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Just a lil place for me to share fandom content~(Request CLOSED)~
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
imababblekat · 2 months ago
Hey y’all, a little update of why I’ve been gone. Had some stuff happen in my life thats made it hard to feel motivated or inspired to write. I’m hoping that eventually I’ll start to feel up to it again, but until then there won’t be anything from me. I thank you all for your support and hope that y’all can continue to enjoy what I have written here in the meantime ❤️
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imababblekat · 6 months ago
Under The Full Moon
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Anon Request," Oh boy do i have a mikey request, so basically reader is being chased down by some people that are aafter them for being a werewolf (reader did nothing except be a werewolf) They are forced to go into hiding after mikey saves them and brings them down. Fast forward a couple months, mikey has a crush on reader at this point. They constantly argue with leo, and after a particularly bad argument they run off and hide, mikey finds them and confessions happen, they kiss and boom!"
The rain pelted down on Mikey’s shell; in any other circumstance, he’d revel in the feeling of the cold water against his pebbled skin, but not tonight. Not when he was in a heated rush to find you. The last image of you still projected freshly in his mind, eyes usually shinning so beautifully, filled with a searing rage and glistening with tears ready to spill. Poor Mikey couldn’t get a word out before you booked it out of the lair, Raphael immediately berating into Leonardo behind him. Mikey wasn’t sure what all had been hashed out between you and his eldest brother, but whatever it was, was certainly your final straw.
Mikey wanted nothing more then to join Raphael in getting on Leo’s case, but with you making a run to who knows where, all the youngest could do was shoot the turtle in blue the most displeased glare he’d ever received from the usually cheery turtle. It had definitely left a mark on Leonardo, the leader faltering on his words as Mikey made to quickly leave after you. Thankfully, Mikey knew Raph had his shell, the later quick to step in front of Leo to prevent him from stopping Mikey’s leave, continuing to give Leonardo an ear full.
Slipping on the wet roof of a building he’d jumped from, Mikey cursed as he came into hard contact with the dirty alley way floor. Thank goodness for his hard shell breaking the impact from being much worse, as Mikey to a moment to collect himself, something glimmering from the headlights of a passing car caught his eye. He felt his heart stop, seeing the beads to your favorite bracelet scattered on the pavement, clothes you’d been wearing that evening torn to shreds in a pile around him.
Was it really the next full moon already? Mikey felt himself become even more worried if that was possible, quickly scooping up the beads into one large hand and stuffing them into his pocket, eyes darting up to just make out the very round moon behind passing storm clouds.
The sudden sounds of loud barking alerted Mikey, something inside him telling him to follow the sounds. It didn’t take long to find where they were coming from, the brisk ninja turtle diving into an abandoned parking garage, narrowing in on the echoing sounds of stray dogs, and something more primal and low. With a gut wrench feeling about the later sound, he picked up his pace, coming into the lower basement floor to find a small of stray dogs barking ferociously at a large, huddled figure in the corner. Taking out his phone to turn on the flash light, the gleam of insanely large canine teeth and deathly glowing eyes shown back on him.
It was you, in full wolf form, no doubt still in pain from transformation and on high edge no thanks to the stray dogs who barked relentlessly against you.
“Hey! Scram!”, Mikey yelled, running off the stray dogs caught by complete surprise to the mutant turtle swinging nun-chucks in such a way to scare them off even further.
Once he was sure the dogs had fled the parking garage, tails tucked between their legs, only then did Mikey turn his attention to you.
“Hey angel cakes, it’s me, Mikey. I’m not gonna hurt ya, promise.”, he spoke calmly, hands lowered and in a crouched position to seem harmless.
It took a moment for you to recognize him, but once you had, light whimpers bubbled up from your throat, a hoarse call of his name echoing off the concrete walls.
“What are you doing here? I. . .I don’t want to hurt you.”, you lowly cried, backing yourself up further against the wall, but this time for Mikey’s safety and not your own.
“You could never hurt me.”, Mikey gently reassured, reaching out a hand but retracted when you pushed your self further away.
