#but when you receive death threats and bullying and harassment
ohnoitsthebat · 2 years
It's sad when you go from loving and enjoying a ship, to hating it with a burning passion and adding it to filtered tags and content.
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etherealcelestine · 1 month
𝐘𝐎𝐔’𝐑𝐄 𝐀 𝐋𝐔𝐂𝐊𝐘 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 | series (a) (f) (d)
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PAIRING: popular!heeseung x unpopular!reader (f)
SUMMARY: you were the unlucky girl, you always had been since birth. moving to a new place and starting a new school, you try to keep your profile low to try and not get noticed. but that becomes a problem when you get involved with the school’s most popular and wanted guy, lee heeseung. but he has two sides, a good and a bad one, which makes him utterly obsessed with you.
WARNING: smut, (mdni 18+), masturbation, fingering, mention of sex, oral (m and f receiving), consuming cum (don’t!), pussy eating, blowjob, handjob, marking, love bites, hickey’s, rough sex, riding, possessive/manipulative/obsessed heeseung, yandare!heeseung, fighting, mention of blood, heartbreak, mean heeseung, bullying, mean girls, threats, violence, dark themes, exposing, sexual harassment, porn, drowning, suicidal tendencies, hate, scars, trauma, depression, stalking, abuse, alcohol, drugs, random gifts, death threats.
author’s note: chapters are short but there will be allot of content (I think?)
TAGLIST OPEN: @lvnglysunoo
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chapter 1
𝐛𝐥𝐮𝐞 𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞
chapter 2
𝐜𝐚𝐧’𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐨 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮
chapter 3
𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐨𝐧 working!
chapter 4
not started
chapter 5
not started
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My Exit Note (for now) - and A Letter to Taylor
I’m so very sorry to the lovely people on here who will be saddened to read this, but this will be my last post for a while. I re-joined tumblr in June last year to re-reconnect to this lovely community, and it genuinely seemed so much safer to do than back in 2017. I thought the fandom had gained some perspective as a whole. But after only 7 months, the fandom (and by that I mean swifties) has once again become a battle ground for us, fuelled by none other than Taylor herself, and I’m no longer willing to gloss over that. I’m choosing my own peace.
It may seem like a very fickle move after only 7 months in this space, when the good people on here are genuinely some of the kindest and most intelligent people I’ve ever met online, but let me explain why I need to take a break. I don’t intend to leave Taylor Swift and her art behind and never look back. In fact, I have Eras tour tickets for the summer and I want to give myself a chance to actually be excited about that by the time June comes around. But it’s all too familiar, pretty much exactly the same reason I left tumblr the first time in 2017. I’m here to discuss and analyse Taylor’s art with likeminded (queer) people and I can’t respect the artist of that very art when she continually gives her toxic ‘fans’ ammunition to come into our safe space and harass us and then watches as we scramble to keep ourselves safe amidst abuse and threats. They are doing this in HER name. Members of a marginalised community she claims to be an ‘ally’ to are being doxxed and harassed in HER name and she’s doing nothing. If anything she’s fanning the flames while it burns. Whatever it is that she’s doing with her brand right now, her silence when her own crazy fans are sending DEATH THREATS to people for simply interpreting her art, means that I cannot be part of that right now. I thought the fandom had changed, that Taylor had grown more confident defending what she stands for, but clearly, I was wrong.
The tipping point back in 2017 for me, was when she told those kids from the rep secret sessions that the album was all about her darling bf and gave them permission to go after anyone who said otherwise. And boy, did they take that seriously. They came after us in our little corner for gushing over how beautifully gay those songs were, fuelled by words straight from the horse’s mouth. SHE sent those people after us. Because she wrote the gayest album in history and she couldn’t deal with the noise getting too loud. And I lost all respect for her. It was only in 2019 when she was suddenly draped in rainbows that I carefully looked at gaylor spaces online again, because it seemed like she was finally actually committing to it. But we all know how that ended… So, to see one of those very rep secret session kids on my YouTube feed yesterday picking apart this beautiful NY Times article with lies and inaccuracies in the name of Taylor’s straightness, just reminded me whose side she decides to put herself on. She invited those people to her house. She caters to them, not us. She made them think they were her friends and then sent them after us. With HER OWN WORDS. And I can’t be in the trenches for someone who hands my bullies a gun and points at the target.
I will leave my blog active this time, so my content will be here for people to engage with if they want. But I won’t be on here to receive your messages or dm’s. I’m sorry that I’m leaving you guys at a time where we need to stick together, but I’m getting more anger and hurt out of this than joy atm and that’s always the time for me to put myself first and step away. I hope that we will come together again when the tide changes, I’m still somewhat convinced that the clock is ticking towards a better time for us, but I need Taylor to come through for us (and herself) before I can look at her again. And I promise if that happens, I won’t hold a grudge.
And lastly, here’s something I’ve never done because I’m not crazy enough to think that Taylor sees us on here, but I don’t have any other social media and I had to get this off my chest. (If you have twitter/instagram, maybe do something similar, you never know, she might actually see it and I think she needs to know how much hurt she’s causing with this)
Dear Taylor, @taylorswift
What are you doing, love? I wish I could actually ask you that. In fact, I’ve wished it many times throughout the decade that I’ve been a fan of your music. I’ve wished that I could tell you what your music meant to me when I was heartbroken, and how much joy it brought me when I was young and felt invincible. You changed my life when you proudly held a girl’s hand in public with a smile that showed me that love is there for people like me to find, after all. And when the world was hard on you, I wished I could ask you if you were ok. But today, I just want to ask you this: what have I done to deserve you sending the worst kind of people after me? Time and time again. And you can’t tell me you didn’t know that would happen, I know you’re smart. I know you know the kind of people I’m talking about, the ones that worship you like a God, that will stop at nothing to defend the version of you they have in their heads. The ones you built your empire on. Good on you, but when did you stop caring for the people that actually see you and read the words you put out into the world for us? Was that not what you wanted? I can’t claim to understand how you live the life you’ve chosen, but at least your art was always there to bring joy to my life and community when I needed it. I didn’t need you to be a hero, but now you’ve become part of the problem.
