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ajoytobeheld · 1 year ago
Wolf like me (you think of a better title)
July 14th, 2009
Unless you have been living under a proverbial rock you will be aware that SFX released a vampire special this month and although it is a tad pricey, it’s worth getting your mits on for the Buffy mouse pads and very long and detailed interview with James Marsters. James a.k.a Spike was voted the number one vampire by the good readers of the magazine, which is a fair assesment. The top ten seemed pretty spot on if it wasn’t for Selena from Underworld being in there, but the commentry on her was “I SO WOULD PHWWWOAR” rather then a intricate reflection of her fanged antics… at least Robert Pattison’s placing in the top 50 had the pull out quote “When you read the book it’s like “Edward Cullen was so beautiful I creamed myself”"
In honour of this I have made a Top Ten Six Werewolf list
6. Professor Lupin: Isn’t it weird that his last name is a deviation of the latin word for wolf like AND he is a wolf?! It’s like those people whose last names are Pratt and they are pratts! Oh Miss Rowling, your subtlety never fails to amaze me…
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5. The cast of Dog Soldiers: This British horror film is a favorite of myself and Ollie’s, and the name summarizes the film better then I ever could… It’s mindless, stupid, entertaining, and better then Severance so bonus.
4. Joanie in Cursed: This film directed by Wes Craven is a thinly veiled lesson in safe sex, with the werewolfness being spread by Joshua Jackson’s unprotected penis. Myself and Alek saw it in the cinema and felt the line uttered by the character Joanie “I guess there is no such thing as safesex with a werewolf” was wonderful. Plus it’s the only film I have seen with a werewolf giving Christina Ricci the middle finger.
3. Michael Sheen in the Underworld trilogy: Technically he is only in one and two, but because he can act proper and that he manages to make the films half decent. Plus this film is about the forbidden love between a vampire and a werewolf which we have all pondered over and contains a particularly impressive sex scene over the edge of a cliff.
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2. OZ! When I was younger I really liked Seth Green and all I wanted in my life was a small ginger boy with black nail varnish who played guitar to sweep me off my feet, I was what you might call “emo” and “living in a fantasy world of my own creation.” Anyway, due to this affliction I was rather invested in his and Willow’s love.
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I was impressed with how they dealt with him being a wolf and Willows little fling with Xander and I cried my little heart out when that EVIL SLUT Veruca teased him away with her werelady charms.
1. Brigette and Ginger in Ginger Snaps: This film is about two nerdy death obsessed sisters and is a thinly veiled (aren’t they all!) metaphor for going through fun puberty, where one of them literally gets “The Curse” but thinks it is just her hormones or a really bad period rather then because a werewolf bit her. It’s a good twist on the werewolf genre, and is maybe like Heathers but with Wereladies.
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(Oh and the second one is set in Pagan times, and isn’t very good.)
p.s I went to see the first ever screening of the new Harry Potter film last friday in London and Simon Mayo was there, but sadly no Mark Kemode. However, I will give a little review of it after the premiere on Tuesday as well as covering myself with the free Harry Potter transfer tattoos I got.
Ellen x
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1ddotdhq · 4 years ago
🍼Thurs Sept 24 ‘20👶
🚨🚨🚨ZAYN’S A ZADDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!🚨🚨🚨
Late last night, Zayn posted on Instagram (for the third time that day!), confirming that his daughter had been born. The caption read: “Our baby girl is here, healthy and beautiful🙏🏽❤️to try put into words how i am feeling right now would be an impossible task. The love I feel for this tiny human is beyond my understanding. Grateful to know her, proud to call her mine, and thankful for the life we will have together x”, and the picture was a black and white hand picture, with the little girl’s hand wrapped around his. The tattoos on his hands are prominent, as is his lock bracelet.These pictures do seem to appear a lot in this fandom, but they are also super common pictures that are taken post-birth - lots of new parents get them! Later, Gigi went on and posted another picture of Zayn (‘s hand) with the baby. Her caption read: “Our girl joined us earth-side this weekend and she’s already changed our world. So in love🥺💕”.
