#but then i was like 'nah i'm gonna write it lol'
gulkgulkgulkgulk · 2 years
I woke up to feel your phone alarm inside of me, i felt disorientated and confused, i couldn't tell what was happening, but...
I remembered that i ate you last night, i couldn't think on what you'd say, i thought you would be mad at me!, And honestly i wouldn't really blame you...
I felt you waking up, i was quick to let you out, I was deeply apologizing, even if i thought you wouldn't forgive me regardless...
Then i was suprised to hear you say that it's fine, you said It in a suprisingly casual tone, you acted like this was normal, you said you were going outside soon coming late, and you could go back in if I wanted.
I was flustered with those last words, i knew you could tell with your chuckling, i felt you hug me and then said that i shouldn't worry because you're used to this.
Later at night, feeling you squirming inside My stomach to find a comformable position feels relaxing and comforting, when you said that you're used to this It implied that you were eaten before, not that i'm complaining.
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i-am-moss-the-boss · 3 months
Sharing miseries and personal mishaps with your characters is all fun and games (and can be a very potent method to inject realism in your writing!) until you get some silly affliction that does nothing for the narrative and is therefore a useless addition.
For example, I got the idea for one of my characters to be shot on the shoulder because I pulled a scapula muscle so hard I damn near dislocated my upper rib and I was processing that agony for weeks. One of my lieutenants limps a bit on the same side that I have a bad knee (that causes me to walk oddly on bad days) and I worked it into the story because he was injured during his service in the Napoleonic Wars. My captain, who is in his fifties and has lived a hard life on the open ocean, moves a bit more slowly and gingerly because that's how I feel with my spinal disability that impacts my daily life. All reflections of my own very real, very lived experiences--that make sense narratively, and are therefore worthwhile inclusions!
BUT I can’t curse anyone with my chronic sinusitis! What are those guys (that I invented) even there for if I can’t “woe! rebound congestion be upon ye” one of them?
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sysig · 1 year
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bexieawfc · 1 year
i love finding songs that would work as inspo for little blurbs/fics
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listening to the incoherent 'fic title lyric songs' playlist and all i can say is wow i have such good taste
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kalashtars · 2 years
why must god give his toughest battles (an essay) to his strongest soldiers (a very sleepy boy)
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genericpuff · 5 months
Lore Olympus just pulled off the biggest whiff in webtoon history.
I promised I would choose one of two headlines and of course, this is the one we wound up with. But should we really be surprised? Rachel herself seemed to be telling on herself down to the minutes leading up to the finale, fully confirming to us that yes, she's been writing this comic at the last minute, by the seat of her pants, for ages now.
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(that second one was literally posted TWENTY FUCKING MINUTES BEFORE THE COMIC UPDATED.)
Welp, let's get into it. Possibly the last essay I'll ever write about this dumpster fire of a comic (but probably not, let's be real LOL)
Holy crap, where to even start with this. I knew it was going to be bad. I knew it was going to be rushed. I knew it wasn't ever going to live up to what I had hoped it would be years ago when I was still a diehard fan.
But I didn't think it was going to fall quite this hard. Despite bracing myself for the worst, Rachel has once again let my expectations down through a final display of explosive mediocrity and disappointment.
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Yes, the episode is called "You're Welcome", and yes, that instant "ick" you're feeling is the exact same as what we're all feeling. This title plays into the dialogue later, but what a shitty, lowkey mean-spirited title for the series finale.
Now, before we get into the actual episode, the WT ads for this are just... so desperate and misleading.
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They are trying SO HARD to hype up something that isn't there, and at the last minute to boot, because Rachel definitely hadn't written any of this ahead of time.
First off, the bit about the gods being in "eternal chaos" of course isn't a stake worth worrying over because Gaia literally does away with Ouranos in the first 5 panels.
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Did you really think I was joking about that 5 panels thing?
That's it. That's the death of Ouranos. As mysteriously and quickly as he arrived, he was gone, after Gaia ripped out of him what appeared to be some purple sunny side up - but it's actually, in fact, Apollo.
And that's when we start to get some of the worst dialogue I've ever seen throughout LO. Remember when I said LO's dialogue was like Shenmue 3? Welp, the finale decided to continue that tradition and further fuel the suspicion that this entire thing was written by ChatGPT.
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Oh, by the way, that "thank you, ma'am" was Artemis' first and last line of the episode. So once again, just like in Episode 248, we're completely robbed of her reaction to Apollo being a rapist piece of shit and the character development she could have had as a supporting character. The women in this "feminist retelling" really couldn't be more half-baked.
Gaia stumbles upon Persephone, and I'm not even gonna fucking bother showing the panels where Gaia says it's time to "make things right" because they literally don't matter. Why don't they matter? Because Rachel just had to get in one more pointless time skip.
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We're shown a sequence of pointless images that I'm not gonna show as I don't want to waste my image limit on them, depicting Hades having a sad day because his small wife isn't with him and oh nooo what could have happened?? Did Persephone finally divorce him ??
Nah, we couldn't possibly have an actually happy ending in this comic. Instead we get a completely pointless phone conversation between Hades and Hecate-
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Not only is the grammar particularly bad in this episode, but the actual script-writing is atrocious. We literally did not need this phone conversation to happen because-
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This whole concept of "true love" that Rachel is trying to convey feels so juvenile especially for a series that has sold itself as being mature and thought-provoking and progressive.
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HAHAHA SO FUNNYYYYYYY why does Rachel write like this. this is, at best, the writing of a 13 year old on fanfiction.net, which I SHOULD KNOW, because I WAS ONE OF THEM. BUT I'M 28 NOW AND RACHEL HAS ANOTHER 10 YEARS ON ME.
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Okay, this is the part where I'm CONVINCED Rachel either just mashed this into the episode in the MINUTES leading up to its release, or she used ChatGPT or something. Because NONE of this dialogue makes any sense. Beyond how stilted and lifeless it is (seriously, this dialogue reads like something from Empress Theresa) Gaia is clearly meant to 'replace' Erebus here which I SHOULDN'T HAVE TO EVEN EXPLAIN IS SO FUCKING DUMB, but ALSO what is even Persephone trying to communicate here? "That is true, but it was a deal I was willing to make and ties me to the Underworld. Please don't change me." What? Gaia hasn't even insinuated that she's going to do anything to Persephone, why is Persephone immediately jumping to this conclusion? What does 'changing' her mean? Is she asking Gaia not to force her to sacrifice something (which she never did)? Or is she asking Gaia not to strip her of her Underworld status? Because again, why is that even something Gaia would do?
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Maybe this is harsh but I'm pretty sure even Empress Theresa is more coherent than this, what in the flying fuck is Gaia talking about?
"I can just see the potential for conflict! To relieve you from the burden of the whats, the hows, and wheres." Like... okay, first of all, that second sentence isn't even a complete sentence, it's a dependent clause left hanging, but also what the fuck does this MEAN. Is she EXCITED for the conflict but then contradicting herself by saying she wants to relieve Persephone of that conflict? Or is she saying she can see the conflict it would cause for Persephone to have to perform duties in both realms and trying to insinuate that she's going to relieve her of those complications?
Here's what I think happened - I think that second 'sentence' wasn't supposed to be a sentence, but the start of the sentence to the next panel-
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So with that theory in mind, the sentence becomes, "To relieve you from the burden of the whats, the hows, and wheres, you are to spend three months in the Mortal Realm to do spring and the rest of the year in the Underworld. That seems fair to me."
It's still a very poorly written line of dialogue, but at least with that fix in mind it makes sense. But man, you can really fucking tell this episode was submitted at the last minute because that's a serious syntax error that should NOT have happened in this two-time-Eisner-winning comic.
Errors aside, it's clear that Rachel is following through on having Persephone spend only three months in the Mortal Realm, rather than the traditional six. There ARE other translations that have that number closer to four, but those four are the time she spends in the UNDERWORLD, meaning she's always spending either equal or MORE time in the Mortal Realm. Of course, Rachel doesn't want her self-insert small wife power fantasy to actually have to be separated from Hades despite this being a retelling of The Abduction of Persephone, so instead of her spending three months in the Underworld, she's now spending them in the Mortal Realm, literally doubling the MINIMUM amount of time (four months) she was originally meant to reside in the Underworld.
But oh no, apparently those three months are STILL NOT SHORT ENOUGH FOR PERSEPHONE-
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Of course, Rachel "Retcon" Smythe had to have her cake and eat it too. I always worried something like this was a possibility, but I never thought she would actually prove me right - not only is Persephone only separated from Hades for three months out of the year, but actually he can visit her any time he wants to, so really, they're not separating at all.
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I think Rachel needs to look up "reunion" in the dictionary, because if you can visit each other any time, then that means the 'reunions' are no longer special occasions. This completely removes any semblance of depth or meaning from all of the storytelling leading up to this, all of it with the expectation that this was a retelling of the Abduction of Persephone, because that's what Rachel said it was going to be. At this point it's safe to say that Rachel has zero business attempting to "retell" mythological stories, because she doesn't even seem to grasp the concept of why they were written the way they were to begin with. Either that, or she really just doesn't care, and the only reason for making LO a Greek myth comic at all was to propel her career.
This also brings me back to those promotional ads, the other one that posed the question, "Will sacrifice be enough to bring these two back together?"
This is stating the obvious, but I need to make it perfectly clear - Hades and Persephone have never sacrificed a single thing. The only thing they could POSSIBLY quantify as a "sacrifice" is "not being tied at the hip for a few hours", because even Persephone going on the equivalent of a work trip next door is apparently enough to make Hades sad as we saw in the 3 month time skip panels. Why is Hades so sad and lonely if he can visit her any time? Why is he acting like he hasn't seen her in years when he's actually on his way to reunite with her? Why is Hecate calling to ask him if he's "okay" as if he JUST got separated from her, but actually he's about to literally go to the Mortal Realm to reunite with her?
Hades hasn't 'sacrificed' a damn thing, neither has Persephone. They've both always gotten exactly what they wanted, even at the cost of breaking the story's own established rules. Their 'sacrifice' is equivalent to what billionaires think are 'sacrifices' when they can't buy another yacht or go on that third overseas vacation for the month.
And even outside of this episode, when have these two ever sacrificed anything?
I've tried so hard to think of what sacrifices have been made by the characters within LO, and I genuinely can only think of one - and that was when Artemis chose to go to the Mortal Realm with Persephone instead of staying with her family in Olympus. That was a genuine, selfless sacrifice, made by a character who has been shelved in favor of focusing on the self-centered pink and blue airheads.
