#but no he's literally a grandfather he has adopted children. and his children have had children
wheucto · 2 years
fan from the biologically immortal var. of the no.1 fan au ccl var. would've... probably had children at some point? probably would've adopted, since i can't really see him having a relationship with somebody before the show
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yanderecxre · 2 months
Yandere!Retired Colonel headcanons
You only knew him by his nickname, "Saint", beyond that you knew nothing about him. But oh, did he know everything about you.
You, sweet and young, fresh outta college and working at the base he was stationed at before he decided to retire. You who took care of the daycare on base, who didn't even bat an eye at the insanity that the children you took care of looked like.
Saint even adopted a kid from the dumb program just to have an excuse to talk and see you, little Henry was a pain in the ass, literally and figuratively. The brat always clung to you, crying he didn't wanna go home. Making Saint look like a terrible grandfather. "Listen here you little brat, I'm trying to make sure they can't just up and leave, so start acting like I'm the greatest grandfather alive before you scare them off!"
Sweet, young bleeding heart little you. Always talking and smiling at him like he's some regular guy and not a powerful Colonel who could (and would if you ever tempted or forced his hand) ruin your budding little career before the hour ended. Of course though he'd never do that, not with how often he sees you now, at drop off, pick up, sometimes you ask guardians to help around the daycare, he's there every time.
Saint, who once he decides you're his, immediately gets to work implementing himself in your life, both personal and professional. Using little Henry as an excuse, poor boy getting used as an excuse for why the two ran into you everywhere you seemed to go. "Oh, hello Henry, Saint! What brings you two to the library?" You smile and ask as you hold a small stack of books, unaware that Saint was scanning the titles so he could ask you next time which was your favorite. Saint smiles and holds Henry's shoulder, laughing slightly. "Poor boy practically cried and threw a fit demanding we come to the library because he wanted to read and play in the kids section!" You were far too busy to see Henry glaring at Saint, his eyes darkening as you smiled and talked to him.
Saint, who finally asks you out on a proper date (you don't know of course that the date will be your last in a while, he already has your room set up in his cabin. Henry helped him pick everything out, the kid loved you too much to let his idiot of a grandfather make you feel unhappy.) When you accepted he smiled and offered to pick you up, you spent the rest of the day smiling and giggling as Henry clung to your leg pouting.
That night, you had a lovely date, perfect in every way, Saint was the perfect gentleman. Letting you order whatever you wanted and asking about your interests and life. He even insisted you call him by his actual name, Nicolas. He loved the way it rolled off your tongue, could only imagine you moaning and whimpering it as he went down on you later on-
You felt woozy during the last bit of the date, had you drank more than you thought, no way... you couldn't have, you looked up over at him, Saint looked perfectly fine, not like you. You stumbled slightly out your seat, he was there, holding you steady. "Oh dear, poor thing, let's get you home yeah sweetheart? You had lots to drink, I'll get your dessert to go." He murmured in your ear, holding you closely to his side his large hand firmly on your hip, keeping you near him.
The last thing you remember before passing out was Saint, helping you to his car. Hand on your hips as he assured you everything was alright, that you were just tipsy. Something in his voice made you feel weird but it got overshadowed by your head muddling as you whimpered softly and promptly passed out. You never knew that he drugged you, he wasn't a monster. He just needed you woozy enough to get you to his cabin.
"Don't look at me like that little brat, they're just unconscious. What? You gonna sleep by their bedside to protect their virtue?" "Yeah, because I don't trust you, grandfather." "You little fucker- Jesus! Did you just bite me?!"
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televisionlassie · 3 months
I feel like people don’t realize how jarring it probably for all of Bruce’s kids to be adopted.
There’s this strange idea the adoption is “saving” a kid, and I get how in some ways this can be true for people but imagine being the kid. You’re taken away from everything you’ve ever known and sent with some person, you barely know. That can be traumatizing. Adopted children (even if they are adopted by a good family) are at a much higher risk of mental health issues and developing learning disabilities.
Now imagine this for each of Bruce’s children.
Dick grew up in a traveling circus, he was used to never staying in one place for long. He was surrounded by many different families and cultures. He went from living like that to juvie. And even after he moved in with Bruce it’s still completely different from living in the circus.
Cass was treated like she was a weapon. She wasn’t a human to people. When she was adopted her whole perspective on her life and being human was changed, and she just had to adjust because no one could understand that.
Jason was literally a street kid. I think he’s the easiest to say Bruce “saved” but it is still a HUGE. difference in lifestyle. He went from fending for himself, never relying on anyone and having to steal just to feed himself, to living in a place that is quite literally the complete opposite of that.
The thing about Tim is there is a weird misconception that he was like horribly neglected, and he was sort of, but his parents loved him. He definitely had a good childhood. I hate to say one of them would have it easier because I don’t think any of their situations were easy, but Tim definitely had it easier to adjust. Doesn’t mean it’s still not shocking to have to get used to a completely new family dynamic.
Duke had a loving family. He might not have been rich but he had a family that he loves and grew up with. The worst part about his situation is that his parents are still alive but they can’t take care of him anymore. He has to live with a new family and treat them like that while knowing his real family is still alive and there’s nothing he can do to go back to the way it was.
Damian literally grew up in the fucking league of assassins, he was treated like a prince but also a weapon. He had to go from everyone treating him like a prince and that he’s above them or like a pet to be trained by his grandfather to being treated like any other person. He wasn’t given special treatment and favoritism by his new family and had to get used to that.
This isn’t even mentioning the culture shock Dick, Cass, Duke, and Damian would’ve experienced. I like to believe Bruce would’ve been a good enough parent to learn about their cultures but it’s different coming from a man who had no personal connections to your culture.
Anyway I just felt like ranting about this.
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alicentsgf · 18 days
Re: Alicent Margaery thing
They get so mad because they like to revel in the fact that Alicent has no known direct descendants. They like to headcanon that Daemyra’s direct descendants are the most important characters in Westeros from the North to Dorne, so they say that Margaery is a direct descendant of Daemon’s through Rhaena when there is no real evidence to support that. She became the wife of a third Hightower son and had 6 daughters and no sons of her own and because there is no political advantage and nothing to gain from Lord Lyonel marrying his heirs to his brother Garmund’s daughters. His brother is already his ally, Lyonel is the Lord and inherited everything and there are no more dragons to claim by then so Dragon’s blood is not important anymore. Targaryen Princes are unlikely to ever marry a Hightower daughter again. So marriages between the cousins probably didn’t happen, especially when more important alliances within the Reach and Realm had to be reformed.
