#but these are literally Eda and Darius
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drabbles-of-writing · 2 years ago
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So I made an observation today
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vampslxsher · 9 months ago
Peak character design this man is beautiful
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arrow-writes-shit · 2 years ago
you can’t tell me that there wasn’t an underground fight club at hexside. there’s no way. not when these bitches 
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and i mean all these bitches
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literally were right there
tell me there wasn’t one. 
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stelladoesstuff · 2 years ago
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I usually only throw my writing here instead of my art but then I remembered there are no rules and I am a free spirit so now you get my random sketches too
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crimeronan · 2 years ago
very fond of the concept of camila and princess/empress luz reuniting & camila being Very Fucking Aware that terrible things have happened in this empire because she's met vee & being really cautious with luz because she's like i know you probably don't even think of me as your mama anymore but like please for the love of god can i give you guidance
she'd realize pretty quickly that luz is trying to undo basically everything that the empire has done & then be like ......hm.
i think luz would be extremely cautious with her because she hasn't seen camila since she was like four years old, this woman IS functionally a stranger to her. but eventually (possibly after Years) she has a sobbing breakdown akin to the one in thanks to them where she crawls into camila's bed and is like "why aren't you mad at me," except here she's just confessing to killing belos and blurting out what happened with hunter and going "you must be so mad you must think i'm a monster"
and despite the circumstances being so much uglier and more violent, camila responds p much Just like she does in the canon. no baby you did so good. you did your best and you've always cared about doing the right thing. i'm so sorry i wasn't there to protect you. because if i had been i'd've killed him like a decade ago YOU DID SO GOOD
like. it's funny but it's also. wah
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pizzaboat · 10 months ago
Are Eda and Hunter super whumpy on their own, or do they just have that "descendant of Caleb in them"?
Tragedy, betrayal, toxic family and violence
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dazeddoodles · 23 days ago
Since it’s the last day of black history month can you share some Darius headcannons?
Of course
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Darius is the type of autistic to need everything to be done in a precise way and hates the feeling of certain touches (despite literally being part abomination goo monster)
His palisman is that tiny goo monster
He has two mothers
Darius was a lot more easygoing and friendly when he was younger but as an adult, became a lot more strict and cold (more "tsundere" like), as a result of losing so many people close to him
He's known the Clawthorne sisters since they were in Kindergarten but they weren't really friends
He used to be best friends with Odalia since they were little kids and had the same girly interests. Darius had a better doll collection than her which Odalia was totally jealous of
To this day Darius swears that she stole some of his dolls but never called her out for it at the time in order to keep the peace between them
As they got older Odalia started judging Darius for having childish interests, along with how she would talk about other people made Darius be less close to her but still kept her around because they'd been best friends for so long
Darius met Alador in their Abomination classes, and despite both of them having different approaches when it comes to handling abominations, they became best friends
Darius admired how genuine Alador was and how fascinated he was by things Darius would normally overlook, how he wasn't the type to judge others and didn't care about what others thought about him (for better or for worse)
When they were younger, Darius would "jokingly" flirt with Alador by showering him with compliments because he genuinely found him cute (something he would never do now)
Darius introduced Alador to Odalia and the three became a trio, little did Darius know that this would lead Alador and Odalia to start dating
When Raine transferred to Hexide, they and Darius had to spend a lot of time together in the theater department. They initially clashed and argued a lot but grew to respect each other and even became friends (basically the opposite of his relationship with Alador)
As Darius grew closer to Raine, he also became friends with Eda and Lilith. He often acted as a wingman to Raine because he loves romance, and would talk shit with Lilith
Alador also became friends with Eda's group by association until he and Darius fell out with each other. Darius basically kept all their friends after the "break up" except Odalia who of course sided with Alador being his girlfriend
Even though Darius wouldn't admit it, it hurt losing both of his first best friends at the same time
After Hexide, Darius cut off Alador and Odalia completely, but still kept in touch with Raine and Eda from time to time (before their breakup)
He WAS actually close to Lilith, especially as he drifted apart from Alador and Lilith drifted apart from Eda. As coven heads, they were still on somewhat friendly terms but just weren't the same as before. After defeating Belos the two went back to being gossip buddies
Darius saw the former Golden Gaurd as a father figure
Despite always being annoyed by Eberwolf, he feels comforted by having someone who's always by his side (literally) and will never leave him (also literally)
Despite always annoying Darius, Eberwolf acts as both his support system and guarddog
Darius was briefly in a relationship with Adrian Grey, it ended badly and he doesn't like to talk about it
After warning Raine about Terra and forming the rebellion, Darius would often keep an eye on how Terra acts around them despite Raine claiming they're fine
Even while planning the rebellion, Darius, Raine, and Eberwolf would still go out drinking. They claim it's to ease nerves and to not act suspiciously. They're bffs now cause that kinda thing bonds you for life
Still kinda plays as a wingman to Raine but now he's getting really tired of Raine's lover woes and just wants Raine and Eda to get together already
Lowkey? Finds Raine attractive, and wouldn't mind being their rebound. Or third.
