#but on the other………… it was technically him keeping the island safe
crepusculum-rattus · 1 year
thinking about how ender hunted dragons to extinction
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purplelupins · 6 months
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|Midnight Mass|
Father John Pruitt/Father Paul Hill x Fem!
Part I Part II Part III Part IV Part V Part VI
Word count: 13.5K
Summery: An entire life of being a good girl was a difficult cross to carry...especially in a tiny town with 127 residents on a good day. You kept the town fed and spirits as high as you could, but when a new face steps off the afternoon Breeze, things around you start to change; you don't even know you're in the eye of the storm.
Warnings: nsfw, reader is religious, religious symbolism, ideology, explanations and general conversations of religion, age gap (like this man is 80 technically and he watched reader grow up, and can remember reader as a little girl so if that’s creepy to you then go no further), stalking, manipulation, murder (hello have you seen the show?), drinking of blood, hunting of a person, grief, description of animal death, reader is described as blushing, character death, non consensual help showering, guilt and god maybe more but I think that’s it…this is not really a fix it fic
I invite you to listen to the playlist I made that goes along with the story.
Notes: **please read** This story is told partially from John Pruitt's pov and partially from readers, as such, when it's John's (Paul) it will refer to him as John, seeing as he had no need for the alias when it's from his pov. But when it's from readers, she will be referring to him as Paul Hill. Thank you!
Crude oil is destructive to say the least. It is thick, and cloying; dense and dark and it holds no mercy for anything it touches. It kills and pollutes and fuses itself to anything it touches like some dependant parasitic bond. Not that it knows any better.
At one time, Crockett Island was a home off the Eastern coast to close to 500 residences. There was a harmony and calmness to that time; back when the island had summer visitors, and talks of an airport, and no one had to worry about how to pay for their groceries or if they could afford to pay for house repairs after a bad storm. Back when people were alive and helped eachother and laughed.
As the Breeze approached the marina of Crockett Island, there was a passenger who stood outside, leaning against the railing as he remembered Crockett when it was a secret haven. Then that horrible accident…Now, it was more akin to a shelter to the last 127 souls who remained. The brisk maritime wind tousled his black curled hair and flickered into his eyes.
Not that he minded too terribly- he didn't mind much of anything.
John Pruitt sucked in a full breath of the sea air- something he hadnt been able to do in decades when his old self's lungs had began to weaken. It nearly brought tears to his eyes to have been blessed with this second chance as he took in the mass of land before him. His home. His duty. John knew what he had to do. A needle of anxiety poked at him as he hoped his large cargo was still safe in the hold of the small ferry. Of course it was, but he couldnt help but worry until it was safely tucked away in the rectory.
His gift.
“I’m here to help…just here to help…” He repeated in his head.
The ferry lurched as it docked, though his sturdy frame barely flinched. John blinked, and adjusted his satchel one last time before coming to the off-boarding ramp. He slowly and shyly looked at the other passengers, and had to press his tongue to his teeth to keep from acknowledging a familiar face that stood only a few feet from him.
Riley Flynn.
It had been years since he had seen that face, and he felt a swell of happiness at the prospect of having another addition to his flock to receive this gift he so eagerly wished to bestow upon them. He could hardly wait to see each face and see them properly with his rejuvinated sight. See how they’ve grown and aged. He couldn’t wait to help them.
John stood off to the side after exiting the boat as he waited for his trunk.
"Whatcha waitin' for?" Came a gruff voice that John knew well.
He turned to see the island handyman, Sturge, and a small smile pulled at his cupids bow, "My trunk…should be the largest thing on there I’m afraid." John said.
Sturge huffed a little, but nodded, "Yeah its comin', you need a hand gettin' it to where your goin' we got a..." The man droned on about helping the man transport his precious cargo, but unfortunately John had inadvertently tuned him out after something had caught his eye; someone to be precise.
It was the shrill chime of a bicycle bell that had initially drawn his attention, though now he was entranced by the young woman riding the very bike that had made it.
The same wind that had combed through his own hair was now blowing yours back as you came to a stop by the small marine building for the fishermen; a large parcel was fastened to the back of your bike. In fact you were so engrossed in calling to the fishermen on the dock, while unfastening the goods from your bike that you didn’t notice the supposed stranger with his brown eyes glued to you. Staring at how the men approached you and tried to sneak a look at what you brought for them; of course he also was not blind to the evident leers you recieved from the same men. Men he knew were married and had children who he had baptised over the years.
Yet here he was practially on their same level as he watched you; transfixed by the way your hair would get caught in the breeze, and how your cheeks were a lovely pink from the cold. how you had a certain incandescence to you that brought up the spirits of the worn down fishermen.
In John's old age, he hadn't been able to see you properly since you were born; cataracts and dementia coupled with a few other ailments made you into a foggy memory for him, even now. But he knew you. He knew you had been a lovely little girl, and had decided to remain on the island and open a small bakery; John could recall Bev mentioning it a few times that you made food for the Crockpot luck each year. He remembered thanking you...not that he could properly appreciate your gift. You were a familiar face to St. Patrick’s, too.
It was only now that he could recall baptising you some twenty years ago when he had just broached 60 years...and he could see what a stellar young woman you had grown into.
John had mumbled something to Sturge about only needing help to get out of the marina, and his hand gripped the top of his bag absentmindedly as his eyes flickered over you handing out pastries and sweet treats to the men.
You smiled so brightly that it truly must have been one of the many gifts you were given in life from God. Your calling to brighten up the cloudy days of Crockett island.
A patch of sunlight.
As John pulled the crate up the stairs to the rectory and pushed it across the floor, the solitude finally let him start to think. He knocked on the trunk twice, and slumped against the side as his mind began to wander. John Pruitt had been a priest for well over 60 years; he had seen and heard and dealt with just about every scandal, thought, sin, doubt and joy you could think of. Which was why he knew that there was a divine reason behind your delivery to the fishermen coinciding with his arrival.
It was no random coincidence that your face was among the first he saw upon returning. God’s plan was at work, and John felt anticipation fill him at the thought.
You were a good girl, just like your parents raised you to be, and it wasn’t as if you had a reason not to be. You had made a comfortable life after your family had either left or passed. Moving was expensive and you liked the quiet. It was a simple life and an easy one. Habitual and concise.
You went to church on Sundays and attended daily mass with Leeza. She loved your cinnamon rolls, and you liked to sneak a few into her bag. John remembered noticing that after daily mass one day. It made his chest swell with what he told himself was pride and admiration; not pining and adoration. It excited him to see someone so full of life, even if it was quietly. But that excitement was a double edged sword, after all it too made the Father dread it when he felt it in him. That excitement would settle low in his stomach and make him lose his train of thought.
A test. It was all a test.
The first time you saw the man was when you were leaving the dock that morning. It was strange to see a new face on Crockett, let alone a handsome one at that. You had wished you were heading in his direction so as to give him a welcome; he had such a large trunk with him that you wished you could have given him a hand too. But alas you were needed in the opposite way back down Main Street.
You petalled down the road, and dropped off a few more deliveries down the island to the elders who couldn’t venture too far. Your routine every other day from 10:30 in the morning for an hour.
John knew that too. He remembered feeling someone cycle past him with a soft greeting everytime he visited town after mass. Everything was starting to click back into place as his memory was replenished.
You finished your route, and hopped off your bike as you came to the little bundle of shops in town.
You knew Monsignor Pruitt was returning the next day, and you found yourself hopeful that he hadnt exhausted himself…you were also excited for Bev to calm down after weeks of her relentless, poor moods…and that was saying something for a woman who already lacked a pleasant temperament. The Monsignor always seemed to calm her…perhaps it was that she was able to abuse his position for herself-
You took a deep breath to calm yourself as your temper flared at the thought.
The following day, Saturday, was your day to yourself. Your little shop remained closed until Sunday afternoon, and your appreciation for the downtime was great. You took extra time for yourself, and sat down to read that book that you had promised to read last year; tried a new recipe for dinner and baked yourself a fresh batch of cookies. It wasn’t terribly interesting, but it was easy, and you liked that.
As you brushed your hair out for sleep, your thoughts wandered to that strange face you had seen exit the Breeze the day previous. You wondered if he was visiting someone or if he was some kind of inspector for the island…so little happened on Crockett that new faces were so obvious. You were surprised no one had mentioned him during your day at the shop.
You shrugged it off.
It wasn’t your business.
The rosary you clutched as you prayed beside your bed dug into your skin as you squeezed it unconsciously. Some nights your worship came with difficulty…you mind wandered and you wondered if you were doing the right thing…praying to the right god. Not that you would tell anyone that.
You didn’t sleep well that night. Somehow you repeatedly awoke every few hours to a deep sinking in your gut and prickle up your neck that kept you from returning to sleep. The restlessness had you surrendering just before dawn, and you wrapped a thick blanket around yourself as you sat in front of your window that just peaked over the water. Your bleary gaze was heavy, though you felt yourself sober when you swore you saw a dark figure move into the thick bushes. You jumped, and felt your blood freeze, but when you leaned a little closer to look out, there was nothing but the gentle sway of the trees in the wind. It was so easy to dismiss what you had seen as simply your tired mind playing tricks on you.
You rubbed the heels on your hands into your eyes, and sighed as you stood.
Coffee. A coffee was needed.
The dirt road was muddy with the approaching storm that would be on the horizon in a few days. You hoped this one wouldn’t be too damaging.
You followed behind Leeza with Dolly, and told them what you had baked that morning for your shop, while Erin and Wade listened; enjoying how the air smelled of petrichor and pine. There was a comfortable chatter amongst everyone as they grew happy to welcome their Monsignor back to Crockett.
You sat yourself in the middle, in the same seat you always took. After months of Father Pruitt being gone, you routine was beginning to settle again.
The small organ began playing, and you stood to start singing with everyone else, but then as the alter boys passed you and you watched them, there was an unfamiliar voice behind them. You slowed your singing as you were once again distracted; sure enough, there was a much younger man who passed down the aisle in a gold chasuble and his hands held in prayer.
That same man from the dock.
You felt confusion fill you, and evidently you weren’t the only one as the churchgoers exchanged confused glances with eachother. You looked over at Wade, hoping he might look a little less confused as the mayor, but he mirrored every other face.
Knowing you weren’t getting any answers from your peers, you directed your attention to the pulpit as the stranger walked up to it.
“Good morning,” the man began, “I know I’m not who you expected to see this morning. I’m Father Paul Hill, and I was sent by the diocese to fill in for Monsignor Pruitt. Just know that I’m only here to help, and I look forward to meeting you all.”
You blinked in surprise at his explanation, thought you supposed it wasn’t entirely strange- just unexpected. Had something happened? You remembered how so many islanders had advised the Father not to make the journey, and now you were wondering if you all should have insisted harder.
The man looked a little nervous, but hopeful as he looked around to his new flock. But as his gaze passed over yours, you noted it paused for a moment. You smiled a little a him in hopes that it might make him feel a little welcome, and you briefly wondered if he recognized you from the marina.
There was a lilt to his strong, low voice that made you listen. He was compelling and direct; certainly not what you were used to with Monsignor Pruitt. He had always been a wonderful preacher, but for the last decade, he had grown slow and drawling.
You remembered your mother saying something about “It’s not about the sermon or who’s giving it, it’s just about being reminded of god and our mortality in this life.” And while you had always agreed with the sentiment, there was something about being invigorated while at church that was making your fingertips tingle.
You could already tell that Father Hill was appreciated amongst the churchgoers. There was a softness in their weathered faces as he spoke, like he was indeed connecting them to God.
As everyone filed in for the sacrament, you fell in line and felt your palms start to sweat. A part of you was thankful that Bev was there to provide the wine and your…replacement; you didn’t want to have to stop the church proceedings just to explain why you couldn’t drink the wine.
The discovery of your ethanol allergy had come as a distressful lesson when you had first drank the sacrament as a child. You still remembered what a fuss everyone made and how you had been rushed to Dr.Gunning who had only graduated from medical school recently. From then on your Monsignor had been very understanding and blessed your separate cup of grape juice every mass from then on.
When you accepted the wafer, and accepted the smaller cup from Bev, you noted in the back of your mind that the priest before you looked a little shaken as you drank. You paid it no mind- he was new and he likely had his quirks.
But it was no quirk. The Father felt his shoulders sink, and blood drain from his face as he watched Bev hand you that cup. He felt his idiocy fill him, then the subsequent dread and horror that followed his realisation.
You couldn’t drink the communion wine.
You never had.
A flash of the first day you tried it made his head hurt as he recalled how distraught your mother was upon learning what had happened. He tried to push the worried expression on his young face away but he was sure it was now more of a grimace.
You couldn’t accept the gift.
Panic clouded Johns mind as he continued to give the sacrament to each of the islanders. The devil on his shoulder proposed that it simply wasn’t your fate to be given the gift. But John had learned to ignore that horned heathen well, and he knew he must do something to guide you with the rest of his flock.
No lamb left behind.
As you filed out to leave, you walked behind Annie Flynn and her son Riley.
He had left years ago when you were still in your mid teens, and he didn’t exactly leave a lasting impression on a teenager. They stopped for a moment to speak with the new father, and while you wanted to say hello to the pastor, you hated to linger and get in people’s way; you knew you would see the Father again, and so you went to skirt around Annie, but as fate would have it, their conversation ended quickly, and the older woman took you by the arm as her son left.
“This is the beating heart of Crockett herself!” She beamed at you while you stood there suddenly locked in conversation with the young priest.
Annie had always appreciated your positive attitude and good nature. You found yourself always trying to cheer her up on her worst days while she worried herself sick about her husband and her son on the mainland. She was a mother through and through, and you often held her as a place-holder for your own flesh and blood since you saw your family only a couple times a year since they moved away.
And Annie seemed content with that. She had always wanted a daughter. The way she gushed about you then to the Father and introduced you had you trying to brush off the praise with a few failed “Oh no I-“ and “I’m not-“ and so forth. Your flushed cheeks had another agenda entirely however when you finally looked up at the Fathers gaze.
It was those soft brown eyes of his that struck you first. So focused and yet so…sad. Like he might cry at any moment. You wondered if his eyes stung.
He was handsome in a weathered, timid sort of way; couldn’t have been more than mid forties. He looked as if he had seen years of life beyond his age. Perhaps years of absolving sins had taken a toll.
“She is our baker here on Crockett…helps liven up the plain variety of food we have.” She half joked, thought it was mostly truth. Crockett was a place of bread and butter- basics. So a treat of some kind was greatly appreciated, and you were happy to deliver just that.
“Ah yes…the Monsignor mentioned his love for your pastries.” He smiled genuinely and nodded as if recalling being told, “I’ll be sure to stop by.”
There was a boyishness to him that endearing enough to settle your nerves.
Your eyes widened in surprise, “He did?” You asked.
You were certain Pruitt wouldn’t be able to recall something so insignificant in his declining health and old age. It had only been a few years that you had been running the shop, and you knew he hadn’t been fully coherent long before that. A poetic connection between him and Crockett Island you supposed.
Father Paul seemed delighted by your shock though, and the crows feet around his eyes deepened, “Yes he was quite adamant I assure you. I believe you’re also a regular face I will be seeing and that it may just be you and Leeza at times.” He added.
You clasped your hands in front of you to keep from fidgeting.
“I- well I try to be.” You looked away timidly, and shuffled your feet as Annie smiled at you. You weren’t used to someone being so passionate about small things- let alone a man.
“Oh she’s just modest.” The older woman said.
Father Paul chuckled, “Modesty is a virtue. Now, I noticed you weren’t able to drink the sacramental wine, is there something I should know?” He seemed so curious and invested.
You nodded, “I’m afraid I’m allergic to something in wine- ethanol. I’ve always been given plain grape juice instead…the Monsignor was always kind enough to have it ready. I hope that won’t be a problem-“
Father Paul shook his head as he rushed to put your mind at ease.
“-no no not- not in the least I assure you. Your presence and dedication is more than enough…you still receive the lords blessing even if it is from a sweeter drink.” He mused.
“Thank you, Father.” You replied and looked down again so as to hide the warming of your cheeks again.
Annie smiled and hugged you, “Well then, not to cut this short, Father but I’m starting my shift in a half hour. I’ll see you then?” She asked you.
You nodded, “Sure will. I’ll make us some coffee. I’m sure the sheriff could use some too.” You called after her as she walked away and bid the father farewell. Leaving the two of you to stand together. You turned back to Father Hill as he towered over you, and fought to find something to say as your nerves kicked in. You were usually good at finding conversation but you felt like you were a kid being forced to talk to some family member your mom insisted you knew.
You took a deep breath. “It was-“
“I hope-“
You both spoke over each other, and both looked at one another apologetically. You shook your head and smiled a little to ease his embarrassment, “Please you first, Father Hill.”
He looked at you for a moment for confirmation to ensure that he wasn’t being rude then he began again, “I was only going to say that I hope to see you here again…it’s enlightening to see a youthful face in a church.” He grinned- a curl of his dark hair falling over his forehead as he looked down at you.
You returned his grin, though yours was a little forced in comparison.
Attending church was a routine ingrained in you since childhood, and now it was just something expected of you. You knew the day you didn’t attend would make the talk of the town and you were never in the mood for Beverly to come knocking on your door to berate you.
You could still remember a couple years ago when you were sick and she brought you a batch of soup for you to help…the offer had been kind enough, but the soup itself had made you want to curl into a ball and chew on a dead seagull.
“I assure you.” You echoed his words from earlier, and he smiled. “I’ll see you soon. Enjoy the rest of your day, Father.” You said, and slowly stepped past him.
He turned his body to follow you. John told himself it was manners to speak to someone with your whole attention, and while that was true, he simply needed one last proper look at you before you left.
“Likewise, y/n.” He called to you as you walked down the steps. Out of your peripheral, you could see Bev still bending by the ear of one of the community members, and you made quick work of sending her a tight smile then hurrying along the path to the road. She returned the forced expression; not that she knew you forced it. Practice makes perfect.
The hairs on the back of your neck began to stand on end as you descended the hill from St. Patrick’s. There was something in the back of your mind that told you not to look behind you, but against your better judgement, you did just that. A pair of soft brown eyes were trained on you as you walked.
The Father’s stare startled you and made your stride stutter.
He was intense and direct. He wasn’t like most of the islanders, and he made you uneasy somehow, but regardless, you cast him a friendly wave, and continued on your way- but that same prickle on the back of your neck simply wouldn’t let go.
John watched you go until your head disappeared down onto the main road and out of sight. He felt his nerves pick up as he said his last goodbyes and returned inside the church. He sat amongst the pews and stared up at the four walls around him. The weight of the gift he was tasked to reveal was growing heavy. He wished so badly to bestow this marvel to every dedicated church goer, and he would.
To every single one except you.
Why you?
Certainly you were in some way special; that had been revealed to him when it had been your face for him to first see upon returning.
But if that were the case then surely your way to salvation should be easier…yet here you were unable to accept it; all because of an allergy.
John sighed as he made up his mind to proceed as he did with the rest of his flock. He hoped you wouldn’t taste the blood in your juice tomorrow- if you did he would simply have to find another way for you to accept it.
No lamb left behind.
The walk into town that usually brought you so much peace now came with an impending sense of foreboding. You knew that nasty storm was nearly at your doors, but storms had never bothered you too much. No, there was something in the air that made you all too aware of your heartbeat, and your breath and how your skin felt. You barely paid attention to anything around you as your leisurely pace unconsciously changed into one of hurry.
It wasn’t until you had just passed by the general store, and didn’t respond to Hassan’s greeting that you snapped out of your trance.
“Y/n? Y/n you alright?” He called to you as you strode right past him.
You nearly jumped out of your skin.
“Sh-sheriff, I’m so sorry…” you stopped in your tracks and furrowed your brow as you fought to find an answer for your odd attitude, “I’m…I think I’m just a little out of it today.” You laughed.
The Sheriff glanced you over for a moment, then nodded slowly. “There’s a fresh pot inside.” He tipped his cup filled with black coffee to you. He was a nice man. Exhausted…mistreated, but caring.
You smiled and nodded, “I’ll come by in a few minutes. Thank you.” You hoped your smile would reassure him. You didn’t need to worry an already stressed father and someone you would consider a friend. An awkward older friend who needed a break but a friend nonetheless. “Want an eclair? Got a few extra that I made this morning.” You asked.
He shook his head gently, “If I didn’t know better I’d say you were trying to give me my own form of insulation for winter.”
You gasped in faux shock, and shook your head, “Wouldn’t dream of it.”
The pebbles and dirt crunched under your boots as you stepped up to the little entrance of your bakery beside the general store. As soon as you stepped inside, you suddenly felt a little safer…at ease. As if you had anything to be afraid of.
You suddenly felt very silly.
There had only been one change that day, and that was the charismatic Father Paul Hill.
Had you become so sheltered on that little island that you were afraid of a stranger coming into your community? Surely not.
No. You hadn’t felt fear in the man’s presence so who would you feel it now?
Stop it.
You closed your eyes and did your best to clear your mind of any ominous thought and any thought about the new Father.
Out of sight. Out of mind. Not your business.
You strode to the back of the shop and prepared your morning deliveries; it was always the same. It was easy. And you knew it was appreciated. Feeling important was a virtue in a small community that was run into the ground.
Making people feel cared for made you happy.
The day came and went just as it always did, but you couldn’t help but feel like the island had turned a little off its axis. Like something had just nudged it into a slight other direction. Your suspicions were only enforced and justified when almost every one of your regulars mentioned the new pastor to you as they selected their desired sweet or savoury treat from your display case.
“Such a striking young man.”
“Too modern.”
“Nothing like our dear Monsignor…but I can’t say I’ve stayed so engaged during a homily in years.”
“How long do you think he’ll stay?”
“Where do you think he came from?”
And so on.
You had hoped any mention of the man would remain in your own thoughts, but it was as if he had swept through the town like a stiff winter breeze.
