#but ww stole my heart
bigsoftmarshmallow · 3 months
What if once Gdorf’s married (whether it's Equal Lady or not is up to you), every morning before his wife wakes & goes for his morning exercises, he leans over to plant a soft, sweet kiss to her forehead or cheek & whisper “A’nï màtushàq’so...”
(Which is a bit of a play on an Arabic phrase that is just… super sweet. It means, “I love you passionately,” “I adore you,” or “I am deeply in love with you.” It's supposed to be very emotionally vulnerable & emotionally charged & refers to deep & profound, sometimes even overwhelming feelings of affection.) So, that’s reflected in his words.
Like, wifey doesn't wake up, but he's still expressing such things. Who knows, maybe he saw how peaceful she was as she slept & lovely she looked with the early morning sunlight filtering in through the window behind him. And, maybe the first time he did it, he’d utterly melted inside at how comfortable she was with him & just found himself doing it & was every bit as stunned by his own actions as you'd expect. Because maybe he normally wouldn’t. And maybe he hadn’t realized just how deeply his own feelings went until right then.
And maybe he’s since gotten into the habit of doing it every morning.
His reaction to his own actions & words? Possibly, to the first time it happens.
If you please?
Ahhhhh cutenessssss! Sorry for the late response, my brain wasn't wanting to work on the me section of the ask.
WW Ganondorf is most willing to accept that he has become a soft fool for his wife. She is a precious piece of his life now, and though he still wishes for Hyrule to be above the waves, he now has peace in knowing he has someone to love and focus on.
OoT Ganondorf is STUPIFIED when he realizes that OH SHIT I KINDA REALLY LOVE MY WIFE. He didn't ever figure that he would feel this deeply, but oh dear lord he's in love. I headcanon him as a Tsundere though, so only sleepy wife will get to hear how much he adores you.
TP Ganondorf blanks out when he realizes that you have successfully taken his heart and ran off with it. He murmurs how derailed all his plans have gotten because someone came along, stole his attention, and then managed to snag his love. His face is stoney at first, before breaking into a smile. He loves you.
HW Ganondorf laughs as he realizes that everything in the past months have led up to him having a soulmate. He nuzzles into your hair, muttering how his mothers were right and oh how younger him would laugh as well. He's touchy with his love, so as soon as he realizes how deep his well of love is for you, he is waking you up for more physical reminders of the feeling.
And Now, ChatGPT, with a beautiful imitation of giving an opinion:
Wind Waker Ganondorf
Realizing He Loves His Wife: Wind Waker Ganondorf would initially be taken aback by the depth of his own feelings. He’s used to being driven by ambition and power, not by love. Seeing his wife sleep peacefully, looking so serene and lovely in the morning light, would make him pause. He’d be struck by the realization that he’s found a deep, emotional connection he never anticipated.
Morning Ritual: The first time he leans over to kiss her and whispers “A’nï màtushàq’so,” he would be surprised by his own actions. He wouldn’t have expected himself to be so vulnerable and affectionate. Over time, it becomes a cherished routine, a moment of softness in his otherwise hard-edged life.
Reacting to Her Snuggling Closer: When she snuggles closer in her sleep or murmurs his name with a happy sigh, he would feel a warmth spread through him. It would be a strange but wonderful feeling, making him appreciate these quiet, tender moments. He might not fully understand these emotions, but he would cherish them and hold them close.
Ocarina of Time Ganondorf
Realizing He Loves His Wife: Ocarina of Time Ganondorf would be more resistant to acknowledging his feelings at first. The idea of love and tenderness is foreign to him, but seeing his wife so at peace in his presence would stir something deep within him. Realizing he loves her would be a slow process, but the sight of her sleeping peacefully would be a powerful catalyst.
Morning Ritual: The first time he kisses her and whispers “A’nï màtushàq’so,” he would feel a mix of confusion and tenderness. As he makes it a habit, it becomes a way for him to express his feelings in a way that doesn’t compromise his perceived strength.
Reacting to Her Snuggling Closer: When she snuggles closer or murmurs his name, he would feel a protective instinct and a deep sense of belonging. These actions would make him realize how much he values her presence and how much she has become a part of his life.
Twilight Princess Ganondorf
Realizing He Loves His Wife: Twilight Princess Ganondorf would be somewhat more in touch with his emotions compared to his other iterations. He would feel a profound sense of peace and contentment seeing his wife so comfortable and happy. Realizing he loves her would be a powerful moment, making him feel more connected to his humanity.
Morning Ritual: The first time he kisses her and whispers “A’nï màtushàq’so,” he would be surprised at the depth of his own emotions. Over time, it becomes a cherished part of his routine, a way to start his day with love and affection.
Reacting to Her Snuggling Closer: When she snuggles closer or murmurs his name, he would feel a deep warmth and happiness. These moments would make him realize how much he treasures her and how important she is to him. He would silently vow to protect and cherish her always.
Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf
Realizing He Loves His Wife: Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf would be the most conflicted about his feelings. He is used to power and dominance, not vulnerability and love. However, seeing his wife sleep so peacefully would stir something deep within him, making him realize that he has found something truly special.
Morning Ritual: The first time he kisses her and whispers “A’nï màtushàq’so,” he would be both surprised and comforted by his own actions. Over time, it becomes a way for him to express his love in a quiet, personal way, giving him a sense of peace.