After defeating Belos, Darius has to work with Alador to restore the Boiling Isles. Even though he hates the thought of doing so, being one of the new leaders he decides to be mature and do what's best for the residents. But still throws a few insults here and there, also Eber growls at Alador
Eventually, he tries to help Alador improve himself for the sake of his kids. The two become closer, and maybe something happens
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penny-anna · 1 year ago
GRAYE: alright folks I hate to do this via Penstagram but in the absence of any other channels of communication, here we are.
GRAYE: who's not dead. Sound off.
SNAPDRAGON: still kicking
GRAYE: Terra darling, good to hear from you! feared the worst when you weren't in the puppet show with the rest of us
SNAPDRAGON: oh believe me it wasn't a mercy
MASON: I'm here
CUTBURN: I am alive
GRAYE: good to hear from you both
GRAYE: Ugh. Whispers.
DEAMONNE: I'm here with Eberwolf
GRAYE: Typical. Has anyone seen Vitimir or Osran?
MASON: last time I saw them they were puppets
GRAYE: ah well
GOLDEN GUARD: hi gguys
GRAYE: ugh seriously? the world ended and nobody took the chance to off the brat?
GOLDEN GUARD: greatto hear you/re not ded either adrian
GOLDEN GUARD: belso gave ti his best shot but i^m still here
GOLDEN GUARD: gus porter says hi
GRAYE: ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
DEAMONNE: watch it Graye the kid's with me
SNAPDRAGON: hahahahha you've changed your tune Deamonne, I thought you couldn't stand the brat?
DEAMONNE: Terra so help me I've had a very difficult day
MASON: the Golden Guard's still alive?
MASON: where have you been?
GOLDEN GUARD: human realm
GOLDEN GUARD: long stgory
CUTBURN: What were you doing in the human realm?
"selfie of Hunter & Luz throwing up peace signs to the camera with a Penstragram filter that makes it look like they are both wearing sunglasses.jpg"
SNAPDRAGON: well I guess that tracks
GRAYE: how is it that after everything that's happened I'm still finding ways to be surprised
*GOLDEN GUARD's nickname was changed to HUNTER*
GRAYE: Hunter?
HUNTER: yeah taht's my name
GRAYE: excuse me
MASON: I know this might not mean much but I'm glad to hear Belos didn't kill you
HUNTER: thanks you too
"extremely blurry selfie of Hunter & Gus pulling faces at the camera with Darius just visible drinking coffee in the background.jpg"
CUTBURN: Oh, you meant the boy's literally with you?
GRAYE: was anyone going to tell me the Golden Brat's name is Hunter?
"equally blurry photo of Hunter & Gus taking their selfie, Darius clearly visible.jpg"
SNAPDRAGON: where are you people
HUNTER: hangin out
GRAYE: seriously did everyone else know the Golden Guard had a name this whole time
HUNTER: di d you htink belos never gave me a name?%
GRAYE: well when you put it like that it sounds dumb doesn't it
WHISPERS: I mean I wouldn't put it past him
VITIMIR: Good day have I missed anything
VITIMIR: Who is this Hunter individual
"photo of Eda the Owl Lady shooting finger guns at the camera.jpg"
VITIMIR: what in the world did I miss
"photo of Hooty staring directly into the camera.jpg"
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catboymoments · 4 months ago
Headcanon that whenever Darius wants to flirt with Alador he says stuff like
“The next time you get pregnant I’ll treat you much better than she did…”
“We’re literally sixty?!”
