#but some people really just jump from that to ''I can't believe you're celebrating the world ending! how could you be excited about this?!'
thethingything · 4 months
fun fact: if you hang out on space weather related forums you can see several comments a week from people panicking about the possibility of another Carrington Event (which is understandable and honestly I'm glad they're at least asking space weather nerds and not random conspiracy theorists or whatever), ranging from people asking for reassurance and thanking everyone for explaining stuff to them, to people calling everyone on the forum insane and acting like they're celebrating the end of the world because they're excited about maybe seeing more aurora when there's a large solar flare
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ethanlvndry · 1 year
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Title: Fuck you too.
Pairing:Ethan Landry xfem!black!reader
Warnings: mentions of sex, pregnancy, mentions of abortion, death, injury, crying, angst. I haven't seen VI yet, so I might have stuff wrong.
Summary: After the incident with your ex in Woodsboro, Amber Freeman. You find yourself seeking comfort with Chad's roommate. Ethan Landry. What happens when a repeat of Woodsboro starts up in college?
😨🔪ꜱᴄʀᴇᴀᴍ ᴠɪ ꜱᴘᴏɪʟᴇʀꜱ🔪😨
Here I was, drinking at a frat party. I'm trying SO hard to forget about my ex. Amber. The one who would help me cut my hair, the one who would help me get up after a hangover, the one who would help me steal. Oh, Amber...
I can't believe I still think of her like this. As if she didn't literally slit a gash, now a scar, in both my arm and leg. She was older than me by 2 days, but we would celebrate our birthday the day after her's.
While I continue to sulk at the bar in the house, I heart commotion. About 3 voices, 2 of them sounding familiar. Like Chad, and Tara's.
I dump the rest of my drink in the sink and toss my cup into the overflowing trash can.
"Hey partner, Tara's fine down here." You hear as you get closer.
"Sorry, I didn't quite catch that?" A rando in a white outfit remarks.
"Yeah you did"
"No chad- I want to!" Tara jumps in
"See Chad? She wants to." The rando taunts.
The white clad guy then begins to practically drag Tara up the stairs, ignoring her exclaims of discomfort. Chad acts on instinct and pulls him by the shirt, dragging him back down the stairs.
"Get the fuck off me!" The rando says while shoving Chad back. It starts to just go back and forth with the insults and shoves, while Tara is trying to break them apart, Sam appears. With a taser.
I would've laughed had I not been processing being shoved by her as she came over here.
"Yeah, I'm just gonna tase you in the balls real quick.
She quickly takes him in his..well..balls. Then, she gets pushed back a little as the dude falls to the ground, screaming in pain.
"Fucking bitch!" He exclaims
"Sam, are you fucking kidding me? Are you stalking me now?" Tara asks as she bolts for the exit to leave
I hear people beginning to talk about Sam being a Pshyco, and try my hardest to keep my smirk hidden. Now she knows how it feels.
I mean, I've been suspected of being a secret killer, since Richie was talking about some-
"Your time is coming soon [name], you'll see!"
I get shivers thinking about it.
I'm pulled out my thoughts as I feel a cold hand begin to drag me out the door. I pull it back.
"C'mon [name], we have to go." Anika exclaims
"Why do I have to go? It's not like they trust me enough to want me to be there." I retort back
She gives me a look that has be melt, and just follow her lead out the door.
"Tara! Can you stop?!" I hear Sam say.
"I can't believe you did that! You fucking embarrassed me!"
"That guy was a dick! He was gonna take advice of you!"
"So? If I want to hook up with an asshole that's my decision. It's MY decision. It's not wbout you-I mean, you were out of my life for 5 years - then you can't leave me alone for 5 minutes!"
I try to listen more into their argument, but I'm interrupted by Chad's roommate greeting me with a small hello.
"Hey! Crazy night, huh? I mean, we weren't even there for an hour, and somebody got tased in the balls"
"Yeah! I like your costume, by the way. You're supposed to be Domino from Deadpool, am I right?"
"Yeah, and you're an...uh, a knight?"
"Yeah, I know. I made it in less than an hour. It looks trashy."
You rock trashy really well. I want to say, but, I can't. Not after what happened with Amber. I instead go for a laugh that makes him laugh in return.
"I feel kind of out of place. Wanna go to my dorm?"
He asks. I widened my eyes at how quick the conversation went from that time this. He must've seen my slight discomfort because he began to profusely apologize to me.
"Ethan. HEY! Don't worry. I understand how you feel right now. We can go, but let me tell everyone first."
I see him slightly relax at my confession.
"Hey, you guys! I'm going over to Ethan's dorm if you need me"
I watch as they all kind of ignore me except for Anika, only for a split second when she returns to her conversation with Mindy.
We split off from the group, now on our way to Ethan, and Chad's dorm. When we get there it's awkward. Us not really knowing why it got to this point. Then all of a sudden.
"You wanna fuck?"
Shit. Way to make somebody uncomfortable [name].
"Y-yeah, but we have to stay on my side. Otherwise, Chad will kill me."
I walk over to him and straddle his hips as we start locking lips. Oh, this was gonna be a good night.
It's been a couple of days since Ethan and I slept together. Tara and Sam were being attacked while Ethan and I were lying down with each other. Well, we were lying down with each other. I had woken up a few times finding that he wasn't next to me anymore. I was so tired that I just lied right back down.
I've been feeling a little sick since we slept together, though. I at first blamed it on the food from the party. But as time went by, I started thinking of other reasons. Pregnancy being one of them. We didn't bring a condom since neither of us thought we would be doing stuff like that, but we ended up just being so into it, I'm not even sure if he pulled out. Everything that happened was a blur.
This morning before I came over to The sister's, and Quinn's dorm. I went to the convenience store to buy some tests.
I planned to take them at Sam house, but now we're sitting around the table getting ready to eat, and all I can think about is Ethan, I tried calling him, but it went straight to voice-mail. I was beginning to get worried. But then Sam snatched my phone, implying that I was trying to contact the killer.
I roll my eyes at her obviously hesitant behavior and the fact none of the "core four" was standing up for me, but push my anger back down.
Then we all hear a ding come from our phones simultaneously. We all open them up to see an image of a dead Quinn. We look at Quinn's door, hearing struggling, and then silence. The door is suddenly banged open, with Quinn's body hurling on top of Anika and I. We push her off of us, and we all scatter across the apartment.
I run towards the table to get the unopened bottle of whiskey and smash it on the Ghostface's head. They then turn towards me, sticking their knife up and impaling me through the shoulder. I screech as they twist it inside, rubbing the pain in.
Mindy then gets a knife block and hits them on the head, causing them to pull out the knife and fall on the floor. We run into Quinn's bedroom and see that her fling is dead in the tub. Of course, Mindy has to announce it as dramatically as possible.
We then push the storage shelf in front of the door to keep the killer out. As I'm holding the shelf to the door, Mindy points out how much blood Anika is losing. Sam then opens up the window, and I almost laugh at the idea I know she's conjuring up.
The ladder.
I see Tara, Chad, and Sam's new love interest across the window, urging her to cross. She masters up a sigh before beginning her trek across the buildings. As she's making it over, I see Mindy and Anika having one last kiss before Mindy crosses the ladder. When she crosses, I tilt my head at Anika's reluctance in crossing before me.
"Go [name], you have more of a chance of making it across!" She says
" There's no way in hell I'm leaving you! Somebody has to hold the door, plus they actually like you!"
"GO, AND HURRY" She yells
I quickly let go and climb through the window onto the ladder. The adrenaline starts to wear off as I realize how far above ground I am. I make it before it completely wears off. Now, it was Anika's turn.
She limps over to the window, starting to steady herself, when she starts to panic. Not only from the height, but from the stab wound she received minutes ago.
"I can't do it!" She cries
We all urge her to come holding our hands out, and then we see movement behind her. Seeing Ghostface broke into the bathroom.
"What?" She asks
"Anika, you have to move right now!" Mindy exclaims.
Anika looks back to see how close Ghostface is and sees how he stabs his knife into the sill.
She cries no as he starts to tilt and shake the ladder whilst she's crossing. I reach further out the window to pull her over and feel somebody's pulling me back by my sweater.
" Take my hand Anika!"
She inches her hand closer to mine, our fingertips now brushing, I push myself out further, to the point I'm partially on the ladder. I grip her sweatshirt and pull her into me, her leg getting stuck, then a Crack sounding out. She screams. I keep on pulling until she falls through the window on top of me.
"You're okay Anika, you're okay."
I say while patting her head as she sniffles and sobs into my wounded shoulder. I grimace at the way her leg is bent but choose to ignore it as I let her cry out to her hearts content. I then hear police sirens and look out the window only to see Gjostface gone, along with their knife.
I purse my lips at another loss for us. We have severe wounds that could and would affect us physically and mentally.
