowds of people that have gathered to see him film this video. From those crowds of people, we get the report that they’re playing Golden, so we assume it’s a Golden music video!
In actor!Harry world, meanwhile, Sam Clafin dashed our dreams of him playing Patrick in My Policeman, saying “I’ve not heard anything about a possible link up with Harry Styles, but I’d happily do it. I’d happily go for it if he’s willing”. Can someone call Harry up and tell him to make it happen please????
Meanwhile, Niall went to play golf yesterday!
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kiragecko · 3 years
DC Sidekick Age References
Here’s a dump of all the references I’ve found. Know I’m missing a lot, and quite a few were found on other sites that didn’t give me the most precise info.
If you know of anything else, can correct a mistake you see, or want to discuss comic book aging - please send me an ask, message, or reblog!
?? - means I don’t know where the info is from, “quotes” are direct copies of the wording in the comic
?? Parents died when Bruce was 8
Detective Comics #27 (May 1939) – Batman introduced
Detective Comics #38 (Apr 1940)  – Dick is (8 when parents killed/9 when Robin) 12 when he becomes Robin, it's Bruce's 3rd year as Batman
More Fun Comics 73 (Nov 1941) – Green Arrow Introduced
1962 - JLA formed
1964 – Dick teams up with Wally and Garth
Teen Titans 1 (Jan-Feb 1966) – Teen Titans form, Donna is introduced (all 5 are 14ish?)
Detective 359 (Jan 1967) – Babs introduced, has PhD, has graduated
Batman #217 (Dec 1969) – Dick graduates high school, enrolls in University (starts 3 months later)
1971 - Roy discovered using drugs by Ollie and Hal in a drug den (he was trading arrows for drugs), retcon has Wally and Dick discovering him at tower and making him promise to get help
Justice League 116 (Mar-Apr 1975) Charley Parker is 16
Batman Family 10 (Mar-Apr 1977) – Dick is teenager, Babs is 25
Teen Titans 53 (Feb 1978) – Dick, Wally, Donna, Vic all started college at same time
DC Special Series: The Flash Spectacular (May 1978) – Wally graduates high school
New Teen Titans 1 (Nov 1980) – Raven forms New Titans, Gar is 16 during run
New Teen Titans 2 (Dec 1980) – Slade meets team, Grant dies
1981 - Dick drops out of university after 1 semester, he never really was interested
New Teen Titans 20 (June 1982) – Vic turns 19, Donna already is
Tales of the New Teen Titans 2 (July 1982) – Raven turned 18 just before forming Titans
Batman #357 (Mar 1983) – Jason’s first appearance
Detective Comics #526 (May 1983) – Bruce adopts Jason, Dick is there and approving
New Teen Titans 34 (Aug 1983) – Terra turns 16
Batman #368 (Feb 1984) – Dick gives Jason the Robin costume, Jason becomes Robin
Blue Devil(84) – Eddie is 11/12
Tales of the Teen Titans (May 1984) – Joey introduced, Author describes him as 17?
New Teen Titans #39 (Feb 1984) – Dick stops being Robin, Wally quits being a superhero/the team
Tales of the Teen Titans 50 (Feb 1985) – Terry and Donna's wedding (she got married while 19)
New Teen Titans 10 (July 1985) – Kole says she's at least 18
Crisis on Infinite Earths 7 (Oct 1985) – Supergirl dies in Superman’s arms after mostly destroying the Anti-Monitor, who has to flee reality
New Teen Titans 18 (Mar 1986) – Dick turns 20 (“Dick Grayson celebrates his birthday away from home with a traditional Tamaranean feast.” (While sulking because Kory got space-married))
New Teen Titans 20 (May 1986) – Roy locates baby Lian, Terry Long is 29
?? Roy is 22(when he gets Lian)
Batman #404 - Batman Year One (Feb 1987) – Bruce is 25, spent 12 years training, became Batman at 26, Barbara Gordon is pregnant, her and Jim move to Gotham
Detective Comics #571 (Feb 1987) – we see Bruce’s fear gas induced vision of Jason’s tombstone (birth: 1974 – death: 1986, so he’d be 12)
Secret Origins 13 (April 87) – 15 years ago, it was Dick’s 5th birthday. Soon after tenth birthday, parents are killed. [Set during New TT 18])
Batman #409 (July 1987) – Jason becomes Robin (In Detective Comics, Jason has been Robin the whole time, but is still being wwritten with Pre-Crisis personality)
Flash 1 (June 1987) – Wally turns 20
New Teen Titans Ann 3 (Nov 1987) – Danny Chase is 13 and introduced
Batman #416 (Feb 1988) – Dick in Gotham, meets the new Robin on patrol. Confronts Bruce later, says he was ‘fired’ less than a year ago (since then he was briefly in college), makes Bruce admit he missed him. Dick finds Jason again, expose the drug dealers, and Dick gives Jason his old costume (symbolically, since Jason already has one) and a phone number, Dick was Robin for 6 years
Batman #427 (Winter 1988) – Jason dies
Batman #436, Batman: Year Three (Aug 1989) – 2 years since Dick stopped being Bruce’s sidekick (When he became Nightwing? Or when he quit?), parents died 10 years earlier
Batman #441, A Lonely Place of Dying (Nov 1989) – Tim 13, was 7 when Dick’s parents died
Robin #1 (Jan 1991) – Tim debuts as Robin
New Titans 84 (March 1992) – Joey dies
Deathstroke, the Terminator #15 (Oct 1992) – Rose introduced
Team Titans 3 (Nov 1992) – Robert Long is born
Adventures of Superman 500 (June 1993) – Kon appears and escapes from Cadmus with Newboy Legion, John Henry Irons first appearance, Eradicator and Cyborg Superman also appear for first time
Batman: BTAS: Robin’s Reckoning (1993) - 'Richard 'Dick' Grayson: Age 10'
Detective Comics 668 (Nov 1993) – Tim gets license (because dad is disabled) even though he hasn’t turned 16 yet, gets beat up by Jean-Paul
Flash 92 (July 1994) – Bart aged to 14
?? Shortly after Knight’s End – Tim is 15 and in the 10th grade
Flash 0 (Oct 1994) – Wally is 23
Damage 1(94) – Grant is 16
Deathstroke, The Terminator Annual 4 (Aug 1995) – Rose is 14, “What would that do to a kid? A fourteen-year-old girl whose father is an assassin she’s never met?”
Wonder Woman 105(95) – Cassie is 14
Tempest 1(96) – Garth spends many months in other dimension
Aquaman 20 (May 1996) – Garth aged 3-4 years in other dimension, now older than other Titans
Teen Titans 1 (Oct 1996) – Argent, Risk, Joto, Prysm all turn 16(they were conceived by seed things on same day)
Superboy Annual 2 – to Kon: “Happy birthday, Kid - - number one in a long successful series, we hope.” “He will effectively remain sixteen years old - - forever!”
Green Lantern 82(97) – Robert Long is 3
Wonder Woman 121(97) – Terry and Robert die
Secret Origins Giant 1(98) – Bart is “Three. Fifteen. Depends.”, “you’re almost 15, Tim.”
Titans 5(99) – Donna is 23
Titans(99) – Lian is 4
Sins of Youth(99) – Kon 16, aging normally again
Aquaman 63 (Jan 2000) – Future Garth tells granddaughter Donna about Cerdian being born (think this is his weird birth issue)
Wonder Woman Secret Files (2002) – „Wonder Girl is a precocious outgoing 15-year-old named Cassandra „Cassie“ Sandsmark.“
Bruce Wayne: Murderer (2002) – Oracle says Tim is 15
Batgirl #37 (April 2003) – “Cain said ... today was ... my birthday.”
Batgirl #39 (June 2003) – “I see an eighteen-year-old girl, who’s out of her depth.” (Babs about Cass)
Robin #116 (Sept 2003) – Dana: “Oh, I’m so glad we’ll all be together on Thursday ... !” Tim: “Why? What’s Thursday?” Jack: “Yeah. What’s Thursday?” Dana: “Wait a minute – seriously? Tim: “Yeah. Tell. Us.” Dana: “It’s nothing – never mind. Just leave your schedules open for a nice family dinner.”| Jack: “Dana, what’s – “ Dana: “Shh! Thursday ...  the 19th of July ... ?” Jack: “Um ... oh! Right!” | Steph: “So – Thursday!! Are you excited? Got any ideas for it, yet? ... Tim ... ?” [Tim is asleep.] | [Ives and Steph come over, with pizza that says “Happy B-Day Tim.”] Ives: “Sixteen spankings – get that boy up!!” | Dana says: “I remember when I was in 11th grade.” | he also gets the first ‘clue’ for Bruce’s ‘birthday present.’
Teen Titans 1 (Nov 2003) – Gar is 19, Is this Joey’s return?? (He’s puppeting Slade)
Teen Titans ½ (2004) – Rose’s early years, with a ‘6 years ago’ flashback, she was raised in a brothel her mom ran, tutored, never allowed the outside world, but had relationships with kids her age
Detective Comics #790 (Mar 2004) – Jason’s 18th birthday “he would have been 18 today”
Teen Titans 8 (April 2004) – Raven looks 'barely older' than Cassie
TEEN TITANS #1/2 [2004]: The flashback panels totally sync up with my age theories; Flash to 10 years ago: Dick Grayson’s parents die. Flash to 6 years ago: Rose Wilson is schooled at home by her mother, Lili. Flash to 5 years ago: Ravager I is killed. Flash to 3 years ago: Slade is forced to kill Jericho. Flash to 2 years ago: Cadmus attempts to clone Superman. Flash to 18 months ago: Rose deals with the death of her mother. Flash to one week ago: Bart Allen is shot by Slade.
Identity Crisis 4 (Dec 2004) –(Tim still 16)
Green Arrow 47(05) – Mia is 17
Return of Donna Troy 3(05) – Cassie barely 16
Nightwing: Year One(05) – Dick is 26
Batgirl #65 (Aug 2005) – Cass decides to figure out if Shiva is her mom, Jason and Cass roughly the same age
Flash(05/06) – Wally is 26
?? Robin #136 – Tim still 16 ???
Detective Comics #868 (Oct 2010)– Kate is 32 years old??
One Year Later(Mar 06)
Flash 1(06) – Bart 4 years older(20?)
Blue Beetle 2 (June 2006) – Find out Jaime was in space/a pocket dimension for One Year Later
?? Just prior to 52 (July 2006-July 2007)– told Tim is 17 (long before he’s also  17 in Red Robin, 52 is 1 year long)
Teen Titans 42 (Feb 2007) – Eddie is 17
Final Crisis: Legion of 3 Worlds 3-4 (Apr-June 2009) – Bart and Kon back, same as when died
Batman 677 (July 2008) – Batman over 30
Batman: Battle for the Cowl (May-July 2009) – Damian is 10, Ends with Dick and Damian becoming Batman and Robin
Brave & The Bold 2 (May 2007) – Kara is 17, “You have food in the refrigerator older than her, Hal. Who are you, Ollie? No bad thoughts. She’s seventeen.”
Batgirl #1 (Oct 2009) – Steph starting college
Batgirl #7 (Apr 2010) - Damian is "what happens when you work with a 10-year-old."
Red Robin #12 (July 2010) – Tim spent “a few months” looking for evidence before returning to Gotham, becomes emancipated minor
Detective Comics #871 (Jan 2011)– Mention that Dick and Babs went to prom together
Red Robin #25 (Sept 2011) – Tim “and you are only 17”
The Batman Files (Oct 2014) – Jason was 15 at death (seen on death certificate)
?? Rebirth Young Justice series – Cassie: “didn’t mean to end up back in high school feeling - - like I did back when I went to high school.” Later, she says she’s in Metropolis “Working. Going to school in the fall.” So she’s probably starting college.
?? Bart in some Rebirth comic: “Am I six? Am I nineteen? That’s a really freaky thing, right?”
?? At some point: Donna says shes a little older than Kyle
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sammy-gvf · 4 years
We get along (for the most part)
Chapter One.
OC x Lee Bodecker
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Warnings: None for now. Just some cursing.
Plot : The local rebel badass girl and Lee Bodecker have had run ins, lets see how it goes, shall we? 
MINORS DNI !!!!! Eventually this story will get 18+. I dont feel like getting in trouble because of you. Thanks a bunch. 
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Evan Rachel Wood ( Across the Universe 2007) 
( personally in my head this is what she would look like but you can interpret her anyway you want!)
My name is Margaret Lane, well Maggy. 22. Born May 2nd 1947.
The resident bad girl, don't worry, I gave myself that nickname.
I have lived in this tiny, middle of nowhere town my entire life. Same people, same gossip.  There's no escape. No matter how hard I try, something always stops me. I live with my parents and little brother here in Knockemstiff, Ohio. My parents and I have a mutual understanding of “you go to work and come home and then we don't talk”, which is fine with me. My little brother is the only one I can really rely on. He is 17 years old and he is really the only person in my family that I can really talk to. I mean, I have friends but they aren't living in the same house as me. Not yet at least, we are thinking about moving out all together.
High school is where I built my reputation, of course. Used to sneak around with Arvin Russell, which led me to meet Lee Bodecker. Sneaky ass sheriff used to follow my every move, making sure he took every opportunity to bust Arvin and I any chance he got. 
Had nothing better to do than to bust on teenagers who were sneaking out to their parents, what a loser. Along with gaining some parking tickets and speeding tickets along the way, we became acquaintances. Thinking about the future, I was dying to leave this town. Never got the chance to after high school, hopefully I will as soon as i'm done college. 
 I can say whole heartedly that I do NOT enjoy Lee's presence. That man memorized my license plate number. Stops me all the time, for no reason. 
It was a warm saturday evening, about 7pm. I had just got some college work done. Figured it was too nice to just sit inside, right?
 I get up out of my bed and put my school stuff in my bag, walking over to my closet to put on a pretty yellow flowy dress and grab my leather jacket, that'll go nice with the breeze coming in through my window.
I put my hair up in a bun and slip on some keds, something easy ya know? 
I turn off the light in my room and walk into the living room where I see my father asleep on the couch, I walk over to the counter and grab a little piece of paper and write “going out for a drive, be back soon” and put in on the table in front of my father so if he wakes up, he knows where I went. 
I actually have a lot of freedom compared to other girls my age, many girls my age are looking for husbands and/or their parents are trying to set them up with someone. My parents know who I am, I was so against having an actual boyfriend so I just slept around. Obviously, people at church got wind of it but I didn't really care, to me men are there at my disposal. I play the field for my own reasons. 
I grab my keys off the door in the foyer of my little house and head outfront. 
I head down the steps of my house and waltz towards my red little 1964 Ford Mustang. Worked for it all by myself. 
Getting in the car, I pop a cigarette in my mouth and light it up. Keeping the cigarettes in my car was my best bet, my father would kill me if he knew I smoked these things. Turning on the car, I throw in a Led Zeppelin cassette, immediately Whole Lotta Love starts playing. What a good song to drive to. 
I put my windows down and start driving down a long road where I know for a fact no one drives this time of night, partly because they are afraid of the sheriff, Lee Bodecker. 
Lee doesn't scare you, never has. 
Blaring music at high volume was what you  were known for in these parts and you could really care less about the time and how loud you had it. Music is a really important part of your self expression. 
