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ajoytobeheld · 1 year ago
Ellen: it's been an awfully big adventure
December 7th, 2012
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I don’t know how to start this, other then diving right in so….I’ll dive.
It is with a sad face I have to report that I am leaving Los Campesinos!. The show on the 15th of December in London will be my last, and I shall spend it struggling not to cry. Please don’t point out my tears if you come along. Simply pretend it is eye sweat.
Over the last seven years I have been blessed, not by God, because he doesn’t exist, but with opportunities and a life I will not fully appreciate until I am about forty-five. I will look back at old photos of the band, with our smooth skin and questionable hair, and go “fuck me. That was mental.”
The past and present members of Los Campesinos! have been my family for the last seven years and seen me at my lowest, my highest, my most angry, sad, happy, broken, fixed, grown up and immature. They have seen me fail, succeed, let myself and them down, learn the hard way, but they have also seen me grow. And they have always had my back, and I hope, I sincerely hope, I have done my best to have theirs.
There is not a terribly exciting reason for me leaving, (so please start some exciting rumours), I am just going to try something new. Fulfil my ambitions of becoming a failed writer and developing a opium habit. It’s all going to be very retro. I leave with the upmost love and support from the band, but I have requested my replacement not be too cool.
I would say I am sad to go, but that is too simple a word for the variety of emotions I have swimming around my head right now. I am sad, but mostly I am drowning in warm and happy flashbacks, vinaigrette images of us all laughing in the van on long drives across America. Joe Puleo, tour manager, at the front telling a story, Jason playing quizmaster and hosting a game of “Guess the Song,” from an app he has downloaded, and we all scream out responses. Rob taking photos of the scenery on his lomo, Neil watching gangster epics on his laptop, and maybe later on this long long drive Paul and Tom will play Tiger Woods Golf whilst I work out how long I can hold my bladder for before requesting we stop. I was the most frequenter pee needer on long drives. I am not ashamed of this. I owned it.
I felt warm and safe on those drives, listening to everyone tell stories, share experiences, make each other laugh. I am lucky to have shared a hotel room with so many exceptional ladies over the years, Aleks, Harriet and especially Kim, who shared my fear of the cold, love of porridge and put up with my ability to make a mess in any room in under 5 seconds. Starting and ending the day together, we did some good chatting.
I have seen a lot of this world, and I didn’t have to go on a gap year to do it. I have travelled across the breadth and depth of the US and the UK and I have seen a lot of different faces, and sampled a lot of backstage humus.I have seen a lot of graffitied backstage cocks.
I have met and worked with countless wonderful, interesting and horrifically talented people inside the industry, inside the venues, inside the recording studie and inside our practice space. (I won’t gush too much about how talented the people in the band are, you might get diabetes from my sincerity, but it has been a pleasure and a privilege to play the music that Tom writes.)
Also fans. Fans are awesome. You made it possible for us record an album in Seattle. To play a show outside of Wales. To play in a baseball stadium in Japan. A haunted restaurant in Santa Cruz. a handful of US universities and see Mexico! I saw Mexico! You girls and guys are truly humbling, and I hope I never took you for granted too much. I probably did. Thank you for knowing the words, for bringing cakes, and books, and t-shirts, and comics, and buying us drinks and for waiting and driving miles and cheering and clapping. For reading or watching or listening to anything we have ever done. Thanks. You kept us going and will continue to be the life blood of the Los Campesinos! family.
I was trawling through old photos trying to find the best one to represent a start and an ending, but I got lost in old memories and the process of ageing.
(God we looked young, look at our skin! Look at our clothes! Cardigans and ripped up Distillers t shirts, oh I still have that.)
I have eons of photos of the band at the start, at rehearsals, house parties, with experimental hair, (mine black, Gareth long and wispy, Neil’s fringe nearly covering his eyes and Tom always wearing his hat) and at our first shows. I remember when we first started, our summer of label romance where everyone wanted to take us out for a pub meal, and all we ever did was go out in Cardiff drinking and dancing. We said we would change our last names to Campesinos! if we ever played in the states, but we tempted fate, and we never changed out names but we did get to go to America a lot.
I sometimes wonder what alternative universe me would be doing if she didn’t go to that first rehearsal in Ollie’s bedroom. I think she is picking her nose right now in a bath of baked beans, bored and crazy because she spent all day in an office sitting next to a woman who told her about the time she slept with a navy seal. No one cares Brenda.