The action put a pit in his heart, but he knew not to push you. God, he would never even dream of doing something like that to you. As for you, a different type of pit found it’s way within you, one carved by anger and despair. Leonardo's words blaring in your mind that had sent you into the shadows you hid in now.
“You sure? Leonardo seems to think otherwise.”
Mikey frowned deeper, the bitterness in your tone seeping through his very scales. What exactly had his brother said to you? He knew that you both would get into arguments, but what occurred between you two for him to even imply such a thing? The turtle in orange had to take a deep breath, releasing slowly and unclenching his fists. You need him right now, and him getting pent up would not help either of you.
Mikey sat on the cold pavement across from you, his beautiful blue eyes filling with a softness only ever for you.
“Well, Leo’s got a yard long stick up his ass when it comes to being over protective of us.”
That made you chuckle lightly, the sound causing a fluttering in Mikey as he smiled successfully. Even if it was just a small laugh, it was still a step in the right direction.
“Come on, baby cakes. You know just as well as I do that you could never hurt any of us.”, Mikey spoke again with a smile this time.
You huffed, fur billowing in the light breath on your shoulder.
“I know, I just. . .what if I do? Even if on accident? I could never. . .”, you trailed off, eyes dulling as you peered down to the fade white line of the parking spot you sat in.
You were a monster, the world made sure that you would always know that. Memories of being chased and hunted down simply for existing. Always being shouted at vulgarly, treated as though a simple howl from you would tear the world in two.
“Then I would forgive you.”
Your head shut up, ears propping straight and golden eyes staring in disbelief at Michelangelo’s words. Yet, the soft smile he bore, baby blue eyes showing nothing but genuine honesty, reassured(?) you he meant it through and through. His unwavering kindness brought up newer, nicer memories over the ones that plagued your mind only minutes ago. Memories of when you first met the band of brothers, who had saved your life when you were moments away from giving up and letting the hunters win their game against you. You were in such a dark place, bearing sharp teeth even at your mutant saviors who no doubt had felt just as much as outsiders their whole life as you had. It was Mikey’s kindness, his bright sun lit friendliness that showed you a brighter side to life. Not once had that changed over the time you spent with him and his brothers, the two of you only growing closer and fonder of each other.
Hesitantly, you lifted a strong paw out towards the ninja turtle, the later warmly taking your furred hand into his scaly one, before gentle lips lowered to press against your bulky knuckles. It took all of your strength to not burst into tears in that moment, instead opting to pull Mikey, who’d otherwise would be like moving a boulder but was more like a feather with your strength, into a tight hug. The choked sob that threatened to spill past your maul had Mikey’s heart shattering, his arms wasting no time in coming up to wrap around your large form, deeply inhaling the forestry smell of your soft fur.
“Thank you, Mikey. Thank you.”, you softly cried out, snout digging into the space between his neck and shell.
Mikey rubs soothing circles into your back, turning enough to plant another small kiss to your head.
“No need, angelcakes. You know I’ll always be here for you.”
And he was right, you knew that, felt it, and you swore to yourself that you would be there for him always too.
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imababblekat · 6 months ago
Hey y’all, I really appreciate that y’all like my writing so much to continue sending me request, but just a reminder that my ask box is currently closed to new ones while I try to finish up on the older request I’ve currently had ❤️
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imababblekat · 6 months ago
•CW: food, reader eating a lot, slightly suggestive•
The guys have never seen a sweet thing like you eat before. It’s Friday night, y’all just got back from deployment, and ofc Johnny suggests going to a bar as a way to cool off from everything. And ofc, the guys can’t wait to get some actual real food in their guts. Naturally they’d say the same for you, only they could have never foreseen just how badly you craved for some real food. The waiter just dropped off your third basket of wings, you’re nearly done with your second, and the guys can’t stop staring at the way you just stuck a particularly meaty wing into your mouth, pulling it out bone fucking clean. Your eyes scour the small round table, and the guys think you’re about to get all shy and excuse yourself, except you just point at their own unfinished meals, with a “ya gonna finish that?”
