#argo acquafredda
astra-galaxie · 20 days
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In honour of the fact that I have collected all the sprite files (or all I could find) from Mysteries of The Past, I decided to redo Argo's design! I'm much happier with how this one came out, even if I only changed the clothes!
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rhiarin · 3 days
Hi @astra-galaxie!✨ Since you made Giu's headcanon as I requested...
I decided to have a little gift for you🥰
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Here's my sketch of your oc Argo!✨
I hope you enjoyed it🥰
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astra-galaxie · 2 months
So I decided to try my hand at making a CC sprite edit of one of my OCs, and Argo was who I chose to do it!
Full disclaimer, this is my first CC edit, so apologies if it's not the greatest, as I don't have many sprite files and was learning how to edit them as I went.
That said, I'm really proud of how Argo turned out and decided to post it here for others to see!
I don't know if I'll do any more edits, but maybe one day I'll do some for other important OCs like Star, Fili and Jason.
Now, allow me to introduce you to Argo in CC style!
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astra-galaxie · 4 days
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He was really fun to draw, hope you didn’t mind me adding the waves to his glasses and buttons to his coat
My baby! Look at my son! You made him look so pretty I could cry!😭 And the pose you put him in is perfect! It fits his personality so well! And his hair came out so good! Oh, I could ramble about how much I love this for hours!😍
He looks amazing! And I love your take on his goggles! I was just thinking of them as engravings in the metal, but this is much cooler!
And I don't mind the buttons! I only left them out because every time I tried adding them to his sprite edit, they looked silly...🙁 But you did a good job at incorporating them!
Thank you so much! I shall treasure this forever!🥰😍
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astra-galaxie · 18 days
argo related headcanons I BEGGGGG (they're not exactly hcs if YOU make them about your own character though? what do you call those.)
Ah… Facts maybe?🤔
Regardless of what we call them, thank you for giving me an excuse to ramble about Argo a little!😁
Before moving to Concordia, Argo had never driven an automobile. Even though they existed in Italy, he never saw a reason to learn how to drive one. When he moved to Concordia, he realized it might be beneficial to learn for his job, so Isaac taught him how to drive. (Maddie had offered to teach Argo, too, but her driving style made him nervous… Thankfully, Isaac is a patient teacher since it took Argo multiple attempts to earn his driving license.)
Argo is often mistaken for a woman due to his feminine appearance. Like, put him in a dress, and no one would think he was a man. This has advantages and disadvantages; it's great for going undercover, but it's annoying to correct people when they misgender him.
He is of Polynesian descent on his mother’s side.
Argo used to wear makeup as a teenager and was especially fond of lipstick. He found it fun to leave lipstick marks on Diego’s face since the Spaniard never noticed they were there until someone else pointed them out or he looked in a mirror. Argo’s record for the longest Diego went without noticing was five hours. Diego pretended it annoyed him, but he secretly enjoyed having Argo leave kisses all over his face.
He's a cuddler. He can be so clingy in his sleep that he's been compared to an octopus more than once!
Argo loves chocolate. He enjoys sweets in general, but chocolate is his favourite.
While Argo loves singing, he’s afraid of performing for others. It's not that he thinks he’ll sound bad (he knows he has a beautiful voice), but he’s scared of people listening to him sing. It doesn't count if Argo is unaware that people are listening, but if he knows they are, he starts getting nervous.
He loves soft and fluffy things. Blankets, pillows, plushies, animals—you name it—if it's soft and fluffy, Argo would love to cuddle it! Bonus points if it's also warm!
Do NOT get between this man and his coffee! Many people have learned the hard way that you should never delay Argo (especially a sleepy Argo) from getting his cup of coffee or espresso!
Argo is scared of pirates.
During his childhood, there was a period when Argo was seriously sick for a long time. He eventually got better, but it was terrifying for him as this happened after he lost his parents and grandparents...
And that’s all I have for now! Some of these facts might have already been known, so I'm sorry for repeating myself! I hope you enjoyed learning more about Argo. Don’t worry; I will elaborate on some of these things later in my story!😉
Thank you for the ask and letting me ramble about Argo!
