#but that’s all stuff I’ll have to get more into in the comic itself so Ill refrain from gushing abt them rn
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arolesbianism · 10 months ago
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Some more spiraling upwards designs! Meet this lovely family, don’t ask what happens to them dw abt it
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tf2heritageposts · 2 months ago
So, there’s been a big buzz about Team Fortress 2 after the prodigal son of Comic 7 came to us, and ya wanna know what the buzz is about, hm? this post will be a guide to the basics of getting into tf2, and becoming more familiar with the fandom, from a dude who's been in it for bout fourish years
Well, to start things off, TF2 is a game created by Valve in 2007, aka the creators of the video game marketplace Steam and the extremely popular video games Half-life and Portal. There are also some theories that they all exist in the same universe, but this only is canon to HL and Portal some people will say it also contains tf2 but ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
The video game is free on Steam, that is with a massive asterisk as it does contain in-game purchases with real money,for  which you have to purchase a pass at 2 dollars to be able to talk in game or use voice commands. Valve says this is to protect against bots but the bot problem has been over for months and it still hasn’t been solved so what are ya gonna do? For much cheaper, you can go into the mann co store in game and purchase a vitasaw for .22 cents and viola you can talk now!
Something to note is that you do not need to play the game to engage with the fandom. I’ve been running a semi-popular TF2 gimmick blog for almost three years now and I’ve noted that maybe 20-30% of the fandom has never touched the game or even has steam. All of the fancy lore is purely supplemental material found outside of the game through comics, and you could easily just watch videos containing all of the voice lines if you truly wanted to know what the men you were drawing and writing sounded like. 
Regardless, TF2 itself is a first-person shooter with game modes such as payload, king of the hill/control points, and capture the flag if you’re feeling spicy. If you’ve played overwatch, this is that but it won’t trigger epilepsy by playing it. There's also alterate gamemodes such as payload race where both teams are trying to get a payload to the other side, medieval mode where basically any guns are banned and you are slapping people with swords and fish, as well as pass time which nobody plays but has an extremely obscure and complicated achievement attached to it.
There are also community servers where there are extensively more options for playing, such as casual+ servers where the goal is creating a “better” version of the casual servers. This usually means no crits, changes to bullet spread, aka stuff most non comp players Within these community servers, there's many different gamemodes you can play, such as 10x servers where the damage weapons do gets increased 10x 100x 10000000000x etc etc. There are also “fun” servers where the server owner has put about 100 different plugins and you are just having fun non-serious times. It’s fun. 
There are way more community game modes out there for you to enjoy; such as vs Saxton Hale/freak fortress, dodgeball, prop hunt, and plenty more. Explore that community tab to your heart's desire :]
Also! TF2 has a game known as Mann vs Machine(usually called MVM) where you and six other people all kill thousands of robots who are trying to get a bomb to the other side of the map throughout multiple rounds. It’s good fucking fun man. If you want the chance for loot/an extremely rare form of a weapon if you play a map enough, it’s 72 cents per ticket…….but if you don’t care and just want mindless fun, go boot camp and play for free. Boot camp also has way more maps, and often has charity drives hosted by the community where you can earn a neat little badge.
The game also has an extensive player player-driven economy, but unless anyone asks for a post with the basics since I know more about the economy than I’d like, I’ll just say you don’t need to worry about it. lollichop stocks
Now, for the part, most people know about TF2, aka the Meet the Team series of videos. These are a series of 1-3 minute videos on the Valve YouTube channel that introduce the mercs through a consistently inconsistent format. A few of the videos are formatted like an actual interview with the mercs, while others are formatted more like mini TV shows. They’re all wonderfully entertaining and the source of multiple extremely popular memes, meaning even if you don’t know it you’ve been exposed to the videos before. Most famously, it’s the source of the “professionals have standards” image as well as “he could be any one of us”.  It’ll take you around 15 minutes to binge all of the videos. Even if you aren’t interested in getting TF2, I’d heavily recommend watching the videos due to how funny they are, plus genuinely good-looking 3d animation. The link is right here
There’s also Expiration Date, aka the pilot of the canned TF2 adult swim show. It’s also up on the valve’s channel and is around 15 minutes. It is probably one of the best things Valve has made for TF2, as well as being probably one of the most quoted shit on this godforsaken internet. It’s where the “dear god, there’s more” meme is from. Watch it. Right now. it's only like 15 minutes, what else are you doing with your time?
This is where all that juicy lore is. Over the last 17 years, the valve has released free comics to go along with the major updates of TF2, as well as a main series of comics called “mann co no More”. The last comic in this series, which only took about 7 years to come out, aka the length of time someone could have a child and then have that child be in elementary school, was released a few weeks ago as of writing out. 
Something to note is that while the update comics are all mostly goofy and do contain some *very important lore*, they’re not serialized and can be from anywhere within the TF2 timeline. Meanwhile, Mann Co No More is a serialized comic and is trying to be a consistent story. It’s an extremely goofy story with about 40% serious and genuinely interesting plot and 60% whatever the fuck soldier is doing at any given moment
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It’s all very good fun. Fair warning though if you try to become a TF2 loremaster you will go insane. I sure as hell did. 
And now that you have all of the official stuff out of the way, it’s time for
For your beginner in the fandom, there are three main YouTubers I would personally recommend 
Lazypurple, my personal favorite TF2 YouTuber, is most famous for his series of videos “How it FEELS to play __” where he goes over what it's like to play any given class. Except medic. He’s still working on that one. Give him time. https://www.youtube.com/@LazyPurple
Another I’d recommend is Soundsmith, most well known for his guide series on playing the soldier subclass(aka alternate game style) of troldier. And also his cosmetic stereotypes series but he doesn’t like that one these days. He also has a series of videos called “A mann’s guide to the __” where he goes over a more obscure or not very used weapon in TF2. Don’t let the title fool you, it is in no way an actual guide. As a quick warning, Soundsmith sometimes uses the R slur in his older videos. He no longer uses it but just as a warning. https://www.youtube.com/@SoundSmithTF2/videos
Finally, there’s Uncle Dane, most famous for his guides on playing Engineer in the most optimal way possible. If you want to main Engie or even have a passing thought about playing him ever, watch him. https://www.youtube.com/@UncleDane
For some other picks on favorite tf2tubers of mine:
jontohil2: https://youtube.com/c/Jontohil2 most famous for his spy psychology series and guides on playing spy
solar light: https://youtube.com/@SolarLight?feature=sharea most famous for his guides on playing the subclass demoknight and also being the best demoknight player par noneelmaxo https://youtube.com/c/elmaxoTF2 most famous for trying to manipulate the steam marketplace that one time and for his playing 100 hours series. He’s retired nowadays but his videos are still good.
and now
Source Filmmaker, AKA SFM, is a free animation software developed by Valve originally developed for use in the Meet the Team series of videos that is available for public use. The main draw to the software is the ability to make (easier) 3D animation using premade models that are either built into the software or added in through the steam workshop. Due to TF2 and various other valve properties being built into the software, TF2 is often used as placeholder models for SFM videos. But a good chunk of the SFM community are TF2 fans using it to make fancontent(the most famous ones I will get into later)
Some personal favorite SFM makers mine are:
The winglet https://youtube.com/c/tf2thewinglet most famous for winning every saxxy ever
kostamoinen https://youtube.com/@Kostamoinen?feature=sharea most famous for nothing in particular but just generally being a very good sfm maker
https://www.youtube.com/@SilentManJoe/videos most famous for animating for lythero and not being someone you should watch if you’re under 18 generally
And for some underrated picks:
Misan - https://www.youtube.com/@Misantropico
Hotpockette- https://www.youtube.com/@hotpockette/videos 
Colonel fantzipanzen- https://www.youtube.com/@ColonelFanzipantzen/videos
Garry’s Mod,, AKA Gmod, is a sandbox game made as a mod of half life 2. It’s not meant to be an animation software, but dude to some extensions you can download off the workshop, it can be used as a stop motion software with the ragdolls in the game. This is how people animated before SFM was a thing by the way.
GMOD is most famous for being the source of the most batshit tf2 shit you’ll ever see that also doubles as humorus body horror. TF2’s early fandom humor was based off of gmod. And before you ask, skibidi toilet is an SFM series, not gmod despite the similar humor. 
The most famous GMOD maker is stblackst, who makes some of the highest quality shit you can make in GMOD. However, he often uses the r slur and some of his videos contain some extremely uncomfortable jokes, but unfortunately that’s how it is sometimes. 
Another famous and classic gmod creator is thatgraycartoonpony, most famous for his video “Pyro Paints” that showed everyone that you CAN make pyro funny and expressive. Some of the best. 
Finally in our most famous gmod creator trinity, there’s eltorro64rus, most famous for his absolutely insane gmod videos even for gmod. He’s a classic https://youtube.com/c/Eltorro64Rus
For my personal favorite picks:
Dasmashidx- https://www.youtube.com/@DamashiDX
Crazyscoutfin- https://www.youtube.com/@CrazyScoutFIN
Alxium- https://www.youtube.com/@Alxium
Gooserious- https://www.youtube.com/@GooSerious
Something that’s not talked about a lot for some reason!
The two main fan games I’ll discuss here are both by germanpeter on gamejolt
Overtime- https://gamejolt.com/games/overtime/255028
This one of germanpeter’s two crossover tf2 games. Here it’s a crossover of TF2 and Undertale. A legitemtnly fun experience and a good undertale fangame. Fair warning, the sprites are vaguely terrifying.
Midnight Mercenaries- https://gamejolt.com/games/midnightmercenaries/375928
Another crossover game, this one being a crossover of TF2 and Hotline Miami. One of the most fun fan games ive ever played period. Fair warning, if you know what hotline miami is like tone wise, it’s carried over here. Ending may be a bit too angsty and depressing for some people.  
Capture the Intelligence- https://gamejolt.com/games/gmod-capture-the-intelligence/850383
This one is not made by germanpeter! It’s a short horror game with heavy early 2010s gmod inspiration and is pretty goofy. I haven’t personally played it due to time, but I’ve  heard it’s good.
and now
Emesis Blue (and Spy’s disguise)
Emesis blue is a horror film created by the studio Fortress films that came out in 2023. It is one of the most popular sfms in the TF2 fandom ever, and is a full length movie. Seriously, it’s two hours long. I don’t wanna spoil it but I promise it’s good.
However, it’s technically a sequel to another Fortress Film SFM called spy’s disguise. This one is only 20 minutes, and much more humorous than Emesis blue. It is full of body horror though whoops! I would recommend watching it beforehand though. 
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9MiJWNkmWfs - spy’s disguise https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V0ODG8bFme0&t=4s - Emesis blue
Pootis Engage 
A sfm two part series by the wonderful ceno0 that completely changed the SFM landscape. It is so fucking well animated I can’t stress this enough. It is also extremely horny so I’d only watch if you’re of age. 
Pootis engage - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jl6lee2wyPQ&list=PLvgjnNWlcA0x_WMVzuZquKYwTFVbiBekn&index=1&t=144s&pp=iAQBPootis engage// extreme - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lGJBUauU-CE&list=PLvgjnNWlcA0x_WMVzuZquKYwTFVbiBekn&index=2&t=134s&pp=iAQB
The Heavy is Dead
Aka that video we as a fandom are annoying about. A video by the wonderful gmod creator Delak, who doesn’t really do TF2 nowadays, you need to watch it. Not optional sorry
Freak Fortress:
Have you been wondering what the hell is up with those weird edgy looking versions of Tf2 characters? And why some of them consider communion to be literally eating Jesus’s flesh? 
Well, Freak Fortress is a  community of people who make videos using GMOD with community created characters called “Freaks”. You know how SPC is a community/fandom of people who make SPCS and then everyone uses SPCS in their own stories and whatnot? It’s like that. The freaks are usually mercs with specific cosmetics or alterations to their models that act as their own chracters rather than being the mercs.
The most famous ones being
Painis Cupcake - https://tf2freakshow.fandom.com/wiki/Painis_Cupcake
Christian Brutal Sniper- https://tf2freakshow.fandom.com/wiki/Christian_Brutal_Sniper
And Christian Pure Spy- https://tf2freakshow.fandom.com/wiki/Christian_Pure_Spy 
You may notice I linked wiki pages and not videos or playlists. This is due to a few reasons
CPS’s videos are all taken down and you have to watch them through archived channels now, which are pretty hard to find with youtube’s shitty search engine
So many people make different videos with just these three characters, it’s better just to look at the video section of the wiki pages and go through there
If you wanted to get into Freak Fortress, I’d reccomend finding a freak you like on the wiki and then binging all of the videos linked on their page. 
My two personal favorites: 
Soldine -  https://tf2freakshow.fandom.com/wiki/Soldine
Polish Soldier- https://tf2freakshow.fandom.com/wiki/Polish_Soldier
Lil Pootis:
A cute little kind of extremely dark at some points 2d animated series of tf2 videos by the wonderful Quazies. The series is going to be completed for good soon, but as of right now there are nine videos 
and that should be about it. if you have any questions, feel free to ask me. or if you want any gmod reccomendations. i fucking love gmod woo
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jthealien · 4 months ago
I was going to do a quick analysis on the comic’s title in relation to Buddy and uh. here I am now 900 words later. hope at least one person enjoys this,,
TLDR: Maybe the real Cinderella Boy was the weird goth friends we made along the way.