Darius: didn’t stop Raine and Eda now did it
Alador: you are insane I am not having any more children
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bobbydagen24 · 4 months ago
tbh I really don't think Raine should have been present for Belos's death.
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This is something I've been thinking about more recently but why have Raine there? like writing wise
a lot of people try to claim that the reason for other characters not being present for Belos's death or at least not getting a final scene with him beforehand ( cough Hunter cough )
is that the scene was meant to be about our main three and keeping the focus on just them again like it was at the start of the show.
but that's kinda contradicted by the fact that Raine is also there now I love Raine don't get me wrong but they have no real business being there as they have no real emotional connection to Belos
and they aren't one of our main characters, and also what's with them being a ruthless killer all of a sudden?
does no one else find that out of character? kind caring sensitive shy but baddass and noble Rain is suddenly stomping a dying man to death while gleefully remarking on how satisfying it was.
that just seemed out of left field tbh.
makes perfect sense for Eda's character she was a criminal who lived on the run for ages and existed in a eat or be eaten type of world ( In most cases literally lol )
and same with little King who she raised but that never really seemed to be who Raine was at least not in my opinion.
so it just makes little sense to me tbh writing wise to have Raine present for such an important moment over other characters who it would make more sense for in terms of storytelling
like I said Hunter could have been given a final moment with Belos even if he wasn't present for his death as that would probably mess him up even more
or Darius could have showed up since Belos literally killed his mentor so him taking part in his death would make a bit more sense given the emotional connection.
or Lilith given the emperor used her for ages promising to cure her sister but secretly never planning to
or the collector who Belos lied to and used for countless years and tried to murder even after he forgave him.
or ya know Raine could just not be there and the scene could actually just be about our main three like people try and claim it is
but having them there over other characters who would make way more sense writing wise just feels wrong and kinda annoying tbh.
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Darius facts pls?
OWL HOUSE FACT #99: When he was a teenager Darius worked with Eda to build an abomination bomb; basically the witch equivalent to the stink bomb. It was a mess, literally and figuratively. Alador managed to make an outline so nothing got on him, or so Darius has insisted to this day.
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sepublic · 6 months ago
Hunter is NOT Luz’s brother, he’s not a Noceda, he’s not even that important to her compared to many other relationships Luz has and vice-versa. Like genuinely, go rewatch the show with this consideration in mind, cleanse the fanon for a fresh slate.
People just latched onto them as siblings because they found their Hunting Palismen dynamic funny, but also because they wanted to ward off Lunter. And they couldn’t articulate their dislike for Lunter as stemming from Luz’s longstanding dynamic with another female character being immediately replaced by fans for some white boy who just showed up, so they said they’re actually more siblings. It wasn’t an issue of biphobia it’s just people being tired of fandom thinking everything would be better if a woman was replaced by a guy. It’s the same reason Huntric also sucks because people replace a female character with some dude, it has nothing to do with bi/homophobia.
And FTR I hate Lunter, for the same reason I now hate the Luz & Hunter as Siblings take; It’s the fandom’s obsession with making Hunter more important than he actually is, to the point of replacing Luz’s actual important relationships with him. And hell even replacing Luz herself in her dynamics with her loved ones, because people portray Hunter as more Camila’s child than Luz when Darius is right there.
This fandom has a massive White Favoritism problem with Hunter, and he’s not even a female character he’s another White Boy, the most bland and milquetoast choice to raise as the fandom darling. He’s not THAT interesting and while him and Luz have their parallels and shared trauma and are still friends, what about Hunter and Gus? Or Luz and King, the latter explicitly calls Luz his sister but Hunter sure as hell didn’t! What about explicit on-screen dynamics huh???
ISTFG this fandom is overrun by Hunter content everywhere, he drowns out everyone except the literal main character and even she struggles sometimes! It’s because he’s a White Boy, that’s it. It’s not illegal to like Hunter, but you need to actually appreciate and engage with other characters accordingly instead of acting like that’s illegal. Hunter does the bare minimum and is lauded meanwhile everyone else goes above and beyond and is still overlooked for him.