By the time you sold your last cheese bun and lemon tart, and closed up shop, there was a very real wind that surged right down Main Street. The cool air pricked right through your thick tights under your skirt and made you made a mental note to dig out some warmer ones.
That storm was due that evening. It had been the talk of the town all day, right after the endless conversations of the invigorating preacher. Once you had gotten home, you felt it start to push up against your boarded windows. The wind howled, and the lights flickered as the sky darkened outside; you took that as a sure sign to light a few candles.
There was something ethereal in the light from a candle. So beautiful. If you caught the flames out of the corner of your eyes, sometimes it looked like they had little halos.
You smiled softly at the thought.
You never stayed up late on storm nights. In fact you slept earlier than usual. You knelt beside your bed and clasped your hands in prayer.
“Father, as I lie down for sleep tonight, wash over me with the warmth of Your love. In Your mercy, soothe my pain, whether in my body-“ you paused your recitation when that familiar prickle began its way up the back of your neck like it had for the past two days. You listened intently, but there was nothing but the wind.
“-mind or soul. Grant me a restful night of sleep so that when I awake, I'm strengthened to do Your will. Amen.” You decided against thinking too much of the unease, and settled under your blankets and closed your eyes.
You didn’t dream that night. In fact it felt as if you had merely shut your eyes for a moment before you were opening them again at the sound of your alarm.
The storm had blown itself out by the time you took your wooden shutters off your windows. There was a sliver of light coming over the horizon as you peered out at the water. You stared at it intently, and clenched your hand into an absentminded fist.
You tried the lightswitch in your kitchen, and praised the lord that it worked. You wondered if Sturge had been up even earlier than you to fix the power lines.
The outside of your house was a mess complete with a crab trap hanging off your fence. Nets, ropes, bushes, clothes, coolers, toys riddled the streets as you walked in the dim light to your shop. But then after only a few minutes, your nose picked up a smell. You were used to the strong smell of the ocean, especially after the storms, but this was different. You started towards the beach, and nearly gagged when you got closer. You had to cover your mouth once you stood on the sand.
From left to right, the beach was littered with the corpses of cats. You knew there were quite a lot on the island, and had seen the odd dead feline, but this was as if something had wiped out every cat and dumped them by the shore.
Anxiety filled you as you stared.
“Oh my-…”
You spun around to see Hassan standing beside you; uniform half buttoned and a bag over his shoulder that you knew had his lunch. The two of you exchanged looks of distress, and you visibly started to shake the longer you looked.
“What…what would…Hassan what-…” you looked up at the man, and he only shook his head. At a loss for words.
“Cmon. I’ll walk you in. Gotta…gotta call the mayor.” He wrapped an arm around your back to direct you away from the mess, “We’ll take care of it.”
You nodded and followed his lead away from the beach and into town, but you found yourself remembering that prickle up the back of your neck that night, and wondered if it had had anything to do with the slaughter. Was there some predator that had somehow made it onto the island without anyone knowing? Was someone going around killing cats? Had the solitude of Crockett Island finally made someone snap and rip every feline to shreds?
The call of your name cut through your thoughts.
You looked up and saw that you were ex standing outside your shop, and the poor man who had walked you there looked even more distressed at your quietness.
“Thank you…thanks Hassan…I’ll…let- let me know if you find anything out.” You said quietly but gave him a small smile of reassurance.
“I will. Take care okay?” He said, and you nodded, but he was already disappearing up the steps into the general store.
You nodded to yourself, and unlocked your shop and stood inside.
Then you took a deep breath.
And got to work.
By the time 8:30 came around, your nerves had calmed, and your nose was filled with a far more pleasant smell of muffins, and tarts and sourdough.
You brushed off your hands, and bundled up the deliveries for that day, then quickly locked the shop up and left for mass. As you walked, you found yourself ever so slightly reluctant. Nervous like your first day of school.
It wasn’t until you heard the sound of Leeza and Annie behind you that you snapped out of a daze that had settled over you.
“Good morning, dear!” Annie called to you as you stopped and waited for them.
“Morning. You all survived the storm just fine?” You asked politely and began walking with them.
“Oh we were fine. Just a breeze.” Annie said good-naturedly, “Sure was strange what with all those cats this morning though hey? Heard Dolly saying they’re still trying to work out what happened.” She said a little hushed.
You nodded, “I know…the Sheriff and I found them this morning…scared me half to death…”
“They’ll figure it out I’m sure.” Annie dismissed the conversation; you could tell she was worried. She always worried.
Not wanting that to be the last conversational subject between your little group, you changed the subject.
“Anything exciting happening at school today?” You asked Leeza.
She shook her head, “Nah…but I think we’re starting on this project that I’m excited about…” the girl began on a tangent regarding her science project. It was nice to listen to someone prattle on about something that would be insignificant in a few years…it was somehow refreshing. Somehow you felt like an older sister to Leeza, and having her confide in you so honestly about mundane things made your heart swell.
The three of you entered the church, and just as always, you sat in your usual spot in the middle, across from Leeza and Annie. And you waited.
“Our processional hymn this morning is number 400 in the red hymnal. “Holy, Holy, Holy.” Please rise. “ came the voice of Father Hill from the door of the church.
A shiver made you twitch, and you blamed a draft in the church. You stood just as you always did; not needing the hymnbook but still holding it out of habit.
You sang, and kept your eyes trained on the text as the Father passed, his hands pressed in prayer as he walked up to the pulpit and continued his routine. You could feel the heavy presence of Bev Keene permeating the air, and you subconsciously ground your teeth. You knew if she had her heart in the right place, she could be a magnetic, beloved member of any community.
But sadly she didn’t have a heart to have it in the right place to begin with. Soot and malice was what sat beneath that gold cross she wore.
“Before he was given up to death, a death he freely accepted, he took bread and gave you thanks…”
Your eyes glazed over at you listened to that voice of his. Not that you weren’t hearing his words, or the message behind them; you were paying attention. But just like being read a story by your mother at bedtime versus a babysitter you had only just met, there was a certain comfort to be found in the former. Yet somehow, where Father Hill ought to have been less comforting, he brought great solace to his homily. It felt as if he was the one you were so used to listening to. Somehow he had eased himself into the Monsignor’s shoes seamlessly and had begun to preach his own gospel that melded with the tone you had become accustomed to since childhood and lulled you into a safe haven of worship.
“…He broke the bread, gave it to his disciples, and said…”
There was an effortlessness in his sermon. You wondered if he had started preaching very young.
With only 4 islanders in the church to worship, Father Hill stepped down from the pulpit and began offering the Body and blood of Christ to each. He saved you for last, you noticed, and for good reason as he retrieved your smaller cup and returned to you. You cupped your hands in front of you, and waited dutifully.
“Body of Christ, y/n.” Came that gentle voice of his like he cared deeply that you accept the blessing.
His long fingers graced the pads of yours so slightly as he placed the wafer on your fingers, and you failed to hide the hitch of your breath as you murmured “Amen.”
Then as he held your small cup for you to drink from, you failed to see how his gaze caught the sight of your pink tongue peaking out just over your teeth as you went to drink. John didn’t know why he noticed that; he supposed he noticed many small details now. Seeing your tongue now must have reminded him of any smaller animal with its mouth open- a small rabbit, a mouse, a cat, a-
A lamb.
The juice tasted strange that morning and somehow thicker than usual. You wondered if it was just in your head after being so shaken from the cats…
Annie took it upon herself to walk Leeza to school that morning, which left you to exit the church alone. On a day like that with the sun shining, you found coming out of the house of God almost ethereal. The light poured in through the single-paned windows and illuminated the dust particles that drifted so gently.
Once you stepped outside, the fresh air filled your lungs and you let yourself smile easily up at Father Paul as he stood patiently.
“Good morning, Father Hill.” You said, craning your neck to look up at the man.
“The beating heart herself!” He smiled, reiterating Annie’s analogy of you.
A good memory.
And a good sense of humour.
The warming of your cheeks was obvious , and John felt a little tug in his chest at the sight of it. Little flower pedals colouring your cheeks.
“She- I’m…”you tried to find a way to humble the dramatic compliment, but failed, “I hope you made it through the storm alright, Father. One hell of a welcome.” You said, trying to redirect the conversation, and to your mercy, Father Hill went along with it.
He nodded.
“It was quite nice actually. Being plunged into darkness almost feels like a renewal of some kind.” He said thoughtfully as his mouth seemed to threaten to tug into a smile.
“Quite sobering.” You agreed, “I’m glad it didn’t chase you off. Don’t know how many times I’ve seen someone buy a summer home here then flee the moment they have to endure a storm.” It was true. A little funny too.
The Father chuckled and nodded, “A fearsome thing to behold, but still a reminder of our creator…the power or lord holds, whipping storms against our rocks and shores just to knock on our doors and say hello. Almost reassuring.” He rambled a little.
You tilted your head, “That’s a very thoughtful way to look at it. Certainly more poetic than what you’ll hear from most of the locals.”
“And what would they say?” He shot back playfully.
You breathed out a laugh.
“One too many curse words for my liking, Father. And a couple confusing analogies.” You said.
Father Hill chuckled and somehow you half expected him to pat your head and tell you to run along. The Monsignor used to when you were a child so it wouldn’t be entirely foreign.
“Well we all have our ways of dealing with hardship-“
“Ah you’re still here, y/n!”
During your conversation you hadn’t noticed how the two of you had come to shift closer to one another; but when that cutting voice of Bev Keen startled you, you took an instinctive step away from the man with whom you had been speaking.
You forced a polite smile, “I am. Just asking how Father Paul made it through the storm-“
“The rectory has always been just fine.” She shot at you with a tight smile as if trying to end your time there quickly.
John could see your lips pull down so slightly into a tiny frown when Bev cut you off; he felt a flicker of irritation. Odd.
You recovered, acting like she didn’t mean any harm. “I’m sure it has. But just because a place is safe doesn’t remove fear. The Father here seemed to have handled it just fine though like you said… “In the storms, winds and waves, He whispers “fearnot” for I am with you.”.” You smiled up at the Father, and he returned it gently.
“Psalm 107:29…truer words could not exist for Crockett Island.” Father Paul said fondly to you; he had a way of speaking to those around him like there was a bubble around the two of you as you conversed. Like nothing else could take his attention from you.
You took in a breath and clasped your hands in front of you when you could feel the gaze of Bev scorching you, “Well thank you for a lovely service today Father, Bev…always a pleasure.” You said to both, but only made it several steps before Father Paul called after you.
“You’re always welcome here.” He said you name so gently. You noticed too that his tone was almost pleading…perhaps encouraging. Did he think you would stop your routine one day?
“I appreciate that Father Hill!” You smiled and waved as you turned to continue on your way; Paul’s lingering stare and Bevs look of distain following you as you went.
Your ear ached as a pull in you almost forced you to turn around and look back at St. Patrick’s again…but you didn’t. Somehow you felt it was in poor taste to do so. You had been startled by being watched once, and you were certain your nerves would not benefit from it again.
Instead, you hurried along, and made it down to the bakery quickly. You waved at a few locals who entered the general store and unlocked your door to grab your deliveries for that day. You always felt a pang of sadness when you looked at your list of houses and saw old customers crossed off; having passed or moved, but you supposed you ought to feel joyous for those who remained.
One by one you completed your deliveries. There were only 15 houses to visit, give or take a few from day to day. You treasured those houses.
You peddled up to one of the houses you frequented, and grabbed the order you needed. You almost bounced up the steps and knocked. It didn’t take long before the door was opening after the voice inside called that they were coming.
You were then met with a familiar face.
“Good to see you. Morning going alright?” Sarah Gunning was always a little direct, but kind. You supposed a good doctor ought to be both.
You nodded as you handed her the two loaves of bread and bundle of fruit cakes. “Not too bad…was a little shaken by the…uh…the cats this morning but nothing a sunny day like today can’t fix!” You assured her. “How’s your mother?”
Sarah nodded, “I heard…smelled it too. She’s alright, thank you y/n.” She took the package from you and gave you a tight smile.
“Good…see you soon.” You chirped, and began backing down the steps.
You turned around and strode out the front yard, but sighed when you noticed one of the straps that kept your goods in place at the back of your bike was loose. You knelt down and retied it. You supposed everything on this island was falling apart just a little.
When you straightened, however, you gasped and nearly toppled over. “F-Father Hill! I’m so sorry-“
The man stepped back a little.
“Im sorry I didn’t mean to sneak up on you.” He put his hand up to show he meant no harm, face apologetic.
“No…no that was on me, I’ve been a little in my head lately.” You said, having a hard time meeting his gaze.
“We all can be a little distracted.” He said. A slightly awkward silence fell between you, but it was he who broke it. “You know the Gunnings well?” He asked, and nodded to the house behind you.
You followed his gaze and nodded, “Not terribly, but I remember seeing Mrs. Gunning in church when I was a kid…I just deliver to them now. Mrs.Gunning’s health hasn’t been the best for years and her daughter Sarah cares for her…I just try to help out where I can.” You smiled.
There was something nagging at you though. Something odd. Of course you hadn’t fully realized that this stranger already knew who lived there; you were so used to everyone knowing everyone.
You did notice how the man before you shifted when you mentioned Sarah’s mother. He seemed almost a little more compelled to listen.
“That- that’s kind of you.” He stumbled a little over his words, “Giving to those in need that’s very selfless…a trait that can be hard to come by though we all possess it.” Father Hill forced a smile that crinkled the sides of his eyes.
“We all have traits in us that we can chose to embrace or not. Good and bad, Father.”
His smile turned a little more genuine then. “Ah yes, the never ending duality of man.”
“ “Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed.” John 3:20.” You quoted a little absentmindedly as you saw Beverly pass by on the main road. The distraction kept you from seeing how the man towering over you had his eyes go wide, and looked away for a moment.
You both stood there for a moment, then you ducked your head a little and pulled your bike towards yourself. “Well Father, I’ll leave you to it.”
Father Hill nodded, and pursed his lips ever so slightly, “Good to see you…”
You slowly walked past him and back to the road, but stopped when he muttered something that you wondered if he meant for you to hear.
“Thank you.” He said.
You looked back at him, brows pitched in confusion.
“For…taking- taking care of everyone.” He ended his sentence a little weakly, and you tilted your head a little to the side. An odd man.
“It’s my pleasure.” You decided on. It seemed to be what Father Hill wanted or needed to hear, and you both parted ways.
You paused at Main Street, and turned to look up at the Father as he ascended the stairs to the Gunning house. This time, it was his turn to glance back at you as you watched him. You waved and smiled, and didn’t wait for his response before you were pedalling away.
John had been standing just out of view of Sarah when he had said goodbye to Leeza, and saw you knock on Mildred’s front door. He stayed there, enjoying how much life you held inside you. Youthful and magnetic. Of course the ease in staring at you had nothing to do with the fact that your dress swayed around your legs and picked up so slightly in the wind.
He watched how startled you were by him when he approached you…so cautious yet so trusting. A lamb weary of wolves just looking for her Shepard.
I will be your Shepard sweet lamb…let me. Bend for me…for God.
Then that quote…oh you were no mere lost soul. No you were thoughtful. John felt excitement fill him at the thought of how you would benefit from his gift. He would be lying if he said you saying his true name didn’t startle him. A coincidence, of course.
Then when he turned back and saw you already watching him. Then that peak of your thigh when you hopped onto your bike…John was…
John was distracted.
An ideal lamb to guide yet so concerning. Not a blind lamb…no you were good. You were caring, and strong. Hopeful…hopeful like a man overboard who knew he had to weather swell after swell of water but kept treading water because he knew he was strong enough despite his muscles wanting to give out.
Instead of staying afloat like that man, John lost his breath.
Then he gasped in the salty sea water and breathed you in. Gulped you down his throat like a greedy boy to nourish his body and fill his lungs.
The next morning was thankfully an uneventful one.
Hassan and Wade had managed to get the dead cats cleaned up by the evening of the day before, and you weren’t sure when the last time was that you were so happy to have nothing happen.
Until that evening.
You were fairly proud of your abilities to make delicious confectioneries for Crockett island, and as you stared down your journal of recipes that sat in your lap, you pondered which to chose for the approaching Crock-potluck. You knew there would be a great deal of food already there, but you also knew that something freshly made for desert changed an atmosphere fast.
You were just looking through your various cookie and sweet bread recipes when a knock on your door made you jump. It was rare that you had visitors, especially at this hour. Certainly Erin had come by numerous times for slow walks around the island in the evening from time to time, and then Annie sometimes ran down to your house if she needed an ingredient…but somehow you felt that the person knocking was neither.
It was soft and timid.
You uncurled yourself from your nest of blankets on the couch, and strode to your door, then opened it with a pleasant smile on your face. It faltered only a little once you saw who was standing there.
“I- I uh…I’m sorry for this intrusion so late but I have a favour to ask of you if I may.” Came that low rumble of the man’s voice as he stood in the dim light of your porch.
You blinked, “What can I do for you Father?”
Father Hill shifted a little- an awkward smile on his face as he looked to the side as he stalled.
“This is my first uh- Crockett Po- crock-“ he stumbled a little and you smiled.
“Crock-potluck.” You corrected him.
He laughed a little, “Yes. And I wanted to have something to bring. Something my mother ingrained in me as a boy and well I was hoping if…if you could lend a helping hand so to speak.”
You bit at your cheek to keep from smiling too wide at his request. Here was this man likely twice your age, taller than most trees, fumbling with his words when he preached for a living. He was endearing.
“Well Father…it is getting late.” You started, and his face instantly turned to that of a kicked puppy.
His eyes softened, and the corners of his mouth tugged down so slightly.
“Oh- of- of course how silly-“
“-and I was going to make something for the potluck anyways…so having an extra pair of hands would be a godsend.” You finished.
John chuckled and stared you in the eye when your nose scrunched up so slightly at your tease.
Funny girl.
“Come in, please…make yourself at home.” You ushered him in. You were thankful that Bev didn’t live near you lest she see her dear Father Hill enter the home of a young woman alone.
Of course, John knew that you were indeed preparing to make something. Just like most islanders, you kept your drapes open even at night, and while he had just meant to take an evening stroll and check in on you- his dear lamb- John had found himself standing just outside your window watching you for well past a half hour. You flicked through that book of yours that John remembered seeing on your counter just two days ago when you had tested a recipe from it. You hadn’t seen him that night either. So domestic and sweet in your own space…
It was only when he snapped out of his trance-like state that he felt a little perverse in his current situation and told himself that he must have a reason for being there so long.
Thus the need to make something for the potluck.
John Pruitt had never made something for the potluck.
But he would not just leave your house that night after watching you through your window.
No. No he had a purpose for being there.
Of course he did. Why else would God have guided him there on his walk?
It wasn’t as if he was subconsciously drawn to your little home.
A moth to a flame.
You watched the older man remove his boots, and unzip his grey hoodie, and remove it to fold it neatly onto your couch. He looked so domestic and human.
“We’re going to make a cult classic, Father…I hope that’s alright. Safer for large numbers.” You explained as you flipped to your browned butter chocolate chip recipe. You slowly walked into your kitchen as you reviewed what you needed, and Father Hill trailed after you.
“This might take a couple hour- oh!” You started to say, but jumped when you turned around and bumped right into his chest.
He chuckled, “I think I might need a bell on me…I’m afraid I have a talent for startling people lately.”
You waved it off, “It’s just me…I’m just- I…” you sighed and looked up at the man as he waited patiently for your explanation, “Can I…can I be completely honest with you, Father Hill?” You asked a little timidly.
He nodded- open and calm, “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
You sucked in a breath, “You’re…well you’re a new presence here on the island…a welcomed one! But because you’re new…you startle a lot of us because we’re simply not…used to you. We’ll get there but in the time being…I think that’s why. I’m- we…we’re glad you’re here.” You stumbled and then when he smiled softly at you you suddenly worried that you had offended him, “I’m…I’m sorry I don’t think that came out right…”
“No no please…it makes perfect sense given how isolated the island is…I take no offence.” He said good-naturedly and waved his hand.
You sighed, and looked down, “Alright well…let’s get started. You might want to roll your sleeves up though it can get messy, Father.” You perked up as you changed the subject, and began to walk to your counter where you had already taken out a mixing bowl and, whisk and measuring cup.
“I am at your disposal, young lady.” Father Paul came to brace himself against the counter edge beside you, looking down at you thoughtfully.
You felt a blush rise to your cheeks, but kept your head down enough for him to not see, “Can you get me the butter from the fridge? Should be on the door.” You asked, and pulled out a small saucepan.
He nodded, and retrieved the butter for you. As he looked for it, you glanced over at him, and found your eyes drawn to his exposed forearms from him rolling up his sleeves. You looked away almost instantly, embarrassed for having been looking at your priest like that.
“You know this is the first time I’ve done this. Gotta admit it’s a bit exciting.” He said as he popped the butter beside you on the counter proudly.
“Baking is always fun…especially when things turn out yummy.” You smiled and put two large cups of butter in the heated pan. It started to sizzle. “We brown the butter to give the cookies a sort of nutty flavour…makes it a little tastier even if they’re just chocolate chip cookies.” You explained. He watched over your shoulder, enrapt.
“Did you always want to do this?” He asked you.
You blinked, “The- the cookies-?”
“No.” He laughed, “No, being a baker.”
“Oh. Well…not exactly. I grew up here and when you grow up in Crockett you have a lot of time to think…sometimes too much. I guess I knew I would end up doing something here and when I got older I got into baking and in my spare time I got really good at it…took years but before I knew it I was graduating and had a pretty fortuitous hobby. It was actually Dr. Gunning who suggested it.”
“Sarah?” Came his voice behind you.
“Yeah, Sarah was in the general store when I was there to get some milk and we got to talking…I had made her mom a few loaves of bread that she used to like and Sarah said I should make something out of my skill. And here I am!” You laughed, and stirred the butter as it browned and thinned.