So I was doing my routine pondering of Dreams by Night (because symbolism and parallels are like crack to me) and this line right here might my favorite piece of dialogue in the whole comic:
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Really this scene as a whole might be my favorite moment, but that line in particular — and its implications — are so fascinating to me.
Chase yet again breaks the conventions of a story, but this time it's the story of Cinderella Boy itself. In this case, Chase relinquishes his title of The Hero — or more accurately — The Protagonist. I don’t think it’s any coincidence that right after this moment is our first glimpse of Buddy outside of Chase’s perspective. Outside of the narrative up to that point of him being a villain.
I also don’t think it's a coincidence this is something as unreliable as a dream: a (quite literal) look inside Buddy’s head and thought process. Again, further establishing the unreliability of the story’s narrative as we know it.
I’ll stop before I go full blown analysis mode on the comic’s meta themes of narrative and conventions (saving that for another time). But I do bring up all this stuff about changing the view of the narrative, because I want to talk about another implication of ”This can be your story too.”
Which is that the title of Cinderella Boy actually refers to Buddy (or at least also refers to him).
Chase does fit a lot of the qualities of Cinderella and that story. I mean, it’s the very first story we see him in. But, I also think the Cinderella story fits Buddy even more.
—A young person trapped in a horrible situation, stuck wearing rags and being treated as a pawn for a higher authority’s bidding. (Cinderella being a servant for her “family” and Buddy being a servant for Ex Libris).
—Said higher authority being cruel (The Evil Stepmother and the Old Man)
—The young person is assisted by a lady who gives her nice clothes and an avenue to escape reality. (Violet acting as a fairy godmother-like figure).
—Young person falls in love with a man who can rescue them from their troubles (the Prince and Chase), but doesn’t reveal their identity to the man
—Both Cinderella and Buddy are just nicknames, but that’s how everybody refers to them.
So yeah, lots of parallels to Cinderella with Buddy, at least based on the little we know about him.
I also want to bring up something we see in the very beginning of Cinderella Boy. In the first episode, we get a cliff notes version of Cinderella’s story. Colors (especially background colors) are really important in the comic, representing emotions and characters. And what is the main color that reappears again and again in this episode?
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The petals and roses that surround the snippets of story and the revealing of the main character, all Buddy’s signature color. The petals only turn pink — Chase’s color — when Chase actually appears.
Side note: The inclusion of both purple and pink side by side in this episode also alludes to the fact that, from the start, this is both Buddy and Chase’s story. (Seriously, go check it out, there’s so many instances it’s hard to unsee when looking for them).
Also, where else have we seen purple roses? Oh yeah, Chase’s dream in Dreams by Night. I’ve already rambled about its importance to shifting the narrative. Granted that’s not the only place purple roses appear, but it’s the most relevant.
Beyond just the colors, the actual descriptions of the heroine in the first episode should sound pretty familiar. A person “unknown to all” and “dressed in humble rags.” Sounds a lot like Buddy, from what we see in his dream at least.
Ok, so having discussed all of Buddy’s connections to Cinderella and the comic’s title maybe being about him, this is the part where I start speculating and jumping fifty different sharks. I want to make some predictions about Buddy based on the Cinderella story.
List (the sequel):
1- Buddy is an orphan. (Not far-fetched of an assumption to make about him in general, since in Beach Boys VI he expresses what seems to be confusion about the idea of having a family).
2- The palace’s clock is important in Cinderella, and Buddy’s dream heavily features a clock. So, Buddy’s likely running out of time for something. To find the keys or just being able to see Chase, either/or. What’s going to happen when that time is up? Well…
3- Mimicking Cinderella running away at midnight, Buddy’s going to be forced to leave the stories for good, likely as the season finale.
4- I think Buddy’s going to leave behind a metaphorical glass slipper, an identifier. What do I think it’ll be? His name. (Considering the current relationship between Buddy and Chase. And the fact we’re getting close to the end of the season and therefore a Buddy name reveal, I don’t think this is too improbable).
4.5- This is the most out there one, but Buddy’s name might be related to the name Ella, which is Cinderella’s original name in many interations. Maybe Ellis, Elliot, or Elijah.
It’ll be fun to see if any of these are actually close to what’ll happen. And with that, I’ll end my red string board session for now. :]
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thehypnone · 5 months ago
Symbol on the Surface Chapter 4
WC: 2,1k
Relationship: SwissAlps
Tags: Transmasc Swiss, Pregnancy, Food Repulsion, Fluff, Tickling, Panic Attack, Pregnancy Announcement, More Fluff
“Say what?” Mountain asks, confused. “That you are going to be an amazing father.” “I am going to be an amazing father.”
Notes: Tysm to @jimothybarnes for beta reading :3
Chapter 1 here or on AO3.
Read chapter 4 under the cut or on AO3.
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Swiss and Mountain leave for their cabin in the woods the next morning. 
The earth ghoul insists on carrying all of their stuff himself, only letting Swiss drag a lightweight cart with food. He may be barely two months pregnant, but Mountain is not willing to risk putting him in any kind of physical distress.
The cabin is quite deep in the forest, but it’s not a terribly long walk. They’re both still tired so it takes them a little longer than usual, but soon enough they make it.
Mountain makes Swiss lay down and do…well, absolutely nothing for most of the day, claiming that the walk itself was enough physical activity for the day. Swiss giggles at his overprotectiveness, but obliges. In the meantime the earth ghoul cleans up a little and then moves on to making dinner for them when it’s starting to get late.
It smells and looks absolutely delicious, but when Mountain sets the plate before his mate, Swiss’ stomach turns unpleasantly.
“Sorry, my love,” Swiss mumbles, “it looks great, but I just…I can’t eat, I’m sorry.”
“No, don’t be sorry,” Mountain smiles softly and comes up to cup his mate’s cheek with his hand. “It’s probably all the stress, it’s okay.”
Swiss leans into his touch and closes his eyes. The earth ghoul crouches down to embrace him fully, but gets a better idea after a second. He worms one of his arms under Swiss’ ass and picks him up; he yelps as Mountain stands up and turns to the bed.
“What about your food?” Swiss whines dramatically, stretching the last word out. Mountain gently puts him on the bed on his back and fluffs up the pile of pillows around him.
“I’ll heat it up later,” he shrugs. For a moment the multi ghoul thinks his mate is trying to eat something else—which he would decline this time, not being in the mood—but Mountain moves further and further down until he’s off the bed entirely, kneeling at the foot of it. He takes the fluffy socks Swiss’ is sporting off,  wraps his long fingers around his feet and digs his thumbs in.
“What are you doing?” he giggles as Mountain leans down to kiss the arch of his left foot while massaging it.
“Giving you a foot rub,” he explains bluntly. 
“I can see that, but why? I’m not that pregnant yet.”
“Are you telling me I can’t dote on my mate whenever I feel like it?” The earth ghoul looks up at him with one eyebrow raised comically high, making Swiss snort.
“You look ridiculous!” he laughs. “Like that–that one emoji!”
Mountain can’t hold out for longer and bursts out laughing too. He drops his head and the sight of Swiss’ feet right in front of his face gives him an idea. He changes the heavy rubbing of his thumbs to lighter touches that immediately make the multi ghoul start squirming and squealing.
“No, oh my–no, Mountain, don’t–don’t tickle me!” he yells in between breathy giggles, but Mountain knows he isn’t actually asking him to stop. He knows when to do so; it’s when Swiss’ breathing starts to get a little wheezy and his toes curl.
The earth ghoul crawls up the bed, then, to hover over Swiss and only leans down to kiss him on the tip of his nose. He pulls him down and Mountain falls into the plush bedding right next to him.
They’re quiet for a moment, before Swiss speaks again, “My brain just provided me with an image of you playing with our kits like this.”
Mountain’s chest warms.
“I can’t wait,” he sighs.
“Me neither,” Swiss adds.
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After five days in the woods, Mountain and Swiss decide they have rested enough and are ready to go back to the Abbey. They make their way back around midday, spend some time in their room, and then move to the kitchen.
Mountain texted the band’s new group chat earlier, saying that he and Swiss are making dinner this evening and that everyone—including Copia—is invited because there is also going to be an important announcement made.
Cooking side by side effectively took the expecting parents’ minds off of the conversation they are going to have soon, and now as they’re eating with their family they both think—unknowingly—about the same thing.
How these kits couldn’t have been sent into a better pack.
Swiss still doesn’t eat much (they have been told by Omega that food repulsion is common at this stage, so they’re not worried), but enjoys the light conversation with Rain on his left. Meanwhile Mountain, sitting on his right, is talking with Dewdrop over something they both seem quite passionate about.
But soon enough the table is cleared and it’s time for the announcement to be made.
“Okay, uh–so…” Swiss starts, clearing his throat, as he stands up. Mountain does, too, and he puts a hand on the multi ghoul’s waist in a protective and supportive gesture. “There’s something important—but not bad—that we need to tell you because, uhm…well, because you all are our family—you too, Papa—and we want you to know first.”
Some mutters of ‘we appreciate it’ and ‘we’re honored’ can be heard around the table, as well as some content chirps and trills. Swiss opens his mouth again to finally let the words tumble out, but they…don’t.
He looks up at Mountain with pleading eyes and his mate nods, understanding. He takes a deep breath before turning back to his pack and speaking for them both, “Swiss is pregnant, we are going to have kits.”
Jaws drop and it’s dead silent for a moment.
But then it explodes.
Everyone is asking questions, someone is already congratulating them, someone is squealing and then there’s a hand on Swiss’ shoulder and he–he can’t.
Suddenly painfully overwhelmed, he turns with a whine and hides against Mountain’s chest, hands over his ears. His mate wraps his arms around him and growls loud enough to make the whole room shut up.
“Sorry,” Aurora is the one to speak up and apologize for them all.
“One at a time, please,” Mountain asks them before sitting back down with Swiss in his lap. He’s already calming down from the initial panic and he just realizes how…skittish he’s been lately. Probably another pregnant ghoul instinct thing.
Nobody speaks, though, until Papa raises his hand. It’s a little silly, but both Mountain and Swiss appreciate it.
“How far along are you?” Copia asks.
“Around eleven, maybe twelve, weeks,” Swiss answers and the human nods with a light smile.
Rain goes next, “You said kits, as in…multiple?”
“Yeah, there’s three cooking in there,” the multi ghoul chuckles, poking his stomach.
“Woah,” Dewdrop and Sunshine whisper in unison, making a few others laugh.
“When are they gonna come out?” Aeon asks with a curious tilt of his head.
“Omega thinks sometime in February,” Mountain is the one to answer this time.
Cirrus perks up next. “Do you know their elements already?”
“No,” Swiss says, “with a mixture like us two we’re not going to know until they’re born.”
“Will you let me make some cute clothes for them?” Cumulus all but pleads, already so excited at the prospect of making teeny tiny kit clothes.
“Duh,” the multi ghoul laughs. There’s more questions and congratulations and promises of support. A specific one makes the room fall silent again.
“Omega said it’s, uhm…that it’s possible they won’t live,” Swiss admits despite wishing he wouldn’t have to say such a thing.
“That’s why we are only telling you for now,” Mountain adds, “and we don’t want anyone else to know yet.”
The pack nods and promises to keep it between them.
The atmosphere is nice, but a little overwhelming, so Swiss and Mountain decide to say their goodbyes and go to bed early—both exhausted. They skip the shower and jump straight into their nest to curl around each other and fall asleep while purring loudly.
Some time after he’s fallen asleep, Mountain’s eyes snap open.
He sees nothing but darkness.
He looks around frantically and blindly slaps around his bedside table, hoping to light his phone up. It does; it’s three in the morning.
The earth ghoul uses its gentle light to look over at his mate sleeping beside him—curled up a little with his arms around his stomach; a protective position a pregnant ghoul would usually take in the Pit. It’s actually amazing how their hellish instincts surface in moments like these.
Mountain wants to smile, but instead something unpleasant makes his stomach turn and suddenly he remembers why he woke up. It was some strange dream, he doesn’t remember any details, but it left him shaking with anxiety.
He feels a panic attack incoming and crawls out of bed not to disturb Swiss. The earth ghoul leaves their bedroom and makes his way to the common room to get some cold water. 
Mountain doesn’t even bother to turn on the light, operating on autopilot until he’s leaning against the counter with a glass of water in hand. He sips it slowly and breathes deeply in between, trying to push away the panic that’s beginning to swallow him whole. The earth ghoul slides down to sit on the ground and puts his head in between his knees, still breathing in and out.
The earth ghoul jumps, dropping his glass on the floor. Thankfully it’s empty already and the distance from his hand to the ground isn’t especially big. “Lucifer, you scared me!” 
“Sorry, didn’t mean to,” Aether chuckles. He must be coming back or leaving for his infirmary shift—Mountain isn’t sure which. “What are you even doing here at this hour, are you okay?”
“Woke up and needed to get some water,” the earth ghoul shrugs, but his thoughts do not stop spiraling. Aether will sense that soon enough. “Had a…uh, a dream.”
“Not a good one, I assume?”
Mountain shakes his head. “I–this is so scary, I’m–I’m not cut out to be a–a father. A father, Aether!”