Being forced to be apart for a couple days to do the equivalent of a day job and whining about it the whole time is not a 'sacrifice'. Neither of these characters have ever sacrificed anything, they just feel like sacrifices because they have the integrity and empathy of soggy cardboard.
sigh Anyways, we're back in the present and Hades and Persephone immediately decide they're gonna have sex because ofc, and then we get this gem of a panel-
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For some reason it's just a common thing for people to just be in Hades' home, and they can't seem to get any privacy as a result of this, but I digress. Turns out they still need to have that coronation for Persephone.
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There is... so much wrong in these three panels.
First, to state the immediate issues - why the fuck are they mentioning Apollo at Persephone's coronation? Like first of all, no shit Apollo isn't gonna be there, but also, if this is supposed to be an event for and about Persephone becoming Queen of the Underworld, then why in the WORLD is Apollo even being mentioned? This is supposed to be a "feminist retelling" where the victims are empowered and heal from their trauma, but LO once again can't try to show any sort of positive growth for the victims without bringing up the assaulters and giving them screen time. It just goes to show that Rachel's idea of "healing" is purely rooted in the revenge, and not the growth. It's a very high schooler approach to this subject, hellbent on showcasing how all the meanies from the past are losers now and life just sucked for them forever, but inadvertently proving its own point that the victims haven't and can't move on because the narrative is spending so much time on caring what's going on with the abusers. It's the "I don't care! Look at how little I care! I'll prove it to you by putting in the effort of showing you how little I care!" approach, it doesn't really feel like moving on.
It's not about how Persephone and his other victims could have grown and healed, no, Rachel always needs to highlight just how much worse the bullies and haters and abusers are doing to make the victims seem like they've healed by comparison. Don't get me wrong, I can understand wanting to showcase the downfall of a character like Apollo, but this just... isn't the right context for that? Because it's once again taking attention away from the victim to focus on the abuser. It's once again spending screentime on the voices of the oppressors rather than the oppressed.
And speaking of, what the fuck is this punishment even? I knew Rachel wasn't gonna be able to resolve this plotline properly, she never had the capability to, but ... community service? Are you fucking for real? What is this even a punishment for even? Was this EXCLUSIVELY the SA, or does this ALSO include his attempts to overthrow Zeus by poisoning him, nearly killing Daphne, Eris, Eros and Psyche, trapping Eros and Psyche in an enchanted basement, and framing his father's 'death' on his half-sister? Because if so, how in the world is anyone content with community service? He hasn't even been turned into a mortal, HE'S STILL A GOD, so what's to stop him from going "WE'LL MEET AGAIN, SPIDERMAN" and trying something else? How is this a reasonable resolution in ANY context?
This is why I talked at length about what an issue it was to hide what Apollo really admitted to. Because now we really don't know what exactly he confessed to, and thus we can never really see the point of views of the victims outside of just Persephone - and we still don't even get Persephone's, because she just walks away from him and then he gets eaten by Ouranos and next we see of him is him doing community service! Once again, any emotional development that could be given to Persephone and the other victims is stripped away to make room for the point of views of the oppressive men. In this, the two-time-Eisner-winning "feminist comic" that is LO.
And that brings us to the "where are they now" segment. Yes, as we all feared, there's a "where are they now" segment, and it's as rushed and underwhelming as we ought to have expected it to be.
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There is just... so much to unpack here, and yes, all of it is delivered in the dumbest way possible that only raises more questions than answers.
So Rhea and Metis are just back and we're not gonna talk about the implications of them being alive again?
Dionysus is a 3 month year old in the body of a teenager / young adult, and his mom is just alive now because Hades conveniently got his hands on more ambrosia and brought her back to life offscreen? But somehow Triptomelus and Hedone are still child-sized relative to their ages?
How did they 'heal Zeus'? And why is he so content with losing his power as King and Apollo being sentenced to community service after making an attempt on his life? How does he feel about the letter that Hera gave him? Did he even read it?
Where the fuck is Hebe in all of this? Is she okay? Do people still think it was her who put Zeus in a coma? Or did Apollo confess to that, too?
You're telling me Hera and Echo are just in a relationship now despite the fact that Hera is literally racist towards nymphs and there is ZERO reason for them to have a relationship in the comic beyond the fans making gratuitous headcanons out of it? How is Rachel, a bisexual woman, so bad at writing actual lesbian relationships and giving them the same amount of attention as the heterocis ones without shoving them into the background as props for insincere queer rep? And what about Hera herself? How did she overcome her role as the Goddess of Marriage to finally divorce Zeus?
"Ares is still a dog!" Haha! Ares is still a Persephone simp! Happy end!
Why is Eros just standing there smiling at the camera struggling to be seen past Hedone who's just floating right in front of him? You're telling me there wasn't a better place to put her out of that entire panel?
"Hades and Thanatos have been making more time for each other. Sometimes they even have a conversation." I'm sorry, is this supposed to be funny? The man abused Thanatos for years, treated him as just a lowly employee when he was literally his adopted son, and now you're trying to play it off as a joke that they're "making more time for each other"? What the fuck is this?
TGOEM disbanded? Why? What about the women who were genuinely a part of it?
Also, Artemis and Selene are just good friends now because reasons? Because they're both affiliated with the moon, I guess? Why is Selene even in this comic-
"They are still looking for Kassandra". Who? And why? This feels like such a last minute addition to acknowledge a character that the comic spent WEEKS foreshadowing only to have her finally appear as a pointless McGuffin, but it's so last minute that it does nothing. I'm assuming it's Eros and Psyche looking for her, but like... why can't they find her? They're gods, tracking down one mortal shouldn't be that difficult LOL ???
And also, where the fuck is Leto?? You're telling me she was an accessory - maybe manipulating Apollo, maybe not - but we don't see what happened to her? Is she just back to being a social outcast then? jesus christ this comic isn't finished-
Kassandra is where the "where are they now" sequence ends, and we're treated to one final horribly written dialogue scene between Hades and Persephone, where they tell each other how much they love each other in a desperate attempt to convince the audience that this is, in fact, a romance.
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There's this thing in romances called chemistry, and if you're good at writing it, you shouldn't have to write dialogue like this. You should be able to see how much the characters love each other through their actions, through their small behaviors around each other. It's not always about what they say out loud, it's about what they don't have to say, because when two people really share that close of a bond based on love and trust and chemistry, words often aren't necessary.
Hades and Persephone do not have that chemistry. It has been apparent for years now, but this final exchange really is the nail in the coffin. There are no microexpressions or subtle emotions, no subtlety in their word choice, and nothing unique setting their voices apart. It's all just "wow thank you for being such a wonderful amazing partner, you are amazing and I love you" word salad that has to do all the heavy lifting for the completely non-existent chemistry that's been at its absolute worst throughout this entire season.
And worst of all, despite this story trying so hard to be focused around Persephone, around her story, her trauma and her healing, her voice... it's still all just about Hades. In the end, she's thanking Hades, and forcing him to say "you're welcome". All of it is trying so hard to convince us that Hades has been a positive addition to her life, that she 'owes' so much to him, but we've obviously seen plenty throughout the comic that begs to differ. And even if he were a better person than he is, it still doesn't change the fact that once again, the men are being held up above the women, with the women being grateful to the men who choose them. LO can try its hardest to convince people that it's feminist, but it is, at best, reinforcing the very same structures of the patriarchal system that it claims to despise and rebel against.
We do get one line from Hades acknowledging Persephone's part in the relationship-
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-and it falls so fucking flat because it's still about him and what she does for him, and because nothing about their relationship was built on any sort of organic chemistry. There was a lot more chemistry back in S1, but it was still predicated on Hades lusting after a vulnerable 19 year old girl.
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Yep, and that's it. That's the end.
Except it isn't because Rachel wanted to try and be smart by including an 'epilogue' that's really just stretching the episode out pointlessly for another few panels. And of course, we had to get another time skip, just a final dose of salt in the wound, this time to years ahead when we inevitably had to reconnect with Persephone and Hades in the future after Melinoe was born.
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To recap, Melinoe doesn't remember... because Hades had Morpheus erase her memories.
This plotline has really started to give me the ick because it actually feels very familiar. Bear with me here, because I'm gonna go on a bit of a tangent about my own original work, but it's because I wrote a plotline exactly like this years ago.
There's this... turning point, in Time Gate: Reaper, when the main character Uzuki is kidnapped by a Reaper (see: undead) who wants to experiment on her in the hopes that he can somehow gain her abilities to bond her soul with others (which later allows her to literally possess people after she becomes a Reaper herself). Mitsuhiro, the male deuteragonist who kickstarts the plot by telling Uzuki she's got a limited amount of time left to live (which he knows thanks to his magical death timers that mark themselves on his skin), feels an immense amount of guilt after finding out she was kidnapped by the Reapers (at this point she's been gone for three months), as they were originally after him; he worries that she was made a target simply due to him associating himself with her, and vows to rescue her.
With the help of some other spunky teenagers and anime trope characters, Mitsuhiro does eventually rescue Uzuki - but for the three months she had been gone, she had been tortured, abused, and experimented on, causing her mind to split and for her to lose any sense of awareness of who Mitsuhiro or her other friends were. She was no longer herself after the hell she had been through.
Mitsuhiro's solution to this is to have Springlock - another Reaper with motivations that are not yet clear to the cast - erase her memory. This is not a light decision that comes without consequences - for the remaining duration of the story, Uzuki is plagued by night terrors and panic attacks, unable to really remember what happened to her aside from whatever brief flashbacks her brain recalls in its haze of memory loss. She is traumatized, both physically and mentally. She has lost three months of her life and memories, and doesn't know how to explain why she's covered in scars that are still healing, why she's missing organs, why she's now blind in one eye, and why the sound of scraping metal and ticking clocks gives her panic attacks. Mitsuhiro has convinced her friends that she's suffering from memory loss due to trauma, but only he knows the truth that he forcefully took her memories away from her, without her consent. This was not the right choice to make. It was not noble of him, it was not a grand gesture of love, he made a decision on her behalf without her consent that has now resulted in her becoming a nervous wreck. Sure, she still would have had PTSD if she remembered what happened, but at least she would know why and could then seek adequate help. Without those memories, she has nowhere to begin to heal. And so we see the consequences of this throughout [AFTERBIRTH] and even the upcoming Thread of Fate. It is a long-term problem that is not going to be solved overnight, especially not with Mitsuhiro withholding information from her.
