#but not population statistics
creaturefeaster · 4 months
random question mostly for oc making, but what would it look like for two different species (bluple, elves, unicorns, etc.) to have children together? is it even *possible* for unicorns to have children with another species?
Hybridized humanoids of all sorts exist, littered throughout the world.
It's more common that you see full blooded people rather than mixed, especially for races that have particular lifestyles that aren't always understood well by other races, such as plant people, or races that are not genetically compatible with most others, such as normals. There are few places in Theia that have very diverse communities of people, so typically most towns or villages you pass through will be largely inhabited by just one or sometimes two prominent kinds of people.
Unicorns can definitely reproduce with other kinds of people, though their offspring typically lacks horns no matter how much they may take after their unicorn parent. There are very few true unicorns left in the world, and there are more half-unicorns than true. Some people out there have slivers of unicorn in them without even realising.
It's hard to say exactly what any hybrid offspring would look like, because genetics play a huge role in what's expressed. But maybe I'll draw some examples up in the near future just for fun :3.
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 5 months
Is Autism Over-Diagnosed
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Mrs Speechie P
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tanadrin · 5 months
Saw someone claim in a comments section that something like 25% of Louisiana’s GDP comes from prison labor. Which would be insane if it was true. They must be running the most technologically advanced prisons in the country. They’re using prison labor to build microchips or some shit while everybody else is still using it to make license plates.
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saul-tortellini · 6 months
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Truly one of the most West Virginia moments of all time
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bbqhooligan · 5 months
On "Kendrick" Defending R. Kelly Music From Spotify bit from 2018 lies:
its important to note that it was TDE CEO Tiffith protesting against Spotify's policy on Kendricks behalf (not even him personally but anyway), basically saying Spotify's blurry ass wording of their policy and immediate picking of R. Kelly was unjust because step by step
censoring artists is bad
censoring artists on incarceration is bad
censoring artists on incarceration with vague wording and criteria is even worse
why does this start with hiphop. like all discrimination does. cuz R. Kelly may have been found guilty but a bunch of old songs where white men sang about and DID mess kids werent taken to court. so they get to stay on the platform?
like id expect Certified Tumblrinas to immediately make the connection that, YEAH, even if you pick something seemingly unanimously agreed upon like "pdf convicted people" to discriminate youre still gonna be erasing more black people than white people cuz theyre arrested and punished more. like. yall didnt graduate basic american racism understanding university im sorry. putting too much trust in what the courts say combined with putting too little mind to why this move was done by Kendrick's label equals:
Yall calling Kendrick an R Kelly defender.
its not even hard to find out, heres the link, i heard that R. Kelly defender shit and read like 8 paragraphs to figure it out. come on
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iamumbra195 · 2 months
Akemi Miyano embodies the song 'Can't Catch Me Now' by Olivia Rodrigo in the most perfect way.
Oh, you think I'm gone 'cause I left But I'm in the trees, I'm in the breeze My footsteps on the ground You'll see my face in every place But you can't catch me now
The Black Org might’ve killed her but she left pieces of herself in the people that would take them down. In her sister, in Conan, in Akai. Her ghost embraces Haibara, smiling at her through Ran’s familiar self-sacrificing kindness. Her blood stains Conan’s hands, the little detective that carries too much on his shoulders. Her touch haunts Akai, his love for her genuine despite the fact that he had used her for his own purposes.
And I think that's what makes her such a compelling character despite the little screen time she had. They thought she was a mere pawn, someone that was easy to throw away and forget but she haunts the narrative while the people who loved her fight to destroy the very thing that took her away from them.
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Sean bienvenidos japonistasarqueologicos a una nueva actualidad del país del sol naciente, en esta ocasión en el tema de actualidad de esta opción será la natalidad y de cómo afectará al país dicho esto pónganse cómodos que empezamos. - La esperanza de vida en Japón es la más alta del mundo, llegando a los 100 años, lo cual lo convierte en el país más longevo del mundo, Japón para 2046, según nuevos estudios llevados a cabo por National Geographic, será de 37.5% de población envejecida. - La tasa de natalidad y los estudios realizados por Statista Research Department en septiembre 29, 2022 natalidades son de 1,69. Seguramente llegue a un punto en el que se llegará a un equilibrio entre la tasa de natalidad y la tasa de mortalidad. - ¿Cuál será el destino de Japón? ¿Qué opinan al respecto? Espero que os haya gustado y nos vemos en próximas publicaciones que pasen una buena semana. - 今回は「出生率」と「出生率の推移」についてです。 - 日本の平均寿命は、それが世界で最も長く生きている国になり、100年に達し、世界で最も高いです、日本は2046年までに、ナショナルジオグラフィックが実施した新しい研究によると、人口の37.5%が高齢化されることになります。 - 2022年9月29日にStatista Research Departmentが行った研究によると、出生率・出生数は1.69である。おそらく、出生率と死亡率が均衡する地点に達するだろう。 - 日本の運命はどうなるのか、あなたはどう思いますか?私はあなたがそれを好きで、将来の記事であなたを参照してください願っています良い週を持っています。 - Welcome japanistasarqueologicos to a new news from the country of the rising sun, this time the topic of this option will be the birth rate and how it will affect the country, that said, make yourselves comfortable and let's start. - Life expectancy in Japan is the highest in the world, reaching 100 years, which makes it the longest living country in the world, Japan by 2046, according to new studies conducted by National Geographic, will be 37.5% of the population aged. - The birth rate and birth rates are 1.69, according to studies conducted by Statista Research Department on September 29, 2022. It will probably reach a point where a balance will be reached between the birth rate and the death rate. - What will Japan's fate be, and what do you think about it? I hope you liked it and see you in future posts have a good week.