“But you always wanted to have kits,” the quintessence ghoul reminds him, “and I’ve known you for long enough—and have seen you interact with the Siblings’ children—to be absolutely sure you will be a great dad.”
Mountain grimaces and drops his head between his knees again. “But what if I won’t? What about Swiss, then? What about the kits? There’s going to be three.”
Aether doesn’t reply—he only sighs and comes over to sit next to the other.
“If they even survive…” the earth ghoul adds in a quiet voice.
“Hey, no,” Aether stops him right away, “don’t go there. They’ll be fine. You will be fine. I can only imagine how scary that is, but I know that this is a dream come true for you, Mount.”
“Well…yeah,” he admits, “it is.”
“Exactly! Stress is valid, but you can’t doubt yourself or your mate right now. I’ve already told you, you are going to be amazing parents.”
Mountain lets out a shaky breath and nods, acknowledging Aether’s words. He’s right and it’s not only a dream come true, but also a quite literal miracle. A miracle granted just to Swiss and Mountain.
“Okay,” he says after a moment. “Okay, I’m–I’m good. Thank you, Aether.”
The other pats him on the back before standing up and extending a hand to hoist him up, too. “Anytime. And I mean it. We’re a pack and you are definitely going to need all the help you can get once these three little demons pop out of Swiss.”
Mountain chuckles despite the…slightly worrying implication, “Yeah, we will.”
“Alright, now, go back to your mate,” Aether tells him. “Don’t let him doubt your decision.”
“I won’t.” The earth ghoul puts away his glass and turns to the door.
“Now say it for me.”
“Say what?” he asks, confused.
“That you are going to be an amazing father.” Aether grins.
Mountain shakes his head with a light laugh, “I am going to be an amazing father.”
“Atta boy,” Aether praises and leaves. The other switches off the light, that he hasn’t even noticed was on now, and follows, albeit in a different direction.
As he gets back to their room and snuggles against Swiss again, he mutters the words to himself one more time “I am going to be an amazing father.”
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Taglist: @arkeusruin @skele-bunny @everybodyshusband @ratsummer @jazz-bazz @mac-and-thefox @karmicbias @wine-irytatus
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ryuichirou · 8 months ago
Aphrodisiac/womb tattoo HCs
So we had these two wonderful asks from two wonderful Anons…
Anonymous asked:
this is lowkey cursed and i’m sorry… but how would the twst boys act if they ingested an aphrodisiac??? like the sexy soup scene from danganrompa 2? (rip ortho lmao)
i love the content, thank you for doing these hcs for us all !!! :D 🖤🖤🖤
Anonymous asked:
I wanted to say that just like that other Anon the Idia womb tattoo comic lives rent free in my head. Any headcanons for how some other characters would react to having a womb tattoo/consequences of having one ;)
And I’ve been going back and forth thinking whether I should write these as two separate lists or not: despite these two technically being different prompts, the end result is somewhat similar… So I decided to combine them, but specify the possible changing elements as much as possible! I hope it’s okay with you.
I’ll also talk about both tops and bottoms because I have seen some djs in which the top gets the tattoo and it just manifests in an uncontrollable desire to impregnate someone lol And sexy soup doesn’t discriminate, so neither will we >:3
Thank you so much for your patience, your asks and for enjoying our stuff. Let’s dive in.
Riddle – he would be so helpless. If he knows for a fact that there is a culprit to this (i.e. Ace added something to his tea, or someone casted a spell that came out wrong), he’ll take their head off. Then he’ll try to fix himself with magic or some other potion, but he’ll just end up significantly enhancing the effect of the spell/potion somehow. He’ll try to go to infirmary next, but will collapse on the floor helpless and horny until someone picks him up… imagine trying to help out your strict and proper housewarden just to hear him whispering something uncharacteristically horny to your ear because his womb tattoo is so bright you can see it through his west/the aphrodisiac effect is so strong he is drooling.
Ace – his go-to would be to lock himself in their dorm room and start masturbating lol but it won’t help him because the aphrodisiac is strong/the womb tattoo won’t go away until he actually inseminates someone. In his perfect world this condition of his would be a secret, but he is loud af, so people will absolutely hear him yelling “why doesn’t it go away??” from the other room. Pray for any guy who walks on him trying to fix this thing himself: Ace is desperate, he doesn’t care who this is anymore…
Deuce – he’ll 100% try to isolate himself, and he’ll do a better job at keeping it a secret than Ace (completely terrified of the possibility of being made fun of)… at first. After he masturbates and touches himself down there 34 times (HOW MANY TIMES??), and realises that he just keeps teasing himself and feeling even worse, he’ll bite the bullet and go ask for help. He won’t go to Ace though, he’s more likely to ask a senpai if he knows how to fix this… maybe Trey. He is smart.
Trey – he’ll instantly figure out what this is, and pretty quickly realise that this is probably the result of some kitchen or lab accident… he’ll miraculously manage to conceal his boner for an entire day, trying to solve the mystery of how the fuck is he supposed to get rid of it if masturbating would only make it worse. Then he’ll begrudgingly accept the fact that he has to have sex for this to go away, start thinking about every possible “safe” candidate… and end up fucking Riddle, which is the least safe option out of all of them lol but he got way too horny by the end of the day.
Cater – he’ll lie about feeling unwell and hide in his room. Then he’ll try to google either the spell itself (he’ll only find doujins lol) or some ways to get rid of the aphrodisiac’s effect, but it wouldn’t help much because to do anything he would have to leave his bed. He’ll try sleeping it off, but then wake up in the middle of the night feeling worse than ever with his sheets completely wet and his dick hard and red. He’ll probably go out of his room and jump the first guy he sees, pushing him against the wall just so he doesn’t see who is touching him. He won’t remember much about it afterwards… was it a dream?
Leona – he doesn’t have time for this bullshit: the moment he notices something shiny under his belly button, he’ll know what to do. It is very humiliating, but you know what’s more humiliating? Suffering with this shit for an entire day. So he’ll just call Ruggie and demand for him to cum inside until the tattoo is “filled” and goes away. Or until he sweats off all the aphrodisiac juices…
Ruggie – to him it’s a huge bummer that messes with his plans a lot. He’ll try to power through this, but he won’t be able to. This is the first time in Ruggie’s life when he wants to have sex because of horniness and not because of the perks it would give him. He would start sniffing the other beastmen sneakily, thankfully, they wouldn’t expect anything shady from him… he’ll probably end up being saved by Leona though, who yoinked him at the very last moment before Ruggie tried to pounce on some huge dog guy. Being horny makes you stupid.
Jack – he’ll try very hard to tolerate and hide it, but he won’t be able to :( He’ll start pacing around, panting with his tongue out, drooling, sniffing everyone… not to mention, the bulge is huge and very obvious. Sometimes the tattoo would randomly get shinier and stronger, and Jack would barely hold back the urge to hump the closest thing next to him. At some point he’ll give up and go to the infirmary, but will see Deuce before he manages to. He’ll breed him for 4 hours.
Azul – he is way too proud to ask for help, he’ll hide in his room for an entire day and refuse to leave his desk lol it’s so obvious he is hiding something under the table. He’ll be so irritable for an entire day, he’ll snap at everyone to leave him alone and get back to work… He is very good with spells and potion, so he’ll also try to fix it himself, but will also make it significantly worse. His only option is to demand the Tweels to bring him Idia without explaining anything…
Floyd – he’ll try to fight it for like 30 minutes because he didn’t want to get a boner wtf. He has no shame, so he’ll show the tattoo to everyone and poke it a lot. But he’ll get tired of it pretty quickly; so while Azul and Jade were discussing what they could do to help Floyd out and whether they should collect his saliva to study the aphrodisiac, Floyd just went and fucked someone. What? He wanted to.
Jade – it's definitely an uncomfortable sensation and he’ll try to get rid of asap, but… maybe he could show it to Azul and politely ask for a day-off, just so Azul yells at him to go away and not come back until that thing is gone? Maybe he’ll do that. And then he’ll think about who he would like to fuck, since he has this perfect excuse of “oh I am sorry, I can’t quite control myself”. Who would be the most inconvenienced but would have the most interesting reactions? Much to think about on his day-off.
Kalim – come on now, is there any other possible scenario? Of course he’ll wake up with a fever and a huge boner, all sweaty and in agony, and Jamil will lose 10 years of his life worrying about someone poisoning Kalim. He’ll make him drink 30 antidotes, and none of them would work because this isn’t poison, it’s an aphrodisiac… or a womb tattoo, which isn’t much better. So of course he’ll end up jerking Kalim off, and then having sex with him because Kalim would get so clingy that it’ll become obvious that there is only one way to save his life. Jamil will believe that it was necessary to save Kalim’s life for his own sanity…
Jamil – did he catch it from Kalim?? Anyways, he is less likely to use Kalim for this lol And he’ll also figure out pretty quickly that neither potions nor spells would make him less horny. Despite not liking the scenario at all, he’ll start convincing himself that maybe if he uses snake whisper no one would ever know about what he did…and as he starts rationalising this, he’ll get hornier and hornier in anticipation. But Jamil wouldn’t be Jamil if things went as he planned, so he’ll end up stumbling upon Azul. In such state... Jamil has never felt like he was actively leaking before… is this the worst day of Jamil’s life? Or the best day of Azul’s?
Vil – see, in theory he wouldn’t have any problems at all: all he needs to do is to excuse himself, call for Rook and be done in 20 minutes, but Vil is just as unlucky as Jamil sometimes, so it will happen at the worst time possible. Was there something in his drink? Did someone curse him in a sneaky way? Anyways, being around a bunch of sweaty guys for an entire hour of PE in that state was horrible. He was hugging his stomach and trying to sit down as much as he could for this entire time, crossing his legs and feeling very hot in his clothes. At some point he felt like he undressed completely and made his state visible to everyone, but thankfully it was just a hallucination. That scared him so much that jumped Rook the moment he saw him after class.
Rook – now this is someone who will enjoy the feeling of eagerness and horniness lol He’ll get interested in how much his body could endure without stimulation at that state. He is used to waiting out until certain poisons effect wear off, but this one is special – it doesn’t, it only gets stronger! So yeah he did a very stupid thing by waiting out for 3 days because by the time it became impossible to tolerate, Rook became delirious. Whoever he’ll jump in this state will be in his bed for a day.
Epel – he would be so horribly embarrassed and wouldn’t want to tell, but he is way too obvious. He would wiggle on his chair, be restless, pant and moan quietly, grab his stomach randomly. He would also stare a lot, especially if this is during the Magift Practice. He would transform into a “head-empty bimbo” lol Now is he going to get loved by the entire Magift team or is Rook going to take him back to Pomefiore to look into what’s wrong with him? Who knows.
Idia – we already know what would happen to him lol I’ll just add that he is probably going to try out having sex with Ortho first, but since Ortho’s seed doesn’t fill the “tank” that is Idia’s womb tattoo, he’ll just fuck his brother in vain. At least he enjoyed it, right?~
Ortho – human!Ortho that is (sorry, Danganronpa references…). Honestly, I feel like he’ll just cling to Idia instantly lol He won’t even consider an option of trying out any other remedy. If he feels himself burning with desire down there, he’ll just jump Idia and act all cutely, maybe even whine a little about how Idia is the only one who can help him. But despite being all cute and whiny, he’ll say pretty cursed stuff about producing offsprings with his niichan while fucking him. Afterwards he just shrugs and says that he doesn’t remember saying that but… Idia would be so shocked though: he didn’t know so much cum could fit into his body. He is terrified to look down.
Lilia – he would sigh and say that he is he too old for this, and that he haven’t felt like that in 300 years. He is not as strongly affected as he would if he was a bit younger, but the spell still won’t go away until he does anything to it. So he’ll just fly to his boys, pull up his shirt and playfully ask about who is in the mood to help him out; visually he would be completely unfazed, even if his dick would bulge in an obscene manner. Then again, he might also try showing it to Idia first because they had a conversation about this thing one time, and Idia thought that Lilia was joking when he said that he had experienced the tattoo before…
Silver – he’ll try to tolerate it. This isn’t the first time he has to tolerate the feeling of horniness, even though it usually isn’t this extreme + the tattoo is troubling. If it doesn’t go away by the end of the day (and it won’t), he’s likely show it to Lilia, but even before Lilia says something about the tattoo, Silver’s body would react to him just being in the same room. Silver will drop his head on Lilia’s shoulder and moan quietly, shaking a lot. This would surprise Lilia, but it’s all good, he’ll help out~
Sebek – he’ll also try to tolerate it because he is another “If I keep ignoring it maybe it will go away” type. He can’t talk to anyone about this, he can’t be seen like this! But he is absolutely going to: the boy is way too obvious. Similarly to Jack, he’ll get very red and start panting, almost crawling instead of walking. Is he hiding his boner or is his body not listening to him anymore? Your guess is as good as mine. But he will be as helpless as he would be dangerous because it will take only about 40 minutes of trying to endure this for him to start jumping on people.