Price is quickly thinking of every holiday where he can make you the perfect meal to make sure you’re good and wonderfully full.
Simon’s already got a whole wedding menu set up for the two of you, despite neither of you dating.
Kyle is somehow so flabbergasted and so enamored all at the same time.
Johnny has never wanted to be a chicken wing so badly in his life.
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imababblekat · 6 months ago
Hello hello! How are you? I saw you wrote again! I'm glad you took some time to rest! I loved your most recent writings! You are great! 🥰
Hi, and thank you so much. I really am trying to go about my own pace and not feel pressured to write, which has been making being able to write again more enjoyable <3
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imababblekat · 6 months ago
I like to thank you for the trans ask response! It makes my heart happy because I don't see a lot of Trans-Masc readers with their turtle Bois, ESPECIALLY when they still stay together despite the change in S/O. I was afraid to ask for the request because I thought it'll be taken badly
Oh no worries! I'm glad I could make something relatable for people. It can be really disappointing not being able to find writings that specify to the reader's self, which is what reader inserts are all about, being able to put yourself in a story with characters you adore. The great thing about fanfic is that we can decide how characters react to things, and be able to weave that with canon so that it works out for us. While it might not be what one person thinks, it can be what another does. So, again, absolutely no worries at all! I'm very happy to have been able to make something you and others could specifically enjoy. ^-^
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imababblekat · 6 months ago
The tmnt bois are being given a tour of the NYPD, Chief Vincent having stated that if they were going to be working together, then they should know what and who they’re working with. Casey’s showing them around, introducing them to some of the other cops and detectives he’s particularly close to, and then they come up on the forensics lab, music blaring from under the closed door. Casey’s got his hand on the door handle, jokingly warning the brothers to brace themselves and they’re just confused. Que Casey opening the door, your music blasting into their ears, and the new detective calls out your name saying you got guests. The turtle brothers are not prepared to see little you, hair and outfit askew as you come rolling from under one of your analyzers, eyes lighting up with sparkles and just the biggest, lovely smile they’ve ever been greeted with. You’re almost tripping over your own feet as you rush to introduce yourself, holding yourself back from completely geeking out at meeting the mutant ninja turtles you had been briefed on teaming up with. You’re so sweet and spunky and the complete opposite to anything the brothers have experienced as far as first meetings go. Before either of them know it, they’re(in their own separate ways) completely head over heels for the NYPD’s forensic’s scientist.
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imababblekat · 6 months ago
Medic reader who’s part of a small team sent in with others to clear out a compound so the more specialized forces can go in and do their classified work, except in the heat of everything medic reader gets separated and ends up on their own. They accidentally find their way into a secret lab and are attacked by a scientist that had been hiding, having something injected in them before taking the enemy out. Suddenly they feel very sick and dizzy, but just before passing out a small team of four come rushing in, sounding aggravated when they radio back to whoever that their target, presumably the now dead scientist, has been neutralized so they wouldn’t be able to take them prisoner. Medic reader tries to get their attention but can only groan in ill pain, their vision blurring in and out as one of the men order two to guard the door while he and another come rushing over to confirm they’ve got an alive friendly. One of the men is checking them over for injuries while the one closest to them, with a firm voice, is ordering them to hang on and stay with them, but just as medic reader is about to pass out, the last thing they note as they’re being lifted up by strong arms, is the TF 141 patch on their saviors uniform.
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imababblekat · 6 months ago
There are so many things that live rent free in my head, but watching Price get aggressive with the commander will always be living the freest
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imababblekat · 6 months ago
I just finished watching the campaign for COD Modern Warfare, and I just have so much to say, but I'm giggling way too much(especially after the cafe scene at the end when Price is putting together TF141), but yeah tehe
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imababblekat · 7 months ago
Simon sees you sitting curled up in a chair, eyes peering lost at the sketchbook and computer before. He knows that look. It’s a look you often get when the team finally gets some time off, but you brain is stuck in this void of being unable to commit to any hobbies you once enjoyed. You told him about it once, it was offhandedly and you hadn’t delved much into it with due to still being fairly new and not wanting to bother the apparent cold stone lieutenant. Simon paid attention though, and this detail about yourself had been added to his mentail folder of his teammates.