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astra-galaxie · 3 days
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who knew editing cc sprites were so fun
Making CC edits is fun! I don't have many, but I have a couple more involving Argo that I've made!
And I don't know what Argo is looking at that has shocked him so badly, but it's probably nothing good! (If you like to leave suggestions in the comments, I'd enjoy reading your ideas!😉)
And because I need to be sappy for a minute, thank you so much for this and the other gifts you've given me! You have no idea how happy and honoured I feel every time I receive a gift like this! I've been in the fandom a long time and always wished to receive fanart of my characters one day, so I treasure every gift I get!
Seriously! I have them saved so I won't forget or lose them!😅
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astra-galaxie · 3 days
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he’s so fun to edit
Sidenote: How would Argo react if he was the suspect in an investigation? Would he be calm? And what would happen if he was found out to be hiding something from Maddie and Isaac?
This could totally work as Argo's reaction to Diego flirting with him again!😉😏
To answer your sidenote: Argo has already been a suspect once in my story, but he only became truly suspicious of the murder after the second interrogation. For the most part, he was calm, and even after a motive was discovered, he didn't panic or fear that he would be arrested since he knew the evidence would prove him innocent.
That being said, there will be at least one future OG case where he becomes a suspect again, and he will be more suspicious from the beginning.
As for the question about Maddie and Isaac, depending on the secret, it would be a shock to the team when it's discovered! He has a lot of secrets the Flying Squad doesn't know about yet, and when they're revealed, some will be harder to accept than others!
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astra-galaxie · 6 days
Did a hair study on PS’s way of designing characters (I’m using Argo as an example)
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PS splits their hair into 4 bits of colour
The darkest I’ve outlined, being the outline of the hair itself, and some hair strands.
The second darkest colour that I’ve outlined is the first shadow, they tend to cling to the outlines, being thinner and the key to defining the hair shapes and shadows.
The second lightest one that I’ve highlighted is the secondary shadows, which can cover entire hair parts and is typically what defines the second ‘“layer’ of the hair, usually the colour of the hair behind the head.
The lightest is the original hair colour itself.
Using Nolan’s hair as reference below (I used two types of hair from the player character because I thought they looked cuter combined)
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Anyways I just thought it was interesting lol
I didn't expect to wake up to an analysis of CC characters' hairstyles in my inbox, but I'm fascinated nonetheless! That explains why when I try recolouring Argo's hair, some of the sections take on a weird hue...
And Nolan's got some awesome-looking hair! I'm guessing the lighter parts in the bangs' area are the red streaks you mentioned him having, while the rest are black.
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astra-galaxie · 17 days
So...not to be inappropriate or offensive or anything (you can choose to answer this ask if you want) but I'm wondering about something.
I don't know if it's a common thought but a lot of people seem to think that people from the Victorian era are really sensitive to dirty or vulgar imagery. Even the slight and subtle ones (*ahem* ankles *ahem*).
That being said, how do you think the flying squad would react to stuff like that? Considering their personalities, I'm a little curious and would love to hear your thoughts too.
Sorry if this ask seems kind of long. I wasn't sure if you'd answer something like this. Again, it's your choice of you want to or not.
Don't worry; the question is fine with me. It's not like you are asking anything NSFW-specific, so I'm okay with answering it for you. But thank you for giving me the choice. Now, as for how I think the Flying Squad react to scandalous (yes, even the ankles) things:
Arthur Wright
Since he's one of the biggest "gentlemen" on the Squad, I think he would be easily embarrassed by things related to scandalous and sexual things. I'm not sure if I would go as far as to say he would get flustered by someone's ankles, but out of the entire Squad, I would say he'd be most likely to! Arthur isn't such a prude that he wouldn't engage in sexual acts, but it would be reserved for someone he trusts and loves enough to be that intimate with.
Isaac Bontamps
Like Arthur, Isaac is also a proper gentleman and, therefore, values modesty. While he has seen a lot in his lifetime, he's not much more desensitized to vulgar things compared to Arthur. Isaac is also easily flustered and embarrassed when someone is rather forward towards him. He also tries to respect others' modesty and would never take advantage of someone. Isaac would sooner give someone his coat to cover themselves than ogle at their body.