So, here’s the thing: choose a side. Commit to us, or let us go. This line that you’re walking has reached the end. You want to be an ally? Fine. Let me help you with that: Don’t claim to be a safe space for queer people and then throw a grenade into our community and watch it burn. That’s not what an ally does. Don’t appropriate our culture by using our pride flag colours or the colour lavender and then deny the cultural and historic significance of those colours, effectively erasing their meaning. That’s not what an ally does. And most importantly, don’t let people be slaughtered, gaslit and harassed on the internet, or mainstream news, for interpreting your music as queer. A young queer woman, who is an incredible journalist, got called ‘inappropriate’ and a liar on national news yesterday, because she picked up what you’re putting down in your music and wrote an article about it. An incredible article by the way, one that made us all feel seen and validated. And then you’re letting old white men on national television call that inappropriate and invasive. You may not have said those words, but you let them stand there uncommented, let your cultish fans think that their hero is offended by being presumed to be gay. You guessed it, that’s also not what an ally does. A marginalised group of your fans got DEATH THREATS in your name in the last 24 hours because we pick up on queer flagging in your art. And you did nothing. You handed our bullies weapons and left us to fend for ourselves. That is not a safe space for LGBTQ people. And for that reason, you’re losing me.
Because I have nothing to believe. Unless you actually choose me (and yourself for that matter). Just once.
Until then,
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muxas-world · 18 days
nothing to do with yesterday's accident, but every time i see someone say that 36 year old man is bullying a 22 year old kid, i really think it's just his nature. considering he was already charming crowds and turning them against more experienced riders when he was in his teens and early twenties, and his mom even said he could get everyone around him in kindergarten, it seems like he's always had a knack for getting people to rally around him. i honestly think it's a talent to get a bunch of people who have nothing to do with your life to go all out for you. and vale clearly doesn’t see an issue with it, probably because he doesn’t understand how painful it is to be on the receiving end of all the hate. he’s really a devil, sorry.
He’s not the devil. I think there are worse people in this world, but he is a wealthy, privileged guy like everyone else on this grid, and just for that, all of them will probably see hell. Now, the thing is, you can dislike Vale—that’s your thing—but personally, I could never. When you’ve been raised like him, being on the grid since childhood (he was 12, racing alone in Spain at a time when adults were competing with kids, exposed to who knows what), and receiving so much attention, hate, love, death threats, marriage proposals—it becomes normalized. That’s just how people act when you’re famous. I’m not excusing how he acted with Marc or the media frenzy he created around it—he’s 100% at fault for that. But you can see why he thought it was normal when he said he wasn’t going to stop his fans, because he received the same death threats and harassment. To him, it went both ways, and it’s not like his fans were going to listen anyway. Does that excuse his behavior? No. He’s still at fault for it, and I think he knows that. Since then, he’s been more careful when talking about Marc. He still says he has his opinion about him, etc., but it’s not visceral because he knows how he looks and the effect he has on his fanbase
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strawberryraviegutz · 5 months
I really REALLY hate those kinds of stupid “hot take” posts. I think they’re just garbage to purposely farm more discourse to cause infighting, but I’ve been holding this in for so long and I need to get it out of my system so here it goes.
Alastor fans are allowed to dislike Valentino. Valentino was made to be a dislikable Villain while Alastor BY VIV’S OWN WORDS is a chaotic neutral antihero based off of Dexter with a moral code. Of course people are gonna like Alastor more than Valentino. The antihero/vigilante is a very popular beloved trope. I mean just look at Magneto and Venom.
You guys claim to want more nuanced characters but when we try and tell you that Alastor is more nuanced BASED OFF OF EVIDENCE FROM THE CREATOR and little possible context clues in the show we get accused of “babying/woobifying him”(as if Val fans haven’t done that to Val). This isn’t a hit piece against all Val fans/simps btw. I may hate that moth, but you guys should be allowed like him without receiving hate and or death threats.
It’s not “hypocrisy” to dislike Valentino or the Vees and like Alastor for the reasons I said above and the four of them aren’t comparable. Yeah they share some traits but overall the only thing Alastor and the Vees have in common are the mistreatment of the souls they own. Like I said, Val fans shouldn’t be attacked for liking him but the thing is…if you’re gonna preach those words then do the same for Alastor fans/simps because we get attacked too.
(Again it’s not all Val stans but it sure it a lot of them. I’ve all so seen Val haters do it too.) Yall claim not to harass people over fictional characters yet will go under Alastor posts and or discussion threads and be like “Uhm actually him and Valentino are the same🤓☝️”.
“He’s worse than Val” “Why can’t we just have a good villain” “Just accept that Alastor is a villain stop babying him” when we’re just minding our own business. Not to mention people going under fanart of Angel! Alastor and being like “erm actually he’d never go to heaven🤪”.
Along with yall bullying the hell out of Alastor selfshippers/simps and using tumblr sexyman as an insult(which reaks of internalized misogyny btw because majority of Alastor simps are women + women are always the first to be made fun of when it comes to characters that Classify as tumblr sexymen being found attractive by them or any character you personally wouldn’t find attractive.)