On the other hand we can say with just about 100% certainty that although Margaery is not a direct descendant of Alicent, they both directly descended from the same line of the Hightowers. We viewers/readers are definitely meant to draw parallels between Margaery and Alicent. Both of their Grandfathers were the Lord of House Hightower. Both are the youngest of their siblings and are the only daughters amongst multiple brothers (book Alicent, although Condal also mentioned that he hasn’t forgot about Alicent’s other brother?) they have brothers that are knights and are very protective of them. Both happen to have mothers named Alerie/Alyrie and that’s a purposeful decision by the writers meant to remind us that they have a familial link.
One had a scheming father and uncle and the other had a scheming Grandmother and father. They were both the favorites over their brothers and their families had all of their ambitions riding on and invested in them and not their brothers, they were taught how to play the game at a young age and then they made them Queens. Both worshipped the Seven and were beloved by the smallfolk. Both were clever, witty girls with snappy one liners who had big hearts but could also be scheming, cunning and cruel. They were ambitious Queens who wanted their sons to end up on the iron throne. Both were smarter than their husbands who were both shitty Kings. Margaery wanted to manipulate and tame Joffrey so she could rule the Kingdom for him, while Alicent actually got to rule in place of Viserys for many years while he rotted away
We can also look at Alicent and draw similarities to Margaery in appearance too. While their actresses look nothing alike both were stunningly beautiful and stylish girls. Their hair colors and textures are close as is the way it’s styled at times. Green is also a shared theme between them. It’s a color constantly linked to the reach, which is the hub of agriculture in Westeros. They’re descendants of Garth the Greenhand whose name evokes thoughts of greenery, flowers, planting and growing, Margaery’s house words are “Growing Strong” and it’s colors are Green and Gold, a color Marg wore often in the book. While Alicent adopts green as hers and her children’s Official colors in relation to the color that the Hightower lights up when declaring war. In addition to the green. Aegon incorporates the color gold as well in honor of his Dragon. The Greens were constantly surrounded by the colors green and gold. Helaena wears gold and she dresses their children in Golds and greens.
There are no links like that from Margaery to Rhaena and there are no parallels between them. We aren’t meant to think of Margaery when we see or read about Rhaena.
Disclaimer: This is in no way implying that Rhaena’s children are not real Hightowers because whichever houses her daughters and their children ended up in, they still descended from the Hightowers too.
Literally not gonna say anything. You said it all perfectly.
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Having Higgs thoughts.
First of all, it's absolutely hilarious that Oggie calls him kid even though Higgs is literally a first-generation Jager. Incredible. This must be the Jeger equivalent of being 40 but having such a bad case of baby face that you look like a teenager and no one takes you seriously.
Secondly. I read a fic with one (1) interaction between Higgs and Lilith/Judy and decided it would be very interesting if Higgs had been the one to 'raise' her (and Punch/Adam too I guess?). But then I really thought about it and it makes at least a bit of sense. Visibly they were created as adults, but the emotional and mental maturity and humanity had to take a while to set in. And who better to teach them how to act human, how to be human, and how to fake being a socially acceptable non-mechanicsburg person than the guy who's not human but whose job is literally to blend in with them? Plus, Dimo said that Bill and Barry didn't like the Jagers being with them because it was bad for their reputation or something but Higgs doesn't look like a Jager so he was probably on Heterodyne-sitting duty way more than the rest of them because he's way more subtle and less réputation-damaging than the others.
Point is. Higgs being the one to teach Punch and Judy How To Be Human When You're Not, Really and then he ends up catching parental feelings which is... Interesting. Never happened before. When Punch and Judy are good enough at passing for human and don't really need him for that anymore he goes back to his job but they keep in touch sporadically. He's really worried when they "disappear" but he can't search for them because he's in a deep cover operation. Plus, signs points to Punch and Judy being very good at hiding if no one found them and Agatha in all those years.
Higgs learning that Judy and Punch were 'killed' and just..... Disappearing from the airship for a while to destroy a forest or two. Only to discover them in Gil's secret lab during his routine patrol of all the secret places in the airship. From then on he tries to visit them as often as he can without compromising his cover.
Obviously he probably learns about the Agatha thing early, but then he learns who raised her and gets confusing grandfatherly feelings. Give him a break, he's just gotten used to the idea of having children, he wasn't expecting a grandkid :/ he goes to Oggie (grandfather many times over) about it. Oggie, surprisingly, takes him absolutely seriously, gives him advice, and only teases him a little ("out ov all de grandkeeds hyu chust had to get de most troublesome one uh ?")
It still takes a while for Agatha to learn that she's got a sort of adopted grandpa (who isn't evil !) who looks barely 20 years older than her and is one of her subordinates oh that's awkward..... But at least he's very trustworthy and now she has to adapt to the idea of her best friend dating her grandpa (Zeetha thinks it's absolutely hilarious).
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aita for wanting to maintain a relationship with my step-grandfather? (tw for mentions of child abuse and death)
so my (under 18, nb) step-grandpa (84) has been feeling lonely recently. his son passed away this february, and his best friend isn’t doing well healthwise and probably won’t make it to the end of the year. my grandma (74) has been communicating with me and my mom (47) about step-grandpa’s loneliness. i offered to help them adopt a cat (he said he didn’t want to have another pet die, though he is in his eighties, so…) and surprised him with a card for father’s day.
here’s where things get tricky. my actual grandfather died a few months before his daughter (my mom) was born, so my step-grandpa is the only father figure he’s ever known. he was pretty abusive when she was younger, to the point of kicking her out when she was 12, which caused her to get kicked out of middle school because the us public school system doesn’t care about at-risk teens and children. my mom also has some triggers because of this abuse, namely slamming doors. she was also abused by one of her stepbrothers, the one that died last february. the other stepbrother is a wonderful guy who’s gotten a lot of therapy and has cut off contact with his dad and brother, but still occasionally talks to my mom.
however, my step-grandpa has, according to my grandma, turned over a new leaf. he’s taking medication for mood swings and goes to therapy. apparently it saved their marriage, so good for them! despite this, my father (47) believes my step-grandpa is a “textbook psychopath” and has also stated numerous times that he doesn’t want me around my step-grandpa. my dad did not grow up around my step-grandpa. he did not know my step-grandpa until my mom introduced them when both my parents were well into their twenties (or possibly in their early thirties). my dad has never experienced my step-grandpa’s abuse. my dad hasn’t had a whole conversation with my step-grandpa since maybe before the pandemic.
i’m not asking to live full-time with my step-grandpa. i just want to take him to a pet shelter or somewhere where he can hang out with cats without necessarily having to adopt them. my mom is fine with this. my mom has actually been encouraging me to hang out with my step-grandpa more, because like i said, he’s lonely. i respect that my dad doesn’t want to talk to my step-grandpa, but i do. i’ve told him this, and he keeps insisting that i “keep my distance” and “be careful”. he is literally the only person who is saying this. even my mom gets along with my step-grandpa now that he’s gone to therapy. it might be a religion thing, as my dad is lutheran and my step-grandpa is a recovering jehovah’s witness (which did influence how he raised my mom) but last i heard, he is fully an atheist now and has apologized to my mom for being a shitty dad. i don’t understand why my dad is so wary of him. i just don’t want him to feel alone.
so, aita?
