#but nah i loved the stories but its so funny to me that some of yall think he’s grimy af
sydscompostbucket · 4 months
idk who wrote it but more than one of y’all asses (/lovingly) had carmy smoking cigs INSIDE the beef and it pissed me off so bad bc that is like thee most artsy dirt bag behavior.
also some of yall thinking carmy uses 2-in-1 shampoo/conditioner is FOULLL. carmy is bougie!!! he’s using expensive shampoo/conditioner but just probably not often enough. i can’t let y’all do my boy like that c’mon bruh 💀
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marigold-hills · 4 months
June 8: bubbles | @wolfstarmicrofic | word count: 500
cw: use of drugs (magical equivalent of weed)
James and Sirius are laying about James’ bed, hands and legs in disarray, giggling. Above them float iridescent bubbles, the light of the dying day refracting through and emitting distorted rainbows onto the walls.
Each time a bubble bursts it fills the room with sweet-smelling smoke, and the two get another hit and fall into another bout of laughter.
“Pads, Padfoot, Paddy-Pie. You don’t get it. Those eyes,” James sighs so wistfully Sirius worries he’ll inhale too much and float away. It’s a funny thought so Sirius laughs more.
“You’re a masochist, Jamesy-lamb. What were you told? Keep out of my eyesight or I’ll rip out your kidneys?”
“So sweet,” James almost moans through another giggle. “So lovely. I hope you’ll get this one day, Pads. It feels… well it feels a bit like this, actually,” he waves a vague hand around the scented air of the room, “only even better.”
“No thanks, I don’t fancy an impromptu nephrectomy.”
“Nah. That’s not for you. You need someone nice, who’ll take care of you.”
Sirius wraps a hand around the gilded oyster around his neck and thinks of the colour of the eye within it. Thinks of a hand underneath his shirt.
Weird thought, he decides.
“Moony still at the library?”
“That funny swot. He needs more sleep, he does, have you seen the bags under his eyes?”
“Thanks, Prongs,” comes the Moony voice, one of a kind, from behind them, full of laughter. “You truly know how to compliment a guy.”
“Moons!” Sirius rolls forward, an excited dog greeting its favourite person. “My moonage daydream, I have stollen chocolate cake for you from dinner.”
Remus puts a hand on Sirius’ hair, sits on the bed by him. “You have? Always so thoughtful for me.”
“Thoughtful, my arse,” James interjects the moment, “if he were thoughtful, he’d have stolen you actual dinner. Moony, you look about five minutes away from keeling over.”
The hand petting through Sirius’ hair takes out some of the sting from the words, but James is right, isn’t he?
“And you two are high as hippogryphs the night before an exam. That horse isn’t looking very tall, Prongs.”
Remus looks down at where Sirius worked his head into his lap (when did that happen?), eyes soft and lovely. He looks so pretty like this, even with the dark circles under his eyes.
“May I have my cake, mo réalta?”
Sirius tries to stand up to get it, but the hand in his hair keeps him from moving.
“Don’t. Just tell me where it is, please.”
Remus gets his cake and sits back down on the bed, with a gentle hand manoeuvres Sirius’ head back onto his thigh. Rips off a piece of cake with his fingers and feeds it to Sirius. Another bubble bursts somewhere above them, the air becoming almond-sweet.
Suddenly, Sirius is hungry. “This is the best cake I’ve ever tasted.”
James, uncharacteristically quiet, bursts out in almost manic laughter. “That’s the bubbles talking, Padfoot.”
part 8! Of 30 :)
Early morning chapter courtesy of my lack of sleep :)
I kept thinking of bubbles left over in a shower or a bath when deciding what to write for this, but figured that’s too early in the story yet :)
hope everyone has an excellent weekend ❤️
@moon-girl88 @digital-kam @tealeavesandtrash @sweetstarryskies @alltoounwellll @hunnybeemarie @hoje--aqui @annaliza999 @hihimissamericanbi
(let me know if you do/don’t want to be tagged in next parts)
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wooahaes · 4 months
late night chats
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pairing: non-idol!bang chan x fem!reader
genre: fluff. silly lil fluff.
warnings: food. its just a silly lil fic abt making plans w chris. mentions of past panic attacks and a not great ex-best friend.
word count: ~1.2k
daisy's notes: oh to go see the tigers with someone i love......
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Chris turned over to wish you a happy birthday right at midnight, for once in bed… Only to find that you weren’t there.
He pushed the blankets off, stretching as he sat up before slipping into his house slippers. For once, he was half-asleep (the things he did for you), and pushed himself up. With a slight sway, he rubbed at his eyes before groping around for where he’d thrown his hoodie… Only to find that it was missing, too. No doubt your doing. Not that it bothered him: you liked stealing his hoodies. You told him once that you liked the smell of his cologne, and hugging or draping his hoodies around your shoulders often made you feel closer to him. Sure, sometimes you’d wear his larger ones, but you liked draping them over your shoulders the same way he would sometimes while you were working. 
Easily enough, he found you in the kitchen, standing over a pot of ramen, a pan sitting next to it with nothing in it at the moment. You had tied the sleeves of his hoodie so that it hung around your shoulders, some video essay playing off of your phone. The carton of eggs sat next to you, and you reached over to pop it open.
“Birthday ramen?” He said, trying to make a joke out of it. Except you jerked back, a sharp gasp escaping you as you turned to face Chris.
Instantly, you were relieved, even though you likely knew how silly it was to be startled by him. “You can go back to sleep, Chris,” you said after a moment, turning back to your ramen. “I’m just hungry.”
“Nah.” He made his way over, leaning against the counter. “I’m not tired.” He paused, glancing down at your ramen. “... Do you wanna share?”
With a sigh of relief, you bumped your shoulder against his. “I don’t think I could finish this alone. You want an egg?”
Chris then watched as you cracked a few eggs into the pan—one for him, one for yourself—before changing the topic. “So… Any plans for the day?”
You shrugged. “I dunno. Bare minimum was taking the day off, and since I did get it…” You chewed at the inside of your cheek for a moment. “Didn’t think ahead past a vague ‘enjoy freedom.’”
He nodded along, arms folded across his chest. “We could… go to the aquarium.” 
“We went a few weeks ago,” you said. “With Felix and Jeongin.”
Ah. Right. It’d been your idea to invite the two. Chris hummed to himself. “Amusement park?”
“Oh.” He looked at you again, “Right, you don’t like roller coasters.”
“It’s not that I don’t like them—”
He shook his head. “No, I remember the story you told me. High school best friend forced you onto a ride you didn’t want to go on, and you had a panic attack afterward.” Chris frowned at the thought. You’d laughed off the story when you first told it to him, but it was half-hearted. He’d held your hand and promised he’d never push you into anything you were completely sure you didn’t want to do (and he’d keep holding your hand if you decided you wanted to try something). “Still can’t believe she fucking laughed at you.”
You shrugged it off, not meeting his gaze as you pressed your lips together for a minute. A few seconds later, you forced a smile. “Eh. It is what it is.” 
Except you deserved better than that, he wanted to say. Sometimes Chris imagined how different certain situations in your life could have gone if he had been there to hold your hand and speak up where you were too afraid to. He would have told her that it wasn’t funny. He would have split a funnel cake with you and called you cute. Maybe next time some of his friends wanted to go, he’d get you to go with him and he’d split one with you there and keep you company when they wanted to go on rides you didn’t like. 
Something stuck out in his mind, though. “... Zoo?”
Immediately, your head jerked up. “Hm?” But he could see the look in your eyes, a new idea planted right then and there in your brain. 
He giggled. “You’re like Berry when I ask her if she wants to go for a walk.”
With a snort, you rolled your eyes and turned back to the ramen. “Still…”
“If you wanna go to the zoo, we can go to the zoo.” He smiled to himself, already planning out the trail the two of you could take. He knew one of them was called the tiger trail, and, well… If the tiger plushies that littered your bedroom weren’t proof enough of your love of the big cat, everything he knew about you did. He shimmied his shoulders playfully as he moved his way over to you, “We could see the tiiigers—”
In the tiniest voice, you spoke up shyly, “... Could we?”
He just pulled you into his arms with a laugh. “If that’s what you wanna do! It’s your birthday,” he kissed the side of your neck before nuzzling his nose against it. “If you wanna see the tigers, we’ll go see the tigers.” Chris could feel the way your skin warmed up, and he just giggled again at how flustered you’d become. “Baby?” He turned you around to face him, caging you in between himself and the oven. “Say it.”
You buried your face into your hands. “You’re embarrassing.”
“I’m not gonna make fun of you,” he said, poking your sides just to see you jolt. “I just wanna hear you say it.”
Even after dating him for this long, you were still so shy sometimes. “Chris?” You peeked at him from between your fingers. “I wanna go see the tigers.”
He pulled your hands away from your face all too easily, peppering your face with kisses. “Then we’ll go see the tigers!” He held your face in his hands. “You’re so cute.”
You averted your gaze, and then finally spoke up after a few seconds, “takes one to know one.”
Fine. He’d let you get that one for today. Other days, he’d deny it and try to paint you as the cutest one in this relationship (truly, there was no competition in his eyes), but for today? He’d let you win. He just kissed you, warm and sweet, before drawing back. “Happy birthday,” he said. And then he pinched your cheeks one last time. “Gonna go see the tigers with my baby…”
You finally let out a groan, yet it was clear how much you still loved him. He might be a dorky mess of a partner, but he was yours. “We can go see your family, too, y’know,” you turned back to the stovetop to make sure nothing had stuck over overcooked. “There’s kangaroos.”
He just laughed, wrapping his arms around you. “Whatever you wanna do,” he said. “I’ll be right there with you.”
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taglist: @twancingyunhao @weird-bookworm @bangchansbae @jinnie-ret @cheesemonky
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agirlwithglam · 6 months
Hi!! I hope I'm not disturbing you but I wanted to ask how do I work hard. Because when I was younger I got really good marks without trying and now the subjects are hard and social media is distracting but I can't seem to delete it. This is also why my grades are even low then before and I'm really afraid to disappoint my parents (being the eldest daughter doesn't help). So can you please just give me some pointers on how can I actually study and not just cry because I don't know how to. Have a great day!! <3
literally omg. is this past me asking me a question?? like actually u have no idea how much i relate and understand this. the "gifted child" who always got good grades without needing to study now finds things more difficult. i know many people have said this, but i actually have been through this not too long ago. i hope these tips help <3
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how to work hard + actually study (realistic)
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forget hard work. at least do the work! (its so funny because i literally had a post about this all ready in my drafts about to get posted, so i'll keep this short and link the post.) stop focussing on doing hard work like studying 24/7. just put in the basic necessities you need to get a better grade. hard work post link
use the disappointment and embarrassment as fuel. (basically find a very strong why) (mini story-ish thing coming up, skip to the blue text for the actual advice) i still remember the day i got such a bad score on my math and science test, i was FURIOUS at myself and i cried about it! telling it to my parents was one of the hardest things i had to do and feeling their disappointment was even worse. but that became my turning point. i was so ashamed of myself and i resented me so much that i basically just told myself "i dont freaking care what you feel *with distaste*. you brought this on yourself you failure" (a bit very harsh, yes i know) but the way i studied that week- i studied more than i every had before! also doing this doesnt really lower my self esteem a whole lot, but if it does with you, please be gentle with yourself. : so what i'm trying to say it; use that feeling of shame and disapointment as a fuel, a motivation. The big “why”.
ALTER EGOOOSSSS. this helps SOOOO MUCH its so underrated. embody the energy of your fav people who are the academic inspiration you wanna be! example: rory gilmore, paris geller, elle woods, blair waldorf, etc etc! not only is this so helpful but it also makes it so much more fun and easier!!
parent yourself. i used to tell myself to do stuff like "go study now!" or "get up lazy-butt" but in my mind. but what if you tried to say those stuff out loud to yourself? it just creates a whole new level of real. So start telling yourself to do stuff out loud.
honestly just start. stop letting yourself think about how "uncomfortable" and how "annoying" it will be. All you need to know is that you need to get it done. Right? Ok. So now what’s the next smallest step you can take to getting to do the unwanted task? It may be taking out your material, opening your book, etc.
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( !! tough love, but very important rant coming up)
You privileged brat. Your parents gave up EVERYTHING so you could have the education that you are having. They worked so so hard for YOU. So YOU can have the life you want. And all for what? Just for you to throw it all away and say “oh im lazy”. HELL NAH.