We all sit in the back of an ambulance in blankets as I see someone getting closer to us.
"Hey! Where the fuck were you?! You're gone and my sister almost dies!"
"I was at Econ, ask the hundreds of people I was there with."
I bite my lips at the apparent possibility that Ethan might be the killer. I don't wanna believe it, but I know better than to let feelings get in the way of my logic.
"It's always Econ with you! The same excuse with you over and over again!"
"[name], back me up here, please."
I go to open my mouth, but close it as I realize I'm at a loss of words.
Ethan scoffs before walking off, not before muttering a cold, curt "thanks a lot" towards me.
I call out his name, but the distance between us starts to increase. Him now appearing as a tiny dot.
A nurse comes over to give me my vitals.
"We scanned over your torso and shoulder, it appears you have a broken rib and a dislocated shoulder. Nothing to severe. I suppose you already know?"
"Know what?"
"You're pregnant! With twins at that!"
My mouth, along with the rest of the groups, hangs wide open.
"Hm. I Guess I should leave you to have a chit chat with your friends about it since they seem involved with you?"
She then scurried away to go deal with the casts getting prepared for Anika and I.
"Who's the father?"
A few seconds go by before she repeats herself. A little firmer this time.
The group then makes worried faces at my suddenly outburst of sobs as I realize what I got myself into.
I try to text Ethan only to find out he blocked me. I've thrown up about 3 times in the past half an hour from how much I've been crying. I can't raise two babies by myself. I've been thinking about an abortion ever since I found out. I don't believe either of us would be willing to step up and take care of them.
I tried to call Ethan through Snapchat because he hasn't blocked me through there yet. But my call gets declined faster than I can blink, leaving me there to sulk and cry about the predicament I got myself in.
We're now at a weird shrine for the stab movies, actual stuff from the murders in the abandoned theater. Gale showed us this place. Her now being in the ER from a Ghostface attack. We are all wandering around looking at things when all of a sudden, a Ghostface pops up slashing at Tara and I.
We both run into Chad and Sam who are running away from another Ghostface as we go down a hallway, Chad begins to do stuff to get them of of our trail. That however, ends up with him having his flesh audibly ripped by the knives of the killers.
Tara's screaming, piercing everyone's ears as she watches him tell her to leave, like a hero. Sam grabs Tara so she doesn't run towards them, and I follow them. We run into Kirby, her having blood on her head. Detective Bailey then appeared, gun instantly pointed at Kirby. A shot sounds out Kirby on the floor.
The Ghostfaces then take their places by Deetective. One of them revealing themselves as the father of the twins inside of you. Ethan Landry. And the other as Quinn who appeantly faked her death.
As they reveal themselves as relatives of Richie. I can feel Ethans gazs on me, I quickly look at him only to find that he's smirking.
This fucking asshole is smirking.
Bet he won't be smirking when I tell him that he's a father.
Quinn charges towards us, Tara shutting her down with a brick. Her losing some teeth. She then tries to go for me, but I say-
"Not so fast, Quinn, wouldn't wanna hurt your little Nieces, or Nephews, right?"
She let's the information settle into her brain before she realized that you told her you're pregnant with her brother's children.
While she's distracted, I angle the sharp side of the knife towards her shoulder. A screech coming from her bloodied mouth. Giving me enough time to get away.
As I'm running. I hear footsteps behind me, causing me to speed up and take harsh turns that could confuse whoever behind me.
I crouch behind a couch, only to be met face to face with Ethan. He grins sadistically pushing on my healing shoulder wound. My eyes widened at how he knew where it was when I didn't tell him anything about my wounds.
"Y'know, it was me at the apartment. I felt bad after I got you, but I mean, you did help kill my fucking brother with that bitch Sam"
My eyes begin to well up with tears from how quick his personality changed. From shy nerd to crazy creep. I then feel a pain in my abdomen as I was about to tell him to fuck off.
As my vision starts to darken, I mutter out my confession about being pregnant and chuckle at the still apparent way his face changed.
I got lazy at the end if you didn't notice, by the way part 2, or should I leave it alone.
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emiko-matsui · 4 months
i don't think any of you care, but i have blocked that person now and im gonna delete some posts from last night to clean up my own account from that shit. they doubled down on the fact that i'm a creep who's being weird about fat people, and when asked to produce the posts they're talking about that supposedly back them up they either stop replying or just repeat what they said in the previous message. im really grateful so many people have been nice to me about this and sent me messages, but i also wish we don't engage with this person anymore and stop sending them anons. for everyone's sake, but i also grabbed this from underneath one of their posts about the situation
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when being asked to remember people online also are real people they completely disregard it, so i believe everyone is best to just move on from this. block them, because this lack of respect is insane and harmful to others in an online space.
lastly i also just wanted to say that i've had issues with my own body for a very long time (i won't say if it's regarding me being fat, skinny, disabled, etc. especially since that was one of the things that person got mad at me for not sharing) and that i, personally, am so grateful that all different body types exist because i think it makes humanity so much more beautiful. the fetishisation of fat people was something this person really hammered about, and i just wanna say that when it comes to your body it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks of it, when you have sex or are just naked you are beautiful and sexy, not because someone desires you or says so but because you feel it. i believe this to be true in every situation, but highlighted the naked part because that is what a lot of people struggle with and what i got jumped about by that blog. if any teenagers or younger people follow me and read a lot of my posts i want to remind you that the best feature on the internet is the block button. you don't have to justify yourself in your space, so if you don't like something just move past it. it's always okay to make things up about fictional character to make you feel better, as long as you're not mean to someone else what they think about the same character if they think differently. create your own space online, but also remember that the internet and what exists on it is available for anyone to see, so you can't go on making things up about real people. that goes just as much for someone trying to make up that i have a fat fetish as someone making up things about a mega celebrity like harry styles. it's far more unlikely to reach, but still affects a real person, and that is not okay.
I didn't mean for this to turn into a goddamn short story, so if anyones still reading i just wanna say thank you and remind you that kristen applebees is a chubby girl
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arabian-batboy · 10 days
you do realize that jill stein basically is in with the russians and is in putin’s back pocket? she’s practically a russian asset. it’s so obvious that she doesn’t truly understand or cares about how the us political system works and opts to speak political misinformation. if she truly wants to be a good candidate she needs to start at the local governments rather than jumping into the presidential ballot every four years to basically steal votes? she’s just appropriating the current movements that would potentially give her some votes without an actual plan for anything. she’s “anti war” but takes money from lockheed martin? be so fr rn now.
what’s her plan for a ceasefire? a two party state does she understand how the government would come to that? she’s antivax and spreads conspiracy theories - one of the reasons why we even lost in 2016 is bc of people like you voting for her.
it’s unfortunate, believe me, that we even have a two party system. i hate it but that’s simply how the government works and there’s nothing we could do to change that right now, but if you’re voting for hee then you’re voting against women and the lgbt and poc in the us as well. if trump does end of winning this election bc of voters who vote third party, like how he won in 2016, the us is going to be so much worse than what we could possibly ever imagine. there’s so much at stake this election cycle it’s mind boggling.
if she really wanted to be president, she’d start at local elections and work her way up rather than just jumping onto certain states ballots every four years for the presidential election tbh.
You got proof that she receives millions of dollars from Russian lobbies? Because there's proof that Kamala, Biden and Hilary all received millions of dollars from Israeli lobbies in the form of AIPAC publicly announcing that they use lobbying money for them without any shame, they literally don't try to hide it. Yet I don't see you rushing in to call them or any other AIPAC's recipients an 'Israel's asset" or accuse them of being in Bibi's back-pocket......even though they are.
Here's a video of Stein's fundraiser director debunking her receiving money from Lockheed Martin: X
Trump was the first person to become a US's president without any political or military history, people thought it was just a joke when the funny old man from Celebrity Apprentice ran for office yet he won and there's a chance he will win again, so I don't see why holding any local government should be obligatory for 3rd party before jumping straight into the presidential ballot.
I already said everything I wanted to say about voting for 3rd party here X, frankly I have no interests on putting Stein on a pedestal or convincing others that she's a morally good person, all I care about is that she does the bare minimum of "doesn't unconditionally support a genocide against my people" and is the only 3rd party candidate who has any chance of winning, so that's more than enough for me.
But back to you, everything you said is so fucking narcissistic, telling people that are dying that its "simply how the government works and there’s nothing we could do to change that right now" must be easy for you to say because you're not the direct victim of the US's imperialism, but its not our fault that you're such a spineless complicit who believes the US simply can not exist without genocidal war-criminals running the government at all time and everyone who suffers from it should shut up and stop being an inconvenience because things will not change for them and instead they should put your needs and wants before their very lives.
Through-out human history many empires that were considered the strongest in the world came and went, the US empire isn't an exception and if it can't change from within then eventually it will be forcibly changed from the outside and its mostly likely the latter, since asking you to grow a conscious is asking for too much.