What are these acronyms?
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How did Francis and Arthur get their children? 🤔
The same way practically every bisexual millennial I know did. Accidentally knocking up a partner in their 20s and having a lot of court mandated therapy 😂.
Arthur was born in Liverpool and entered the foster system from around the age of ten with his mother's death. Grew up in the very dystopian Thatcher years until he taught himself posh English and got into the navy, then shady maritime shipping. He was about 28 when he was posted to Boston in 2004. He met Olivia Jones who's an RN with a background and specialty in social healthcare originally from Nantucket with a mixed European and Afro-indigenous (Mashpea, Aquinnah and Nantucket Wompanoag) heritage and she isn't much interested in sharing her baby boy with the random limey she had a one night stand with. She named him Alfred after her own grandfather and kind of a vague idea of Englishness because she always meant to contact Arthur eventually but never did. So she doesn't really tell him until Alfred is six and he's kind of a sickly kid with pretty severe asthma, ADHD and a brush with leukemia. She tracks Arthur down to get his medical history and see if he's a marrow match. He's been with Francis for about a year, is starting to consider Matt his own kiddo and now suddenly he's got two. And one's his. And this is an Arthur who grew up rough, working class and low-key has a massive mental breakdown because he had a kid he wasn't taking care of. He never met his own father. Liv really doesn't want much to do with him but they've got Alfred together and Arthur's making pretty good money so he's happy to do whatever he wants as long as he can see his kid and be a dad in literally any capacity she'll allow. She really doesn't trust him but they work it out eventually considering they're basically strangers. Eventually Francis and Arthur agreed to live around Boston for a few years because Olivia isn't keen to ship her only son to a foreign country until she really warms up to the whole situation.
Francis is doing a master's degree in art history part time while slowly taking over his ancestral bakery. His mother was a French literature teacher and his father was the baker. And he met Matt's bio mom, Theresa, in 2008 during the recession. She was a microbiology university drop out living on a trust fund and travelling wherever nature took her. François' was very into leftist, artistic scene at the time, a little Bohemian and they shacked up one summer having steamy tantric sex in a family cabin for months and accidentally having Matt who's about six weeks old when she takes off, suddenly realizing what parenthood means and François just keeps his kid and never contacts her family. He's slightly terrified that a court outside of Quebec will take his only child so he keeps Matt close and is determined to make a properly québécois lad out of him. Theresa died climbing K2 in 2012 and Francis is neurotic about Matt's love of nature for the rest of his life, always slightly terrified he'll do something and die like that. He met Arthur in 2010 when Matt was about two going on three and they married in 2012, Arthur formally adopting Matt and making everything legally sound.
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shopcat · 7 months
also now that it's fresh what we see of little azula in zuko alone really is not all that ... anything at all. like she's not horrifically evil or predeterminedly ANYTHING ... she's literally ten years old. she's acting like a ten year old ?! she trips her friend and pushes her big brother into a fountain. my brothers use to lock me in chests and there's literally an entire popular childhood game made up that's about tricking your friend into giving them a nosebleed by hitting them in the face. and her biggest crime is ... having a talent for firebending, which isn't actually her fault despite what people seem to strangely think, and parroting strategy and propaganda that her actual manipulative and evil father tells her that she clearly grew up around and doesn't just Randomly Know.
both of these particular aspects of her put her in a position of immense pressure by her father from an incredibly young age, in an incredibly volatile environment where she knows, and as the years pass she LEARNS, a slip up or indication of less than perfection could cost her more than just a basic reprimanding. people harp on for years about gifted children and the ramification of treating a child as more mature or capable than they are but can't seem to apply the pretty much perfect comparison even in this fictional way... that's crazy. it is literally her entire narrative arc and the way it just goes over people's heads is ASTONISHING.
like it seriously frustrates me the way people continue to villainise azula beyond logic to the point where there's this fanonised, warped version of her that exists (particularly as an even younger child than she already is) that's like, the antichrist figure to further woobify and "legitimise" zuko's various traumas and his childhood, which i find not only obviously fucking ridiculous and people should be ashamed of themselves but also like, you just don't have to do that. theirs was not a normal childhood and neither of them should be judged as a normal child, but also paradoxically, they are just normal children.
even if azula was in an average family, from a behavioural standpoint, and a LOGICAL standpoint, no, the ten year old little girl doesn't know the full capacity of what she's doing and saying and should not be judged as if an older child or adult were saying them, or as if she is entirely outside of the narrative scope. she teases zuko about how their grandfather was going to "kill him" and how he should get adopted now (which literally... all my siblings have done have people never had siblings...) which is an entirely normal way of acting out and picking fights. when ursa comes in she immediately acts innocent which no, doesn't indicate further malicious intent or "manipulation", it's... how any 10 year old would act if she got caught being naughty and picking fights. (contrary to popular belief zuko is not the main character both of the story and IN LIFE, and azula exists without her brother around – a child scared to get caught indicates a child who has been driven to be SCARED. in the household she lives in this applies tenfold).
she would have no actual reason to realise the outside forces actually at play, unlike their mother, and just like it's not her fault zuko is treated unfairly for being the "unfavoured" child it's not her fault that... adults were actually conspiring to kill her brother. which is a huge thing and is something almost intolerably inconceivable to most adults let alone children.