She was not, however, born yesterday, as Gigi’s caption puts the DATE of birth around the same time Mohamed posted and subsequently his “mother’s prayer” post, which means they fully spilled the beans, realized it a bit too late, and then tried to cover their tracks for the next WEEK and tried to pretend that she was still pregnant hahaha. Why?? Well, they had other things they wanted to announce, of course:  I’m gonna do a quick DISCOURSE SHOUT OUT HERE, because my girl has been saying FOREVER that the baby announcement would coincide with the announcement of new music, and guess what? It happened on LITERALLY THE SAME DAY.
The song isn’t out in Western markets - it will be made available midnight local time - but it IS available in New Zealand and Asia, and you can read the lyrics online! It comes a disappointment to those who were hoping for a sappy love song about domestic bliss. Rather, this seems to be about a rocky on again off again relationship between two people who are not good for each other. It was co-written by Cole Citrenbaum, who also co-wrote Don’t Let It Break Your Heart with Louis. Maybe we’ll see him around again?
Is that enough content for us? NO, says Liam, who went live again - on Instagram this time! He was in the studio, hanging with his DJ,  making music in that hyperenergetic, joyful way of his. He reminded fans that the show is on Saturday, and that the tickets are available in the link in his Instagram bio, and he’ll chat about the songs and the process of making music. He also found out what a thirst trap was, talked about how he pronounced ‘adore’ (again), and - here’s the really good bit - CONGRATULATED ZAYN AND GIGI. “Oh, yeah. Congratulations Zayn and Gigi, as well,” he said, “It’s very lovely news to have this morning, bless them. Starting a family!” He then kept bopping his head, singing “feeling like I’m caught in the headlights”. Me too, Lima. Me too.
Liam wasn’t the only one to jump into that conversation: LOUIS, who only just followed Zayn on the ten year anniversary, liked Zayn’s instagram post. Of course, we all know that what LOUIS needs is more baby drama, because Briana hasn’t been doing enough these days! The tabloid news cycle continues churning the engagement story, and it gets muddier and muddier as the days go on and more details come to light, but that’s how lies go, I guess!
A bit of happy (non-baby) news is that Simon Cowell is OFFICIALLY being removed from Triple Strings Limited, as a part of his departure from Sony Music, so we knew it was coming sooner or later, but I’m sure glad it’s happened!
Meanwhile, pictures of Harry continue to flood our timelines, featuring his 1964 era speedboat with a bright blue interior, his dramatically long purple tunic, complete with a bonnet and matching pants , his bright blue 1960s era Vespa (which we haven’t seen in action yet, but I can’t wait!), and, of course, the crowds of people that have gathered to see him film this video. From those crowds of people, we get the report that they’re playing Golden, so we assume it’s a Golden music video!
In actor!Harry world, meanwhile, Sam Clafin dashed our dreams of him playing Patrick in My Policeman, saying “I’ve not heard anything about a possible link up with Harry Styles, but I’d happily do it. I’d happily go for it if he’s willing”. Can someone call Harry up and tell him to make it happen please????
Meanwhile, Niall went to play golf yesterday!
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isimpoveryou · 3 years ago
Robert Pattison x Reader
Fc: Emma Stone
yourinstagram ✔︎
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Liked by taylorswift and 2,838,099 others
yourinstagram Best costume design ❤
I can't believe we won this year oscars and Jenny Beavan did wonders with a lot of Cruella's costume. Pretty much we would be nothing without her. So all credits to her and her work, and thank you also to everyone who supported and voted for cruella we can't also do this without you. Y/N xx
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robertfan03 Its so sad not to see her at the oscars this year
y/nandrobertfan IKRRR I WAS SO EXCITED TO SEE HER. but ig its fine
taylorswift Love the red
yourinstagram ❤😌
enews ✔︎
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Liked by y/nupdates and 34,709 others
enews It seems like Y/n Pattison is yet having her 4th child with the new batman actor Robert Pattison. We like to congrats them on their pregnancy.