Also I just don't understand why you people talk about women, people of color and gay people as if they only exist in the US or that them living in the US while Republicans are in office is somehow worse than living in a country that is currently being bombed by the US? Democrats' bombs kills women, Democrats' bombs kills people of color, Democrats' bombs kills LGBT community, matter of fact Democrats' bombs kills as many people as Republican bombs do, so explain to me how things will be worse for women/PoC/LGBT exactly if the Republican win? Because Republican were in office from 2017 to 2021 and I didn't see minorities in the US being indiscriminately killed by the thousands in day-light without any repercussions for their murder, but they are being killed overseas, both by Republican and Democrats while you are here busy making up cartoonishly-evil scenarios about how the things that are happening to them will happen to you if people vote 3rd party and the Republicans win because of that.
Spoiler Alert: No it will not, you will continue living a safe peaceful life in a developed nation without having to fear 60,000 tons of bombs being dropped on you while you're hiding in a tent in a refugee camp or searching for food among rubble regardless of who wins, whether its the red, blue or green party. So at the very least vote for a 3rd party so that other people from other countries will enjoy the same privilege as you instead of making up ridiculous stories about how all of your human rights will be stripped away if the blue war-criminal wasn't in office so therefore those annoying victims of war should be quiet and dare suggest the heinous crime of voting for a 3rd part.
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hacked-by-jake · 4 months
Is it just me , but doesn't it seem like they aren't taking accountability?
Well, partly they did. I mean, I wasn't expecting a statement that fast, definitely not. But I'm glad they sat down immediately and talked about it. And I also think they really read things we said. At least, it feels like that to me.
Of course, they statement isn't the best one and I don't agree with a couple of things. (I'm still not done with speaking about it.)
And I also understand why people are still disappointed and also not satisfied. And it's true, their words weren't what we were hoping for.
And I repeat, nothing of it makes me forget the problems about it. But I still want to point something out. Because I want the best for both sides.
So, here's the thing. Everbyte is still the small studio they were before. Three young people creating games. And one of those games blow up completely in a blink. All of sudden they had thousands of people looking at them. I mean, Duskwood has over 10 Million Downloads on Google play. It's impossible to imagine that.
So, and here's the thing. They're not any influencer with marketing team or social media team. They don't have a company that is specialised on this matter. It's them and only them.
And back then, Duskwood jumped from 0 to 100. And now, with Moonvale, sadly, they fell down from there again. I don't think they expected this to happen. In another blink they had an unbelievable amount of people criticising them, hating them, even others demanding to boycott them.
They don't have a management to write them the perfect statement for the world like any influencer or youtuber or celebrity has.
I mean, imagine you're suddenly in a position were many people demanding a statement. This alone is already a situation that's completely overwhelming. Because you know, no matter you're going to say, some people will still hate, and I don't mean criticising them, but hate them. And every word you say will be put on a gold scale. Fact is, no matter how your statement is, in most cases you still can only lose..
Three normal people facing a huge wall of criticism. And I don't think any of them knew how to handle this. And there's no real way to handle this. And we also should not forget, we don't see the behind the scenes. We don't see the problems they have to face.
And of course, we all see this critical. What happened. And we have the right to point that out. But I believe that we should have a little forbearance and tolerance for Everbyte.
They were probably in panic, scared to lose everything and they had not time to really figure things out. Of course their statement is very vague and I am not satisfied with most of it.
But we still should give them some time to figure things out and especially to think about everything that happened. The fandom was incredibly emotional, and Everbyte, they're humans as well. And also they were incredibly emotional. We can't imagine how they felt in that situation.
But until episode 2 they have a lot of time now. They can figure things out, they can find ways to change things. And I actually trust them so far. We saw they can do differently.
And especially, they just see everything completely different. They created this this game, for two years. They saw it every single days. They worked on it every single day.
I don’t know if you can relate. But if a writer reads their own text over and over again, at some point they won't see any mistakes anymore. Even if there are some. But for some thing you just become blind. That's a process you can't stop.
I want to repeat, it doesn't make the problems any better. Especially the AI thing. They right thing would have been to say "we will delete it completely"
But Everbyte can't be neutral on that because it's their game. We all have completely different view for it.
So I do think we should give them some time to figure things out. They deserve it. And no matter how disappointed we are, we should not forget that empathy cost nothing. And even if everything ended up in a little disaster, Everbyte still deserves our empathy.
We can keep firing against them but I fear at some point it might fire back and they won't listen at all.
Keep showing them constructive criticism. Leave reviews in your app stores etc. And then the time will show what is going to happen. But right now, it's still too emotional for everyone.
I'm still sorry you're feeling this way, Anon. I definitely know what you mean and I even agree with you. But everything I want is peace and I want to keep up the hope.
Thank you for sending your ask, sorry my answer isn't probably exactly what you expected but I really hope you understand my point of view and I hope even if my answer is differently, I hope you want be mad at me because of it.
I hope you will have a fantastic day/evening/night. Take care of yourself and stay healthy and safe. 💚
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pedroschka · 2 years
Joseph Quinn x reader
Summary: you find yourself in a bar taking shots with Joseph Quinn and leaving with his phone number
words: 1,5 k
A/n: felt inspired by the Spain Story to finally start writing again! Big Thanks to @icallhimjoey for giving my brain a kick to keep me on track, much love!
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Unsure of what distraction you wanna go after at the moment you lay cuddled up on your couch and switching between scrolling through your phone and watching some sitcom playing on the TV, which occasionally gets an amused Snort out of you.
It was Saturday and after an exhausting week, you told yourself that you needed a weekend for yourself and maybe clean up your flat, do the dishes, bring out the trash or do some sport. But this was another you plans which has no similarity to this you who was scrolling through memes for over two hours now, with trash and dishes still happily lying in the kitchen, untouched.
A new notification stirred you out of your trance-like state and you saw that one of your friends send you a message with a picture attached to it
- " Isn't this that bloke you're obsessed with the whole summer?? We're partying with him he's buying everyone shots!!! "
- image attached -
No fucking way.
You abruptly sat up, clinging to your phone with sweaty hands and zooming in on the picture with shaking fingers. There he was, Joseph fucking Quinn in the same bar as your friends, which you canceled on because of your stupid healthy second personality.
- " holy shit no way, I'm coming over!! Nobody fucking moves!!" you quickly type back
TV and phone forgotten and with a blanket still tangled around your legs, you stumbled through your flat to make yourself somewhere decent looking in record time, because no way are you meeting your celebrity crush for over 6 months in your pyjamas.
Surprised by yourself and the uber system you achieved to stand approximately thirty minutes after you received the text message, in front of the dimly lit bar from which a remarkable amount of chatter is coming off already, busy night for sure
You wriggled your way through drunk people towards your group of friends who already are beckoning you over with tipsy waving.
'' you got to be kidding me, the one weekend I cancel on you my future husband is in the same fucking bar! " you babble straight away, your way of greeting.
" Either he wants us all to know that he's rich or that he's British " "or both"  "but this man actually turned on a timer and every 20 minutes he's giving out shots" two of your friends giving you a recap of what happened in your absence
" we already got our rounds from him, you want some? " your other friend asks, and you looked at her with wide eyes and then at the table with a round of tequila shots, most of them already empty. Nodding quickly and right away drowned two tequila shots, desperate for some drunk confidence. Screwing your eyes shut for a second, embracing the burning feeling going down your throat
"holy shit, I can't believe he's really here"
" well let's go, talk to him"
Looking at her like she grew three heads " what... What do I even say to him?! Hello, I cried harder over Eddie's death than at my grandma's funeral?!"
" I bet he's already so drunk that he would just say thank you and offer you another shot"
Taking a big breath and focusing your eyes on the man in question at the center of the bar, a mop of tousled curls surrounded by a group of apparently other fans or just people who gladly engage with him in exchange for free booze.
Taking all your courage, and with shaking legs you made your way to the counter, sweaty hands grabbing the edge of it, just to have something to hold onto. You stand now only a few meters away from the very man you watched interviews of at 2am while giggling like an idiot.
Just as you rummage your brain for a charming but funny way to grab his attention, a shrill beeping sound went off, making you jump a little, and he suddenly swirled around, big brown eyes meeting yours, and shouted " SHOTS! " right at your face.
and before you know it you stand in a bar, in the middle of sweaty and drunk people taking tequila shots with Joseph Quinn.
Take that for a first impression.
Slamming the shot glass a little too hard on the counter and giving a comically 'whoop' from him, a few drops of tequila running down his chin you seriously asked yourself why the hell you were so nervous to meet him because now he reminded you more of your drunk uncle when watching sports games. But instead of your uncle, Joseph Quinn managed to look hot even when swaying and alcohol breath coming off from him, or you just were already in too deep.
