#averil westergaard
isleofdarkness · 1 month
Averil and Ash‘s names start with A like their bio mother‘s, Anna. Hayden‘s starts with H like his bio father‘s, Hans. Josiah‘s name starts with J, unlike both and unlike his adoptive parent. How‘d that happen? (tbf I love the name so this is not a problem)
Josiah was named by Lydia. She had an ally named Josiah when she was younger, but he's dead, she wanted to honour him so she named Josiah Westergaard after him. Averil was also named by the people who adopted him (I think that might have been LeFou but I can't remember at the moment.) She named Ash, Hayden, and she's going to name Ember, but Lydia and LeFou got to name the kids they adopted because they'd already set up the adoptions while Anna was pregnant so she let them pick the names
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isleofdarkness · 2 years
What happened to the children of Belle LeGume and Anna Westergaard? (And here's hoping Gaston and Hans die very painful deaths.)
Warning- Belle and Anna are both underage and have both been pregnant by their fathers without their consent. This will also discuss baby death and human trafficking.
Belle has only had one who survived, Alaric. The rest either never made it to term or died shortly after, because a) Gaton is both father and grandfather, which is bad, and b) Belle's body is so screwed up from the abuse that pregnancy doesn't really work. Alaric lives with Want but Belle is still his mom, she just doesn't want to raise him around Gaston, because he turned most of her brothers into sexists and she doesn't want that to happen to Alaric.
Belle also recently got her uterus removed after five ectopic pregnancies, one that they didn't catch in time and nearly killed her. In entirely unrelated (/s) news, Narcissa and Gil are never going home. Ever.
Averil was adopted by Shan Yu because Hans tried to sell him literally hours after he was born. As far as Hans is concerned, Anna threw them off a cliff or they didn't survive childbirth. He needed open-heart surgery but he's almost six now and is very happy and healthy. Keeps Shan Yu on his toes.
Hayden was adopted by LeFou because he has significant physical disabilities and needs a lot more care than anyone else can give him. Davin takes care of him when LeFou can't.
Ash was adopted by Evie and kind of raised by the Dragons. She's living with Hades now that the Dragons are in Auradon. She had a cleft palate and they think she probably has a mental disability but, no matter what, she's going to grow up happy and loved.
Josiah currently lives with Lydia Snoops and if Mad Maddy so much as fucking looks at that baby weird Lydia is going to murder her.
Jonas and Narcissa are set to adopt the newest one whenever they're born. Anna has decided on Ember for a girl but hasn't figured out a boy name yet. Yes, she has been high-key dissociating ever since she was eleven and yes she knows this is unhealthy but let her have one shitty coping mechanism.
One day either Harriet or Uma is going to find out how to make castration stay and when they do, Belle and Anna won't have this problem anymore.
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