And also, do you realise how fortunate you are to be even living in such a time/ era where you have access to basically EVERYTHING? You’re stuck on something? You could easily search it up!! And whats more is that you can further learn. You can search up and find out more about the thing that you’re studying, become the smartest person in your class, get so ahead in life. I hope you realise that if you do use all the resources and materials and help that’s been given to you, just imagine how far you could go! Further than Albert Einstine, Elon Musk, etc. you may be like “what! No that’s gonna be too hard!” But did they have the tools that you have right at your hand? No! They made it all the way with just simple stuff and having to work super hard. But you live in a time where you can do TWICE as much without working as hard!!
And one more thing, QUIT WHINING. “Oh school is so hard!” “Oh school is so boring!” Like whattt???? You are so FORTUNATE and LUCKY to be even getting access to such education! MILLIONS of kids out there would kill to be able to learn what you are so easily dismissing right now. So TAKE ADVANTAGE OF WHAT YOU HAVE. Put your ALL, your very BEST into studying and getting good grades because THAT is whats gonna take you so SO far in life.
Thank you very much, *mic drop*. (i still ly pookie)
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dealing with social media:
put the screen time widget on your phone home screen. i did this, and i became so embarrassed by the amount of screen time i had in one day (*cough* 12 hours *cough*) that i made certain to stop using it as much.
screen time limits. this may or may not help you, bc i know that when i knew the screen time password, it didn't do a lot of help but when someone else did (like parents or someone you trust), then it definitely worked. this is probably only best if you're a child around under 14 ish bc thats around the age when most parents put screen time limits + after that age you're gonna be a lot more independent.
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more *extremely* helpful resourses:
tips to decrease your phone screen time by @imbusystudying
how to reduce your screen time in the digital age? (an article)
studying tips from a straight-A student by @universalitgirlsblog2
how to study like paris geller by @4theitgirls
more blogs i recomend:
@elonomhblog @mindfulstudyquest @study-diaries @thatbitchery
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xoxo, vanilla
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lowkeyrobin · 7 months
Mid90s gang reacting to reader writing a book about them and their friendship and reader wins a writing contest!!
- ♣️ (I'm giving you fluff okay I've decided I've tortured you enough with angst 🙄)
LMFAO YES YOU HAVE and I've been procrastinating those oneshots you sent me 💀💀
MID90S ; writer
includes ; fuckshit, ray, fourthgrade, ruben (platonic), & stevie (platonic)
warnings ; language, mentions of alcohol and drugs
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you were no writer what-so-fucking-ever
while high, he dared you to enter some writing contest for school
"how funny would it be if some random junior won?"
honestly it would be funny, considering you're not a writer, you're a skater
you entered just for the fun of it, plus you had a great chance at beating some of the other contestants because you knew their writing was shit
you didn't even know what to write for the first two weeks
then it popped up in your head, like holy shit it was so obvious
you decided to write about yours and fuckshits long friendship history
from how you met, to your nicknames and to your other friends
let's just say, other than the profanity, the judges/senior english teachers loved it
you wrote like a whole motherfucking novel too
you got second place, considering they'd be in trouble for awarding a book with so much inappropriate content with first
plus the person who won first definitely deserved it
teachers were literally suggesting you publish the fuckin thing too like calm down ⁉️⁉️
fuckshit was too lazy to read it at first, but once you told him it was about you two and that you won second place? nah reading that was all he did
I honestly hc that he's a little dyslexic so he was struggling a little bit
but he loved it, it was genuinely moving to him and its literally about him
brought him to tears that he tried to hide
which he did to help his fragile ego by hugging you and hiding his face in your shoulder
genuinley so grateful for you
you were kinda iffy with writing
but once you saw the amount of money you could get from winning...?
shit sign me up
a thousand dollars to win first off of something you wrote? okay let's go LMAO
you didn't know what to write about because it's not like there was a given prompt so you just kinda spilled out stories and shit about you and ray
you made sure to leave out all the drugs and shit because you weren't gonna try and get in trouble LMAO honestly real
the judges loved it though
it was about 104 pages, so you made the actual like minimum, which was 80 pages
but thankfully for you, quantity doesn't equal quality
you actually got third surprisingly
that's still 400 dollars though
you didn't actually tell Ray or the others about you joining that contest so when you walked in with 400 dollars, a smile on your face and your skateboard and 52 sheets of notebook paper connected by a keyring under your arm, damn
you quickly explained and set your stuff down and Ray just scooped you up and spun you around while he hugged you
he's a simpleton but you got him giggling and shit okay??
genuinley so flustered that you wrote about you and him of all people like huh
he reads it front to back at least 3 times
you were pretty passionate about writing
so when your school was promoting a novel contest you knew you had to join
a thousand dollars would've done you a lot
you spent the next six months writing about you and fourthgrade, stories, how you met, favorite memories, random blurbs, etcetera
you told him about it but never that you were writing about him
you wanted it to be a surprise lmao
i also hc that he's a little dyslexic so 💀
you actually won too
apparently it was so "inspiring and moving amongst the youths" that you won ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS for it, IN CASH
you sprinted over to Motorz and immediately wrapped fourthgrade in a hug
"thanks for being such great inspiration"
you genuinley just retold some of his camcorder tapes for a bit of the book too so you had to give him some credit
you gave him 200 dollars because he refused to take any more
the duo
bro couldn't care less that you joined a writing competition
"whatever you want"
you have the annoying sibling dynamic what can I say
"dude I'll give you 100 bucks if you just be supportive"
you wrote about him and your awesome sibling relationship
you made sure to cut out all the abuse and just say "growing up in a rough household" and "growing up not as privileged as everyone else" and shit bc you weren't getting cps called on anyone
you wrote like 70 pages
you got third
but you got 200 dollars so you basically split it with him
he ended up reading it because he was bored at motorz one night and you left it laying around
he's never smiled while crying before
you come in the next morning and he just silently hugs you
you see the book thing on the couch where he slept and you just kinda knew
"why are you crying?"
"i'm not!"
you also have a very sibling like dynamic
although instead of annoying each other you're kind of the comfort siblings you've both never had
so when you brought up the fact you joined a writing competition because you had a good chance at winning, he was like "oh cool"
"i'm writing about you"
"what the fuck why?"
he's supportive tho
he'll ask how it's going and stuff and you'll just give a vague answer
by the time they're due and judged, he asks what you placed
you shrug and pull out a thousand dollars cash from your backpack with a smile
"holy shit!"
you smile and hand him half of it
he's confused as to why but accepts it graciously
I mean half of its about him so he deserves some credit
gives you a little hug and shit
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doroinoue · 5 months
okay so i've been listening to the dorohedoro manga soundtrack for a while now, and my morning has been a little hectic so i decided to just ramble about all the songs and what/who i associate them with, and also which songs from the anime ost they remind me of (since the anime ost is very much inspired from the manga ost)
you can listen to the songs Here if you haven't, and i'll be going by this order, since thats the official one
Redacted, Recalcitrant, Repressed - khost: this one in my head is literally curse/risu theme and you cannot convince me otherwise Ever. Man Inside The Mouth from the anime ost is im pretty sure inspired from this song too so it All just makes sense. also the title itself reminds me of risu and the way he is and whatnot (im so shit at explaining good lird) also this is me just being insane but i think the voice of the guy singing KINDA fits risu more (the deeper more monstrous voice sounds like curse in my head too), like i love his actual voice too but when i read the manga i definitely dont imagine him with it i expected something more raspy(?), meanwhile aikawa being the one with the smoother voice (his raspy voice fits too giving that Kaiman and yadda yadda) Dont ever let me talk abt risu drhdr bro i dont stfu
Blaka Smoko - VOODOOM: i love this song so much but kai's stupid fucking face pops up in my head when i listen to it and i DONT KNOW HOW TO DEAL WITH IT!!! though yeah uh this is pretty much either his song or the cross eyes in general since the lyrics are "i sell black smoke"..though the deranged laugh really reminds me of him solely. imagine a version of the drhdr manga where black smoke is like weed and they smoke that shit and get high i Think thats rlly funny i dunno what else to say tbh i think me associating the song w kai is preventing me from having too many thoughts about it. However i hope when he like shows up fr (not just in flashbacks) the anime ost makes a remix of this song cuz it genuinely fits (also i just love how this song directly mentions nikaido and kaiman, although a bit nonsensical given the context)
Dorohedoro Zombie Slushi - Candie Hank: im so certain 1000手観音 and another song (i cant remember which one) from the anime ost sampled from this one lmfao. anyway this one just reminds me of zombie ebisu, or ebisu in general. not even like living dead day, literally just zombie ebisu. its probably the vocals tbh, someone in a youtube comment was complaining abt them and another person replied "just imagine ebisu singing it" and i cant get it out of my head now. i can totally see her sing this song, especially knowing shes canonically interested in the manga ost album  (you can see her read the songs of it while checking it out in like episode 4? i think? the one where they follow doll risu around and end up in some cheap clothing store)
Eating food and fighting Wizards - Shitwife: this one makes me very nostalgic, i like how its one of the few songs that isnt just pure nonsensical chaos. like i love those too, infact im bummed out the anime ost doesnt have more chaotic songs given the manga is literally incomprehensible sometimes, but i like how this song kinda shows the more coherent and cheerful side of the story. of course this is just kaiman theme to me, i mean the title and all. i think kaiman would really like this song, he would def listen to it. it also reminds me of that scene where him and nikaido are driving in their motorcycles, it gives the vibe of a drive in the middle of the night to me anyway, not much to say for this one too, i just think its really nice (also the drums go crazy hard)
Enter the Hole - NAH: lovely magic predecessor LOL. perfect for me honestly cuz lovely magic is my fav song from the anime soundtrack. This one just reminds me of hole, i dunno. the brief ethereal part reminds me of the past of the hole though, before the lake of refuse was created (i forgot what they called that shit in the official translation forgive me..lake of refuse sounds cooler either way). thats all tbh
She is a devil - Hanali: devil nikaido theme song what can i say...i literally want this song beat for beat to play at the scene where nikaido grows her devil tail and gets devil high (if they even animate season 2 that far) either that or when theyre selling gyoza at the department store and she goes devil high again and starts beating ass. its so perfect for those scenes also i like to think the distorted singing at the very beginning is like what humans hear when a devil sings, i know it should be more ear bleeding giving the reaction everyone has in canon but whateva!!! also also i like to imagine nikaido was probably hearing something similar while her tail was growing and she was going crazy, i think maybe hearing the singing of devils in your head while slowly turning into one is a cool idea
LIZARD HEAD - Dr. Das: i cant lie this ones...a little boring for me. like the beat is cool and all, but i think this is the one song i have the least to say abt. to reference another youtube comment, they said smth abt imagining kaiman fucking around in hole to this song, and yeah. i see it. i think if the anime animates that little bonus(?) comic abt how kaiman spends his day in hole, they should use smth similar to this song
Transformations - Shackleton: ok i lied this is the one i have to say least about. i dont mind 10+ minute songs, but damn this ones even more boring to me. the pissing sounds arent helping either LOL. though i think if they had to play this song somewhere, or a variation of it, maybe it fits best at the part where kawajiri is making nikaido do the devil exam in his house or whatever...idk....