“Wonderful…” he said softly.
You nodded, “She’s a nice lady. You’ll get used to her- just a little direct. Think it comes with being a doctor.” There was a moment of silence between you; only filled with the bubbling of the butter, “Alright, can you go into the freezer and pull out the flour, and measure out 3 cups of it into the bowl there?” You asked the man behind you.
“I certainly can.” He confirmed.
“Oh! Can you get 4 eggs as well?” You asked quickly.
He hummed and looked through your fridge for what he needed, and placed everything by the bowl. The counter was so much lower for him that he almost had to hunker over with his height to work.
He looked so…normal. It was sweet. A little odd to see your pastor baking with you but it was nice. Somehow it made him feel more human than just a man who absolved your sins and blessed you every morning.
The two of you worked together, and you came to find that Father Hill was eager to learn. He was methodical and took his time to do things right. Listened. Before you knew it there was a massive bowl of cookie dough on the counter and your oven was full of baking sheets.
“Each sheet should only take about 15 minutes so this shouldn’t take more than another hour.” You said, “If- if you need to take off I can finish-“
“A good man does not abandon his task, not to worry.” His tone was stern but he was smiling. You returned it.
“Well…” you breathed as you looked around for something to do, “I can put some music on if you like? You’re welcome to look around.”
He nodded, and you went to find something to listen to, “This used to be my family’s house. I’m afraid I only have their old records…Hope that’s okay?”
“More than.” He called out to you as you went into the living room.
You flipped through a few envelopes, and settled on one from Jeff Buckley. It was mostly slow, and you could still talk if you wanted to. You set it up, and as the needle sat atop the vinyl, a calm song began.
“Who’s this little ray of sunshine?”
You turned and followed Father Paul’s voice. He was standing in front of a few picture frames hung on the wall that you kept from when your family lived there.
“That was me.” You laughed, “That was right before Easter I think…I was 5.” You said thoughtfully.
“You looked happy.” He smiled.
I was. You thought.
“I loved Easter. Mostly for the chocolate…” you both chuckled a little, “But…now it’s just the time of year that I like. Spring. Revival…blossoming of plants, birds chirping…everything just seems so much more alive. The world starts to hum with God’s greatness during Easter, I think.” You thought aloud, then looked up at Father Hill once you ended your musings.
He was already watching you; hanging onto every word.
He remembered how much you enjoyed Easter. “One more chocolate, Monsignor? Pleeease?” He could still hear that little voice.
“What do you think, Father?” You asked him.
“I have to agree.” He hummed. You noticed that his eyes were almost glassy-that same teary look you had noticed when you first met him. Like he may weep.
“I think Monsignor Pruitt was partial t-
You both jumped apart and looked behind you at the sound of your timer sounding.
Had it been 15 minutes already?
You both returned to the kitchen and you began removing the sheets of golden treats. “If you can put them on the cooling rack while I take them out that’ll help a lot, Father.” You smiled.
“They turned out so nicely.” He mused as he followed your orders, “I supposed I shouldn’t have expected anything less from you.”
You laughed a little, “It’s just trial and error until you figure out your best method.”
Modest girl.
John grinned at you from the corner of his eye while you placed the last hot sheet on the counter.
The two of you continued the routine until the last round was in the oven, and you were starting to feel more at ease with the man. Almost playful. He certainly was a young priest, and every bit a red blooded man; his humour was dry, and he smiled easily. His laugh was infectious, though you could tell he didn’t do it often. You supposed the church wasn’t exactly a place rich with humour.
The record had nearly finished after almost an hour of listening, and the two of you were leaning against the kitchen counter listening. You swayed gently to the music, but then perked up when a favourite of yours began to play.
“I love this song…” you muttered under your breath and turned your head in the direction of the living room.
John looked down at you in recognition of what you had said, but in the low light of your kitchen, and the softness in your face, he couldn’t help but be reminded of being young. Not just himself but the island. Back when the people who were not partners used to be children he had baptized. Back when there were dances in the old town hall that had since burned down decades ago.
You reminded him of…a better time.
An easier time.
You were so occupied in your little bubble, that it took you a moment to notice Father Paul coming in front of you with his hands out.
You looked down at his palms, then up at him, and he waited patiently. You slowly placed your hands in his, and he pulled you away from the counter and began to sway with you. So gentle, then he tentatively brought your hand up to his shoulder and he brought his other hand to your waist; guiding you through a little dance.
Neither of you said a word.
Not there was anything to say really.
Somehow the two of you just felt very…human.
Your neck hurt from looking up at his dark eyes, but you didn’t stop. He watched you just as closely as you moved slowly through the room in small circles.
“…You know I used to be alone before I knew you…and I’ve seen your flag on the marble arch, and love is not some victory march. It’s a cold and it’s a broken Hallelujah…”
The smell of baked cookies surrounded you, and you almost laughed at the absurdity of it all.
But in that moment, it didn’t feel absurd.
It felt like two kindred souls enjoying some shared time. Any obligations or expectations melted away as you felt the warmth from his hands meld into your tendons and heat your sinew. His fingers holding yours felt more akin to a cradle and his breath between you was like smelling your childhood.
Your heart ached.
Perhaps it was that no one had held you in years. Let alone danced with you.
Hugs and pats on the back were about the extent.
“…and it’s not a cry that you hear at night, it’s not someone whose seen the light, it’s a cold and it’s a broken Hallelujah…”
The two of you slowed until you came to a standstill in the kitchen, simply standing less than a foot from eachother. When the timer dinged this time, neither of you jumped away. The sound certainly brought you down to Earth, but somehow you only found yourself staring up at the man. You weren’t altogether confused, though you were curious and a little nervous.
Why had he done that?
Why did you do that?
You had felt so comfortable…like this was an old friend of yours who you had just seen again after years apart.
John gazed down at you…his mind rich with turmoil and deep contemplation. When he had taken your hands in his, it had been as if God had moved through him.
Like God had told him to embrace the good of the past, and remember what he was working towards. To restore exactly that.
After a few breaths, Father Hill released your hand, and you both quietly walked to the oven.
The last batch now sat on the cooling racks, and you sighed.
“I’ll pack these up and bring them by the rectory before service tomorrow, Father.” You broke the silence.
Father hill nodded, “Thank you my girl.” He said softly.
You nodded and looked down at your hands, “Thank you for your company.” Then looked back up at the man before you.
He tilted his head to you as if to tell you that you were welcome or that it was his pleasure.
He slowly unrolled his sleeves, and you picked his sweater up for him from the living room.
You almost felt bad to watch him go. It might have been nice to talk to him for a few hours more.
He finished tying his boots and graciously took the sweater from you, and slipped it on over his collared shirt.
“Goodnight, y/n.” He murmured as he opened your door.
“Goodnight, Father.” You whispered back.
He stayed a moment longer, and smiled gently at you, then he was gone.
You stood in your doorway, watching him go, and as he left your sight, you found yourself returning to your senses. A wave of embarrassment chilled you when you realised what you had just done. Yet somehow you didn’t feel entirely guilty. It had felt as if some kind of blanket had enveloped the two of you just like when he conversed with his flock after mass- a bubble around you.
You packed the treats away after cooling, and silently went to sleep. You didn’t let yourself dwell.
“It’s great to see so many of you here today. But I do have to ask, why not every Sunday? Christmas, Easter, I get that. But there’s also always an uptick around the start of Lent. Why is that? What’s so special about today? Ash Wednesday, beginning of Lent. It’s hardly a crowd-pleaser.The beginning of repentance, making amends for our sins. Sin. This darkness, this blackness that spilled into us. That darkness, we wear it on our forehead today. Just a smudge of it. Uh…A smudge of death, of ash, of sin for repentance. Because of where this is all actually heading, which is Easter. Rebirth, resurrection, eternal life. Life that rises again…” Father Paul stood before you at the pulpit, presence commanding as ever.
“Even out of blackness, love rises again. Even out of sin. And this island, it will rise again. Even out of disaster, rebirth, restoration, eternal life. Jesus sees you. Sees you, best of all, and he sees you true. Because, don’t forget, who did he seek out? Who did he turn to, to build his church?His apostles. Jesus’ first disciples, they were fishermen. One of his first miracles, right? The nets are empty, fishermen desperate. Jesus says, “Put out into deep water and let down your nets for a catch,” and when they pulled up those nets, a bounty of fish.” You could practically feel the worshipers buzz around you as their heart rates picked up, just like yours.
“He sees you. Oh, yes, he sees you, brothers and sisters, and he will resurrect this island, and he will again fill your nets. It’s great you’re here today, but please keep coming back. Those doors, they’re always open, as the gates are always open. You just bring yourself. God will do the rest. As Psalm 60 tells us, “God, You have rejected us, You have broken us down, You have been angry. Restore us again.” Do you know what psalms are? They’re songs.The word psalm from the Greek psalmoi. It means “music.” Songs of prayer. Songs of praise. That’s who we are. That’s who we must be. That’s what it means to have faith, that in the darkness, in the worst of it, in the absence of light and hope, we sing. “Restore us,” we sing to the sky. And He will, my friends. He will. That same hand that dealt you your hardship, that same hand will make you whole.”
A single tear fell from your eye. God works in mysterious ways, and you could almost feel God working through Father Hill that day. As if God truly was trying to tell you that he was there with you. And Father Hill spoke as if he knew something good was to come- as if God had shown him.
And you believed him.
As you stood, you could hear Annie trying to urge her son to accept the cross of ash, and you gave her a small reassuring smile when she filed in behind you.
“Y/n remember you are dust, and to dust you shall return.” The preacher murmured to you. Your face was bright that day, happy. John suppressed a smile.
“Amen.” You said quietly, flicking your eyes up to his. He stared down at you steadily, calm as ever.
“Bless you my child.” His was was low and serene.
It was a peaceful stroll down to potluck. You watched as birds started to flit in the trees and chirp; bees starting to buzz, the gentle sound of the shore. Rebirth.
You checked behind you every so often as you walked in case you saw Father Hill; you had brought the cookies to the rectory that morning before service, and when you had offered to help carry the three large containers after, the Father had declined.
You had insisted.
But he insisted harder.
It was wonderful to see the islanders enjoy the little festival. Sharing with each other and laughing. It didn’t happen often. It was as if everyone pushed off their exhaustion just to enjoy that day. Problems could wait until the next day.
You made your way through the locals that you knew well, and stopped a little longer with some. Annie stood with Ed, and you noticed them smiling; perhaps it might seem like a strange thing to notice, but you knew all about Ed’s troubled back, and how their marriage was a little exhausted…it made your heart glow a little to see them happy. Most everyone seemed happier if you were honest, and it wasn’t just that day.
Your legs began to ache after a half hour, and you took to the edge of the festival to sit. You liked this. Watching everyone around you.
“Mind if I join you?” You looked up to see Father Hill walking over to you, a cup of juice in hand.
“Please do.” You scooted over to give him a little more room.
He sat with a soft grunt.
“You did your hair different.”
You turned to him. And your lips parted in surprise, “Wha-“
“I’m sorry- I noticed during communion. Just came to mind.” He said a little awkwardly though no less sweet.
Your mouth fell open a little, “I did. First day of lent…I like to do a little extra for it.” You rambled.
John smiled at you.
You looked pretty.
Not that he could say that.
But you did.
“The crockpot luck…I hear it’s a yearly staple for the island.” Father Hill said to you as you both looked out over the festival.
You nodded, “Sure is…”
John turned to you then; your tone was a little more reserved. Like you weren’t saying all you wished to.
“You’re not a fan of it?” He asked curiously.
You thought for a moment. “Can I be-“
“Honest?” He cut you off. Echoing your words from the night before.
You smiled, “Yes.”
“Please do.”
“I-… Lent is supposed to be a time of fasting and repentance and prayer…I just…it seems strange to have a festival on Ash Wednesday.” You said quietly.
He nodded, “Perhaps a little unorthodox.”
“I think I’ve always found it just…a little odd. Our Monsignor was the one who came up with it, you know? Coined the name. I just…I can’t help but wonder if his theology was a little…uh…off.” You mused, looking down at your hands.
Father Hill regarded you for a moment, and nodded, but didn’t say anything.
“I know you didn’t know him…he was a nice man…but…he was- is just a man. Man has his faults.” You shrugged, then turned to the man beside you, “No offence, Father.”
He chuckled and sipped at his cup, “None taken. I appreciate your candour.”
You pursed your lips.
You weren’t usually so unguarded.
You shouldn’t have said that.
Why did you say that?
This was the second time you had inadvertently said something to insult him within 24 hours. You felt shame start to rise in the back of your throat.
“I don’t want you to worry about offending me, y/n. I’m a friend and an ear to listen…if ever you want to talk.” He said, staring out at the sea of people, then back at you.
You sighed and nodded, “Thank you, Father. You’re very kind.”
He smiled.
Then you remembered something, “Father?”
You shifted a little awkwardly, “I want to first thank you for maintaining my uh…specialized sacrament, but I just wanted to ask- have you changed the juice?” You asked him.
He thought for a moment, “I don’t believe so. We just got a new shipment…I can check if it’s any different…why?”
“It…it’s just…it tastes very strange. Almost metallic. I don’t know how else to describe it.” You thought back to how the taste stayed in your mouth after only a sip.
John shifted in his seat. You knew. He would have to find another way of give you the gift.
“I’ll find another one to give you. Not to worry.” He said, and patted your hand.
“Thank you, Father.” You chose not to dwell on him touching you.
“Well, I should return to my flock…trying to get to know everyone.” He said, then pushed himself up off the bench.
You nodded. You knew he was only temporary, but it was kind of him to try and get to know the members of the community while he was there.
He was charming and approachable, it wouldn’t be hard for him.
“Of course, enjoy!” You called after him. He waved back at you, and you scrunched your face up as the sun hit your eyes.
You sighed to yourself and after an hour, you began to make another round of the park. The town had truly lucked out with such a beautiful day for such a special day. After such a nasty storm just a few days ago, it was surprising.
You watched at the sun started to lower in the sky. Things were starting to wind down, and some had began to return home-
You whipped your head around in the direction of the scream. On the other end of the park, you could see a crowd forming. You knew Pike was Joe Collie’s dog, and by the sounds of it, there was nothing good happening. You knew he was old, and loud, but he wouldn’t hurt a fly. You hoped he hadn’t bitten someone.
You crossed the field in just a couple minutes, and when you came to stand in the crowd, you felt yourself grow lightheaded. Pike was laying in a puddle of foamy bile and blood- the light leaving his eyes. You could hear Joe accusing Bev, and saw Sarah knelt over the dog…it was horrible.
“Alright everyone…back up.” Hassan waved his arms to try and disperse the crowd. Everyone began to walk away, and you could feel a solemnness come over the islanders. Like somehow they had all been snapped out of a trance and remembered their troubles.
You pursed your lips, but ultimately backed up as well. You wanted to help, but you knew there was virtually nothing to do. Pike was dead.
You kept to yourself for another hour, the as the afternoon dragged on, you started to collect the now-empty containers that had once held the cookies.
“Thanks for that, y/n.”
You looked over at Wade who was taking one last helping of…something brownish. A casserole of some kind.
You smiled, “Oh it was no problem. It was actually a group effort between the Father and I!”
His brows shot up, “Really?”
“Yeah he wanted to bring something. Wasn’t that nice of him?” You picked the empty containers up.
“Yeah…he- he seems like a real nice fella.” He mused, moustache twitching.
You nodded, “This was great, Mr. Mayor. See you Friday?”
He chuckled- you knew he was just fine with Wade, but you also knew he liked when people used his title- made him feel important. And you did your best to remind each person of their importance when you could.
“See you Friday, sweetheart.” He conceded.
You waved him off, then began your way back home.
John stood on the edge of the park watching you go. He had initially taken the spot to gaze at Sarah, but his gaze had been drawn when you were speaking with the mayor.
They really did love you.
And he understood why.
He watched you disappear down the road, dress fluttering in the wind.
@littleredwritingcat @zaunite-leo @f4er1e-g1rl @purplemotif @vampyre-kin @professional-sinner @hamishlinklaters @spacechupss @pansexualpamandabear @ebiemidnightlibrarian
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myymi · 8 months
“Look. Yer new here, I get it.” Sails grumbled, his mechanical arm resting on the hedgehog’s chest to force him to keep his distance, “But you need to learn our rules and fast.” He growled, eyes narrowing into a glare.
Sonic tried to keep his body from visibly wilting at the rejection. He wasn't used to being pushed away by his little brother, and it seemed to hurt worse the second time around.
Except they aren't his little brother, are they? Nine and Sails don't know him. They shouldn't trust him. But he needs them to. Sonic needs his brother(s?) to trust him to keep them safe, why won't they let him protect them?
That's his job, isn't it? He has to keep them safe from those who are hunting them or whatever awful thoughts are plaguing them. What good is protecting the world when he can't protect his world?
“Whaddya mean?” He decided to ask, firmly ignoring the way his voice wavered even after the fox in front of him raised a brow at it.
“I mean quit stickin’ yer nose where it don't belong.” Sonic tried to ignore the fact that only one of the pirate's ears folded down as he crossed his arms, shrinking into himself. “My tale ain't your business, so quit poking.”
“I didn't mean to offend you or anything,” Sonic said, raising his paws in surrender. He'd never want to push his brother to talk about something he didn't want to. Why didn't he just drop it? “I was just worried, y’know?”
“Don't worry over strangers, landlubber.” Sails warned, his metal arm retreating from the teens chest as he averted his gaze, “it'll only make things harder for ya.” He mumbled, almost too quiet for the other to hear.
“But you're not a stranger, Sails.” The older argued, watching the fox’s movements, “I know everything about you!”
“No, you don't.” The kit frowned, his fur bristling, “If ye did, ye wouldn't be here askin’ questions about a life that doesn't concern you.” Was the last thing he said before turning away from the hedgehog, quickly making his way to somewhere on the boat that wasn't near him.
Sonic's ears flattened against his head as he watched Sails walk away, his left paw holding his right arm in an absolute death grip. He groaned and ran his paws down his face.
This was his own fault.
He's always been one to preach about boundaries. He remembers he used to have to remind a 4 year old Tails quite often that sometimes people just didn't want to talk about or do certain things and that was okay.
So why didn't he keep his big, stupid mouth shut when he saw Sails start to pull away?
Sure, Sails wasn't technically Tails, but they had the same mannerisms. His tails twirling around themselves to appear as a single appendage, his eyes looking down to stare at his crossed arms, his fur proofing up, and his foot tapping against the ground were all signs that someone was pushing him too far. Sonic knew that, yet he wouldn't stop pushing.
Maybe it was the desperation to understand this two tailed fox. Because he wasn't his fox, but he was so close he might as well be his doppelganger. Yet the teenager didn't actually know him.
But he wanted to. He wanted to show the kit that he was the one the kid should trust. He wanted to prove to Sails that he was a free shoulder to lean on if he needed it.
A big brother who would always have his arms open, waiting to comfort the fox should he need it.
It was a need for the hedgehog. He so desperately needed his little brother to understand he was always here that he forgot that Sails wasn't his brother. Not in those blue eyes, anyway.
To Sails, Sonic was a stranger. He was just some guy they found on an island who begged to be let aboard their ship. They had only met a few hours ago.
He was, understandably, overwhelmed by the hedgehog. It seemed like the stranger knew almost everything about his life, except for one key detail; Sonic didn't exist in it.
And that's exactly what made Sonic keep pushing. He wasn't a part of Sails’ life, but he wanted to be. Because he knows what Tails’ life was like before meeting the hedgehog, and he needed to make sure Sails was safe.
Nine wasn't.
Mangey wasn't.
There had to be at least one variant of his little brother that was okay. The kid's safety couldn't only rely on Sonic, surely there had to be one of them that got off easy.
But he guesses that was just another assumption he was wrong about.
“Landlubber!” Sonic's ears twitched at that, swiveling around until they located the direction the shout came from. He turned around to see Batten flying above him.
“What’d ye say to Sails?” She asked, one hand resting on her hip as the other held the hilt of her sword. The bat nodded her head up towards the crow’s nest.
Squinting, Sonic could see Sails was leaning against the banister, his head hung low.
The hedgehog winced and rubbed the back of his neck, “I kinda pushed him about something I shouldn't have.” He admitted, ears folding down against his head. “Do you know how I can make that up to him?”
Batten’s frown deepened as she glanced up to the fox for a brief moment, “Don't do anything. He'll sort it out on his own.” She advised, lowering herself down to land beside the hedgehog. “And don't bring the topic back up again. Ever.”
“Noted.” Sonic tried to smile, but it was very obviously strained. He sighed and looked away from the fox, not wanting to be caught staring.
He wasn't used to leaving Tails alone. When the fox was upset he would always bring him a gift to make up for whatever it was he did.
But maybe it's time to stop treating these two tailed foxes like they're his little brother. It never seemed to work out in his favor.
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ambrosialdesire · 1 year
down boy, down
pairing: gorou x fem!reader word count: 6.5k warnings + tags: general yandere and obsessive themes, explicit sexual content, unhealthy relationships, kinda pwp, slight misogyny, dubcon, edging, male masturbation, heat (rut), knotting, breeding, innocent virgin (for now) & pervert gorou, mentions of panty stealing, brief sub gorou (he's just insanely horny), begging, degradation sorta, religious guilt implications, power imbalance/abuse of power, corruption (kinda, it's just yae miko is just nudging him), all characters are 18+ synopsis: generals are supposed to be the prime example of rigorous restraint and complete self-discipline, but this doggy general can't control himself when your presence is around. gorou feel like he's losing his mind with the way his thoughts only contain the need to completely breed you and it's getting worse as time goes on. a/n: yes i can write something else besides aot lolol some terms are not officially in-game (mostly the military terminologies) and some parts of the lore i sorta forgot because its been so long since i played inazuma's story. i tried as best as i could to fill in. there's not a lot of yandere gorou so i wanted to try my hand at it. this is technically my first smut fic in a while so apologies in advanced if it's bad (i'm terrible at dirty talk cause it's so awkward to write lol). in my mind, he has scars, muscles (but not super super defined ones), and is slightly taller than his in-game model. i wanted to try and write in the guy's perspective cause it may or may not be a practice for some incoming fics hehe enjoy!! note: please keep in mind of the tags above and do not proceed if triggering or uncomfortable, especially if you are a minor!! do not read my or any other writers' dark content if you are underaged. this is a fictional work and does not reflect irl morals, do not believe this is how a real romance works or functions.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚.───
For Archons' sake, Gorou's a general.
