#but there's still some questionable bits in it... i still miss reading it tho.. maybe ill buy it again LMAO
todayisafridaynight · 8 months
real shit dude Laurens was super uhhhhh gay* or somn and I got to read all about it while doing my BA's thesis because the focus was on Hamilton (who he was real gay for). Anyway cool guy, lots of stuff here is named after him (we got a county... a city... usually a street in every town big enough...) anyway I have lots of fun facts about him/the state ready to fly bc... that's all a history degree from sc is worth :D *you know what i mean bro he wasn't straight
do not speak to me about mr laurens because my mental fungus was so bad for the guy i prrrOMISE. i'd spend hours reading all his letters and documents or historical events just mentioning the guy every day during study hall in high school. i stole his handwriting.
i still mourn the fact i left my fave laurens biography at my dads so that means it's lost to purgatory <- storage _(:з)∠)_
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debonairprincesposts · 2 months
You answered my question perfectly and I'll be sure to request more Lucifer in the future (love our short king). But this time I'd like to request Charlie x reader angst if that's okay (totally not inspired by your last request 😅 and sorry it's a bit long).
Reader planning an evening out for their 1 year anniversary (with help and ideas from Lucifer), based on when she's supposed to be back. It's not until later on in the evening the reader finds out she's forgotten/changed her mind and gone for an evening out with Vaggie instead. Reader leaves a crumbled note on top of a bouquet of flowers and a new dress/suit they had brought just for her and that evening. Note is your typical breaking up and leaving, with the reader leaving the hotel to try and not be found and blocking her number.
Omg anon! I have no idea where you keep getting these ideas from! They’re absolutely *Chef's kiss*
I also just love how the reader and Lucifer are basically just bonding over Charlie. And I don't mind how long your messages are! I just love reading you guys' thoughts.
Anyway! Here is the angst you requested! Hope you like it :)
Enjoy (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
Charlie x Reader
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You were filled with anticipation for today, a mix of excitement and nervousness. After all, it's your and Charlie's one-year anniversary! Your desire is to ensure that the day is flawlessly wonderful! You plan on buying her a gift and giving it to her during dinner.
One small issue tho-
You have no idea what to get her.
Maybe you could ask someone? Someone who's known Charlie for a very long time. Someone like maybe-
Surely he'd know! He is her father after all. Surely he wouldn’t mind you calling about a matter such as this, right?
In slight anxiety, you pick up your phone to dial in Lucifer’s number. He gave it to you once Charlie revealed you two’s relationship to him. Saying to call him should you need anything cuz you are his ‘future Child-in-law’. You just hope he’s free enough to answer his phone.
He picks up on the third ring, “Hey kid! How are you doing these days?”
“Hello sir! I just uhm- kinda need your help with something.”
“Of course! Whatever you need, dear! What’s up?”
“Sooo- today is Charlie and I’s 1 year anniversary and I don’t know what to get her. I plan on buying her a gift and taking her out for dinner, but I have no idea what I’m supposed to get her. Do you perhaps have any ideas?”
Lucifer let out a gasp, “Totally! Maybe you can buy her new suit? She loves those.”
That’s brilliant! How come you didn’t think of that before!
“That’s a marvelous idea, sir! Thank you for your help!”
“Always happy to help, dear! Have fun with your anniversary!”
You both bid each other goodbye and hang up.
Okay! Time to go shopping!
You spent three hours trying to find the perfect suit. And it was absolutely beautiful. It should fit Charlie like a glove. She’ll absolutely love it. Now! All that needs to be done is give her this suit to wear and take her out for dinner! You try to give her call, but it went straight to voicemail mail. Worry fills your heart. It’s getting closer and closer to the time of the reservation and she’s still out of sight.
It’s getting pretty late, you’ll miss your reservation if you don’t leave now.
You go down to the lobby, maybe someone knows where she is. You see Husk and Angel Dust at the bar. Maybe they know.
“Hey guys! Have you seen Charlie? I haven’t seen her since this morning.”
“Haven’t seen her either, toots. Why? You need her for something?” Angel Dust turns to you as soon as you get closer.
“I’m taking her out for dinner, but she won’t return any of my calls.”
“She’s been out with Vaggie since this morning. Hasn’t been back since.” Says Husk before taking a swig of his bottle.
“I-I see. Thank you.”
Husk and Angel shoot either other a worried glance as you left. You were a pretty good friend to them. They didn’t like seeing you upset. But they figured it’s best they give you some space.
Another hour passed. You had completely missed your reservation. Being by yourself for a bit gave you time to reflect on your time with Charlie. It made you realize that this wasn’t the first time she’s done this. It always felt like you were a second priority to her. Every time you’d want to spend some time with her, she’d always make excuses about how she already made plans with Vaggie. And you know what? You’re done. If she wants to hang out with Vaggie so bad then you won’t stop her.
In your fit of heartbreak, you write a letter. The letter’s contents are that of a break up. Explaining how you’re done with her. How you’re done with always being second place. How you’re always second priority. You spent three freaking hours picking out a suit for her just for her not to show up.
After finishing up the letter, it being all crumbled from how hard you were gripping it and being stained with your tears, you take the bouquet of flowers you were going to give her and leave it on her bed next to her suit.
This is goodbye.
You start packing your bags. You weren’t going to stay with someone who never cared for you as much as you cared for them. When you’re done, you leave your phone behind. You’ll make sure to buy a new one with a new number and everything.
You exit through the fire escape and never look back.
And just like that, you’re gone.
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Another request fulfilled!!! Finally! I was struggling with how I’m supposed to write this, but I think I made a decent piece. Hope you like it anon! Hopefully it’s up to your standards! Sorry it took me so long to write this. Anyway!
Stay healthy and hydrated!
Bye babes! ∠(ᐛ 」∠)
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I am torn between laughing and... more laughing at those headlines.
Let's start with my favourite:
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And then here we also have:
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Who are those viewers? I get that the scene in question can make people uncomfortable and maybe even that they are 'grossed out'. I get that. But honestly: what did they expect? I've never been to the cinema without having at least a clue what the film is about that I am going to watch in a bit. I don't read spoilers, but at least a summary of what the film is about.
The movie is rated R (for sexual content, language throughout, some teen smoking and drinking). And it's about a teacher and his student. I mean, the sexual content surely would not happen between the janitor and the school nurse? If you don't want to see that- don't watch the movie! That's on the viewer, not the movie.
Also, there was absolutely nothing explicit about the scene. No sex happened! (It was implied, yes- but nothing happened.)
All this makes me believe that most of the mentioned viewers are 13-year-olds who totally missed the point of the entire film (granted, it wasn't a very strong point) and just like to complain on social media. And of course that's were the tabloids come in and produce those memorable headlines. (Still laughing at the Hobbit one.)
I've said it before: Miller's Girl isn't a very good movie, but it also isn't a very bad one. It's somewhere in between, imho. But there is nothing surprising about it. There was nothing misleading in the trailer or the synopsis. We always knew there was a big age gap between the main characters (even tho it was a bit smaller in the screenplay). We knew that!
I've been following this movie since it was announced and I read many, many times something like: 'I like Martin, but I am going to pass on that one. It's not my cup of tea.' And that's absolutely 100% ok. That's how it should be. If something makes you uncomfortable: do not watch it. I don't like horror movies, so I don't watch them (yes, even when Martin is in it. 😉)
You don't like movies that contain a teacher/student- relationship or a big age gap? Do not watch it! You watched it anyway and it grossed you out? Well, who do you blame? Yeah, I thought so. Shame on you if you blame the movie or the director or the actors.
PS: I am not mad or anything, just mostly amused. (Still laughing at the Hobbit headline!!)
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justwonder113 · 2 months
Head over heels - Lee Know pt2
First part here (Can be read as a standalone)
Warning: Cursing(I can't help it). mentions of drinking. The reader is overthinking in the beginning but the end is fluffy. Minho is a menace and I love him for it. I can't think of anything else please tell me if I missed anything. Reader is gender neutral.
A/N- Hey lovelies, I'm back with the continuation of the previous Minho drabble. I wasn't thinking of writing the second part but I got inspired so here we are. I really hope you'll like it. Comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated. I'd love to hear what you guys think. Thank you for all the love and support you give me, it really means so much to me. Please take care of yourselves, love you all so much!! <3 <3
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The one and only sun, the sourse of light and basically all life on earth was sometimes a huge dick. Like what do you mean you're brutally waking someone up from their sweet slumber on 8 am on sunday? That's just evil. Do you know what they were up to all night? Maybe they need their much needed rest. Talk about inconsiderate.
Grumbling curses at the bright rays of sunshine which felt like you were being poked in your eyeballs you turned to your side, trying to escape them. You furrowed your face into your pillow hoping to fall back asleep. But you couldn't. Because you realized couple of things. First of all your so called pillow was clearly breathing. Second of all the familiar comforting smell clearly belonged to your best friend. Third, how the fuck was Minho's chest so firm yet so soft?
Hold on, hold on. Why were you sharing a bed with Minho? Normally whenever he slept over he opted for using the guest bedroom or the couch if he was too lazy to get up. It was rare of you to share a bed. Wait did you do something?
You tried to recall the events of the last night. You were at the club. Minho got a bit drunk, you went to get him some water. Some deuchbag tried to hit on you but Minho scared him off. You got to your apartment. You asked him to help with detangling your Chains and you two made out for hours, you talked in between and some time into talking about some random stuff Minho fell asleep.
You made out wit your best friend! What were you thinking?! You're clearly into him, you have been for a while, but what about him? Okay you knew Minho wouldn't just kiss you out of nowhere but still! You have been extra flirty lately but he hasn't given you a hint or a clue that he romantically likes you like that. Maybe it was just a spur of moment thing. Let's say he wanted to test things out. Maybe he wanted to test if he liked you like that? Oh god, what if he regreted it? What if you ruined everything. Oh God, what if this messed up your friendship. You couldn't live without him in your life. Maybe it was an overdramtic announcement but he was too dear for you. He was the reason you believed in suolmated be it platonic or romantic. God you shouldn't have indulged in kissing him when you knew he was still a bit tipsy. But he was so close tho and his lips looked so pretty and kissable... Oh what the hell?
The hands tightening around you stopped your train of thoughts. Great you woke him up now. You were mad at the damn sun for waking you up and now you were the one to wake him up? Great job.
Minho's groggy yet soft morning voice startled you. "I can physically feel you overthinking. It's too early, go to sleep."
"But Minho." You cringed at yourself at how whiny your voice sounded. Minho opened his eyes to give you an unimpressed look. He wrapped his hands more tightly and brought you even closer. You both loved and hated how at peace you felt whenever you were around him. Being between his harm made every cell in your body relax, except your heart, which felt like it would burst any second. When did you even manage to fall so hard for him?
"Do you like me?" The suddenness of his question startled you. You couldn't with him sometimes.