"but she was callous about her mom leaving" she wouldn't be able to REGISTER anything about their mother "disappearing" (or dying, at least to them at this point in time) within the... 10 hours? it happened in. she was lashing out again. she did not have a hand in "KILLING" her mother. and honestly from what little we did see of ursa, a predisposition to finding your own child unsavoury is kind of unwantonly cruel. these characters don't know that they exist in a narrative where azula is being set up as The Villain, who has to act Villainous, and honestly that's a boring fucking way to look at character behaviour anyway.
as much as i do agree that obviously it's a story and things happen for narrative enhancement, the enrichment of a story comes from the believability of a character's actions and even if that weren't true, half of what people as fans of something do is further that themselves by inferring what we can from what we see and therefore i think i'm right in thinking this anyway. you can't step up to the plate claiming you can handle depth and give me a puddle -_-. anyway. it is insanely unbelievable that a mother should write off her own child and favour the other just because her megalomaniacal husband has shown interest in cultivating his own child as a weapon, and just Plain Insane that so many people write off this character entirely WHILST giving all HER trauma to ZUKO.
also like, she's not even acting like a particularly spoiled princess COULD act like in the beginning she's just kind of an annoying kid. i'm not kidding when i say she's acting pretty much entirely normal. "she set her dolls head on fire" so has every other kid i've ever known. i'm actually going to lose my mind about how people have twisted her character into something so beyond any sort of empathy or consideration of what a child of a manipulative genocidal maniac who is shown to abuse his kids could possibly look and act like when we literally get it served up on a silver platter the entire show in the difference between zuko and azula. "azula always lies" because azula always plays the part to protect herself and the role she was manipulated into thinking she earned is like, the foundation of her character and it's embarassing the way i see so many people just like. fall for it. the inability to conceive any sort of love or compassion for a character that directly parallels the male character everyone trips over to analyse is really transparent and sad tbh. at the end of the day azula haters will be taters as i prosper in my garden of success of loving her and being capable of having a brain.
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drivingsideways · 2 years
On watching Pathaan
I don't want to talk about the film itself, which was a shock to my system- it's been several decades since I watched a Bollywood "masala" film, so I'd evidently missed the part where they've apparently forgotten almost entirely how to make those. The Bollywood masala films I grew up with weren't clever or technically fabulous or intellectually satisfying (though a few were all of those); that wasn't what you went to the theatre for. You went to feel twenty different emotions in the space of two hours and forty five minutes, and come out (literally) sweaty and fulfilled, with a earworm that wouldn't leave you for a month. Pathaan ostensibly belongs to that category of films except that it's not: it's a film that seems afraid of emotions, big or small; of dialogues with multi syllable words; of silences, of empty spaces; in the end it's a film that resists both thought and feeling, and provides only simulacrums of both.
And yet?
This entirely made-by-subcommittee exercise in soullessness is rescued by one fact: that it has Shahrukh Khan. You cannot, physically, make a movie without feeling once it has Shahrukh in it. You can try (and boy, does Sidharth Anand try ) but if you want to see how one man's personality entirely WARPS a narrative, just consider this: "Pathaan" never gets a "real" name onscreen. He's not Raj, Rahul or Kabir. He's just Pathaan: a man adopted by an entire village in Afghanistan; and adopted here, in his "homeland" as well; at this point in his career, everyone knows that Shahrukh is of Pathaan ancestry himself, so the movie is literally just calling him what someone probably once called his grandfather or great grandfather.
See: if this had been an Akshay or Ajay or even Salman movie, it would have been nothing but crass misogyny and militant nationalistic jingoism start to finish and it doesn't entirely escape either of those things even now; but the moment you have Shahrukh and those eyes of his which feel everything, and show everything, you just can't make that film. You'd be laughed out of the room. The movie had to literally acknowledge this when it has a character say of "Pathaan": the others are calculated, methodical, but Pathaan? He thinks with his heart.
Yeah, baby. That's blorbocore, ok?
You can't think your way to Shahrukh, you can't reason your way to him; you have to feel him. It's a binary state: you either do, or you don't. It has been that way since he burst into national consciousness with Fauji (1989) , big nosed and pimply-skinned; and it's that way now, when he's fifty seven and got six pack abs and smooth skin in post.
You have to look into his eyes and see the truth there: (love conquers everything)
Every tiny bit of truth gleaming gold in the muddy riverbed that is Pathaan comes not from the elements of the film itself, but from who Shahrukh Khan is, to us, in this moment of our history; who he has been to us in the last three decades; the man who made grannies and children laugh and cry; who set the standards that women of my generation would judge men against; our sona, our kintsugi, in a country that always seems to be on the verge of an irreparable fracture, and somehow, so far, hasn't given up. We shouldn't exist, yet here we are. We don't know where we'll be tomorrow, but that's for tomorrow.
I know there are many reasons for Pathaan's success, but one of them, surely ,is this: that we wanted him to win. Nobody in public life in the last three decades has embodied our ridiculous, laughable dreams and our spectacular failures as he has; he was-and is- our guy, hamara, the one who said watch me , I'm going to do the impossible, and it's going to be fun. And we did. I know people are watching Pathaan for all sorts of reasons, but one of them is surely this: that we loved him in the way we love ourselves, that we missed him in the way we miss ourselves; that when the chips were down, we came out to see this ageing superstar reinvent himself, do the impossible once more; that when we walked into that theatre, we were saying, go on, shona, do your thing, we're watching you, we're still here.
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aweirdfan101 · 1 year
Hello dearies! @oni-otakue had an ask and I am here to fulfill it! I’m so sorry this took so long!! I had a lot of dental stuff and just overall health issues to deal with!! I hope you enjoy it!
Warnings: Yandere themes, not proof read
Type of writing: Fanfiction, Yandere headcanons
About: Yan! Myers(VTSOM) and Yan!Claude with a Fem!Daughter figure reader who asks them if they want her to have children! (Separate headcanons)
Characters: Myers(VTSOM) and Claude(VTSOM)
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Yan!Myers x Fem!Daughter figure reader headcanons(Platonic)
💙I feel like Myers wouldn’t care too much about if you had children or not. As long as you weren’t in a relationship he didn’t mind. (Please remember surrogates and adoption is a thing)
💙If he did end up becoming a grandfather he would definitely spoil them, it would honestly be hard for him not to spoil your kids.
💙In his eyes you’re perfect and you’re his daughter. Your children are worth pretty much equal to you. He does genuinely love your children though, but he would sorta be absent more often since he has a business.
💙If you ever need help with raising your kids he more than likely just gets a nanny as I doubt he’s amazing with kids…
💙Yet something cute he does is literally reads a ‘How to Raise Kids’ manual. He probably shows up to your kids and says ‘How do you do my fellow kids?’
💙He tries to act ‘woke’ or ‘hip’ as he says. Yet he fails horribly. It’s honestly sometimes cringy, but also really funny. You probably have to pull him aside and tell him when something isn’t exactly in with the times.
💙He is probably pretty cuddly with your kids and often hugs them and offers to watch them. Also, when you’re kids are older he would definitely want to teach them about finance.
💙If Myers found out someone was posing any sort of threat to your kids. He could get them rid of easier than saying 1 2 3. And if they’re really pissing him off, he’ll gladly take care of it himself.