Reacting to Her Snuggling Closer: When she snuggles closer or murmurs his name, he would feel a profound sense of warmth and protectiveness. These moments would make him realize how deeply he cares for her and how much she means to him. He would cherish these small, tender moments as a reminder of their bond.
In each case, Ganondorf would find a deep, unexpected comfort and happiness in these quiet, tender moments with his wife. Despite their differences, each version of Ganondorf would come to value and cherish the love and connection they have found, making them more human and less driven solely by ambition and power.
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kassical · 4 years
I have loz questions for you, if it's okay! what was your first legend of zelda game you played? which game has your favorite version of link, and which game for zelda? if they let you give input on a new zelda title, are there any specific concepts or gameplay elements you would want to see? :3c
im always up for loz questions omg :0 but to answer you, here u go!
>first zaldo game Oracle of Seasons! Techncally Oracle of Ages too - but alas, I never ended up finishing that and getting the linked ending because none of my friends had gameboys ;-;
>fave link, fave zelda Legit tough, and although I adore Botw Link and Zelda, I have to go with Wind Waker’s version. Funky little gremlin boy who forces the legend to recognise him as the hero, using his courage (and foolishness) to save his little sister? Pirate who didn’t know she was actually the princess and instead sailed the seas with her family/crew of secretly kindhearted vagabonds? Absolutely sign me the fuck up
>gameplay I want the hookshot back tbh. If the botw sequel is keeping the paraglider (and rumour has it he’s losing a hand) then the hookshot would be fun to use in conjunction with it and could offer different challanges. Maybe using it to hold onto fast enemies,, or fly with the dragons, or zip through tight spaces. Revali’s gale kinda negated the need for it but who knows what the new game will bring~~~ this is better than the answer i was gonna put about wanting to pet the dogs
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sherlokiness · 3 years
White, white, white, white, white but you know what's not white? Her blue eyes. Her dark honey hair. Her red cheeks.
They look as though they belong together. Val was clad all in white; white woolen breeches tucked into high boots of bleached white leather, white bearskin cloak pinned at the shoulder with a carved weirwood face, white tunic with bone fastenings. Her breath was white as well … but her eyes were blue, her long braid the color of dark honey, her cheeks flushed red from the cold. It had been a long while since Jon Snow had seen a sight so lovely.
This is a Sansa reference. And not foreshadowing for Val turning into a wight. One could argue he forgot the color of Val's eyes but it's undermined by the fact that he put three dots before it. GRRM made Jon elaborate on what's white on Val(There are 5)just so he could contrast it to a color that is finally not white- her eyes cause they are blue. If it's a mistake then GRRM failed epically with this passage. Using an ellipsis for emphasis but not bothering to double check?Even the hair color is wrong!
Beneath her coverlets she tossed and turned, dreaming that Hizdahr was kissing her … but his lips were blue and bruised, and when he thrust himself inside her, his manhood was cold as ice.
As you can see, GRRM later used the same trick with Dany. Person X is mentioned but then is later described with traits not belonging to them. I think we can conclude that both passages are talking about different people.(Sansa or Jon/Euron)
The light of the half-moon turned Val's honey-blond hair a pale silver and left her cheeks as white as snow. It had been a long while since Jon Snow had seen a sight so lovely.
Imagine if GRRM added that last line. I would be an Aegony rn. Gotta hand it to GRRM to make the moon do the impossible to have honey be turned into silver.
The last time he saw such a sight was this
Of Sansa, brushing out Lady's coat and singing to herself. 
Blue eyed, dark honey hair,belonging with a 'ghost' direwolf? Check.
He's so blown away he had to ask
"Have you been trying to steal my wolf?" he asked her.
Have you been trying to steal me? Jon and Ghost are one. "Ghost is a part of him..."
"You wrong me, ser. I am no thief!"
Ser Roland placed his hand over his heart. "Then how do you explain this hole in my chest, from where you stole my heart?"
Jon/Roland upon seeing Val/Sansa talks about stealing an important part of them.
The language used is "have been trying" meaning this is not the first time this has happened. When did she ever try to steal his wolf? It should be " Are you trying to steal my wolf?" I hope you can see my point.
It calls to mind this exchange
"You could dance with me, you know. It would be only courteous. You danced with me anon."
"Anon?" teased Jon.
"When we were children." She tore off a bit of bread and threw it at him. "As you know well."
Anon means soon or shortly and only used twice. GRRM must have known that it is an unusual use of the word soon since she was referring to a dance in the past.
A snowflake danced upon the air. Then another. Dance with me, Jon Snow, he thought. You'll dance with me anon.
The correct meaning of anon is used here and it also makes us remember Waymar(Jon Snow parallel and who also happened to be Sansa's first love 🤣)
Ser Waymar met him bravely. "Dance with me then."
We all know Jon will "dance" with the WW. But since anon is used, we harken back to Alys's words which Jon changed from the past (you danced) to the future ( you'll dance) with me.
So anon is not used correctly and this Jon response(he's about to betray the Wildlings) was also used incorrectly and it doesn't make sense unless he's foreshadowing a different event
The man kept staring at him, with eyes as big and black as wells. I will fall into those eyes and  drown. 