Reading about Melinoe having dreams about her experiences trapped in Tartarus with Kronos ... it felt familiar enough that I had to talk about why the insinuations of this are so fucked up. I know there are people who are gonna handwave it away as "she's just a kid", "these are gods so what does it matter", etc. but ... it just feels like such an oversight to have Hades effectively erase her memory of her trauma and then hint at them still being present in her mind through her dreams. She did not ask for that. And the fact that she's now dreaming about it all does not bode well. But we're supposed to think Hades made the correct choice, regardless.
But none of this is effectively expanded on or explained, because we get one final scene of Melinoe and Demeter visiting Persephone, who has just given birth to... Makaria?
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So it turns out Persephone and Hades are just able to have biological children now. Don't know why, but of course they both look exactly like Hades.
What I was really confused by though is the fact that it's Makaria and not Brimos. Do you remember Brimos? The child that was foreshadowed in Hades' original fantasy dream sequence about his future children about Persephone?
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Either Rachel completely forgot about him, or she saw all the criticism over the fact that Brimos isn't a confirmed child of Hades and Persephone (rather, an epithet that can apply to basically any Underworld god including Persephone and Hades) and that her "research" was dependent on a book she read when she was 13 and decided to axe that. But she went to the effort of establishing that all the dreams Hades had were , in fact, canon visions of the future, so good job Rachel, you created yet another plothole on top of the hundreds of others.
And that's where the series ends, on a final nuclear-family-photo of Persephone, Hades, Melinoe, and Makaria. Of course, Dionysus and Thanatos aren't present in this shot because this is Lore Olympus and only biological children count /hj
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Why Rachel couldn't move the "the end" portion to THIS part, I don't know, but I'm also expecting way too much of the person who finished this 20 minutes before it was due.
So that's it. Six years and that's what we get. I didn't expect much, but I was still incredibly disappointed, as were many others who walked away from this dazed and confused. Maybe it's all the "haters" deserve at this point. But what of the fans? While many of them are celebrating this ending at best and tolerating it at worst, I can't help but think of the fans of this comic who hung on for so long in the hopes it would "pay off", just for it to go out as gloriously as a wet fart.
As for me, I have such mixed feelings about Lore Olympus ending, but none of them pertain to the comic itself. Most of what I'll miss from this comic isn't the comic itself, but the people who have made reading it every week so fun, the artists and writers who have enriched the content with their own interpretations of what could have been, and the experiences of being part of such an amazing community made up of people who are as long-term-obsessed about this piece of media as I am.
I get people who ask me a lot if it's "worth it" to be so engrossed in the LO slander, who assume that I'm going to "regret" ever being a part of it all... but from where I'm standing right now, I couldn't ask for a better view.
Even if I didn't love every minute of it, everything I have here I owe to this comic. This stupid, wonderful, boring, amazing, pile of shit comic.
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bunni-v1 · 11 months
Can i request che‘nya, neige and rollo finding out you‘re a girl please?
(Just if u weite for em)
Freaking love ur serie 😍
Side Characters Find Out You’re A Girl?!?!?! (NOT CLICKBAIT!!!)
TW: Rollo
Info: Che’nya, Niege, and Rollo x Reader
🍓Thank you! I'm glad people enjoyed this series so much, it was very fun to write. This is the last part I'm afraid, but I hope it is a fitting goodbye to what has been a very long-running series now lol. Excited to move on to other things!
Tags: @kitsun369 @bloomstruck @squidsailing
-Oooooo, Che’nya knows something is up the moment he (creepily) stalks you and the others from the garden.
-His sniffer isn’t as good as Leona’s — he’s just a tomcat, after all — but he can smell that something about you isn’t right.
-Plus, he’s a master of bending the truth, he can see through your lie a mile away.
-Still, he has no reason to bother you about it — he doesn’t even know you. 
-He just thinks you’re a little funny that you’d hide something as pointless as this.
-Doesn’t really have confirmation on it until he asks Cater at the tea party.
-Then he later asks Trey who is like ‘Yeahhhhh…’
-Again, he doesn’t really know you, but he does think you’re cute and stuff.
-He sees your around when he sneaks on campus, and he was happy to bump into you at the VDC.
-(He scored your number there, lets go Che’nya).
-Nah, you two don’t really get to interact until Noble Bell College.
-He’s excited to see you again, and really chats you up this time (everyone there thinks its weird, he literally has no reason to talk to you).
-You’re alone with him and Niege and Grim when he drops the bombshell of “A pretty girl like you should be wearing a dress, right?”
-You don’t know if Trey or Cater or even Riddle told him, but you were gonna deck them across the face the second you found out.
-Still, despite him outing you to Niege, he’s really only mildly annoying about it.
-He teases you and picks on you about it, but he’s more like an annoying older brother than a creep.
-He will hang it over your head though, because they way you get all huffy is funny and cute to him.
-Other than Che’nya— Neige really doesn’t suspect much.
-I mean, look at him and Vil. Feminine men is not his biggest concern.
-He respects you and your pronouns and he’s a real big sweetheart.
-He is… drawn to you, just a little. 
-You’re different from the other students, and you managed to make friend with Vil, so excuse him for being a little curious.
-Despie Vil being vehemently against it, you and him exchange numbers and start talking casually.
-It’s pretty normal stuff, and it’s not like you’re talking every day, but you consider each other friends at the very least.
-You’re both very excited to see each other again at Nobel Bell College.
-Neige feels bad that you’re sort of forced to go and babysit, but he gets to see you again!
-You bump into him and Che’nya at the fesitval, and Neige is… notably weirded out by Che’nya’s overt friendliness with you.
-“He’s never this nice with people he doesn’t know — never. It’s so weird.” He tells you.
-You brush off his concerns, and you live to pay for it too.
-You and Neige were just chilling, talking, and hanging out for the first time in person and Che’nya walked over and joined the conversation.
-All is good until he drops the one-liner of a century, leaving both you and Neige in shock.
-You because how did he find out, Neige because oh my god you’re a woman.
-He feels even WORSE for you now.
-I mean, being the only woman at NRC has gotta be awful.
-He doesn’t make a big deal out of it, bless his soul.
-He just shrugs it off and also offers his room as sanctuary on the weekends if you need it. 
-He does agree with Che’nya, though, you would look very pretty in a nice flowing ballgown!
-Bless this little freaks soul. He is about as sheltered as Malleus and about ten times more evil.
-He, somehow, knows something about you is different from the get-go. Not just your inability for magic, no something more.
-Naturally, he is drawn to you, and evermore curious about you and your life at NRC.
-He, being observant, takes note that you are treated slightly differently by your fellow classmates.
-They are generally more respectful and courteous toward you — gentlemanly in some cases.
-It only makes his interest in you grow. What is it that is so special about you? 
-Then he overhears a conversation with Niege and Che’nya, and it all makes so much sense!
-You are a woman, of course you are. No wonder you were so captivating.
-Rollo holds this card close to his chest — he needs not reveal his secrets.
-Malleus is fond of you — as are the other magicians here. That could be useful.
-This information could aid him in his ultimate plan — and he could be your savior from the beasts you live amongst. 
-He reveals that he knows your gender in front of everyone at the festival, and takes you captive as his own.
-He is so diluted in thinking that he is your saving grace, and that what he is doing is so right and justified that he can’t hear you curing him out over his own thoughts.
-Obviously, you get saved by your friends and all is well, but now a whole lot of people who shouldn’t know you are a woman do, and Crowley has to do a LOT of PR work lol.
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imababblekat · 3 months
Accidental Eavesdropping?
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Anon request, "Hey!!! Love your blog and your writing style, it’s amazing and so detailed!!! Can I request Bayverse TMNT Spider-man Au, where the turtles and spider-y/n are in a battle with Bepop and rocksteady. And in the last moments of the battle, spider -y/n saves the turtles but gets unmasked in the process. (They live) If you don’t want to do that idea! You can either delete this OR A moment where the turtles start talking about y/n and they don’t even realize that they’re talking TO THEM!!! This was funny to me for some reason lol 😂"
A/N: Aw thank you, anon! ;v; I went with the second prompt, btw. Leans towards Raphael x reader, but it's mentioned/hinted that the other turts also got the feels for reader. Any who's, I hope you enjoy! <3
◌(s,p) = spider persona◌
You're swinging over traffic, indulging in a rather quiet night despite the sounds of honking vehicles and other night life, when a sudden warm fuzzy feeling beams from the top of your head to the tips of your toes. It's not your spidey sense per say, but something akin to it, all you know is that it's a good sense and you follow it with glee. It doesn't take long before the feeling is buzzing and you see the source of the feeling chilling atop a pizza parlor. Well, more like sources. You let out a small giggle, noticing that the four ninja turtle brothers seem to be in some sort of deep conversation or debate.
"Hey guy's, what's going on?!", you greeted, swinging in next to a steaming Raphael.
"Oh you know, just the daily sibling teasing while we wait for our pizza to be made.", Donnie shrugged, watching as you and Mikey did your secret handshake.
"Yeah? Let me guess. . ."
The eyes of your mask squinted as you pretended to skeptically look at all brothers before looking at the glaring gaze of Raphael next to you.
"Is Raphie suppressing his emotions again?", you chaffed.
Said turtle rolled his eyes, shifting his weight to one side as he growled.
"Great, just what I need. And don't call me that."
"Come on, I'm sure I can help! What's up this time big guy?"
Leo chuckled, gaining your attention while Raphael sent him a warning glare from behind you.
"Raph's got a crush on our friend."
At this your eyes widened, a small gasp escaping you as you looked between the two eldest brothers in excitement.
"No way! Who?!"
You're question went ignored as Raph threw his arms up, cheeks flushing a light hue of embarrassment.
"All I said was they smelled nice, and y'all chuckle heads suddenly think I've been struck by cupid or some mushy crap!"
"You complimented them, Raph.", came Leo's retort.
"I compliment people all the time!"
Everyone remained silent, giving the hot headed turtle deadpanned expressions.
"What? I do. Right (s,p)?", he asked turning to look down at you.
You merely shrugged.
"Sarcastically maybe."
Raph huffed, leaning back against the buildings ledge, you hoping up to sit next to him.
"So is anyone gonna tell me who this mysterious person is or nah? Come on people, I want the tea."
Mikey, idly spinning his nun-chucks, grinned widely.
"It's our friend, (y,n)!"
You sat rigid, mask eyes wide once more.
". . .Who now?"
"Oh you haven't met them.", Donnie waved off, checking his turtle made watch to see the remaining wait time on their order.
Raphael clicked his tongue, still slightly aggravated about his brothers earlier teasing. Meanwhile, you still sat frozen beside him, staring into the abyss with a racing heart.