💙Myers would definitely try and show your kids his way of thinking and how to clean up blood and overall just yandere stuff. He 100% tries to teach them how to stalk someone. He usually starts it by ‘Don’t tell your mother.’
💙Myers is basically the rich grandpa who’s still a sweetheart and cuddly grandpa.
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Yan!Claude x Fem!Daughter reader Figure headcanons(platonic)
💙Claude wouldn’t mind if you had kids. However, he would definitely make sure it’s either adoption or surrogacy. He is definitely a stricter grandpa and often watches over them for you.
💙He always wanted children, probably around 4. So he wouldn’t mind watching over your kids or even taking care of them if you had stuff to do or even just needed a break.
💙Claude probably researched a lot about having kids and babies. He helps you a lot with taking care of your kids and the biggest piece of advice he gives you is that if you’re tired and so drained just walk away from the baby for a moment. Take a breather and even take a nap for around an hour.
💙Claude is extremely protective over your kids. If someone even looks at them wrong they’re going missing. He’s a detective so he knows what police officers look for and knows how to avoid showing evidence.
💙Claude honestly takes almost like a father role of your kids at times. He’s pretty strict and tries to teach your kids something at any chance he can.
💙He’s pretty similar to Myers with teaching how to clean up blood, hiding bodies, but he’s a lot better at what to teach considering he’s dealt with murder cases before.
💙During your pregnancy if you do surrogacy, he’ll one 100% treat you like a princess and just ask for something he’ll get it for you. Even if the pregnancy is pretty easy, he knows pregnancy can sometimes suck so he wants to help where he can.
💙Claude very secretly wants you to have a girl kid. He doesn’t care what the gender is, but he wants to do their hair and if your son wants to have their hair done he gladly does it. Deep down he really just wants to style your kids hair, even though he sucks at it and is still learning.
💙Even though Claude’s strict it’s more than likely your kids will cling to him as he’s actually pretty sweet and deep down has a huge soft spot for them. He cries when he first meets your kids. He will forever hope you didn’t notice his tears. (he was full blown sobbing you noticed.)
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Anna and Ari adoption HC
They weren't planning on adopting a child when they were in India meeting Aris family there, and initially they had only planned on adopting one child.
But that was before they met Saanvi and Prisha. They are sisters, Saanvi is 6 and Prisha is 3, and inseparable. It's one of the reasons they haven't been adopted.
The other is that, as a result of seeing her parents being murdered, Prisha became a self mute, and has really bad separation anxiety. Saanvi won't leave her little sister
They don't even really discuss it. These girls are coming home with them. And no one is going to talk them out of it.
They let everyone know, but ask that they don't come to Percy Street unless invited. These girls have been through enough and their friends and family can be a lot on a good day.
Flora is the first to come round. She brings them both a plushie Teddie and some story books Ari had liked when she was young. She's becomes the grandma that turns up randomly because she saw something in a shop she thought one of the girls might like.
Then Cecily, Gabriel and Alexander come round. Alex is thrilled to have someone his own age with to have as a playmate. Gabriel literally can't stop having an crisis he's "too young to be a grandfather". Cecily bless her heart is literally the only sane one offering actual practical advice "as long as your children are happy and healthy then everything else falls into place". She should know having raised Anna and Christopher
Gideon, Sophie and Eugenia come to visit. Gideon looks baffled on seeing the girls (despite having been told several times by Sophie) and Eugenia gushes at them. Again Sophie being the gem she is, having heard about what they have been through slips Anna a list of people who might be able to help them deal with their trauma. The list is a God's send and really helps both of them.
Will and Tessa invite them to the institute, so they can get used to the place. Saanvi asks loads of questions which Will answers and Tessa let's Prisha take her time and makes her feel safe.
Then the girls are subjected to introduced to their parents friends. James and Lucie bombard them with books, Mathew comes arms with clothes, Alistair and Thomas are just their for cuddles (Alistair will deny the fact), as does Cordelia. Jesse just let's Lucie ask a million and one questions. Grace comes for a short visit and on leaving simply says "let them know how much you love them"
And these girls really are loved. Anna and Ari don't force anything on them. Their expectations are reasonable; have manners but don't take fools lightly. Don't let anyone dull your light but that doesn't mean it has to be about you all the time.
In time, they both deal from their trauma. Prisha begins to talk again and doesn't have a meltdown and being separated. Saanvi was better at hiding her problems but she's ok
Plus they might not be related to Anna and Ari by blood but there is no doubt who they were raised by. Both are really accepting of anyone and everyone, and will stick up for the underdog.
Saanvi takes after Anna in the sense she's such a social gathering organiser and hoist. Parties, picnics, inventive games Saanvi is your girl. Whereas Prisha inherits Anna's listing ear. You need some to help you process something? Prisha is your girl. Both leant about healing from Ari.
But they are also their own people. Saanvi is an artist. She mostly sketches and paints watercolors. She also occasionally plays the piano with Ari.
Prisha however is a Gardener. She is particularly keen on growing plants that are native to India to keep that part of her heritage alive. She also enjoys cooking and baking a lot of Indian food as well for that very same reason.
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amethyst-geek · 11 months
Mike's role in my Total Drama high school urban fantasy AU
First, I would like to discuss which characters would become related to Mike in this AU. For starters Jen the Fashion blogger and Katie would be his cousins and perhaps his adoptive sisters. Jen and Katie's mother would be the older sister of Mike's biological mother. I would also have him be related to Dawn in some way. I will elaborate on this when I discuss Chester.
Like many Total Drama fans, I subscribe to the fan theory that Mike's DID was the result of an abusive childhood. Since my AU is an urban fantasy, Mike would be the son of an immortal being trying to take over the world, and he concieved Mike as part fo an elaborate plan to achieve that goal and he subjected Mike some pretty intense abuse and training. However, Mike was eventually rescued by his maternal relatives around the age of 7. I talk more about Mike's father when I discuss Mal.
For a while, I contemplated forgoing Mike having DID in favor of allowing the alters to literally be their own people with all of them instead being various relatives of Mike. However, to maintain the idea of Mike having a disability, I would have him suffer from PTSD (and maybe even give him a physical disability for good measure). However, it might be more interesting to maintain Mike having DID.
I will now go through each alters one by one explain the different ideas I have regarding their roles in this AU depending on whether I rework them into Mike's relatives or stick with them being alter egos.