Unimpressed with the lack of answer Minho opened his eyes and full on glared at you. Normally you would laugh it off or try to make him well not upset but now all you could think about was how could a human look so breathtaking first thing in the morning. With messy hair and slightly dark circles from the few hours of sleep he got. He was like a walking renaissance painting what the hell? Minho was about to let go of you when you started talking. Well you had to say something.
"It pisses me off how pretty you look first thing in the morning."
You blinked at you once, then twice then rolled his eyes. His hand came up to your cheek and you thought that maybe it was one of those rare moments when he was sweet and affectionate, but no, you were proven wrong when he slightly pulled on the skin of your cheek.
"First of all, I'm always pretty. Second of all I could say the same to you." He let go of your skin and now slightly grazed your soft skin. "Third of all you're getting distracted sweetheart." This smooth fucker. You could feel your face start to heat up.
"You have never called me sweetheart."
"Hm, do you not like it?" Minho mused and looked at you with eyes full of mischief. The fucker knew he was getting you all flustered up.
"I didn't say I didn't like it."
"You're cute." Why was he so keen on teasing you today?
"Shut up!" - You couldn't help but groan. You didn't fully appreciate how flustered he made you feel.
The smirk on his face grew even wider if that was possible."Make me!"
If he thought that you wouldn't retaliate! You looked at him with challenging eyes. "I just might!"
"So you do like me." He said so casually while playing with strand of your hair you were taken aback for a second. God you hated how your heart basically did a backflip at his soft voice.
"You're infurating." You wanted to hide your face now, you knew this little asshole was having the time of his life watching you get this flustered.
"And you're not denying." Why would you? He knew you liked him.
"One fact doesn't exclude the other smartass!"
"So you're admitting it." How was he so casual about it?
"Maybe I am. What are you going to do about it?" You challenged him. Proud of yourself when you saw that your comment got to him and suprised him for a second.
"Then, I am going to kiss you senseless like you're pretty butt deserves to. And I'm going to take you some place fancy for our first date." To make his point across he even took your hand and softly kissed it.
"Partner?" You couldn't hide your surprise as well as your hopefulness.
"Aww you think my butt is pretty." This was the only response you could muster up. At this point you were amazed how was your heart still working.
"Well of course I think my partner's butt is pretty." Did he just say what you thought he did?
"Bold of you to assume You have any way out of this relationship." What a romantic. Why was he so him?
You decided to tease him a little, after all that's all he did all morning. "What if I'm tired of you?"
"You can always sit the fuck down." Again, so romantic.
"What if there's no chair?" Based on the smirk on Minho's face you knew he was going to make it dirty. "Okay never mind, I got it. Okay, what if we lose chemistry?"
"I have seen breaking bad, we will cook something up."
"Okay you're clearly quoting that one tiktok I sent you."
Minho glared at you for a second. "Doesn't mean I'm not being genuine."
"What if your cats hate me?" Minho rolled his eyes at you.
"They love you and you know it."
"Yeah, I'm way too adorable for them to not love me. Okay what if..." Minho didn't let you finish.
"No what if's. I love you and it's clear you feel the same. I knew what I was doing when I kissed you last night and I know what I'm doing right now. You're mine and I'm going to treat you like a royalty until you let me. Don't overthink your pretty mind now. Let's just cuddle for a while and then I will take you out for the fanciest breakfast ever." Again not really romantic but the butterflies in your stomach still decided to have a French revolution in your tummy.
"I still hate you"
"Whatever you say sunshine." He leaned in and sealed his lips with yours.
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drunk-on-dk · 1 year
you asked for hard thots and i can’t shake the absolute cesspit of brainrot that is vernon as your long-term-best-friend who is also your “platonic”-but-why-is-this-so-intense-why-is-he-looking-at-me-like-that date to a family wedding, in your hotel room afterwards and roasting your choice in pyjamas b4 ploughing you into the mattress😔✌🏻
anon u are so sexy for this ask ilysm <333 please tho I am EATING THIS UP, sorry it took me some time (uh oh this is NOT a drabble) but I hope you enjoy it, my dear!!! (i don't know if I did a great job making it super intense as it's a bit more lighthearted, but nonetheless, I hope it hits the mark!)
warnings: smut (minors DNI i will bite and block), some plot at the beginning, mutual pining, teasing, fem! reader but no pronouns, unprotected sex, cunnilingus (female receiving), let me know if i'm missing anything w/c: ~2.5k
"When does it end," you groan, finally peeling off those pesky heels that you've somehow managed to wear the whole wedding and falling back into the comfort of the springy hotel mattress. You're immediately curling into a little ball, hands massaging the aching balls of your feet. "This is like the millionth wedding we've been to this year."
Vernon watches you amusedly, removing his own suit jacket and discarding it onto the decorative armchair. Snorting, Vernon states the obvious, "a million weddings in one year would be impossible, Y/N."
"No shit, Sherlock," you laugh, rolling your eyes as you sit back up, already feeling your eyes falling heavy after the night you've had entertaining your family's antics. "Thanks for saving me yet again though. It's nice having a friend at these things, makes the time go by a lot faster."
A dejected sigh from Vernon goes unnoticed as you spring back up to your feet and walk to the bathroom, PJs crumpled in hand whilst you continue to ramble and rant about your family.
"But seriously, how many weddings can my family have in one year? Also, why are they so convinced we're together? I don't know how many times I have to reiterate that you are my best friend to them? They've known you for like how many years now?"
You can hear Vernon humming in agreement as you unzip your dress in the safety of the bathroom, a soft shuffling sound in the other room indicating that he is rooting through his own suitcase. You hope he doesn't hear the wavering of your voice as you mention the word 'best friend' yet again.
Admittedly, it's been slowly becoming harder to read Vernon these past few months, even though he's been your friend for as many years as you can count on two hands and then some. You had invited him to be your plus one to one of the many weddings you had to attend this year a few months ago, and ever since then you've been quelling thoughts of 'what if?'
Vernon has to suppress another snort when you emerge from the bathroom, the sudden reappearance of you in your tattered, old pajamas has him smiling crookedly in amusement.
"I'm sorry, but what are those?"
"What are what?" You look like a deer in headlights, hands dropping to your sides before taking in fistfuls of your pajama bottoms that should have been retired a long time ago. "Are you making fun of my pajamas?"
Vernon's laugh and smile are enough to make your heart feel like it's about to pound its way out of your chest, your own awkward chuckle combining with his as he approaches you.
"Y/N," he sighs, shaking his head with that ridiculous smile of his still adorning his features, eyes twinkling as he makes you spin for him. "These are ridiculous, how old are these pajamas?"
You shrug, still fisting the extremely soft material as you ponder jokingly about his question. "Maybe like 10 years. What? Do you not find Hello Kitty pajama bottoms cute?"
Vernon and you hold eye contact for a second longer until you are both bursting out into laughter.
"Cute," he ponders adoringly, pinching your arm before heading to the bathroom to change into his own pajamas. "Sure thing."
The interaction has your cheeks burning, noting the way Vernon seems to drink you in before going to change, soft eyes observing you in adoration briefly.
Yet again, you're quick to shake yourself out of it, shuffling into the hotel bed and cuddling with the heavy covers. Still, you're left to your own thoughts.
Why does he keep looking at you like that? It's that same stupid, endearing look in his eyes that seem to soften every time you come into view. It's the kind of look that makes your heart beat a little too fast for your liking. It's that kind of look that has you returning to those 'what if' thoughts.
Vernon is soon joining you in the bed, slipping under the sheets comfortably and shimmying in closer to you, utilizing your body heat as a source of warmth.
You've shared a bed with Vernon many times before, during sleepovers when you were children all the way to accompanying you in bed to make sure you were okay after a night of heavy drinking.
However, you swear with each wedding that you grow uneasier being this close in proximity to him. You are no longer able to avoid the ebbing feeling of butterflies fluttering in your lower stomach.
Vernon hums contently to himself as he relaxes deeper into the sheets and turns to face you. The soft sound of his breathing has goosebumps running down the back of your neck and you don't think you can bear to look at him, so you opt to flip around onto your side and face away from him.
You can practically feel his eyes burning a hole into the back of your head, your hair burning and ears tingling knowing that he is staring at you. It's making you feel restless, so you turn around with a hmph to face him once again.
"What," you whisper harshly, even though it's just you two in this dark, hotel room. The only bit of light is the soft, blue flickering light of the TV that Vernon refuses to turn off. "Why do you keep staring at me? You did it earlier when you picked me up for the wedding, on the dance floor, and even when I changed into my pajamas. You've been doing that too much lately."
He seems a bit guilty, jaw falling slack as his eyes become saucer-like, yet there is still a palpable tension in his stare. "What do you mean? I'm just looking at you."
"Like that!? Who looks at someone like that!" You exclaim, one hand escaping from underneath the covers to motion to his face, the other arm now propping you up to get a better look at him.
Vernon seems to be deep in thought for a second, thick eyebrows bunching up as he takes note of your frazzled demeanor. He also takes note of the undeniable blush that can still be seen even in the dim lighting.
"Y-you-" you're stuttering idiotically at this point, tripping over your words as he continues to stare intently at you.
"Does it make you uncomfortable?" His voice is soft and raspy. It shuts you up for a second as you blink stupidly down at his painfully handsome bare face.
You're falling face first into your pillow, groaning loudly and shoving your face deeper into the plush fabric to escape the prison that his gaze has you in.
"No," you mumble loudly into the pillow. "It doesn't. I just feel weird."
He's laughing and it has you smiling like a fool into the pillow. There go those darn butterflies in your stomach again. "It makes you feel weird?"
You sit back up, this time crossing your legs and readjusting so you're not laying next to him. He's way too calm and cool for your liking, not liking the way his lips fall into a lopsided smile as he watches you adjust yourself.
"I don't know, Vernon. I don't know what I feel when you stare at me like that."
"Do you like it?" He's still unserious, but his voice is teetering between what seems like amusement and hopefulness. Your hands are subconsciously playing with the tattered hem of your pajama bottoms, and the habitual motion is enough for Vernon to grasp your hand with his.
One heartbeat.
Another heartbeat.
Oh god, your ears are pounding from the way he's looking at you.
Vernon is tugging on your hand and pulling you into him, soft lips colliding with yours and knocking the wind out of you.
"Do you like this," he pulls away for a second, seeming just as breathless as you.
"Yes, I do."
"Cool," it's such a Vernon response, but in this case it's almost dizzying. With that, he's pulling you back in, lips hungrily reconnecting with yours, and both of his hands are coming up to cup your face to help guide you as he licks into your mouth.
The kiss is just as intense as his stare, almost as if Vernon is channeling all that pent-up energy into the delicate care and passion encapsulated by his lips on yours.
You feel as if you could overheat when his hands travel from your jaw all the way down to your hips, playing with the waistband of your pajamas. He grabs hold of your hips and flips you onto your back, never once disconnecting from you as he nibbles and suckles on your bottom lip.