Stop inserting him into everything we do not need Luz and Hunter angst we can just settle for Luz angst. She has other relationships and priorities you know and there’s so much more to this show than Hunter suffering. Sometimes you’ll even take Luz’s canon angst and give it to Hunter even! And try to make him more of a main character by inserting him into everything but he’s a side character.
So yes, your AU where Hunter is the main protagonist is racist. Especially if it doesn’t even explore Darius as his mentor, and has Eda take his place despite her barely interacting with him. And constantly praising Hunter for being a weird passionate nerd gets aggravating when Luz does the exact same thing but with greater emphasis, but gets ignored in favor of Hunter as she’s relegated to just Lumity.
And all of her additional depth and angst is just ignored for Hunter’s instead, sometimes they’ll even make up angst for him when other characters actually have it; I’ve seen popular fanart of a Luz moment where Hunter is in her place. Because fandom will sooner micro-analyze Hunter’s hands for nothing, than Luz going on a suicidal rant.
They’ll cradle Hunter’s trauma and suffering in their hands as a sacred and delicate subject, gnash at Darius for not being nice; But then sweep over Luz’s trauma and not realize how much certain things affected her, and why it’s fucked up to just ignore that in favor of bad AUs where Luz is a friend to Belos, who prompted a lot of her suicidal depression and scarred her face too.
They’ll insist Hunter should’ve been a bigger part of the finale and that Luz’s nightmare should’ve been her guilt for hurting him, as if it wasn’t already about Flapjack’s death and just her guilt towards ALL of her friends. So you know what, in addition to Hunter not even needing to kill Belos, I’m glad he wasn’t in that final battle and that the show reminded fandom who the actual main characters are (Luz, Eda, and King), which obviously pissed off a lotta people. Because it’s not like Hunter didn’t have major focus in the last two specials and S2B!!!!!!
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maxcatz · 4 months ago
raine whispers body + general headcanons and kind of a redesign !!! or just how i view them idk !!!!!!
shirtless warning idk also there’s a 𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 joke in here
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some yap below if you please
* I read a post a while back from @/dazeddoodles about how their body type would be muscular but it’s hidden underneath some chub and I really liked that idea but I don’t really know how to incorporate that into my drawing because I cannot draw muscle for the life of me so bear with me
* I kinda wished the witches in TOH had more animalistic features so that’s why I gave them the bat ears, tail and the ear tufts - also I thought the bat ears would be cool and them having more bat like abilities like echolocation (I hc that bards have more sensitive ears than most witches and better hearing so that’s also part of it)
* The rings and piercings are just because they’re a little queer critter (they take their rings off around eda dw)
* The alto clef tattoo is because they play the viola (ITS NOT A VIOLIN.) and the star tattoo is them matching with Darius & Eda hehe
* I honestly liked their pre time skip hair color more so I added some more of that
* I gave them a stubble because I hc that they went on testosterone (and top surgery scars)
* Around 5’6 but wears heels to appear taller (i’m bad at incorporating height into my drawings shh)
some silly headcanons
• Listens to all types of music, like they can find appeal in literally anything
• Produces their own music alongside working with the coven heads for the government and stuff (the art that Dana made of them and the BATTs going through their vinyls rotates through my head forever)
• Fav season is winter/autumn, they despise being to hot especially at night (I hc that the boiling isles has a warm climate because of the boiling sea so it gets really hot there during the summer)
• Horror movie geek + likes a lot of crime podcasts that they ramble to Eda & Darius about
• Likes Peanuts (not the actual nut as in Charlie Brown) and Muppets
• Love language is physical touch (yapped about in a different post and it won’t let me link it for some reason)
• Talks with their hands a lot and sometimes hits people in the face on accident (they feel terrible afterwards)
• Autistic, normally gets fixated on music related things and will buy every CD or record they can find of their current favorite artist
• Really good at flirting but sometimes they do it on accident and they’re really confused when Eda/Darius are flustered as fuck from something they said
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pyxilate · 24 days ago
yall remember my dumpster fire of a TOH x Arcane AU? I damn near forgot about it. Anyways it’s been a while so I wanted to explain some roles :3 I shifted a bunch. So. Yeah… let’s get into it, shall we?