"I still don't have a crush on them.", he muttered.
"You complimented them on their perfume!", Leo loudly pointed out once more.
"Why is that so weird?!"
The two started to banter once more, Mikey enjoying the show while Donnie threw in a few matter of facts to weigh in on Leo's side. You, however, felt never more thankful than in that moment that you wore a full face mask. If it wasn't for the coverage, surely the ninja brothers would see just how closely the color of your face matched Raphaels mask right now.
Raphael growled, fed up with his brothers ganging up on him and his definitely non-existent crush on you. If they were going to call him out, then he would do the same to them.
"Maybe you guys should get off my shell and jump on yours first! I ain't the only one whose been makin' googly eyes at (y,n)."
You just about fell off the side of the building, hands gripping the edge of where you sat, knuckles definitely white beneath your suit. What is happening right now, is all you could terrifyingly but blushingly think.
Leonardo and Donatello were quick to look anywhere but at Raph, trying their hardest to not blush themselves at their brother's call out.
"I seen the way you put on the macho charm, Leo, bowing extra deep and all your swooning romance book crap when they come over. And you, Donnie, sputtering and dropping shit when they try to help you with projects and their hand accidentally brushes against yours. And Mikey. . ."
All eyes focused in on the youngest of the bunch who sat ready and waiting to hear Raph's jest.
"Actually, Mikey you're not that surprising. You think anyone who gives you food is a gift from heaven."
"Hey, it's not my fault their cinnamon rolls are so good!.", Mikey pouted, bottom lip jutting out adorably.
Leonardo shook his head, pinching the bridge of his nose before turning towards you.
"What do you think, (s,p)? Are we over analyzing or are we right?"
The boys eagerly waited for your answer, for your input. Surely someone from the outside would be able to better determine the situation the brothers found themselves in. Well. . .should have been able to more like, as the response you gave was not what they were expecting.
A rushed, "Igotgo!!!", was all they got before watching you thwip away at the speed of light, leaving the turtles to look at each other confused and quizzically.
". . .Wait, so you guys don't have a crush on (y,n) too??", Mikey questioned with furrowed brows, innocently confused by how they could not.
Raphael groaned loudly as he and his brothers devilled into another childish debate on why they totally didn't have feelings for you, a familiar smell that had sparked the argument coincidentally wafting lightly into their senses upon the wind in the direction of which you swung off.
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caprisunnydays · 3 days
Stardew Valley x Reader Bachelor Headcanons
Before you and Alex got together, you probably became long time friends
He was def like "damn they hot" but then when it became more than just that he was like "DAMN THEY'RE HOT"
It's been a bit since he's felt those silly little butterflies, it genuinely makes him nervous
Que him leaning against a wall like "Hey bbg" but he's sweating bullets
After his confession, he feels much better, and the nervous air that only you could really pick up on has disappeared
Very PDA, arm is always around you, probably not in the back pocket but if he's tipsy enough then boom it appears
Insists on going in the mines with you but saw a slime and wanted to dip so bad but you protected him <3
"Heh...I totally wasn't scared. Don't worry babe I'll protect you" nah boy
He feels his heart melt every time he sees you and Evelyn baking together, or her just acting like your grandma
Even George has become a grandpa figure, giving advice with alex or general things
Alex is secretly insecure about himself, but with you, he finds room to grow as a person and find that those worries are unwarranted
Though he doesn't say it often, you make him feel seen, and he truly appreciates that
(Personal fav right now so I'm about to go OFF)
If you picked romance for his book he's imagining you both as the main characters
Not a complete parallel because he's like "can't be creepy" but a teensy bit
Speaking of "can't be creepy" he has written multiple sonnets about you since realizing his feelings
Unlike some of the other bachelors, he embraces his feelings more, using his passion to inspire his writing and other endeavors
Heavy on the gifts and courting stuff
Gives you love poems at least once a week he has so many piled up but he doesn't wanna go overboard
Says the sappiest things all the time with this love struck look in his eyes
Words of affirmation kinda guy, he's poetic like that
Leah pokes at him for being a simp but mans could not care less he's proud
Picks out pretty sea shells that wash up on the shore and gives them to you, and they're always intact!
Big fan of the flower dance and looks forward to getting to dance with you in front of the entire town! maybe your worst nightmare but he's just happy to show you off (and his dancing skills lol)
Speaking of which, mans is gonna teach you how to waltz and a bunch of other old timey dances
At some point he WILL show up in the pouring rain to profess his love, or give you flowers, or both
You're like "Elliot we're literally dating was this necessary and he's like "OF COURSE MY DEAR"
He'd love heartstopper
Insert too sweet by Hozier
Silly little doctor guy tries to avoid you but can't help but be drawn to you
He sees you running around doing your daily tasks, and just watches you from afar from the window of the doctor's office
Maru notices and tells you to come in sometime cuz her boss ain't gonna get nowhere by himself
When you start coming in more often he can feel himself die of embarrassment when he fails to make interesting conversation
Is very worried about your health though and fusses when you pass out in the mines/street
He gets even more adamant about you taking care of yourself once he's confessed
Way less nervous though!
Looks at you with adoration eyes when you do anything
Tipsy Harvey is a cute Harvey because he starts spilling his guts on how often he thinks of you
Whenever you're not busy with work he appreciates you stopping by the office, just to talk about both of your days
He yaps to everyone about you btw
Doesn't mean to but when someone brings you up he's like "oh yes me and my partner love to-" or "my partner loves-" etc etc
I used to not be a fan but he's such a sweetiepie
"I just love a guy who plays guitar <3" - u @Sam
That's it
Originally he's like "hey come and hang out with me, Sebastian, and Abigail"
Then you start coming over and it's just you both alone
He's not creepy about it, just wants to spend time with you one on one
Loves showing you the songs he works on and if you want he'll show you how to play guitar too!
He's also happy with how well you get along with Jodi, always trying to get you both to bond, it makes him feel nice that you feel like you're apart of the family
Once y'all are together he does sneak you in anytime he gets the chance
He'll text you like "come over" You : I've gotta be up at 6am Him : "PLZPLZPLZPLZ-"
OG golden retriever bf
You both go shopping at Joja at 3am for fun and goof off
Or go run around in the forest taking aesthetically pleasing pintrest photos
You can't tell me he's not an arctic monkeys kinda guy so insert R U Mine? By Arctic Monkeys
It took him time to warm up to you
When he did you became one of the few people he could hang out with after a long day of socializing and not feel drained around
I can see him doing things that aren't always super platonic and thinking he wants to do them because
"Platonically" holding your hand, cuddling, etc
At town events he stands all close to you, complaining about how much he hates it, but showing disappointment when you mention leaving
Everyone's like are y'all dating and he goes NO way too fast
When you both finally ARE together though he's actually much less affectionate and public, but it doubles when you're in the comfort of his basement room
Finds the most joy in keeping you trapped in his bed with him until noon when you say you should be working on your farm
Especially in the colder months, then you can also share his mom's pumpkin soup
He's almost catlike with his affection
Another guy you run around and take aesthetically pleasing pintrest photos with, but his are more grunge esk
"Accidentally" leaves his hoodies at your place but he likes seeing you in em
I imagine that the characters have those closets filled with the same outfit, so when you try and give him his stuff back he goes "nah" and whips out his 100th hoodie
PACK IT UP SAVIOUR COMPLEX I mean what who said that
After you rescue him from the depths of his depressive alcoholism, he feels guilty for having feelings for you
Part of it is because he's like "fuck do I actually like them or is it just cuz they basically saved my life" and partly because it feels painfully stereotypical
Not a lot changes, though he is a lot more open to you then he is with other people, even with Marnie
Helps out with your chickens when he has free time
Talks to them about his problems and once you almost walked in on him ranting about his feelings for you (bro was shook)
But once he's confessed, well, he's still insecure about some things, but accepts your help with stride
Jealous easily, but tries not to show it
Acts of service kinda guy, so if you need him to run an errand while you're swamped with farm work? He's on it
Pulls up to your farm with a bunch of snacks and a bag full of movies for you to pick from
He sets it up while you take a shower to wash all the grime and dirt off from a days work so you can just come and cozy up on the couch with him
You're also basically besties with Jas, such a sweet girl, always asks you to play jump rope with her
You both go "say no to drugs" to her l o l
Marnie is also now your bestie so even when she's not working you can get stuff from the shop #WIN
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I loooooove stardew valley it's so cool so great
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manochulios · 2 months
Ok FIRST OF ALL!!! follow me on tiktok and AO3!! I'm posting my art there and I have a fanfic project centered on Nya (and Morro) that I started writing, I think you might be interested!
Secondly..... YES! After less than a week of posting the first designs, I decided to change some things!!!!! If you compare it to the old post you'll see that there weren't any very drastic changes, but there were a few things that were particularly bothering me and now I feel like I'm satisfied (for now.....)
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Obviously, as you can see, I haven't changed a lot of things. Maybe I shouldn't have made this update in a new post, changing the main one would have been more than enough but.... nah.
Colors of the gold armor - I gave them a brighter tone, the old one was very dull
Zane and Nya's boots - brother wtf were those, now they are sooo much better
Zane gloves - I totally forgot about them in the first version, but now he has them!!
Kai and Nya eyes - in the old version they already had matching eyes (main color in their own color palette and pupil in the color of their siblings), but I made Nya's eye color more towards gray and Kai's towards brown, instead of the dark -cyan-almost-green and amber that they had)
Nya's hair and sleeves - I left her hair a little closer to her original hair, I felt that in the old one I ended up giving her a hairstyle more similar to mine in real life..... oops? I also changed the flowing sleeve to a more well behaved one similar to Kai's, I don't know if I totally like this change to be honest
Marks on their body - Lloyd now has marks from the oni transformation!! although they are not that visible from far; Nya and Cole's marks are better done than before and Zane has more robot features (although these three in particular are more visible under his clothes *wink wink*)
Jay has goggles now :D
Some close ups (I swear I don't know what I'm doing wrong for the images to be saved in SUCH poor quality)
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Some headshots
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So I guess this is it? NOW I'm gonna leave these designs alone. I already posted on my tiktok too, so if you can stop by and give me a boost I'd really appreciate it!! I'm already working on the individual images of each one with some headcanons and more specifications on the details of each one's designs, but it will probably take a while. I also plan to do a part two of the designs with some secondary characters, but that totally depends on my willingness and willpower LOL
see you soon <3
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celandeline · 5 months
I'm thinking about Carl being insecure about his eye. y/n found a way to comfort him. Imagine what comic Lydia did, LOL. But just write whatever you like
i got a little carried away with this one, so it's going to be a two-parter (sorry)
also- comic Lydia sticking her tongue in his eye socket haunts me like the plague because i can't decide if it's disgusting, or i too, would do that given the opportunity
Believe Me
Carl Grimes X Reader [part two]
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You always make a point to see Aaron off when he’s about to leave to go recruiting. You know that he can handle himself, that he’s done this a million times before, that Daryl would never leave him behind, even if things got sticky - but you never know. Coming back alive is never guaranteed. 
