#but not how he actually is (because he doesn’t ‘want’ power like Ody in this; more the responsibility he carries as The Flash. he has the
“If you want all the power, you must carry all the blame” ABNORMAL ABOUT THAT LINE
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dearqueerheart · 3 months
sorry just let me infodump for one second, ok? ok.
epic the musical has me in a chokehold (spoilers ahead, PLEASE GO LISTEN if it seems like something you’d be into). and i was rethinking on the song Monster. specifically, the part where he begins to justify being cruel by comparing himself to the foes he’s faced. polyphemus, circe, poseidon (i 1000% think the order matters, ill get there in a second). and all of that just shows how his, like so many dangerously intelligent men in greek myths, big flaw is hubris. overwhelming hubris. he thinks that he’s allowed to be cruel because a cyclops, a witch, and a god are allowed to be cruel. he is just one of so many greeks who think they’re as good as — or even better than — the gods.
and there are hints of this throughout the entire show up until that point. he attempts (and succeeds in, after facing tragic losses) to deceive polyphemus by drugging him with the lotus fruit, believing that he is more powerful and intelligent than the cyclops. he tries to reason with poseidon after being asked by the sea god for an apology for blinding his son, but he does this in SUCH a manipulative way. poseidon tells him, “i won’t kill your men if you apologize to me,” and ody goes, “alright bet,” and gives him such an incredible non-apology (“poseidon, we meant no harm”). he is too fucking proud to apologize, and will attempt to MANIPULATE AN OLYMPIAN GOD in order to protect that pride. it’s wild.
he actually does successfully “defeat” circe, but only by literally begging her (“i beg you circe, grant us mercy”) to save his men and help him get home. he wins this fight because he puts his pride aside for once in his goddamn life, and rescues the scouting party because of it.
so here’s why the order matters in the song monster: he’s working himself up to comparing himself to an olympian. he doesn’t list his foes in chronological order. he lists them in amount of power and intelligence. if you just take what he’s saying at face value, he says “well, polyphemus was justified, and circe was justified, and poseidon was justified, then i must be, too!” but if you read deeper, he’s comparing his evil deeds to the evil deeds of people far more powerful and complicated and experienced than him.
in the thunder saga, both scylla and zeus manipulate this pride. scylla uses it to drop odysseus’ guard, inviting him to compare himself to her, and to find kinship with her, as they’re both “monsters” (“deep down, you know that we are the same”). and zeus tests his pride, to see how deep it fully goes, and possibly to reveal to odysseus himself how prideful he is. like poseidon and athena, zeus may be trying to teach odysseus a lesson, albeit significantly harsher than the latter. (“if i had to make you choose the lives of your men and crew or your own, why do i think they’d lose?”) it’s one of my favorite moments in that song, because it’s really just zeus pushing all of odysseus’ buttons to force him to make the choice that zeus wants him to make.
anyway that’s all. it’s just so cool and i have a lot of thinks!! i could make a whole essay just about the gods’ desire to teach odysseus but i’ll save that for another time.
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legendsoffandoms · 4 months
Just to be safe yall, trigger warning for: implied cannibalism, mentions of death, implied mentions of extreme violence
But I was thinking of this au for ninjago, and I think some of yall might like it.
So it’s an au based of Lloyd’s oni and dragon side being like separate consciences inside his brain. But very very different.
So it takes place after season 3 but before season 4. And in which in some weird form of magic, Lloyd gets separated into basically a pair of twins. No one is quite how it happened as Lloyd was obviously on a solo mission. But safe to say, that villain probably didn’t make it out unscathed. Anyways, now there’s well Oni Lloyd and Dragon Lloyd. Who surprisingly get along quite well. But the names are gonna be a problem soon….
Anyways, that’s my idea for the background for this. (The dude that managed to dude this is also definitely dead 😔🙏 ) But now onto some cool facts about this au!
The two of them wear matching necklaces, dragon boi is the white side of the Yang and Oni boi is the black side :3
Oni gets hit a lot by dragon for his quite violent nature, but it’s all in good love. Dragon would totally kill someone if they tried to hurt his twin :3
The ninja were honestly so confused when they met up with Lloyd expecting just him, and instead got two of them…. They also tried to kill them XD it took a lot of explaining and attempted murder to get them to calm down.
Morro was also hella confused. Thought when he kidnapped Dragon he was just kidnapping Lloyd. Dude’s life almost died cause Oni tried to murder him again. The ninja had to stop him multiple times in fear of hurting dragon.
Oni and Dragon have Oni and dragon features, but can hide them if need be. Which has let to lots of confusion on everyone else’s side. And by that I mean no one can tell which one is which if they truly want that. The two are some little ass gremlins.
Jokes on yall, Dragon is Aro and Oni’s Cupio AroAce. Dragon just doesn’t date because he of said Aromanticness (which is he is choice) , and Oni just doesn’t think anyone is good enough for him. [This is more of a hc, please don’t get mad at me 😭]
Kai is both Dragon and Oni’s favorite sibling/teammate other than themselves. Naya is a close second. And everyone is extremely jealous of him.
Lloyd is trans in this au, which does sadly mean some unpleasant times for the twins dude to their unhuman sides. Basically mating season for both of them is quite unpleasant. Kai and Naya are the only ones who can touch the two during said time other than themselves.
Dragon honestly likes Wu a lot (though it slowly fades as the show goes on). While Oni basically silently dislikes him. Oni loves their father a lot more than normal Lloyd openly shows in the show. While Dragon loves him just as much as Lloyd actually shows in the show.
Dragon Lloyd actually quite enjoys the goth aesthetic, while Oni boi likes a more traditional style. Which leads to some interesting conversations with people XD
I think that’s about it for now, I do hopes you enjoyed this new au :3
Also feel free to call them Odi, said O-de, and De-de. Odi is Oni Lloyd and De-de is Dragon Lloyd. The reason? Odi comes from the end of Lloyd, o-y-d, I just placed the Y behind the D and got Odi. Also cause I was like, what’s the first letter of Oni? O, what’s the letters after O in Lloyd? Y and D. And I got De-de from just taking the D from Lloyd and Dragon, then simply saying them and putting an E at the end of each D gives you De-de :3
So I hope you like Odi and De-de! Also another quick note on their powers! The twins both have energy and their respective species element.
Okay for real, I’m done. Do hope you enjoyed this au I made! And have fun with it :3 (with credit of course)
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ciaossu-imagines · 1 year
And the last of this prompt is for an oldie but a goodie from my fandoms, Class of the Titans! I don't know if anyone remembers this show but it was a fantastic cartoon, with pretty decent art for its time and a fun cast of characters! Add to that that it was Canadian and dealt with the Greek myths, and I was an automatic fan!
Send me a letter and I’ll tell you which character…
A: Is most attractive (to me): Honestly, there’s just always been something about Herry for me. I think that, yes, he’s physically the most attractive but there’s also something about his sweet, down-home personality that really draws me to him the most.
B: Gets bored the fastest: Neil does get bored easily. The good thing is that he’s easily distracted and can normally find things to cure his boredom pretty quickly.
C: Is the most open to cuddling: I feel like, while Herry is the best at cuddling, Archie is the most into cuddling, though it would take a lot for him to admit it. He’s really awkward at it the first few times, unsure of how to hold himself or too worried about whether the other person is comfortable and too aware of how close they are and their breathing and their warmth, but it’s also one of the most calming things in the world for him and something he fully relaxes into and initiates after the first few times.
D: Fears death the most: This is easily Cronus. Tartarus again…not what he wants but he can deal with that. He’ll just come back again. Being chopped up into pieces…as long as he survives thanks to his powers, not pleasant but workable. True death though? The end of everything? That is truly the only thing that absolutely terrifies him.
E: Is the most emotive: I feel like Theresa takes the cake here. She’s very emotional as a person, largely guided by her feelings, and that encompasses her as a person, including how she interacts with the world and how she ends up appearing to others.
F: Is my favourite: While Herry is the most attractive to me, as stated above, he’s actually the hardest for me to write for. Odie and Neil tie for my favourite to write for, if I’m being frank, while Archie is my favourite to watch.
G: Has the greenest thumb: This is just my personal headcanon and it’s definitely controversial, but I do feel like Archie has a really green thumb but just isn’t that into plants so it’s not seen often. Atlanta, however, really loves plants and puts the effort into keeping them but doesn’t have quite the natural green thumb.
H: Trusts their horoscope the most: Theresa and Neil are both stupidly superstitious about this. The others will make fun of them for it, something they both know, so it tends to be a little secret between the two of them and they’ll grab the newspaper before anyone else does and read their horoscopes together for the day.
I: Tends to idolize people they shouldn’t: Neil is huge into the celebrity culture. He has his favourites and has to keep up to date on all the celebrity gossip and scandals and gets way too into that culture, sometimes to an almost toxic degree.
J: Tells the most dad jokes: Jay does this. Not because he tries but just because he’s kind of got a lousy sense of humour by nature and everyone seems to smile at dad jokes, so he made sure to learn a bunch of them off of websites and such.
K: Is the most skilled in the kitchen: Herry is the most enthusiastic about learning about cooking and how to make better meals, but Theresa is the superior natural chef.
L: Lies the most: It’s often not at all intentional and it only happens now and then, but Archie lies more than the others. It’s something he actually had a large issue with as a child and is something he works on not doing but it is instinct in some cases, mostly because there’s things he doesn’t like acknowledging or sharing. He’s such a private person and to keep that privacy and to keep his secrets, he’d rather lie or tell a half-truth than have to admit his feelings or thoughts at times.
M: Is the biggest memer: It would be Odie, mostly because he comes across them the most since he’s on the internet or social media the most.
N: Needs way more attention from me: It would be Theresa. I rarely if ever write for her because, to be honest, she’s the least interesting and most annoying of the characters to me.
O: Has the most OCs of their own: As I’ll discuss in more detail below in other answers, Odie definitely has more than a few OC’s, though they’re all generally wish fulfillment Marty Stu’s or very tropey characters. The only time he ends up making semi-fleshed out characters tends to be when he makes characters for Dungeons & Dragons…now if only he could find someone willing to actually play with him!
P: Is the purest, most perfect cinnamon roll: Herry. This boy is a sweet ray of sunshine…with a slight anger management issue but still, his heart is always in the right place.
Q: Is the quickest to judge others: Both Neil and Archie do have issues with how quickly they’ll judge others. In Archie’s case, it really is influenced a lot by his own self-esteem issues while in Neil’s case, it stems from judging based only on appearances.
R: Feels the most detached from reality: With her visions, Theresa can sometimes start to feel like this. She doesn’t really like to let anyone know though, fearing that it would make her sound crazy.
S: Has the strongest spirit: Jay is a determinator. He finds something and he focuses on it intensely. It’s really his greatest strength.
T: Is the most terrifying: Neil is slightly scary. Not as a person so much…it can be hard to take him seriously as a person at times if I’m to be completely honest. But the insane amount of luck and how the universe almost seems to shift to favour him? It’s kind of scary, in its own way.
U: Is the most unapologetic for the way they live their life: You can say a lot about Cronus. He’s egomaniacal, insane, tyrannical…but he’s always completely true to himself and he is going to do what he wants, without ever second-guessing himself or asking anyone else if it’s okay or right.
V: Is the best at video games: Odie, of course! While he’s usually playing on a computer, he does own most of the major consoles and has skills at all of them. That said, when it does come to consoles, he is more of a PlayStation guy over X-Box any day.
W: Watches the most anime: Like I mentioned above, going to go a bit in depth here. Odie is a huge fanboy. Superheroes are his thing, video games, YouTubers, DnD, and of course anime. He is huge into shonen anime in particular (though he has a guilty pleasure of watching both Sailor Moon and Fruits Basket and Ouran made him laugh his ass off). He’d definitely have a lot of strong opinions on anime and would love to be a part of a cosplay group for a show he was really into.
X: Is the most xenial towards complete strangers: Cronus. It’s just that everyone is beneath him, of course, so why shouldn’t he be?
Y: Yells the most: It will really depend on the situation. They all tend to get shouty when they get mad, but Neil tends to have one of the loudest speaking voices…that or his voice just carries really well.
Z: Gets the most overzealous over something others wouldn’t expect: He doesn’t like to talk about it. He’d rather nobody knew. But Archie is a literature nerd. He’s read almost all the classics, loves most works of fiction, is into biographies of people he admires or who helped change the world, and he also writes his own short stories.
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phantomdecibel · 2 years
Something I noticed is that Polites is like. The most stubborn and Eurylochus is the least.
Granted this could be because Odysseus is the captain so he kinda HAS to let him do what he wants (until mutiny) but still, he’s the least set in his ideals and doesn’t hang onto them quite as strong as the other two. (As proven by him changing his mind during Scylla.)
And also something I noticed is that Polites is the most reasonable person in their trio?? Like people say he’s the himbo and the heart but I’d make the argument that he’s also holding quite a lot of the brain cells. (He trusted the lotus eaters and they didn’t lie. Sure they omitted a detail, but they do also have an actual parasite for a brain. Not to mention, it was probably the only food for a long distance since the lotus eaters were just humans who were probably starving as well.) (contrast this with “Mutiny” Eurylochus and “Darkest moment” Odysseus who were being just completely unhinged.) (granted they did just have to see their friends die and then relive their deaths in gorey detail via underworld shenanigans but I digress!)
I know right!! poli is stubborn and persistent where euryl is much more likely to give in and stop nagging, only euryl is much more /vocal/ about it when he does have something to say, where poli voices his disagreements to odys in private and much more gently (or at least, that’s how it seemed in full speed ahead and open arms; euryl questioned odys outright but dropped it almost immediately while poli waited until they were alone to talk with odys).
Although I’d think that being second in command to odys captain position would come with more liberty to question him; that’s euryls job, to keep the man in power in check and provide a second opinion (although tbh I have. no clue what I’m talking about that’s just what makes sense to me haha–). Too bad poli dies early – I would have liked to see how he would have reacted to odys saying “don’t question me or everyone dies” lmao (I want to say that he would not have stood for that, but we’ll never know *sigh*).
The way I see it, and bear in mind that I haven’t heard all the clips yet haha and Epic is only a fourth of the way finished, euryl has a very… do what is best for the majority, save as many people as possible kind of mindset – and morals don’t necessarily have a place in that when peoples lives are on the line, while poli more has a strict sense of morals that he tries to do his best to follow, though I do think he’d be willing to compromise on them when lives are at stake
I definitely agree that poli seems like the most reasonable out of the three of them but to me in more of a… he seems a bit better adjusted to not being at war kinda way than the other two yknow? Odys n euryl are expecting a fight no matter what, they see the world as more of a kill or be killed kind of situation, where poli seemed to have recognized and come to terms with not being constantly waiting for a fight. He spread tgat a bit to odys before he died, and odys then tries to spread that to euryl. Personally I think they’ve all got a number of braincells – even if odys lost his while giving away his name address and social security number. Odys managed to win a war while keeping every single one of his people alive and while I’m sure he didn’t do it on his own, he had to be using his braincells haha. Maybe they’re just tired from carrying the war–
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adrift-in-thyme · 20 days
Okay 2 things:
2) I wonder about Scylla. What kind of monster is she, really, that even Poseidon fears her? Is Poseidon really scared of her? Or did the siren lie? But then, why did it work? Why should she tell him the truth? Perhaps because there was no reason not to? He was supposed to die either way. If the sirens never got him, Scylla or Poseidon would. But how did he escape? Even Poseidon doesn’t dare to roam into Scylla’s lair…did she hold back? I wonder…
Yeah that was just NOT COOL. I’ve heard from multiple people, including you now lol, that he has character development so I’m holding out for some changes haha. And honestly he’s a great foil for Izuku. Bakugo’s got insane power but an attitude like a villain. Izuku’s got no power (and then power that literally breaks him when he uses it) but he totally has the attitude of a hero. Like running out and risking his life for the dude that’s bullied him for years??? That’s some serious selflessness
Man I love that scrappy adorable little dude
As for Scylla…get ready for me to nerd out about mythology XD Idk if this is canon to EPIC but in mythology she was a woman who Circe, in a fit of jealousy, turned into a hideous monster with six dog heads attached to her body. So she can only eat six people at once. She is situated close to Charybdis — a whirlpool that devours ships.