Maddie O'Malley
Even though Maddie's heard her fair share of innuendos and watched some more "eye-opening" shows, it still doesn't take much sometimes to make her blush as red as her hair! But she isn't as modest as some of her coworkers and isn't afraid to try some of the latest fashion trends, even if they are on the more "risque" side. Plus, we know she isn't against having sex before marriage, so she's not as traditional as most are when it comes to those kinds of things.
Charlie Dupont
Charlie is similar to Maddie in that vulgar things are a little more common among their generation than Arthur and Isaac's. But that doesn't mean you'll catch Charlie being inappropriate towards others; he's still a gentleman, after all! He'll blush when faced with someone dressed in less clothes than he's used to, and he'd rather not engage in a conversation that crosses into the dirty category. However, like Maddie, he's not as traditional as others but still respects people's modesty and purity.
Richard "Dick" Wells
Since I headcanon Dick to be AroAce, I think he's the least affected by dirty or vulgar things out of the Squad. Everything he sees is through eyes focused on seeing things for their scientific values and not for their "sexiness." You could say or show Dick anything scandalous, and this man wouldn't bat an eye at it, least of all blush!
Evie Holloway
With Evie being the youngest on the Squad and the one who is the most sheltered from the world, thanks to her library, it doesn't take much to fluster Evie. But don't let her innocence fool you; I can so see Evie reading risque romance novels, what minimal of them exist in her time. And after becoming friends with Diego and getting together with Katherine, Evie gains more confidence. While she is still easily flustered, she's less likely to hide behind a book when she sees or hears something dirty.
Viola Pemberton
Given her love of theatre and arts, I'm sure Viola is no stranger to things that are on the more scandalous side. After all, there are plenty of statues and paintings featuring naked people from all over the world! But that doesn't mean she's not modest. Viola can still get flustered by things that are too dirty for her, and she always prefers to cover up rather than wear revealing clothes. While she has judged people's fashion choices before, Viola knows it's not her place to force people to dress more modestly.
Rose Zhao
Similar to Dick but not on the same level as him, it takes a lot to make Rose flustered. She's seen many, MANY things while working in the deep, dark corners of Concordia, and she's no stranger to dirty things... And I'm not talking about mud! Plus, given that she wears the most revealing outfit out of the Squad, she's obviously comfortable with showing off her assets. (But that's not an invitation to stare; I imagine many have learned this by receiving a metal fist to the face!) That said, it doesn't matter what a person wears or says; Rose will only blush when something is VERY obscene!
Diego del Lobo
Diego is almost on par with Rose and Dick until someone flirts with him, that is! While Diego can make anyone blush with his carefully selected words and meaningful gestures, Diego can become a blushing mess when he's on the receiving end of the flirting! But, he can handle most things that make the average person blush, like scantily clothing or sexual conversations. He loves looking at pretty things and isn't one to shy away from something as simple as ankles...
Argo Acquafredda
(Doing this one for funsies😉)
Even though he did date Diego and is no stranger to receiving flirting, Argo is uncomfortable with seeing and hearing dirty things. He's gotten his fair share of unwanted advances and is disgusted by what people think is appropriate to say. And while he has worn some risque outfits in the past, Argo prefers modest attire. But he can handle hearing some vulgar things (he did grow up around sailors), so he's not as innocent as some people might think. He just doesn't understand a lot of innuendos.
Hopefully, I managed to stay on topic with my answers! It felt like I was going a little off track at some spots...
This was definitely different from my usual request, but it was a good brain teaser nonetheless! Thank you for the ask.
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astra-galaxie · 7 days
I was reading your ao3 work… and you said you wanted to add blue highlights to Argo after seeing Marla
Guess what
I had the exact same idea for Nolan
He has red dyes in black hair for now
The blue streaks were an old idea I had somewhat forgotten about. Argo's actually a very old OC of mine; his creation dates back to around 2017-2018. He's gone through a LOT of changes over the years, but I have always liked the idea of bringing back the blue streaks. His design is heavily inspired by Robecca Steam from Monster High (shout out to @chessmaton for helping me remember this), but there were other design choices I considered before settling on his final look.