Dorohedoro - Igorrr: ALRIGHT BACK TO YAPPING. this song is so fucking good, dare i say its my favorite of the whole ost. and im not the only one, everyone seems to love this one. its literally just TIC TOC predecessor but even better. the classical music and opera singing inserted into this absolute chaos is insane and i cant think of a song that fits shin more honestly. like this is literally shin theme. it perfectly mixes his calm and rational self with the deranged outbursts he has. ive heard people say shin is a boring character and i genuinely cant wrap my head around it like HELLO...not only is his design just cool as fuck, but he has such interesting personality? my boy went through absolute hell and grew up from an aggressive and snarky kid to a calm and if i may say, empathetic guy. like he cares about the people around him, he was carrying three guys (one with his fucking mouth mind you) that passed out because of the rain flooding the underground basement. he refuses to kill people who are weak with magic, and generally doesnt really like going on killing sprees unless its a life or death situation (which since kid has made him go crazy, i like to think its probably cuz it increases his heartbeat and being a human+sorcerer maybe doubles the adrenaline this way). also the way he has inhumanely high pain tolerance, he can have his guts splattered on the ground and still manage to walk, to the point it even weirds EN out. like you gotta be some freak to get en concerned for you (or be kikurage lol). sorry this turned into a shin rant more than the song itself, i just cant believe so many people dont see how cool shin is. like hes not even my most favorite character but i will protect all the drhdr characters i like (which is most of them). anyway moving on
The Hole - Ghengis: alot of ppl say they think of hole (the place) when they listen to this song, but me personally?this song screams hole the entity, and artificial devil kai. like this song FEELS like its oozing with the sludge and that feeling every sorcerer that gets in contact with hole "magic" feels. i like to think the headaches they get is equivalent to the beat of the song LOLL. like just super loud and painful pulsing headache that can leave you paralyzed on the ground. anyway, i dont have that much to say, i just want this song to play at the central department store arc, OR. when artificial devil kai is first shown thas all
Don't Think, Just Kill - Roly Porter: i lied again this is the one i have least to say about. sorry. literally my only thoughts are that one of the songs playing during the living dead day episode is inspired by it but i frogor which one
Kaimans Head - Dead Fader: to compensate the fact i mightve lied once again im gonna ramble about something mildly related. so the one youtube upload i found of this song uses this one fucking risu fanart that legit makes me shit my pants. its honest to god the scariest freaking fanart ive seen of a character i like. its not like Shiver me timbers scary, its just so unsettling to me, like WHO COOKED THIS UP. WHO DREW THIS. i know hayashida would love it. she wishes she made risu this scary and not the catboy babygirl beautiful princess with a disorder she created (/J). anyway uh, this song goes pretty hard, i like it, i just dont have much to way besides that i like the beat maybe. also heres link to the youtube upload with the picture if u wanna know what im talkin abt
Radio 538 - Dow Jones Brotherhood: because the first time i listened to the songs was on youtube, i found this song pretty much last and uh. i dunno its cool! for some reason it reminds me of the cross eyes? ive no clue why it just does. it reminds me specifically of how all of them are basically just worshipping some guy half (if not most) of them havent even seen the face of. i like how the whole thing is basically just a cult. people built statues of the boss, tattooed his face on their hands so they never forget it, And the elites...oh those poor little guys. closest to the boss and got psychologically tortured with killing thousands of sorcerers daily and left to deal with the incomprehensible shit their boss does, while slowly building suspicion and disgust towards him, but unable to do anything because of how far theyve gone into this. like can you imagine how miserable dokuga and tetsujo must feel knowing their devotion to kai led to all their friends killed. id just die bro this is so fucked... anyway, kewl song👍 i love the cross eye elites
Stay down zombies! - Ed Cox: i honestly love how lowkey dramatic this one is. ALSO the accordion tune from el corazon is im pretty sure taken from this one! which makes two shin references yippee!!! i like how this one kinda mixes calm music with breakcore (do not erm akshually me on this one i dont care), just like how igorrr does. i dunno its just a cool song, though PERSONALLY i dont think it fits living dead day, it reminds me more of that scene where shin remembers his mothers death, and then slowly turns into a zombie. it gives off that vibe giving how the song progresses from dramatic and a bit somber, while the beat starts creeping in, accompanied by the accordion that i literally will never not associate w shin in general
ANYWAY WOW THATS ALL!!!! if even one person bothered to read all this, thank you. i love yapping about dorohedoro i love silly manga about a bunch of freaks and freak stuff and i am obsessed with hayashidas taste in music, knowing she picked all those artists cuz she likes their music makes absolute sense considering the kind of art she makes. i love you q hayashida im your biggest fan. also if you notice any grammatical errors pls remember english is not only my second language, but i also barely slept last night so that's my excuse
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kerubimcrepin · 5 months
Live-Read: The Remington Comic [PART 1]
(but only the bits with Joris)
While I usually try to go about this blog in an in-universe chronological way, I have to jump forward to Wakfu era here — because the next stop in this blog's plan is the actual, released games of the franchise. Which will take around... a million years, I assume?
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Worlds most mentally stable demigod. This excerpt from Otakia is included for my Ush-loving readers, and also to give some context: this guy is keeping some of Remington's besties captive, besides turning his brother into a cat.
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"Wait… you're taking me to a… bazaar? am I dreaming?" "Pff… wait till you see what's inside."
In the past tome of this comic, Remington and Grany received a tip, that there exists a magical item that can help them, and an address to a shop, as well as the name "Beating Heart".
ALSO. The store has door chimes. Cute.
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"Anyone?" "Yeah, I've seen enough." "They have potions, at least." "Grrr..." "What is that thing?" "??"
They don't seem to really like the place, lol.
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"Let's see… "The Treasures of Kerubim"… O.K… We're looking for someone called "Beating Heart."" "Is he the owner of this store?" "Anyone home?" "If we can't find this clown, we could compensate ourselves for the trip." "Hello, sir."
If you think this is awkward, don't worry. It gets worse from here. Also — apparently, the name of the series is officially the name of the store. The more you know!
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Well done little fella… You managed to surprise us.
AND YES. They use tu/toi for the., the 600yo ambassador of Bonta. who is also the owner of the store. who also just overheard them discussing shoplifting.
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We're looking for a guy named… sir Beating Heart. Y'know him? Maybe that's your father? It is not my father… It is an object. And… the owner of this store, then? Where is he? In front of you. ... So… uh… you say "beating heart" is an object. Sure. And... could we perhaps see it, that beating heart?
HE'S SO FUCKING DONE ALREADY. he HATES them. also him saying he is the owner is so funny, even if it ISN'T a lie. Like. The store is named and themed after a whole different guy.
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Beating heart... beating heart... Listen to the rhythm of the heart, replace the rhythm of the body. Beating heart, beating heart... Out of sight… Out of mind… Will you give your soul the time?
Very cool poetry, Joris. I do wonder if this is him talking to himself to remember where it is, him liking this rhythm, or him fucking with Remington for his own amusement.
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Please wait here. Careful, Mr. Curious. Small chests can contain big trouble Let's have a closer look. Yeah, bring it quick. Here it is, Beating Heart.
He's so used to shitty rude customers. The fact that he keeps vous/vous'ing them is funny. The fact he only calls Remi "mr. curious" is pretty emblematic of his saintly patience.
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Say hello to Beating Heart first. Huh? Say hello to a watch? You have to be kind to objects… each one has its own story to tell. Say hello to Beating Heart… you too, funny talking bow meow. Hello? Hello, Beating Heart… delighted to meet your needle. And how does it work? No idea… Objects do whatever they want. I already have a hard time putting them away. One day, a set of table knives wouldn't stand next to an old sword… a real headache, those two.
I refuse to believe that this scene is not Joris deciding to simply fuck with Remington and Grany, by saying insane things for his own amusement, and making them talk to a clock.
That or he's more mentally ill than I thought. Oh well.
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You talk to objects and they talk back! better and better… I know how to listen to them, but that doesn't mean they talk to me. But how can this watch help me? Listen, little guy, my brother suffered a kind of curse. An ecaflip named Ush cast a spell on him that turned him into a bow meow. Ush? The bontarian nobleman?
Either Joris sensed he was being taken way too seriously and backed down, or he decided to go "nah they don't talk to me i just listen to them" route because he knew it'd be a way to confuse the two further and he finds that amusing, or he didn't want to come across as crazy.
But in the end, his reign of making them confused as fuck ends with their mention of Ush — with whom Joris has history, and yet, all Joris says is "bontarian nobleman"... He's hiding that history. Because now he's interested.
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And it seems that this Beating Heart could help me become a rogue again. Beating Heart has the ability to give its wearer what they desire most. But to use Beating heart, you need the proficiency in magic that you don't have. It's not for sale, sorry. But for your time, I've got a magic hat that curls your hair. Do you know where you can stick that hat? You little piece of…. brat! Come on, come on… excuse him… he's having a bit of a bad hair day right now.
Notice how fast Joris switches gears: he brought these two this amulet, and was showing it off, before, immediately after Ush's mention, rapidly going "you won't be able to use it, I will not sell it, also your hair sucks ass".
As we will see later, you don't need deep magical skill to use it — you need some self-control, so I really doubt Joris was genuine here.
I have multiple theories:
Joris doesn't want beating heart, a powerful magic item, anywhere near Ush's schemes.
Joris wants them to steal it so that he has an excuse to involve himself in Ush's schemes like the noisy curtain twitcher he is. If this transaction is legitimate, he has no excuse like "UMMM YOUR VICTIMS BROKE INTO MY STORE REPLY TO ME IMMEDIATELY ABOUT WHAT YOU'RE DOING???"
Considering the fact that he puts it away under a glass dome, as Remington and Grany, rogues, watch (and they HAVE talked about robbing him) — I am leaning more strongly towards theory #2.
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Thank you for everything, dear friend. No, no, you're not going to tip him on top of it! Hey bro? what's not for sale is up for grabs… As we rogues say. That's right… tonight, beating heart will be mine… he he he.
If my theory of this being a honeypot by Joris is right — then hook, line, and sinker.
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On one hand, he doesn't exactly look like he's scheming, on other — he doesn't look too worried.
I think at this moment, his main concern is Ush.
(side note, he's drawn really well in this panel...)
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codajaiden · 5 months
I don't get the gist of Nightbow (Rainbow Steve x Nightmare) like, how does that work??
(warning I might rant so much y'all would explode, correct me if I'm wrong tho)
"enemies to lovers!" No. Lemme clear this up for you
Nightmare and Rainbow were created to kill each other, hate each other's guts, there is no conversation or part in SS or RQ where they went and be normal people talking to each other and stuff (not that I can think of anyways)
"for fun" I don't care if it's for fun, sure it's funny but like????? How is it y'all's favourite????
But y'all are like "I can fix them", there is nothing to fix???? they are literally people wanting to kill each other and that is their goal.
Oh and let's not forget, I have my eyes on the people who write in Wattpad, don't think I have not seen their "freaky" writing at all.
It's not only Nightbow at least, I see the people here who ship Rainbow and Void together, same thing, but if we're talking SS then there was still no good interaction of them both to be on the level of actually being good friends. Still, Wattpad people are freaky about them too.
This can be implied to Favremyrainbow ig, but to me it's very bland and boring. I admit I did in fact ship them, but as time passed I just stopped because it was so cringe 💀💀
I don't want to be mean and rude when it comes to this but it bugs me every time.
Okay the only thing I can counter this is Alux x Petro.
Petro and Alux are basically Anna and Hanz in Frozen, gaslighting and manipulation exist but dynamic and trust are important. There is communication towards the two that leads into something in the plot.
Nightbow has none of that, they hate each other's guts. People say they can fix them, nah, with Palux you can make them worse (/j) HEJWJEJWJSJA
"Petro and Alux's entire dynamic is mainly built off of manipulation" YES but thats on Petro's side. Most people ship it due to it being tragic on Alux's side because everyone in this fandom likes doomed mlm i guess (I'm one of those people but again the plot reasons goes on for both of their dynamic)
"But he stabbed him" YES. I have not seen a single person who ships them currently its mainly a one sided ship. For alux its built off genuine love and care for Petro, knowing he's the only REAL connection in his life. The people who ship them (from what I've seen) mainly do it for tragedy and narrative purposes. no one is actually here WANTING alux to be stabbed and abused
And for Petro it adds much more conflict to his character if you add like any romance to him. like, loving the person your meant to kill and killing them anyways is a really interesting narrative plot idea. Its also really funny tbh but oh well.
Narratively it adds more to their characters as long as you dont romantize it and treat it like it'd be healthy especially at this point in the story.
This is literally doomed Yaoi (it's funny I wanna say that) and it works so well because of how they were narratively written this way towards each other. This cooked better than some enemy wanting to, excuse my language, have freaky SHIZ going on with the Hero 💀
Okay I'm done with my ranting I'm sorry for the people who like Nightbow but I'm sharing what I'm saying and y'all are gonna respect it and not be problematic. I feel like I should not be on the internet for a good while late and night this is how freaky I get when it's past midnight lmao
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kitramune · 10 months
I love the plot of movie 2 SO MUCH. Like the idea of how it uses Tale of the Bamboo Cutter and Princess Kaguya as the villain, while also relating it to Kagome's situation of not belonging there and maybe being forced back home when she doesn't want to be? Brilliant. Naraku faking his death to try and get the ultimate power up? Noice. But it suffers from some glaring "Sunrise" characterization issues that ruin it for me...