You hold his bag for him while he fumbles with the car keys until it unlocks. “You’re sure you don’t want to take anything else? Another water bottle? More protein bars?”
He turns around to take his pack from you with a smile. “We’re only going to be gone for two days, I think I’ll be alright with just this.”
The rumble of Daryls bike announces his presence before he rolls up beside the car, stopping. “Y’ready?” He gruffs. 
“Almost.” He tosses his bag into the passenger seat before turning to back to you with open arms. “Give me a hug.”
You squish yourself into his chest, and squeeze him as tight as you can. “Bye Dad. Be safe.” 
You feel him swallow, and hold you a little tighter. Calling him Dad is still a little new, and it makes him tear up a little more often than not. He’s not your biological father - no, your biological parents died years ago at this point - but he has become a father to you, ever since you started living with him and Eric. 
“You too.” He says, pulling back to look you in the eye. “And make sure Eric doesn’t try the stairs alone again please. He’s not as good at maneuvering in that boot as he thinks he is.”
You grin, and jokingly salute. “Yes sir.”
He slips into the driver's seat, and then he and Daryl are pulling away, heading towards the gates. You watch them go until they round the corner, and try to put your nerves to rest. The sound of plastic wheels on the sidewalk is a welcome distraction, and you turn around to see Carl pushing Judith along in the stroller.
He smiles when you turn around, and you return the gesture. “They’re going out again?” He asks, nodding in the direction your dad and Daryl went. 
“Yeah.” You say. “Only for a couple days this time, but you know.” You never really know when you’re coming back. If you’re coming back. 
He nods, and Judith gurgles happily in her stroller, reaching for the hem of your shirt. “You wanna join?” He asks. “M’ just taking her around the cul de sac before I bring her home for her nap.”
“Sure.” You say, welcoming the distraction from worrying about if this is the time that Aaron doesn’t come back. You fall into step beside Carl as he pushes the stroller along, following the sidewalk, passing by the houses of friends and neighbors. It’s quiet, the middle of the day with most of the adults at work - whatever that may be. It almost feels like you, Carl, and Judith are the only people in this whole town. 
“You think you’re gonna do that?” Carl asks. “Go recruiting with Aaron when they decide we’re old enough for real jobs?”
“I don’t know.” You say, honestly. “I mean, I guess I wouldn’t worry so much if I was with him, but then Eric would worry twice as much. And I don’t have a whole lot of experience out there - I was only on my own for a couple of months before Aaron found me and brought me here. You’d be good though,” You glance over at him. “I mean, you’ve got loads of experience out in the real world.”
He shakes his head. “Nah- I mean, yeah I’m experienced, but I don’t think they want the kid with the mangled face being the one to go make first impressions on new people.” He grins, halfheartedly joking, “Don’t want to scare ‘em off.”
“Huh?” You laugh, looking over at him. “What’re you talking about?”
He rolls his eye. “C’mon.” He says. “I know what I look like. Sending the ugly guy out there to try and recruit people probably isn’t the best image for our group.”
“Carl.” You say, brow furrowing. “Do you know what you look like?” You’re so confused - sure, he’s missing an eye, but he’s still the prettiest boy you’ve ever seen. The eye that he still has is the kind of blue that makes you think of the sky on a sunny day, and you’d kill for hair like his - long and silky and a dark brown that makes his blue eye stand out even more. He looks like a fairy tale prince. 
He glances at you. “You’re looking at me like I’m stupid.”
You laugh. “I mean how could you not be, when-” 
“Wow, thanks.” He snarks, cutting you off. 
“Shut up.” You say, knocking your shoulder into his. “I was trying to say that you’re the prettiest boy I’ve ever seen, before you interrupted me.”
You words hang in the air, and he looks steadfastly ahead. The only sounds are the plastic stroller wheels rolling on the sidewalk, and Judith’s occasional little noises. You can see a blush rising to his cheeks, and bite your lip to stop yourself from smiling, lest he think you’re making fun of him. 
“You’re just saying that ‘cause we’re friends, and you’re trying to be nice.” He says. 
“‘M not.” You insist. “It’s true - you’re really pretty, Carl.”
He still won’t look at you. “Half my face is just a hole.”
“Which just makes you look cool and badass.” You say, trying to peer around his curtain of hair to get him to look at you. He still won’t look at you, and the redness on his face has only gotten worse. “You still don’t believe me.”
He shakes his head, slowing as you reach the steps up to the porch of his house. He walks around to the front of the stroller to unbuckle Judith and lift her out of the seat. She slumps against his shoulder, obviously ready for her nap. “Um.” Carl looks down at the stroller. “Could you-?”
“Gotcha.” You say, folding up the stroller and carrying it up the porch steps after Carl. He opens the door and you follow him inside, gently kicking it shut behind you. “Where-?”
“Uh, we usually just leave it by the door.” He says over his shoulder as he starts up the stairs. “Let me just put her down-” He disappears around the bend in the landing, and you prop the folded stroller against the wall next to the door. You loiter at the bottom of the stairs until Carl appears at the top again, still a little pink. 
He comes down the steps and leads the way into the living room, towards the couch. You plop down onto the sofa, turned to face him next to you. “So-”
“Can we talk about something else?”
“No.” You grin. “Not until you believe me.”
He rolls his eye. “Fine. I believe you.”
“I mean really believe me.” You say. “What’s it going to take?”
“I don’t know.”
“Fine.” You say. “Where’s the nearest mirror?”
“Are you serious?”
He pauses for a moment before responding. “I have one in my room.”
You get up from the couch and creep upstairs, careful to keep quiet so as to not wake Judith, Carl a reluctant half step behind you. He points you in the direction of his room, and you slip inside, holding the door open for him before shutting it quietly. The mirror isn’t anything special, just a rectangle of glass hanging above the dresser, but you grin at the sight of it anyway. 
Grabbing him by the shoulders, you steer him in front of the mirror, watching over his shoulder. “See?”
“Yup.” He says, unenthused. “I see this every day, actually.”
“Apparently not.” You say, moving a hand from his shoulder to gently play with his hair. “I mean, look at this.” You hold the lock up in front of his gaze. “Your hair is gorgeous. And-” You drop his hair in favor of softly holding his jaw, turning his head so that his jawline is more prominent. “This.” You run a finger along the line of his jaw. “This too.” You turn his head again so that you can sweep your touch over the bridge of his nose. “And of course,” You thumb over his cheek, tapping each of his freckles. Your hand still on his cheek, you grin at him in the mirror. “You’re blushing.”
“What are you doing?” He asks, soft. 
“Showing you.” You say. 
“Because you should know.” You say. “And it’s personally offensive when you say you’re ugly, because that means you think the guy I’ve been flirting with is a total dud.”
It takes him a minute to process it, and you can see it in his eye when he puts it together. “You’ve been flirting with me?”
“Maybe you are stupid.” You muse. 
You didn’t think it was possible, but he turns even more red. “I don’t- really? Me? Why?”
“Jesus Christ Carl, how far am I going to have to go before you believe that I like you.” You laugh. 
He makes eye contact with you through the mirror. “As far as you want.”
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il-miele-che-scrive · 9 months
a lil xmas-y smau charles leclerc x reader, faceclaim sabrina carpenter
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yourusername made something special for you guys for the holidays 🤍 fruitcake is out of the oven
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username1 wtf is she holding?
↳ username2 a fruit cake I assume since the album's name is fruitcake?
carlossainz55 I gave it a listen before it came out and I'm gonna make it everyone's business
↳ yourusername alright Chili stop flexing or I won't let you pre-listen to anything else in the future 🙄
carlossainz55 you know that's not true
yourusername you're lucky I value your opinion
georgerussell63 Y/n send help Carmen hasn't stopped blasting the album since it came out
↳ yourusername seems like a you problem darling🫶
carmenmmundt don't listen to him Y/n, he secretly loves fruitcake
maxverstappen1 this is better than the Dutch national anthem
↳ yourusername thank you I guess 🤔
↳ username5 that's such an underrated compliment
username3 literally how dare you release Cindy Lou who when you literally stole Charles from Charlotte. Alex 'stealing' him from you is literally your karma
↳ username2 but Y/n and Charles have been recently seen in France together 👀
username3 oh great 🙄 what a homewrecker, also notice how she's flirting with literally all drivers in her comments
username4 they're friends she's not flirting with them lol plus Charles is still in her likes so they're def back together
↳ maxverstappen1 literally shut the fuck up
username5 lmaooo Max being the big brother Y/n never had
username2 tell them queen 💅
username6 i live for the friendship between Y/n and Max 🙏 oh what a girl gotta do for a friend like this
landonorris slay bestie
↳ yourusername you know it
username4 so we're all just gonna ignore the fact that Y/n has been seen with Charles in France and they still follow each other and like each other's posts?
↳ username7 i mean that's just how adults are but
username4 nah just wait and see
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yourusername a quick trip to Paris 🤍 je t'aime
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username8 THE 3RD PIC WHAT
charles_leclerc je t'aime moi aussi ❤️
↳ username5 I love how Y/n is like a younger sister to Max and dating his biggest nemesis of all times
yourusername i asked them to be nice to each other
username3 nah that's too much, I hate this drama and this girl
↳ username8 imagine being so bitter to post a comment like this
↳ maxverstappen1 quit stalking her page then?
username7 big brother max strikes again and we love to see it
↳ username3 weird how Y/n became Max's sister when she started dating Charles 🙄 sister my ass, she's def cheating on Charles
username4 i haven't read a comment as dumb as this since your previous one, Charles and Max were friends before Charles started dating Y/n so he introduced her to Max, what's weird about that?
username3 and what does that change? people make new 'friends' while in a relationship and end up cheating with said friends
username4 sweetheart you're embarrassing yourself, Y/n said in an interview that she's grateful for Charles introducing her to Max because he's like an older brother to her AND WE CAN CLEARLY SEE THAT
username3 what was she supposed to say? Yeah, I'm fucking my boyfriend's rival?
username5 you jealous bitter asshole, go cry to your mom about men and women being friends
carlossainz55 But when are you coming to Monaco? We all miss you
↳ yourusername I'll be home for Christmas
username9 not Y/n replying with a song lyrics lol she's so unserious
username10 what did you expect her to write a whole paragraph about how she's going to be there for the 24th/25th of December
username9 she said she'll be home for Christmas, she's going back to America
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charles_leclerc so grateful to have you here for Christmas ❤️ welcome home
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yourusername i couldn't be happier 😭❤️
↳ charles_leclerc btw we should bake together more often
yourusername you mean I bake and you occassionally steal the frosting more often?
charles_leclerc call it whatever you want darling but we have to repeat it sometime
yourusername bet, now that I live with you you won't avoid it
↳ carlossainz55 In the name of the whole grid could I fill a request to try your baked goods?
yourusername sure if Charlie won't eat all my frosting
username5 that's why she said she'll be home, because Monaco is her home now 😭 I'm not crying you are
landonorris haters been really quiet
↳ yourusername they're scared of Charlie and Max joining forces to defend me
maxverstappen1 as they should am i right @/charles_leclerc
charles_leclerc so right mate
↳ username7 so sexy of them to be so protective of y/n
username5 so sexy and for what
username7 for us to fangirl I guess
carmenmmundt Okay but when are we going to hang out? Since when are boyfriends more important than friends?