Speeding down the road, cigarette in my mouth screaming the lyrics 
You need cooling
Baby I'm not fooling
I'm gonna send ya
Back to schooling
A-way down inside
A-honey you need it
I'm gonna give you my love
I'm gonna give you my love
 I smile and listen to the lyrics, I feel like such a rebel. People in these parts don't listen to this type of music, devil music they call it. They think it has some deep down evil meaning. I just shake it off, they wouldn't know real music if they tried. 
 I could just leave right now if I wanted to. Drive out of town and start fresh, no one would miss me. Except my brother and friends. They are really the only people keeping me in this dead end town. 
The cool breeze enters your hair and you lose your hair tie. Fuck. 
“ Damn It”  You say as you put the cigarette down and try to look to see where it went. It's nowhere in sight. 
“ I have to pull over to get this thing” you think to youtself. It's the only hair tie you own right now.
you light another cigarette and pull my car over to a slightly darker side of the road. You get out of the car and start searching for my hair band, it had to have fallen behind your seat. 
 Of course, you saw familiar blue and red lights pull up right behind me.
“Fuck me” you mutter as you turn around, shut the car door, kick the dirt under your feet and lean up against the car , patiently waiting for Lee to take his good ol time walking to me.
Lee exits his police cruiser wearing the typical uniform with the typical toothpick in his mouth.
You watch him as he slowly strides over towards you and You roll your eyes at him as he eyes you down, prick.
“Well, well, well, Ms. Lane. Fancy to see you here.” Lee says smirking and laying one hand on your car's trunk. You scoff at him.
“ Hands off the car, Bodecker. Thought you'd know better than to touch what's not yours.” You say looking over at him, taking a drag of your cigarette. Lee scoffs and walks over to you, taking the cigarette out of your mouth and crushing it with his shoe. Your jaw drops and you look over at him in disgust as he chuckles at your reaction to his doing.
“Pretty little ladies like you shouldnt be smokin these, could make ya look ugly” He says. 
You can smell the tobacco smell coming off him, the smell of mints sticking to his breath. He is a little closer to you now, you back up and grab your pack of cigarettes out of the cup holder in your car. Bending over, the sheriff gets a nice view of your backside for a split second.  
“Sheriff, I would like to respectfully say I do not give a fuck what a man thinks about how I look smoking a cigarette, I am not here for a mans enjoyment. Also, one more pet name and I'm telling your wife.” you say as you light another cigarette and the sound of Led Zeppelin is lingering in the background, Lee clicks his tongue and looks over at you.
“Ms.Lane, you have quite the mouth on you. Not very ladylike for a woman your age.” Lee takes his hat off and leans against your car. He lights a cigarette and stands there for a minute. You look at him confused and you roll your eyes. 
“Lee, besides bothering me, do you have a purpose being here right now?” You look at him and say while you take a drag of your cigarette. Lee looks over to you and laughs. 
“Well, I just seen a car parked all by itself on the side of the road and I was on duty anyways but then I saw your license plate and figured I'd see why you, little lady, are out all by yourself at this time of night.” Lee says throwing his cigarette on the dirt ground below him. 
You turn to look at him and finish your cigarette, leaning against the car still.
“ I appreciate your concern, Bodecker. I am just out for a drive and pulled over to find my hair tie, it came out while I was driving. Pulled over to look around for it, don't want my hair in my face while I am driving. Also, not a little lady. I am grown.” You say turning away from Lee and finding your hair tie, you turn to Lee while tying your hair up, smirking you say
“ Goodnight Officer,also don't follow me again, yeah?” You say climbing back into your car and you slowly pull away.
Lee stands there watching as you climb back into your car, the smell of your perfume in the air invades his lungs, dumbfounded, he smirks and laughs to himself. 
“Smart girl” Lee says as he smirks and turns to go back to his cruiser.
You had noticed sometime down the road that there was a car following you with no lights on, you had just assumed it was some random person but with one certain lick of light you saw the sheriff's face in the mirror of your car mirror. Figuring that out, you went a little faster down the road and then you lost your hair tie, you knew what was coming. 
You look in the car mirror to look at Lee. He's already turned his car around and started driving the other way. You werent dumb, you know from the years of Lee catching you sneaking out and drinking and or having boys in your car as a young girl, he knows your moves. It makes you think he patrols these parts so he can catch you doing something dumb one day just to cuff you up and get some control. He never does. 
 Two people with reputations in this town. 
 How bad can it get?
Hi everyone! Welcome to my first fic! Lee Bodecker is quite the character and I have been wanting to write him for a while. Dont forget to leave some opinons so I can know what yall would want to possibly happen! Dont forget to like/reblog! It would mean the world. I am not sure about my posting schedule but itll most likely be once or twice a week! also let me know if youd like to be added to my tags so I can let you know when I post another chapter! 
Tags- @please-buckme , @ladyfallonavenger , @buckysdolls , @nerdy-depressed , @do-not-pray-for-me , @unsentlettersandmore , @local-spacegirl , @youcancallmeishita , @not-another-fangirl​ , @angelicbabydolll
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archonssun · 4 years
Kiss Bang
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Kiss Bang
August 20, 2020
WC: 1964
When you fell asleep on the gunner, his face had immediately flushed a violent crimson. No matter how much time had passed since you and Prompto got together, the blind always reacted this way when surrounded by the others. Noctis had been the first to notice, a sly smirk alighting on his lips. He had known of his best friend's feelings for you since he and Prompto had met you in high school.
It had been their last year of high school, and they were hanging out in the arcade they frequented. Prompto was watching Noct try his hand at one of the shooter games, the blond smirking as the prince fumble terribly.
"C'mon, Noct, just admit it," Prompto smiled, clasping his friend's shoulder. "You're just not good at shooter games."
"Like hell I'll ever admit that," the prince grumbled. He was about to give it another go when you showed up. Both he and Prompto could only watch in awe as you decimated the pixelated enemies, far surpassing even Prompto's score. When you finished, you had taken the top spot on the leaderboard with a small smirk. As you turned, Prompto caught sight of your eyes. They were breathtaking. Literally, he forgot to breathe.
"Dude, you're turning purple," Noct muttered, and Prompto inhaled deeply -- too deep, because he started coughing. Your (e/c) hues turned to him, concern evident in your gaze as you watched the blond struggle to breathe. You vaguely remember seeing him around school, but couldn't for the life of you remember what his name was -- or if you actually knew it.
"Hey, are you okay?" you asked, placing a hand on the blond's shoulder. His blue-violet eyes clashed with your own, making you inhale sharply.
"Ye-yeah," Prompto stumbled, hurrying to stand straight and giving you a shy smile. "I-I'm fine, thanks."
You couldn't get the blond boy out of your head. He was beautiful: the freckles that painted his cheeks and nose, that gentle smile he had given you. And, fuck, his eyes. They were the most intense color you had ever seen, a sea of blue encased in violet. You were sure that no human being could possess eyes like his, and yet--
"(Y/n)!" your friend yelled, snapping you out of your reverie. Your head snapped up, looking them in the eyes. They had a small frown on their face. "You okay? You've been acting weird ever since you talked to that blond..."
"Yeah, I'm fine," you reassured them, taking a sip from your soda. Your friend watched you skeptically, but you paid them no mind -- your brain was filled with thoughts of the blond, and only him. Why hadn't I talked to him before? Had I just never noticed him? No, I clearly remember seeing him in the halls at school... so why--
Again, you were pulled from your thoughts by your friend's voice, dragging you into a conversation. So engrossed talking with your friend, you didn't notice a certain blond watching you.
"Prompto, stop staring. It's creepy..." Noct mumbled, the prince trying the shooter game again. Prompto's blond brows furrowed at his friend's choice of words, yet he didn't stop. Blue-violet orbs looked at the uniform you wore, and Prompto frowned. You went to his school, so why hadn't he seen you before? You looked to be about the same age as him and Noct, but he couldn't be certain.
The more he watched you talk with your friend, the more Prompto wanted to get to know you. You had overtaken him in his best game, beating out his score several times over. That wasn't just luck -- you had undeniable skill with guns. But he couldn't help but wonder if that was all you were skilled with.
Even days later, Prompto was on the lookout for you at school, and as the weekend rolled around he couldn't help but feel a certain pang of disappointment. The longer he went without seeing you -- without talking with you -- the lesser his chances felt to even approach you.
"I just don't get it, Noct," the blond whined, trailing after the prince. "She was wearing our uniform, but I haven't seen her at all."
"What's blondie on about?" Gladio grumbled, joining the two boys.
"A girl he met at the arcade," Noct answered plainly.
"Not just any girl!" Prompto defended. "She was awesome! Noct, you saw the way she used guns! You can't tell me it wasn't amazing!"
"Guns?" That had piqued Gladio's interest, amber eyes turning to the blond. "What did she look like?"
"Why?" Prompt asked slowly, his eyes narrowing.
"Because now I'm curious," Gladio snorted. He stretched his arms over his head, closing his eyes for the briefest of seconds. "Besides, the Guard just got a new recruit, around your guys' age. She's pretty handy with guns, too. So, tell me: what did she look like?"
"She had (e/c) eyes and (h/c) hair, and was about this tall," Prompto began, lifting his hand up to his shoulder. A smile was quick to split his face. "Man, you should've seen her! She was amazing, Gladio!"
"(E/c) and (h/c), huh?" the Shield muttered, hand lifting to rest on his chin. "Sounds like (Y/n) -- the new recruit I was telling you about."
(Y/n). Prompto let the name roll around in his mind before a smile came to his face.
"You think we'll get to meet her today?" Prompto blurted out, his face growing hot when he realized what he had said. Gladio let out a hearty laugh at the expression on the blond's face.
"Yeah. She's training with us today."
"Whoa." Prompto had to agree with Noct. Never in a million years did he think he'd see someone so comfortable with firearms, yet (Y/n) used them as if they were extensions of your own body. You were quick, too; never wasting a single second as you demonstrated for the others trainees. Your body was firm in its position as you fired, moving nary a centimeter from the gun's recoil.
Prompto’s tongue was nearly hanging out of his mouth as he watched you. It wouldn’t be an understatement to say the blond was awestruck.
“Noct! Noct!” he whispered, tugging at the back of the prince’s shirt. He heard Noct snort, but he turned to watch you regardless. Yes, the prince had seen you utterly kill it at the arcade game, but watching you use live firearms -- it made Noct uneasy. The way you moved, the way you carried yourself made it seem like you were born to fight.
When training had wrapped up, Prompto found the courage to approach you. You were maintaining your gun.
“He-hey,” Prompto stuttered, and you turned to face him. When your eyes met his, you nearly dropped your gun, not expecting to see the blond again -- least of all here.
“Hey,” you replied quietly, your eyes straying to look at the table. Prompto noticed this, and a small frown alighted on his features for a split second.
“I’m Prompto,” he smiled, hand outstretched. You only saw it because you had dared to look back at him. You hesitated for a moment before clasping his hand in your own.
“I’m (Y/n).”
“I know.” Your raised brow had Prompto trying to backtrack. “I-I mean -- Gladio, he--”
“I guess he told you, then,” you grinned. “That man has got to learn how to keep his mouth shut.”
“Not your fault,” you shook your head, taking your hand back and finishing with your firearm. It reminded Prompto why he had approached you in the first place.
“Hey, I was wondering,” he began, eyes shifting to look to his right. His hand came to rest at his nape, a slight flush painting his face and ears. He was silent for a few moments before his blue-violet eyes flicked back to meet yours. “Could you teach me?”
“Teach you?” you parroted. You had seen him during training; he didn’t need help with firearms.
“Yeah, teach me.” His lips pulled up in a brilliant smile, his eyes crinkling at the corners.
“Why me?”
“‘Cuz you’re the best gunner I know.”
Your (e/c) eyes opened slowly, a slight smile on your lips when they were met with blond hair. Carefully, you sat up. It was rare that you woke before Prompto, and you intended to capitalize on it. A hand went to run through his hair, and you bit a knuckle of your free hand to keep from laughing. Prompto had let out a purr-like sound when you had touched his hair. His arms wrapped tighter around your waist, nose burying itself in your stomach.
“Need some help there?” Gladio smirked, but you shook your head.
“He needs to get some rest,” you whispered, smile turning gentle as you watched the blond. “He’s been pushing himself too hard lately.”
“That’s so he can keep up with you,” Gladio snorted, and you pouted at the man before looking down at Prompto. You had known the blond for three years now. When he had asked you to teach him, you had been skeptical at first. You didn’t think you could teach him all that much; he had already been one of the best gunmen you had seen, even at seventeen. Fairly quickly, it had turned into you being the one taught.
“He doesn’t have to worry about that,” you pout. You ran your hand through the blond strands again. “He’s already far out of my league, in many ways.”
After you had spoken with Gladio, you watched Prompto progress at an unnatural pace. He was a prodigy with firearms, you knew this, but you couldn’t help the pang of jealousy that struck your breast. It was there for not a moment before it was gone, leaving guilt in its place.
It had become a struggle to keep up with him, now. He was above and beyond what you could ever hope to be, at least in your lifetime. No matter how hard you tried, all you saw was his back as he kept going forward.
“Babe, you okay?” Prompto’s voice startled you, making your head snap up from where it rested on your knees.
“I’m fine, Live Wire,” you cooed. “Just a bit tired.”
“Then come on,” he grinned, grabbing your hand and pulling you to your feet. He laced your fingers with his, his smile turning from blinding to soft -- filled with love and adoration -- and pulled you into the tent. Your own smile graced your lips as you followed after the blond. He took up his spot between Gladio’s sleeping bag and Ignis’s, pulling you down with him.
Prompto’s arms wound around your waist, pulling you into his chest. His lips resting against your forehead, you could feel the smile that had yet to disappear.
“I love you, (Y/n),” he muttered, pressing kisses to your temples.
“I love you, too, Live Wire,” you giggled. The hands at your back disconnected, one going to your hand. His fingers, woven with yours once more, gave your hand a light squeeze. Suddenly, your eyes were met with seas of indigo, Prompto touching his nose to yours.
“My little dead-eye,” the blond cooed.
“Fuck, why’re you so cute, dammit?!” you pouted. Prompto’s laugh encased you as he pulled you to his chest. You smiled against him, the vibrations of his chest eased your mind; there was no reason to feel envy towards the blond. You had both trained long and hard for the Crownsguard, and not once had he thought himself superior to you. You snuggled against his chest, “Thank you, Prompto.”
“Anytime, babe.”
Let me know if you wanna be added to the tag list!
Tag List: @katerleegrand, @orgawnas, @kirahhhh, @naisitaable​, @kenkopanda​, @blossattic​, @gladiosamicitias​
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11/22/63 pt2
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[Age almost 3 ]
A month later.
What am I going to tell Jack, Jackie said as she looks at the pregnancy test.
The pregnancy test was positive.
The baby monitor went off.
Mommy is coming, Jackie said as she hides the pregnancy test in her dress.
What wrong, Jackie said as she picks you up from your baby bed.
You had stopped crying when Jackie pick you up.
Mommy has something that she needs to tell you but we can't tell daddy just yet, Jackie says.
You look at her with your greenish-grey eyes.
You are going to have a brother or sister soon, Jackie said.
You giggle .
Let's get you dress for the day, Jackie said as she lays you on the changing table.
She takes off your clothes from last night and puts them in the dirty clothes.
Jackie dresses you in a white dress and she brushes your brown hair before she put a white bow on your head.
She puts little white shoes on you.
Now. Let's go find Daddy, Jackie said as she puts you on her hip.
Jackie walks into her husband's office with you on her hip.
Jack was so focused on the paperwork that was on his desk, he didn't notice Jackie and You coming into his office.