A deep breath huffed out your nose, head drooping into your folded arms, when your ears picked up on the sound of light footsteps entering the kitchen area you resided.
“The usual?”, came Simons gruff voice, large hands reaching into the cabinet for your and his mugs.
“The usual.”, you mumbled in reply, staring at your phone and resisting the urge to start doom scrolling.
It was a battle you lost as you reached out to open an app and scroll mindlessly through its feed, the light clinking of Simon making you both tea behind you. You’re not sure how long he had taken, too lost in the endless information of peoples lives and other nonsensical things scrolling past your dulled eyes, not registering a thing you watched or read. At some point though, your phone had been snatched from your hands, replaced by a warm cup of your favorite tea, Simon pulling out the chair beside you to sit with his own.
You couldn’t even bother the smallest fuss at the large soldier for taking your phone, simpling taking a sip and then blindly staring into the liquid void.
“That bad today?”
You nod with a groan, putting your cup down to splay your hands out at the objects you once enjoyed before you.
“I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I thought maybe I was bogged down by knowing I had chores to take care of, but even after finishing those I still can’t get myself to do any of my hobbies!”
Simon sipped his tea, dark eyes glancing up at your downtrodden expression. You thought nothing of his silence, having known him for a while now that his silence was him listening. If he truly wasn’t interested, he would have left, hell he wouldn’t have even bothered to make you a drink.
“I just. . .”, you hold your head in your hands, “I don’t feel myself. I finally get a break, and I can’t do anything I wanted to do. What’s the point of having hobbies if every time I try one of them, I immediately become disinterested?”
The Brit beside you stares down into his own mug now, thinking on your words, a silence filling in besides the muffled sound of Johnny bellowing songs in the shower upstairs. Before, he wouldn’t give two shits about something like this, leaving you to figure it out or not all on your own. Of course, being apart of the 141 it was only a matter of time before you became apart of this oddly dangerous family of sorts, and Simon found himself caring for you just as much as he did for the other three, even if he ever expressed it.
“Maybe doing nothin’, is what you’re suppos’d do.”
You quirked a brow at him.
“You? Telling me to do nothing?”
Simon rolled his eyes, sitting back against the creaking old dinning chair.
“Yeah, shocker I know, but trust me, after years of doing this shit, sometimes you jus’ gotta kick ya feet up and do fuck all.”
You look back to your tea before taking another sip, thinking on his words. He had a point though. As frustrating as it was, wanting to engage in activities that would normally bring you joy, it was only natural to not always be motivated to do them, especially with the grueling type of work you all did.
“Welp,” you shrug, closing your lap top shut and throwing your sketchbook atop it, “guess I’m doing fuck all today.”
A light, deep chuckle came from Simon, him always finding it kind of funny when outlandish vocabulary came from your lips. You never came off as the type to say such words, but then again you also didn’t exactly fit into the picture of the intimidating guys you were so close to.
“Good. Relax, ya earned it.”
You smile up at Simon, your eyes crinkling in the corners something that brought him some warmth.
“We earned it, Simon.”
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imababblekat · 7 months ago
Bayverse TmnT X Reader; Injury HC's
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@hellhound911 ,"Hello I love your writings! I was wondering if I could request with the Bayverse turtles where the reader is in a relationship with the turtles (not all at once, but the little scenarios you do) and they come home hurt really bad and the reader begins to help bandage them up and they are trying to keep it together but they let tears flow and they were worried what would happen if their special turtle died and despite being hurt, the turtles comfort their lovers and say that they love them and they aren’t going anywhere? Things like that? Just a thought whenever you can/want. Thank you!"