Malleus – now this one is trouble; technically he is the only person in NRC that is powerful enough to neutralise the womb tattoo all by himself + his dragon blood would probably filter out the aphrodisiac very quickly if he wanted to, but… would he want it? He’ll think about it for a couple of hours while wandering around abandoned buildings, and then the heat and pain would get too annoying, but the thought of responding to and fulfilling this growing desire would start sounding kind of good in his head. Whether it’s Lilia or Sebek, whoever he sees first, would have the absolute honour of making sure Malleus’ body is satisfied. Pray for both of them because Malleus’ demands are insane: for the aphrodisiac to dissipate or the womb tattoo to be filled, it would take him 5 times the time that is usually necessary. He could even prolong it if he enjoyed it too much and didn’t want it to end. Technically. Not saying he is going to.
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the-100-days-of-junkan · 2 months ago
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Day 99
Yeah I didn’t even bother coming up with a cover for this one lol, mostly cause i couldn’t think of a title.
It’s another Comic!! I hope ya’ll liked it! For the longest time I’ve wanted to do this. I would say like, Day 70 at the very latest, but it was probably closer to around Day 60 that I decided I wanted to do this. Because like, how could I not, y’know? What better way to mark the end of the project then with a Wedding. Because yes, if it wasn’t really obvious, today is the Proposal, tomorrow is the Wedding, but I’ll talk more about that tomorrow.
I decided to make this a Silent Comic, partially cause I thought that would make it unique from Day 60, and also because I really didn’t have it in me to try and write dialogue for this. Also yeah this was way before The Gift of Mikan was even a concept in my mind, and god can I just say that I performed a huge jump in skill when it came to actually prepping for these. There was like, no fucking script for this one, at best it was a brief description of what the page would be. Meanwhile Gift of Mikan had panel by panel descriptions and the dialogue written out ahead of time. Not fully professional but partially professional and that’s just enough. 
Honestly though? I don’t have much to say here! I just wanted to make a nice comic of Junko proposing, because that feels like such a special, wonderful moment for these two that I wanted to depict. There was a part of me that really wanted to do Mikan proposing in this instance, but I think I’ve done plenty enough role reversal for this project, so let Junko actually get to do something in line with the dynamic. But hey. Maybe a fanfic down the line? who knows!~ 
Uhhhh, the room number for their hotel! It’s 36, which is what happens when you add their birthdays together. There’s a fun fact. Right?
Hm. Uhhhh, oh! We came back to colored sketches one more time! As this was before my body just became biologically inclined to be capable of freehanding the two. Yeah that’s vaguely interesting.
Yeah alright people, I’ll just see you tomorrow, I know i’ve been talking your ear off the past like, week with all the fanfic stuff but I really got nothing interesting this time around. Rest assured, tomorrows a big day. And while I might not be able to talk about the art itself (maybe?), I do have to end this project off properly. It’s gonna be long, sappy, and maybe even a little more personal, who knows! I haven't written it yet!
As always, Reblogs, Comments, and Little Notes in the Tags are appreciated!~ They always make my day!~
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vespidclan · 18 days ago
More ooc/irl stuff questions, wondering but are you still playing the save, just a few moons ahead. Or did you play it in full/until you were satisfied, and therefore know how the story will end? : 0c
And this is probably some sort of spoilers right now, but once the comic end, will you explain how you did the "404 resetting the moons until she gets what she wants" and other coding shenanigans she did? Like, did you immediatly get Icicle succumbing in the medic den, and turned it into 404's reset shenanigans for the story. Or did you actively "roleplay" as her by resetting until you got what 404 would have wanted? Same for stuff like the bloodthirsty/loyal coding thing etc : 0c
1: I know how it will end because I played the entire save already. Though that was technically a lie, because I played 100 moons in, but I want the story to have 109 moons (hehe reference). The rest of the 9 moons I want to be a surprise for me but aside from that I have an idea for the ending
2: The stuff 404 does was just little additions I made to the story and not actual coding work I did myself. While I was playing the save I never once had the idea of making it meta and that was just something I added later on when I wanted the story to be more than casual, since crazy things do happen and it worked out well enough!
The idea of where I got 404 was funny actually. Only after I finished the story was when I wanted an antagonist but there wasn’t any cat in the game that would’ve been a good fit, and I wanted this antagonist to be ‘inhuman’ and ‘driven by hate’ who ‘messed with the files’ since I was inspired by IHNMAIMS. This was super weird of me to do and I don’t recommend doing it but I just… kept clicking at ‘new clan’ to see if there were any randomly generated cats that were interesting enough to choose and boom! Moththorn!
This is the part where it gets kinda spoilery?? Nothing related to WTTG it’s kinda just background lore lol. I miiiight implement this later in the comics so I’ll put it under the cut
Me making Moththorn into the game was kinda like me dooming her from the start? from the first moment she was in Pineclan she was always meant to become self-aware since that’s what I always planned it to be. She’ll know she’s self aware but she’ll never know that she was specifically programmed to be self aware if that makes sense. Her being added into the game later is also why the gorls ages are so weird and not realistic. cuz they weren’t supposed to be her kids in the first place.
…It’s sorta why she had a close attachment to the game once she went into Out Of Bounds. It’s basically the holder of all things, the ‘god’ of the world and she was relieved to find it since that was what she was after; the truth. The game didn’t kick her out of Out Of Bounds either, mostly out of interest, and it gave her the power to control the Out Of Bounds since having a ‘happy and carefree life’ was what she truly wanted.
Of course then the system begins to start breaking down because this cat is controlling a part of itself. It is trying to stop her but still wanting to keep its status as ‘perfect’ so there isn’t much done to stop it… That’s where we left off at WTTG anyways. I think we’ll get 1 or 2 more parts depending on how much I add hehe
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essycogany · 10 months ago
Why Sonic Prime Shouldn’t Be Canon
There will be 0 disrespect to anyone involved in this post.
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Think whatever you want to think and make your own conclusions after reading this. Prime is an entertaining show. This is only for whoever wonders why I talk about this show a certain way. Yes, the consistency in the franchise is already shattered to pieces, (no pun intended) but the excuse implies the mistakes in the past shouldn’t be improved upon. Making things worst doesn’t fix anything. Also, give the franchise a little credit, there’s more obvious reasons to believe this show isn’t canon then stuff in the games and IDW.
Why Are We Told Prime Is Canon
1. The writer for the games/comics and the director stated Prime was canon. I assume in order to sell the show and make it seem more important than it is. That’s not even an insult because so far, Prime impacts nothing in canon.
Ian Flynn: “It doesn’t matter, b/c Prime wipes itself out. It’s something after Advance 3, but otherwise, it’s moot. I didn’t want to sour anyone’s expectations or investment by spoiling how Prime resolves, that’s all. If you enjoyed it, awesom. Savor it. If you didn’t, then you can safely ignore it. Simple as that.”
2. While I don’t remember who said this, it’s also been stated Prime went through changes. It was originally meant to be written as its own thing and hilariously ended up feeling less canon because of this change. Which you’ll probably notice in a bit. Long story short Sonic Prime, like the movies and shows, is a disposable adaptation you can love or hate.
3. Aside from Sonic and Shadow, you aren’t able to spend enough time with the OG cast or world, so you’d need to know and understand them outside of Prime. Which debatably isn’t enough, but that’s a can of worms I feel plenty have already opened up, so I’ll only simplify it later. In the end, the show never gets time to establish itself in the OG world. Which has a terrible impact on the writing, but let’s move on.
Side Note: No, the shatterverse crew don’t count in my opinion. While they are similar to the OGs they are still their own characters with separate personalities and issues in their own worlds. They are similar, but not the same.
Prime feels more like an origin story without the continuity of the games.
Example 1: Green Hill is Sonic and his friend’s home. Despite the games and IDW have them live everywhere that isn’t Green Hill. Classic timeline included. They barely talk about the place. I recommend watching “Where The Heck Does Sonic Live?” on YouTube. If you want the short of it, I’ll explain a few points and add my own as well.
Here’s most of the different homes these characters lived in.
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Station Square, the Mystic Ruins, Emerald Town, and others use to be homes they stayed in and they’re never mentioned. It’s like they put the modern cast into the classic timeline. Which still had them not live in Green Hill. Heck, Shadow, Rouge, and Big are shown in Green Hill too and they didn’t even exist during the classic era.
This is how Green Hill is seen in IDW.
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Sure looks like people use to live in this place. Sarcasm aside, Green Hill either wasn’t special enough for them to keep living in or they never lived there before and this was conjured up because Green Hill is constantly used in the games.
Even people who knows the bare minimum about Sonic lore would understand how baloney this is. Especially since Sonic and the gang has been established to be found in other places. Which is shown in the Origin cutscenes. They don’t clarify in the show who exactly lives in Green Hill and who doesn’t. They treat it like everyone’s home. Shows how much we know about these characters within Sonic Prime, doesn’t it?
Example 2: No other group of Sonic characters, locations, or worlds are ever mentioned/referenced. In Prime the blue blur meeting Chaos!Sonic should’ve reminded him of Metal!Sonic, but he talks as if he’s never seen another version of himself in his life. “Is that a… knock off me?” The lack of robot knowledge in this show is crazy when given more errors.
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“Robots without flickies? Now that’s new.” I believe everyone knows how false this line is. Also, Orbot and Cubot doesn’t exist until Colors. (though Orbot is in Unleashed) Which is a problem because Prime is suppose to take place directly after Advanced. Which had several games before Colors. Where they didn’t exist.
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Example 3: The OG cast though similar, still have their differences.
Big: He’s treated like a core member of the team when he’s not in anything else. Bro doesn’t even get much to do or say at all. He’s just there for the most part.
Knuckles: He meets Sonic in a completely different setting then in actual canon and doesn’t seem to live on Angel Island for some reason. At least not by what was shown.
Eggman: Still relatively fine, but teaming up with anyone even himself never turns out well. He usually doesn’t care for sharing his spotlight.
Rouge: Same thing as Big besides Dream Team. In the games/comics she usually does her own thing. And is also more sneaky and unpredictable while Prime shows off her more leadership side. She’s kind of half and half in the same to different category.
Tails: Surprisingly more closed off then usual and almost seems to switch sides with Sonic in the personality department. Emotionally that is.
Amy: She’s more of a motherly figure than anything else. Amy’s bird friend is pink instead of blue like in SA1. They also treat it like it’s always been with her but hasn’t. She’s also incredibly calm and collected compared to how she was during the 2000s. The time the Advance games where coming out. She was written pretty differently to say the least.
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Not to mention one line in the entire show is the only indication of Amy’s crush on Sonic. It was implied not shown.
Sonic: He’s almost treated as an amalgamation of different variations before him. Except it’s his first time getting into an issue he isn’t ready to handle. Because he caused it. On top of that, this guy also carries most of his friends emotional traits. Amys’ excitement, Tails’ saddens, and Knuckles’ anger. Here’s why.
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Prime!Sonic seems to be naturally affectionate then in canon since he hugs almost everyone in it. He’s also more emotionally triggered, childish, and inexperience while Game!Sonic isn’t. And has never been shown to be either. Not even in the IDW comics or games with Classic!Sonic. A younger version of him. Don’t get me started on the differences to the 2000 games like Advanced. Game!Sonic then was more introverted while Prime!Sonic is very extroverted. He also panics a bunch. As if he’s not use to terrible things happening frequently.
He can be very wimpy and whiny when it comes to confrontations. Which was never a thing before in any other media. At least not to the point where he’s begging and pleading to people over and over again. I’ll even admit this Sonic isn’t the smartest either. He’s the Sonic you’d be the most convinced to believe is a teenage boy. Besides Movie!Sonic.
Of course Prime!Sonic is still Sonic, but he’s as much of a Sonic as every other version of him. He’s not the same guy who use to not be a fan of hugs. Who can deal with atrocities without freaking out once. The character who hasn’t even officially cried up to this point. Who is just now starting to open up and is still having trouble with it. The silly hedgehog isn’t too out of character but is enough to not be called the same character. Sure, Sonic’s characterization is inconsistent in the games, but I’d say the 2010s is less out of character and more one noted. He at least carries these traits even if not written well.
- The “sentimental” line in S1 Ep6 is one of the few out of character things he says. Even if the blue blur thought this, he’d never say it out loud.
Shadow: He’s the best written character in the show. Not to mention the most accurate to how he is in canon. Even compared to some of the games and comics. He’s the true MVP of Sonic Prime and has the most common sense. I only hate how he’s literally pushed to the curve in every season. And how Shadow’s backstory is never referenced. Only implied by Sonic screaming his name when he plummets to his doom. But I’d argue that’s more so because Shadow is the last person left who isn’t implied to be dead. Sure, it reminds people of SA2, but that’s all it really is. A reminder not a direct reference.
I will clarify I don’t dislike the show for being different. I dislike the show calling itself canon despite it’s differences.
I know Prime “wipes itself out” but the original world doesn’t have the same continuity of the games either. The established world and lore in Prime is barely connected to the Games due to the writing, so wiping the shatterverse out doesn’t help. These may be small details but if you’re a person who might be interested in getting into the fandom it becomes small details that makes big differences.
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I’m not saying if you think the show is canon you’re wrong. Actually you are 100% correct. It’s been confirmed multiple times and the deed was already done. I just don't think it should be. Does it really matter? It depends on what you think. Is Sonic Prime being canon a bad thing? I’d say yes and no. While I don’t think it was the best move, as long as Sonic Prime exists on its own, there’s nothing to worry about. Prime being canon isn’t a crime. It just makes no sense. I’ll leave it at that.