Which is funny because a few of the ideas I had ended up being used for other OCs. I thought about giving him purple eyes, which ended up being given to his father, Santiano. Likewise, I almost made him Romanian before going the Italian route and that went to his other father, Răzvan! I'll bring in the blue streaks in at some point since I think it adds to Argo's design!
And... I'm rambling now! Sorry about that!😅
I always enjoy coloured hair, even if I don't dye my own. I bet the red streaks look good in Nolan's hair!
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astra-galaxie · 3 months
Helo! I just have a question about your MOTP fic. Was Diego with Jade (Carnegie) before, during, or after he was with Argo? A little bit curious.
Well, since Argo and Diego were together during their late-teen years (Argo) and early twenties (Diego), Diego dated Jade a couple of years after leaving Canto del Mare. He had returned to Spain following his European adventure and stayed there for some years, working on his forgery skills. This was when he met Jade and taught her how to forge original works. They became romantically involved shortly after meeting. Diego never loved her like he loved Argo but enjoyed their time together until Jade broke up with him and returned to the USA. Later, Diego left Spain to pursue his thievery again, eventually ending up in Concordia about a year before the start of the series.
Thanks for the ask!
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astra-galaxie · 9 months
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"The Flying Squad? Meraviglioso! I feared Chief Wright had not gotten my message about arriving a few days earlier!" - Argo Acquafredda
Biographical information
Full Name: Argo Acquafredda
Sirena(Siren in Italian)
Melodía (Melody in Spanish)
Tesoro (Treasure in Italian)
Pestisor (Little fish/fishy in Romanian)
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay
Status: Alive
Age: 25 (season 4)
Birth: December 22, 1865
Race: Human
Nationality: Italian-Polynesian
Origin: Canto del Mare, Italy
Concordia, USA
Rome, Italy (formerly)
Naples, Italy (formerly)
Canto del Mare, Italy (formerly)
Profession(s): Detective
Santiano Adriatico (guardian/adoptive father)
Răzvan Negrescu (godfather/adoptive father)
Moana Acquafredda (mother) (deceased)
Moray Acquafredda (father) (deceased)
Unnamed grandfather
Unnamed grandmother
Jason Nicchi (boyfriend)
Diego del Lobo (ex-boyfriend)
Affiliation(s): Concordia Flying Squad
Height: 5'4"
Age: 25 (season 4)
Weight: 127lbs
Eyes: bronze
Blood: O-
Argo is a young, beautiful man of below-average height with a slender figure. He has very androgynous features, so much so that he can be mistaken for either gender. His sharp eyes resemble melted bronze, and his hair is black as night, made of soft, loose curls trimmed to just brush his shoulders, while his skin is a warm shade of honey brown.
When working as a detective, he wears a black dress shirt with the top unbuttoned to expose his neck, a deep blue corset vest with lighter blue details and small bronze clasps down the front. His black pants are fitted but not tight, with the ends tucked into a pair of dark brown boots reaching just below his knees. Over it all, he wears an ocean-blue trench coat with bronze buttons. Brown leather arm guards are on his wrists to protect him when Caspian rests on his forearms/wrists. Lastly, he wears a black choker with a bronze nautilus shell pendant, small matching earrings, and goggles on the top of his head with elegant waves engraved into the metal surrounding the lenses.
Argo uses a pair of custom-made forearm crutches to assist in walking. They are made of brass-plated poles with copper handles and matching forearm cuffs. On the ends of the poles are copper covers with rubberized tips to stabilize when the crutches touch the ground. The poles are also carved with intricate wave engravings like the ones on Argo's goggles.
As per his suspect appearance in Curtain Kill, it is known that Argo plays a string instrument (he plays violin), knows La Traviata, and drinks wine.
To be revealed during Murders of The Past
Events of Criminal Case
Season 4
To be revealed during Murders of The Past
Concordian Flying Squad
Rank: Detective
Story Information
First appeared: Welcome to Concordia!