◉Story Notes: character injury(nothing explicit), tiny bit of angst with added comfort
Leo’s used to putting on a strong façade for the sake of his brothers, but when he’s with his s/o he feels that he can let that all go and show how hurt he truly is
Yet, the second he sees his s/o’s eyes start to glisten he’s already gently grasping their cheek, worry drowning out any major pain his body was in
He hates that he made them worry so much, and feels guilty at not realizing sooner how coming to them so completely battered might affect them
Leo gets it though, he could never even begin to imagine if something happened to his s/o, which is why he’s out there every night kicking bad guys to the curb
He’ll spend the night at their place, offering them comfort and making them both tea despite his injuries, just so they can hold onto him as much as they need for reassurance that he’s safe, and also so that he may hold them tightly as well
This turtle is constantly getting himself into sticky situations that him and his s/o have a running joke of “x amount of days since Raph got his butt kicked”, that it’s never occurred to him what kind of toll showing up to their place at o’ dark hundred, bruised and bleeding would build up to
It’s not till after one particular bad patrol that his s/o, furious and tear stained while cleaning his wounds, breaks down and practically shouts at him for his carelessness
He’s so confused at first, but once things calm down and his s/o can properly explain how worried sick they are all the time that there will come a night he’s not knocking at their window does it hit him how serious this is
Raph makes his s/o a promise that “ain’t nothin’ stopping me from seen’ your pretty face, doll”, and while he’ll be out there still playing rough, he's definitely more conscious about his actions
Before his s/o, Donnie was always the one to fix his own wounds, but now he had someone he could go to for help
It was still rare that he ever had to, but the few times he did he had always had the sneaking suspicion that it bothered his s/o
He didn’t understand why till he asked one night after a heist gone wrong, and his s/o, bleary eyed and holding back choked sobs, admitted how they were terrified of there coming a time where his wounds were so great they couldn’t do anything to help him
It hit him hard, because if something serious happened to his brothers, they could always count on his expertise medical skills to fix them right up
Now, in holding his crying s/o close to his plastron, his brain was already kicking into gear plans to teach them all he knew, so that should a time ever come, not only his brothers, but his s/o would be ready
Mikey’s not exactly careless, but he is free spirited, and sometimes that would get him into trouble
Before his s/o, his brothers always made sure that he was tended to first if injured during a fight, but when his s/o came into his life he was always quick to run to their place to be doted on
However, one night Mikey is getting a nasty gash sewn up on his bicep and despite still having the energy to crack some light hearted jokes, his s/o is uncharacteristically silent
It takes a bit of prodding but eventually they tearfully admit that, especially after the Kraang incident, they’re terrified that someone will take him, their shinning ray of light, away from this world
Mikey’s heart is so absolutely broken hearing this; he’s so quick to pull his s/o in for a hug, shushing their cries and swearing to the heavens that nothing would take him from his loving angel
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imababblekat · 7 months ago
Imagine not being able to go shopping with Task Force 141. The first time you went group shopping it was just with Kyle and Johnny, but you quickly realized it was a mistake because the two went in on buying your groceries despite you insisting they didn’t have to. At first you think it’s a one time thing, the guys were just being nice, but after a few other trips with them you have to be careful on mentioning going to the store with them around, or else they will hound you to join and pay for everything. One time you slip up and ask if the guys need anything and ofc Johnny is jumping up to put his shoes on and Kyle’s reaching for his keys, but you’re at least quick enough to tell them no. Despite their pouty faces you’ve got your foot down, stating as much as you love the princess treatment you’re not gonna run them poor cuz of their choices to spoil you. Surprisingly Simon and Price say they’ll join you, the team running low on some basic supplies anyways so you’ll probably need the extra hands to help unload the car when you get back. You appreciate the offer, and are a bit relieved, because surely these two would be much stringent about their funds. Turns out, you do need help unloading, but not because of the groceries, because the two older men bought practically anything you even dared glimpse at, and you’re left there flushing still sitting in the car with your hands covering your embarrassed face while Simon calls for Soap and Gaz to come help, Price patting you on the shoulder and proceeding to rip the long receipts to shreds as he gets out the car, not even giving them a glance.