In the Odyssey, it was Circe who told Ody about Scylla and gave him a choice: either navigate Charybdis or allow Scylla to devour six men. If he chose Scylla, he had to refrain from trying to fight her because their only escape would be to speed by while she chewed on the six dudes she’d snatched up (also this was random in the myth, while in EPIC they were selected and indicated by the torches Eury handed out). While I’m not sure about the siren’s thought process and if she realized Ody was doomed or not, I think this is how they escaped in EPIC as well.
That’s why as soon as Scylla pops up he tells his men to “row for your lives!” They have to run while she is devouring the men she can grab, otherwise she’ll come back for six more (which she actually does in the Odyssey because Odysseus desperately wants to save his men and tries to fight her).
So I think it was a feat of strategy and sacrifice that allowed them to escape
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mayaflowerxs · 3 years
Hello! I just want to say that I really like your writing! can you write nsfw alphabet with jeno, please? 🥺
NSFW Alphabet w/ Jeno
Warning: SMUTTY
A/N: THANK U SM! This one is for you enjoy ! :)
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There wouldn’t be much aftercare other than him asking you if he was a little too rough on you. He would be very soft on you, that inner dom of his gone as he’s at your aid for anything.
Body part:
He loves your hips. He practically has the world in his hands and that’s you. He also loves pinning you and it drives him crazy how much power he has over you pinned down underneath him. He also loves sucking hickies on them, it’s a great view for him to see when he has his hands on them. And not only does he love them when having sex he also loves them because he can easily pull you near him at any time. It comforts him when he wraps his arms around your waist.
He loves coming all over your face, it’s absolutely glorious for him. Like a painting so valuable you can’t even put a price on it. He especially loves kissing you while his liquids is on your face, absolutely loses it when you lick some it off (if you’re into that)
Dirty Secret:
Consensual somnophilia is the best kind of sex for him. He loves how cute and innocent you look being woken up by his cock ramming you deeply. Lots of times he’ll try to keep himself from having sex with you because he tries to wait until you fall asleep. He won’t tell you out loud he likes it because he doesn’t want you to think he’s weird so he tries not to do it too often which is a bit of a bummer for him.
He’s experienced all right. A gorgeous man like that and he hasn’t slept with two or three girls maybe more? Can’t be. He doesn’t care that everyone knows how many people he slept with even if he wasn’t dating them but if you did the same I can see him a bit competitive. Each time a man comes up to you, the reminder of you being with other guys before him ticks him off. So when you two get in bed, he makes it his goal to make you feel a lot more satisfied. To prove to himself only he can make you feel so good and no one else.
Favorite Position:
Missionary. He absolutely loves seeing you so vulnerable underneath him. Like I said, he loves pinning you and grabbing my your waist so missionary definitely is the go to position. He also loves it when he pulls your leg over his shoulder UGH, his stupid smirk forming on his face once he hits a new spot that makes you wild, ego bar raised.
He’s not goofy at all when it comes to sex. Even when stuff leads up to it he isn’t goofy. He also isn’t serious also. He’s kinda, dommy I guess? He knows what he wants and it’s going to happen. And if he’s angry… oh boy be prepared. He won’t even let you talk and use you like a rag doll.
He’s in the middle. It isn’t completely bare but also isn’t a bush you know?
He’s not sensual during the sex. He likes it rough for sure and he’s a pretty kinky man. You know the intimacy is raised to the maximum when he’s having a very hard time. For a man like him who likes things to be rough, when he’s stressed he actually doesn’t go rough on you. Instead he prefers to have you be on top and remind him how much love he has then repays you.
Jerk off:
He does it quite often. When he has to stay at the dorm, he’ll lock himself in his room and get off with the thought of you doing dirty things to him. He hates it when he can’t spent time with you, so he results to touching himself. Not even just when he misses you. He’ll get the random crave of touching you but since he can’t come over to fuck you in your bed, he results to masturbating somewhere near and private. After he’s done with whatever he had going on that day, he’ll visit you and finish off the rest of his urges out on you.
Somnophilia, exhibitionism are his go two. He might have others but they aren’t as much of a strong liking for it to be considered a kink of his. He loves fucking you in places where it is absolutely not for sexual intercourse. He can’t help it, your just to hot to not fuck and doing it in public? Oh yesss.
This boy usually fucks you at your house. But if he had a location where he wishes to fuck you in every single time you two have sex is by the park in the car. You guys have done it numerous of times and he has had the best orgasms every single time. He just loves having car sex and not just car sex, it has to be near a park.
You’re literally so damn fine he gets horny by the mere thought of you sucking him off. If you’re with him you could literally be using short shorts and his oversized shirt and he already has your shorts and panties by your ankles.
Does not do threesomes and pegging. He’s very possessive of you. Not too much but enough to where you know this man does not share at all. If you’re screaming it’s because he’s fucking you so good not because another man is doing so. Your his and his only.
Fucking LOVES oral. He loves how cute you look as your eyes stare directly into his as you have your pretty lips wrapped around his oozing tip. Makes him want to fuck your mouth all day. He also loves how squirmy you get when he starts eating you out so good. He knows how to use his mouth and any time you try to push his head away from your sore cunt he pins your hands down and only goes wilder on your pussy. Adding another orgasm for being a bad girl.
Mf is fast and rough. He loves how fast he’s fucking you to the point the slapping sounds start to increase in volume. Not only that, your moans also get louder. Small bruising starts forming from how hard he’s gripping your waist.
He likes quickies if he’s really horny but most times he likes taking his time with you. He loves to overstimulate you so he definitely is going to take his sweet time taking good care of you.
Oh my god this boy is all for it. The risk of getting caught is his adrenaline to continue pounding you harder and harder. The idea of getting caught makes him feel alive and he honestly wouldn’t care if he got caught. The most riskiest thing you guys have done is fucked on a hill, anybody could’ve found you guys but he couldn’t care at all. Poor you, he had you go on for 5 rounds and fingered you. By the time you two were done and got dressed you guys started going down the hill when a family was barely making it up. You were relieved they didn’t arrive sooner but Jeno was low key bummed you guys didn’t get caught. Quickly getting over it once he saw the family had a younger kid with them. Definitely glad they weren’t caught, the kid was too young to be asking questions.
This boy can last for a WHILE. If you two have a place to be and can only do at least two rounds he still has a lot more he needs to release. He might seem completely fine from the outside but once you guys are home there he goes pounding you from behind, tight grip on your hips as he plunged into you until you were begging for him no more.
He’s all for toys. He only uses devices to edge you on but once your close to climaxing, he turns it off and replaces it by using himself to fuck you your climax.
He loves teasing so damn much. He loves how desperate you get every time he denies you release. But as soon as you do it to him you better pray he goes easy on you because if not, you two will go all night.
He’s a groaner. He loves hearing you scream his name as your 4th orgasm has you close to tears. Anytime he feels overly pleased he’ll bite your neck and suck hickies on them. Gripping your hair when he’s coming. Continuously groaning, filling you up to the brim.
Wildcard: Once he really needed to have you bent over a table to fuck your because of much of a brat you were being. Since the boys were with you at a restaurant, he instead fingered you throughout the entire dinner. Somehow the boys never realized Jeno wasn’t using an arm, well al except Jisung. And when you begged Jeno to retracted his arm, he took you to the bathroom and fucked you in there. Yeah the boys never let that go.
X-ray: I see him to be at least 7 inches, nice girth but isn’t that thick but enough to completely fuck you dumb.
Yearning: HE’S ALWAYS HORNY! Idk how he does it to keep himself cool in front of others but if you’re in arms reach you’re in for a wild ride because he will not get off you until every last drop of energy of him is completely sucked out of him.
He doesn’t sleep right away unless he went literally crazy on you. If it was one of those times where you do kinda had to cut down the rounds he wouldn’t be tired but rather wide awake and ready to go on with the day. But if he has your legs wrapped around him as he fucks you orgasm after orgasm then he most likely will fall on the bed besides you, knock out in seconds.
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sepublic · 3 years
           Onto business first and foremost! We get twenty-one episodes, an extra one to make up for the rather odd, nineteen-count from the first season! That’s forty episodes in total! Then Season 3…
           OH, Season 3… I love it but it hurts! The Lord giveth and taketh away, it’s confirmed, but it’s only THREE 44-minute specials! By my calculations, that’s about the length of SIX normal episodes… THE OWL HOUSE IS SO DANG POPULAR AND THIS IS WHAT YOU DO DISNEY?!?!! First Amphibia’s finale gets screwed over, THEN this?! But at least Amphibia gets its full third season… At least I assumeit does, oh for the love of Titan if it doesn’t…
           It is extremely imperative that we petition Disney to let TOH’s third season be full-length! Because Dana herself admitted that the main reason she left Twitter was to cope with THAT news, and… OH MY GOD POOR DANA you fought SO hard against all odds to give us this show, this previous love-child of your mind and heart and spite, for this!? But it might not be too late- If we assault Disney with our demand, they MIGHT just change their mind! SO GET ON WITH IT! Let the cartoon community rally AGAIN!
           But, right-
           The first half of episodes for Season 2 is going to be TEN episodes, the second half will be eleven! Already better than the first season, but as a reminder, that’s what we’re getting so far before our mid-season hiatus! And on THAT note…
           We have confirmation for the first FIVE episodes, which will begin airing just a mere FOUR WEEKS from now! We have Separate Tides, Escaping Expulsion, Echoes of the Past, Keeping Up A-fear-ances, and Through the Looking Glass Ruins!
           These episode titles spell out “SEEK T”, presumably “Seek t(he)”, so we can already guess the next two episodes after TtLGR! That leaves fourteen more letters for the Season 2 message; The last one was “A witch loses a true way,” so perhaps this season is advising Luz to seek something that will help her get back home? Something that will help her confront and defeat Belos? A little bit of both?
           Separate Tides is the season premiere! Luz is feeling guilty about the loss of Eda’s powers, poor girl, so she’s going to set sail for a lucrative bounty? Interesting… Perhaps a real Bloom of Eternal Youth? Something magical and bile-related? More lore on the nature of magic and its origins???
           Escaping Expulsion… hoo boy, THAT’s what we’ve all been looking forward to! Odalia and Alador get Luz, Willow, and Gus expelled?! No rights for them, even if that was already obvious but WOW. But more importantly, Luz strikes a deal with the two?!? What do Odalia and Alador want from Luz, to get her back into Hexside?!?!
           Dana mentioned how Season 1 had more focus on Hexside at Disney’s request. Given how Season 2 is more her style and freedom, we might see Luz and the others remain expelled from Hexside, if only to detach them from the coven system for the time being as their rebellion grows… And give focus to OTHER things as well! Which is going to suck a LOT and I’m going to hate Odie and Al even more for this, taking away not just Luz’s opportunity but also Willow and Gus’… Especially Willow since they DID follow through on that threat, holy shit, Amity and Willow must be hurt and traumatized from this!
           But what do Odalia and Alador want from Luz? Do they want to use her as leverage against Belos? To use her FOR Belos? I’m suddenly reminded of that idea I had about Odalia and Alador being interested in Luz as like, an actual suitor for Amity… GOD my Lumity heart would actually love it if that were the case! Obviously in the long run it’s bad and for THEIR purposes, but the idea of Luz learning to be more proper for them, for AMITY really… Oh man, this is reminding me of my speculation of Luz and Alador parallels! We might just see what makes Alador so interesting to Dana in this episode, and just the SECOND one of Season 2, no less- Right into the story meat!
           ECHOES OF THE PAST! King lore! KING LORE!!! Even better Luz, Lilith, and… HOOTY… go to a new island?! An island related to King’s past? Is Eda sticking with King to make sure he doesn’t do anything, or god, did King’s antics get her into trouble again? And Hooty… HOOTY is coming with Luz and Lilith???! I’m grateful for Luz and Lilith interaction, we might get to see them talk things over, but how is Hooty…? Is the house coming along?
           Dana mentioned two spoilers and a lie, one of them was Hooty leaving the house! I guess this is one of them… The others were Camila beating someone up and Gus getting a growth spurt, which we’ll get onto later; So I think Camila beating someone up is the lie! Dang it… But a dangerous new island, could this be related to the various pieces of Titan bones mentioned in The Unauthorized History of the Boiling Isles, scattered throughout the boiling seas, all alluding to another incomplete Titan?!
           Are they KING’S REMAINS??! And his bones are incomplete because he still has his SKULL!!!!
           Keeping Up A-fear-ances is pretty obviously Gwendolyn. Screw you, Gwen, and the confirmation that her presence is causing strain for everyone… YIKES. Hopefully we’ll get Young Eda and Lilith backstory, and see how they transitioned from the YBOS flashback to present-day! Perhaps Gwendolyn DID help Eda when she first transformed… Either way, I do not like her. But she’ll be fascinating to see!
           Through the Looking Glass Ruins! As I said before, Gus gets a growth spurt, and he’s trying to impress kids from Glandus… Which YES GLANDUS, more schools lore! But uhh… If they’re at Glandus, is it because they didn’t get back into Hexside after all, and they’re moving to a different school? Luz and Amity are exploring a dangerous library there, which, Lost in Language flashbacks! But why is AMITY there… Oh Titan, does SHE choose to leave Hexside at the end of Escaping Expulsion, as a means of defying her parents’ will, to go with the friends she loves! If so… YEAH AMITY! That, or she’s out on a visit. Will Amity run from home and live with the others, or maybe Willow and her dads? Gus and Perry? Or will she still be at the Blight Manor… Dana wasn’t kidding about Emira and Edric being distracted from Grom!
           Maybe Amity works something out that gets her expelled from Hexside, and Glandus is the new school for her, who knows? Perhaps it’s because of Belos, and so Odalia and Alador are furious, but they want their kid at a school regardless, so Glandus it is! The Hexside Banshees lost their best captain… Not that she was even playing so it doesn’t matter, but still! THIS would be quite a shock and change for Amity! And Luz, Willow, and Gus… Dang, they’re just losing a lot huh?
           If they ARE going to Glandus and enrolling there, then maybe the episode will end in a failure, or maybe they’re pretending to in order to access the library, maybe a library incident will get their enrollment cancelled! I’m interested in seeing Glandus’ location, we know it’s on an island elsewhere… I kind of want to see the principal of Glandus, will they be cool like Bump? Have a rivalry with him??? Hexside lore??? FORBIDDEN SHIP BETWEEN BUMP AND GLANDUS PRINCIPAL??!?!