"These," he finally breaks away, eyes roaming wildly over your features, and snapping the waistband of your bottoms against your skin. "These ridiculous things have to go."
"Please," you mewl, eyes screwed shut in need as his fingertips continue to tease at your hipbones. "Take them off, Vernon."
He's chuckling, but this time it's almost teasing, the sound making arousal burn at your core when he begins to tug at your bottoms. Your hips buck upwards to help him slip the slinky material off your body, ultimately turning Vernon's chuckle into a pained groan upon being greeted by your dripping pussy.
"Y/N," he mumbles softly, hands running up and down your thighs after discarding your bottoms. "Can I please?"
"Can you please what?" You know what he's asking, but seeing him look so desperate between your legs has you wanting to hear it directly.
"Can I taste you?"
You're nodding profusely, yelping in pleasure when he dives down between your legs, rough hands wrapping around both your thighs to keep you still as his wet tongue comes in contact with your throbbing clit.
"Fuck," you're immediately panting, his tongue working quickly as it runs firm circles around your clit. Vernon is staring up at you from between your thighs, thick eyebrows raised and dark, hungry eyes catching yours once again. "F-fuck, Vernon, you're giving me that look again."
This time he raises one brow, tongue running down your pussy and plunging teasingly into your sopping cunt. "What look?" He mumbles into your core, "taste so good, Y/N."
At this point, the warmth and pressure of his tongue has you reeling, the burning pit of arousal in your lower stomach heightening as he continues to messily eat you out. You're soon pushed over the edge, walls pulsing as Vernon continues to work his tongue from your little hole to your clit.
You're fisting a handful of his hair, feeling overstimulated way too fast after your first release, and pulling him back up. He's quick to engulf you in another kiss, the flavor of your lips and juices like ecstasy on his tongue.
He's shuffling out of his own pajama bottoms as you plea between fleeting kisses, begging to have him fill you. Vernon's innocence resurfaces for a minute as he panics, realizing there is no way he packed a condom. (He's not looking for a random hook-up at your family weddings, nor did he think this would ever actually happen, no matter how long he's pined over you.)
"Fuck, Vernon," you moan, pussy throbbing in need as Vernon continues to rut his length teasingly between your folds whilst he searches for a condom anywhere - maybe there is one in his wallet. "Just fuck me without one. I'm clean and on the pill."
"Ah," he hisses, the thought of you taking him raw making him feel like he could burst. "I'm clean too, are you sure?"
"I've never been more sure," you confirm, hands grabbing at him to pull him closer to you.
"F-Fuck, Y/N," he's obliging, his thick, leaky tip dipping in between your folds and sinking into your tight, little cunt. His body shakes as he plunges deep inside of you, hips bottoming out and getting sucked in completely by your walls.
You're shaking too, heavy breaths soothing you as you adjust to his thickness and length. He wasn't massive, but he was more than enough to deliciously stretch you out. Vernon's convinced he could bust just from the feeling of your walls fluttering and adjusting around him, staring down at you with starry eyes as your face contorts in pleasure.
Vernon suddenly feels as if he has a purpose, watching as your jaw falls slack when he experimentally pulls out just to thrust back in, immediately finding the spongey spot deep in your core.
He's addicted to your reactions, the way you look so beautiful with each precise thrust and spear of his cock inside of you. He's memorizing the way your eyes roll back and clamp shut, remembering how your pouty lips scream his name, noting how your cheeks turn a lovely shade of pink.
Vernon's come to realize he can't get enough of you. He's going to forever be hooked on everything about you, and now that he's tasted and felt your perfect pussy, you won't ever get rid of him.
This passion he feels is reflected in the way he roughly fucks you, hips snapping into yours just to pull another delightful moan from your lips. You can feel the bed rocking as he fucks even deeper into your pussy, legs wrapping tightly around his waist as you feel your impending orgasm build.
His motions slowly become sloppy, and the explicit squelching of your walls sucking him in has him groaning with each messy rut of his hips. Vernon is still keen on watching you though, wanting to see your features as you come undone beneath him.
"C'mon, Y/N," he beckons, his length continuing to fill you so perfectly as your walls flutter around him. He can feel you getting impossibly tighter, loving the way your legs keep him close as he pounds into you. "Look at me, please, let me see you."
You're listening to him, eyes opening to look back at him in the same way he's looking at you. There's that damn look again, but this time it has you falling apart for him. The way your walls spasm around his cock and the orgasmic glow of your features has him coming with you, filling you deeply with his cum as your core throbs in pleasure from the intensity of your orgasm mixing with his.
You're absolutely fucked out, the two of you breathless as Vernon reluctantly pulls out, and opts to clean you up quickly. You can't help but hide your face when he happily joins you back in bed, that same stupid look on his features that landed him here in the first place.
You're positive you'll be receiving a noise complaint from the hotel. Hopefully, none of the other wedding guests are staying around you, especially after you've been parading around with him as your "platonic" friend for the past few months (ahem, years).
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nogenderbee · 9 months
Could I request Zhongli, Thoma, Ayato, and Al-Haitham, and Kaveh hearing their lover talking about how they want to spend an eternity with them?
Of course! Again oneshots to make the reactions different for all. But yeah I had lots of fun doing it so hope you like it too! <3
Zhongli, Thoma, Ayato, Alhaitham, Kaveh being told you want to spend an eternity with them
TagList: @bleachtheidiot
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You and Zhongli had your classic and well known date, which was simple and yet enjoyable, so called tea date! You always chatted or listened to your boyfriend's stories, and his voice was always able of calming you down~
"... and that's how it ended. I could tell you a bit about the events that happened in the meantime. Have I told you about those time or have I not mentioned them untill now?"
"I don't think you did."
You were admiring him at this point, he may've thought that it's because you payed attention to what he's talking about at first but now when it was just you responding, and you still looked at him with this dreamy gaze, he knew there was something going on.
"Is everything alright, dear?"
"Yes, I was only thinking about how much I want to spend eternity you~"
That catched him off guard but he only showed surprised expression. He was a bit flustered but he wasn't blushing. He just cleared his throat and decided to move in from there.
"Ehem, thank you. I dearly hope your wish can come true. I'd be really happy as well if it would."
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It was normal for you to visit Thoma when he was doing his job or was during his break. Maybe it was to help him or to simply spend time with him. Either way, he never really mind! In fact, he was more than happy to see your face and it always gave him the boost of motivation he needed.
Even now he was just finishing watering flowers at Kamieato Estate and yet he was also planning your date out loud.
"And after that little walk of ours, I thought of treating you to some sweet! Miss Ayaka gave me good place recommendation!"
You really found it quite impressive that he could do his work properly and think of you without a problem. Sure, Ayaka did helped him but that's still something! You couldn't help but let him somehow know how glad you are for him.
"That's perfect~ I really wish to spend eternity with no on else but you."
Boy's eyes went wide and shade of red quickly spread across his cheeks, as he became to stutter. He tries calming himself down but it seemed like it's of no use in front of you.
"A-Ah, thank you... you're... very kind... that's nothing new of course! I- My wish is the same, trust me dear."
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You and Ayato just had a little walk. It wasn't a date but more like simple hangout to make the bond between you stronger. You were simply holding hands and chatting, even tho comfortable silence also had it's place.
"that's why I think dates like that turn out the best for us. But I saw that you enjoy those too, isn't that right?"
"Yes. You know me so well!"
"I try my best. If we plan to spend future with each other, it's only reasonable."
"Mhm, I wish to spend eternity with you~"
These words really just slipped from your mouth but it looks like he didn't mind at all. In fact, he seemed somehow pleased by your answer as he had a little smile on his face.
"Those are bold words. But I do feel the same. As long as I can, I'll always choose you~ in any life."
Maybe he was so calm because he expected it? Or he felt the same towards you for a long time and just didn't knew how to say it? Or maybe it's the fact he comes from region of eternity? Many questions and yet so little answers. But it doesn't matter! After all both of you have those lovey dovey smiles on your faces~
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Quiet dates were common thing between you and Alhaitham. Even now he was reading a book as you were doing your own things, but he also held your hand with his free hand.
But you suddenly got an idea or maybe your mind just wandered somewhere... whether was it for the sake of making him at least a bit flustered or because you genuinely wanted him to know... lovely words left your mouth.
"You know, I really wish to spend eternity with no one other than you..."
"Thank you, I'm glad we both think the same. I can't wait to see what the future will be like for us."
He says it almost as if he expected it, as if it was already so obvious to him. But you know him and you made sure to look closely... when your said those words, is eyes went wide a bit and even now he has problems with focusing back on his book, he may even quickly look your way from time to time.
He was trying his best to hide how flustered that made him but you couldn't let go so simply! So of course you added few more words to tease him~ And as you do, a faint blush appears on his face.
"It seems like my words moved you a bit~"
"Only a bit. It's expected reaction when I hear my lover say such a thing."
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Kaveh and you were classically walking around while he was rambling to you about what kind of project he had in mind recently. He never liked to spend time with you in his house because of his roommate... long story short, you usually hangout outside.
But today, when you two were walking, you couldn't focus on what he's talking as you were lost in your thoughts.
"Hey! Earth to Y/N! What were you even daydreaming of?"
"Oh! Well... I was just thinking of how I wish we could spend eternity together..."
You definitely made him blush, but he also liked the idea of spending so much time with you. He was simply a bit shocked to answer you instantly.
"Mhm, I thought of how it can look... you know, our house, our life... all of that."
He definitely needed some time to calm down so you stood silent for few seconds to let him do just that. And soon after, you finally received a reply from him!
"It sounds lovely~ I think I already have few ideas on aesthetic of our house. I'm sure you'll like it!"
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takenbypeter · 1 year
Humbly requesting our golden boy x a clumsy reader please
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Adam Warlock x reader
Words: 561
Author’s note: Heehee I was gonna do a whole thing but then I had writers block so this is more just like a short interaction you see between them. I hope you still like it tho!
I’ve officially caught up on requests so they are open again
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You were clumsy.
It’s not like it was a secret or it was something you could hide, it was just something you were. You were used to it, running into objects, stumbling over air, you mostly just moved on whenever a moment like this happened.
You expected the stares that would gravitate to you before they would quickly move on after realizing it was you who accidentally did something dense again.
What you did not expect was catching a certain golden boy’s eye. But you did and ever since then he’s always kept an eye out for you.
“Whoop, excuse me!” You muttered as you managed to barely miss a passerby as you carried some materials you were bringing across the main area.
But as you managed to move out of one person’s way you bumped into another entity causing the pipes in your hand to fall, sprawling all over the place, “oh dang,” you whispered as you bent down to pick them up. You gathered a couple with your eyes glued to the floor and as you reached for the closest one so did a golden hand that could only belong to one person.