And yall going around and keep calling Alastor ugly under posts about people gushing about him and i don’t mean lighthearted jokes either because i make fun of the back of his head sometimes too. And full blown harassment. When an Alastor fan provided evidence of Alastor being a more nuanced character which were clips from Viv’s streams, people in the comments and qrts were being extremely rude and dismissive. It got so bad that op deleted the og tweet.
Don’t go around and claim to be against cringe culture but then make fun of people for finding Alastor attractive. And for goodness sake STOP FUCKING CALLING HIM A SLAVE OWNER. And yes he owns souls but that doesn’t matter.
Alastor is canonically half black and its overall disgusting to slap the label “slave owner” onto him knowing damn well that he grew up in the Jim Crow era of America in the Deep South of Louisiana. His existence as a mixed black person back then was basically considered an abomination. With how terrible it was for black people back then, Alastor probably bore witness to a lot of messed up shit growing up and if that’s the case then it’s no wonder he’s so messed up in the head.
This type of behavior has been going on since the days where we only had the pilot and it’s only gotten worse since the show came out. As soon as I saw that scene with husk and Alastor in hell’s greatest dad I automatically knew what was coming. I’m not saying that Alastor Is a good person nor am I saying that what he did to husk was ok. But to go after/make fun of Alastor fans,purposely denying evidence of his character while in the same breath preach against bullying people over liking certain characters makes YOU the hypocrites. So much for anti-harassment. I’m tired. Bye.
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 6 months
Just curious...could this Sussex Squad thing turn into a legal investigation (if it's not already)? And what crimes would they be arrested for and what is the penalty?!??
The "general" stuff they do (for lack of a better word), like spread rumors about the Waleses and bully Kate's fans on social media, there's not a whole lot there. It's just seen as "coming with the territory" (also for lack of a better phrase).
Where the Sussex Squad could get into legal trouble is if or when they go after single accounts - doxxing them, dogpiling them, or escalating to death threats (or r*pe threats, threats of violence, etc.). All of that could qualify as stalking, intimidating, harassment, or incitement for violence for which there could be criminal charges levied. Depending on the severity and the jurisdiction, the penalty could range from slap-on-the-wrist fines to jail time.
Where it gets complicated is who reports these incidents and what kind of evidence or investigation there is to support the complaint. Usually the victim of a cyber crime has to report the incident (vs a bystander witness) and usually the onus on providing evidence to prove there's a case is on the victim - in most cases, the investigator (police, FBI, DHS, a lawyer) won't open a case unless the victim provides enough evidence to make it worth their time; screenshots of messages and usernames or phone numbers, IP addresses, voicemails, voice recordings. Which really sucks, but that's the grey area in a lot of cyber crime where the policies and practices are still being developed.
So for example, when Yankee Wally was doxxed and bullied off Twitter, only Yankee Wally could have reported the cyberbullying, the cyber harassment, the cyber stalking/intimidation and she would have had to provide evidence - e.g., screenshots of the tweets and the usernames/accounts who were harassing her. The rest of us wouldn't have been able to "call it in" for her. We could've helped take screenshots of any public messages she received or any posts/websites we saw where her PII published, but we most likely wouldn't have been able to report it to the FBI and have it taken seriously.
Which is why if you're ever the victim of a cyberbullying campaign, a doxxing, online harassment, it's super important you document everything. Take screenshots of all the messages you get (or see) and make sure all the identifying information is there like timestamps, usernames, account handles, and phone numbers. If you know how to get someone's IP address, grab that too. Save any voicemails or voice messages you get. If you answer a call that turns out to be harassment, document as much as you can; the number they called from, what time, what their voice sounded like, what they said. Have physical copies (printouts), electronic copies (screenshots), and backup copies.
If this is happening to you and you receive packages or letters in the mail from addresses you don't recognize, that are unusually heavy, or are leaking some kind of fluid/grease, don't open them, don't bring them inside, don't let children or pets near. Call the police to report it and follow their instructions about what to do.
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notyouraryang0dd3ss · 4 months
hi, indian anon here ( I think I used the ⏳️) ig you can say I'm an ex swiftie, but in the sense that I was never exposed to western music until evermore and I listened to it and loved it. I never engaged with the fandom or anything, and didn't even know all these things taylor did, and I thought taylor was a decent person because of the documentary. This was until ofc, the matty healy incident which opened my eyes to her behavior, but idky I felt like I couldn't openly dislike her. Everyone in my school was obsessed with her and if you're a girl, and you hated her, or even disliked her, you were a pick me, and I didn't wanna get hated on more by my classmates (long story there). The last straw for me was prolly when 1989 tv was released (after the mh incident I just called myself a swiftie cuz I liked her earlier work) and I had joined an online swiftie group chat, and the people there were so vile and hateful. I remember saying it's wrong hating on harry styles for cheating on her cuz she did the same, or that Joe alwyn is just a regular dude, and so are all her other exes, except prolly matty and the John Mayor guy for dating a 19 y/o (SHE ALSO DATED MINORS THO??? no one talked about this shit) and I mentioned that she's not god and that she has done bad things, and the gc, which had 50 active members everyday, collectively not only hated on me, but also these people had access to my private insta acc. My face, my friends, my address, they knew it all. It was so scary, and while I have been in plenty of toxic fandoms before (my first death threats were by the hp fandom, which I've left long back), I actually felt threatened. It actually felt like a cult, and it was scary until my insta acc got shut down (idky), and the ppl couldn't find me anymore. The swiftie fandom is weird at best, and potential criminals at worst, because wtf. They don't have any sort of individual thinking, and if someone does, they will find a way to shut it down. Even now, when I interact with a swiftie and taylor Swift comes up, and I say I don't like her, their behavior is just like the ones online. Ik ppl get more confidence to do bad things online cuz of anonymity, but swifties are the same irl, too. They completely believe it is okay to treat ppl terribly, harass and spread disgusting rumors and even doxx a Palestinian woman and give her details to Isreali organization. Like that actually happened. I regret that I didn't leave the fandom sooner because I can't believe I was associated with something like this. Ik celebrities make mistakes, and that fandoms always have one toxic portion, but this is too much.