" hi I'm Joe!" he shouted at you over the noise
As if he needed to introduce himself you thought but told him your name
"I don't live under a rock I recognize the man of the year when he stands in front of me"
"Oh shut up" he snorts a bashful smile on his face now
" no you are very subtle about it, even got a shot timer and everything! " you both started giggling and his hand finds balance on your arm like you didn't just meet each other 5 minutes ago
"in my defense..." he holds up his finger but dropped It again as nothing comes to his mind "I don't know I guess I'm just very British" and you both started giggling again. Intoxicated minds turning everyone into a stand-up comedian and best friend for one night.
After a few more drunk small talk and giggling you looked at him wide-eyed like a light bulb just went off inside your head
"ohh by the way British, I'm actually in London next month! Let's meet up!! " your voice getting louder with your enthusiasm and his eyes grew even wider at your information
"fuck you're kidding! That's awesome! We should totally hang, wait imma give you my number so you can text when you're there yeah?!"
You both fumbled with your phones, squinting at the sudden brightness and trying to make out the blurry numbers. Both way too excited over the possibility of meeting up again.
Right after, the next alarm comes off from Joe's phone and you linked your arms together and gulped each other's shots.
As the night continues you both lose count and conversations turned indefinite and slurred until you both part ways with the promise to meet each other again and a toddler-like hug, literally just holding onto each other so nobody falls.
You woke up the next morning and wished you wouldn't wake up at all anymore, glad you're actually lying in your own bed with clothes on but with what reward?! The biggest headache you ever felt and vomit already crawling up your throat. Hangovers were no fun but especially not after reaching the age of over twenty.
Around noon you felt good enough to finally check your phone, maybe it can help to fill your missing memories from last night if you even wanted to know.
The first thing you saw was a new message from your friend with an image attached to it, deja vu
"oh no" you mumbled shocked as some memories came back to you, very surreal memories!
In the picture, you and Joseph fucking Quinn, linking arms and taking a shot
Your friend's message under it
- '' thought you wanted to frame this <3"
Hastily scrolling through your contacts, not sure if your memories are wishful thinking or reality and in fact, under the letter J was a new contact
- Joeeeeee q.
Your stupid ass remembers telling him to put the Q behind his name so you can remember which one he is. As if you know so many other Joe's.
Now panic. You have joseph Quinn's number. Result of a very drunken night. Which he for sure doesn't remember. Does it even matter if you write him, He probably won't respond. You could just enjoy it and live in a daydream about him like all the other days before.
But otherwise...
You're staring at the message you typed in and your thumb hovers over the send button... It's now or never
- " was a pleasure to meet the man of the year last night! I don't remember much and you surely even less but I think we wanted to meet up next month when I'm in London" With your name under it, on second thought you even send the image your friend made of you both right after it.
Right after you click send you made an inhuman squeak sound, chuck your phone away from you and throw yourself face down on your bed again, face squished in a pillow and regretting every life decision you ever made.
After doing literally anything to busy yourself the Bing for a new notification on your phone makes you stop in your tracks while holding a now clean dish in your hand
"Please let this be mum, please let this be mum" mumbling under your breath while speedwalking into your bedroom again, anxiety unbearable
Taking a deep breath and opening your phone you saw that it was in fact not your mum writing you
- "you're right I don't remember shit, feeling like it too. How are you doing?"
-" do I really look like that when taking a shot?! "
From Joeeeeee q.
(reblogs and comments are very appreciated additional to your likes)
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Kravitz creeps through the brush, holding his bag in his hand rather than risking it snagging on a branch. Traveling off the road isn't his preference, but he's been finding the main drag less and less hospitable by the day. He swears it feels like people are just trying to kill him.
Probably because many people are trying to kill him.
Listen. Liiiisten. In his defense, how was he to know that the king of the Silvered Isles was such a poor sport? When you hire a bard for your thirtieth birthday celebration, you have to assume some good-natured slander would happen. It's in the oath you have to take at your coronation, Kravitz is pretty sure.
So he's trying to lay low.
This does mean, unfortunately, that he can't just mosey into the nearest town, charm his way into a nice, discounted room in a tavern, and wash his face. His choices of lodging currently include a tree, a damp cave, or the actual fucking ground.
He's so absorbed with his dreams of a hot shower and a feather pillow that he hardly remembers to try and keep quiet. It's hard, though, what with all the roots doing their damndest to trip him.
But the knife at his throat helps him refocus.
"Stop right where you are," A voice behind him orders. Presumably the voice holding the knife.
Kravitz holds his hands up. "Please. Please, I promise you, whatever you're being offered, I will double it," he breathes out. It's a lie, he can't afford to come close to what the king is offering for his head, he's got no fortune to speak of and his mother’s minor nobility is in title only. But if he could just get this person to stop trying to give him a choker made of his own blood, maybe he could get the jump on them.
"Turn around," the voice orders.
The blade comes away from his neck and Kravitz does what he's told. He keeps his hands up and tries to get a read on his assassin. No dice. All he can see is that lethal, diminuative dagger catching the moonlight; long-sleeves and gloves and a hood conceals anything Kravitz could use to his advantage.
"So, you're the head his royal highness wants delivered on a platter, eh?" The figure in front of him twirls his dagger easily. "You don't seem like you're worth the trouble."
"I'm not, really," Kravitz blurts out, far less calmly than he was hoping for. "I didn't do anything that bad, I beg you to believe me." He's begging for his life in the middle of a dark forest and earnestly hopes to be thought of as unkillably pathetic.
"I heard you made a mockery of the king in front of his entire court."
Kravitz feels himself blanch. "In a manner of speaking, I suppose I did."
The figure in front of him nods for a moment before stashing his dagger. "I think you and I are going to get on just fine, then." The figure pulls his hood back and Kravitz is met with a shock of pale hair and twinkling dark eyes. "Follow me. Unless you wanna risk the woods all by your lonesome," he says liltingly, almost daring Kravitz to follow him. He sets off confidently in the dark, not bothering to wait.
Kravitz fully intends on turning tail and rushing the other direction until he hears a particularly close and loud branch snap.
Shadows dance along the wall of the cave as the fire crackles. Taako, Kravitz’s would-be, still-could-be assassin, has been kind enough to show him some hospitality. He's even gone so far as to share some meager rations.
"Where're you headed, anyway?" Taako asks between bites of apple.
"I have this gig at a horribly ritzy wedding up in Crowned Peak that, according to some sources, might also be some kind of an execution or something? All I know is that it pays obscenely, so long as I can get there in one piece." Realistically, Kravitz shouldn't be quite so forthcoming with this information. Makes him an even easier target.
Taako lets out a low whistle. "That's a big trek on the main roads, let alone sneaking around like you are."
Kravitz nods glumly. "Don't I know it."
Taako tosses the core of the apple into the fire and watches the flames dance around. "You need an escort?" He says after a few minutes.
This is obviously a terrible idea. Or a trap of some kind. The classic "escort this dude to a fancy wedding and then kill him for the fancy wedding money and the price put on his head by the sniveling, sensitive king who can't take any kind of ribbing" trick.
"I know how it sounds," Taako continues. "But I don't wanna do the king's dirty work. He sounds like a bore. But I'll get you there in one piece."
Kravitz worries his bottom lip between his teeth. "How do I know I can trust you?"
Taako shrugs. "You can't. But I'm your best option."
"You've got a deal," Kravitz says, holding out his hand. Taako takes it and gives it a firm squeeze.
Kravitz hopes he doesn't wake up with a dagger to the chest. Taako’s such a nice guy.
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aphrodite1288 · 11 months
Jongin is friends with homophobic and generally-horrible-ass-person Siwon? He’s really got no right to be judging any of Kyungsoo’s friends, ever 🥴
First off, I clearly said Exo are not so close with these people just friends and they do talk. And Exo themselves recently with"Eunchae" during Cream Soda promotions updated us on their status with their celebrity friends, and they clearly said " We have no friends anymore in the industry" and Xiumin jumped and said " We only have each other, stay away from making celebrity friends!" They literally warned her. Why would they do that? Because in their 15years to 16 years and for Baek it's 12 years since they joined the company in this period of time of course they made tons of friends and maybe later on they were hurt, offended, lied to, scammed, gaslit, manipulated or exposed so they had to stop these friendships at some point because they found it was wrong and consuming their energy especially during first years of debut and you know the Korean culture, the Hoobaes get forced to be nice and respectful to their sunbaes and older people which is stupid because you should be nice even to people you dislike. So we don't know their status with their celebrity friends now. I don't know Since last time We saw Ji eating with Siwon in 2017 and 2018 we never heard of them ever again. So we never know their friendship status now. For Siwon's case he is a very religious christian and he said This is against God's will in the bible, and in sure every christian knows that being gay is a massive Sin basically in every Religion, it's fine if people think differently from you, if they can't accept something doesn't make them bad people, Siwon ate his own bandmate's head and tried all his best for so many years to make him go back on track and make him believe in God 😂 and you know who I'm talking about "HEECHUL" and the latter many times have shared he was so annoyed and literally fought with Siwon because Siwon insisted on making him believe there's a God and told him several times that he doesn't want him to go to Hell and he literally begged him to do not do this and to start believing in God because he loved him and he doesn't want him to sin and go to hell. So he did it out if a good motive. But that was his bandmate of almost 20 years! Would he be this close to tell Ji " You're gay you're sinning" I don't even think Jongin ever opened up about his personal life and sexual orientation to Siwon ever, Ji is a very private person, I heard even the Exos and their managers never got to see Kadi making out and That there was only twice where Kadi stole a very chast Pecks from each other in Inkigayo and AAA in their waiting room but no members were looking and that's how we got the famous two Kadi kisses. Because they're just too respectful around their bandmates that they don't wanna make them uncomfortable. Because also them believe that not everyone would be accepting of them.