“Adam!” You said as you leaned back up while he offered you a smile putting the last of your pipes with the others in your hand.
“I didn’t know you were coming back already.”
Adam’s eyes glanced behind just for a second as he put his hands around your waist pulling you towards him a little bit and out of someone’s way who was trying to get by behind you. “Yeah, it was a fairly easy mission this time.”
“Good,” you said, smiling up at him. It was then that he noticed a few small scratches against your cheek and his eyebrows read worried as his hand automatically reached up only hovering above the area.
“What happened here?”
You tilted your head unsure of what he was talking about but then you realized, “oh that!” You shook your head for him not to worry, “it was just an accident with one of the animals, it’s fine. It was only a tiny scratch, no need for medpacks or anything.
That didn’t seem to ease Adam’s concern at all, “every time I come back it’s always something. Maybe I should get someone to look after you while I’m gone?” He asks and the question seems like it’s more towards himself than at you.
“Adam, I'm fine! I can take care of myself.” You’ve been doing it for your whole life, surely you can continue doing it.
“I know. I just want you to be careful, that’s all I’m saying.”
You roll your eyes with a playful smile on your face, “yes mom,” you tease beginning to go on your way while he follows.
“Oh, haha! How hilarious.”
You looked to your side at him grinning before you stumbled on air. It was nothing big just a quick misstep. Adam held his arms out ready to catch you if you fell but you steadied yourself and after collecting your own surprise at the trip you smiled again, “see I’m fine.”
“…right,” he drew out the word, his hands still in the air but then he reached for the pipes, “maybe I should hold onto these,” he added with a tight smile as he lifted the pipes from your arms.
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bradshawed · 2 years
Second Best — Steve Harrington
summary — nancy wheeler, the one who got away. she’d always be his first love and you’d always be second best so what was the point of pretending he could love you even just a little?
warning/tags — fem!reader, she/her pronouns, angst, steve being dumb, swearing, bits of stancy, arguing, fluff, the gang scheming
note — thank you so much for requesting! I absolutely adore this idea and loved writing it so so much, I hope I did it justice even if I did slightly go off the prompt. you’re an incredible writer, one of my favourites on wp, and I can’t wait to read your works on here too. I love you tons! thank you again and I hope you like it <3 also, credits to soph for steve’s middle name, ilysm!
word count — 2.5k words
This was the third time in the space of a couple of minutes that you’ve caught Steve staring at Nancy from where he sat on the couch, to say you were sick of it would be an understatement.
It had been movie night with the whole group which had truthfully been long overdue and very much needed but surprisingly difficult to plan with everyone’s hectic schedules. But here you all were, finally relaxing for the first time in months in Steve’s spacious living room among a bundle of cushions, in what should’ve resembled a fort built by the boys. The second movie of the night was playing on the projector that Robin and Max had set up and an abundance of snacks and sugary drinks had been brought beforehand to account for everyone’s tastebuds. With the way things were going, however, it seemed like staying over at Steve’s after the night was over was simply out of the question.
Dustin sent you a sad look from his position on the floor smothered by multiple duvets. It would have been funny if it hadn’t been for the situation. The room seemed to cool another ten degrees when Steve unwrapped his arm from around your shoulders mid-scene, shifting away from you slightly. You were both oceans apart and yet he didn’t even seem to notice the space between you. And this wasn’t the first time it had happened either.
The credits rolled in and Nancy offered to grab more snacks while the kids decided on the next movie. Steve practically jumped at the chance to follow her to the kitchen, or maybe you were just overreacting like usual. It didn’t matter anyway, the fact was that he was with her, not you and the way he looked at her told you everything that had been left unsaid.
You quietly got up from your place on the couch, surrounded by colourful blankets and softly padded around the room, picking up your car keys from where you’d left them and moving to the hallway to put on your coat and shoes. El moved to stop you but Eddie gently placed a hand on her shoulder, letting you go with a sad nod. You couldn’t stay, they knew that, but still, some part of you wishes they would’ve asked. You might have not been there from the beginning but they loved you all the same, if not even more and vice versa. You were the missing piece in their family and for them, you’d do anything even if it meant watching Steve pin for his ex girlfriend.
You’d almost made it to your car before Steve appeared at the door, the expression on his face a mix of everything and seemingly nothing you were looking for all at once. “Where are you going, the movie’s about to start. Mike’s picked out some cheesy horror movie which I know you love to watch and Nance has opened up the last pack of those giggles cookies you love with the weird faces on them-” You hated horror movies, regardless of if they were cheesy and predictable or not, and those giggle cookies with fudge and vanilla cream in them- god you hate them too. You’d eat fudge by itself but for some reason when it’s added to something else it just doesn’t taste right to you.
“Steve.. I’m not feeling great, I’m gonna head home a little early.” You knew he didn’t believe you. You never could lie to him, and his judging eyes told you enough. Not to mention you called him Steve, you never call him Steve, but he didn’t notice.
“You seemed fine a while ago to me. What’s wrong, maybe you can lay down in the spare room?” There he goes treating you like you’re one of the kids and not his girlfriend but that’s not what irks you the most, it’s the fact that mentions the spare room. Not his room, the spare. “Nance can give you one of her green teas, they’re magical I swear, you’ll feel better in an instant. Actually, let me ask her now.” He walked away towards the door, completely disregarding anything you’d said, acting for a moment that he was even paying attention to you tonight bringing up Nancy again and suddenly, you’re done.
“No!” Steve pauses mid stride, hand on the half opened door, slowly turning around shocked by the volume and the panic in your voice, “I’m done Steve, I’m done. I can’t do this anymore.”
“You’re in love with Nancy.”
“I’m what-?!”
“Ha, see you can’t even deny it.”
“Because there’s nothing to deny!” His voice raises even further. He’s never raised his voice at you. He knows how much you hate it and it reminds him of his father so he never did; guess there was a first time for everything.
“Don’t. You don’t love me, you never have. You don’t even know my favourite movie genre or my favourite snack-”
“Yes I do, I just told you!”
“Those are Nancy’s fucking favourites! See you’re pinning after her with those love sick eyes of yours and you don’t even know it.”
“What so not knowing your favourite movie genre or snack is a crime now?! So I’m expected to know everything about my girlfriend?” This elicits a rather loud scoff from you causing Steve to clench his fists in frustration and anger. “We’ve been dating for almost a year so yes, I do expect you to at least know those two things.”
Steve starts again but you cut him off fearing that if you don’t get it out now then you’ll go back to apologising to him the next day and burying it even deeper within you. “It’s her, it’s always been her. I don’t know why I even bothered but I thought you were over her, I truly did. But every time she walks into a room your eyes brighten and they don’t leave her for a single fucking second. You bring her up into every single conversation as if her ghost wasn’t already haunting our relationship and I feel like I’m always being compared to her in everything that I do. Stevie I love you, I truly do but I’m sick of feeling like I’m second place.”
Silence. He doesn’t say anything for what feels like forever. You wished he’d say something, anything, do something to prove you wrong, to tell you it was all in your head or that he’d change, that things would get better. A flash of emotion appears on his face before he puts back on his ‘King Steve’ mask. He never used that with you.
“Okay.” That’s all he says before turning back towards the door and leaving you standing out there in the cold.
That was months ago and here you were with the gang calling you from a pay phone on a Sunday. It seemed like your plans of crying your eyes out to another sappy romance movie that reminded you of your relationship with Steve had been ruined. “Heyyy Y/Nnnn”, came a sheepish voice from the other end of the phone call.
You knew they could feel your eye roll from there, “What do you guys need?”
“What, can’t we call our favourite adult and tell her that we miss her?!”
“Ignoring the fact that this is the first time you’ve called me in months, no Dustin, you can’t call without wanting something first. And favourite?! Ha, nice one. What do you want?”
“Can you please pick us up from the skatepark?” At least he had the common sense to give the phone to Max when the gang wanted something, they all knew she was your soft spot. Then for the millionth time that day, like every other day, your mind went straight to Steve. Where was he? Shouldn’t he be picking up the kids? Why would he just leave them there? They could’ve called anyone else, so why you? And then as if she knew the thoughts running through your head she added, “we didn’t want to bother Eddie and Steve was meant to pick us at two but we got bored and felt bad for asking him to pick us up earlier when he was already in a bad mood this morning and-”
“It’s okay sweetheart, hang tight and I’ll be there in ten. Don’t go anywhere and stick together okay?”
“Yes mum.” And Dustin was back.
He hung up the phone and you went to get changed as quick as you could, sliding along the wooden floor in your socks. If Steve was here now, he’d be laughing his beautiful laugh, teasing you before acting out the scene from ‘Risky Business’, maybe even twirling you around the living room. Shaking your head to prevent more tears from falling, you grabbed your coat and car keys and made your way out the door.
There was a catch. Of course there had to be a catch. Why didn’t you think about this before?!You’d successfully picked up the kids and they’d all piled into your car with their gear when Dustin remembered he’d left something important at Steve’s and needed to pick it up. So here you were driving to your ex boyfriend’s house cursing wildly in your head. It would be fine. You were only going to stay in the car. You wouldn’t even have to see him… right?
Wrong. Fate, aka the kids, had different plans.
Pulling into the driveway, the first thing you noticed was the fairy lights stung around the house. It was still light out, Christmas and New Years were over, Valentine’s Day was even further away, so why were there fairy lights? Why were there sunflowers lining the driveway? Had you stumbled upon Steve’s love confession to Nancy. Oh god. You hoped not.
Here you were, standing on Steve’s porch, knocking on his door instead of Dustin and you hadn’t the slightest clue of how you got there except you figured you’d been roped into some wild scheme that wasn’t going to end well. Fuck me.
Steve Willow Harrington opened the door in all his beautiful glory holding a bouquet of sunflowers, a pack of care bear waffles and ‘The Breakfast Club’. Who the hell allowed him to look so good?!
No, this was absolutely not happening. He would not turn your heart into mush with one syllable. You started to turn around to leave but his reflexes were faster and he grabbed your hand, the skin heating up under his touch and your heart kickstarted into motion at the electricity that danced along his fingers onto yours. “Please. Don’t go.”
You froze in place. Head and heart conflicted but once you saw the expression on the kids’ faces you understood. He gently pulled you towards him, albeit with a little caution, turning your body but still you refused to look at him. “These are for you.” You accepted them, focusing on the sunshine petals instead of his face until your felt his fingers gently gripping your chin, tilting your head upwards so you were looking into his eyes. Steve’s eyes shone with the telltale sign of tears and regret and something else that you’d only seen when he looked at her. It was love. No. It couldn’t be. You took a step back needing the distance to gather your thoughts. He didn’t get to do this to you, he didn’t get to hurt you all over again.
“I’m sorry. I-” you shook your head, your own tears glistening your eyes making them shine in the fairy lights. “I had a whole speech planned out funnily enough but I see you again for one second and you’ve got speechless. God I- I drove over to your house in the middle of the night to apologise after that day and I chickened out every single time until they all knocked some sense into me.” He nodded behind you towards where the kids were anxiously watching the scene unfolding before them.