Argo suffers from Mal de Debarquement, also called "landing sickness," a rare disease which results in a near-constant feeling of motion, even when sitting or standing still. Think of the feeling of standing on a boat rocking in the waves; the rocking or bobbing movement Argo experiences is similar. It also results in a sense of imbalance and vertigo, among other symptoms that he suffers from. Argo has good days and bad ones where his symptoms are better or worse, respectively
He uses his crutches to help keep his balance while walking and standing still
While he can run, he'll only do so if necessary or if someone is with him and can stop him from running into anything or falling over
Despite his condition, Argo loves sailing; he used to sail every chance he got while living in Italy
He talks with his hands like many Italians do. It becomes more animated if he doesn't have his crutches to limit certain movements
He's a musician and singer. He doesn't often perform for others, but those who have heard him will say he's amazing
He's left-handed
He loves the ocean and everything about it. Fish, waves, seashells, beaches… If it's related to the ocean, he loves it
Likewise, he LOVES swimming. Whether for pleasure or sport, he enjoys soaking in the waves
Disclaimer: Character design was created using Rinmarugames Mega Anime Avatar Creator! I have only made minor edits to the design! Background courtesy of CriminalArtist5
Links to my stories:
The Case of the Criminal (Ao3/Wattpad) Killer Bay (Ao3/Wattpad) Where in the World are the Killers? (Ao3/Wattpad) Murders of The Past (Ao3/Wattpad)
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astra-galaxie · 2 months
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"A friend of our pestisor is a friend of ours." - Răzvan Negrescu
Biographical information
Full Name: Răzvan Negrescu
Cigno (Swan in Italian)
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Demisexual
Status: Alive
Age: 50 (season 4)
Birth: 1840
Race: Human
Nationality: Romanian
Origin: Transylvania, Romania
Concordia, USA
Grimsborough, USA (formerly)
Canto del Mare, Italy (formerly)
Transylvania, Romania (formerly)
Family: Argo Acquafredda (godson)
Partner(s): Santiano Adriatico (boyfriend)
Height: 6'0"
Age: 50 (season 4)
Weight: 159lbs
Eyes: black
Blood: O+
Răzvan is a tall man with ebony skin, long black hair braided into dozens of tight sections tied to one side of his neck, and a short beard. He wears a black dress shirt with matching slacks and boots featuring gold details. Over the shirt is a deep yellow vest and a black trench coat with gold buttons. His most recognizable accessory is his gold collar-style necklace, which resembles two wings coming together with a gem in the middle.
Additionally, Răzvan carries a black cane with a golden handle and tip featuring starry engravings on the grip.
As per his suspect appearance in Curtain Kill, it is known that Răzvan plays a string instrument (he plays the double bass), knows La Traviata, and drinks wine.
To be revealed during Murders of The Past
Events of Criminal Case
Season 4
Răzvan made his debut during Curtin Kill. Mr. Alastor invited him to the mystery man's final party to thank him for making his glasses roses on such short notice. Răzvan brought Santiano along as his plus-one, and the two enjoyed the wine and food while waiting for Viviana to take the stage. And like Santiano, he was not surprised to see that someone chose to murder Viviana before her performance could even begin.
After Charlie had analyzed the glass rose Răzvan had made for Viviana's show and connected him to it, he became a suspect in her murder. He told Isaac and Maddie that he only knew Viviana through work and not on a personal level. However, they later discovered that Viviana had stolen Răzvan's necklace as "collateral" for him crafting her glass rose. And while he continued to maintain his innocence, Răzvan couldn't help but be hostile towards the detectives for how they spoke to Santiano.
Once the killer was arrested, Răzvan had hoped the party would come to a quick end. He loves a good party as much as the next person, but even he grows tired of socializing. Plus, he knows Santiano dislikes crowds of people staring at him, so he knew his partner was impatient to leave. So after helping Isaac and Maddie as best he could with their Alastor investigation, he and Santiano watched Argo's performance to close the party and reunite with their son.
Story Information
First appeared: Curtain Kill
While not a Romanian ballet, part of Răzvan's design is inspired by "Swan Lake." Kudos to anyone who knows what adaptation of Swan Lake inspired the design of his necklace!