           But yeah, those are the episode synopses, and they promise a LOT! It seems each episode so far is just pure character or plot stuff… Not to dunk on ‘filler’, which I think is misused for a lot of episodes honestly, but I like it! I guess Dana and crew have to make the most of their time thanks to Disney’s weird thing with Season 3, screw you Mickey… But yeah! I’m definitely gonna say more stuff and talk about the intro, but for now, I AM HYPED!!!
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godsofhumanity · 4 years
so here’s a show that I used to watch as a child but couldn’t actually remember almost a decade later! then i discovered that it was about greek mythology and i knew i had to watch it again, and it is soooo worth it.
OVERVIEW:  The descendants of Achilles, Artemis, Hercules, Jason, Narcissus, Odysseus, and Theseus are summoned to New Olympia on a mission to save the world from Cronus, who wants revenge after escaping from 4,000-years imprisonment.
RATING: 8/10. the show is honestly actually quite accurate to a point,, and i actually learnt new things about greek mythology from watching. there’s a lot of thought put into the storyline, and it’s really great to see.
AVAILABLE ON: youtube (Retro Rerun has all 52 episodes)
NOTE: there is an unaired alternative ending you can watch here. skip to 3:50.
- greek myth au where Pan is a DJ who goes by the name of “DJ Panic” and uses his music to make plants grow wildly and kill off the human race >:D
- literal dad Apollo with a full belly and beard???? what a hottie
- EVIL CRONUS!!! what a great villain!!!!! he has everything you could ever want in a villain:
evil smile, evil laugh, evil motivations, wears black 24/7, follows a red/black/grey/white colour theme, is tall, says “ta-ta” and waves like a posh british person, says the line “come to daddy” when referring to a monster, grins a lot, wicked eyebrows, black hair with a lethal streak of grey, sharp cheekbones, is polite in a condescending way, mocks people, has cool scythe weapons, hires dumb henchmen.
- Hephaestus where he isn’t dumb or bullied by the other olympians!!!! he’s smart and a little feisty, and he has a special boot for his leg!!! he’s probably actually one of the most essential gods in the story!
- Zeus is not portrayed as a playboy.. if you want King Zeus, Leader of the Greek gods and Pursuer of Justice- this is the show for you <3
- Hermes being a dad and scolding his son, while also being proud of what a great thief he is (this is about Autolycus)
- using the version of the Arachne myth where Athena curses Arachne because she was pissed at how good Arachne was. i do think that Athena must have been a little bit vain as demonstrated in Paris’ myth AND the Arachne myth so i’m glad they chose this version. however, Athena acknowledges that perhaps she was unjust, and Arachne acknowledges that she shouldn’t have been so egotistical about it- and they make up, and Arachne is turned back into a human <3
- Hera’s battle armour transformation
- Orion and Artemis T-T Orion’s transformation from the sky was very awesome and creative,, and it was very touching how he and Artemis made-up <3
- awesome story line!! it’s very well written, and it explores so many different aspects of greek mythology- some stuff i hadn’t even heard of until i researched further!
- makes mythology easier for children to understand, without dumbing it down too much. Cronus even refers to Hera, Poseidon AND Zeus as his children, despite Hera and Zeus being married- but it’s done so that it doesn’t sound weird, which is an incredibly brave decision for a kids’ show
- portraying the descendants of the heroes as being of various cultures- this is something soooo tricky to do i feel, and so many people do it in a way that completely erases the fact that greek mythology is GREEK! here, the greek gods themselves are still greek, and the main protagonist (Jay) is also Greek,, but they make it completely plausible that since thousands of years have passed, the Greek hero bloodlines have mixed with other cultures and thus their descendants are of other cultures besides Greek. i thought this was a very clever way of having diversity without it being at the expense of authenticity. 
- the soundtrack was pretty cool i thought, and the animation very smooth
- classifying Narcissus as a “hero”.. idk,, i just thought it was a funny idea and Neil’s power being “luck” was hilarious
- everytime Jay said “Cronus!”
- if you like the HC that Poseidon has no idea how to swim due to him taking advantage of his ability to control the sea, then there is a scene towards the end of this show where Poseidon is literally drowning due to the fact that he doesn’t know how to swim T-T
- the ending!!!!!!!! aghhhh Cronus ur the baddest of them all King <3 really wish there was a season 3, but at the same time, it was a good place to stop.
- Herry’s grandma whacking Cronus. get his ass Queen!
- i guess rewatching as an older person, i never realised how misogynistic some of Archie’s lines were.. like, i love Archie as a character- but some of his lines, especially those concerning Atalanta, were so possessive and weird and it’s odd because none of the other characters are like that. 
- not something that i didn’t like per say, but i kinda thought from the first few episodes that it was Jay and Atalanta that would be together, but then Theresa came and it became Archie and Atalanta (punks stick together) and Theresa and Jay (good kids/leaders stick together) which was a little stereotypical i guess,, just something i observed
- alternative ending- i HATE the way Jay’s finger just kinda,, “wiggles” at the end like he’s still kinda alive after a piano has been dropped on him T-T
- Odie complaining every two episodes about how he’s “underrated” and “unappreciated” just because he’s the nerd character. the geeks on the team are literally so essential to the team’s success,, like the team would literally die without them and i’m a little sick of the trope where the nerd throws a temper tantrum because they’re the “weak link”... STOP IT! i want to see the nerd being on equal footing with the team, and understanding that they are just as valuable as the brawns of the team.
- Daedalus’ android counterpart was actually insanely freaky,, as was Cronus’ robot version, especially when it’s skin started to melt off in the fire :0
- Artemis being one of the 7 “original” heroes... Atalanta was literally right there?? also Hippolyta? Penthesilea? idk,,, odd decision.
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taiblogcomics · 3 years
I Can’t Pet Force You To Read This One, But...
Hey there, high school crushes. Well, it's finally here. Can you believe it? Yes, counting from the original Xanga site (which, yes, still counts. It's like our own Golden Age publication or apocryphia), this is our 10th anniversary of reviewing comics. That's fantastic. I'm excited, can't you tell? I can tell, since I'm writing this preamble a good two months before the actual anniverary~
So, last year we reviewed the absolute pile of dreck that is Heroes in Crisis. And while that was worth ripping into, I'd rather not spend the 10th anniversary hating on something. I'd like to do something actually meaningful to me. I've teased about this one for many years, probably for as long as I've been doing this blog, and I think it's time we stopped pussyfooting around and reviewed some Garfield. But not just any Garfield. It's finally time, my friends. This... is Garfield's Pet Force.
I dunno how many people will remember this one. Maybe you recall the direct-to-DVD movie adaptation from 2009, or at least advertising for it. I never saw it, but apparently it differs a bit. They also appeared a few times in those Garfield comics from back in the day. We even reviewed a couple (some were on the Xanga blog). But what we're looking at here are the original novellas published between 1997 and 1999. So yeah, these really are from my childhood. And since I've long espoused that Garfield was always funnier 20 years ago, this must be actual premium Garfield content, yeah? By golly, I hope so, because we got five whole books here today. So we should probably get into them~
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Book 1: The Outrageous Origin
This is a classic sort of superhero cover. Standard team shot of poses, and that's fine for a first volume. In fact, that's great. Later editions of this would replace the lightning-filled gradient background with a pure white one, but I have this original version. We'll get to specifics about these characters in the meat of the story, but let's talk about the costumes for a bit. Very classic early-'90s sort of look, before the Dark Age kicked in. Reminds me a lot of Jim Lee's X-Men designs, actually. Making all your characters visually distinct is important in a team book. The heavy lean into secondary colours is unusual for heroic characters, but not unwelcome.
So we actually start with a cold open in the superhero universe. This is pretty much to introduce us to the characters as soon as possible, and thus I'll do the same for you here.
*Garzooka, team leader, super strong, has a razor-sharp claw, and can shoot radioactive hairballs from his mouth. That's... at least a unique power, I don't think anyone on the Justice League can do that~ *Odious, the dumb muscle with the accent on the "dumb". Possibly even stronger than Garzooka, and possessing a "super-stretchy stun tongue", an elastic tongue that can scramble the minds of whoever it adheres to. *Starlena, the team girl. She can fly, and she has a siren song that can put those who hear it into a hypnotic trance. Garzooka is the only one immune to its effects, for reasons that are never explained. *Abnermal, the kid-appeal character. He has ice powers, forcefields, and an ill-defined "pester power" that means he can annoy people on a greater scale than normal folks. It's pretty much only used for comic relief, but that could be a brilliant power in the right hands. *Compooky, the brains of the operation. Other than flight, his powers are limited to super intelligence, which means he's usually the exposition guy. There's probably a reason they left him out of the movie adaptation~
You got all that? Don't worry, we'll introduce you again later in the book. What actually happens in the intro chapter isn't really important, it's just setting up the universe. In fact, it's all taking place within Pet Force #99, a comic just enjoyed by Nermal. Yes, we quickly cut over to the main Garfield universe ("our universe", the narrator calls it), where Pet Force is just a comic book. The Garfield gang is all outside, enjoying a cookout prepared by Jon Arbuckle. Nermal is extremely enthused by his comic book, and brags about how he has all 98 previous issues sealed and polybagged, and this one will soon join them. Sorry, Nermal, this came out in 1997, the speculator boom already went bust~
Garfield dismisses comic books as stupid because you can't eat them or use them as a blanket, and declares that none of the stuff that happens in the comic could possibly happen in real life. Uh oh, irony! Because these things can happen, and do! It's a parallel universe, baby! This might be one of my earliest introductions to a "parallel worlds" concept. Much like Earths 1 and 2 in pre-Crisis DC, the events of the comic are essentially the real life adventures of their super-powered counterparts in another dimension. Most of the action in these stories will take place there~
So here's the setup: Vetvix (the parallel equivalent to Liz the veternarian) is an evil sorceress and scientist, who essentially wants to experiment on animals in peace, and possibly subjugate the universe while she's at it. You could argue that Liz is an odd choice for villain, since our universe's Liz isn't particularly evil. But then, our universe's Garfield isn't particularly heroic either. She operates out of a deadly space station called the Orbiting Clinic of Chaos, and at present she's waiting for the arrival of her henchman, Space Pie-Rat, who is a six-foot-tall anthropomorphic rat dressed in stereotypical pirate getup. Vetvix has just finished inventing a levitation ray, and she'd like Pie-Rat to go out and use it to steal all the food in the universe. Vetvix doesn't think small, is what I'm saying.
The counter to Vetvix is Emperor Jon, ruler of the planet Polyester. He's kind and benevolent, even if he's a little dippy and his fashion sense atrocious. Having gotten wind of Vetvix's latest plan, he contacts Pet Force in their ship, the Lightspeed Lasagna. Upon learning the problem, Pet Force gives chase to Pie-Rat. They eventually corner him on some desolate planet, landing and entering an abandoned factory. Unfortunately, they're not safe amongst the dangerous machinery, because this turns out to be a trap. Vetvix has been busy as hell, because she's also invented a metal that's impervious to their powers. And that's not all, because she's also basically invented the Phantom Zone, where she traps Pet Force forever. It specifically mentions it doesn’t kill them, because it wouldn't be kosher to murder the heroes in a Garfield book~
The Lightspeed Lasagna has both onboard cameras connected to the heroes' belts as well as automatic return protocols, so within two days, Emperor Jon knows exactly what's happened to Pet Force. He needs help, so he calls upon his most trusted and powerful advisor: Binky the Sorceror. Binky's just as loud and obnoxious as in the main universe, but he's also a powerful magician. He conjures up a spell for Emperor Jon that lets him pierce the veil between universes. It's basically Equestria Girls rules: parallel universes have similar characters between them. So to replace Pet Force, they need the nearest genetic equivalents from another universe. And that's the versions of Garfield, Odie, Arlene, Nermal, and Pooky that we know and love~
Back in the main universe, it's another day entirely. Another cookout is taking place, and Nermal has received his special anniversary issue of Pet Force #100. The cover's really special, dripping with '90s cover gimmicks like glow-in-the-dark and embossing. A rarely used one, though, was "portal to another universe". That was pretty expensive to print, so you won't find many comics like Nermal's. Maybe he had something there with the collecting after all. The cover glows, and while Jon is distracted by the grill, Garfield and Friends disappear~
They reappear in Emperor Jon's wood-paneled throne room, now transformed into Pet Force. Emperor Jon and Sorceror Binky try to explain the situation, but Garfield--now Garzooka--is disbelieving of the whole thing. In fact, even the idea that Jon can now hear him talk absolutely floors him. Since he's about to deliver the exposition for everyone, can we talk about Compooky for a minute? This spell has just granted sapience to Garfield's teddy bear. I don't expect deep philosophy from a children's novella, but the ramifications of this are really under-explored. Like, never mind the whole idea of a teddy bear having the same genetic makeup as an alternate universe equivalent. He goes from inanimate object to fully conscious being, and he just rolls with it.
Anyways, once everybody gets caught up on what's going on and accepts the new reality, a training montage ensues so the group can all learn to use their powers without killing each other. Once at least reasonably trained, the reborn Pet Force is sent out to stop Pie-Rat. He's gotten sloppy in the times with Pet Force dead, so they track him down easily. After a brief scuffle where Garzooka takes his eyepatch, Pie-Rat flees in his ship. They follow Pie-Rat back to the Orbital Clinic of Chaos, but they can't go in the front. That led the original Pet Force into a trap. Finding an unguarded maintenance hatch--standard on any big space station--they enter Vetvix's lair for a final confrontation!
After dealing with the Waiting Room of Doom, which slowly fills with outdated magazines, they enter Vetvix's inner sanctum. Frustrated with Pie-Rat's failure, she uses her magic to turn him into an ordinary mouse. Vetvix then attempts to use her same weapon on this new Pet Force, but thanks to story contrivance, it only works on beings born in this universe. As other dimensional visitors already, they can't be banished to another dimension. She then pulls a Dr. Claw and runs off cursing Pet Force's name while her base self-destructs. Vetvix is a very "discard and draw" sort of villain, it seems. Pet Force, of course, makes a harrowing escape just in the nick of time.
Returning to Emperor Jon, they vow to be ready to return whenever they're called on, since evil never stays dormant for long. Odious even gifts Emperor Jon with the mouse-ified Pie-Rat as proof of their victory. Well, I'm glad they remember that, so they didn't accidentally murder a major villain in their first superhero outing. They're returned to their own universe, and the time differential between them places them back with Jon having not had time to even look up from the grill. Garfield begins to doubt the adventure even happened--until that night, when he finds Pie-Rat's eyepatch still on his person. Ah, definitive proof of... eyepatches, I guess~
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Book 2: Pie-Rat's Revenge!
You have to wonder where, in a space-faring superhero setting, Pie-Rat got the inspiration for his classic pirate motif. It's a little incongruous is all I'm saying. And hey, remember when I said earlier that Garzooka's purple-and-green colour scheme was odd for a hero? Well, here he is as a villain! That'll catch your eye. This would be a terrific comic cover, which is what you want in a series like this.