Mal- even though Mal's the sixth personality in the show, I feel like I should talk about Mal first for the sake of context. As I already mentioned, my urban fantasy AU would give Mike an abusive dad who is also an immortal being. Mike's father would be a major villain throughout the AU. I talk about Mike's father here as Mal has the highest chance of being reworked into a relative even if the other alters remain alters. In Mal's case, he would be Mike's father and the leader of a supernatural cult (BTW Priya's parents would be members of this cult instead of Total Drama superfans in this AU and they would instead be training Priya to be an elite soldier for Mal and upon finding out about Mal having a son the same age as Priya they would also train her to be a potential bride for Mike). As a mythology gag, there may be a storyline where his Mal (with the help of his followers) switches bodies bodies with Mike as part of a plan to break out of magic jail. If I stick with Mal being an alter (the other stuff regarding Mike's dad would still be the same, expect he'd go by something other than Mal), then Mal was created from Mike's fear of what will happen to him if he doesn't live up to his father's expectations.
Chester- He'll defineitely be a relative of Mike's, while also being Dawn's grandfather, but how they're all related will depend on whether or not Chester remains one of Mike's alters. I know that sounds sounds weird, but hear me out. I basically have 2 different ideas regarding what to do with Chester in my AU.
1 idea is that Chester is a retired badass wizard who practically made a career out of thwarting Mal's plans and is his nemesis. In this scenario, Chester has 4 children- the eldest being Jen and Katie's mom, kid number 2 is an adopted Scottish son who eventually fathers Dawn, the 3rd is Vito's father Vince, and the youngest is another daughter whom we'll call Daphne for now. One day about 7 years after Daphne's supposed death, Chester discovered that she had actually been abducted by Mal. Chester and his other children tracked down Mal to his castle where they met Mike for the first time. Mal then reveals that he used his shapeshifting abilities to seduce Daphne, resulting in Mike, and that she died shortly after Mike's birth. Mal then proceeded to gloat about the horrific treatment he's subjected Mike to. Furious, Chester used a powerful spell that created a seal that kept Mal from using his own powers, at the expense of Chester losing his own magic, the use of his legs, and vision in one of his eyes. Chester then became Mike's legal guardian and acts as a grumpy mentor to not just his grandkids, but their friends as well.
Idea number 2 regarding Chester is that he is Mike's much older half-brother via their immortal father. He was forced to act as Mike's guardian in between training sessions. Chester wanted to protect Mike from their father and get him away, but his old age (as well as the power limiter he's forced by his father to wear) made it difficult to stand up to their father. Whenever Mike got frustrated about something, such as struggling to do a spell his dad wanted him to master, Chester would help calm him down and help him with hsis problems. Around the time Mike was 6 or 7, Chester did some investigating to learn the identity of Mike's mother and learned she was the younger sister of a powerful witch who would frequently thwart his father's schemes for world domination. Chester managed to get in contact with said witch (Who had been under the impression that her dead sister's child had been a stillbirth and that the pregnancy was the result of a 1-night stand with a random dude), revealed that her nephew was alive, and they came up with a plan to rescue Mike and stop Chester's father. To make a long story short, Mike's aunt helped remove Chester's power limiter, and just like in my first Chester idea, he uses a powerful spell to create a seal that his father form being able to use his power, only this scenario, the spell winds up killing Chester. Now this can go 2 ways- either Mike's grief causes his subconscious to create a new alter based on Chester or Chester's spirit winds up stuck in Mike's subconscious and acts as an alter and spirt mentor. In this scenario Chester would be be Dawn's grandfather similar to Chester scenario 1. In this scenario, When Chester was a young adult, he actually managed to get away from a father for a few decades. During this time, Chester had a child who in turn married an elf and had Dawn. However, when Dawn was still a baby, Chester's father tracked Chester down and killed Dawn's parents while forcing Chester to watch. Chester and Dawn were then taken back to hsi father's hideout where Dawn was raised alongside Mike. After Chester's sacrifice, Mike and Dawn were adopted by Mike's aunt (who is also Jen and Katie's mother).
Svetlana- If I go the "re-imagine all of Mike's alters into his relatives" route, then Svetlana would become Mike's grandmother, who is a retired gymnast. If she remains an alter, then she was created to help Mike through the intense athletic training his father put him through. She was also created from Mike's desire for a mother figure (hence why Svetlana is a girl)
Vito- If I go the "Mike's alters are his relatives instead" route, Vito will become Mike's cousin. I imagine he would still look just like Mike, which could to neat scene where Vito makes his first appearance in the AU and the audience is then treated to either a wham shot showing up and standing next Vito in real life well outside of Mike's subconscious or a wham line of Chester being heard offscreen. If Vito remains an alter, that could lead to an interesting storyline where Anne Maria learns about Vito being an alter and she angsts over it (especially when she starts to wonder as to why the trigger for Vito showing up is Mike losing his shirt and she's horrified upon realizing one of the possible explanations).
Manitoba Smith- In the "Relatives instead of alters" route, Manitoba would the one alter-turned-relative who would not be related to Mike by blood, instead being a family friend and a former apprentice of Chester's. He would also be the host of a popular adventure edutainment show. He would also be Jasmine's father (and her mother's a literal Amazon). If I go the "Manitoba stays an alter" route, then he was created to help Mike deal with his dad's tendency to leave him out in the wilderness and other dangerous places. As for why the trigger is putting one certain types of hats, my guess is that leading up to these training sessions, Mike would mentally prepare by watching various adventure shows and movies like Indiana Jones and Crocodile Dundee, and an in-universe adventure edutainment show hosted by Jasmine's father. And since it is pretty common for fictional adventurers to wear hats, Mike's subconscious began to associate hats with being a kickass adventurer.
What are your thoughts? Which alters should remain as such and which ones should be re-imagined as Mike's relatives?
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alpaca-clouds · 2 years
So many kids | Some Belmont Family Tree Headcanon
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Alright. Enabled by @udaberriwrites, I finally made the effort to draw down the Belmont family tree from my works! Yes, it is a lot of kids. Because, let's face it. We are still in the middle ages. Folks had a lot of kids - not to mention that with the four folks, there is a lot of chances for kids.
Red lines: Relationships
Green lines: Offspring
The children in orange are dhampirs. Note for this: Based on Alucard's comment in canon that he grew up very fast, I decided that dhampir's are fully grown at age 12. Hence their at times young ages of becoming parents.
Now, I have been kind to myself and this graph, by only always including the main generation and not including adopted children. Also not including the romantic partners within the later generations. Because given the amounts of polyamory going on, it would've gotten out of hand.
So, let's go through it layer by layer.