Hey Bunny. There is someone here to see you, Jackie said.
Hey Kid, What is it, Jack said.
You reach your hand out towards him.
I think that y/n wants you, Jackie said.
Give me her, Jack says.
Jackie hands you over her husband.
Hi baby girl, you look adorable, Jack said.
You hid your face in his chest.
I have something that I need to tell you, Jackie said.
What is it kid, Jack asked?
I'm pregnant. Jack.
I'm going to be a father again, Jack said with a smile.
Yeah. You are, I was so scared after losing Patrick, Jackie said.
Three months later.
I can't wait to see if it's blue or pink that comes out of that balloon, Jackie said.
I have a feeling that blue is going to come out, Jack said
I hope that it another girl, Jackie said.
Are you ready, Bobby asked?
Yeah, Both Jack and Jackie said ( Ik that they didn't have gender reveals back in the 1960s and just pretend that they did ).
Jack and Jackie look at each other before they pop the balloon.
Blue confetti came out.
Yes. I'm getting another son, I love you so much, Jack said as he wrapped his arms around Jackie.
I love you too, Jackie said.
Ik that you want another girl, Jack says.
I did but I'm happy that we are having a boy, I'm giving you another son after Patrick passing and nobody will ever take his place, Jackie said.
May 29, 1964.
Happy Birthday to  Y/n and Jack, Jackie said.
Thank you, Kid, Jack said.
Your face was cover in cake.
Someone loves their cake, Jack said as he wipes your face.
You smile at him.
Come here birthday girl, Jack said as he picks you up and put you in his lap.
Do you want to help daddy with his gifts, Jack asked?
You clapped.
I'm going to take that as a yes then, Jack said.
Here you go, Jack said as he helps you with the gift.
You were more focused on the wrapping paper than the gift.
October 1, 1964
Keith Fitzgerald Kennedy was born on October 1 at 2:30 pm.
Keith Fitzgerald
8lbs and 110z and 21 inches long.
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breaniebree · 4 years
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Talking about my love for my OC with @xxqueenofdragonsxx​.  This is my Zahira as best as I can make her, though someone awesome may be drawing me some amazing fan art of her so fingers crossed. 
Magizoologist, works for the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures for the Ministry of Magic.
Born 9th April, 1964 to parents Michael Ivanovich (Misha) Zacarias and Magnolia Jackson Zacarias.  Misha, a Muggleborn Russian Auror who is following the trail of a dark wizard and finds himself in Paris where he meets the American witch Magnolia Jackson.  They fall in love and get married and Magnolia moves to Moscow to be with him and then when Zee is six, her mother is killed.  
I think that it was a gruesome death, a curse that tortured her for days before she finally succumbed to her death.  They were living in Russia at the time and Zee was with her Baba and Deda, as she was only six, and her mother had gone into town to do some shopping.  The dark wizard was stalking her and cursed her.  She was left alone in an alley to die and wasn’t found for almost six hours, by then, the curse had taken over too much of her and any attempt at saving her life was impossible.  She’d lost her mind and Zee was never able to say goodbye.  Magnolia didn’t even recognize Misha when he found her which was part of why it hurt Misha so much to lose her in the end.
Misha meets Sorcha Brown when Zee is eight, a freelance journalist from Scotland. Zee grew up travelling between Scotland and Moscow and she always loved animals.  She spent her summers visiting her American grandparents on their ranch in Toccoa, Georgia where her grandmother owns a 50s diner called Flo’s and her grandfather is chief of police.  Her stepmother is the mother she grew up with.  Mama, seeing Zee’s love for animals always allowed her to bring home strays.  Her father continued to work in Russia, travelling back and forth via international portkey every day when they spent time in Scotland.  And when it came time for her to go to school, they decided to send her to the wizarding school in Russia — the Koldovstoretz School of Magic because it had such an amazing Care of Magical Creatures program.  She speaks fluent French, Russian, and Mermish because of her upbringing and her career and a little bit of Greek.
She has 4 tattoos:
Gold and green tribal elephant on right side of ribs
Red and gold dragon across spine
Black niffler on back of her neck
Zee tattoo over scar - deep green vines with bright blue orchids scattered from the top of her left hip down the side of her thigh, wrapping around her knee, Lady Godiva hidden in the vines covering her scar lying on a bed of blue orchids ending at her ankle.  I AM WOMAN written on one side, HEAR ME ROAR, written on the other.
Zee found him napping on the sofa and she smiled at the sight of him, bending to kiss his forehead.  Her curls tickled his face, a small smile on his lips.  Not wanting to disturb him, she hurried upstairs to pack the rest of her bag.  She changed into a short halter dress over her new bikini and was admiring her calf in the mirror when he came in.
His eyes met hers in the mirror and the look in them sent desire raking through her.
“When did you get home?”
“Maybe fifteen minutes ago?  You looked so peaceful having your nap.”
“I was resting my eyes,” he said, making her grin.
Sirius moved towards her, his eyes trailing down her body.  “You look fucking gorgeous.”  His gaze stopped on her leg, a brow rising.  “You got a new tat?”
Zee held onto his arm as he picked up her leg to examine the new tattoo.  She had gotten Lady Godiva.  She’d done her panther’s sleek form in a dark black outline but other than her golden eyes, she’d coloured the panther in with flowered camouflage.  Purple perennials and pink tulips, red roses and blue lilacs that brightened her leg and covered every inch of the ugly burn scar to the back of her knee.  Deep green vines and leaves surrounded the outline of the panther, framing the words written down either side of the panther in cursive: I Am Woman and on the other side it continued with: Hear Me Roar.
“Fuck, that’s sexy,” Sirius murmured, his fingertips tracing the words. 
“Yeah?”  Zee said.  “I didn’t want to look at my burn anymore so I wanted to cover it with something beautiful.”
“And the Reddy lyrics?”
She grinned.  “Points to you.”
Sirius let go of her leg and bent his head to kiss her.  “I love it.  But you were sexy with the scar too.”
Zee slipped her arms around his neck.  “And that, Mr Black, is one of the many reasons why I love you.”
Sirius slid his hands up her back into her hair.  “Let’s go shag on the beach.”
She laughed as he let her go and picked up their bags.  “Sounds perfect.”
As he walked out the door, she couldn’t help but think that she had never loved anyone more than the man before her.  She didn’t know what the future held for her, but she did know that her future was nothing without Sirius Black and Harry Potter. (Excerpt from A Second Chance, chapter 213)
Zee’s wand was made by Gregorvich and it is chestnut as the wood meshes with her love of animals, I think it’s short like her, only 15 cm  in length and her core is from a coral reef.  Her wand core gives the owner patience, someone with a coral reef core knows how to bring things to fruition, provide protection for all, as well as generate longevity.  They have a knack for deflecting disaster, whatever form it takes.  They are also loving, nurturing, and healing; are a source of enduring friendship and support and often the glue that holds the ship together.  I thought it sounded very much like Zee.
She stands no taller than 156 cm (roughly 5′1 and 3/4) and often wears 4 inch heels as if she was born in them, preferably her heeled cowboy boots.  She has long dark brown hair with golden caramel highlights mixed through it.  Her grandmother on her mum’s side was African-American so her skin is like a caramel toffee.  She loves bright red lipstick and big earrings.  She wears a white gold and turquoise turtle belly button ring and usually has smaller hoops or studs in her ears above the big hoops.  As shown above and mentioned before, she is very curvy, hourglass and I picture her body type like Jaydah Doll, but her face is the gorgeous model at the top (I saw her and thought Zee).
Her pet is a panther named Lady Godiva.  She rescued her from Muggles who were hunting her and her pack in Kenya.  Her parents were killed and she was the only cub that she could find so she nurtured her and kept her safe.  Why Godiva?
“I always admired her bravery; standing up for what she wanted and doing the only thing that she could do at the time to make her stand.  No one would listen to her and she had no power and no ability to use weapons.  She wasn’t a witch with powers to sway them so she set out on a horse, completely nude, and she got the attention she wanted.  She made her mark.  I found Lady Godiva in Kenya, hiding from the Muggles who had shot and killed her family, when I rescued her and confronted the Muggles, she jumped from my arms and stood in front of me, growling at them, almost daring them to fight her to get to me.  I thought that she was making her stand, a cub with no power of her own, but she was trying.  So I named her Godiva.” (Excerpt from A Second Chance, chapter 65)
Her grandfather on her dad’s side was a Muggle and veteran of the Second World War.  He drove a 1937 BSA M20 and it’s hers now.  She loves motorcycles and getting her hands dirty.  She’s an incredible cook.  She likes to read mystery, horror, and romance novels.  She travels for her job and has been all over the world, but has recently been enjoying her time working in the menagerie within the Ministry of Magic and helping to organize it.
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As to the Koldovstoretz School of Magic, I like to think it’s hidden somewhere deep in Russia and that it looks like the ruins Balga Castle to prevent anyone from finding it, but when you get through the warding it opens up and looks the Vologda Kremlin and Saint Sophia Cathedral, just gorgeous Russian architecture -- but not as large as Hogwarts’ castle.  It says that they played a version of Quidditch there where they flew on uprooted trees instead of broomsticks -- which is another reason why I think Zee was never big into playing the sport herself.  Also I imagine her as short and curvy, which means she may not have great balance on a broom, and she loves riding the motorbike and likes the Muggle machine more than a broomstick if she has to choose.
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As to her family tree:
The Jacksons:
Colten (Muggle) and Florence Jackson
Daughter Magnolia Jackson Zacarias (deceased) married to Michael (Misha) Zacarias with one daughterZahira Zelena Zacarias
The Zacarias’:
Ivan and Anya Zacarias (Muggles – Ivan was the soldier in WWII with the motorbike that he gave to Zee)
1. Michael (Misha) Ivanovich Zacarias m. Magnolia Jackson Zacarias (d) m. Sorcha Brown Zacarias
(a) Zahira Zelena Zacarias eng. Sirius Orion Black
(i) Harry James Potter
(ii) Twin 1 and Twin 2 Black (due January 1997)
2. Olga Ivanova Zacarias Petrov m. Dimtri Petrov
(a) Mikhail Petrov m. Ana Ivanov
(i) Yuri Petrov (11)
(b) Mila Petrov Sokolov m. Nicholas Sokolov
(i) Nastasia Sokolov (9)
(ii) Dinara Sokolov (6)
3. Sasha Zacarias Blok m. Yerik Blok
(a) Tanya Blok Fedorov m. Alek Fedorov
(i) Eva and Irina (twin girls identical) (2)
(b) Tatiana Blok eng. Iosif Kuznetsov
The Browns:
Callum and Fiona Brown
Brian Brown m. Jocasta Fitzgibbons
(a) Dougal Brown m. Ellen Smith
(i) Jenny Brown (24)
(ii) Ian Brown (22)
Sorcha Brown m. Misha Zacarias
(a) Zahira Zacarias
Names for Family Members:
Ivan & Anya = Baba and Deda
Tetya = auntie
Dyadya = uncle
Misha & Sorcha = Papa and Grandmama
Colt & Flo = Grandpa and Grandma
Callum & Fiona = Gran and Grandda
Basically, I love her and I’m so glad that other people have come to love her as much as me.
Zeerius is my canon.
@velvethopewrites​ thank you for loving her enough to put her in your Muggle AU.