“I thought I heard your car but every time I’d look out the window there was no one there so I stopped looking.”
Steve sighed sadly, “You deserve better- you deserved better. I shouldn’t have done what I did. I shouldn’t have taken you for granted. I shouldn’t have made you feel like you were second place, not to Nancy and not to anyone. I should have showed you I cared, that you mattered, that I did know you loved binge watching those sappy romance movies and pointing out bits that reminded you of us and that your favourite snack were those ridiculously overpriced care bear waffles with the rainbow specks of berries because you’d had them since you were a child and refused to give them up. But I didn’t do any of the things I should have. I fucked up and I don’t deserve you. And the worst thing is, I don’t even have a reason why I did them. I think some part of me was terrified of the uncertainty, of the unknown, of how it felt to have someone I was scared to lose. So I buried how I felt about you and turned to something familiar, to something that I could hold onto even if I didn’t actually care about them. It took losing you to realise just how wrong I was and how badly I’d treated you. And I know it doesn’t justify any of what I did to you but I want you to know that I’m sorry and if I could do it all over again, I would do it differently. I would fight for you instead of leaving you there and I would show you exactly how I feel about you.”
You were both crying now, “and how do you feel about me?” The air stilled in anticipation, your fingers twisting around the fabric of your sleeve in a nervous dance.
“I love you.”
That admission of love, and the fact that he said it so easily like it was a fact that everyone should know, knocked the air out of your lungs. You felt breathless after his speech.
“I won’t deny that you hurt me and maybe I do deserve better but I know you can give it to me just as I hope I can give it to you. It won’t be easy and it will take time and a lot of work to get to- to us but if you’re willing to put in the work…” Steve nodded his head enthusiastically, tears slipping down his cheeks for he’d feared the worst, “then I am too.” Then came his megawatt smile, eyes crinkling at the edges from pure happiness. He pulled you into a hug, wrapping his arms around your shoulders delicately so as to not damage the flowers, while yours wrapped around his waist. The kids were dancing by your car, pumping their fists into the air but neither of you payed any attention to them.
“And for the record, I love you too Stevie.”
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wasyago · 9 months
episode 110 spoilers
just like, random thoughts and stuff, mostly bits that i remembered
i sat down to write this i forgot everything oh my god--
in chip's flashback. the black rose pirates following the king to the big sakura tree, and arlin holding baby chip's hand. this. the cutest shit ever, i think i almost cried at the image of this big badass group of pirates and this itty bitty child led gently by his hand. even if i didn't cry before i sure will right now, baby chip you're so dear to me...
QUEEN! they didn't remember anything aughhhhh 😭😭😭😭 and their and chip's little talk about how they're going to put the pieces together :( and their hug :(
whatever drey, finn and earl are doing on the ship... like, what? hello? glad they're having fun tho lol. also wait hold on a second. how did drey answer the call? i mean, probably with his leg or something, if i had to guess. or maybe finn held it up for him. not sure if finn is at it enough to be able to answer the shell by himself, so earl and drey are the only ones who can actually use it. and seing how earl is in a... predicament. hm.
jay saying that when she looks at gillion she sees family. AUGHHHHHHHHHH AUGH AUGH OUGH jay ferin i love you. and this is so important to me not only because like hell yes they're more than friends they're a family, but also for jay of all people, considering her relationship with her blood tied family and how complicated her relationship with this word is.
also girl please do something about your leg, im begging you. the bone is visible, this shit is not going to heal up by itself. i dont know how you're still limping around this must hurt so bad. i guess adrenalin maybe, but still. at least get some bandages or something, i don't know... what is it with jay and her legs actually. she fell off a roof in edison kingdom and landed on a piece of metal that fucked up her leg, and now this.
oh my god niklaus, how could i forget about my babygirl. i mean, what can i say i love this guy. i dont know how many times ive relistened to his intro song, but definitely more than i should've... um. there was a lot of big important lore that i don't have the brain capacity to process rn.... i want to say that niki is the nameless prince and/or the thing trapped in the hole in the sea. because he can only interact with one person at a time by inviting them to his pocket dimension (even with jay it was said that the time around her stopped while she was talking with niklaus), implying that niki is trapped somewhere and this is the only constricted way he can interact with the world. and to answer chip's questions he said he wants freedom more than anything, again implying that right now he doesn't have this freedom. which makes sense, right? but then, the big bad thing was supposedly trapped thousands of years ago (i think?), but niklaus was a world famous pirate lord not so long ago and not trapped anywhere, so.....? idk im probably missing something. can't for the life of me find the moment where they read the nameless prince book so like, whatever.
that moment where jay talked to chip about how she thinks its all her fault and she should've just gave up her arm and leg. and how chip reassures her....... them 🥺🤲 kind of inspired by that post abt chip and jay i reblogged earlier, but these two talking about their emotions and feelings is so dear to me. just, being human with each other and opening up. gill is great ofc, but i feel like for these two its much easier to talk to each other to feel understood and heard. i love them.....
chip is still very much dead and probably won't be resurrected any time soon, so... hooray new undead chip design! but also oh my god my poor boy... forever 19... (also charlie and condi being surprised that chip is only 19. yeah </3) my poor guy my poor baby, he sounds so beaten and depressed in the beginning of the episode, its just breaking my heart qwq...
star and zamia <333 hehe
chip trying to marry igneous. lol. darling chill out, you just got out of one unsuccessful marriage and it didn't teach you anything, you're dead, you're only 19, you've known this guy for like, 2 days? don't get me wrong, godspeed to chip, but cmon man take him out to dinner first or something
and uhhh. the end, that's all i got
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Sorry if this is too personal for an ask, you seem to have developed a very mature and nurturing way of navigating past relationships... ofc this might just be from the outside looking in but still. In my experience and cultural background (monogamous, cishetero, conservative) -and despite outgrowing most of that education- I still struggle with grief when it comes to unresolved feelings for previous partners.
I understand that it's a very nuanced thing and it involves lots of factors for each particular person, in any case i thought I'd ask for your thoughts on this from your perspective and maybe some good literature to go along with it?
hi friend ❣️ i’ll start by saying, if you’re asking this question you might be feeling a bit tender, so i hope you’ve got some softness - that you’re receiving it from others, and that you give this to yourself. thank you for your trust.
read more bc this might be a long one.
there’s a lot of different things i’d like to say. i’ll start by saying the framework of polyamory really helped me here. the biggest lie of compulsory monogamy is that exclusivity means safety. monogamy sells you that the goal is to Date and then be Exclusive and then Marry and then you’ll be Safe. but marriage doesn’t mean safety: people divorce all the time; cheat on each other all the time; people stay in unhappy marriages (and relationships) all the time. i believe there is no such thing as safety in relationships - monog or otherwise. at the risk of being dramatic: in one way or the other, you will either lose them or you will die first. grief is not only a risk of love, it is a guarantee.
when i fall in love with someone i ask myself: is this person worth grieving? so far, the answer has never been no. but i walk in knowing i will either die first, or grieve them. it’s a bitter pill, but it gives me freedom, because it also means that the end of a relationship isn’t necessarily a failure. if i’ve learned, if i’ve grown, if the relationship gave me happiness, i consider it a success.
on that note, experience does help. i’ve had three or four Big Breakups(tm). and they don’t get easier, but now when i get my heart broken i know i can survive it. i may be in the Big Ouchies for a while but i won’t keel over and die. like a bad flu.
my work when i’m in the Big Ouchies is to not let my body deteriorate. i need to drink water especially if i’m crying; eat food even if i’m not hungry (that one’s tough for me); take myself out for walks even if the flowers aren’t out. if i can only eat butter pasta, so be it. if the only way i can sleep is taking melatonin, so be it. everything else, the processing, the learning, etc, can wait a second. when i’m in the Big Ouchies, i see what i can take off my plate. my priority for a few weeks is just to get through the searing heat of it. (two week statute of limitations on exclusively eating junk food tho. we do need vitamins and protein.)
the next step for me is to take what’s mine. i believe people when they say they love me, and when they say why; no take-backsies. whatever i learned from them is mine now. whatever confidence they gave me is mine now. i give myself credit for the things i loved about them: it’s a reflection of my values that i did. those are things i can cultivate in myself.
i do by myself or with friends the things i wanted to do together. i read that book we talked about. i go to that show i got us tickets for. i wear that sweater i got them. slowly, all these things become mine and stop being reminders that i lost them.
when i want to text them i text a friend a friend instead. ideally not to talk about them (although i do that too) but to make plans so i don’t isolate myself. it doesn’t fill the hole but it helps.
over time the missing gets softer around the edges. there’s one ex from years ago i think about every day. but it’s a soft kind of missing now. it kind of keeps me company. it’s proof i had a love worth having.
i don’t really have Breakup Literature but every time i’m in the Big Ouchies i reread Love Enough by Dionne Brand. I’ve talked about this book before. It soothes my heart each time.
When i’m in the dark pits of it I listen to Banks. When I have the energy to be angry or feel spiteful I listen to Dezi and Havaiah Mighty.
Sometimes the missing never leaves. That’s okay. I can still enjoy the sun on my skin and the taste of clear water.
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beautifulpersonpeach · 10 months
Hi BPP. I have a question running through my mind lately, and I think it’s a little bit stupid, a little bit legit. I read your thoughts and like your opinions. I think you’re one of the best people who could answer, if not the most appropriate one. Sorry if it sounds dumb, tho.
I’ve been into kpop for a while, now. I can’t say i know the way it works, i can’t say i’m a master of it. But i notice things. I notice the big big impact fanservice has in the industry, for example. It’s literally fundamental. There are a few few companies with sex-mixed groups. Put them apart, the majority are same sex groups. Because with opposite genders in the same group there could be problems, unease, relationships etc.
Then they push same sex fantasies with fanservice and amplified skinship (already present in Korea). And until this point, everything is normal. I mean, we know things work this way.
But here i already notice a controversy. Homophobia is present and rooted in Korea and in the industry, but still they push gay narratives/don’t do anything to debunk them. So they try to “feed” everyone, people who like gay scenarios/moments included.
Then i think about girl groups. Twice, black pink. There’s a lot of explicit touching, explicit affirmations (i like you, your body is stunning, let’s go on a date, you make me blush etc). There’s in bts too, the guys did some nasty things too on cameras, i know. But with girl groups, you can easily notice it’s made up for the cameras but it still happens, and unless i’m missing it, i never saw someone hating or heavily hating on members because of it. Because of some easily misunderstanable sentences/acts.
The same goes for boy groups. I’m thinking of ateez. On of the members (i’m not into them so i don’t know his name) loudly read a comment saying “marry (insert another member’s name)”. And he said “you want me to marry *? You know it’s illegal here”. Then i’m thinking of enyphen, again, i’m not into them, but i saw this clip of two members going live and reading comments about them being a couple/being romantically involved. Shipping.