Someone who has the respect of all that he swore to protect. He's the supposed "top-dog" soldier of Watatsumi Island. He built his reputation from the ground up, spent years upon years training himself to be the best soldier on the island. He's the number one supporter of Sangonomiya Kokomi, the Divine Priestess who entrusted him with leading her army safely through the throes of this terrible war. He's been told he was a humble leader, a man of sincere righteousness, a good person.
Internally, he knew that everyone had it all wrong about him.
They don't know that this man, this soldier, had become a disgusting degenerate of an animal.
Sick, sick thoughts filled his mind when the nights grew quiet and the bonfires outside had soon slowly burned out. The innate want — no, need — to breed, consistently grew stronger with each passing night; it was a genetic predisposition that he felt like he had been cursed with. If he thought about it for too long, he could feel himself harden and strain against the restraints of his garments. He'd get himself to the point where he'd slowly palm himself, his body growing warm and his breathing quickening, but he'd never finish. It was frustrating from the way he'd get oh so close but he just couldn't cum, no matter how much his cock was twitching or how much his tip was leaking out precum.
It was too shameful, too scandalous.
Gorou wasn't always like this. For the longest time, his urges had always been easy to control. His mind had always been focused on battle positioning plans and extreme training regimes, anything to get the upper hand against the Tenryou Commission. It was like everything in him was suddenly rewired the day you joined the ranks.
Usually it was not his place to oversee newcomers, the lower ranked captains were assigned for that position. However, Her Excellency wanted him to train this group of newbies this time around. She told him that it was the utmost emergency, resources and people were running low and she needed time to gather more support. Gorou would never refuse her request so he obeyed her command, preparing himself with speeches and strategies.
Very few people were willing to go up against the Shogunate and her powerful army; he was the one that had to inspire them and ensure that their minds were set for fighting for what was right. They had to fight, not only for the island but for the people who were currently being persecuted in the Inazuma mainland.
As he approached the training area while reading over the speech, he stopped dead in his tracks. A light scent, almost a sweet floral, lingered in the air. It was a complete contrast against the sweat and dirt so he followed after it, his eyes finally landing on you.
You were sparring with one of the other newbies, pinning him to the ground while laughing. You held your own well, the man was twice your size and there he laid in a dazed confusion. His tail fluffed up as he watched you get up and stretch, the disheveled training uniform pulling up and revealing the smooth skin of your stomach.
He felt himself swallow nervously as you noticed his presence, your body stiffening and going into the position of standing at attention. You were the only one to do so, the others scrambling to copy your actions as they finally realized he was watching them.
It was rare to see women in Watatsumi Island or in the village, much less so his age. Most of them either were dedicated shrine maidens, women who were already happily married, or the elderly taking care of their grandchildren while their parents worked outside of the island. To see you was quite a surprise, especially since the other trainees that surrounded you were all men. There was a small handful of resistance soldiers that were the opposite sex, all working alongside Her Excellency as her advisors.
Gorou had to regain his thoughts, trying to shake out your smell out of his head. He began to speak, slowly pacing back and forth as he recited the whole trainee speech in verbatim, finally turning towards them and saluting a dismissal. The crowd saluted in return, soon dispersing to carry out other assigned duties and he opened his communication box to send back a message to Kokomi when all of the sudden, he felt a tap on his shoulder.
It was the flower-smelling soldier, you. He tried not to stare at you while he was talking but your scent was so enticingly distracting, he couldn't help but take a few glances. You were even prettier up close, the particular aroma was even stronger as you stood in front of him.
"General Gorou sir." You saluted quickly, your posture unwavering. You positioned quite well for a starting soldier, color him impressed.
"At ease. Do you need anything—?" He didn't know your name yet, lightly trailing off. You seemed to catch on with his hesitancy, perking up immediately.
"L/N. Private Y/N L/N. And yes General sir, I would like to ask when will we be doing weapon and hand-to-hand combat training."
"In a few weeks. The skills that we will be teaching this week is all physical activity training. It's quite necessary. It would be pretty embarrassing running down the battlefield and falling just because your body can't hold up the armor." He heard you snort, your hands going over your mouth almost immediately. His face grew warm as he stared at you with wide eyes, your gaze casting itself to the ground.
"Sorry General sir, I couldn't help but laugh."
Gorou's tail started wagging, his hand immediately catching it before it could move any noticeably faster. With his other hand, he placed it on your shoulder and smiled.
"Please, you can just call me Gorou. I'm not fond of formalities when we aren't on the field." Your eyes lit up once more, that was the funny thing about newbies. They always look up to the more skilled seniors, especially if they were a high rank like him.
"Yes sir- Gorou." You corrected yourself quickly, causing him to chuckle. The two of you began to discuss, mostly small talk to fill up the time. It was supposed to be a professional conversation but the more he spoke with you, the more personal he wanted to be. The two of you were soon interrupted however, you were needed by one of the captains. He quickly dismissed you, not wanting for you to get any bad first impressions from his colleagues. He didn't realize that his tail had drooped down low when you disappeared from view, the fur flattened down completely.
As the weeks went by, you proved to be a diligent and hardworking soldier, carrying out tasks with no complaints. During his observations, you rarely had any struggle keeping up with the men, not that it mattered in the first place. You were more nimble than most during close combat and you did better with a polearm than a bow or sword. During those weeks of training, he was only observing you. He swore it wasn't stalking, God forbid.
It was innocent at first, what he thought about you. He liked you, he usually liked all of his subordinates but something felt different about you. Was it because you were the only woman in the ranks at the moment? He wasn't like this around Her Excellency nor her advisors, but that was completely out of respect. Didn't he respect you?
The realization hit him when he saw your hair down one night while making his rounds around the camp. You were returning from the bathhouse, most likely bathing after all the men so you could have the well-needed privacy.
You spotted him first, waving a hand from afar. He only noticed when the floral scent hit him, barely smelling the hint of soap along with it. He finally became aware of the fact that your hair was still damp, pooling down over your shoulders. The moonlight bore down on you, giving you a glow that was absolutely breathtaking and then you smiled.
You smiled and everything suddenly felt tight in his body, as if he was being restrained by his own skin.
Gorou was lucky that it was nighttime and he was a distance away. Any closer and you would have been able to see how red his face had gotten. He'd only seen your hair up, a military standard that must be followed for all who had a hair length that went past their shoulders, so to see you like this left him dumbfounded. He quickly waved back and jogged off to his housing early, feeling his heart beat hard in his chest as he shut the door harder than it needed to.
He went over to sit on his bed, doubling over as he clutched a fist over his chest. His body was warming up and it felt like he couldn't breathe, only able to take in quick, sharp inhales. His mind felt like it was all over the place but still was able to only focus on one thing: you.
It was unethical with what he was feeling. He could only remind himself that he is a general — a rank higher than most — and here he was, thinking about a private. You looked up to him, you were supposed to because he was your leader, your guidance in this kind of world. Yet the way you gazed at him with complete adoration and fascination, the way you cheered praises at him when he showed off during sparring, it was getting to him when it shouldn't. Others had done the same but when it came to you, he just couldn't have enough.
Gorou's body felt like it was on fire and he moved to lay down, wincing when he finally noticed that he was hard. This never happened, this never happens. Maybe he could just sleep it off. In the morning, all of this would be gone. These... feelings.
He couldn't relieve himself. If he touched himself and came, it would be considered a sin. He had no room in his plans to visit the shrine maidens and confess something so innocuous. What would he even say? Forgive me, for I have thought and climaxed to one of my lower subordinates inappropriately. He'd prefer getting incapacitated by General Kujou Sara than say anything relating or similar to that.
He sat up and carefully removed his clothes, shuddering as the chilled air touched his bare skin. The bandages that he wore in his lower half were still intact but there was a definite outline of where his stiffened cock was being restrained. Fuck.
Gorou hesitantly went to trace his fingers along the outline, barely putting any pressure against it before he sharply inhaled, looking over and seeing that he reached the tip. It felt good, the wrappings were thinner than he originally thought. Shame soon shadowed over him, his hand retracting to his side and clenching the once-neatly made sheets. He shouldn't be doing this at all. Not when the origin of this came from a subordinate, a subordinate he shouldn't be thinking of in the first place.
He laid back down and shut his eyes tight, ignoring the panging throbs that were tempted to be relieved. He wouldn't let this issue bother him, so long as he can endure it. If he started something he would regret, then may the fallen god Orobaxi strike him down mercilessly.
Days turned into weeks and then into months. No matter how much he slept it off, tossing and turning restlessly in his bed, he was never able to get you out of his mind. He tried to avoid you as well, attempting to limit the interactions to important business only but it seemed that luck had never been on his side to begin with.
It was you who was always initiating, asking if your form is right as you held up the polearm in a perfect defensive stance, making him come to you and press his body against yours to fix your positioning. It was you who was always questioning whether or not a planned attack was coming soon, eyes lighting up as he mentioned a hint of any sort of battle. It was always you. Even when he was trying to map out positions on where a possible vantage point could be in his housing, he'd hear you approach the door and question him about what was arranged for tomorrow.
Some days, he wouldn't let you in. Gorou would tell you that he's busy at the moment and like a good little soldier, you obeyed his request and began to speak behind the barrier. What you didn't know was that his hand was pressing against his bulge as you spoke, biting his lip as he tried to keep himself quiet. His high morals always bit at him, making it so he could never bring himself to finish, a painful shame bleeding into the depths of his soul.
Whenever he heard your voice, it was like something was injected into his veins every single time you spoke to him. Your smell was even worse for him, his tail curling whenever you passed by him. And those eyes, God those eyes. Staring at him like he was the light of your life, turning into little half moons whenever you smiled at him. Everything about you ignited something truly terrible within him and he was addicted, the feverish heat never truly going away as you finally left his doorstep.
Her Excellency was worried about his change of state, telling him that he can take a break if he needed one. She noticed the sweat pool and drip down his flushed out and dazed face, even when the weather was fair and he barely moved an inch besides the occasional shuffle of his legs and tail. He couldn't, he wouldn't, not when the war was still going on. What would she think if he confessed to her about what he was doing to the thought of one of her soldiers?
You were a compelling distraction. A small bump in the road, a large sinkhole that he was struggling to get out of, slipping in deeper with every miserable attempt. The constant arousal and burning heat had diverted his busy mentality, only focusing on how his cock was aching and stirring for any sort of release. It was to the point where he started missing out on his other job, papers and requests piling up on his desk until his incompetence began to not go unnoticed.
‘•.¸♡ ♡¸.•’'•.¸♡ ♡¸.•’'•.¸♡ ♡¸.•’
"My, my, my. I haven't smelled this kind of scent in years, no wonder my best writer has been slacking in his duties." A disappointed but amused tut had Gorou's tail bristling from the sound of a familiar voice, ears flicking and head turning towards the now-opened door. A decorative fan hid her face but he knew all too well who it was based on the red-colored shrine maiden outfit and the long muted pink hair.
"Lady Guuji! You're not supposed to be here on enemy lines." He got up from his desk and quickly closed the door behind her, nails digging into the wood as a pang of warmth ran through his body. Miko closed her fan and walked over to his desk, pushing and prodding papers around with it as she slightly clicked of her tongue. Shit, has he really been that distracted?
"Oh Gorou, as far as I know, the Grand Narukami Shrine sides with no one in this war. I just wanted to see why the aspiring Ms. Hina hasn't been sending over her column responses like usual, you know she's usually so punctual with her postings! But now, I can see — no — smell why." She sniffed the air once more, his cheeks growing redder by the second.
"It reeks of your rutting stench in here, would you be so kind and open up a window for me?"
He obeyed and barely cracked two of his windows open, his tail still puffed up with anxiety as she sighed with displeasure. "You can't just wait this out you silly little pup, you need a release in order for it to go away."
"Re... release?"
Miko blinked once then once more. As if she finally came to a realization, a smug smile grew, her purple eyes glowing with amusement. "Don't tell me this is your first rut, dear Gorou?"
Rut. He heard of it before, the desire to breed whoever his body had chosen as his sworn mate. His father had mentioned it long ago when he was a young teenager but he originally thought that he was excluded from the effects. Why did you have to pop up now, out of all times?
"I'm surprised that you haven't jumped on your beloved leader when it started, I must applaud you for the amount of self-control you have in yourself." Clapping her hands in false praise, he was tempted to snap back at his other boss for assuming that he would ever treat Her Excellency that way when a knock filled the room. Her attention was now at the front door, one of her ears twitching with interest.
"Afternoon Gorou! I have something I want to tell you, may I come in?" He wanted to tear his ears right out of his head, the same uncomfortable warmth bleeding through his skin like an infection. He could already feel the starting familiar stir within the confines of his bandages. He felt like screaming or crying, maybe even both.
Out of all times?! Miko made her way towards the door before he could realize it and nearly opened it, cracks of the outside sunlight peering through. His body collided with the heavy wooden door without him realizing how speedily he reached it, a startled and surprised cry coming out of the other side as he slammed it back shut. Fuck, you sounded so cute.
"Gorou? Are you alright?" You asked, concern lacing within your words and he chuckled internally, already imagining your eyebrows scrunching together.
"Y-yes, I'm fine! Sorry about that, I tripped on my... m-my rut— I mean my rug— yes, my r-rug." He winced afterwards, embarrassed of his unprofessional behavior. A stifled giggle was heard behind him and a low growl came out of him in return, blue eyes narrowed as he shot a look at the pink-haired kitsune.
"Um, okay. Is it fine for me to come in then?" He could feel his hard-on throb, the lack of touch and urge to be in something warm irritating him. Yet the Guuji was still in the room, waiting for him to be finished with this conversation, as much as he still wanted to talk to you. His forehead pressed against the door, eyes closed as he tried to imagine what you looked like behind there.
"No, sorry not today. I-I'm awfully busy, paperwork's been piling up." He was met with silence and then a soft sigh, the tip of his tail twitching.
"Oh. Okay, sorry to bother you again Gorou. I..." There was a light sound of shuffling and two turns, as if you had something else to say. "I'll — um — I'll ask you another day then. Good luck."
The sounds of dirt crushing under your boots slowly began to fade away and he finally let out a relieving sigh, laughter exploding behind him and suddenly all his nerves were on high once more.
"Hah! You haven't chosen the priestess, you chose a soldier. A nice smelling one at least. Why haven't you made your move huh? I'm losing precious Mora because of your interest in her." Miko teased, the sound of her sandals clicking on the floor as she moved around in the small space.
"First of all, I would be abusing my authority. I'd just be taking advantage of her and her respect towards me, God knows if she'd report me for being an absolute disgusting pervert." His fist clenched against the door, waiting for his body to calm down before he faced the fox yokai. Every little cell was begging for him to go and chase after you, to finally, finally claim you as his. A small voice of logic had still made its presence known however, whispering the futures of every consequence that could occur if he had chosen to follow his urges.
"Play your cards right then doggy, you have all the power and control compared to her. And it seems that your patience is waning thin." She ruffled through his bed and with the tips of her fingers, she carefully fished out a small piece of cloth from behind his pillow, a deep color of scarlet burning in his cheeks as he finally turned towards her.
It was an accident, he didn't mean to grab it when he was making his normal rounds. He wasn't supposed to be near the bathhouse but his thoughts were suddenly clouded with a searing appetite, one that he was unable to resist. He didn't even realize that he had grabbed the neatly folded white panty from the bench, his conscious suddenly clearing when the tip of his cock was messily spilling pre-cum all over it when he made it to his home.
Gorou snatched it from her and shoved it into his pocket, a furious snarl suddenly slipping through his bared teeth. He himself jumped at the sheer sound of it, putting another hand over his lips as Miko stared at him in shock before laughing once more.
"This is why I hired you, you keep surprising me general." She sighed pleasantly after, pretending to wipe a tear. She was extremely humored with his heinous actions, as if she didn't care at all that what he was doing was any short of shameful. Miko made her way finally out, her hand on the knob not before looking back at her underling.
"And Gorou?" He flinched, his shoulders tensed.
"My advice is get rid of your rut, no matter what it takes. You don't want to hurt that little soldier, right? So get her in your bed before your instincts do."
‘•.¸♡ ♡¸.•’'•.¸♡ ♡¸.•’'•.¸♡ ♡¸.•’
Even if Miko had told him he should, Gorou couldn't bring himself to do it.
He had merely yielded, telling Her Excellency that he hadn't been feeling well recently and she agreed to let him sort himself through his "illness". She gave him some remedies and medicines, occasionally checking in on him when she wasn't busy planning. None of her treatments were working but she never gave up. News of him succumbing to a sudden sickness had spread through the ranks but their Divine Priestess had told them not to bother him while he was recovering, which he deeply appreciated.
He had locked himself in whenever she left, placing a chair against the knob to prevent any outsiders from entering and each of the windows were nailed shut. Even if he did open a window for a needed draft, he'd still be burning awfully hot. Plus, he didn't need the others to know why he was moaning and groaning in supposed pain. It sucked, everything about this sucked. Maybe if he had just a small taste of you, everything would go back to normal.
No. From the start, nothing about you was normal to him. Every time he thought about you, the heat would get worse and his already-sore dick would swell back to life. Were you thinking about him right now? Did you miss him? Gorou wasn't the type to get envious easily, but the rise of his rut enhanced those feelings to the max. He despised the image about you moving on to other soldiers, especially the higher ups. None of them were as kind and thoughtful as he was, clawing at his pillows at the idea of your sparkly eyes looking at someone else.
He couldn't do much to keep you away from those men, all he was able to do was finish up what he was behind with for Yae Miko and rest everything away, relieving what he can without a complete release. Would the ache go away if he finally did cum? Ugh, part of him wished she had explained this thing to him more but having your boss explain the birds and the bees for their kind would be horrifyingly embarrassing.
Nighttime rolled into the camp once more, his eyes shut in frustration and his hands restlessly grabbing and pushing around his sheets. He couldn't sleep, the pangs getting worse and his brain continuously fogging. If he went on a walk to try and clear his mind, he didn't trust himself not to walk into the sleeping quarters and not take you right there. So he decided to bathe instead, running cold water until it reached the right amount.
Since he wasn't on duty at the moment, there was no hassle in removing his garments, though he did keep the bandage wrappings on since somewhat helped control his urges. He carefully unraveled the cloth, shuddering as his already hardened cock sprung out of its restraints and lightly tapped against the skin beneath his belly button. Trying to ignore it, he stepped into the tub and sighed in relief as the water chilled his overheated body.
Only a few seconds passed by and he couldn't resist not looking. Observing himself, he felt strangely foreign seeing a swollen ball near the base of his dick as he bathed in the cool water of his tub. It was just as sensitive as the rest of him, exhaling a quiet whimper as his fingers brushed against it. As if something nefarious had suddenly grabbed ahold of him, his hand slowly wrapped around the shaft above the rounded flesh and began to stroke himself, the water rippling as he shivered from the feeling.
This was the first time he ever touched himself in this manner, his head arching against the rim as he tediously ran his thumb over the reddened, leaking tip. Despite the water, he could feel the smooth glide of the slick that was continuously leaking out of him. His canines gnawing at the side of his lips, eyes focused on the languid strokes. It was almost torturously slow pace, a building pressure forming at the pit of his lower abdomen.
This was bad, very bad. He needed to stop right now before he crossed a line into sin, an inescapable downturn into hell itself. But it felt so good, so so good.
Gorou panted, his mind forming the image that you were in the bath with him, that you were the one slowly stroking him off. He could feel the heat crawl up his chest to his cheeks, seeing your hooded gaze on him. Despite your training, your hands were always so soft compared to his callused hands. Was it because of the lotion that you used after bathing? God he missed your scent, the panty that he took was already losing your smell.
He let out a low groan as he thought about your flowery aroma and without thinking, he started to mutter your name. His hips bucked against his hand, the bulbous swelling preventing him from going further down to the base. With every rough movement, the water splashed out of the tub.
He imagined you teasing him, telling him that he's going to run the tub dry if he kept on moving so much. Still pretending that you were his hand, he began to pick up his pace, your name on his lips growing louder and louder. You called him a filthy general, asking him how he could think of you in such a way for a lowly soldier, simple cannon fodder. You then asked him why he decided to steal your used panty and he only could muster up a weak apology. He begged you not to tell the others, not to tell Her Excellency that he wanted you, that he thought of you for so long that it was poisoning him and his very soul. Gorou wanted you so badly but you were unobtainable, someone he could never touch. He loves his job, he really does but he loves you even more.
You finally kissed him, the faint traces of his ghastly imagination touching his lips. His pathetic chanting ceased as a blinding white painted his vision, his face contorting and crying out in agonizing pleasure. The waves of his sudden orgasm flowed through his veins as he gripped the side of the tub. He felt the material crack under his palm, bits of it crumbling onto his fingertips. His ears flattened against the side of his head and his tail had wrapped itself tightly around his leg, his breathing uneven and slow.
Gorou finally opened his eyes, his mouth still parted open in a quiet breathless pant as he looked down into the water. A white substance flowed around him, his red face contorting to mild disgust. Short feelings of drowsiness and a small sense of relief that the pain was gone ebbed throughout his body. He unwrapped his hand from his shaft, slightly twitching from the lost feeling.