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stainedglassgardens · 4 years
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Watched in May
A Russian Youth (Мальчик русский) Sicario Fedora LoveTrue The Platform Water Lilies (Naissance des pieuvres) The Assistant The Half of It Tomboy The Last Man on Earth Beanpole (Дылда) Mommy The Fall Girlhood (Bande de filles) Carnival of Souls Marguerite & Julien Portrait of a Lady on Fire (Portrait de la jeune fille en feu) This Magnificent Cake! (Ce Magnifique Gâteau!) Romantic Comedy Transnistra Eraserhhead The Farewell Emma. Late Night Charlie's Angels Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) The Ancestors Came Suicide by Sunlight Anthropocene: The Human Epoch A Perfect 14 Westwood: Punk, Icon, Activist Free Radicals Aniara Vivarium La Pointe-Courte Diary of a Pregnant Woman (L'Opéra-Mouffe) Salut les Cubains Uncle Yanco (Oncle Yanco) GUO4 Atlantiques Sitara: Let Girls Dream Lions Love (Lions Love... And Lies) Živan Makes a Punk Festival (Živan pravi pank festival) Plastic and Glass The So-Called Caryatids (Les Dites Cariatides) The Octopus (La Pieuvre) Hyas and Stenorhynchus (Hyas et sténorinques, crustacés marins) Sea Urchins (Les Oursins) Bernard-L'Hermite (Bernard-l'Ermite) The Sea Horse (L'Hippocampe ou "cheval marin") Voyage to the Sky (Voyage dans le ciel) Le Vampire Freshwater Assassins (Assassins d'eau douce) How Some Jellyfish Are Born (Comment naissent des méduses) Shrimp Stories (Histoires de crevettes) The Love Life of the Octopus (Les Amours de la pieuvre) Acera, or The Witches' Dance (Acera, ou le Bal des Sorcières) Pigeons of the Square (Les Pigeons du square) The Slumber Party Massacre Jane B. par Agnès V. The Cranes Are Flying (Летят журавли) Crystal Swan (Хрусталь) Take Me Somewhere Nice Microhabitat ( 소공녀) The Unforeseen
Did not finish
Swiss Army Man (Daniel Kwan and Daniel Scheinert, 2016) Braid (Mitzi Peirone, 2018) A Secret Love (Chris Bolan, 2020) Calder's 1927 Great Circus (Le Grand Cirque Calder 1927, Jean Painlevé, 1955)
Did not like
Sicario (Denis Villeneuve, 2015) The Platform (Galder Gaztelu-Urrutia, 2019) The Half of It (Alice Wu, 2020) Sitara: Let Girls Dream (Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy, 2019)
I could take them or leave them
Fedora (Billy Wilder, 1978) LoveTrue (Alma Har'el, 2016) This Magnificent Cake! (Ce Magnifique Gâteau!, Emma De Swaef & Marc James Roels, 2018) Romantic Comedy (Elizabeth Sankey, 2019) Eraserhhead (David Lynch, 1977) Late Night (Nisha Ganatra, 2019) Charlie's Angels (Elizabeth Banks, 2019) Free Radicals (Len Lye, 1958) Aniara (Pella Kågerman and Hugo Lilja, 2018) Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) (Cathy Yan, 2020) The Ancestors Came (Cecile Emeke, 2017) GUO4 (Peter Strickland, 2019) Živan Makes a Punk Festival (Živan pravi pank festival, Ognjen Glavonić, 2014) The Unforeseen (Laura Dunn, 2007)
Films I enjoyed
A Russian Youth (Мальчик русский, Alexander Zolotukhin, 2019): Went into this with the single aim of improving my Russian. Loved the back-and-forth between “the story” and the orchestra playing the score to said story. The “story” itself is also tragically moving
Water Lilies (Naissance des pieuvres), Tomboy, Girlhood (Bande de filles) and Portrait of a Lady on Fire (Portrait de la jeune fille en feu) (Céline Sciamma, 2007, 2011, 2014, 2019): I saw all four of Céline Sciamma’s films practically in a row! I liked all of them, don’t think I prefer one over another. And I recognise she’s a talented filmmaker, even though she’ll probably never be a favourite
The Last Man on Earth (Ubaldo Ragona and Sidney Salkow, 1964): A good... vampire-zombie film... that is worth sticking with even though you might find it too ordinary at first
Beanpole (Дылда, Kantemir Balagov, 2019): This story is fucked up! I liked it up to a certain extent, but I suspect it was mainly because of the historical and geographical setting. If you like post-WW2 Russia and this is the film for you
Mommy (Xavier Dolan, 2014): The portrayal of the titular mother hit a bit too close to home... This was my first Xavier Dolan film and I was not disappointed. Only drawback: Céline Dion’s song “On ne change pas” has been stuck in my head ever since
The Fall (Jonathan Glazer, 2020): It was... good? From the publicity it received on Mubi, I thought this was going to be a feature film, so yeah, I was disappointed, I loved Sexy Beast and Under the Skin so much
The Farewell (Lulu Wang, 2019): I really liked it, I think this didn’t get nearly enough praise -- but I was expecting something life-changing when I “only” found this very good
Emma. (Autumn de Wilde, 2020): This adaptation felt like Autumn de Wilde really, really wanted her film to be shown in as many classrooms as possible. It was enjoyable! I liked her additions to the book, and I appreciate the challenge she took up
Suicide by Sunlight (Nikyatu Jusu, 2019): A good short vampire film about Black vampires who are protected from daylight by their melanin
Anthropocene: The Human Epoch (Edward Burtynsky, Jennifer Baichwal, Nicholas de Pencier, 2018): Stunning visuals, sobering message. Somewhere between Koyaanisqatsi and Unser Täglich Brot in tone
A Perfect 14 (Giovanna Morales Vargas, 2018): This, by necessity, doesn’t cover everything on the subject of plus-size models, and practically speaking I didn’t learn anything -- but it’s well-made, and the personal stories of the main interviewees make a good, contrasted portrait
Westwood: Punk, Icon, Activist (Lorna Tucker, 2018): I came out of this feeling as if Vivienne Westwood wasn’t that interesting of a person, which I’m sure wasn’t the director’s intention... still, it was informative enough
Plastic and Glass (Tessa Joosse, 2009): A short somewhat-documentary about a choir in a recycling facility. Good music
The Slumber Party Massacre (Amy Holden Jones, 1982): Finally saw this! Very surprised to learn this was written by Rita Mae Brown. It was good as far as slashers go and of course, it is nice to watch something from that era that is not appallingly sexist
The Cranes Are Flying (Летят журавли, Mikhail Kalatozov, 1957): I guess I had to read about this afterwards in order to see how unusual it was for the time it was made. While I watched it I enjoyed the way it was filmed but the story left me indifferent, and I thought it lacked subtlety
Crystal Swan (Хрусталь, Darya Zhuk, 2018): A very aesthetically pleasing story set in 1990s Belarus, about a young woman who wants to emigrate to Chicago for the love of house music... the story will keep taking you unexpected places from there. The costumes are perfect, the soundtrack is interesting. It does feel a little as if it were made for export, and I thought it relied quite heavily on stereotypes about Slavs
Take Me Somewhere Nice (Ena Sendijarević, 2019): This coming-of-age road movie about a Bosnian girl who was raised in the Netherlands and comes back to visit her father in hospital has everything... drugs, violence, death, even cute dogs. The pastel palette makes it very satisfying
Microhabitat ( 소공녀, Jeon Go-woon, 2017): This film about a woman with a minimum-wage job who would rather leave her flat than quit smoking and drinking whisky just spoke to me
La Pointe-Courte, Diary of a Pregnant Woman (L'Opéra-Mouffe), Salut les Cubains, Uncle Yanco (Oncle Yanco), Lions Love (Lions Love... And Lies), The So-Called Caryatids (Les Dites Cariatides), Jane B. par Agnès V. (Agnès Varda, 1955, 1958, 1964, 1967, 1969, 1984, 1988): I decided to watch all of Agnès Varda’s films that are on Mubi France and that I haven’t seen already, in chronological order. This feels a bit like a chore sometimes, but I find it rewarding. It’s strange to think that even a few years ago hers was a name I’d heard a few times but that didn’t mean anything to me. And I know I can be merciless when it comes to French cinema. Anyway... I like what I’ve seen so far (the above plus Cléo and Vagabond), I like that someone can just pick up her film camera and make a short about caryatids... generally speaking I like Varda’s approach to film that makes it seem more accessible to people like me. I don’t think all of her films are particularly good, but I like that she made all of them. I never did particularly like Cléo, and I didn’t particularly like La Pointe-Courte in spite of the fact that it was shot very close to where I’m from. Of the above, my fave was probably Lions Love, even though (or because?) it doesn’t very much feel like a Varda film. Uncle Yanco is a close second. I’ve got three feature films left now
Films I loved
The Assistant (Kitty Green, 2019): Unfortunately enough, this reminded me of an internship I did a few years ago... I found it uncomfortably realistic, and thus very good. Julia Garner is perfect, as usual
Carnival of Souls (Herk Harvey, 1962): I watched this because it is a classic, expecting it to be over-the-top and not nearly as scary as I found it... a very good surprise
Marguerite & Julien (Valérie Donzelli, 2015): It’s hard to talk about this in a way that will make people want to see it without making me sound like a huge weirdo but here goes. It’s a story about a brother and sister who are madly in love with each other. It takes place in a fantasy past and is told like a fairytale. If you think it’s impossible to turn this premise into a good film please watch this
Transnistra (Anna Eborn, 2019): With this film I discovered the existence of the tiny unrecognised state named Transnistria... I also discovered Alla Pugacheva, who is part of a great nostalgic Russian soundtrack with Kino amongst others. The story is one of those documentaries about youth that punches you right in the gut. Definitely recommended
Vivarium (Lorcan Finnegan, 2019): This is the type of what, for lack of a better term, I call “minimal science fiction” that I really enjoy. I’ve thought about it a lot since then. I don’t know why people generally didn’t seem to like it. I thought the premise was terrifying and nightmarish, and the actual film effectively claustrophobic. Plu:s Imogen Poots
Atlantiques (Mati Diop, 2009): This is the short, not the feature film of the same name. I’ve heard a lot about Mati Diop and I saw this the second it became available on Mubi France -- and I didn’t regret it. Can’t wait to see Atlantiques, long form
The Octopus (La Pieuvre), Hyas and Stenorhynchus (Hyas et sténorinques, crustacés marins), Sea Urchins (Les Oursins), Bernard-L'Hermite (Bernard-l'Ermite), The Sea Horse (L'Hippocampe ou "cheval marin"), Voyage to the Sky (Voyage dans le ciel), Le Vampire, Freshwater Assassins (Assassins d'eau douce), How Some Jellyfish Are Born (Comment naissent des méduses), Shrimp Stories (Histoires de crevettes), The Love Life of the Octopus (Les Amours de la pieuvre), Acera, or The Witches' Dance (Acera, ou le Bal des Sorcières), Pigeons of the Square (Les Pigeons du square) (Jean Painlevé, 1928, 1929, 1929, 1930, 1934, 1937, 1945, 1947; Jean Painlevé and Geneviève Hamon, 1960, 1964, 1965, 1972; Jean Painlevé, 1982): I didn’t know who Jean Painlevé was before I decided to watch The Octopus. As it turns out, I am a sucker for well-made nature documentaries, and since all of these are short films, I ended up watching them all, in order of release, over the course of one afternoon. It’s a little bit crazy that these were getting made as early as the 1920s, and I can’t imagine what it would have been like to see them in theatres nearly a hundred years ago. Anyway these are all good, although I wasn’t expecting the vivisection that seems to have been par for the course in the early days
Yes, I really did watch 65 films in May. It becomes a little less impressive considering a fair amount of those were shorts, but still. Unemployment!
I have access to Outbuster now in addition to Mubi and Netflix, this time through my boyfriend’s account. It’s a French thing I think, and very cheap, but I’ve only just tried it with Microhabitat. Of course it was the Mubi Library thing that just completely sent me over the edge, and I want to watch all the things.
In June I hope to finish Agnès Varda’s filmography on Mubi and maybe watch some more Tarkovsky!
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dawnwave16 · 4 years
A Magical Friendship
Let’s see who still reads my stories...  As some may have noticed there are only 2 chapters of ‘Gamer Girl’ posted here on tumblr despite it actually being 5 chapters long.  If you want them, they are up on AO3 but I got tired of ZERO feedback here so I stopped posting.  If you like my work feel free to read everything there, depending if this story receives any feedback I might consider continuing to post my stuff here...
Rant over on with the story.
[Lily was 16 Hotch was 17 at a summer camp. This means I've changed the year that Hotch was born to 1963 and Lily's to 1964. She would have hidden her pregnancy with her robes and James would have helped her by saying that the child was his when she gave birth in the hospital wing.] The case should have been a simple one. Sure it was on a par with some of the worst they had ever worked what with the fact that the unsub was raping and torturing his victims before dismembering them while they were alive but with that level of planning and execution, it should have been easy to get the unsub to slip up. It hadn't been. The unsub had left no DNA for them, the cuts lacked tool marks and the bodies were too clean considering everything that had been done to them. They hadn't even been able to tell what had been used to clean them before they were dumped. It was beginning to look like the case was going to go cold. Reid was staring at the board they had been using for an hour when Morgan walked in and put a cup of green tea next to him. “What do you see, Pretty Boy?” “Something I'm not sure how to react to,” Reid replied softly his eyes yet to move from the board. “Explain,” Hotch said bluntly, having walked in behind Morgan. “All the victims fit the same profile. Petit, well off, successful women that are all unbelievably well-liked due to their kind and giving nature. Our unsub is somehow changing the victim's natural hair colour to black and their eyes to the same shade of malachite green, leaving no evidence as to how.” “We know all of this Reid. While we don't like it and find it unnerving, you seem to be taking that harder than the rest of us. The question is why?” Rossi cut in. “Simple, they are all being made to look like one person and unless they somehow have a twin, the only place they could have met her was in the UK. I know that everyone is said to have a physical twin somewhere in the world but given what these victims are going through, that seems unlikely to be the case here.” “Pretty Boy are you telling me you know who the unsub is trying to make their victims look like?” Morgan asked in disbelief. “Yes. And if my suspicions are correct, she is the only one who will be able to help us catch this person. The only problem is...” Reid trailed off. “Is what?” JJ queried. “No, not now. It won't impact on the case and in all honestly, I don't have any proof as to if what I suspect is true.” Reid said shaking his head before pulling his phone out of his pocket and dialling a number. “Hey, sorry did I wake you? Really? It's 08:30 AM so it should be 04:00 AM in London, did you have to wake up early for a meeting? Oh, wait so where are you? Alright then, um, can you do me a huge favour and come to the police station then? It's really important. Great see you in 5 minutes then!” Reid hung up the phone and looked at it in amazement. “What are the odds?” He murmured. “What are the odds of what?” Hotch practically demanded. “The person that I said all our victims resemble and that I suspect may be able to help us? She's here, in Salem, as a guest lecturer for something.” Reid said still looking amazed. This startled the team. Hotch was about to start asking Reid more questions when there was a knock on the door and he turned to see a pixie-like woman. She had long black hair tied neatly in a braid down her back which drew attention to her high cheekbones and pale pink, cupids bow lips. Her malachite green eyes were frames by thick lashes and a pair of black-rimmed butterfly glasses seemed to make her eyes even larger. She was dressed casually as she was wearing a pair of stonewashed blue jeans that she had paired with a slightly oversized red shirt printed with a gold lion and a pair of sneakers. She was also wearing a black double-breasted coat but it was hanging open. Morgan's jaw dropped as he looked her over a few times as if trying to confirm what he was seeing. Reid had looked up at the knock and smiled when he saw her. “Will! Hey, thanks for coming at such short notice. Guys, this is Willow Potter, we've been friends since we were children,” He said as he stood to greet her properly. “Penn, good to see you. It's been too long.” Her voice was soft yet it carried a hint of steal that let them know she was stronger than she looked. “So, not to be rude but what's up? You didn't say what was wrong on the phone and while I was trying to organise some time off to visit, you wouldn't have asked me to come here unless something had gone seriously wrong.” She smiled sadly as she spoke which helped to keep the tone light despite its severity. “The case we are working on has us baffled but what was of concern to me was how much the victims look like you. Take a look,” he said waving a hand towards the board. The details each of the women's deaths weren't written up but the team was worried about how she would react. She was quiet for a moment as she frowned at the board. “I don't know much about the case but I can see why Penn was worried, they do look a lot like me. Are there any details you can share without compromising your case?” Her voice was flat and gave nothing away which made Reid smile slightly. However, it was Hotch who answered her question. “They were all raped and tortured before being dismembered while they were still alive, then dumped in high profile areas. The problem is the unsub is leaving absolutely no forensic evidence and we have no way of tracking who could be next due to the changes he makes to his victims.” His voice was clinical as he spoke almost as though he was trying to shock her. “Any symbols left behind from where ever the women were taken from or even somewhere on their homes?” Willow asked calmly as she processed what had been said. Reid's head snapped towards her. “You think they might be part of Riddle's group?” He asked with a voice laced with worry. “The MO is identical to three members of his old group, so yes. I may be a teacher these days but I had way too much exposure to those sadists to be able to forget that type of thing,” Was her only reply as Morgan placed a video call to Garcia and Hotch called an officer over to ask him the same question. “What type of symbol are we talking about here? And why is it important?” Hotch demanded as the officer went to double-check. “Potentially, yes it is. If your unsub is who I'm thinking it is, your case just got a lot bigger than it already is. The symbol would be a skull with a snake coming out of its mouth.” Weirdly enough the description of the symbol seemed to come in distorted stereo as Willow and Garcia spoke at the same time. Willow's eyes closed as if she was in pain as she heard Garcia's words. “It was found at each of the victims' houses, burned into the door frame.” Garcia continued before looking at Willow, “Oh, um, hi. Sorry, I didn't expect anyone except my team to be there, I'm Penelope Garcia,” Garcia said slightly flustered. “It's alright, unfortunately, your case just got a whole lot worse and more complicated, though,” Willow said with a sigh. “Riddle's group?” Reid asked sadly. “Riddle's group,” Willow confirmed. “Would someone please explain what the significance of 'Riddle's group' is?” Hotch demanded. Willow and Reid exchanged a look before Willow looked at Hotch calmly. “As much as I want to explain it's the significance, I am bound by law to only be able to give you a highly summarised version until I know what everyone is cleared to know. I know Reid has the correct clearance for this, however that has nothing to do with his FBI clearance and more to do with the fact that he has been my voice of sanity since I was ten.” The team stared at Willow even as Reid watched her calmly. He could see the exact moment she came up with a plan and started smiling as a glint that normally spelt trouble for the one on the receiving end appeared in her eyes. “Hey, Garcia?” “Yeah?” “Try inputting Tom Marvelo Riddle, 1981 and Potter. It will throw up an alert that that is restricted information. It will also bring an agent to your office, which means I need to be clearly visible in your video call screen.” “Um, ok but” “The higher up's will block my requests to get the team read in. By them seeing me sitting with everyone here it'll force them to read every one in. If only to give me the chewing out that they'll want to give me.” Willow had a cheeky smirk as she said the last bit. “I hate when politics get in the way of getting a case solved and I'm not afraid of getting into trouble to get my way.” The team stared at her but Garcia did as Willow had suggested only to jump as her door was thrown open. The agent froze when he saw Willow smirking on the video screen. “Potter!” The agent growled. “You going to stonewall me or am I going to be allowed to get these guys read in so that we can get more killers off the streets? At the rate, you lot generally fuck around before you make a decision you are going to have another crisis on your hands that will make Newt's Mess look like a stroll in the park.” Willow had crossed her arms and was speaking to the agent calmly, however, the team could see the clear challenge in her eyes. “I will be reading in Agent Hotchner regardless of your decision just so you know if only so he knows why his team isn't going to be able to do the final takedown.” “What is it with you Brits thinking that you can do this type of thing?” The agent said throwing his hands up in the air. “Oh, I don't know. Maybe the fact that I have experience with chasing DE's and those associated with them? The fact that I took out their leader? Or maybe it is the fact that you are so concerned with possible outcomes that you can't see the forest for the trees? How many cases does this team solve per year? And how many cases do you lot get that sit stagnant on your desk that would