As I've explained here, there's no way GRRM used drowning in someone's eyes as a metaphor for falling in love multiple times(5 times) just to make the sixth one(Jon's) an exception. Let's look at this earlier Sansa chapter in the same book.
She could only imagine what it would be like to pull up his tunic and caress the smooth skin underneath, to stand on her toes and kiss him, to run her fingers through those thick brown curls and drown in his deep brown eyes. A flush crept up her neck.
Sansa is fantasizing about the Knight of Flowers.
"You have your mother's eyes. Honest eyes, and innocent. Blue as a sunlit sea. When you are a little older, many a man will drown in those eyes."
So "a man will drown in those eyes" while Jon said he "will fall into those eyes and drown." Such coincidental wording and both cases involve water (sea and wells).
It was Lemore who forced the water from your lungs after Griff had pulled you up. You were as cold as ice, and your lips were blue.
This is how Tyrion was described when he nearly drowned. Makes you think.
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praphit · 3 years
Reminiscence: Hosting it and Ghosting it
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What if you lived in a world where you could capture more than just a moment in time on your phone, but could relive any moment in your memory? What if you could feel that moment whenever you wanted? Who knows?? -  We might not be too far away from that now:
The first steps of your child. A favorite Christmas. A first kiss... though I don't know why anyone would want to remember that... the FIRST one?! You were probably a kid, and it was really awkward. Why would you want to feel that over again? Nah, your first fight would be better. Maybe somebody stole your toy, or your phone, or maybe your gf/bf... you'll feel your fists hitting their face, blood flies everywhere, some of their blood gets in your mouth, and that's when you developed your literal taste for BLOOD! YES! THAT'S the moment!
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Or maybe the moment some divorce money comes your way. Maybe you married into wealth. You take that first check cashed, and rock an IG story for the ages that you know your ex will see. They text you, angry as hell... you've never felt so alive!
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These are the moments, people!
Is this movie a science fiction one - yes, but there's much more to it.
Our guide through all of this science fiction is Hugh Jackman. He is a former military guy/professional Reminiscence"... dude. You walk into his lab, give him lots of money, he makes you get naked, dunks you into water, laughs at you a lil bit, and then takes you on a journey to whichever memory you'd like to visit.
But, you have to be careful with the memories that you suggest. He'll be able to see other things around that memory as well.
You might have the memory of playing outside with your dog ( a happy moment), but after that moment, he witnesses a shameful memory of you burying someone in your backyard. OR maybe before that special dog moment, he witnessed you putting on some dirty underwear. Maybe you like it dirty.... the dirtier the better. Now, you're going to prison for the burying thing AND everyone thinks you’re nasty (cuz he ain't keeping that dirty secret to himself).
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He has a partner as well to keep him honest... ish.
Thandie Newton 
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(side note: this movie was directed and written by Lisa Joy, co-creator of "WestWorld", so you'll see a good bit of WW actors in here)
Anyway, Thandie...  
- she presses buttons and gets drunk. If you can find a government job where they let you get drunk while you work, then you know God likes you. And she drinks A LOT. Hugh's not quite a choir boy himself.
Is this a movie about addiction? - kinda.
She's also a former military person / pusher of memory buttons. Later on, they shoot people together. It's a whole lot of fun! Is this film a drunken buddy cop type of thing? - a lil bit.
The plot gets going when Rebecca Ferguson walks through their door. She has lost her keys, and wants Hugh and Thandie to use their tech to help her remember where she put them.
This science they have is used to bring about heart-warming moments, bring comfort to those in pain or dying, it's used to fight crime, and even save lives!  They're using it, in this scene, to find a woman's lost keys.
Is this film a bit of a comedy? - depends.
Why did they help her and not say "You get the bleep outta here!" ?
Did I mention that this was Rebecca Ferguson?
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When R. Fergie shows up to your office looking like that... you don't say "no".
So, a sexy person with questionable morals walks into your life and you say "hell yes" to them... annnnnd then the shit goes down. We've all been there. Hopefully, it leads to some sexy time; which in this case, for Hugh, it does. And hopefully, it does not lead to murder and that... loose person you've been playing with, vanishing... which in this case, for Hugh, it does.
Hugh was like "People don't just vanish! Especially, people who have booty that's so SO fine." I disagree with Hugh. This happens all of the time. My generation calls it "hitting it and quitting it"... you may hit it a bunch of times; perhaps through a Summer, but the plan is always, at some point, to quit it. Some people call it "Hosting it and Ghosting it", i think... but it boils down to a Summer fling. Hugh should be letting it go, but he can't ("I'm Wolverine, bitch! You don't vanish until I tell you to vanish! Something must have happened to her! Right, Thandie?! *Thandie's at the bottom of a bottle right now*"), and we're on our way.
Is this a mystery? - yes! but still more than that.
It's like dating apps: You go out with someone, but you don't really know them. You have what you thought was a couple of great dates, and then.... *poof* it was hosted, and now it has been ghosted". Now, you track them down, but in the process, you find that most of what they told you is a lie. They're not a doctor, they work at a RadioShack (they believe it's going to make a come back). You don't think that there's anything wrong with working there, but you quit your job to run away with a doctor... this might be a lil different now. You find out that they're a... well, you don't want to call them "easy", so... let's just move on. Annnnd maybe they sell drugs... exclusively to old ladies. This is not what you expected, but that lovin was so sweet that you don't care. You'll search all the memories you can, in your mind, and the minds of others to find that lying, hoeish, radioshack ass.