Sorry for the long rant tho 😅
- ⏳️
sorry it took me a while to respond, there is SO MUCH HAPPENING in this ask. like 3 diff asks rolled into one omfg
1. peer pressured into “continuing” to like taylor swift you are a different kind of victim im so sorry you went through that (and all to prevent you from being bullied…im so sorry)
2. THE SWIFTIE GROUPCHAT: that is horrible and TERRIFYING. all you did was practice critical thinking and you feared for your SAFETY. their reactions are not logical nor rational and speak to how dangerous her fanbase is.
if you feel like you cannot call out your fave for their behavior without your safety being threatened, that is not a fanbase, that is a cult. i think we should actually did a venn diagram of swifties and cults we’d have a perfect circle.
3. SWIFTIES IRL: this is so true about how they behave. ive had friends tell me theyre scared of saying they hate taylor IRL cause of the backlash they’d receive. THAT IS NOT NORMAL. even when BTS was at their peak ppl never felt threatened by the ARMY to that point 😭
you NEED to send more info/links/ss about the doxxed palestinian. i need the #SwiftiesforPalestine to see wtf their mutuals are doing. that is ABHORRENT behavior. that poor woman!
thank you sm for this ask, u are truly one of god’s strongest soldiers cause wtf!!!! is wrong!!!! with swifties!!!!!
(p.s. if you are a repeat anon go ahead and sign off your asks with an emoji so i can keep track! thank you!)
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I agree with those anons who pointed out that neither Wyll nor Shadowheart has any trademark that would allow their romances to be recognized as the only romance routes with sweet elements. "How dare you take one aspect of Wyll's character and project it on Astarion!!!" And the aspect in question is simply being nice and sweet to his partner. It's ridiculous. I know that some astarion haters or aa fans or wyll wives desperately want him to be his mask from Act 1 and nothing more or think that every single relationship with him has to be portrayed as bad and abusive because he's so so evil while your blorblos are so so better, but some of us that actually romanced him and invested some time in getting to know him and be with him consider his romance scenes to be sweet as well. And no, we don't have to take wyll's content or his scenes to think so. I find the hug from Act 2 to be absolutely sweet. I find the hand holding and him saying "this is nice" sweet. I find his confession about how much he didn't want to fall for my tav only to miserably fail to be sweet, I find him being afraid of everything and everyone according to Scleritas yet still finding it in himself to trust my Durge to be sweet, I find him being the only companion who cares after meeting Harleep to be sweet, I find his Act 3 scenes to be sweet, I find him showing Tav his grave to be sweet, I find him not knowing how to be in a relationship and saying he doesn't know what we are yet still trying to be with my character to be sweet, I find him pretending he doesn't care to be sweet, I find him saying "I'm all pointy ears my dear" to be sweet, I find him saying "my precious bhaal-babe" to be sweet, I find him getting visibly sad when my durge tries to break up with him for his own safety to be sweet, I find him being totally understanding towards my durge and saying "we ask before we bite" to be sweet, I find him saying he wants to spend his life with my character to be sweet. And I find the way he says "it's cute" when you put a flower on his grave to be sweet as well.
That's what I think and that's how I feel. But I guess I must be "stealing" from Wyll simply for having those feelings and finding Astarion's romance scenes to be sweet and nice, after all only Wyll can be nice to his own partner… Btw it's again only Astarion's fans that are being shamed for enjoying his romance. I've never seen people insulting Shadowheart, Karlach, Gale or even Lae'zel for saying they considered some scenes to be sweet and nice. Or for imagining dancing with their partner at some point in their life.
And now I'm going to commit the greatest sin of them all. You know how when you put a flower on his grave he is surprised but visibly pleased and how he says that "it's cute"? I think that since he clearly enjoyed it he may actually at some point reciprocate and give flowers to his partner too to make them happy. Yes, I really said it. I think that he may at some point in his life give his partner flowers. Now, send the death threats, the same way you harassed, bullied, insulted and sent death threats to this poor person on twt for simply imagining Astarion giving their tav flowers or being nice to his own kid which of course means they were "stealing from Wyll"… It's clearly a crime punishable by death in this fandom. BTW flowers are Shadowheart's thing, so if wyll's wives imagine their tav receiving flowers from him they're stealing from her.
And you know what else? I even think that at some point in his long life, Astarion may dance with his romantic partner too
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lemyvents · 1 month
⚠️ Trigger Warning⚠️: Heavy venting/Mentions of Suicide/Aggressive Ranting/Abuse/Mentions of Self-Harm
⚠️Viewer Discretion is Advise!⚠️
Hello everyone, Nicole here, and this is something that I that I need to get off my chest. This is a vent post before I go on hiatus. If you are willing to listen please keep reading this post carefully and actually listen. I would greatly appreciate it a lot! ❤️
I am NOT doing this for attention or to gain sympathy, I don't want so much attention on this post and I don't want to get overwhelmed by countless people trying to support me. I'm just Genuinely venting out my true feelings about what I’ve been through and saying what I have to say. It's not organized so be patient with me, please, and thanks. ❤️
Read at your own risk!