I’m sorry this is gonna be a long one, but before making my point i need to say these things.
Then we have Somi. She explicitly said she has a lot of women flirting with her, and she said she wants to conquer women too. She said she likes Han SoHee and dmed her on insta, but she didn’t reply. She even kissed Hyuna in a video posted on the internet less than a month ago.
Then we have Bibi. She kisses girl fans during her concerts and pictures of it are shared everywhere. She’s still famous, all of these people i’m mentioning are famous, are known, are in the korean spotlight, more or less. And their careers are not fucked up. Sometimes it’s fanservice, some others it’s who they are. Somi really likes women too, imo, and Bibi as well.
I get that for women it might be easier. There’s a group (a big group) of people who prefers gay interactions between women than gay interactions between men. They find it pleasing, and it’s an homophobic, toxic masculinity and women fetishization related preference.
But still, most people are fine with it. Yeah someone probably criticized it, probably hated on them because of these behaviours, but at the end of the day everything is fine for them.
I’m thinking about J-Hope too, who has gay friends and publicly shares pictures with them. He even visited a gay club and, again, probably some people criticized him for it and i’m just not on that side of the internet and the fandom, but at the end of the day his career is not gonna end because of it. Most People are fine with that too. He wears nail polish, tae does too. Can you imagine Jm or Jk doing that publicly? The hate they’d get? Maybe i’m wrong and it wouldn’t be like that; but that’s how i feel.
Then i think about Holland. His coming out had a huge impact on his career, his life. The aggressions he was victim of; his music not being so followed and famous, probably also because of said coming out.
I think about every kpop artist who is closeted and can’t say it. I think about Jikook, about Jimin who had to “play” with colors, lyrics, temporary tattoos and playful interviews (such as the “I think he likes men-> I don’t like you” one) in order to silently whisper that he’s not straight. That there’s more he can’t show.
And then Jikook in general. They could never afford to do what ateez and enhypen did. Never, bpp. We know that. So why?
Why is there this difference, why is it so… difficult for me to get how this works. Why can they do it, but Jikook can’t? But bts can’t? Why is there a limit for some idols, and some others are almost completely free? What am I missing?
I hope my question is clear, bpp. I really do, because i feel like i made a mess here all over the place. I’m sorry about it, thank you for reading this, if you did.
I appreciate you🫶
Hi Anon,
Don’t apologize.
So if I’m reading this right, you’re asking why the reaction to jikook showing queer expression is so much more negative than you see it for anyone else / other duos and groups?
Or, maybe quoting you is better:
“And then Jikook in general. They could never afford to do what ateez and enhypen did. Never, bpp. We know that. So why?”
I’m not sure if what I’ll say will make sense, and this might seem silly, but I think one reason jikook/BTS appear to have fewer liberties on things like explicit/overt shows of love/attraction between them, even under the umbrella of ‘fan service’ and compared to other groups, is because BTS is the biggest group in the world. Just by virtue of the group’s prominence, BTS being very closely tied with several government appointments and massive brands in Korea (Samsung and Hyundai)… there’s a greater expectation of conformity for them compared to other groups. There’s just more at stake for them.
I mean, do you recall the lead up to the enlistment news? How people were picking them apart, people who didn’t think they should be exempt where digging into their old footage trying to find anything to turn public opinion against the group. It was kinda crazy. In that sort of environment and in any case, the prudent thing would be to wait till after military service to expect more freedom in expression for a boy group. And perhaps that’s what we’ll see with jikook and BTS in general come 2026.
But also, the thing is, jikook have still been quite loud… in some ways even louder than Somi’s declarations (but certainly not Holland’s and the cost to him and any openly gay artist is apparent to see). GCF in Tokyo is so loud, it couldn’t be louder if JK got a megaphone, climbed to the top of the Eiffel Tower and screamed that he loves Jimin in the four cardinal directions. No matter what anybody says about GCF in Tokyo, that video itself is very clear and it says it all.
Then there’s the gesture of Jimin flying from Paris to Korea just to spend some time with Jungkook on his birthday, and then more recently, flying to NYC to be with JK during Seven debut. There’s the way their families treat them both. There’s that OT7 live where Jimin kept one half of his body literally glued to Jungkook’s on the couch, hooking his arms to keep their thighs together that not even air could pass between them. Then there’s fucking Rosebowl, pardon my French.
Like, even with all the scrutiny, jikook have still been able to say what they actually want about what they each mean to each other. Jimin is usually private and careful with how he speaks in general, he’s not the kind of person to talk the way Somi did about anything, really. So expecting a similar level and style of communication/queer expression, for jikook compared to these other people, really isn’t fair to Jimin or Jungkook to begin with, I think.
It’s totally okay if as a fan you’d like to see more open, simple and consistent expressions of queerness the way we have it in OnlyOneOf, Ateez, Bibi, etc. Those groups are made in some ways precisely to scratch that itch. It’s good the way they talk about queer attraction draws you in or resonates with you, but I’m not sure it’s fair to expect other people, in this case jikook and/or BTS, to express their relationship and queer feelings the same way.
If you’re approaching this solely from the point of concern for jikook, I totally get it. Korea is very homophobic. But within their immediate team, I hope and trust they are surrounded by more good people than bad, people who will aim to protect the queer members. There’s no use worrying about this for long, since they’ll just have to learn to take care of themselves.
I could’ve totally missed your question or what you’re actually asking, Anon. If so let me know. But the above is also what I think.
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evermoresilk · 2 years
Hey, i’ve just came across your acc and your smau’s are so cute! would you do a tom holland blurb with the college reader again, not a smau tho just a fic of whatever you like.
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author’s note; OMGGG MY FIRST EVER REQUEST! Sorry this took so long I was coplemanting to even post this or not 😧 Please give your honest remark !!
warnings; none, lmk if there is !
word count; 400
summary; aftermath of the exposure of thier private relationship could be read as a part 2 to this fic
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Tom and you continue to keep your relationship private after the little exposion of it by a fanpage. It was overwhelming at first. The amount of follwers you were gaining, the weird dm’s, people asking you about Tom during classes or lectures. You didn’t mind some questions but some were really weird questions but you just move the subject away from the conversation. 
Tom visitations were also the same as before sure people come up during dates asking for pictures or for him to sign something if he was feeling it he would gladly do it or if he is not he just politely say no, they understand.
As for today, you weren’t really feeling to be going out. You’ve just finish your 3 reading assigments that came with 6 pages of paper to write as you literature assigment. Sometimes you question yourself for taking Advance Literature, well to late to back out now. Tom was suppose to come over half an hour ago. 
You check your phone for any text message or missed phone call from your boyfriend but nothing came up. You just thought maybe he’s running a bit late and got back to typing your assignment.
Just as you were going to put your phone down there was a knock at your dorm room door. You got up from your bed where papers and books where sprawled on. 
As you open the door you were greeted with a certian british burnette that had  an adorable smiled plasted on his face.
“Hey love, sorry I was late. I picked up the strawberries you wanted from the farmers market a couple blocks away.”
You wrap you arms around him and buried you face in the crook of his neck.
“I was going to call you” you said while your cheek is pressed again his shoulder you moved a bit backwards so he can come in but still stayed in the same position you didn’t want to let him go.
he shut the door with his foot and still had you in his embrace.
“I knew you’ve been working for the past 6 hours. I didn’t want to bother you so I just thought maybe I just dropped by, since you knew I was coming anyways.”
“You are literally a life saver Tom” you just stayed in his arms. You didn't want to think or do anything you just want to stay like this. You felt safe and all the stress washed away.
“Hey, how about you clean up your bed and I make you some tea. We could put on a show on the television and just cuddle and you can eat the strawberries I just bought?” he suggested while kissing the top of your head.
“Yeah, I’d like that”
This is all you need after writing for 6 hours a moment to snuggle with your boyfriend while munching on some strawberries and drinking hot tea on an evening.
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likes, reblogs and comments are so appreciated <3
© evermoresilk
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chellestrash · 2 years
snowed in
Matt Rayburn x GN!reader
summary: Matt isn't a fan of the Christmas plans you two made so he attempts to talk you out of them in his own...interesting way.
warnings: brief smut, explicit in some parts, swearing.
word count: 2.9k
AN: thank youuu to @chelseasdagger for proofreading and encouraging me to write this one even tho Matt isn't really a very popular character and i can't imagine a lot of people will read this one i still hope those who choose to do that will enjoy it.
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“Shit, that's a lot of snow.”
You point out and turn around quickly, glancing over at Matt, still laying under the thick covers in the big, warm bed. He watches you with one arm behind his head, his other arm still in the same position from when you pushed him away to crawl out from under the comforter. Nodding his head to the side, he gestures for you to come back to him, hoping you'd both get at least a couple more minutes of sleep.
You ask, your arms resting on your hips as you wait for the answer. Matt's eyes slowly drops from your face, as he takes in the full picture. You're standing in front of the bed, your hair slightly messed up from the sleep, his shirt thrown over your body, the hem of it a bit above the middle of your thighs, the big window and snowy landscape behind you, the light from outside making him squint slightly. 
He grumbles out, his voice low and raspy after the night. His hand reaches over to your side of the bed to pull the covers back, inviting you back into the warmth. 
“You want me to get back in bed, Rayburn?”
He scoffs quietly at the obvious question and the tone of your voice, and watches as you walk over to the bed, throwing your leg over him to climb on top.
“It's only been a couple of minutes. Missed me that much?”
“Oh, you’ve got no idea.”
He murmurs softly, looking up at you now leaning over him slightly.
You push back on top of him gently and his hands immediately travel back up, and you feel him gripping your ass tightly, pulling you closer to him. Your own hands rest on top of his bare chest and you move your fingers slowly over the muscles, your nails dragging against his skin.
He hums quietly at the feeling, his eyes close slowly and his head falls back onto the pillow when he lets himself relax back into the bed.
“Oh no, no, no-”
You cup his face quickly, the beard scratching your palms slightly as you attempt to keep him awake.
“We're not doing that.”
He frowns slightly when you smack the side of his face a couple of times, and he wraps his hand around your wrist quickly.
“Yes we are.”
“No we-”
 He grunts loudly, turning onto his side, wrapping his arm around your shoulders when you inevitably fall down on the bed next to him as he changes positions. You attempt to somehow wiggle out of his embrace, but he only tightens his grip around you, making you sigh loudly.
“Matt, we have to leave soon, if we want to make it on time.”
You make a point and he grunts in response.
“What if we don't want that?”
He mumbles against your skin, and you feel his lips grazing the skin at the back of your neck. It's not a surprise to you, Matt's been trying to get out of this Christmas party with friends for a week now, trying to come up with excuses or make up plans that could maybe somehow lead to you both getting to spend the day alone. The snowfall made him hopeful, the thick layer of soft white powder covering the mountain roads made the idea of a couple hour long drive a bit more daunting. 