Sometimes your friends do wrong and do something toxic, you either leave them or forgive them and move on, like What Irene did, she is Suho's friend, but she had a massive disrespectful scandal with her Staff, and we still saw suho with her attending events, does that mean he supports her behavior? No! You give your friends advice and you can disagree with them and scold them and even fight them for their wrong but you can still be friends of course if what they did was not so over the limits. And sometimes I saw people in my circle even forgive their friends or partners for being a literal red flag with toxic traits. I'm not saying you should, but you never know when you can forgive someone for even hurting you. I've seen many women forgiving their cheating husbands even! I see them stupid but I don't know their hearts maybe they just couldn't let go of such toxic relationship, if it was me I move on and ghost people the very next day 🤣
For Ksoo's friends, where did I or any admin every say Ji judged Ksoo's "Hyung Actors Squad"? He only didn't like Insung because he has done some very crazy shit to Ksoo and to him, he was also trying to take Ksoo to gay bars introducing him to Sexy almost naked men who dance seductively, which can lead to massive scandals & Ruin his career, he was telling him to leave SM and join his company it's the main reason of their massive fight back in 2019, because Ksoo was so naive and nice, and old group members here do know the full story to this.
I have a non-accepting friend of mine, and my best cousin both can't accept the Gay agenda. I have a friend who disagreedbwith the way I'm dressing and My religion, but we're still friends, she did voice out her opinion with me very respectfully and I accepted it.
My cousin hated watching Young Royals BL with me and she told me she will leave while I was watching if I don't change the Serie to another one, and I did because I respect her opinion, yet she still respects her gay friends who study with her. But she isn't accepting of them from her own beliefs and traditions and religion. You can't force people what to think and like and what to dislike. But they just have to be respectful about it, not offending you directly! And I doubt Siwon or any celebrity would openly be homophobic with their supposedly Gay friend in their face, because after all they're idols and they have a reputation they're scared to ruin.And if Siwon ever offended him after he knew Ji was Gay I'm sure Ji would cut their friendship or maybe if he was shy from his sunbae, he would turn it into a fully Work-Friendship nothing more. You know what I mean.
And not every friend at work is your bestie. And I said they're just friends but not so close. And if there's anyone who's so open-minded it's Super Junior and SHINee and Amber from Fx, because they're besties with each other, and who's the openly gay? Yes Key and Amber. And they were so supportive of them. Also you should know for many years after Exo's debut not everyone knew they were in a relationship, only Key and Krystal and Seulgi Knew. Others were just hearing rumors about them but no one believed it at first, they thought they're baseless gossip from old Trainees who left SM and who trained with Exo.
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edge-oftheworld · 9 months
no but i can't get over how actually well done the last few days were. announce a surprise and not 48 hours later we find out that 1) tour movie, the same thing taylor swift did a few months ago and now everyone wants plus we know it's a show they worked super hard on, 2) it's free, excellent for anyone who couldn't afford to go etc (we've all been there) and out literally right now on a (mostly) free platform (the very same one that they got started on but anyway) and perhaps most notably, 3) it's free with the hopes that you might instead of paying for it donate to gaza, and the links are right there.
like they could've charged us $20 each for the show and sent all their profits there themselves (with the hope that we believe they're being honest that it's 100%, for them of course we would but i know others have lied about similar). but instead they gave us autonomy over our donation just like. encouraged it. like cmon who wouldn't listen when ashton tells us to donate to something if we can? (also did anyone else say so, i'm not the best at keeping up with social media so lmk if there's more of them to give credit to here). anyway we gotta talk about it more. how perfectly this was done: we get a gift!! be it for christmas if you celebrate or just in general, that we expected we'd have to pay for. now we get asked, hey, if you have any money could you send it to these people who Really Need It So Badly if you can? I know not all of you do so we won't stop you from watching the movie if you don't but
also this is a really clever way to show their support for gaza. like they are (deliberately i think) trying not to be leaders in an area that they aren't experts in, and there has been a lot of misinformation around, a lot of misunderstanding, like yes they did stand up for ukraine last year but the media was a lot more black and white for that one (or should i say blue and yellow) but when it comes down to it they're not stupid and they're not fooled by whatever the country they currently live in is pushing and they've actually taken their time to not say shit to save face prematurely but actually do something that's, even if not big or dramatic, gonna be impactful? they've not put themselves out there campaigning for a ceasefire, yes, but they've posted links that are. they've not guilted us into donating but please tell me you're not at least feeling some obligation to. it's simple, it's actionable, it's right there in the caption and takes like 20 seconds. and if any of us in the fandom (global family or whatever they're building) are leading in the ceasefire decolonisation space we have our little encouragement to see that yes, these musicians we love aren't gonna sit there and do nothing. it's not monumental, but it's something.
and tbh i wouldn't be surprised if this was all planned like a week ago in a zoom call between australia and the usa when ryan texted to say that the film was done. like it was in their random spontanous lightheated style. i also think we can learn something from the fact that it's okay to not jump on everything the minute it comes out but actually every lasting impact is a long-haul effort that you've gotta sustain yourself for by doing what you love as well. and also sometimes the right opportunity to do something about what we care about comes and you just take it, don't think too hard, don't wait either if you don't need to, if there is a cause that needs your effort whenever you get an opportunity to give it will always be the right time. hopefully they've set a precedent for something--i have no idea if any artist has done similar but i'm really proud of them.
and that's why i don't get the fact that we've been talking about how horrific this genocide is and then going right to which songs they cut or kept. like i would like a live version of you don't go to parties! but i would like an entire fandom to donate to aid for gaza even more and be thinking about why we need a ceasefire and maybe doing something about it even more. i've been unwell yes and under financial and other stress yes but i'm not starving or freezing to death and so i'll take that L and i won't go home. i won't stop talking about what's important. i'm starting to find my voice again and this has been a big inspiration for it between all the discouragement.
have we not figured it out? they're not just dumbasses sometimes they do something towards a cause we really care about so let's give them credit for that. heck they even filmed bad omens in ukraine in 2022 have we forgotten about that? they don't put themselves out there as influential figures in any way but that's sometimes the best way to humanise the people we care about (and i think honestly they just do this naturally because when you're not chasing clout and you're trained to recognise talent and potential talent in even the worst situations, you'll automatically think like that). it's small in the face of everything going on, yes. so am i! and if i learned anything over the last 24 hours it's that small things can be meaningful. this has been to me and i don't doubt to the recipients of the donations of (i hope) an entire fandom.
(also if you don't mind the tag @littledrummerangie i know you were talking along a similar vein a few weeks back and i'm keen to hear if you want to, if you found this as satisfying as me)
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castlebyersafterdark · 3 months
'using my own sexuality against me when they're supposedly propping up a gay couple as a hobby interest through a fandom, but judging those who are interested in authenticity and the full spectrum of what relationships and 'shipping' means in fandom. Like. How dare. Hahaha'
i have realised, since being away from this fandom and coming back, that its likely there is something deeper at play here than puritanism or pro censorship. i think sexual repression and female fan shame plays a part, but these fans' attraction to/desire for/enchantment by these characters shouldnt be underestimated. the fans who gatekeep byler will also tend to have parasocial relationships with the show and perhaps the cast too, and i think at the core it's less a case of 'ugh theyre too young for sex', but rather a projected shame about their own ungovernable sexual desire combined with a sense of deep, deep jealousy. they are guarding the characters (and actors)... essentially saying: you are not allowed to think sexually about these characters, only i am (in secret). but i can't stop you, so instead i will shame your sexual attraction itself.
once i saw fandom as a kind of relationship between fan and character/actor (at the most extreme end, im sure there are fans who are genuinely convinced they are/could be noah and finn's friends or partners, or perhaps even the characters') it made so much sense that jealousy and shame would be at the heart of things. after all, this many young people surely cant be antisex - western culture hasnt reached that place yet, and they are are teens raging with hormones who spend a lot of time thinking about two rather handsome young men in romantic scenarios. im supposed to believe all these people genuinely arent fantasising sexually about byler? nahhhhh.
but a jealous lover situation? it all makes sense once you see it.