The book opens with a brief recap of the previous story's events, then moves into the new plot. See, Emperor Jon has opted to keep the polymorphed Pie-Rat as his pet. How very Ron Weasley of him. That's pretty apt, actually, because similarly Pie-Rat has maintained his intelligence in his new mousey form. Pie-Rat gets sick of being Emperor Jon's pet and plans a daring escape, exploiting the emperor's dimwitted and loving personality against him. Pie-Rat jams the lock with a food pellet and makes his escape that night.
Once free from his cage, he encounters Binky's cauldron, still left in the throne room from when the sorceror summoned Pet Force from Garfield's universe. Figuring he has nothing to lose, Pie-Rat jumps in the leftover brew. Suddenly he finds himself growing. He returns to his original anthropomorphic state--but with a twist. He's now twice his original height, a staggering twelve feet tall. He scoops up the rest of the remaining potion for later, and sneaks out of the palace as best as a 12-foot rat can sneak. Desiring revenge on both his former employer and his longtime foes, he steals Pet Force's ship and makes his escape from the planet, headed for Vetvix's newest base.
After his guards help Emperor Jon put the pieces of the problem together, they decide they must once again call upon the powers of Pet Force to recover their missing vehicle and stop the newly embiggened Pie-Rat. Fortunately, Garfield and friends have been watching movies all weekend, so Jon doesn't notice when his pets disappear from the living room in a bright flash. Of course, once returned to the alternate universe and the situation explained, they still have a problem: how do they give chase to Pie-Rat when he's got their ship?
And speaking of Pie-Rat in their ship, he's followed the trail of a mysterious energy output, and it's led him right to Vetvix's new base, the Menacing Moon of Mayhem. See, this is why you don't blow up your base: the backup base is never as good. if it was, it wouldn't be the backup. Given that it's such a shoddy base, Pie-Rat is easily able to get inside and get close to Vetvix. She's expecting a technological attack, so she's unprepared when he pulls out that vial of magic potion and sprinkles her with it. And naturally, the potion that made him grow 12 feet tall makes Vetvix shrink to 5 inches. It's magic, we don't have to explain it!
Pie-Rat takes the magic crystal that Vetvix uses to fuel her powers, which of course didn't shrink because magic is just bullshit. See previous paragraph's last sentence. And while Pie-Rat takes over the base and begins plotting a further revenge against Pet Force, we cut over to them. They're at Sorceror Binky's own castle, and it's clear he's a bit of a hoarder. This is to their advantage, though, as they eventually piece together a working spaceship out of old car parts and other things, all patched together between Compooky's know-how and Binky's magic. This seems like the sort of book where I could use that "it's magic" quote every other paragraph. But craft a new--if small--ship they do, and speed off in the newly christened Planetary Pizza.
The rickety little ship does eventually find its way to Pie-Rat's base, saving him the trouble of being proactive as a villain. The magic thing keeps happening, and Pie-Rat basically becomes Discord for a bit while he fights them, doing things like turning Starlena's siren song into actual living music notes. One by one, the members of Pet Force are taken out, with only Garzooka is left. He and Pie-Rat struggle, while Pie-Rat tries to aim the magic crystal at Garzooka. Garzooka uses his claw to rip the crystal from Pie-Rat and defeat him.
Unfortunately, here's where the cover comes in. It seems the moments Pie-Rat was focusing the crystal during the struggle affected Garzooka's mind. He puts the crystal around his own neck. which turns him evil. He helps Pie-Rat to his feet, and the pair escape in the Lightspeed Lasagna. While Pet Force pursues them in their ramshackle ship, the new criminal duo strikes the storage planet of Deli to steal their food. Pet Force manages to catch up as the villains celebrate their spoils, and use a magic blast from the systems Binky installed to short out the Lightspeed Lasagna. This enables them to dock with the ship and climb aboard for a contfrontation.
The group fights, and once again the bearer of a bullshit magic crystal subdues the heroes easily. Annoyed now, Garzooka takes hold of Starlena and prepares to kill her or something. She taps into the one thing she has left: she's not fighting just Garzooka, but Garfield in his body. She drops some heavy put-downs, which resonate with Garfield, and he hesitates long enough for her to cut the crystal off him. The crystal hits the floor and shatters, undoing its evil magics on Garzooka's mind as well as on all his teammates. With Pet Force reunited, Pie-Rat is easily subdued and locked up.
The group waits for the ship to power back up, then speed off to apologise to the planet Deli. Following that, they head back towards Vetvix's moonbase. That night, though, the magic that was making Pie-Rat 12 feet tall wears off, and he escapes from his cell. He steals the remaining shards of the crystal, climbs into the Planetary Pizza, and makes a getaway. As a bonus, he also repeats the power-down spell against the bigger ship, giving him ample time to escape. And he's not the only one. Over on the Menacing Moon of Mayhem, Vetvix also returns to her proper size, and abandons this base as well. And when Pet Force fails to find her, they simply return to their own universe, ready to be called on once again in the future~
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Book 3: K-Niner: Dog of Doom!
Another very basic comic book-style cover. K-Niner is a much more typical villain in style. This one's actually a wrap-around, and features the rest of Pet Force reacting to K-Niner on the back cover. Which is good because, other than the first cover, the covers all have a heavy Garzooka focus. Which makes sense for a book series, I suppose, you wanna assure the kiddos that Garfield's gonna be in the book. But as a comic book series, this would be a bad look for a team book~
So after our standard introduction and recap, we start off with Vetvix in yet another new base, the Floating Fortress of Fear. I'm sure it's very intimidating, if she can keep hold of it for more than a single book. She's picking up from the epilogue and putting the last touches on K-Niner, mostly enhancing his intelligence. Now, you look at the cover and tell me what kind of voice you'd expect. Some sort of German or Austrian accent, like the doberman on Road Rovers? Does anyone remember Road Rovers~? Anyways, but no: he speaks with a posh British accent. You know, the "I say, good chaps, looks like we're in a bit of a sticky wicket, eh wot?" type. Trust me, you can tell. But just because he sounds refined doesn't mean he's not evil.
I also love that after the initial "trapped them in the Phantom Zone" bit, the villains just go whole ham. K-Niner here demonstrates that he is indeed evil by threatening to rip out Vetvix's throat. Let your villains be villainous is all I'm saying. She's pleased he's so vicious, but feels he needs to learn his place as well. She force-chokes him until he complies. She then gives him his assignment: she thinks dogs should be liberated. The Boy Mayor of Second Life would approve, and so does K-Niner. Turning pets on their masters is just his style.
K-Niner takes a portable evolution gun, and immediately sets off. He begins on the planet Kennel. Isn't it neat how every planet is named after an English word that describes its function? K-Niner quickly takes over the dog population and turns them against their masters, because boosting their intelligence also makes them evil, of course. They use enslavement collars on their former owners, and within a few days, the dogs now run the planet. We cut over to Emperor Jon on Polyester, where a man has crash-landed a ship. He's an escapee from Kennel, and he's here to report the events so we can get the plot moving and once more summon Pet Force!
And summoned once more they are, Garfield and Friends once more conveniently disappearing in a split second while Jon's back is turned (this time they're outside playing volleyball). And once back in the parallel universe, Emperor Jon fills them all in on K-Niner's dastardly doings. Garzooka, naturally, takes great offense to dogs being in charge, and takes his duties as a hero completely seriously for once. Pet Force takes off for a confrontation with K-Niner in the Lightspeed Lasagna. And speaking of Pet Force's ships...
The Planetary Pizza, piloted by Pie-Rat, plants its pads down on polar planet Glacia. Pie-Rat is here seeking a way to restore his magic crystal and regain his mighty magic powers. He's sought out the home of a legendary evil wizard, who's known by the name of... Barfo. I see why Barfo keeps his location a secret. But anyway, Barfo is the one who made the crystal, so naturally Pie-Rat reasons he can restore it as well. Suprisingly once on Glacia, Barfo's evil lair is pretty easy to find. His manservant, Hobart the Gnome, brings Pie-Rat before the wizard, and within moments the crystal is restored! Pie-Rat turns to thank Hobart, but Hobart suddenly turns into Vetvix!
Yes, Vetvix knew all along that Pie-Rat's quest would lead him here. And as she was once Barfo's student in the ways of evil magic, she knew she could get the old coot to go along with her plan. Barfo returns the crystal to Vetvix, restoring her powers. And so Pie-Rat, a recurring villain in three whole books, is unceremoniously done away with, as Vetvix teleports him inside an asteroid, trapping him in solid rock. Even if the asteroid were hollow or he displaced the interior when he teleported in, no doubt he'll suffocate within moments. That's pretty harsh.
With that over, we rejoin Pet Force as they approach Kennel. K-Niner's battle cruiser spots them incoming, and shoots the ship down, even in spite of Abnermal's forcefields. Pet Force bail out of the ship, and Abnermal uses his powers to make snow to cushion their fall. Upon landing, a contingent of mutant animals attack. The mooks aren't much, but K-Niner himself puts up an impressive fight. However, one of the mooks pulls a gun and points it at Compooky. This is why Compooky usually stays aboard the ship, but that wasn't an option. Rather than let their friend get hurt, Pet Force surrenders.
Pet Force is held prisoner separately from Compooky, with both the cell's technology making it freeze-proof and threats of "don't break out, or we'll shoot your compatriot". Their imprisonment is not long, though, as suddenly the power goes out. Pet Force takes advantage of the situation and make their escape, quickly running into Compooky. K-Niner didn't think the hyper-intelligent teddy bear needed a high security cell, and just locked him in the basement. It was easy for him to then break out and shut down the local power grid. This also has the side effect of turning off the control collars the humans were wearing. How convenient!
With control of the planet now tilted in their favour, Pet Force now has time to both fix their ship and reverse the polarity of the brain-boosting weapons, turning the dog population of Kennel back to their normal selves. Though the experience did change the pet owners of Kennel. Having experienced life in their pets' shoes (so to speak) for a bit, they've resolved to treat their canine companions a bit more equally. More being allowed on the furniture, less stupid tricks for treats. Still, Pet Force can't stay long, and they head off in pursuit of K-Niner's battle cruiser. This is why most superheroes don't have spaceships (Jedis don't count): if your enemy also has one, they can flee way more easily than on foot.
Not willing to let another place go to the dogs, as it were, Pet Force catches up with K-Niner. With his previous success, Vetvix has stepped up the timetable and sent him after Polyester right away. Emperor Jon is in danger! They enter the planet's atmosphere, and are attacked by fighter craft. They fend them off, but their weapons system is damaged in the fight, so they can't simply use the reverse brain-rays and solve it quickly. The team splits up instead: Garzooka and Abnermal will go after K-Niner, while the other three will find the planet's power source and knock out the collars, since that worked so well the last time.
The two heroes quickly make short work of K-Niner's guards, and then turn the battle to deal with the Dog of Doom himself. While the struggle goes on, the rest of Pet Force reach the planet's power grid. Using a clever tactic, Compooky overloads the power and causes and electrical storm that simultaneously undoes the brain-boosting effect and shorts out the enslavement collars. There's only a few pages left, after all, and we have to wrap this up.  K-Niner is reverted back into an ordinary dog, and the emperor is reverted to an ordinary non-enslaved person. The day is saved!
And now once again, Pet Force prepares to return to their own universe. However... when the spell clears, the five heroes are still standing there. Something is blocking the passage between dimensions, and Pet Force is trapped. And while Pet Force's adventures have taken place between mere moments in their own universe, they have always returned quickly enough that Jon didn't notice a thing. But this time, as Jon retrieves the volleyball and turns around to his pets, he's surprised to find they've all vanished into thin air...
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Book 4: Menace of the Mutanator
This one's very striking because of its more painted look compared to the heavy black outlines the rest of the covers have. Does this one count as having the whole team on the cover? Because, spoilers, that's what the Mutanator is: the rest of Pet Force mashed up into a villain. Again, though, that's definitely a striking image that'd draw in readers to a comic cover. In fact, while Garzooka may be over-used as a cover focus, several of these also show him imperiled in some way, and that's nice for character stuff. That helps balace it a bit~
I wanna say, before we start, that I'm impressed by the continuity for the series as a whole. They could've just written each story as a standalone, but for a series of 100-page children's novellas starring Garfield characters as superheroes, things happen in these books. Like, maybe not sweeping status quo changes, but events affect the plot of each next book down the line. And that's where we pick up! Right where the last book left off, with Pet Force now stuck in the alternate universe, unable to return home to Jon. But if they can't go home to Jon, well, maybe then events will conspire to bring Jon to them~
Yep, because Jon happens to wander into the room where they keep the copy of Pet Force #100 that acts as a portal to their universe, he gets transported into the Pet Force universe. And since Emperor Jon is still an extant entity, there's just two Jons now. Jon, of course, is a bit freaked out, and it takes several pages to explain the whole deal to him, and also have a showcase of all their powers to pad out the book some more. Eventually, they decide to call in Sorceror Binky to examine the problem. When he has a go of it, a sudden tornado emerges from the cauldron and whisks away Pet Force--save for Garzooka, whose prodigious strength keeps him anchored.
Garzooka heads out in the Lightspeed Lasagna to track Pet Force's signature, glad to get away from a double trouble Jon. And while he's searching, the scene cuts to Vetvix's Floating Fortress of Fear. Hey, one of her bases actually lasted more than one book! This is where Pet Force has been transported to, once more in a power-proof cell. Vetvix monologues to the heroes, as she is wont to do, explaining that she's the one who cast the spell to keep them from returning home. And further, she's brought them here to mutate them into her servants.
While Emperor Jon exposits about his backstory (turns out he is not of royal blood, and has about as much legitimate claim to the throne as you or I do), the search continues. Sorceror Binky detects Pet Force, giving them all a view of what happens next. The trapped members of Pet Force are literally broken apart and reassembled: Odious' body, Compooky's brain inserted into the chest, Abnermal's hands, and Starlena's head. She christens this beast "Mutanator", and it is soullessly obedient. I also wanna say, Mutanator's kind of a non-binary icon, aren't they? (The comic uses "it", but it was 1998 and alternative pronouns weren't really a thing yet.) Muscular, masculine body, but confident enough to still wear lipstick. It's a look, is all I'm saying~
Mutanator continues to possess the combined powers of Pet Force as well. Vetvix sends them to attack the planet Armory to gear up before attempting to conquer Polyester. And meanwhile, thanks to the convenience of being able to scan all of Compooky's memories now that his brain is part of Mutanator, Vetvix has the perfect trap to spring on Garzooka--or should she say Garfield. Yes, she really knows the whole origin for Pet Force now, and now she knows all Garfield's weaknesses, likes and dislikes, and probably blood type and other dating profile stats~
Thus, when Garzooka receives the coordinates from Emperor Jon and arrives at the Floating Fortress, he finds himself menaced by giant spiders. Vetvix couldn't think of a way to get Mondays to attack him, so the Giant Spider Invasion will do. Spiders are apparently very formiddable foes, Garzooka's personal fears aside. They can swat gamma hairballs out of the air, they can construct webs as quickly as certain Marvel heroes, and their hairy exoskeletons are resistant to both claw and strength. But despite his fear and Abnermal's running commentary, Garzooka manages to trounce the spiders with a carefully applied flame--taking Vetvix's blueprints with them.