Stay Creative! 💜
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papagabu · 8 days ago
I know earlier I was talking about how I’ve been feeling like I should get back to working on my comic. But I have another idea, one I was trying to push aside due to me just feeling like “I should finish what I started,” but I’ve been considering the idea that maybe comics aren’t for me. I can’t draw backgrounds, nor do I really like drawing backgrounds so I don’t really want to learn, so the art, to me at least, feels really lacking, and I was feeling really burnt out by the process of making it. So I was considering changing Metal Breakers to a more text-based AU, like how I’ve been doing Broken Tails, not exactly since I’m still fairly into the idea of Metal Breakers almost entirely being run by me while Broken Tails is a more semi-interactive experience tied to Tumblr polls and ask features. But anyways, since I’m indecisive, I’ll let a poll decide this. like I'm torn between wanting too, and thinking I really don't have the skills to really do my ideas justice on my own at least in a comic format I'm relatively experienced in writing so I have more confidence in the other. I’d still draw stuff for it obviously but I mean like the main bulk of the AU itself would be text.
If you choose to make it text based you guys might get all of the comic I started released instantly cause I finished the script already so it'd just need to be edited a bit to flow better as a fanfic rather than a script.
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emry-stars-art · 10 months ago
EDIT: PENCIL HAS BEEN REPLACED AND IT SEEMS TO BE WORKING AGAIN!! Thank you to those who donated, you have my ENTIRE heart for now and always
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Hiii I’m back to bother you all again with technical difficulties. Long story short, if I have diagnosed the problem properly, I need a new Apple Pencil! And if I’m wrong I’ll need to replace both my pencil and the iPad itself!! But (and I am sure this will surprise no one that’s read this far) - I have no money 🥲
This isn’t quite a 100% necessary expense. I still have a handful of job applications sent out that are still waiting on replies, and hopefully I’ll have some more income sooner rather than later - but since comms and art have been one of my main sources of income this year, this is gonna be a decent problem for a little bit 😅 in the meantime I’m going to reach into the void and boost some stuff and offer additional ways that maybe I can earn some money for the month!
So if you do happen to have extra cash, some ways that would help a ton: my patreon (this month’s star tier sticker is going to be an aftg mermay design of some sort or another), my etsy, my kofi shop, or plain old kofi donations. But I also wanna be able to sweeten the pot a little, so there’s more!
I’m selling a couple original pieces over on kofi as well, including Raven Kevin, the Jean & Jeremy piece, and the og mermay comic from last year 👀
I’m taking low-stakes sketch commissions, also on kofi! For 15usd you can drop an aftg/tsc sketch request, and if you want to be tagged when I post it, leave your url as well! Additional characters for a little extra, and you can drop specific reqs - give me thoughts, ideas, meme redraws, outfits, or ask for a specific scene or specific au of mine (sure is a good month for mermaids 👀). I’d also take requests of my own ocs, but unfortunately for these kinds of sketch requests I won’t be taking others ocs.
All that being said, of course I understand if donating isn’t possible for you rn, so I’m not trying to make you feel guilty about scrolling past lol. If you’d like something free to do you can also just leave a nice comment or tag on something I’ve drawn to get my mind off the issues 😅 thank you so much to all you lovely people who support me in every way, it’s literally my livelihood and makes me so happy every day to make you happy, so! I hope you all have a wonderful time zone, and I hope you’re as excited for more merms as I am 😌💕
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lexsssu · 1 year ago
Wither (Hinahoho)
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TAGS: Hinahoho/Dragoness!reader, age gap, DILF, size difference, size kink, smut, oneshot Ao3 ver. | Ko-fi | Commissions (OPEN)
“...and this is Hinahoho. His body might look abnormally large, but all of his people actually look like that. Don’t worry.”
Golden eyes widened and dilated as they beheld the gargantuan man before them. Travelling from the crown of bright blue hair, the matured yet still ruggedly handsome face decorated with stubble, down to the bulging herculean figure wrapped in furs. Something inside you purrs and croons at the sight of a true man amongst men, heat building up in your gut as one of his enormous hands begins to descend towards you four.
Your body seems to move by itself when you push Alibaba to the side so that Hinahoho’s big hand falls upon your head instead. Realizing that a little lady was under his hand, the older man lightens his weight and gingerly pets your head rather than the intense ruffling he had in mind.
“Nice to meet you.”
The warrior’s voice was low and gruff yet his smile contained so much warmth for someone who was born and grew up in the frigid north.
“It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance”
You place special emphasis on a certain word all the while staring up at the man through your lashes with heated eyes, pink lips set in a coquettish smile.
The both of you pretend not to notice the reddish flush that colors the tips of his ears.
“Dad! When will you get a new wife?!”
“Hurry up and make more little brothers and sisters for us!”
“You brats shouldn’t care about stuff like this”
Draconic ears perked up at the words of the Imuchakk children, your head quickly snapping towards their direction as the two tall boys bullied their equally gigantic father.
“How about me?”
“Ehhh? It’s impossible for Lady Pisti”
“Huh? Why?!”
“‘Cuz we want more siblings! And your body is way too small!”
“Dad’s d*ck wouldn’t fit—”
Kikiriku’s loud yelp echoed across the area as Hinahoho bonked his son in the head, clutching the boy in his arms as punishment for the embarrassment he was subjected to.
With the issue of his singleness being raised, Pisti wasted no time giving suggestions. All of which were respectfully turned down by the flustered general, leaving his eager children in despair at the thought of his ‘manhood withering away from disuse’ as Kikiriku had aptly stated earlier.
“Oya~? I don’t think you’ll have to worry about that. I can guarantee 100% that Hinahoho-san is putting his tools to good use”
They snapped their heads so fast that it was a wonder they didn’t break their necks. However, none of them had time to care as they watched you enter the scene after having given your heartiest congratulations to the wedded couple.
You leisurely slip through the crowds before standing right beside the Imuchakk warrior, looking so comically tiny by his side as you wrap both your slender arms around a single muscled arm of his. “It is with great pleasure that I guarantee his virility. Isn’t that right, Hinahoho-san?” 
“...Really, Hinahoho? Did it really have to be MY daughter?”
“Drakon, I can explain—”
“Oh, I’ll definitely get an explanation out of you and we are going to have a VERY long conversation after this.”
While their father was despairing, Kikiriku and Horohoro practically swarmed you in their joy and excitement. All of the general’s kids were enamored with you, seeing as you could easily keep up with them in terms of physical prowess and treated them as if they were your own children ever since you first arrived at their island kingdom. The fact that you were apparently dating their lame as hell old man was a VERY welcome surprise.
Hinahoho had only ever been with a single woman throughout his entire life. Sadly, fate had decided his beloved Rurumu wasn’t meant to spend the rest of their natural lives together. He’d accepted that along with the responsibility to care for their four children by himself and never once thought about finding a new woman to love and who would love him alongside his children.
But here he is now, lying beneath you on the gigantic reinforced bed within Sindria’s palace that served as your new marriage bed after the ceremony that tied you both just minutes ago.
Your tiny hands are clutching his own, fingers intertwined as you use him as an anchor while you ground your hips above him and set your own pace. Hinahoho was a giant of a man, so it was only natural that the size of his cock followed suit which is why it always took you a bit of time to work your pussy open to be able to accept all of him easily and smoothly.
The burly warrior bit his lip as he is treated to the sight of his young and adorably tiny new wife willingly splitting her little cunt open by fucking herself on his dick, needing to use every ounce of his willpower now to buck up and start pounding away. It was their wedding night and by Solomon he will pamper you until there is no possible way you aren’t pregnant by the end—
Oh, he meant that he’ll treat you like a queen by letting you sit on him like he’s your throne. Your choice if you want his mouth or coc—
What he means is that he’ll keep fucking you until your womb takes the shape of his dick—
“Look, anata . See how deep you’re reaching inside? When you cum, all of it is directly gonna be deposited into my baby-making chamber, you know?” You pull one of his hands and place it on the bulge against your belly, letting him feel exactly how deeply and thoroughly he was spearing you with his imposing length. “Make sure to spurt out a lot, okay? Kikiriku, Horohoro, Pipiriku, & Rirumu are counting on the both of us for new baby brothers and sisters. It’ll be a shame if we disappoint them~”
And that was the catalyst Hinahoho needed for the last threads of his sanity to snap. One moment you were riding him and the next has you pinned beneath him with your body practically bent in half and legs spread so wide that it hid nothing from his view.
“Yeah, let’s give those four a lot of new siblings to cherish and play with. I’m counting on you to take every last drop,” with a snap of his narrow hips, the tribesman had his impossibly long and thick cock buried within your moist walls yet again.
Everyone near the vicinity of your bridal chambers swiftly avoided the area as various disturbing and frankly embarrassing sounds would sometimes leak out of the room, much to everyone’s mortification.
There is much talk about your union with the azure-haired general, namely how your relationship behind closed doors worked considering the sheer difference in sizes between you both. Everyone’s mouths had shut however when months later you pop out six eggs which revealed six children with various combinations of you and your husband’s coloring.
The four Imuchakk children were over the moon at the many new baby siblings they’d received in a single go.
Meanwhile, Drakon was not pleased in the slightest.
“...Six? Did you really put six children inside her all at the same time?”
“...I’m sorry, Drakon.”
“...We are going to have another LONG talk after this.”
“...I figured.”
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Hey so I just found your account and omg?? it's literally so amazing 😭✋
Anyways-I was just looking through a bunch of the twist monster au headcannons/stories, and I thought of a scenario that could be done!
Basically the cast reacting to gender neutral or female reader/yuu acting stuff out in their book they are reading like poses, dialogue, just genuine reactions to the text itself
ex. Throwing the book across the room and them being genuinely concerned that something happened bc reader is just staring off into space or cursing but what actually happened was either a character died/did something embarrassing/the mc and love interest finally kiss
Anyways that's all I had in mind hope you have a good day/night! <3
Omg thank you! I’m so glad you’re enjoying the content! QvQ
Ah, books. Such a wonderful creation humans made to fill us with raw, pure emotion or shattering our hearts and souls into a million tiny pieces—only for us to read it again and again! Don’t you just love those moments as a reader? UvU
Except for cliffhangers. Readers have a love/hate relationship with it, writers adore cliffhangers! ÒvÓ
So, what happens if we take a bookreader!Yuu (they/them) and throw them into Twisted Monsterland where even the history books read like a world guide/omnibus to a game or TV series? Oh, and I took a bit of inspiration from a Disney princess comic and a Bill Watterson “Calvin and Hobbes” comic for two of these scenarios. 😂
“Jeez, you sure you’ve got enough books, Yuu?”
“The librarian wouldn’t let me check out more than ten at a time,” Yuu replied, their backpack and arms filled with thick books. “Wish I could’ve gotten ten more at least, but this’ll do for now.”
“Are you sure you can even read all those before next semester?” Deuce asked in concern. “Those look pretty…dense.”
“Oh, I’ll be done in a week. Maybe a week and a half if we get a lot of homework.”
“Funya?! You gotta be kidding me!” Grim said. “Can humans read that fast?”
“Not everyone. Some people are slow readers, but that’s okay since they enjoy it at their own pace while I enjoy it at mine. Only problem for me is choosing which one of these I want to read first!”
/Later that night/
“Yuu? It’s time to eat!” Grim called out. Silence greeted him as he stared at Yuu, who was sitting on the couch with their face practically buried in a book. Frowning, the chimera padded over to the couch and repeated, “Yuu! I’m hungry!”
Still the human didn’t seem to respond, their shoulders hunching as they turned the page.
“Yuu? Yuu!” Huffing, Grim crossed his arms as he glared up at them. “You’ve been reading for the past three hours! How much longer are you gonna read that book?”
“What’s going on, pal?” one of the ghosts asked as the trio appeared.
Gesturing his paws at Yuu, he said, “They’ve been reading ever since we got back from the library today, and now they’re not reactin’ to me. It’s dinner time and they haven’t made any food yet!”
Before anyone could even think of what to say, a loud, shrill squeal filled the dorm.
“Eeeeeee!!!” Yuu squealed, a huge grin on their face as they flopped to the side and kicked their legs like a nervous rabbit while holding the book against their chest. “Omg it happened, it happened!!”
“Mrah!? What?! What happened?!” Grim yelled, wings flared out defensively while his fur bristled. “Why are you yelling!”
“My new OTP!! They finally kissed!!” Yuu said, their eyes wide as they rocked from side to side. “They kissed!! Yes!! Yesyesyesyesyessssss!!!”
“OTP? What’s an OTP??” one of the other ghosts asked.
“It’s what we like to call the ‘one true pairing’ in a story,” Yuu explained, a positively giddy expression on their face with eyes shining brighter than the stars as they struck a dramatic pose. “It’s two characters who vibe with each other on a level that you just can’t help but want them to be together—and the author brought these two together!! Yeeeeeeeee, I’m so happy!!”
“And loud,” Grim grumbled, paws clamped over his ears. “Why are you standing like that?”
“It’s how the main character professed their love for the other!”
“…are all humans as weird as you?”
“Trust me, there are people out there that are way crazier in their excitement than I am right now.”
“Oh yeah. Don’t even get me started on the fanfics people write.”
“Oh, you sweet summer child…”
/Two days later/
“Heeeey, lil’ Shrimpy~!”