So 500 plus gigs, millions of air miles, gallons of backstage whisky and wine, a tonne of sweaty cheese and pita bread, a litre of tears shed on stage, hundreds of “don’t fuck up,” panics, hundreds of fuck ups, hundreds of “this is blowing my mind” moments whilst starring into a sea of unfamiliar and impassioned faces, break ups and ill advised hook ups later (don’t date musicians, like ever, we’re all mental,) I realise I have seen all the travel lodges, service stations, and states of America (apart from Alaska) and I have tasted more Marks and Spencer’s meals then I thought possible. I’ve been with some of the finest people I know doing a very unnatural thing, which is both the best and the worst experience and often at the same time, but never the same any given year. And we have done it fucking well. The best we can.
God I’m being dramatic, but I can’t help it, I was a middle child.
So some more self-indulgence.
I want to thank some people for being ace. John Goodmanson – a brilliant producer and a lesson in style and grace under pressure. Joe Puleo – the best tour manager, you never feel anything but safe in his company. Kelly Pickard – inspiration, mentor, wisest woman. Paul Rattcliff- The loyalist soundman whom gives so much. Kev and Alun and Mark Bowen, Wichita, Ben and Vicky, Gareth Dobson, anyone we have toured with or supported or who I have met along the way, everyone I forgot. I haven’t forgot, I am thinking about you.
My mum, because she told me I could be anything and do anything except get my tongue pierced. And I did that anyway, and she still wasn’t mad at me.
And the band.. Kim, Jason, Gareth, Tom, Neil and Rob who I will miss sharing experiences with that no one will understand, I love you guys. Like, loads. From our first Sweet Dreams, until our last, thanks.
Okay, too long, too emo. Bye bye.
Ellen x
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yanaleese · 8 months ago
How would Karma react to Mc wanting him to meet their parents?
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thefirebird-02-101 · 25 days ago
can you replicate The Blunt using a box of enkephalin
"Probably not. I doubt it would work."
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psychopomp-namine · 24 days ago
cheng weimin and shao yuanyuan abandoning cheng xiaoshi at the tender age of 8 years old gets even more fucked up when you think about how they know about the photo diving ability and that bahati is a school related to abilities
like okay listen. one of you has the ability to go back in time by clapping your hands while looking at a photo. presumably you know that abilities are passed on to children. they can activate at any time, perhaps during traumatic moments like with the twins. one of you went to teach at a school for superpowered kids so presumably you know how this works.
and you think you can just abandon a kid with unactivated powers?? leave him with trauma ripe for awakening abilities? what if it wasn't the bridon photo that triggered it huh? what if cheng xiaoshi, at the tender age of 8, cried so hard wondering about his parents and then he accidentally claps himself into a random photo (IN A PHOTO STUDIO! A SHOP ABOUT PHOTOS!! WHERE HE LIVES!!!) with no one to guide him? what if he gets stuck there??? as a kid???
like okay yeah lu guang discovered his ability at 7 years old but apparently someone was there to help him. and also his ability doesn't like, harm him physically. he's not possessing someone or anything. so we're all just lucky cheng xiaoshi never discovered his powers until he was an adult because like. if he discovered that as a kid, lonely as he was?? he'd be so fucked. oh my god. just thinking about it gets me heated like what the fuck cheng weimin. shao yuanyuan. what the fuck. what if your 8 year old kid with abandonment issues got stuck possessing some random person and he doesn't know what's happening. he doesn't know anything. his parents left him and he's not even himself anymore and he's not home and how does he fix this, how does he go back. the horror of it all.
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tworealms · 2 months ago
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i'll probably share sketches and very rough looking drawings here as well so here's a couple more from 2019
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linkclick-unfocused · 2 months ago
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He looks like. a little guy. a little dude. he looks like he meows for a living and he gets paid in scritches and kibble bits.
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myst-sims · 6 months ago
Time of Your Life Legacy Challenge Spreadsheet Tracker!
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Hi! I made a spreadsheet tracker for this VERY extensive and cool legacy challenge made by @aliennooboo. Thank you @mithrasisgay for the suggestion! ♥
Find the spreadsheet here!
To use it, make a copy and fill it out however you want! Each generation has a tab at the bottom.
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akaikami-cherryblossom · 20 hours ago
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rolls a glitter bomb at you
oh? waht's this
adggrajgdjkldjddfgjkjggrdgsKLHklfdoh heck muy eyes hurty owowowowowowowowowow who ever sent me this can go trip on a tree root. owwwww my eyessss
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meanyart · 1 year ago
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Such a nice day to be a normal person with normal feelings about this normal character!