In a slow realization, he then registered that the burning simply did not die out. No, it almost felt like it had gotten worse. The warmth crawled up his stomach and flushed around his face, the once-cold water now displeasingly lukewarm. He could imagine the sinking fangs of Orobaxi pierce his soul and label him as tainted, a sinner. A small part of him felt no regret, that this is what was meant to happen but most of him — if not all — had a sinking, devastated feeling. He shouldn't have done this, especially with you in mind.
There was a small knock on the door as he got out of the tub from his second bath, almost inaudible if he hadn't had these ears of his.
Weird. No one should be up around this hour, they would most certainly get in trouble if he catches them. He huffed, rolling his eyes. Pranking the sick general, are we? Gorou quickly wrapped himself up with a towel tightly around his waist, approaching the front door with light caution.
"Hello? State your name and purpose." He called out through the closed door, ears perked and twitching around for any signs of life. Maybe it was just a passing animal.
"Gorou? It's just me, Y/N. Are you okay?" Fuck. He's so utterly fucked.
"Uh y-yeah, why wouldn't I be? You shouldn't be out of the sleeping quarters, I won't be able to save you if you get caught." He tried to be as stern as possible but the growing mass underneath his towel was starting to make it difficult to think.
You softly laughed and he could imagine you shaking your head. "Don't worry, I'm sneakier than you think. And I wanted to check on you because I heard yelling coming from your direction. I... I got worried since you're still ill."
Gorou's heart was leaping out of joy. You were thinking about him? Of course you'd worry about him, it was part of your character wasn't it? He could feel his hands grasp at the chair holding the door, almost tempted to rip it out of the way.
"I know I'm not the best at medicinal assistance like Her Excellency but I want to help you. I feel bad not being able to do much besides train without your guidance." You quietly mentioned and his mind suddenly blanked, the heat crawling up his nerves and limbs.
"I do need your help actually."
"Y-you do? Well, I'll do anything to help you get better sir."
Anything, huh?
Gorou pulled the chair away from the door and opened the door, finally seeing you. The glow of his lantern-lit room highlighted your features, admiring seeing your hair down and your sleeping attire loose on your body. He couldn't be more grateful for your naïve willingness. His little idiotic soldier.
He grabbed your shoulder and tugged you into his home, almost slamming the door shut before you could have any change of mind. Your eyes widened as you soon realized that he was fully exposed, his towel barely covering his throbbing lower half. He let you drink in the scars and the muscles he's worked hard to achieve before he finally made a move.
"Wha—" Barely a sound was able to escape you before he collided his lips against yours, bodies toppling over into the wooden ground. In the haze of his lust, he felt terrible that you may have hit your head onto the ground but your mouth was so warm and your lips were so plush that all of his empathy was washed away.
His hands grabbed at the thin pajama pants the military provided for every soldier and ripped them off of you. He made quick work at removing his towel, his heavily aroused cock springing out and brushing against your covered cunt. He could see through hooded eyes that although you were most definitely confused, your fear could barely hide the arousal pooling behind your pupils.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." He whispered frantically against your lips as he tore off the white panties, almost salivating as he felt his tip catch onto your bare warmth. A few ruts against your pussy lips and he could already feel some slick gather against his shaft, not knowing if you were getting aroused or that was just his own pre-cum leaking down and making a complete mess.
Slowly or at least, as slowly as he thought he was going, he pushed the head inside. A long and relieved whine came out of him and your back arched, body pressing against his as you cried out from the sudden intrusion. Swiftly, his mouth enveloped yours to quiet you down. It would be a shame if any other soldiers made their way to his home, but then again, he could make them disappear without a single trace left behind. Curiosity is such a fickle thing to have as a soldier, it could end them up dead in a nameless pit or in your instance, speared by a horny general.
His head threw back as he began to thrust shallowly in quick succession, the knot preventing him from going any deeper much to his displeasure. Gorou had never felt such an indulgence in his life, he thought his little session in the tub earlier was everything but this? He could live with the sins building upon his shoulders as long as he could relish in your warmth for eternity.
Your hands gripped on the rug above you, clawing and grasping at it for dear life, moaning aloud as his cock dragged against your walls. The blouse that you were wearing was slowly loosening with every sharp movement he made against you, revealing your chest that he could never bear to look at before. He peeled back the fabric and grabbed one of your breasts, squeezing once before leaning in and sucking on the pert nipple.
His tail twitched in bold satisfaction as you started to whine out his name, begging him to go deeper.
"Yeah? You want that soldier?" His voice rumbled against your nipple, feeling you clench around his shaft as he spoke.
"Y-yes! Please, please just a little more." Obeying, he snapped his hips harder against the plushness of your thighs, the knot pushing and budging against your tight hole. You hissed at the sudden realization of the circular muscle swollen around the bottom of his shaft, but you didn't try to stop him.
Would it fit? No, it had to fit. You will fit him. His hands grabbed your hips, pulling you in until you were flushed against his waist. His mouth left your chest, moving towards muscle in between your neck and shoulder. Gorou wasn't going to leave you unmarked, the whole goddamn camp was going to know who he knocked his pups into. It would serve some good to the island, Orobaxi would be pleased to have new followers right?
"Gonna fuck — hah — gonna fuck you up, breed you full of cum. You're my mate, mine." He growled into your ear before he bit down into your flesh. At the same time, he forced his knot into you and clawed the plushness of your hips.
Your pussy stretched and gripped around the enlarged knot, trying to accommodate the sudden thickness. He could barely see your eyes rolling to the back of your head as you came, your walls spasming and milking his cock for his hot cum. Wanton moans were the only noise you were able to make as he continued to fuck deeply into you, his tongue licking at the inflicted mark.
The same pressure in his lower stomach that he felt in the tub overrode his system and he pushed his dick in a little more, feeling the tip hit against a barrier. White stars blinded his vision immediately, his body shivering and shaking as he came hard into your womb. He took in heavy breaths, resting his head in the crook of your neck.
The burning was gone, he could finally feel the air in his room as it cooled down both of your bodies. It was gone but he wasn't done yet, no, he was far from it. Now that he had finally had a taste, he wasn't going to let you leave, not when he had bound himself to you. Figuratively and literally.
His pupils were blown out with pleasure, the blue color barely making its presence known as he began to kiss up your neck. You were barely there, eyes heavy with sleep but still groaning as he began to move once more, walls too sensitive to handle anymore. That's okay, he would breed you in your sleep if he had to.
" 'm gonna put more pups into you." His words slurred as he lazily thrusted, his knot pulling and pushing into a particular nerve bundle. You could only whine in agreement, completely engrossed and fucked out on his cock as you quivered from the stimulation.
Gorou will take real good care of you. What was he thinking before? A general always will need his soldier, what a fool he was for trying to believe that he never wanted you. A rope can only be tightened so much before it inevitably snaps. You belonged here in his home, warming his bed so he could take you whenever he returned from the battlefield. He picked his head up from your neck, kissing you deeply once more.
You were truly a heaven-sent blessing, weren't you? As fate may have it, he had hope that Orobaxi and Her Excellency would bless the both of you with a beautiful litter.
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lupunsus · 2 years
who’d u reckon would own a bunny hybrid? 👀
im not gonna sugarcoat it anon, but bunny hybrids are the common hybrid to get among perverted degenerates, and underneath all the complicated layers these yanderes have is just some horny perv who think they're doing a good thing by taking them in. We all know the truth, though.
im gonna ramble under the cut, but as always, be sure to check out @cinnamonest as their hybrid writings inspired this blog into existence
warning: nsfw. bottom reader. gorou forces himself on reader, but i try to avoid being specific. tighnari thinks about it but drugs you instead. overall horny canine boys who can't decide whether to eat or fuck bunny hybrid 😔
in the future, all works with nsfw will be tagged with #.luspicy
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God, just thinking about a bunny hybrid,, i know cinnamonest wrote about gorou having a cat hybrid, but like, I can't stop remembering Beastars and (I stopped watching it but I'll get back into it again) how fitting a floppy eared little bunny would be for him. Gorou. A war general in an environment where everything is peaceful, and there isn't much to do to let out all that excess energy.
I like to think that Gorou would meet his bunny darling while out on patrol. Of course, Watatsumi Island is peaceful now, but there's still some bandits and the like lurking about. When he sees them shivering in a cage, knees tucked to their chest and crying, it does something to him that he doesn't understand himself. You just look so...delicious.
You, seeing this dog towering over you with this crazed look in his eyes, makes you thankful that there's a cage separating the two of you. Even when he "kindly" asks if you know where the key is, you adamantly shake your head no. It's obvious he wants to eat you! He's even drooling! Staying in the cage is definitely safer than trusting this deranged predator looking as if he's finally found the prey of his dreams.
Gorou is strong anyway. He doesn't need something like a key to free you. It only helps in scaring you more when he rips the cage open with a smile on his face. Having you clinging onto the bars was a bit of a problem, though. Gorou just wants to help you out! Usually, bunny hybrids are grateful creatures from what he's heard, but it seems like you're the opposite of that. And stubborn to boot. Don't worry. He offers coming with him the easy way or the hard way.
The easy way is a much better option, as the other would be leaving you out here alone, cage open, for anyone to just kidnap. Of course, he'd warn the soldiers to keep an eye out for you. "They got injured because of my carelessness, so I want to make it up to them!" People would think a bandit or a monster got to you while he was distracted. There's no way someone as nice and dependable as Gorou would harm such an innocent creature like you!
Unfortunately, people forget that Gorou is a dog hybrid. And dogs are technically domesticated wolves no matter how you see them. If another hybrid like Sucrose (whatever animal she may be) were to witness this, she'd immediately find you herself and bring you back to the safety of her hometown. Well, it probably wouldn't be safe, but it's better than the possibility of being eaten, right? Too bad Albedo only visited Inazuma with Klee, and the two of them stayed on Narukami Island.
Thinking on it more, though, he feels like a run will do him some good. "You could always head back to where you came from. There's boats on the lower part of the island, I could take you there!" No thanks. Even with your limited vocabulary, your instincts were screaming at you to get away. To Gorou, it was a relief that you took the bait. Watching your little cotton tail bob behind you as you tried to escape was adorable. You probably thought you could get away from him and go back to your homeland, but what are the chances you even knew how to use a boat?
It didn't take long for him to find you, and even less time to pin you onto the sand below. You could cry out all you want, but nobody would be able to help you. "Don't cry... I'll make sure it won't hurt too badly~" Confused and scared, the thought of another hybrid, a predator to your kind, would even attempt to mate with you was worse than being eaten by one. And escaping was impossible. He was just so big and you so little! That doesn't stop Gorou. And despite what he promised, it hurt a lot because your body wasn't built to handle someone of his nature.
He did clean you up as best as he could, but seeing his love escape you so easily almost made him rearing to go again if you hadn't passed out from exhaustion. Poor thing, you must be so tired after allowing him to pour out all of his love into you. Don't worry, he doesn't mind carrying you to his home. Ah, but he should probably lock you up so you won't escape...
Maybe he'll tire you out with a couple more rounds in the morning, too. Just to be safe.
I think Tighnari wouldn't necessarily succumb to his instincts, but he's tempted to. How could he not? Seeing such a cute bunny make themselves at home in his territory, eating the vegetables and herbs that he grew,
It's like you thought that because he was chummy with the humans, he wouldn't possibly think of harming you.
And that's exactly what you thought. That fennec fox hybrid seems to eat plants just like you, so he must've been dropped as a child or raised by herbivores. If it were the latter, then that's great! Herbivores usually don't mind sharing food, so you made a nice little burrow right next to Tighnari's field. It was far away from the other humans, and there was a water source nearby, too, so it was absolutely perfect! Any hybrid would kill to be in your place. Having such a convenient food supply and water next to your den.
However, Tighnari was considering hunting you down because you were prey in his territory. Ah, he shouldn't succumb to his instincts. He should be the bigger person and try to scare you off. He grows dangerous things, too, and he would not like you eating (ruining) his research.
But the cute floppy ears... how would it feel between his teeth? How soft is your little tail? How delicious would you taste if he took a bite out of you? Just a little nibble. It won't hurt. Probably.
You, on the other hand, are starting to feel a bit nervous about your housing arrangement. Your neighbor seems to be staring at you from afar and breathing heavily. Sometimes, he looks at you with a dazed expression, and you can see the saliva creep from his mouth. It's impossible, you think. You've seen him eat mushrooms! On several occasions! It gets creepy when he looks in your den while you're out getting water. You hide from him, but he doesn't make an effort to even chase you. He smells you nearby, but he can smell something even sweeter in your home.
He knows you're going into heat soon.
It doesn't matter what you have between the legs, to Tighnari, you're something meant to be eaten. You're at the bottom of the food chain with the other small and weak animals. If he wanted to mate with you, you'd be taking his knot. Would you give birth to pups or kits? Would some be a mixture? Or maybe there's a possibility of a fennec being an herbivore or a bunny being a carnivore? The researcher part of him wants to know so bad...
But it depends if you could give birth at all. It'd be a shame if you didn't, but if you take his knot nicely, he may reconsider eating you.
Tighnari tries his best to control himself, but when he sees you obliviously eating an aphrodisiac flower, the string in him snaps. He'll chomp down on those floppy ears of yours before he starts his little "private research."
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isa-ghost · 6 months
was reading through your q!phil hc masterpost and was wondering if you could add any of your codebreakers/etoilza headcanons into the fray…? :3
qPhil headcanons masterlist
RESTATES for my and your convenience (heads up, there are a few suggestive/mildly explicit mentions!!):
--He's FWB with Etoiles. Extremely QPR, Etoiles is an aro king --He and Phil started out as friends and that has Barely changed if at all, but sparring matches get a little too homoerotic sometimes and neither of them can resist the other when they're popping off extra hard. Things have. Escalated a few times. If yknow what I mean. Of all Phil's harem members polycule partners, he & Etoiles have absolutely ZERO emotional investment in the Spicy(tm) things they do together. It's simply a very intimate way of showing each other their respect & admiration for the other. What they have going on is a "*spanks you* good game, let's hit the showers team" kinda deal. They're the type of mfs to finish in bed then shake hands like "gg." Casual sex is >>>> to these two, but it happens waaay less between them than it did Phil & Fit, Fitza was habitual (pre-Pac). Codebreakers is a once in a while thing --Etoiles has 100% asked Phil who fucks the best out of the polycule bc like everything else, it's a competition & he Must win, he Must have the best dick game. This amuses Phil very much --Phil is attracted to Etoiles the same way he's attracted to Fit, HOWEVER, the reasoning is different. Etoiles has raw skill and talent, but it's the way he wields it and demonstrates it that makes Phil wanna act up. Also Etoiles is fucking hilarious. Who can resist a good sense of humor? Those dramatics make Phil swoon --Etoiles is one of the people who is best at catching Phil's Tells for when something is wrong --Etoiles is one of few people who can convince (or goad) Phil into doing something he normally wouldn't, especially if he's drunk --Speaking of Phil being drunk around Etoiles, the way he can still absolutely body someone or snipe smth from miles away makes Etoiles want to kiss him stupid --Etoiles left a scar on Phil's back during Purgatory when he killed him Day 1. Phil didn't know for the longest time, but it took him a while to show him his wings after that. --Phil was genuinely afraid of Etoiles (& Fit) for a while after Purgatory --Sometimes Phil's laughs and startled yelps sound almost like squawks. Also his hiccups. It's very rare, but whenever it happens, he gets teased for it. Especially by Etoiles. --Phil goes back and forth on gifting one of his shed feathers to Etoiles --Technically all of the Polycule vs Ender King hcs apply to Etoiles in some way --Phil could listen to Etoiles teach him about French culture for hours
And now the new stuff :D
Etoiles's dramatics can get Phil in tears laughing. His sides and stomach will hurt before it's over, and Etoiles can go on for MINUTES. Sometimes he'll keep going purely because it has Phil dying so hard and he loves seeing what a kick Phil gets out of it
Etoiles is (playfully) salty that Phil is such a My Kids Come First kinda guy bc GOD does he want Phil to be down to do dangerous pvp and dungeon busting shit without the "euuu we gotta make sure it's safe" aspect more often. He wants that Angel of Death. Etoiles is the #1 Dadza (Derogatory) islander /lh
See, Fitza is more explicit and deadass about their,, Time together. Codebreakers is more subtle. Yknow that "media literacy is knowing when something that isn't gay sex is gay sex" post? That's Codebreakers. Sparring, dungeon busting, whatever high-risk high-exertion thing they're doing together. That.
It should go without saying how down Etoiles would be to throw hands with Ender King. It would be the most exhilarating fight he's ever had
Phil's still lowkey lost about the whole resistance thing. And schedules lately have not been kind to the two of them, so he hasn't had a chance to talk about it with Etoiles as extensively about it as he'd like to
Btw he's secretly concerned as hell smth bad is gonna happen to Etoiles if more of his body becomes corrupted by code :)
They 100% refer back to the time Etoiles said this regularly, and similar things like it. The same can be said for Fitza but my god the extent to which these two are more than willing to kill for each other. OUGH.
Phil does not realize how much pent up stress and emotion he can vent out via sparring or hitting something really fucking hard. Etoiles is going to fix that one day.
Phil's Etoiles impression has made Etoiles attempt to learn how to mimic Phil in retaliation but he cannot for the life of him get the hang of Phil's fuckass accent. Geordies stay winning to this man's dismay
Etoiles is frustratingly yet fascinatingly hard for Phil to clock sometimes. It's difficult to gauge exactly how he's feeling or what he's thinking. And yet as inconvenient that can be sometimes, something about it is incredibly attractive to Phil at the same time. Which is funny because unpredictability is usually not something his survivalist brain would like. Something about how he trusts Etoiles and therefore his being a wildcard is not so scary,,
Etoiles 🤝🏻 Chayanne - Wanting Phil to take them on a flight
I don't know if I'd call Etoiles an anarchist the same way I would Phil, but either way he is SO DOWN to fuck with the Feds if it entails any kind of pvp or the need to be geared up
Ok listen I have to call back to the gay sex subtext thing. Things that are more sex than gay sex to Codebreakers: Sparring, adrenaline, battles of wit, flexing powerful gear, thinking too much about what an absolute potential killing machine the other is, watching one another be in The Zone during a fight
Phil has more physical strength than skill with weapons and Etoiles has more skill with weapons than physical strength. Ok now imagine that while they're in a 2v# fight
I would not put it past Etoiles to pull a Missa and say smth wildly out of pocket and suggestive so fast in French that Phil doesn't catch it.
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tadc-survival-isles · 2 months
I know it's a wip so technically this question could be beneficial you know get the thinking process going, but do you think there's any kids on the island and if not how would they react if there was a kid that ended up stranded there with them?
The au is so interesting so far great work
Thanks!! I'm glad people have been enjoying it so far its been genuinely heartwarming and motivating to see people show interest in something I've made :]
But no, there's no kids on the island. Similarly to TADC all of the people that woke up there are adults which is very much a good thing (for many reasons).
If a kid were to be found on the shore: (Answers below)
Ragatha would definitely put it on herself to be their primary caretaker and make sure they are safe. Although with how stressed and busy she is she may end up neglecting them due to all her other responsibilities.
Zooble would keep their distance since they don't like kids and know they wouldn't be a good influence on them. If the kid ever tried to interact much with them they'd brush them off and go somewhere else.
Gangle would partake in arts and crafts with them. She would basically fill the gaps that Ragatha couldn't and spend time with them. She often has some free time due to her efficiency on the tasks she's given.
Pomni would avoid them at first, but eventually spend some time with them. There are books that can be found around the island that the others have collected over the years, so she'd read a few to them every now and then. However thats as much as she'd do since shes not the most confident with kids.
Kinger wouldn't actively interact with the child due to how hes often not fully there, but whenever he does he's surprisingly really good with kids. He'd spew random facts about the islands wildlife that hes noticed in the time he's been there. At a certain point though, his voice will trail off and he'd go back to not fully being there anymore.
Jax would also avoid the kid like Zooble; on purpose and accidentally. The only times he'd ever interact with them is to influence them negatively and get them to cause chaos for the others. Otherwise the kid would barely see him.
Cai̶n̸e̷ w̶͎̺̹̌ơ̸̺̮̎̎ǚ̴̳̝͍̚l̴͚̄ͅd̶͖̟͒̀ ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇
This was helpful for understanding some of their characters better so I do appreciate the ask! You guys basically get a peak into what all of them are kinda like because of this.