“Eh…? Hey, Shrimp…why are you ignorin’ us? It’s not very nice.”
“Now, now, Floyd. One mustn’t interrupt a reader when they’re indulging in such a riveting story.”
“Shh,” Yuu muttered, their brow furrowed as they hunched closer to the book. “I’m at the best part!”
Floyd frowned as he laid his head on his arms, the basilisk slumping against the table. “Man, this is lame,” he said. “You promised to come play basketball with me today!”
“Once I finish this part, we can go do whatever you want, okay, Floyd?”
Jade hummed in amusement as he said, “A rather daring proposition you just offered, Yuu.”
“We have to do a buncha reading for class anyway,” Floyd said with a bored expression. “And Crabby and Mackerel said you finished two other books already, so what’s the point of thi-”
“AAAAIIIIIEEEEE!!?!?” Yuu shrieked, leaping out of their chair as Jade and Floyd recoiled in shock. Before the twins could react, Yuu had ducked back into their chair and pressed the book even closer to their face than before.
“…lemmie see that,” Floyd said, leaning over the table to grab it.
“No, no! It’s fine, go do something else!” Yuu said all too quickly, sinking even lower and turning away from Floyd’s reaching claws. “I think I heard Riddle in the hallway.”
“Lemmie see it!”
“No! You can’t read it!” Yuu cried out, bolting away from the table holding the book tight to their chest.
“Get back here, Shrimpy!”
“Oh my,” Jade uttered, eyes wide for a moment before he chuckled. “Perhaps I should look into this book when they’ve finished it.”
/The next day/
“Oh no…oooh noooooo, I hate this so much!”
“Then why are you reading it?” Jamil asked, the naga curled around them. “If you don’t like it, just take it back to the library.”
“I can’t! It’s soooooo good!” Yuu said, practically throwing themselves backwards onto Jamil’s snake half with the book pressed against their face.
“Eh? But wait, you just said you hated it,” Kalim said in confusion.
“I hate it, but I love it so much,” Yuu told them with a whine, their head now touching the floor on the other side of Jamil’s snake body yet still draped over him like a cat. “This book will ruin your heart and shatter your soul into a million pieces!...you should read it too!”
“Given how dramatic you’re being, it might not be wise,” Jamil said with a sigh.
“Read it!”
“It’s okay, Yuu. We can read together! It’ll be more fun that way!”
“Kalim, no. You still need to study for the next potions exam.”
“Augh, I need someone to talk about this story with so we can lament in solidarity!”
“…have you been taking lessons from Rook lately?”
/Three days later/
“Um…is Yuu okay? They’re looking a little…tense.”
It had been several days since Yuu borrowed a stack of books, and already they had gone through nearly half of their hoard. Between classes and on breaks or after finishing tests, it wasn’t hard for students to notice the lone human with their nose between the pages of one book after the other. Even the researchers had taken note of Yuu’s behavior in between tests, making note of their expressions and how their body changes with each scene depicting their emotions. It was noteworthy how they reacted when a character in the story did something “cringeworthy and stupid” (as Yuu would explain when asked), it looked as though the human had swallowed a lemon.
At the moment they were sitting in Heartslabyul, yet another book in their arms as they sat on one side of the lounge. Cater had taken progression snapshots of Yuu’s body slowly curling into itself, eyes steadily growing wider and wider to the point it looked as though they’d bolt away in panic.
“They’re fine,” Grim told Trey as he munched on a snack. “They’ve been like this since they got all those books. That’s the pose they had last time when their Ohteevee smooched or somethin’.”
“Oh, you mean ‘OTP’, Grimmy,” Cater corrected with a smile. “That’s so cute! Our human has an OTP already~!”
“I’ve heard of hitting the books, but this is ridiculous,” Ace commented with a sigh. “They’ve been reading so long that I forgot what half their face looks li-”
SLAM! Fwump!!
“Gyah!?” the boys yelped, everyone staring at Yuu as they sat on the couch with a dark scowl.
“Yo, what the heck? Why’d you throw the book like that?” Ace asked, pointing at the large tome on the other side of the couch now.
“Um…Yuu?” Deuce began when they didn’t respond. “Are…you okay?”
“……I’m mad,” came the response, Yuu’s expression growing more annoyed as they stared off into space.
“About what?” Riddle asked in surprise.
Yuu’s gaze turned to the discarded book, their expression as though they had been betrayed by a trusted friend as they said, “Because my favorite character died, and I refuse to read how the book ends when there’s literally two freaking pages left! That’s not enough space to bring them back in a satisfying way!!”
“Y…you’ve gotta be kidding me,” Ace grumbled with a sigh. “That big of a reaction just because a fictional character was killed off?”
“You weren’t there to see the struggles they went through! I saw them change from an annoying bully into a fully developed and vulnerable character who wanted to take charge of their life—and the author killed them off!” Jumping to their feet, Yuu marched towards Ace and Deuce’s room where they’d left their stuff and said, “Where’s my notebook? I need to fix this!”
“What are you gonna do?” Grim called out.
“Write a fanfic, because my scrunkly deserves to be happy!”
“Huh? Scrunkly??”
/Final day/
“Oh, Great Seven…what happened in your book this time?” Vil asked with a sigh.
Yuu sniffled as they tried to dry their tears, though it was difficult as more continued to flow down their cheeks. “I…I just finished my last book,” they said, their voice cracking a little with emotion as Grim pat their arm reassuringly.
“All ten books in a week?” Vil said in surprise. “That’s…impressive. Even so, why are you so upset? Was the story that horrible?”
“No…it…it…it was too good!” Yuu cried out, clutching the book so tight that their knuckles turned white as the tears flowed freely now.
“Ah…such pure, raw human emotion,” Rook crooned. “To express it so freely without fear…beaute!”
“Was the book really that good?” Epel asked.
“Yes!” Yuu wailed. “Now that it’s over, I…I don’t know what to do with myself now…”
Peering at the title, Vil gave a thoughtful hum and said, “Oh, that story. I hear there is supposed to be a spin-off book series. The first one should have released just the other day.”
“Mrrr…now you’ve done it,” Grim grumbled with a sigh. “Here we go again.”
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flightyalrighty · 6 months ago
Not sure anyone asked yet but least favourite Sonic character and why? Also any other big interests besides StH? :3
Since you couldn’t answer my other questions, I’ll just ask something unrelated to the comic ><
I think if we're going off of every single canon ever, my very least favorite Sonic character is gonna be Drago Wolf. Plenty of Archie characters fall victim to being too boring or same-y, especially ones from A Certain Era, but Drago Wolf actually just fucking sucks. He was evil in a way that wasn't fun just to make the comic look more "mature." I do like seeing him get punched in the face, though, and thankfully that happened often enough under Flynn's pen.
Now, my least favorite GAME character? That's a tough call. I feel like I could easily pick any of the Zeti besides Zavok (Zavok at least has a neat design). They represent the height of an era where Sonic Team was either playing it safe or trying to appeal to Mario fans while under a lot of pressure and suffering from a tight budget.
Truly dogshit characters. Almost all entirely flat, one-note cardboard cutouts sharing the role of "tacky villain with a gimmick." Awful. But at the very least, they can be made better by better writers. Lost Hex, itself, can get dug into and made into more than it is right now. There may be a diamond yet in that rough.
Now I'm gonna start hating on the wisps because I think they also suck, sorry wisp fans (are there wisp fans). Not in full scathing detail will I get into how much I hate the wisps because I don't think there's much to say about them. I think that, writing-wise, there isn't much to go off of here. They're sentient temporary powers. Hardly characters by themselves. They are so boring and nothing much can actually be done with them. They are made to appeal to the absolute youngest sonic fans and this is done in the least engaging way possible.
Sorry again if anyone out there loves the Zeti or thinks Yacker is the greatest. I'm not sorry if you love Drago Wolf.
Oh wait this question had two parts didn't it. Yeah I love a buncha stuff unrelated to Sonic! I'll list em!
Theme Parks/Themed Experiences
Kingdom Hearts
The Sly Cooper Original Trilogy
Heroes of Might & Magic III (I kinda just obsessively play this sometimes like if I don't have any internet access and have been playing this game for like two decades)
Dead By Daylight, reluctantly
Gargoyles (that Disney animated tv series)
Youtube Poops
^ All I can think of rn
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amongdestiny-qu33n · 1 year ago
Welcome to the crew!!
Hey! This is Prime! This is a little get-to-know for me, the characters, and the AU itself!!
My other ask-blog AU: @ask-the-amongus-retrieve-au
My best friends: @indigoblu2, @trippin-chippin, @meow-and-ink-demon, @thedrsteven
We are SO excited!! Here it is, read the whole thing so you know what and what not to do and who the characters are!!
Story: The Crewmates and Imposters go onto Skeld, looking for a new planet to call home due to the fact Earth is dying because of pollution, earthquakes, etc. And when the crew boards, the scanners pick up Alien DNA, but the announcement shuts off before they can say who’s an imposter. So you as the readers and interactors have to help them find the imposters and vote them off before they get to the new planet; where there will be 8 more characters waiting. You as the interactors will also decide challenges in polls and can help do tasks by telling certain characters they’re tasks they need to fulfill. You also can help them by giving them hints towards imposters, can’t be too obvious though or you’ll be voted off!!
Frost (Crewmate) and Flower (Imposter) belong to: @meow-artist-cat (on break)
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Yellow Fever (Crewmate) and Dani (Imposter) belong to: @trippin-chippin
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Bronze (Crewmate) and Wine (Imposter) belong to: @cutecrewmates (Me)
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Flik and Maple are by: @indigoblu2
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Joe & Millie are by: @thedrsteven
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Rules: No bullying, harassment, telling who the imposters are, or any kind of sexual or harmful activity on this blog. Or you’ll be blocked, including your side blogs.
People in it: @thedrsteven, @trippin-chippin, @meow70-marsmalow, @indigoblu2 and @cutecrewmates (Me)
Edit: To see the entire thing, type in the search bar in our profile, “Rip Crewmates” and you’ll find all the asks and comics! I’ll (Prime) be posting non-AU related content as well, BUT, I won’t tag it as “Rip Crewmates”!! So you can see the real stuff.
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kaija-rayne-author · 9 months ago
DA 4 Veilguard predictions
Okay so I wanted to get a whole ass post about what I think is likely to happen in DA 4 done before the reveals but I haven’t had the time between work and life.
There are MASSIVE spoilers for every Dragon Age game, book, comic, and most internet theories in this post. Proceed with caution.
Also I swear like the truckers I grew up around. So CW on language.
First and foremost, I’m going to warn you all that I’m a die-hard Solavellan. If you don’t like that? Don’t bother reading this. And for gods’ sake don’t bother arguing with me about it. Depending on my mood, I’ll either first roast your face off and then eat it with bbq sauce or if I’m feeling generous, I’ll just block your ass. You like what you like about games. I’ll like what I like. I don’t shit in your porridge, I ask you to not do it to me. As I’m writing this, I’m 47 years old and I’ve been gaming since I was 9. Which means I’ve been gaming longer than a lot of you have been alive. Stop yucking on people’s yum. There’s far too little joy in this world. Go find your own.
So, this is just a partial post (albeit, in true to me fashion, an incredibly LONG one XD). It will cover stuff I think we might see revealed in things this weekend at either SGF or Xbox whatever (I have no idea why they’d bother with the Xbox thing since they hold such a small share of the gaming market these days but whatever.) We’re seeing something between Friday and Monday. Hopefully, enough to give hope to the masses.
Depending on how much time I have before I have to serve dinner I might add some more of my theories.
It’s a bit silly of me to be so obsessed about this game because my computer definitely won’t be able to handle it, and because I’m a disabled, neurodivergent author with a family to support… well… the likelihood of me being able to buy both a computer able to handle it and the game itself any time in the near future isn’t good. So, I won’t be able to play it. I am going to add my links and a go fund me to the bottom of this post (which has taken me hours to research and write so if you would like to donate to the cause I would be so deeply appreciative. Dragon Age is one of my AuDHD special interests, and it’s killing part of my soul to know I can’t participate when it comes out. I promise I’ll write all sorts of interesting stuff about it!)
But I can’t help myself. Letting my research-oriented, lore-obsessed brain noodle about Dragon Age is one of my very favourite special interests. So, without further ado… here goes!
I think we have a good chance of seeing some of these as playable classes.
Knight-Templar ❌
Lord of Fortune ✅
Antivan Crow ✅
Mortalitasi (Nevarran necromancer) ✅
Grey Warden ✅
Shadow Dragon ✅
Shaper/Carta/Kal-Sharok/Sha-Brytol Dwarf ❌
Veil Jumper ✅
Fen’harel Fanatic (not his usual people, the fanatical ones detailed in Tevinter Nights) ❌
A lot of these ideas come from the supplementary material that I’ve read at least three times each. I’m obsessed. What can I say?
Qunari: ✅ Tal-Vashoth Sarrebas, maybe Qwydion? ❌
Rivani Lord of Fortune: ✅ ‘Hollix’ maybe? That would be fun, plus they are canonically non-binary! Please please please? With sugar on top? ❌
Tevinter Mage/Magister: ✅ Maevaris Tilani ❌ would be so cool, but I’d be equally as happy to see Neve Gallus. ✅ Honestly, they both have benefits for me. Mae is trans and Neve has a prosthetic leg. Alternatively, I liked Myrion ❌ well enough that he’d be a cool companion too. And he’s canonically bisexual from what I read between the lines.