A very interesting perspective. Not one I typically consider for the characters themselves, sometimes I tend to think that in regards to some of the behavior I've seen re: the actors. But definitely interesting. Not much insight I have to add but your points are something to absolutely think about and consider. I mean, in all honesty, I do sometimes feel nervous saying certain things about the actors for fear of people jumping at me as if I don't adore the actors, too. Just in a well-adjusted way where I know I don't know them and never will know them and never want to know them. I tend to lean into humor and silly jokes and sometimes I tend to hold back because I don't want people to get upset and misinterpret that I'm just playing around about celebrities I genuinely enjoy because it's harmless. So I can see this extending to characters, too. A protectiveness, a feeling of ownership.
I saw that on twitter for another fandom, a lot of fighting over people's different interpretations of characters, like taking personal offense if they were written in fics certain ways or paired up with the wrong character or given headcanons another fan didn't want for them. A protectiveness. It was less anti-sex and more hmm. Projection based in-fighting. It was really weird. But I can see the correlation in what you're getting at here.
Here's another thought that always makes me laugh about the fandom dynamics though - since my focus and biggest interest in fandom is fanfiction. If everyone is soooo anti-sex and against spicy fic, why do those fics get big numbers of readers? Sure , ao3 is used by a lot of people who don't even participate in tumblr/twitter fandom at all, but E rated fics, even with how few there are in the Byler fandom, still get a lot of clicks sooooo. Some people are genuinely lying and are hypocrites 😌
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taylortruther · 10 months
with this recent round of relationship discussion, i've been mulling over something and i think you're the right person to send this to.
people are like "stop reading into taylor's life her music can exist separately" and that's true. her songs aren't all diaristic and when we all jump on "oh this must be about so and so in this particular month" we limit her artwork. like we should all take the songs and make our own meaning from them, and not use them to make huge assumptions about her life. as she's said, she doesn't want to feel like a doll. and I wonder how similar online fan speculation feels compared to like the paparazzi constantly commenting on her dating life at times. and I think about how women's artwork is always put under this kind of analysis in some way.
at the same time, taylor herself sometimes encourages that analysis or knows that it's going to happen and says fuck it, i'll lean in. i think jack's story and her liking that tweet is a perfect example of this. she's decided she's comfortable with us running with this at this moment in time, so jack posts and she likes a year-old tweet. but then it leads to this kinda parasocial cycle where we all start classifying her work and changing the meaning of songs, which can actually be a rich way to analyze the songs even if it's limited in other ways.
i don't really know where i'm going with this, but it feels significant to me in some way. how can we as swifties online do both, you know?
truthfully, i feel like analyzing art with the info you have at the time, and then updating your analysis based on new information, is essential... if your goal is to analyze art. and sometimes, if the artist is a big famous celebrity, that also overlaps with celeb gossip. that is just the way of the world right now, especially with confessional writers who choose to be famous celebs. imo, the fact that taylor likes attention and wants to give people insight into her life actually really bothers some ~high and mighty~ fans.
the problem is, there is an exploitative money-grubbing aspect to it that i think taylor tries to control how she can (creating the narrative she wants) - it's the parts she can't control (the wild speculation, the slut-shaming, overall unfairness, etc) that has led to hurt.
i won't suggest i know how taylor feels about fan speculation. i would think sometimes it feels invasive, other times it feels like fans understand her and pick up what she's putting down, while critics will find fault with everything. we know taylor hates to be misunderstood, and i believe she tries to tell her side of the story as clearly as possible. but she also, i think, has learned when the hill is worth dying on.
so yeah, she leans in sometimes, she has fun with us or feels seen by us often (not all the time), she limits with the media gets or how accessible it is to the gp...
you can definitely be very cynical about her behavior (and say she's a cold narrative-churning machine) or cynical about fan behavior (saying she never wants us to speculate, it's sexist to speculate, we're just as bad as the tabloids). i won't comment on the former because whatever, believe what you want. the latter, on the other hand, feels kind of laughably off the mark when she does stuff like this (liking the tweet, giving jack the ok to post that instagram story, releasing ylm in a way that only hardcore fans will listen to it for months.)
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lol-jackles · 10 months
Okay, maybe the Ackleses can conquer the industry with their understanding of PR. How did HBO senior executives decide that they could fix people's reactions to mediocre shows by using sock accounts to argue with people on Twitter? To make it even stupider, they also ticked off the poor underling they assigned the job, so much that he threw it into a court case over working conditions at the company. LMAO at these overpaid clowns.
Link. You mean social media can be used as a weapon?  You don't say?!
Like, is anyone really surprised?   My former colleagues were more mad that Boyd couldn’t be assed to make his own fake Twitter account but had to tell an underling to do it.  But I was, come on, most companies have a staffer or two doing sneaky social media things like this, pushing their narrative.  Hello, ever been on the Apple TV online discourse?  Apple has some good shows, but online discourse would make you think that they were already way out ahead of golden era HBO.   No doubt there are some dedicated Apple fans, but I find it hard to believe that level of devotion was natural.  And you know Amazon Prime does this, as they're the most desperate to have a cultural impactful show.
At least Mittens ran his own secret legendary Pierre Delecto account.  
Why this was news is because Bloys isn’t some newly jumped-up exec or business major in tv flailing with failing products. He’s a veteran producer who’s been extremely successful at HBO for a decade plus. Why is he so thin skinned and defensive? Why does he care so much when he’s been so successful?  While his excuse-explanation is having too much time on his hand during Covid sounds eye rolling, there is a grain of truth.  Remember when I said here and here that what previously didn't bother executives were bothering them during the pandemic lockdown.  It was why Misha suddenly scrambled to say (unprompted) three times that he and Jared got along and it was the fault of J2 fans for tainting his reputation, not because of his army of minions who lost what's left of their singe braincell over not getting canon-Destiel like he ambiguously promised for over a decade.
An assistant named Sully Temori, who is now suing HBO for wrongful termination, was given the task in June 2020 to write responses troll with  X account of Kelly Shepherd, a so-called mom and herbalist from Texas with 4 followers.  The troll targeted critics for being a middle aged white man who was “shitting on a show about women” i.e. The Nevers. Gee, those words sound familiar, right?  It's 80% of what SJW say online whenever they come across something they don't like and can't handle different opinions.
HBO is best TV brand with the most number of Emmy wins (just ignore that HBO has the most number of members in the TV academy).  So like in the article, people were surprised that a successful veteran executive would do this.  Except you see it all the time: celebrities, accomplished directors, and athletes going nuts on twitter replying to random accounts with 8 followers, "No @BigDickTerry6969, You're the one who SUCKS!!!".
One of my nieces is in the industry and doing well enough that she said if she ever gets famous enough, she will use some of the money to put guardrails in place to keep her from googling herself or reading twitter threads about her.  She also wants me to act like an addiction-recovery sponsor that she can call in the middle of the night with, "We just dropped a new episode and I really just want to know what people think, that's fine right? I just want honest feedback.".  And I will be, "No, you don't, you have to resist that urge. I want you to go outside and look stars, okay?"
Honestly, reading about Boyd's antics was like reading John Grisham's The Pelican Brief and The Firm and getting to the Big Bad reveal and end up having Big Disappointment staring back at you. Tom Cruise at least improved the movie adaptation of The Firm.
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bungeo-ppangie · 1 year
001 . polaroid love
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ღ wc. 812 words, 4.7k~ characters
You rummaged through the back of your closet messily, cursing yourself for only owning a single scarf. It was so cold outside that you couldn't really leave the building without one, unless you were expecting to become a penguin like Sunghoon.
An extra factor contributing to your annoyance- you were due to be at the studio in 15 minutes, and it was a 10 minute drive. Belift finally agrees to let you and your childhood best friend, Jungwon, release a mini album together, after relentless begging from both sides for years, and you're probably going to be late to the concept meeting and fitting. Murphy and his first law seemed to enjoy tormenting you over anyone else, apparently.
You lifted up the thousandth random unused shirt, suddenly revealing some scattered polaroids. You picked a few up and flipped them over, smiling as you recalled the memories associated with each one...
"Yn!! You finally made it! You should've booked an earlier flight, I missed you so muchh!" Jungwon yelled in excitement, running over to you and wrapping you in a hug the moment he saw you.
"Won... it's a public airport, and you realize you're currently participating in a survival show watched by millions of people, right?" You glanced around nervously, trying to hide his face with your own by standing on the tips of your toes. It was a miracle Belift even let him secretly leave I-LAND for a few hours to meet you at the airport. If word got out, you had a feeling someone whose name rhymed with -ang Jungwon was getting kicked off the show for controversial PR.