benefit from their expertise but don't get it because they are not read in? With all due respect, I'd recommend sorting out your priorities and realise that you could save more lives by asking for the help that you obviously need.” Willow stared at the agent until he suddenly threw his hands in the air. “On your head be it, Potter! But it's you that will be going before Lopez to defend your actions here. Don't forget to get them to sign the forms.” The agent turned on his heel then staked out the room slamming the door behind him. “That went well,” Willow said with a sigh of relief, flopping back into a chair her eyes closed as the unseen tension drained out of her. The team looked at her with a touch of confusion while Reid put his hand on her shoulder, silently asking if she was alright. “I'm ok, Penn,” she said quietly as Garcia let out a yelp as information suddenly became available to her. “Am I reading this correctly?” Garcia asked bemusedly, “Because if I am then I have to wonder how all of this stays hidden so well and how.” Reid motioned for everyone to take a seat while he closed the door and made the room as secure as he could. Willow cast a couple of discrete spells without taking out her wand and when Reid sat down next to her, the two of them tag-teamed with each other to get the team up to speed about the existence of magic. To say that their reactions would have been comical under any other circumstance was an understatement. “I'm sorry, we've seen a whole lot of weird things due to cases over the last few years but I just can't accept that magic is real with no proof.” Morgan spluttered. “That's fair. I didn't think magic was real either until I met Willow. Seriously, we didn't even know what it was until she was elven. All we knew was that if she didn't want us to be found, we weren't. If she didn't want food to go off or lose temperature or melt, it stayed the way it was.” Reid said with a smile as he remembered everything that had happened that summer. “Am I the only one that's confused as to how you two met?” Rossi said suddenly from where he was sitting. “We met and became friends when I helped her hide from her bully of a cousin while her family was in Las Vegas on a business trip for her uncle back when I was nine,” Reid explained calmly as Willow looked over his copy of the case files to get herself up to speed. “Willow had just turned 10 at the time and her Uncle's boss had insisted that she joined the family to give a better impression. We kept in touch after Willow had to return to the UK through letters and later through the odd phonecall whenever Willow could sneak one in. Oh, sure it had been difficult as neither of us had had much money so paying for our letters to be posted to each other but we made do. We had a small problem when she went to Hogwarts and we had to figure out how to get the letters to each other without the normal mail systems. In a fit of desperation, Willow eventually wrote to Gringotts and they recommended we get communication boxes. Willow ordered a pair through them and soon after that, we had each had a beautifully decorated wooden box inlaid with mother of pearl that had been enchanted to send whatever was placed in them to the matching box. It saves on postage and considering how much we wrote to each other that was probably a good thing.” The team smiled at Reid as he got lost in his memories. It was clear to them that there was something more between these two but they didn't know if the two of them had explored it yet so they stayed silent. “Before we continue with this case, can I just say that those details you asked me to look up are just tragic,” Garcia said suddenly. “I'm sorry about that Garcia. Getting you to try to pull the file regarding my parents' murder and the murder attempt on myself was the easiest way I could think of to get people to respond. Most people know I remember the night and more importantly, they know that I remember my mother's screams and my stepdad yelling for her to get away... Anyway, it's because of my views on it that it would automatically be flagged if someone searches for it.” Willow explained with an apologetic smile while the team, other than Reid, looked at her with a mix of sympathy and horror. “Wait, stepfather? I thought he was your father.” Reid said suddenly. “I did too until I read my mother's diary a week ago,” Willow quickly fished it out and handed said diary to him, “It turns out James was my stepfather and that he blood adopted me when I was born. Mom fell pregnant to a guy here in the States when she was 15 but managed to delay her pregnancy with a potion. She got hit with a spell that cancelled out that potion at some stage and after that, she hid it with baggy clothes and robes until she gave birth to me. She didn't give many details about who he could be though.” “She gave one that you would have missed but that gives my suspicion a bit more credence. She gives his first name and the name of the camp she was at when she fell pregnant.” Reid said quietly as he looked through it quickly. “Reid?” “Pretty Boy?” “Hotch, it's the same camp as the one you were telling us about the other day and...” Reid trailed off. “And?” Hotch prompted. “And your first name. She's written that she didn't get your surname and that her parents told her about three months worth of letters that they received and put aside for her but that her sister destroyed out of spite. It was what lead to their final fallout with each other and why she never wrote back, she didn't have an address to post them to.” Reid said looking at Hotch who was staring at both Reid and Willow in shock. “Apparently her parents had sent both of them to the camp as a last-ditch effort to reconcile their relationship. Both girls attended the camp under a false name and Lily wore contacts to hide her unusual eye colour. Either way, you'll need to do a paternity test to confirm all this,” He added. “As nice as it would be to find out my birth father is alive and that it's possible for me to get to know him, we have a case that needs to be solved first. We are both still alive and I think I've proven I'm really hard to kill so the case takes priority right now,” Willow said with a wry smile which seemed to make the team realise that they had gone seriously off-topic. With all the paperwork sorted for them knowing about magic, it was relatively simple for them to piece together why there was no normal forensic evidence. A quick test from the MME (Magical Medical Examiner) told them which spells were used on each of the women, which also gave them the biggest clue as to who the unsub was. “Well other than a rather violent severing charm being used to dismember each of your victims there is significant evidence of the Cruciatus Curse, mild use of the blood boiling hex and the last spell used on each of the victims before they were killed was the mutilation hex. Magic signature detection spells have shown two unique yet similar signatures leading me to believe that your killers are siblings. Oh and because this was done with a spell, a normal coroner would have missed it but each victim had the dark mark on the underside of their patella, placed their post mortem.” The MME's voice was forcibly detached from what he was describing which told Willow just how bad each victim was. With a quick word of thanks to the MME, she made her way back to the team to give them the details. As she walked she went over different ways to track down the Lestrange brothers, muttering as she went which earned her several side-eyed looks for the local LEO's. After walking into the room and giving them all the details she knew a plan was quickly hatched and just as quickly put into place. Neither Reid nor Hotch was too happy about the plan but they agreed that it was the best they could come up with. Willow would play as the bait and several American Aurors would be her back up. This kept the BAU away from the scene and safely away from any spellfire but it also meant that they were essentially handing the case over to the people who were best equipped to handle it. Their part was done and the best part was they would have drastically less paperwork to do then they normally would. That didn't stop any of them from worrying about Willow though so their Auror contact decided to have a bit of a QnA session with them. It didn't take long for the team to ask about potions and it here that the Auror slipped up slightly. Hotch asked if wizarding kind had a way of working out who a sample of blood belonged to which lead to a discussion about heritage potions and how they worked in general as well as if they were affected by blood adoptions. Since the Auror didn't know all the circumstances he had readily answered the question and offered to show them how they worked. A quick look at Reid had him sighing and reaching into his wallet and bringing out what looked to be a letter faded from age. What scared them was the amount of what looked like blood that was staining the page. Reid refused to acknowledge the questioning glances as he asked the Auror how much blood was needed. Seeing the letter and guessing it was important to the man holding it, he admitted that they only needed a tiny piece if they were just trying to identify the person the blood belonged to and the next of kin. Reid handed the Auror the letter and with a quick spell, a small piece was removed without touching the contents of the letter. With the bloody paper added to the potion, he proceeded to drop a fountain pen into the pot he had used since it looked less suspicious. Once the potion had vanished due to the pen absorbing it the Auror was quick to place it on a clean sheet of paper and the BAU team watched in amazement as Willow's name appeared in a neat print quickly followed by
the names Lily Evens (Potter) and Aaron Hotchner. The name James Potter also appeared but with a line next to it that said it was a blood adoption. Everyone in the room stared at the results. Reid ran a hand over his face knowing he would now have to deal with an overprotective Hotch if he ever wanted to act on his feelings. Hotch, on the other hand, was wondering how he was going to get to know his adult daughter and what he should be doing to help her. The rest of the team were just as unsure of what they should be doing. After a further three hours of debates about magic that had followed the awkward silence brought about by the announcement of Willow's paternity, the door finally opened. It was Willow much to their relief however Spencer was quick to notice that she had changed into a button-down blouse and that there was a bandage peeking out from under the collar. “Are you ok?” He blurted out without thinking. “Yeah, I'm going to be on a potions regimen for the next month at least but I'm ok. It seems Dolenhov was with them and he decided to use his speciality curse against me. I dodged the worst of it by creating a marble sheet in front of me but I didn't make it big enough so the edge of the curse caught my shoulder.” Willow reassured him with a soft smile. She walked in and sat down on one of the free chairs tilting her head back and closed her eyes. “I think I'm a little out of practice with my dodging,” her wry comment made Spencer shake his head at her. “I think you've done more than enough of that type of thing in your life to have earned your retirement into being just a teacher, Will,” Spencer said just as wryly. “Besides it's been how long since you stepped down from being an Auror? Cut yourself some slack Will.” “You were an Auror? What made you decide to become one and why the drastic career change?” Hotch asked quietly. Willow looked at him in confusion until Reid handed her the paper from earlier with the heritage potion results on it. Her expression cleared up as she read it even as she sighed. “To understand that you need a fuller picture of what I've lived through. That is a very long story though and I know that this room will be needed by the police here so would it be possible to move this discussion to my suite at the hotel? I promise it's large enough for everyone to be able to sit comfortably.” Willow's voice was soft as she spoke, the edge of sadness making it apparent to the team that she didn't want to talk about her life and that she was giving herself the time to prepare herself to do just that. They made their way back to the hotel that Willow was staying at and were soon settled on the couches comfortably. Willow had brought a stone bowl out from the bedroom area of the suite and had set it on the coffee table. She had explained what it was and how it worked as well as the fact that this one had a projection function so they wouldn't have to touch anything in order to see what she needed to show them. She used a fairly happy memory from her visit to Vegas to show them how it worked and Spencer had blushed a bright shade of scarlet at the teams cooing over how cute he was when he was young. Soon enough though everyone was wishing for something stronger than coffee as they listened and watched some of the important parts of Willow's life. They soon understood why she had felt like she had no choice but to be an Auror and were even more grateful that she had stayed in contact with Spencer as he had been the one to act as her sounding board when she had faced the choice of retiring from the force while still in one piece. Sure she had her scars but she hadn't lost any limbs like some of the others. As for Hotch, he couldn't be prouder of his newly discovered daughter if he had tried. She was strong and focused and had been through what most would consider to be hell. Heck, they had had unsubs that had gone through less than what she had and yet they had snapped but his daughter was still standing strong. She was still able to laugh and smile despite everything which impressed him tremendously. It was very late by the time Willow had finished her story and the room service cart had come and gone with meals and desserts for everyone. The team had tried to pay for their meal but Willow had waved them off saying that she had it covered while Spencer watched in amusement, eventually bursting out laughing when they tried to insist. “What do you find so funny, Petty Boy? It's only fair that we pay for ourselves as shouldn't have to cover all of what we ate out of a teacher's salary!” Morgan demanded heatedly, which made Willow give in to her laughter as well. “Morgan, I have never touched my salary, most of it goes straight to charities to help orphans or those that are being abused. I live off of the interest my various investments make. To be honest, thanks to my inheritance I never have to work a day in my life and neither would my children or grandchildren. I work because I'd go mad otherwise. Besides, I like the fact that I'm teaching the next generation how to defend themselves.” They all headed to bed soon after that with Willow having transfigured most of the couches into very comfortable beds for everyone. It was only when JJ woke up in the middle of the night needing the toilet that she noticed that Reid was not on one of the transfigured beds and that there was a light shining through the crack of Willow's ajar bedroom door. A quick peek showed that Reid and Willow were both still awake and were talking to each other as the cuddled on the bed. Thankfully for her peace of mind, they were both fully dressed.
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majingojira · 5 years
Batman Real-Time Aging Timeline
One of my fun hobbies is, well, a crossover universe where things age in real-time.  I’ve been working on a timeline involving masked vigilantism, and Batman is, of course, central to it.   Presented below is part of that rough timeline.  Things are still in flux, but understand that the primary sources for this are a few select crossover stories (IE: Batman & Captain America, Batman & Tarzan: Claws of the Catwoman, Batman vs Predator, Batgirl & Ghost, etc), and stories that involve real-time aging for the Bat-Family (IE: John Byrne’s Generations -- though even that is a bit weird).  And Pulps.  Lots and Lotas of Pulps.  Also, things are taken with a “Imagine trying to figure out what happened at Pearl Harbor when all you have to go on are the movies made from it” and most comics fall under the Michael Bay version.  
I’ll focus on dates of birth, mantel adoptions, marriages, retirements and the like, but I’ll also mention fun crossovers that occur along the way. Not all of them, but some.   So, brace yourself for weird.  But I did my best to include EVERYONE.  
1917 - Bruce Wayne born. 
1928 - Dick Grayson born. 
1929 - The Shadow saves the Waynes and their son from a mugger.  (Batman #259 - “The Night of the Shadow”) However, he only delays the inevitable as the Waynes are gunned down in front of the young Bruce who swears to never let that happen to anyone else. 
1930 - James Gordon, in an effort to clean up Gotham, takes to some mild vigilantism himself as “The Whisperer.” He does so for only a year before finding it too taxing.  Also: 
1931 - Barbara Gordon born. 
1937 - Bruce Wayne adopts the mantle of “Batman” to prey on the superstitions and cowardice of the criminal lot. 
1939-1945 - World War II
1939 - Batman/Tarzan: Claws of the Cat-Woman - Batman and Tarzan team up on an adventure.  A Wayne founded expedition to Africa was corrupted by Finnegan Dent (an uncle to DA Harvey Dent) and they looted ... Wakanda.  It’s Wakanda.  Sure, they don’t call it that, but Wakanda is already in the crossover universe, and how many bast-worshiping Egyptian civilizations exist in Africa?  One is enough.  Also, The Cat-Woman is a princess priestess of Bast stealing back the looted artifacts and uses a black leopard themed outfit for her escapades.  So, yeah, Catwoman is The Black Panther.  And she’s a dark-skinned African Woman named Khefretari.  The adventure concludes with her having to not use the mantle and ascend to kingship with the death of her father, but it is not the end of their story as she still has artifacts to return...
Batman and Superman meet for the first time. 
The Justice Society forms. As a social club for vigilantes and superhumans to unwind in.  They mostly share stories and shoot the breeze, but occasionally teamed up for larger missions, especially when America entered WWII. But it’s primary purpose is networking and recovery. 
1940 - Dick Grayson’s family is murdered in front of him.  Bruce Wayne adopts the boy and Dick soon joins Batman on his adventures as Robin the Boy Wonder.  
The Masked Vigilante Boom of the 1940s begins in earnest, with many people taking to vigilantism to battle crime. Black Canary and Green Arrow get their start among many others. 
1941 - Detective Comics #63 - Batman battles the master thief Raffles. 