Garzooka heads out once again to track down the Mutanator, leaving his less-than-all-together friends in the safety of their forcefield prison. While he's off, we return to the perspective of his target. Using their combined powers, the Mutanator swiftly conquers the planet Armory and sets their sights on Polyester next. It's not a bad plan, honestly. With the stockpile from Armory, not only will the Mutanator be more powerful, Polyester won't be able to use the planet for backup. Fortunately for the two Jons, though, Garzooka intercepts the Mutanator before they can leave Armory.
The fight's actually pretty good. Very back and forth. But even despite Garzooka's great strength, the Mutanator wins in the end. Thankfully, Vetvix puts her conquest of Polyester on hold to take the time to retrieve Garzooka and add his power to the Mutanator. This, of course will be her undoing--in a completely ridiculous way, of course. For back in the palace, our universe's Jon is watching Pet Force's struggles with the scrying cauldron. And he leans in a bit too close. Sowhile Vetvix is prepping the machine to divide Garzooka's body like she did the rest of Pet Force, Jon suddenly tumbles through the dimensional warp caused by the cauldron and lands on Vetvix, which causes her to put the machine in reverse. A real Jonnus ex cauldrona there, eh?
The Mutanator disappears, their existance as a unique being wiped out as their pieces return to their proper Pet Force owners. With Pet Force reassembled, Garzooka takes out Vetvix with one of his gamma-radiated hairballs while she's distracted by Jon. Pet Force decides that the vile veternarian should have a taste of her own medicine, and stick her in the body-splicing machine with some of her guards. This divides them all up and mixes them into bizarre combinations. It also has the side effect of disabling Vetvix's magic, so they can return to their own universe now.
The book wraps up here. Pet Force first returns to Armory to both return the stolen weapons and also make repairs on the buildings that were damaged in Garzooka's fight with the Mutanator. That's the sort of thing I'd like to see in more superhero stories in general. The two Jons part ways, with the Emperor believing the other Jon's heroism to have been deliberate. And thus are Garfield and friends returned home. And just like the end of their first adventure, where Garfield couldn't be sure if it really happened, so too is Jon's memory fading. Had he really witnessed all that? Only his pets know for sure--and in this universe, they can't talk~
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Book 5: Attack of the Lethal Lizards
This one's another wrap-around, showing the rest of Pet Force engaging the remaining Lethal Lizards on the back cover. This is one advantage books have over comics: a front and back cover you can use for your story-telling. The Lizard designs are pretty good for a villain group too. Like Pet Force, they don't adhere to a particular theme, but they do look good individually. Garzooka roasting a hot dog on a stick might be a bit too comedic for a superhero story, though. It sets the tone wrong. How "lethal" can they possibly be if Garzooka is out here roasting hot dogs in the middle of battle?
So here we go, last book. After the usual recap, we open with Jon explaining to Garfield and friends his latest plans: they're going to WackyWorld, a theme park dedicated to Jon's favourite cartoon, The Wackies. Both Garfield and Nermal think the show is lame, and if those two agree on something, you know it must be so. In less lame universes, however, trouble is once more a-brewing. So it turns out Vetvix's Floating Fortress of Fear has been orbiting the swamp planet Reptilius this whole time. And her various experiments in the last two books have been radiating the planet in magical energy...
From that magical power, three reptiles find themselves uplifted in intelligence and granted fantastic powers. Please say hello to our three main villains for this book: Snake, an enormous snake (the only one without an anthro design) with stretching powers; Chameleon, who can shapeshift; and Dragon, a komodo dragon with fire breath and the bad attitude to match. While Snake and Chameleon figure out their powers, Dragon declares himself the leader as he's clearly the smartest, strongest, and most powerful. They name themselves the Lethal Lizards and start plotting how to rule the planet.
After that exciting intro, though, the book kind of slows down. First we get a whole chapter of Emperor Jon also deciding to go on vacation, to planet Funlandia. With Vetvix out of commission for a while, there's no better time. In short, he's out of the castle and Sorceror Binky is in charge. This is followed by a chapter of Jon and his pets at WackyWorld. It's certainly an accommodating amusement park to allow pets on its grounds. Garfield at least gets along with the food, but if you know anything about amusement park food prices, the amount Garfield eats will make your wallet weep. Jon takes his mind off it by dragging the pets along to a ride. Surely they have to be under the height restriction~
Fortunately, we get back to the actual stars of this book, and we see a bit more of their dynamic. Snake is the sort who sucks up to whoever's calling themselves "Boss" at the moment. Dragon is power-hungry, and it's clear he'll sell out his allies at the drop of a hat. Chameleon is Starscream. Anyway, they trek through the jungles of Reptilius until they find a downed spaceship. Reviewing the logs reveals it was a scout ship from Vetvix, and they also learn of Vetvix and her mission. However, they don't know where Emperor Jon lives, so they crowd into the the newly christened Rapacious Reptile and set course for the stars.
The first planet they come across is a world called Klod. Quickly the Lethal Lizards beat up the populace and find the local government. Chameleon shapeshifts into a dignitary, pretending to be an advance entourage for Emperor Jon, schmoozing with the governor until he learns both what Jon looks like and the name of his planet. With this information secure, Chameleon nips out suddenly, and the trio sets forth towards Polyester. Governer Klutz calls up the palace as soon as the reptiles depart, and reports the incident to Sorceror Binky.
Binky wastes no time, and he dials up Pet Force. Since all five are in one place, he's able to pull them through even without them being near the gateway through issue #100's cover. Convenient! Pet Force, however, does waste time, as a lengthy comedy scene eats up several pages before we just get on with it. Eventually, the situation is conveyed, and they figure it's safer to keep Emperor Jon on Funlandia for the time being. Compooky stays behind to help plan some strategies, while the rest of Pet Force boards the Lightspeed Lasagna to intercept the Lethal Lizards before they even arrive.
Pet Force spends the next few minutes both scanning for incoming ships and bickering with each other, so I'm very glad when the Rapacious Reptile appears on their detectors before too long. Dragon threatens the ship, telling them to move or he'll knock them aside. It's a spaceship, dude, you can move in three dimensions. The ships trade shots, and while Chameleon's piloting is actually pretty good due to his independently-rotating eyeballs, eventually both ships crash land on whatever planet is nearby.
Both ships crash right next to each other, which is improbable but less ridiculous than some of the contrivances in these books, so I'm okay with it. Now you'd think what with the enemies being reptiles and Abnermal having freezing powers that this battle would be over really easily, but no. In fact, Garzooka and Dragon are pretty evenly matched. Snake turns out to be immune to Starlena's siren song because snakes don't have external ears. See, now there's a contrivance I find a bit weird. Snake swallows Abnermal whole, and Chameleon and Odious get literally tongue-tied. The Lethal Lizards actually live up to their name pretty well.
As the fight continues, half of both sides are laid out when Compooky comes rushing up, saying he has an urgent message from the emperor. And that's when he sucker-punches the team. It was actually Chameleon in disguise, having gotten knocked away when he and Odious separated. So yeah, round one goes to the Lizards, and they make their escape first. Pet Force regroups, and they give chase. The Lizards have enough head start to really lay siege to Polyester before Pet Force arrives, though. They even get access to the palace using Chameleon's shapeshifting, leading to Sorceror Binky letting slip the real location of the emperor just as Pet Force arrives.
Another fight ensues--see, now it's really a superhero story--and the Lizards leave again 2 and 0. This time Snake uses his venomous fangs to attack Starlena. This leads to the weirdest contrivance yet. Maybe not the worst, but definitely the weirdest. They have only minutes to save Starlena. So how do they do it? Well, they notice that Odious drools quite a lot. It's very "fluid output". So they have Binky magically reverse Odious' drooling, so that he has "fluid input" on his tongue instead. It becomes a big suction sponge and sucks the poison out of Starlena. They then restore the drooling, and he just harmlessly drools out the poison. What.
With their teammate saved, Pet Force pursues the Lethal Lizards to Funlandia. They get there just in time to rescue Emperor Jon from their clutches, with Garzooka and Odious combining their strength to literally rip a kiddie ride out of the ground. Starlena corners Chameleon in a hall of mirrors, turning his own trick against him. Snake is undone by Odious' strength. And Garzooka fights Dragon to a standstill, finally trapping all three on a roller coaster still operating. When the ride comes to an end, Abnermal freezes them all until the authorities can retrieve them.
Naturally, Emperor Jon thinks it's all part of the show (because Jon is dimwitted in any universe). The Lizards are sent to a lizard-proof prison (seriously, it specifies this), and Pet Force returns to their own universe. As usual, Jon didn't notice his pets go missing during the dark amusement park ride. The book concludes on an ominous note, however, as the ship carrying the Lethal Lizards makes its jump to lightspeed just as it passes the Floating Fortress of Fear. The shockwave knocks over some debris that reactivates the combining machine, restoring Vetvix to her full evil might once more!
The end!
No, really. Those five books are all there was. I hear it may have continued into the comics, but I don’t know how accurate that is. I didn’t really look into it.
But boy, what a ride, huh? Let’s dissect the books one at a time, since it only seems fair to take them as individual stories.
The Outrageous Origin: It’s a fairly basic origin story, I’d say. It kind of has to be. I guess my main gripe is that, like Rita Repulsa’s entire run on Power Rangers, the heroes never fight the main villain directly. In fact, there’s barely even an evil plot in this one. You have henchmen and some traps, and that’s about it for the menace.
Pie-Rat’s Revenge: A cautionary tale about why you treat your minions with respect. This one’s pretty good, but the events depicted on the cover make up such a small part of the book. Wouldn’t it have been more fun if Garzooka was turned at the beginning of the story? Book 4 would at least do the reverse of that, so it’s not a major complaint~
K-Niner, Dog of Doom: I think this one’s about as middle of the road as you can get. What a coincidence that it’s also the middle of the series! Like I said in the recap portion, it’s a shame that Pie-Rat’s story ended here. This one definitely feels more “villain of the week” than most.
Menace of the Mutanator: This one might be the best book in the series. Garzooka, alone, battling against the best parts of his team? That’s gripping stuff. I guess the main problem is that the Mutanator isn’t really a character in and of themselves. Like, K-Niner, he may have been a generic rent-a-villain type, but he had a personality. Mutanator is little more than an extention of Vetvix’s will.
Attack of the Lethal Lizards: I’m a bit split on this one. The bits with the titular Lizards are great. They steal the show! But the parts where it focuses on either Jon kind of drag, and Pet Force is a bit too jokey here. Like, I get the point is that they’ve relaxed into their roles now, and there’s not much point of doing it as a Garfield story if they don’t actually use the character personalities, but... I dunno. It’s good, but it could have been better~
And that’s it! Like, I dunno how to wrap this up. Pet Force was neither my first exposure to superheroes nor my first introduction to the Garfield brand (you can thank Saturday morning cartoons for both of those). But for some reason, maybe just the absurdly goofy premise, it always kinda stuck with me. And I think that’s a good enough reason to make it my 10th anniversary review, don’t you~?
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garfieldandmeblog · 3 years
Garfield: The Movie
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AM: There’s an interesting writing choice in Garfield: The Movie regarding the setting. It begins in a cul-de-sac, just a few miles from a large city. For Garfield, the cul de sac is safe; he knows the ins and outs, all of the neighboring cats and dogs, and it’s where he always gets his way. Anything beyond the cul de sac, however, is dangerous, unknown, even hostile, and that’s not even mentioning the city. With all of this emphasis placed on place, one begins to wonder where exactly the film takes place. One would assume that it takes place in Garfield creator Jim Davis’ home state of Indiana. Wikipedia, however, claims that it takes place in Los Angeles of all places. What’s interesting, though, is that the movie does everything its power to obscure the actual setting from the viewer. There are no signs anywhere in this film that say “Los Angeles,” no one mentions living in L.A., and there’s just no defining characteristics. It’s not even a matter of the camera crew just choosing not to shoot things that screamed L.A.; things are deliberately edited to obscure that fact. There’s a scene towards the end of Act 2 where Garfield has to go to the city to rescue Odie from the clutches of an evil infomercial personailty. On the freeway, we get a shot of the city skyline and a freeway exit sign—which reads, not Los Angeles, but “The City.” A bus’s destination sign reads “City Center.” The so-called “Los Angeles” looks more like a movie set for a film taking place in New York. You would think that, taking place in L.A., the movie would have taken the golden opportunity to take Garfield to L.A.’s iconic locales. Garfield in front of the Grauman Theatre. Garfield at the Hollywood sign. Garfield at Dodger’s Stadium. But no, none of that.
Garfield: The Movie’s setting is strange because they don’t utilize it for what you might expect. The effort the filmmakers went through to hide the truth about the setting is rather impressive, I’ll say that. It doesn’t seem like it ultimately accomplished anything though. And so, ultimately, the choices made regarding the setting resulted in an affect that is neither good, nor bad, just… there. Much like the film itself.
I give this movie 5 out of 10 lasagnas.
JK: For my final official critique here at Garfieldandme.com LLC, I will be reviewing Garfield the Movie. How did it make me feel? How does Garfield make me feel at this point? I thought I knew, but as of right now… It’s mixed.
I thought I didn’t like Garfield. I thought it would be funny to employ irony against the fat cat. When I began writing about Garfield, the original mission was to find a way in, primarily through cruel joking and punching down, every week and that was it; that was going to be the focus of this project.
But finding a way through… It requires energy. It requires an actual interest in whatever you’re writing about, whatever you’re exploring. And as the project went on and on, my interest and energy waned. It became increasingly difficult to talk Garf. The ratio of good ideas/fun writing sessions to phoning it in grew smaller and smaller. Part of the fun, at first, was acknowledging the pure magnitude of syndication Garfield has amassed. But, diving into it, getting deep, it’s hard to keep a smiling face when the material brings so little to you. Life is short, and Garf is long.
There are hidden gems in the bog of never-ending Mondays. There are glimpses of Jim Davis giving a shit. And those moments, when they come up, are worth cherishing. It compelled me to write knowing the cat was acting in an interesting way. It gave me material to work with. It gave me hope.
And then, we’d get another week of duds. Then, another. It’d go on, and I’d feel frustration, apathy, devastation, etc. over and over again. It became routine.
So, Garfield the Movie. What makes Garfield the Movie interesting? It’s Garfield’s first live-action adaptation. It stars… movie stars. Garfield is CGI. These elements are all fine. The whole movie is just fine. And that complete milquetoast quality makes the film, ironically, a great Garfield adaptation. There were times I was watching the screen and I hoped the movie would be worse, more blatantly disgusting or bold. Maybe then I could write about it.  But no, from start time to end, this movie is okay.
Bill Murray sounds like the voice Davis and Co. settled on when they brought Garf to the home television. Jon is whatever. You can have a discarded Chik Fil A wrapper replace Jon in this movie and nothing would change. Odie is lovable and fun (maybe the highlight). Jennifer Love Hewitt.. I mean, c’mon. Liz was hot already, but…
There’s nothing really deep here.