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rafeandonlyrafe · 11 months
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words: 300
warnings: violence, alien invasion lol, mentions of death including parental death
you stomp out your fire before kicking leaves over it, not wanting to leave any trace. you grab your pack off the ground, grunting quietly as you sling it over your shoulder. it’s so fucking heavy, but everything in it is precious. every thing is precious, ever since they came, all material goods are precious. you try not to think about it, especially since it’s been almost a month since you saw the last thing. 
you’re not sure if there’s a technical name for them. they’re so beyond anything you know, anything earthly, that giving any name to them seems wrong. aliens, you suppose. they did come from the sky. large creatures, monsters, that ran on four legs, teeth as sharp knives, bodies moving in an almost mechanical way. they had their weaknesses, and you have found the best way to exploit that. they’ve got terrible senses. sight, hearing, smell, all of it is shit. they’re easy enough to avoid, but deadly when they get close enough. the main issue was the sheer number of them.
just keep your distance, you remind yourself. it’s why you’re out in the woods. you hope they’ll keep to the cities. it would make sense. you thought at first when they came that you’d be safe. they wouldn’t even get onto your island, and you were right, for a while. life in the outer banks wasn’t normal though, even as they began to attack only the big cities. everyone knew they would spread quickly, and chaos started before they even moved out of new york city.
you swallow hard, trying not to think about what happened. you think of your family. kooks. fucking kooks. they went crazy, acting like an alien invasion meant it was the purge. your family owned a grocery store, a small one that had been in the family for generations. it meant you had supplies, but it also made you a target. you force the thought out of your mind, but you still see it every time you close your eyes, the blood and bodies littering the store. you left that day, not even taking a single thing with you, just needing to be gone. they came the next day. you watched from high ground as they tore through the town, only reacting to the loudest screams and most movement. you studied them, committing as much as you could to memory, before turning your back to that world. it was over then.
it’s been almost an entire year now. you’ve considered going back. you’ve never gone far from the outer banks, but you’ve also never stopped moving. you know you’re going in slow circles, but you can’t bring yourself to do anything different, and you don’t need to yet. there’s plenty of food in this area, and the winters don’t deplete your resources as much like they would if you headed north. and south is just ocean, something you don’t want to see. too many memories. the sound of your sister laughing as she jumped in the waves, of your mother laying on the beach, whatever book she’s currently reading in her hand. 
you curse yourself for getting lost in your memories as you hear a twig snap. you quickly move to a tree to climb, trying to keep your movements light. the biggest risk wasn’t even the monsters, just like before in kildare, it was other people. other people killed your family and you are not going to let yourself fall to the same fate. you’d rather stare down the aliens teeth than let another human take you out. it was all just so wrong and messy.
your breath catches when the man creeping through the trees is familiar. his hair is longer now, falling over his forehead in dark blonde strands. you are moving before you can think over the consequences. you were never friends, theres no saying how he’ll welcome you, but he’s someone. someone you know. “rafe.” it feels weird to speak. you haven’t done it in weeks.
his head snaps up at his name, eyes almost bulging out of his head when he realizes who is standing in front of him. “y/n?” he asks, relief spreading over his features. you nod and smile. you’re not sure why you do it, but you get closer. rafe steps in as well, pulling you into a hug. it’s awkward with the amount of gear you’ve both got, but you don’t care, it’s human contact, it’s good human contact.
“you’re alive.” you state the obvious, and rafe nods. “would never let those fuckers take me out.”
you should have known rafe was too strong willed to die. he’s tough, but he’s more than that, he’s too stubborn to let an alien take him out. you wouldn’t be surprised if he had killed a few himself. to still be alive you practically had to.
“what are you doing here? wheres your base?” you ask. theres no way he’s been in this area long, you couldn’t have been missing him this whole time.
“i’m on the move, actually.” rafe says, clearing his throat. “retaking tanneyhill.”
you smile at that, and the action makes your cheeks hurt. you can’t remember the last time you’ve made that expression. “you and what army?” 
rafe shrugs, also grinning. “it’s my home. not going to let anyone drive me out.”
“that’s… brave.” you say honestly. all of the tension is gone from the times before they came. it was always kooks vs pogues, but now, there were just pogues. rafes status was the same as yours. there was nothing for you to be afraid or apprehensive of anymore. 
“come with me.” rafe says. you take a step back. back to outer banks. the thought rolls through your head. “at least to the edge of town.” 
you nod, not able to find words. it’s getting dark anyways, so you need to make camp soon. you’ll sleep on it and reevaluate in the morning when you don’t have the excitement of finally having another friendly human around you again.
“i’ve been sleeping in a nearby cave the past couple nights.” you tell rafe, making sure to keep your voice hushed. “there’s room for two.”
“sure beats just sleeping under the stars knowing i could get my head bit off at any minute.” it’s an attempt at a joke, but you can’t bring yourself to laugh, or even smile. it wasn’t so long ago that you woke up to a huffing sound, sitting up to realize one of those… things was almost on top of you. you grabbed the blade you keep under your pillow and ended it, only because it hadn’t yet realized you were there. you know you wouldn’t get so lucky next time.
you’re quiet the rest of the walk, rafe following in your footsteps quietly. you know exactly where to walk to keep your steps near silent. you get to the cave, pulling the branches out of the way that mask it’s entrance. it’s a tight squeeze to get in. you have to take your pack off and set it inside first. rafe does the same, eyebrows rising as he takes in how large the cave really is, looking up to see the ceiling is a few feet over his head. there’s a few openings in it, letting in the dying sunlight.
it’s an amazing find, really lucky, which is why you’ve stayed in this once place for so long. and just when you began itching to get moving again, here is rafe, presenting you with an opportunity. 
rafe begins to unpack, getting his bedroll out and setting it near yours. it’s the only even spot in the flooring, but your cheeks still heat at the thought of sleeping so close to him.
“here, i have some berries stocked up.” you grab the jar off the floor, opening it and shaking a few into rafes extended hand.
you don’t talk much as you eat. as soon as you stop moving, exhaustion takes over you. you’re thankful that you get so tired, knowing laying down and letting your thoughts run free is not something you want to do. you lay down after you eat, rafe joining you. 
“thanks.” he whispers, noticing that just a bit of moonlight is illuminating the cave.
“no problem.” you say, turning on your side to face him. “i’m glad you’re alive.” if you would have thought about rafe yesterday you would have said you didn’t care if he was alive or dead, but it’s different having him here, right next to you.
“i’m glad you’re alive too.” rafe says, reaching out and squeezing your hand. you squeeze back, palm tingling, and you’re not sure if it’s because of rafe, or because it’s human contact. your eyes flutter closed and you fall asleep like that, hands together.
but it’s not how you wake up. you’re so warm, heat pressing against your front. you blink your eyes opening, realizing that at some point in the night you’ve abandoned your sleeping bag and have joined rafe on his bedroll. you go to move away, but rafes arm is trapping you. he lets out a grumble in his sleep at your attempting to move, squeezing you even tighter to him.
you wait for the blush to subside before you tap rafe. “wake up.” you say softly, unable to resist the urge to stroke your thumb over his cheek. rafes eyes flutter open as you pull your hand away.
“sorry.” rafe mumbles, removing his hand from your back to rub over his face. you don’t speak as you roll away, not telling rafe where you’re going as you head out of the cave to get a breath of fresh air as well as do your business. you’re about to remove the brush to get back inside when you hear a chuffing noise. you know exactly what it is, but you wait until the thing comes into view to confirm it, and you’re glad you wait, because it’s not one, but three.
you rush inside the cave, grabbing your blade. “three of them.” is all you say to rafe to get him moving. the entrance isn’t big enough for them to get in, so you work on packing up in case you need to make a quick move. rafe peaks out the entrance, letting out a quiet curse.
“as soon as they’re gone, we’ve got to move.” you whisper. rafe nods, getting his stuff ready as well. you may be safe in this cave, but you’ve only got a couple berries left, and your water bottle is almost empty. as much as you like this location, it’s time to move, because if three are around, theres bound to be more. they’re not pack animals per say, but they tend to stay in groups when they are on move.
you wait hours, sitting there silently, until the sun is high in the sky. you know you have to use it to your advantage, so you share the rest of the berries with rafe and set off, keeping your head on a swivel. you head towards the outer banks, rafe by your side. you want to tell him again, how thankful you are that he’s alive, but you don’t know how long you’ll be able to stick by his side, no matter how bad you want to.
you spend the whole day walking, and you know that you’re only a few more hours from getting where you want to be, but you convince rafe to stop and set up a small camp. it’s not safe to continue at night, especially with the leaves still on the trees, not letting enough light to the forest floor.
you set up your bedrolls side to side, and again wake up in the morning with your limbs tangled together, this time rafe moving towards you. you close your eyes and let yourself enjoy the warm embrace as the sun rises, sending a warm orange glow over everything. rafe wakes up a few minutes later, squeezing you tightly before getting up. you don’t speak about it as you start to walk again.
you stop by a clean looking river and get some drinking water, both filling up your bottles, knowing you’ll have to boil it later but don’t want to stop. time seems to fly, and before you know it you’re walking down the street of the one place you swore you wouldn’t come back. thankfully, rafes house is nowhere near your familys shop, yet you still feel the tug.
“the fence is still intact.” rafe notes as you approach. he swings the gate open, eyes sweeping over the yard. a lot of the houses have damage, but he’s right, everything looks like it’s still in good shape. you suppose it’s a testament to the older houses being built better, after all this house has gone through hundreds of tropical storms or hurricanes. 
“lets do a quick sweep before we get too excited.” you tell rafe. he gives a curt nod, but you can still see the excitement in his eyes. you stick together, going through every room in the lower floor before heading up the stairs. it’s obviously picked through, but a lot of the important things remain untouched. you want to cry at the fact that there’s still mattresses on the beds. it’s been so long since you’ve slept properly on a bed.
you’re about to head downstairs when you hear nails scratching against the hardwood. your eyes widen and briefly meet rafes before you both look over the railing, realizing one of the aliens must have snuck in after you, and was now heading right towards the stairs.
“rafe.” you whisper-scream. 
“get in the bedroom. close the door.” rafe says, shoving you away.
“no, what?” you protest, knowing you can help.
“please, y/n, i lost… everyone.” his voice breaks, eyes shining. “i can’t lose you too, not when i just got you.”
you frown at his words, but nod, heading towards the bedroom and closing the door. you take your pack off, grabbing your blade. the second you hear rafe in any sort of trouble you’re coming out. 
you hear a commotion, but can’t make much out, until you hear rafe mutter a curse. you throw open the door, seeing rafe clutching his arm, but the monster there on the ground, dead.
“rafe!” you rush to him. “into the bathroom, quickly.” you say, hoping to find some sort of towel to wrap around the wound, maybe if you’re lucky something to stave off infection.
“hey.” rafe stops. “we have to go shut the gate first.” 
you shake your head no. “you’re bleeding, we take care of you first then we can do whatever else.” rafe sighs, but nods, letting you lead him into the spacious bathroom, but it feels small when you close the door behind you. it’s been almost a year since you’ve been inside a house, and its near suffocating being trapped. you quickly scrounge through the cabinets, shocked to find so much stuff. you realize the camerons probably stayed as long as they could, meaning most of the looting was done by the time the house was vacant.
you find some hydrogen peroxide and a hand towel, deciding it will work for now. you turn back to rafe, who has now taken his shirt off. your breath catches in your throat, noting not just his defined muscles but also the various scars littered along his torso. some were clearly deep, other little scratches, maybe from a thorn.
you shake the fuzzy feeling out of your head and squirt a little bit of the peroxide onto a towel, not wanting to waste such a precious resource. you press it to the wound, and rafe doesn’t even flinch at the sting. as you clean it up, you realize it’s not bad at all. rafe would likely recover quickly, especially now that you can control any potential infection somewhat.
you rip the sleeve off his shirt. it’s no good anymore anyways, and tighten it around his wound.
“you make a good nurse.” rafe says, admiring your quick and efficient work. 
“no formal training, but i did watch greys anatomy before.” you laugh, the sound echoing around you. 
rafe smiles at you, tucking a strand of hair out of your face. “stay with me?” rafe asks, reaching down to squeeze your hand. “we can fortify this place. put wiring along the top of the fence. plant, make a whole garden. fish for our food. we can live as comfortably as possible, together.”
you nod before you can stop yourself. you honestly can’t think of anything better than feeling safe. 
the first couple months are just hard work. you use the prebuilt wall along the property to make it a safe haven against the aliens, even going as far to set some traps. 
you eventually settle into a routine. rafe does most of the fishing, you do all of the gardening, and then you fall asleep in the same bed every night. it becomes comfortable. you have sightings of the monsters, but only a couple pose any threat, and you’re always able to retreat back into tanneyhill until they leave the town. you don’t see any other people, probably because no one wants to be trapped on an island, potentially stranded.
you decide to head into town, rafe has been pushing you that it would be smart to check for supplies, and he’s right, but your families shop is in town and you don’t know how you’ll cope seeing it, but you eventually agree you do need to reup your supplies, especially clean, unripped clothing. 
rafe takes a gun he found still in the safe at tanneyhill as you walk together down the street. it feels freeing to be out without a pack, knowing that you have someplace safe to return to. 
you follow rafe, until you get there, and your steps falter. rafe notices immediately as you turn to face the place you grew up in, running down the aisles with your sister, being scolded by your father when you bump the shelves and knock merchandise off. part of you wants to go inside, be surrounded by those memories, but you know what else lies inside those doors.
“hey, what’s wrong?” rafes voice sounds far away, even as hes right next to you.
you sink to your knees, unable to even stand, tears flowing down your face. rafe follows you to the ground, hand cupping your face, other arm pulling you into him.
“hey, hey, i got you.” rafe says, kissing your head. “i got you. it’s okay.”
he lets you cry until theres nothing left in you. the year of pent up emotions, holding everything in because you had no choice. there was no time for breakdowns in the constant struggle to survive, but rafe has helped give you safety, and in that, freedom.
“thank you.” you look up at him, knowing you would still be out there in those woods if it wasn’t for him. you lean in, pressing your lips against rafes. he hesitates for a moment and then returns the kiss, pulling you somehow even closer into him. 
“thank you.” rafe presses his forehead against yours. “i was lost before we found each other.” he pecks a kiss to your lips. “you saved me in ways you don’t even know. i wasn’t coming back to outer banks to retake tanneyhill, i was coming back to give up.” rafe admits.
you can’t help the gasp that you let out. rafe giving up? he must have been in a truly terrible place. you imagine seeing his entire family killed did that to him. you know exactly what it’s like.
“i love you.” you tell rafe, needing him to hear the words you’ve been holding back for almost a month now. 
“i love you.” rafe kisses you deeply again. “i love you.”
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random-sparks-98 · 1 year
Sunlit Gotham Universe Notes
Batfam Notes:
- Due to moving around the batfam timeline a bit, Jason is the only one who has died who has been fully buried and then revived (Steph’s heart stopped for about three minutes when Black Mask captured her, and Damian has not been killed.)
- Damian came to Gotham earlier than canon, and is currently 10 years old and in 4th grade at Gotham Academy
- Jon Kent is also going to be the same age as Damian in this AU
- Jason Todd is going be announced as Legally Alive before the beginning of the story (Yes, he is still Red Hood, but he doesn’t kill anymore (most of the time))
- Bruce will NOT be going missing in time
- This means that Tim never drops out of high school, gets emancipated, and becomes CEO of a company at the age of 17. It also means that Dick will not have been Batman
- Selina and Bruce are dating - he’s gonna probably propose soon, but big life events keep happening (like adopting new children every few months) so he hasn’t yet. He claims he’s waiting for a time when everything is calm. His children call bullshit and say he’s just scared she’ll say no
- Selina totally knows that he already has the ring and is honestly just teasing him and stressing him out more by making comments and jokes every so often
How does Wonder Woman not know about the demigods?
- When the Greek Amazons went to live on Themyscira they became cut off from the rest of the mortal world. This means that they weren’t aware of Camp moving around to follow Olympus
- Diana was born WAY before the First Great Prophecy, and technically isn’t a true demigod because she was sculpted from clay - therefore not really part mortal
- By the time Diana had left the island, demigods had gone underground and general society forgot that they existed. Both camps are kept secret so that the demigods are safe, so Diana hasn’t heard about them and assumes that the demigods are just no more
- Due to the Mist, Off World League Missions, Rescue Ops, and the fact that she lived in Paris for a while, Diana hasn’t been around during any of the major battles - or her focus was elsewhere
- Donna Troy might show up at some point, and the same logic about leaving Themyscira works for her too. We’re going with the Magical Duplicate origin story for her, so again, doesn’t quite count as mortal enough for the prophecy
- Cassie Sandsmark originally used magical artifacts to help Diana fight crime and was later ret-conned into being either a daughter of Zeus or a granddaughter of Zeus. The ret-con is going to be brought up in the story and we can all thank the Flashes for messing up the timeline. But basically she doesn’t become a proper descendant of Zeus until after the Titan War and therefore the prophecy doesn’t apply to her either
Children of Apollo have the following abilities According to the Riordan Wiki:
- They can curse others to only speak in rhyming couplets that can take days or even weeks to wear off (depending on strength and number of people in the spell)
- They are expert archers, inherited from their father. However, the children of Apollo who are healers tend to be less skilled with this (as seen with Will Solace)
- They also excel at anything involving throwing or shooting stuff, like shooting hoops or shooting firearms or other missile weapons 
- They are skilled in physical contests and games
- They excel in the arts
- They are skilled musicians
- Vitakinesis: As the children of Apollo, they are natural healers. They can heal people by singing a hymn to their father (in Ancient Greek).
- Audiokinesis: As the children of Apollo, they have the ability to control sound waves and music
- It is extremely rare that a child of Apollo can possess complete photokinesis, as only Apollo himself and the Titan of Light, Hyperion, and the Titan of the Sun, Helios, have been known to use the ability
- From what can be gleaned from The Demigod Diaries, it can be presumed that some, or even all of Apollo's children possess a limited form of precognition
- Thanks to a curse, all the children of Apollo have a terrible fear of snakes
In this AU, souls have auras that are unique to each soul. Demigod children with parent’s who deal with light (ex: Apollo or Iris) can see the auras if they focus really hard. Children of Apollo will often use it as a way to check how well a patient is healing as the brighter the aura the healthier the person.
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miraclegemz · 1 year
Hello people from this poll! This is a breakdown of the poll results with evidence! Please note that this only included events from the games. But before that lemme preface this with I Did Not expect the poll to get *checks notes* 8,639 votes?!!?? I expected like 150 max. So that’s why some response were kinda exaggerated or just straight up wrong because I’m incapable of counting. So here’s the results!
Option 1: Shadow the Hedgehog gets crucified (TRUE from Sonic 06)
Ok so this is what I meant when I said I exaggerated some stuff. No he does not get nailed to a cross. However, he does get put in T-pose jail.
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(From here starting at 11:37). Considering the context of being forsaken by humanity after the world ends, and that you can’t really nail a guy to a wooden cross in a fiery wasteland, this is pretty damn close to a crucifixion (cyber crucifixion? It is 200 years in the future). I may have exaggerated but I am prepared to stand by it.
Option 2: Sonic gets thrown into a maximum security prison (TRUE from Sonic Adventure 2)
This was way more known compared to option 1. So during SA2 sonic gets framed for stuff he didn’t do as a coverup and he gets imprisoned on Prison Island
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(From here at 6:40)
Option 3: Tails gets turned into a cyborg (TRUE from Sonic Lost World)
I kinda don’t blame people for not knowing this one since this game was kinda boring, Tails gets captured by the villains of this game and they turn him into a robot to fight Sonic. However Tails was able to circumvent their brainwashing and keep his free will.
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(From here at 26:21)
Option 4: Knuckles beats the shit out of a ghost (TRUE from Sonic Adventure 2)
This also hails from SA2 as a random one-off boss fight that has nothing to do with the main story. It’s cool as fuck though.
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(From here)
Option 5: Sonic gets Isekai’d twice (TRUE from multiple games)
Ok so I fucked up this one. I only counted the Sonic Storybook Games of which there are two (in which sonic is sent to worlds based around the Arabian Nights and Arthurian Legend). However Sonic has been thrown into different dimensions both in Sonic Rush Adventure and Sonic Forces and probably some others I’m forgetting about. That’s honestly my bad BUT I’m technically still right
Option 6: Eggman asks Sonic “How did you get here so quickly?” (TRUE from Sonic Unleashed)
This is probably the best line in the series since Eggman is being completely serious asking this to his arch-nemesis with super speed. Come on dude.
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(From here at 20:35)
Option 7: A Frog swallows a Chaos Emerald (TRUE from Sonic Adventure)
Yeah so a cat’s pet frog swallowed a chaos emerald, grew a tail, and got chased around the country by both the cat and Eggman’s robots. Don’t worry the frog and cat were reunited safely in the end.
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(From here)
Option 8: Shadow gets possessed by a time god (FALSE)
I found you, faker!
While Shadow has been subject to mind control by an evil alien overlord, been a victim of identity theft by half of a time god (pictured)
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and also abducted by a different (or the same?) time god, he has not been possessed and/or controlled by a time god.
And Finally,
Option 9: Amy can turn invisible (TRUE from Sonic 06)
Yes, this is true. It is a one-off ability that is never explained nor brought up again.
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(From here at 2:04)
In Conclusion
Go play/watch Sonic 06
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sergeantgoggles · 4 months
Maycrowzer Headcanons (SFW)
I'll get back to writing prompts eventually. Been a little under the weather lately with an injury that isn't healing, so I made a self-indulgent list of headcanons for my favorite Bad Batch OT3.
TW: Mentions of PTSD, alcohol abuse, anger issues, body dysmorphia, and eating disorders.
Howzer is jealous of Mayday when they first find and rescue him from Tantiss. He’ll never forget the way Crosshair forgot himself and ran into Mayday’s arms amongst the bodies littering the floor of the base. The only greeting he got was an anxious sneer when Crosshair showed up on Teth.
The threesome was Mayday’s idea. He pitches it to Howzer so casually that Howzer thinks he’s joking at first, but when he sees that Mayday is serious, he figures he has nothing left to lose.
None of them expected the outcome, especially Crosshair. No way was his luck so high that he had reconciled and found love with Howzer AND was able to rescue Mayday and be with him, too.
Moving to Pabu just seemed right. Mayday wasn’t willing t fight anymore, and he was determined to keep Crosshair safe. Howzer took some convincing, but ultimately, being where they were was what he wanted.
They build their house close to the beach. It didn’t matter much to Crosshair where they ended up as long as they were together and his brothers and sister were nearby.
Howzer, having initially been trained to be a marine soldier, loves being near the open water.
Mayday, having spent much of the last couple of years in a cold, frozen planet, like having the warmth of the sun and colors of the sunset filtering through their bedroom window.
He also has a garden in the backyard that he tends to daily. His garden becomes the island’s best source of medicinal herbs and vegetables for harvesting and Mayday is very proud of it.
Also, this man is so into Dad Rock. Sometimes he can get Crosshair to loosen up and rock out with him in the living room, but other times Crosshair comes in from shopping to see Mayday and Omega with Hunter’s old bandana wrapped around her head playing a mean air guitar.
Howzer picks up a job as security detail for the island. It makes him feel like he’s still contributing to the rebellion by keeping his loved ones and Pabu safe from the Empire. He’d heard about Tech’s brainwashing and what he did to Pabu while he was under the Empire’s control, and he vows to never let anything like that happen again.