This movie has got some elements of coping mechanisms, obsessions, delusions, etc. So, how!?? - with a stylish-looking movie, a good idea,  a great cast, and plenty of interesting elements to this story... did genius creator, Lisa Joy, mess this up (and she did mess this up)?!
Let me take you through MY memories:
I remember Hugh narrating throughout this film. He's a bit pretentious and overly zen with it. It's like a person who has read the latest Dr. Smarty Pants book, and are all about "teaching" you things you didn't ask to learn. This would be fine, if this film wasn't ultimately about a Summer Fling. 
I remember Hugh and Thandie being drunk at work. I remember the Ferguson booty call, she vanished, there was some killing that the cops of the town didn't seem to care about, perhaps Hugh crossed some lines here and there, but there wasn't really an anchor point for his character, so who knows?? I remember a bad ass fight scene between two middle-aged men jumping from rooftop to rooftop. VERY COOL! - unless you focus on the "middle-aged" part, then it's just funny. Any age, really... If it's me, and I'm chasing someone, and they jump from the roof we're on to another - regardless, if they're ok or not (and they probably wouldn't be), I'd be done. I'd be like "You've earned your freedom. I won't chase you anymore. There's other fish in the sea."
An then the movie just kinda ends...
The mystery is solved, but you might realize that none of this had to happen, if someone had simply used their phone. A phone call could have stopped a lot of death. I haven't spoiled anything, but you'll understand, if you watch the movie.
That's the difference between us and Hugh Jackman?? - If your car breaks down, you might call AAA; they come and help you - THE END. But, Hugh, might purposely leave his phone in the car, run off to find a mechanic, beat the holy hell out of the mechanic (killing three people in the process), and then drag that poor soul back to the car to fix it. ACTION, baby! That's why Hugh gets paid the big bucks! Who uses phones to make calls anymore??... pssh, especially in a science fiction movie.
Good idea. Good production. Poorly written. Too much going on.
Grade: C
Hugh hasn't made a good blockbuster in a while, right?? Maybe some things here and there (maybe), but perhaps it's time to put those claws back on.
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I watched "The Suicide Squad" recently. There's a simple story about Batman villains on a suicide mission, killing people. SIMPLE. And then a Starfish from outer space invades. People love that stuff!
This movie had too much happening. Should have kept it simple:
Hugh and Thandle getting drunk and stealing memories... .maybe using them to blackmail celebrities and politicians. Lots of guns and romance, and then a giant Jellyfish from outer space invades earth.
THAT'S a movie, Hugh! Get it together!
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purple-babygirl · 3 years
So I was just in your master list the other day and I just noticed (smh🙄) that you gave me initials next to my request 🥺 (WW nonnie) Y-YOUR TOO DAMN Precious 💜💜😮‍💨 I know Aqua and another have one but me too!? That’s sweet💜💝 🥺💕 (Also meant to send this two you like 2 days ago but tumblr was being a royal skank so sorry 😅) -🐺
Yes, of course I gave you initials i love you! You're my nonnie friend 🥺💜💜 it's okay haha, you're here now and you stole my heart:"💜💜💜💜💜 I love you, White Wolf Nonnie💜
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Any WW?
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This girl stole my heart and basically I love her
[reblogs > likes]
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psychedelic-beat · 4 years
one / ( alias / name ):  My name is Camila, but I’ll steal your toes if  call me that--- Alias is Millie or anything similar (Miwwie, Milluw, Mily, Mili) 
two / ( date of birth ): February 9 (also I’m 26 since this doesn’t ask age) 
three / ( zodiac sign ): Aquarius
four / ( height ):  4′11 (150 cm)
five / ( hobbies ):  Drawing, making OCs, needlefelting (and making plushies in general)
six / ( favorite color ):  Pink and light blue
seven / ( favorite books ):  I’m a hardcore fan of Alice in Wonderland and fairytales in general fhdf also um, Pandora Hearts mangaaa 
eight / ( last song listened to ): StarDust - Sound Horizon
nine / ( last film or show watched ): I...um, binge watched the Trolls movies and.... I really liked them?? They are cute, I’m here for happy content
ten / ( story behind url ): Oh, it’s just a pun with Psyche’s name. (Also when I was babey, I was into a fandom that had this PsycheDelic pun so, I stole it lol)
eleven / ( inspiration for muse ): Eeeeh, I was like 11-12? When I started making this story. And Psyche was basically my sona  (because those were my fav colors), but I was inspired by other OCs I saw back then to make mine too, so I used the same color scheme but changed her into a character of her own. 