As an actual Autistic person with ADHD and other disorders that I am not undiagnosed for, I would usually never post vents on here or anywhere else due to my trust issues with my followers and audience but…For the past months, Maybe even Years, I started feeling less motivated to do things I am passionate about such as drawing and making fan art or characters or for people that I care about. I would feel like my art is shit and did not receive the attention it needs, and I would struggle to try to improve my art every time I receive a comment about my art, I would get high anxiety and have a triggering episode of something traumatic such as being bullied and tormented from school in the real world.
Throughout my Elementary (5th grade) and Middle School days as a child, I was always tormented and harassed by other students and I would cry every time they made a threat to me, made fun of me for jokes that I didn't understand, and physically hit me and the teachers would usually do nothing about it. Nobody gave a shit that if I had Autism, ADHD, or Anxiety whatsoever, I felt like hell throughout school. I hated just about everything around me, I felt like an outcast, and I felt like I was not worth living for. Not to mention, I was dealing with my Ex Boyfriend cheating on me as well which made shit worst for me and made me Self-Harm myself and I cut myself with a Razor, trying to k*ll myself by cutting through my veins and letting myself bleed to death to the point where I lose oxygen and consciousness.
My mother started to be extremely concerned and worried about the cuts on my arm, so she took me to a therapist to get some help the therapist helped for a little bit until a new therapist arrived when I had another appointment with a Mental Health Clinic. The new therapist wasn't much help, to be honest, so we stopped seeing that therapist and then. After I moved from my old home to a new home, I transferred to a new school in the neighborhood where I live. The school wasn't very far, it didn't take long to get there by car, but never mind that! After I was transferred I felt more comfortable and open toward new people, but then, I started to get harassed there too at times, and made my mental health worsen more. Although…
During my high school years at my New High School, I discovered something that actually made me feel lots of joy in my heart. I started watching Roary The Racing Car. The show changed a lot in me. when I heard Maxi’s voice for the first time. I felt an instant connection with the Maxi. The more I watched Roary The Racing Car the more of a connection towards both the show and Maxi grew more and more. The show made me feel very safe and I would stim and get excited quite often Especially when Maxi was on screen and talking or whenever there was fan art of Maxi. I couldn’t help my autistic stimming whenever I see stuff like that or things that I am very interested in. I became so obsessed with the show that I collected some of the merch. I would ramble about how down bad I am for Maxi but….That’s the topic for another day and I don't feel comfortable talking about it at the moment.
So after graduating and still having love for the Roary show, My mom and I went out at night to pick up a friend of ours from work while my mom and I were sitting in the parking lot chilling then after so many people from around the public came around and started parking in spots that they weren’t supposed to be, it would trigger me and I started to go on a 2-hour rant about how much I hate the world and the people within this world. Then I started to think a lot about suicide, venting to her about how I wanted to k*ll myself. Then the next morning I still felt like shit, which then lead to my mom calling the Suicide Hotline then next morning because I felt like shit. After talking to my family and relatives, a team of mental professionals showed up at our home and asked me some questions about my trauma. After talking with the mental professionals, and LOOTTSSS of venting. I felt a lot of stress come off of me.
But…That doesn’t stop there. Even after some some emotional support, It would all come back to me like a boomerang just by getting jealous of others who are talented and gain more attention than me. One of my dreams is to become talented like them and show the world that I am just as talented as they are.
I would feel dehumanized by certain people, and sometimes those people would remove me from groups and unfollow me without me even knowing or without a given reason and possibly talking shit behind my back EVEN IF I HAVEN’T DONE ANYTHING WRONG TO THEM!
But eh…WHATEVER…People come and go I guess…
I would feel like the entire world is against me. I see the entire world as a threat to me and I feel hurt by the evil people. I am genuinely SICK of people seeing me as an attention seeker when I literally vent about something that bothers EVEN IF ITS THE SMALLEST THING EVER! People would say “I aM So tiRED Of yOuR vEnTinG It’S getting oN My NeRvEs aNd OLd !1!1!1 🙄😒” or “YouR just aN aTTentiOn seeker who FaKes mEnTal diSorDers foR aTTentiOn, You're noT AuTistic, ADHD, or have PTSD aNd DePressiOn!1!1!1 🙄🙄🙄 😒😒🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️” or “It’S noT mY fAult yoUR suffering!1!!1 😒😒😒”
I am SOOOOO ready to die right now, it’s not even fucking funny. I can’t help but feel like shit total shit for what I do. I would isolate myself from things that bother me and try to cope with them and learn how to deal with situations I am in. It’s VERY VERY HARD to control. I am always desperate for emotional support and need of comfort, but I just can't bring myself to trust people in this big wide world…
Sometimes I wish I had never been born…Never existed…maybe the entire world would be happy if I never existed…
If anything I rather be hated for being myself rather than just faking a smile and bottling up my emotions! I rather express my feelings and be myself and make innocent people happy and be their emotional support instead of people tossing my kindness and compliments in the trash like it is nothing. If you do toss my kindness and compliments in the trash, Then FUCK YOU!!
Say all mean Shit all you want, but I don’t care, you’re just wasting time harassing me and others anyway!!
To People who have done me wrong in life such as my bullies, my former computer middle school teacher, my ex-boyfriends/girlfriends, and others who harassed me online and treated me like shit….
Ughh…That was the cringest, cheesiest, and most tough thing to vent about. Anyway, that’s enough venting I said what I needed to say.
To people who listened and read this post and ACTUALLY appreciate me.
Thank you VERY VERY much and I appreciate you for listening to me, really and truly. ❤️❤️❤️
Now for my announcement. I am currently going into therapy and of course, I am starting college soon. I am mostly going to be on Hiatus and very busy because I am going to be focused on my goals in life such as becoming a successful artist, animator, storyboard artist, graphic designer, and game developer. I am going to step away from social media and spend more time with my family as well. I am going to explore the world and meet new people along the way. I am going to make my dreams come true and spread my wings. I want to come out of my introverted shell.