The only redeeming portion of the whole film is the credits. I’m serious. There, it tells another story. Comics and largely comic strips are a medium of sole ownership. Charles Schultz storyboards, Schultz draws, he signs his name in the bottom left corner. And that’s it. Film, in this critic’s opinion, is one of the most collaborative mediums of expression out there. On even the worst films (and I’m not saying Garfield runs in this camp), there are probably five or more people who gave up hours of their lives in an attempt to make you smile, to entertain you for a little bit. It’s interesting to see this many people interpreting Davis’s cat. This bird’s eye view perspective, however, does not negate how bored I felt during the film. And my opinion doesn’t really matter. The best of them, working on this project, hopefully made this to make a child (or the rare Garf fan) happy. Or they were miserable. Regardless, they all made the film. I spent an hour of my life watching. We are in this together.
We reflect whatever we spend time with. If you spend hours with the cat, you become the cat. You spend time working overtime at a job you hate, and suddenly you hate yourself. You spend the night out, maybe drinking wine with friends on a weekend, at a little bar on the outside of town. It’s August. The night is air is warm, and it looks like no one is on Wilshire tonight. Except you and people you love. You laugh and really feel it in your chest, in your stomach. You look at everyone and, maybe it’s the light, maybe it’s the Merlot, but they emanate a soft golden glow covering their forearms to their rears to their legs to their feet. You look down at yourself, and you’re glowing too.
Was it Anne Dillard who wrote “How we spend our days, of course, is how we spend our lives”? Am I remembering that correctly? What year is it? What was I doing about this? How does Garfield make me feel? How am I feeling right now? Stepping away from the cat is not easy, and in a sense, this gesture feels like stepping away from this past year in its good and nasty. I want to change my life, and so I’ll change my relationship with him. It’s small, but why not. Life is short, and Garf is long. Thanks for spending this time with me, I’ll never forget it.
Two lasagnas out of five.
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chappedandfadedvds · 4 years
Nov 19th, Thursday 17:13
„Lucas is here!!“
„Alright sweety, I think everyone on the street has heard that now.“ His mother assured her loudly as she herself got up to follow her daughter to the door. Jens was only half listening, he was thinking. About Tuesday. About yesterday. About every day to come.
„It’s good to see you again, Lucas. How are you?“
„Really great actually, thank you, hope you too?“ There was some rustling of clothes and shuffling of feet coming from the entrance, Jens couldn’t see from where he sat in the corner or the living room.
„Bit suffering under the weather, but that’s alright.“ His mother replied, the front door fell shut.
„Understandable.“ The three, his mother, Lotte and his boyfriend, almost had made it back into the livingroom. „Oh, I actually bought cake on my way over. We can have it for dessert. Or before for tea.“
„That’s so kind. But I already like you, no need for bribes.“ His mother joked, chuckling even as she took something from Lucas that sounded like paper? Plastic? Jens didn’t look up yet, he was busy staring down on the keys and his hands.
„Well, I’ll probably do something stupid at one point, better keep stacking up some plus points.“ Both of them sounded pleased. And Lotte said something, he didn’t catch, before the chairs scratched over the floor.
„Wow, I didn’t know you played. I thought this was a recording.“
He stopped, his fingers lingering on top of the keys of the old wooden upright piano. Lucas squeezing himself next to Jens on the little black bench shouldn’t have startled him as much. He obviously had heard him come over. He still needed a second to catch up. So he pulled his hands away, to let them sink into his lap, turning his head towards Lucas. 
How long hadn’t they seen each other? Merely a couple of days. 
He had missed this pretty face. The world appeared a bit brighter now.
„I’m not nearly good enough, as I super rarely play, but thanks, I guess.“ Jens told him, smiling lightly at the boy, who went to rest his hand on Jens’s tigh. Close enough that their fingers touched.
„Lucas, first of all he is lying, he is really good. He is just a dumb teenage boy who thought one day that piano lessons are for loosers. And second of all, if you want to keep collecting brownie points, get him to do anything but play Schubert again. He has been playing the same piece for two hours. It has to stop.“
„Yes, Lucas, please!“
Lotte strong heartedly supported their mother’s complaints, as they both turned their heads to plead with Lucas, who was very much amused in return. Nodding strongly.
„I was playing more than one piece, and you two know it.“ Jens was lying, he had played a couple of pieces first, until Minuet in A Major let him think clearly and then he basically had looped it until now. Problem was, the piece was only three minutes long, so he could see their point.
„Then play something else for me.“ Lucas suggested so cheery that Jens obviously couldn’t refuse. 
„Okay. What do you want?“
„Mhm, what can you play? Anything comes to mind, looking at my beautiful face.“
Jens’s eyes darted over to his mother and his sister sitting at the dining table, englufed in Lotte’s homework. If they had heard Lucas, they didn’t commented about it.
„Schumann?“ He said, letting his gaze fall back to Lucas’s eyes not having lost an ounce of his excitment.
„I have zero clues about classical music, dude, so play away.“
That’s what he did, raising his hands again to fall into place. Muscle memory so much stronger then he would like to admit. He didn’t had to think long about the right notes and rythym. He wasn’t sure why it had come to mind, but he hoped the boy would enjoy it enough to sit through the next couple of minutes.
Jens really hadn’t need to worry about that, as when he finished and turned his head, he found his boyfriend watching him mesmerised. He could have probably fucked the whole piece up and still managed to make Lucas happy. Jens would be lying if he wouldn’t acknowledge that he was blushing faintly.
„What is it called?“ Lucas whispered. Why he did, Jens couldn’t figure out.
„Eh, Widmung, opus 25, number 1.“ Thank god, as he was glad to have remembered it correctly. His mother or Lotte would definitely have corrected him there. And wouldn’t that have been awkward?
„Yea this doesn’t help at all, but I liked it a lot.“ Lucas grinned, now speaking louder again, never taking his eyes off Jens, as he went on. „Perhaps I’m a bit biased though. Still thank you.“
„Anytime.“ Jens smirked, feeling a little proud to have been able to impress his boyfriend.
„So what kind of music do you actually listen too, I doubt it’s just classical music all day.”
„How do you know I don’t?“ Jens replied feighing shock at Lucas’s absolute correct assumption.
„Oh, I don’t know, you just don’t look like a posh piano lover to me.“ His boyfriend’s expression was way to comfortable in his teasing.
„Aha.“ Jens felt already better, now that he was back into familiar banter with Lucas, after long days of dull sadness drowning him.
„Mhm.“ Lucas doubled down, without much words, but it made Jens to actually answer him.
„Well, I listen to a lot of r&b, you know, hiphop, rab kinda genres. Kendrik Lamar, Childish Gambino, Logic. To list some better known artists.”
„Of course you do, my youtuber skater boy.“
„Stop.“ Jens laughed as he watched the grin widen on Lucas’s face. „If I’m such a cliche, what are you listening to then, huh?“
„Ehm, a lot of indie music, acoustic versions, I’d say. I don’t think you would know them.“
„Much pretentious, aren’t we.“ Jens replied, getting nudged by Lucas, causing him almost to fall off the bench, that still was barely large enough to fit them both.
„What? Not at all.“ Lucas defended himself using the second of Jens readjusting himself on the bench, to link his arm lightly with Jens’s. 
Apparently Lucas didn’t mind being seen and obviously it was just his mother and his sister, so why was Jens not more casual about it? He really should stop worrying about it.
„You tell yourself that.“ He smirked instead, yanking Lucas lightly were they were now linked by the elbow. 
„And what else? Like what is something that comforts you, or is it really just r&b all day, every day?“ Lucas’s questions just kept coming.
„No, I enjoy classical music, immensly. Going to concerts and such. But something else would be nordic folk. Folk in general.“
„And you call me pretentious?” Lucas asked accusatory, leaning back from Jens in wonder, as the slight smile didn’t leave his lips, his mouth open. „The audacity.“
„Guilty. What about you then?“ 
„Ah lot’s of disco and funk. Some pop. 70s, 80s, you know. The good stuff.“
This was taking turns Jens hadn’t expected. Not that he would mind listening to whatever Lucas would put on. He’d probably be able to enjoy it nonetheless. But they barely had anything in common, other than maybe folk and indie, did they? This surely would be fun to figure out on long car rides.
„It’s great music. Sander and me are very much on the same page there, give or take some artists, we can’t agree on. Robbe was so close to throw us out that saturday I stayed over.“
„I can imagine.“ Jens completely was with his best friend there. Lucas and Sander passionately arguing over 70s music. No thank you. „I have to ask, how old are you, again?“
„Shut up. Third question.“ Lucas replied, shaking his head.
„More?“ Jens was pretty sure they had covered everything. He was wrong though.
„Third question. What is something you listen to, when you are one hundred percent sure, no one you know is around to see you vibing to it.“
Jens laughed. Loud and absolutely done with his boyfriend and his little interview. 
„Tell me.“ Lucas pleaded, pursing his lips, as he leaned in closer. Fuck.
„I love Doja Cat. And Ashnikko“ Jens tried so hard to stay confident in his answer, because not even Robbe had seen Jens put it on. He only ever safely lipsynched parts of her songs at parties, where alcohol was involved. Or all in its entirety alone in his room.
„I have no clue who that is.“ Lucas said, clearly a bit more somber now that he couldn’t make fun of Jens, as he didn’t know the artist that well. Thank god.
„I’m sure you have heard some songs of them. But yea they are some powerful woman. I know practically every word to their songs, and if you tell anyone else I’ll kill you.“
„Well, now I need to see you sing them.“ Lucas was back in his element of making Jens’s live harder, as the smirk returned on his lips.
„Nope.“ Jens cut off any further demands, before it was too late. „Who do you secretly listen to?“
„This is embarrasing but I was and still am a One Direction fan.“ Oh yes, this was good. Jens would never let Lucas forget that he had told him this. „I also may or may not have had, and still have, a crush on Harry Styles. So sorry, but you are out, the second I get a chance.“
„Wow, thank you.“ Jens laughed, pecking a kiss on the pouting lips of Lucas. Who tried his hardest to keep himself from falling into giggling with Jens.
He had actually forgotten that the weren’t alone when his mother’s voice came from the other side of the big space inside his house. Loud enough to stare at Lucas in shock. 
The boy next to him just shrugged his shoulders amused.
„How about you put some of these songs on, that you so dearly love apperently. And Lotte and me can find out who actually has some taste in music.“
__ __ __
tagged: @odi-et-amo85, @tayspots
I thought long about the type of music they would listen too. We obviously hadn’t had a season to find out, other than the song Lucas and Kes danced to in S1. I hope that you wouldn’t be too bothered by my choices here. I just always need songs to get into my character’s heads and these are the directions it went in. thank you for continuing to read my story! i love all of you!
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springday-aus · 4 years
Disney Prince!AU with Bambam
★ Bambam as Disney’s Prince Naveen ★
moodboard link
Group: GOT7
Member: Bambam / Kunpimook Bhuwakul
Other Characters: rich girl!Lisa (Blackpink)
Genre: romance
part of the Disney Prince series
Type: Bulletpoint AU 
Word Count: 2.8k
I don’t wanna say Bambam in the prince of Thailand in this au
but also hmm
anyways Bambam is a prince
of whatever country you believe him to be
so he kind of has a bad rep…….
like yeah, he’s handsome
(practically the one of the most handsome in the country bc have you SEEN him??)
but there are three main reasons why he’s got a bad rep around the country
the first one being that he has a really bad spending habit
just take a look at his wardrobe
he spends so much money on his appearances that his closest is the largest in the mansion
(the maids say it could be his second bedroom bc there’s a literal couch in it)
remember how London Tipton had that “wear a day, throw it away” phrase?
that’s basically Bambam, only he just…….hoards it in his closet
Bambam: “just in case I need that outfit another day, some day”
cue assistant!Jinyoung rolling his eyes behind Bambam
Jinyoung: this dumbass
Jinyoung: “yes sir, we will save it for another day” :)
the second reason being that he’s also known to throw lots of wild parties
so he spends a lot of money on catering, entertainment, clean-up and such
ironically enough, it’s not one of those like “royalty only” parties
bc that’s boring
so literally anyone and everyone is invited
and that means anything and everything can happen in the mansion
ofc he’s aware of robbers and stuff so there are guards at every door
this leads the last and final reason of his bad rep: how much of a flirt of he is
while there are guards at every door, basically anyone attractive is allowed in
like omg his boy literally can not be tied down
or as he would say
Bambam: “there are plenty of fireflies in the swamp”
Yugyeom: “isn’t it ‘there’s plenty of fish in the sea’?”
Jinyoung: “ignore him, let the stupidity rampage”
Yugyeom: “you are evil oh my god”
anyways, despite all of this
he really is a good guy
and even the mansion servants are aware of this
it’s just that…. he’s not the first in line for the throne
he’s got two older brothers and they’re fighting enough for the throne and getting involved with the mix is just………… a lot
so he doesn’t really have the whole responsibility of a royal
but he’s got a lot of press on his back and that’s kind of where the bad rep comes in view of the public
while he does have that image, there is another side of him others know
he’s very compassionate, so he donates a lot to charities
especially for children who are interested in the arts
because he’s got a huge passion for the arts himself 
honestly music is kind of one of the only things he really loves in life
but he doesn’t really have enough motivation for it bc of the whole royal thing
so he keeps it as a hobby
anyways, this is the most important bc this combination of music and flirtation is what leads to his doom
for two reasons: his parents cut him off and this is what leads the witch doctor to seek revenge
so after all this ridiculous spending on his clothes and parties and all his flirtations, but no commitment
his parents couldn’t take it any further and decided to cut him off to make him less dependent and learn the value of money
just because he lost the money aspect to him didn’t mean he lost his charm
so the flirtations were kicked up a notch
well not really
he was playing the ukulele on the street and caught the attention of many ladies
bc it’s the handsome prince playing in public duh
one of those ladies being the partner of a very powerful witch doctor
……… well, former partner…….
bc said partner left him after talking to Bambam…………
so what does the witch doctor do?
he does what he does best and sets out for revenge
he lures Bambam in, telling him his fortune and all that good stuff
Bambam is allured
but next thing he knows, there’s smoke and he’s surrounded by spirits
and everything has been enlarged
so where do you come in?
when Bambam had his parent’s’ money, there was one mall he loved to visit the most
that mall is so boujee that it’s the size of an airport
he didn’t even buy from some places, others gave them as gifts bc it would be advertised or something
(the whole press thing on him bc he’s not a “perfect” royal is seen as an advantage for these businesses)
anyways, you work as a server in a couple of the restaurants that’s in the mall
one for the days and one for the nights
so you work part time in a cafe for the mornings and mid afternoons
and a bar for the evenings
so you practically live in the mall
and that means seeing Bambam often
each time he comes and goes, there’s a wave of people who chase after him and you can’t do anything more than roll your eyes at him
while you haven’t met him in person, you’ve figured out what type of person he is
just another guy who thinks he can buy his way into anything
he’s clearly never worked a day in his life and he’ll never know the meaning behind hard work
you? you’ve been working since you were 15 to save enough money to open up your own bakery
tonight, you were at a childhood friend’s palace
that’s right, a palace—Lisa threw a party and asked for you to cater it, especially since there was a very special someone coming (a possible suitor)
(and she paid you too so)
you were in her room, as she was putting on her third outfit of the night and touching up her makeup
she suggested you dress up too, so you were left alone in her room and while she danced on the ballroom floor
you were upstairs, gazing up at the stars
remembering your childhood memories with Lisa
Lisa: “if you make a wish on the evening star, it’s sure to come true”
feeling rather nostalgic, you do it—with no actual hope anything’s going to happen
You: “I cannot believe I’m going this”
you close your eyes and wish and pray and hope that you are able to achieve your dreams
but when you open them……………
there’s a frog
You: “very. funny.”
you turn to the little frog on the rail, tilting your head
You: “I reckon you want a kiss?”