First off the group just like... IMMEDIATELY split up?? Despite not having all the shards and how close they've all become as a little family, Sango and Miroku just instantly peace out. (Separate to even each other?? Someone correct me if I'm wrong but weren't they already engaged by this point??) Even if they didn't immediately go seeking out more shards, I have a really hard time seeing them all just... part ways. Relax for a bit, sure. But the narrative paints it as them not really planning on coming back, since Inuyasha's shocked to see them later. Kagura and Kanna finally being free and Kagura just instantly decides to serve someone else because... idk, she said it'd level up her freedom somehow? I assume Kanna was still being manipulated by Naraku, but Kagura going along with it made no sense. Kikyou being tasked with a little girl's dying wish to protect this super important object and then IMMEDIATELY giving it to the enemy is so fucking funny in the absolute worst way. X_X It's never even elaborated on, that's her ONLY role in the movie. And then there's the worst offender, which is Inuyasha himself. The writers still have him clinging on to the "I wanna become full demon" narrative, which was dead and buried by this point in the story. Inuyasha had already vowed to never use the Jewel and instead break its bloody cycle (manga only scene unfortunately) had already been cautioned by Miroku about potentially losing his mind and devouring Kagome instead of being better able to protect her, and then had that nightmare proved true after blacking out and slaughtering the bandits with his transformation and explicitly telling Toutousai that he doesn't ever wanna transform again - hence why he overcame the heavy Tessaiga in a whole-ass metaphor for accepting himself as a hanyou and getting stronger AS A HANYOU. But then Sunrise decided "nah screw that character development, he's still thinking about it." I love Kagome yelling "I love you as a hanyou" as much as the next fangirl but it just shouldn't have been on the table in the first place. In fact, y'know what would have been great? Movie 2's plot with movie 1's characterization and InuKag moment of "I need you, Kagome." Double down on that returning to the moon (metaphor for Kagome's time) conundrum and Inuyasha and Kagome BOTH worrying over whether Kagome stays there once her purpose is complete, or if she'll have to pick a time. I know the manga wasn't complete back then but imagine that A+ foreshadowing. idk, just shower thoughts I had today. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk and all that. InuKag deserved a kiss outside of weird timings!
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captain-mj · 2 years
Hi.. so, uhm
Here's the deal, I'll give you 100 red gummy bears and 1 red gummy worm; if you write a Graves x Price, but not any kind of story, oh hell nah, those toe curling and wild smut fics.
The type of story that you think "I'm sorry for what I'll do" and when you finish it you say "forgive Father for what I've done"
Idk go wild, maybe some wild monsterfuck or anything you'd like
Than you I love you (respectfully) and yeah, that's all ❤️
My friend Heart gave me the idea for Kraken Price and Sailor Graves! 
Pov: Graves
Graves steadied his gun, trying to shoot at the damned monster attacking the ship. He felt panicked as a giant tentacle went for him. It splashed him with salty water as it raised. 
Graves moved his gun, trying to aim when a second tentacle suddenly grabbed him around his waist. It had snuck behind him while he had focused on the other one. He was flung several feet in the air and away from the ship, but was caught before he could slam into the water. 
The thing dangled him, being surprisingly kind with the way it held him. Several came to form like a hammock around him. Graves tried to scrambled out but they pushed him back in, restraining him now. He fought back briefly but in vain.
Reluctantly, he gave up, going still in hopes they’d loosen their grip again so he could escape.
The tentacles held him gently, trailing over him. They were very cold and still wet with seawater, soaking his clothes.
He managed to get a glimpse of where his ship should have been but all he saw was it sinking.
Graves realized he was going to die out there. He tensed and went for his gun but the tentacles wrapped around his wrist to prevent it. They dropped him the few feet he was above the water, making him splash against the water. He tried to swim back up but someone wrapped his arms around him, pulling him back down.
A very handsome man was there. Very handsome indeed. Rugged but with pretty, soft blue eyes. He was shirtless but Graves couldn’t see if he was wearing pants. The water grew murky past his bellybutton.
He was... abnormally big. His hands took up the majority of his back and it felt like he was twice his size. 
“Hello.” Nice voice though. Funny accent. 
Graves let out a soft breath. “Oh good, we speak the same language. Were you from my ship? We need to get out of here.”
“We’re being attacked by a tentacled beast?”
The man smiled, clearly amused. “You think me a beast?”
Graves looked down again, this time seeing the water wasn’t murky, but writhing with…. Things. He tried to push away, a little panicked but the man held him tight.
“My name is Price.”
“Graves.” He shivered, the position he was in becoming a little more apparent. He was at this man’s mercy, currently in his arms and there were… tentacles everywhere.
“Listen, I have a family back home.”
“A girl?” Price asked, pressing a little closer. His torso pushed between his thighs.
“N-no. But I…” it was hard to think. “A mom…” He mumbled a little.
“I’m not going to kill you. Don’t worry.” Price’s hands slid down to his ass. “You’re rather pretty.”
Graves blinked slowly, thighs clenching instinctively around him. “Thank you. For men though, its mostly handsome.” He felt the hands on his ass squeeze slightly.
Price hummed. “Your clothes are so wet. Probably need to get you out of those.”
Graves flushed but nodded. He felt something grab the bottom of his shirt and pull it over his head. “What are you planning on doing to me?”
“You just relax. I know humans are delicate.”
Graves scowled and went to snap at him before a tentacle wrapped around his throat carefully. Price smiled at him before unlacing Graves’s pants and sliding them down, moving him around when he didn’t move fast enough. 
Tentacles wrapped around his legs, keeping them slightly apart.
“Do you want this?”
Graves felt flustered, naked and unsure exactly what was being offered. A tentacle slid along his ass, poking at him lightly and he realized.
“Has anyone touched you here before?” 
“N-no.” Graves gasped, looking up at the stars. “I want it. Please use your hands too.” 
“Eager little thing.” Those big hands pushed his legs further open and the tentacles kept them apart. His head was forced further back as one of them gently poked at his mouth. It slithered slowly down his throat, giving him time to adjust. He took a deep breath and swallowed around it, feeling the man shudder. “You’re good at that.”
Graves hummed in response and his eyes fluttered close. He felt himself start to get floaty. 
Another one prodded at his hole, substantially bigger than the one in his mouth. He tensed himself in preparation.
“So small...” Price mumbled. “We might be here a while before you can take my cock... Oh well. I’m patient.” It started to slide into him and Graves thrashed. The stretch burned and he wondered when exactly he planned on stopping. Price just kept sliding deeper and deeper into him. 
Graves realized after a moment the tentacle was tapered as it got bigger and bigger. The stretch of his body and the feeling of him rearranging his insides started to become unbearable. He whimpered softly and Price stopped, slowly sliding it out so Graves could feel every inch that had entered his body. 
“There you go. You’re okay.” Those soft hands rubbed at his sides and the one in his mouth retreated, leaving him drooling. It started to slide back into him and there was nothing to muffle Graves cries now. Price managed to go further this time but eventually Graves shook his head, needing him to stop. 
“What are you.... fuck, what are you doing?” The aching emptiness once Price was out almost made him start crying. His thoughts were muffled by the need for more and the pain of it all. 
“Preparing you. You need to pretty stretched.” Two started to enter him and Graves struggled slightly, eyes rolling back. It felt like he was being torn apart and he started whimpering.
“Please, too much, please.” 
Price stopped, but didn’t pull out. One of them started pushing deeper and Graves panted harshly before it pressed against something. He properly screamed, legs shaking.
“There it is.” Price hummed to himself. The one continued applying a dizzying amount of pressure while the other pushed further into Graves. “Fascinating.” 
Graves couldn’t think. Could barely feel the pain over the waves and waves of pleasure running over him. 
One of Graves’s hands were moved to his stomach, letting him feeling where the bulge through it. He whimpered, clenching hard around everything inside him. Price panted softly.
“Humans are usually pretty, but you...” He cupped Graves’s face. “You’re stunning. I’m going to keep you with me a while, yeah? Promise to keep you nothing but pleased.”
Graves gasped softly and leaned into the gentle touch. He came untouched, the pressure on his prostate becoming too much to bear. 
Price kissed him through it, no longer applying as much pressure but still keeping him filled. 
Graves panted softly. “Do this often?” He tried to grin but Price thrust in and it disappeared in a groan. His body still felt so sensitive from the orgasm. 
“Occasionally. Today is the start of my mating season and I needed someone. You don’t mind, do you?” Was Price mocking him? Graves felt himself shudder, finding that just turned him on more. 
“No.” Price thrust again and Graves head fell back. “It’s so much.”
“You’re handling it very well. I’m going to pull them out, okay? Real slow and then I’ll see if you can fit my cock yet.” Price warned him, giving him a minute to take a deep breath.
“You can move now.” Price took one out first before pressing his hand on his lower stomach, making Graves gasp slightly. 
“Good boy. Doing so well for me.” Price cooed before slowly removing the other tentacle. Graves shuddered as the cold air came in touch with him. “You’re gaping slightly. Should be perfect.”
Several tentacles wrapped around Graves’s arms, giving him something to hold on to. He held them tight as Price moved, raising up and showing just how much bigger he was. Even just the human part was as big as Graves and that did funny things to him. 
He was steadily getting hard again and Price noticed, smiling. He hoisted Graves up and the tentacles supported him, keeping him suspended with his hips up. 
Graves decided to keep his eyes trained on the stars as Price lined him up. The head of his cock pressed against him and Graves wasn’t sure even with the prep he could take it. Tentacles readjusted him, spreading his legs wider and slightly up to give Price more access. 
It pressed into him slowly and Graves slowly fell apart. Price started to moan softly which spurred Graves on. 
“I can take more.” Graves whimpered out when he stopped. 
Price’s eyes darkened just a little and he pressed further in. Graves decided not to think about how deep he was going in him. He wasn’t an expert, but he knew it was a lot more than a few inches. His hand was pressed to his stomach again and he could feel Price moving. The pleasure was starting back up, raking down his spine.
It stopped and Graves whined. “Why...”
“Bottomed out. Good job, sweetheart.” Price praised him and Graves closed his eyes, mewling. He thrust in carefully and Graves felt it almost snap him in half. His legs trembled slightly but every move made him brush against his prostate and it was all so much. 
Graves felt himself melt into a puddle. One of the tentacles gently rubbed at his cock, gently jacking him off. Price started to kiss him again and held him close, starting to moan gently. 
“You’re so goddamn tight. So fucking hot inside.” Price growled against him, voice deepening. Graves panted against his mouth and tugged at the restraints. He was released and he wrapped his arms around him, wanting him closer. 
It got fuzzier and fuzzier as his head start to spin. He came again, body tensing up around him. 
Price came in him and Graves whimpered against him, sinking his teeth into Price’s shoulder. He went limp after a minute, feeling the rush of something cold through his body. 
“Are you going to pull it out?” 
“In a minute. You’re so good.”
“How long does your mating season last?”
“Two months. I’ll put you on the shore wherever you want when its over.” Price promised, kissing him softly. “Until then, you’re mine.”
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wouldntyou-liketoknow · 9 months
Just Another Night at Sparky's
(Disclaimer: Ness/WaiterPat and Jack/Cabbie!Cory are not my creations. I gave Jack his name because he wasn't given one in the movie. Now, one of the characters you'll be seeing here technically belongs to me, but I don't really consider him a full fanego.)
(I was already planning to write for Ness and Jack, but after I learned how Mark was originally intended to play the role of that first security guard who died, I decided to adopt that abandoned character. Go here for headcanons and a more thorough explanation.)
(Certain plot-points in this story were inspired by @flawlessstriker and @insane4fandoms! These two are very talented artists, and I'm not sure I would've thought of such clever/funny easter eggs if I hadn't seen some of their own work, so please go check out their blogs and show them some love!)
(Trigger Warnings: food and drink, eating/drinking, implied trauma, mentions of past violence, mentions of blood, strong language. Please let me know if I missed anything.) 
In Ness’ personal experience, the people who dined at Sparky’s could be divided into three sections on a metaphorical pie chart. 
Twenty-four percent of customers were. . .just a little off. Not like that was necessarily a bad thing, mind you. Working in the restaurant business meant having to interact with lots of people each and every day. At some point, you’d learn to pick up on certain things that were odd in the way you couldn’t quite put your finger on (or, perhaps you just knew deep down that you didn’t want to). 
Ness strolled out of the kitchen and into the seating area, expertly balancing a tray on one hand. He approached a couple of bespectacled young women in one corner of the diner. 
Their visits to Sparky’s were a bit sporadic, but they never failed to claim that one booth in the corner that no-one else ever sat at no matter how crowded the joint was. The backpacks they always hauled along were positioned further up the booth’s seat cushions, half-open and nearly overspilling with various books. 
They always used indoor voices, but he could still pick up bits and pieces of their conversation whenever he was near. 
Tonight was no different:
“—he’ll be hungrier than usual,” murmured the one on the left, who boasted short, wavy hair that had been dyed a dark shade of violet. It complimented her shirt, which read ADOPT A FAMILIAR at the top. Pictures of creepy-looking critters were displayed beneath the message, orange-eyed and outlined by blue against the black fabric. “And he’ll need a live one this time.”