↳ yourusername we had a double date a few days ago didn't we
carmenmmundt I meant a girls night
yourusername you got separation anxiety or what😭
carmenmmundt Only with you though, it doesn't work like that with George
↳ georgerussell63 I mean, she's right, I haven't experienced any separation anxiety from her
yourusername excuse me @/georgerussell63 the last time i checked she was your gf
charles_leclerc should I be jealous?
↳ yourusername absolutely not!! <3
↳ carlossainz55 Don't worry mate, in the worst case @/landonorris and I can take you on a date
landonorris the worst case?!
charles_leclerc well, it's not ideal is it?
landonorris is it not?!
username7 help cause i've always imagined y/n and charles as parents and lando as their kid
↳ yourusername i mean, he did thirdwheel us a few times
landonorris and loved every second of it
751 notes · View notes
candyquokka · 3 months
: ̗̀➛together | poly! minho x reader x hyunjin
pairing: lee minho x reader x hwang hyunjin
word count: 1.2k
genre: college au, humor, eventual smut, slight angst, best friend!lee know and hyunjin, best friends to lovers, first time writing a poly but lets see how this goes lol
Series summary:
Y/n, Minho and Hyunjin have been best friends for most of their life. But throw in college, complex and new emotions and a rowdy friendgroup- things are bound to take a turn.
(this is going to be a series, and I'll try to update frequently if i have motivation haha. Please give me feedback and comment on the post to be added to a taglist!)
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chapter summary: just a view of their life before college
warnings: none
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It had always been Hyunjin, Y/n, and Minho. The holy trio, never separated. They had been neighbors since birth, so it was only natural they would run into each other. Y/n had been playing in the sandpit when she was five, and a bully had come over and kicked her. Minho and Hyunjin, playing somewhere else, had seen this happen, and rushed to protect Y/n from the bully. And so developed the beautiful happening we call friendship.
Middle school was the generic nightmare: awkward phases, new complex feelings, bitchy teachers. High school wasn't better, but they could manage. Currently the three of them were hanging out at a cafe afterschool.
"Gosh, Hyunjin, you didn't have to be so harsh with her. Its the last day of the school year for goodness sake, you could've politely declined."
"She shoved a chocolate box in my face! What was I supposed to do, not smack a foreign object that could possibly poke my eye out?"
Minho grinned as he watched the banter between them, too entertained to intervene.
"Uh, yeah? Poor girl was shaking, you dumbass."
"What the- I'm the dumbass? I- yah, you're the one who almost fell on your ass when you backed away like an animal from that one guy who confessed to you like a week ag-mmmf-" Hyunjin was interrupted by a bundle of tissues in his mouth, fighting against Y/n.
"Someone confessed to your sorry ass?" Minho flat out shrieked, and Y/n lunged across the table to possibly shove tissues into his mouth too and-
"Welcome to cafe Miroh, what can I get for you guys today?"
A disgruntled Y/n sat back in her seat as Minho and Hyunjin both snickered. Minho ordered everything for them, and they settled back in their seats.
"So are you guys ready to get your summer glow ups?" Y/n said after taking a sip of her milkshake. "Nah, I'm already pretty. You two definitely need one though." Hyunjin mumbles, wincing as Y/n slaps his head and Minho kicks his leg from under the table. 
Minho chuckles. "Not gonna lie, Y/n, you're gonna need to ditch the whole nerd look and try something called 'being a little more social and having more than two friends'. Next years our last year, you can't be a loser."
Y/n gasps. "Why are the two of you attacking me, huh? You guys are just salty. I'm going to Paris for like the whole 2 months of summer holidays and you're not." She sticks out her tongue, and Minho takes this as an opportunity to steal a fry off her plate.
"Yeah, but that means we can't have our annual sleepover on the night before school!" Hyunjin whines and flops on his seat dramatically.
"Oh hush you dramatic baby." Y/n flicks his forehead before patting his head, and Hyunjin nuzzles into Y/n's neck, and earns judgemental stares from Minho.
"You two are disgusting, you know that?" Minho scrunches his face in disgust.
Y/n flips him off and throws a fry at him while Hyunjin blows him a kiss before leaning over the table to hold his hands. "We both know you secretly enjoy cuddles too, Minnie."
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Breathless. That was one word to describe what Minho and Hyunjin were feeling as they waited outside her house, watching her wave at them before walking and hugging both of them. The strong grip around their necks broke them out of their stupor, and she pulled away. 
“Oh my god, I missed you guys so much! How have you both been?” Y/n giggled. Minho shook his head before flicking her forehead. “Y/nnie, did you shapeshift or something? You look even uglier!” Y/n’s face dropped as she shoved Minho away, locking arms with Hyunjin and speed walking. “Fine, I’ll just stay with Jinnie here and you can be a loner the whole year.” 
Hyunjin places a hand over his chest. “Woah, Y/nnie, how could I imagine being graced with such beauty!” Y/n smiles and rolls her eyes, Minho ruffling her hair as she mutters. “Gosh, did you two take supplements or something? Why are you two suddenly so much taller?”
Y/n’s apparently late ‘face and body developments’ did not go ignored in the school. Walking in the hallways, Y/n was oblivious to the many double takes people were doing to her. As the three entered their classroom, they saw two empty desks, one behind the other near the back. “Dibs the back desk!” Minho and Hyunjin both shouted, rushing to the back and leaving a surprised Y/n near the entrance. She sent them an annoyed glare before sitting on the desk in front of them. 
Minho leans forward and taps her shoulder. “Guess you’re the loner again, Y/n.” He dodges the flick aimed for his forehead and leans back in his seat, Hyunjin giggling at the exchange. But his face slowly turns into a look of confusion as another guy with dark-blue dyed hair enters the room, his unfamiliar face turning heads as he slowly makes his way to the only empty seat in the classroom: next to Y/n.
“H-hey, could I um- could i sit here? It's the only empty seat-” Y/n smiles and nods, turning around to meet Minho’s eyes and flick her long black hair in a victorious gesture over her shoulder. “Are you new? I’m Y/n.”
The boy stammers, clearly being anxious. “Uh, I-I’m Jisung, H-Han Jisung. Yeah, I’m uh, I’m new. It's nice to meet you, umm, Y/n.” He cautiously smiles. Y/n grins and turns around. “This is Hyunjin, he’s a drama queen and you don’t need to bother with him. This is Minho. He acts like he’s got a stick up his ass half the time. You don’t need to bother with him either. Do you wanna sit with us for lunch?” 
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Halfway into the year and Y/n had already rejected a dozen confessions. “These boys may not be it, but damn these chocolates taste fucking delicious.” Hyunjin groans as he bites into one, falling back against his bed as the four of them hung out at Hyunjin’s house. Han Jisung was someone who warmed up quite quickly to the three of them, and constantly broke into their personal space, even Minhos. Currently he was clinging onto Minho like a kuala, whose legs were sprawled over Y/n's lap on the bed.
“S’not my fault I don’t like them. Ugh, I feel so bad rejecting them. Should I just accept one and see where it goes?”
“NO!” The three boys cry out, shocking Y/n. “I need to get new friends, you’re all gonna keep me bitchless.” She rolls her eyes. 
“Better bitchless than a broken heart.” Hyunjin voice is muffled from chocolate.
“Shut up you fatass”
“I’m not a fatass Dicksung”
 Jisung’s outburst shocks everyone as he lunges at Hyunjin, Y/n and Minho grabbing each other from laughing so much. Suddenly the door slams open as Yeji, Hyunjin’s scary younger sister, stands in the doorway, breathing heavily. Y/n has the shame to smile apologetically as Minho is still wheezing on the bed, and Jisung slowly looks up at Yeji, before quietly getting off Hyunjin and cautiously hides behind Minho. Yeji smiles at Y/n before leaving the room.
“Your sister is so scary, Jinnie. Shes way cooler than you”
“Shut the fuck up Minho.”
169 notes · View notes
kar1nsworldx · 21 days
ArthurTV and singer!reader who releases from the start or promise by laufey 🩷🩷
(...) from the start ᝰ.ᐟ
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pairing: ArthurTV x f!reader
SUMMARY: y/n releases songs about a special someone and soon enough it's revealed about who it is
requested: yesss!!!! anon a big big thank you for requesting a fic, feel free to request more asapp if you'd like because I'd love to write more for people!!!
AUTHOR'S NOTE: anon I really hope you enjoy reading this! I tried to write this asap, and I really hope you like how the whole fic turns out <3 . I also actually wrote for the first time in my social media fic, so I really hope that you liked my writing and how the story progressed!!! Whilst writing I tried to make it as long as possible considering how late I posted this so I really do hope you enjoy!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE REQUEST MORE STUFF!!!!! ♡♡♡
ˋ°•*⁀➷ 𝗠𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁 🧸ྀི
y/n l/n
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liked by faithlousiak, taliamar and 32,784 others
y/n l/n: bla bla bla !!
gkberry_: stunning stunning girl! xx
y/n l/n: stop you're gonna make me cry 😭
bambinobecky: gorgeous woman 💓
y/n l/n: sobbing, thank you becky 🫂🫂
faithlousiak: loved seeing you yesterday girly 🩷
y/n l/n: sameee I missed you sm! 🥹
userly: ahhh I love your outfits! where do you buy your clothes from?
y/n l/n: thank you sm!! I usually go to thirft shops, but sometimes I got to H&M for some shirts. if you want quality, long lasting clothes go to zara! I only have one clothing item from zara which is jeans and even tho they're a few years old they're still top quality. would buy more zara stuff but I'm broke 😭🫂🩷
userly: ahhh tysm!! love you!! xx
y/n l/n: 💓
user007: omg I haven't seen you in a hot second
y/n l/n: LOL sorry? 😭😭
user888: TULIPS!!!!! 🌷🌷🌷
y/n l/n: TULIPS <3 🌷🌷🌷
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ding! new Whatsapp notification from Behz
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⤷ Miss Olive says that if you don't come to the next Sidemen Sunday shoot you will never ever see her again
Well please tell Miss Olive that there is no need for threats
and that I will be there!!!!