First Generation:
Trevor, Sypha, Adrian and Greta are in a polyamorous relationship, though it should be noted, that they do not all get together at the same time (because that's not how polyamory works). Also it should be noted, that I headcanon Greta as aromantic-bisexual, which is part of it. She starts sleeping with Sypha in late 1478 and with Trevor in 1482, but does not actually become "part of the family" befor 1485, when she finally gives in and moves into the castle.
Marie Belmont (*1477) is the kid of Trevor and Sypha, that Sypha is pregnant with at the end of the series.
Freng & Ilias (*1480) are twins that Greta has with... an unknown father. Literally, she is not entirely certain, who the father is.
Simon Belmont (*1483) is the child Adrian and Sypha have together. As such, he is a dhampir, too.
Trevor gets turned into a dhampir in 1484.
Anna Belmont (*1485) is technically a child of the trio, with whom they never find out, who the father is, given that both fathers would have a dhampir child by then. (But it is Trevor.)
Sasca Belmont (*1485) is the child Trevor finally has with Greta. She is 4 mounths younger than Anna.
It should be noted, that there are quite a few adopted children, most notably of course Coman and Joia, from For a Brighter Future. But over the years there are quite a few.
Additionally it should be said, that over the next decades, Trevor has five kids with people with mothers other than Greta or Sypha. Again, polyamory + relationship anarchy (+ Trevor now being immortal).
Second Generation
Alright, first thing that should be noted here: Yes, Marie and Ilias later grow up in the same household, from the time they are 8 and 6 years old respectively, but they still later get romantically involved. They never see each other as siblings, though, given that they spent too long seeing each other as just friends.
So, Simon is the first one to successfully procreate, given that, again, he is fully grown by age 12. And you gotta see: He is hot. He knows it. He is very bisexual. And he enthusiastically likes sex.
So, Simon's kids are:
Alba Belmont (*1495) is a girl he has with a lady of 19years (named Jeni) at the time. His parents are in disbelief.
Jander and Milos Belmont (*1496) are twin boys, he has with another teen (Hesta). At this point his parents get angry.
After this he gets sent to be straightened out by his grandfather. Somehow he manages to not procreate while in England.
After that he has Firene Belmont (*1501) with the 25 year old Julia.
And finally Fetia Belmont (*1503) who is indeed also the child of him and Jeni.
At this point he leaves the village and travels together with Anna. There are probably other kids after which as well, given that he follows very much the Jack Harkness rules of consent and usually will just sleep around. But he is not aware of those kids.
Anna is a lesbian. She does not have any kids for now. (Honestly, I do not know whether there will be kids of hers in the future, given that kids with a trans woman would totally be possible.)
Marie and Ilias have four kids together: daughter Marita Belmont (*1501), son Soare Belmont (*1503), son Ursul Belmont (*1506) and daughter Lisa Belmont (*1509).
Now, Freng is a bit like Simon as in that he has multiple partners and really does not settle down at first. His son Kal (*1500) is with a woman named Feltia, his son Mizla (*1504) with a woman called Alba and his daughter Ulla (*1506) with a woman called Buna, who is finally the one he settles down with.
Sasca is the one dhampir kid, who actually has no romantic involvements for quite a while. She ends up in a polycule as well, made up of her, two other women (Cetina and Stefania) and two men (Franke and Csegő). While the polycule ends up with a total of six children, she has two kids herself: Daughter Cneajna Belmont (*1505) and son Lepădat Belmont (*1508). (Also, it should be noted that yes, indeed, just like Simon has the family name Belmont, even though he is not blood related to Trevor, the other four kids of the polycule are also named Belmont.)
Third Generation
Alright. This is obviously getting outa hand by now. Again, this is the middle ages, people had more kids than you would have today. Especially as there is the simple lack of contraception at this point in time.
I am just moving through this from left to right this time around, even though it is not the right order in which kids are born
Alba Belmont becomes a travelling doctor. She never gets a husband, but she at some point has a daughter, Laenesa Belmont (*1510).
Jander Belmont follows the foot-steps of his father of sleeping around a lot. Which leads to the first three kids, the twin girls Meda and Jolta Belmont (*1513) by the mother Elina, and daughter Santiona Belmont (*1514) by the mother Păştina. He finally settles down with a woman named Johanna, though, and has two more kids: Surata Belmont (*1516) and Stephan Belmont (*1520).
While Milos at first seems as chaotic as his twin brother, he calms down, as he is an adult. He travels first and later returns with a pregnant wife Vlădelina, who has son Murgu Belmont (*1517) first and then Lupa Belmont (*1519) two years later.
Firene Belmont is a historian. He lives in the castle and has two husbands: Vesel and Dános. With them she has three kids: Vlad (*1515), Joia (*1517) and Radu Belmont (*1520).
Finally, Fetia has the most cliché life, doing mostly farm work and a bit of engineering. She has a husband (Stefan) and two daughters: Anghel (*1519) and Comana Belmont (*1524).
Alright. Simon's grandkids are done!
Marita Belmont marries a merchant's son, Petros, and they have two kids: Daughter Meda (*1520) and son Petrasco Belmont (*1523).
Now, Soare learns fighting and leaves the village of Belmont as a monster hunter at age 20. If he has any children, nobody knows about them.
While Ursul Belmont is one of those kids, who are super into the idea of fighting as kids, he ends up turning to the sciences (including magic sciences) and marries a woman named Săraca. They have three kids, two boys, one daughter. Vesel (*1528), Oltia (*1530) and Franghis Belmont (*1533).
Lisa Belmont, obviously named after her great-grandmother, is a good tailor. She has a husband (Grozav) and two kids: Bunea (*1532) and Franke Belmont (*1536). It should be noted that technically speaking Bunea is non-binary, though obviously as this is the 1540s by that time... there is no word for that at the point.
Cneajna once again ends up being a monster hunter and for now does not have any kids. She might well be asexual.
Lepădat settles down rather quickly. He is of the mad-scientist kid. Now, for him it is a bit complicated. Because he gets together with Basarab, a man, but given that Basarab is a trans man, they still have kids. Tarsa (*1525), Pyrothea (*1527) and Doda Belmont (1531).
Kal does a lot of travelling and ends up meeting with a young gentry woman, Katheia Lapis, whom he ends up marrying. While he does not end up living in the town of Belmont, he does have two sons: Ciezmir (*1528) and Guarinus Lapis (*1532).
Mizla once again is an off-spring who does not have kids himself. He is an explorer.
And then finally (finally!!!), we have Ulla, who technically also is part of a polycule, but the long and short of it is, that she has two kids with the fathers being either one Coman (no, not adopted kid Coman xD) and one Stefaniat. Those kids being daughter Basina (*1535) and Sulwal (*1539).