Crosshair spreads out his time doing odd jobs for the people on the island and picks up a whittling hobby. He’ll sit on the beach with his toes in the water and a knife watching the sun move across the sky and make little trinkets out of wood. He’s rather good at it, and most residents of the island have one of his masterpieces in their houses.
But not everything is perfect in paradise.
They all have nightmares. Some of them are easier to get through than others. Sometimes, they’re bad enough that someone needs to be restrained.
The first time it happens, Crosshair clocks Howzer in the face because he thinks Howzer is a Shadow Clone that’s come for him and his family. Howzer understands, but Crosshair apologizes for weeks after the incident.
Mayday develops a drinking problem, which is to say, he gets violent and angry when he’s had too much to drink and has a habit of taking it out on Crosshair and Howzer. Howzer can handle it, but if Mayday starts in on Crosshair, Howzer makes Crosshair leave to stay with one of his brothers until Mayday calms down and sobers up.
It doesn’t happen often. Many times Mayday can have several drinks and be fine and happy or maybe even horny, but when it does happen, Howzer knows they’re in for a long night.
After two years of living the island life together, they make their relationship a marriage. They don’t wear rings. Rings can get lost or ruined or given back. Instead, they get matching tattoos of three planets, one for how they each met one another: Ryloth, Barton IV, and Coruscant. (Technically, Howzer met Mayday on Tantiss, but they collectively agreed that planet has no place in their lives or on their bodies anymore). The three planets all surround one in the center, Pabu.
Mayday has his on his chest, right over his heart, because he’s a romantic sap.
Crosshair has it on his left hip.
Howzer has his on his right calf.
When they’re a little older and the lush, island lifestyle begins to catch up with them, Howzer develops an eating disorder. His physical appearance is important to him, and he’s worked incredibly hard to maintain his physique and proportions, but age can’t help but make him softer around the edges, and he hates it.
He wakes up one morning after a few months of eating only what he needs to and working out endlessly to see himself in the mirror. He’s pleased with what he sees, unable to tell that he isn’t healthy. He’s too thin and looks frail, but he’s finally happy with what he sees in the mirror.
Mayday looks at him that morning, REALLY looks, and he sees what Howzer can’t, but Howzer is smiling in a way that he hasn’t in a short while, and he’s so proud of himself. It breaks Mayday’s heart.
(An intervention occurs, and Mayday and Crosshair do their best to keep reassuring Howzer that he’s not less for enjoying the life that he worked for).
They have family dinners once a week, usually at Hunter and Tech’s place, but sometimes at Wrecker and Shep’s house. Omega and Lyana love to cook for them (with help from Shep and Wrecker, who takes interest in it when he learns just how much you can do with food).
One of Crosshair’s favorite photos is one that Tech sneakily took during one of the festivals on the island of Howzer dancing with Omega and spinning her around. He gives a copy of the photo to her when she confides in them that she’s joining Hera’s fleet in the resistance.
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lilyum-e · 1 year
So lets talk about why the federation chose q!Foolish to work for them.
The whole "YOU ARE. UNIQUE" book
I wouldnt read it as negative nor positive. Its simply a statement. Its saying that q!Foolish is useful. He's easy to please and at the same time competent enough to work with federation. Just a good tool, waiting to be used.
They chose him, simply because he was already there. He was asking to be friends with cucurucho for some time now. He was the one always saying that he wants to be kidnapped. That he wants something interesting to happen.
Q!Foolish's desires have always been simple. Keep his family safe. Be noticed by Federation. Have a gun. Get a cloud.
And his silly, happy go lucky personality makes him just good enough to get away with whatever he wants. Or at least to minimalize the damage to himself.
He is just a perfect scapegoat.
He might be technically working for federation as "detective". But is he really?
Thats just a name. Is Mr. Mustard really missing? Or did the federation make him go missing to give Foolish something to do.
And q!Foolish will not question it. At least not enough to see a problem with continuing the work.
However his real job is to sow mistrust.
The fedaration has been trying to divide islanders for so long. But how do you divide people that are so close to each other?
You just keep adding more and more and more factors.
You start small, simple. Just watch them, and let them know that they are being watched.
Then you give them something to do, someone to protect. The eggs. Their fragile children. Now they dont have to worry only about themselves. And the islanders bond with each other over it, they become more united then ever before.
But all that is just temporary. And when they think that everything is stable and joyous, you slowly take it away. Your children dissapear and then come back with cracks on them. But its alright, it was just a one scary moment.
However later your friends get kidnapped. And when they are back, you want to trust them. But can you really, when you know that the Federation was one keeping them? How can you be so sure that they are the same person they were before.
And the next kidnapping just proves it more. Quackity isnt back. ElQuackity is walking around instead, seemingly looking like the person they once knew.
Then you start the elections. Throw some benefits to make the offer interesting. And it divides them. Maybe not as much as one would have hoped, but some disagreements never hurt nobody :)
And islanders ultimately want someone trustwothy to become a president. But by doing so, you achieve otherwise. Cause now that trustwothy person will be placed directly under federation whether they like it or not.
Well but you still have your eggs. You would always trust your children wouldnt you?
But the Code Monster can impersonate them now. And as much as you want to say that you know your children, can you actually? Or is your mind playing tricks in you. Will you always be able to tell?
They know they cannot trust the island. But despite many disagreements, they always had each other. They consider other islanders friends and family.
But what if one person chose to betray the islanders. It adds to all the concerns and reminds them just how fragile trust is...
And its slowly but surely eating everyone from inside. They are still together. They are always scrambling to cooperate and listen to each other. To communicate. They always have been.
But the question is. Will they always? For how long? Is there a breaking point?
And if there is, when, and what will happen after?...
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flickersprout · 10 months
(Full disclosure, I am mostly a team bolas purgatory viewer) but I'm thinking about how compelling qTubbo's story in purgatory has been, and the narrative potentials once we're done here on Friday/Saturday.
He's the official captain of team soulfire, but in practice he shares his authority with Bad and Tina. He's the youngest and smallest of this trio, and idk about Tina but Bad at least is definitely more ruthless than Tubbo. Besides this, the rest of the team keep threatening a coup against Tubbo and generally being dissatisfied with his leadership calls. He carries the mark by his name and the title, but the chain of command is unclear. You can see how it might start to grate on him.
Soulfire as a whole generally looks advantaged and like a favorite to win the event. They're technically competent, determined, and have some real predators (and some luck) on their side. But it's a struggle, actually. It's harder than it looks. They keep losing to Bolas, somehow. People on both other teams (before Green Ninja's elimination) held grudges against them. A lot of the time, this looked like Tubbo getting blamed and punished for other people's (cough cough Bad's) actions. Again, you can see how it might get frustrating.
Add to that the lingering plot thread of Fred. Tubbo's fallen hard for a Federation worker and is starting to disagree with some of the loudest voices on the island about the value of the Federation. With Fred's kidnapping and the murders of Fed workers, Tubbo's learning that he can only trust his fellow islanders if he agrees with them--and he cares about Fred too much to go back to agreeing with them. And now, on purgatory, maybe that's starting to shift into the idea that he can't trust anyone. Maybe he's getting a glimpse of how his friends will act if he keeps aligning himself with Fred.
You might see where this is going: a growing distance between Tubbo and the other islanders, a new frustration and fear about trying to lead and being misinterpreted, awareness of the need to protect himself against his loved ones. The knowledge that he can't protect himself, and certainly couldn't protect both himself and Fred--he needs to find something to keep them both safe.
You know what group offers protection from the islanders, a degree of intimidation, a clear command structure and expectations, and the resources to ensure Fred's safety? That imposes order, at whatever cost, on a confusing and chaotic world? That would be thrilled that Tubbo is now willing to follow their rules and engage with them?
Yeah. I hope purgatory pushes Tubbo into the waiting arms of the Federation.
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hydriad81194 · 8 months
rewatching the resetting island scene from the prison today, and just wanted to ramble about something plaguing my thoughts
Rose, and what role she may take
So something i’ve been thinking about since pretty much yesterday was Rose, and what she thought was going on. Did she know where Phil had been taken, did she still think he was on the island, idk to be honest she may have heard him talk about it and was as unsuspecting as we were
I think she can track him down to a degree (ie giving Phil her blessing at spawn) but I’m not sure how far she can reach and see him
For now, I’d like to believe she could vaguely hear or see Phil through the flowers in the courtyard at the prison, but with the snow and Tallulah picking them, I think her abilities and awareness was limited
What I think she may have done, and time will tell, is try to protect Quesadilla Island, not it’s entirely because that could’ve been too much, but where she thought people may be. Where Phil may be. This would probably include her sanctuary just for safe keeping, Tallulah’s home, the wall and spawn, with maybe Tubchunks if we think she was looking out for Phil and the eggs, since Missa was still technically passed out at the sanctuary before waking up in prison
If we run with the idea that she didn’t know Phil was gone and just saw he wasn’t at her sanctuary, with no easy tracking, I think that could make sense of just desperate preservation of things
If we run with the idea that she knew they were gone, I think she would’ve tried to save player and eggs homes and frequent visit spots, and not fed buildings (RIPBOZO THE CROW DOESNT LIKE THEM ALL TOO MUCH) or unexplored hills
tldr; I think Rose, to a degree and for whatever reasons, helped keep things intact on the island during the reset, and in a sense, could explain why certain things were left alone and intact and why other werent. Idk just a thought with silly bird guy and his deity from his dreams(?)
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edutainer2022 · 6 months
Co-written with @janetm74
As you may remember, there's a series of pieces on Scott and Kayo being idiots shadow-dancing with some complicated feelings and inhibitions, and baggage, that came to pass due to the incredible contribution of the amazing @janetm74. And now it's taking a more coherent shape as a uniform story! Some chapters you've seen already, some have never been published. There are no words to express how excited and grateful I am it's happening and moving forward (albeit in an angsty direction, so far).
The whole story as it progresses is now up on AO3.
Previous bits in order can be found here:
Ch 1 (blue like she'd never known)
Ch 2
Ch 3 (hurt like this)
Ch 4
(accustomed to misfit)
It was extremely rare that they sparred. Virgil preferred heavy lifting to tatami for keeping his field game up. But he specifically requested a training session for that morning. It was her job to keep them all in shape and defense-ready, among other things. Although, she had a pretty good idea Virgil's motives were far from pure. Just like his poker face was far from perfect.
She flew in late the night before. Technically, the next day was her personal downtime, but she didn't feel comfortable leaving the island unattended for the night. Leaving them all unprotected. Leaving HIM alone with the shadows.
The date was nice. Wayne was nice. She really enjoyed his company. When not stuck up by regulations - his jokes were half decent. He had field stories in abundance she soaked in like a sponge - chases, investigations, cover-ops. He saw her interest and delivered. Wayne SAW her. She let the kiss last. They agreed on a second date, their respective schedules permitting.
She half-expected, half-dreaded to walk in on the Commander pulling an all-nighter with reports. Maybe half-hoped too, just a little. She didn't know what she'd see in his eyes. The exuberant enthusiasm he'd displayed so far made her blood run cold and her heart keen. But the dark lounge was empty.
She curled in a ball in the scolding shower, once in her room, and bawled her eyes out, like a love-sick little girl she'd never been. Not exactly a reaction she'd expect after the first decent date she'd had since college. It wasn't fair to Wayne. It wasn't fair to herself. Unrequited love wasn't ever fair. So she promised herself she wouldn't BE that girl. EVER.
And now she was sparring with Virgil. Sweetest, kindest Virgil, who cared for her. Who wanted what was best for her, like they all did. She made no mistake - Virgil cared for her, but he loved his big brother like he was air. She understood the feeling. That's why she agreed to a second date with Wayne. To allow herself no way back.
"Do you like Rigby?"
She was atacking, Virgil was parrying. She was backing him into a corner, but it felt the other way around. She doubled down on speed and force.
"He's okay."
"You deserve more than okay, Kayo."
Virgil danced away from her reach and left her in the corner, all of a sudden. She saw red. Unforgivable, as his trainer. Understandable, as his sister. If only Virgil knew, what he was saying!
"Is that so?"
Cross-cut, block, block. She took a swing, Virgil evaded.
"What DO I deserve, then? To be invisible?"
Another swing. Undercut.
"To be a shadow?!"
Roundhouse kick.
"To never be loved back?!!"
She was breathless from shouting, or from exhaustion. Virgil stopped at some point, not heeding the hits she was raining, but Kayo didn't even notice. Strong, safe arms closed the embrace, while she was still raging and raving, and just held her. The shooshing noises enveloped her senses as there was no more voice left in her tears. Kayo broke her own promise and wept.
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soubi122 · 1 year
How Long? - PT 7
One more chapter to go! WARNINGS: Manipulation, mentions of pregnancy, thoughts of baby trapping, fear, angst, anxiety, suggestive, cheating, overall toxic behavior, thoughts of self harm, destructive behavior, so many lies - ugh
True Disaster
For a moment everything went quiet, despite the yelling and screaming, you could only hear Sanzu's words echo in your ears. Was this some sort of sick ‘welcome back’ joke? 
As much as you resented him, there was still a small part of you that loved him… Those feelings that began to bloom when you first met him on the island were fading - fast. Everything that came out of his mouth earlier was a lie. He had no problem keeping your old shared bedroom the same and bedding some other woman in it. Now you know for sure that the gods have a sick sense of humor. Bringing him back into your life was already a beautiful deception but the events that followed were a true disaster. 
He had said it mere hours ago, ‘I want to start a family’. He got his wish, ohh boy did he get his wish. The quiet chuckle that escaped your lips made Sanzu turn around and look at you in confusion. This should have broken you and left you a sobbing mess. Yet you were laughing and smiling - almost as if your sanity went out the window. “What's so funny dollface?” Sanzu smirks at you. Slowly sitting up, you grip your chest and respond in an icy tone. “He won't set me free. Only a fool would think that…” You didn't mean to insult Sanzu but it was the truth. This was no more than a small hiccup, Ran was no stranger to forcing a woman to get an abortion, he was no stranger to making people disappear - he will do everything it takes for that to happen. Your muscle strength was returning, allowing you to sit up comfortably and place your feet on the floor. 
Rushing footsteps had you both turning around to face the rest of Bonten. Some of them looked roughed up, it seems they struggled to keep Ran from setting the office on fire. “Oh, (Y/N), welcome back.” Kakucho said while straightening up his tie. As if there wasn’t a shit storm in the other room - they proceeded to greet you. Rindou couldn’t help but scoff and furrow his eyebrows at you, he still resented you. However, now he felt nothing but pity for you. You were going to be shoved aside yet again. How long was Ran going to keep it up this time?
In the back you could see the morose look on Ran’s face. The moment your eyes connected, he walked in your direction and placed his hand on your head. “Everything will be alright baby. I can fix this.” You remained still and locked eyes with Sanzu. He knew that look all too well and didn't say a thing. Mikey felt the urge to intervene but he noticed the exchange between you and Sanzu. ‘She knows…’ He thinks to himself, there was no reason for you to look at him like that. “Aniki (兄貴), she cannot stay at your place. It’s too risky.” Rindou spoke, he masked his real concern with the excuse that the building staff might recognize you. In reality he was afraid that the woman who was claiming his baby would show up at his home. 
Kokonoi and Takeomi agreed, it was too risky for you to stay with Ran. Especially since you were technically dead. The only question was where will you stay? They couldn’t risk you staying at a hotel due to surveillance, none else in Bonten wanted to get caught between the mess Ran created and they did not want a ‘stranger’ in their home. Ran protested, he did not want you out of his sight but Rindou had a valid point. “Mikey, where did you hide her last time?” Takeomi asked. Mikey omitted information of your exact whereabouts in his explanation. You felt a little nauseous when Takeomi asked that question - would Mikey omit it or tell the truth. What if Ran puts the pieces together? What if he decides to end you right here and now? Mikey refused to say as a ‘safety precaution’, stating that he could not compromise Bonten’s safety but assured them that you’d be safe.
“If I hide her, Ran you won’t have access to her.” He said emotionlessly. “What do you mean by that? I can’t see my wife until this little issue is resolved?” Ran asked with a low tone. Wife? Was he fucking serious right now? What the hell did he mean by little issue, this is a huge issue. One bigger than you could have imagined. Questioning the king was a mistake but to avoid conflict - you did something you wished you didn’t. 
Pulling Ran in, you placed a gentle kiss on his cheek. “You said it would be ok. Please, if this is the only way for me to not jeopardize you or the organization - I’ll do it. I don’t want to cause more trouble than I already have.”  Your tone was soft and almost obedient. Sanzu grinned like a madman, he was enjoying your theatrics. Who knew you had it in you, then again pain can make someone change. It was settled with a mere kiss to the cheek - Ran let go of any nagging questions that were burning in his skull when you kissed him. You were now playing a dangerous game. Weakly standing, you bowed to everyone and apologized for deceiving them. 
They could only nod and accept your apology as they understood your reasoning. Being told you were loved and then cheated on by your fiancé - it was heartbreaking. Even they could see that. Regardless of Bonten’s cruel nature, they still held a soft spot for you and it showed during their mourning period for you. “(Y/N), I will take you home shortly.” Mikey said and dismissed everyone out of the office. When he spoke, you could feel the warmth in your chest - he was going to protect you again. Allowing you a moment to head to the bathroom, you took the spare toothbrush and toothpaste that they kept in the storage closet (of course they would have all sorts of things here as most of them lived in the office) to wash your mouth and remove the bitter taste of vomit, metal and lingering sweet taste of chloroform. 
Afterwards, Ran took your hand and guided you to his office - his hands were cold, almost as if you were holding the hand of a corpse. Shutting the door behind him, he moved you towards his desk and took a seat on the large office chair. Pulling you in and sitting you down on his desk, he wrapped his arms around your waist and buried his face in your chest. His breathing was unsteady and he held you tightly, he muttered his apologies while remaining buried in your chest. If you didn’t know what you knew now - you would have caved in. This would have been a tender moment between someone who threw a temper tantrum over being told to be patient. Hesitating, you wrapped your arms around him, “Ran, I’m sorry I panicked. I thought you were going to hurt me again.” You say and begin to stroke his hair, almost in a comforting manner. Your false sincerity was convincing, he didn’t question you nor press you any further as to why you fled. He shakes his head, he was letting it go since he had more pressing matters at hand. “What happened? What was all that noise in the other room?” You asked innocently, letting him think that you knew nothing of what was going on.
He squeezes you tightly, almost like a child trying to hide his face from his mother. “Nothing my love, nothing to worry about.” He said and continued to hide his face. You could feel his hands tremble, he was hiding it - was he really going to lie to you again? It felt like he was made up of nothing but lies at this point. You were giving him one final chance to come clean with you - after this there was no going back. Trying to cup his face and tilt his head up, you spoke softly. “Please, it sounded like intense fighting. Be honest with me - I deserve that much, Ran.” He kept his head down and spoke into your chest, he was almost begging you to let it go. “It was nothing, I just got scolded for bringing you in the way I did. I fucked up and could have drawn attention to us. That’s all.” Once again, you felt pain in your chest - if he’s lying to you now, what will stop him lying to you again? This is not just a minor inconvenience, this is the life of another person and a new life that has yet to be born in this world. Who knows how far along this woman was and what she had hanging over his head in order for him to lose this shit. Even now you were already bearing the weight of his lies, they were crushing you little by little and there was no easy way out of this. You knew, you fucking knew that whatever takes place after tonight, it will destroy him and may even destroy you. 
“Can we just stay like this a little longer? Please…” He said. You paused for a moment and held him close, biting back the tears that were on the verge of spilling. You exhaled and realized that it was taking a lot out of you to love him. There was no way to peacefully resolve this, someone was bound to lose and for the second time in your life you were forced to make a choice. There was no way to feel anything for him anymore, the lies and trial by fire was too much. Old wounds were beginning to open and bleed, this was going to be the last time you’d ever feel him in your arms, the last time you’d feel his lips on yours and the last time your heart will ever beat for him…
After a few minutes, the knock on the door made you separate from him and face the doorway. It was Mikey, the scene in front of him made a pang in his chest but all he had to do was wait just a little longer. He’d be able to talk to you freely without prying eyes and ears. “It’s time…” He said dryly. Ran finally looked up and at the doorway, he wasn’t ready to part ways with you just yet, but he was rather grateful that you were going to be kept out of sight. He was planning his next move on how to resolve the unplanned pregnancy that fell on his lap. “Just one more minute boss…” Mikey nodded and closed the door. The moment the door shut, Ran stood up and made you face him - pulling you into him again and his lips crashed against yours. He didn’t give you a moment to breathe as his tongue overwhelmed yours, tasting you as if it were the last time. It felt like it was more than a minute. Ran whispered into your lips, “I love you (Y/N). No matter what happens, I will always love you.” It hurts, it hurts so much - oh god it hurts. 
Luckily, you didn’t get the chance to speak as Mikey opened the door and signaled for you to follow him. You couldn’t bring yourself to say it back and Ran didn’t force you either. How could you after everything he put you through? “Wait for me…” He barely managed to say right before you walked out the door. You only looked back and gave him a weak smile before disappearing with Mikey. The rest of the admins and executives only watched as you trailed behind Manjiro like a lost puppy. Keeping your head down, you avoided eye contact with everyone. Sanzu couldn’t hide his shit eating grin, it made Takeomi rather uncomfortable - he knows his brother has many screws loose but this was different. Sanzu knew something that they didn’t, but good luck making him talk - he was the master of secrets and deception. 