Before returning to Canto del Mare, Răzvan hadn't visited since Argo was a baby. Keeping in contact was difficult, so he didn't think anything of it when he hadn't heard from his godson's parents for a long time. It wasn't until an islander managed to send him a letter that Răzvan learned of Moana and Moray's fates, and he immediately made the journey to Canto del Mare to take care of Argo
He's a bit of a polyglot. He knows many common sayings and phrases in several languages, but when it comes to fluency, he's fluent in Romanian, Latin, Italian, Spanish, French and English
While his primary profession is glass blowing, Răzvan is also a skilled fashion designer and jewelry maker. He has been commissioned to make countless outfits for almost every occasion, from women's wedding dresses to stage outfits
Disclaimer: Character design was created using Rinmarugames Mega Anime Avatar Creator! I have only made minor edits to the design! Background courtesy of CriminalArtist5
Links to my stories:
The Case of the Criminal (Ao3/Wattpad) Killer Bay (Ao3/Wattpad) Where in the World are the Killers? (Ao3/Wattpad) Murders of The Past (Ao3/Wattpad)
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astra-galaxie · 2 months
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"Monsters are not born, they're made." - Santiano Adriatico
Biographical information
Full Name: Santiano Adriatico
Alias(es): Santi
Gender: Intersex (pronouns he/him)
Sexuality: Gay
Status: Alive
Age: 44 (season 4)
Birth: 1846
Race: Human
Nationality: Italian
Origin: Italy
Concordia, USA
Grimsborough, USA (formerly)
Canto del Mare, Italy (formerly)
Profession(s): Faustian Bargainer
Argo Acquafredda (adoptive son)
Unnamed parents
Partner(s): Răzvan Negrescu (boyfriend)
Height: 5'8"
Age: 44 (season 4)
Weight: 147lbs
Eyes: purple
Blood: O-
Santiano is a middle-aged man with skin as pale as snow and short, straight hair that is just as white. He has purple eyes with a beauty mark under his right eye. He wears primarily white clothes with purple and black accents: tight white pants with a black belt tucked into black boots, a light purple shirt with the top half unbuttoned, and a white coat reaching his knees with silver buttons. For accessories, he wears a gold nautilus shell necklace and silver earrings.
Santiano always carries a light purple parasol with black fabric lining the inside and black lace trimming the outer edge to prevent sunlight from burning his skin.
As per his suspect appearance in Curtain Kill, it is known that Santiano plays a string instrument (he plays the viola), knows La Traviata, and drinks wine.
To be revealed during Murders of The Past
Events of Criminal Case
Season 4
Santiano first appeared as a suspect in Curtain Kill. Mr. Alastor invited him and Răzvan to attend the opera-themed party, as Răzvan had been commissioned by the host to make glass roses for some special guests. The couple had been enjoying the evening and planned to surprise their son, Argo, after the performance. However, the sudden death of the opera's star delayed them from doing so. Santiano had known the victim, Viviana, when she was younger and wasn't surprised that someone decided to murder her.
During the case, Isaac and Maddie interrogated him after they found his pocket mirror at their third crime scene. He lied about how well he knew Viviana, as he was used to people making assumptions about him because of his appearance and job. He wasn't in the mood to be accused of murder as he waited to reunite with his son, least of all by Argo's teammates!
Sadly, not even Santiano can keep secrets hidden forever. Isaac and Maddie discovered the contract between him and Viviana, in which he agreed to help her become a famous opera singer. He had brought the contract to the party to get his payment from Viviana, as he hadn't claimed it earlier due to putting his work on hold for a while after adopting Argo. But Viviana refused to pay Santiano, and while he was angry at her, he didn't kill her; he only vowed to break the contract as well and ruin her career.
Thankfully, Santiano's innocence was proven after the actual killer was arrested. Following the arrest, Isaac and Maddie apologized for their assumptions. Santiano was grateful that his son's teammates owned up to their mistakes and was happy to help them with their investigation into Mr. Alastor. And while he didn't know who Mr. Alastor was, he did know of a connection between Viviana and Giulietta Capecchi. He also knew that Mr. Alastor had Răzvan commissioned a dozen glass roses, and there was a chance Răzvan had helpful information on the order form. And while he didn't want to make things too easy for the detectives after how they treated him, he still pointed them in the right direction.