Boy, yes. This is a lot of kids and grand kids and great grandkids. And while there obviously will be great great grandkids, I will not bother myself by thinking about them.
This is mostly for the benefit of stories like Moments, which cover a broader timeframe. xD
Also tagging @zkang288 and @mikaharuka, because I guess they might enjoy this whole write up. Oh, and maybe @lena-hills xD
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draculagerard · 1 year
are you able to draw a family chart about them..what is happenin...
I literally can’t Haz….. All the angels are chuck’s children and Cas killed thousands of his brothers and sisters (around the same time as his mpreg arc) and uhm Lucifer has a kid with the presidents wife (and there was an arc where they had the Winchesters chase the wife down and beg her to have an abortion). Anyways she had the kid but he’s Cas (first and foremost) and also the Winchesters son (adopted). And then he becomes god after almost killing his grandfather Chuck👍
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isleofdarkness · 2 years
What happened to the children of Belle LeGume and Anna Westergaard? (And here's hoping Gaston and Hans die very painful deaths.)
Warning- Belle and Anna are both underage and have both been pregnant by their fathers without their consent. This will also discuss baby death and human trafficking.
Belle has only had one who survived, Alaric. The rest either never made it to term or died shortly after, because a) Gaton is both father and grandfather, which is bad, and b) Belle's body is so screwed up from the abuse that pregnancy doesn't really work. Alaric lives with Want but Belle is still his mom, she just doesn't want to raise him around Gaston, because he turned most of her brothers into sexists and she doesn't want that to happen to Alaric.
Belle also recently got her uterus removed after five ectopic pregnancies, one that they didn't catch in time and nearly killed her. In entirely unrelated (/s) news, Narcissa and Gil are never going home. Ever.
Averil was adopted by Shan Yu because Hans tried to sell him literally hours after he was born. As far as Hans is concerned, Anna threw them off a cliff or they didn't survive childbirth. He needed open-heart surgery but he's almost six now and is very happy and healthy. Keeps Shan Yu on his toes.
Hayden was adopted by LeFou because he has significant physical disabilities and needs a lot more care than anyone else can give him. Davin takes care of him when LeFou can't.
Ash was adopted by Evie and kind of raised by the Dragons. She's living with Hades now that the Dragons are in Auradon. She had a cleft palate and they think she probably has a mental disability but, no matter what, she's going to grow up happy and loved.
Josiah currently lives with Lydia Snoops and if Mad Maddy so much as fucking looks at that baby weird Lydia is going to murder her.
Jonas and Narcissa are set to adopt the newest one whenever they're born. Anna has decided on Ember for a girl but hasn't figured out a boy name yet. Yes, she has been high-key dissociating ever since she was eleven and yes she knows this is unhealthy but let her have one shitty coping mechanism.
One day either Harriet or Uma is going to find out how to make castration stay and when they do, Belle and Anna won't have this problem anymore.
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jasperlion · 11 months
[ I have Thoughts on the FB, let me tell you. ]
lets divide it into bits:
The fairies
Idc about them sorry.
Peony was wholesome and good on Triandra for finding out nightmares aren't hated. That's about all I have to say. I'm not sure how I felt about the Tharja segment tbh.
Sonya's Solo Story
For this I have nothing bad to say at all. I think Niime as a choice for someone for Sonya to talk to was a great idea, especially because they have a very similar history with the kind of magic that took away some of their family. Granted, the circumstances were Very Different, as is highlighted in the FB, but at least they have this to share in and research on together.
The Celica bit took me by surprise, I actually did not expect her to show up. However, I think it was also a good idea, seeing as Celica is probably the only person alive who has been turned into a witch and lived* to regain her true self. (*she did, however, have to die for it) Clearly, her circumstances were Special to say the least, but the fact it happened means saving a witch could be possible, perhaps even without the death part, they just have to keep looking. "The day I give up on trying to save my sisters is the day they truly die." Damn.
Mycen's Solo Story
It was nice to see FEH acknowledge that Alm was his own war tactician and is quite experienced and knowledgeable as a commander.
That said, we really could have done without Fjorm here beyond perhaps her role in being the player stand-in explaining Alm and Rudolf's beef if they hadn't played Gaiden/SoV.
I also feel it's a little odd of Rudolf to be avoiding Alm considering the Paralogue for Valentines literally ends on Alm and Rudolf trying to make amends and Talk (Celica pushing for it), and all of them going to the festival together. That said, it's not TOO odd, especially since this is a *different* Alm. It does feel like a bit of backpeddaling on the valentines event, though. Idk, I think this could have been elaborated more on.
Also, very silly of two old men to be arguing on who is responsible for Alm being who he turned out to be lol. No complaints on that, as much as it shows a little bit of what each other believes.
I do think it makes sense that Alm is a little sensitive about the patricide thing towards Rudolf and not Mycen simply because Rudolf in his world is already dead. There's no way to make peace with that, or amends with that. Mycen, however, is still alive. He probably already buried the hatchet with his adoptive grandfather by the point he got sent to Askr, so there's no need for sensitivity and hostility. To a point, anyways.
Anyway, mainly, all of this is minor 'eh... huh', my main issue is Fjorm being so prevalent in the story when it feels like she's just there to be a soundboard. Poor woman.
RIP Anna btw.
The FB Story Itself
I got jumpscared by the fact that it starts off ad verbatim like one of me and Bern's (@indumasname ) threads lol
I think the concept of the nothing, and the nightmares, is interesting.
Sonya's resolution with her own nightmares about being unable to save her sisters before she dies, and how they question her resolve, were touching and ended on a strong note. Very good stuff.
Mycen's, however...
That's the one I take issue with, of course, lol.
Mycen doesn't do anything to disprove what Alm and Celica say, he just speaks over them. Sure, they're nightmares, but they have a good point — he kinda threw two kids in a conflict he should have lead or at least could have assisted in.
In a way it felt more like writers trying to justify Mycen, but having no actual reasonable reason for him. Just "Well, he's right because they weren't shouldering it alone". Except adults around them forced them to take responsibility, and so did he, over a situation and world they had no hand in making at just 17.
It'd have felt more resolute if he had faced the children he harmed and admitted they're right, he DID put them in that situation. Maybe they weren't alone, but he set them on a path that forced them to grow up and suffer when they were barely adolescents, because he believed there was no other way to end the reign of the Gods. He believed in the prophecy, and while it worked out, they suffered for it. That would have at least felt like he was answering what the nightmares said… not just speaking over them and ignoring what they said. In a way, it made Mycen look like he constantly avoids the responsibility of what he did to those kids, and the writing put him in the right for it.
Closing thoughts
Alm vc
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