“You don't want to be on time?”
You glance over your shoulder and catch his sleepy expression before he buries his face in the crook of your neck. 
“I don't want…to be there.”
You feel the warmth of his body somehow cover even more of you when he moved to kiss the side of your face before snuggling closer, his face now resting on your cheek. You can't deny it, the idea of spending a whole day alone with Matt over at his place for Christmas sounds tempting. The trailer is not big, but it's enough, furnished and decorated in a way that makes it feel cozy and so warm, even despite the many layers of snow covering every inch of it on the outside. The bed and covers smell like him and so do the blankets on the couch, the towels, and your clothes that lay in a pile on the floor under his hoodies and shirts for most of the time you two spend together. You wouldn't mind staying in bed all day… but at the same time you don't want him to feel like he's winning. 
“I'm getting up.”
You announce quickly after a good moment of both of you lying together in silence, and it catches him off guard.
You manage to free yourself from his grip and get off the bed. You only take a couple steps towards the pile of clothes on the floor before he hooks his arm around your waist and pulls you back down on the bed. 
You protest, but he pulls you closer. 
“Wait wait wait, just, give me a second here, okay?”
He tries to reason with you, looking down, now leaning over you in the bed. 
“A second for what?”
He pretends to think about the answer really hard, and you watch the few strands of hair fall forward onto his forehead.
“Trying to come up with a good excuse.”
You reach up to push the hair back from his face, and he leans into the touch.
“And what would that be?”
His expression softens slightly when he realizes you're willing to listen, maybe even considering ditching the Christmas party idea. 
“We could say something came up?”
Matt suggests after a moment, and you shake your head slowly. 
“What came up?”
He glances back over his shoulder at the big window and then turns back to you.
“Us not feeling like going? Does that count?”
You snort, pushing your arm against his chest to get him off of you, and he falls back onto the mattress with a big sigh. 
“Guess that's a no.”
“That's a no.”
You roll over to peck his lips quickly before finally getting up and out of the bed. Matt props his head on his elbow and watches you walk over to the couch. It takes him a moment, but he quickly throws the covers off and follows, catching up with you just in time to stop you from putting your pants on.
“Alright but-”
He starts again, and you throw your head back with a little chuckle. Turning back to face him, you look up to look into his eyes, but feel his hand on your chest before you can say anything. Matt pushes you back, and you fall down on the couch. 
“What was that?!”
You protest and try to get up, but he pushes you back down.
“Listen to me.”
He explains with a little squint and doges your light kick.
“Okay no, listen.”
He starts, and you cross your arms in front of your chest.
“What if… what if we-”
He clears his throat, and you watch him slowly drop to his knees right in front of you. 
“What if-”
You feel his fingers brushing over your knee slowly. 
“What if we told them, we can't make it?
He leans down slowly, glancing up at you as if he's looking for approval. His deep, auburn eyes fixed on yours for a moment. You tilt your head to the side and nod slowly, encouraging him with a soft expression.
“I'm listening.”
His lips brush over the skin of your thigh, and you sigh quietly, feeling his tongue now tracing up your leg. You push your fingers through his hair slowly, and he hums quietly at the feeling. 
“We could say…”
He moves from one thigh to the other, kiss after kiss, his lips on one leg, his fingers gently brushing up the other. 
“There's too much snow?”
You breathe out a laugh, and tug on his hair softly to make him look up at you again. 
“Matt, they live here too, they have eyes.”
“Yeah, but… this place is higher up the mountain.”
He sighs, resting his head down in your lap and doesn't move for another moment, letting his eyes close and his body relax slightly. He lets himself enjoy the feeling of your fingers brushing through his thick, dark brown hair, the warmth of your body against his skin is so pleasant and so, so calming. 
“You really don’t want to go, huh?”
You slowly drag the back of your fingers down his cheek, your thumb brushing over the stubble on his face from time to time while you let him stay like this. His body is between your legs, his chest pressed against you, his head resting right there against your thighs.
“What gave it away?”
His voice rumbles softly when he answers quietly with a question without even opening his eyes.
You hum in response, more to yourself than to him. Slowly beginning to consider the idea of spending the whole day right here at Matt’s place with him, you try to come up with your own excuse. The feeling of slow, gentle kisses on your thighs pushes any other thoughts away, and you come back to the room. Glancing down, you feel yourself smiling softly at the sight of this big and tough looking man being so gentle and slow with the way he traces his lips on your skin at this moment. He moves up after a bit, pushing you back so that you're resting against the couch now, before you feel his thumbs brushing over your sides, his lips over the hem of your underwear now.
You start, but it doesn’t stop him.
He hums quietly against your body, now working his way up your stomach to your chest. A satisfied, quiet hum slips past your lips as you feel your body slowly relaxing into the pleasant sensation. Your fingers push through his hair again, and he grunts softly at the feeling of your fingertips on his scalp. Everything somehow feels slower, softer and quieter than it did moments before. His lips, warm and gentle, move over your skin bit by bit, slowly taking care of every little part of your upper body. 
“We’ll- shit.”
Matt sits up, pushing himself off his knees and moving closer to you, the width of his body making your legs slowly spread open for him even more. With his fingers now wrapping around the side of your neck, he pulls your face towards him, and you watch the way his eyes glance around your face before finally stopping right at your lips. You lean into the kiss without thinking about it too much, and a soft moan escapes your mouth when your lips find his. You both hum quietly, pulling each other closer and Matt tilts his head to the side to deepen the kiss. You feel the way he drags his finger down your cheek, unable to help it, you smile against him at the feeling.
He pulls away only for a second before coming back to your lips right away. It takes you a moment to break it again and answer.
“We'll come up with something.”
Matt sighs in relief as his hands find their way back to your sides, thumbs brushing into your ribs, his lips wet and warm at your chest again. 
You whisper, cupping his face in your hands and making him look up at you before leaning down on the couch. The grunt he lets out as he gets up off the floor makes you breathe out a little laugh. 
“Yeah? That’s what you want? Hmm.”
“Don’t even try that, you started this.”
He scoffs at your words, unable to deny the accusations.
“Damn right, I did, and I’d do it again.”
“Yeah… yeah, I know that actually” 
You start, sitting up a bit before you hook your fingers at the waistband of his dark gray boxers. Your eyes trail over his body—first you look up, up his stomach and chest, admiring his thick arms and broad shoulders, strategically avoiding his gaze before letting yours fall. You catch the way his thighs look even bigger in the boxers he chose to wear today, before stopping right at the bulge between them.
“Come here.” 
You repeat, pulling him closer to you. 
“M’ here.”
He murmurs in response, climbing on top of you, once again pushing your legs apart with his body. You tilt your head back, exposing your neck to him, and almost immediately you feel his tongue right there under your cheekbonejaw. A couple of wet kisses follow before you feel his hips push down into you. You both grunt softly at the feeling, and you let yourself sink into the pillows under the weight of his body. 
“Yeah? That feels good?” 
The question is genuine, Matt honestly wants to know if what he’s doing is working for you as much as it is for him. He doesn’t care much about how he’d do it, but he just wants to make sure you feel good. Wrapping your legs around his back, you let him know it does, it does in fact feel good. Your hands are now on his back when you feel his hand push under the waistband of your underwear, touching you right where you want him to. 
You start, after a moment, pushing on his shoulder to let him know you want his full attention. He groans into your neck and rolls his hips on top of you one more time before looking up.
“What is it, baby?”
You rest your palm against his cheek, and he leans into the touch, closing his eyes for a second.
“Want me to call them, and tell them we won’t make it? You’d like that?”
He nods.
“Can you open your mouth and tell me?” 
You tease him quietly with an evil smirk and his head drops. He chuckles quietly, looking up at you with that cute little squint, nodding repeatedly.
“Yeah, yeah, I’d like that.”
He tilts his head to the side.
“Can you do that for me, baby? Hmm?”
You know he’s doing it on purpose, you know, and you can literally feel his words between your legs.
“Keep this attitude up, and you’ll make me change my mind.”
You warn.
He looks off to the side before turning back to look at you. 
“I don’t think you’d want to miss this.”
He grabs your wrist and guides your hand between his legs. Feeling the warmth against your palm, you sigh loudly. 
He nods with a smirk.
“Yeah, learned it from you.”
You roll your eyes and breathe out a laugh, enjoying the fact that both of you really just want each other. 
Matt brushes your cheek with the back of his hand before dragging his finger down your nose, glancing down at your lips, yearning for another kiss.
“We're staying here?”
You nod quickly.
“We're staying here.”
He leans down over you, closer and closer to your face, to the point where his lips basically brush over yours with his every word.
His voice is barely a whisper now, his eyes glancing around your face before you push your head up towards him, catching his lower lip between your teeth. You spend the next couple of minutes making out before Matt finally reaches between you both to pull your underwear down. You break the kiss only to glance down for a moment. Grabbing at the waistband of his boxers, you pull them down quickly before whining quietly at the sight. 
“You said something?”
He teases while wrapping his fingers around the base of his cock, and you have to stop yourself from pushing him off the couch. He works himself over a couple of times, letting you watch the way he gets harder at the thought of you, the sight of you, because of you, before pushing your legs open wider for him. 
“If you won't put it inside me, I swear to god I'm gonna make you go to that Christmas party, Rayburn.”
You warn, but can't help the smile when he bursts out laughing before nodding quickly.
“You know what I think?”
He mumbles into your skin as he settles between your back and the couch, grabbing a blanket off the floor to pull over the both of you once you're both done.
“You didn’t want to go either.” 
He states, and you roll your eyes, your fingers slowly brushing over his shoulder in a gentle, circular motion. You can feel the warmth of his body behind you, can feel the weight of him sinking into the couch pillows, his stubble scratching the back of your shoulder slightly while his lips work on soothing your skin. You let out a heavy sigh and feel yourself pushing back against him. The part of you that needs to be right there, right where he is, the closest you could possibly get to him, wins. You snuggle even closer and peck his arm softly one, two, three times when he wraps it around your chest before finally answering his question… not really.
“Shut up.”
Matt snorts, knowing that he won't win this one, but neither do you. Burying his face in the cook of your neck, he lets himself rest now, feeling your body relax against him makes him relax as well. Both of you close your eyes now, both of you feeling really god-damn glad you decided to rethink your Christmas plans beforehand.
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swimmingtrunks · 6 months
Baldur's Gate 3 progress report:
I'm in Act 3 with Durge. Lost my grasp on her character a bit in Act 2, and then accidentally locked her out of all origin character romances. So now I'm trying to find fun in having this playthrough go a little off the rails and exploring choices I probably won't be inclined to make on a more "canon" run. Still not really interested in a full on "evil" run, but definitely making some questionable choices here. A heel turn, if only a weak one.