Bambam: “kissing would be nice”
**chaos ensues**
let’s just say, you’re glad Lisa has a maid—but you also feel sorry for the person who has to clean the mess you made
Bambam, on the other hand, is running for his life
and managed to avoid the following: rolled up magazines, verryyyy thick books, a straightening iron, a curling iron, and some thigh high boots of Lisa’s that you grabbed from the corner 
Bambam: “you have a really strong arm—aaAAH sTOP IT” 
there’s a couple of minutes at a standstill, where Bambam remains on the vanity and you were trying to understand what was happening 
You: “okay, okay, I’m fine, everything is fine and this is not happening” 
Bambam: “oh this is happening” 
You: “SHUT IT” 
and this led to another process and it wasn’t until five minutes later and an airbag for you to acknowledge the frog in the room
You: “who and what are you?” 
Bambam: “I am Prince Bambam” 
You: “I don’t believe it” 
Bambam: “how can I prove it?” 
You: “okay, okay—let’s just say for hypothetical reasons, you ARE Bambam”
You: “why are you a frog and why are you here of all places?” 
Bambam: “I may or may not have gotten involved with a witch doctor….” 
You: “you mean to tell me you got into this mess bc you were messing with the shadow man???” 
Bambam: “he was very charismatic” 
You: “this is what I get for wishing on stars; the only way you can get something is through hard work” 
Bambam: “why would you want to work harder? that’s just more—ANYWAYS, I’m getting off track” 
Bambam: “I need your help” 
You: “why should I help you?” 
Bambam: “I’ll be your genie in a bottle—do you have any wishes?”
You: this fool just quoted Christina Aguilera 
and that’s when you remember: your restaurant 
you just said that you should work hard for it 
and you’re almost there
you really can just turn this all down and let him suffer
but you look into his eyes and……… this poor guy is just suffering and deep down, you would feel really bad about turning away from him
so…. that’s when you agree to help him
You: “I think I know someone who might be able to help”
you call up a favor from a friend, who has a cousin, and that cousin knows a classmate who is interested in voodoo
turns out the only other witch doctor lives in the woods somewhere
“her name is Mama Odi”
you get some directions, but there’s also a hint of uncertainty from your source
You: “you’re telling me, I’m gambling my way through the woods”
Bambam: “it’ll be like an adventure—it’ll be fun”
You: “oh my god”
so you two venture together for a weekend? trip
he’s like a little pet
along the way, you both talk
and like really talk about things
one night, the stars were out and he was talking about his old life
You: “do you miss the money?”
Bambam: “of course I miss the money, but the money…. kept me company”
You: “you think you can just buy people to like you?”
Bambam: “when you’re royalty…….. everyone wants something from you”
Bambam: “isn’t that why you’re helping me”
You: “truth? half”
Bambam: “then what’s the other half?”
You: “empathy—while I don’t like you, I’m not evil”
You: “I don’t have ill wishes on anyone”
Bambam: “so, what is your wish?”
You: “my wish, my hope, my dreams is to own my own bakery or cafe—it was a wish of my grandma’s but…”
Bambam: “but what?”
You: “she died before she could make it happen and with my parents, I can’t burden them with my own dreams—they support me and encourage me, but they can’t help me”
Bambam: “that’s better than what I was raised with—I depended too much on mine”
Bambam: “there are servants to do everything for you: drive you, wash you, brush your teeth—while I admit it’s a charmed life…….. when they cut me off… I realized that I don’t know how to do anything”
You: “everyone has their own time to find strengths and maybe you just need more time to find yours”
the rest of the journey is kind of like this and you kind of just forget you got a lil frog prince on your shoulder
eventually, you get to the center of the large ass forest and there’s an old treehouse but it’s also completely huge
and there’s some old lady on the side and you and Bambam are like what the fuck
she takes you in and gives you some tea and gumbo from a tub that you are unsure whether you should trust or not
and then Bambam just bursts
Bambam: “hey, this is great and all, but I’M A FROG”
Mama Odi: “you need to dig a little deeper and you’ll find everything you need”
Bambam: “what we want and what we need are the same thing, no?”
Mama Odi: “the same thin—no!”
You: “so, what do we do?”
Mama Odi: “technically in the olden times, you would need a princess, but times have changed”
You: “what does that mean for the present?”
Mama Odi: “a kiss would have been fine”
You: “what?”
Mama Odi: “a kiss breaks the spell”
she kind of just let y’all go after that
so you two were on your way back and trying to figure out what should happen then
and you just kind of talk
Bambam: “if you’d just kissed me that night we met….”
You: oh my god
You: “I would really to like to help you but I… do NOT kiss frogs”
Bambam: “but, on the balcony, you asked me”
You: “I didn’t expect you to answer”
Bambam: “(Y/N), please”
Bambam: “it’s me—you’re my only hope”
You: “..... just one kiss”
Bambam: “unless you beg for more”
You: “don’t make me regret this before I even do anything”
Bambam: “sorry, sorry”
and so you do what you thought you would never do
and kiss a frog
he transforms back and you head your way back together…… as humans
the trip back was nearly the same as the trip there, but……. something’s different
(other than the fact that you kissed him)
you can see the emotions on his face, read how he’s feeling
you def caught feelings, but……. how does the living casanova feel about you?
Bambam hasn’t felt this vulnerable with anyone before
he feels…. different
but like a good different
the thing is, you don’t know this—so when you get back to the city, you expected to part in different ways…………
he asks his parents for a favor, begs them to help you out
and they’re shocked, at the least to how he’s acting
so they make a deal………
they’ll pay you for your troubles and he has to get a job
so he gets the money to you and you get your dream
for a bit, it feels right but………. something’s missing
and then you realize what it is
just when you’re about to move on from the whole endeavor, he gets a job…………….
at YOUR new bakery
the press got a whole field day when they saw him working there
so hey free publicity
so the friendship continued, with the both of you taking your breaks together and such
it’s cute
Jinyoung is just confused about the whole thing that it’s kind of just hilarious
Jinyoung: “what happened to you that weekend?”
Bambam: “you don’t need to know”
Jinyoung: “yes, I do—it’s my business”
fun fact: you get along with Jinyoung really well bc you have a realistic sense of things and your patience is amazing
(considering that you work with Bambam)
so what changes between y’all?
on day, you were on your lunch and you were both enjoying a meal together in one of the back rooms
and you ask the question you didn’t dare to ask before
You: “why are you working? I thought you were going to try to do music”
Bambam: “you’ve inspired me…. I want to help you with your dream”
You: “you don’t have to”
Bambam: “yes, I do”
Bambam: “I have to do something to impress you”
You: “why would you need to impress me?”
Bambam: “because you’re amazing and I really like you”
You: “what”
and thus begins a beautiful relationship
omg, I need to say this—his contact in your phone is My Frog Prince
no one else except you and Bambam understand it
(also Yugyeom bc he’s Bambam’s best friend, but you don’t have to know that)
moving on
you two complement each other—making one another better than you were before
Bambam learned what hard work actually does and its impact, along with the importance of chasing your passion
with your encouragements and support, he was able to pursue music
there’s also love
each time he looks at you, he wants to be a better man for you
for your future together
you’ve learned to relax every once in a while—you haven’t really been able to do anything else when you started working and studying
you were able to learn a lot about yourself with your days off
another thing was self-love
Bambam made you realize how important confidence is
and the more time you spent together, the more time you were able to realize how that lack of confidence impacted you
you both are amazing in your own ways and you have each other to help realize that
Bambam is a very touchy lover and does not care who is watching
even if it’s in front of his parents
(you had to stop him from kissing you like twenty times)
Bambam: “one kiss isn’t enough!!!!”
You: “stOPPP”
**also you: not stopping him
anyways, you actually got to meet his parents
when you did meet them, they were immediately in love with you and the changes they were able to see with Bambam
he stopped getting so much attention from the press
gained more sense of responsibility
and he was able to be more independent, learn things on his own and do things on his own
honestly, you didn’t see much of a difference in him
to you, he’s the same flirty guy you’d met on Lisa’s balcony—he’s just more thoughtful with his actions………… most of the time
Bambam: “you know, (Y/N), we’re going to be here for a while, so we might as well get…… comfortable”
You: “keep your slimy self away from me”
Bambam: “you love my slimy self”
You: “ugh, don’t remind me”
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that-shamrock-vibe · 4 years
Disney+ What To Watch: My Top 10 Favourite Modern-Day Disney Classics
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#2. The Princess and the Frog
With the Post-Renaissance era having mixed results from audiences, Disney decided to go back to its beloved an fruitful Disney Princess formula with the last 2D animated studio to date from the House of Mouse.
This not only reminded fans what they loved about Disney when it was on the top of its game, but also began what is now known as the Disney Revival era seeing a resurgence in Disney classics and it all began with the Disnefied spin on yet another classic fairy tale.
The Princess and the Frog does not get enough credit, period. Not only could this movie be mistaken for part of the 90s Renaissance, but the characters are fantastic, the comedy is on point, the music is original and fitting for the setting and...it may just be because there was a 7​1⁄2 year lull of sub-par movies from the mainstream Mouse House between Lilo & Stitch and this...but there is just this feeling of coming home or seeing an old friend again that I always get whenever I see this movie.
Now a lot of people who criticise this movie say that the main problem is the fact the plot seems very crowded, but really it is straight forward to follow and. if you treat it like a chessboard, the game is set up in the opening scene and song.
So basically you have, arguably, the best female Disney character in animation who has been brought up on strong moral values, she also has a life-long dream from a young age of becoming a well-known chef and owning her own restaurant to honour her father.
Simultaneously, you have a foreign spoiled prince who has been made broke by his parents who comes into the company of the movie’s villain who allows him to escape his troubles but by doing so curses him as a frog and employs his butler to take on the appearance of the prince, trick the local sugar baron’’s into marrying him and thereby takeover New Orleans and harvest its citizens for their souls to appease his friends on the other side.
Plots collide when our heroine meets the frog prince and is tricked into kissing him because he believes she is a princess and so promises to grant her the money for her restaurant if she frees him from his froggy prison, but instead she is turned into a frog and they must find a way to reverse the curse and thwart the evil villain.
I have genuinely just given a general synopsis of the movie in three very short paragraphs so if anyone still thinks this movie is confusing then either I’m missing something or you’re overthinking.
The lessons in this movie are so well learned and played out, the relationships are genuinely built up so that when our main protagonists do eventually fall in love it feels earned rather than just a business arrangement as it was originally going to be.
The choice to make this a 1912 Louisiana set movie, complete with a strong African-American protagonist and an equally strong ethnic Eurasian deuteragonist, as well as a Haitian villain, is genuinely revolutionary for not just Disney but family entertainment.
It doesn’t really shy away from prejudice, albeit while it is not a main focus of the movie, Tiana is put down numerous times not just for being a woman trying to succeed in life but also referred to as a woman with “her background” which means he skin colour, or her upbringing in a poor neighbourhood.
Tiana is the every girl for me, not only has she worked for everything that she has earned, even throughout the movie, but she has a smart head on her shoulders. She knows how to whip Naveen and her friends into shape, but also she is not afraid to stand up to the Shadow Man or any of her oppressors.
She also doesn’t believe herself a princess, she is not the type of doe-eyed dreamer that would usually fill the princess role. She has a drive, she’s determined, and it’s all real-world issues. Her motivations aren’t because of a man but providing for her future and maybe supporting her mother.
Even when cursed as a frog, she is still determined to achieve her goal, she just needs to be able to turn back into a human first which is where she learns life isn’t all about the endgame. That’s when she allows herself to open up to seeing the good in Naveen and allows herself to fall for him but in a natural organic way.
Anika Noni Rose does an absolutely amazing job as Tiana, she was born to be this character, I can genuinely see her as the live-action version of the character. Anyone saying Tiana was originally supposed to be Caucasian really needs a reality check, look at her design.
It also doesn’t hurt that Tiana’s main princess dress is green which happens to be my favourite colour.
Naveen is a lot like Flynn Ryder in terms of being that loveable rogue type of character but what elevates Naveen is he does at least learn and show personal growth throughout the movie, first with actually doing some hard work and cooking and then with developing actual emotions for Tiana and being conflicted into whether or not the most important thing is regaining his humanity and money or being with Tiana.
Dr. Facilier is one of the great Disney Villains, I may not be Haitian but I actually dressed as him for Halloween last year complete with UV skull face paint, now yes I’m practically a milk bottle and so a white skull face on me does not exactly show properly but I still felt very good about myself.
I loved the addition of voodoo to a family friendly atmosphere, it didn’t need to go into the blood rituals as heavily as say American Horror Story: Coven did but it still showed that a large part of voodoo is blood rituals with requiring Naveen’s blood in order to maintain the illusion of Lawrence being Naveen.
The personality they gave Facilier as well wasn’t exactly as sinister as Maleficent but instead more like Jafar or Scar, he allows himself to have his own brand of humour such as when he’s giving his tarot readings but also his sinister side manifests in how he utilises his magic and his friends on the other side and particularly his shadow.
Charlotte Le Bouff is probably the funniest supporting character I’ve seen since Mole from Atlantis or even the Genie in Aladdin. I absolutely love seeing this girl every time she is on screen, she steals the show in every scene she’s in. But also, you do feel for her. She wants that dream fairy tale life and you want her to get it because she is just that loveable.
If I had to say who I liked the least it would probably be Louis and Ray, nothing personally against them they are both decent comedic side characters, but they just seemed to be tagalongs and didn’t really contribute a purpose. Louis is an alligator who dreams of being a jazz musician which comes true when Tiana opens her restaurant and he is part of the house band, Ray is a Cajun firefly who is in love with a star and he gets to join her by becoming a star when he is, rather brutally, murdered by Facilier after a rather emotionally manipulating funeral scene.
Mama Odie and Eudora (Tiana’s mum) are great examples of Disney utilising named talent for minor roles, as both Jenifer Lewis and Oprah Winfrey respectfully do very reasonable jobs with what they’re given. I mean it’s Jenifer Lewis as a Voodoo Queen it’s just magic.
Just like Naveen, I was so happy with the infusion of Jazz music in this movie. I want to go New Orleans so badly, and I partially want to go there because it is the hub of jazz music. I loved the “Down in New Orleans” book-ended renditions at the start and the end of the movie, originally performed by Dr. John and in the reprise performed by Anika herself belting it out.
“Almost There” I love as a “I Want” song and as an empowerment mantra, it’s a song about focusing on your goals, working hard for them and it is catchy as hell.
“Friends on the Other Side” is the best villain song since “Be Prepared” and “Hellfire”. Not only does it give an amazing display of Facilier’s voodoo powers but Keith David delivers a fantastic performance all round.
“Dig a Little Deeper” is another great life motivation song, and if it is Jenifer Lewis singing it then she stays in character and does a great job.
The other songs are good, they’re nice but I do feel they’re a tad forgettable.