“Ooh,” replied the one on the right, who sported a yellow shirt with the screen-printed likeness of some obscure, spikey-haired cartoon character near the collar. A blonde ponytail spilled out from the back of her ball cap. “Who’s it gonna be? The lady whose eyes were found in that jar last month?”
“Nah, she’ll be in some psych ward. Too far-gone to keep on the playing board, y’know?” A sly grin etched its way across Urban Fantasy Nerd’s features. “I was actually wondering if you’d like to choose. Your guy is making the delivery, after all.”
“Ah, that’s right!” Cartoon-Fan snickered in a way that was just a teensy bit unhinged. “I can already see him slipping on some of the blood."
“Third time’s a charm?” Ness asked as he halted, carefully setting this duo’s Usual on the table. 
(Two milkshakes: one chocolate, the other strawberry. Yeah, it was kind of basic, but he wasn’t too much of a judgemental guy. Besides, Sparky’s shakes were a much safer option than the lilac-colored drinks that chicken shack around the corner had started selling. And Ness didn’t just carry that opinion because of his employment. During one of his typical night-walks, he’d passed an alley just in time to see said purple beverage oozing through said chicken shack’s windows. The strong, sugary smell wafting off it had reminded him of prion disease.)
The girls both paused. Though they smiled up at him and offered quiet “Thank-yous,” as they moved their respective, sticker-covered laptops out of the way, visible confusion mixed itself into their gratitude. 
“For the university’s creative writing contest, I mean,” Ness elaborated. “There were articles in the paper about the last two, and I saw your pictures in the list of winners. Congratulations, by the way.”
“. . .Oh,” Urban Fantasy Nerd answered, exchanging careful glances with her friend. “Yeah. Writing. Let’s go with that.”
“If anyone asks, we were also writing here two months ago,” Cartoon-Fan added with a conspiratory wink. “On Friday, between five-thirty and nine o’clock.” 
Ness chuckled, raising one hand to pull an invisible zipper over his lips. “You’ve got it. Enjoy.”
As he retraced his steps to organize some stuff behind the coffee counter, a little voice in the back of his theater-trained head wondered if the girls’ tones had been joking enough. Unlike many times before, he pushed that voice aside.
On one hand, missing person cases did always seem to pop up on the news channels a few days after the two students stopped by to enjoy milkshakes while typing away and occasionally turning the screens of their laptops toward one another. 
On the other hand. . .well, those cases were always located states and states away, typically near more seaside areas. None of them had been anywhere close to Utah. (Not yet, at least.)
Besides, even if those girls were somehow connected to more sinister things than their coursework, they were still very nice. Good tippers, too. Nowhere near the worst patrons Ness had served in his time.
The strange customers almost always seemed to come in pairs.
Like the duo of twenty-somethings from last week. One sported ginger hair and a She/They button pinned to their  jacket. The soot-stains on said jacket had been very obvious, as were the burn scars on their palms, but she’d still been a delight to make smalltalk with.
The other, a pale young man, had been much more quiet, but still friendly. He’d kept peering through the window at (what was presumably) his or his friend’s car, shakily fidgeting with the headphones around his neck, so it’d taken some time for Ness to realize that his eyes were just as reflective as mirrors.
(For the duration of their stay, the jukebox over by the counter had spat out songs that most certainly weren’t on its index cards. Fine, that might’ve caught Ness a bit off-guard at first, but he still knew to appreciate variety.)
Or the two men who’d come in a few months ago, wearing battered navy-blue bomber jackets and thousand-yard-stares. The one with a dyed-red fauxhawk had screamed and practically leapt out of his skin when Ness came over with menus and his usual greeting, but he’d apologized soon enough. After giving Ness a thorough look-over, that is.
His companion, a similarly dark-eyed man with a larynx that could only be found on seasoned musicians, had muttered, “Don’t mind him. We’ve just. . .had a bit of a rough trip.” His voice hadn’t been unkind, but he’d kept glancing at Ness whenever he thought he wasn’t looking. 
Well, perhaps that particular pair had broken the trend a bit. Because a few hours after they’d paid for their food and left, a lone traveler had come in.
His bloodshot eyes—which Ness could’ve sworn were orange instead of brown—had never stopped bulging, never stopped darting this way and that above his rictus of a smile. When he wasn’t speaking, he’d hum or murmur things with a shakiness that was typically found in rabid dogs.
He’d asked for way more coffee refills than could ever be considered healthy, as well as if Ness had seen anyone fitting the descriptions of Red-Haired-Screamer and Wary-Possible-Musician. Ness, following his instincts, had said no, to which the loner started simply shaking his head and grinning with a mouthful of teeth that looked a smidge too sharp.
Or the scruffy man who'd started coming in for breakfast every other week with his young sister in tow. He was living proof that you could recognize someone without officially knowing them. After all, it was pretty damn easy for Ness to remember almost making eye-contact with him, barely moving out of reach of his flashlight’s beam in time, and then having the seconds feel like hours as he watched him shake his head and mutter to himself about seeing things. 
It wasn’t like that’d been Ness’ first little midnight rendezvous around Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzaria. Just like how that particular man wasn’t the first security guard who’d gotten dangerously close to spotting him during his unofficial, self-driven investigations.
For the record, Ness knew that said investigations weren’t legal—especially not if you counted some of the things he’d. . .borrowed from the old animatronic jamboree restaurant—but he’d made his peace with that.
He hadn’t been sneaking around there to deal drugs or partake in any himself.
He wasn’t exactly chasing the adrenaline that always came with an evening full of ducking around corners and trying to ignore how loud his shoes sounded against linoleum floors when he rushed to find anything he could feasibly hide behind, underneath, or inside of.
He never meant any harm when it came to snooping.
It was just a simple case of having a little too much curiosity.
Thankfully, Security Guard #13 still had yet to show up at Ness’ place with some accompanying cops, so it seemed he didn’t recognize Ness as anything other than a humble waiter. (Or, if he did actually recognize Ness from that night, then he was miraculously chill enough to not bring it up and get him in trouble.)
The very first time they’d paid Sparky’s a visit, it would’ve been impossible to ignore the distinct smell that had been wafting off of Security Guard #13. It’d had a bite to it; like machine oil mixed with something much more. . .organic.
From that bleak look Ness had seen in his eyes, Security Guard #13 was most certainly NOT what anyone could call unbothered, but he was still polite. Plus, Kid Sister was the type who just deserved all the crayons in the world, what with the little masterpieces she’d decorated the paper menus with.
So, yeah. There was a genuine difference between oddball customers and customers that made you lose some of your faith in humanity. 
People who asked for trout to be blended into their yogurt parfait or for their donuts to be topped with slices of pickles that had gathered fuzz from their mysterious journeys at the back of the refrigerator were still easier to handle than people who threw temper tantrums because they didn’t get a refill in under thirty seconds. 
Back to the pie-chart—another forty-six percent of customers were perfectly decent and standard.
Plenty of the locals had a soft spot for this joint; Ness had lost count of all the times he’d been told that the pancakes served here were some of the best on planet Earth. Yeah, praise like that technically wasn’t directed at him, but the cooks were great people to work with, so it still made him happy to relay said praise to them. 
He’d be lying if he said it wasn’t awkward for someone to confusedly ask if they’d already seen him working at the bar on the other side of town. Even so, that once-a-month occurrence always left him amused rather than annoyed. If anything, it attested to that particular customer’s observation skills. 
Sure, he and Sans were identical twins—the fact that their uncle had mixed them up on several different occasions when they were little was still a running joke in the family. But it’d been years since Sans had decided to remedy that via a skeleton face-mask and a dark blue leather jacket, and he’d made a habit to don both aforementioned garments each day ever since then. (Ness was still in partial disbelief that the manager at Grillby’s was cool enough to let Sans wear them over his uniform.)
Just as many of Sans’ customers apparently ended up mistaking him for Ness. Sans got a nice little kick out of that, of course. He hadn’t just been born with a comedic heart—it truly seemed every bone in his body was a funny one. Some people would argue that he just delivered puns upon more puns upon even more puns, but Ness knew his brother better than that. 
After all, Sans had been the one to train him to deal with the last category of customers: the thirty percent of entitled neanderthals who thought treating staff as less than human would somehow magically make their miserable lives more interesting. 
“Food work is all about balance,” Sans had explained sometime after he and Ness had grown tall enough to take plates and cups from a counter without having to stand on their tip-toes. “You’ve gotta be nice and still let people know that you won’t take their crap. If they’re civil, then you’re helpful. But if they’re rude. . .” Sans had paused, a mischievous glint in his eyes, “. . .then you have a little fun.” 
Ness had always been a pretty fast learner. It’d taken a week or so of practice, yeah, but with his twin’s help, he’d developed a tongue sharp enough to rival any butcher knife in the kitchen.
“You use a lot of big words for a waiter,” snorted a wannabe business bigshot with a wrinkled clip-on tie and a way, waaaaaay over-gelled hairdo that spoke volumes of desperation. 
Ness, who’d been explaining the differences between certain ingredients and flavor-enhancing chemicals because Hair Gel’s girlfriend had asked a fair question about the smoothies on the menu, barely batted an eyelid when he came back with, “And you smell a lot like hotdog water for someone who apparently doesn’t work with food.”
“This was the WORST thing I’ve ever put in my mouth!” Exclaimed a woman with an unidentifiable crust caked around the corners of her eyes and an ill-fitting shirt that was advertising some essential oil brand.
“I highly doubt that,” Ness mentioned, raising an eyebrow as he took the plate (which was suspiciously much emptier than when he’d first brought it out) from her table, “but whatever you say. . .”
“Oh! Thank you!” A tiny boy who couldn’t have been older than seven chirped, bouncing in his seat when Ness placed a sundae down in front of him.
Ness had been about to reply, but the boy’s mother—a lady who was trying very hard to look posh (but not succeeding very well due her asymmetrical haircut, as well as all the little green marks around the jewelry she was practically drowning in)—cut him off. 
“You don’t need to thank him, sweetheart,” she’d instructed, reaching across the table to corral her son. “That’s his job.”
That one had, admittedly, forced Ness to take a deep breath and appeal to his higher self for a few seconds.  Despite this, he’d still made sure to look that Karen dead in the eyes when he observed, “I’m not sure what your problem is, ma’am. But it must be hard for you to pronounce.”
(At least the boy didn’t seem to be too influenced; his bright eyes were nothing but apologetic when Ness came back with the check.)
The relative silence was shattered by the jingling call of that little bell suspended over the front entrance. Ness blinked, his train of thought screeching to a halt. He glanced over in the door’s direction, grinning at a familiar sight. 
Another regular; one that Ness got to have actual conversations with on nights like tonight. 
Mason glanced around at all the empty tables, brushing back his nearly shoulder-length raven hair and quickly getting the hint that he could just seat himself.
A golden retriever trotted beside him, connected to a leash in his hand via a pink vest that’d been fastened around her shoulders and belly. It was adorned by black velcro straps that read THERAPY DOG in a bold white font. The forest-green sherpa hoodie Mason always seemed to wear was only about half as fluffy as her fur.
Ness ducked into the kitchen. No more than three seconds had passed before the last cook on duty for tonight—a lanky blonde guy who was perhaps the most unapologetically flamboyant foodie you could ever have the honor of knowing—called, “Order Up! Your buddies’ Usuals, fresh from that babbling kiddie pool of oil.”
Dylan set a triad of dishes onto a waiting platter: the first held a stack of waffles (much like Sparky’s pancakes, their recipe was a secret that his very own grandmother had entrusted him with) and fried chicken tenders. The second supported a small mound of bacon. The third was adorned by a couple club sandwiches with a side of mozzarella sticks.  
“Thanks, man. Right on time,” Ness called back as he hefted the platter up, balancing it on the anterior region of his forearm like he'd been taught so long ago, and traipsed back out. The door swung to and fro behind him as he headed over to Booth Five. 
Though she wasn’t actually in the booth, Checkers was still right by her owner’s side, sitting in a way that could almost remind you of those lion statues guarding the entrance to a Chinese temple. She spotted Ness before Mason did. Her ears perked up, tail starting to wag. Her tongue lapped in and out of her mouth like a party favor as she smiled in that way only dogs could.
Mason, who’d been gazing through the window and fidgeting with his hoodie’s drawstrings, ever-so-slightly flinched as Ness began setting the plates down on the table with a chorus of small clunks. He blinked at the food, as if suddenly remembering the weekly tradition he’d made here.