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It's interesting to me how much of the fandom seems to be convinced that Wei Wuxian has low self-worth, considering that I (having only watched the live-action, admittedly) see very little evidence of this in canon.
I assume this is because of his tendency towards self-sacrifice, which shows up multiple times in canon like with the golden core transfer, but I personally think this is a false equivalence. Yes, Wei Wuxian often makes decisions actively detrimental to his own health and wellbeing; he gives his golden core to Jiang Cheng, he takes a curse from Jin Ling, he takes the Wen brand for Liu Qingyang and he takes a whipping from Madam Yu and considers the loss of a hand for Lotus Pier.
However, in none of these circumstances does this choice seem to be made from a lack of care for himself. Instead, it is usually made because he thinks he can handle the situation better than the person in question. Wei Wuxian thinks that between him and Jiang Cheng, he can better handle not having a golden core. Between him and Jin Ling, he thinks he can overcome the course where Jin Ling cannot. The Wen brand is less premeditated, but again the pattern is clear in that Wei Wuxian makes the choice to take the brand because he thinks having it on his chest is better than Liu Qingyang having it on her face. At the fall of Lotus Pier, Wei Wuxian decides that his pain and his hand is an acceptable loss for the lives of everyone in Lotus Pier.
These acts hurt him, but that is a side effect of a larger goal. The choice to handle these events himself does not indicate a lack of value in himself, but rather a prioritization of other goals. However, there seems to be a common conflation of Wei Wuxian's prioritization of others with his not caring or valuing himself. However, if Wei Wuxian doesn't value himself, then why does he make such an effort to survive for as long as he does? If he does not value his own thoughts and opinions, then why does he argue with Lan Qiren in the Cloud Recesses study arc? The problem is not that Wei Wuxian has low self-worth, it is that Wei Wuxian's decision-making process weighs harm to himself as acceptable in the pursuit of his moral imperatives. He wants to live without regrets and stand with justice, and to stand with justice, sometimes he has to walk a single-plank bridge. Necessarily, that will sometimes hurt him.
I suspect this association of Wei Wuxian's sacrificial acts as indicative of low self-worth stems from modern Western storytelling practices, which are deeply interested in the psychology of our characters. Recent media has been interested in the consequences of heroism on the hero themself and fandom especially is heavily interested in the psychological ramifications of these actions on characters. There's an idea that's been popular lately that extreme heroism is inherently self-destructive, and the solution to this is to raise a character's self-worth to convince them that they, too, are worth saving.
Now, whether this applies to Wei Wuxian is up to interpretation. However, he views his actions as correct in many of the sacrificial cases indicated above and these choices are framed by the narrative as being in some way noble. I don't think it's radical to suggest that the above actions cause harm to Wei Wuxian's self; that is not in question. I do, however, doubt that increasing Wei Wuxian's self-worth would change any of these decisions. He isn't throwing himself into harm's way because he believes his life is worth less than those he is taking harm for, he does it because he understands the harm he is incurring and chooses to take it upon himself because he thinks it minimizes the harm that would be done.
Rather than leaving the Jiang sect leader without a golden core, or a child with a very dangerous curse, or a young female cultivator permanently disfigured, or allowing Lotus Pier to be attacked and slaughtered, Wei Wuxians chooses to accept consequences in their place. It is more difficult to replace a sect leader than a head disciple. It is more difficult for Jin Ling to overcome the curse, so Wei Wuxian does it in his place. It is less consequential for a young male cultivator to take that brand to the chest than for a Liu Qingyang to be disfigured unjustly, so he does. It is more important than him, as a singular disciple, that Lotus Pier is safe. This is how Wei Wuxian approaches these problems.
Raising Wei Wuxian's self-worth would not change the reasoning behind these choices. He would not revisit these situations and decide to take a different course of action due the inherent value of himself as a person. His value as a person has always been part of the equation, but it is not his priority.
Self-sacrifice does not inherently equal unwellness. Recent trends in Western storytelling suggest that self-sacrifice is both admirable, but an indicator that a person is struggling. However, there are other models of heroism. There are other sets of values. In some moral systems, the willingness to commit self-sacrifice, even when a person does want to live and does value themself, is an admirable virtue. This appears to be the framework that Wei Wuxian is working within.
Does self-sacrifice inherently mean that a person does not value themself? I don't think so. But it's interesting that a lot of people seem to think it does.