The Princess and the Frog is one of the more underrated Disney animated movies, it was unfairly weak at the box office, yet delivers a brilliant well-rounded story with fantastic characters, stunning visuals, great life lessons and an overall heartwarming feeling.
It’s also made me want to try beignets as I have never had them before.
So what do you guys think? Post your comments and check out more Disney+ What to Watch Top 10s as well as more Top 10 Lists and other posts.
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lozenger8 · 6 years
Scott/Stiles in Forgotten First Meeting + Stranded Due to Inclement Weather for @skittlestrash
When Scott starts trying to work out who he is and what he wants, he spends a lot of time at Jungle. There are three main reasons for this. First, he is constantly given free drinks and generally only has to tip the bar staff. Second, he likes the ambiance and atmosphere. Everyone is here for a good time; dancing, chatting, drinking. The only attention he gets is positive and usually doesn’t involve too many questions. And third, the entertainment is excellent. They have a drag revue every weekend, featuring different artists who have opened his eyes to whole new worlds.
Scott’s sitting by himself, waiting for a show to start, when there’s a commotion next to him and he looks down to see one of the queens lying with her skirt up around her waist and her legs bent at an awkward angle.
“Oh my god,” she moans, flailing one of her arms around.  Scott gets up and holds out his hand, helps her achieve vertical again. She has a strong grip and one of her nails digs into his thumb, but she looks so grateful, he doesn’t mind.
“Thank you, sweetie,” she says. “Can’t afford a new set of goddamn heels and I knew this pair was gonna break eventually. Just didn’t think it’d be tonight.”
She speaks with an affected drawl, bats her eyelashes. She’s beautiful – angular, honey-eyed, and her make-up is striking, but Scott can’t help but wonder what she looks like beneath the paint.
“You’re welcome”, Scott says, because she’s staring at him waiting for a response. “Anything to help a lady in need.”
“Oh, honey,” she says, and Scott’s a hundred percent sure she thinks he doesn’t know she’s in drag and is about to school him, so he wiggles his eyebrows and smiles beguilingly.  Her eyes widen and then she winks. “You’re a true gentleman,” she says, then orders him another of the drink he’s been nursing – an appletini – and whisks away on bare feet, clutching her shoes in her hand.
“Good evening ladies and gentlemen,” the same queen says ten minutes later from the stage. She flourishes in his direction at ‘gentlemen’. “I’m Miss Chief Desire and I’m here to emcee our fabulous evening. I’d like to dedicate this first song to a wonderful young man with a pure heart and a sinful body-ody-ody.”
She glances at him and winks again and Scott knows he’s blushing brightly. He ducks his head and smiles to himself.
Scott can’t believe he’s about to go to UC Davis for his last semester. He’s been in school for so long, he honestly doesn’t know who he’ll be without it. He’s taking a year off to travel. He’s got the trip all planned and partially paid for from the part-time job he’s had since he was 15. And after his travel, he has a guaranteed job with Dr. Deaton.  But beyond that, he’s a little lost. He doesn’t know how he’ll cope without the routine. He’ll probably just make himself a new one.
He’s waiting at the bus station, because his bike has finally given up the ghost, when the announcement comes over the tannoy that all bus services have been suspended due to gale-force winds. They don’t have an ETA on when they might resume service again but Scott suspects it’s hours rather than minutes. His mom’s working. He has no money for uber or a taxi. Scott groans and settles in for a night of watching his phone battery drain and hunkering down against the cold.
“This is the worst,” the guy next to him says, rolling his head around and gritting his teeth.
He’s handsome in an angular way -- his nose does a little ski-jump and his eyes are golden. He’s familiar and Scott assumes they attended lectures together in freshman year.
“No, it could be worse than this. At least the power hasn’t gone out.”
“Don’t will that into the world, are you crazy?” the guy says, flailing dramatically. He gazes at Scott, narrows his eyes. “Yeah, you do look like a wild one.”
“I do not,” Scott says, because he’s wearing a button down and he’d accidentally gotten a hair-cut that was more preppy than he’d intended that very day.
“You absolutely do. In my experience it’s always the clean-cut types who are the kinkiest little gremlins.”
Scott laughs. He can’t not. The guy has this sardonic, mischievous lilt to his voice that he likes, and a face he would happily get used to seeing.
“I’m Scott,” Scott says, holding out his hand.
They talk for the next couple of hours. Stiles doesn’t actually attend UC Davis. He’s going to visit a friend. He’s impressed by Scott studying veterinary medicine and listens with rapt attention to Scott’s anecdotes. He’s a little bit cagey about his own life, only saying he has three jobs, but is leaning towards becoming a police officer, like his dad.
Scott doesn’t feel any hesitation when he hands his phone over to get Stiles’ contact. Stiles keys it in, but then stares at Scott’s wallpaper. He blinks, glances back up at Scott, mouths ‘wow’. Scott’s wallpaper is a selfie he took the night he helped Miss Chief Desire and she’s lip syncing in the background.
“What’s going on?”
“Uh, you go to Jungle a lot?” Stiles says, answering Scott’s query with one of his own.
“Yeah,” Scott says, slowly. Their chat has been flirtatious and he’s given his contact details so he doesn’t know why this would bring Stiles up short.
“You like drag?” Stiles questions next and Scott begins to get defensive. He’s disappointed. He’d thought Stiles was open-minded, and not nice exactly, but kind.
“Yeah, I do, and there’s nothing wrong with that.”
Stiles grins, brilliant. “No, you’re right. There isn’t.” Then Stiles winks, leans forward and says in an affected lilt, “We’ve met before Mr. Pure-heart.” He nudges Scott’s shoulder. “I can’t believe I didn’t recognize you.”
Scott suddenly, swiftly, realizes what’s going on.
“With respect, I can believe I didn’t recognize you,” Scott says, looking down at his phone and then back up at Stiles. “You’re pretty as a woman, but you’re beautiful as a man.”
Stiles places his chin on his hand and stares at Scott, his eyes twinkling. “Yup, all my initial assessments about you were right. You’re a keeper.”
And Scott definitely knows who he is and what he wants.
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jabamaca · 6 years
An Idea Regarding the Disney Princesses Line-up (LONG)
When my brother and I watched the new Frozen II Teaser,  we felt a JRPG vibe towards it. With you know, the going on an adventure into new lands and meeting new characters (gathering up party members) shit.
I just had a great idea: How about an RPG (preferably turn-based), with the Princesses (and some other characters) as playable characters?
Okay, let’s get a run-down through ALL the Disney Princess films (and some films that I think that can approriately be considered as such, i.e. Frozen, Moana) and conceptualize if notable characters are Playable, NPCs, and Villains (and anything in between).
Unmentioned characters (most of the sidekicks) are assumed to portray any other element of the Gaem. Anyways...
Snow White and the Seven Dwarves
Snow White (Playable) - She is playable, yes; but how? She'll be a Bard(-like?), she will sing to get a debug or to call upon her animal (and non-animal) friends. But later on the story, she will wield a Hand Mirror and use little of the Queen Grimhilde’s power. The story-line is inspired by “A Little Crooked Tale” by forgotten-ladies on DeviantArt. (too lazy to explain the whole idea). Making her a little bit of a Witch late game. She be reluctant about this. I will use the “because plot” phrase quite a bit on this post.
Prince Ferdinand [Is that his real name?] (NPC) - Their setting is set a year or 2 after the film. He and Snow are married and ruling. He will just watch over the Kingdom when Snow joins the party.
Queen Grimhilde (Villain) - N.E.R. (No Explanation Required)
The Huntsman (Anti-Hero / Playable) - He will be an Assassin. He will be like the combination of the appearance/encounter instances of Gilgamesh (FFV) and the very-neutral / conflicted-nature / will-eventually-join-the-party aspect of Shadow (FFVI). A little characterization to him, will do wonders to the story.
Cinderella (Playable) - I imagine, given that she has the Fairy Godmother, she decided to get under her influence.She will be a Conjurer (Mage-Like). I treat the magic involved in the film with the likeness between Alteration and Conjuration school of magic in The Elder Scroll series. Imagine conjuring a Glass Sword amidst the battle, golem magic, cantrip magic. The plot might need to have something really bad happen to Fairy Godmother to justify her taking the role (make her dutiful on this game).
Prince Charming [Let’s make Charming his actual name] (NPC) - Same case as Prince Ferdinand.
Sleeping Beauty
Aurora (Playable) - Nature Wizard, similar with Cinderella but a little more nature-y (plant, animal, weather) given the specialty of her 3 Fairy Godmothers (Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather). The setup for this is also similar with Cinderella’s, but with a touch of Maleficent corruption (’member the needle).
Prince Phillip (Playable) - He will be a... Glorious, noble, badass, motherflippin’, dragon-killin’ Knight!!! I want his character to be more justified, unlike in the “Maleficent” film. That story didn’t happen in this story (opinion and idea influenced by Shadiversity). His father is still alive, so someone will take care of the kingdom once he joins the party.
Maleficent (Villain) - N.E.R. (minus the “characterization” in the Maleficent film, add more mysterious-menacing-villainy)
The Little Mermaid
Ariel (Playable) - I imagine her needing to wield her father’s Trident, due to plot and necessity for her RPG adventures. She will need to go back to being a mermaid for the longevity of the Gaem (because plot). Having wielding the Trident she will have tremendous power, but has little idea on how to use it (game-design-balance shit and plot). With said power she is able to have her own personal sea to “hover” on. Plus, Trident... 3-pointed spear thingy... You can do things with that. Retiarius/Sea-God Mage(?), I don’t know, she has Triton Powers. She be reluctant about this.
Prince Eric (NPC) - He will have to take care of little Melody. (And the kingdom, of course)
Melody (NPC) - She will have her cute moments on the Gaem.
King Triton (NPC) - Something bad will have to happen to him for plot. But will have to have been resolved before leaving the story arc of the “Little Marmaid” area. Yadda-yadda, Triton gives Trident to Ariel, Ariel joins the party, Ariel says goodbye to her family, Ursula continues to be a threat beyond her kingdom/s, end of story-arc. The good shit.
Ursula (Villain) - N.E.R.
Beauty and the Beast
Belle (Playable) - Given that her father (Maurice) is an insane (complimentary) machinist and her obsession with knowledge. I recon that she will take after her father with the Machinist business. She will be equipped with / riding on the contraptions she and her father made in their workshop in the castle (setting is maybe a few years after the film).
Prince Adam (Playable) - Due to plot reasons, he will have to be Beast-form throughout the game (or at least transform to be it when in battle or adventuring). His servants are capable of governing the castle and its kingdom. He be reluctant about this.
Gaston (Villain) - Not really a world-threatening villain. Just an area story-arc villain.
Jasmine (Playable) - Jasmise will be a Dancer in this game. She can have dances that inflict status-effects/buffs on enemies/allies. Imagine the Dancer job on “Final Fantasy Tactics”. She is able to do this because fantasy-magicry, plot, her booty-shaking-capabilities, and game-design.
Aladdin (NPC) - He will not be playable because plot, something REALLY bad happens to him (doesn’t mean die) regarding the Genie and the Lamp. He and the Genie are M.I.A. throughout the game. I made him non-playable to make the Jasmine story-line interesting. I mean: I like Aladdin as a character, but he (and the Genie) being M.I.A. will be the perfect driving-force for Jasmine to be joining the party.
Genie (NPC) - Similar case with Aladdin.
Jaffar (Villain) - All-powerful Genie-Jaffar, baby!!! He be world-threatenning. N.E.R.
Cassim (Playable) - Aladdin’s father. Cassim’s driving-force to joing the party is the same as Jasmine’s. He will be a Thief with magical artifacts in his disposal. He will have a major role on The Hunstman’s character arc.
Pocahontas (Playable) - She will be a Shaman training under Keketa, and under the mystical influences of the Grandmother Willow Tree. She will be tasked to investigate what is currently wrong amidst the magic of the world. Imagine her controlling nature, like bending the winds to her will.
John Smith (NPC) - He will just be a Trading Ship Captain that always visits Pocahontas given the opportunity. They are still lovers despite the long-distance.
Kocoum (Playable) - Pocahontas’ father (Chief Powhatan) will assign this Survivalist to protect Pocahontas along her journey.
Mulan (Playable) - She will be a badass Warrior Princess that can wield any sort of non-magical weapons. She’s that badass (this description may or may not be biased). She joins the party to find out what is wrong with Mushu being on a very weak state on this Gaem.
General Li Shang (NPC) - He still needs to watch-over the kingdom’s army when Mulan joins the party, especially when his co-general/wife is gone.
The Princess and the Frog
Tiana (Playable) - Her story in this game is that a few years after the movie, plot happens which causes Mama Odie to die. Mama Odie, being a magical and spiritual voodoo priestess, goes to Tiana and transfers her essence (spirituality and voodoo powers) to her, making her a Voodoo Priestess; tasking her to confront the world-plot. She be reluctant about this.
Prince Naveen (NPC) - He will just be a supporting character giving emotional/moral support for Tiana.
Lottie (NPC) - Same case with Prince Naveen. 
Dr. Facilier (Shadow Man) (Villain) - He be back with a vengeance bigger and badder. N.E.R.
[subjected to change, due to Tangled the Series]
Rapunzel (Playable) - She will be the Healer of the party. Her magical hair will grow back because of plot, and part of the plot is the mysterious Moon magic that was present in Tangled: the Series.
Eugene (Playable) - The Trickster of the group. He has the ability to steal like Cassim; but also has some Charismatic (think the Orator skill-set in Final Fantasy Tactics) and Acrobatic skill-sets. He is one of the characters who are sworn to protect Rapunzel.
Cass (Playable) - The Rouge of the group. She can wield her badass-ery on battle. She is other characters who are sworn to protect Rapunzel.
Varian (Anti-Hero) - Now that’s an anti-hero when I see one. Watch Varian’s character in Tangled: the Series, he’s has a very good setup to being an Anti-Hero.
Merida (Playable) - She will be a Ranger, complete with a personal pet Bear and Eagle, ready for combat. The plot will be set a few years after the movie and she would have already had a few hunting trip from which she acquired her pets.
The Witch (NPC) - The Witch will be the NPC to summon Merida to go on a quest to investigate the plot and join the party.
[subjected to change, due to Frozen II]
Anna (NPC) - She will need to watch over Arendelle with the Queen joining the party.
Elsa (Playable) - The party’s Cryomancer, practically N.E.R.
Kristoff (Playable) - He will be the Brawler of the party, much like a beefy tank who uses blunt forces in combat. He is tasked by Anna to be Elsa’s bodyguard.
Hans (Anti-Hero) - His motives will be politics and vengeance. During the plot he would have already gathered a rebel army from the Southern Isles. Not really a world threat, but a recurring threatening hindrance for the party.
Moana (Playable) - During the plot she will have to gain full-control of her ocean powers, that’s why she will be the Hydromancer of the party.
Maui (Summon) - Given the plot. He will have to be initially be M.I.A. and then found at the end of the Moana area story-arc; making him able to be summoned by Moana in combat.
So that’s most of the idea I got. Took a lot of effort to put this in text form. So, yeah, all of these are just because of one teaser of an upcoming movie. Be aware that this will have NO relation with the Kingdom Hearts series. This “Gaem” has its own story.
[TL:DR - a traditional RPG with the Disney Princesses as the main centerpiece would be awesome]
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