I worked a lot on Psyche back then (she had different name tho) and I came with Orion later because I wanted to add a antagonist to her story... So yeah, Orion was like a villain back then ww But I’m glad that he evolved into something like an older brother figure now
I had a concept of Althea, but never developed her until now. And the twins are recent because I knew the team was bigger but was too lazy to make more OCs lol
Oh and I shipped Psyche with Gibson because he was/still is my fav from the series djkfhdskh but I discarded that www
TAGGED BY: @projectaffectivity and @visionsofwings (thank youu)
I won’t tag anyone because I only know like 2-3 people here sdfjgj I’m shy
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bing0bang0b0ng0 · 6 years
How to completely break a game economy and balance whilst still enjoying it (Feat: Fallout New Vegas)
Now in this thesis I shall give you a detailed run down on how to fuck the entire in game economy of New Vegas with no mods, so this is CONSOLE FRIENDLY! Or at least, PS3 friendly. DLCs don’t hurt and chances are they can help with a few steps. This “strat” uses all 4 title DLC and Couriers Stash.
Wake up after being shot in the head by Chandler.
Make yourself beautiful in your own Fallout 3 engine way.
Walk over to the not-love-tester and set your skills. This is the important part. Endurance needs to be 10 and Luck needs to be more than 7. Preferably try and get luck as close to ten as you want. Then you want to spec the rest of your stats as you do please. You’ll be adding +1 to all of these later anyways. Plus however many times you pick the +1 special perk.
Go and describe some images and reveal to Doc Mitchel that you’re a psycho or whatever.
Your tag skills and traits are not important to this run, so go nuts and choose whatever you want. I tend to go for “skilled” and some other trait and whatever tag skills I feel like. You could go for a survival, barter and science tag set with WW and Logan’s Loophole. Pick your poison really.
Tell the good doctor to go fuck himself or whatever. Go and proceedingly pilfer whatever the fuck isn’t nailed down that could be valuable. Fix the sub machine gun/make stimpaks/both and leave. The stimpaks will probably be useful.
Pick up the good springs snow globe. This is gonna be useful for the caps later.
Head to Yangtze Memorial and find the duffel bag and pick up whatever is useful from that.
This is the first fun part. You need to B-Line it to Camp Macarren. This means going past Quarry Junction. These Deathclaws will come out of no-where and fuck you up so save regularly. Good saving points are at the memorial, when you get to Sloan, when you get near Neil’s shack and once you get to Repcon(Reppcon?) HQ you are safe. What you need to do is give QJ as wide a berth as you can. If you didn’t spec into perception much then you’re gonna be a bit on edge here. Just keep looking around and stick to jumping up the terrain to get to places the Deathclaws can’t. Crouch and squat walk across the desert wasteland of Nevada
Once you’ve been harassed by some Fiends and kindly either shown them to the nearest NCR profligate soldier or introduced them to your big iron of choice, you may opt to optionally kill/loot the corpse of an NCR soldier. This isn’t needed, but saves you a modicum of time.
Head to the Camp Macarren terminal building. If you haven’t already, you can equip your soldier disguise.
Go towards the monorail and take it to Vegas. If the guards are there then you need to wait until the guards leave. Or just run past them and yell “fuck it” as loud as you can while doing so.
Take the monorail to New Vegas. Make sure you do this.
Leave the monorail building and get greeted by Yes Man. Tell him you’ll head right over to the Vegas Space Needle.
Head up the Vegas space needle.
Go to the bar level and pick up the test site snow globe. Head up to the penthouse and talk to the “lady sex bot” and cash in your snow gloves for cash money.
Go talk to house and say you’ll deal with Chandler and get the shiny circle thing that he stole when he fucked up 2 point blank headshots.
Leave the Space Needle but Gambling.
Now, the order you do this in is up to you but you should probably work your way around. You need to get 33000 caps. This means you need to exploit high luck and blackjack tables. I would recommend going to the Robot Fetishist’s casino in Freeside first and breaking its bank first. It has the worst blackjack payout and is frankly just a bit shit. But you don’t get some guy coming over and telling you you’re so amazing and to keep going while you’re there so it’s not so bad. Then go to Gomorrah, Topps and Ultraluxe in that order. Killing Benny is optional while in Topps.
Once you have broken the bank in all 4 casinos, plus whatever caps you had already you should have 33000 caps.
Go to Ultraluxe and get around 33000 chips. This’ll probably take a moment to spam the dialogue for it. Feel free to put on Johnny Guitar or Jingle Jangle Jingle or Big Iron. This’ll be a few minutes.
Save. Go to the table at the other side of the room and jump on it, looking down. Drop the chips. All of them.
Pick up the chips again. They will say a negative number. This is good. It should be around -32000. Your mileage may vary depending on how far over 32217(ish) you were when you dropped the chips.
Go over to the exchange.
Proceed to get infinite money. I repeat, you can infinitely get cash money to your heart’s desire.
Once you have milked your human greed to the point where your courier is now more cap than weird homonculus person, leave Vegas. Maybe save again, if you want.
Now you have two options, but you should go to both regardless. My method has me:
Go to Gun Runners and milk them for all their ammo, mods and whatever firearms you desire. You’ll have got some combat armour from Gomorrah but it’s time for an upgrade so while you’re there pick up Combat Armour MK2.
Go to New Vegas Medical Clinic. Proceed to get every implant. If you went for the max luck option at the start you’ll get told you don’t need the luck implant. Proceed to buy up all the stimpaks and superstimpaks and all the chems you want.
Well Done. You can now break every fight you come across because you now have 100% condition armour and weapons and enough ammo to hold out against an entire battalion of profligate soldiers.