“How do you always do that?” Mason asked as he turned his head toward Ness, a small smile etching its way across his features. 
“Magic,” Ness answered. “Careful, it’s hot.”
He carried the now empty tray back over to the counter. There, his hands became a blur as he snatched up the coffee pot and produced a trio of mugs. After stirring memorized amounts of cream and sugar into the fresh brew, he returned to the table, setting two of the beverages beside the plates.
Ness hovered, his own cup of smoldering caffeine in hand, and glanced around the restaurant. Aside from Mason and those two writers in the corner (who, as Ness had learned, took generous amounts of time with the shakes they always ordered), Sparky’s was empty tonight. 
With that in mind, Ness dragged a chair away from one of the other tables, positioning it at the end of the booth. Yeah, he could’ve just sat on the opposite side of Mason, but that part of the booth was typically reserved for another one of his friends.
Subtle relief washed over Ness’ knees as he took a seat; he’d been standing and walking pretty much all day.
Mason plucked a strip of bacon from one of the plates, checking to make sure that it was nice and warm without threatening to burn the palette. He then lightly tossed it over to Checkers, who snapped it out of the air almost like a frog catching flies. She lowered her head as the treat crunched between her teeth.
“How’ve things been?” Ness inquired, taking a sip of his coffee. “The theater’s gotten busy, yeah?”
Mason nodded as he took a fork and knife into his hands, cutting a piece off of one of the waffles and dipping it into the complimentary cup of syrup. “Yeah, it really has. Feels like whenever one movie runs its course and is taken off our roster, two more pop up in its place. Especially now that Scream 3 is finally on the market."
“. . .Oh, that’s right! It is!” Ness ever-so-slightly jumped in his seat. After enjoying the first two movies, he’d been meaning to give the latest installment a look. But so far, whether it was Sparky’s being slammed on the more favorable days or Royal Edgar’s Cinema being too crowded for his liking, things had just kept getting in the way.
Acting on instinct, Ness fished a pencil from one of his waist-apron’s pockets. At first, said pencil might not have seemed like anything special. But then you saw Fabio: a priceless treasure shaped like a rubber chicken’s head covering up the eraser. Ness started spinning the pencil between his fingers, causing Fabio to wiggle as though it was alive.
“Have you seen it already? Is it good? I have so many ideas about where the story could pick up from—”
“Hey, hey. Slow down," Mason remarked with some clear exasperation. “I haven't, but I am scheduled to project its last showing sometime next week. . .” He took a bite out of one of the chicken tenders, humming thoughtfully as he chewed. He must’ve seen the glint in Ness’ eyes, because he offered a sly smirk and lowered his voice as he continued.
“Tell you what: I’ll find a way to sneak you into the projection booth. That way, we can check it out together when the day comes.” 
“Really? You’d do that for me?” Ness asked, jokingly clutching his mug in both hands and bringing it close to his heart. 
“Sure. It’s really not too different from the customers smuggling their own snacks past the ticket desk,” Mason shrugged, though his mischievous demeanor briefly turned deadpan. “So long as you don’t play detective the entire time. My boss would rip me a new one if I just paused the movie every five minutes to let you brainstorm and talk.”
Ness scoffed, rolling his eyes. “It wouldn’t be every five minutes.”
Mason raised an eyebrow. “You’re right; it’d probably be every two minutes.” He forked up another bite of the waffles, firmly ignoring the offended waiter noises. 
“Oh, and don’t try to guilt-trip me out of my food, either. I’ve already got one moocher to deal with.” Mason scratched Checkers’ ears, to which she responded via tilting her head to the side, an undeniable trace of smugness in the warmth of her amber eyes.
“You drive a hard bargain,” Ness pronounced, his voice dripping with much more sarcasm than usual, “but fine. I can work with that.” 
“Uh-huh. You’d better,” Mason snorted, reaching over to shake hands with his friend as though the two of them were lawyers who’d just settled on some sleazy business arrangement. 
Mason was a complex person. Everyone had issues, and he was no exception to that. Not like he was at all open about said issues, but once you got to know him, you’d start to see them. (Plus, that just seemed a lot nicer than describing him as a swarm of issues shaped like a man.) He was the type to constantly shift in his seat, to give most people the side-eye, to get lost in his thoughts and grimace at nothing until he snapped himself out of it. 
At least he seemed content working at the theater. Even with the spark of horror that never seemed to leave his eyes, Mason was clearly a creative bastard. Sometimes he’d bring notebooks in and take breaks from his meal to fill their pages with paragraphs or sketches. He really did seem to have the potential for acting, maybe even directing. If his critiques and commentary on the movies he had to watch from the projection booth were anything to go by, then the projects he could possibly work on would be nothing short of awesome. 
He’d actually been one of Freddy’s past security guards. Ironically enough, he and Ness hadn’t met there. Not that Ness minded, since A. if that’d been the case, there probably would’ve been way more confused screaming than there usually was at Sparky’s, and B. considering the fact that Mason’s employment had apparently lasted a whopping one singular night. . . 
Ness still didn’t know the full story, and he could tell pressing Mason for info wouldn’t end well. But with the few snippets Jack had carefully enlightened him with. . .well—
Speak of the devil. 
The front door’s bell only had about half a second to chime yet again, almost drowned out by rapid footsteps.
“You’re late,” Ness jokingly chastised as he caught dark brown skin and black hair in his peripheral vision. He shifted in his chair, moving his legs to make some room under the table as another one of his regular-friends hurried over to claim Booth Five’s empty seat. 
“Yeah, yeah. Sue me,” Jack retorted, instantly propping his elbows on the table to knead at his forehead. It took a few long seconds for him to notice how one of his favorite dishes had apparently been waiting for him. He squinted at the food, then at Ness. “. . .I wasn’t sure I’d even be able to make it tonight?”
“And yet, here you are,” Ness replied, the definition of coy with how his shoulders popped up and down again. 
Jack might’ve wanted to ask more questions, but Mason cut him off. “Look, I don’t get it either. He doesn’t know, but he just knows.”
Jack considered this, then tilted his head to convey the type of acceptance that only came when you couldn’t really question things that probably should be questioned because you already had too many things to focus on. 
“Thanks, dude,” he murmured, nodding to Ness as he plucked one of the mozzarella sticks from his plate.
Ness nodded back, taking a few more gulps of coffee. “No problem.”
Jack paused mid-bite, eyes darting over to the brew that’d been poured for him. He scrutinized it, then raised the mug up and started chugging like a champ. 
The display made Ness glad that he’d taken the time to experiment with coffee so long ago. There was no doubting how he could now calculate exactly how much time it took for coffee to go cold. Yeah, this particular serving had been fresh out of the pot a few minutes ago, but by now it had to be at optimal temperature. Neither scalding nor tepid: just nice and warm. 
After about a moment, Jack pulled the now empty mug away from his face, taking a deep breath as he set it back down on the table.
“Rough day?” Ness inquired, specific parts of his brain starting to tick. 
Something seemed off. 
It wasn’t like he had any room to talk about slight bean juice addictions. And he certainly couldn’t blame Jack for a dependency (especially since he’d even shown some undeniable intrigue at Ness’ argument that coffee was a type of soup). Sure, Jack wasn’t narcoleptic, but when a day-and-night operating cabbie didn’t have access to some perks, things just wouldn’t go well for him or his passengers. 
But whenever Jack popped in for a bite and a chat, it was easy to assume that he’d be heading home and going to bed right after his meal. Right now, however, his demeanor was anything but tired. His shoulders were rigid. His eyes were more or less threatening to pop right out of their sockets. In fact, he almost seemed to be weighing the options of never sleeping again. 
Jack chewed his lip as he glanced in the waiter’s direction. He slowly nodded. “. . .You could say that.”
Ness exchanged glances with Mason, who had obviously seen the signs for himself. As did Checkers, since she quietly maneuvered around Ness’ chair to rest her head on Jack’s lap, peering up at him with an almost human-like air of understanding. Jack didn’t hesitate to pet the shiny fur along the dog’s neck, to which her tail started wagging but she otherwise remained still.
“What happened?” Mason asked, sitting up a little straighter. “If the vibes you’re giving off got her attention, then it must be something serious.”
Jack grimaced, closing his eyes with what seemed to be more force than necessary, taking a few long seconds to rub at their lids. 
“Did you see any rabbit-shaped things out by the dumpster? I think they only come around once a month or so, but I always feel strange if I look at them.” The words glided out of Ness’ mouth and into the air before he could think. 
Self-induced humiliation wrapped its awful, clammy hands around his ribcage as two confused glances were aimed in his direction.
“. . .What?” Jack and Mason blurted in near-perfect unison.
“What?” Ness echoed, blinking as his voice instantaneously grew a smidge louder than before. He rushed to plaster his typical, happy-go-lucky demeanor back onto his face, hoping that pretending he hadn’t spoken at all would convince his friends that he actually hadn’t. 
Not only did his latest sentence sound weird as all hell, but it’d also been downplayed as all hell. Because when Ness had said strange, what he’d really meant was the pounding, churning, pummeling agony that should only ever be present in your stomach after you’ve accidentally swallowed a few dozen live rats that just so happen to be whacked out on cocaine for whatever godforsaken reason. 
And while he wasn’t a perfect angel, Ness would never wish that particular pain on anyone else. So, the fewer people who knew about the floppy-eared cryptids (which Ness could’ve sworn looked like they’d been covered in mucus) that were apparently engrossed in  gang warfare with the local raccoons, the better. 
“Ah, did you get a bad passenger today?” Ness coughed. Jack had to deal with as many entitled idiots as Ness, if not even more. Hell, taking turns venting about that stuff was something they’d initially bonded over.
He peered through the window next to the booth—Jack’s cab was parked close enough to see that there wasn’t anything to indicate an accident. Not a life-threateningly serious one, at least. 
“Not exactly,” Jack replied, following his gaze. Where Ness’ eyes were curious, Jack’s were currently anxious and mistrusting. That was another red flag: Jack may not have treated his taxi like it was his baby, but he still took pretty good care of it. “Just a few more weirdos.” 
Mason hummed, tilting his head. “How weird specifically?” He’d heard plenty of Jack’s tales from the road; as he called on Jack for rides somewhat often, he’d even ended up being part of those tales. 
Jack knitted his brows, fidgeted in place. “You don't want to know."
“. . .Then why did you make it sound so damn vague?” Mason retorted, now dripping with incredulousness. “The less specific details are, then the more they’re gonna nag at someone’s brain.”
“He’s got a point,” Ness agreed, lightly tapping Fabio’s pencil against his mug. 
“Like that’s my fault,” Jack snorted. “Most people wouldn’t believe me if I told them.”
Ness offered an encouraging smile. “Good thing we’re not most people, then.”
Mason nodded. “Damn right. C’mon, Jack; are you really saying something could top the crackhead I had to share the backseat with last month?” 
“Yes, I am,” Jack whisper-shouted through gritted teeth, “because it was a bear!” 
Silence (save for the soft click-clack of keyboards from the corner of the diner, that is).
Jack pursed his lips, looking equal parts exasperated and worried. He sighed yet again, reaching up to press his fingers against his temples.
“. . .What kind of bear was it?” Ness eventually tried. 
Mason, who’d previously been squinting while his mouth opened and closed with no words coming out, turned his head to face Ness with such speed and force that he might’ve actually given himself whiplash. “That’s the first thing you focus on?!”
Ness made a shaky lame gesture. “It’s a fair question! What’re you focusing on?” (He wasn’t wrong. There was a lot of variety among bears, after all. And a bear that lived in the woods and had huge claws and could outeat, outrun, outswim, and probably even outdrink the average person would be a lot more to handle than one of the bears that had attended the latest local Pride parade.) 
“Oh, I don’t know. Maybe the fact that you,” Mason declared, returning his attention to Jack, “look significantly less mauled than most people who get close to bears! Seriously, how is your face still connected to your skull?!” 
“I didn’t mea—!” Jack was about to go on the defensive, but stopped short. “What, were you expecting me to get ripped to shreds tonight? So damn sorry if I didn’t get the memo!”
“No! Of course not!” Mason contended. “Look, you can’t just say you had a run-in with a bear and leave it at that!”
Jack threw his hands up. “Well, I told you you didn’t want to know!”
“How the hell can we not NEED to know now?” Ness pointed out. Though he was growing just as confused as Mason, he tried to keep his voice even.
Jack gave him an exhausted look before craning his neck to rest his head against the booth’s seat, staring at the ceiling. 