Shortly before the party ended, Santiano and Răzvan were able to watch Argo's performance. They've heard their son sing countless times, but to see him up on stage performing for strangers made them so proud. The boy had come a long way since childhood, and they were happy to see how confident he'd become. Of course, that doesn't mean Argo could escape some light teasing when they were finally reunited, but the detective didn't care now that he had his fathers back. And while Isaac and Maddie were worried about some tension due to the investigation, Santiano assured them he held no grudges against them. All Santiano cared about was being with his son again.
Story Information
First appeared: Curtain Kill
He is named after the song "Santiano" sung by the German band of the same name. While trying to decide on his name, I was listening to the song (because I love sea shanties) and realized the name was perfect!
His design is inspired by Ursula from "The Little Mermaid"
Santiano gifted Argo the necklace he wears. The detective always admired the one Santiano wore, so he decided to make a matching one for his son
He grew up facing discrimination because of his Albinism. His parents abandoned him at birth, and everyone shunned him for his appearance. When he took Argo in, he vowed that he would never let the boy think that appearances meant everything and to look for what's inside of people, not just what's on the outside
When he first met Răzvan, Santiano thought he was arrogant and uptight. But after they got to know each other and he saw how the Romanian interacted with his godson, he realized he, of all people, should have known not to make assumptions. So, he allowed himself to trust Răzvan to help him raise Argo, and eventually, Santiano also entrusted Răzvan with his heart
Disclaimer: Character design was created using Rinmarugames Mega Anime Avatar Creator! I have only made minor edits to the design! Background courtesy of CriminalArtist5
Links to my stories:
The Case of the Criminal (Ao3/Wattpad) Killer Bay (Ao3/Wattpad) Where in the World are the Killers? (Ao3/Wattpad) Murders of The Past (Ao3/Wattpad)
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astra-galaxie · 4 months
Headcannons of how the player character gains the trust of the Motp main cast? :33
If it's alright, I’m going to focus on my MotP MC, Argo Acquafredda, since it would be impossible for me to come up with headcanons for other MotP MCs and how they gain the Squad’s trust. I might have an overactive imagination, but I’m not that good!
Now, let’s see what I’ve got for headcanons…
Since Argo is not originally from Concordia, no one in the city knows him or his past. While Argo does mention things about his life in Italy, he doesn't go into detail about certain things. Chief Wright knows a lot about Argo's career history, but he was not privy to some information.
Despite his unknown past, Argo earned the team's respect by solving a murder just hours after arriving in Concordia. That doesn't mean the Squad trusted him immediately, but if Arthur had no reservations about the new detective, the Squad supposed he could be trusted.
After dealing with the fire in New Haven and identifying traitors in the CPD, Argo proved his worth to the team. They say trial by fire is a great way to prove whether you can trust someone, and Argo passed with flying colours! Of course, it will take some more time for the Squad to trust him fully, but with the promotion into Elysium Fields, they're on their way to learning more about their newest teammate.
With each new district and case, the Squad will learn more about Argo's past. Eventually, they will discover why he became a cop and how he was promoted to detective. There will be feelings of distrust, but learning the truth will help repair and strengthen the broken trust. As more killers are arrested, the trust will continue to grow.
Other than that, I don't have any more headcanons, or at least nothing more specific yet. Given that the teams immediately trust the player character every season, I never considered headcanons for how they would earn it instead.
This was a good question to test my headcanon-making ability! And while I don't know how good of an accomplishment I did, I hope you enjoy my answer!
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astra-galaxie · 7 months
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"Hello, Caspian, I hope you've been taking care of Argo!" - Jason Nicchi
Biographical information
Full Name: Jason Nicchi
Alias(es): Pyrókardos (Fireheart in Greek)
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay
Status: Alive
Age: 28 (season 4)
Birth: 1862
Race: Human
Nationality: Greek-Italian
Origin: Iolcos, Greece
Concordia, USA
Rome, Italy (formerly)
Iolcos, Greece (formerly)
Profession(s): Inventor
Family: Melaina Kokkinos (mother)
Partner(s): Argo Acquafredda (boyfriend)
Height: 5'11"
Age: 28 (season 4)
Weight: 160lbs
Eyes: hazel
Blood: O+
Hailing from the city of Rome, Jason is a tall man with warm olive skin and hazel eyes. His short brown hair is curly and messy with a pair of goggles strapped on top, and his beard is clean-cut and trimmed short. He also has a small scar across the bridge of his nose. He wears black pants and boots, a dark gray shirt under a brown jacket, and an orange bandana around his neck.