-- Right Corpse
I'm gonna briefly chime in Right Corpse's post here with my thought as an Asian person:
I totally agree with what RC said here. I don't think self-sacrificing should be conflated with low self-worth. A person can view themselves as noble, upstanding and honorable (which, inherently is a very confident mindset) and be self-sacrificing as a result of that mindset, because helping others in spite of yourself in a dire situation is essentially a very noble trait.
And I'm glad RC brought up Western storytelling practices, because I thought the difference between Western and Eastern's mentality is exactly where this discourse came from. Western mentality is individualism-based, and Eastern mentality is more collectivism-based. Western mentality values individual's well-being, rights and freedom, while Eastern mentality values the well-being of group/societal-unit as a whole. I'm not saying one is better than other, I'm simply pointing out that it makes sense for Wei Wuxian to act the way he did given the setting of the story, regardless of his own view of himself. No matter how much self-worth a person has, growing up in this setting means the expectation is that you'd always put the clan's well-being, your family's well-being above your own. Filial piety is a very heavy expectation in this society, clan loyalty is a very heavy expectation in this world.
A noble, morally-upstanding cultivator who pride himself as such should be doing what Wei Wuxian was doing. And a big part of the MDZS story is definitely a criticism toward all of the clans and cultivators, who call themselves all those traits and did the opposite. Wei Wuxian saved Jiang Cheng not only because he viewed Jiang Cheng as his brother, but also because saving the leader of your clan when you have the mean to was the right thing to do, both for your leader but most importantly, for the clan as a whole, for the region of Yunmeng. Hundreds of people rely on the Jiang family and Lotus Pier, and Jiang Cheng is the figurehead of it. You can argue that Wei Wuxian can take over if JC is indisposed, but that's not how it works, that's not how politics works. So Wei Wuxian made the best choice for the collective given the circumstances, even if that came as a cost to him, and to circle back to what RC said earlier, Wei Wuxian calculated the risk and believed that he can handle that cost, and he did.
Similarly, Wei Wuxian saved Jin Ling because he believed as an adult, he could handle the risk better than a child like Jin Ling, and as a man, he could live with a scar rather than a young woman like Mianmian. In fact, I think he took pride in himself in all of these instances. He didn't boast about them to other people, but I think he's proud of himself that he can live according to his principles and never fail them.
-- Left Corpse
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ajoytobeheld · 1 year ago
Gareth Campesinos!' Records of 2011
December 21st, 2011
An over-cooked documentation of the albums/EPs/records I have got most enjoyment from over the past 12 months. I think this year’s been a pretty exciting one for the evolution of my musical tastes and interests, as I’ve found hardly a single thing ‘guitar record’-wise that has stirred any emotion in me (a couple of notable exceptions to be found within here, however) and so have opened up to new ideas and sounds. I attempted to write a bit about each record, I tried REALLY hard, but one of the things I loathe most is people who have no ability to write about music having music blogs, and though I’m never usually shy to embrace hypocrisy, I stood firm here.
I’d be totally interested in hearing any recommendations you might have for me, from this year or any other, based on this list. Cheers guys,
Araab Muzik – Electronic Dream
ASAP Rocky – Live Love ASAP
Clams Casino – Instrumental Mixtape
Danny Brown – XXX
Destroyer – Kaputt
Drake – Take Care
Laurel Halo – Hour Logic
Tim Hecker – Ravedeath, 1972
Julia Holter – Tragedy
How To Dress Well – Just Once EP
Machinedrum – Room(s)
Prurient – Bermuda Drain
Shabazz Palaces – Black Up
Slow Club – Paradise
The Weeknd – House Of Balloons
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yanaleese · 3 months ago
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Meet Eunsung, your new Yandere boyfriend!
“Our glorious, heavenly idol, Eunsung was born from the beautiful seas of Jeju Island, Korea. Although he has no siblings on this piteous Earth, Eunsung is without a doubt - a pure being raised in the Yellow Sea. And with such beauty and talent, our Eunsung has reached the pinnacle of the world through hard-work and connections. As his colleagues, we are ever so proud of him! Forever and always.”
“And while we do wish his parents were here to see him, we hope that as our fans that you will give him your love, commitment - and your undying attention; just like they would.”
“So please, let us present our star of the show, Eunsung Sang-Cheo!!!”
With that announcement, his co-stars, U-Jin and Dak-Ho strolled on stage, before the ultimate idol bounced up with joy, beginning the show with his signature wink.
“Let’s dance together, Darling! <3”
And with that, you (and thousand others) screamed, cheered, and even cried as his theme song “Me and My Goddess” started playing. You could practically feel your heart thumping out of your chest, your heartstrings tugging with adrenaline as he reached the climax. And yet, as he continued minutes - no, hours at a time - you felt drained, tired…and sad? 