“It was a huge robot,” he finally clarified. “Looked like it’d been at the bottom of a scrap heap for years; I’d guess it was older than my dad. But its eye glowed blue like the machines inside it were still working. It made the car shake—I’m honestly surprised the back tires never gave out. And God damn, the smell. . .rust and blood and mucus, I swear!”
Now it was Mason’s turn to go rigid. A tidal wave of emotion seemed to sweep through his features; first surprise, then recognition, and then dread. He placed a hand on the nearest corner of the table as if to steady himself. 
“It was wearing a black top hat and bowtie, wasn’t it?” He murmured. It sounded much more like a statement than a question, and the way his tone had become so hollow didn’t help.
Jack lowered his head, clearly unsure whether or not to make eye-contact as he nodded. 
“Sounds like the way Freddy was designed. . .” Ness mused without quite meaning to. 
Memories of the huge sign that had been built to loom over the old pizzeria’s front entrance flooded into his head. The blinking lights that bordered the establishment’s title and seemed to chase each other around and around and around. The life-sized cutout of the one and only Freddy Fazbear himself, using one paw to adjust his bowtie and the other to wave, seemingly beckoning customers to wander inside. 
Those memories dissolved as Ness winced and glanced back at Mason, who was now reaching up with a shaking hand to grasp at his hoodie’s collar, tugging it to cover up the top of an old, deep scar that dragged along the skin of his neck. Ness shuffled in his seat, trying not to stare at how quickly the color drained from his friend’s face. 
Checkers was back by Mason’s side in an instant, bracing her paws against the seat as she licked at his face. Mason blinked, a huge shudder rippling through his chest as he hugged his pet.
A few minutes dragged by, feeling like an hour apiece and jeering at the trio as they went.
“So.” Mason finally announced, still keeping his gentle-yet-obviously-desperate hold on Checkers. “Let me get this straight: that. . .that thing got into your cab like it paid rent just a few hours ago?” 
Jack pursed his lips, nodding again. “There was a kid with it, too. A little girl. She didn’t even seem scared at all. The whole ride, she was smiling and hugging the bear’s arm—”
“Wait, you actually drove it somewhere?!” Mason demanded.
Jack sputtered. “What other choice did I have?!”
“I mean, that’s kind of literally his job,” Ness mentioned. 
True, he was grappling with the fact that he and his friends had apparently been transported into some cheap bizzarofiction novel. And yet, somehow, this wasn’t even the craziest story that’d been relayed to him from a customer. He peered down at Fabio as though it was about to start contributing to this conversation. “Where did you take them?”
Jack raised an eyebrow at Ness (which he guessed couldn’t be helped. Ness already had an idea, but it was rude to just assume, wasn’t it?). “Where else? That old pizza joint you’ve been trying to write an encyclopedia on.”
Mason was about to say something else, but stopped short in favor of turning his shock toward Ness.
Ness raised his hands in a defensive gesture. “Look, I know you don’t like that place, but just remember that I don’t question what you do with your free-time.”
“That’s right. And even if you did, you wouldn’t have to, because I don’t spend my free-time poking around the fourth Circle of Hell!” Mason snarked. 
“I won’t lie and say it’s not creepy,” Ness admitted, unable to stop a chill from racing down his spine at the memory of the restaurant’s grimy wall posters, the draft that always seemed to be in the air over there, the disturbingly sour tang of what he’d hoped was just ancient pizza sauce, “but that still seems pretty harsh.”
Mason gawked, fragments of words leaking through his teeth.
“If we’re looking at the bigger picture,” Jack coughed, probably attempting to steer Mason away from a potential stroke, “then nothing really happened tonight. The bear didn’t even make a peep the whole time. I didn’t get hurt, and that girl didn’t get hurt. She even left a handful of change when we got to the restaurant.”
Ness squinted and tilted his head at that. As far as he knew, the rules Jack applied to his cab were pretty lax and basic, but he’d always been firm on never taking money from lone child passengers.
Then again, if the child passenger in question was traveling with a huge robotic animal that apparently had enough sentience to use a taxi in the first place, it was probably best to just go along with whatever happened and leave the sanity-questioning session for later.
Jack fiddled with the zipper on his jacket. “. . .That actually wasn’t even the worst part of tonight’s shift.”
Mason leaned back against the leather seat, looking very much lightheaded. His eyes bulged from their sockets as he furiously motioned for his friend to elaborate. 
Jack hesitated before explaining, “Well, once the girl and the bear were out, I decided to just call it a day. After I got far enough away from the pizzeria, I parked by one of the downtown curbs and switched the car’s sign to Off Duty. I was trying to get a catnap in—”
“It’s a miracle you could even try to sleep after that damn bear basically held you hostage,” Mason interjected.
“—when someone knocked on the window. I told ‘em to read the sign and come find me later, but they opened up the door and got in anyway. So, I was about to kick them out and. . .” Jack trailed off, shaking his shoulders as though a few dozen cockroaches had spontaneously taken up nest in his jacket.  
“And. . .?” Ness echoed, the curiosity-concern cocktail in his mind getting stronger.
“And there was some tiny doll in my passenger seat,” Jack concluded. “Looked creepy as hell.”
Ness hummed in consideration. “Sounds like it could just be a weird prank? The teens in that area are always following strange trends.”
Jack nervously shook his head. “I couldn’t see anyone outside the cab. It only took a few seconds for me to look; there’s no way anyone could move fast enough to hide after they put the doll in.”
“A tiny doll. . ?” Mason’s brow furrowed in thought for a couple seconds, then promptly returned to its collision course for Mars. He leaned over the table. “Did it have bug-eyes and buck teeth? Was it wearing one of those stupid propeller hats and holding a red-and-yellow striped balloon?”
Jack’s face contorted in confusion as he nodded. “. . .That pretty much sums it up.”
Though his expression was still grim, Mason’s fear quickly metamorphosed into some good ol’ fashioned aggravation. “That’s the bastard,” he seethed, knuckles turning white. 
Jack blinked, perplexity slowly overtaking his latest case of heebie-jeebies. “Wait, you’ve seen that thing before?”
“I have, unfortunately.” Mason grimaced. An odd type of adrenaline etched its way across his face. “Is it still in the cab?”
Jack nodded again. “I didn’t want to risk touching it.”The words were barely out of his mouth when Mason rose from the booth and stalked outside through Sparky’s front entrance. Checkers trotted after him, the tiredness of an actual nurse flickering in her eyes.
Ness and Jack basically had frontrow seats to observe their friend approaching Jack’s cab, ripping the passenger-side door open and fishing something out before slamming it closed again.
With that, Mason raced to the edge of the parking lot and proceeded to dropkick what had to be the mysterious balloon-toting doll out of sight.
Despite his shock, part of Ness still felt relieved that Mason hadn’t simply deposited it into the dumpster. Just in case those awful rabbit-looking things happened to be paying a visit tonight. . .
@sammys-magical-au @that-bat @th3w00ds @bee-the-matpat-simp @touyubesposts @crazy-obsessed-enby @i-used-to-wear-the-fedora @holyawesomestitches @s-e-v-e-n-24 @sotogalmo @ciphershadow @deethedustyassdumbass @theechoingmadness @its-a-goddamn-ass-race @zam-witch @box-goat @redd-byrd @icantmakeupagoodname @pleasedontmind-the-emerald @transparentghosty @vegaslvrr @itzqueers-blog @wannabeavocaloidmystery @shivr0ygf @ciara-clycone @not-made-of-actual-rye @m0on-shro0m @imafruitbowl @azure-trash @il0v3mus1cals @v1r-x @kafkaisnotdead @junaslagoon @alicethemenace @ilovenikkisixx @m00nlight-mexican @w0rd3855 @head-without-a-fucking-brain. @unkn0wn-nys @not-made-of-actual-rye @101k-t101 @theonlykala @dividel @riff-is-on-a-fucking-crisis @roselily2006 @max-afton @abe-the-detective-blog @floating-above-sea-level @madhare051
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mightyfloofy · 8 months
Talking a little on the recent mangas I've started reading this week😗✨📚(two of them are new to me, for the others, I've picked up on the manga after finishing their current anime seasons) 💚THERE MIGHT BE SPOILERS💚
1) Tomodachi Game:
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So i think I've only read up to around 12 chapters or so and it's so good????
The roller-coaster of emotions it's making me have though- like i started loving Tenji with my whole heart and soul then he...disappointed me. Then he earned my trust again- a whole twist.
Yuuichi is a pretty good MC so far. Bro is a cutie.
Sawaragi pisses me off a little. Idk how to explain it though.
Yuutori my girl 💜
Shibe um... 💀💀💀 Yeah. And no i don't dislike him for what he tried to do in chapter 2 or so. I just... He's too dumb.
Also the art?????? Muah
I watched some scenes of the anime in the beginning after i read a couple of chapters and it's...disappointing. Even the animation is wonky.
But just- the art style has me in luvvvv
Manabu-kun keeps on gaslighting, gatekeeping and girlbossing every chapter.
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Also, I'm praying for my boy Yuuichi's sanity. At first i was like "Sawaragi, i get hes cute but WHAT do u see in him??" and i see now. My girl has some amazing taste, at least for that.
2) Mairimashita! Iruma-kun
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I've only read 4 chapters but this shit has me ROLLINGGGG
It's so funny pls
The art is also pretty good too. I'm not really a fan of Slice of Life, but this one hits.
Also, pretty boi alert:
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My favorite character so far is this guy though:
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He's so babygirl ✨✨✨✨
3) Demon Slayer
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So I started reading it right after the events of season 3, of course.
Giyuu's backstory lowkey hit home-
He needs a hug. I won't say more.
Tanjiro is precious, as always, just like Nezukooo (a loud 'Nezuko-chan' came in my and after i typed that)
Oh yeah, Zenitsu:
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Me to Shinobu, "Doctor, hes out again"
Nah because he didn't have to chomp Tanjiro's sky wide forehead like that???? 😭😭😭
So i have two volumes of Demon Slayer at home and i gotta say, the art improved and it's nice to have seen it grow. I know it's like this for most mangakas, but here i didnt see a whole art style change or whatever but something becoming finer while keeping that style very present.
The story is at its peak right now, i reached up to the point where Muzan decided to heehee himself in the no-no place for him. (idk how to say this without spoiling)
I'm luving it so far
Also, my husband:
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I miss his gorgeous face LAWDDDDD HAVE MERCYYY
Though i already loved him before seeing his face.
I've finally memorised the master's name: Ubuyashiki
It's an achievement.
4) Blue Lock
Ok i can't add pics anymore but I'm confident most people know what it is without having watched it.
I wanted to share some nice Rin pics but guess it'll be for another time. (yall will be missing out on my man)
So, i picked up from where the first season stops and-
I miss Kunigami. A lot. He was one of my favs 😭😪
Shidou is special (him telling Isagi he'd love to see him explode again got me praying for him fr)
The story has taken a nice turn with the U-20 team rushing things up. I love it but i want to see Sae play already so I'm being an impatient little bug.
The art is MUAH as always. I love the lines added for light shading, ill probably inspire myself off it for future drawings.
Hiori needs to be friends with Chigiri so they can talk about hair products (Hiori is like a short-haired Chigiri with cyan hair. My boy has naturally long lashes (Rin's remain better 💅)
That's all, folks!
I hope to read even more in the upcoming days and hopefully I'll get to talk about them like i just did above.
Expect headcanons from each of these mangas 💜💜💜
And you can even send me recommendations 😙✨
It's midnight where I am like damn-
Bye byeeeee
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I still continue to see criticism of season 2 of OFMD and I just. Find it so funny honestly. Like I get some of it, maybe, kinda. But for the most part I’m like ????? Nah don’t agree. Skill issue. I find it even funnier when people complain about the pacing being too fast because I honestly always felt the first season was too slow with its pacing. So season 2 was actually kinda perfect to me! I’m not the type to complain about what we were given and wish it was different though. I eat up every morsel they allow us to have, and to have jammed in so much content had me in paradise tbh. It is what it is, you know? I accept it all as just what we’ve got. And maybe that’s me just first and foremost loving the show as what it is- Ed and Stede’s story. Everything else is just a cherry on top for me. I’m here to have fun and if it can do that for me, I’m all good. And going into it with that mindset, guess what? I had a GREAT time. I sat down and rewatched the show in one day in its entirety two days after the finale with a friend who had never seen it. They loved it! I loved it, again! Id watch it again already!!! I parry criticisms of the show with great ease- who cares, it was fun, I loved it. That’s what mattered to me! Must suck to feel otherwise! :3 I’m kicking my feet n giggling over this little found family and my favorite boys in love. Teehee. Best show ever.