But, yeah, now that you have read this post, Again…Thank you for listening and I appreciate your support very much. ❤️
Thank you and I’ll see you guys when I feel ready to come back, I promise! I love you all that support me! ❤️
Goodbye for now! 👋
-Sincerely, Nicole ❤️
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teeth-cable · 9 months
The stella hate she received is too much and this is the twisted thing i see, they compare stella to amber heard an actual real life victim of abuse. Amber heard this woman who speak up about being abused by her husband johnny depp what does she get death threat, harassment, bullied, mockery , etc. Stella this character is so demonized that a lot people don't ever think she's a sentient being with emotion too
If we look at historical context often the female royal member are often seeing baby making machine. Only a few female royal member become leader in the monarchy system often it's male royal member. The systemic sexism if the husband of royal famliy cheat the wife get in trouble and consider failure of her marriage. That means stella she's very disadvantage
1. Stolas cheat she consider to be failure not stolas
2. Stella doesn't play any important role her role is just sit there and looking pretty
3. She is disposable after fullfiling her role now the system consider her useless
4. Her noble rank her parent definitely want their status to be elevated so of course they choose stella
5. Often woman in this system get abused and they put in really high standard
And stolas. I'm sorry people are so desperate painting him as not like the other royalty who's relatable, kind, down to earth, no he's not even closed to that. The writer fail that part i seen character who's royalty actually use their privilege for good
Example : Zuko (avatar the last airbender), Elena(Elena of avalor), sofia(sofia the first), Charlotte le bouff( Princess and the frog), Elle Woods(Legally blonde)
In question did stolas use her privilege for good? All he did use to exploit blitzo and use that for he's own benefit. Vivziepop you know diana spencer can be used as one of your inspiration right? Diana spencer princess of wales this is an example of royal family member use her privilege for good
She break the stigma people who have hiv and aids, she actually interact with other people who have different status from her, she care about people well being, because of that a lot people liked her. After she died people also remember and sadden by her death
How about let's not compare real life cases of abused victims to the abuse fictional characters are suffering from a poorly written demon show?
Exactly, that's what fans are not understanding either. The critical community doesn't pity and empathize with Stella because we see her as this harmless angel but because she is also a victim like Stolas is of Hell's monarchy system. Whether fans want to admit it or not, Stella would absolute take the blame for the marriage failing, not Stolas. Stolas has an important role to do, they wanted a heir to HIS throne, and to quote HezuNeutral from their, Helluva Boss Continues to Circle Spiral video,"If Stella was infertile she'd be screw" because her only purpose in this system is to give birth. It's frustrating that Stella gets reduce to a black and white villain instead of a morally gray one because Viv doesn't want to be nuanced about the affair but even more frustrating, she can't even do her role as a villain right because not only is Stella, terrible inaccurate rep of domestic abusers but also because she is so dumb that she needs her brother to point out when Stolas dies, all of his things would be inherited by Octavia and not her. As if (I'm assuming) one of the actual reasons why she stayed in the marriage was because she like spending his money and what caused them to be so miserable was she and Stolas were arranged to give birth to an heir!
Stolas isn't good either, he still treats imps like shit, using his butler as a stressed toy, talking down to imps, it's just he “acts" less racist towards I.M.P.
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poppy-metal · 2 months
You posting DD/LG content or whatever the hell else it is that you post may not make you a bad person, but sitting by and allowing someone to be sent 24/7 rape and death threats by YOUR followers to the point that they felt the need to completely deactivate their account does make you a colossal fucking cunt. It speaks VOLUMES about you as a person and who you cater to. This is who you want to write for? This is who your audience is? People that nonstop spew vile shit like that? Absolutely insane.
It was some petty drama that went way too far and you did nothing to try and deter your followers. At the end of the day, who cares who started what and who cares what was said. No one deserves to be harassed like that, period.
gonna be honest, pal. I blocked her weeks ago and wiped my hands clean of her after she made comments on my body and the way I dressed like the weird bitch she is - whatever treatment she got after is not my concern or my responsibility. all of the drama was instigated and continued by her, as I have not thought about or mentioned her since the event. if she kept me relevant on her blog long enough to keep answering anons about me and talking about me without my knowledge and it drove her to want to deactivate, I can only assume it's because she continued to say harmful and ignorant shit that was beyond me.
implying I sent people to bully her when she was the one who antagonized me out of the blue and out of nowhere when I didn't even know her?? is insane. if she received r*pe and death threats that sucks, but again, not my responsibility or my problem. like I said I've had her blocked and moved on from the situation for weeks. whatever mess she was in was hers to deal with lmao.
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simonlynch · 4 months
sorry im still in awe at that person sending themselves asks so they can explain how im a stalker harasser mean aggressive bully when literally ive been fucked off writing murdoc x reader fanfics for like a month straight not even logged into here. and happened to see a dm they sent me ASKING TO FOLLOW ME AND FOR ME TO FOLLOW THEM BACK when i opened tumblr on my desktop browser, the only platform id never swapped accounts on, and immediately gave them an albeit passive aggressive but definitely reasonable response
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and then immediately blocked them. to which an hour later i received an incredibly long dm from a separate account,
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this was two out of maybe 5 or so paragraphs. i didnt screenshot my response but it was along the lines of "1) i dont owe you the time or energy to be able to explain anything. you are a stranger 2) how dare you block evade to contact me to accuse me of sending you, someone whose art i have seen in passing on my dash on my other blog and that i have never had any desire to interact with, death threats"
how fucking dare you break my dni actively, knowingly, and then call me the harassing, creeping freak over who you ship with. after i was genuinely pushed off of this blog for that very reason, and still havent come back, and at this point may never. what the fuck is wrong with you. shame on you for playing victim.