The romance mess:
She was indulging in benefits with Astarion but after that pivotal conversation decided to be there for him as a friend instead.
I feel like Lae'zel woulda been a good route for this run but she didn't want sloppy seconds after the tiefling party I guess? (Also didn't let her ask until after the creche so that's maybe more the problem.)
By the time Wyll took her up on the dance she had other things cooking, and to be honest he didn't really click for me as a character until Act 3. That pout tho :(((
Pretty sure I want to do a Gale romance with my Tav so I swore him off for now. Gale romance as a treat. Look I KNOW I have a TYPE I have a THIRST for NERD CHARACTERS who spackle EGO and BAD HUMOR over their INSECURITIES like NO ONE WILL NOTICE I NOTICE
Wasn't ready to commit to a Karlach romance after the second engine upgrade and didn't wanna hurt her so skipped that lil' exclamation point and the whole thing fizzled.
I thought Shadowheart was still a possibility but nope! Not sure why!
I'm not sure if I haven't invested enough time in Minthara or if I missed the hop-on point there too. Or if glitched because I did the workaround to recruit her
Luckily Daddy Druid is around and horny, so Durge has an outlet for her less dark urges. Because why not.
The heel turn:
After abstaining from tadpoles for the first two acts, Durge flipped and took the astral tadpole, then started snackin' on the ones she tucked away earlier. She's not pushing them on anyone else who objects, but Minthara was jazzed and Gale was curious so who was she to deprive them of cool powers and a gross complexion.
Oddly enough, I had given her heterochromia at some point to turn the eye with the scarring around it white, and it did NOT get the astral worm treatment. She's got quite the look going on now.
The small grip I have on Durge's motivations is that after the paternity reveal she's feeling like bucking authority and throwing some vindictive middle fingers. Not sure where that will lead with the Emperor/ main quest but I do have a feeling Durge will be indulging the misguided goals of her [power] hungry guys.
Other thoughts:
Astarion is an EXTREMELY good character and all around well written and acted. I do wonder if there would be more affection for other characters if their animations were anywhere near as lively as his. He SHOULD be more dramatic than the rest, but idk. I feel like the others have a few good moments sprinkled in (SH fingerguns, Lae'zel describing turning into a mindflayer, Gale's needle miming, etc) but mostly end up... just standing there. Even Karlach, who's idle animations are the least idle things ever.
When I found some in-world text referencing a miniature giant space hamster, I thought it was a Mass Effect reference, not the other way around. I am on the precipice of meeting Minsc and Boo and I am excited.
Pretty sure I'm having a similar banter bug to DAI. Act 1 had tons of banter, but even then I'd have issues where I couldn't actually hear one of the characters, only read what they were saying. In Act 2 there was like NOTHING, and Act 3 has been sparse with the same issue as Act 1. Made Act 2 feel kinda stagnant to me, really hoping it doesn't happen in my next playthrough.
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Starry or field for the mirco story asks? 👉👈
starry Max decides to ask the Captain about his reaction to one task on Gorgon.
i love how this has nothing to do with the word itself kfkfkfkfkf i promise it's there tho
can u see i'm super uncomfortable writing anything related to emotions btw :)
Captain's Quarters were colder and darker than the rest of the ship. Not the most suitable place for reading or working, and clearly not the default mode of the room. Though, maybe the Captain dimmed the lights for a reason.
He was sitting by his desk, half laying on it. Was he sleeping? Just resting? Max has seen someone write while sitting like that.
He cleared his throat. "Captain, can we talk?"
The man half jumped off his chair, spooked by the sudden question. Yep, he was sleeping. "I- wha-", he looked around and spotted the vicar. "Max? Yeah, sure, everything alright?"
"I'm fine, thank you."
"Good. That's good," he said quietly. "Sorry, I, um, must've fallen asleep while reading something."
"I have to admit, that doesn't sound normal, Captain. Are you alright?"
"Yes." An answer said too quickly, as if it's always ready to be used in conversations like this. He was clearly not alright, but would definitely do his best to hide it.
"It's just-", Max paused, looking for the right words, "You seem to, well, take miss Leonora's task more seriously than you usually do."
"She lost her husband, surely we should help her find some peace by finding his flask."
"There's something else, I can see it's bothering you." The man tried to keep his face as blank from any sign of emotions, but Max could easily see through him. Captain might have had different problems than his old 'flock' had, but he was still a human who needed help, too. Maybe even more than ever before during their travels. "Opening up may help."
"You sound like my therapist back on Earth."
"You had a therapist?"
"I-" he shook his head. "Forget I said anything about that."
"If you had one, then you surely know talking to someone would help."
"It's nothing, really, don't worry about it." He turned away to face the window and took a deep breath, assuming Max would stop at that. Was he staring at the starry sky behind the glass, or at his own, barely visible reflection, showing how sadness was slowly showing itself on his face.
"You can trust me."
"Law, you won't quit, will you?"
Max smirked. "No, I don't think I will."
He sighed and sat on the desk. "Fine. You win."
"It's for your own good."
"Yeah, yeah. Um." He paused for a moment, wondering where to begin. "Remember back in the beginning, you asked why I've decided to help Phineas instead of turning him in, and I replied that it's because I have...family on Hope?"
Max nodded. "I must admit, I thought you were joking back then. Not that I think so now."
"Don't worry, I'm not surprised..."
"Please, continue."
"Yeah, well. Um." Tobias covered his face. "Sorry, I...It's hard to talk about this, I haven't really um, mentioned this before. Not that I don't trust anyone, it's just that I..."
"...don't want to bother anyone even if it's something important? It shows."
"Smart ass. Though, that's why you're cool. You know that, right?"
"Stop trying to switch the topic, Tobias."
"Fine, fine. Ugh." He closed his eyes. "I took it too personally because it reminded me of how my wife is still back on Hope." His voice cracked, hands cletching into fists to hide their trembling, as he continued. "It felt like a punch in the gut, that I'm here and Klara's...not." He wiped a tear off his cheek and added quietly, "I miss her so much."
"I'm so sorry. I-" Max looked at him. Seeing him like this, sobbing and trembling, curled up like a sad teacup canid, wasn't something he had expected to see. Thank Law I closed the door... He walked to the desk and gave him a hug. "I shouldn't have brought this up. I'm so sorry."
"It's fine, it's..." he sniffed, "I um...think it helped a bit. Maybe even feel better now..."
"Can you stop lying about your feelings for one moment?"
"No...maybe..." Tobias muttered. "Phineas called yesterday and complained about how I still haven't made up my mind about skipping the Hope. It's not that I don't want to, it's that- well, I'm afraid of what I'll find there."
"Did you ask Phineas about her?"
"After we left Edgewater, yes. He said that according to the ship logs, everything's fine. She's fine." He took a deep breath to calm down a bit, and to stop thinking about all that could've gone wrong. "But still, I'm...I don't think I'm ready..."
"Then we'll go when you're ready."
"Thank you, Max. You're an amazing friend."
"You're welcome."
"You, um, think we could...well. Talk like this more often? I think it made me feel better, honest."
"Of course," Max smiled, "Now sit here while I get you some water."
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wifiwuxians · 8 months
20 questions writer meme.
tagged by @heyholmesletsgo THANK YOUUU
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
not counting things i'd rather remained anonymous, 21!
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
513,621 lol
3. What fandoms do you write for?
mdzs, vaguely tgcf, hotline miami (though mostly past tense) and we'll see about the future
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Wei Wuxian's Super Special Super Secret Book Club still reigns supreme with 1229 kudos, and will most likely be my legacy despite it being the second fic i ever wrote for the fandom (i think?)
If You're Reading This, It's Too Late with 513, one would think i'd still be messing around with this AU but i'm happy to leave it where it is and just keep messing around with the crackship
Dawn Chorus, my most precious baby, at 251 by some miracle despite being oc/canon. you guys spoiled me with the love for this one tbh. none of my other xue yang centric works got anywhere near this close and i'm at peace with that because he's bonking my oc in this one and they have a kid.
The Book Club Extras at 232, which is hilarious when compared to the original but at least new readers will see there's more and maybe in the year 2055 i will publish them for fun
Frozen Pond with 156 at the end of the list, written for my friend @petitjams and taking place in a silly AU we made together (wen chao stays winning on here which is very funny)
i'm attributing the popularity of the first two to mostly being centered around super popular characters, because my later stuff is naturally better yet struggling haha
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
always unless they're like just emoji, because i like conversation! though i may also reply with a little heart hehe
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
i wouldn't call it angstiest ending, it's bittersweet, but the threads that bind us is my top pick. and it also needs more readers so go read it. your hands and mine has a bit of an 'angsty' ending but only for song lan. xue yang had it coming :p 💖
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
excluding the two above, so far they all have a happy ending, or at least neutral??? i'd say Book Club, though, because that's the massive 'everybody lives!!' silly fixit fic
8. Do you get hate on fics?
nope. i hope i didn't just jinx it. i get hate on art and through anon though! woo! (not anymore on here tho thank god)
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
i do and i feel like it sucks so i almost always end up fading to black LMAO my actual explicit stuff remains private... it's like too embarrassing for me. i got judged for it as an 18 year old and 10 years later haven't gotten over it. i like bondage and bdsm though and that seems to crop up in private 😏
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
i do on occasion! i love roleplaying them, but the only one i have out there is The Way To His Heart Is Through His Stomach (Oh God Please Don't Eat Me), which mixes mdzs and tgcf characters in a unique setting :3
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not to my knowledge, but i've had art stolen plenty so i wouldn't even be surprised
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
yes, a few have been translated into russian!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
all time? jeez. somebody tell me why i always freeze up and go blank when asked these simple questions? it's like i forget who the fuck i am. i feel like i should also say songxiao? but they're relatively new so it doesn't seem correct. fuck it. my all time favorite ship is [DATA MISSING OR CORRUPTED-- PLEASE PROCEED TO NEXT QUESTION]
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
haha... (looks at my abandoned hlm fic with the seventh chapter halfway written) haha...
16. What are your writing strengths?
i'd definitely say dialog. it makes sense, since the stuff i'm most used to doing is drawing silly comics. i also like to ping-pong emotions around and feel like i'm pretty good at that too
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
using the same words over and over and feeling like i never write Enough, like everything is always light and never in depth. i don't like making scenes too heavy with padding but i also feel like i need to find a balance
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
i'll do it only if it's a language i speak!!! this doesn't apply to peppering words like gege and stuff just for funsies. i think the best way to go about it is to just tell the audience what language they're speaking in that moment
19. First fandom you wrote for?
we're gonna have to go back to when i was 10 years old here lol... i think it was tokyo mew mew in terms of stuff i put online (oh god)
20. Favorite fic you've written?
it's hard to pick favorites, but i once again must say the threads that bind us in terms of work i'm most proud of.
i tag whoever sees it, plus @sugarapplebaby because ily
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