First and foremost, ‘Hextech’ is genuinely just repurposed Glyph Magic. Do with that what you will. Now, onto the cast list:
Amity Blight as Caitlyn Kiramman - Amity is so Caitlyn coded that a flag is being waved in front of my face screaming at me that the Caitlyn haters also hate Amity because they’re on similar wavelengths (albeit different morality, I’ll get to that later)
Luz Noceda as Violet - Obviously, if Amity is Cait, Luz is Vi. That’s, like, the first rule of things. Also, I think they’d have an interesting dynamic like this that’s really similar. Both Luz and Vi have been thru some things, y’know?
Vee Noceda as Jinx / Powder - For me, this makes perfect sense. Especially with the background plans I have running… this is going to be a deliciously painful run. So buckle up, because I’m not done yet.
Hunter as Mel Medarda - While originally, I had cast Hunter as Jayce, it simply didn’t make much sense coming back to it. I know I wanted to highlight Hunter and Gus’s friendship, but it was done poorly in my original concept. So now he’s Mel.
Gus Porter as Viktor
Mat Tholomule as Jayce Talis
Boscha as Maddie Nolan
Darius as Sevika
Raine Whispers as Salo
King Clawthorne as Isha - HES NOT GOING TO DIE I PROMISE 😭 I felt like they communicated similar things when coming up with this crossover concept. Also, King will stick more closely to Eda than Vee, but since we’ve never seen them interact, like, at all, I want to explore what I feel their relationship would be like.
Edalyn Clawthorne as Vander - If you don’t see it, you’re beyond help /j. This is perfection, literally. It’s the (third) best idea I’ve ever had and that’s saying something.
The Collector as Herald Viktor - I feel like something had to be done to bring the collector into this. However, in this version, the Collector is distinctly different from 
Emperor Belos as Ambessa and Silco - HEAR. ME. OUT. A man from Graves Field, pulling behind-the-scenes strings to pit Graves Field and The Boiling City against each other? Absolutely, perfect cinema.
And, finally, one that will be super controversial: Masha as Ekko - they just seem right for the role. Something about them not only helps me bring in Veesha as a thing, but also bringing them in as a major character and making them come in at the last minute to save the day in a major way that led to the final battle like they did in the show? (well, not exactly, but kind of? You get my point, right? It’s hard to explain.) Chef’s kiss.
Anyways, thus ends my explanation.
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thesapphicsoldier · 2 years ago
Now that we have confirmation (sorta) that Willow is pan and Hunter is bi, I think the owl house may just be the gayest show ever.
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There are literally so many queer characters it exceeds tumblr’s photo limit!!
There’s also Darius and Alador who are shown to like each other in the finale (or at least Darius does), and the titan who is implied to to be genderqueer in some way.
I cannot believe this is a Disney show.
* Ps. I moved all of my cartoon posts to this blog, so follow that one if you want to see more like this.
Image description: photos of owl house characters each with their respective pride flags on their cheeks. First is Luz holding up the otter onesie, flags being bisexual and gender non-conforming. Second is Amity clasping her hands together while she smiles, flag being lesbian. Third is Eda smiling, flag being bisexual. Fourth is Raine smirking, flag being nonbinary. Fifth is Willow with a surprised expression, flag being Pansexual. Sixth is hunter also with a surprised expression, flag being bisexual. Seventh is Willow’s dads holding each other, flag being gay with a text saying “I think”. Eighth is the collector shrugging, flag being nonbinary. Ninth is Lilith with a hand over her chest, flag being aroace. Tenth is Masha looking surprised, flag being nonbinary.
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crimeronan · 2 years ago
eight months later the finale gave me an excuse to fic it. there is literally NOTHING about the darius hunter dynamic i love more than darius showing affection by being an ass & hunter being genuinely relaxed and happy about it bc. he'll Never have to walk on eggshells around darius the way he did around belos.
darius using sweet-sounding nicknames derogatorily is a well-established part of his character but did you guys notice he also does the inverse?? he mutinously calls eberwolf "mutt" in eda's requiem & at the TIME the viewer has no idea that darius has any affection for eber but like. Like. we know now.
In Conclusion. in the process of hunter accidentally (on both sides) becoming darius's son, his nickname goes from "little prince" to "little pissant." send post
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