And as you level up from cheesing through quests/locations/enemies you can head back to Gun Runners and just buy new gear when it breaks.
(If you have the DLC [Which you should get it’s all amazing in unique ways])
Go to Lonesome Road first because the commissary you unlock in the starting bunker gives you a shit tonne of good loot and ammo.
Old World Blues is a good way to get 100% repairs and to become overpowered as fuck on top of your already overpowered as fuck build. The implants you get here are also all good bets.
Dead Money is a lot more fun when you have managed to become ridicously overlevelled/overpowered because you have so much big iron energy that enemies die in your mere presence. Too bad a radio will do you in harder than a deathclaw alpha.
Honest Hearts is also a lot more fun when you rock up with a modded grenade machine gun a 100% condition and HE grenades
Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
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kellysbookblog · 4 years
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Get Over You by Skylar Hunter is now live! 
My GR Review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/3548010354?book_show_action=false
My Amazon Review: https://www.amazon.com/gp/customer-reviews/R3TKGW06R0ZE92?ref=pf_ov_at_pdctrvw_srp
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I shouldn't have come back...but I couldn't stay away.
They call me a football god. A legend in the making. After winning back-to-back championships with Baltimore, I shocked the world when I decided to take my talents elsewhere. But not just anywhere. Back to the town I despised growing up. Because that's where she is. The girl who stole my heart when we were kids. She's all grown up and more beautiful than ever, living her best life as a popular sports reporter. I hate her for what she did to me. She didn't just break my heart. She crushed it beneath her sneakered foot and burned it to ashes. She wrecked me. But I'm still not over her. I can have any woman I want with a crook of my finger. I want her. Only her. Call me crazy. Call me obsessed. Both would apply. I blew up my whole world for her. Because I want her back in my life. Back in my bed. And yeah, I want a little revenge . . . .
Get Over You is the first book in the new Dare Me Series, an interconnected contemporary romance series.
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Goodreads: https://bit.ly/goytbr
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Meet Skylar 
Skylar Hunter is an author of scorching contemporary romance. Hot alpha heroes and double fudge brownies make her weak in the knees. She loves to write deeply emotional romances that stay with you long after you've turned the last page. When she's not writing, she enjoys traveling, hanging out with her family, catching up on her favorite shows, and watching pet videos (anything with kittens is like catnip to her). As a new author on the scene, she looks forward to interacting with readers and gaining lifelong fans. Please sign up for her newsletter and look her up on social media.
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 Connect with Skylar 
Website | skylarhunter.com  
Goodreads | https://bit.ly/327NggK  
Amazon | amazon.com/author/skylarhunter   
Instagram | https://bit.ly/2QalHxH    
Twitter | https://bit.ly/3kUKkg8       
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orpheusmorpheous · 7 years
the grinch that stole christmas? no ur the binch that stole my heart!! sending u an bobby lots of love xoxo!!
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heckyeahstevetrevor · 7 years
Wonder Woman #30
...OR “The Etta Candy show!”
After reading this issue I’m on a high! And this feeling is 75% euphoria from how much fun this issue was and only 25% from being in denial about the next story arc! But oh man, what an issue!
1. Etta, she of ant counting and grenade throwing
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Etta stole the show in this issue! The very first panel is Steve asking Etta for advice, and the very last one is her niece giggling at her. Etta is still injured throughout this issue but she is instrumental in saving the day. I mean, homegirl EXCELS. She saves the day (just as much as Diana), cracks a few jokes, and even flirts with someone new. You get yours, Etta! Woo that woo! RECLAIM YOUR GLORYYY!!
2. Diana reclaims her truth
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No secret that I’ve been frustrated with some of the dropped themes in this arc because they are tantalizing possibilities that just aren’t explored, but I’m willing to let it go because this issue continues the overall WW Rebirth quest for Diana’s truth. This is why I was excited about Shea Fontana writing the title—she gets what makes Wonder Woman tick. 
3. And @twoquickdeaths wins the Heart of the Amazon Steve(n) battle
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UGH. But the war isn’t over, my friend! We might have to put aside our differences while we deal with Jaso I mean Jason, but then we’ll brb, heh heh heh.
Stray observations:
That domestic scene of my three little pumpkins lounging around Diana’s living room made me feel warm and fuzzy and happy and I feel so well taken care of and valued as a Wonder Woman fan right now.
Speaking of domestic: STEVE TREVOR! He gets emotional! He expresses vulnerability! He bakes! He wears cap sleeves! Steve is so masculine but has a lot of feminine-coded traits that I love seeing played up like this.
David Messina’s art is a lot stronger in this issue than it was in his last appearance. I’d be down to see him on this title again.
And of course, I want Shea Fontana back with more than 5 issues (I don’t know why I kept counting 6) to write. Luckily in the meanwhile, we’ve got DC Super Hero Girls (check out Out of the Bottle, possibly the best DCSHG story so far)!
Finally: always carry multiple grenades.
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aletheiawriting · 7 years
6, 38, 45 (and 35 but only if you are comfortable with that!) Thank you~ =)
Thank you for asking!!
6. Favorite character you’ve written?
I think I’ve answered this before for a different ask game and I said Jack! He’s actually a rp character, but I’m going to include him in an Actual Thing one day because goodness, I love him so much. He really stole my heart, the motherfucker. 