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gunsatthaphan · 2 years
🏆 𝒯𝑜𝓅 𝟣𝟢 𝑜𝒻 𝟤𝟢𝟤𝟤 💫
a few anons have requested this and also I was in the mood so here are my Top 10 BLs of 2022 (only including the ones that finished this year). Also I have posted more lengthy reviews for each of these shows already so I’m gonna try and keep it short lol. 
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not much to say here, if you know me and my blog then you know how much this show and firstkhao have taken over my life this year lmao. I loved the story so much and everything about it felt so genuine all the way through. FK did an incredible job at actually becoming their characters and I was so in awe of their portrayal. They made something incredible out of a little budget and that’s why I cherished it so much. The plot wasn’t perfect, there were holes and weaknesses but firstkhao, paired with the watching experience, made it perfect for me. 13/10. 
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this one gets the award for most underrated show of the year lmao. I loved it so much. like.... what an actual masterpiece?? the cinematography was stunning and the whole concept was so captivating. jimmysea delivered big time and while there were some draggy parts in the middle, the script ultimately proved itself to be absolutely outstanding. Sadly it didn’t get the attention it deserved. 
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OOF. I mean. How can I not include this mess of a project lmao (affectionate). was the script oscar-worthy? no. did it make a lot of sense? nah. but did I have the time of my life watching it? hell ya. The craze that surrounded this show was insane and it made the whole thing 10x better lmao. It was hilarious, the characters were likable and the chemistries were fire from every couple involved. It was the watching experience that made me put this as my no.3 because I had a blast.
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This was such a nice surprise for me because I wasn’t in the mood for another KBL after the disaster that was To My Star 2 lmao but this was absolutely amazing. The script was genius and so was the entire production quality. This was the first show I saw with the 2 leads as I didn’t watch Kissable Lips but I was very pleasantly surprised by their chemistry. I would love to see them in more stuff in the future!  
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GOD. This show has my whole heart lmao. I would consider it a guilty pleasure though because it’s definitely not for everyone. But it hit the nail right on the head for me. It was SO adorable and SO hilarious and I have a huge weak spot for kaownah and turbo because they are just so lovely together. Lots of crack but the best kind lmao. Perfect. 
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🥺🥺 what an absolute gem of a show this was. A+ comedy and also the perfect proof that you can actually make something out of what seems like the most basic bl plot ever lol. But what they made of it was amazing. MekKim were super entertaining, also Lee and Park had no business being the most adorable couple I’ve ever seen??? sickening. I love them so much. The setup was super nice and it plays with several bl clichés in a very cunning way. Loved it!!!! 
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YES I LOVED THIS!!!!!! This show polarized a lot when it aired, mostly because of the body swap plot and also the disney antics lol and tbh I was expecting to agree with the critical opinions as I don’t like body swap tropes but I was surprised by how much I loved it. How they handled the plot was funny and adorable, plus the whole roadtrip theme and all the sceneries were so nice! And needless to say you can never go wrong with EarthMix. they always deliver and especially Mix’s acting left a big impression with me.
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This show never got a lot of attention and most reviews were not good but guess what I disagree kfjdghfd. I loved it so much. The dynamic between the mains was fantastic and with so much cuteness it made me sick dfkjghf. The power of this show lies in its minimalism for me, there were so many small endearing things and everything felt 100% natural. Also they were one of the few pairings in a KBL that actually felt like a realistic couple lol. Han Gi Chan was outstanding and considering this was Holland’s acting debut, he did a very decent job as well. Also the cinematography? stunning. I went in with zero expectations and came out with teary heart eyes lol. 
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I was fairly excited for this one as it was Joong’s GMMTV debut and I was not disappointed. It doesn’t hold up with some of gmm’s other highlights this year but I liked it!!! It relied a lot on JoongDunk’s chemistry which I’m not mad about though. They’re really good together. The rest of the cast was also top-notch with an A+ friend group lol. The plot wasn’t super elaborate but once again, the watching experience did it for me lol. 
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I liked this one a lot!!! It was the first KBL that I thoroughly enjoyed since Light On Me and it was so much fun to watch!! The chemistry between the leads was top-notch and even though it doesn’t quite hold up with some other KBLs for me, I still wanted to put it on my list because that’s what it deserves lol. 
thank you 2022 for giving us good gay food lmao. here’s to an even better 2023!! ✨
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laurenairay · 1 year
Congrats Lauren!! Can I get funny kiss with Josty please thank you I love you 💚
Funny Kiss – Tyson Jost
Words: 730
I really hope you like this silly little blurb Demi! I love you too 💚
“So this is the famous Domino?”
At the mention of his name, your 6 month old Beagle puppy yapped, darting forward to crash into Tyson’s legs, making you groan.
“I would say he’s usually more polite than this, but he really isn’t,” you mused.
“Nah he’s just got a lot of love to give, don’t you boy?” Tyson grinned.
Domino barked happily as Tyson crouched down to give him some fuss. You almost felt like sighing in relief, if you were being honest. You’d been dating Tyson for only a month, but he’d been desperate to meet your dog, cooing over the photos you’d shown him on previous dates, so you’d suggested a date at the dog park to finally introduce the two of them. You hadn’t been nervous exactly, not with how sweet and easygoing Tyson was, but if Domino didn’t like him then it was an absolute red flag for you.
With the way that Domino had flopped onto his back for belly rubs already though, it didn’t look like you had to worry.
“Shall we get going?” you said, smiling down at the scene in front of you.
“Yeah of course! You have his B-A-L-L with you, right?”
Bless his heart.
“I do,” you confirmed, trying not to laugh at how cute he was, “You can throw it later for him.”
Tyson looked almost as excited as Domino.
The three of you ended up spending nearly three hours at the dog park, walking and talking with interludes to throw the ball for Domino to fetch. It might have been one of the most low-key dates you’d ever been on, but honestly, it was also one of the best.
And Domino was clearly as besotted by Tyson as you were, which was a huge plus.
But eventually, you made it back to your apartment, and you left Domino in the kitchen drinking a large fresh bowl of water before rejoining Tyson on the sofa in the living room.
“Do you take him to the park every day?” Tyson asked, smiling.
“I try to, yeah. This apartment definitely has enough room for him to walk around in, and the shared backyard access is fine for bathroom breaks, but he needs to run around as much as he can so I do my best.”
“Any time you need a dog walker, hit me up. For real, he’s the best,” Tyson grinned.
“You are crazy, but definitely the sweetest,” you laughed, shaking your head.
Tyson just shrugged, still smiling as he raised his hand to cup your face, leaning in to kiss you. But just as Tyson’s lips pressed against yours, a heavy weight crashed into you, breaking the two of you apart.
“Domino, no! Down!”
But your excitable dog didn’t listen, yapping away as he darted between the two of you, licking at your faces, Tyson just cackling with laughter.
“I am so sorry,” you groaned, making an oofing noise as Domino kicked your stomach.
“He just wants all the love huh?” Tyson grinned, ruffling your dog’s ears, earning even more excited barking.
You couldn’t help but laugh as Tyson continued to make baby noises at Domino, your dog just soaking up all the attention, the ridiculous situation settling down into fussing over the happy animal that had pushed its way between you.
“I would promise that this won’t happen again, but I really can’t,” you mused.
“Eh, he’s just a puppy, he’ll get there!” Tyson grinned, shrugging.
This guy really was just sweet all round, wasn’t he?
The two of you indulged your dog for a few more minutes until he calmed down, jumping off the sofa to curl up at your feet with a happy sigh that only a thoroughly spoiled puppy could pull off. Tyson just grinned as he settled back into the sofa, propping his head up with his hand, smiling widely at you.
“At least I’ll have a funny kiss story if anyone ever asks,” he teased.
Oh god.
“You’re the worst and I don’t know why I like you,” you groaned.
Tyson just threw his head back with laughter, leaving you to bat at his chest in protest until he was able to stop.
“Mercy, mercy,” he giggled, clutching at your hands.
“On one condition,” you warned.
“Anything,” he said, smiling.
“Stay for dinner?” you suggested, biting your bottom lip briefly in nerves.
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coraclavia · 6 months
20 questions for fic writers
tagged by the inestimable @mylittleredgirl. I could be doing Actual Things, but nah. This.
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 112
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 338,559
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Mostly: Stargate Atlantis, Star Trek Voyager, Stargate SG-1, and recently added X-Files. I have also written a handful of things for The Rookie, I once wrote a gazillion things for Castle and Bones, and I've written for Due South, Cupid, Agent Carter, etc. It's a crazy quilt of "they're pretty; they should kiss."
[I also admit, shamefully, that I wrote 26 fics for Brad/Claire back in the Bon Appetit Test Kitchen days. They were posted under my other pen name, badtemperedchocolate.]
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
dark switch (Stargate SG-1, Sam/Jack; a re-imagining of what might have happened once Jack returned from Edora)
Five Times Sam Gets Married (Stargate SG-1, Sam/Jack; exactly what it says on the tin)
Guest Lecture (Star Trek Voyager, J/C; Kathryn delivers a lecture at Starfleet Academy after their return home)
Acquired Taste (The Rookie, Chenford; 5+1 in the form of a bakery AU)
here's a dumb idea (Stargate SG-1, Sam/Jack; "what if they had to kiss")
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes! I try to. Sometimes I'm slow, sometimes I miss one, but I try to respond.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hmm. I don't do a lot of sad stuff, I guess? I guess I see the end of fall in place as angsty, just because it's in line with the real end of the season (John and Monica are on the run, with everything they had now long gone).
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Uhhhhh. Maybe The Woman in the Snow? "And then I fixed it and they got to be happy, finally, unlike canon. The end."
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not really. Many moons ago, I got some rude comments on Castle fic, but that was a long time back, and it wasn't bad. So not really.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I have, but I rarely do anymore. For me it has to be part of a larger romance; I really can't do pwp. I much prefer a tasteful fade-to-black which means I don't have to keep calculating bare skin and body parts 😂
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Not often, but I did write one: Stolen Sky, a Castle/Firefly crossover. iirc, it was the first, or maybe one of the first, Mal/Kate stories? It did pretty well, and it was funny reading comments that said "I only watched one of these shows, and this fic convinced me to watch the other one, too." It was originally posted on ffnet; I have since transferred it to AO3.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yes! Only once that I know of. It was a (not very good) (since deleted) Bones fic that got stolen in its entirety; all the thief did was change character names. I reported it, and it was taken down.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? 
I have! It was very flattering.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! I co-wrote Castle fics with chezchuckles, Cartographicals, sandianecarter, and shimmeryshine back in the day. It was a DELIGHT. I would love to do it again!! (looking at you, @mylittleredgirl 😜)
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
I honestly don't know if I could pick just one. John/Elizabeth from Stargate Atlantis, Janeway/Chakotay from Voyager, John/Monica from X-Files, and Castle/Beckett are all up there. It rotates based on what I'm watching at any given time.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I have this wonderful giant Voyager "missed connection" fic in my brain, where KJ and Chakotay belatedly realize they met at the Academy and fell a little bit in love in just one silly, lighthearted, adventurous evening of running around San Francisco together. I have a very long, detailed outline for it; we'll see if I ever tackle it for real.
16. What are your writing strengths?
@mylittleredgirl would say fluff, and I don't disagree. I love characters bantering, I love teasing, I love when they're kind and heartfelt to each other. I think I'm good at little moments like that.
UPDATE: LR has reported that my strength is, in fact, "FEELINGS."
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I do not enjoy writing smut; sometimes it's good for the story, but I do not like writing it and I don't think I'm particularly good at it. I have trouble fleshing a thing out from first idea to polished product. Physical accounts of action baffle me sometimes. Also, I often find it hard to come up with convincing conflict. I'm fluffy at heart, I guess.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
It can be effective, I guess? But there's usually a way around it if necessary. I haven't really had to deal with it, so I don't have strong feelings about it.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Oh shit, I think this was Numb3rs. It was a really fun crime show on CBS featuring a mathematician who did Big Complicated Math to help the FBI solve crimes. I wrote a bunch of fics for it, they were all absolutely terrible, and yes, I have long since deleted them.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Letters From War, a Voyager fic where KJ and Chakotay keep in correspondence with each other through the Dominion War. It's the sequel to By Firelight, but took a long, long time to put together, and once a few conversations and ideas clicked into place, it felt like it all came together. I was happy with how it turned out.
Thanks for the tag, Little Red! I am tagging @cfr749, @captaincarriekathryncoffee, and @neverenough37 (apologies if y'all have already done this and I missed it).
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