Grey Warden: ✅ Please let it be Antoine! ❌ (Antoine absolutely has ADHD and I would love to see more of that rep in a AAA game.) Evke ❌ could be fun too.
Templar Knight-Commander: Rana Savras ❌
Spirit Companion: I really hope it’s not Audric. 1. He’s not really a spirit, he’s a higher undead, which is a Zombie by any other term. And all the poor guy wants is to organize his library. I’ll be quite disappointed with the writers if they go this route.
So, we’ve had Faith/Wynn, Justice/Anders, and Compassion/Cole. There are two other widely known benevolent spirits in Dragon Age canon. Valor and Hope. Given what I think is gonna happen in DA4, my money is on a Hope spirit. ❓
Antivan Crow: ✅ Illario Dellamorte. ❌ (I really really hope it’s not Lucanis Dellamorte. 💩 He’s so damned annoying and gods that is NOT how an assassin operates. Here's my professional editorial opinion of why Lucanis is an absolutely terrible character.
Veil Jumper/Dalish/City Elf: ✅ Strife. ❌ Please please please? He’d be so awesome as a companion character. He’s not young! I want an older companion character. (And it would let them get away with the white hair on a darker skinned character without it being racist as fuck.) I just really hope he looks better than he did in the comics. The art style in those was just fucking terrible.
I am hoping that we can somehow romance Lace Harding. ✅ But I just don’t see how she could fit in with the reported likely classes and things I’ve personally considered.
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That gives me 8 even though reports say we only get 7. But did you notice in this picture that there are 8? So either we’re gonna get a ‘secret’ companion like Loghain Mac Tir. (Three guesses who that will be and the first two don’t count.) Or they have a surprise for us. Or the art is off.
I could also see Kieren ❌ as a companion. (Morrigan’s son) He’d be just about old enough if we get the time jump reports are saying we will. He was roughly 12 in DAI. + 2 for Trespasser puts him at 14. Ten years minimum between Trespasser and DA4 puts him at 24. So, it’s possible. I could also see Vaea as a companion. But I’m not exactly sure how she would fit with classes.
Potential Advisors
Some of these I’ve got as potential companions as well because I could see them fitting either.
Dorian Pavus for Tevinter Magisters (I think this is very likely given Tevinter Nights.)
Maevaris Tilani (Same as above.)
Charter (I think we’ll see Charter stepping into Leliana’s place as Spymaster given what we saw in Trespasser and Tevinter Nights.)
Myrna/Audric (Mortalitasi)
Ramesh (Grey Wardens)
Genetivi (Scholar) (given what happened in Tevinter Nights I have a feeling we’ll be seeing him again under a new name)
Viago De Riva (Antivan Crows)
Andarateia Cantori (Antivan Crows) I’d love to see Zevran again but considering what he was up to in DAI I think it’s unlikely. Although something did happen in Tevinter Nights that might make it possible.
Lavellan: With how the story in DAI ended and what we saw in the end scene of Trespasser, I think they’ll be important in some way.
Fenris: (Wandering Warrior)
Cameos we might see:
Arishok Sten
Antaam Rassan
Kieren (Morrigan’s son)
Sebastian Vael
Viago De Riva
Andarateia Cantori
People I don’t think we’ll see or if we do it won’t be for long.
Cassandra (thank gods)
Leliana (sads)
Most of the cast of DAI and the previous games.
Bosses we’re likely to fight.
Solas. He’ll be a mini-boss and maybe one you can talk out of a fight.
Elgar’nan ✅️
Ghilan'nain ✅️
Andruil. She and Ghilan’nain often go together.
Critters/bad guys we’re likely to see.
Bone creatures from the necropolis.
Changed darkspawn/humans from Ghilan'nain’s labs. ✅️
Tentacley sea creatures from Minrathous and other ‘experimented upon by mages’ monsters.
Werewolves may make a comeback.
Venatori. ✅
Fen’harel Fanatics (these are different from Fen’harel agents).
Whatever or whoever the people across the sea are.
Carta dwarves
Sha-Brytol dwarves
Antaam Rassan
Things I think we’re likely to see.
We’re going to see trans/non-binary rep. ✅ I deeply believe this is happening. I will be so sad if I’m wrong.
Sad as I am to say it. Varric is gonna die. The writing has been on the wall in drippy red marker since they fired his writer. I hate this, personally. I grew up listening to Brian Bloom (Varric’s VA) and he’s just one of my absolute favourites. But I don’t think Varric is gonna make it.
The how? I think, narratively, they’ll do it in a way that hurts Solas a very great deal. In DAI, Varric is one of the few people that Solas listens to. Apologizes to and actually talks to with a sense of respect in his tone that he rarely does with anyone else. Given events in the comic The Missing where Solas saves Varric several times… yeah. ✅️
If I were writing it? It would be an angsty as fuck scene where either something Solas does accidentally kills Varric in a friendly fire isn’t friendly sort of situation or that Solas can’t get there in time to save one of the few people he actually probably considers a friend.
So, the pain of Varric’s death will be what in the writing/editing trade we call a pinch-point for Solas’s character arc. How the player decides what happens will likely be one of those crucial choices matters points that will turn Solas down a darker path or possibly toward a redemption arc.
Flemythal isn’t dead. I’ve talked before about how she is not the happy fluffy bunny version of a mother goddess. Sure, she might be a mother goddess. But she’s the type that reminds us that mother nature is often more red in tooth and claw than nurturing.
And the lady is bent. Bent on revenge. Bent on using people to get her revenge. Just… if she ever was the good and kind person that Solas remembers? She definitely isn’t anymore.
I have a feeling given one of the stories in Tevinter Nights that FleMythal has infected Solas (vs sharing her power in a simple power up to help him save people move) with the dragon soul. Which could have been part of Mythal's soul even before the dragon had it, if some theories are correct. There’s been a lot of imagery and description of a dreadwolf like creature that is half lupine, half dragon. So, something is going on there.
And honestly, I think that’s going to be Solas’s breaking point with mommy dearest. (Please, please don’t let them have been lovers, that will squick me out so fucking bad.)
“Betrayal is always worse.” Is one of Solas’s really heartfelt lines in DAI. If I’m right, and FleMythal somehow manipulated that dragon soul she got from Kieren (talk about fucked up action right there) so that it’s gonna change Solas into a half dragon half wolf demon thing… welp.
I think FleMythal will find that Solas has a bit more backbone than he ever had in the past. He’s not alone now. He knows he’s not alone. He’s got friends. He’s got someone who deeply loves him in a romanced Solavellan playthrough. I don’t think Solas is going to be very happy with his dearest ‘best of them’ Mythal.
Best of them? Yeah. It doesn’t mean she was actually good.
So Mythal isn’t dead. I think she’s likely to be one of if not the BBEG along with whoever that voice was at the end of the teaser. My money is on Troy Baker ❌️for the VA and I’m really curious if I’m right. I’m thinking that’s probably Elgar’nan. God of Vengeance. Perhaps Mythal and Elgar’nan patch up whatever divine argument they’ve been having via celestial couples therapy or something. Who knows.
I think we’re going to see a split path depending on the choices of the player for Solas. Depending on our choices, he could go really dark, or he could have a redemption arc. Patrick Weekes tweeted to me that ‘there’s a possibility of a happy ending for Solavellan’ so I still have hope. I trust Weekes to write a satisfying conclusion to the Solavellan Romance. (I just don’t trust Bioware as far as I can throw them.) Weekes was the lead writer on this game, so I think it’s a good possibility that that’s how it’s going to be structured.
I think the game will very possibly be a multi-act structure like DAI. The first act is possibly going to be like the Hinterlands leading up to Coryphyfish blowing the hell out of Haven. I think the veil coming down is going to either be what starts off the game ✅ (like the explosion of the conclave in DAI) or will be the final ending situation of Act 1. Again. Player choices will likely affect this to some extent.
But y’all? That veil is coming down. ✅ And yes. I’m aware of that silly new name for the game. I don’t like it. (That ‘the’ was a mistake. Veilguard by itself would’ve been much better linguistically.) But if you’ve been following my ramblings about Dragon Age for a while, y’all will know I have issues with their linguistic usage and editing already.
Dumped Drunk and Dalishious did a fantastic piece on her blog about the veil. It’s here if you haven’t read it. Firstly, the veil was never meant to exist in THEDAS in the first place. If you deep dive the lore (and trust me, I really have. A LOT.) It’s obvious that the veil has been the cause of more problems than it has fixed. It’s been slowly killing magic in THEDAS since its creation. It has to come down. It’s also as holey a granny’s doilies anyway. Solas taking it down in a controlled fashion is very likely going to prevent far more deaths than if it keeps just falling apart piecemeal like it’s been doing forever. It’s unfixable and it really really needs to go. ✅
So once that veil drops… I don’t think it’s going to be as horrific as everyone has been bellyaching about forever. Solas’s often misquoted and wildly overblown lines from Trespasser (seriously do y’all even know what the word genocide means? You make me doubt.) are very likely a red herring at best. People are being willingly misled. ✅ I can’t really blame y’all.
Weekes is an absolute Master at playing people’s expectations and assumptions off of their preconceived notions, then throwing a bomb of ‘oops you were all wrong and it was right in front of you the entire time’. They’ve even said they really love to write things like that. I want to write as well as Weekes does when I grow up.
Humans existed before the veil. Why wouldn’t they afterward? Given some of the lore, Qunari also existed before the veil. Why wouldn’t they continue to? Will there be chaos? Yup. ✅ But change is often painful. And if anything needs change it’s the world of THEDAS. (Both for story reasons and for gameplay reasons.)
One of the changes I think we’re likely to see is the implosion of the Chantry. (I am absolutely hoping for this. I’m not a fan of organized religion on a grand scale like that and the Chantry has soooooo damned many skeletons in its closets and atrocities under its belt that I will absolutely celebrate when it burns to the ground.)
Which will happen if it comes out that Solas put up the veil in the first place and took it down too. The Chantry either outright claims or strongly insinuates that the maker put up the veil. It’s the cornerstone of their entire faith. Also, in the story Genetivi Dies in the End in Tevinter Nights, Genetivi is absolutely wrecked by the discovery that everything he’s ever written as a travelling Chantry Scholar has been a lie. The Chantry is going down.
So, there’s gonna be some chaos there. And that’s not going to be Solas’s fault because that veil is coming down anyway.
And can you imagine the absolutely hilarious chaos that’s gonna happen when word leaks that an elven god-mage was the one who is technically the ‘maker’ by Chantry doctrine? With all the horrific racism and sheer awfulness the Chantry has done to elves over the centuries? I’m popping popcorn.
I think we’re gonna see Felassan again. ✅️ Cause that elf isn’t dead. And no, Solas didn’t kill him. Please trust me, I’ve combed through all the lore, I’ve read The Masked Empire where it supposedly happened several times, and there is not a shred of actual proof that Solas was the one who did the deed. It’s a Weekes misdirection again. They've got the nickname Tricksy Weekes for a reason.
The actual facts about the 'murder'.
It was someone Felassan worked for.
Someone he knew.
Someone who he knew wouldn't listen to his reasoning. (Solas has been shown to actually listen to his friends and let them change his mind.)
Someone who could very likely have been female because Felassan likens the murderer to Brialla.
It was someone who could fade-walk or move in the fade.
Mythal can do that.
A Somniari/Dreamer can also fade-walk.
Probably most of the still extant Elvhenan can do it (which there were quite a few of in Mythal’s temple).
And we know from DA2 that at least one modern born Somniari/Dreamer exists in the world.
Point being, there’s no actual ‘Solas killed Felassan’ spelled out anywhere. No, not even in Cole's lines in Trespasser. Those lines only indicate that Solas knows about Felassan’s ‘death’ and that he’s sad about it. Cole talks in riddles and references to modern TV shows all the time. I have no idea why people take him even remotely literally.
I have a few theories about this.
IF Felassan’s spirit actually was killed in the fade (possible) his body wasn’t. His body would’ve been just lying there in the woods breathing like any other Somniari. Possibly made tranquil (which we know can be reversed).
What if Solas lost his original body in putting up the Veil?
What if he had a deal with Felassan or maybe came to Felassan to help him get back to his body after the attack and Felassan decided he was done and wanted to move on?
They're said to be friends. Never said to be employer/employee.
If Solas was awake and in the fade and sensed an attack on Felassan, he'd certainly have gone to help.
What if he gave his body to Solas?
Felassan's 'death' chronologically lines up to when Solas 'woke up'.
Felassan has purple eyes. So does Solas.
Felassan has fade-green magic. So does Solas.
Felassan is incredibly powerful. Stares at Solas.
Felassan knows far more about Fen'harel than even a scholar would.
Felassan knew far more about Eluvians, ancient Elvhenan, and The Forgotten Ones (Imshael is a Forgotten One) than anyone would reasonably expect any elf to know.
Felassan let Imshael see into his head about what was coming in the future. Which Imshael almost got off on. Imshael loves destruction and chaos.