38. How do you nail voice in your books?
I believe I’ve been told by my good friend, who also happens to be my forever beta reader, that I Do It Well. All I do is imagine my characters as if they were real people. Mainly, because I have this tiny obsession with daydreaming about them being real people that I can meet and befriend, which totally isn’t sad. When you put them in a real life context in your head, you end up making their conversations sound like real life conversations… I suppose!
45. First or third person?
Third person, always. I’ve always been a bit bothered by writing in first person, though I wouldn’t be able to explain why.
35. Post the last sentence you wrote.
Totally okay with it; it’s from WW and here’s an attempt at translating it:
Her keys tinkled (?) when they hit the floor. Sacha kneeled to pick them up, and she only noticed her mother’s frankly concerning expression when she stood back up.
Just realized it was supposed to be just a sentence, whatever.
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defenestram · 7 years
A Softer World prompt: 24. Cam and Lucy.
I joined Plenty of Fish to find out who stole my bike.  A fun first date would be going to your house to see if you have my bike. (What a lovely home.  Do you have a shed?)
AN: This got long. I also don’t know who survived WW, so I’m trying to leave references to a minimum, so... there.
He couldn’t look at her after the Vault -- not directly in the eyes, and not even indirectly or out of his peripheral. Cameron could not physically bring himself to look at Lucy Morrill without the room falling colder and condensation gathering on nearby window panes. He wanted to look at her. Cameron wanted to do more than look at Lucy Morrill, but each time he tilted his head up to meet her eyes...
He pictured her clawing at her throat, pictured her gasping for air, pictured her falling blue-lipped and still in his arms.
“I’m sorry,” was all he managed to say when she tried to confront him on his avoidant behavior, and not even Henry could get him to leave his room whenever Lucy was around. Eventually, Cameron packed up his meager possessions into a cardboard box and left. He was an early riser, and was up far before anyone else in Gil’s house was.
He hopped a Greyhound out of New Haven, but didn’t notice the orange glow of a cigarette on the porch, much less Lucy sitting in the dark watching him leave.
Months passed. Cameron managed to hold down a few tutoring jobs while he poked his head into finding more of a permanent position -- stability. He laughed each time he thought about what he was trying to find. Wasn’t that why he had come to New Haven in the first place? Stability over powers that rained storms and hurricanes all through his personal life and left him grasping at flotsam? He’d come searching for stability, but what he found was the quickened pace of his heart whenever he saw Lucy and the mischief in her eyes and the shadows in her smile.
She said she would never let him hurt her, but that’s all he’d seen in the Vault. That’s all the Vault had been -- endless dreams of his friends and loved ones and how he’d hurt them and killed them. None of it was real, he’d come to find, but it could have been...
He managed to save up enough money to rent a hole in the wall apartment, and to buy another bike. His old one was still dangling from a tree somewhere in New Haven, and he wasn’t brave enough to show his face in a city he’d destroyed to try and find it.
Some things, he’d decided, were best to just move on from.
He was running late. Cameron didn’t like to swear -- he always pictured his mother glaring at him for each minor curse word -- but he managed to throw out a few shits and fucks under his breath as he ran around his apartment in a fluster of confusion. 
He had an interview, and he was... mostly dressed for an interview. His button-up now had wrinkles from leaning over the couch, and one of his shoes had come untied. His tie had loosened from its knot, and his bag had been blown aside at one point due to a panicked gust of wind spreading through the apartment. The air was snowing resumes and reference letters and testimonies, but Cameron found it hard to care about paper when he had another more puzzling conundrum to worry about.
He had an interview across town, and no bike to get to the school. He kept his bike tucked behind the couch and carried it up and down the stairs each day so that nobody would steal it from out front...
How the hell did he lose a bike inside his own apartment?
Sure enough, though, the bike was gone, replaced with only thin air and the faint silhouette left behind from where the dust had fallen...
He almost missed the sticky note tacked to the wall. Cameron’s mind had been turning over a thousand different logical possibilities that he missed exactly what was in front of him. His brows furrowed as he reached out and detached the neon yellow note from the wall with a crinkle of adhesive.
Come home
He knew her handwriting better than he knew himself at times.
Cameron sighed...folded the note neatly and stuffed it into his pocket before turning and walking out into the sunlight.
He didn’t have a bike, and New Haven was miles away in any case, so he had to ride the bus. Cameron supposed there was a bit of beauty in that plan, because it gave him time to sort his thoughts and ready himself for what he was about to face when he got off the bus and hailed a cab to Gil’s house.
It was unlike Lucy, though. It was unlike the Shadow Girl to be so cryptic when she could just tug him back to where she wanted him without him noticing until it was too late. He spent the remainder of his bus ride worrying about her and letting his breath fog up the glass of his window seat.
New Haven had cleaned up well in the aftermath of The Riots... or rather, it had cleaned up after him. Cameron kept his head low and tried to avoid looking out of the cab windows as he was sped from the Downtown bus station to the suburb that held Gil’s House. He didn’t want to see the evidence of what he had done to keep everyone else safe, but there it was: roof shingles that still needed to be redone, trees bent and bowed in every which way, and a car still smashed into a radio tower that nobody had figured out how to retrieve yet. Some of the houses still had boarded up windows, while others were perfectly fine, and then the car stilled, and Cameron saw the familiar ring of devastation that provided Gil’s house with a barrier.