⤷ I'll tell the little Miss
⤷ are you free this Tuesday? we were planning to shoot a Hide & Seek video at the London Zoo around 3pm
yeah of course I am
you lot want me to come at 3pm or earlier?
⤷ maybe around 2:30 or 2:45? just so that we can mic you up asap
yeah of course, not a problem
you need me to bring anything??
⤷ nah, no need but thanks tho
yeah ofc
see ya behz x, say hi to Olive and Faith for me! 🩷
⤷ will do L/n 👍
y/n l/n
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liked by miniminter, sidemen and 54, 732 others
y/n l/n: lisened to a really great song on the way to a sidemen shoot. I wonder from who could it be tho... do you guys have a clue? 🤷‍♀️
y/n l/n: mmm you'll find out in a couple of days if I did or didn't xxx mwah! gtg to film a video now, love ya talia! 💓
freyanightingale: darling this will be 5/5 songs that you've made without telling anyone, ffs 😭
y/n l/n: thats why it's fun! 🩷
freyanightingale: why am I not suprised by your responce
useroo: OH???? OH?????????????????????
useredup: NEW SONG???? OH MA GAWD HELL YEAH PARTNER 🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅
sidemen: oh? 👀
arthurnfhill: ooo new song, i'm intrested
user111: OMG I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!
y/n l/n: me too bestie, me too 🫂
ksi: insane news
y/n l/n: 🩷🤫🥹
xouserxo: WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?????
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ding! new Whatsapp notification from Tobi 😎
Tobi 😎;
⤷ hey, just wanted to lyk that were all metting up in front of the Zoo
⤷ but tbf no ones here yet, just me, josh and ethan
ty for the info Tobi! :)
I'm there within the next 10 minutes or less!
Tobi 😎;
⤷ glad to hear, see you soon :)
see yaaa!!!!
As she slowly started to approach the Zoo, Y/n put away her headphones into her tote bag, making sure to turn them off before putting them away. She quickly checked that she looked good and that her outfit was okay before walking through the black gates that were the entrence of the Zoo.
"Y/n, hey!" a voice called out as she was immidetly spotted entering through the gates. It was Tobi who greeted her first, a wide smile on his face as he waved at her. She waved back, greeting him as well Josh, Ethan and the crew members too. "How are you guys?" the brunette asked as she approached them with a shy smile.
"Pretty good, you?" Josh replied as he finished adjusting his mic. "Good, thank you," she answered. "Oi, you! Did you really make another song without telling anyone, again? Faith has been blowing up my phone for the last hour you crazy woman," Ethan spoke up as he looked at her. Y/n only let out a small laugh at his question and statement, a sly grin on her face. "Y/n, again?" Tobi asked with a slightly suprised and curious look. "Mm, I don't know boys. I'm sure you'll be able to find out in a few days." was the only responce the brunette offored, trying not to laugh quietly. She wasn't a famous singer by any means, like Talia or JJ but she did like to write music from time to time. So far she released 4 songs, but without telling anyone she knew that she's releasing a song it would always suprise them.
"Oh for fucks sake," Ethan groaned before contnuing; "I swear Faith will murder you one day I swear," at that Y/n let out a slightly suprised laugh. The four of them continued to talk and with time, more people came; Harry, Vik, Simon and JJ obviously, but also Chris, Arthur, and Danny Aarons. As they all finally got together, Josh informed the group that they would all have to wear a animal onsie.
"Oh for fucks sake man," Chris groaned as he put on a tiger costume. "To be fair they are quite comfortable," Arthur said whilst wearing a green frog costume.
Y/n only smiled at their antics and banter as she waited for the boys to finish putting on their costumes. She was given a fox onsie, which was slightly bigger on her but as Arthur said, it was comfortable. "I woudn't say they're that bad Chris," she said as she looked at the blond man.
"Yeah yeah," was the reply she got from the Jersey youtuber as he was slightly stuck whilst putting on the tiger costume. Y/n let out a chuckle as she watched him.
Soon enough they all were ready and Harry started off the video as he was the seeker. As he said that they could go and start hidding Y/n sprinted off, immidietly leaving the group to go and search for a hidding spot. "I have no idea where to hide, this place is massive," she spoke to her camera as she ran, showing off the animals. She always loved animals, so it was nice to see so many of them.
As she ran past the monkey enclosure, she spotted a little souvenir stand that was completly closed, windows locked, shut and everything. But to her suprise, the door was unlocked so she quickly steped in and closed the door behind her. "Fuck me it's dark," she said as she turned on the flash on her phone, lighting the place off. It was the size of a kiosk, so not that big. But there was a huge box under the counter, and that could just be her hidding spot. She put her camera aside to see if she would fit in it, and after she confirmed to herself that she would she picked up her camera again and got inside it, closing the box after she made herself comfortable.
"Not the comfiest place, but it could do the trick. It's kinda far away, so let's hope Harry dosen't come here anytime soon," she talked to the camera, holding it up to show her surroundings. "I think I'll camp out here for a few minutes and then I'll go outside again," she added "All the animals are adorable and I really want to see the red pandas."
Some time has passed and Y/n decided that she'd go and find another hiding spot. It was getting quite hot and stuffy in the cardboard box as well she was getting bored. After leaving the little souvenir kiosk she just strolled through the Zoo, filming animals and talking to the camera. "Guys I found Simon and Cal," she spoke as she recorded two extremely tall giraffes.
Just as she said that she heard screaming and from the distance she saw Danny get chased by Harry. "Oh fuck no," she yelled before sprinting away as she realised that Danny was sprinting in ger direction with Harry on his heels. "Fuck ne fuck me fuck me!" she yelled as she ran "I should've stayed in my hiding spot!"
Thankfully she was able to get away safely, but her costume? Not so much. She hid herself in a bush but because of doing that her costume got torn apart a little bit. "Man, I liked this onsie,"
She camped out in the big bush for a while, catching her breath and talking to the camera a bit. But after some time she heard yelling again. "Oh God I think Arthur is getting chased," she informed the camera, recording what she could of her surroundings from outside the bush. Just as she saw Arthur getting chased she immidetly stoped talking and stood still, praying that her cover woudn't get blown.
To her suprise, Arthur actually hid himself too in the same bush that she was in and Harry sprinted off down the path just a minute later, not even noticing them. Just as she was going to greet Arthur quietly he let out a loud surpised yelp. "What are you-" "Shut up, shut up, shut the fuck up, you are not blowing this cover Televison," she cut him off, putting a hand over his mouth so that he woudn't make a sound. After a minute or so she put her hand down before greeting him with a smile.
"Hi," she said. "What are you doing here?" Arthur asked with a confused look on his face. "Hidding, obviously.," she replied. "Right," he said before falling quiet. The two didn't talk much, only recorded a bit and commented about something here and there, but other than that not my words were spoken between the two. After some time passed Arthur decided to go find another hidding spot, bidding Y/n goodbye. "Good luck," she told him as he left. "Thanks," and that was that.
"Well that was lovely..," she said to no one in a slightly moody tone. Nobody knew (hopefully) but the brunette had the biggest crush on the Jersey youtuber, despite knowing they had 100% chance of being together. Hell they weren't even that close, only really interacting whilst recording videos.
But that didn't matter that much at the moment as Y/n had a challange to win. After alot of more time has passed, she decided to leave the bush and go back to her original hidding spot. She made a dash for the kiosk, making sure to not be caught. After seccuring her original hidding spot she talked to the camera, about anything and everything really until someone entered the kiosk. She immidetly went silent, hopping she woudn't be found. Just then, she heard a yelp and something colliding into the box she was hidding in, making her fall. "Oh fuck me!" she yelled as she has been found, Harry standing over her.
"Oh my God I didn't even know you were in there, that was a complete accident mate!" Harry yelled, laughing as he recorded the brunette. "Oh for fucks sake Bog," she groaned as she got up. "Oi don't be so sad, you actually won!"
"I did?" Y/n asked excitedly, a grin slowly forming on your face. "Yes mate, did you not hear us calling for you?" Harry asked as the two walked out of the little kiosk with a confused look on your face. "I only heard screaming but no actual words being said." she responded. The two of them made their way quickly to the front of the Zoo where everyone else was. "Ey, theres the winner of todays video!" Tobi yelled out with a smile as he recorded Harry and Y/n approach them. "What happened to your costume?" Chris asked as he saw the brunettes ripped up costume. "Hidding in a bush is a smart move but it ruins your clothes." was all Y/n had to offer as they slowly started to finish filming. Soon enough everything was done and everyone was allowed to leave.
"You need a ride?" Vik asked her as it was a known fact that the girl didn't drive. "Nah, it's fine, thanks tho." she replied with a smile before going to bid everyone goodbye and leave.
y/n l/n added to their story!