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ts1989fanatic · 1 year
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Taylor Swift's fans are renowned for their loyalty and dedication.
Known colloquially as "Swifties," they sell out stadiums in minutes; spend weeks creating intricate outfits that pay tribute to her albums; comb through her lyrics to find Easter eggs and secret messages.
Back in November, the fandom received national attention for taking action after Ticketmaster bungled the Eras Tour presale.
The backlash was so loud and so fervent that the Department of Justice launched an antitrust investigation into Ticketmaster's parent company. The power of Swifties became clearer than ever.
Indeed, the sheer passion of Swift's fans has helped make her the biggest pop star in the world — but that doesn't grant them absolute access to her life and personal space.
Recently, Swift obsessives have been exhibiting overzealous — and frankly concerning — behavior. Videos have circulated online that show swarms of people camping outside her home in New York City and Electric Lady Studios, where she's been spotted working in between tour dates. Other clips show fans chasing her car down the street.
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It's one thing to wait for hours in the pouring rain to watch Swift deliver a spectacular concert. That's her job. It's another, more sinister thing to wait for hours on the sidewalk, just to film her car entering her home garage. That's her life.
Swift has been candid about fending off stalkers throughout her career, making this behavior particularly egregious for anyone who claims to care about her well-being.
"My fear of violence has continued into my personal life," she wrote for Elle in 2019. "I carry QuikClot army-grade bandage dressing, which is for gunshot or stab wounds. Websites and tabloids have taken it upon themselves to post every home address I've ever had online. You get enough stalkers trying to break into your house and you kind of start prepping for bad things."
This is not to say that Swift's most fervent fans are all stalkers, but it's easy to see how this behavior could be triggering for someone who's been stalked. And as Swift said in her "Miss Americana" documentary in 2020, "There's a difference between 'I really connect with your lyrics' and 'I'm going to break in.'" Some Swifties clearly need to be reminded of where that line is.
This is also not the first time Swifties have overstepped. Some fans have been known to harass members of the LGBTQ community for analyzing Swift's songs through a queer lens. Others have sent insults and death threats to music critics for less-than-glowing reviews of Swift's music.
Of course, this behavior isn't unique to Swifties. But Swift's lack of admonition is uniquely strange. She has marketed herself as someone who's not afraid to speak up to defend her values, someone who has explicitly condemned homophobes and bullies in her music.
Swift has also said she's proud of her affectionate relationship with fans. She has invited Swifties to her Nashville home for album listening parties; sent personalized notes to celebrate milestones; donated money for college tuitions; protected concertgoers from aggressive security guards.
Unfortunately, a healthy relationship cannot be sustained with affection alone, be it interpersonal or parasocial.
At the risk of sounding like a wannabe therapist, constructive feedback is essential for growth — and when someone you love disrespects your boundaries, it's not constructive to say silent.
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This is something that Phoebe Bridgers, Swift's friend and collaborator, knows all too well.
Although Bridgers experiences fame on a vastly different level than Swift, she has also been subjected to abuse and entitlement at the hands of "people with my picture as their Twitter picture."
In a March interview with Them, Bridgers said she was "bullied" in the midst of a speculative frenzy about her dating life — while she was on the way to her father's funeral.
"I've had people take more than I'm giving, and I'm giving a lot," Bridgers recently told the Wall Street Journal. "I'm pretty fucking transparent, because I would value that in someone whose music I liked when I was a kid. Seeing any representation of any feeling and anything true was awesome to me. To be punished for that is so dark."
"There's a higher chance that you'll meet a fan that you hate than a fan that you love," she added. "You're way more likely to be confronted with someone who just violated your privacy."
If these quotes rub you the wrong way, you may be the problem.
Connecting to a person's music does not give you the right to violate her privacy, and Bridgers isn't afraid to draw that line. I wish more musicians would follow suit.
Ahead of Bridgers' final performance at the Eras Tour on Sunday, I hope Swift is able to absorb some of her bravery and wisdom. It's OK to criticize people for bad behavior — and the fans who stick around are the ones worth keeping.
Even the media can get it right on occasion, the recent behaviour by some so called swifties is bordering on STALKING and needs to stop.
Unless we all want to go back to why she disappeared again.
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Dazai Anon has threatened suicide many, many times to people when she becomes fearful of the very real potential consequences of her actions. It’s her desperate way of trying to portray herself as the victim in situations she perpetrates, and to try to twist the narrative. She does it to guilt trip the victims of her harassment and to have them back away from taking legal action, and once they do she’ll be right back to targeting them. Legally, she has no standing, as these archives serves the sole purpose of documenting her harassment and cyberstalking, and reporting her accounts. She’s well aware deep down that what she has been doing is wrong, and that it is not anyone’s fault but her own, which is why she is so scared and desperate when people decide to take what she has done to them seriously. None of her victims reached out to target or bully her. She is the one doing that to others.
I thank you for taking the time to create this account to document and bring awareness to her antics because it has been ongoing for years. She has sent death threats, told people to kill themselves repeatedly, threatened suicide over skk/Chuuya stans posting about skk/Chuuya because she states that it “ruins her mental health”, mass spammed harassing messages, self-admitted to having over 50+ burner accounts to “make people miserable”, sent people images of self harm/gore, found people’s pictures to mock their appearances, and continues to cyberstalk despite being banned or blocked. On top of the emotional distress and anxiety she is willingly and knowingly causing people, some for years now, I fear at some point this will lead to something worse because her victims can only take so much (she is currently 20 years old, and she also harasses teenagers).