As per his suspect appearance in Ring In The New Death, it is known that Jason eats panettone, drinks champagne and knows Auld Lang Syne.
As per his suspect appearance in Heartbroken, it is known that Jason knows anatomy, links horse shows, and speaks French.
To be revealed during Murders of The Past
Events of Criminal Case
Season 4
Jason made his debut during the murder of his old coworker Romulus Fabrri. He and Romulus arrived in Concordia a few days before New Year's Day and shared an apartment until Jason moved in with Argo. Jason wanted to surprise his boyfriend on New Year's Eve since the Detective was under the impression the inventor wouldn't be immigrating until a few weeks later. While Romulus was busy trying to make a name for himself in Concordia, Jason was relaxing after spending so much time sailing and planning how to surprise Argo.
On New Year's Eve, just before he was going to surprise Argo, Maddie and Issac visited Jason's apartment to inform him of Romulus's murder. While they wouldn't call each other friends, they had worked together for years, so Jason was shocked and saddened by Romulus's death. Jason decided to wait and surprise Argo after the case had been closed and answered the Detectives' questions, knowing he would be proven innocent.
Even after Maddie and Isaac discovered that Romulus had been trying to steal Jason's work, he continued to deny any involvement in the murder. As he predicted, he was found innocent after the Detectives arrested Takara for killing Romulus. Now that the case was closed, he could proceed with surprising Argo and gifting him the music box he had made while sailing to Concordia. Of course, another wrench had to get thrown into his plans when he couldn't find the music box to show it to Charlie.
Thankfully, Maddie and Charlie helped him find the music box, and the latter assisted with its repairs. With the gift ready, Jason snuck it into Argo's office onboard Alto with Ember's help. The robotic dragon was able to fly to the second level, sneak into the Detective's office and leave the music box on Argo's desk without being seen. Jason and Ember returned to the airship just before midnight, perfectly timed for when Argo discovered the gift and asked the Squad if they knew where it came from.
Reuniting with Argo after over two months apart felt like heaven to Jason. He savoured holding him and kissing him even as their audience was watching. But it didn't matter how many people were watching because as the stroke of midnight hit and the fireworks lit up with the sky, Jason felt the Argo-sized hole in his heart being filled again. Later, following a small party with the Flying Squad, Argo and Jason collected the inventor's stuff from his apartment, returned the key to the property owner, and went home together to celebrate their reunion.
Story Information
First appeared: Ring In The New Death
Armand Dupont mentioned Jason in season 3's original case, Fathers and Death. Dupont mentions his great-grandfather, Charlie Dupont, knowing an inventor who made music boxes; that man was Jason
He built Caspian and Ember. People always ask him how he created the automatons, but he refuses to reveal his secrets
Besides music boxes, Jason's inventions usually center around assistive technology to make life easier for people with disabilities. For example, he built Argo's crutches to be durable and multi-functional but also elegant to look at
He's fluent in Italian and Greek, as both languages were spoken heavily in his home when he was growing up
He can easily get lost in his work. More often than not, Argo has to remind him to take breaks, or else they won't happen until Jason inevitably passes out. Ember will make him take breaks, too, but she also loves helping him with his inventions, so she's been guilty of losing track of time, too…
He is a skilled welder and can solder metal together almost seamlessly
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This is the logo Jason uses to mark all of his creations.
Disclaimer: Character design was created using Rinmarugames Mega Anime Avatar Creator! I have only made minor edits to the design! Background courtesy of CriminalArtist5
Links to my stories:
The Case of the Criminal (Ao3/Wattpad)
Killer Bay (Ao3/Wattpad)
Where in the World are the Killers? (Ao3/Wattpad)
Murders of The Past (Ao3/Wattpad)
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