1945 - Batman Meets Captain America - The Joker may be evil, but he’s at least not a Nazi! He ends up in a gulag for his troubles. He doesn’t find it very funny. 
1948 - The House of Un-American Activities starts to target Costumed Vigilantes.  The Justice Society disbanded in response.  Diana Trevor, Wonder Woman, starts working from inside the system to counter McArthy and J. Edgar Hoover.  Subtly and openly, be it the Holiday Girls (secretaries make excellent spies) or secretly abetting other superhumans. Still, most costumed vigilantes retire at this point.  As for the rest... Some are apprehended, others sign up with the government, and others still are killed in FBI Raids.  
As Superheroes are under fire from the government, several class-action lawsuits also hound more public figures of superheroes, and only a few survive with their reputations and resources intact. 
1949 - Dick Grayson goes to College (and later, law school).  
Khefretari/Selina Kyle finishes her mission and abdicates her role as Black Panther.  With the aid of Diana Trevor, she explains her situation to the UN world court.  In the end, she still serves some time for what she did (Colonizers gonna Colonize), but she is effectively let off with a slap on the wrist.  She did this to help mend the rift between herself and Bruce Wayne.  Doing so, however, removed her from the line of royal succession. Her brother, T’Chaka, father of T’Challa, becomes the next Black Panther.  Khefretari’s timing, however, could have been better, for you see ... 
1950 - Bruce Wayne marries Julie Madison.  
Bruce Wayne jr. born. 
Dick Grayson takes over as Batman II primarily with Bruce focusing a bit more on Family life.  However, he cannot leave it fully alone. 
Kathy Kane and Bette Kane attempt to help out their cousin Bruce on various cases, as Bat-Woman I and Bat-Girl I.  
1953 - Batman #253 - Batman and the Shadow meet as crime fighters for the first time. 
Kathy Kane and Bette Kane retire as Bat-Woman and Bat-Girl.  
1954 - Batman #259 - Batman and the Shadow meet again. 
Barbara Gordon is off to a party, and her own “Batgirl” costume gives her a minor edge when she stops a crime in progress. Thrilled with the idea, she begins to operate as Batgirl II.  Eventually getting Dick and Bruce to agree.  Because she will not take ‘no’ from either of them. 
Sandra Wu-San a.k.a. “Lady Shiva” is born. 
1955 - Julie Madison and Bruce Wayne divorce. Even married, even with family, Bruce is a might obsessive with this vow of vengeance.  
At this time, Bruce Wayne begins matching his wits against a man the comics report to be “Ra’s Al Ghul”, the Demon’s Head. He is also known as The Devil Doctor, Fu Manchu.  
Khefretari/Selina Kyle is now a free woman. 
1957 - Bruce Wayne marries Khefretari/Selina Kyle.  Helena Wayne born.
1958 - Batman: The Brave and the Bold “Trials of the Demon!” - Batman is summoned back to the 1890s by Jason Blood for help escaping being blamed for occult crimes.  Jason is subdued, but Holmes and Watson are there to help Batman adjust and rescue Jason Blood/The Demon Etrigan from the forces of hell itself. 
1959 - DC Comics: The New Frontier - The Centre attacks. 
Diana Trevor works out a government organization to better employ multi-mystery-man operations in the future with her at the head and thus limiting access to their identities or technologies by the other branches.  This is often called “The Justice League” or “The Avengers” among other things.  The laws about costumed vigilantism are changed somewhat.  The short of it is, Good Samaritan Laws apply now to people in masks, but vigilantism is still illegal.  Most Superheroes work either for government agencies or are deputized by such, work as private investigators, or bail bondsmen.  Some still act independently of that, but again, Good Samaritan laws apply. This is why the “No Killing” rule became so common in superhero stories at this time.  
1960 - Dick Grayson marries Barbara Gordon. They have a son, James Grayson.  
1961 - Birth of Jason Todd. 
1964 - Dick and Barbara Grayson’s second son, Dick Grayson Jr, is born. 
1966 - Batman/The Green Hornet - “A Piece of the Action”/“Batman’s Satisfaction”
1971 - The New Scooby-Doo Movies “The Dynamic Scooby-Doo Affair” - Batman and Robin meet Mysteries Inc. 
1973 - Barbara Grayson christens Helena Wayne as the new Batgirl (Batgirl III). Barbara Grayson refines the “Oracle Database”
1974 - Dick Grayson is critically injured on a case and retires as Batman.  Bruce Wayne Jr. becomes Batman III. 
Detective Comics #446 “Slaughter in Silver” - The new Batman crosses paths with The Shadow. 
1975 - Jason Todd is taken in by Bruce Wayne jr. 
1975-1984 - The “Biomega” War. 
1977 - Khefretari is nearly killed after suffering blackmail. Helena is incensed by this and becomes the Huntress to reflect her darker outlook. 
Batman Family #18 “A Choice of Destinies” - Helena Wayne joins the Lawfirm her family runs: Cranston, Grayson, and Wayne.  Founded by Bruce Wayne (Batman), Dick Grayson (Batrman II) and Lamont Cranston (The Shadow). 
1978 - Stephanie Brown born. 
1979 - Jason Todd starts college, Dick Grayson Jr. steps up to become Robin IV while he’s away.  Jason is ... a little annoyed at this, but doesn’t speak up about it. 
Tim Drake is born to Jack and Angela Drake.
Formation of The “New” Teen Titans, the prior group being a publicity op and little else.  The members are gathered by Raven, a sorceress daughter of an extremely powerful demonic entity (The First? Nyarlathotep?).  They include a Founder alien living on earth known as Garfield Logan or “Beast Boy”, Dick Grayson Jr. as first Robin IV and then Nightwing I, Kori’ander a.k.a. Starfire (a Vigori of Oden’Tall), Victor Stone a.k.a. “Cyborg” (a more severe cyberization given to a high school senior after a terrible accident than that of Steven Austin), and the amazonian handmaiden to the royal family known as Troia or Donna Troy/Wonder Girl. They are ‘supervised’ by Wally West a.k.a. The Flash III.  
1980 - Barbara Gordon survives an assassination attempt, but is left paralyzed from the waist down.  
The Oracle Database becomes the Oracle Network.
James Gordon sr. is tortured and nearly killed by the same assassins. 
Helena Wayne marries Santo Bertinelli, a young man born into a Mafia family who turned on them out of a sense of justice.  Helena Bertinelli Jr. born. 
Batman vs. The Incredible Hulk: The Monster and the Madman 
1981 - Fu Manchu/Ra’s Al Ghul meets his final end. Several groups spawn from the dissolving of his group, and others expand their bases of operations with the power vacuum established.  These include the Atlas Foundation, The Hand/The Foot, the League of Assassins, and the League of Shadows. Bruce Wayne and Khefretari fake their deaths to lead one of those splinter groups (after a Lazarus dip) in secret and try and turn the network towards good.  
Bruce Wayne Jr., Batman III, forms a covert band of metahumans dubbed “The Outsiders,” consisting of himself, chemical shifter Rex Mason (Metamorpho),  Geokinetic Brion Markov (Geo-Force), martial artist and enchanted weapon wielder Tatsu Yamashiro (Katana), atomic mutant Gabrielle Doe (Halo), Psychokinetic Emilia Briggs (Looker), and Electrical Mutant Jefferson Pierce (Black Lightning).  others join or leave over time, the team operates for a few years before disbanding. 
1982 - Jason Todd is killed in action.  Talia Al Ghul/The Daughter of the Demon, steals his body and revives it to begin twisting him into a weapon against the Wayne family that helped kill her father and leave Si-Fan in tatters.  Dick Grayson Jr. becomes Nightwing I. 
1983 - Cassandra Cain was born to “Lady Shiva” and David Cain. 
1984 - Carrie Kelly becomes Robin V to Bruce Wayne Jr.’s Batman III.
Spider-man and Batman: Disordered Minds
1985 - Batman and Spider-Man
1986 -  Detective Comics #572 “The Doomsday Book”  - Batman III (Bruce Wayne Jr.) and Robin V (Carrie Kelly) join Ralph Dibney (The Elongated Man) and aged private eye Slam Bradley on a case that takes them to London to prevent the assassination of Queen Elizabeth by Edgar Moriarity.  Mary Jane Watson-Parker is on the scene, herself a descendant of Doctor John Watson (and Red Sonja of Hyrkania), just in time for all to me the 132-year-old Sherlock Holmes as he helps ensure Edgar’s capture. Peter Parker, also on the scene as himself, learns that he is also a descendant of the Moriarity’s. Holmes gives the couple his blessing.
1987 - Dick Grayson Jr marries Kori’ander/Kory Anders/Starfire of Oden’tal.
1988 - Mar’i Grayson of Earth/Mary Grayson is born. 
1989 - Helena Bertinelli Sr. retires as Huntress.  
1990 - Harley Quinn first appears as the Joker’s go-to henchwoman. 
1993 - Damian Wayne born to Bruce Wayne Sr. and Khefretari.
Dr. Pamela Isley makes a bargain with the fae realms and becomes a creature of fairy similar to a Dryad. She is known only as Poison Ivy. 
1994 - Carrie Kelly becomes the “heroic” Catwoman in part to counter all the “Pretenders to the Throne” as it were (and to stop the Helenas from killing them outright for the insult). She also starts operating heavily within the Oracle Network, being groomed by Barbara to be her replacement. 
1995 - Tim Drake becomes Robin VI.  Stephanie Brown becomes The Spoiler.
Poison Ivy takes in Harley Quinn and helps her recover from the abuse the Joker heaped upon her or at least tries. She is kept as a ward of the fairies and has an extended life span as a result. It still takes her over a decade to get over “Mr. Jay.”
1996 - Carrie Kelly takes over the Oracle Network's primary leadership role. 
1998 - Helena Bertinelli Jr. takes up her mother’s mantle as Huntress.  
2000 - No Man’s Land begins. Cassandra Cain becomes Batgirl III.
2004 - Bruce Wayne Jr. starts working in an armored “Beyond” Batsuit. Tim Drake changed his costumed and started to be called “Red Robin” to his annoyance.  Jason Todd Attacks.  Cassandra Cain manages to annoy the editors of DC Comics.  
2005-2015 - The Biomega Menace trickles through with various attacks until it comes to a head in 2015 when it revives the Centre.  The beast is destroyed, ending the Biomega threat...for now. (Atomic Robo and the Ring of Fire, Pacific Rim)
2005 - Bruce Wayne Sr. and Selena Wayne recruit Cassandra Cain among others for “Batman Inc” to help them take down the other Si-fan factions, in particular, the League of Shadows which followed Cassandra’s mother, Lady Shiva (who could care less about it, but her uncontrollable force-of-nature like movements were throwing everything into chaos).  Cassandra adopts the identity of “Hei Bianfu” (Black Bat) or just “Batman of Hong Kong.” 
Damian Wayne is sent to live with the rest of the “Bat-family” to hopefully temper the bad influences still remaining around his parents that had seeped into the boy’s development. 
Kate Kane becomes Batwoman II. 
Stephanie Brown becomes Batgirl V.  
2010 - Tim Drake starts taking over as Batman IV.  
Cassandra Cain becomes Nightwing III.
2011 - Tim Drake weds Stephanie Brown.  Cassandra Cain lives with them.  Their relationship is the stuff of tabloid platinum.  
2013 - Luke Fox joins the American Batman inc. as Batwing II. 
2014 - Duke Thomas starts leading the Robin gang, to Damian’s irritation.  Of the group, Terry McGinnis, Harper Row, Riko Sheridan, and Isabella Oritz, along with Duke, do eventually meet Damian’s exacting standards.  Eventually.    
2015 - Duke Thomas becomes The Signal. 
Night of the Monster Men: Gotham is threatened by a fierce attack from Biomega under the control of a man invoking the name of Hugo Strange.  4 of the monsters are unleashed, several of them also carry a variant of the Insania Virus in their blood and viscera.  When people are exposed to it, it drives them to high aggression or even transforming them into hideous beasts.  A cure is quickly deduced, and Hugo captured.  The Bat-family during this crisis consists of Timothy Drake (Batman IV), Cassandra Cain (Batwoman III), Stephanie Brown (Nightwing IV), Sin Lance (Orphan--visiting from the Arrow family), Tiffany Fox (Spoiler II), Duke Thomas (The Signal), and a being referred to as “Clayface” (Identity currently unknown). 
2020 - Damian Wayne takes over as the primary Batman, but also dons the Nightwing attire because he likes it.  Terry McGinnis and Duke Thomas share roles as “Batwing” or “Batman Beyond.”  Cassandra Cain is known as simply The Batt. Stephanie Brown as Nightwing IV, with Tiffany Fox as Batgirl V. Harper Row mostly operates behind the scenes, but has the identity of “Bluebird” to help when it's needed.  Tim Drake is fully entrenched as part of the Oracle network.  Riko Sheridan and Isabella Oritz share duties as Robins.  
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ringobean · 5 years
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Santa Bring me
It's December 24th, and I'm already late for my parents' traditional family Christmas meal! I feel that I'll still have to justify myself on my single life, they tried to put me in with all the possible young men around them, but none of them attracted me, my friends also tried to present guys, I signed up on dating websites, went to speed dating, but impossible to have a crush, I already had boyfriends but I never really managed to hang on.
In reality my heart is already taken since I was very little, I know you'll say like my family and my friends that I'm pathetic, but yes, I'm madly in love with Ringo Starr, yes yes, I speak of this Ringo Starr , the famous beatles drummer who's now 80 years old. He's my soulmate even if he don't know me! My family and friends keep laughing at me, but they can't understand... Each time they ask me ridiculous questions, like:
"Do you know that he's almost 80 years old now? Would you see yourself sleeping with an old man of that age?"
"oh, really? What a scoop I thought he still had 30 ... And yes, I can see myself sleeping with this old 80 year old man, he's even sexier and hotter than guys of my age."
"Why don't you go out with this guy who plays Howard Wolowitz in big bang theory? It's exactly the same!"
"it's a joke? No, nothing to do between him and my magnificent Ringo except the mop top and the eye colour, there is no resemblance ... My Ringo is more beautiful, charming, magnificent, sexy, hot .... "
And the list is never too long enough to describe him.
I arrive at my parents' place, the table is beautifully decorated, with beautiful dishes, it smells very good, we're gonna have a feast again, and eat to excess, and I'll have to spend my days at the gym to eliminate all the pounds caught with this food!
Now that we're no longer children, and that we no longer live with our parents, we give ourselves Christmas gifts before the meal, instead of the next morning, I bought some superb earrings, and a designer bag for my mother, and my father a nice watch, and a collector's book about "the who" as I know he's a big fan, and gifts for my brothers and sisters and their children, and i received my perfume that I love, beauty products, jewelry, a voucher for a relaxing massage in a spa, and the best gift of all, two places for Paul McCartney in gold square, the best seats in the concert hall, I jump from joy to happiness.
The meal is going well, we laugh, we joke, everything is very good, it was without counting my idiot brother who asked me the fateful question:
"So, still no boyfriend?"
I roll my eyes, and it was enough to launch my mother on the subject.
"really (y / n) it's not serious at your age to fantasize about an old guy, you should consider therapy, and see a good psychologist!"
"why a psychologist? I'm fine, have you seen a psychologist, when you were fan of Paul? Until now: oh what a handsome man!"
My father laughed, and she blushed.
"yes, but I was young and I still found a husband at least ... while you ..."
"Mom, please, I'll find, when I find! Can we talk about something else, please?"