On the way to this ‘classified’ location, you sat in the passenger seat as Manjiro drove - the silence was overwhelming. There were so many questions that you wanted to ask and so many things you wanted to say, however, you opted not to break down in front of him. When he pulled into an underground garage, you followed him - it was to switch cars to avoid any potential followers finding out where you were going. You remembered the first time he did this and you thought he was really going to kill you. The light snicker made Mikey turn to look at you with a soft smile on his face. “Hm? You’re thinking about the first time?” He says and wiggles his eyebrows up and down teasingly. “You were so scared and yet you continued to follow me without question.” He was right, you were scared shitless yet you didn't run away from him, you trusted him. 
Finally, you arrived at his home - it was nostalgic and bittersweet. Walking in, you kicked off your shoes and stood by the doorway, waiting for his permission to move forward. “I know you’re not acting like this is your first time here (Y/N)...” Mikey snickers and lightly pushes you through the entrance. Even though you called this home in the past, it was still surreal to be here again. You couldn’t bring yourself to sit down or touch anything as you felt dirty from lying on the grass and being touched by Ran. “Can I use your shower? I’m covered in dirt and other things..” You say awkwardly. “You don’t have to ask for permission, angel. This will always be your home.” Mikey says and pats your head. He was being gentle and considerate of you. 
After taking a long shower, you filled the tub with warm water and a bath bomb. Mikey ended up getting some for himself after you forced him to use one. You melted his stress away with little to no effort that night. Somehow you convinced the King of Bonten to indulge in the little self pleasures of life. Several minutes of sitting in the bath water, you heard a knock on the bathroom door and in walked Mikey. He had two beers in hand and a warm smile on his face. The blush on your face made his heart skip a beat. It’s been far too long since he’s seen you like this…bare and vulnerable. He sat on the edge of the tub and handed you the beer bottle, you could see his eyes drinking in your features and figure. All of a sudden you were self conscious and tried to cover yourself as best you could under the water. Taking sips, you still tried your best to hide your body. Mikey chuckled and began to pat your head, slowly stroking your hair and made you lean into his touch. His touch felt like a warm embrace. 
You could feel your heart pound in your chest and the overwhelming sense of guilt began to crash into you. The sound of your unsteady breathing caught his attention, he paused and sighed. “I’m so sorry, angel. I should have warned you when Ran left Tokyo for Wakkanai.” He felt responsible for everything you went through within the last 3 days. You buried your face into the side of his thigh. He didn’t care that you were getting his clothes wet. Mikey felt his heart strings being pulled, seeing you like this reminded him of that time you dove into the deep end. “Mikey, I feel like such a fool.” You barely manage to say. The pain in your chest wouldn’t stop, the throbbing in your head was driving you insane and the feeling of Ran’s lips on yours was making you chew on your bottom lip. At first, there was a small glimmer of hope of taking Ran back but the overall behavior and lies just squashed it.
Without hesitating, Mikey put the bottles on the floor and climbed into the tub fully clothed. He pulled you in and held you tight. “Angel, can you forgive me?” He pleaded, he was angry at himself for making you go through this again and again and again. You felt your heart breaking, he had no reason to apologize, he did what he thought was best - to let you stand on your own two feet. There was no one else to blame but both you and Ran. Manjiro did nothing wrong. It felt like you couldn’t breathe, all the emotions swirling inside of you just bursted out and you were a crying mess. Babbling incoherently and apologizing to Manjiro for being a weak woman, for flinching, for wavering, for sleeping with Ran, for letting him kiss you and hold you. The bathroom was filled with echoes of your cries as you buried your face into his chest.
Memories of Ran’s first betrayal had your body trembling, it didn’t help that the actions that took place earlier today were already chipping away at what little resolve you had left. “Manjiro, did you know about the baby?” You asked him and clutched his shirt as you continued to cry. “No, none of us did. This was just sprung on us the moment Ran brought you to the office.” Mikey said and tilted your head up to face him. “I will get as many details as I can for you so that you can make your decision.” His tone was low, almost glum - he was afraid of losing you again. Seeing you so vulnerable, the temptation was getting the better of him. Slowly he leaned in, ghosting his lips over yours. “Manjiro…” You whisper and pull away. “We can’t…” It hurt the both of you but you were right. This wasn’t the time to give in to desire.
Mikey softly smiled and placed a kiss on your forehead, apologizing and was about to leave but your arms reached out for him. “You’ll catch a cold like that.” You say while looking down at the water, you couldn’t face him. Handing him the loofa, you signaled for him to discard his clothes - he smiled and removed his clothing. Oh how your eyes lit up at remembering him. His lean and toned figure, the veins on his arms, the veins somewhere else below… Shyly, you asked him to turn around and he did. Sitting down and placing him between your legs, you pulled him into your chest and hugged him from behind. Feeling your breasts against his bare back had his blood rushing south. His body was so warm and the way his breathing became unsteady, it was making an ache grow between your legs.
Grabbing the shampoo bottle, you begin to wash his silver hair and massaged his scalp. The light scent of lavender filled the room and Mikey relaxed into your touch, closing his eyes and placing his hands on your knees. It was rather nostalgic to you both, it was something he did for you after that one night together. That tender moment made your heart begin to beat for someone other than Ran. Mikey held a special place in your heart, but you were too afraid to commit to him. Even though he is a drastic change from Ran, knowing that they are involved, you sealed off your heart, especially after his refusal to come see you. 
Running your hands down the back of his neck, you gently massage it and his shoulders. Your touch had his mind wondering, especially when you traced over his hanafuda tattoo. He lightly pants and runs his hands up your thighs - gripping them a little. “Angel…you’re gonna get me even harder…” Mikey says as a moan escapes his lips when you massaged a particular spot that got his mind muddled in sin. You apologized to him, it wasn’t your intention to get him excited - kind of... “You never came to see me while I was in Wakkanai…” You whisper in his ear, the bewitching tone made his body yearn for your warm walls. Before Mikey could answer, you began to rinse his hair - slightly sitting up on your knees and pressing yourself against him. Running the nozzle on his scalp, you gently wash away the shampoo and continue to lightly massage him. “I didn’t want to risk exposing you - Sanzu would have caught on immediately. You know how paranoid he is.” Mikey says while keeping his eyes closed, his hand began to wander south of his body - his member was fully erect and his body felt like it was on fire.
‘She’s driving me insane…’ He thinks to himself and resists the urge to stroke himself. Once you were done, you grabbed the loofa and washed his back. “Still…you should have come to see me, I waited for you. I keep praying that you'd walk through that door, not Ran.” There was a bit of anguish in your voice, you had a feeling that he didn’t come to see you due to other reasons. Other reasons being that you two made love to each other and made heartfelt promises. Promises that in the end, Manjiro couldn’t keep because of Bonten. He couldn’t find the words to say and remained quiet. Everything continued in awkward silence, even after the bath. Without asking, you went into his closet to grab some clean clothes - Ran still had your stuff at his place. It wasn’t like you to stay upset, especially with Mikey - you never stayed mad at him for more than a minute. Yet, Mikey didn’t do anything to approach you. There was too much fire in your eyes and he didn’t want to get burned.
Once Mikey got dressed, he left the room - the sound of the front door opening and closing signaled his leave. He didn’t want to stay there or else he’d be forced to give in to his selfish desires. When you were apart, he used to call you twice a week just to check in and make sure you were ok. Those calls became less and less when you would ask him to come see you on certain events, like your birthday or his birthday and the grand opening of your café. When he would say yes, he’d only end up disappointing you by canceling literally 1 hour before your meet up time. You always told yourself that it was ok because you understood that Bonten always came first but when he made a habit out of it - you realized that it was more than just Bonten. It was because of you.
On his bed, you curled up and bursted out crying - the pain was too much to bear with the maelstrom of emotions. Your heart was in shambles. Ran was the love of your life and his return left you busted and blue. There was a sliver of hope that maybe, just maybe he would have changed. However, the conversation you overheard with Rindou - it made you hit the brakes. What followed was a collision of regret, insanity and obsession. These last few years away from it all, it made you a stronger person but yet he was able to break you down in a mere minute. Even with his pleas of wanting a family, there was a split second of happiness that felt like heaven but it was all too good to be true. Now he’ll be a father to someone else’s baby. The thoughts swirling in your head had you overwhelmed, making your eyes heavy and your body give in to lethargy. Everything faded into black…
Ran was pacing back and forth in his office, trying to figure out how to handle the catastrophe that landed on his lap. The women in question? Oh you knew her all too well, it was the same woman who he cheated on you with - Rindou’s ex girlfriend. That woman single handedly destroys everything she touches, fucks any many men she can sink her teeth into and gets whatever she wants at whatever the cost. Ran’s office door swung open and the rest of Bonten walked into his office. “Aniki (兄貴), you need to let (Y/N) go - this shit storm isn’t going away anytime soon.” Rindou’s voice was full of venom. It felt like an eternity for Ran to recover from losing you, Rindou didn’t want to see him like that again. “How the fuck did you let this happen?” Mochizuki asked him, this was the first time he’s ever been pissed off at Ran. He knew his carelessness would one day come back and bite him in the ass but this was beyond what anyone could have imagined. 
It turns out that Ran got piss drunk, took her home, fucked her in your shared bed and doesn’t remember what he did or said. But apparently the bitch was sneaky enough to record the whole ordeal, it was the only way to keep Ran at her side - she refused to let go of the life of luxury. She couldn’t get it with Rindou or anyone else but she aimed for Ran after your so-called death. Who else would replace you? He’s been seeing her even after your disappearance and death. Wiping her out of existence wouldn’t be an issue - it’d be the easiest solution but she was smart. She spread the information and video amongst the lower ranks and others who had a personal vendetta against Ran. If she were to go missing, they’d turn in the evidence to the cops and take down Ran. This would also lead to an internal investigation on Bonten. He royally fucked up.
“We need to find everyone she had contact with to make sure they don’t leak any information - we will need to get rid of them and everyone else around them to avoid any potential third party leaks.” Takeomi said and began to look through his contacts - of course the call girls who were in that circle would have information. Bonten can offer more than just money for their loyalty. “Getting rid of the third party folks would be the first step - but we also need to secure that whore at the same time. We can’t risk her sending out any kind of signal to her contacts.” Sanzu said and grinned like a child on Christmas morning. He was a little too excited about this and it shows. “We need to do this quietly… QUIETLY!” Kokonoi said as he looked at Sanzu, everyone knew that he was a loose cannon. “It’s not just Ran who would be jeopardized… Mikey would be too…” Kakucho said and reminded Sanzu of how delicate this operation would be. Though Sanzu couldn’t give two shits about Ran - he did value the safety of his King. 
“Ran, she needs to know about this - we don’t know how much information she has access to while in hiding.” Mochizuki said softly, concern was laced on each and every word. Remember, the others did favor you and treated you like family before the fall out. This was way too cruel  even for Bonten standards - you don’t deserve to be thrown into the flames again. “She does not need to know a goddamn thing, do you understand me?!” Ran raised his voice. He was cracking. Now Bonten had two things to worry about, this blackmail and Ran’s sanity. “What if she does find out?” The Cheshire cat grin that Sanzu had on his face made everyone uneasy. He’s always ready to end lives but he was indulging in an admin’s/executive’s misfortune. He was almost baring his fangs at Ran, ready to savor the moment that everything comes crashing down on him. 
The rest of the night was spent in mapping out that woman’s contacts, they left no stone unturned. In the middle of this Mikey walked in and Sanzu’s grin widened - everyone else was so caught up in Ran’s fucking disaster that they didn’t notice Mikey’s change of clothes. That only led Sanzu to one thing and one thing only - you two were closer than what he makes it seem and Ran doesn’t know a damn thing about it. “Boss…”  Sanzu says, trying to hide his excitement. This was one of the main reasons why Mikey couldn’t come to see you. Sanzu was too sharp and would have caught on if he disappeared to come see you, even if it was only for a day. 
The admins and executives filled Mikey in with the information gathered and what the plan was. So far, everything sounds good on paper - but the execution of this operation is going to be crucial. “Mikey…is she ok?” Ran asked, uncertainty tainted his every word. He answered dryly and didn’t bother to give him further information. “How long will this operation take? She can’t stay in hiding forever, the longer she stays in Tokyo, the higher the risk of her being recognized..” Mikey said and finalized the plan to move forward. It really didn’t matter how long the operation would take- he just wanted to know how long he’d have you by his side.
*the next day* 
Waking up with the sun slapping you in the face, you groan and roll over - not realizing where you were and whose house you were in. Nhn… The scent of sandalwood and warm vanilla made you snap up. “Mikey!” You say his name in a panic. Only silence responded to your call, there was no noise inside the house. Getting up to check the rest of the house, you noticed that Mikey hadn’t returned from the office. 
The whole day you paced back and forth - waiting for Mikey to come home. There was no way to communicate with him or anyone, it was making you anxious. Recalling the laptop he had, you searched his home for it in hopes that it still had his phone synced into it. Rummaging through the house, you were not having luck finding it - well that is until you went back to his bedroom. In the closet on the top shelf, the laptop was there just collecting dust, he hasn’t used it since you left. Taking it with you to the living room, you plug it in and run the updates. After what felt like an eternity, it rebooted and was  ready for use. Crossing your fingers you prayed that the updates didn’t mess with the synchronization with his phone. 
For once the gods did you a favor and let something go your way. You were able to login and see Mikey’s location, he was indeed at the office. Pulling up the messaging app, it made a pang in your heart - the previous messages popped up. This all took place while you were in hiding 3 years ago before he got you a burner phone. The messages started innocent and shy, almost professional in a way. Then they started becoming more friendly and sweet, you could see how little by little both your barriers were coming down. There was no denying that there was something there. The notification sound of a bubble made you jump, it was a notification - a new message. Sure enough when you opened it, it was Mikey.
31/08 - 9:59 a.m. Manjiro Mobile: Angel? What are you doing? End Message
He could see his laptop’s status as Online and it surprised him. You reply and ask him when he will be home and what was going on? The exchange lasted a few minutes, he didn’t want you to stress out and only mentioned that they were all extremely busy. It was driving you up the wall, you needed some air.
31/08 - 10:14 a.m. PC device: Mikey, I need to step out. I have no clothing, no personal care items and you hardly have any food. I will wear a facemask and go to the small convenience store 3 blocks down. I am taking some cash from our little piggy bank. End Message
Mikey did an immediate facetime call - it kept ringing and ringing but there was no reply. By the time the call timed out, he noticed that the pc’s status was offline. Did you just…? Did you just disobey orders? Surely, you were still throwing a hissy fit because of last night, you weren’t going to leave right? “Fuck…” He sighed heavily and pinched the bridge of his nose, you were still pissed off. “What’s wrong boss?” Kakucho asked, it wasn’t like Mikey to show any sign of frustration. “I need to go…” He said and walked off. Everyone else was too busy to notice that Mikey had disappeared. To be fair, it wasn’t anything unusual.
Before leaving Mikey’s house, you made sure to cover up your face with a face mask and hat. The baggy clothes made it hard to determine if you were a woman or a man. Walking down the streets, you tried to keep your eyes peeled to make sure that you wouldn’t run into anyone you knew in the past. Luckily the streets were still empty, from what you knew Mikey's home location was away from admins, executives and underlings - all as a precaution. 
While gathering the essentials, you were looking around the store for a quick meal to eat and the sound of someone's giggle made you freeze in place. The sound got louder and louder, as if they were passing by behind you. A chill ran down your spine, making the hairs on the back of your neck stand. 'It can't be…' You think to yourself and slowly lift your head to look for the source of laughter. There was no forgetting the sound of her voice, you've heard it too many times and even heard it the day you lost your fucking mind. You would have probably lost your life if Mikey wasn't there to catch you. The moment your eyes landed on the smaller brunette at the end of the aisle, you felt as if you were going to pass out - it was her. She had her back turned but you knew, you fucking knew it was the woman who took everything from you. She was laughing without a care in the world and was with two other women. Just as you were beginning to walk away, one of the women's questions made you stop in your tracks. "When are you due again?" Dropping down to pretend to look for something on the floor shelves, you listened to her response. "I'm due towards the end of May, just like her daddy!" She squeals in excitement. There was a voice inside your head that was telling you to turn around and leave but the curiosity got the better of you. The motions felt as if they were in slo mo and she was caressing her belly. You could barely see the bump but when she pulled the fabric of her shirt tight against her stomach, there it was. Their baby… 
You felt heat in your face and your vision became blurry. There was no way to prepare for impact. As much as you tried to steel yourself against Ran, it was no use - it's everything you wanted at the beginning of this engagement. Yet it now belonged to someone else. "It took me almost 3 years to convince him to give me a baby… but he finally gave in 2 months ago. He said he wanted to start a family and that he loves me." Her tone was sincere, there was no way to tell if she was lying or not. Now, you felt like the other woman… If he truly said he loved her and agreed to give her a baby, why would he come looking for you? Why would he tell you he loves you? Why would he tell you he wanted a family with you? All these things were said knowing that his heart was somewhere else. The disgust was eating away at you, it felt like you couldn't breathe and everything in sight started to distort. An overwhelming sense of hatred had you clenching your fists so hard that it made you draw blood from your palms. 
You felt something snap, the last thread that was keeping your heart strung together just snapped. Leaving the items behind, you exited the convenience store and continued to walk - walking until your legs led you to his front door. Your mind was so muddled and the maelstrom of emotions was enough to block out all other sounds around you. Strangers were staring at you and some even tried coming up to you to ask if you were ok as your hands were bleeding. But you just kept walking, you kept moving forward - not even bothering to take a moment to pause for crosswalks. Surprisingly enough you didn’t get hit by a car or run into something. 
Making your way up to the top floor of your old home, you unlocked the door using the spare key he always kept magnetized on top of the door frame. Entering the penthouse, your eyes scanned the entire space - things that you didn’t notice before were now like giant red flags that screamed at you. Someone else was staying here rather often, there were feminine decorations and items lying around that you knew for sure did not belong to Ran. Opening the foyer closet, you saw a few pairs of women’s shoes, a woman’s jacket and handbags. You ran to the bathroom to check for feminine products and other shit that hinted at him having someone else living with him. Sure enough, beauty products were on the counter with scented candles and an extra tooth brush. 
How the fuck was he going to explain all this to you? You were bound to see these things the same day of your arrival. The last straw was the bedroom, even though he kept things the way they were when you left - her things were in your drawers and closet space. Ran was an idiot for finding you without thinking things through. This would have been more than enough to signal that he hasn’t changed and that he was messing around with the same bitch. The qualm was eating away at you, you should have noticed all these things when you arrived yesterday but you were too anxious to notice them. He was the same fucking idiot that you left 3 years ago, nothing changed - he didn’t change.
The sound of a phone vibrating caught your attention, it was sitting on his side of the nightstand - this wasn’t his phone. It looked like a Bonten burner phone. In the pit of your stomach you felt a gross sense of curiosity. The voice inside your head was screaming at you not to touch it and to get the fuck out of there, call it a woman’s intuition or whatnot, but of course, you were human - human to a fucking fault. Picking up the phone you touch the screen and slide the bar to unlock it. Sure enough a wave of regret and anger washed over you. The home screen was another woman… and it wasn’t even the pregnant one. The notification bubble popped up again and the contact name was a nickname ‘Cocksleeve’.  It made you sick to your stomach. You hated yourself for what you did next. You opened his messenger app and lo and behold - dozens of his contacts had half naked profile pictures with trashy nicknames. It got worse as you scrolled through the messages, videos of them and him - so much for saying that he never stopped thinking about you. The worst part was that a lot of these were recent. You wanted nothing more than to set yourself on fire and cleanse your body from his touch. 
Even though you already made the choice to leave Ran, the blossoming rage inside you wanted to make him suffer. You promised yourself back in Wakkanai that you wouldn’t hurt him, you weren’t like that…you weren’t like him. Now all the memories were too stained with blood to even think back on any happy moments with him. Everything that played inside your head were his actions of betrayal, his spiteful words and the distorted I love yous - it was making your head spin. You dropped the phone and chuckled, the chuckles turned into giggles, the giggles into full blown laughter with tears streaming down your face. You were now sure that god didn’t exist, there was no way that he would allow something that cruel to happen to anyone - either that or god had it out for you. 
Smashing the proposal photo that was on his nightstand, you took the picture out of frame and tore it to shreds, you couldn’t feel the glass shards on your finger tips. The blood stained the scraps of photo paper and tainted the floor. Walking over to the dresser and vanity, you knocked everything off - smashing the expensive perfume bottles. The stinging in your palms was nowhere near the pain that you felt in your chest. Grabbing the broken bottle, you fling it into the mirror - shattering the image of yourself. The force was enough to send shards in your direction, causing small cuts on your face. You lost control of yourself. Going through his closet, you opened the leather suitcase that has his old gang’s uniform and mementos. Inside was also his baton, his favorite weapon of choice as a fucked up teenager. Taking the baton, you proceeded to smash all the mirrors, lights and anything you know he valued. 
In a way you were setting yourself free from his lies and bullshit. If someone were to walk in on you now, they would have confused you for someone who escaped out of the insane asylum. By the time you finished destroying everything you could, your arms felt like lead and your body was covered in specs of blood. Grabbing his burner phone, you tucked it inside your backpack and left his apartment. Taking your old car keys from the key rack, you headed back to Manjiro’s house and prepared yourself to make the final blow… Ran was going to feel every ounce of rage you had pent up inside you. At this point you didn’t care whether or not you’d live to see tomorrow. You just wanted him to suffer…
Tags: @rinrinfoxy @mor-pheus @no-signal-found  @namelessnikki2 @gabi-moureira @spookys-s @slvtmeow @jinii-desu @mmmaaannnsssiii @3xchooo @kokotakeomi @no-name-jack @barriesandcrem @reidsmexyconverse @waterfallsdown @1980losersliveinme @gabytodd @simp4ren @fffsksixj @whatsonthemirror @jcrml @reiners-milkbiddies @unr-u-1y @bakugosgf2005  @whoisneth  @bluephoenix908   @asmosslut @laurenzitaa @uniqueeggtoast @arlertsbaby @ilivefortheleague @mytaiyakeylover @niko-ash
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