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y/nfan01 Uh have paparazi knows anything abt privacy?
yourinstagram Like they ever will understand
robertfan03 something abt y/n and robert always have their bad luck everytime y/n is pregnant. like all of their children pregnancy was forcedly announced bc of paparazi and bunch of article news?! is it only who just realized that?
zoeisabellakravitz and 2,5k others liked this comments
y/nfan04 as always the tradition, y/n is gonna annouced it in any day, second, min by now
yourinstagram ✔︎
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Liked by zoeisabellakravitz and 3,093,778 others
yourinstagram Yes, I am pregnant with my 4th child. SUPRISEEE, well maybe you shouldn't be suprised since me announcing every pregnancy I have because of an article and paparazi are now a tradition. Robert and I have tried so bard keeping everything a secret with our 4th child but it seems like our path we had thought went the other way, like always. We actually wanted to not annouce it, but tradition is tradition we need to keep 😭🤣. But on the other side I am so happy to know that I am pregnant again!! and hoping and all prayers for this pregnancy all goes well, because i had share a bad experience with Lonnie. With any pregnancy i had for the past years, I will not share much on social media. I hope you all can respect my families and i privacy during this journey. I love you all so much. Y/N and ROB xx
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yourinstagram ✔︎
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Liked by zendaya and 4,820,709 others
yourinstagram The best ❤
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zendaya DAMN
yourinstagram IKR 😏😌
bellahadid watch this trend in twitter
yourinstagram can't wait 😈
keoghan92 Are you ever gonna divorce him. Just asking...
yourinstagram No 😄🔪
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yourinstagram ✔︎
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Liked by simoneashley and 2,801,627 others
yourinstagram my lovies
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simoneashley oh my god, lonnie's pigtails ����
yourparentssinstagram Look at them, growing up so fast
yourinstagram I know mama/papa , it makes sad yet happy at the same time
realbarbarapalvin Love the pattisons children 😜❤
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fortunatelylori · 5 years ago
❤️ Hi. I am so sorry for bothering you. I was wondering why Theo James hasn't been nominated for the best actor yet? It's beyond my understanding. How do you think, why? Because I think he made Sanditon a hit as well. He is a Treasure.
You could never bother me with Sanditon related questions. Talking about this show has become pretty much a regular part of my life at this point. lol
I’m not sure what you meant by being nominated for best actor … I checked online and I couldn’t find any news about Sanditon nominations. I am curious if this show and/or any of its cast are going to be nominated for the Baftas or the Emmies but that’s going to be a conversation for 2020. Given the lighter tone of the show, I tend to think it won’t garner much critical acclaim. Not in the way Downton Abbey did. But I hope I’m wrong because I genuinely think the show has great storytelling, acting and production values. 
Now, speaking in general, I’d like to point out that award nominations/wins are not indicative of an actor’s talent. Case and point: Gary Oldman is considered one of the greatest actors in film history and, arguably, the most naturally gifted. He is among the top choices of actors most actors say they admire and want to emulate. It took him 36 years of consisted brilliant work to win an Oscar. On that note, Glenn Close still hasn’t won one. 
Being nominated and winning awards is a political business. Your image matters, the topic of the film you’re nominated for matters (playing in a film about the Holocaust or playing a gay character when you’re straight are tried and tested Oscar formulas), the company that produces the film matters as does the people that represent you. 
This is a bit off topic but I’d recommend to anyone interested in the film industry and award events to check out this video talking about the success of Miramax and Harvey Weinstein, known as the King of the Oscars until he became the King of the Disgusting Underbelly of Hollywood: 
Coming back to Theo James … Simply put he hasn’t had the type of role in a big enough production to catch the awards eye. This doesn’t make him less of an actor, just a non-nomoinated one. lol
He has won 2 Teen Choice Awards and  a People’s Choice Award for his part in Divergent. And that’s the only thing I will say might work against him.
Staring in a teen franchise like Divergent is tricky business because on the one hand it gets you lots of exposure. On the other it also makes people think you’re not a “serious” actor. And he’s not the only one that has to deal with that. Robert Pattison struggled with it (and still does), Jaime Doran probably made the biggest mistake of his career with 50 shades and so on.
I’ll tell you a funny little Divergent story and then I’ll finish off: I actually saw Divergent in theaters. I was working for a on-line cinema magazine and we regularly got invites to film premieres. I wrote a pretty bad review of Divergent in which I did mention, however, that I thought Theo James was very charismatic and quite effective in a poorly written part.
And yet … every time the opportunity to watch one of his films came up afterwards, I dismissed him with the “Oh, he’s the guy form Divergent” because the bad storytelling stuck in my mind more than his performance (not his fault; it’s just not a good film).