"I'm worried about you, that's all, we're in 2019, not in the 60's you have to live with your time"
"oh well yes that's the real problem actually! I wasn't born at the right time"
"Because you think he would have spotted you among the crowd of hysterical girls?"
They all laughed looking  at me!
"why not! it's not impossible"
They laughed again!When I told you they didn't understand anything!
The meal resumed its course, and it was time to go home, I said goodbye to my parents:
"will you be with your friends for the new year?"
"I think yes"
"So see you in the next decade, in 2020, hoping that you'll present your fiancé to us this time"
"yes, yeah, see you in 2020, i'll call you"
I came home to my little apartment, it wasn't very big, but it was very comfortable and decorated as I liked, even if I was no longer a child and I lived alone, I always loved the magic of Christmas and I bought my Christmas tree that I decorated! I went to bed, exhausted from this overly generous meal! I was sad because Santa Claus had forgotten me again this year, I started listening to the song "santa bring me Ringo" and I started to sing the lyrics "i wanna hold his hand ..."
and I fell asleep before I even finished listening to the song.
The next morning, I woke up quietly going into the living room, there was a huge gift package even taller than me, with small holes on the sides, next to the Christmas tree.
"uh what is this thing, and who came home while I was sleeping"
I saw a letter at the bottom of the package.
"As you were a nice girl this year, here is the gift that you asked me for so long, I took a long time to bring it to you, but it's perfect!
Signed... S.C "
SC .. but who is this SC and what's this package?  I try to look in the holes to see if I see something and nothing it's too dark to see what is hidden in this huge package, then i open it and there... I really thought I was going to pass out or have a heart attack ...
Ringo in the flesh, in his sexy swimsuit from Miami in 1964, you know what I'm talking about for the fan girls who read me ... yes yes, that swimsuit,  I'm gonna describe him to you so that you have the image in mind, these little blue swimming short matching with his big beautiful ocean blue eyes, revealing magnificent toned tanned thighs, sweet little round bum, a small open white bathing shirt on his glabrous tanned chest, arms slightly muscular, and his hair ... fluffy and sticks out from the nape of his neck, slightly brightened by the sun, his beautiful luscious lips, and that perfect aquiline nose ...
I stood there before him speechless without being able to get a word out of my mouth! He gave me a big smile and said to me!
"Hello, I'm your Christmas present"
"er, no it's not possible I dream, who made this joke for me? And who hired such a perfect look-alike!"
He looked at me astonished, blinking his big blue eyes.
"I'm not a look-alike, I am a limited edition, only created for you"
"But it's not possible, you're an old man now, how can you be this .. this ... this oh my god, I don't have enough words to describe what I am seeing right now .. "
It was December, and it was hotter than August in my living room all of a sudden! I was fanning myself with the SC letter .. Ah but yes, S.C is Santa Claus ... Oh my God, all these years that every Christmas, I ask him to bring me Ringo ... and finally he brought me my present!
"So, I'm not dreaming, you're really there and you're not going to disappear?"
I squeezed slightly his arm, to make sure I didn't dream.
"yes, I'm real and I'll not disappear, I'm your gift..."
"And what am I going to say to people, nobody will believe me when they see you with me"
"you'll just have to invent a name for me, and say that I'm a perfect look-alike"
"oh yeah really perfect, you're more than perfect, yes, it's a good idea, even if I have no idea what I'm going to call you ..." Richie Parkin " (or the name you want) you like it?
He smiles at me and tells me
"if you like it, it's fine for me, I'm your gift, so you can do what you want with me ..."
"really all I want?"
"yes, by the way, you don't want to enjoy your gift now?"
"oh yeah, I'm gonna really enjoy it"
He picked me up bridal-style to carry me to my bed...
Well, I'm not gonna describe what happened next, too much adult content, I can just tell you that the package in the little blue shorts was as huge as in my imagination, and that he made me scream so much, that Santa Claus must have heard me thank him in the depths of the North Pole.
Long live the magic and miracles of Christmas.
Merry Christmas to everyone!
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gore-hovnd · 5 years
So a few days I posted that I’d outlined my headcanon for Jack’s life up until the events of TWS and I got some good advice to post it. So I prettied it up and fleshed out a few concepts and now I’m throwing it at tumblr
Now, these are just my headcanons, and yes I’m forcing HH into it bc I love the ship and even though it’d never happen in canon, it was fun to kinda toy with the whole “how they met” idea. So yeah, here’s this and I’m gonna go lay down lol
I’ll see about doing one for Brock too? Just depends on how long it takes for me to think of stuff up for him. 
Jack’s Timeline
      • Jack Rollins was born in 1974 to John and Leanne Rollins in the mountains of Colorado, right outside of a major city
      • At the time of his birth he was their fifth son but would end up being the middle sibling of nine
          ◦  The reason Jack’s parents had so many children was because Leanne had grown up an only child and recalled how lonely it was. She never wanted her kids to be lonely so she decided she wanted a lot of them. Originally, she’d planned to stop at five but Leanne and John decided they wanted to keep trying until they had a girl.
      • Jack’s siblings consist of: 
          ‣  Matthias - 1964
          ‣ Titus and T.J. - 1966
          ‣ Lawson - 1970
          ‣ Cooper - 1980
          ‣ Benjamin - 1982
          ‣ Samuel - 1983
          ‣ Annalise - 1985
      • Jack was born premature and doctors didn’t think he would survive
          ◦ Because of this, Leanne favored him and always kept a close eye on him
      • During Jack’s early life, his parents thought he may have had a learning disability due to the fact that he rarely, if ever spoke. 
          ◦ It turned out that Jack was selectively mute
      • John didn’t take well to this diagnosis and wanted to try to force Jack to speak
          ◦ He suggested doing this by forcing Jack to verbally ask for things like food, water, bathroom breaks, etc. 
                ‣ Leanne rejected this and instead decided that Jack would be treated by a therapist
      • Jack began to speak more in middle school
          ◦ It started out with asking / answering questions in class, asking to borrow a pencil from classmates, etc. 
      • By the time Jack was in 8th grade, while still shy, was able to speak with relative ease
      • In 1987, when Jack was 13, his mother passed away due to an ongoing heart condition
          ◦ Because of this, Jack’s family feared he would stop talking again
      • While Jack didn’t stop talking, he also didn’t seem to mourn the loss of his mother either
      • Concerned with this, John had sent Jack to a new therapist
          ◦ The new therapist claimed Jack was going through a period of dissociative shock 
                ‣ It took years of therapy and counseling for Jack to open up and properly grieve 
      • Jack ended up going to a different high school than most of his peers from middle school and had to basically start over. 
      • For a little while he would keep to himself and didn’t really take the steps to make any new friends
          ◦ Until three months into the semester when he was paired up to work on an assignment with a boy named Dalton
      • Dalton took a liking to Jack and introduced him to the rest of his friend group; consisting of Cole, Braxton, Lucan, and Matt
      • The boys grew close together; they would hang out after school together and Jack would go to their drama club performances even though he was too shy to be in one himself. 
      • During spring break of his freshman year, Jack found out and met Braxton’s two dads, Arthur and Christopher
          ◦ Before this, Jack had never met a gay couple before
                ‣ Meeting them sprung questions of Jack’s own sexuality
      • When Jack’s dad found out about Braxton’s parents, he reacted very negatively and this scared Jack back into his shell
          ◦ He rarely spoke to his father about anything after that
      • For the entirety of his sophomore year and the majority of his junior year, Jack tried to ignore his sexuality
      • Until finally, nearing the end of his junior year, he came out to Arthur and Christopher and asked them for advice
          ◦ The two of them told Jack he could always confide in them
      • At 18, Jack developed a crush on a new student who’d moved to Colorado from Los Angeles
      • This boy’s name was Christian and the two of them began to date soon after meeting
      • Jack told Christian that he didn’t want to go public about their relationship, basically stating he liked to keep his personal life private
          ◦ Christian agreed not to say anything
      • The two of them dated for a few months but that all came to a screaming halt during winter break
      • Christian had gone over to the Rollins’ home asking for him and responded with “Jack’s boyfriend” when John asked Christian who he was. 
      • John was absolutely livid and kicked Jack out without a second thought. 
          ◦ Jack and Christian got into a huge argument over this and broke up due to it
      • Jack’s uncle, Mike, had offered a place for Jack to stay
          ◦ He slept on Mike’s couch for the final semester of his senior year
      • Once Jack graduated, he enlisted in the Marines and disappeared without telling his family anything. 
      • Six weeks into boot camp, he’d given into the guilt and wrote letters to T.J., who was the only one of his siblings who still spoke to him, as well as his uncle
      • While in the Marines, Jack pretty much shed his childhood shyness entirely and grew to be more self confident. 
          ◦ He also became a trained sniper and demolitions expert
      • In late 2000, Jack was in an unfortunate accident while on deployment that left him blind in his left eye
          ◦ Because of this, Jack was discharged 
      • After being discharged, with pretty much nowhere to go, Jack spent 9 months on the streets. 
          ◦ But in August of 2001, when Jack was 27, an agent got in contact with him and told Jack he worked for a government funded agency that recruited and rehabilitated veterans for reenlistment. 
      • Jack agreed to sign a contract and go with this agent
      • During training, which was long and grueling, he met a man named Ellison Lomack and the two of them quickly became friends.
      • Jack spent five years going on missions for this agency, assuming that he was once again an active duty Marine
      • In 2006 he was given the opportunity to be brought onto an elite STRIKE team that could earn him up to $95,000 a year. 
          ◦ Jack was chosen to be the Second in Command of STRIKE Team Alpha
      • His orientation to this team was when he’d found out he was part of HYDRA
      • Being told, essentially, that he would either continue working or be killed, Jack chose the former
      • Being the chosen SIC, Jack had to go through extra training and bonding with the STRIKE team’s commander, Brock Rumlow
          ◦ Brock told Jack when they first met; “I trust you with my life, you gotta learn to trust me with yours.” 
      • In the first few months, Brock was almost glued to Jack’s hip any time they were at work or in the field
          ◦ Including times when Jack was diffusing bombs, which freaked Jack out
      • Over time, Brock and Jack began to work together like a well oiled machine, Jack’s calm and calculating personality working well with Brock’s brazen and abrasive one. 
      • And in 2009, while drinking after a highly successful mission, Brock and Jack had drunk sex in the hotel room of the British Prime Minister, hardly slipping away before they got caught
      • Jack began to recognize his feelings for Brock after this night but refused to pursue anything, feeling as though it would be safer to preserve their established relationship
          ◦ Everything pretty much went back to normal
      • Two years passed and their relationship grew stronger, but never took a romantic turn. Until one night on a particularly difficult mission where everything had gone tits up and they only had 24 hours to fix it. 
            ◦ Brock is stressed out about it and laments that he isn’t afraid to die, but admits he wished he could’ve spent more time with Jack before he did
      • Brock and Jack share a kiss under the stars in a desert and fuck on the hood of their military issued Jeep while their team sleeps in a safe house 20 feet away. 
      • After this mission, that they were able to pull off by the skin of their teeth, Brock and Jack make things official. 
          ◦ Both of them lead relatively private lives and don’t make it known to the rest of the team that they’re seeing each other
      • Three years pass and six months before Project Insight, Brock brings up the idea of getting married for the sake of spousal immunity just in case things don’t go as planned.
          ◦ So they get married, something simple at the court house and neither of them change their names. 
      • Afterward, Brock and Jack are living happily as a married couple and they fantasize about what kind of life they hope to share when Insight goes through and they’re finally free from HYDRA’s demanding grip
      • Project Insight comes along and Brock and Jack meet the infamous Winter Soldier
      • Project Insight launches and things go horribly wrong
      • Brock splits up with Jack at the Trisk, telling Jack to head back out and that he’d meet him outside. 
          ◦ Initially, Jack follows the instructions given. But a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach has him turning around to go and get Brock 
      • The helicarriers crash into the building and Jack gets caught beneath the rubble
      • He’s stuck there for two days before he finally succumbs and the entire time, all he could do was fiddle with his ring and think about Brock.
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letterboxd · 5 years
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Ranking Little Women.
“This is a film not about a single woman’s quest for identity or independence, but about the infinite power of a woman’s community.”
Letterboxd is humming with Little Women Cinematic Universe energy, particularly since the trailer for Greta Gerwig’s new version, with its cast pulled straight from the Letterboxd Year in Review, dropped.
“I have a guttural five star type of feeling after the trailer,” writes Leia. “Bi culture is thirst-watching this for Timothée Chalamet and Florence Pugh,” Raph enthuses.
Yeah, we see you watching and re-watching all the previous film adaptations of Louisa May Alcott’s landmark 1868 novel that you can fix your eyeballs on. We’re not ones to doze by the fire; we like adventures. So let us take you on a romp through past Little Women screen adaptations, in which we rank the productions based on our community’s stantastic response to each.
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From left: Milton, Daisy & Ruby.
Little Women (1917) Directed by Alexander Butler
Though the March family lived in the town of Concord, Massachusetts, it was the British who got to the beloved American book first, with this silent film adaptation.
Starring Ruby Miller as Jo March and musical-comedy star Daisy Burrell as Amy March, the film is considered lost, so nobody on Letterboxd will ever be able to confirm how the prolific English actor Milton Rosmer stacked up as rich-boy-next-door Theodore ‘Laurie’ Laurence.
Letterboxd ranking: #7.
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Conrad Nagel & Dorothy Bernard.
Little Women (1918) Directed by Harley Knoles, screenplay by Anne Maxwell
Also considered lost is the first American adaptation, by the brilliantly named Harley Knoles, a British director who spent the 1910s working in the US. Matinee idol Conrad Nagel played Laurie.
Letterboxd ranking: #4. Jo March was played by silent film queen Dorothy Bernard, whose father hailed from New Zealand (as does Letterboxd), therefore this version ranks highly even though there are no Letterboxd ratings or reviews to confirm this fact. Instead, check out D.W. Griffiths’ dark, march-across-the-desert film The Female of the Species, in which “only Dorothy Bernard gives a believable performance” according to Michael.
(An aside: Here’s a list of unseen silent films that actually do exist, but that nobody on Letterboxd has yet seen, apparently.)
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From left: George Cukor directs Katharine Hepburn, Joan Bennett, Frances Dee and Jean Parker in ‘Little Women’ (1933). / Photo courtesy MGM
Little Women (1933) Directed by George Cukor, screenplay by Sarah Y. Mason and Victor Heerman
Now we’re getting to the meat & potatoes of Little Women standom. Not that it’s a competition, but Katherine Hepburn is the one Saoirse Ronan needs to beat. Hepburn set the screen standard for gutsy portrayals of Jo March, and appropriately so in this first version with sound because let’s be honest, when the world got to hear Jo March speak those lines aloud for the first time, Hepburn’s voice was the perfect choice.
The prolific Cukor was nominated for the best directing Oscar (he eventually won one in 1964 for My Fair Lady), but it was the screenwriters, married couple Mason and Heerman, who won the Academy Award for their script. (Hepburn also won that year, but not for playing Jo March.)
Letterboxd ranking: #3. “A true gem of depression-era cinema,” writes Taj. “Every single scene in the first half of this film is a pure delight.”
“I’d like to personally thank Katharine Hepburn for being absolutely perfect,” writes Skylar. Morgan concurs: “Hepburn plays Jo with a rough physicality, bold confidence, and a gentle sensibility, standing out in a rather unremarkable movie.”
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June Allyson and Rossano Brazzi.