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imababblekat · 7 months ago
Bayverse TmnT X Trans-man Reader; HC's
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Anon Request," I don't know if you do TMNT Bayverse boys with a trans-man!reader so if you don't, I'm sorry and feel free to delete this ask: How would the boys react when their S/O discovers in the middle of their relationship that they don't feel like a girl anymore and realizes that they prefer to be called a man but is scared to tell them for fear of the turtles hating them and break up with them. S/O is scared that they're going to call them a freak and a weirdo for it; even though at times they forget that they're dating a mutant turtle."
◉Story Notes: trans male reader, very brief mention of terf(just the word), s/o referred to as they before coming out to turt bf, he/him with (s/o) is the turt's now bf for clarification, hurt with comfort
He senses from the gecko that something is different about his s/o, it’s an energy thing is what he tells them later on
Leo won’t bring up this strange feeling he has about his s/o till he starts noticing how they started acting almost distant with him
Like they’re hiding something and it concerns him more than anything, because what if it’s something serious? Like they’re secretly in danger?
Leo will sit them down with their favorite drink, somewhere private and let them know that he’s concerned for them, and while they have absolutely every right to not say anything to him, he just wants them to know he hopes they’re okay and that they can trust him
His s/o confessing that they’re trans, was not at all what he thought was going on, but he’s so incredibly happy they felt they could come out to him
However, Leo does feel kind of sad that his s/o had been worried this whole time because of him(s/o) being a transman might effect their relationship
When he(s/o) explains this to Leo, said turtle is quick to reassure him(s/o), stating he’d love him(s/o) no matter how he(d/o) identified, because if anyone knew that there was more to the world than the physical, it’s definitely Leonardo
His s/o’s stiffened return to his hug is what tips Raph off that something is going on
Did he do something wrong? Oh god, he hopes you’re not becoming repulsed by him
After a few more instance of his s/o acting strange, Raph pretty much puts his foot down and ask what’s going on
His s/o is thrown for a loop when he ask if he did something wrong, or if there’s something wrong with him, and it almost makes them laugh
They’re quick to explain, albeit scared, that no, nothing is wrong with Raph, and that in fact, they’re worried that he’ll think something is wrong with them
Poor lover boy is so confused till they confess how they feel like a man more than a girl, and Raph just kind of sits there like. . .ok??
His s/o is still his s/o, and he’ll love him(s/o) regardless of how he(s/o) identifies, so why would he(s/o) be worried what he thinks?
It’s not that he finds his s/o coming out as a transman is bad or anything, he just doesn’t see the big deal till he(s/o) goes on to explain to the large turtle that the reason he(s/o) was so scared to say anything is because of how terribly the trans community has been treated
Raph gets quickly understands then, and even though his s/o being trans doesn’t make a big difference to him, he of all the turtle brothers knows what it’s like to be treated horribly just because you don’t quote on quote fit in
He’ll reassure his boyfriend that coming out doesn’t change anything for him, Raphael still loves him(s/o) wholeheartedly, if anything's changed it’s that he added terfs to his list of “People I’d Punch On Site”
Donnie is so perceptive about things, especially concerning his s/o
He’s the fastest to notice a change in them and ponders if he should outright ask his s/o if everything's okay, or wait for them to come to him
Donnie will test the waters with his s/o responses to any forward actions he takes before deciding this is a matter of them needing to want to come to him, in which case he’ll spend so much time making them comfortable with non-verbal gestures to feel they can confide in him
It takes a while, but Donnie is a patient turtle; if he can spend a week plus on a single project, he can wait an eternity for his love
Eventually they do come to him, in the middle of the night while he’s typing away at his laptop, and his s/o feels their heart flutter when Donnie is fast to stop his work just for them
It helps encourage them in confessing that they no longer feel like a girl, but a man instead, which is terrifying to tell Donnie
Why? Because the man is a literally scientific genius if not prodigy, and bigots love to use science to demean the trans community
So imagine how surprised his s/o is when he simply smiles and gently reminds his s/o that he’s(s/o) dating a mutant ninja turtle
Donnie gets his s/o to laugh the anxiety away by jokingly stating that the most normal part of their relationship is his s/o coming out as trans
Seriously though, he like his brothers love his s/o no matter what, and he’ll spend the rest of the night showing his s/o why being trans is actually scientifically plausible so that if anyone tries to say something to him(s/o), well he’s got his genius partner to back him(s/o) up
Mikey is by far the quickest to find out his s/o is trans; his welcoming personality makes it easy for his s/o to make up their mind on telling him
Ofcourse that doesn’t mean it’s still all that easy, it’s a very serious topic and Mikey tends to be anything but serious
Except for when he picks up on his s/o’s sudden odd behavior around him
He’s so good at letting them know how worried he is, and it nearly breaks their heart that he was so concerned for them
When they do confess that they’re a trans man, a stiff silence fills the room as Mikey stares that them, thinking. . .