Sanditon has made eat some much needed humble pie. Theo James is fantastic and Sanditon is lucky to have him, nominations or no nominations. 
Edit: Thank you guys for posting about the National awards. I think I blogged something about it a few days ago but I completely forgot. I went and I voted. :) 
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safarigirlsp · 3 years ago
What did you think of the new Batman? Would you consider writing a Batman AU with Kylo??? Do you know any fics like that?
I waited a while to respond to this until I actually watched the movie lol. I finally did this weekend. I hope you're still out there lol!
I'm personally not into the Batman AU myself and I have no interest in reading any fics that aren't AD characters unless they’re mainstream novels. The only superhero I've ever been seriously into is Wolverine. To a lesser extent, I can also enjoy Iron Man, Thor, The Mystery Men, and the Tick lol. Batman has always been like the boring watered down red headed stepchild version of Ironman to me. Batman has had some really great villains though!
However, I know of two fics you should check out!
Shadows of Canto Bight - Kylo Batman AU by @mrs-gucci
The Thing About Strays - Batman fic by @babbushka
Here’s my review. These are just my personal thoughts, if you liked it, more power to you! 
I really didn't care for the movie at all. I found it boring and very underwhelming. I'm glad I didn't take the time to see it in the theaters because at least I was able to get some writing done during it lol!
I've never been particularly impressed with Robert Pattison as an actor and I find him extremely unattractive personally, so I didn't care for him as Batman at all. He is also the first Batman that made me feel utterly ambivalent to him as a character. I really just didn’t care about him in any way at all. Batman is inherently emo and troubled, but I thought RP overdid it and not in an appealing way. I found him as both Batman and Bruce lifeless and boring, and too whiny and emo by a factor of ten. If you want a genius, billionaire, philanthropist in a fancy suit, let me refer you to Iron Man because at least he comes with a personality.
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I thought Zoe Kravitz was great as Catwoman and I loved my man Colin Farrell as the Penguin! Although I was obviously sad they made him fugly! I deeply and intensely cannot stand Paul Dano, so much so that I have a very hard time watching any movies he’s in and looking at him on screen, but he was great as the Riddler! His crazy ass performance made the movie for me. He should have had much more screentime. Despite my revulsion to him, I hope he gets some serious recognition for that performance because he was amazing! Why in the hell the movie devoted so much time to the boring ass Wayne and Catwoman family drama with the mafia bs and sat on a villain and performance like the Riddler is beyond me! 
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Finally, I don't know why they couldn't choose more than ONE song to play over and over during the movie, but I hate it now! Instant station change when it comes on the radio. It was fitting for the vibe and could have been played at any point in the movie to great effect. Once. 
I've seen every Batman and related movie, and I even used to watch reruns of the old goofy ass tv show as a kid with my dad. However, I've only enjoyed five of the movies. One I loved and the other four I liked, the rest I have cared very little for. These are the movies I enjoyed:
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Batman Returns with my favorite Catwoman! And Danny DeVito's disgusting penguin was the best penguin!
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Batman Forever because it was so campy and hilarious! Jim Carey as the Riddler and Tommy Lee Jones as Two Face?!? I loved it! Val Kilmer also gets my vote as the only hot Batman and he was peak hotness during that era. I also thought Nicole Kidman was Batman’s best love interest to date. I loved the cheesy 90's soundtrack too!
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Batman Begins was fun and a nice mature take on Batman. I think Christian Bale is the best overall Batman and at least his body was hot even if his face was not lol! I loved Scarecrow too and Michael Caine as Alfred!!
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The Dark Knight was wonderful! And Heath Ledger's Joker made the movie!!! Not to mention he was based on my favorite weird ass singer, Tom Waits! I would have loved an entire three hour movie that was filmed like a reality tv show that just followed Joker around through life watching him do crazy shit and be insane!
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Joker is the only movie that ranks in my all time favorite movies independent of the Batman series. I absolutely LOVED it! I'm not a huge fan of Joaquin Phoenix but he killed it as the Joker. The dark humor was totally on point for me! Even the soundtrack was great! I loved everything about that movie and I really hope they make another. Robert De Niro was also such a great asshole. 
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