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reality-detective · 4 months
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The global TFR has more than halved over the past 70 years, from around five children for each female in 1950 to 2.2 children in 2021. 🤔
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dragonagepolls · 2 months
From @nikkikan: I had fun messing around with some friends and getting the most out of the combat mechanics but never see anyone else talk about it on here.
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reasonsforhope · 9 months
Crowdsourcing a question
Okay totally personal post here because, now that search engines suck, my research is failing me. So I'm crowdsourcing my question about the residential care work industry!
Hoping at least some of my followers have experience in/with the industry and some intel on this:
Actual question: How common is it for jobs in residential care work (residential centers, btw, not home care) to actually have two people on the night shift? vs. just saying they always have two people on the night shift in interviews and their official policies, and actually it's not true?
Because my current job was, it turns out, apparently totally lying about "you'll never be on shift alone with clients" at orientation (when it comes to the night shift, anyway). Which, holy fucking safety issues, Batman!
Suffice to say this was a very fun thing to find out like three days before my first regular shift
So, I'm thinking realllll hard about switching companies, and I'm trying to figure out if I could expect to actually have a coworker at a different company, or if it's like an open secret in the field that actually, basically all the night shifts end up being solo shifts, because the industry is so chronically understaffed or w/e
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supercantaloupe · 2 months
i got a survey to fill out about my experience of antisemitism on my university campus and while i'm cool with sharing my opinion for data purposes (the results are all anonymized anyway) i wish there had been a field somewhere to clarify that my university has a vanishingly small jewish population (could probably be counted in the low teens, if even that high, in the entire university), absolutely zero jewish life on campus like hillel or chabad or even an interfaith club, and is, in terms of social/political climate, very out of the ordinary when it comes to the majority of american schools
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anothermonikan · 10 months
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I have literally never met a person who doesn't personify concepts and objects and the estimate that only 4% of people experience Synesthesia seems really baffling to me,,,,like I'm reading a paper on the overlaps between OS, Autism, and Synesthesia (What bitches do when they have access to academic documents instead of doing work) and just. Even (identifying) Non-objectum, non-autistic people literally do this shit all the time. When my father brought down Sario (Old laptop) he used he/him pronouns for him. My uni friend naturally uses she/her pronouns for their PC. We've had really high note arguments here about whether Maths is blue or red (I'm on team blue btw) and whether Wednesdays and the number 2 are orange. It is literally a social English language norm to refer to vehicles and countries with she/her pronouns. Surely this shit has to be more common than 4% of the general population.
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sweetzscore · 8 months
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Well alright
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suncaptor · 7 months
never trust any narrative about medicine that talks in 100% absolutes.
#like it does not work that way.#there's degrees of safety and side effects and likelinesses that should be weighed compared to alternatives#sometimes the risk is so low it's not super worth even worrying about but negating risk at all is still a form of misinformation#you tell someone 'there's a tiny miniscule chance you could have x disease but even if you do we are researching ways to handle and fix tha#potential side effect but if you DON'T take it the chance you will have y disease is idk 10.000 times higher'#MUCH more convincing than 'this is 100% safe and necessary considering y and you're stupid to question if it's safe at all'#especially when like. the latter is literally factually untrue so there WILL be proof against it right.#the proof against it does NOT mean it's going to be statistically relevant to the general population#but if the only people who are taking it seriously are also people spreading misinformation!#then that can just be. weaponised.#whatever#incoherents#this goes for treatment not just preventative too like. if someone says ANYTHING is 100% safe well! though if you're actually#like with a doctor and they say something's VIRTUALLY completely safe that's different I am more talking about studies#bc the doctor is using language of what things actually would matter to you as a general person in their populace#however you're still entitled to know potential side effects even if they're rare and usually that's something a pharmacist legally can#explain and will be listed in the paperwork around it
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eggsistential-basket · 2 months
hhhh i can't find the exact statistics i need in order to do the exact thing i want
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alienjanky · 8 months
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