Her reaction to your blog (along with the previous archive) means that she has once again been reminded of the real and serious consequences and she is scared. Once you retreat, she will do continue doing as she has always done and escalate. It’s a repetitive cycle. I appreciate what you are doing here, and I encourage everyone to also document her actions against them, as I believe at some point one of the victims, or a few, will make a case against her because enough is enough.
I also hope that you and the op of the previous archive blog take care of your mental health and safety as well! It’s not easy receiving those kinds of messages from anyone. Just know that you did not do and are not doing anything wrong by bringing awareness to something that is clearly happening within the fandom, and reporting on the factual information of the situation is not illegal, nor does it constitute as any sort of “harassment” towards Dazai Anon, especially after you both explicitly stated the purpose of your archive and discouraged people from engaging with her.
thank you once again and stay safe!
Thank you, yeah she's been saying that she's the only real victim here and that I'm a terrible person "trying to destroy her life", I then told her that I don't actually wish anything bad on her and that my hope of this blog is that she'll stop doing this before any legal action is taken. She's been yelling in my DMs all night about that.
Thank you for saying this by the way, I kinda overestimated how much guilt tripping I can take. The blog stays I'm just. feelin shitty is all, the ask helps though <3
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manda-kat · 1 year
I mean, a lot of people don't like christianity for a multitude of reasons, such as homophobia, transphobia, & religious trauma
Here it is. We're back to 'it's ok to harrass you because you totally deserve it'.
Homophobia - believing God designed marriage (and sex) in a specific way between a man and a woman and refusing to engage in or support any deviation from that is not hate, it is a religious law. We do not deny you your right to sin, we simply will not do it ourselves or claim it is good.
Transphobia - believing God created us male and female with intention and that attempting to change that which He has made is both futile and harmful is not hate. We do not deny your right to view yourself as the opposite sex or anything else, we simply do not do it ourselves or claim it is good.
Religious trauma - do not place your individual experience over an entire group or else that group has permission to do the same to you. Trauma of any kind is terrible and painful and should be dealt with in healthy ways. It is true that some people who have been abused or otherwise traumatized by members of the church often paint Christianity as a whole in the same light. While I don't like using logic arguments to fight things that are mostly emotionally or psychologically driven, in the end the truth is; 1) The actions of one do not define the whole. 2) If a Christian abused, hurt, manipulated, lied to or otherwise sinned towards the sufferer, then why would directing anger towards Christians who actively avoid those sins be productive? And 3) If you need to judge someone based on your own past experiences with people the person doesn't even know, then you actually have NO good reason to hate them at all and you're either not thinking straight (so nothing you do in your anger is justified) or you're a hateful little hypocrite!
If you want to remove hateful people from your fandom spaces, you should! Block the people who say horrible things to you! If a Christian happens to bully you about the things you can't agree on go ahead and remove them from the situation by blocking and take the necessary precautions to remove the toxicity, but don't pretend this is the situation I'm talking about when I mention the amount of bullying, harassment, ostracization and hate that Christians get in these communities when they never did anything wrong.
Stop victim blaming and telling us that we deserve all the undue hatred we get.
(I'm being serious, a lot of Christians in fandom spaces who receive this level of harrassment happen to be kids. I've seen minors posting pages of depressive monologs after they received death threats because they offhand mentioned that they didn't approve of a gay ship. Not to mention the things I saw as a kid online just trying to make friends. So stop pretending to be the only one who's ever been bullied by someone who believes differently than you. People are getting hurt.)
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I promise this isn't intended to be hurtful at all- just some constructive criticism of your argument. You don't have to respond to this if you don't want. You don't even have to read this- you can just toss it into the trash bin. But I really hope that, if nothing else, this will help you make some stronger arguments in the future.
When Luz says Hunter is family, the implication there is that SHE views him as family. When Camilla says she's a mother of six, that only means that SHE views them as her children, not that they view her as their mother or each other as siblings (sans Luz, who, as pointed out, DOES seem to think of Hunter as sibling-like.) I fully agree that people who argue for Luz and Hunter being siblings, full stop, is a little bonkers, and people who push that argument are a bit drunk with the power of canon and need to work on interpreting things a little more critically. But canonically, Luz's feelings for Hunter are platonic.
That said, ship whatever the fuck you want. I'm not your mom. I personally don't get Lunter, but you seem to like it, so more power to you. There's a whole world of canon divergence and AU out there and I truly, genuinely hope that the ship brings you more smiles and happiness than headaches.
Lastly, if you've been subjected to any sort of bullying or anti-ness or what have you over shipping, I'm sorry. That fucking sucks- I've been there. I've received death threats and hate mail over ships. I've witnessed amazing artists and talented fic writers bullied into erasing all their works and social media accounts entirely. It just hurts, plain and simple. But trying to fight fire with fire and using these "gotcha!" arguments just perpetuates ship wars and leaves everybody feeling raw.
Hi! I appriciate you're being so polite, now I do want to point out, it's not really supposed to be an argument. See anti Lunters harass people who ship them because "They're siblings! It's an incest ship!" (and more things) and use the line in TTT where Luz says he's like family to her as evidence that they are "canonically siblings" when they are not. Now as mentioned in TTT Camilla calls herself a mother of six, which you can say is similar as what Luz says to Hunter later in the episode. So, it's not so much an argument as simply pointing out that using what Luz said as 'proof' is just nonesence when you apply the same logic to other instances, which anti lunters pretty much ignore entirely. I hope that makes sense! And thank you very much, I needed to hear that! It's always a releive to see people agree that harassing others over fiction is stupid
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