It’s got his s/o quickly regretting saying anything, dreading the moment their sunshine would ultimately break up with him(s/o), when Mikey dumbly comments
“So like. . .the robots?”
He's(s/o) left sputtering, on one hand he(s/o) wants to laugh at the pun on the other he(s/o) wants to slap Mikey on the arm
Mikey laughs for them both, quickly pulling his s/o in for a hug and a big smooch, feeling over the moon for being the one his s/o chose to come out to, knowing how big of a moment this is for him(s/o)
His s/o is still a little peeved at his joke, but can’t help to smile because he(s/o) can always count on Mikey to help wash away any fears he(s/o) may have
Not to mention, but Mikey is also the biggest hype man for his transman s/o, if anyone can make someone feel themselves in the best of ways, it’s definitely Mikey and he’s 100% going to make sure his s/o loves being him(s/o) self
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imababblekat · 7 months ago
Bayverse TmnT X Reader; Jealousy HC's
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Anon Request, "Hello, I'm your fan, how are you? Can I ask what the Tmnt's reaction would be to seeing that the girl they like is the best friend of one of their brothers? and see that they have a lot of fun together. How would you handle jealousy and insecurity? Could you talk to her about how you feel about it? (PS: the girl is also in love with him). 💙❤💜🧡Greetings from Buenos Aires! I am writing to you with the translator. Notice in case I have any spelling errors.🥲🥲🥲"
A/N: Oh! Well hello! Thank you very much; I hope you enjoy the request ^-^
-Regardless of which brother has a crush on their friend, they all truly appreciate that the person of their interest gets along well with their brother/s.
-Which makes their feelings of jealousy and/or insecurity very conflicting, and each handle it differently.
-that being said. . .