No, you couldn’t be this tired. You made sure to sleep early last night, kept yourself well-fed, and even did a little diet and exercise to keep your energy up. So..what exactly were these suffocating emotions coming from?
Sighing out of frustration, you tapped your boss’s shoulder.
“Kana. I think I’m out of it.”
“Again?!?” She cried out, her hands stuffed with merchandise compiled of the three idols. Each merchandise was filled with signatures, clearly a sign of her unwavering dedication and commitment to the cause. Compared to Kana, you were a casual fan swimming in the dark, bellowing ocean of “The Fandom”.
No wonder she was the Head of the Official Coralis Fanclub in the US.
“You can’t be serious, (Y/N)!!! Can you gimme, like, 100 more minutes?” Her tall, slightly chubby figure tilted over the other fans, trying to get the perfect camera angle. Her eyes were practically fixated to the stage, as if she was glued to it. “I just need…”
“Please? I really need a break.” Whilst you loved your boss, it was impossible for her to get out of her “fangirl” phase. “I’ll even leave you alone-”
“Unless I give you a backstage pass, right?” For once, she finally looked at you; but it wasn’t out of the kindness of her heart. 
It was betrayal.
“I heard it from my girls. You’re desperate to be seen.” 
You lowered your head, ashamed. 
“...And I like what I see.”
Immediately, you shot a confused glance. “...What?”
“What? What?” She mocked, as if she was a parrot. “I’ll tell you what. The next time you come back, I’ll promote your rank, give you free benefits and more!” She exclaimed, suddenly very pleased with herself. “But you owe me, dear (Y/N).”
Where the hell was this coming from? “I’ve already given you enough of my time with the meetings. I’ve recited every pledge, every word-”
“Choose.” Kana wagged the keycard in front of your face, now glancing back on the main stage. “Get your ‘break’ or miss out on the fun - again.”
Sulking, you obviously chose your break, knowing that your action very well will have consequences.
And with that, you quickly scurried off, searching for the nearest exit. 
Clearly, you weren’t getting paid enough for this shit.
Grabbing some more drinks and, food (mostly for Kana), you headed downstairs to finally meet your #1 idol. That way, he of all people, would cheer you up before Kana came down. After all, she was the only translator that could help both you and Eunsung communicate. 
Staring at the backstage pass, you tried to read what you could in Korean. But with no proper experience, you were helpless without your boss. So, you tried assigning the symbols with the symbols on the door.
“I guess…this is it?” You gulped, looking at the machine on your right. 
You remembered the forums saying that accessing the backstage rooms were difficult to access, depending on your rank. One of them said a friend of theirs could only use the card once due to how low they were in the food chain. You hoped Kana was at least a 3-star member.
Bubbling with anxiousness, you placed the keycard on the keycard reader. A beep emitted in response. “Good luck, me.”
Placing a hand on your chest, you walked in to find yourself…
…In the idols’ dresser…?
“...Fuck, fuck, fuck…this might not be it.” You turned towards the automatic door, gripping the doorknob. “I need to leave-”
Suddenly, the door swung open, barely giving both you and the idol time to react - causing you and him to crash to the ground.
“Oh my GOD!!! I am. SO sorry-”
Eunsung didn’t even give you time to apologize, as he slammed the door behind the both of you.
“오, 아니! 오, 아니, 아니, 아니, 위험해! 내가 뭐야 — ”
Confused, you tried to say I’m sorry in Korean. “Joesonghabnida!”
“That’s okay, that’s okay.” He said breathlessly, staring at you with worry. In an attempt to calm himself down, he bit his fingernails. He had to tell you what to do to avoid getting caught. “Uhm. I-”
He ran towards the closet, taking the clothes out one by one. He couldn’t care where he threw them, as long as he gave you a hiding spot.
Pointing towards the closet, he spoke as slow and alarming as he could for you to understand.  “제발. 여기 숨어.” He clasped his hands together constantly. “제발, 제발, 제발, 제발!”
Taking the sign, you nodded. Even though you were confused, clearly him pleading was for the safety of himself, or you. Regardless, clearly it was something urgent.
Good thing your Duolingo classes definitely came in handy. 
As you hid yourself in the closet, Eunsung removed his current outfit as best as he could. You noticed that he constantly looked back at the door in hopes of saving face. And as you watched him (by using the closet’s gap), you noticed that his personality had drastically changed. His eyes no longer showed confidence, his hair was slightly unkempt, and he began to stutter and quiver. But maybe it was because of the fans, or someone else.