"Fine, fine. How soon did they say you could make your debut? They promised within the next month, right? You don't even need training because you only transferred agencies, they won't have any reason to delay it..." He thought out loud, taking your suitcase from your hands.
"Hey, I thought we established I was an independent woman! But um I can prove it in other ways-" You quickly fixed your statement as Jungwon made the motion of handing your suitcase back to you. He grinned, as this same scene happened every time he helped you carry your stuff.
"Sure, I'll believe that when you debut. Come on, let's move everything into your new dorm before the press finds us," He smiled, making your heart flutter unexpectedly...
. . .
"Won, you strike matchsticks to light them..." You stared at him, dumbfounded by his amazing inability to understand the use of incredibly simple objects. In honor of both of your debuts, you two had purchased a cake to celebrate.
"Then why did they give us a lighter?" He huffed, his tongue poking out of his mouth as he sat on the floor, trying to work the lighter. He yelped when one of his feeble attempts succeeded, making a tiny flame burst out of the lighter.
"Because SOMEONE was browsing them in the store without wearing a mask when I bought the cake? And also just maybe because that SOMEONE then proceeded to hug me from behind like a beautified koala when I was swiping my card? I-LAND, or actually Enhypen now, fans are so fast, the last episode literally aired yesterday-" You complained, moving to sit cross-legged in his lap as his efforts continued.
"Dating rumors?"
"We're so screwed."
. . .
A fluffy white ball shot jumped at you the moment you opened the door to Jungwon's dorm. Fortunately, you were able to close the door quickly without the added heart attack. Actually, maybe the heart attack did happen.
"Maeumi!" Jungwon called, grinning widely with the slightest hint of apology in his eyes. "In case you haven't noticed, I adopted Maeum, so now you can't leverage being busy with Taeyang over me."
"Hey, yangi requires an impossible amount of loving maintenance." You stuck your tongue out at him as you patted Maeumi, thinking of your beloved and probably very spoiled golden retriever.
"Yet you don't give his nick-namesake half the attention," He pouted, sitting down on the floor across from you to play with Maeumi with you.
"Who said I named my baby after you?" You giggled, leaning forwards to lightly bump your forehead against Jungwon's, making him smile.
"Did you not?" He laughed, changing positions to lay his head in your lap, holding Maeum. You both looked away at the contact, missing the pink that lightly dusted over each other's cheeks for a split second.
A few years ago, these types of sudden gestures would have only served to make you two laugh, and also possibly to confuse others on whether they should have thought you guys were a couple. However, the act made both of you more flustered than you would've thought now.
"Are you blushing?"
"Umm no? You should uh turn down the air conditioning."
"Yeah yeah umm good idea"
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mittenskittensslay · 6 months
I'm doing a project for school, and I need to have some stories from real people to back up my point. My topic is representation in media and how it affects mental health. I was wondering if you had any stories about a movie/show that has helped your mental health or educated you on something? I know media and representation have really helped me to figure myself out and made me feel seen, so I wanted to do this topic because of that. I really need more stories from real people, so I'm asking people online and hoping some of them reply lol. Thank you!
Wow, thanks for asking me! When is your project due? I don't know when it is but I hope I replied fast enough and I hope this helps you! :D
Well, for me personally, the way The Owl House handles neurodiversity, and LGBTQ2S+, and disability is an eye-opening experience because it was previously unseen to this extent! Notable examples are all how all the characters are shown as no less! They don't have to be "normal" or fit in! What is normal, anyway? They're celebrated and valued for being wholeheartedly, shamelessly, and unapologetically their amazing, authentic selves! No matter who you are, you're valid, there's no normal and it's not frowned upon! The manner in which they're portrayed, they're so well written and that has helped people understand that they're actually neurodiverse, or LGBTQ2S+, has helped them reach out to others and seek for help when needed, myself included!
Luz struggles to fit in on Earth and Eda as well as King, Hooty, and the Collector have a hard time belonging on the Boiling Isles. However, by being open and accepting, they realize that "us weirdos gotta stick together!" to quote the Owl Lady, which is one of the pivotal, if not the main message of this show which is "You gotta be your own witch!" Also how "magic (literally) comes from the heart" it's one of the endless reasons why I love the Owl House so much and my love for it will never die.
The Owl House has allowed me to embrace myself, love myself wholeheartedly and practice more self-care. It's helped me come out of my shell and make friends thanks to the treasure it is that we fans cherish and its beautiful fandom that lets us form profound bonds by sharing this deep love and creating our own fan arts and fan fics. Luz teaches us and helps us, reminds us to be even more vulnerable, and spread sunshine and joy, love, goodness and kindness everywhere we go, to go with all our heart wherever we go! I love myself for being autistic and a genderfluid aroace lesbian even more now thanks to them. This cartoon has even aided me in realzing my sexuality and neurodiversity.
Look, kid, everyone wants to believe they're "chosen". But if we all waited around for a prophecy to make us special, we'd die waiting. And that's why you need to choose yourself." - Eda Clawthorne
"You know, you can't hide from your fears forever, which is why you've gotta get the jump on them. Give 'em a whack right in the face." - Eda Clawthorne
Please, do yourself a favor. Never hide. I've been different than others around me all my life and will proudly continue to do so, wearing it as a badge of honor because if you don't then you insult yourself, you don't live with integrity. Easier said than done but you've got to because if you're not you, then who are you? Never let the haters get you down. I relate to Luz and the others as being a proud outsider who found friends and found family also! Imagine if Luz and the others conformed. I have always found it difficult to be who I am, it doesn't always come out but Luz is so inspiring she's so herself, unique, and spontaneous in everything, makes us accept ourselves and that way I have never been happier to be me, you feel connection to the characters: they represent you, they're others just like you: this is a part of you and I love every part of you. Break free from toxicity and recognize it. Being understood is one of the best feelings. Eda accepting her curse has allowed me to accept every part of myself. It show people that LGBTQ2S+ exists and there's no need to be afraid. Change your life, you're not a tree that's stuck, find your tribe. Keeping things in is self destructive. "Does it have to be perfect?" like the most powerful witch of the Boiling Isles says again. True friendship is also shown, being there for each other. This show also tells us that we make the labels for ourselves, we define. It's how you feel, not trying to fit in the mold, you don't need to meet every single thing on a checklist or match all criteria. The labels are what they are precisely because every beautiful individual adds their own meaning and flavor to it.
Basically, to sum it all up, it portrays neurodiverse and LGBTQ2S+ folks accurately and most importantly in a way that people can relate to and feel good about themselves. For example, for me personally, it helped me open up more, embracing and expressing my true and best self, every day we get better and better. We become more social and actually truly connect with others deeply due to our shared love for the owl house which is usually hard for me to do as a high-functioning, self-advocating, and self-diagnosed autistic (or Aspie, though I don't use this label now since its no longer in use). It shatters stigma and stereotypes. It's simply groundbreaking. With love, and support, found friends, and family both biological and found, you can thrive, not just survive, and be loved, and accepted for exactly who you are nothing lees you're just weird enough to be the awesome you that you are. These and countless others are the feel good messages of this show.
Of course this essay wouldn't be complete if I didn't mention Amity Blight! Almost everyone in the Owl House undergoes key character development and their life as they know it changes in the best possible way, no less than thanks to Luz Noceda, which is an astonishingly beautiful thing but I believe I can safely speak for many, if not all of us (also yours truly), when I say that Amity undergoes the most amazing and impressive character development I've ever seen so far! Goes without saying! She starts off being seen as a bully when in fact it is later revealed she never was. It's never taken for granted that Luz with the sunshine she is and spreads selflessly everywhere, helped Amity rediscover her true self. Amity understands and goes on a journey or self improvement. If that's not inspiring, then I don't know what it and I'm not exaggerating here! Amity does a lot of self work, recognised her mistakes and attempts to become a better friend to Luz pretty quickly.
Hm, I wonder if when Luz said, "I'm not a witch but I'm training hard to be one." and showed Amity the ball of light emerging from the light glyph, she was speaking to her essence and broke through/got through to her!
And then, when Amity said "remember to turn on the light" to Luz and saved her in WAD, she woke her up bc she reminded her that Luz is light, literally!
Luz helps Amity remember who she really is, to return to her true self, who she always has been deep down, not just sb trying to achieve ultimate status and Amity helps Luz remember that she's the light of everyone's life! To continue to be who they really are! They saw through each other! I think they also literally became each other - Amity became Luz's light and Luz was suffering with the same issues as Amity, thinking that she ruined everyone's lives which was definitely not true in both cases! Neither Luz nor Amity ruined everyone's lives, ofc! It was the complete opposite! And they did what one did for the other as I said above but reversed!
Bc Amity and Luz are essentially the same -both so positive, carefree (maybe not always but eventually and unafraid to be themselves), dorky, nerdy goofballs who are so kind and sweet and powerful and so much more and full of love! (But also different in their own unique way)!