I can make a list as long as my arm on similarities there. So, either Solas didn’t kill Felassan and the old? Felassan will be in the game once the veil falls, or it will be revealed that Solas has actually been wearing a (voluntary because a soul cannot take a body involuntarily) Felassan suit the entire time.
Probably blew some minds there, huh?
So given that Weekes has said that if Felassan was a popular enough character they would consider bringing him back… I think it’s likely we’ll see something to do with him again.
Also? The sheer hilarity factor of elves who do not want magic (Fenris anyone?) getting magic returned to them is going to be sweet.
I think we’ll see blood magic as a much bigger mechanic than in previous games. (And I hope they did some work on it to make it make more sense this time.) The game is going to have a lot of Tevinter content. Blood magic is a big deal there. Ergo… it’s likely.
Given some of the things that happened in Tevinter Nights, which honestly really feels like a teaser book to DA4 (I really hate the Veilguard name) I think it’s likely that we’ll see the Templars again. They’ve been in every game and book so far. I doubt they’d get rid of the useless bastards in this one.
Given some of the things in Tevinter Nights, I think it’s possible we’ll see just as many puzzles as we did in DAI, if not more. I’m hoping for more. I do love puzzles in these kinds of games.
I believe it’s highly possible that whoever drank from the Well is going to be completely fucked. Especially, if they follow a ‘kill Solas’ route. Remember who the well binds you to in Trespasser? Bingo.
I think it’s very likely that someone close to the main character is going to be a dual agent of Fen’harel. And it will not be someone we expect. We’re all gonna be side eyeing the mages after the last three games. But what if it’s a warrior or rogue who hides their magic? There was at least one character that completely hid their magic in Tevinter Nights.
We’re going to see more of the Evanuris and The Nameless/Forgotten ones. I base that on Imshael being in DAI and in Masked Empire and some of the dialogue between Felassan and Imshael.
Titans. We’re going to see the titans waking up and being royally pissed off. This is going to cause so much chaos for the dwarves. Who will also regain magic and a kinda creepy hive-mind thing, too. Again. That’s not going to be Solas’s fault.
We’ll have at least one Gala event. Very possibly in Minrathous or Vyrantium. Hopefully with better clothing.
Finally, for things I think likely… The Grand Necropolis in Nevarra is gonna burn. People seem to forget that Solas doesn’t just fight for the freedom of the Elves. He fights for the freedom of spirits too.
In case you haven’t read it… the Nevarrans imprison spirits in the corpses of their dead using mages called the Mortalitasi. I really don’t think that is going to sit well with Solas. In fact, I know it doesn’t. It’s spelled out in Tevinter Nights.
I think it’s probably going to be a quest line for the main character to go and save the necropolis or let it burn to free the spirits. This, of course, will be one of the choices that matter and likely another pinch point on whether Solas goes dark or gets a redemption arc. It will also deeply affect Nevarran politics and the way the country is run. The Mortalitasi basically rule the monarchs of Nevarra sooooo. It’s gonna cause chaos there too.
We’ll obviously see a lot of chaos with the Qunari. Their culture is splintering already. The Antaam have decided to go off the rails and attack anything and everything. Maybe the Ben-Hassrath will be able to rein that in. Maybe not. I don’t have very many predictions on the Qunari to be honest. They’re at war with Tevinter at the end of Tevinter Nights so that war will figure heavily in the game, most likely. But how that’s going to play out I haven’t a clue.
Some mechanics I think we might see.
Fade-touched weaponry that can stop mages.
Elemental interactions. (IE: Magic lightning x water = lots of zap)
Magically treated arrows. ✅️
More magical bombs and poison effects. (I might be just wishfully dreaming there because one of the things I miss from DAO is the poisons and traps mechanics. They felt like an afterthought in DA2 and DAI. I want to be able to make cool traps and set up ambushes again.) But there was that story with Dorian in Tevinter Nights where several of those things were used, so maybe? It would be cool.
I think it’s likely that we’ll see the Despair Demon from Tevinter Nights. And I’m still so mad that they fired the writer of that story. It’s one of my favourites.
Some things that are very possible? But I’m not sure of and could just be wishful thinking.
I think we might see Abelas again. (Abelas romance? Pretty please? ❌😭) His story does have one of those endings that kills him so it’s possibly just wishful thinking. But they brought Leliana back for DAI, so I don’t see why they couldn’t with Abelas too. And also, I have a voice kink and love his VA Matthew Gravelle.
We might see non-linear storytelling. I kind of hope we do because I love non-linear storytelling. Perhaps one storyline will be Arlathan (through dreams or time travel perhaps?) and the fall of it so we finally get some answers to all of this lore. (Please let us get some answers!)
We may see some problems from a rather irrational faction of people who say they’re working for Solas but are using methods he would never approve of. They may be sort of like the Venatori in the last game. Though I do think it’s likely we might have to fight a few more of the Venatori too. ✅ They’re still out there having really messed up rituals and stuff to destroy things.
I think it’s possible given a few clues in the lore and in Tevinter Nights that we’re either going to see not just a double blight (regular darkspawn and red lyrium darkspawn) but a triple blight with the green/yellow lyrium found in Ghilan'nain’s labs. Remember that Ramesh only destroyed one of them. There are eleven more. I think that’s going to very possibly be a big part of this game.
Settings/Levels/Areas I think likely.
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So, we already know that the game will be taking place in the north of THEDAS. That’s a no brainer after the map reveal in the teaser.
But where exactly will they take us?
In Tevinter, I think it’s very possible we’ll see Minrathous ✅ and Vyrantium. We may see the Black Divine’s/Archon’s palace.
We’ll see Arlathan Forest. ✅ That I’m almost certain of. We’ll probably also see ancient Arlathan somehow. (Dreams or barely used time-travel mechanic from DAI?)
We’re going to be spending a lot of time in the deep roads and even farther below the deep roads. And dear developers please let me have some answers to all this lore.
We may spend some time inside a Titan again.
Pre-veil drop, we may spend some time in the fade. I actually hope that with the veil dropping we get to rescue whoever got left behind in DAI. That would make my heart so happy.
We’re likely to see the crossroads at least a little bit.
Antiva! Gods I’m looking forward to seeing Antiva.
Anderfels/Weisshaupt. We have no idea at the end of DAI or Tevinter Nights or Last Flight what the hell is going on up there, so I think we’ll have to find out in the game. Also… more chaos that is most definitely not Solas’s fault.
I think we’ll see the Golden City. And the Black City. Which is likely the same place.
And I don’t think it’s up in the sky. I think it’s deep underground below the deep roads.
Ships! I think we’re going to see some more ships. That’s based on a story in Tevinter nights and some of the splash art. But gods I really want more ships. Especially in a place like Minrathous or Antiva for fuck’s sake!
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I think we might see some underwater levels for various reasons. And I hope we do.
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These next things are honestly my hopes and dreams that would make me so happy, but I have little to back them up with as far as lore or books/comics and supplementary materials.
Polyamory options. PLEASE give me polyam romance options. BG3 did it. It’s 2024 and only 30% of dating people are monogamous. Get with the times! ❌️
I want CC body sliders so bad. ✅ Give me the ability to make a fat player character please! Not just because a lot of gamers tend to be on the heavier side but honestly? Because a fat adventurer is going to be able to go farther than any skinny twig. Real strong men/women/enbies do not look like gym bunnies and models. They have a good layer of fat over that muscle for stability. Guess what fat is? It’s energy storage. A fat adventurer is going to be able to survive longer than a twig. I could go on… but come on Bioware. Be brave. Let me have a fat adventurer. ✅️
Decent. Fucking. Hair. ✅ Please let the CC have decent hair options. LONG hair options! Let me have my long haired elfy prince dude!
Isabela cameo. She’s one of my favourite DA2 characters and some of the early splash art makes me hopeful we’ll see her again. ✅️
I’m hoping for DAO origin style stories for the Main Player Character. But ideally? We’d have something like BG3 where we could play one of a number of origin stories or make our own blank slate character. ❌ Given the gossip going around the gaming community I’m thinking this is unlikely, but damn do I want it.
Useful. Mounts. Please let us have actually useful mounts. And GRIFFONS. ✅ Give me flying mounts you cowards!
Prosthetic using characters. ✅ Bioware has the worst track record when it comes to ableism, but gods please. They’ve got it set up perfectly with Inky losing their arm. There’s a prosthetic leg user in Tevinter Nights. PLEASE LET ME HAVE PROSTHETIC USING CHARACTERS.
Better Crafting Options. The crafting was okay in DAI. Especially if you mod it in so you can buy the stuff to do so easier (I really hate killing dragons but it’s the best crafting material!). But it also often felt more like an afterthought?
Better. Clothes. Seriously. Give me some razzle dazzle with the clothing. ESPECIALLY since we’re going to Tevinter where how you dress is absolutely important!
I know this is sniffing the genie smoke here, but could we have actually attractive armour options? With BRIGHT colours? Research shows that a lot of historical armour was 1. Gorgeous and well fitting. 2. Brightly painted! Let me have bright colours! (And please not the yellow plaid. Ugh.)
I hope for more gardening options in whatever base we end up using. I loved the gardening options in DAI, but they weren’t big enough for my plant loving heart.
I really want to see Solas in flying Wolfie form. We see him like that in Tevinter Nights. So, I really hope we get to see him like that in game.
Finally… and I know I’m high on my own hopes here… I really hope we get the gifting options back. Completely unattached to approval is fine. I just want to be able to find the perfect gift for my companions like I do in real life with my friends. It brings me so much joy.
Things they’re likely to fuck up.
Sadly, I think there’s some things Bioware is very likely to fuck up. This could just be me being too pessimistic, but they’ve screwed these things up throughout the entire series and to my knowledge they didn’t hire any diversity consultants in the making of DA4 sooooo…
Ableism. Bioware has a terrible record when it comes to ableism. ✅ (the demon design is going to cause visual strain and possibly bad effects for epileptic gamers).
White-washing. The North of THEDAS is like the South of Earth. If they make most of the people there have light skin I will probably boycott the fuck out of Bioware for the rest of my life. ✅️
No fat character ability in CC.
Really fucked up hair options. Seriously Bioware. It’s bad.
And I think they’re going to be in trouble when it comes to the Lords of Fortune. Look. I love the idea of the class and I even love how a lot of them are described in the books. But it’s absolutely glomming onto the stereotype of the Romani, and I don’t think that’s going to go over well at all. It won’t for me with my Romani heritage, and it really shouldn’t for anyone. Cause you know what that stereotypical usage is? It’s Racism. Bioware also doesn’t have the best track record regarding racism either.
As more thoughts come to me I’ll either append stuff to this post or do others (probably the latter.)
And here are my links if you want to toss me a buck or two as a tip. I'm recovering from a pulmonary embolism (do not recommend) and every penny helps because I'm the sole income for my family.
And if you're in Canada like me you can use Interac. [email protected].
As always, thanks for reading my rambles!
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tec-ask-blog · 1 month ago
NO OCS (sorry! More on this later tho)
NO SHIPS (however, feel free to ask about sexuality n stuff. No ships ≠ no romance lol)
ask as many questions as you want, I love drawing them
Please do not repost my art without credit
Please remember, this is all for fun! I am simply an account doing an ask blog (an rp if you wanna call it that). I am only one man, I cannot answer everything in one day. Give me some time. :)
“Who can I ask questions?”
You can ask basically any canon character anything. For some characters I probably won’t respond if they’re not a high demand, but this doesn’t count for the main club. You can also ask questions to all of the boys parents! I know they’re not mentioned a lot, but a lot of people love making their own versions. I am those people. Also, feel free to ask either of Bills sibling something (Jane, his older sister, or Tommy, his younger brother.) or Pete’s siblings something. (As of the moment, Pete’s siblings have not been fully thought out by me, but I’m getting there.) The parents and siblings ARE cannon, we just don’t have enough for me to NOT make up stuff for them.
“How should I phrase my question?”
If you’ve never done an ask blog before, this is just my simple help. (Some advice is also to just see how other people have been asking)
I’d prefer if you’d name the character you wanna ask a question IN the question (ex: “Pete, what’s your favorite movie?”) BUT I also don’t mind if you add them in parenthesis after the question. (This is usually more useful for questions directed at 2 or more people.)
The AU itself
This AU is insanely simple, it’s basically just the club if they liked each other a bit more and had more in depth lives. Basically beyond what the comic shows us. Their designs are slightly changed up a bit (you can still tell who’s who though lol.) In this AU the boys are all 17, they’re all also still in HS. Some of them have had jobs, but they didn’t last long. Nothing crazy, lol.
“Anything else?”
I plan to add on a lot more to this AU. Think of it like uh… casino cups or smth. I do have a lot of lore in my head that is entirely based on canon, but the only way I’ll share is probably through questions asked. I’ve always wanted to have an ask-blog type rp for something I like, and I love TEC so it means a LOT to me that people are enjoying it so far! If things keep sailing smoothly, then I’ll also drop some lore bits here and there….
This blog from now on will ALWAYS have #the smeltingville club on all the posts. If you ever make fanart of these versions or anything like that, feel free to use it too man!
EDIT: Hey guys, I’m also a nerd in HS. So if it takes a few days to upload new art/replies, just remember that I also have a life to live. Thank you for understanding. Also, thanks for all the support I’ve been getting! I love you all so much, remember to drink water and stay safe! :)
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