And speak of the devil, that someone came in. Someone that clearly replaced your bright idol with a lookalike.
“또 한 번 뛰어난 활약을 펼친 은성 선���. 어머니가 열심히 지켜보셨고, 오늘 네 발전이 자랑스럽구나. 잘했다.”
The voice was similar to a young male. It was distinct and clear enough that it couldn’t have been U-Jin, nor Dak-Ho. So who was this guy?
The idol lowered his head, as if bowing to them. “멤버들, 특히 리더인 여러분들의 지원이 없었다면 불가능했을 것입니다. 어머니의 행복이 여러분의 행복이 되길 바랍니다.”
They came closer, their fingers caressing his face gently. Almost every finger was either littered with rings, or tattoos. This guy was screaming bad news. 
“네, 저도 그러길 바랍니다. 그런데... 왜 이렇게 난리야, 은성아? 평소엔 그렇게 까탈스럽지 않던데…” He crouched to the ground, disgusted. “...난폭하지도 않고”
“팬들과 카메라, 특히 엄마를 위해 최선을 다하고 싶었어요.”
I’m pretty sure Eunsung said ‘camera’...hmm…
“대단하네요! 하지만 너무 오래 걸리지는 마세요, 알았죠?” This time, the man returned to his original stance, plastering a fake smile. He even tugged at Eunsung’s cheeks, which almost made you squeal - if not for the bizarre situation you were in right now. 
“네, 선생님.” Eunsung uttered; there was no life in it.
Sir? You pondered. I mean, maybe it’s his loan shark? Or manager?
“다른 사람들이 당신이 바람을 피운다고 생각하게 하고 싶지 않아요…” The ‘manager’ titled his head towards the closet. “...그렇죠?”
Eunsung nodded once, his response quick and forward. Meanwhile you were scared and confused. But then the thought dawned on you: The idol industry isn’t all sunshine and rainbows.
Sometimes, even the brightest idol in the world dims in comparison to the evils of this world.
As the strange man closed the door, Eunsung carefully went over to you; his footsteps shaking. 
“Please…come out…”
Without hesitation, you stepped out of the closet, staring at those beautiful eyes of his. The idol’s eyes began to twinkle, as tears started to form around his eyes.
“I’m sorry-”
Suddenly, your arms wrapped around his, holding him tightly.
“No; I’m sorry. That was so terrifying for you.” As you held his shoulders, you could feel Eunsung tense up - causing you to snap out of your trance.
“Oh shit! I am so sorry! I should’ve-”
“Good…” He mumbled, blushing a tiny bit. “You’re good.”
“Ah…I…I see…”
Humming nervously in response, he pointed his finger. “You leave…now?”
“Oh right! Once again, I am so sorry for hugging you, Eunsung.” You made sure to use body language to make your point clearer. Internally, you tried not to die from embarrassment. 
“It’s ok. Thank you.”
He flashed his cute smile, sending you to Eunsung Heaven. So adorable!!!
“No problem! Take care, Eunsung.” You head to the door, whispering. “See you soon!”
Closing the door with a click, the idol sighed in relief; he prayed to his mom that he wouldn’t anger his boss again. Or rather, for the entire week. He’d rather deal with lengthy world tours than to see another fan getting murdered again.
Searching his small pockets, he popped in his blue candy, trying to relax. 
“I hope they’re doing okay…” Eunsung murmured under his breath in Korean.
As heaved another sigh, another thought came to his mind.
“If anything…I hope I get to meet them again…”
“...on another day…”
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Thank you for reading! I understand there wasn't much Yandere-ness in this intro. But over time, you will see it crack through the asks and my art in the near future.
Also! If you are interested in Eunsung's lore, my inbox is open.
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Additionally, if you're interested in this rando on the left, feel free to scroll using #karma or start with his introduction.
Lastly - thank you all SO much for 350+ followers! I appreciate the support.
Thanks again, everyone!!! <33333
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thefirebird-02-101 · 29 days ago
Hey birdy, is everything okay? Still... In your own space of thought?
"The fuck happened?!"
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rendtastic · 11 months ago
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that moment when you fall dramatically in front of a mirror huh.
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liu-after-hours-ss2 · 5 months ago
Hey how's it goin in the office? Everything alright? Feel like distorting maybe?
Eating a bagel rn. And also Carmen, can you wait for about 5 minutes.
I got work and there I'll maybe go a little insane.
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