Love and kindness always win in the end and we have them inside us! We are love and kindness themselves! We just need to give each other a chance!
Luz, Raine, Masha, The Collector, King, Papa Titan, Amity, Hunter, and basically everyone is probably on the spectrum so hats off to everyone and them. Eda helped me confirm my gayness, something I was already aware of before the Owl House. Same goes for the characters mentioned above: Luz as genderfluid; Raine, Masha and The Collector non-binary; Papa Titan as probably non-binary/agender genderfluid? (Feel free to correct me, sorry if I'm wrong)! Vee also (however, I don't think the creators have canonically confirmed whether she's/they're envy or demigirl or something similar but I'm assuming this headcanon respectfully and again, if I'm wrong, please feel free to correct me and educate me because I believe we're all always stil learning! However, again because people are allowed to be truly themselves - as it should be -and not marginalized and hiding for that, we can thrive. I understood that I can actually be attracted to women (I already knew that before, I believe I even had a type already, Eda basically confirmed that or the feelings around that time just happened to coincidentally appear and feel more real not because necessarily because of their frequency and intensity because you can still be attracted to someone even if the attraction isn't always there and strong (hence my aroace label) whether it's frequent and or not intense. Aroace folks can feel or not feel love and attraction and want or not want a relationship and sometimes I have felt not wanting that but it's always very brief, I do want love, I'm too much of a hopeless romantic at heart not too! I also already knew i was genderfluid. I'm a cis woman, I've always mainly identified as a woman but I'm more than just that "label": its doesn't define me fully. It's broad and vague so I feel it fluctuates. I can be and express myself as any gender: no gender, both genders - its never fixed. Before however I always knew I wasn't straight but I wasn't sure if i was LGBTQ2S+. I used to think I was demi sexual, panromantic but it's exactly why all kinds of representation is vital! It's ok to be a late bloomer but if this cartoon existed earlier it would have helped. Dana Terrace herself claimed to be a late bloomer also. Speaking of which, a huge thank you to her and her crew for creating the Owl House! They changed our lives forever in the best possible way! The connection and love between us fans, whether casual viewers or die hard fans will always be priceless: this show means everything to me and always will!
There's a lot more that can be covered but the essay would go on far too long and I don't know the word limit for your project but I hope this is enough!
This is an awesome post I found Life lessons from TOH
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I can't believe she improvised that line, that's amazing. It was actually that line that made me think she was kind of saying "I'm here for you no matter what our relationship is." But if someone thought she was saying, "I don't care if you're attracted to men, we can still be together" I would understand that too, I just don't think it's that simple. He opened up to her which was something she wanted since they got together but I think she's still hurt by what happened and what she wasn't aware of. I just don't get the vibe she's the type of gal to be like, it's all good now that you've admitted it. I never got the impression he was as into her as she was into him. I think he had a career boner for her more than anything else and wanted to save her when he saw her in need. She took that as romantic interest which I'm not convinced it was. I think if he does have genuine romantic feelings for her then he grew into them over the season. I'm more convinced that he loves her in a non-romantic way but in a very deep way nonetheless. I kind of love the idea of them building this best friendship that maybe gets messy with other feelings occassionally. The only time I was convinced Dale was sexually interested in her was halfway through the season or so when someone good happens (damn I can't remember exactly what) and they celebrate by tearing at each other's clothes. But once again, all their romantic and/or sexual encounters seem to be affected by a third party (usually Tim) or outside circumstances (celebrating a triumph).
I read that it was important to the showrunner that Dale's sexuality was ambiguous. He's not completely gay, maybe he's bisexual, maybe he's pansexual. Maybe he's just been attracted to two men in his life and that's it. He doesn't seem to be motivated by sex so maybe he's a bit demisexual. And this is an interesting choice but it doesn't change that he wants to jump Tim and their chemistry is electric. Am I wrong in thinking that it's not the same with Helen? I'll rewatch to make sure but I think I love Dale and Helen's relationship in a totally different way.
The other argument for this is do Sam and Chai just have better chemistry than Sam and Anna? Maybe? But all these actors are SO GOOD at what they do that I know Sam and Anna would have brought the chemistry if it was supposed to be there for Dale and Helen. Sam has great chemistry with so many people, he's mastered the longing heart eyes.
And if it's true that Dale just isn't as into Helen as he's into Tim then our girl deserves a better love interest. Which I'm so here for! Dale could have some weird jealousy despite not wanting to be with her and be worried for her fragile heart in the process. We could have this new guy be the one straight (maybe?) male on the show who isn't a homophobe.
Now I'm just thinking about Tim watching Dale with Helen at the desk in the finale and tearing up...you're telling me there isn't something intense between them?!? 😫😫
Also, Sam's real life girlfriend is gonna be in season 2 so that's kinda fun. But I hope they're not doing some more straight washing. And Daniel Gillies from The Vampire Diaries and The Originals who's an *incredible* actor and so freaking hot so now that I've gone off about Helen's new love interest it absolutely needs to be him.
I saw that she was going to be in it! I wonder who she'll be playing!! And I also saw that Daniel gillies was going to be in it and I can't wait for that either, I'm a big fan of his! You're so right, he would be a great love interest for Helen!
I totally agree with what you said and the chemistry between Helen and dale! They were really sweet at times but there really wasn't that same fire-y chemistry as between dale and Tim! They were always finding excuses to give each other little touches and stuff! That moment between dale and Tim in the bar after the explosions was just something else as well, dale was definitely about to jump Tim if Tim hadn't kissed him first haha! Whereas you never really had anything like that between dale and Helen. At least not to me!
I absolutely love the way you put that, a career boner for her 😂 and I agree as well, it would seem that more than anything else! As you said, at least at first and you can tell he does genuinely really care for her but yeah I also got the sense she's into him more than he's into her that way!
I also didn't really know where Helens head was at when she said to Dale she loved him no matter what, I just kind of took it as that she'll be there for him and she's going to support him no matter what eventually kind of comes out of it. Whether it is working on it to still be together or whether it's more as friends! But she most definitely deserves someone who thinks the world of her, not like half those assholes in their office!!
And that bit about tim looking at dale at the end, I honestly could go on about it forever haha. He always has the heart eyes when looking at dale tbf haha but that last look as dales finally on the desk is just something else, that boy is absolutely head over heels for him! I just hope dale can sort of take proper stock of how he's feeling and be able to give it back to him!
Yeah I think if dale and Helen were meant to have the same sort of chemistry as dale and Tim then they would have, because as you said they are all amazing actors!
I will have to see where I saw that line about anna torv improvising it incase I'm speaking out my arse but I think it was on one of the newsreader instagran accounts that they said because they hadn't been sure how to leave it between them and had been throwing round a few different bits!
I hadn't read that about the showrunner and leaving dales sexuality to be ambiguous! That's good, I kind of like when they don't completely define things like that, because it isn't always very straight forward and people can be all over the place with their sexuality (like me for example haha, completely over the place 😂)
OK, I think I covered everything there. Not in any sensible order mind so good luck with reading that 😂
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kindaeccentric · 2 years
The thing about L.S. Dunes is, I love them, I really love them, I made fanart for them, and everyone who knows me will tell you it's the highest honor I can bestow. And they are a new band, despite everyone's previous involvements, they are a completely fresh new thing, one I was (and still am) excited to witness, watch from the very start. I've never been to any band this early. But then this whole thing with the concerts... it's so disheartening to realise you're not one of the cool kids, to know you are not accepted as a part of this new thing, because you've never been into the hardcore scene and probably never will be. That you're missing out and will keep missing out, because you, you who jumped and danced in second row at niche electronic shows in clubs of 400-500 people with a crowdsurfing singer, are not suited for this kind of rowdy crowd, you are not one of them. And like. Ok. It's just... Unfair? 'If you can't handle a hc show, stand in the back or don't go' is not a take you think it is. You think you're saying it's my and like-minded people's fault for not being fun and cool enough, that we have some underlying agenda of being a spoilsport, but what I hear is 'L.S. Dunes is not for you, it's for us and we will behave like wild animals and play tough, because that's our idea of punk'. I always thought punk is anti-establishment and pro-community, that kindness and support are the main values, but I guess now it's about accepting that you might get injured at a show and being ok with it. It doesn't matter where I live or if I will ever go to a show, it's about this rhetoric of 'if you want to be in the front, but don't like moshing, it means you're a Frank-obsessed stalker and you're not a genuine fan of the band'. It's about this exclusion and creating a narrative that justifies it, even if that narrative is a hurtful generalization. What I'm trying to say here is, L.S. Dunes IS NOT your typical hardcore show, as much as you want to claim otherwise, and it's not even about the genre, their fanbase should celebrate the diversity within it, encourage the community spirit, because that's more hardcore than a mosh pit, more punk than acting tough. There is something between 'just standing there' and throwing your body at other people, if you can believe it.
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