The house itself was untouched, still a home, and -- when he gave it a second glance -- still a daycare, but all he could see was the hell of what he’d done... and what he could still do.
He considered tapping the driver on the shoulder and considered going all the way back to the Station and back to the hum-drum anonymous life he’d tried to carve for himself, but instead...
Instead he sighed, paid his toll, and stepped out onto the familiar street and then up to the front door where another familiar sticky note awaited him:
Come in.
He opened the door, expecting fully to be tackled by children or Henry and his swinging arms, but there was only silence and another sticky note on the tray that they used to keep their house keys on.
Cameron sighed and took a moment to reign his emotions into check before he made his way to the familiar staircase of the house and clambered up until he saw the bedroom doors staring back at him.
The Vault had so many doors too, and none of them pleasant. Cameron shivered, even though the air in the house was still warm. It was only when he remembered where his door was that he found the next sticky note:
In here.
He took another breath, placed his hand on the doorknob, turned it, and walked in.
Lucy was there, sitting at the edge of what had once been his bed.
“Oh good -- you made it!” she called, her voice all cheer as she hopped to her feet. “I was beginning to think you were never going to show.”
Cameron still couldn’t look at her, so he averted his gaze to the corner of the room, and to the... bike...
The battered bike.
“Lucy this...--” Cameron started, but the words stuttered into nothing as his mind went blank.
It was the bike that the tornado had launched into a tree. It was his old bike. The one he’d bought on his way to New Haven. The paint was scratched to hell, and the metal was wrangled into strange shapes, and there were tree twigs hanging from the basket, but it was his.
“Yeah, I stole your bike,” Lucy admitted, still all grins as she strode over to the corner of the room and walked it over to him...
The wheels didn’t even turn. The bike scraped across the ground with a groaning protest of the hardwood.
“And I know it’s not the boring one you bought in San Fran, but it’s the one I remember you on, and it’s the one we’re going to fix. Together. It’s just a little bent, not broken.”
Bent, but not broken.
“Lucy, I... I don’t know how to fix a bike. I wouldn’t know the first place to start.”
I don’t know how to fix myself...
“Well,” she said as she took another step closer to him, and then another, and another, until she was staring right at him and he had no choice but to look her directly in those famous Morrill blue eyes. “We’ll just have to learn together, huh?”
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savetopnow · 6 years
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9 Kids' Choice Awards Style Trends You'll Be Seeing All Spring
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March For Our Lives: New Photos From Space Prove 800,000 Protested In D.C. For Gun Reform
Scott Disick ‘Flattered’ Fans Are Worried About Relationship With Sofia Amid Rumors She’s Over It
Kim Kardashian Trolled By Haters For Photoshop Fail That Squashed A Car In The Background
Justin Bieber Unbuttons His Shirt After Soccer Game — Is He Trying To Entice Baskin Champion?
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Comedian Sinbad Appears To Be SNITCHING On Russell Simmons . . . Says ‘MORE WOMEN’ Are Gonna Come Out With RAPE Claims!!!
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tamarovjo4 · 7 years
P!nk - Just Give Me A Reason ft. Nate Ruess
P!nk's official music video for 'Just Give Me A Reason' ft. Nate Ruess. Click to listen to P!nk on Spotify: http://smarturl.it/PSpot?IQid=PJGMR As featured on The Truth About Love. Click to buy the track or album via iTunes: http://smarturl.it/PTALiTunes?IQid=PJGMR Google Play: http://smarturl.it/PJGMRPlay?IQid=PJGMR Amazon: http://smarturl.it/PTALAm?IQid=PJGMR More from P!nk Just Give Me A Reason: https://youtu.be/OpQFFLBMEPI So What: https://youtu.be/FJfFZqTlWrQ Raise Your Glass: https://youtu.be/XjVNlG5cZyQ Follow P!nk Website: http://www.pinkspage.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pink Twitter: https://twitter.com/Pink Subscribe to P!nk on YouTube: http://smarturl.it/PSub?IQid=PJGMR More great Ultimate Hits of the Noughties videos here: http://smarturl.it/UNPlaylist?IQid=PJGMR --------- Lyrics: Right from the start You were a thief You stole my heart And I your willing victim I let you see the parts of me That weren't all that pretty And with every touch you fixed them Now you've been talking in your sleep, oh, oh Things you never say to me, oh, oh Tell me that you've had enough Of our love, our love Just give me a reason Just a little bit's enough Just a second we're not broken just bent And we can learn to love again It's in the stars It's been written in the scars on our hearts We're not broken just bent And we can learn to love again A source Our store: Christmas Piano Tags: music, internet radio, online music, my music, musics, listen to music online, music streaming, online music player, music video, online radio stations, play music, music websites, new music, musik online, music radio, online music streaming, listen to music, internet radio stations, allmusic, music music, internet music, music song, music search, music to listen to, music site, latest music, top music, hip hop music, dance music, hindi music, rock music, rap music, music playlist, best music, music radio stations, music online radio, listen songs online, listen to radio online, new music releases, music station, internet radio app, r&b music, radio online streaming, music web, listen to unblocked music, music listening websites, music listening sites, music 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