Little Women (1949) Directed by Mervyn LeRoy, screenplay by Sally Benson, Victor Heerman, Sarah Y. Mason, and Andrew Solt
Why re-write a script that’s already perfect? Mervyn LeRoy’s 1949 Technicolor update lifted most of the screenplay and music from Cukor’s version, throwing in an on-trend acting line-up of June Allyson (Jo), Janet Leigh (Meg), Elizabeth Taylor (Amy) and Margaret O’Brien (Beth).
Never mind who played Laurie in this version (okay, okay, it was hunky Rat-Packing socialite Peter Lawford); the real tea here is the American film debut of Bologna-born Italian great Rossano (The Italian Job) Brazzi, as Professor Bhaer.
Letterboxd ranking: #2. “This is the best Little Women, fight me,” DylanDog declares. “I’m so impressed by the fact that they rewrote/restructured/padded out the 1933 screenplay, assembled a nearly pitch-perfect cast, and made such a fantastic Technicolor remake,” Dino reasons. “We actually see way more of the novel’s subversive gender politics play out here, and Jo’s motivations are much more palpable.”
“Although I also really like the 1933 version, the Hepburn film lacks the warmth I do find in the 1949 adaptation,” Annewithe writes. “I feel that this version conveys the true spirit of the book and is as cozy and warm and loving, and it’s in colour!”
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Susan Dey and William Shatner.
Little Women (1978) Directed by David Lowell Rich, screenplay by Suzanne Clauser
Between 1949 and 1994, all we got was this seventies miniseries adaptation, which flies far under the radar of Letterboxd’s Little Women obsession with only two member reviews.
Susan Dey was a smart choice to play Jo March, given her Partridge Family profile at the time, while Meredith Baxter Birney, who played Meg, went onto huge sitcom fame as Michael J. Fox’s mom in Family Ties. The real curiosity factor here, writes LouReviews, is “the casting of one William Shatner as the Professor, and he’s rather good!”.
Letterboxd ranking: #6. “This story keeps moving me,” is all Sandra had to say, while LouReviews writes “not essential by any means, but if you like the novel, you'll want to see this”.
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Winona Ryder and Christian Bale.
Little Women (1994) Directed by Gillian Armstrong, screenplay by Robin Swicord
It only took 126 years from publication for a woman to get behind the camera of a Little Women film, despite Alcott’s masterpiece long being a prime example of (white privileged) female complexity in storytelling. (Although, it’s fair to note that women have been involved in the scriptwriting for every Little Women film adaptation that we know of.)
Released—as Gerwig’s 2019 update will be—at Christmas, Gillian Armstrong’s version was as star-studded as they come, with 90s it-girl Winona Ryder—fresh off Reality Bites—as Jo March, and Christian Bale as Laurie. Also: Kirsten Dunst, Samantha Mathis and Eric Stoltz, with Susan Sarandon as Marmee.
Letterboxd ranking: #1. Sydney writes: “It’s really tough dealing with the fact that this movie is probably never going to get the respect it deserves.” Well Sydney, we’re happy to make your day. This Little Women is currently the highest-rated on Letterboxd (except for Bale’s facial hair, which is not highly rated by anyone). Thomas Newman’s score is much beloved, and the film is, in Julia’s opinion, “the definitive adaptation!”.
On a recent re-watch, Lauren “was transported back in time to my childhood and for those two hours everything felt simple and safe.” Meanwhile Sally Jane Black, in a thoughtful piece, gets right to the heart of Little Women-love: “This is a film not about a single woman’s quest for identity or independence, but about the infinite power of a woman’s community.”
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Little Women (2017) Directed by Vanessa Caswill, screenplay by Heidi Thomas
Not strictly a film, but well worth a mention, this recent three-part BBC adaptation stars Thurman-Hawke offspring (and Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood flower child) Maya Hawke as Jo March. Emily Watson plays the March matriarch, and—Gerwig connection alert!—Kathryn Newton (Lady Bird’s Darlene) is Amy March.
Letterboxd ranking: #5. Alicia is a fan: “Winona will always be my Jo, but Emily Watson absolutely kills it as Marmee! Just love her FACE!!!! Her pain is your pain; her joy is your joy. Oyyy!”
Bethchestnut was slowly convinced: “A very handsome and loving production, even if there were a lot of things that bothered me about it. Doesn’t help that I watch the 90s version every year. Still made me cry twice.”
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Little Women (2018) Directed by Clare Niederpruem, script by Clare Niederpruem and Kristi Shimek
Released to mark the novel’s 150th anniversary of publication, this version wins points for casting Lea Thompson (Howard the Duck, Back to the Future) as Marmee, but loses points for the weird contemporary update, in which the March sisters inexplicably lose the messy complexity of their far more adventurous 19th-century selves.
Letterboxd ranking: #8. “Who decided casting Ryan from High School Musical was a good idea?” asks Sue.
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Also worth seeking out: two different Japanese anime adaptations, the 1981 series Little Women’s Four Sisters (若草の四姉妹), and the 1987 series, Tales of Little Women (愛の若草物語), which aired on HBO in 1988 and is notable for writing in a black character. Not worth a mention: this 1970 TV adaptation.
Greta Gerwig’s ‘Little Women’ opens in cinemas this December.
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emotionsofthesoul · 6 years
Valentina is a first year college photography student,
Juliana is working on her fashion portfolio to get into a fashion school,
Leon isn’t dead,
Chino isn’t a sicario,
Johny no existe.
Los Carvajal still have their media empire.
Los Valdes are a hardworking middle class family.
What happens when destiny brings them all together?
CHAPTER 1 _ Primer Encuentro
It’s midterm season for the fall semester. Valentina is busy editing away at her computer in her favorite café. On this particular Monday the café is completely full. Valentina got there early since she has Mondays off. She wasn’t too worried about not finding a table because her table is always free, almost as if everyone who goes to that café knows THAT is HER table and off limits. The table is all the way to the back near the old mine entrance with no windows - the perfect table to edit with no light interference. This is actually why Val fell in love with the small coffee shop, it’s perfect.
Juliana. Life hasn’t been so easy on her or her parents. She was born in San Antonio, Texas but right before her senior year of high school after losing almost everything they made the decision to move to California. Sacramento to be exact. They wanted to start over and her parents believed the Golden State was the best place for that. Safe to say, she hates it here. The only thing keeping her afloat is the fact that when she finishes her portfolio she can finally begin applying for schools out of the city. Juliana has been struggling to find her place in this city that she hates, in the only neighborhood her parents could afford. If there is one thing she is thankful for it’s her 1964 Mustang her parents gifted her on her 15th birthday, she’s able to get away when she needs to. This Monday Juliana just so happened to stumble upon a small café after driving down US-50 until reaching Placerville. She had been driving without a destinations in mind but the small town caught her eye and she took a right on the first light and a left when she came to the stop sign. She was driving down Main St when she saw Cozmic Café. The mermaid on the building caught her eye so she decided to park across the street and make her way inside, find a place to sit and sketch.
Once she had made it inside she noticed just how full the small place actually was. She ordered a mango smoothie. When the smoothie was ready she went to find a seat but every table was taken with little to no room. She went a little further in and found a girl completely lost in whatever she was working on. There were 3 open chairs at this table so she took the chance of asking if she could sit so she too could work.
“Hey, sorry to interrupt you, I was wondering if I could grab a seat here. I promise not to bother you, this is the only table with any seats available.” Said Juliana.
“Uh, yeah go for it.” Valentina said in her usual friendly manner.
They sat there in silence for about ten minutes, each working on their own stuff. Valentina was editing her midterm portfolio for her Digital Imaging class but she had one more image she had to create and all her brainstorming was not helping her get any closer to what she wanted to do for it.  She has been assigned to create a Dérive and after weeks of planning she still had no clue. After pondering for a bit she decided to seek help from the pretty girl sitting across from her.
“Hey, sorry to bother you, I need your help. I’m Valentina by the way.”
Juliana looked up at Valentina and shyly said, “Juliana. No problem, what’s up?”
“It’s just I have an assignment I’ve been trying to do and it’s been weeks and I still don’t know how to approach it. It’s called a dérive, meaning I have to take a few photographs and combine them in an interesting way to create a completely new image. So our assignment is to go on a walk on a different route than we usually would and rediscover or discover interesting vantage points. It’s due in 2 weeks.” Valentina explained in the simplest way she could.
“Okay, so how do I fit into this?” Juliana said raising her eyebrow.
“Okay so I know this entire town backwards and forwards but that’s through my eyes and I would love to have your take on this. How long have you been living here for?”
“Oh, no I don’t live here. I live in Sacramento.”
“Oh really? I love going to midtown, and Old Sacramento. Though now that I think about it, there is still a lot I’ve yet to see there.” Val said as an idea popped into her head, “how about… I pull up a quick map of downtown and you give me your route from Crepeville on L to Old Sacramento?”
“Uh… okay. I’m fairly new, we just moved to Sacramento from San Antonio so I don’t really know the downtown area or anything in the city really. I live in the south side of town and do not go out much.” Juliana said.
“Wait so what are you doing all the way over here? It’s almost an hour drive.”
“I got into an argument with my parents because they aren’t happy that I want to study fashion so I had to get away for a bit. I hopped on 50 and just drove east trying to get my mind off things. Then I found this small town and decided to drive around a bit but when I saw the mermaid outside and the sign to the café I decided to come in and here we are.” Juliana explained.
“You’re a fashion designer?” Valentina said excitedly, “I’m a photographer and I love fashion photography. It’s like we were destined to meet! Show me what you have so far. I’m very intrigued.”
“Uh, okay sure. This is a sketch I actually started right when I sat down.”
“Neta wey, this is so cool. What was your inspirations for this? It looks very sophisticated.” Valentina said.
“Uh… um… you. When I approached you I noticed how beautiful your outfit is and how elegant you looked so I went from there.” Juliana said hoping Valentina wouldn’t feel creeped out.
“Que chido. That’s so sweet of you. What else do you have?” Valentina said while blushing.
They spent the next hour sharing their work with each other. They were no longer sitting across from one another but instead side by side. Juliana went off about the different designers she loved and what her inspirations were. All the while Valentina just stared in admirations of this girl who she just met and who is just so beautiful and perfect.
“Val, have you been listening to me? Why are you staring at me like that?” Juliana giggled.
“I’m listening.” Valentina said with a coy smile, “Actually would you like to go for a walk with me? I can show you around Main St and take you to one of my favorite designer’s shop. She started here and now has shops all around the worlds. I think you’ll love it.”
“Okay, yeah sounds good.” Juliana responded with a special gleam in her eyes.
For the next hour Valentina showed her around and introduced her to different shop owners. Valentina took her time explaining Placerville’s history and showing her everything she loved. When they got to the fork she told Juliana to look to her left. When Juliana turned she saw beautiful wedding gowns. Valentina took her by the hand and walked her in.
“Renata! Donde estas corazón? Ven, I wanna introduce you to someone.” Valentina said loud enough for Renata to hear her in the back of the shop.
“Hey babe, what’s up? Who’s this?” Renata said while hugging Valentina.
“This is Juliana she’s new to Cali, lives in Sac. She’s an incredible designer in the making. I told her I would bring her so she could see your shop and meet you.” Valentina told Renata and then turned to Juliana, “Juls this is Renata my brother’s wife and my amazing sister-in-law. She’s had this shop for the last 9 years and she’s incredible at what she does. She designed her own wedding dress and my stepmom’s.”
Juliana couldn’t understand why but she felt a sense of relief when Valentina said Renata was her sister-in-law.
“Hi, I’m Juliana. Your dresses are incredible.” Juliana said to Renata.
“Gracias. What kind of work are you interested in?” Renata replied.
“I love fashion, I’m trying a little bit of everything. I actually designed and made what I’m wearing right now.” Juliana said with a smile.
“Really? I was gonna ask you where you got that top!” Valentina cut in very excited.
“Nice, where do you study design?” Renata asked Juliana completely ignoring Valentina.
“Oh, I’m in my senior year of high school. I’m actually working on my portfolio for when application season comes around. I’m homeschooled though so I have more than enough time on my hands to sketch and create nonstop.” Juliana responded feeling more at ease with both women.
Valentina interrupted, “Juls! Renata is actually opening a fashion school, my family is providing 5 scholarships for 5 different students. You should totally consider it. The school opens next fall. She’s hired the best of the best to teach there.” Valentina turns to Renata, “Naty tell her a little about your idea and your goals for the school.”
Juliana was very interested but the only thing keeping her from getting too excited was the location, it was in Sacramento. The only thing she has wanted since they arrived was to get out of that city but this could be a good idea. They talked for a few hours and Renata told her about her plans with 5 other designers to make Sacramento a new fashion district. After seeing her sketches Renata told Juliana she could definitely get in if she applied. Juliana said she would think about it and she was actually interested. Tuition wasn’t as high as the other schools she had been looking into in San Francisco and New York so that was definitely a plus.
After leaving Renata’s shop Valentina invited Juliana to get dinner.
“Oye Val, we completely went off topic. You had asked me for help for your picture. What was your idea again?” Juliana said bringing the conversation back to the photography topic.
“Oh yeah, how about this Saturday I come down there and we explore downtown a bit and walk towards Old Sacramento? You’ve never been so it would be perfect, you lead the way and I get my pictures from your perspective and your direction.” Valentina said, she definitely wanted to see Juliana again. She knows they just met but she already considers her a great friend.
“I’m down. What time? It’s been really hot so definitely bring something to shade you from the sun.” Juliana said.
“Hmm… how does 10am sound? We can get breakfast and go from there. I can pick you up if you’d like?” Valentina responded.
“Sounds good. Just call me when you’re outside the gate so I can come out.” Juliana said as she wrote down her address and the gate number to the trailer park she lived in.
They had a lovely dinner and talked like old friends. They made each other laugh and simply had a great time. Around 6pm Juliana pulled her phone out and saw the time. She had spent the entire day in this little town with a beautiful girl. This was one of the best days she has had since arriving to California and is actually looking forward to sightseeing with Valentina on Saturday.
“Val, I think I should get going. It’s been an incredible day thank you so much. I am so happy I met you. You’ve definitely made my week and it just started. It’s a bit of a drive back so I should get going now that traffic shouldn’t be too heavy.” Juliana told Valentina.
“No, Juls, quédate. A little longer. I don’t want to leave yet, I have to wait 5 days to see you again. I love spending time with you.” Valentina said with a pouty face.
“Val… my parents are expecting me home soon. I live an hour away.” Juliana said but Valentina kept pouting, “okay, how about this. How about I meet you for lunch tomorrow at the university?”
Valentina’s face lit up, “Si si si! Okay pero mejor vamos a Bento Box near campus because food on campus is okay but BB has amazing sushi.”
“I’ve never tried sushi… but okay donde tu quieras.”
“Wey, es neta? You’ve never tried sushi?! Okay entonces si. They have other stuff too though if you don’t like it.” Valentina said.
“Okay, then I’ll see you tomorrow?” Juliana said with a big smile on her face as they approached her car.
“Yeah. Definitely.” Valentina said she closed Juliana’s car door.
Valentina walked to her car while her driver waited with the door open. She couldn’t contain her smile the entire ride home. Juliana couldn’t do anything but smile the whole drive back to Sacramento. She was finally feeling like she could find her place in the Golden State.
Little did they know this was the beginning of forever.
Disclaimer: Not a writer, this is my first fic, go easy on me. Not sure how many chapters it’ll be but as of now I have 10 fleshed out. We’ll see how this goes.
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