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⤷ faithlousiak liked y/n l/n's story! ♡
⤷ faithlousiak: Y/N WHEN I CATCH YOU Y/N
⤷ taliamar liked y/n l/n's story! ♡
⤷ freyanightingale liked y/n l/n's story! ♡
⤷ freyanightingale: ffs 😭💓
y/n l/n
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liked by vikkstagram, georgeclarkeey and 104,764 others
y/n l/n: FROM THE START IS YOURS PEOPLE!!! Please stay tuned as this is not the only song coming your way this month <3 Stream From the start, ASAP!! Much love to all xx
behzingagram: @y/n l/n you are paying for the therapy bills, tnx
y/n l/n: love u both lots but we both know im broke af xxy
y/n l/n: 💓💓💓
us3r: 🎶💓
arthurnfhill: collab when???
y/n l/n: whenever you'd like arthur 🙏
y/n l/n: LOVE U!!
xouserxo: literally in love with this song omfg
chrismd10: taylor swift (walmart version)
y/n l/n: hii chrissy :((
chrismd10: okay okay so maybe it is a good song or something...
y/n l/n: :D
bambinobecky: stunning stunning woman alert!!!
y/n l/n: marry me already?
gkbarry_: O.M.G
savinggracepod: WE NEED YOU ON THE POD NOW!!!!!!!
y/n l/n: I'm sure we can figure something out soon! xxx 😉
sidemen: bop
xeuserxe: y/n ilysm but who is this about!!!??!
vikkstagram: 🤩
y/n l/n: another one coming soon! xxx
useredup: WHAT
italianbach: holy shit
arthurtv: congrats!
ksi: insane
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liked by y/n l/n, behzingagram and 27,672 others
faithlousiak: go stream the crazy lady's beautiful sad gutwrenching love song pls, she needs help
tagged: @y/n l/n
y/n l/n: I do not need help! I have a perfectly valid reason for writing the song Faith!!!! >:((((
faithlousiak: oh shut up you sad sack of potatoes and go write more songs abt unrequired love
y/n l/n: I will actually!!!
behzingagram: oh ffs
user777: still in shock
user888: we all are babes
usermybeloved: this is such a cute post :((( <3
freyanightingale: shes the reason for my gray hairs
y/n l/n: or maybe ur just old??? 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
user007: why do I have a theory about who could this song be about
useruuuu: love the song smm
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y/n l/n
liked by arthurhill, spotifyuk and 110,774 others
y/n l/n: Promise out now.
arthurnfhill: COLLAB ASAP CALL ME
y/n l/n: 📞📞📞
behzingagram: okay so maybe we should pay for your therapy instead...
taliamar: sobbing sobbing and more sobbing
spotifyuk: 🤩🎶
arthurtv: ...
⤷*this comment has been deleted...*
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liked by y/n l/n, gkbarry_ and 46,754 others
savinggracepod: ladies 'n gents and all in between i'm sure you can guess our next podcast guest but please do tune in this week for the new episode to confirm your suspisions xx
y/n l/n: hehe 😶‍🌫️🤭
gkbarry_: you cheeky cheeky woman
y/n l/n: 💋💋💋
xouserxo: literally cannot wait omg!!
user111: so so excited for this one x
usermybeloved: MISS @y/n l/n GET UR ASS IN HERE
user1: this ep is going to be so good I can already tell
savinggracepod: babe ur spitting straight facts x
user1: OMG HI!
faithlousiak: can't wait for this lovely shitshow <3
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y/n l/n
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liked by savinggracepod, arthurtv and 47,654 others
y/n l/n: big big thank you for having me @savinggracepod !! Pls go check out this weeks episode asap 🎀
tagged: @savinggracepod @gkbarry_
savinggracepod: we loved having youuu!! xxx
faithlousiak: girly u ain't slick
faithlousiak: check gc
userly: cant wait to lisen to this!!!
gkbarry_: 💋💋💋
y/n l/n: 💋💋💋
arthurtv: loved the ep
y/n l/n: haha tysm arthur!! (:
useredup: NEW EPPPPP
user007: ...
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arthurtv added to their story!
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⤷ y/n l/n liked arthurtv's story! ♡
⤷ y/n l/n: hope you like it! (:
⤷ arthurtv: really do, pretty relatable as well
⤷ y/n l/n liked arthurtv's comment! ♡
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"Hi Arthur," Y/n greeted the man as she approached him. Tomorrow came way to quickly for her liking, and she was so nervous too as she had no idea why he set this up. "Hey Y/n," Arthur greeted her politely with a smile as he looked up from his phone. "Want to head inside?" "I'd love to,"
The two of them entered the café with Arthur immidietly going to the counter. "I can take our orders while you find a place for us to sit down. What would you like?" he asked her. "An Iced coffee would be fine, thank you," Y/n told him before going to find a table to sit at. She quickly spooted a table in the back of the café where a little amount of people were sitting at. She put down her bag onto one chair and waited for Arthur.
"Your drink," Arthur said as he put down both of their drinks on the table. "Thank you," the brunette replied, taking a few sips of her coffee before looking at Arthur. "So, whats up?" she started. "This is, uh.. quite unusual for us to meet up outside of shootings. Is there something wrong?"
"Yeah, it kinda is. But theres nothing wrong actually, I just wanted to ask you something..," Arthur trailed off as he put his own drink down. "Well ask away than," Y/n said with a smile, still quite nervous.
"Would you like to go on a date with me?"
"What?" Y/n looked at him dumbfounded, not beliving what she was hearing. Arthur asked her to go on a date with her? "Wait wait if this is about the songs and because somebody told you about my emotions you don't need to ask me out on a date Arthur, I understand that you don't feel the same. You don't have to take me out on some pity date, it's fine," she rambled, not letting him get a word in.
"Pity?" Arthur asked. "God, Y/n it's not pity I swear. I geniuenly liked you for way to long but I never thought you'd feel the same. Then the guys started to message me that I should ask you out after you released the songs and everything. The only real reason why I haven't tried to get closer to you was because I didn't want to get rejected or something and I kinda always thought you just didn't like me romantically."
"Oh..," Y/n breathed out, before a smile formed on her face. "Well in that case, I'd love to go on a date with you Arthur," she said, her cheeks turning pink as she looked at him.
"Most certantly,"
arthurtv added to their story!
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⤷ y/n l/n liked arthurtv's story! ♡
⤷chrismd10 liked arthurtv's story! ♡
⤷chrismd10: I'm seeing it's going well mate ☕️
⤷italianbach liked arthurtv's story! ♡
⤷georgeclarkeey liked arthurtv's story! ♡
⤷georgeclarkeey: about damn time
⤷user007: If that isn't Y/n I will start tweaking Televison
⤷useredup: if that date isn't with Y/n istfg I will kms
y/n l/n added to their story!
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⤷ arthurtv liked y/n l/n's story! ♡
⤷ faithlousiak liked y/n l/n's story! ♡
⤷ faithlousiak: OMFG CALL ME ASAP!!!!!!!
⤷ taliamar liked y/n l/n's story! ♡
⤷ taliamar: hell yeah!!! so so happy for you!! 💓
⤷ freyanightingale liked y/n l/n's story! ♡
⤷ freyanightingale: told you it would work out xx
⤷ user007 liked y/n l/n's story! ♡
⤷ xeuserxe liked y/n l/n's story! ♡
y/n l/n
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liked by arthurtv, wroetoshaw and 97,654 others
y/n l/n: guys I fucked up doing math but instead of failing a test I got the guy in the end 😄😆😉😜🤪😝
tagged: @arthurtv
chrismd10: oh god you will be insufferable
y/n l/n: ofc I will be 😜🤪😝
faithlousiak: YESS MAMASSSS
user6: yayy!!!
user111: so happy for you!
freyanightingale: 💓💓💓
taliamar: CONGRATS!! 💓💓
georgeclarkeey: i will be sick you two are disgustingly cute
y/n l/n: choke on my dick clarke 🥰
georgeclarkeey: no ty
tobjizzle: ❤
xouserxo: cuties ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
italianbach: lost my pookie to another pookie 😔
y/n l/n: its okay we can share him pookie xx
italianbach: thanks pookie!
arthurtv: when did I agree to this????
y/n l/n: YOU WERE
arthurtv: that emonji combo is vile
y/n l/n: you love it 😝
arthurtv: that I do 🙂
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liked by y/n l/n, arthurnfhill and 101,776 others
arthurtv: can't belive I have 2 songs written about me
tagged: @y/n l/n
y/n l/n added to their story!
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⤷ arthurtv liked y/n l/n's story! ♡
⤷ arthurtv: :)
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yuff7e · 3 months
hi hello! I'm new to your blog but I already really like your fics :)
I've been having this thought lately about how Bakugo would react to his partner being lazy and just lying on the floor randomly and laying down on stairs or sitting in the weirdest position known to man. so could you do that sort of idea with a fem!reader? (because the personality is heavily based on me) also I don't really care what you do with it as long as its not sad. it can have smut in it, it can be silly, Bakugo can get mad abt it I just don't want it to be sad
thank you and have an awesome day <3
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⁺˚⋆。° bakugo with a lazy gf !! ✩₊ short headcanons / fluff / light nsfw
female reader
hi anon !! this was really cute !! let’s write it !! and thank you for the compliment !! you’re so sweet ^_^ enjoy <3
♬♪ -> lıllılı.ıllı.ılılıı
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- mans is so tired of you
- “will you fuckin’ get up?”
- “nah”
- he loves you dearly, really he does … but you lazing around all the time gets on his nerves
- he respects hardworking people, and seeing how lazy you can be sometimes is so irritating !!!
- but, not always…
- sometimes he might take advantage of it, especially if you’re laying in a … suggestive position
- laying on your tummy, your legs dangling off the bed …
- he’ll probably give your butt a small slap but after seeing the jiggle he wouldn’t be able to resist
- and sometimes he appreciates your lazy nature, his childhood home has always been so .. chaotic
- he’s a chaotic guy, stressed, loud, you name it.
- so once your gentle, quiet, stress-free personality swooped him off his feet he couldn’t be happier
- he’s told you you’re the best person he’s ever taken a nap with (he’s never taken a nap with anyone else, he doesn’t trust sleeping around people lol)
- some days he’ll come back to his dorm to you laying upside down hanging off his bed and he just stares at you
- “what the hell are you doin’?”
- watches you slowly slide off the bed and hit the floor
- “dumbass”
- since you have such lazy nature, you might lay around someone else’s place too - especially if you’re also friends with them
- like, if you’re apart of his gang (kirishima, denki, sero) and you guys head to one of their dorms and you’re over here laying in a position that he thinks isn’t acceptable he’ll flip you over or cover you up with his jacket
- like if you’re laying on your tummy on denkis couch, 90% of the time cover you up
- he knows how denki acts sometimes, but if you were like that at kirishimas he probably wouldn’t care that much
- katsuki is protective, you’re his
- no matter if that’s in your nature, he won’t be afraid to tell you if he doesn’t like the way you act sometimes
- but it’s not his fault you’re so damn cute !!
- he can be pretty possessive to an unhealthy amount sometimes and you have to remind him to chill tf out
- he does, trust (after 20 failed attempts)
- anywho, he’s really the best but he can be a little butthole sometimes
- assuming you aren’t a morning person since you’re so lazy, he’ll be wrestling you in the morning just to get out of bed
- “hurry up! we’re gonna be late for class!”
- *he pulls all the blankets off and you’re just like gumball in that one scene with all your limbs tangled together*
- “5 more minutes…”
- you’re the cutest
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cutie patooties ;3
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