Leo’s probably the most relieved that his crush gets on with his family, their safety always his top priority, but at the same time he can’t help but feel that he’s lacking something with how close they seem to be versus with him
Such as he wishes that he could be more of a social butterfly like Mikey, scientifically wise in the way Donnie is, or even more of a fun risk taker like Raph
Leonardo thinks that his role as leader makes him come off as some sort of serious kill joy to his interest, and it truly does bum him out, wishing that he could step out of his introverted shell and not be so stiff around them
It would take a deep talk with Master Splinter for Leo to take the chance to talk things out with his crush, his father’s statement replaying out in his mind that he sees the whole story from his point of view rather than a few sentences on the page his son is so tunnel versioned on
Raph won’t ever say it aloud but he appreciates the bond his crush and brother/s have; till he realizes he’s caught feelings for them
Absolutely the most conflicted about the situation and is also the one who comes off as the most jealous, though everyone thinks he’s just being more of an ass than usual
In reality he’s masking over his deep rooted insecurities
He sure as hell isn’t wise and all mystic like Leo, or a magnet of hospitality like Mikey, and there’s a reason he’s the brawns of the team while Donnie is the brains
Raphael hates the notion that he’s intimidating to his interest; he already felt like a freak to begin with, but to feel like the non desirable one amongst his brothers is a new low he didn’t know was possible
Takes a miracle and a half to get him to speak his mind to his crush, meanwhile everyone around them is dying because of the obvious pinning from both idiots in love
Donnie finds comfort in the fact that the groups friend gets along so well with his brother/s, which is why it’s so frustrating to him that he also somehow really hates it
It was never an issue before and he quickly comes to the conclusion that its because he’s formed a crush on the groups friend
Tries to reason with himself that the feeling will pass but when it doesn’t is when it really starts to become a problem
Just because Donnie is the most intellectual member of the group, doesn’t mean he’s immune to in-depth emotions and is very quickly drowned in envious insecurities
Things like why can’t he be cool and collected like Leo, or as whimsy as Mikey, or as impressively strong like Raphael
He only ever even thinks about saying something to his crush after Leo has a talk with him on why he shut himself in his lab for a week while unintentionally giving his crush the cold shoulder; Leo’s statement that they were very concerned they did something wrong being what pushes Donnie because despite his overwhelming emotions he can’t sleep with the fact he made them feel so hurt
Mikey absolute adores that closeness of his brother/s and crush! Mans just keeps collecting a bigger family!
Which is why he doesn’t particularly hold anything against his bother/s for the attention they get from his crush, but more so gets too deep in his head about himself
Mikey knows he can be a lot, that he can be annoying and loud and forget others personal space
With his brothers, he’s used to it, knowing they never truly mean anything negative they say to him, and while his crush hasn’t ever said anything horrid to him, there must be some reason they spend all their time with his brother/s versus with him
Turns out it is because he’s lot, but not in the way he thinks!
It’s Raph who talks some sense into Mikey, the former being the first to notice something really bothering the youngest, and despite making a promise to their friend not to say anything, Raph admits to Mikey the reason behind his crushes apparent avoidance
It’s because they actually have the biggest crush on him as well, but unlike Mikey in all of his excitable nature, they’re much more shy and reserved
The news absolutely breaks Mikey in the best of ways, dude is on cloud nine and trying his hardest to resist running out into the lair to grab his crush into twirling hug
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imababblekat · 7 months ago
I’ve been fawning over COD men for a hot minute now, but I saw a gif of bayverse Mikey and let’s be real, I will still always love my goofy turts 💚
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imababblekat · 7 months ago
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This is Sheldon 😂 he’s an endangered gopher tortoise who showed up one day in 2022 (I think he was barely one because is was spring-summer time and mother gopher tortoises have been observed allowing their young to take shelter in their burrows over the winter) when I was replanting stuff in my greenhouse and he went straight for the old lettuce plants I threw in a compost “pile” by the greenhouse (they were starting to flower which turns their sap from clean to white and is gets sour). After that he went around and dug his burrow on the other side of my fence. He is still there and is about 3 ? I think and currently has been working semi weekly hole under my fence so he doesn’t have to walk all the way to the gate to go under. Occasionally we will get droughts and most of my grass and even the weeds will die off so I’ll occasionally sprinkle stuff randomly in my yard during those times of year for him to find when foraging to supplement his diet but I don’t want him to be reliant on me or too used to people. My recent ongoing project is to find native plants that gopher tortoises like to eat and plant them in my yard in accessible areas for him to find on his own. (Sorry for the very long adhd tortoise ramble 😅😂).
Ooooooh my goodneeeesss!!! Look at him scoots and him lil face!!! He is so stinking cute! And can I say how I absolutely love how he's just living his best life if your back yard like an un official pet of sorts! Where I'm from we got rattlesnakes, tarantulas, you name it, but nothing like this! I can't even imagine having a rattlesnake in my backyard that I'd just occasionally give some food or water lol XD
You're very lucky to have such a cute lil wild buddy, and he's very luck to have an adopted human such as you to help him out in hard times; he just a lil guy (;´д`)ゞ
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